1{-# LANGUAGE CPP, NondecreasingIndentation, TupleSections, RecordWildCards #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
5--  (c) The University of Glasgow 2002-2006
7-- | The dynamic linker for GHCi.
9-- This module deals with the top-level issues of dynamic linking,
10-- calling the object-code linker and the byte-code linker where
11-- necessary.
12module Linker ( getHValue, showLinkerState,
13                linkExpr, linkDecls, unload, withExtendedLinkEnv,
14                extendLinkEnv, deleteFromLinkEnv,
15                extendLoadedPkgs,
16                linkPackages, initDynLinker, linkModule,
17                linkCmdLineLibs,
18                uninitializedLinker
19        ) where
21#include "HsVersions.h"
23import GhcPrelude
25import GHCi
26import GHCi.RemoteTypes
27import LoadIface
28import ByteCodeLink
29import ByteCodeAsm
30import ByteCodeTypes
31import TcRnMonad
32import Packages
33import DriverPhases
34import Finder
35import HscTypes
36import Name
37import NameEnv
38import Module
39import ListSetOps
40import LinkerTypes (DynLinker(..), LinkerUnitId, PersistentLinkerState(..))
41import DynFlags
42import BasicTypes
43import Outputable
44import Panic
45import Util
46import ErrUtils
47import SrcLoc
48import qualified Maybes
49import UniqDSet
50import FastString
51import GHC.Platform
52import SysTools
53import FileCleanup
55-- Standard libraries
56import Control.Monad
58import Data.Char (isSpace)
59import Data.IORef
60import Data.List (intercalate, isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, nub, partition)
61import Data.Maybe
62import Control.Concurrent.MVar
64import System.FilePath
65import System.Directory
66import System.IO.Unsafe
67import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
69#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
70import System.Win32.Info (getSystemDirectory)
73import Exception
75{- **********************************************************************
77                        The Linker's state
79  ********************************************************************* -}
82The persistent linker state *must* match the actual state of the
83C dynamic linker at all times.
85The MVar used to hold the PersistentLinkerState contains a Maybe
86PersistentLinkerState. The MVar serves to ensure mutual exclusion between
87multiple loaded copies of the GHC library. The Maybe may be Nothing to
88indicate that the linker has not yet been initialised.
90The PersistentLinkerState maps Names to actual closures (for
91interpreted code only), for use during linking.
94uninitializedLinker :: IO DynLinker
95uninitializedLinker =
96  newMVar Nothing >>= (pure . DynLinker)
98uninitialised :: a
99uninitialised = panic "Dynamic linker not initialised"
101modifyPLS_ :: DynLinker -> (PersistentLinkerState -> IO PersistentLinkerState) -> IO ()
102modifyPLS_ dl f =
103  modifyMVar_ (dl_mpls dl) (fmap pure . f . fromMaybe uninitialised)
105modifyPLS :: DynLinker -> (PersistentLinkerState -> IO (PersistentLinkerState, a)) -> IO a
106modifyPLS dl f =
107  modifyMVar (dl_mpls dl) (fmapFst pure . f . fromMaybe uninitialised)
108  where fmapFst f = fmap (\(x, y) -> (f x, y))
110readPLS :: DynLinker -> IO PersistentLinkerState
111readPLS dl =
112  (fmap (fromMaybe uninitialised) . readMVar) (dl_mpls dl)
115  :: DynLinker -> (Maybe PersistentLinkerState -> IO (Maybe PersistentLinkerState)) -> IO ()
116modifyMbPLS_ dl f = modifyMVar_ (dl_mpls dl) f
118emptyPLS :: DynFlags -> PersistentLinkerState
119emptyPLS _ = PersistentLinkerState {
120                        closure_env = emptyNameEnv,
121                        itbl_env    = emptyNameEnv,
122                        pkgs_loaded = init_pkgs,
123                        bcos_loaded = [],
124                        objs_loaded = [],
125                        temp_sos = [] }
127  -- Packages that don't need loading, because the compiler
128  -- shares them with the interpreted program.
129  --
130  -- The linker's symbol table is populated with RTS symbols using an
131  -- explicit list.  See rts/Linker.c for details.
132  where init_pkgs = map toInstalledUnitId [rtsUnitId]
134extendLoadedPkgs :: DynLinker -> [InstalledUnitId] -> IO ()
135extendLoadedPkgs dl pkgs =
136  modifyPLS_ dl $ \s ->
137      return s{ pkgs_loaded = pkgs ++ pkgs_loaded s }
139extendLinkEnv :: DynLinker -> [(Name,ForeignHValue)] -> IO ()
140extendLinkEnv dl new_bindings =
141  modifyPLS_ dl $ \pls@PersistentLinkerState{..} -> do
142    let new_ce = extendClosureEnv closure_env new_bindings
143    return $! pls{ closure_env = new_ce }
144    -- strictness is important for not retaining old copies of the pls
146deleteFromLinkEnv :: DynLinker -> [Name] -> IO ()
147deleteFromLinkEnv dl to_remove =
148  modifyPLS_ dl $ \pls -> do
149    let ce = closure_env pls
150    let new_ce = delListFromNameEnv ce to_remove
151    return pls{ closure_env = new_ce }
153-- | Get the 'HValue' associated with the given name.
155-- May cause loading the module that contains the name.
157-- Throws a 'ProgramError' if loading fails or the name cannot be found.
158getHValue :: HscEnv -> Name -> IO ForeignHValue
159getHValue hsc_env name = do
160  let dl = hsc_dynLinker hsc_env
161  initDynLinker hsc_env
162  pls <- modifyPLS dl $ \pls -> do
163           if (isExternalName name) then do
164             (pls', ok) <- linkDependencies hsc_env pls noSrcSpan
165                              [nameModule name]
166             if (failed ok) then throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "")
167                            else return (pls', pls')
168            else
169             return (pls, pls)
170  case lookupNameEnv (closure_env pls) name of
171    Just (_,aa) -> return aa
172    Nothing
173        -> ASSERT2(isExternalName name, ppr name)
174           do let sym_to_find = nameToCLabel name "closure"
175              m <- lookupClosure hsc_env (unpackFS sym_to_find)
176              case m of
177                Just hvref -> mkFinalizedHValue hsc_env hvref
178                Nothing -> linkFail "ByteCodeLink.lookupCE"
179                             (unpackFS sym_to_find)
181linkDependencies :: HscEnv -> PersistentLinkerState
182                 -> SrcSpan -> [Module]
183                 -> IO (PersistentLinkerState, SuccessFlag)
184linkDependencies hsc_env pls span needed_mods = do
185--   initDynLinker (hsc_dflags hsc_env) dl
186   let hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
187       dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
188   -- The interpreter and dynamic linker can only handle object code built
189   -- the "normal" way, i.e. no non-std ways like profiling or ticky-ticky.
190   -- So here we check the build tag: if we're building a non-standard way
191   -- then we need to find & link object files built the "normal" way.
192   maybe_normal_osuf <- checkNonStdWay dflags span
194   -- Find what packages and linkables are required
195   (lnks, pkgs) <- getLinkDeps hsc_env hpt pls
196                               maybe_normal_osuf span needed_mods
198   -- Link the packages and modules required
199   pls1 <- linkPackages' hsc_env pkgs pls
200   linkModules hsc_env pls1 lnks
203-- | Temporarily extend the linker state.
205withExtendedLinkEnv :: (ExceptionMonad m) =>
206                       DynLinker -> [(Name,ForeignHValue)] -> m a -> m a
207withExtendedLinkEnv dl new_env action
208    = gbracket (liftIO $ extendLinkEnv dl new_env)
209               (\_ -> reset_old_env)
210               (\_ -> action)
211    where
212        -- Remember that the linker state might be side-effected
213        -- during the execution of the IO action, and we don't want to
214        -- lose those changes (we might have linked a new module or
215        -- package), so the reset action only removes the names we
216        -- added earlier.
217          reset_old_env = liftIO $ do
218            modifyPLS_ dl $ \pls ->
219                let cur = closure_env pls
220                    new = delListFromNameEnv cur (map fst new_env)
221                in return pls{ closure_env = new }
224-- | Display the persistent linker state.
225showLinkerState :: DynLinker -> DynFlags -> IO ()
226showLinkerState dl dflags
227  = do pls <- readPLS dl
228       putLogMsg dflags NoReason SevDump noSrcSpan
229          (defaultDumpStyle dflags)
230                 (vcat [text "----- Linker state -----",
231                        text "Pkgs:" <+> ppr (pkgs_loaded pls),
232                        text "Objs:" <+> ppr (objs_loaded pls),
233                        text "BCOs:" <+> ppr (bcos_loaded pls)])
236{- **********************************************************************
238                        Initialisation
240  ********************************************************************* -}
242-- | Initialise the dynamic linker.  This entails
244--  a) Calling the C initialisation procedure,
246--  b) Loading any packages specified on the command line,
248--  c) Loading any packages specified on the command line, now held in the
249--     @-l@ options in @v_Opt_l@,
251--  d) Loading any @.o\/.dll@ files specified on the command line, now held
252--     in @ldInputs@,
254--  e) Loading any MacOS frameworks.
