2(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
3(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1998
4Type and Coercion - friends' interface
8{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
10-- | Substitution into types and coercions.
11module TyCoSubst
12  (
13        -- * Substitutions
14        TCvSubst(..), TvSubstEnv, CvSubstEnv,
15        emptyTvSubstEnv, emptyCvSubstEnv, composeTCvSubstEnv, composeTCvSubst,
16        emptyTCvSubst, mkEmptyTCvSubst, isEmptyTCvSubst,
17        mkTCvSubst, mkTvSubst, mkCvSubst,
18        getTvSubstEnv,
19        getCvSubstEnv, getTCvInScope, getTCvSubstRangeFVs,
20        isInScope, notElemTCvSubst,
21        setTvSubstEnv, setCvSubstEnv, zapTCvSubst,
22        extendTCvInScope, extendTCvInScopeList, extendTCvInScopeSet,
23        extendTCvSubst, extendTCvSubstWithClone,
24        extendCvSubst, extendCvSubstWithClone,
25        extendTvSubst, extendTvSubstBinderAndInScope, extendTvSubstWithClone,
26        extendTvSubstList, extendTvSubstAndInScope,
27        extendTCvSubstList,
28        unionTCvSubst, zipTyEnv, zipCoEnv, mkTyCoInScopeSet,
29        zipTvSubst, zipCvSubst,
30        zipTCvSubst,
31        mkTvSubstPrs,
33        substTyWith, substTyWithCoVars, substTysWith, substTysWithCoVars,
34        substCoWith,
35        substTy, substTyAddInScope,
36        substTyUnchecked, substTysUnchecked, substThetaUnchecked,
37        substTyWithUnchecked,
38        substCoUnchecked, substCoWithUnchecked,
39        substTyWithInScope,
40        substTys, substTheta,
41        lookupTyVar,
42        substCo, substCos, substCoVar, substCoVars, lookupCoVar,
43        cloneTyVarBndr, cloneTyVarBndrs,
44        substVarBndr, substVarBndrs,
45        substTyVarBndr, substTyVarBndrs,
46        substCoVarBndr,
47        substTyVar, substTyVars, substTyCoVars,
48        substForAllCoBndr,
49        substVarBndrUsing, substForAllCoBndrUsing,
50        checkValidSubst, isValidTCvSubst,
51  ) where
53#include "HsVersions.h"
55import GhcPrelude
57import {-# SOURCE #-} Type ( mkCastTy, mkAppTy, isCoercionTy )
58import {-# SOURCE #-} Coercion ( mkCoVarCo, mkKindCo, mkNthCo, mkTransCo
59                               , mkNomReflCo, mkSubCo, mkSymCo
60                               , mkFunCo, mkForAllCo, mkUnivCo
61                               , mkAxiomInstCo, mkAppCo, mkGReflCo
62                               , mkInstCo, mkLRCo, mkTyConAppCo
63                               , mkCoercionType
64                               , coercionKind, coVarKindsTypesRole )
66import TyCoRep
67import TyCoFVs
68import TyCoPpr
70import Var
71import VarSet
72import VarEnv
74import Pair
75import Util
76import UniqSupply
77import Unique
78import UniqFM
79import UniqSet
80import Outputable
82import Data.List (mapAccumL)
86%*                                                                      *
87                        Substitutions
88      Data type defined here to avoid unnecessary mutual recursion
89%*                                                                      *
93-- | Type & coercion substitution
95-- #tcvsubst_invariant#
96-- The following invariants must hold of a 'TCvSubst':
98-- 1. The in-scope set is needed /only/ to
99-- guide the generation of fresh uniques
101-- 2. In particular, the /kind/ of the type variables in
102-- the in-scope set is not relevant
104-- 3. The substitution is only applied ONCE! This is because
105-- in general such application will not reach a fixed point.
106data TCvSubst
107  = TCvSubst InScopeSet -- The in-scope type and kind variables
108             TvSubstEnv -- Substitutes both type and kind variables
109             CvSubstEnv -- Substitutes coercion variables
110        -- See Note [Substitutions apply only once]
111        -- and Note [Extending the TvSubstEnv]
112        -- and Note [Substituting types and coercions]
113        -- and Note [The substitution invariant]
115-- | A substitution of 'Type's for 'TyVar's
116--                 and 'Kind's for 'KindVar's
117type TvSubstEnv = TyVarEnv Type
118  -- NB: A TvSubstEnv is used
119  --   both inside a TCvSubst (with the apply-once invariant
120  --        discussed in Note [Substitutions apply only once],
121  --   and  also independently in the middle of matching,
122  --        and unification (see Types.Unify).
123  -- So you have to look at the context to know if it's idempotent or
124  -- apply-once or whatever
126-- | A substitution of 'Coercion's for 'CoVar's
127type CvSubstEnv = CoVarEnv Coercion
129{- Note [The substitution invariant]
131When calling (substTy subst ty) it should be the case that
132the in-scope set in the substitution is a superset of both:
134  (SIa) The free vars of the range of the substitution
135  (SIb) The free vars of ty minus the domain of the substitution
137The same rules apply to other substitutions (notably CoreSubst.Subst)
139* Reason for (SIa). Consider
140      substTy [a :-> Maybe b] (forall b. b->a)
141  we must rename the forall b, to get
142      forall b2. b2 -> Maybe b
143  Making 'b' part of the in-scope set forces this renaming to
144  take place.
146* Reason for (SIb). Consider
147     substTy [a :-> Maybe b] (forall b. (a,b,x))
148  Then if we use the in-scope set {b}, satisfying (SIa), there is
149  a danger we will rename the forall'd variable to 'x' by mistake,
150  getting this:
151      forall x. (Maybe b, x, x)
152  Breaking (SIb) caused the bug from #11371.
154Note: if the free vars of the range of the substitution are freshly created,
155then the problems of (SIa) can't happen, and so it would be sound to
156ignore (SIa).
158Note [Substitutions apply only once]
160We use TCvSubsts to instantiate things, and we might instantiate
161        forall a b. ty
162with the types
163        [a, b], or [b, a].
164So the substitution might go [a->b, b->a].  A similar situation arises in Core
165when we find a beta redex like
166        (/\ a /\ b -> e) b a
167Then we also end up with a substitution that permutes type variables. Other
168variations happen to; for example [a -> (a, b)].
