2(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
3(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
6This module converts Template Haskell syntax into Hs syntax
9{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
11{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
12{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
13{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
15module GHC.ThToHs
16   ( convertToHsExpr
17   , convertToPat
18   , convertToHsDecls
19   , convertToHsType
20   , thRdrNameGuesses
21   )
24import GhcPrelude
26import GHC.Hs as Hs
27import PrelNames
28import RdrName
29import qualified Name
30import Module
31import RdrHsSyn
32import OccName
33import SrcLoc
34import Type
35import qualified Coercion ( Role(..) )
36import TysWiredIn
37import BasicTypes as Hs
38import ForeignCall
39import Unique
40import ErrUtils
41import Bag
42import Lexeme
43import Util
44import FastString
45import Outputable
46import MonadUtils ( foldrM )
48import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
49import Control.Monad( unless, ap )
51import Data.Maybe( catMaybes, isNothing )
52import Language.Haskell.TH as TH hiding (sigP)
53import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
54import Foreign.ForeignPtr
55import Foreign.Ptr
56import System.IO.Unsafe
59--              The external interface
61convertToHsDecls :: Origin -> SrcSpan -> [TH.Dec] -> Either MsgDoc [LHsDecl GhcPs]
62convertToHsDecls origin loc ds = initCvt origin loc (fmap catMaybes (mapM cvt_dec ds))
63  where
64    cvt_dec d = wrapMsg "declaration" d (cvtDec d)
66convertToHsExpr :: Origin -> SrcSpan -> TH.Exp -> Either MsgDoc (LHsExpr GhcPs)
67convertToHsExpr origin loc e
68  = initCvt origin loc $ wrapMsg "expression" e $ cvtl e
70convertToPat :: Origin -> SrcSpan -> TH.Pat -> Either MsgDoc (LPat GhcPs)
71convertToPat origin loc p
72  = initCvt origin loc $ wrapMsg "pattern" p $ cvtPat p
74convertToHsType :: Origin -> SrcSpan -> TH.Type -> Either MsgDoc (LHsType GhcPs)
75convertToHsType origin loc t
76  = initCvt origin loc $ wrapMsg "type" t $ cvtType t
79newtype CvtM a = CvtM { unCvtM :: Origin -> SrcSpan -> Either MsgDoc (SrcSpan, a) }
80    deriving (Functor)
81        -- Push down the Origin (that is configurable by
82        -- -fenable-th-splice-warnings) and source location;
83        -- Can fail, with a single error message
85-- NB: If the conversion succeeds with (Right x), there should
86--     be no exception values hiding in x
87-- Reason: so a (head []) in TH code doesn't subsequently
88--         make GHC crash when it tries to walk the generated tree
90-- Use the loc everywhere, for lack of anything better
91-- In particular, we want it on binding locations, so that variables bound in
92-- the spliced-in declarations get a location that at least relates to the splice point
94instance Applicative CvtM where
95    pure x = CvtM $ \_ loc -> Right (loc,x)
96    (<*>) = ap
98instance Monad CvtM where
99  (CvtM m) >>= k = CvtM $ \origin loc -> case m origin loc of
100    Left err -> Left err
101    Right (loc',v) -> unCvtM (k v) origin loc'
103initCvt :: Origin -> SrcSpan -> CvtM a -> Either MsgDoc a
104initCvt origin loc (CvtM m) = fmap snd (m origin loc)
106force :: a -> CvtM ()
107force a = a `seq` return ()
109failWith :: MsgDoc -> CvtM a
110failWith m = CvtM (\_ _ -> Left m)
112getOrigin :: CvtM Origin
113getOrigin = CvtM (\origin loc -> Right (loc,origin))
115getL :: CvtM SrcSpan
116getL = CvtM (\_ loc -> Right (loc,loc))
118setL :: SrcSpan -> CvtM ()
119setL loc = CvtM (\_ _ -> Right (loc, ()))
121returnL :: HasSrcSpan a => SrcSpanLess a -> CvtM a
122returnL x = CvtM (\_ loc -> Right (loc, cL loc x))
124returnJustL :: HasSrcSpan a => SrcSpanLess a -> CvtM (Maybe a)
125returnJustL = fmap Just . returnL
127wrapParL :: HasSrcSpan a =>
128            (a -> SrcSpanLess a) -> SrcSpanLess a -> CvtM (SrcSpanLess  a)
129wrapParL add_par x = CvtM (\_ loc -> Right (loc, add_par (cL loc x)))
131wrapMsg :: (Show a, TH.Ppr a) => String -> a -> CvtM b -> CvtM b
132-- E.g  wrapMsg "declaration" dec thing
133wrapMsg what item (CvtM m)
134  = CvtM $ \origin loc -> case m origin loc of
135      Left err -> Left (err $$ getPprStyle msg)
136      Right v  -> Right v
137  where
138        -- Show the item in pretty syntax normally,
139        -- but with all its constructors if you say -dppr-debug
140    msg sty = hang (text "When splicing a TH" <+> text what <> colon)
141                 2 (if debugStyle sty
142                    then text (show item)
143                    else text (pprint item))
145wrapL :: HasSrcSpan a => CvtM (SrcSpanLess a) -> CvtM a
146wrapL (CvtM m) = CvtM $ \origin loc -> case m origin loc of
147  Left err -> Left err
148  Right (loc',v) -> Right (loc',cL loc v)
151cvtDecs :: [TH.Dec] -> CvtM [LHsDecl GhcPs]
152cvtDecs = fmap catMaybes . mapM cvtDec
154cvtDec :: TH.Dec -> CvtM (Maybe (LHsDecl GhcPs))
155cvtDec (TH.ValD pat body ds)
156  | TH.VarP s <- pat
157  = do  { s' <- vNameL s
158        ; cl' <- cvtClause (mkPrefixFunRhs s') (Clause [] body ds)
159        ; th_origin <- getOrigin
160        ; returnJustL $ Hs.ValD noExtField $ mkFunBind th_origin s' [cl'] }
162  | otherwise
163  = do  { pat' <- cvtPat pat
164        ; body' <- cvtGuard body
165        ; ds' <- cvtLocalDecs (text "a where clause") ds
166        ; returnJustL $ Hs.ValD noExtField $
167          PatBind { pat_lhs = pat'
168                  , pat_rhs = GRHSs noExtField body' (noLoc ds')
169                  , pat_ext = noExtField
170                  , pat_ticks = ([],[]) } }
172cvtDec (TH.FunD nm cls)
173  | null cls
174  = failWith (text "Function binding for"
175                 <+> quotes (text (TH.pprint nm))
176                 <+> text "has no equations")
177  | otherwise
178  = do  { nm' <- vNameL nm
179        ; cls' <- mapM (cvtClause (mkPrefixFunRhs nm')) cls
180        ; th_origin <- getOrigin
181        ; returnJustL $ Hs.ValD noExtField $ mkFunBind th_origin nm' cls' }
183cvtDec (TH.SigD nm typ)
184  = do  { nm' <- vNameL nm
185        ; ty' <- cvtType typ
186        ; returnJustL $ Hs.SigD noExtField
187                                    (TypeSig noExtField [nm'] (mkLHsSigWcType ty')) }
189cvtDec (TH.KiSigD nm ki)
190  = do  { nm' <- tconNameL nm
191        ; ki' <- cvtType ki
192        ; let sig' = StandaloneKindSig noExtField nm' (mkLHsSigType ki')
193        ; returnJustL $ Hs.KindSigD noExtField sig' }
195cvtDec (TH.InfixD fx nm)
196  -- Fixity signatures are allowed for variables, constructors, and types
197  -- the renamer automatically looks for types during renaming, even when
198  -- the RdrName says it's a variable or a constructor. So, just assume
199  -- it's a variable or constructor and proceed.
200  = do { nm' <- vcNameL nm
201       ; returnJustL (Hs.SigD noExtField (FixSig noExtField
202                                      (FixitySig noExtField [nm'] (cvtFixity fx)))) }
204cvtDec (PragmaD prag)
205  = cvtPragmaD prag
207cvtDec (TySynD tc tvs rhs)
208  = do  { (_, tc', tvs') <- cvt_tycl_hdr [] tc tvs
209        ; rhs' <- cvtType rhs
210        ; returnJustL $ TyClD noExtField $
211          SynDecl { tcdSExt = noExtField, tcdLName = tc', tcdTyVars = tvs'
212                  , tcdFixity = Prefix
213                  , tcdRhs = rhs' } }
215cvtDec (DataD ctxt tc tvs ksig constrs derivs)
216  = do  { let isGadtCon (GadtC    _ _ _) = True
217              isGadtCon (RecGadtC _ _ _) = True
218              isGadtCon (ForallC  _ _ c) = isGadtCon c
219              isGadtCon _                = False
220              isGadtDecl  = all isGadtCon constrs
221              isH98Decl   = all (not . isGadtCon) constrs
222        ; unless (isGadtDecl || isH98Decl)
223                 (failWith (text "Cannot mix GADT constructors with Haskell 98"
224                        <+> text "constructors"))
225        ; unless (isNothing ksig || isGadtDecl)
226                 (failWith (text "Kind signatures are only allowed on GADTs"))
227        ; (ctxt', tc', tvs') <- cvt_tycl_hdr ctxt tc tvs
228        ; ksig' <- cvtKind `traverse` ksig
229        ; cons' <- mapM cvtConstr constrs
230        ; derivs' <- cvtDerivs derivs
231        ; let defn = HsDataDefn { dd_ext = noExtField
232                                , dd_ND = DataType, dd_cType = Nothing
233                                , dd_ctxt = ctxt'
234                                , dd_kindSig = ksig'
235                                , dd_cons = cons', dd_derivs = derivs' }
236        ; returnJustL $ TyClD noExtField $
237          DataDecl { tcdDExt = noExtField
238                   , tcdLName = tc', tcdTyVars = tvs'
239                   , tcdFixity = Prefix
240                   , tcdDataDefn = defn } }
242cvtDec (NewtypeD ctxt tc tvs ksig constr derivs)
243  = do  { (ctxt', tc', tvs') <- cvt_tycl_hdr ctxt tc tvs
244        ; ksig' <- cvtKind `traverse` ksig
245        ; con' <- cvtConstr constr
246        ; derivs' <- cvtDerivs derivs
247        ; let defn = HsDataDefn { dd_ext = noExtField
248                                , dd_ND = NewType, dd_cType = Nothing
249                                , dd_ctxt = ctxt'
250                                , dd_kindSig = ksig'
251                                , dd_cons = [con']
252                                , dd_derivs = derivs' }
253        ; returnJustL $ TyClD noExtField $
254          DataDecl { tcdDExt = noExtField
255                   , tcdLName = tc', tcdTyVars = tvs'
256                   , tcdFixity = Prefix
257                   , tcdDataDefn = defn } }
259cvtDec (ClassD ctxt cl tvs fds decs)
260  = do  { (cxt', tc', tvs') <- cvt_tycl_hdr ctxt cl tvs
261        ; fds'  <- mapM cvt_fundep fds
262        ; (binds', sigs', fams', at_defs', adts') <- cvt_ci_decs (text "a class declaration") decs
263        ; unless (null adts')
264            (failWith $ (text "Default data instance declarations"
265                     <+> text "are not allowed:")
266                   $$ (Outputable.ppr adts'))
267        ; returnJustL $ TyClD noExtField $
268          ClassDecl { tcdCExt = noExtField
269                    , tcdCtxt = cxt', tcdLName = tc', tcdTyVars = tvs'
270                    , tcdFixity = Prefix
271                    , tcdFDs = fds', tcdSigs = Hs.mkClassOpSigs sigs'
272                    , tcdMeths = binds'
273                    , tcdATs = fams', tcdATDefs = at_defs', tcdDocs = [] }
274                              -- no docs in TH ^^
275        }
277cvtDec (InstanceD o ctxt ty decs)
278  = do  { let doc = text "an instance declaration"
279        ; (binds', sigs', fams', ats', adts') <- cvt_ci_decs doc decs
280        ; unless (null fams') (failWith (mkBadDecMsg doc fams'))
281        ; ctxt' <- cvtContext funPrec ctxt
282        ; (dL->L loc ty') <- cvtType ty
283        ; let inst_ty' = mkHsQualTy ctxt loc ctxt' $ cL loc ty'
284        ; returnJustL $ InstD noExtField $ ClsInstD noExtField $
285          ClsInstDecl { cid_ext = noExtField, cid_poly_ty = mkLHsSigType inst_ty'
286                      , cid_binds = binds'
287                      , cid_sigs = Hs.mkClassOpSigs sigs'
288                      , cid_tyfam_insts = ats', cid_datafam_insts = adts'