256-- NOTE: This function is idempotent; if called more than once, it does
257-- nothing.  This is useful in Template Haskell, where we call it before
258-- trying to link.
260initDynLinker :: HscEnv -> IO ()
261initDynLinker hsc_env = do
262  let dl = hsc_dynLinker hsc_env
263  modifyMbPLS_ dl $ \pls -> do
264    case pls of
265      Just  _ -> return pls
266      Nothing -> Just <$> reallyInitDynLinker hsc_env
268reallyInitDynLinker :: HscEnv -> IO PersistentLinkerState
269reallyInitDynLinker hsc_env = do
270  -- Initialise the linker state
271  let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
272      pls0 = emptyPLS dflags
274  -- (a) initialise the C dynamic linker
275  initObjLinker hsc_env
277  -- (b) Load packages from the command-line (Note [preload packages])
278  pls <- linkPackages' hsc_env (preloadPackages (pkgState dflags)) pls0
280  -- steps (c), (d) and (e)
281  linkCmdLineLibs' hsc_env pls
284linkCmdLineLibs :: HscEnv -> IO ()
285linkCmdLineLibs hsc_env = do
286  let dl = hsc_dynLinker hsc_env
287  initDynLinker hsc_env
288  modifyPLS_ dl $ \pls -> do
289    linkCmdLineLibs' hsc_env pls
291linkCmdLineLibs' :: HscEnv -> PersistentLinkerState -> IO PersistentLinkerState
292linkCmdLineLibs' hsc_env pls =
293  do
294      let dflags@(DynFlags { ldInputs = cmdline_ld_inputs
295                           , libraryPaths = lib_paths_base})
296            = hsc_dflags hsc_env
298      -- (c) Link libraries from the command-line
299      let minus_ls_1 = [ lib | Option ('-':'l':lib) <- cmdline_ld_inputs ]
301      -- On Windows we want to add libpthread by default just as GCC would.
302      -- However because we don't know the actual name of pthread's dll we
303      -- need to defer this to the locateLib call so we can't initialize it
304      -- inside of the rts. Instead we do it here to be able to find the
305      -- import library for pthreads. See #13210.
306      let platform = targetPlatform dflags
307          os       = platformOS platform
308          minus_ls = case os of
309                       OSMinGW32 -> "pthread" : minus_ls_1
310                       _         -> minus_ls_1
311      -- See Note [Fork/Exec Windows]
312      gcc_paths <- getGCCPaths dflags os
314      lib_paths_env <- addEnvPaths "LIBRARY_PATH" lib_paths_base
316      maybePutStrLn dflags "Search directories (user):"
317      maybePutStr dflags (unlines $ map ("  "++) lib_paths_env)
318      maybePutStrLn dflags "Search directories (gcc):"
319      maybePutStr dflags (unlines $ map ("  "++) gcc_paths)
321      libspecs
322        <- mapM (locateLib hsc_env False lib_paths_env gcc_paths) minus_ls
324      -- (d) Link .o files from the command-line
325      classified_ld_inputs <- mapM (classifyLdInput dflags)
326                                [ f | FileOption _ f <- cmdline_ld_inputs ]
328      -- (e) Link any MacOS frameworks
329      let platform = targetPlatform dflags
330      let (framework_paths, frameworks) =
331            if platformUsesFrameworks platform
332             then (frameworkPaths dflags, cmdlineFrameworks dflags)
333              else ([],[])
335      -- Finally do (c),(d),(e)
336      let cmdline_lib_specs = catMaybes classified_ld_inputs
337                           ++ libspecs
338                           ++ map Framework frameworks
339      if null cmdline_lib_specs then return pls
340                                else do
342      -- Add directories to library search paths, this only has an effect
343      -- on Windows. On Unix OSes this function is a NOP.
344      let all_paths = let paths = takeDirectory (pgm_c dflags)
345                                : framework_paths
346                               ++ lib_paths_base
347                               ++ [ takeDirectory dll | DLLPath dll <- libspecs ]
348                      in nub $ map normalise paths
349      let lib_paths = nub $ lib_paths_base ++ gcc_paths
350      all_paths_env <- addEnvPaths "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" all_paths
351      pathCache <- mapM (addLibrarySearchPath hsc_env) all_paths_env
353      let merged_specs = mergeStaticObjects cmdline_lib_specs
354      pls1 <- foldM (preloadLib hsc_env lib_paths framework_paths) pls
355                    merged_specs
357      maybePutStr dflags "final link ... "
358      ok <- resolveObjs hsc_env
360      -- DLLs are loaded, reset the search paths
361      mapM_ (removeLibrarySearchPath hsc_env) $ reverse pathCache
363      if succeeded ok then maybePutStrLn dflags "done"
364      else throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "linking extra libraries/objects failed")
366      return pls1
368-- | Merge runs of consecutive of 'Objects'. This allows for resolution of
369-- cyclic symbol references when dynamically linking. Specifically, we link
370-- together all of the static objects into a single shared object, avoiding
371-- the issue we saw in #13786.
372mergeStaticObjects :: [LibrarySpec] -> [LibrarySpec]
373mergeStaticObjects specs = go [] specs
374  where
375    go :: [FilePath] -> [LibrarySpec] -> [LibrarySpec]
376    go accum (Objects objs : rest) = go (objs ++ accum) rest
377    go accum@(_:_) rest = Objects (reverse accum) : go [] rest
378    go [] (spec:rest) = spec : go [] rest
379    go [] [] = []
381{- Note [preload packages]
383Why do we need to preload packages from the command line?  This is an
384explanation copied from #2437:
386I tried to implement the suggestion from #3560, thinking it would be
387easy, but there are two reasons we link in packages eagerly when they
388are mentioned on the command line:
390  * So that you can link in extra object files or libraries that
391    depend on the packages. e.g. ghc -package foo -lbar where bar is a
392    C library that depends on something in foo. So we could link in
393    foo eagerly if and only if there are extra C libs or objects to
394    link in, but....
396  * Haskell code can depend on a C function exported by a package, and
397    the normal dependency tracking that TH uses can't know about these
398    dependencies. The test ghcilink004 relies on this, for example.
400I conclude that we need two -package flags: one that says "this is a
401package I want to make available", and one that says "this is a
402package I want to link in eagerly". Would that be too complicated for
406classifyLdInput :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe LibrarySpec)
407classifyLdInput dflags f
408  | isObjectFilename platform f = return (Just (Objects [f]))
409  | isDynLibFilename platform f = return (Just (DLLPath f))
410  | otherwise          = do
411        putLogMsg dflags NoReason SevInfo noSrcSpan
412            (defaultUserStyle dflags)
413            (text ("Warning: ignoring unrecognised input `" ++ f ++ "'"))
414        return Nothing
415    where platform = targetPlatform dflags
418  :: HscEnv -> [String] -> [String] -> PersistentLinkerState
419  -> LibrarySpec -> IO PersistentLinkerState
420preloadLib hsc_env lib_paths framework_paths pls lib_spec = do
421  maybePutStr dflags ("Loading object " ++ showLS lib_spec ++ " ... ")
422  case lib_spec of
423    Objects static_ishs -> do
424      (b, pls1) <- preload_statics lib_paths static_ishs
425      maybePutStrLn dflags (if b  then "done" else "not found")
426      return pls1
428    Archive static_ish -> do
429      b <- preload_static_archive lib_paths static_ish
430      maybePutStrLn dflags (if b  then "done" else "not found")
431      return pls
433    DLL dll_unadorned -> do
434      maybe_errstr <- loadDLL hsc_env (mkSOName platform dll_unadorned)
435      case maybe_errstr of
436         Nothing -> maybePutStrLn dflags "done"
437         Just mm | platformOS platform /= OSDarwin ->
438           preloadFailed mm lib_paths lib_spec
439         Just mm | otherwise -> do
440           -- As a backup, on Darwin, try to also load a .so file
441           -- since (apparently) some things install that way - see
442           -- ticket #8770.
443           let libfile = ("lib" ++ dll_unadorned) <.> "so"
444           err2 <- loadDLL hsc_env libfile
445           case err2 of
446             Nothing -> maybePutStrLn dflags "done"
447             Just _  -> preloadFailed mm lib_paths lib_spec
448      return pls
450    DLLPath dll_path -> do
451      do maybe_errstr <- loadDLL hsc_env dll_path
452         case maybe_errstr of
453            Nothing -> maybePutStrLn dflags "done"
454            Just mm -> preloadFailed mm lib_paths lib_spec
455         return pls
457    Framework framework ->
458      if platformUsesFrameworks (targetPlatform dflags)
459      then do maybe_errstr <- loadFramework hsc_env framework_paths framework
460              case maybe_errstr of
461                 Nothing -> maybePutStrLn dflags "done"
462                 Just mm -> preloadFailed mm framework_paths lib_spec
463              return pls
464      else panic "preloadLib Framework"
466  where
467    dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
469    platform = targetPlatform dflags
471    preloadFailed :: String -> [String] -> LibrarySpec -> IO ()
472    preloadFailed sys_errmsg paths spec
473       = do maybePutStr dflags "failed.\n"
474            throwGhcExceptionIO $
475              CmdLineError (
476                    "user specified .o/.so/.DLL could not be loaded ("
477                    ++ sys_errmsg ++ ")\nWhilst trying to load:  "
478                    ++ showLS spec ++ "\nAdditional directories searched:"
479                    ++ (if null paths then " (none)" else
480                        intercalate "\n" (map ("   "++) paths)))
482    -- Not interested in the paths in the static case.
