2{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
4-- |
5-- Module      :  Distribution.Client.Sandbox
6-- Maintainer  :  cabal-devel@haskell.org
7-- Portability :  portable
9-- UI for the sandboxing functionality.
12module Distribution.Client.Sandbox (
13    sandboxInit,
14    sandboxDelete,
15    sandboxAddSource,
16    sandboxAddSourceSnapshot,
17    sandboxDeleteSource,
18    sandboxListSources,
19    sandboxHcPkg,
20    dumpPackageEnvironment,
21    withSandboxBinDirOnSearchPath,
23    getSandboxConfigFilePath,
24    loadConfigOrSandboxConfig,
25    findSavedDistPref,
26    initPackageDBIfNeeded,
27    maybeWithSandboxDirOnSearchPath,
29    WereDepsReinstalled(..),
30    reinstallAddSourceDeps,
31    maybeReinstallAddSourceDeps,
33    SandboxPackageInfo(..),
34    maybeWithSandboxPackageInfo,
36    tryGetIndexFilePath,
37    sandboxBuildDir,
38    getInstalledPackagesInSandbox,
39    updateSandboxConfigFileFlag,
40    updateInstallDirs,
42    getPersistOrConfigCompiler
43  ) where
45import Prelude ()
46import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
47import Distribution.Utils.Generic(safeLast)
49import Distribution.Client.Setup
50  ( SandboxFlags(..), ConfigFlags(..), ConfigExFlags(..), InstallFlags(..)
51  , GlobalFlags(..), configCompilerAux', configPackageDB'
52  , defaultConfigExFlags, defaultInstallFlags
53  , defaultSandboxLocation, withRepoContext )
54import Distribution.Client.Sandbox.Timestamp  ( listModifiedDeps
55                                              , maybeAddCompilerTimestampRecord
56                                              , withAddTimestamps
57                                              , removeTimestamps )
58import Distribution.Client.Config
59  ( SavedConfig(..), defaultUserInstall, loadConfig )
60import Distribution.Client.Dependency         ( foldProgress )
61import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils         ( BuildTreeRefType(..) )
62import Distribution.Client.Install            ( InstallArgs,
63                                                makeInstallContext,
64                                                makeInstallPlan,
65                                                processInstallPlan )
66import Distribution.Utils.NubList            ( fromNubList )
68import Distribution.Client.Sandbox.PackageEnvironment
69  ( PackageEnvironment(..), PackageEnvironmentType(..)
70  , createPackageEnvironmentFile, classifyPackageEnvironment
71  , tryLoadSandboxPackageEnvironmentFile, loadUserConfig
72  , commentPackageEnvironment, showPackageEnvironmentWithComments
73  , sandboxPackageEnvironmentFile, userPackageEnvironmentFile
74  , sandboxPackageDBPath )
75import Distribution.Client.Sandbox.Types      ( SandboxPackageInfo(..)
76                                              , UseSandbox(..) )
77import Distribution.Client.SetupWrapper
78  ( SetupScriptOptions(..), defaultSetupScriptOptions )
79import Distribution.Client.Types              ( PackageLocation(..) )
80import Distribution.Client.Utils              ( inDir, tryCanonicalizePath
81                                              , tryFindAddSourcePackageDesc)
82import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
83                                              ( flattenPackageDescription )
84import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec ( readGenericPackageDescription )
85import Distribution.Simple.Compiler           ( Compiler(..), PackageDB(..) )
86import Distribution.Simple.Configure          ( configCompilerAuxEx
87                                              , getPackageDBContents
88                                              , maybeGetPersistBuildConfig
89                                              , findDistPrefOrDefault
90                                              , findDistPref )
91import qualified Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo as LocalBuildInfo
92import Distribution.Simple.PreProcess         ( knownSuffixHandlers )
93import Distribution.Simple.Program            ( ProgramDb )
94import Distribution.Simple.Setup              ( Flag(..), HaddockFlags(..)
95                                              , emptyTestFlags, emptyBenchmarkFlags
96                                              , fromFlagOrDefault, flagToMaybe )
97import Distribution.Simple.SrcDist            ( prepareTree )
98import Distribution.Simple.Utils              ( die', debug, notice, info, warn
99                                              , debugNoWrap, defaultPackageDesc
100                                              , topHandlerWith
101                                              , createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose )
102import Distribution.Package                   ( Package(..) )
103import Distribution.System                    ( Platform )
104import Distribution.Deprecated.Text                      ( display )
105import Distribution.Verbosity                 ( Verbosity )
106import Distribution.Compat.Environment        ( lookupEnv, setEnv )
107import Distribution.Client.Compat.FilePerms   ( setFileHidden )
108import qualified Distribution.Client.Sandbox.Index as Index
109import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex       ( InstalledPackageIndex )
110import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex  as InstalledPackageIndex
111import qualified Distribution.Simple.Register      as Register
113import Distribution.Solver.Types.SourcePackage
115import qualified Data.Map                          as M
116import qualified Data.Set                          as S
117import Data.Either                            (partitionEithers)
118import Control.Exception                      ( assert, bracket_ )
119import Control.Monad                          ( forM, mapM, mapM_ )
120import Data.Bits                              ( shiftL, shiftR, xor )
121import Data.IORef                             ( newIORef, writeIORef, readIORef )
122import Data.List                              ( delete
123                                              , groupBy )
124import Data.Maybe                             ( fromJust )
125import Numeric                                ( showHex )
126import System.Directory                       ( canonicalizePath
127                                              , createDirectory
128                                              , doesDirectoryExist
129                                              , doesFileExist
130                                              , getCurrentDirectory
131                                              , removeDirectoryRecursive
132                                              , removeFile
133                                              , renameDirectory )
134import System.FilePath                        ( (</>), equalFilePath
135                                              , getSearchPath
136                                              , searchPathSeparator
137                                              , splitSearchPath
138                                              , takeDirectory )
141-- * Constants
144-- | The name of the sandbox subdirectory where we keep snapshots of add-source
145-- dependencies.
