1 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * (c) The GHC Team 1998-2008
4  *
5  * Generational garbage collector
6  *
7  * Documentation on the architecture of the Garbage Collector can be
8  * found in the online commentary:
9  *
10  *   https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/commentary/rts/storage/gc
11  *
12  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
14 #include "PosixSource.h"
15 #include "Rts.h"
16 #include "HsFFI.h"
18 #include "GC.h"
19 #include "GCThread.h"
20 #include "GCTDecl.h"            // NB. before RtsSignals.h which
21                                 // clobbers REG_R1 on arm/Linux
22 #include "Compact.h"
23 #include "Evac.h"
24 #include "Scav.h"
25 #include "GCUtils.h"
26 #include "MarkStack.h"
27 #include "MarkWeak.h"
28 #include "Sparks.h"
29 #include "Sweep.h"
31 #include "Arena.h"
32 #include "Storage.h"
33 #include "RtsUtils.h"
34 #include "Apply.h"
35 #include "Updates.h"
36 #include "Stats.h"
37 #include "Schedule.h"
38 #include "Sanity.h"
39 #include "BlockAlloc.h"
40 #include "ProfHeap.h"
41 #include "Weak.h"
42 #include "Prelude.h"
43 #include "RtsSignals.h"
44 #include "STM.h"
45 #include "Trace.h"
46 #include "RetainerProfile.h"
47 #include "LdvProfile.h"
48 #include "RaiseAsync.h"
49 #include "StableName.h"
50 #include "StablePtr.h"
51 #include "CheckUnload.h"
52 #include "CNF.h"
53 #include "RtsFlags.h"
54 #include "NonMoving.h"
56 #include <string.h> // for memset()
57 #include <unistd.h>
59 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
60    Global variables
61    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
64  *
65  * During GC:
66  * We maintain a linked list of static objects that are still live.
67  * The requirements for this list are:
68  *
69  *  - we need to scan the list while adding to it, in order to
70  *    scavenge all the static objects (in the same way that
71  *    breadth-first scavenging works for dynamic objects).
72  *
73  *  - we need to be able to tell whether an object is already on
74  *    the list, to break loops.
75  *
76  * Each static object has a "static link field", which we use for
77  * linking objects on to the list.  We use a stack-type list, consing
78  * objects on the front as they are added (this means that the
79  * scavenge phase is depth-first, not breadth-first, but that
80  * shouldn't matter).
81  *
82  * A separate list is kept for objects that have been scavenged
83  * already - this is so that we can zero all the marks afterwards.
84  *
85  * An object is on the list if its static link field is non-zero; this
86  * means that we have to mark the end of the list with '1', not NULL.
87  *
88  * Extra notes for generational GC:
89  *
90  * Each generation has a static object list associated with it.  When
91  * collecting generations up to N, we treat the static object lists
92  * from generations > N as roots.
93  *
94  * We build up a static object list while collecting generations 0..N,
95  * which is then appended to the static object list of generation N+1.
96  *
97  * See also: Note [STATIC_LINK fields] in Storage.h.
98  */
100 /* Hot GC globals
101  * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
102  * The globals below are quite hot during GC but read-only, initialized during
103  * the beginning of collection. It is important that they reside in the same
104  * cache-line to minimize unnecessary cache misses.
105  */
107 /* N is the oldest generation being collected, where the generations
108  * are numbered starting at 0.  A major GC (indicated by the major_gc
109  * flag) is when we're collecting all generations.  We only attempt to
110  * deal with static objects and GC CAFs when doing a major GC.
111  */
112 uint32_t N;
113 bool major_gc;
114 bool deadlock_detect_gc;
115 bool unload_mark_needed;
117 /* Data used for allocation area sizing.
118  */
119 static W_ g0_pcnt_kept = 30; // percentage of g0 live at last minor GC
121 /* Mut-list stats */
122 #if defined(DEBUG)
123 // For lack of a better option we protect mutlist_scav_stats with oldest_gen->sync
124 MutListScavStats mutlist_scav_stats;
125 #endif
127 /* Thread-local data for each GC thread
128  */
129 gc_thread **gc_threads = NULL;
131 #if !defined(THREADED_RTS)
132 // Must be aligned to 64-bytes to meet stated 64-byte alignment of gen_workspace
133 StgWord8 the_gc_thread[sizeof(gc_thread) + 64 * sizeof(gen_workspace)]
135 #endif
137 /* Note [n_gc_threads]
138 This is a global variable that originally tracked the number of threads
139 participating in the current gc. It's meaing has diverged from this somewhate.