483    preload_statics _paths names
484       = do b <- or <$> mapM doesFileExist names
485            if not b then return (False, pls)
486                     else if dynamicGhc
487                             then  do pls1 <- dynLoadObjs hsc_env pls names
488                                      return (True, pls1)
489                             else  do mapM_ (loadObj hsc_env) names
490                                      return (True, pls)
492    preload_static_archive _paths name
493       = do b <- doesFileExist name
494            if not b then return False
495                     else do if dynamicGhc
496                                 then throwGhcExceptionIO $
497                                      CmdLineError dynamic_msg
498                                 else loadArchive hsc_env name
499                             return True
500      where
501        dynamic_msg = unlines
502          [ "User-specified static library could not be loaded ("
503            ++ name ++ ")"
504          , "Loading static libraries is not supported in this configuration."
505          , "Try using a dynamic library instead."
506          ]
509{- **********************************************************************
511                        Link a byte-code expression
513  ********************************************************************* -}
515-- | Link a single expression, /including/ first linking packages and
516-- modules that this expression depends on.
518-- Raises an IO exception ('ProgramError') if it can't find a compiled
519-- version of the dependents to link.
521linkExpr :: HscEnv -> SrcSpan -> UnlinkedBCO -> IO ForeignHValue
522linkExpr hsc_env span root_ul_bco
523  = do {
524     -- Initialise the linker (if it's not been done already)
525   ; initDynLinker hsc_env
527     -- Extract the DynLinker value for passing into required places
528   ; let dl = hsc_dynLinker hsc_env
530     -- Take lock for the actual work.
531   ; modifyPLS dl $ \pls0 -> do {
533     -- Link the packages and modules required
534   ; (pls, ok) <- linkDependencies hsc_env pls0 span needed_mods
535   ; if failed ok then
536        throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "")
537     else do {
539     -- Link the expression itself
540     let ie = itbl_env pls
541         ce = closure_env pls
543     -- Link the necessary packages and linkables
545   ; let nobreakarray = error "no break array"
546         bco_ix = mkNameEnv [(unlinkedBCOName root_ul_bco, 0)]
547   ; resolved <- linkBCO hsc_env ie ce bco_ix nobreakarray root_ul_bco
548   ; [root_hvref] <- createBCOs hsc_env [resolved]
549   ; fhv <- mkFinalizedHValue hsc_env root_hvref
550   ; return (pls, fhv)
551   }}}
552   where
553     free_names = uniqDSetToList (bcoFreeNames root_ul_bco)
555     needed_mods :: [Module]
556     needed_mods = [ nameModule n | n <- free_names,
557                     isExternalName n,      -- Names from other modules
558                     not (isWiredInName n)  -- Exclude wired-in names
559                   ]                        -- (see note below)
560        -- Exclude wired-in names because we may not have read
561        -- their interface files, so getLinkDeps will fail
562        -- All wired-in names are in the base package, which we link
563        -- by default, so we can safely ignore them here.
565dieWith :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> MsgDoc -> IO a
566dieWith dflags span msg = throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError (showSDoc dflags (mkLocMessage SevFatal span msg)))
569checkNonStdWay :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
570checkNonStdWay dflags srcspan
571  | gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter dflags = return Nothing
572    -- with -fexternal-interpreter we load the .o files, whatever way
573    -- they were built.  If they were built for a non-std way, then
574    -- we will use the appropriate variant of the iserv binary to load them.
576  | interpWays == haskellWays = return Nothing
577    -- Only if we are compiling with the same ways as GHC is built
578    -- with, can we dynamically load those object files. (see #3604)
580  | objectSuf dflags == normalObjectSuffix && not (null haskellWays)
581  = failNonStd dflags srcspan
583  | otherwise = return (Just (interpTag ++ "o"))
584  where
585    haskellWays = filter (not . wayRTSOnly) (ways dflags)
586    interpTag = case mkBuildTag interpWays of
587                  "" -> ""
588                  tag -> tag ++ "_"
590normalObjectSuffix :: String
591normalObjectSuffix = phaseInputExt StopLn
593failNonStd :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
594failNonStd dflags srcspan = dieWith dflags srcspan $
595  text "Cannot load" <+> compWay <+>
596     text "objects when GHC is built" <+> ghciWay $$
597  text "To fix this, either:" $$
598  text "  (1) Use -fexternal-interpreter, or" $$
599  text "  (2) Build the program twice: once" <+>
600                       ghciWay <> text ", and then" $$
601  text "      with" <+> compWay <+>
602     text "using -osuf to set a different object file suffix."
603    where compWay
604            | WayDyn `elem` ways dflags = text "-dynamic"
605            | WayProf `elem` ways dflags = text "-prof"
606            | otherwise = text "normal"
607          ghciWay
608            | dynamicGhc = text "with -dynamic"
609            | rtsIsProfiled = text "with -prof"
610            | otherwise = text "the normal way"
612getLinkDeps :: HscEnv -> HomePackageTable
613            -> PersistentLinkerState
614            -> Maybe FilePath                   -- replace object suffices?
615            -> SrcSpan                          -- for error messages
616            -> [Module]                         -- If you need these
617            -> IO ([Linkable], [InstalledUnitId])     -- ... then link these first
618-- Fails with an IO exception if it can't find enough files
620getLinkDeps hsc_env hpt pls replace_osuf span mods
621-- Find all the packages and linkables that a set of modules depends on
622 = do {
623        -- 1.  Find the dependent home-pkg-modules/packages from each iface
624        -- (omitting modules from the interactive package, which is already linked)
625      ; (mods_s, pkgs_s) <- follow_deps (filterOut isInteractiveModule mods)
626                                        emptyUniqDSet emptyUniqDSet;
628      ; let {
629        -- 2.  Exclude ones already linked
630        --      Main reason: avoid findModule calls in get_linkable
631            mods_needed = mods_s `minusList` linked_mods     ;
632            pkgs_needed = pkgs_s `minusList` pkgs_loaded pls ;
634            linked_mods = map (moduleName.linkableModule)
635                                (objs_loaded pls ++ bcos_loaded pls)  }
637        -- 3.  For each dependent module, find its linkable
638        --     This will either be in the HPT or (in the case of one-shot
639        --     compilation) we may need to use maybe_getFileLinkable
640      ; let { osuf = objectSuf dflags }
641      ; lnks_needed <- mapM (get_linkable osuf) mods_needed
643      ; return (lnks_needed, pkgs_needed) }
644  where
645    dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
646    this_pkg = thisPackage dflags
648        -- The ModIface contains the transitive closure of the module dependencies
649        -- within the current package, *except* for boot modules: if we encounter
650        -- a boot module, we have to find its real interface and discover the
651        -- dependencies of that.  Hence we need to traverse the dependency
652        -- tree recursively.  See bug #936, testcase ghci/prog007.
653    follow_deps :: [Module]             -- modules to follow
654                -> UniqDSet ModuleName         -- accum. module dependencies
655                -> UniqDSet InstalledUnitId          -- accum. package dependencies
656                -> IO ([ModuleName], [InstalledUnitId]) -- result
657    follow_deps []     acc_mods acc_pkgs
658        = return (uniqDSetToList acc_mods, uniqDSetToList acc_pkgs)
659    follow_deps (mod:mods) acc_mods acc_pkgs
660        = do
661          mb_iface <- initIfaceCheck (text "getLinkDeps") hsc_env $
662                        loadInterface msg mod (ImportByUser False)
663          iface <- case mb_iface of
664                    Maybes.Failed err      -> throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError (showSDoc dflags err))
665                    Maybes.Succeeded iface -> return iface
667          when (mi_boot iface) $ link_boot_mod_error mod
669          let
670            pkg = moduleUnitId mod
671            deps  = mi_deps iface
673            pkg_deps = dep_pkgs deps
674            (boot_deps, mod_deps) = partitionWith is_boot (dep_mods deps)
675                    where is_boot (m,True)  = Left m
676                          is_boot (m,False) = Right m
678            boot_deps' = filter (not . (`elementOfUniqDSet` acc_mods)) boot_deps
679            acc_mods'  = addListToUniqDSet acc_mods (moduleName mod : mod_deps)
680            acc_pkgs'  = addListToUniqDSet acc_pkgs $ map fst pkg_deps
681          --
682          if pkg /= this_pkg
683             then follow_deps mods acc_mods (addOneToUniqDSet acc_pkgs' (toInstalledUnitId pkg))
684             else follow_deps (map (mkModule this_pkg) boot_deps' ++ mods)
685                              acc_mods' acc_pkgs'
686        where
687            msg = text "need to link module" <+> ppr mod <+>
688                  text "due to use of Template Haskell"
691    link_boot_mod_error mod =
692        throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError (showSDoc dflags (
693            text "module" <+> ppr mod <+>
694            text "cannot be linked; it is only available as a boot module")))
696    no_obj :: Outputable a => a -> IO b
697    no_obj mod = dieWith dflags span $
698                     text "cannot find object file for module " <>
699                        quotes (ppr mod) $$
700                     while_linking_expr
702    while_linking_expr = text "while linking an interpreted expression"
704        -- This one is a build-system bug
706    get_linkable osuf mod_name      -- A home-package module
707        | Just mod_info <- lookupHpt hpt mod_name
708        = adjust_linkable (Maybes.expectJust "getLinkDeps" (hm_linkable mod_info))
709        | otherwise
710        = do    -- It's not in the HPT because we are in one shot mode,
711                -- so use the Finder to get a ModLocation...