289                      , cid_overlap_mode = fmap (cL loc . overlap) o } }
290  where
291  overlap pragma =
292    case pragma of
293      TH.Overlaps      -> Hs.Overlaps     (SourceText "OVERLAPS")
294      TH.Overlappable  -> Hs.Overlappable (SourceText "OVERLAPPABLE")
295      TH.Overlapping   -> Hs.Overlapping  (SourceText "OVERLAPPING")
296      TH.Incoherent    -> Hs.Incoherent   (SourceText "INCOHERENT")
301cvtDec (ForeignD ford)
302  = do { ford' <- cvtForD ford
303       ; returnJustL $ ForD noExtField ford' }
305cvtDec (DataFamilyD tc tvs kind)
306  = do { (_, tc', tvs') <- cvt_tycl_hdr [] tc tvs
307       ; result <- cvtMaybeKindToFamilyResultSig kind
308       ; returnJustL $ TyClD noExtField $ FamDecl noExtField $
309         FamilyDecl noExtField DataFamily tc' tvs' Prefix result Nothing }
311cvtDec (DataInstD ctxt bndrs tys ksig constrs derivs)
312  = do { (ctxt', tc', bndrs', typats') <- cvt_datainst_hdr ctxt bndrs tys
313       ; ksig' <- cvtKind `traverse` ksig
314       ; cons' <- mapM cvtConstr constrs
315       ; derivs' <- cvtDerivs derivs
316       ; let defn = HsDataDefn { dd_ext = noExtField
317                               , dd_ND = DataType, dd_cType = Nothing
318                               , dd_ctxt = ctxt'
319                               , dd_kindSig = ksig'
320                               , dd_cons = cons', dd_derivs = derivs' }
322       ; returnJustL $ InstD noExtField $ DataFamInstD
323           { dfid_ext = noExtField
324           , dfid_inst = DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn = mkHsImplicitBndrs $
325                           FamEqn { feqn_ext = noExtField
326                                  , feqn_tycon = tc'
327                                  , feqn_bndrs = bndrs'
328                                  , feqn_pats = typats'
329                                  , feqn_rhs = defn
330                                  , feqn_fixity = Prefix } }}}
332cvtDec (NewtypeInstD ctxt bndrs tys ksig constr derivs)
333  = do { (ctxt', tc', bndrs', typats') <- cvt_datainst_hdr ctxt bndrs tys
334       ; ksig' <- cvtKind `traverse` ksig
335       ; con' <- cvtConstr constr
336       ; derivs' <- cvtDerivs derivs
337       ; let defn = HsDataDefn { dd_ext = noExtField
338                               , dd_ND = NewType, dd_cType = Nothing
339                               , dd_ctxt = ctxt'
340                               , dd_kindSig = ksig'
341                               , dd_cons = [con'], dd_derivs = derivs' }
342       ; returnJustL $ InstD noExtField $ DataFamInstD
343           { dfid_ext = noExtField
344           , dfid_inst = DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn = mkHsImplicitBndrs $
345                           FamEqn { feqn_ext = noExtField
346                                  , feqn_tycon = tc'
347                                  , feqn_bndrs = bndrs'
348                                  , feqn_pats = typats'
349                                  , feqn_rhs = defn
350                                  , feqn_fixity = Prefix } }}}
352cvtDec (TySynInstD eqn)
353  = do  { (dL->L _ eqn') <- cvtTySynEqn eqn
354        ; returnJustL $ InstD noExtField $ TyFamInstD
355            { tfid_ext = noExtField
356            , tfid_inst = TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn = eqn' } } }
358cvtDec (OpenTypeFamilyD head)
359  = do { (tc', tyvars', result', injectivity') <- cvt_tyfam_head head
360       ; returnJustL $ TyClD noExtField $ FamDecl noExtField $
361         FamilyDecl noExtField OpenTypeFamily tc' tyvars' Prefix result' injectivity'
362       }
364cvtDec (ClosedTypeFamilyD head eqns)
365  = do { (tc', tyvars', result', injectivity') <- cvt_tyfam_head head
366       ; eqns' <- mapM cvtTySynEqn eqns
367       ; returnJustL $ TyClD noExtField $ FamDecl noExtField $
368         FamilyDecl noExtField (ClosedTypeFamily (Just eqns')) tc' tyvars' Prefix
369                           result' injectivity' }
371cvtDec (TH.RoleAnnotD tc roles)
372  = do { tc' <- tconNameL tc
373       ; let roles' = map (noLoc . cvtRole) roles
374       ; returnJustL $ Hs.RoleAnnotD noExtField (RoleAnnotDecl noExtField tc' roles') }
376cvtDec (TH.StandaloneDerivD ds cxt ty)
377  = do { cxt' <- cvtContext funPrec cxt
378       ; ds'  <- traverse cvtDerivStrategy ds
379       ; (dL->L loc ty') <- cvtType ty
380       ; let inst_ty' = mkHsQualTy cxt loc cxt' $ cL loc ty'
381       ; returnJustL $ DerivD noExtField $
382         DerivDecl { deriv_ext =noExtField
383                   , deriv_strategy = ds'
384                   , deriv_type = mkLHsSigWcType inst_ty'
385                   , deriv_overlap_mode = Nothing } }
387cvtDec (TH.DefaultSigD nm typ)
388  = do { nm' <- vNameL nm
389       ; ty' <- cvtType typ
390       ; returnJustL $ Hs.SigD noExtField
391                     $ ClassOpSig noExtField True [nm'] (mkLHsSigType ty')}
393cvtDec (TH.PatSynD nm args dir pat)
394  = do { nm'   <- cNameL nm
395       ; args' <- cvtArgs args
396       ; dir'  <- cvtDir nm' dir
397       ; pat'  <- cvtPat pat
398       ; returnJustL $ Hs.ValD noExtField $ PatSynBind noExtField $
399           PSB noExtField nm' args' pat' dir' }
400  where
401    cvtArgs (TH.PrefixPatSyn args) = Hs.PrefixCon <$> mapM vNameL args
402    cvtArgs (TH.InfixPatSyn a1 a2) = Hs.InfixCon <$> vNameL a1 <*> vNameL a2
403    cvtArgs (TH.RecordPatSyn sels)
404      = do { sels' <- mapM vNameL sels
405           ; vars' <- mapM (vNameL . mkNameS . nameBase) sels
406           ; return $ Hs.RecCon $ zipWith RecordPatSynField sels' vars' }
408    cvtDir _ Unidir          = return Unidirectional
409    cvtDir _ ImplBidir       = return ImplicitBidirectional
410    cvtDir n (ExplBidir cls) =
411      do { ms <- mapM (cvtClause (mkPrefixFunRhs n)) cls
412         ; th_origin <- getOrigin
413         ; return $ ExplicitBidirectional $ mkMatchGroup th_origin ms }
415cvtDec (TH.PatSynSigD nm ty)
416  = do { nm' <- cNameL nm
417       ; ty' <- cvtPatSynSigTy ty
418       ; returnJustL $ Hs.SigD noExtField $ PatSynSig noExtField [nm'] (mkLHsSigType ty')}
420-- Implicit parameter bindings are handled in cvtLocalDecs and
421-- cvtImplicitParamBind. They are not allowed in any other scope, so
422-- reaching this case indicates an error.
423cvtDec (TH.ImplicitParamBindD _ _)
424  = failWith (text "Implicit parameter binding only allowed in let or where")
427cvtTySynEqn :: TySynEqn -> CvtM (LTyFamInstEqn GhcPs)
428cvtTySynEqn (TySynEqn mb_bndrs lhs rhs)
429  = do { mb_bndrs' <- traverse (mapM cvt_tv) mb_bndrs
430       ; (head_ty, args) <- split_ty_app lhs
431       ; case head_ty of
432           ConT nm -> do { nm' <- tconNameL nm
433                         ; rhs' <- cvtType rhs
434                         ; let args' = map wrap_tyarg args
435                         ; returnL $ mkHsImplicitBndrs
436                            $ FamEqn { feqn_ext    = noExtField
437                                     , feqn_tycon  = nm'
438                                     , feqn_bndrs  = mb_bndrs'
439                                     , feqn_pats   = args'
440                                     , feqn_fixity = Prefix
441                                     , feqn_rhs    = rhs' } }
442           InfixT t1 nm t2 -> do { nm' <- tconNameL nm
443                                 ; args' <- mapM cvtType [t1,t2]
444                                 ; rhs' <- cvtType rhs
445                                 ; returnL $ mkHsImplicitBndrs
446                                      $ FamEqn { feqn_ext    = noExtField
447                                               , feqn_tycon  = nm'
448                                               , feqn_bndrs  = mb_bndrs'
449                                               , feqn_pats   =
450                                                (map HsValArg args') ++ args
451                                               , feqn_fixity = Hs.Infix
452                                               , feqn_rhs    = rhs' } }
453           _ -> failWith $ text "Invalid type family instance LHS:"
454                          <+> text (show lhs)
455        }
458cvt_ci_decs :: MsgDoc -> [TH.Dec]
459            -> CvtM (LHsBinds GhcPs,
460                     [LSig GhcPs],
461                     [LFamilyDecl GhcPs],
462                     [LTyFamInstDecl GhcPs],
463                     [LDataFamInstDecl GhcPs])
464-- Convert the declarations inside a class or instance decl
465-- ie signatures, bindings, and associated types
466cvt_ci_decs doc decs
467  = do  { decs' <- cvtDecs decs
468        ; let (ats', bind_sig_decs') = partitionWith is_tyfam_inst decs'
469        ; let (adts', no_ats')       = partitionWith is_datafam_inst bind_sig_decs'
470        ; let (sigs', prob_binds')   = partitionWith is_sig no_ats'
471        ; let (binds', prob_fams')   = partitionWith is_bind prob_binds'
472        ; let (fams', bads)          = partitionWith is_fam_decl prob_fams'
473        ; unless (null bads) (failWith (mkBadDecMsg doc bads))
474        ; return (listToBag binds', sigs', fams', ats', adts') }
477cvt_tycl_hdr :: TH.Cxt -> TH.Name -> [TH.TyVarBndr]
478             -> CvtM ( LHsContext GhcPs
479                     , Located RdrName
480                     , LHsQTyVars GhcPs)
481cvt_tycl_hdr cxt tc tvs
482  = do { cxt' <- cvtContext funPrec cxt
483       ; tc'  <- tconNameL tc
484       ; tvs' <- cvtTvs tvs
485       ; return (cxt', tc', tvs')
486       }
488cvt_datainst_hdr :: TH.Cxt -> Maybe [TH.TyVarBndr] -> TH.Type
489               -> CvtM ( LHsContext GhcPs
490                       , Located RdrName
491                       , Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs]
492                       , HsTyPats GhcPs)
493cvt_datainst_hdr cxt bndrs tys
494  = do { cxt' <- cvtContext funPrec cxt
495       ; bndrs' <- traverse (mapM cvt_tv) bndrs
496       ; (head_ty, args) <- split_ty_app tys
497       ; case head_ty of
498          ConT nm -> do { nm' <- tconNameL nm
499                        ; let args' = map wrap_tyarg args
500                        ; return (cxt', nm', bndrs', args') }
501          InfixT t1 nm t2 -> do { nm' <- tconNameL nm
502                                ; args' <- mapM cvtType [t1,t2]
503                                ; return (cxt', nm', bndrs',
504                                         ((map HsValArg args') ++ args)) }
505          _ -> failWith $ text "Invalid type instance header:"
506                          <+> text (show tys) }
509cvt_tyfam_head :: TypeFamilyHead
510               -> CvtM ( Located RdrName
511                       , LHsQTyVars GhcPs
512                       , Hs.LFamilyResultSig GhcPs
513                       , Maybe (Hs.LInjectivityAnn GhcPs))
515cvt_tyfam_head (TypeFamilyHead tc tyvars result injectivity)
516  = do {(_, tc', tyvars') <- cvt_tycl_hdr [] tc tyvars
517       ; result' <- cvtFamilyResultSig result
518       ; injectivity' <- traverse cvtInjectivityAnnotation injectivity
519       ; return (tc', tyvars', result', injectivity') }
522--              Partitioning declarations
525is_fam_decl :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> Either (LFamilyDecl GhcPs) (LHsDecl GhcPs)