170        ********************************************************
171        *** So a substitution must be applied precisely once ***
172        ********************************************************
174A TCvSubst is not idempotent, but, unlike the non-idempotent substitution
175we use during unifications, it must not be repeatedly applied.
177Note [Extending the TvSubstEnv]
179See #tcvsubst_invariant# for the invariants that must hold.
181This invariant allows a short-cut when the subst envs are empty:
182if the TvSubstEnv and CvSubstEnv are empty --- i.e. (isEmptyTCvSubst subst)
183holds --- then (substTy subst ty) does nothing.
185For example, consider:
186        (/\a. /\b:(a~Int). ...b..) Int
187We substitute Int for 'a'.  The Unique of 'b' does not change, but
188nevertheless we add 'b' to the TvSubstEnv, because b's kind does change
190This invariant has several crucial consequences:
192* In substVarBndr, we need extend the TvSubstEnv
193        - if the unique has changed
194        - or if the kind has changed
196* In substTyVar, we do not need to consult the in-scope set;
197  the TvSubstEnv is enough
199* In substTy, substTheta, we can short-circuit when the TvSubstEnv is empty
201Note [Substituting types and coercions]
203Types and coercions are mutually recursive, and either may have variables
204"belonging" to the other. Thus, every time we wish to substitute in a
205type, we may also need to substitute in a coercion, and vice versa.
206However, the constructor used to create type variables is distinct from
207that of coercion variables, so we carry two VarEnvs in a TCvSubst. Note
208that it would be possible to use the CoercionTy constructor to combine
209these environments, but that seems like a false economy.
211Note that the TvSubstEnv should *never* map a CoVar (built with the Id
212constructor) and the CvSubstEnv should *never* map a TyVar. Furthermore,
213the range of the TvSubstEnv should *never* include a type headed with
217emptyTvSubstEnv :: TvSubstEnv
218emptyTvSubstEnv = emptyVarEnv
220emptyCvSubstEnv :: CvSubstEnv
221emptyCvSubstEnv = emptyVarEnv
223composeTCvSubstEnv :: InScopeSet
224                   -> (TvSubstEnv, CvSubstEnv)
225                   -> (TvSubstEnv, CvSubstEnv)
226                   -> (TvSubstEnv, CvSubstEnv)
227-- ^ @(compose env1 env2)(x)@ is @env1(env2(x))@; i.e. apply @env2@ then @env1@.
228-- It assumes that both are idempotent.
229-- Typically, @env1@ is the refinement to a base substitution @env2@
230composeTCvSubstEnv in_scope (tenv1, cenv1) (tenv2, cenv2)
231  = ( tenv1 `plusVarEnv` mapVarEnv (substTy subst1) tenv2
232    , cenv1 `plusVarEnv` mapVarEnv (substCo subst1) cenv2 )
233        -- First apply env1 to the range of env2
234        -- Then combine the two, making sure that env1 loses if
235        -- both bind the same variable; that's why env1 is the
236        --  *left* argument to plusVarEnv, because the right arg wins
237  where
238    subst1 = TCvSubst in_scope tenv1 cenv1
240-- | Composes two substitutions, applying the second one provided first,
241-- like in function composition.
242composeTCvSubst :: TCvSubst -> TCvSubst -> TCvSubst
243composeTCvSubst (TCvSubst is1 tenv1 cenv1) (TCvSubst is2 tenv2 cenv2)
244  = TCvSubst is3 tenv3 cenv3
245  where
246    is3 = is1 `unionInScope` is2
247    (tenv3, cenv3) = composeTCvSubstEnv is3 (tenv1, cenv1) (tenv2, cenv2)
249emptyTCvSubst :: TCvSubst
250emptyTCvSubst = TCvSubst emptyInScopeSet emptyTvSubstEnv emptyCvSubstEnv
252mkEmptyTCvSubst :: InScopeSet -> TCvSubst
253mkEmptyTCvSubst is = TCvSubst is emptyTvSubstEnv emptyCvSubstEnv
255isEmptyTCvSubst :: TCvSubst -> Bool
256         -- See Note [Extending the TvSubstEnv]
257isEmptyTCvSubst (TCvSubst _ tenv cenv) = isEmptyVarEnv tenv && isEmptyVarEnv cenv
259mkTCvSubst :: InScopeSet -> (TvSubstEnv, CvSubstEnv) -> TCvSubst
260mkTCvSubst in_scope (tenv, cenv) = TCvSubst in_scope tenv cenv
262mkTvSubst :: InScopeSet -> TvSubstEnv -> TCvSubst
263-- ^ Make a TCvSubst with specified tyvar subst and empty covar subst
264mkTvSubst in_scope tenv = TCvSubst in_scope tenv emptyCvSubstEnv
266mkCvSubst :: InScopeSet -> CvSubstEnv -> TCvSubst
267-- ^ Make a TCvSubst with specified covar subst and empty tyvar subst
268mkCvSubst in_scope cenv = TCvSubst in_scope emptyTvSubstEnv cenv
270getTvSubstEnv :: TCvSubst -> TvSubstEnv
271getTvSubstEnv (TCvSubst _ env _) = env
273getCvSubstEnv :: TCvSubst -> CvSubstEnv
274getCvSubstEnv (TCvSubst _ _ env) = env
276getTCvInScope :: TCvSubst -> InScopeSet
277getTCvInScope (TCvSubst in_scope _ _) = in_scope
279-- | Returns the free variables of the types in the range of a substitution as
280-- a non-deterministic set.