140 In practise, it now takes one of the values {1, n_capabilities}. Don't be
141 tricked into thinking this means garbage collections must have 1 or
142 n_capabilities participating: idle capabilities (idle_cap[cap->no]) are included
143 in the n_gc_thread count.
145 Clearly this is in need of some tidying up, but for now we tread carefully. We
146 check n_gc_threads > 1 to see whether we are in a parallel or sequential. We
147 ensure n_gc_threads > 1 before iterating over gc_threads a la:
149 for(i=0;i<n_gc_threads;++i) { foo(gc_thread[i]; )}
151 Omitting this check has led to issues such as #19147.
152 */
153 uint32_t n_gc_threads;
155 // For stats:
156 static long copied;        // *words* copied & scavenged during this GC
158 #if defined(PROF_SPIN) && defined(THREADED_RTS)
159 // spin and yield counts for the quasi-SpinLock in waitForGcThreads
160 volatile StgWord64 waitForGcThreads_spin = 0;
161 volatile StgWord64 waitForGcThreads_yield = 0;
162 volatile StgWord64 whitehole_gc_spin = 0;
163 #endif
165 bool work_stealing;
167 uint32_t static_flag = STATIC_FLAG_B;
168 uint32_t prev_static_flag = STATIC_FLAG_A;
172 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
173    Static function declarations
174    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
176 static void mark_root               (void *user, StgClosure **root);
177 static void prepare_collected_gen   (generation *gen);
178 static void prepare_uncollected_gen (generation *gen);
179 static void init_gc_thread          (gc_thread *t);
180 static void resize_nursery          (void);
181 static void start_gc_threads        (void);
182 static void scavenge_until_all_done (void);
183 static StgWord inc_running          (void);
184 static StgWord dec_running          (void);
185 static void wakeup_gc_threads       (uint32_t me, bool idle_cap[]);
186 static void shutdown_gc_threads     (uint32_t me, bool idle_cap[]);
187 static void collect_gct_blocks      (void);
188 static void collect_pinned_object_blocks (void);
189 static void heapOverflow            (void);
191 #if defined(DEBUG)
192 static void gcCAFs                  (void);
193 #endif
195 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
196    The mark stack.
197    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
199 bdescr *mark_stack_top_bd; // topmost block in the mark stack
200 bdescr *mark_stack_bd;     // current block in the mark stack
201 StgPtr mark_sp;            // pointer to the next unallocated mark stack entry
204 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
205    Statistics from mut_list scavenging
206    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
208 #if defined(DEBUG)
209 void
zeroMutListScavStats(MutListScavStats * src)210 zeroMutListScavStats(MutListScavStats *src)
211 {
212     memset(src, 0, sizeof(MutListScavStats));
213 }
215 void
addMutListScavStats(const MutListScavStats * src,MutListScavStats * dest)216 addMutListScavStats(const MutListScavStats *src,
217                     MutListScavStats *dest)
218 {
219 #define ADD_STATS(field) dest->field += src->field;
220     ADD_STATS(n_MUTVAR);
221     ADD_STATS(n_MUTARR);
222     ADD_STATS(n_MVAR);
223     ADD_STATS(n_TVAR);
227     ADD_STATS(n_OTHERS);
228 #undef ADD_STATS
229 }
230 #endif /* DEBUG */
233 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
234    GarbageCollect: the main entry point to the garbage collector.
236    The collect_gen parameter is gotten by calling calcNeeded().
238    Locks held: all capabilities are held throughout GarbageCollect().
239    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
241 void
GarbageCollect(uint32_t collect_gen,const bool do_heap_census,const bool deadlock_detect,uint32_t gc_type USED_IF_THREADS,Capability * cap,bool idle_cap[])242 GarbageCollect (uint32_t collect_gen,
243                 const bool do_heap_census,
244                 const bool deadlock_detect,
245                 uint32_t gc_type USED_IF_THREADS,
246                 Capability *cap,
247                 bool idle_cap[])
248 {
249   bdescr *bd;
250   generation *gen;
251   StgWord live_blocks, live_words, par_max_copied, par_balanced_copied,
252       gc_spin_spin, gc_spin_yield, mut_spin_spin, mut_spin_yield,
253       any_work, no_work, scav_find_work;
254 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
255   gc_thread *saved_gct;
256 #endif
257   uint32_t g, n;
258   // The time we should report our heap census as occurring at, if necessary.