146snapshotDirectoryName :: FilePath
147snapshotDirectoryName = "snapshots"
149-- | Non-standard build dir that is used for building add-source deps instead of
150-- "dist". Fixes surprising behaviour in some cases (see issue #1281).
151sandboxBuildDir :: FilePath -> FilePath
152sandboxBuildDir sandboxDir = "dist/dist-sandbox-" ++ showHex sandboxDirHash ""
153  where
154    sandboxDirHash = jenkins sandboxDir
156    -- See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenkins_hash_function
157    jenkins :: String -> Word32
158    jenkins str = loop_finish $ foldl' loop 0 str
159      where
160        loop :: Word32 -> Char -> Word32
161        loop hash key_i' = hash'''
162          where
163            key_i   = toEnum . ord $ key_i'
164            hash'   = hash + key_i
165            hash''  = hash' + (shiftL hash' 10)
166            hash''' = hash'' `xor` (shiftR hash'' 6)
168        loop_finish :: Word32 -> Word32
169        loop_finish hash = hash'''
170          where
171            hash'   = hash + (shiftL hash 3)
172            hash''  = hash' `xor` (shiftR hash' 11)
173            hash''' = hash'' + (shiftL hash'' 15)
176-- * Basic sandbox functions.
179-- | If @--sandbox-config-file@ wasn't given on the command-line, set it to the
180-- value of the @CABAL_SANDBOX_CONFIG@ environment variable, or else to
181-- 'NoFlag'.
182updateSandboxConfigFileFlag :: GlobalFlags -> IO GlobalFlags
183updateSandboxConfigFileFlag globalFlags =
184  case globalSandboxConfigFile globalFlags of
185    Flag _ -> return globalFlags
186    NoFlag -> do
187      f' <- fmap (maybe NoFlag Flag) . lookupEnv $ "CABAL_SANDBOX_CONFIG"
188      return globalFlags { globalSandboxConfigFile = f' }
190-- | Return the path to the sandbox config file - either the default or the one
191-- specified with @--sandbox-config-file@.
192getSandboxConfigFilePath :: GlobalFlags -> IO FilePath
193getSandboxConfigFilePath globalFlags = do
194  let sandboxConfigFileFlag = globalSandboxConfigFile globalFlags
195  case sandboxConfigFileFlag of
196    NoFlag -> do pkgEnvDir <- getCurrentDirectory
197                 return (pkgEnvDir </> sandboxPackageEnvironmentFile)
198    Flag path -> return path
200-- | Load the @cabal.sandbox.config@ file (and possibly the optional
201-- @cabal.config@). In addition to a @PackageEnvironment@, also return a
202-- canonical path to the sandbox. Exit with error if the sandbox directory or
203-- the package environment file do not exist.
204tryLoadSandboxConfig :: Verbosity -> GlobalFlags
205                        -> IO (FilePath, PackageEnvironment)
206tryLoadSandboxConfig verbosity globalFlags = do
207  path <- getSandboxConfigFilePath globalFlags
208  tryLoadSandboxPackageEnvironmentFile verbosity path
209    (globalConfigFile globalFlags)
211-- | Return the name of the package index file for this package environment.
212tryGetIndexFilePath :: Verbosity -> SavedConfig -> IO FilePath
213tryGetIndexFilePath verbosity config = tryGetIndexFilePath' verbosity (savedGlobalFlags config)
215-- | The same as 'tryGetIndexFilePath', but takes 'GlobalFlags' instead of
216-- 'SavedConfig'.
217tryGetIndexFilePath' :: Verbosity -> GlobalFlags -> IO FilePath
218tryGetIndexFilePath' verbosity globalFlags = do
219  let paths = fromNubList $ globalLocalRepos globalFlags
220  case safeLast paths of
221    Nothing   -> die' verbosity $ "Distribution.Client.Sandbox.tryGetIndexFilePath: " ++
222           "no local repos found. " ++ checkConfiguration
223    Just lp   -> return $ lp </> Index.defaultIndexFileName
224  where
225    checkConfiguration = "Please check your configuration ('"
226                         ++ userPackageEnvironmentFile ++ "')."
228-- | Try to extract a 'PackageDB' from 'ConfigFlags'. Gives a better error
229-- message than just pattern-matching.
230getSandboxPackageDB :: Verbosity -> ConfigFlags -> IO PackageDB
231getSandboxPackageDB verbosity configFlags = do
232  case configPackageDBs configFlags of
233    [Just sandboxDB@(SpecificPackageDB _)] -> return sandboxDB
234    -- TODO: should we allow multiple package DBs (e.g. with 'inherit')?
236    []                                     ->
237      die' verbosity $ "Sandbox package DB is not specified. " ++ sandboxConfigCorrupt
238    [_]                                    ->
239      die' verbosity $ "Unexpected contents of the 'package-db' field. "
240            ++ sandboxConfigCorrupt
241    _                                      ->
242      die' verbosity $ "Too many package DBs provided. " ++ sandboxConfigCorrupt
244  where
245    sandboxConfigCorrupt = "Your 'cabal.sandbox.config' is probably corrupt."