281getTCvSubstRangeFVs :: TCvSubst -> VarSet
282getTCvSubstRangeFVs (TCvSubst _ tenv cenv)
283    = unionVarSet tenvFVs cenvFVs
284  where
285    tenvFVs = tyCoVarsOfTypesSet tenv
286    cenvFVs = tyCoVarsOfCosSet cenv
288isInScope :: Var -> TCvSubst -> Bool
289isInScope v (TCvSubst in_scope _ _) = v `elemInScopeSet` in_scope
291notElemTCvSubst :: Var -> TCvSubst -> Bool
292notElemTCvSubst v (TCvSubst _ tenv cenv)
293  | isTyVar v
294  = not (v `elemVarEnv` tenv)
295  | otherwise
296  = not (v `elemVarEnv` cenv)
298setTvSubstEnv :: TCvSubst -> TvSubstEnv -> TCvSubst
299setTvSubstEnv (TCvSubst in_scope _ cenv) tenv = TCvSubst in_scope tenv cenv
301setCvSubstEnv :: TCvSubst -> CvSubstEnv -> TCvSubst
302setCvSubstEnv (TCvSubst in_scope tenv _) cenv = TCvSubst in_scope tenv cenv
304zapTCvSubst :: TCvSubst -> TCvSubst
305zapTCvSubst (TCvSubst in_scope _ _) = TCvSubst in_scope emptyVarEnv emptyVarEnv
307extendTCvInScope :: TCvSubst -> Var -> TCvSubst
308extendTCvInScope (TCvSubst in_scope tenv cenv) var
309  = TCvSubst (extendInScopeSet in_scope var) tenv cenv
311extendTCvInScopeList :: TCvSubst -> [Var] -> TCvSubst
312extendTCvInScopeList (TCvSubst in_scope tenv cenv) vars
313  = TCvSubst (extendInScopeSetList in_scope vars) tenv cenv
315extendTCvInScopeSet :: TCvSubst -> VarSet -> TCvSubst
316extendTCvInScopeSet (TCvSubst in_scope tenv cenv) vars
317  = TCvSubst (extendInScopeSetSet in_scope vars) tenv cenv
319extendTCvSubst :: TCvSubst -> TyCoVar -> Type -> TCvSubst
320extendTCvSubst subst v ty
321  | isTyVar v
322  = extendTvSubst subst v ty
323  | CoercionTy co <- ty
324  = extendCvSubst subst v co
325  | otherwise
326  = pprPanic "extendTCvSubst" (ppr v <+> text "|->" <+> ppr ty)
328extendTCvSubstWithClone :: TCvSubst -> TyCoVar -> TyCoVar -> TCvSubst
329extendTCvSubstWithClone subst tcv
330  | isTyVar tcv = extendTvSubstWithClone subst tcv
331  | otherwise   = extendCvSubstWithClone subst tcv
333extendTvSubst :: TCvSubst -> TyVar -> Type -> TCvSubst
334extendTvSubst (TCvSubst in_scope tenv cenv) tv ty
335  = TCvSubst in_scope (extendVarEnv tenv tv ty) cenv
337extendTvSubstBinderAndInScope :: TCvSubst -> TyCoBinder -> Type -> TCvSubst
338extendTvSubstBinderAndInScope subst (Named (Bndr v _)) ty
339  = ASSERT( isTyVar v )
340    extendTvSubstAndInScope subst v ty
341extendTvSubstBinderAndInScope subst (Anon {}) _
342  = subst
344extendTvSubstWithClone :: TCvSubst -> TyVar -> TyVar -> TCvSubst
345-- Adds a new tv -> tv mapping, /and/ extends the in-scope set
346extendTvSubstWithClone (TCvSubst in_scope tenv cenv) tv tv'
347  = TCvSubst (extendInScopeSetSet in_scope new_in_scope)
348             (extendVarEnv tenv tv (mkTyVarTy tv'))
349             cenv
350  where
351    new_in_scope = tyCoVarsOfType (tyVarKind tv') `extendVarSet` tv'
353extendCvSubst :: TCvSubst -> CoVar -> Coercion -> TCvSubst
354extendCvSubst (TCvSubst in_scope tenv cenv) v co
355  = TCvSubst in_scope tenv (extendVarEnv cenv v co)
357extendCvSubstWithClone :: TCvSubst -> CoVar -> CoVar -> TCvSubst
358extendCvSubstWithClone (TCvSubst in_scope tenv cenv) cv cv'
359  = TCvSubst (extendInScopeSetSet in_scope new_in_scope)
360             tenv
361             (extendVarEnv cenv cv (mkCoVarCo cv'))
362  where
363    new_in_scope = tyCoVarsOfType (varType cv') `extendVarSet` cv'
365extendTvSubstAndInScope :: TCvSubst -> TyVar -> Type -> TCvSubst
366-- Also extends the in-scope set
367extendTvSubstAndInScope (TCvSubst in_scope tenv cenv) tv ty
368  = TCvSubst (in_scope `extendInScopeSetSet` tyCoVarsOfType ty)
369             (extendVarEnv tenv tv ty)
370             cenv
372extendTvSubstList :: TCvSubst -> [Var] -> [Type] -> TCvSubst
373extendTvSubstList subst tvs tys
374  = foldl2 extendTvSubst subst tvs tys
376extendTCvSubstList :: TCvSubst -> [Var] -> [Type] -> TCvSubst
377extendTCvSubstList subst tvs tys
378  = foldl2 extendTCvSubst subst tvs tys
380unionTCvSubst :: TCvSubst -> TCvSubst -> TCvSubst
381-- Works when the ranges are disjoint
382unionTCvSubst (TCvSubst in_scope1 tenv1 cenv1) (TCvSubst in_scope2 tenv2 cenv2)
383  = ASSERT( not (tenv1 `intersectsVarEnv` tenv2)
384         && not (cenv1 `intersectsVarEnv` cenv2) )
385    TCvSubst (in_scope1 `unionInScope` in_scope2)
386             (tenv1     `plusVarEnv`   tenv2)
387             (cenv1     `plusVarEnv`   cenv2)
389-- mkTvSubstPrs and zipTvSubst generate the in-scope set from
390-- the types given; but it's just a thunk so with a bit of luck
391-- it'll never be evaluated
393-- | Generates the in-scope set for the 'TCvSubst' from the types in the incoming
394-- environment. No CoVars, please!
395zipTvSubst :: HasDebugCallStack => [TyVar] -> [Type] -> TCvSubst
396zipTvSubst tvs tys
397  = mkTvSubst (mkInScopeSet (tyCoVarsOfTypes tys)) tenv
398  where
399    tenv = zipTyEnv tvs tys
401-- | Generates the in-scope set for the 'TCvSubst' from the types in the incoming
402-- environment.  No TyVars, please!