259   Time mut_time = 0;
261   if (do_heap_census) {
262       RTSStats stats;
263       getRTSStats(&stats);
264       mut_time = stats.mutator_cpu_ns;
265   }
267   // necessary if we stole a callee-saves register for gct:
268 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
269   saved_gct = gct;
270 #endif
272 #if defined(PROFILING)
273   CostCentreStack *save_CCS[n_capabilities];
274 #endif
278 #if defined(RTS_USER_SIGNALS)
279   if (RtsFlags.MiscFlags.install_signal_handlers) {
280     // block signals
281     blockUserSignals();
282   }
283 #endif
285   ASSERT(sizeof(gen_workspace) == 16 * sizeof(StgWord));
286   // otherwise adjust the padding in gen_workspace.
288   // this is the main thread
289   SET_GCT(gc_threads[cap->no]);
291   // tell the stats department that we've started a GC
292   stat_startGC(cap, gct);
294   // Lock the StablePtr table. This prevents FFI calls manipulating
295   // the table from occurring during GC.
296   stablePtrLock();
298 #if defined(DEBUG)
299   zeroMutListScavStats(&mutlist_scav_stats);
300 #endif
302   // attribute any costs to CCS_GC
303 #if defined(PROFILING)
304   for (n = 0; n < n_capabilities; n++) {
305       save_CCS[n] = capabilities[n]->r.rCCCS;
306       capabilities[n]->r.rCCCS = CCS_GC;
307   }
308 #endif
310   /* Figure out which generation to collect
311    */
312   N = collect_gen;
313   major_gc = (N == RtsFlags.GcFlags.generations-1);
315   /* See Note [Deadlock detection under nonmoving collector]. */
316   deadlock_detect_gc = deadlock_detect;
318 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
319   if (major_gc && RtsFlags.GcFlags.useNonmoving && concurrent_coll_running) {
320       /* If there is already a concurrent major collection running then
321        * there is no benefit to starting another.
322        * TODO: Catch heap-size runaway.
323        */
324       N--;
325       collect_gen--;
326       major_gc = false;
327   }
328 #endif
330   /* N.B. The nonmoving collector works a bit differently. See
331    * Note [Static objects under the nonmoving collector].
332    */
333   if (major_gc && !RtsFlags.GcFlags.useNonmoving) {
334       prev_static_flag = static_flag;
335       static_flag =
336           static_flag == STATIC_FLAG_A ? STATIC_FLAG_B : STATIC_FLAG_A;
337   }
339   if (major_gc) {
340       unload_mark_needed = prepareUnloadCheck();
341   } else {
342       unload_mark_needed = false;
343   }
345 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
346   work_stealing = RtsFlags.ParFlags.parGcLoadBalancingEnabled &&
347                   N >= RtsFlags.ParFlags.parGcLoadBalancingGen;
348       // It's not always a good idea to do load balancing in parallel
349       // GC.  In particular, for a parallel program we don't want to
350       // lose locality by moving cached data into another CPU's cache
351       // (this effect can be quite significant).
352       //
353       // We could have a more complex way to determine whether to do
354       // work stealing or not, e.g. it might be a good idea to do it
355       // if the heap is big.  For now, we just turn it on or off with
356       // a flag.
357 #endif
359   /* Start threads, so they can be spinning up while we finish initialisation.
360    */
361   start_gc_threads();
363 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
364   /* How many threads will be participating in this GC?
365    * We don't try to parallelise minor GCs (unless the user asks for
366    * it with +RTS -gn0), or mark/compact/sweep GC.
367    */
368   if (gc_type == SYNC_GC_PAR) {
369       n_gc_threads = n_capabilities;
370   } else {
371       n_gc_threads = 1;
372   }
373 #else
374   n_gc_threads = 1;
375 #endif
377   debugTrace(DEBUG_gc, "GC (gen %d, using %d thread(s))",
378              N, n_gc_threads);
380 #if defined(DEBUG)
381   // check for memory leaks if DEBUG is on
382   memInventory(DEBUG_gc);
383 #endif
385   // do this *before* we start scavenging
386   collectFreshWeakPtrs();
388   // check sanity *before* GC
389   IF_DEBUG(sanity, checkSanity(false /* before GC */, major_gc));
391   // gather blocks allocated using allocatePinned() from each capability
392   // and put them on the g0->large_object list.