712             mb_stuff <- findHomeModule hsc_env mod_name
713             case mb_stuff of
714                  Found loc mod -> found loc mod
715                  _ -> no_obj mod_name
716        where
717            found loc mod = do {
718                -- ...and then find the linkable for it
719               mb_lnk <- findObjectLinkableMaybe mod loc ;
720               case mb_lnk of {
721                  Nothing  -> no_obj mod ;
722                  Just lnk -> adjust_linkable lnk
723              }}
725            adjust_linkable lnk
726                | Just new_osuf <- replace_osuf = do
727                        new_uls <- mapM (adjust_ul new_osuf)
728                                        (linkableUnlinked lnk)
729                        return lnk{ linkableUnlinked=new_uls }
730                | otherwise =
731                        return lnk
733            adjust_ul new_osuf (DotO file) = do
734                MASSERT(osuf `isSuffixOf` file)
735                let file_base = fromJust (stripExtension osuf file)
736                    new_file = file_base <.> new_osuf
737                ok <- doesFileExist new_file
738                if (not ok)
739                   then dieWith dflags span $
740                          text "cannot find object file "
741                                <> quotes (text new_file) $$ while_linking_expr
742                   else return (DotO new_file)
743            adjust_ul _ (DotA fp) = panic ("adjust_ul DotA " ++ show fp)
744            adjust_ul _ (DotDLL fp) = panic ("adjust_ul DotDLL " ++ show fp)
745            adjust_ul _ l@(BCOs {}) = return l
749{- **********************************************************************
751              Loading a Decls statement
753  ********************************************************************* -}
755linkDecls :: HscEnv -> SrcSpan -> CompiledByteCode -> IO ()
756linkDecls hsc_env span cbc@CompiledByteCode{..} = do
757    -- Initialise the linker (if it's not been done already)
758    initDynLinker hsc_env
760    -- Extract the DynLinker for passing into required places
761    let dl = hsc_dynLinker hsc_env
763    -- Take lock for the actual work.
764    modifyPLS dl $ \pls0 -> do
766    -- Link the packages and modules required
767    (pls, ok) <- linkDependencies hsc_env pls0 span needed_mods
768    if failed ok
769      then throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "")
770      else do
772    -- Link the expression itself
773    let ie = plusNameEnv (itbl_env pls) bc_itbls
774        ce = closure_env pls
776    -- Link the necessary packages and linkables
777    new_bindings <- linkSomeBCOs hsc_env ie ce [cbc]
778    nms_fhvs <- makeForeignNamedHValueRefs hsc_env new_bindings
779    let pls2 = pls { closure_env = extendClosureEnv ce nms_fhvs
780                   , itbl_env    = ie }
781    return (pls2, ())
782  where
783    free_names = uniqDSetToList $
784      foldr (unionUniqDSets . bcoFreeNames) emptyUniqDSet bc_bcos
786    needed_mods :: [Module]
787    needed_mods = [ nameModule n | n <- free_names,
788                    isExternalName n,       -- Names from other modules
789                    not (isWiredInName n)   -- Exclude wired-in names
790                  ]                         -- (see note below)
791    -- Exclude wired-in names because we may not have read
792    -- their interface files, so getLinkDeps will fail
793    -- All wired-in names are in the base package, which we link
794    -- by default, so we can safely ignore them here.
796{- **********************************************************************
798              Loading a single module
800  ********************************************************************* -}
802linkModule :: HscEnv -> Module -> IO ()
803linkModule hsc_env mod = do
804  initDynLinker hsc_env
805  let dl = hsc_dynLinker hsc_env
806  modifyPLS_ dl $ \pls -> do
807    (pls', ok) <- linkDependencies hsc_env pls noSrcSpan [mod]
808    if (failed ok) then throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "could not link module")
809      else return pls'
811{- **********************************************************************
813                Link some linkables
814        The linkables may consist of a mixture of
815        byte-code modules and object modules
817  ********************************************************************* -}
819linkModules :: HscEnv -> PersistentLinkerState -> [Linkable]
820            -> IO (PersistentLinkerState, SuccessFlag)
821linkModules hsc_env pls linkables
822  = mask_ $ do  -- don't want to be interrupted by ^C in here
824        let (objs, bcos) = partition isObjectLinkable
825                              (concatMap partitionLinkable linkables)
827                -- Load objects first; they can't depend on BCOs
828        (pls1, ok_flag) <- dynLinkObjs hsc_env pls objs
830        if failed ok_flag then
831                return (pls1, Failed)
832          else do
833                pls2 <- dynLinkBCOs hsc_env pls1 bcos
834                return (pls2, Succeeded)
837-- HACK to support f-x-dynamic in the interpreter; no other purpose
838partitionLinkable :: Linkable -> [Linkable]
839partitionLinkable li
840   = let li_uls = linkableUnlinked li
841         li_uls_obj = filter isObject li_uls
842         li_uls_bco = filter isInterpretable li_uls
843     in
844         case (li_uls_obj, li_uls_bco) of
845            (_:_, _:_) -> [li {linkableUnlinked=li_uls_obj},
846                           li {linkableUnlinked=li_uls_bco}]
847            _ -> [li]
849findModuleLinkable_maybe :: [Linkable] -> Module -> Maybe Linkable
850findModuleLinkable_maybe lis mod
851   = case [LM time nm us | LM time nm us <- lis, nm == mod] of
852        []   -> Nothing
853        [li] -> Just li
854        _    -> pprPanic "findModuleLinkable" (ppr mod)
856linkableInSet :: Linkable -> [Linkable] -> Bool
857linkableInSet l objs_loaded =
858  case findModuleLinkable_maybe objs_loaded (linkableModule l) of
859        Nothing -> False
860        Just m  -> linkableTime l == linkableTime m
863{- **********************************************************************
865                The object-code linker
867  ********************************************************************* -}
869dynLinkObjs :: HscEnv -> PersistentLinkerState -> [Linkable]
870            -> IO (PersistentLinkerState, SuccessFlag)
871dynLinkObjs hsc_env pls objs = do
872        -- Load the object files and link them
873        let (objs_loaded', new_objs) = rmDupLinkables (objs_loaded pls) objs
874            pls1                     = pls { objs_loaded = objs_loaded' }
875            unlinkeds                = concatMap linkableUnlinked new_objs
876            wanted_objs              = map nameOfObject unlinkeds
878        if interpreterDynamic (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
879            then do pls2 <- dynLoadObjs hsc_env pls1 wanted_objs
880                    return (pls2, Succeeded)
881            else do mapM_ (loadObj hsc_env) wanted_objs
883                    -- Link them all together
884                    ok <- resolveObjs hsc_env
886                    -- If resolving failed, unload all our
887                    -- object modules and carry on
888                    if succeeded ok then do
889                            return (pls1, Succeeded)
890                      else do
891                            pls2 <- unload_wkr hsc_env [] pls1
892                            return (pls2, Failed)
895dynLoadObjs :: HscEnv -> PersistentLinkerState -> [FilePath]
896            -> IO PersistentLinkerState
897dynLoadObjs _       pls                           []   = return pls
898dynLoadObjs hsc_env pls@PersistentLinkerState{..} objs = do
899    let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
900    let platform = targetPlatform dflags
901    let minus_ls = [ lib | Option ('-':'l':lib) <- ldInputs dflags ]
902    let minus_big_ls = [ lib | Option ('-':'L':lib) <- ldInputs dflags ]
903    (soFile, libPath , libName) <-
904      newTempLibName dflags TFL_CurrentModule (soExt platform)
905    let
906        dflags2 = dflags {
907                      -- We don't want the original ldInputs in
908                      -- (they're already linked in), but we do want
909                      -- to link against previous dynLoadObjs
910                      -- libraries if there were any, so that the linker
911                      -- can resolve dependencies when it loads this
912                      -- library.
913                      ldInputs =
914                           concatMap (\l -> [ Option ("-l" ++ l) ])
915                                     (nub $ snd <$> temp_sos)
916                        ++ concatMap (\lp -> Option ("-L" ++ lp)
917                                          : if useXLinkerRPath dflags (platformOS platform)
918                                            then [ Option "-Xlinker"
919                                                 , Option "-rpath"
920                                                 , Option "-Xlinker"
921                                                 , Option lp ]
922                                            else [])
923                                     (nub $ fst <$> temp_sos)
924                        ++ concatMap
925                             (\lp -> Option ("-L" ++ lp)
926                                  : if useXLinkerRPath dflags (platformOS platform)
927                                    then [ Option "-Xlinker"
928                                         , Option "-rpath"
929                                         , Option "-Xlinker"
930                                         , Option lp ]
931                                    else [])
932                             minus_big_ls
933                        -- See Note [-Xlinker -rpath vs -Wl,-rpath]
934                        ++ map (\l -> Option ("-l" ++ l)) minus_ls,
935                      -- Add -l options and -L options from dflags.