526is_fam_decl (dL->L loc (TyClD _ (FamDecl { tcdFam = d }))) = Left (cL loc d)
527is_fam_decl decl = Right decl
529is_tyfam_inst :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> Either (LTyFamInstDecl GhcPs) (LHsDecl GhcPs)
530is_tyfam_inst (dL->L loc (Hs.InstD _ (TyFamInstD { tfid_inst = d })))
531  = Left (cL loc d)
532is_tyfam_inst decl
533  = Right decl
535is_datafam_inst :: LHsDecl GhcPs
536                -> Either (LDataFamInstDecl GhcPs) (LHsDecl GhcPs)
537is_datafam_inst (dL->L loc (Hs.InstD  _ (DataFamInstD { dfid_inst = d })))
538  = Left (cL loc d)
539is_datafam_inst decl
540  = Right decl
542is_sig :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> Either (LSig GhcPs) (LHsDecl GhcPs)
543is_sig (dL->L loc (Hs.SigD _ sig)) = Left (cL loc sig)
544is_sig decl                        = Right decl
546is_bind :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> Either (LHsBind GhcPs) (LHsDecl GhcPs)
547is_bind (dL->L loc (Hs.ValD _ bind)) = Left (cL loc bind)
548is_bind decl                         = Right decl
550is_ip_bind :: TH.Dec -> Either (String, TH.Exp) TH.Dec
551is_ip_bind (TH.ImplicitParamBindD n e) = Left (n, e)
552is_ip_bind decl             = Right decl
554mkBadDecMsg :: Outputable a => MsgDoc -> [a] -> MsgDoc
555mkBadDecMsg doc bads
556  = sep [ text "Illegal declaration(s) in" <+> doc <> colon
557        , nest 2 (vcat (map Outputable.ppr bads)) ]
560--      Data types
563cvtConstr :: TH.Con -> CvtM (LConDecl GhcPs)
565cvtConstr (NormalC c strtys)
566  = do  { c'   <- cNameL c
567        ; tys' <- mapM cvt_arg strtys
568        ; returnL $ mkConDeclH98 c' Nothing Nothing (PrefixCon tys') }
570cvtConstr (RecC c varstrtys)
571  = do  { c'    <- cNameL c
572        ; args' <- mapM cvt_id_arg varstrtys
573        ; returnL $ mkConDeclH98 c' Nothing Nothing
574                                   (RecCon (noLoc args')) }
576cvtConstr (InfixC st1 c st2)
577  = do  { c'   <- cNameL c
578        ; st1' <- cvt_arg st1
579        ; st2' <- cvt_arg st2
580        ; returnL $ mkConDeclH98 c' Nothing Nothing (InfixCon st1' st2') }
582cvtConstr (ForallC tvs ctxt con)
583  = do  { tvs'      <- cvtTvs tvs
584        ; ctxt'     <- cvtContext funPrec ctxt
585        ; (dL->L _ con')  <- cvtConstr con
586        ; returnL $ add_forall tvs' ctxt' con' }
587  where
588    add_cxt lcxt         Nothing           = Just lcxt
589    add_cxt (dL->L loc cxt1) (Just (dL->L _ cxt2))
590      = Just (cL loc (cxt1 ++ cxt2))
592    add_forall tvs' cxt' con@(ConDeclGADT { con_qvars = qvars, con_mb_cxt = cxt })
593      = con { con_forall = noLoc $ not (null all_tvs)
594            , con_qvars  = mkHsQTvs all_tvs
595            , con_mb_cxt = add_cxt cxt' cxt }
596      where
597        all_tvs = hsQTvExplicit tvs' ++ hsQTvExplicit qvars
599    add_forall tvs' cxt' con@(ConDeclH98 { con_ex_tvs = ex_tvs, con_mb_cxt = cxt })
600      = con { con_forall = noLoc $ not (null all_tvs)
601            , con_ex_tvs = all_tvs
602            , con_mb_cxt = add_cxt cxt' cxt }
603      where
604        all_tvs = hsQTvExplicit tvs' ++ ex_tvs
606    add_forall _ _ (XConDecl nec) = noExtCon nec
608cvtConstr (GadtC [] _strtys _ty)
609  = failWith (text "GadtC must have at least one constructor name")
611cvtConstr (GadtC c strtys ty)
612  = do  { c'      <- mapM cNameL c
613        ; args    <- mapM cvt_arg strtys
614        ; (dL->L _ ty') <- cvtType ty
615        ; c_ty    <- mk_arr_apps args ty'
616        ; returnL $ fst $ mkGadtDecl c' c_ty}
618cvtConstr (RecGadtC [] _varstrtys _ty)
619  = failWith (text "RecGadtC must have at least one constructor name")
621cvtConstr (RecGadtC c varstrtys ty)
622  = do  { c'       <- mapM cNameL c
623        ; ty'      <- cvtType ty
624        ; rec_flds <- mapM cvt_id_arg varstrtys
625        ; let rec_ty = noLoc (HsFunTy noExtField
626                                           (noLoc $ HsRecTy noExtField rec_flds) ty')
627        ; returnL $ fst $ mkGadtDecl c' rec_ty }
629cvtSrcUnpackedness :: TH.SourceUnpackedness -> SrcUnpackedness
630cvtSrcUnpackedness NoSourceUnpackedness = NoSrcUnpack
631cvtSrcUnpackedness SourceNoUnpack       = SrcNoUnpack
632cvtSrcUnpackedness SourceUnpack         = SrcUnpack
634cvtSrcStrictness :: TH.SourceStrictness -> SrcStrictness
635cvtSrcStrictness NoSourceStrictness = NoSrcStrict
636cvtSrcStrictness SourceLazy         = SrcLazy
637cvtSrcStrictness SourceStrict       = SrcStrict
639cvt_arg :: (TH.Bang, TH.Type) -> CvtM (LHsType GhcPs)
640cvt_arg (Bang su ss, ty)
641  = do { ty'' <- cvtType ty
642       ; let ty' = parenthesizeHsType appPrec ty''
643             su' = cvtSrcUnpackedness su
644             ss' = cvtSrcStrictness ss
645       ; returnL $ HsBangTy noExtField (HsSrcBang NoSourceText su' ss') ty' }
647cvt_id_arg :: (TH.Name, TH.Bang, TH.Type) -> CvtM (LConDeclField GhcPs)
648cvt_id_arg (i, str, ty)
649  = do  { (dL->L li i') <- vNameL i
650        ; ty' <- cvt_arg (str,ty)
651        ; return $ noLoc (ConDeclField
652                          { cd_fld_ext = noExtField
653                          , cd_fld_names
654                              = [cL li $ FieldOcc noExtField (cL li i')]
655                          , cd_fld_type =  ty'
656                          , cd_fld_doc = Nothing}) }
658cvtDerivs :: [TH.DerivClause] -> CvtM (HsDeriving GhcPs)
659cvtDerivs cs = do { cs' <- mapM cvtDerivClause cs
660                  ; returnL cs' }
662cvt_fundep :: FunDep -> CvtM (LHsFunDep GhcPs)
663cvt_fundep (FunDep xs ys) = do { xs' <- mapM tNameL xs
664                               ; ys' <- mapM tNameL ys
665                               ; returnL (xs', ys') }
669--      Foreign declarations
672cvtForD :: Foreign -> CvtM (ForeignDecl GhcPs)
673cvtForD (ImportF callconv safety from nm ty)
674  -- the prim and javascript calling conventions do not support headers
675  -- and are inserted verbatim, analogous to mkImport in RdrHsSyn
676  | callconv == TH.Prim || callconv == TH.JavaScript
677  = mk_imp (CImport (noLoc (cvt_conv callconv)) (noLoc safety') Nothing
678                    (CFunction (StaticTarget (SourceText from)
679                                             (mkFastString from) Nothing
680                                             True))
681                    (noLoc $ quotedSourceText from))
682  | Just impspec <- parseCImport (noLoc (cvt_conv callconv)) (noLoc safety')
683                                 (mkFastString (TH.nameBase nm))
684                                 from (noLoc $ quotedSourceText from)
685  = mk_imp impspec
686  | otherwise
687  = failWith $ text (show from) <+> text "is not a valid ccall impent"
688  where
689    mk_imp impspec
690      = do { nm' <- vNameL nm
691           ; ty' <- cvtType ty
692           ; return (ForeignImport { fd_i_ext = noExtField
693                                   , fd_name = nm'
694                                   , fd_sig_ty = mkLHsSigType ty'
695                                   , fd_fi = impspec })
696           }
697    safety' = case safety of
698                     Unsafe     -> PlayRisky
699                     Safe       -> PlaySafe
700                     Interruptible -> PlayInterruptible
702cvtForD (ExportF callconv as nm ty)
703  = do  { nm' <- vNameL nm
704        ; ty' <- cvtType ty
705        ; let e = CExport (noLoc (CExportStatic (SourceText as)
706                                                (mkFastString as)
707                                                (cvt_conv callconv)))
708                                                (noLoc (SourceText as))
709        ; return $ ForeignExport { fd_e_ext = noExtField
710                                 , fd_name = nm'
711                                 , fd_sig_ty = mkLHsSigType ty'
712                                 , fd_fe = e } }
714cvt_conv :: TH.Callconv -> CCallConv
715cvt_conv TH.CCall      = CCallConv
716cvt_conv TH.StdCall    = StdCallConv
717cvt_conv TH.CApi       = CApiConv
718cvt_conv TH.Prim       = PrimCallConv
719cvt_conv TH.JavaScript = JavaScriptCallConv
722--              Pragmas
725cvtPragmaD :: Pragma -> CvtM (Maybe (LHsDecl GhcPs))
726cvtPragmaD (InlineP nm inline rm phases)
727  = do { nm' <- vNameL nm
728       ; let dflt = dfltActivation inline
729       ; let src TH.NoInline  = "{-# NOINLINE"
730             src TH.Inline    = "{-# INLINE"
731             src TH.Inlinable = "{-# INLINABLE"
732       ; let ip   = InlinePragma { inl_src    = SourceText $ src inline
733                                 , inl_inline = cvtInline inline
734                                 , inl_rule   = cvtRuleMatch rm
735                                 , inl_act    = cvtPhases phases dflt
736                                 , inl_sat    = Nothing }
737       ; returnJustL $ Hs.SigD noExtField $ InlineSig noExtField nm' ip }
739cvtPragmaD (SpecialiseP nm ty inline phases)
740  = do { nm' <- vNameL nm
741       ; ty' <- cvtType ty
742       ; let src TH.NoInline  = "{-# SPECIALISE NOINLINE"
743             src TH.Inline    = "{-# SPECIALISE INLINE"
744             src TH.Inlinable = "{-# SPECIALISE INLINE"
745       ; let (inline', dflt,srcText) = case inline of
746               Just inline1 -> (cvtInline inline1, dfltActivation inline1,
747                                src inline1)
748               Nothing      -> (NoUserInline,   AlwaysActive,
749                                "{-# SPECIALISE")
750       ; let ip = InlinePragma { inl_src    = SourceText srcText
751                               , inl_inline = inline'
752                               , inl_rule   = Hs.FunLike
753                               , inl_act    = cvtPhases phases dflt
754                               , inl_sat    = Nothing }
755       ; returnJustL $ Hs.SigD noExtField $ SpecSig noExtField nm' [mkLHsSigType ty'] ip }
757cvtPragmaD (SpecialiseInstP ty)
758  = do { ty' <- cvtType ty
759       ; returnJustL $ Hs.SigD noExtField $
760         SpecInstSig noExtField (SourceText "{-# SPECIALISE") (mkLHsSigType ty') }
762cvtPragmaD (RuleP nm ty_bndrs tm_bndrs lhs rhs phases)
763  = do { let nm' = mkFastString nm
764       ; let act = cvtPhases phases AlwaysActive
765       ; ty_bndrs' <- traverse (mapM cvt_tv) ty_bndrs
766       ; tm_bndrs' <- mapM cvtRuleBndr tm_bndrs
767       ; lhs'   <- cvtl lhs
768       ; rhs'   <- cvtl rhs
769       ; returnJustL $ Hs.RuleD noExtField
770            $ HsRules { rds_ext = noExtField
771                      , rds_src = SourceText "{-# RULES"
772                      , rds_rules = [noLoc $
773                          HsRule { rd_ext  = noExtField
774                                 , rd_name = (noLoc (quotedSourceText nm,nm'))
775                                 , rd_act  = act
776                                 , rd_tyvs = ty_bndrs'
777                                 , rd_tmvs = tm_bndrs'
778                                 , rd_lhs  = lhs'
779                                 , rd_rhs  = rhs' }] }
781          }
783cvtPragmaD (AnnP target exp)
784  = do { exp' <- cvtl exp
785       ; target' <- case target of
786         ModuleAnnotation  -> return ModuleAnnProvenance
787         TypeAnnotation n  -> do
788           n' <- tconName n
789           return (TypeAnnProvenance  (noLoc n'))