248-- | Which packages are installed in the sandbox package DB?
249getInstalledPackagesInSandbox :: Verbosity -> ConfigFlags
250                                 -> Compiler -> ProgramDb
251                                 -> IO InstalledPackageIndex
252getInstalledPackagesInSandbox verbosity configFlags comp progdb = do
253    sandboxDB <- getSandboxPackageDB verbosity configFlags
254    getPackageDBContents verbosity comp sandboxDB progdb
256-- | Temporarily add $SANDBOX_DIR/bin to $PATH.
257withSandboxBinDirOnSearchPath :: FilePath -> IO a -> IO a
258withSandboxBinDirOnSearchPath sandboxDir = bracket_ addBinDir rmBinDir
259  where
260    -- TODO: Instead of modifying the global process state, it'd be better to
261    -- set the environment individually for each subprocess invocation. This
262    -- will have to wait until the Shell monad is implemented; without it the
263    -- required changes are too intrusive.
264    addBinDir :: IO ()
265    addBinDir = do
266      mbOldPath <- lookupEnv "PATH"
267      let newPath = maybe sandboxBin ((++) sandboxBin . (:) searchPathSeparator)
268                    mbOldPath
269      setEnv "PATH" newPath
271    rmBinDir :: IO ()
272    rmBinDir = do
273      oldPath <- getSearchPath
274      let newPath = intercalate [searchPathSeparator]
275                    (delete sandboxBin oldPath)
276      setEnv "PATH" newPath
278    sandboxBin = sandboxDir </> "bin"
280-- | Initialise a package DB for this compiler if it doesn't exist.
281initPackageDBIfNeeded :: Verbosity -> ConfigFlags
282                         -> Compiler -> ProgramDb
283                         -> IO ()
284initPackageDBIfNeeded verbosity configFlags comp progdb = do
285  SpecificPackageDB dbPath <- getSandboxPackageDB verbosity configFlags
286  packageDBExists <- doesDirectoryExist dbPath
287  unless packageDBExists $
288    Register.initPackageDB verbosity comp progdb dbPath
289  when packageDBExists $
290    debug verbosity $ "The package database already exists: " ++ dbPath
292-- | Entry point for the 'cabal sandbox dump-pkgenv' command.
293dumpPackageEnvironment :: Verbosity -> SandboxFlags -> GlobalFlags -> IO ()
294dumpPackageEnvironment verbosity _sandboxFlags globalFlags = do
295  (sandboxDir, pkgEnv) <- tryLoadSandboxConfig verbosity globalFlags
296  commentPkgEnv        <- commentPackageEnvironment sandboxDir
297  putStrLn . showPackageEnvironmentWithComments (Just commentPkgEnv) $ pkgEnv
299-- | Entry point for the 'cabal sandbox init' command.
300sandboxInit :: Verbosity -> SandboxFlags  -> GlobalFlags -> IO ()
301sandboxInit verbosity sandboxFlags globalFlags = do
302  -- Warn if there's a 'cabal-dev' sandbox.
303  isCabalDevSandbox <- liftM2 (&&) (doesDirectoryExist "cabal-dev")
304                       (doesFileExist $ "cabal-dev" </> "cabal.config")
305  when isCabalDevSandbox $
306    warn verbosity $
307    "You are apparently using a legacy (cabal-dev) sandbox. "
308    ++ "Legacy sandboxes may interact badly with native Cabal sandboxes. "
309    ++ "You may want to delete the 'cabal-dev' directory to prevent issues."
311  -- Create the sandbox directory.
312  let sandboxDir' = fromFlagOrDefault defaultSandboxLocation
313                    (sandboxLocation sandboxFlags)
314  createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True sandboxDir'
315  sandboxDir <- tryCanonicalizePath sandboxDir'
316  setFileHidden sandboxDir
318  -- Determine which compiler to use (using the value from ~/.cabal/config).
319  userConfig <- loadConfig verbosity (globalConfigFile globalFlags)
320  (comp, platform, progdb) <- configCompilerAuxEx (savedConfigureFlags userConfig)
322  -- Create the package environment file.
323  pkgEnvFile <- getSandboxConfigFilePath globalFlags
324  createPackageEnvironmentFile verbosity sandboxDir pkgEnvFile comp platform
325  (_sandboxDir, pkgEnv) <- tryLoadSandboxConfig verbosity globalFlags
326  let config      = pkgEnvSavedConfig pkgEnv
327      configFlags = savedConfigureFlags config
329  -- Create the index file if it doesn't exist.
330  indexFile <- tryGetIndexFilePath verbosity config
331  indexFileExists <- doesFileExist indexFile
332  if indexFileExists
333    then notice verbosity $ "Using an existing sandbox located at " ++ sandboxDir
334    else notice verbosity $ "Creating a new sandbox at " ++ sandboxDir
335  Index.createEmpty verbosity indexFile
337  -- Create the package DB for the default compiler.
338  initPackageDBIfNeeded verbosity configFlags comp progdb
339  maybeAddCompilerTimestampRecord verbosity sandboxDir indexFile
340    (compilerId comp) platform
342-- | Entry point for the 'cabal sandbox delete' command.