403zipCvSubst :: HasDebugCallStack => [CoVar] -> [Coercion] -> TCvSubst
404zipCvSubst cvs cos
405  = TCvSubst (mkInScopeSet (tyCoVarsOfCos cos)) emptyTvSubstEnv cenv
406  where
407    cenv = zipCoEnv cvs cos
409zipTCvSubst :: HasDebugCallStack => [TyCoVar] -> [Type] -> TCvSubst
410zipTCvSubst tcvs tys
411  = zip_tcvsubst tcvs tys (mkEmptyTCvSubst $ mkInScopeSet (tyCoVarsOfTypes tys))
412  where zip_tcvsubst :: [TyCoVar] -> [Type] -> TCvSubst -> TCvSubst
413        zip_tcvsubst (tv:tvs) (ty:tys) subst
414          = zip_tcvsubst tvs tys (extendTCvSubst subst tv ty)
415        zip_tcvsubst [] [] subst = subst -- empty case
416        zip_tcvsubst _  _  _     = pprPanic "zipTCvSubst: length mismatch"
417                                            (ppr tcvs <+> ppr tys)
419-- | Generates the in-scope set for the 'TCvSubst' from the types in the
420-- incoming environment. No CoVars, please!
421mkTvSubstPrs :: [(TyVar, Type)] -> TCvSubst
422mkTvSubstPrs prs =
423    ASSERT2( onlyTyVarsAndNoCoercionTy, text "prs" <+> ppr prs )
424    mkTvSubst in_scope tenv
425  where tenv = mkVarEnv prs
426        in_scope = mkInScopeSet $ tyCoVarsOfTypes $ map snd prs
427        onlyTyVarsAndNoCoercionTy =
428          and [ isTyVar tv && not (isCoercionTy ty)
429              | (tv, ty) <- prs ]
431zipTyEnv :: HasDebugCallStack => [TyVar] -> [Type] -> TvSubstEnv
432zipTyEnv tyvars tys
433  | debugIsOn
434  , not (all isTyVar tyvars)
435  = pprPanic "zipTyEnv" (ppr tyvars <+> ppr tys)
436  | otherwise
437  = ASSERT( all (not . isCoercionTy) tys )
438    mkVarEnv (zipEqual "zipTyEnv" tyvars tys)
439        -- There used to be a special case for when
440        --      ty == TyVarTy tv
441        -- (a not-uncommon case) in which case the substitution was dropped.
442        -- But the type-tidier changes the print-name of a type variable without
443        -- changing the unique, and that led to a bug.   Why?  Pre-tidying, we had
444        -- a type {Foo t}, where Foo is a one-method class.  So Foo is really a newtype.
445        -- And it happened that t was the type variable of the class.  Post-tiding,
446        -- it got turned into {Foo t2}.  The ext-core printer expanded this using
447        -- sourceTypeRep, but that said "Oh, t == t2" because they have the same unique,
448        -- and so generated a rep type mentioning t not t2.
449        --
450        -- Simplest fix is to nuke the "optimisation"
452zipCoEnv :: HasDebugCallStack => [CoVar] -> [Coercion] -> CvSubstEnv
453zipCoEnv cvs cos
454  | debugIsOn
455  , not (all isCoVar cvs)
456  = pprPanic "zipCoEnv" (ppr cvs <+> ppr cos)
457  | otherwise
458  = mkVarEnv (zipEqual "zipCoEnv" cvs cos)
460instance Outputable TCvSubst where
461  ppr (TCvSubst ins tenv cenv)
462    = brackets $ sep[ text "TCvSubst",
463                      nest 2 (text "In scope:" <+> ppr ins),
464                      nest 2 (text "Type env:" <+> ppr tenv),
465                      nest 2 (text "Co env:" <+> ppr cenv) ]
469%*                                                                      *
470                Performing type or kind substitutions
471%*                                                                      *
474Note [Sym and ForAllCo]
476In OptCoercion, we try to push "sym" out to the leaves of a coercion. But,
477how do we push sym into a ForAllCo? It's a little ugly.
479Here is the typing rule:
481h : k1 ~# k2
482(tv : k1) |- g : ty1 ~# ty2
484ForAllCo tv h g : (ForAllTy (tv : k1) ty1) ~#
485                  (ForAllTy (tv : k2) (ty2[tv |-> tv |> sym h]))
487Here is what we want:
489ForAllCo tv h' g' : (ForAllTy (tv : k2) (ty2[tv |-> tv |> sym h])) ~#
490                    (ForAllTy (tv : k1) ty1)
493Because the kinds of the type variables to the right of the colon are the kinds
494coerced by h', we know (h' : k2 ~# k1). Thus, (h' = sym h).
496Now, we can rewrite ty1 to be (ty1[tv |-> tv |> sym h' |> h']). We thus want
498ForAllCo tv h' g' :
499  (ForAllTy (tv : k2) (ty2[tv |-> tv |> h'])) ~#
500  (ForAllTy (tv : k1) (ty1[tv |-> tv |> h'][tv |-> tv |> sym h']))
502We thus see that we want
504g' : ty2[tv |-> tv |> h'] ~# ty1[tv |-> tv |> h']
506and thus g' = sym (g[tv |-> tv |> h']).
508Putting it all together, we get this:
510sym (ForAllCo tv h g)
512ForAllCo tv (sym h) (sym g[tv |-> tv |> sym h])
514Note [Substituting in a coercion hole]
516It seems highly suspicious to be substituting in a coercion that still
517has coercion holes. Yet, this can happen in a situation like this:
519  f :: forall k. k :~: Type -> ()
520  f Refl = let x :: forall (a :: k). [a] -> ...
521               x = ...
523When we check x's type signature, we require that k ~ Type. We indeed
524know this due to the Refl pattern match, but the eager unifier can't
525make use of givens. So, when we're done looking at x's type, a coercion
526hole will remain. Then, when we're checking x's definition, we skolemise
527x's type (in order to, e.g., bring the scoped type variable `a` into scope).
528This requires performing a substitution for the fresh skolem variables.