790         ValueAnnotation n -> do
791           n' <- vcName n
792           return (ValueAnnProvenance (noLoc n'))
793       ; returnJustL $ Hs.AnnD noExtField
794                     $ HsAnnotation noExtField (SourceText "{-# ANN") target' exp'
795       }
797cvtPragmaD (LineP line file)
798  = do { setL (srcLocSpan (mkSrcLoc (fsLit file) line 1))
799       ; return Nothing
800       }
801cvtPragmaD (CompleteP cls mty)
802  = do { cls' <- noLoc <$> mapM cNameL cls
803       ; mty'  <- traverse tconNameL mty
804       ; returnJustL $ Hs.SigD noExtField
805                   $ CompleteMatchSig noExtField NoSourceText cls' mty' }
807dfltActivation :: TH.Inline -> Activation
808dfltActivation TH.NoInline = NeverActive
809dfltActivation _           = AlwaysActive
811cvtInline :: TH.Inline -> Hs.InlineSpec
812cvtInline TH.NoInline  = Hs.NoInline
813cvtInline TH.Inline    = Hs.Inline
814cvtInline TH.Inlinable = Hs.Inlinable
816cvtRuleMatch :: TH.RuleMatch -> RuleMatchInfo
817cvtRuleMatch TH.ConLike = Hs.ConLike
818cvtRuleMatch TH.FunLike = Hs.FunLike
820cvtPhases :: TH.Phases -> Activation -> Activation
821cvtPhases AllPhases       dflt = dflt
822cvtPhases (FromPhase i)   _    = ActiveAfter NoSourceText i
823cvtPhases (BeforePhase i) _    = ActiveBefore NoSourceText i
825cvtRuleBndr :: TH.RuleBndr -> CvtM (Hs.LRuleBndr GhcPs)
826cvtRuleBndr (RuleVar n)
827  = do { n' <- vNameL n
828       ; return $ noLoc $ Hs.RuleBndr noExtField n' }
829cvtRuleBndr (TypedRuleVar n ty)
830  = do { n'  <- vNameL n
831       ; ty' <- cvtType ty
832       ; return $ noLoc $ Hs.RuleBndrSig noExtField n' $ mkLHsSigWcType ty' }
835--              Declarations
838cvtLocalDecs :: MsgDoc -> [TH.Dec] -> CvtM (HsLocalBinds GhcPs)
839cvtLocalDecs doc ds
840  = case partitionWith is_ip_bind ds of
841      ([], []) -> return (EmptyLocalBinds noExtField)
842      ([], _) -> do
843        ds' <- cvtDecs ds
844        let (binds, prob_sigs) = partitionWith is_bind ds'
845        let (sigs, bads) = partitionWith is_sig prob_sigs
846        unless (null bads) (failWith (mkBadDecMsg doc bads))
847        return (HsValBinds noExtField (ValBinds noExtField (listToBag binds) sigs))
848      (ip_binds, []) -> do
849        binds <- mapM (uncurry cvtImplicitParamBind) ip_binds
850        return (HsIPBinds noExtField (IPBinds noExtField binds))
851      ((_:_), (_:_)) ->
852        failWith (text "Implicit parameters mixed with other bindings")
854cvtClause :: HsMatchContext RdrName
855          -> TH.Clause -> CvtM (Hs.LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
856cvtClause ctxt (Clause ps body wheres)
857  = do  { ps' <- cvtPats ps
858        ; let pps = map (parenthesizePat appPrec) ps'
859        ; g'  <- cvtGuard body
860        ; ds' <- cvtLocalDecs (text "a where clause") wheres
861        ; returnL $ Hs.Match noExtField ctxt pps (GRHSs noExtField g' (noLoc ds')) }
863cvtImplicitParamBind :: String -> TH.Exp -> CvtM (LIPBind GhcPs)
864cvtImplicitParamBind n e = do
865    n' <- wrapL (ipName n)
866    e' <- cvtl e
867    returnL (IPBind noExtField (Left n') e')
870--              Expressions
873cvtl :: TH.Exp -> CvtM (LHsExpr GhcPs)
874cvtl e = wrapL (cvt e)
875  where
876    cvt (VarE s)        = do { s' <- vName s; return $ HsVar noExtField (noLoc s') }
877    cvt (ConE s)        = do { s' <- cName s; return $ HsVar noExtField (noLoc s') }
878    cvt (LitE l)
879      | overloadedLit l = go cvtOverLit (HsOverLit noExtField)
880                             (hsOverLitNeedsParens appPrec)
881      | otherwise       = go cvtLit (HsLit noExtField)
882                             (hsLitNeedsParens appPrec)
883      where
884        go :: (Lit -> CvtM (l GhcPs))
885           -> (l GhcPs -> HsExpr GhcPs)
886           -> (l GhcPs -> Bool)
887           -> CvtM (HsExpr GhcPs)
888        go cvt_lit mk_expr is_compound_lit = do
889          l' <- cvt_lit l
890          let e' = mk_expr l'
891          return $ if is_compound_lit l' then HsPar noExtField (noLoc e') else e'
892    cvt (AppE x@(LamE _ _) y) = do { x' <- cvtl x; y' <- cvtl y
893                                   ; return $ HsApp noExtField (mkLHsPar x')
894                                                          (mkLHsPar y')}
895    cvt (AppE x y)            = do { x' <- cvtl x; y' <- cvtl y
896                                   ; return $ HsApp noExtField (mkLHsPar x')
897                                                          (mkLHsPar y')}
898    cvt (AppTypeE e t) = do { e' <- cvtl e
899                            ; t' <- cvtType t
900                            ; let tp = parenthesizeHsType appPrec t'
901                            ; return $ HsAppType noExtField e'
902                                     $ mkHsWildCardBndrs tp }
903    cvt (LamE [] e)    = cvt e -- Degenerate case. We convert the body as its
904                               -- own expression to avoid pretty-printing
905                               -- oddities that can result from zero-argument
906                               -- lambda expressions. See #13856.
907    cvt (LamE ps e)    = do { ps' <- cvtPats ps; e' <- cvtl e
908                            ; let pats = map (parenthesizePat appPrec) ps'
909                            ; th_origin <- getOrigin
910                            ; return $ HsLam noExtField (mkMatchGroup th_origin
911                                             [mkSimpleMatch LambdaExpr
912                                             pats e'])}
913    cvt (LamCaseE ms)  = do { ms' <- mapM (cvtMatch CaseAlt) ms
914                            ; th_origin <- getOrigin
915                            ; return $ HsLamCase noExtField
916                                                   (mkMatchGroup th_origin ms')
917                            }
918    cvt (TupE es)        = cvt_tup es Boxed
919    cvt (UnboxedTupE es) = cvt_tup es Unboxed
920    cvt (UnboxedSumE e alt arity) = do { e' <- cvtl e
921                                       ; unboxedSumChecks alt arity
922                                       ; return $ ExplicitSum noExtField
923                                                                   alt arity e'}
924    cvt (CondE x y z)  = do { x' <- cvtl x; y' <- cvtl y; z' <- cvtl z;
925                            ; return $ HsIf noExtField (Just noSyntaxExpr) x' y' z' }
926    cvt (MultiIfE alts)
927      | null alts      = failWith (text "Multi-way if-expression with no alternatives")
928      | otherwise      = do { alts' <- mapM cvtpair alts
929                            ; return $ HsMultiIf noExtField alts' }
930    cvt (LetE ds e)    = do { ds' <- cvtLocalDecs (text "a let expression") ds
931                            ; e' <- cvtl e; return $ HsLet noExtField (noLoc ds') e'}
932    cvt (CaseE e ms)   = do { e' <- cvtl e; ms' <- mapM (cvtMatch CaseAlt) ms
933                            ; th_origin <- getOrigin
934                            ; return $ HsCase noExtField e'
935                                                 (mkMatchGroup th_origin ms') }
936    cvt (DoE ss)       = cvtHsDo DoExpr ss
937    cvt (MDoE ss)      = cvtHsDo MDoExpr ss
938    cvt (CompE ss)     = cvtHsDo ListComp ss
939    cvt (ArithSeqE dd) = do { dd' <- cvtDD dd
940                            ; return $ ArithSeq noExtField Nothing dd' }
941    cvt (ListE xs)
942      | Just s <- allCharLs xs       = do { l' <- cvtLit (StringL s)
943                                          ; return (HsLit noExtField l') }
944             -- Note [Converting strings]
945      | otherwise       = do { xs' <- mapM cvtl xs
946                             ; return $ ExplicitList noExtField Nothing xs'
947                             }
949    -- Infix expressions
950    cvt (InfixE (Just x) s (Just y)) = ensureValidOpExp s $
951      do { x' <- cvtl x
952         ; s' <- cvtl s
953         ; y' <- cvtl y
954         ; let px = parenthesizeHsExpr opPrec x'
955               py = parenthesizeHsExpr opPrec y'
956         ; wrapParL (HsPar noExtField)
957           $ OpApp noExtField px s' py }
958           -- Parenthesise both arguments and result,
959           -- to ensure this operator application does
960           -- does not get re-associated
961           -- See Note [Operator association]
962    cvt (InfixE Nothing  s (Just y)) = ensureValidOpExp s $
963                                       do { s' <- cvtl s; y' <- cvtl y
964                                          ; wrapParL (HsPar noExtField) $
965                                                          SectionR noExtField s' y' }
966                                            -- See Note [Sections in HsSyn] in GHC.Hs.Expr
967    cvt (InfixE (Just x) s Nothing ) = ensureValidOpExp s $
968                                       do { x' <- cvtl x; s' <- cvtl s
969                                          ; wrapParL (HsPar noExtField) $
970                                                          SectionL noExtField x' s' }
972    cvt (InfixE Nothing  s Nothing ) = ensureValidOpExp s $
973                                       do { s' <- cvtl s
974                                          ; return $ HsPar noExtField s' }
975                                       -- Can I indicate this is an infix thing?
976                                       -- Note [Dropping constructors]
978    cvt (UInfixE x s y)  = ensureValidOpExp s $
979                           do { x' <- cvtl x
980                              ; let x'' = case unLoc x' of
981                                            OpApp {} -> x'
982                                            _ -> mkLHsPar x'
983                              ; cvtOpApp x'' s y } --  Note [Converting UInfix]
985    cvt (ParensE e)      = do { e' <- cvtl e; return $ HsPar noExtField e' }
986    cvt (SigE e t)       = do { e' <- cvtl e; t' <- cvtType t
987                              ; let pe = parenthesizeHsExpr sigPrec e'
988                              ; return $ ExprWithTySig noExtField pe (mkLHsSigWcType t') }
989    cvt (RecConE c flds) = do { c' <- cNameL c
990                              ; flds' <- mapM (cvtFld (mkFieldOcc . noLoc)) flds
991                              ; return $ mkRdrRecordCon c' (HsRecFields flds' Nothing) }
992    cvt (RecUpdE e flds) = do { e' <- cvtl e
993                              ; flds'
994                                  <- mapM (cvtFld (mkAmbiguousFieldOcc . noLoc))
995                                           flds
996                              ; return $ mkRdrRecordUpd e' flds' }
997    cvt (StaticE e)      = fmap (HsStatic noExtField) $ cvtl e
998    cvt (UnboundVarE s)  = do -- Use of 'vcName' here instead of 'vName' is
999                              -- important, because UnboundVarE may contain
1000                              -- constructor names - see #14627.
1001                              { s' <- vcName s
1002                              ; return $ HsVar noExtField (noLoc s') }
1003    cvt (LabelE s)       = do { return $ HsOverLabel noExtField Nothing (fsLit s) }
1004    cvt (ImplicitParamVarE n) = do { n' <- ipName n; return $ HsIPVar noExtField n' }
1006{- | #16895 Ensure an infix expression's operator is a variable/constructor.