343sandboxDelete :: Verbosity -> SandboxFlags -> GlobalFlags -> IO ()
344sandboxDelete verbosity _sandboxFlags globalFlags = do
345  (useSandbox, _) <- loadConfigOrSandboxConfig
346                       verbosity
347                       globalFlags { globalRequireSandbox = Flag False }
348  case useSandbox of
349    NoSandbox -> warn verbosity "Not in a sandbox."
350    UseSandbox sandboxDir -> do
351      curDir     <- getCurrentDirectory
352      pkgEnvFile <- getSandboxConfigFilePath globalFlags
354      -- Remove the @cabal.sandbox.config@ file, unless it's in a non-standard
355      -- location.
356      let isNonDefaultConfigLocation = not $ equalFilePath pkgEnvFile $
357                                       curDir </> sandboxPackageEnvironmentFile
359      if isNonDefaultConfigLocation
360        then warn verbosity $ "Sandbox config file is in non-default location: '"
361                    ++ pkgEnvFile ++ "'.\n Please delete manually."
362        else removeFile pkgEnvFile
364      -- Remove the sandbox directory, unless we're using a shared sandbox.
365      let isNonDefaultSandboxLocation = not $ equalFilePath sandboxDir $
366                                        curDir </> defaultSandboxLocation
368      when isNonDefaultSandboxLocation $
369        die' verbosity $ "Non-default sandbox location used: '" ++ sandboxDir
370        ++ "'.\nAssuming a shared sandbox. Please delete '"
371        ++ sandboxDir ++ "' manually."
373      absSandboxDir <- canonicalizePath sandboxDir
374      notice verbosity $ "Deleting the sandbox located at " ++ absSandboxDir
375      removeDirectoryRecursive absSandboxDir
377      let
378        pathInsideSandbox = isPrefixOf absSandboxDir
380        -- Warn the user if deleting the sandbox deleted a package database
381        -- referenced in the current environment.
382        checkPackagePaths var = do
383          let
384            checkPath path = do
385              absPath <- canonicalizePath path
386              (when (pathInsideSandbox absPath) . warn verbosity)
387                (var ++ " refers to package database " ++ path
388                 ++ " inside the deleted sandbox.")
389          liftM (maybe [] splitSearchPath) (lookupEnv var) >>= mapM_ checkPath
391      checkPackagePaths "CABAL_SANDBOX_PACKAGE_PATH"
392      checkPackagePaths "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH"
393      checkPackagePaths "GHCJS_PACKAGE_PATH"
395-- Common implementation of 'sandboxAddSource' and 'sandboxAddSourceSnapshot'.
396doAddSource :: Verbosity -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> PackageEnvironment
397               -> BuildTreeRefType
398               -> IO ()
399doAddSource verbosity buildTreeRefs sandboxDir pkgEnv refType = do
400  let savedConfig       = pkgEnvSavedConfig pkgEnv
401  indexFile            <- tryGetIndexFilePath verbosity savedConfig
403  -- If we're running 'sandbox add-source' for the first time for this compiler,
404  -- we need to create an initial timestamp record.
405  (comp, platform, _) <- configCompilerAuxEx . savedConfigureFlags $ savedConfig
406  maybeAddCompilerTimestampRecord verbosity sandboxDir indexFile
407    (compilerId comp) platform
409  withAddTimestamps verbosity sandboxDir $ do
410    -- Path canonicalisation is done in addBuildTreeRefs, but we do it
411    -- twice because of the timestamps file.
412    buildTreeRefs' <- mapM tryCanonicalizePath buildTreeRefs
413    Index.addBuildTreeRefs verbosity indexFile buildTreeRefs' refType
414    return buildTreeRefs'
416-- | Entry point for the 'cabal sandbox add-source' command.
417sandboxAddSource :: Verbosity -> [FilePath] -> SandboxFlags -> GlobalFlags
418                    -> IO ()
419sandboxAddSource verbosity buildTreeRefs sandboxFlags globalFlags = do
420  (sandboxDir, pkgEnv) <- tryLoadSandboxConfig verbosity globalFlags
422  if fromFlagOrDefault False (sandboxSnapshot sandboxFlags)
423    then sandboxAddSourceSnapshot verbosity buildTreeRefs sandboxDir pkgEnv
424    else doAddSource verbosity buildTreeRefs sandboxDir pkgEnv LinkRef
426-- | Entry point for the 'cabal sandbox add-source --snapshot' command.
427sandboxAddSourceSnapshot :: Verbosity -> [FilePath] -> FilePath
428                            -> PackageEnvironment
429                            -> IO ()
430sandboxAddSourceSnapshot verbosity buildTreeRefs sandboxDir pkgEnv = do
431  let snapshotDir = sandboxDir </> snapshotDirectoryName
433  -- Use 'D.S.SrcDist.prepareTree' to copy each package's files to our private
434  -- location.
435  createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True snapshotDir
437  -- Collect the package descriptions first, so that if some path does not refer
438  -- to a cabal package, we fail immediately.
439  pkgs      <- forM buildTreeRefs $ \buildTreeRef ->
440    inDir (Just buildTreeRef) $
441    return . flattenPackageDescription
442            =<< readGenericPackageDescription verbosity
443            =<< defaultPackageDesc     verbosity
445  -- Copy the package sources to "snapshots/$PKGNAME-$VERSION-tmp". If
446  -- 'prepareTree' throws an error at any point, the old snapshots will still be
447  -- in consistent state.