530This subsitution needs to affect the kind of the coercion hole, too --
531otherwise, the kind will have an out-of-scope variable in it. More problematically
532in practice (we won't actually notice the out-of-scope variable ever), skolems
533in the kind might have too high a level, triggering a failure to uphold the
534invariant that no free variables in a type have a higher level than the
535ambient level in the type checker. In the event of having free variables in the
536hole's kind, I'm pretty sure we'll always have an erroneous program, so we
537don't need to worry what will happen when the hole gets filled in. After all,
538a hole relating a locally-bound type variable will be unable to be solved. This
539is why it's OK not to look through the IORef of a coercion hole during
544-- | Type substitution, see 'zipTvSubst'
545substTyWith :: HasCallStack => [TyVar] -> [Type] -> Type -> Type
546-- Works only if the domain of the substitution is a
547-- superset of the type being substituted into
548substTyWith tvs tys = {-#SCC "substTyWith" #-}
549                      ASSERT( tvs `equalLength` tys )
550                      substTy (zipTvSubst tvs tys)
552-- | Type substitution, see 'zipTvSubst'. Disables sanity checks.
553-- The problems that the sanity checks in substTy catch are described in
554-- Note [The substitution invariant].
555-- The goal of #11371 is to migrate all the calls of substTyUnchecked to
556-- substTy and remove this function. Please don't use in new code.
557substTyWithUnchecked :: [TyVar] -> [Type] -> Type -> Type
558substTyWithUnchecked tvs tys
559  = ASSERT( tvs `equalLength` tys )
560    substTyUnchecked (zipTvSubst tvs tys)
562-- | Substitute tyvars within a type using a known 'InScopeSet'.
563-- Pre-condition: the 'in_scope' set should satisfy Note [The substitution
564-- invariant]; specifically it should include the free vars of 'tys',
565-- and of 'ty' minus the domain of the subst.
566substTyWithInScope :: InScopeSet -> [TyVar] -> [Type] -> Type -> Type
567substTyWithInScope in_scope tvs tys ty =
568  ASSERT( tvs `equalLength` tys )
569  substTy (mkTvSubst in_scope tenv) ty
570  where tenv = zipTyEnv tvs tys
572-- | Coercion substitution, see 'zipTvSubst'
573substCoWith :: HasCallStack => [TyVar] -> [Type] -> Coercion -> Coercion
574substCoWith tvs tys = ASSERT( tvs `equalLength` tys )
575                      substCo (zipTvSubst tvs tys)
577-- | Coercion substitution, see 'zipTvSubst'. Disables sanity checks.
578-- The problems that the sanity checks in substCo catch are described in
579-- Note [The substitution invariant].
580-- The goal of #11371 is to migrate all the calls of substCoUnchecked to
581-- substCo and remove this function. Please don't use in new code.
582substCoWithUnchecked :: [TyVar] -> [Type] -> Coercion -> Coercion
583substCoWithUnchecked tvs tys
584  = ASSERT( tvs `equalLength` tys )
585    substCoUnchecked (zipTvSubst tvs tys)
589-- | Substitute covars within a type
590substTyWithCoVars :: [CoVar] -> [Coercion] -> Type -> Type
591substTyWithCoVars cvs cos = substTy (zipCvSubst cvs cos)
593-- | Type substitution, see 'zipTvSubst'
594substTysWith :: [TyVar] -> [Type] -> [Type] -> [Type]
595substTysWith tvs tys = ASSERT( tvs `equalLength` tys )
596                       substTys (zipTvSubst tvs tys)
598-- | Type substitution, see 'zipTvSubst'
599substTysWithCoVars :: [CoVar] -> [Coercion] -> [Type] -> [Type]
600substTysWithCoVars cvs cos = ASSERT( cvs `equalLength` cos )
601                             substTys (zipCvSubst cvs cos)
603-- | Substitute within a 'Type' after adding the free variables of the type
604-- to the in-scope set. This is useful for the case when the free variables
605-- aren't already in the in-scope set or easily available.
606-- See also Note [The substitution invariant].
607substTyAddInScope :: TCvSubst -> Type -> Type
608substTyAddInScope subst ty =
609  substTy (extendTCvInScopeSet subst $ tyCoVarsOfType ty) ty
611-- | When calling `substTy` it should be the case that the in-scope set in
612-- the substitution is a superset of the free vars of the range of the
613-- substitution.
614-- See also Note [The substitution invariant].
615isValidTCvSubst :: TCvSubst -> Bool
616isValidTCvSubst (TCvSubst in_scope tenv cenv) =
617  (tenvFVs `varSetInScope` in_scope) &&
618  (cenvFVs `varSetInScope` in_scope)
619  where
620  tenvFVs = tyCoVarsOfTypesSet tenv
621  cenvFVs = tyCoVarsOfCosSet cenv
623-- | This checks if the substitution satisfies the invariant from
624-- Note [The substitution invariant].
625checkValidSubst :: HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> [Type] -> [Coercion] -> a -> a
626checkValidSubst subst@(TCvSubst in_scope tenv cenv) tys cos a
627  = ASSERT2( isValidTCvSubst subst,
628             text "in_scope" <+> ppr in_scope $$
629             text "tenv" <+> ppr tenv $$
630             text "tenvFVs" <+> ppr (tyCoVarsOfTypesSet tenv) $$
631             text "cenv" <+> ppr cenv $$
632             text "cenvFVs" <+> ppr (tyCoVarsOfCosSet cenv) $$
633             text "tys" <+> ppr tys $$
634             text "cos" <+> ppr cos )
635    ASSERT2( tysCosFVsInScope,
636             text "in_scope" <+> ppr in_scope $$
637             text "tenv" <+> ppr tenv $$
638             text "cenv" <+> ppr cenv $$
639             text "tys" <+> ppr tys $$
640             text "cos" <+> ppr cos $$
641             text "needInScope" <+> ppr needInScope )
642    a
643  where
644  substDomain = nonDetKeysUFM tenv ++ nonDetKeysUFM cenv
645    -- It's OK to use nonDetKeysUFM here, because we only use this list to
646    -- remove some elements from a set
647  needInScope = (tyCoVarsOfTypes tys `unionVarSet` tyCoVarsOfCos cos)
648                  `delListFromUniqSet_Directly` substDomain
649  tysCosFVsInScope = needInScope `varSetInScope` in_scope
652-- | Substitute within a 'Type'
653-- The substitution has to satisfy the invariants described in
654-- Note [The substitution invariant].
655substTy :: HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> Type  -> Type
656substTy subst ty
657  | isEmptyTCvSubst subst = ty
658  | otherwise             = checkValidSubst subst [ty] [] $
659                            subst_ty subst ty
661-- | Substitute within a 'Type' disabling the sanity checks.