1007Consider this example:
1009  $(uInfixE [|1|] [|id id|] [|2|])
1011This infix expression is obviously ill-formed so we use this helper function
1012to reject such programs outright.
1014The constructors `ensureValidOpExp` permits should be in sync with `pprInfixExp`
1015in Language.Haskell.TH.Ppr from the template-haskell library.
1017ensureValidOpExp :: TH.Exp -> CvtM a -> CvtM a
1018ensureValidOpExp (VarE _n) m = m
1019ensureValidOpExp (ConE _n) m = m
1020ensureValidOpExp (UnboundVarE _n) m = m
1021ensureValidOpExp _e _m =
1022    failWith (text "Non-variable expression is not allowed in an infix expression")
1024{- Note [Dropping constructors]
1026When we drop constructors from the input, we must insert parentheses around the
1027argument. For example:
1029  UInfixE x * (AppE (InfixE (Just y) + Nothing) z)
1031If we convert the InfixE expression to an operator section but don't insert
1032parentheses, the above expression would be reassociated to
1034  OpApp (OpApp x * y) + z
1036which we don't want.
1039cvtFld :: (RdrName -> t) -> (TH.Name, TH.Exp)
1040       -> CvtM (LHsRecField' t (LHsExpr GhcPs))
1041cvtFld f (v,e)
1042  = do  { v' <- vNameL v; e' <- cvtl e
1043        ; return (noLoc $ HsRecField { hsRecFieldLbl = fmap f v'
1044                                     , hsRecFieldArg = e'
1045                                     , hsRecPun      = False}) }
1047cvtDD :: Range -> CvtM (ArithSeqInfo GhcPs)
1048cvtDD (FromR x)           = do { x' <- cvtl x; return $ From x' }
1049cvtDD (FromThenR x y)     = do { x' <- cvtl x; y' <- cvtl y; return $ FromThen x' y' }
1050cvtDD (FromToR x y)       = do { x' <- cvtl x; y' <- cvtl y; return $ FromTo x' y' }
1051cvtDD (FromThenToR x y z) = do { x' <- cvtl x; y' <- cvtl y; z' <- cvtl z; return $ FromThenTo x' y' z' }
1053cvt_tup :: [Maybe Exp] -> Boxity -> CvtM (HsExpr GhcPs)
1054cvt_tup es boxity = do { let cvtl_maybe Nothing  = return missingTupArg
1055                             cvtl_maybe (Just e) = fmap (Present noExtField) (cvtl e)
1056                       ; es' <- mapM cvtl_maybe es
1057                       ; return $ ExplicitTuple
1058                                    noExtField
1059                                    (map noLoc es')
1060                                    boxity }
1062{- Note [Operator assocation]
1063We must be quite careful about adding parens:
1064  * Infix (UInfix ...) op arg      Needs parens round the first arg
1065  * Infix (Infix ...) op arg       Needs parens round the first arg
1066  * UInfix (UInfix ...) op arg     No parens for first arg
1067  * UInfix (Infix ...) op arg      Needs parens round first arg
1070Note [Converting UInfix]
1072When converting @UInfixE@, @UInfixP@, and @UInfixT@ values, we want to readjust
1073the trees to reflect the fixities of the underlying operators:
1075  UInfixE x * (UInfixE y + z) ---> (x * y) + z
1077This is done by the renamer (see @mkOppAppRn@, @mkConOppPatRn@, and
1078@mkHsOpTyRn@ in RnTypes), which expects that the input will be completely
1079right-biased for types and left-biased for everything else. So we left-bias the
1080trees of @UInfixP@ and @UInfixE@ and right-bias the trees of @UInfixT@.
1082Sample input:
1084  UInfixE
1085   (UInfixE x op1 y)
1086   op2
1087   (UInfixE z op3 w)
1089Sample output:
1091  OpApp
1092    (OpApp
1093      (OpApp x op1 y)
1094      op2
1095      z)
1096    op3
1097    w
1099The functions @cvtOpApp@, @cvtOpAppP@, and @cvtOpAppT@ are responsible for this
1103{- | @cvtOpApp x op y@ converts @op@ and @y@ and produces the operator application @x `op` y@.
1104The produced tree of infix expressions will be left-biased, provided @x@ is.
1106We can see that @cvtOpApp@ is correct as follows. The inductive hypothesis
1107is that @cvtOpApp x op y@ is left-biased, provided @x@ is. It is clear that
1108this holds for both branches (of @cvtOpApp@), provided we assume it holds for
1109the recursive calls to @cvtOpApp@.
1111When we call @cvtOpApp@ from @cvtl@, the first argument will always be left-biased
1112since we have already run @cvtl@ on it.
1114cvtOpApp :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> TH.Exp -> TH.Exp -> CvtM (HsExpr GhcPs)
1115cvtOpApp x op1 (UInfixE y op2 z)
1116  = do { l <- wrapL $ cvtOpApp x op1 y
1117       ; cvtOpApp l op2 z }
1118cvtOpApp x op y
1119  = do { op' <- cvtl op
1120       ; y' <- cvtl y
1121       ; return (OpApp noExtField x op' y') }
1124--      Do notation and statements
1127cvtHsDo :: HsStmtContext Name.Name -> [TH.Stmt] -> CvtM (HsExpr GhcPs)
1128cvtHsDo do_or_lc stmts
1129  | null stmts = failWith (text "Empty stmt list in do-block")
1130  | otherwise
1131  = do  { stmts' <- cvtStmts stmts
1132        ; let Just (stmts'', last') = snocView stmts'
1134        ; last'' <- case last' of
1135                    (dL->L loc (BodyStmt _ body _ _))
1136                      -> return (cL loc (mkLastStmt body))
1137                    _ -> failWith (bad_last last')
1139        ; return $ HsDo noExtField do_or_lc (noLoc (stmts'' ++ [last''])) }
1140  where
1141    bad_last stmt = vcat [ text "Illegal last statement of" <+> pprAStmtContext do_or_lc <> colon
1142                         , nest 2 $ Outputable.ppr stmt
1143                         , text "(It should be an expression.)" ]
1145cvtStmts :: [TH.Stmt] -> CvtM [Hs.LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
1146cvtStmts = mapM cvtStmt
1148cvtStmt :: TH.Stmt -> CvtM (Hs.LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
1149cvtStmt (NoBindS e)    = do { e' <- cvtl e; returnL $ mkBodyStmt e' }
1150cvtStmt (TH.BindS p e) = do { p' <- cvtPat p; e' <- cvtl e; returnL $ mkBindStmt p' e' }
1151cvtStmt (TH.LetS ds)   = do { ds' <- cvtLocalDecs (text "a let binding") ds
1152                            ; returnL $ LetStmt noExtField (noLoc ds') }
1153cvtStmt (TH.ParS dss)  = do { dss' <- mapM cvt_one dss
1154                            ; returnL $ ParStmt noExtField dss' noExpr noSyntaxExpr }
1155  where
1156    cvt_one ds = do { ds' <- cvtStmts ds
1157                    ; return (ParStmtBlock noExtField ds' undefined noSyntaxExpr) }
1158cvtStmt (TH.RecS ss) = do { ss' <- mapM cvtStmt ss; returnL (mkRecStmt ss') }
1160cvtMatch :: HsMatchContext RdrName
1161         -> TH.Match -> CvtM (Hs.LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
1162cvtMatch ctxt (TH.Match p body decs)
1163  = do  { p' <- cvtPat p
1164        ; let lp = case p' of
1165                     (dL->L loc SigPat{}) -> cL loc (ParPat noExtField p') -- #14875
1166                     _                    -> p'
1167        ; g' <- cvtGuard body
1168        ; decs' <- cvtLocalDecs (text "a where clause") decs
1169        ; returnL $ Hs.Match noExtField ctxt [lp] (GRHSs noExtField g' (noLoc decs')) }
1171cvtGuard :: TH.Body -> CvtM [LGRHS GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
1172cvtGuard (GuardedB pairs) = mapM cvtpair pairs
1173cvtGuard (NormalB e)      = do { e' <- cvtl e
1174                               ; g' <- returnL $ GRHS noExtField [] e'; return [g'] }
1176cvtpair :: (TH.Guard, TH.Exp) -> CvtM (LGRHS GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
1177cvtpair (NormalG ge,rhs) = do { ge' <- cvtl ge; rhs' <- cvtl rhs
1178                              ; g' <- returnL $ mkBodyStmt ge'
1179                              ; returnL $ GRHS noExtField [g'] rhs' }
1180cvtpair (PatG gs,rhs)    = do { gs' <- cvtStmts gs; rhs' <- cvtl rhs
1181                              ; returnL $ GRHS noExtField gs' rhs' }
1183cvtOverLit :: Lit -> CvtM (HsOverLit GhcPs)
1184cvtOverLit (IntegerL i)
1185  = do { force i; return $ mkHsIntegral   (mkIntegralLit i) }
1186cvtOverLit (RationalL r)
1187  = do { force r; return $ mkHsFractional (mkFractionalLit r) }
1188cvtOverLit (StringL s)
1189  = do { let { s' = mkFastString s }
1190       ; force s'
1191       ; return $ mkHsIsString (quotedSourceText s) s'
1192       }
1193cvtOverLit _ = panic "Convert.cvtOverLit: Unexpected overloaded literal"
1194-- An Integer is like an (overloaded) '3' in a Haskell source program
1195-- Similarly 3.5 for fractionals
1197{- Note [Converting strings]
1199If we get (ListE [CharL 'x', CharL 'y']) we'd like to convert to
1200a string literal for "xy".  Of course, we might hope to get
1201(LitE (StringL "xy")), but not always, and allCharLs fails quickly
1202if it isn't a literal string
1205allCharLs :: [TH.Exp] -> Maybe String
1206-- Note [Converting strings]
1207-- NB: only fire up this setup for a non-empty list, else
1208--     there's a danger of returning "" for [] :: [Int]!
1209allCharLs xs
1210  = case xs of
1211      LitE (CharL c) : ys -> go [c] ys
1212      _                   -> Nothing
1213  where
1214    go cs []                    = Just (reverse cs)
1215    go cs (LitE (CharL c) : ys) = go (c:cs) ys
1216    go _  _                     = Nothing
1218cvtLit :: Lit -> CvtM (HsLit GhcPs)
1219cvtLit (IntPrimL i)    = do { force i; return $ HsIntPrim NoSourceText i }
1220cvtLit (WordPrimL w)   = do { force w; return $ HsWordPrim NoSourceText w }
1221cvtLit (FloatPrimL f)
1222  = do { force f; return $ HsFloatPrim noExtField (mkFractionalLit f) }
1223cvtLit (DoublePrimL f)
1224  = do { force f; return $ HsDoublePrim noExtField (mkFractionalLit f) }
1225cvtLit (CharL c)       = do { force c; return $ HsChar NoSourceText c }
1226cvtLit (CharPrimL c)   = do { force c; return $ HsCharPrim NoSourceText c }
1227cvtLit (StringL s)     = do { let { s' = mkFastString s }
1228                            ; force s'
1229                            ; return $ HsString (quotedSourceText s) s' }
1230cvtLit (StringPrimL s) = do { let { s' = BS.pack s }
1231                            ; force s'
1232                            ; return $ HsStringPrim NoSourceText s' }
1233cvtLit (BytesPrimL (Bytes fptr off sz)) = do
1234  let bs = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr ->
1235             BS.packCStringLen (ptr `plusPtr` fromIntegral off, fromIntegral sz)
1236  force bs
1237  return $ HsStringPrim NoSourceText bs
1238cvtLit _ = panic "Convert.cvtLit: Unexpected literal"
1239        -- cvtLit should not be called on IntegerL, RationalL
1240        -- That precondition is established right here in
1241        -- Convert.hs, hence panic
1243quotedSourceText :: String -> SourceText
1244quotedSourceText s = SourceText $ "\"" ++ s ++ "\""
1246cvtPats :: [TH.Pat] -> CvtM [Hs.LPat GhcPs]
1247cvtPats pats = mapM cvtPat pats
1249cvtPat :: TH.Pat -> CvtM (Hs.LPat GhcPs)
1250cvtPat pat = wrapL (cvtp pat)
1252cvtp :: TH.Pat -> CvtM (Hs.Pat GhcPs)
1253cvtp (TH.LitP l)
1254  | overloadedLit l    = do { l' <- cvtOverLit l
1255                            ; return (mkNPat (noLoc l') Nothing) }
1256                                  -- Not right for negative patterns;
1257                                  -- need to think about that!