448  tmpDirs <- forM (zip buildTreeRefs pkgs) $ \(buildTreeRef, pkg) ->
449    inDir (Just buildTreeRef) $ do
450      let targetDir    = snapshotDir </> (display . packageId $ pkg)
451          targetTmpDir = targetDir ++ "-tmp"
452      dirExists <- doesDirectoryExist targetTmpDir
453      when dirExists $
454        removeDirectoryRecursive targetDir
455      createDirectory targetTmpDir
456      prepareTree verbosity pkg Nothing targetTmpDir knownSuffixHandlers
457      return (targetTmpDir, targetDir)
459  -- Now rename the "snapshots/$PKGNAME-$VERSION-tmp" dirs to
460  -- "snapshots/$PKGNAME-$VERSION".
461  snapshots <- forM tmpDirs $ \(targetTmpDir, targetDir) -> do
462    dirExists <- doesDirectoryExist targetDir
463    when dirExists $
464      removeDirectoryRecursive targetDir
465    renameDirectory targetTmpDir targetDir
466    return targetDir
468  -- Once the packages are copied, just 'add-source' them as usual.
469  doAddSource verbosity snapshots sandboxDir pkgEnv SnapshotRef
471-- | Entry point for the 'cabal sandbox delete-source' command.
472sandboxDeleteSource :: Verbosity -> [FilePath] -> SandboxFlags -> GlobalFlags
473                       -> IO ()
474sandboxDeleteSource verbosity buildTreeRefs _sandboxFlags globalFlags = do
475  (sandboxDir, pkgEnv) <- tryLoadSandboxConfig verbosity globalFlags
476  indexFile            <- tryGetIndexFilePath verbosity (pkgEnvSavedConfig pkgEnv)
478  (results, convDict) <-
479    Index.removeBuildTreeRefs verbosity indexFile buildTreeRefs
481  let (failedPaths, removedPaths) = partitionEithers results
482      removedRefs = fmap convDict removedPaths
484  unless (null removedPaths) $ do
485    removeTimestamps verbosity sandboxDir removedPaths
487    notice verbosity $ "Success deleting sources: " ++
488      showL removedRefs ++ "\n\n"
490  unless (null failedPaths) $ do
491    let groupedFailures = groupBy errorType failedPaths
492    mapM_ handleErrors groupedFailures
493    die' verbosity $ "The sources with the above errors were skipped. (" ++
494      showL (fmap getPath failedPaths) ++ ")"
496  notice verbosity $ "Note: 'sandbox delete-source' only unregisters the " ++
497    "source dependency, but does not remove the package " ++
498    "from the sandbox package DB.\n\n" ++
499    "Use 'sandbox hc-pkg -- unregister' to do that."
500  where
501    getPath (Index.ErrNonregisteredSource p) = p
502    getPath (Index.ErrNonexistentSource p) = p
504    showPaths f = concat . intersperse " " . fmap (show . f)
506    showL = showPaths id
508    showE [] = return ' '
509    showE errs = showPaths getPath errs
511    errorType Index.ErrNonregisteredSource{} Index.ErrNonregisteredSource{} =
512      True
513    errorType Index.ErrNonexistentSource{} Index.ErrNonexistentSource{} = True
514    errorType _ _ = False
516    handleErrors [] = return ()
517    handleErrors errs@(Index.ErrNonregisteredSource{}:_) =
518      warn verbosity ("Sources not registered: " ++ showE errs ++ "\n\n")
519    handleErrors errs@(Index.ErrNonexistentSource{}:_)   =
520      warn verbosity
521      ("Source directory not found for paths: " ++ showE errs ++ "\n"
522       ++ "If you are trying to delete a reference to a removed directory, "
523       ++ "please provide the full absolute path "
524       ++ "(as given by `sandbox list-sources`).\n\n")
526-- | Entry point for the 'cabal sandbox list-sources' command.
527sandboxListSources :: Verbosity -> SandboxFlags -> GlobalFlags
528                      -> IO ()
529sandboxListSources verbosity _sandboxFlags globalFlags = do
530  (sandboxDir, pkgEnv) <- tryLoadSandboxConfig verbosity globalFlags
531  indexFile            <- tryGetIndexFilePath verbosity (pkgEnvSavedConfig pkgEnv)
533  refs <- Index.listBuildTreeRefs verbosity
534          Index.ListIgnored Index.LinksAndSnapshots indexFile
535  when (null refs) $
536    notice verbosity $ "Index file '" ++ indexFile
537    ++ "' has no references to local build trees."
538  when (not . null $ refs) $ do
539    notice verbosity $ "Source dependencies registered "
540      ++ "in the current sandbox ('" ++ sandboxDir ++ "'):\n\n"
541    mapM_ putStrLn refs
542    notice verbosity $ "\nTo unregister source dependencies, "
543                       ++ "use the 'sandbox delete-source' command."
545-- | Entry point for the 'cabal sandbox hc-pkg' command. Invokes the @hc-pkg@
546-- tool with provided arguments, restricted to the sandbox.
547sandboxHcPkg :: Verbosity -> SandboxFlags -> GlobalFlags -> [String] -> IO ()
548sandboxHcPkg verbosity _sandboxFlags globalFlags extraArgs = do
549  (sandboxDir, pkgEnv) <- tryLoadSandboxConfig verbosity globalFlags
550  let configFlags = savedConfigureFlags . pkgEnvSavedConfig $ pkgEnv
551  -- Invoke hc-pkg for the most recently configured compiler (if any),
552  -- using the right package-db for the compiler (see #1935).