936                      --
937                      -- When running TH for a non-dynamic way, we still
938                      -- need to make -l flags to link against the dynamic
939                      -- libraries, so we need to add WayDyn to ways.
940                      --
941                      -- Even if we're e.g. profiling, we still want
942                      -- the vanilla dynamic libraries, so we set the
943                      -- ways / build tag to be just WayDyn.
944                      ways = [WayDyn],
945                      buildTag = mkBuildTag [WayDyn],
946                      outputFile = Just soFile
947                  }
948    -- link all "loaded packages" so symbols in those can be resolved
949    -- Note: We are loading packages with local scope, so to see the
950    -- symbols in this link we must link all loaded packages again.
951    linkDynLib dflags2 objs pkgs_loaded
953    -- if we got this far, extend the lifetime of the library file
954    changeTempFilesLifetime dflags TFL_GhcSession [soFile]
955    m <- loadDLL hsc_env soFile
956    case m of
957        Nothing -> return $! pls { temp_sos = (libPath, libName) : temp_sos }
958        Just err -> panic ("Loading temp shared object failed: " ++ err)
960rmDupLinkables :: [Linkable]    -- Already loaded
961               -> [Linkable]    -- New linkables
962               -> ([Linkable],  -- New loaded set (including new ones)
963                   [Linkable])  -- New linkables (excluding dups)
964rmDupLinkables already ls
965  = go already [] ls
966  where
967    go already extras [] = (already, extras)
968    go already extras (l:ls)
969        | linkableInSet l already = go already     extras     ls
970        | otherwise               = go (l:already) (l:extras) ls
972{- **********************************************************************
974                The byte-code linker
976  ********************************************************************* -}
979dynLinkBCOs :: HscEnv -> PersistentLinkerState -> [Linkable]
980            -> IO PersistentLinkerState
981dynLinkBCOs hsc_env pls bcos = do
983        let (bcos_loaded', new_bcos) = rmDupLinkables (bcos_loaded pls) bcos
984            pls1                     = pls { bcos_loaded = bcos_loaded' }
985            unlinkeds :: [Unlinked]
986            unlinkeds                = concatMap linkableUnlinked new_bcos
988            cbcs :: [CompiledByteCode]
989            cbcs      = map byteCodeOfObject unlinkeds
992            ies        = map bc_itbls cbcs
993            gce       = closure_env pls
994            final_ie  = foldr plusNameEnv (itbl_env pls) ies
996        names_and_refs <- linkSomeBCOs hsc_env final_ie gce cbcs
998        -- We only want to add the external ones to the ClosureEnv
999        let (to_add, to_drop) = partition (isExternalName.fst) names_and_refs
1001        -- Immediately release any HValueRefs we're not going to add
1002        freeHValueRefs hsc_env (map snd to_drop)
1003        -- Wrap finalizers on the ones we want to keep
1004        new_binds <- makeForeignNamedHValueRefs hsc_env to_add
1006        return pls1 { closure_env = extendClosureEnv gce new_binds,
1007                      itbl_env    = final_ie }
1009-- Link a bunch of BCOs and return references to their values
1010linkSomeBCOs :: HscEnv
1011             -> ItblEnv
1012             -> ClosureEnv
1013             -> [CompiledByteCode]
1014             -> IO [(Name,HValueRef)]
1015                        -- The returned HValueRefs are associated 1-1 with
1016                        -- the incoming unlinked BCOs.  Each gives the
1017                        -- value of the corresponding unlinked BCO
1019linkSomeBCOs hsc_env ie ce mods = foldr fun do_link mods []
1020 where
1021  fun CompiledByteCode{..} inner accum =
1022    case bc_breaks of
1023      Nothing -> inner ((panic "linkSomeBCOs: no break array", bc_bcos) : accum)
1024      Just mb -> withForeignRef (modBreaks_flags mb) $ \breakarray ->
1025                   inner ((breakarray, bc_bcos) : accum)
1027  do_link [] = return []
1028  do_link mods = do
1029    let flat = [ (breakarray, bco) | (breakarray, bcos) <- mods, bco <- bcos ]
1030        names = map (unlinkedBCOName . snd) flat
1031        bco_ix = mkNameEnv (zip names [0..])
1032    resolved <- sequence [ linkBCO hsc_env ie ce bco_ix breakarray bco
1033                         | (breakarray, bco) <- flat ]
1034    hvrefs <- createBCOs hsc_env resolved
1035    return (zip names hvrefs)
1037-- | Useful to apply to the result of 'linkSomeBCOs'
1039  :: HscEnv -> [(Name,HValueRef)] -> IO [(Name,ForeignHValue)]
1040makeForeignNamedHValueRefs hsc_env bindings =
1041  mapM (\(n, hvref) -> (n,) <$> mkFinalizedHValue hsc_env hvref) bindings
1043{- **********************************************************************
1045                Unload some object modules
1047  ********************************************************************* -}
1049-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1050-- | Unloading old objects ready for a new compilation sweep.
1052-- The compilation manager provides us with a list of linkables that it
1053-- considers \"stable\", i.e. won't be recompiled this time around.  For
1054-- each of the modules current linked in memory,
1056--   * if the linkable is stable (and it's the same one -- the user may have
1057--     recompiled the module on the side), we keep it,
1059--   * otherwise, we unload it.
1061--   * we also implicitly unload all temporary bindings at this point.
1063unload :: HscEnv
1064       -> [Linkable] -- ^ The linkables to *keep*.
1065       -> IO ()
1066unload hsc_env linkables
1067  = mask_ $ do -- mask, so we're safe from Ctrl-C in here
1069        -- Initialise the linker (if it's not been done already)
1070        initDynLinker hsc_env
1072        -- Extract DynLinker for passing into required places
1073        let dl = hsc_dynLinker hsc_env
1075        new_pls
1076            <- modifyPLS dl $ \pls -> do
1077                 pls1 <- unload_wkr hsc_env linkables pls
1078                 return (pls1, pls1)
1080        let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
1081        debugTraceMsg dflags 3 $
1082          text "unload: retaining objs" <+> ppr (objs_loaded new_pls)
1083        debugTraceMsg dflags 3 $
1084          text "unload: retaining bcos" <+> ppr (bcos_loaded new_pls)
1085        return ()
1087unload_wkr :: HscEnv
1088           -> [Linkable]                -- stable linkables
1089           -> PersistentLinkerState
1090           -> IO PersistentLinkerState
1091-- Does the core unload business
1092-- (the wrapper blocks exceptions and deals with the PLS get and put)
1094unload_wkr hsc_env keep_linkables pls@PersistentLinkerState{..}  = do
1095  -- NB. careful strictness here to avoid keeping the old PLS when
1096  -- we're unloading some code.  -fghci-leak-check with the tests in
1097  -- testsuite/ghci can detect space leaks here.
1099  let (objs_to_keep, bcos_to_keep) = partition isObjectLinkable keep_linkables
1101      discard keep l = not (linkableInSet l keep)
1103      (objs_to_unload, remaining_objs_loaded) =
1104         partition (discard objs_to_keep) objs_loaded
1105      (bcos_to_unload, remaining_bcos_loaded) =
1106         partition (discard bcos_to_keep) bcos_loaded
1108  mapM_ unloadObjs objs_to_unload
1109  mapM_ unloadObjs bcos_to_unload
1111  -- If we unloaded any object files at all, we need to purge the cache
1112  -- of lookupSymbol results.
1113  when (not (null (objs_to_unload ++
1114                   filter (not . null . linkableObjs) bcos_to_unload))) $
1115    purgeLookupSymbolCache hsc_env
1117  let !bcos_retained = mkModuleSet $ map linkableModule remaining_bcos_loaded
1119      -- Note that we want to remove all *local*
1120      -- (i.e. non-isExternal) names too (these are the
1121      -- temporary bindings from the command line).
1122      keep_name (n,_) = isExternalName n &&
1123                        nameModule n `elemModuleSet` bcos_retained
1125      itbl_env'     = filterNameEnv keep_name itbl_env
1126      closure_env'  = filterNameEnv keep_name closure_env
1128      !new_pls = pls { itbl_env = itbl_env',
1129                       closure_env = closure_env',
1130                       bcos_loaded = remaining_bcos_loaded,
1131                       objs_loaded = remaining_objs_loaded }
1133  return new_pls
1134  where
1135    unloadObjs :: Linkable -> IO ()
1136    unloadObjs lnk
1137        -- The RTS's PEi386 linker currently doesn't support unloading.
1138      | isWindowsHost = return ()
1140      | dynamicGhc = return ()
1141        -- We don't do any cleanup when linking objects with the
1142        -- dynamic linker.  Doing so introduces extra complexity for
1143        -- not much benefit.
1145      | otherwise
1146      = mapM_ (unloadObj hsc_env) [f | DotO f <- linkableUnlinked lnk]
1147                -- The components of a BCO linkable may contain
1148                -- dot-o files.  Which is very confusing.