1258  | otherwise          = do { l' <- cvtLit l; return $ Hs.LitPat noExtField l' }
1259cvtp (TH.VarP s)       = do { s' <- vName s
1260                            ; return $ Hs.VarPat noExtField (noLoc s') }
1261cvtp (TupP ps)         = do { ps' <- cvtPats ps
1262                            ; return $ TuplePat noExtField ps' Boxed }
1263cvtp (UnboxedTupP ps)  = do { ps' <- cvtPats ps
1264                            ; return $ TuplePat noExtField ps' Unboxed }
1265cvtp (UnboxedSumP p alt arity)
1266                       = do { p' <- cvtPat p
1267                            ; unboxedSumChecks alt arity
1268                            ; return $ SumPat noExtField p' alt arity }
1269cvtp (ConP s ps)       = do { s' <- cNameL s; ps' <- cvtPats ps
1270                            ; let pps = map (parenthesizePat appPrec) ps'
1271                            ; return $ ConPatIn s' (PrefixCon pps) }
1272cvtp (InfixP p1 s p2)  = do { s' <- cNameL s; p1' <- cvtPat p1; p2' <- cvtPat p2
1273                            ; wrapParL (ParPat noExtField) $
1274                              ConPatIn s' $
1275                              InfixCon (parenthesizePat opPrec p1')
1276                                       (parenthesizePat opPrec p2') }
1277                            -- See Note [Operator association]
1278cvtp (UInfixP p1 s p2) = do { p1' <- cvtPat p1; cvtOpAppP p1' s p2 } -- Note [Converting UInfix]
1279cvtp (ParensP p)       = do { p' <- cvtPat p;
1280                            ; case unLoc p' of  -- may be wrapped ConPatIn
1281                                ParPat {} -> return $ unLoc p'
1282                                _         -> return $ ParPat noExtField p' }
1283cvtp (TildeP p)        = do { p' <- cvtPat p; return $ LazyPat noExtField p' }
1284cvtp (BangP p)         = do { p' <- cvtPat p; return $ BangPat noExtField p' }
1285cvtp (TH.AsP s p)      = do { s' <- vNameL s; p' <- cvtPat p
1286                            ; return $ AsPat noExtField s' p' }
1287cvtp TH.WildP          = return $ WildPat noExtField
1288cvtp (RecP c fs)       = do { c' <- cNameL c; fs' <- mapM cvtPatFld fs
1289                            ; return $ ConPatIn c'
1290                                     $ Hs.RecCon (HsRecFields fs' Nothing) }
1291cvtp (ListP ps)        = do { ps' <- cvtPats ps
1292                            ; return
1293                                   $ ListPat noExtField ps'}
1294cvtp (SigP p t)        = do { p' <- cvtPat p; t' <- cvtType t
1295                            ; return $ SigPat noExtField p' (mkLHsSigWcType t') }
1296cvtp (ViewP e p)       = do { e' <- cvtl e; p' <- cvtPat p
1297                            ; return $ ViewPat noExtField e' p'}
1299cvtPatFld :: (TH.Name, TH.Pat) -> CvtM (LHsRecField GhcPs (LPat GhcPs))
1300cvtPatFld (s,p)
1301  = do  { (dL->L ls s') <- vNameL s
1302        ; p' <- cvtPat p
1303        ; return (noLoc $ HsRecField { hsRecFieldLbl
1304                                         = cL ls $ mkFieldOcc (cL ls s')
1305                                     , hsRecFieldArg = p'
1306                                     , hsRecPun      = False}) }
1308{- | @cvtOpAppP x op y@ converts @op@ and @y@ and produces the operator application @x `op` y@.
1309The produced tree of infix patterns will be left-biased, provided @x@ is.
1311See the @cvtOpApp@ documentation for how this function works.
1313cvtOpAppP :: Hs.LPat GhcPs -> TH.Name -> TH.Pat -> CvtM (Hs.Pat GhcPs)
1314cvtOpAppP x op1 (UInfixP y op2 z)
1315  = do { l <- wrapL $ cvtOpAppP x op1 y
1316       ; cvtOpAppP l op2 z }
1317cvtOpAppP x op y
1318  = do { op' <- cNameL op
1319       ; y' <- cvtPat y
1320       ; return (ConPatIn op' (InfixCon x y')) }
1323--      Types and type variables
1325cvtTvs :: [TH.TyVarBndr] -> CvtM (LHsQTyVars GhcPs)
1326cvtTvs tvs = do { tvs' <- mapM cvt_tv tvs; return (mkHsQTvs tvs') }
1328cvt_tv :: TH.TyVarBndr -> CvtM (LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs)
1329cvt_tv (TH.PlainTV nm)
1330  = do { nm' <- tNameL nm
1331       ; returnL $ UserTyVar noExtField nm' }
1332cvt_tv (TH.KindedTV nm ki)
1333  = do { nm' <- tNameL nm
1334       ; ki' <- cvtKind ki
1335       ; returnL $ KindedTyVar noExtField nm' ki' }
1337cvtRole :: TH.Role -> Maybe Coercion.Role
1338cvtRole TH.NominalR          = Just Coercion.Nominal
1339cvtRole TH.RepresentationalR = Just Coercion.Representational
1340cvtRole TH.PhantomR          = Just Coercion.Phantom
1341cvtRole TH.InferR            = Nothing
1343cvtContext :: PprPrec -> TH.Cxt -> CvtM (LHsContext GhcPs)
1344cvtContext p tys = do { preds' <- mapM cvtPred tys
1345                      ; parenthesizeHsContext p <$> returnL preds' }
1347cvtPred :: TH.Pred -> CvtM (LHsType GhcPs)
1348cvtPred = cvtType
1350cvtDerivClause :: TH.DerivClause
1351               -> CvtM (LHsDerivingClause GhcPs)
1352cvtDerivClause (TH.DerivClause ds ctxt)
1353  = do { ctxt' <- fmap (map mkLHsSigType) <$> cvtContext appPrec ctxt
1354       ; ds'   <- traverse cvtDerivStrategy ds
1355       ; returnL $ HsDerivingClause noExtField ds' ctxt' }
1357cvtDerivStrategy :: TH.DerivStrategy -> CvtM (Hs.LDerivStrategy GhcPs)
1358cvtDerivStrategy TH.StockStrategy    = returnL Hs.StockStrategy
1359cvtDerivStrategy TH.AnyclassStrategy = returnL Hs.AnyclassStrategy
1360cvtDerivStrategy TH.NewtypeStrategy  = returnL Hs.NewtypeStrategy
1361cvtDerivStrategy (TH.ViaStrategy ty) = do
1362  ty' <- cvtType ty
1363  returnL $ Hs.ViaStrategy (mkLHsSigType ty')
1365cvtType :: TH.Type -> CvtM (LHsType GhcPs)
1366cvtType = cvtTypeKind "type"
1368cvtTypeKind :: String -> TH.Type -> CvtM (LHsType GhcPs)
1369cvtTypeKind ty_str ty
1370  = do { (head_ty, tys') <- split_ty_app ty
1371       ; let m_normals = mapM extract_normal tys'
1372                                where extract_normal (HsValArg ty) = Just ty
1373                                      extract_normal _ = Nothing
1375       ; case head_ty of
1376           TupleT n
1377            | Just normals <- m_normals
1378            , normals `lengthIs` n         -- Saturated
1379            -> returnL (HsTupleTy noExtField HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple normals)
1380            | otherwise
1381            -> mk_apps
1382               (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted (noLoc (getRdrName (tupleTyCon Boxed n))))
1383               tys'
1384           UnboxedTupleT n
1385             | Just normals <- m_normals
1386             , normals `lengthIs` n               -- Saturated
1387             -> returnL (HsTupleTy noExtField HsUnboxedTuple normals)
1388             | otherwise
1389             -> mk_apps
1390                (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted (noLoc (getRdrName (tupleTyCon Unboxed n))))
1391                tys'
1392           UnboxedSumT n
1393             | n < 2
1394            -> failWith $
1395                   vcat [ text "Illegal sum arity:" <+> text (show n)
1396                        , nest 2 $
1397                            text "Sums must have an arity of at least 2" ]
1398             | Just normals <- m_normals
1399             , normals `lengthIs` n -- Saturated
1400             -> returnL (HsSumTy noExtField normals)
1401             | otherwise
1402             -> mk_apps
1403                (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted (noLoc (getRdrName (sumTyCon n))))
1404                tys'
1405           ArrowT
1406             | Just normals <- m_normals
1407             , [x',y'] <- normals -> do
1408                 x'' <- case unLoc x' of
1409                          HsFunTy{}    -> returnL (HsParTy noExtField x')
1410                          HsForAllTy{} -> returnL (HsParTy noExtField x') -- #14646
1411                          HsQualTy{}   -> returnL (HsParTy noExtField x') -- #15324
1412                          _            -> return $
1413                                          parenthesizeHsType sigPrec x'
1414                 let y'' = parenthesizeHsType sigPrec y'
1415                 returnL (HsFunTy noExtField x'' y'')
1416             | otherwise
1417             -> mk_apps
1418                (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted (noLoc (getRdrName funTyCon)))
1419                tys'
1420           ListT
1421             | Just normals <- m_normals
1422             , [x'] <- normals -> do
1423                returnL (HsListTy noExtField x')
1424             | otherwise
1425             -> mk_apps
1426                (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted (noLoc (getRdrName listTyCon)))
1427                tys'
1429           VarT nm -> do { nm' <- tNameL nm
1430                         ; mk_apps (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted nm') tys' }
1431           ConT nm -> do { nm' <- tconName nm
1432                         ; let prom = name_promotedness nm'
1433                         ; mk_apps (HsTyVar noExtField prom (noLoc nm')) tys'}
1435           ForallT tvs cxt ty
1436             | null tys'
1437             -> do { tvs' <- cvtTvs tvs
1438                   ; cxt' <- cvtContext funPrec cxt
1439                   ; ty'  <- cvtType ty
1440                   ; loc <- getL
1441                   ; let hs_ty  = mkHsForAllTy tvs loc ForallInvis tvs' rho_ty
1442                         rho_ty = mkHsQualTy cxt loc cxt' ty'
1444                   ; return hs_ty }
1446           ForallVisT tvs ty
1447             | null tys'
1448             -> do { tvs' <- cvtTvs tvs
1449                   ; ty'  <- cvtType ty
1450                   ; loc  <- getL
1451                   ; pure $ mkHsForAllTy tvs loc ForallVis tvs' ty' }
1453           SigT ty ki
1454             -> do { ty' <- cvtType ty
1455                   ; ki' <- cvtKind ki
1456                   ; mk_apps (HsKindSig noExtField ty' ki') tys'
1457                   }
1459           LitT lit
1460             -> mk_apps (HsTyLit noExtField (cvtTyLit lit)) tys'
1462           WildCardT
1463             -> mk_apps mkAnonWildCardTy tys'
1465           InfixT t1 s t2
1466             -> do { s'  <- tconName s
1467                   ; t1' <- cvtType t1
1468                   ; t2' <- cvtType t2
1469                   ; let prom = name_promotedness s'
1470                   ; mk_apps
1471                      (HsTyVar noExtField prom (noLoc s'))
1472                      ([HsValArg t1', HsValArg t2'] ++ tys')
1473                   }
1475           UInfixT t1 s t2
1476             -> do { t2' <- cvtType t2
1477                   ; t <- cvtOpAppT t1 s t2'
1478                   ; mk_apps (unLoc t) tys'
1479                   } -- Note [Converting UInfix]
1481           ParensT t
1482             -> do { t' <- cvtType t
1483                   ; mk_apps (HsParTy noExtField t') tys'
1484                   }
1486           PromotedT nm -> do { nm' <- cName nm
1487                              ; mk_apps (HsTyVar noExtField IsPromoted (noLoc nm'))
1488                                        tys' }
1489                 -- Promoted data constructor; hence cName
1491           PromotedTupleT n
1492              | Just normals <- m_normals
1493              , normals `lengthIs` n   -- Saturated
1494              -> returnL (HsExplicitTupleTy noExtField normals)
1495              | otherwise
1496              -> mk_apps
1497                 (HsTyVar noExtField IsPromoted (noLoc (getRdrName (tupleDataCon Boxed n))))
1498                 tys'
1500           PromotedNilT
1501             -> mk_apps (HsExplicitListTy noExtField IsPromoted []) tys'
1503           PromotedConsT  -- See Note [Representing concrete syntax in types]
1504                          -- in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
1505              | Just normals <- m_normals
1506              , [ty1, dL->L _ (HsExplicitListTy _ ip tys2)] <- normals
1507              -> do
1508                  returnL (HsExplicitListTy noExtField ip (ty1:tys2))
1509              | otherwise
1510              -> mk_apps
1511                 (HsTyVar noExtField IsPromoted (noLoc (getRdrName consDataCon)))
1512                 tys'
1514           StarT
1515             -> mk_apps
1516                (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted (noLoc (getRdrName liftedTypeKindTyCon)))
1517                tys'
1519           ConstraintT
1520             -> mk_apps
1521                (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted (noLoc (getRdrName constraintKindTyCon)))
1522                tys'
1524           EqualityT
1525             | Just normals <- m_normals
1526             , [x',y'] <- normals ->
1527                   let px = parenthesizeHsType opPrec x'
1528                       py = parenthesizeHsType opPrec y'
1529                   in returnL (HsOpTy noExtField px (noLoc eqTyCon_RDR) py)
1530               -- The long-term goal is to remove the above case entirely and
1531               -- subsume it under the case for InfixT. See #15815, comment:6,
1532               -- for more details.