553  (comp, platform, progdb) <- getPersistOrConfigCompiler configFlags
554  let dir         = sandboxPackageDBPath sandboxDir comp platform
555      dbStack     = [GlobalPackageDB, SpecificPackageDB dir]
556  Register.invokeHcPkg verbosity comp progdb dbStack extraArgs
558updateInstallDirs :: Flag Bool
559                  -> (UseSandbox, SavedConfig) -> (UseSandbox, SavedConfig)
560updateInstallDirs userInstallFlag (useSandbox, savedConfig) =
561  case useSandbox of
562    NoSandbox ->
563      let savedConfig' = savedConfig {
564            savedConfigureFlags = configureFlags {
565                configInstallDirs = installDirs
566            }
567          }
568      in (useSandbox, savedConfig')
569    _ -> (useSandbox, savedConfig)
570  where
571    configureFlags = savedConfigureFlags savedConfig
572    userInstallDirs = savedUserInstallDirs savedConfig
573    globalInstallDirs = savedGlobalInstallDirs savedConfig
574    installDirs | userInstall = userInstallDirs
575                | otherwise   = globalInstallDirs
576    userInstall = fromFlagOrDefault defaultUserInstall
577                  (configUserInstall configureFlags `mappend` userInstallFlag)
579-- | Check which type of package environment we're in and return a
580-- correctly-initialised @SavedConfig@ and a @UseSandbox@ value that indicates
581-- whether we're working in a sandbox.
582loadConfigOrSandboxConfig :: Verbosity
583                          -> GlobalFlags  -- ^ For @--config-file@ and
584                                          -- @--sandbox-config-file@.
585                          -> IO (UseSandbox, SavedConfig)
586loadConfigOrSandboxConfig verbosity globalFlags = do
587  let configFileFlag        = globalConfigFile        globalFlags
588      sandboxConfigFileFlag = globalSandboxConfigFile globalFlags
589      ignoreSandboxFlag     = globalIgnoreSandbox     globalFlags
591  pkgEnvDir  <- getPkgEnvDir sandboxConfigFileFlag
592  pkgEnvType <- classifyPackageEnvironment pkgEnvDir sandboxConfigFileFlag
593                                           ignoreSandboxFlag
594  case pkgEnvType of
595    -- A @cabal.sandbox.config@ file (and possibly @cabal.config@) is present.
596    SandboxPackageEnvironment -> do
597      (sandboxDir, pkgEnv) <- tryLoadSandboxConfig verbosity globalFlags
598                              -- Prints an error message and exits on error.
599      let config = pkgEnvSavedConfig pkgEnv
600      return (UseSandbox sandboxDir, config)
602    -- Only @cabal.config@ is present.
603    UserPackageEnvironment    -> do
604      config <- loadConfig verbosity configFileFlag
605      userConfig <- loadUserConfig verbosity pkgEnvDir Nothing
606      let config' = config `mappend` userConfig
607      dieIfSandboxRequired config'
608      return (NoSandbox, config')
610    -- Neither @cabal.sandbox.config@ nor @cabal.config@ are present.
611    AmbientPackageEnvironment -> do
612      config <- loadConfig verbosity configFileFlag
613      let globalConstraintsOpt =
614            flagToMaybe . globalConstraintsFile . savedGlobalFlags $ config
615      globalConstraintConfig <-
616        loadUserConfig verbosity pkgEnvDir globalConstraintsOpt
617      let config' = config `mappend` globalConstraintConfig
618      dieIfSandboxRequired config
619      return (NoSandbox, config')
621  where
622    -- Return the path to the package environment directory - either the
623    -- current directory or the one that @--sandbox-config-file@ resides in.
624    getPkgEnvDir :: (Flag FilePath) -> IO FilePath
625    getPkgEnvDir sandboxConfigFileFlag = do
626      case sandboxConfigFileFlag of
627        NoFlag    -> getCurrentDirectory
628        Flag path -> tryCanonicalizePath . takeDirectory $ path
630    -- Die if @--require-sandbox@ was specified and we're not inside a sandbox.
631    dieIfSandboxRequired :: SavedConfig -> IO ()
632    dieIfSandboxRequired config = checkFlag flag
633      where
634        flag = (globalRequireSandbox . savedGlobalFlags $ config)
635               `mappend` (globalRequireSandbox globalFlags)
636        checkFlag (Flag True)  =
637          die' verbosity $ "'require-sandbox' is set to True, but no sandbox is present. "
638             ++ "Use '--no-require-sandbox' if you want to override "
639             ++ "'require-sandbox' temporarily."
640        checkFlag (Flag False) = return ()
641        checkFlag (NoFlag)     = return ()
643-- | Return the saved \"dist/\" prefix, or the default prefix.
644findSavedDistPref :: SavedConfig -> Flag FilePath -> IO FilePath
645findSavedDistPref config flagDistPref = do
646    let defDistPref = useDistPref defaultSetupScriptOptions
647        flagDistPref' = configDistPref (savedConfigureFlags config)
648                        `mappend` flagDistPref
649    findDistPref defDistPref flagDistPref'
651-- | If we're in a sandbox, call @withSandboxBinDirOnSearchPath@, otherwise do
652-- nothing.
653maybeWithSandboxDirOnSearchPath :: UseSandbox -> IO a -> IO a
654maybeWithSandboxDirOnSearchPath NoSandbox               act = act
655maybeWithSandboxDirOnSearchPath (UseSandbox sandboxDir) act =
656  withSandboxBinDirOnSearchPath sandboxDir $ act
658-- | Had reinstallAddSourceDeps actually reinstalled any dependencies?