393   collect_pinned_object_blocks();
395   // Initialise all the generations that we're collecting.
396   for (g = 0; g <= N; g++) {
397       prepare_collected_gen(&generations[g]);
398   }
399   // Initialise all the generations that we're *not* collecting.
400   for (g = N+1; g < RtsFlags.GcFlags.generations; g++) {
401       prepare_uncollected_gen(&generations[g]);
402   }
404   // Prepare this gc_thread
405   init_gc_thread(gct);
407   /* Allocate a mark stack if we're doing a major collection.
408    */
409   if (major_gc && oldest_gen->mark) {
410       mark_stack_bd     = allocBlock();
411       mark_stack_top_bd = mark_stack_bd;
412       mark_stack_bd->link = NULL;
413       mark_stack_bd->u.back = NULL;
414       mark_sp           = mark_stack_bd->start;
415   } else {
416       mark_stack_bd     = NULL;
417       mark_stack_top_bd = NULL;
418       mark_sp           = NULL;
419   }
421   /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
422    * follow all the roots that we know about:
423    */
425   // the main thread is running: this prevents any other threads from
426   // exiting prematurely, so we can start them now.
427   // NB. do this after the mutable lists have been saved above, otherwise
428   // the other GC threads will be writing into the old mutable lists.
429   inc_running();
430   wakeup_gc_threads(gct->thread_index, idle_cap);
432   traceEventGcWork(gct->cap);
434   // scavenge the capability-private mutable lists.  This isn't part
435   // of markSomeCapabilities() because markSomeCapabilities() can only
436   // call back into the GC via mark_root() (due to the gct register
437   // variable).
438   if (n_gc_threads == 1) {
439       for (n = 0; n < n_capabilities; n++) {
440 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
441           scavenge_capability_mut_Lists1(capabilities[n]);
442 #else
443           scavenge_capability_mut_lists(capabilities[n]);
444 #endif
445       }
446   } else {
447       scavenge_capability_mut_lists(gct->cap);
448       for (n = 0; n < n_capabilities; n++) {
449           if (idle_cap[n]) {
450               markCapability(mark_root, gct, capabilities[n],
451                              true/*don't mark sparks*/);
452               scavenge_capability_mut_lists(capabilities[n]);
453           }
454       }
455   }
457   // follow roots from the CAF list (used by GHCi)
458   gct->evac_gen_no = 0;
459   markCAFs(mark_root, gct);
461   // follow all the roots that the application knows about.
462   gct->evac_gen_no = 0;
463   if (n_gc_threads == 1) {
464       for (n = 0; n < n_capabilities; n++) {
465           markCapability(mark_root, gct, capabilities[n],
466                          true/*don't mark sparks*/);
467       }
468   } else {
469       markCapability(mark_root, gct, cap, true/*don't mark sparks*/);
470   }
472   markScheduler(mark_root, gct);
474   // Mark the weak pointer list, and prepare to detect dead weak pointers.
475   markWeakPtrList();
476   initWeakForGC();
478   // Mark the stable pointer table.
479   markStablePtrTable(mark_root, gct);
481   // Remember old stable name addresses.
482   rememberOldStableNameAddresses ();
484   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
485    * Repeatedly scavenge all the areas we know about until there's no
486    * more scavenging to be done.
487    */
489   StgWeak *dead_weak_ptr_list = NULL;
490   StgTSO *resurrected_threads = END_TSO_QUEUE;
492   for (;;)
493   {
494       scavenge_until_all_done();
496       // The other threads are now stopped.  We might recurse back to
497       // here, but from now on this is the only thread.
499       // must be last...  invariant is that everything is fully
500       // scavenged at this point.
501       if (traverseWeakPtrList(&dead_weak_ptr_list, &resurrected_threads)) { // returns true if evaced something
502           inc_running();
503           continue;
504       }
506       // If we get to here, there's really nothing left to do.
507       break;
508   }
510   shutdown_gc_threads(gct->thread_index, idle_cap);
512   // Now see which stable names are still alive.