1149                --
1150                -- But the BCO parts can be unlinked just by
1151                -- letting go of them (plus of course depopulating
1152                -- the symbol table which is done in the main body)
1154{- **********************************************************************
1156                Loading packages
1158  ********************************************************************* -}
1160data LibrarySpec
1161   = Objects [FilePath] -- Full path names of set of .o files, including trailing .o
1162                        -- We allow batched loading to ensure that cyclic symbol
1163                        -- references can be resolved (see #13786).
1164                        -- For dynamic objects only, try to find the object
1165                        -- file in all the directories specified in
1166                        -- v_Library_paths before giving up.
1168   | Archive FilePath   -- Full path name of a .a file, including trailing .a
1170   | DLL String         -- "Unadorned" name of a .DLL/.so
1171                        --  e.g.    On unix     "qt"  denotes "libqt.so"
1172                        --          On Windows  "burble"  denotes "burble.DLL" or "libburble.dll"
1173                        --  loadDLL is platform-specific and adds the lib/.so/.DLL
1174                        --  suffixes platform-dependently
1176   | DLLPath FilePath   -- Absolute or relative pathname to a dynamic library
1177                        -- (ends with .dll or .so).
1179   | Framework String   -- Only used for darwin, but does no harm
1181instance Outputable LibrarySpec where
1182  ppr (Objects objs) = text "Objects" <+> ppr objs
1183  ppr (Archive a) = text "Archive" <+> text a
1184  ppr (DLL s) = text "DLL" <+> text s
1185  ppr (DLLPath f) = text "DLLPath" <+> text f
1186  ppr (Framework s) = text "Framework" <+> text s
1188-- If this package is already part of the GHCi binary, we'll already
1189-- have the right DLLs for this package loaded, so don't try to
1190-- load them again.
1192-- But on Win32 we must load them 'again'; doing so is a harmless no-op
1193-- as far as the loader is concerned, but it does initialise the list
1194-- of DLL handles that rts/Linker.c maintains, and that in turn is
1195-- used by lookupSymbol.  So we must call addDLL for each library
1196-- just to get the DLL handle into the list.
1197partOfGHCi :: [PackageName]
1199 | isWindowsHost || isDarwinHost = []
1200 | otherwise = map (PackageName . mkFastString)
1201                   ["base", "template-haskell", "editline"]
1203showLS :: LibrarySpec -> String
1204showLS (Objects nms)  = "(static) [" ++ intercalate ", " nms ++ "]"
1205showLS (Archive nm)   = "(static archive) " ++ nm
1206showLS (DLL nm)       = "(dynamic) " ++ nm
1207showLS (DLLPath nm)   = "(dynamic) " ++ nm
1208showLS (Framework nm) = "(framework) " ++ nm
1210-- | Link exactly the specified packages, and their dependents (unless of
1211-- course they are already linked).  The dependents are linked
1212-- automatically, and it doesn't matter what order you specify the input
1213-- packages.
1215linkPackages :: HscEnv -> [LinkerUnitId] -> IO ()
1216-- NOTE: in fact, since each module tracks all the packages it depends on,
1217--       we don't really need to use the package-config dependencies.
1219-- However we do need the package-config stuff (to find aux libs etc),
1220-- and following them lets us load libraries in the right order, which
1221-- perhaps makes the error message a bit more localised if we get a link
1222-- failure.  So the dependency walking code is still here.
1224linkPackages hsc_env new_pkgs = do
1225  -- It's probably not safe to try to load packages concurrently, so we take
1226  -- a lock.
1227  initDynLinker hsc_env
1228  let dl = hsc_dynLinker hsc_env
1229  modifyPLS_ dl $ \pls -> do
1230    linkPackages' hsc_env new_pkgs pls
1232linkPackages' :: HscEnv -> [LinkerUnitId] -> PersistentLinkerState
1233             -> IO PersistentLinkerState
1234linkPackages' hsc_env new_pks pls = do
1235    pkgs' <- link (pkgs_loaded pls) new_pks
1236    return $! pls { pkgs_loaded = pkgs' }
1237  where
1238     dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
1240     link :: [LinkerUnitId] -> [LinkerUnitId] -> IO [LinkerUnitId]
1241     link pkgs new_pkgs =
1242         foldM link_one pkgs new_pkgs
1244     link_one pkgs new_pkg
1245        | new_pkg `elem` pkgs   -- Already linked
1246        = return pkgs
1248        | Just pkg_cfg <- lookupInstalledPackage dflags new_pkg
1249        = do {  -- Link dependents first
1250               pkgs' <- link pkgs (depends pkg_cfg)
1251                -- Now link the package itself
1252             ; linkPackage hsc_env pkg_cfg
1253             ; return (new_pkg : pkgs') }
1255        | otherwise
1256        = throwGhcExceptionIO (CmdLineError ("unknown package: " ++ unpackFS (installedUnitIdFS new_pkg)))
1259linkPackage :: HscEnv -> PackageConfig -> IO ()
1260linkPackage hsc_env pkg
1261   = do
1262        let dflags    = hsc_dflags hsc_env
1263            platform  = targetPlatform dflags
1264            is_dyn = interpreterDynamic dflags
1265            dirs | is_dyn    = Packages.libraryDynDirs pkg
1266                 | otherwise = Packages.libraryDirs pkg
1268        let hs_libs   =  Packages.hsLibraries pkg
1269            -- The FFI GHCi import lib isn't needed as
1270            -- compiler/ghci/Linker.hs + rts/Linker.c link the
1271            -- interpreted references to FFI to the compiled FFI.
1272            -- We therefore filter it out so that we don't get
1273            -- duplicate symbol errors.
1274            hs_libs'  =  filter ("HSffi" /=) hs_libs
1276        -- Because of slight differences between the GHC dynamic linker and
1277        -- the native system linker some packages have to link with a
1278        -- different list of libraries when using GHCi. Examples include: libs
1279        -- that are actually gnu ld scripts, and the possibility that the .a
1280        -- libs do not exactly match the .so/.dll equivalents. So if the
1281        -- package file provides an "extra-ghci-libraries" field then we use
1282        -- that instead of the "extra-libraries" field.
1283            extra_libs =
1284                      (if null (Packages.extraGHCiLibraries pkg)
1285                            then Packages.extraLibraries pkg
1286                            else Packages.extraGHCiLibraries pkg)
1287                      ++ [ lib | '-':'l':lib <- Packages.ldOptions pkg ]
1288        -- See Note [Fork/Exec Windows]
1289        gcc_paths <- getGCCPaths dflags (platformOS platform)
1290        dirs_env <- addEnvPaths "LIBRARY_PATH" dirs
1292        hs_classifieds
1293           <- mapM (locateLib hsc_env True  dirs_env gcc_paths) hs_libs'
1294        extra_classifieds
1295           <- mapM (locateLib hsc_env False dirs_env gcc_paths) extra_libs
1296        let classifieds = hs_classifieds ++ extra_classifieds
1298        -- Complication: all the .so's must be loaded before any of the .o's.
1299        let known_dlls = [ dll  | DLLPath dll    <- classifieds ]
1300            dlls       = [ dll  | DLL dll        <- classifieds ]
1301            objs       = [ obj  | Objects objs    <- classifieds
1302                                , obj <- objs ]
1303            archs      = [ arch | Archive arch   <- classifieds ]
1305        -- Add directories to library search paths
1306        let dll_paths  = map takeDirectory known_dlls
1307            all_paths  = nub $ map normalise $ dll_paths ++ dirs
1308        all_paths_env <- addEnvPaths "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" all_paths
1309        pathCache <- mapM (addLibrarySearchPath hsc_env) all_paths_env
1311        maybePutStr dflags
1312            ("Loading package " ++ sourcePackageIdString pkg ++ " ... ")
1314        -- See comments with partOfGHCi
1315#if defined(CAN_LOAD_DLL)
1316        when (packageName pkg `notElem` partOfGHCi) $ do
1317            loadFrameworks hsc_env platform pkg
1318            -- See Note [Crash early load_dyn and locateLib]
1319            -- Crash early if can't load any of `known_dlls`
1320            mapM_ (load_dyn hsc_env True) known_dlls
1321            -- For remaining `dlls` crash early only when there is surely
1322            -- no package's DLL around ... (not is_dyn)
1323            mapM_ (load_dyn hsc_env (not is_dyn) . mkSOName platform) dlls
1325        -- After loading all the DLLs, we can load the static objects.
1326        -- Ordering isn't important here, because we do one final link
1327        -- step to resolve everything.
1328        mapM_ (loadObj hsc_env) objs
1329        mapM_ (loadArchive hsc_env) archs
1331        maybePutStr dflags "linking ... "
1332        ok <- resolveObjs hsc_env
1334        -- DLLs are loaded, reset the search paths
1335        -- Import libraries will be loaded via loadArchive so only
1336        -- reset the DLL search path after all archives are loaded
1337        -- as well.
1338        mapM_ (removeLibrarySearchPath hsc_env) $ reverse pathCache
1340        if succeeded ok
1341           then maybePutStrLn dflags "done."