662-- The problems that the sanity checks in substTy catch are described in
663-- Note [The substitution invariant].
664-- The goal of #11371 is to migrate all the calls of substTyUnchecked to
665-- substTy and remove this function. Please don't use in new code.
666substTyUnchecked :: TCvSubst -> Type -> Type
667substTyUnchecked subst ty
668                 | isEmptyTCvSubst subst = ty
669                 | otherwise             = subst_ty subst ty
671-- | Substitute within several 'Type's
672-- The substitution has to satisfy the invariants described in
673-- Note [The substitution invariant].
674substTys :: HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> [Type] -> [Type]
675substTys subst tys
676  | isEmptyTCvSubst subst = tys
677  | otherwise = checkValidSubst subst tys [] $ map (subst_ty subst) tys
679-- | Substitute within several 'Type's disabling the sanity checks.
680-- The problems that the sanity checks in substTys catch are described in
681-- Note [The substitution invariant].
682-- The goal of #11371 is to migrate all the calls of substTysUnchecked to
683-- substTys and remove this function. Please don't use in new code.
684substTysUnchecked :: TCvSubst -> [Type] -> [Type]
685substTysUnchecked subst tys
686                 | isEmptyTCvSubst subst = tys
687                 | otherwise             = map (subst_ty subst) tys
689-- | Substitute within a 'ThetaType'
690-- The substitution has to satisfy the invariants described in
691-- Note [The substitution invariant].
692substTheta :: HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> ThetaType -> ThetaType
693substTheta = substTys
695-- | Substitute within a 'ThetaType' disabling the sanity checks.
696-- The problems that the sanity checks in substTys catch are described in
697-- Note [The substitution invariant].
698-- The goal of #11371 is to migrate all the calls of substThetaUnchecked to
699-- substTheta and remove this function. Please don't use in new code.
700substThetaUnchecked :: TCvSubst -> ThetaType -> ThetaType
701substThetaUnchecked = substTysUnchecked
704subst_ty :: TCvSubst -> Type -> Type
705-- subst_ty is the main workhorse for type substitution
707-- Note that the in_scope set is poked only if we hit a forall
708-- so it may often never be fully computed
709subst_ty subst ty
710   = go ty
711  where
712    go (TyVarTy tv)      = substTyVar subst tv
713    go (AppTy fun arg)   = mkAppTy (go fun) $! (go arg)
714                -- The mkAppTy smart constructor is important
715                -- we might be replacing (a Int), represented with App
716                -- by [Int], represented with TyConApp
717    go (TyConApp tc tys) = let args = map go tys
718                           in  args `seqList` TyConApp tc args
719    go ty@(FunTy { ft_arg = arg, ft_res = res })
720      = let !arg' = go arg
721            !res' = go res
722        in ty { ft_arg = arg', ft_res = res' }
723    go (ForAllTy (Bndr tv vis) ty)
724                         = case substVarBndrUnchecked subst tv of
725                             (subst', tv') ->
726                               (ForAllTy $! ((Bndr $! tv') vis)) $!
727                                            (subst_ty subst' ty)
728    go (LitTy n)         = LitTy $! n
729    go (CastTy ty co)    = (mkCastTy $! (go ty)) $! (subst_co subst co)
730    go (CoercionTy co)   = CoercionTy $! (subst_co subst co)
732substTyVar :: TCvSubst -> TyVar -> Type
733substTyVar (TCvSubst _ tenv _) tv
734  = ASSERT( isTyVar tv )
735    case lookupVarEnv tenv tv of
736      Just ty -> ty
737      Nothing -> TyVarTy tv
739substTyVars :: TCvSubst -> [TyVar] -> [Type]
740substTyVars subst = map $ substTyVar subst
742substTyCoVars :: TCvSubst -> [TyCoVar] -> [Type]
743substTyCoVars subst = map $ substTyCoVar subst
745substTyCoVar :: TCvSubst -> TyCoVar -> Type
746substTyCoVar subst tv
747  | isTyVar tv = substTyVar subst tv
748  | otherwise = CoercionTy $ substCoVar subst tv
750lookupTyVar :: TCvSubst -> TyVar  -> Maybe Type
751        -- See Note [Extending the TCvSubst]
752lookupTyVar (TCvSubst _ tenv _) tv
753  = ASSERT( isTyVar tv )
754    lookupVarEnv tenv tv
756-- | Substitute within a 'Coercion'
757-- The substitution has to satisfy the invariants described in
758-- Note [The substitution invariant].
759substCo :: HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> Coercion -> Coercion
760substCo subst co
761  | isEmptyTCvSubst subst = co
762  | otherwise = checkValidSubst subst [] [co] $ subst_co subst co
764-- | Substitute within a 'Coercion' disabling sanity checks.
765-- The problems that the sanity checks in substCo catch are described in
766-- Note [The substitution invariant].
767-- The goal of #11371 is to migrate all the calls of substCoUnchecked to
768-- substCo and remove this function. Please don't use in new code.
769substCoUnchecked :: TCvSubst -> Coercion -> Coercion
770substCoUnchecked subst co
771  | isEmptyTCvSubst subst = co
772  | otherwise = subst_co subst co
774-- | Substitute within several 'Coercion's
775-- The substitution has to satisfy the invariants described in
776-- Note [The substitution invariant].
777substCos :: HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> [Coercion] -> [Coercion]
778substCos subst cos
779  | isEmptyTCvSubst subst = cos
780  | otherwise = checkValidSubst subst [] cos $ map (subst_co subst) cos
782subst_co :: TCvSubst -> Coercion -> Coercion
783subst_co subst co
784  = go co
785  where
786    go_ty :: Type -> Type
787    go_ty = subst_ty subst
789    go_mco :: MCoercion -> MCoercion
790    go_mco MRefl    = MRefl
791    go_mco (MCo co) = MCo (go co)
793    go :: Coercion -> Coercion
794    go (Refl ty)             = mkNomReflCo $! (go_ty ty)
795    go (GRefl r ty mco)      = (mkGReflCo r $! (go_ty ty)) $! (go_mco mco)
796    go (TyConAppCo r tc args)= let args' = map go args
797                               in  args' `seqList` mkTyConAppCo r tc args'
798    go (AppCo co arg)        = (mkAppCo $! go co) $! go arg
799    go (ForAllCo tv kind_co co)
800      = case substForAllCoBndrUnchecked subst tv kind_co of
801         (subst', tv', kind_co') ->
802          ((mkForAllCo $! tv') $! kind_co') $! subst_co subst' co
803    go (FunCo r co1 co2)     = (mkFunCo r $! go co1) $! go co2
804    go (CoVarCo cv)          = substCoVar subst cv
805    go (AxiomInstCo con ind cos) = mkAxiomInstCo con ind $! map go cos
806    go (UnivCo p r t1 t2)    = (((mkUnivCo $! go_prov p) $! r) $!