513   gcStableNameTable();
515 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
516   if (n_gc_threads == 1) {
517       for (n = 0; n < n_capabilities; n++) {
518           pruneSparkQueue(false, capabilities[n]);
519       }
520   } else {
521       for (n = 0; n < n_capabilities; n++) {
522           if (n == cap->no || idle_cap[n]) {
523               pruneSparkQueue(false, capabilities[n]);
524          }
525       }
526   }
527 #endif
529 #if defined(PROFILING)
530   // We call processHeapClosureForDead() on every closure destroyed during
531   // the current garbage collection, so we invoke LdvCensusForDead().
532   if (RtsFlags.ProfFlags.doHeapProfile == HEAP_BY_LDV
533       || RtsFlags.ProfFlags.bioSelector != NULL) {
534       RELEASE_SM_LOCK; // LdvCensusForDead may need to take the lock
535       LdvCensusForDead(N);
536       ACQUIRE_SM_LOCK;
537   }
538 #endif
542   // Finally: compact or sweep the oldest generation.
543   if (major_gc && oldest_gen->mark) {
544       if (oldest_gen->compact)
545           compact(gct->scavenged_static_objects,
546                   &dead_weak_ptr_list,
547                   &resurrected_threads);
548       else
549           sweep(oldest_gen);
550   }
552   copied = 0;
553   par_max_copied = 0;
554   par_balanced_copied = 0;
555   gc_spin_spin = 0;
556   gc_spin_yield = 0;
557   mut_spin_spin = 0;
558   mut_spin_yield = 0;
559   any_work = 0;
560   no_work = 0;
561   scav_find_work = 0;
562   {
563       uint32_t i;
564       uint64_t par_balanced_copied_acc = 0;
565       const gc_thread* thread;
567       // see Note [n_gc_threads]
568       if (n_gc_threads > 1) {
569           for (i=0; i < n_gc_threads; i++) {
570               copied += RELAXED_LOAD(&gc_threads[i]->copied);
571           }
572           for (i=0; i < n_gc_threads; i++) {
573               thread = gc_threads[i];
574               debugTrace(DEBUG_gc,"thread %d:", i);
575               debugTrace(DEBUG_gc,"   copied           %ld",
576                          RELAXED_LOAD(&thread->copied) * sizeof(W_));
577               debugTrace(DEBUG_gc,"   scanned          %ld",
578                          RELAXED_LOAD(&thread->scanned) * sizeof(W_));
579               debugTrace(DEBUG_gc,"   any_work         %ld",
580                          RELAXED_LOAD(&thread->any_work));
581               debugTrace(DEBUG_gc,"   no_work          %ld",
582                          RELAXED_LOAD(&thread->no_work));
583               debugTrace(DEBUG_gc,"   scav_find_work %ld",
584                          RELAXED_LOAD(&thread->scav_find_work));
586 #if defined(THREADED_RTS) && defined(PROF_SPIN)
587               gc_spin_spin += RELAXED_LOAD(&thread->gc_spin.spin);
588               gc_spin_yield += RELAXED_LOAD(&thread->gc_spin.yield);
589               mut_spin_spin += RELAXED_LOAD(&thread->mut_spin.spin);
590               mut_spin_yield += RELAXED_LOAD(&thread->mut_spin.yield);
591 #endif
593               any_work += RELAXED_LOAD(&thread->any_work);
594               no_work += RELAXED_LOAD(&thread->no_work);
595               scav_find_work += RELAXED_LOAD(&thread->scav_find_work);
597               par_max_copied = stg_max(RELAXED_LOAD(&thread->copied), par_max_copied);
598               par_balanced_copied_acc +=
599                   stg_min(n_gc_threads * RELAXED_LOAD(&thread->copied), copied);
600           }
601           // See Note [Work Balance] for an explanation of this computation
602           par_balanced_copied =
603               (par_balanced_copied_acc - copied + (n_gc_threads - 1) / 2) /
604               (n_gc_threads - 1);
605       } else {
606           copied += gct->copied;
607       }
608   }
610   // Run through all the generations and tidy up.
611   // We're going to:
612   //   - count the amount of "live" data (live_words, live_blocks)
613   //   - count the amount of "copied" data in this GC (copied)
614   //   - free from-space
615   //   - make to-space the new from-space (set BF_EVACUATED on all blocks)
616   //
617   live_words = 0;
618   live_blocks = 0;
620   for (g = 0; g < RtsFlags.GcFlags.generations; g++) {
622     if (g == N) {
623       generations[g].collections++; // for stats
624       if (n_gc_threads > 1) generations[g].par_collections++;
625     }
627     // Count the mutable list as bytes "copied" for the purposes of
628     // stats.  Every mutable list is copied during every GC.