1534             | otherwise ->
1535                   mk_apps (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted
1536                            (noLoc eqTyCon_RDR)) tys'
1537           ImplicitParamT n t
1538             -> do { n' <- wrapL $ ipName n
1539                   ; t' <- cvtType t
1540                   ; returnL (HsIParamTy noExtField n' t')
1541                   }
1543           _ -> failWith (ptext (sLit ("Malformed " ++ ty_str)) <+> text (show ty))
1544    }
1546-- ConT/InfixT can contain both data constructor (i.e., promoted) names and
1547-- other (i.e, unpromoted) names, as opposed to PromotedT, which can only
1548-- contain data constructor names. See #15572/#17394. We use this function to
1549-- determine whether to mark a name as promoted/unpromoted when dealing with
1550-- ConT/InfixT.
1551name_promotedness :: RdrName -> Hs.PromotionFlag
1552name_promotedness nm
1553  | isRdrDataCon nm = IsPromoted
1554  | otherwise       = NotPromoted
1556-- | Constructs an application of a type to arguments passed in a list.
1557mk_apps :: HsType GhcPs -> [LHsTypeArg GhcPs] -> CvtM (LHsType GhcPs)
1558mk_apps head_ty type_args = do
1559  head_ty' <- returnL head_ty
1560  -- We must parenthesize the function type in case of an explicit
1561  -- signature. For instance, in `(Maybe :: Type -> Type) Int`, there
1562  -- _must_ be parentheses around `Maybe :: Type -> Type`.
1563  let phead_ty :: LHsType GhcPs
1564      phead_ty = parenthesizeHsType sigPrec head_ty'
1566      go :: [LHsTypeArg GhcPs] -> CvtM (LHsType GhcPs)
1567      go [] = pure head_ty'
1568      go (arg:args) =
1569        case arg of
1570          HsValArg ty  -> do p_ty <- add_parens ty
1571                             mk_apps (HsAppTy noExtField phead_ty p_ty) args
1572          HsTypeArg l ki -> do p_ki <- add_parens ki
1573                               mk_apps (HsAppKindTy l phead_ty p_ki) args
1574          HsArgPar _   -> mk_apps (HsParTy noExtField phead_ty) args
1576  go type_args
1577   where
1578    -- See Note [Adding parens for splices]
1579    add_parens lt@(dL->L _ t)
1580      | hsTypeNeedsParens appPrec t = returnL (HsParTy noExtField lt)
1581      | otherwise                   = return lt
1583wrap_tyarg :: LHsTypeArg GhcPs -> LHsTypeArg GhcPs
1584wrap_tyarg (HsValArg ty)    = HsValArg  $ parenthesizeHsType appPrec ty
1585wrap_tyarg (HsTypeArg l ki) = HsTypeArg l $ parenthesizeHsType appPrec ki
1586wrap_tyarg ta@(HsArgPar {}) = ta -- Already parenthesized
1588-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1589-- Note [Adding parens for splices]
1591The hsSyn representation of parsed source explicitly contains all the original
1592parens, as written in the source.
1594When a Template Haskell (TH) splice is evaluated, the original splice is first
1595renamed and type checked and then finally converted to core in DsMeta. This core
1596is then run in the TH engine, and the result comes back as a TH AST.
1598In the process, all parens are stripped out, as they are not needed.
1600This Convert module then converts the TH AST back to hsSyn AST.
1602In order to pretty-print this hsSyn AST, parens need to be adde back at certain
1603points so that the code is readable with its original meaning.
1605So scattered through Convert.hs are various points where parens are added.
1607See (among other closed issued) https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/14289
1609-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1611-- | Constructs an arrow type with a specified return type
1612mk_arr_apps :: [LHsType GhcPs] -> HsType GhcPs -> CvtM (LHsType GhcPs)
1613mk_arr_apps tys return_ty = foldrM go return_ty tys >>= returnL
1614    where go :: LHsType GhcPs -> HsType GhcPs -> CvtM (HsType GhcPs)
1615          go arg ret_ty = do { ret_ty_l <- returnL ret_ty
1616                             ; return (HsFunTy noExtField arg ret_ty_l) }
1618split_ty_app :: TH.Type -> CvtM (TH.Type, [LHsTypeArg GhcPs])
1619split_ty_app ty = go ty []
1620  where
1621    go (AppT f a) as' = do { a' <- cvtType a; go f (HsValArg a':as') }
1622    go (AppKindT ty ki) as' = do { ki' <- cvtKind ki
1623                                 ; go ty (HsTypeArg noSrcSpan ki':as') }
1624    go (ParensT t) as' = do { loc <- getL; go t (HsArgPar loc: as') }
1625    go f as           = return (f,as)
1627cvtTyLit :: TH.TyLit -> HsTyLit
1628cvtTyLit (TH.NumTyLit i) = HsNumTy NoSourceText i
1629cvtTyLit (TH.StrTyLit s) = HsStrTy NoSourceText (fsLit s)
1631{- | @cvtOpAppT x op y@ converts @op@ and @y@ and produces the operator
1632application @x `op` y@. The produced tree of infix types will be right-biased,
1633provided @y@ is.
1635See the @cvtOpApp@ documentation for how this function works.
1637cvtOpAppT :: TH.Type -> TH.Name -> LHsType GhcPs -> CvtM (LHsType GhcPs)
1638cvtOpAppT (UInfixT x op2 y) op1 z
1639  = do { l <- cvtOpAppT y op1 z
1640       ; cvtOpAppT x op2 l }
1641cvtOpAppT x op y
1642  = do { op' <- tconNameL op
1643       ; x' <- cvtType x
1644       ; returnL (mkHsOpTy x' op' y) }
1646cvtKind :: TH.Kind -> CvtM (LHsKind GhcPs)
1647cvtKind = cvtTypeKind "kind"
1649-- | Convert Maybe Kind to a type family result signature. Used with data
1650-- families where naming of the result is not possible (thus only kind or no
1651-- signature is possible).
1652cvtMaybeKindToFamilyResultSig :: Maybe TH.Kind
1653                              -> CvtM (LFamilyResultSig GhcPs)
1654cvtMaybeKindToFamilyResultSig Nothing   = returnL (Hs.NoSig noExtField)
1655cvtMaybeKindToFamilyResultSig (Just ki) = do { ki' <- cvtKind ki
1656                                             ; returnL (Hs.KindSig noExtField ki') }
1658-- | Convert type family result signature. Used with both open and closed type
1659-- families.
1660cvtFamilyResultSig :: TH.FamilyResultSig -> CvtM (Hs.LFamilyResultSig GhcPs)
1661cvtFamilyResultSig TH.NoSig           = returnL (Hs.NoSig noExtField)
1662cvtFamilyResultSig (TH.KindSig ki)    = do { ki' <- cvtKind ki
1663                                           ; returnL (Hs.KindSig noExtField  ki') }
1664cvtFamilyResultSig (TH.TyVarSig bndr) = do { tv <- cvt_tv bndr
1665                                           ; returnL (Hs.TyVarSig noExtField tv) }
1667-- | Convert injectivity annotation of a type family.
1668cvtInjectivityAnnotation :: TH.InjectivityAnn
1669                         -> CvtM (Hs.LInjectivityAnn GhcPs)
1670cvtInjectivityAnnotation (TH.InjectivityAnn annLHS annRHS)
1671  = do { annLHS' <- tNameL annLHS
1672       ; annRHS' <- mapM tNameL annRHS
1673       ; returnL (Hs.InjectivityAnn annLHS' annRHS') }
1675cvtPatSynSigTy :: TH.Type -> CvtM (LHsType GhcPs)
1676-- pattern synonym types are of peculiar shapes, which is why we treat
1677-- them separately from regular types;
1678-- see Note [Pattern synonym type signatures and Template Haskell]
1679cvtPatSynSigTy (ForallT univs reqs (ForallT exis provs ty))
1680  | null exis, null provs = cvtType (ForallT univs reqs ty)
1681  | null univs, null reqs = do { l   <- getL
1682                               ; ty' <- cvtType (ForallT exis provs ty)
1683                               ; return $ cL l (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = cL l []
1684                                                         , hst_xqual = noExtField
1685                                                         , hst_body = ty' }) }
1686  | null reqs             = do { l      <- getL
1687                               ; univs' <- hsQTvExplicit <$> cvtTvs univs
1688                               ; ty'    <- cvtType (ForallT exis provs ty)
1689                               ; let forTy = HsForAllTy
1690                                              { hst_fvf = ForallInvis
1691                                              , hst_bndrs = univs'
1692                                              , hst_xforall = noExtField
1693                                              , hst_body = cL l cxtTy }
1694                                     cxtTy = HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = cL l []
1695                                                      , hst_xqual = noExtField
1696                                                      , hst_body = ty' }
1697                               ; return $ cL l forTy }
1698  | otherwise             = cvtType (ForallT univs reqs (ForallT exis provs ty))
1699cvtPatSynSigTy ty         = cvtType ty
1702cvtFixity :: TH.Fixity -> Hs.Fixity
1703cvtFixity (TH.Fixity prec dir) = Hs.Fixity NoSourceText prec (cvt_dir dir)
1704   where
1705     cvt_dir TH.InfixL = Hs.InfixL
1706     cvt_dir TH.InfixR = Hs.InfixR
1707     cvt_dir TH.InfixN = Hs.InfixN
1713-- some useful things
1715overloadedLit :: Lit -> Bool
1716-- True for literals that Haskell treats as overloaded
1717overloadedLit (IntegerL  _) = True
1718overloadedLit (RationalL _) = True
1719overloadedLit _             = False
1721-- Checks that are performed when converting unboxed sum expressions and
1722-- patterns alike.
1723unboxedSumChecks :: TH.SumAlt -> TH.SumArity -> CvtM ()
1724unboxedSumChecks alt arity
1725    | alt > arity
1726    = failWith $ text "Sum alternative"    <+> text (show alt)
1727             <+> text "exceeds its arity," <+> text (show arity)
1728    | alt <= 0
1729    = failWith $ vcat [ text "Illegal sum alternative:" <+> text (show alt)
1730                      , nest 2 $ text "Sum alternatives must start from 1" ]
1731    | arity < 2
1732    = failWith $ vcat [ text "Illegal sum arity:" <+> text (show arity)
1733                      , nest 2 $ text "Sums must have an arity of at least 2" ]
1734    | otherwise
1735    = return ()
1737-- | If passed an empty list of 'TH.TyVarBndr's, this simply returns the
1738-- third argument (an 'LHsType'). Otherwise, return an 'HsForAllTy'
1739-- using the provided 'LHsQTyVars' and 'LHsType'.