807                                (go_ty t1)) $! (go_ty t2)
808    go (SymCo co)            = mkSymCo $! (go co)
809    go (TransCo co1 co2)     = (mkTransCo $! (go co1)) $! (go co2)
810    go (NthCo r d co)        = mkNthCo r d $! (go co)
811    go (LRCo lr co)          = mkLRCo lr $! (go co)
812    go (InstCo co arg)       = (mkInstCo $! (go co)) $! go arg
813    go (KindCo co)           = mkKindCo $! (go co)
814    go (SubCo co)            = mkSubCo $! (go co)
815    go (AxiomRuleCo c cs)    = let cs1 = map go cs
816                                in cs1 `seqList` AxiomRuleCo c cs1
817    go (HoleCo h)            = HoleCo $! go_hole h
819    go_prov UnsafeCoerceProv     = UnsafeCoerceProv
820    go_prov (PhantomProv kco)    = PhantomProv (go kco)
821    go_prov (ProofIrrelProv kco) = ProofIrrelProv (go kco)
822    go_prov p@(PluginProv _)     = p
824    -- See Note [Substituting in a coercion hole]
825    go_hole h@(CoercionHole { ch_co_var = cv })
826      = h { ch_co_var = updateVarType go_ty cv }
828substForAllCoBndr :: TCvSubst -> TyCoVar -> KindCoercion
829                  -> (TCvSubst, TyCoVar, Coercion)
830substForAllCoBndr subst
831  = substForAllCoBndrUsing False (substCo subst) subst
833-- | Like 'substForAllCoBndr', but disables sanity checks.
834-- The problems that the sanity checks in substCo catch are described in
835-- Note [The substitution invariant].
836-- The goal of #11371 is to migrate all the calls of substCoUnchecked to
837-- substCo and remove this function. Please don't use in new code.
838substForAllCoBndrUnchecked :: TCvSubst -> TyCoVar -> KindCoercion
839                           -> (TCvSubst, TyCoVar, Coercion)
840substForAllCoBndrUnchecked subst
841  = substForAllCoBndrUsing False (substCoUnchecked subst) subst
843-- See Note [Sym and ForAllCo]
844substForAllCoBndrUsing :: Bool  -- apply sym to binder?
845                       -> (Coercion -> Coercion)  -- transformation to kind co
846                       -> TCvSubst -> TyCoVar -> KindCoercion
847                       -> (TCvSubst, TyCoVar, KindCoercion)
848substForAllCoBndrUsing sym sco subst old_var
849  | isTyVar old_var = substForAllCoTyVarBndrUsing sym sco subst old_var
850  | otherwise       = substForAllCoCoVarBndrUsing sym sco subst old_var
852substForAllCoTyVarBndrUsing :: Bool  -- apply sym to binder?
853                            -> (Coercion -> Coercion)  -- transformation to kind co
854                            -> TCvSubst -> TyVar -> KindCoercion
855                            -> (TCvSubst, TyVar, KindCoercion)
856substForAllCoTyVarBndrUsing sym sco (TCvSubst in_scope tenv cenv) old_var old_kind_co
857  = ASSERT( isTyVar old_var )
858    ( TCvSubst (in_scope `extendInScopeSet` new_var) new_env cenv
859    , new_var, new_kind_co )
860  where
861    new_env | no_change && not sym = delVarEnv tenv old_var
862            | sym       = extendVarEnv tenv old_var $
863                          TyVarTy new_var `CastTy` new_kind_co
864            | otherwise = extendVarEnv tenv old_var (TyVarTy new_var)
866    no_kind_change = noFreeVarsOfCo old_kind_co
867    no_change = no_kind_change && (new_var == old_var)
869    new_kind_co | no_kind_change = old_kind_co
870                | otherwise      = sco old_kind_co
872    Pair new_ki1 _ = coercionKind new_kind_co
873    -- We could do substitution to (tyVarKind old_var). We don't do so because
874    -- we already substituted new_kind_co, which contains the kind information
875    -- we want. We don't want to do substitution once more. Also, in most cases,
876    -- new_kind_co is a Refl, in which case coercionKind is really fast.
878    new_var  = uniqAway in_scope (setTyVarKind old_var new_ki1)
880substForAllCoCoVarBndrUsing :: Bool  -- apply sym to binder?
881                            -> (Coercion -> Coercion)  -- transformation to kind co
882                            -> TCvSubst -> CoVar -> KindCoercion
883                            -> (TCvSubst, CoVar, KindCoercion)
884substForAllCoCoVarBndrUsing sym sco (TCvSubst in_scope tenv cenv)
885                            old_var old_kind_co
886  = ASSERT( isCoVar old_var )
887    ( TCvSubst (in_scope `extendInScopeSet` new_var) tenv new_cenv
888    , new_var, new_kind_co )
889  where
890    new_cenv | no_change && not sym = delVarEnv cenv old_var
891             | otherwise = extendVarEnv cenv old_var (mkCoVarCo new_var)
893    no_kind_change = noFreeVarsOfCo old_kind_co
894    no_change = no_kind_change && (new_var == old_var)
896    new_kind_co | no_kind_change = old_kind_co
897                | otherwise      = sco old_kind_co
899    Pair h1 h2 = coercionKind new_kind_co
901    new_var       = uniqAway in_scope $ mkCoVar (varName old_var) new_var_type
902    new_var_type  | sym       = h2
903                  | otherwise = h1
905substCoVar :: TCvSubst -> CoVar -> Coercion
906substCoVar (TCvSubst _ _ cenv) cv
907  = case lookupVarEnv cenv cv of
908      Just co -> co
909      Nothing -> CoVarCo cv
911substCoVars :: TCvSubst -> [CoVar] -> [Coercion]
912substCoVars subst cvs = map (substCoVar subst) cvs
914lookupCoVar :: TCvSubst -> Var -> Maybe Coercion
915lookupCoVar (TCvSubst _ _ cenv) v = lookupVarEnv cenv v
917substTyVarBndr :: HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> TyVar -> (TCvSubst, TyVar)
918substTyVarBndr = substTyVarBndrUsing substTy
920substTyVarBndrs :: HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> [TyVar] -> (TCvSubst, [TyVar])
921substTyVarBndrs = mapAccumL substTyVarBndr
923substVarBndr :: HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> TyCoVar -> (TCvSubst, TyCoVar)
924substVarBndr = substVarBndrUsing substTy
926substVarBndrs :: HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> [TyCoVar] -> (TCvSubst, [TyCoVar])
927substVarBndrs = mapAccumL substVarBndr
929substCoVarBndr :: HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> CoVar -> (TCvSubst, CoVar)
930substCoVarBndr = substCoVarBndrUsing substTy
932-- | Like 'substVarBndr', but disables sanity checks.