659data WereDepsReinstalled = ReinstalledSomeDeps | NoDepsReinstalled
661-- | Reinstall those add-source dependencies that have been modified since
662-- we've last installed them. Assumes that we're working inside a sandbox.
663reinstallAddSourceDeps :: Verbosity
664                          -> ConfigFlags  -> ConfigExFlags
665                          -> InstallFlags -> GlobalFlags
666                          -> FilePath
667                          -> IO WereDepsReinstalled
668reinstallAddSourceDeps verbosity configFlags' configExFlags
669                       installFlags globalFlags sandboxDir = topHandlerWith errorMsg $ do
670  let sandboxDistPref     = sandboxBuildDir sandboxDir
671      configFlags         = configFlags'
672                            { configDistPref  = Flag sandboxDistPref }
673      haddockFlags        = mempty
674                            { haddockDistPref = Flag sandboxDistPref }
675  (comp, platform, progdb) <- configCompilerAux' configFlags
676  retVal                   <- newIORef NoDepsReinstalled
678  withSandboxPackageInfo verbosity configFlags globalFlags
679                         comp platform progdb sandboxDir $ \sandboxPkgInfo ->
680    unless (null $ modifiedAddSourceDependencies sandboxPkgInfo) $ do
682      withRepoContext verbosity globalFlags $ \repoContext -> do
683        let args :: InstallArgs
684            args = ((configPackageDB' configFlags)
685                  ,repoContext
686                  ,comp, platform, progdb
687                  ,UseSandbox sandboxDir, Just sandboxPkgInfo
688                  ,globalFlags, configFlags, configExFlags, installFlags
689                  ,haddockFlags, emptyTestFlags, emptyBenchmarkFlags)
691        -- This can actually be replaced by a call to 'install', but we use a
692        -- lower-level API because of layer separation reasons. Additionally, we
693        -- might want to use some lower-level features this in the future.
694        withSandboxBinDirOnSearchPath sandboxDir $ do
695          installContext <- makeInstallContext verbosity args Nothing
696          installPlan    <- foldProgress logMsg die'' return =<<
697                            makeInstallPlan verbosity args installContext
699          processInstallPlan verbosity args installContext installPlan
700          writeIORef retVal ReinstalledSomeDeps
702  readIORef retVal
704    where
705      die'' message = die' verbosity (message ++ installFailedInSandbox)
706      -- TODO: use a better error message, remove duplication.
707      installFailedInSandbox =
708        "Note: when using a sandbox, all packages are required to have "
709        ++ "consistent dependencies. Try reinstalling/unregistering the "
710        ++ "offending packages or recreating the sandbox."
711      logMsg message rest = debugNoWrap verbosity message >> rest
713      errorMsg :: a -> IO WereDepsReinstalled
714      errorMsg _ = do
715        warn verbosity "Couldn't reinstall some add-source dependencies."
716        -- Here we can't know whether any deps have been reinstalled, so we have
717        -- to be conservative.
718        return ReinstalledSomeDeps
720-- | Produce a 'SandboxPackageInfo' and feed it to the given action. Note that
721-- we don't update the timestamp file here - this is done in
722-- 'postInstallActions'.
723withSandboxPackageInfo :: Verbosity -> ConfigFlags -> GlobalFlags
724                          -> Compiler -> Platform -> ProgramDb
725                          -> FilePath
726                          -> (SandboxPackageInfo -> IO ())
727                          -> IO ()
728withSandboxPackageInfo verbosity configFlags globalFlags
729                       comp platform progdb sandboxDir cont = do
730  -- List all add-source deps.
731  indexFile              <- tryGetIndexFilePath' verbosity globalFlags
732  buildTreeRefs          <- Index.listBuildTreeRefs verbosity
733                            Index.DontListIgnored Index.OnlyLinks indexFile
734  let allAddSourceDepsSet = S.fromList buildTreeRefs
736  -- List all packages installed in the sandbox.
737  installedPkgIndex <- getInstalledPackagesInSandbox verbosity
738                       configFlags comp progdb
739  let err = "Error reading sandbox package information."
740  -- Get the package descriptions for all add-source deps.
741  depsCabalFiles <- mapM (flip (tryFindAddSourcePackageDesc verbosity) err) buildTreeRefs
742  depsPkgDescs   <- mapM (readGenericPackageDescription verbosity) depsCabalFiles
743  let depsMap           = M.fromList (zip buildTreeRefs depsPkgDescs)
744      isInstalled pkgid = not . null
745        . InstalledPackageIndex.lookupSourcePackageId installedPkgIndex $ pkgid
746      installedDepsMap  = M.filter (isInstalled . packageId) depsMap
748  -- Get the package ids of modified (and installed) add-source deps.
749  modifiedAddSourceDeps <- listModifiedDeps verbosity sandboxDir
750                           (compilerId comp) platform installedDepsMap
751  -- 'fromJust' here is safe because 'modifiedAddSourceDeps' are guaranteed to
752  -- be a subset of the keys of 'depsMap'.
753  let modifiedDeps    = [ (modDepPath, fromJust $ M.lookup modDepPath depsMap)
754                        | modDepPath <- modifiedAddSourceDeps ]
755      modifiedDepsMap = M.fromList modifiedDeps
757  assert (all (`S.member` allAddSourceDepsSet) modifiedAddSourceDeps) (return ())
758  if (null modifiedDeps)
759    then info   verbosity $ "Found no modified add-source deps."