1342           else let errmsg = "unable to load package `"
1343                             ++ sourcePackageIdString pkg ++ "'"
1344                 in throwGhcExceptionIO (InstallationError errmsg)
1347Note [Crash early load_dyn and locateLib]
1349If a package is "normal" (exposes it's code from more than zero Haskell
1350modules, unlike e.g. that in ghcilink004) and is built "dyn" way, then
1351it has it's code compiled and linked into the DLL, which GHCi linker picks
1352when loading the package's code (see the big comment in the beginning of
1355When loading DLLs, GHCi linker simply calls the system's `dlopen` or
1356`LoadLibrary` APIs. This is quite different from the case when GHCi linker
1357loads an object file or static library. When loading an object file or static
1358library GHCi linker parses them and resolves all symbols "manually".
1359These object file or static library may reference some external symbols
1360defined in some external DLLs. And GHCi should know which these
1361external DLLs are.
1363But when GHCi loads a DLL, it's the *system* linker who manages all
1364the necessary dependencies, and it is able to load this DLL not having
1365any extra info. Thus we don't *have to* crash in this case even if we
1366are unable to load any supposed dependencies explicitly.
1368Suppose during GHCi session a client of the package wants to
1369`foreign import` a symbol which isn't exposed by the package DLL, but
1370is exposed by such an external (dependency) DLL.
1371If the DLL isn't *explicitly* loaded because `load_dyn` failed to do
1372this, then the client code eventually crashes because the GHCi linker
1373isn't able to locate this symbol (GHCi linker maintains a list of
1374explicitly loaded DLLs it looks into when trying to find a symbol).
1376This is why we still should try to load all the dependency DLLs
1377even though we know that the system linker loads them implicitly when
1378loading the package DLL.
1380Why we still keep the `crash_early` opportunity then not allowing such
1381a permissive behaviour for any DLLs? Well, we, perhaps, improve a user
1382experience in some cases slightly.
1384But if it happens there exist other corner cases where our current
1385usage of `crash_early` flag is overly restrictive, we may lift the
1386restriction very easily.
1389-- we have already searched the filesystem; the strings passed to load_dyn
1390-- can be passed directly to loadDLL.  They are either fully-qualified
1391-- ("/usr/lib/libfoo.so"), or unqualified ("libfoo.so").  In the latter case,
1392-- loadDLL is going to search the system paths to find the library.
1393load_dyn :: HscEnv -> Bool -> FilePath -> IO ()
1394load_dyn hsc_env crash_early dll = do
1395  r <- loadDLL hsc_env dll
1396  case r of
1397    Nothing  -> return ()
1398    Just err ->
1399      if crash_early
1400        then cmdLineErrorIO err
1401        else let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env in
1402          when (wopt Opt_WarnMissedExtraSharedLib dflags)
1403            $ putLogMsg dflags
1404                (Reason Opt_WarnMissedExtraSharedLib) SevWarning
1405                  noSrcSpan (defaultUserStyle dflags)(note err)
1406  where
1407    note err = vcat $ map text
1408      [ err
1409      , "It's OK if you don't want to use symbols from it directly."
1410      , "(the package DLL is loaded by the system linker"
1411      , " which manages dependencies by itself)." ]
1413loadFrameworks :: HscEnv -> Platform -> PackageConfig -> IO ()
1414loadFrameworks hsc_env platform pkg
1415    = when (platformUsesFrameworks platform) $ mapM_ load frameworks
1416  where
1417    fw_dirs    = Packages.frameworkDirs pkg
1418    frameworks = Packages.frameworks pkg
1420    load fw = do  r <- loadFramework hsc_env fw_dirs fw
1421                  case r of
1422                    Nothing  -> return ()
1423                    Just err -> cmdLineErrorIO ("can't load framework: "
1424                                                ++ fw ++ " (" ++ err ++ ")" )
1426-- Try to find an object file for a given library in the given paths.
1427-- If it isn't present, we assume that addDLL in the RTS can find it,
1428-- which generally means that it should be a dynamic library in the
1429-- standard system search path.
1430-- For GHCi we tend to prefer dynamic libraries over static ones as
1431-- they are easier to load and manage, have less overhead.
1432locateLib :: HscEnv -> Bool -> [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> String
1433          -> IO LibrarySpec
1434locateLib hsc_env is_hs lib_dirs gcc_dirs lib
1435  | not is_hs
1436    -- For non-Haskell libraries (e.g. gmp, iconv):
1437    --   first look in library-dirs for a dynamic library (on User paths only)
1438    --   (libfoo.so)
1439    --   then  try looking for import libraries on Windows (on User paths only)
1440    --   (.dll.a, .lib)
1441    --   first look in library-dirs for a dynamic library (on GCC paths only)
1442    --   (libfoo.so)
1443    --   then  check for system dynamic libraries (e.g. kernel32.dll on windows)
1444    --   then  try looking for import libraries on Windows (on GCC paths only)
1445    --   (.dll.a, .lib)
1446    --   then  look in library-dirs for a static library (libfoo.a)
1447    --   then look in library-dirs and inplace GCC for a dynamic library (libfoo.so)
1448    --   then  try looking for import libraries on Windows (.dll.a, .lib)
1449    --   then  look in library-dirs and inplace GCC for a static library (libfoo.a)
1450    --   then  try "gcc --print-file-name" to search gcc's search path
1451    --       for a dynamic library (#5289)
1452    --   otherwise, assume loadDLL can find it
1453    --
1454    --   The logic is a bit complicated, but the rationale behind it is that
1455    --   loading a shared library for us is O(1) while loading an archive is
1456    --   O(n). Loading an import library is also O(n) so in general we prefer
1457    --   shared libraries because they are simpler and faster.
1458    --
1459  =
1460#if defined(CAN_LOAD_DLL)
1461    findDll   user `orElse`
1463    tryImpLib user `orElse`
1464#if defined(CAN_LOAD_DLL)
1465    findDll   gcc  `orElse`
1466    findSysDll     `orElse`
1468    tryImpLib gcc  `orElse`
1469    findArchive    `orElse`
1470    tryGcc         `orElse`
1471    assumeDll
1473  | loading_dynamic_hs_libs -- search for .so libraries first.
1474  = findHSDll     `orElse`
1475    findDynObject `orElse`
1476    assumeDll
1478  | otherwise
1479    -- use HSfoo.{o,p_o} if it exists, otherwise fallback to libHSfoo{,_p}.a
1480  = findObject  `orElse`
1481    findArchive `orElse`
1482    assumeDll
1484   where
1485     dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
1486     dirs   = lib_dirs ++ gcc_dirs
1487     gcc    = False
1488     user   = True
1490     obj_file
1491       | is_hs && loading_profiled_hs_libs = lib <.> "p_o"
1492       | otherwise = lib <.> "o"
1493     dyn_obj_file = lib <.> "dyn_o"
1494     arch_files = [ "lib" ++ lib ++ lib_tag <.> "a"
1495                  , lib <.> "a" -- native code has no lib_tag
1496                  , "lib" ++ lib, lib
1497                  ]
1498     lib_tag = if is_hs && loading_profiled_hs_libs then "_p" else ""
1500     loading_profiled_hs_libs = interpreterProfiled dflags
1501     loading_dynamic_hs_libs  = interpreterDynamic dflags
1503     import_libs  = [ lib <.> "lib"           , "lib" ++ lib <.> "lib"
1504                    , "lib" ++ lib <.> "dll.a", lib <.> "dll.a"
1505                    ]
1507     hs_dyn_lib_name = lib ++ '-':programName dflags ++ projectVersion dflags
1508     hs_dyn_lib_file = mkHsSOName platform hs_dyn_lib_name
1510     so_name     = mkSOName platform lib
1511     lib_so_name = "lib" ++ so_name
1512     dyn_lib_file = case (arch, os) of
1513                             (ArchX86_64, OSSolaris2) -> "64" </> so_name
1514                             _ -> so_name
1516     findObject    = liftM (fmap $ Objects . (:[]))  $ findFile dirs obj_file
1517     findDynObject = liftM (fmap $ Objects . (:[]))  $ findFile dirs dyn_obj_file
1518     findArchive   = let local name = liftM (fmap Archive) $ findFile dirs name
1519                     in  apply (map local arch_files)
1520     findHSDll     = liftM (fmap DLLPath) $ findFile dirs hs_dyn_lib_file
1521     findDll    re = let dirs' = if re == user then lib_dirs else gcc_dirs
1522                     in liftM (fmap DLLPath) $ findFile dirs' dyn_lib_file
1523     findSysDll    = fmap (fmap $ DLL . dropExtension . takeFileName) $
1524                        findSystemLibrary hsc_env so_name
1525     tryGcc        = let search   = searchForLibUsingGcc dflags
1526                         dllpath  = liftM (fmap DLLPath)
1527                         short    = dllpath $ search so_name lib_dirs
1528                         full     = dllpath $ search lib_so_name lib_dirs
1529                         gcc name = liftM (fmap Archive) $ search name lib_dirs
1530                         files    = import_libs ++ arch_files
1531                         dlls     = [short, full]
1532                         archives = map gcc files
1533                     in apply $
1534#if defined(CAN_LOAD_DLL)
1535                          dlls ++
1537                          archives
1538     tryImpLib re = case os of
1539                       OSMinGW32 ->
1540                        let dirs' = if re == user then lib_dirs else gcc_dirs
1541                            implib name = liftM (fmap Archive) $
1542                                            findFile dirs' name
1543                        in apply (map implib import_libs)
1544                       _         -> return Nothing
1546     -- TH Makes use of the interpreter so this failure is not obvious.