933-- The problems that the sanity checks in substTy catch are described in
934-- Note [The substitution invariant].
935-- The goal of #11371 is to migrate all the calls of substTyUnchecked to
936-- substTy and remove this function. Please don't use in new code.
937substVarBndrUnchecked :: TCvSubst -> TyCoVar -> (TCvSubst, TyCoVar)
938substVarBndrUnchecked = substVarBndrUsing substTyUnchecked
940substVarBndrUsing :: (TCvSubst -> Type -> Type)
941                  -> TCvSubst -> TyCoVar -> (TCvSubst, TyCoVar)
942substVarBndrUsing subst_fn subst v
943  | isTyVar v = substTyVarBndrUsing subst_fn subst v
944  | otherwise = substCoVarBndrUsing subst_fn subst v
946-- | Substitute a tyvar in a binding position, returning an
947-- extended subst and a new tyvar.
948-- Use the supplied function to substitute in the kind
950  :: (TCvSubst -> Type -> Type)  -- ^ Use this to substitute in the kind
951  -> TCvSubst -> TyVar -> (TCvSubst, TyVar)
952substTyVarBndrUsing subst_fn subst@(TCvSubst in_scope tenv cenv) old_var
953  = ASSERT2( _no_capture, pprTyVar old_var $$ pprTyVar new_var $$ ppr subst )
954    ASSERT( isTyVar old_var )
955    (TCvSubst (in_scope `extendInScopeSet` new_var) new_env cenv, new_var)
956  where
957    new_env | no_change = delVarEnv tenv old_var
958            | otherwise = extendVarEnv tenv old_var (TyVarTy new_var)
960    _no_capture = not (new_var `elemVarSet` tyCoVarsOfTypesSet tenv)
961    -- Assertion check that we are not capturing something in the substitution
963    old_ki = tyVarKind old_var
964    no_kind_change = noFreeVarsOfType old_ki -- verify that kind is closed
965    no_change = no_kind_change && (new_var == old_var)
966        -- no_change means that the new_var is identical in
967        -- all respects to the old_var (same unique, same kind)
968        -- See Note [Extending the TCvSubst]
969        --
970        -- In that case we don't need to extend the substitution
971        -- to map old to new.  But instead we must zap any
972        -- current substitution for the variable. For example:
973        --      (\x.e) with id_subst = [x |-> e']
974        -- Here we must simply zap the substitution for x
976    new_var | no_kind_change = uniqAway in_scope old_var
977            | otherwise = uniqAway in_scope $
978                          setTyVarKind old_var (subst_fn subst old_ki)
979        -- The uniqAway part makes sure the new variable is not already in scope
981-- | Substitute a covar in a binding position, returning an
982-- extended subst and a new covar.
983-- Use the supplied function to substitute in the kind
985  :: (TCvSubst -> Type -> Type)
986  -> TCvSubst -> CoVar -> (TCvSubst, CoVar)
987substCoVarBndrUsing subst_fn subst@(TCvSubst in_scope tenv cenv) old_var
988  = ASSERT( isCoVar old_var )
989    (TCvSubst (in_scope `extendInScopeSet` new_var) tenv new_cenv, new_var)
990  where
991    new_co         = mkCoVarCo new_var
992    no_kind_change = noFreeVarsOfTypes [t1, t2]
993    no_change      = new_var == old_var && no_kind_change
995    new_cenv | no_change = delVarEnv cenv old_var
996             | otherwise = extendVarEnv cenv old_var new_co
998    new_var = uniqAway in_scope subst_old_var
999    subst_old_var = mkCoVar (varName old_var) new_var_type
1001    (_, _, t1, t2, role) = coVarKindsTypesRole old_var
1002    t1' = subst_fn subst t1
1003    t2' = subst_fn subst t2
1004    new_var_type = mkCoercionType role t1' t2'
1005                  -- It's important to do the substitution for coercions,
1006                  -- because they can have free type variables
1008cloneTyVarBndr :: TCvSubst -> TyVar -> Unique -> (TCvSubst, TyVar)
1009cloneTyVarBndr subst@(TCvSubst in_scope tv_env cv_env) tv uniq
1010  = ASSERT2( isTyVar tv, ppr tv )   -- I think it's only called on TyVars
1011    (TCvSubst (extendInScopeSet in_scope tv')
1012              (extendVarEnv tv_env tv (mkTyVarTy tv')) cv_env, tv')
1013  where
1014    old_ki = tyVarKind tv
1015    no_kind_change = noFreeVarsOfType old_ki -- verify that kind is closed
1017    tv1 | no_kind_change = tv
1018        | otherwise      = setTyVarKind tv (substTy subst old_ki)
1020    tv' = setVarUnique tv1 uniq
1022cloneTyVarBndrs :: TCvSubst -> [TyVar] -> UniqSupply -> (TCvSubst, [TyVar])
1023cloneTyVarBndrs subst []     _usupply = (subst, [])
1024cloneTyVarBndrs subst (t:ts)  usupply = (subst'', tv:tvs)
1025  where
1026    (uniq, usupply') = takeUniqFromSupply usupply
1027    (subst' , tv )   = cloneTyVarBndr subst t uniq
1028    (subst'', tvs)   = cloneTyVarBndrs subst' ts usupply'