1{- |
2This module provides a low-level API to the line history stored in the @InputT@ monad transformer.
5For most application, it should suffice to instead use the following @Settings@ flags:
7  * @autoAddHistory@: add nonblank lines to the command history ('True' by default).
9  * @historyFile@: read/write the history to a file before and after the line input session.
11If you do want custom history behavior, you may need to disable the above default setting(s).
14module System.Console.Haskeline.History(
15                        History(),
16                        emptyHistory,
17                        addHistory,
18                        addHistoryUnlessConsecutiveDupe,
19                        addHistoryRemovingAllDupes,
20                        historyLines,
21                        readHistory,
22                        writeHistory,
23                        stifleHistory,
24                        stifleAmount,
25                        ) where
27import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
28import Data.Sequence ( Seq, (<|), ViewL(..), ViewR(..), viewl, viewr )
29import Data.Foldable (toList)
31import Control.Exception
33import System.Directory(doesFileExist)
35import qualified System.IO as IO
36import System.Console.Haskeline.Recover
38data History = History {histLines :: Seq String,
39                        stifleAmt :: Maybe Int}
40                    -- stored in reverse
42-- | The maximum number of lines stored in the history.  If 'Nothing', the history storage is unlimited.
43stifleAmount :: History -> Maybe Int
44stifleAmount = stifleAmt
46instance Show History where
47    show = show . histLines
49emptyHistory :: History
50emptyHistory = History Seq.empty Nothing
52-- | The input lines stored in the history (newest first)
53historyLines :: History -> [String]
54historyLines = toList . histLines
56-- | Reads the line input history from the given file.  Returns
57-- 'emptyHistory' if the file does not exist or could not be read.
58readHistory :: FilePath -> IO History
59readHistory file = handle (\(_::IOException) -> return emptyHistory) $ do
60    exists <- doesFileExist file
61    contents <- if exists
62        then readUTF8File file
63        else return ""
64    _ <- evaluate (length contents) -- force file closed
65    return History {histLines = Seq.fromList $ lines contents,
66                    stifleAmt = Nothing}
68-- | Writes the line history to the given file.  If there is an
69-- error when writing the file, it will be ignored.
70writeHistory :: FilePath -> History -> IO ()
71writeHistory file = handle (\(_::IOException) -> return ())
72        . writeUTF8File file
73        . unlines . historyLines
75-- | Limit the number of lines stored in the history.
76stifleHistory :: Maybe Int -> History -> History
77stifleHistory Nothing hist = hist {stifleAmt = Nothing}
78stifleHistory a@(Just n) hist = History {histLines = stifleFnc (histLines hist),
79                                stifleAmt = a}
80    where
81        stifleFnc = if n > Seq.length (histLines hist)
82                        then id
83                        else Seq.fromList . take n . toList
85addHistory :: String -> History -> History
86addHistory s h = h {histLines = maybeDropLast (stifleAmt h) (s <| (histLines h))}
88-- If the sequence is too big, drop the last entry.
89maybeDropLast :: Maybe Int -> Seq a -> Seq a
90maybeDropLast maxAmt hs
91    | rightSize = hs
92    | otherwise = case viewr hs of
93                    EmptyR -> hs
94                    hs' :> _ -> hs'
95  where
96    rightSize = maybe True (>= Seq.length hs) maxAmt
98-- | Add a line to the history unless it matches the previously recorded line.
99addHistoryUnlessConsecutiveDupe :: String -> History -> History
100addHistoryUnlessConsecutiveDupe h hs = case viewl (histLines hs) of
101    h1 :< _ | h==h1   -> hs
102    _                   -> addHistory h hs
104-- | Add a line to the history, and remove all previous entries which are the
105-- same as it.
106addHistoryRemovingAllDupes :: String -> History -> History
107addHistoryRemovingAllDupes h hs = addHistory h hs {histLines = filteredHS}
108  where
109    filteredHS = Seq.fromList $ filter (/= h) $ toList $ histLines hs
112-- UTF-8 file I/O, for old versions of GHC
114readUTF8File :: FilePath -> IO String
115readUTF8File file = do
116    h <- IO.openFile file IO.ReadMode
117    IO.hSetEncoding h $ transliterateFailure IO.utf8
118    IO.hSetNewlineMode h IO.noNewlineTranslation
119    contents <- IO.hGetContents h
120    _ <- evaluate (length contents)
121    IO.hClose h
122    return contents
124writeUTF8File :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
125writeUTF8File file contents = do
126    h <- IO.openFile file IO.WriteMode
127    IO.hSetEncoding h IO.utf8
128    -- Write a file which is portable between systems.
129    IO.hSetNewlineMode h IO.noNewlineTranslation
130    IO.hPutStr h contents
131    IO.hClose h