1547     -- So we are nice and warn/inform users why we fail before we do.
1548     -- But only for haskell libraries, as C libraries don't have a
1549     -- profiling/non-profiling distinction to begin with.
1550     assumeDll
1551      | is_hs
1552      , not loading_dynamic_hs_libs
1553      , interpreterProfiled dflags
1554      = do
1555          warningMsg dflags
1556            (text "Interpreter failed to load profiled static library" <+> text lib <> char '.' $$
1557              text " \tTrying dynamic library instead. If this fails try to rebuild" <+>
1558              text "libraries with profiling support.")
1559          return (DLL lib)
1560      | otherwise = return (DLL lib)
1561     infixr `orElse`
1562     f `orElse` g = f >>= maybe g return
1564     apply :: [IO (Maybe a)] -> IO (Maybe a)
1565     apply []     = return Nothing
1566     apply (x:xs) = do x' <- x
1567                       if isJust x'
1568                          then return x'
1569                          else apply xs
1571     platform = targetPlatform dflags
1572     arch = platformArch platform
1573     os = platformOS platform
1575searchForLibUsingGcc :: DynFlags -> String -> [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
1576searchForLibUsingGcc dflags so dirs = do
1577   -- GCC does not seem to extend the library search path (using -L) when using
1578   -- --print-file-name. So instead pass it a new base location.
1579   str <- askLd dflags (map (FileOption "-B") dirs
1580                          ++ [Option "--print-file-name", Option so])
1581   let file = case lines str of
1582                []  -> ""
1583                l:_ -> l
1584   if (file == so)
1585      then return Nothing
1586      else do b <- doesFileExist file -- file could be a folder (see #16063)
1587              return (if b then Just file else Nothing)
1589-- | Retrieve the list of search directory GCC and the System use to find
1590--   libraries and components. See Note [Fork/Exec Windows].
1591getGCCPaths :: DynFlags -> OS -> IO [FilePath]
1592getGCCPaths dflags os
1593  = case os of
1594      OSMinGW32 ->
1595        do gcc_dirs <- getGccSearchDirectory dflags "libraries"
1596           sys_dirs <- getSystemDirectories
1597           return $ nub $ gcc_dirs ++ sys_dirs
1598      _         -> return []
1600-- | Cache for the GCC search directories as this can't easily change
1601--   during an invocation of GHC. (Maybe with some env. variable but we'll)
1602--   deal with that highly unlikely scenario then.
1603{-# NOINLINE gccSearchDirCache #-}
1604gccSearchDirCache :: IORef [(String, [String])]
1605gccSearchDirCache = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef []
1607-- Note [Fork/Exec Windows]
1608-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1609-- fork/exec is expensive on Windows, for each time we ask GCC for a library we
1610-- have to eat the cost of af least 3 of these: gcc -> real_gcc -> cc1.
1611-- So instead get a list of location that GCC would search and use findDirs
1612-- which hopefully is written in an optimized mannor to take advantage of
1613-- caching. At the very least we remove the overhead of the fork/exec and waits
1614-- which dominate a large percentage of startup time on Windows.
1615getGccSearchDirectory :: DynFlags -> String -> IO [FilePath]
1616getGccSearchDirectory dflags key = do
1617    cache <- readIORef gccSearchDirCache
1618    case lookup key cache of
1619      Just x  -> return x
1620      Nothing -> do
1621        str <- askLd dflags [Option "--print-search-dirs"]
1622        let line = dropWhile isSpace str
1623            name = key ++ ": ="
1624        if null line
1625          then return []
1626          else do let val = split $ find name line
1627                  dirs <- filterM doesDirectoryExist val
1628                  modifyIORef' gccSearchDirCache ((key, dirs):)
1629                  return val
1630      where split :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
1631            split r = case break (==';') r of
1632                        (s, []    ) -> [s]
1633                        (s, (_:xs)) -> s : split xs
1635            find :: String -> String -> String
1636            find r x = let lst = lines x
1637                           val = filter (r `isPrefixOf`) lst
1638                       in if null val
1639                             then []
1640                             else case break (=='=') (head val) of
1641                                     (_ , [])    -> []
1642                                     (_, (_:xs)) -> xs
1644-- | Get a list of system search directories, this to alleviate pressure on
1645-- the findSysDll function.
1646getSystemDirectories :: IO [FilePath]
1647#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
1648getSystemDirectories = fmap (:[]) getSystemDirectory
1650getSystemDirectories = return []
1653-- | Merge the given list of paths with those in the environment variable
1654--   given. If the variable does not exist then just return the identity.
1655addEnvPaths :: String -> [String] -> IO [String]
1656addEnvPaths name list
1657  = do -- According to POSIX (chapter 8.3) a zero-length prefix means current
1658       -- working directory. Replace empty strings in the env variable with
1659       -- `working_dir` (see also #14695).
1660       working_dir <- getCurrentDirectory
1661       values <- lookupEnv name
1662       case values of
1663         Nothing  -> return list
1664         Just arr -> return $ list ++ splitEnv working_dir arr
1665    where
1666      splitEnv :: FilePath -> String -> [String]
1667      splitEnv working_dir value =
1668        case break (== envListSep) value of
1669          (x, []    ) ->
1670            [if null x then working_dir else x]
1671          (x, (_:xs)) ->
1672            (if null x then working_dir else x) : splitEnv working_dir xs
1673#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
1674      envListSep = ';'
1676      envListSep = ':'
1679-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1680-- Loading a dynamic library (dlopen()-ish on Unix, LoadLibrary-ish on Win32)
1683Note [macOS Big Sur dynamic libraries]
1686macOS Big Sur makes the following change to how frameworks are shipped
1687with the OS:
1689> New in macOS Big Sur 11 beta, the system ships with a built-in
1690> dynamic linker cache of all system-provided libraries.  As part of
1691> this change, copies of dynamic libraries are no longer present on
1692> the filesystem.  Code that attempts to check for dynamic library
1693> presence by looking for a file at a path or enumerating a directory
1694> will fail.  Instead, check for library presence by attempting to
1695> dlopen() the path, which will correctly check for the library in the
1696> cache. (62986286)
1700Therefore, the previous method of checking whether a library exists
1701before attempting to load it makes GHC.Runtime.Linker.loadFramework
1702fail to find frameworks installed at /System/Library/Frameworks.
1703Instead, any attempt to load a framework at runtime, such as by
1704passing -framework OpenGL to runghc or running code loading such a
1705framework with GHCi, fails with a 'not found' message.
1707GHC.Runtime.Linker.loadFramework now opportunistically loads the
1708framework libraries without checking for their existence first,
1709failing only if all attempts to load a given framework from any of the
1710various possible locations fail.  See also #18446, which this change
1714-- Darwin / MacOS X only: load a framework
1715-- a framework is a dynamic library packaged inside a directory of the same
1716-- name. They are searched for in different paths than normal libraries.
1717loadFramework :: HscEnv -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe String)
1718loadFramework hsc_env extraPaths rootname
1719   = do { either_dir <- tryIO getHomeDirectory
1720        ; let homeFrameworkPath = case either_dir of
1721                                  Left _ -> []
1722                                  Right dir -> [dir </> "Library/Frameworks"]
1723              ps = extraPaths ++ homeFrameworkPath ++ defaultFrameworkPaths
1724        ; errs <- findLoadDLL ps []
1725        ; return $ fmap (intercalate ", ") errs
1726        }
1727   where
1728     fwk_file = rootname <.> "framework" </> rootname
1730     -- sorry for the hardcoded paths, I hope they won't change anytime soon:
1731     defaultFrameworkPaths = ["/Library/Frameworks", "/System/Library/Frameworks"]
1733     -- Try to call loadDLL for each candidate path.
1734     --
1735     -- See Note [macOS Big Sur dynamic libraries]
1736     findLoadDLL [] errs =
1737       -- Tried all our known library paths, but dlopen()
1738       -- has no built-in paths for frameworks: give up
1739       return $ Just errs
1740     findLoadDLL (p:ps) errs =
1741       do { dll <- loadDLL hsc_env (p </> fwk_file)
1742          ; case dll of
1743              Nothing  -> return Nothing
1744              Just err -> findLoadDLL ps ((p ++ ": " ++ err):errs)
1745          }
1747{- **********************************************************************
1749                Helper functions
1751  ********************************************************************* -}
1753maybePutStr :: DynFlags -> String -> IO ()
1754maybePutStr dflags s
1755    = when (verbosity dflags > 1) $
1756          putLogMsg dflags
1757              NoReason
1758              SevInteractive
1759              noSrcSpan
1760              (defaultUserStyle dflags)
1761              (text s)
1763maybePutStrLn :: DynFlags -> String -> IO ()
1764maybePutStrLn dflags s = maybePutStr dflags (s ++ "\n")