1740mkHsForAllTy :: [TH.TyVarBndr]
1741             -- ^ The original Template Haskell type variable binders
1742             -> SrcSpan
1743             -- ^ The location of the returned 'LHsType' if it needs an
1744             --   explicit forall
1745             -> ForallVisFlag
1746             -- ^ Whether this is @forall@ is visible (e.g., @forall a ->@)
1747             --   or invisible (e.g., @forall a.@)
1748             -> LHsQTyVars GhcPs
1749             -- ^ The converted type variable binders
1750             -> LHsType GhcPs
1751             -- ^ The converted rho type
1752             -> LHsType GhcPs
1753             -- ^ The complete type, quantified with a forall if necessary
1754mkHsForAllTy tvs loc fvf tvs' rho_ty
1755  | null tvs  = rho_ty
1756  | otherwise = cL loc $ HsForAllTy { hst_fvf = fvf
1757                                    , hst_bndrs = hsQTvExplicit tvs'
1758                                    , hst_xforall = noExtField
1759                                    , hst_body = rho_ty }
1761-- | If passed an empty 'TH.Cxt', this simply returns the third argument
1762-- (an 'LHsType'). Otherwise, return an 'HsQualTy' using the provided
1763-- 'LHsContext' and 'LHsType'.
1765-- It's important that we don't build an HsQualTy if the context is empty,
1766-- as the pretty-printer for HsType _always_ prints contexts, even if
1767-- they're empty. See #13183.
1768mkHsQualTy :: TH.Cxt
1769           -- ^ The original Template Haskell context
1770           -> SrcSpan
1771           -- ^ The location of the returned 'LHsType' if it needs an
1772           --   explicit context
1773           -> LHsContext GhcPs
1774           -- ^ The converted context
1775           -> LHsType GhcPs
1776           -- ^ The converted tau type
1777           -> LHsType GhcPs
1778           -- ^ The complete type, qualified with a context if necessary
1779mkHsQualTy ctxt loc ctxt' ty
1780  | null ctxt = ty
1781  | otherwise = cL loc $ HsQualTy { hst_xqual = noExtField
1782                                  , hst_ctxt  = ctxt'
1783                                  , hst_body  = ty }
1786--      Turning Name back into RdrName
1789-- variable names
1790vNameL, cNameL, vcNameL, tNameL, tconNameL :: TH.Name -> CvtM (Located RdrName)
1791vName,  cName,  vcName,  tName,  tconName  :: TH.Name -> CvtM RdrName
1793-- Variable names
1794vNameL n = wrapL (vName n)
1795vName n = cvtName OccName.varName n
1797-- Constructor function names; this is Haskell source, hence srcDataName
1798cNameL n = wrapL (cName n)
1799cName n = cvtName OccName.dataName n
1801-- Variable *or* constructor names; check by looking at the first char
1802vcNameL n = wrapL (vcName n)
1803vcName n = if isVarName n then vName n else cName n
1805-- Type variable names
1806tNameL n = wrapL (tName n)
1807tName n = cvtName OccName.tvName n
1809-- Type Constructor names
1810tconNameL n = wrapL (tconName n)
1811tconName n = cvtName OccName.tcClsName n
1813ipName :: String -> CvtM HsIPName
1814ipName n
1815  = do { unless (okVarOcc n) (failWith (badOcc OccName.varName n))
1816       ; return (HsIPName (fsLit n)) }
1818cvtName :: OccName.NameSpace -> TH.Name -> CvtM RdrName
1819cvtName ctxt_ns (TH.Name occ flavour)
1820  | not (okOcc ctxt_ns occ_str) = failWith (badOcc ctxt_ns occ_str)
1821  | otherwise
1822  = do { loc <- getL
1823       ; let rdr_name = thRdrName loc ctxt_ns occ_str flavour
1824       ; force rdr_name
1825       ; return rdr_name }
1826  where
1827    occ_str = TH.occString occ
1829okOcc :: OccName.NameSpace -> String -> Bool
1830okOcc ns str
1831  | OccName.isVarNameSpace ns     = okVarOcc str
1832  | OccName.isDataConNameSpace ns = okConOcc str
1833  | otherwise                     = okTcOcc  str
1835-- Determine the name space of a name in a type
1837isVarName :: TH.Name -> Bool
1838isVarName (TH.Name occ _)
1839  = case TH.occString occ of
1840      ""    -> False
1841      (c:_) -> startsVarId c || startsVarSym c
1843badOcc :: OccName.NameSpace -> String -> SDoc
1844badOcc ctxt_ns occ
1845  = text "Illegal" <+> pprNameSpace ctxt_ns
1846        <+> text "name:" <+> quotes (text occ)
1848thRdrName :: SrcSpan -> OccName.NameSpace -> String -> TH.NameFlavour -> RdrName
1849-- This turns a TH Name into a RdrName; used for both binders and occurrences
1850-- See Note [Binders in Template Haskell]
1851-- The passed-in name space tells what the context is expecting;
1852--      use it unless the TH name knows what name-space it comes
1853--      from, in which case use the latter
1855-- We pass in a SrcSpan (gotten from the monad) because this function
1856-- is used for *binders* and if we make an Exact Name we want it
1857-- to have a binding site inside it.  (cf #5434)
1859-- ToDo: we may generate silly RdrNames, by passing a name space
1860--       that doesn't match the string, like VarName ":+",
1861--       which will give confusing error messages later
1863-- The strict applications ensure that any buried exceptions get forced
1864thRdrName loc ctxt_ns th_occ th_name
1865  = case th_name of
1866     TH.NameG th_ns pkg mod -> thOrigRdrName th_occ th_ns pkg mod
1867     TH.NameQ mod  -> (mkRdrQual  $! mk_mod mod) $! occ
1868     TH.NameL uniq -> nameRdrName $! (((Name.mkInternalName $! mk_uniq (fromInteger uniq)) $! occ) loc)
1869     TH.NameU uniq -> nameRdrName $! (((Name.mkSystemNameAt $! mk_uniq (fromInteger uniq)) $! occ) loc)
1870     TH.NameS | Just name <- isBuiltInOcc_maybe occ -> nameRdrName $! name
1871              | otherwise                           -> mkRdrUnqual $! occ
1872              -- We check for built-in syntax here, because the TH
1873              -- user might have written a (NameS "(,,)"), for example
1874  where
1875    occ :: OccName.OccName
1876    occ = mk_occ ctxt_ns th_occ
1878-- Return an unqualified exact RdrName if we're dealing with built-in syntax.
1879-- See #13776.
1880thOrigRdrName :: String -> TH.NameSpace -> PkgName -> ModName -> RdrName
1881thOrigRdrName occ th_ns pkg mod =
1882  let occ' = mk_occ (mk_ghc_ns th_ns) occ
1883  in case isBuiltInOcc_maybe occ' of
1884       Just name -> nameRdrName name
1885       Nothing   -> (mkOrig $! (mkModule (mk_pkg pkg) (mk_mod mod))) $! occ'
1887thRdrNameGuesses :: TH.Name -> [RdrName]
1888thRdrNameGuesses (TH.Name occ flavour)
1889  -- This special case for NameG ensures that we don't generate duplicates in the output list
1890  | TH.NameG th_ns pkg mod <- flavour = [ thOrigRdrName occ_str th_ns pkg mod]
1891  | otherwise                         = [ thRdrName noSrcSpan gns occ_str flavour
1892                                        | gns <- guessed_nss]
1893  where
1894    -- guessed_ns are the name spaces guessed from looking at the TH name
1895    guessed_nss
1896      | isLexCon (mkFastString occ_str) = [OccName.tcName,  OccName.dataName]
1897      | otherwise                       = [OccName.varName, OccName.tvName]
1898    occ_str = TH.occString occ
1900-- The packing and unpacking is rather turgid :-(
1901mk_occ :: OccName.NameSpace -> String -> OccName.OccName
1902mk_occ ns occ = OccName.mkOccName ns occ
1904mk_ghc_ns :: TH.NameSpace -> OccName.NameSpace
1905mk_ghc_ns TH.DataName  = OccName.dataName
1906mk_ghc_ns TH.TcClsName = OccName.tcClsName
1907mk_ghc_ns TH.VarName   = OccName.varName
1909mk_mod :: TH.ModName -> ModuleName
1910mk_mod mod = mkModuleName (TH.modString mod)
1912mk_pkg :: TH.PkgName -> UnitId
1913mk_pkg pkg = stringToUnitId (TH.pkgString pkg)
1915mk_uniq :: Int -> Unique
1916mk_uniq u = mkUniqueGrimily u
1919Note [Binders in Template Haskell]
1921Consider this TH term construction:
1922  do { x1 <- TH.newName "x"   -- newName :: String -> Q TH.Name
1923     ; x2 <- TH.newName "x"   -- Builds a NameU
1924     ; x3 <- TH.newName "x"
1926     ; let x = mkName "x"     -- mkName :: String -> TH.Name
1927                              -- Builds a NameS
1929     ; return (LamE (..pattern [x1,x2]..) $
1930               LamE (VarPat x3) $
1931               ..tuple (x1,x2,x3,x)) }
1933It represents the term   \[x1,x2]. \x3. (x1,x2,x3,x)
1935a) We don't want to complain about "x" being bound twice in
1936   the pattern [x1,x2]
1937b) We don't want x3 to shadow the x1,x2
1938c) We *do* want 'x' (dynamically bound with mkName) to bind
1939   to the innermost binding of "x", namely x3.
1940d) When pretty printing, we want to print a unique with x1,x2
1941   etc, else they'll all print as "x" which isn't very helpful
1943When we convert all this to HsSyn, the TH.Names are converted with
1944thRdrName.  To achieve (b) we want the binders to be Exact RdrNames.
1945Achieving (a) is a bit awkward, because
1946   - We must check for duplicate and shadowed names on Names,
1947     not RdrNames, *after* renaming.
1948     See Note [Collect binders only after renaming] in GHC.Hs.Utils
1950   - But to achieve (a) we must distinguish between the Exact
1951     RdrNames arising from TH and the Unqual RdrNames that would
1952     come from a user writing \[x,x] -> blah
1954So in Convert.thRdrName we translate
1955   TH Name                          RdrName
1956   --------------------------------------------------------
1957   NameU (arising from newName) --> Exact (Name{ System })
1958   NameS (arising from mkName)  --> Unqual
1960Notice that the NameUs generate *System* Names.  Then, when
1961figuring out shadowing and duplicates, we can filter out
1962System Names.
1964This use of System Names fits with other uses of System Names, eg for
1965temporary variables "a". Since there are lots of things called "a" we
1966usually want to print the name with the unique, and that is indeed
1967the way System Names are printed.
1969There's a small complication of course; see Note [Looking up Exact
1970RdrNames] in RnEnv.
1974Note [Pattern synonym type signatures and Template Haskell]
1977In general, the type signature of a pattern synonym
1979  pattern P x1 x2 .. xn = <some-pattern>
1981is of the form
1983   forall univs. reqs => forall exis. provs => t1 -> t2 -> ... -> tn -> t
1985with the following parts:
1987   1) the (possibly empty lists of) universally quantified type
1988      variables `univs` and required constraints `reqs` on them.
1989   2) the (possibly empty lists of) existentially quantified type
1990      variables `exis` and the provided constraints `provs` on them.
1991   3) the types `t1`, `t2`, .., `tn` of the pattern synonym's arguments x1,
1992      x2, .., xn, respectively
1993   4) the type `t` of <some-pattern>, mentioning only universals from `univs`.
1995Due to the two forall quantifiers and constraint contexts (either of
1996which might be empty), pattern synonym type signatures are treated
1997specially in `deSugar/DsMeta.hs`, `hsSyn/Convert.hs`, and
2000   (a) When desugaring a pattern synonym from HsSyn to TH.Dec in
2001       `deSugar/DsMeta.hs`, we represent its *full* type signature in TH, i.e.:
2003           ForallT univs reqs (ForallT exis provs ty)
2004              (where ty is the AST representation of t1 -> t2 -> ... -> tn -> t)
2006   (b) When converting pattern synonyms from TH.Dec to HsSyn in
2007       `hsSyn/Convert.hs`, we convert their TH type signatures back to an
2008       appropriate Haskell pattern synonym type of the form
2010         forall univs. reqs => forall exis. provs => t1 -> t2 -> ... -> tn -> t
2012       where initial empty `univs` type variables or an empty `reqs`
2013       constraint context are represented *explicitly* as `() =>`.
2015   (c) When reifying a pattern synonym in `typecheck/TcSplice.hs`, we always
2016       return its *full* type, i.e.:
2018           ForallT univs reqs (ForallT exis provs ty)
2019              (where ty is the AST representation of t1 -> t2 -> ... -> tn -> t)
2021The key point is to always represent a pattern synonym's *full* type
2022in cases (a) and (c) to make it clear which of the two forall
2023quantifiers and/or constraint contexts are specified, and which are
2024not. See GHC's user's guide on pattern synonyms for more information
2025about pattern synonym type signatures.