760    else notice verbosity $ "Some add-source dependencies have been modified. "
761                            ++ "They will be reinstalled..."
763  -- Get the package ids of the remaining add-source deps (some are possibly not
764  -- installed).
765  let otherDeps = M.assocs (depsMap `M.difference` modifiedDepsMap)
767  -- Finally, assemble a 'SandboxPackageInfo'.
768  cont $ SandboxPackageInfo (map toSourcePackage modifiedDeps)
769    (map toSourcePackage otherDeps) installedPkgIndex allAddSourceDepsSet
771  where
772    toSourcePackage (path, pkgDesc) = SourcePackage
773      (packageId pkgDesc) pkgDesc (LocalUnpackedPackage path) Nothing
775-- | Same as 'withSandboxPackageInfo' if we're inside a sandbox and the
776-- identity otherwise.
777maybeWithSandboxPackageInfo :: Verbosity -> ConfigFlags -> GlobalFlags
778                               -> Compiler -> Platform -> ProgramDb
779                               -> UseSandbox
780                               -> (Maybe SandboxPackageInfo -> IO ())
781                               -> IO ()
782maybeWithSandboxPackageInfo verbosity configFlags globalFlags
783                            comp platform progdb useSandbox cont =
784  case useSandbox of
785    NoSandbox             -> cont Nothing
786    UseSandbox sandboxDir -> withSandboxPackageInfo verbosity
787                             configFlags globalFlags
788                             comp platform progdb sandboxDir
789                             (\spi -> cont (Just spi))
791-- | Check if a sandbox is present and call @reinstallAddSourceDeps@ in that
792-- case.
793maybeReinstallAddSourceDeps :: Verbosity
794                               -> Flag (Maybe Int) -- ^ The '-j' flag
795                               -> ConfigFlags      -- ^ Saved configure flags
796                                                   -- (from dist/setup-config)
797                               -> GlobalFlags
798                               -> (UseSandbox, SavedConfig)
799                               -> IO WereDepsReinstalled
800maybeReinstallAddSourceDeps verbosity numJobsFlag configFlags'
801                            globalFlags' (useSandbox, config) = do
802  case useSandbox of
803    NoSandbox             -> return NoDepsReinstalled
804    UseSandbox sandboxDir -> do
805      -- Reinstall the modified add-source deps.
806      let configFlags    = savedConfigureFlags config
807                           `mappendSomeSavedFlags`
808                           configFlags'
809          configExFlags  = defaultConfigExFlags
810                           `mappend` savedConfigureExFlags config
811          installFlags'  = defaultInstallFlags
812                           `mappend` savedInstallFlags config
813          installFlags   = installFlags' {
814            installNumJobs    = installNumJobs installFlags'
815                                `mappend` numJobsFlag
816            }
817          globalFlags    = savedGlobalFlags config
818          -- This makes it possible to override things like 'remote-repo-cache'
819          -- from the command line. These options are hidden, and are only
820          -- useful for debugging, so this should be fine.
821                           `mappend` globalFlags'
822      reinstallAddSourceDeps
823        verbosity configFlags configExFlags
824        installFlags globalFlags sandboxDir
826  where
828    -- NOTE: we can't simply do @sandboxConfigFlags `mappend` savedFlags@
829    -- because we don't want to auto-enable things like 'library-profiling' for
830    -- all add-source dependencies even if the user has passed
831    -- '--enable-library-profiling' to 'cabal configure'. These options are
832    -- supposed to be set in 'cabal.config'.
833    mappendSomeSavedFlags :: ConfigFlags -> ConfigFlags -> ConfigFlags
834    mappendSomeSavedFlags sandboxConfigFlags savedFlags =
835      sandboxConfigFlags {
836        configHcFlavor     = configHcFlavor sandboxConfigFlags
837                             `mappend` configHcFlavor savedFlags,
838        configHcPath       = configHcPath sandboxConfigFlags
839                             `mappend` configHcPath savedFlags,
840        configHcPkg        = configHcPkg sandboxConfigFlags
841                             `mappend` configHcPkg savedFlags,
842        configProgramPaths = configProgramPaths sandboxConfigFlags
843                             `mappend` configProgramPaths savedFlags,
844        configProgramArgs  = configProgramArgs sandboxConfigFlags
845                             `mappend` configProgramArgs savedFlags,
846        -- NOTE: Unconditionally choosing the value from
847        -- 'dist/setup-config'. Sandbox package DB location may have been
848        -- changed by 'configure -w'.
849        configPackageDBs   = configPackageDBs savedFlags
850        -- FIXME: Is this compatible with the 'inherit' feature?
851        }
854-- Utils (transitionary)
857-- | Try to read the most recently configured compiler from the
858-- 'localBuildInfoFile', falling back on 'configCompilerAuxEx' if it
859-- cannot be read.
860getPersistOrConfigCompiler :: ConfigFlags
861                           -> IO (Compiler, Platform, ProgramDb)
862getPersistOrConfigCompiler configFlags = do
863  distPref <- findDistPrefOrDefault (configDistPref configFlags)
864  mlbi <- maybeGetPersistBuildConfig distPref
865  case mlbi of
866    Nothing  -> do configCompilerAux' configFlags
867    Just lbi -> return ( LocalBuildInfo.compiler lbi
868                       , LocalBuildInfo.hostPlatform lbi
869                       , LocalBuildInfo.withPrograms lbi
870                       )