629     if (g > 0) {
630         W_ mut_list_size = 0;
631         for (n = 0; n < n_capabilities; n++) {
632             mut_list_size += countOccupied(capabilities[n]->mut_lists[g]);
633         }
634         copied +=  mut_list_size;
636         debugTrace(DEBUG_gc,
637                    "mut_list_size: %lu (%d vars, %d arrays, %d MVARs, %d TVARs, %d TVAR_WATCH_QUEUEs, %d TREC_CHUNKs, %d TREC_HEADERs, %d others)",
638                    (unsigned long)(mut_list_size * sizeof(W_)),
639                    mutlist_scav_stats.n_MUTVAR,
640                    mutlist_scav_stats.n_MUTARR,
641                    mutlist_scav_stats.n_MVAR,
642                    mutlist_scav_stats.n_TVAR,
643                    mutlist_scav_stats.n_TVAR_WATCH_QUEUE,
644                    mutlist_scav_stats.n_TREC_CHUNK,
645                    mutlist_scav_stats.n_TREC_HEADER,
646                    mutlist_scav_stats.n_OTHERS);
647     }
649     bdescr *next, *prev;
650     gen = &generations[g];
652     // for generations we collected...
653     if (g <= N && !(RtsFlags.GcFlags.useNonmoving && gen == oldest_gen)) {
655         /* free old memory and shift to-space into from-space for all
656          * the collected generations (except the allocation area).  These
657          * freed blocks will probaby be quickly recycled.
658          */
659         if (gen->mark)
660         {
661             // tack the new blocks on the end of the existing blocks
662             if (gen->old_blocks != NULL) {
664                 prev = NULL;
665                 for (bd = gen->old_blocks; bd != NULL; bd = next) {
667                     next = bd->link;
669                     if (!(bd->flags & BF_MARKED))
670                     {
671                         if (prev == NULL) {
672                             gen->old_blocks = next;
673                         } else {
674                             prev->link = next;
675                         }
676                         freeGroup(bd);
677                         gen->n_old_blocks--;
678                     }
679                     else
680                     {
681                         gen->n_words += bd->free - bd->start;
683                         // NB. this step might not be compacted next
684                         // time, so reset the BF_MARKED flags.
685                         // They are set before GC if we're going to
686                         // compact.  (search for BF_MARKED above).
687                         bd->flags &= ~BF_MARKED;
689                         // between GCs, all blocks in the heap except
690                         // for the nursery have the BF_EVACUATED flag set.
691                         bd->flags |= BF_EVACUATED;
693                         prev = bd;
694                     }
695                 }
697                 if (prev != NULL) {
698                     prev->link = gen->blocks;
699                     gen->blocks = gen->old_blocks;
700                 }
701             }
702             // add the new blocks to the block tally
703             gen->n_blocks += gen->n_old_blocks;
704             ASSERT(countBlocks(gen->blocks) == gen->n_blocks);
705             ASSERT(countOccupied(gen->blocks) == gen->n_words);
706         }
707         else // not copacted
708         {
709             freeChain(gen->old_blocks);
710         }
712         gen->old_blocks = NULL;
713         gen->n_old_blocks = 0;
715         /* LARGE OBJECTS.  The current live large objects are chained on
716          * scavenged_large, having been moved during garbage
717          * collection from large_objects.  Any objects left on the
718          * large_objects list are therefore dead, so we free them here.
719          */
720         freeChain(gen->large_objects);
721         gen->large_objects  = gen->scavenged_large_objects;
722         gen->n_large_blocks = gen->n_scavenged_large_blocks;
723         gen->n_large_words  = countOccupied(gen->large_objects);
724         gen->n_new_large_words = 0;
726         /* COMPACT_NFDATA. The currently live compacts are chained
727          * to live_compact_objects, quite like large objects. And
728          * objects left on the compact_objects list are dead.
729          *
730          * We don't run a simple freeChain because want to give the
731          * CNF module some chance to free memory that freeChain would
732          * not see (namely blocks appended to a CNF through a compactResize).
733          *
734          * See Note [Compact Normal Forms] for details.
735          */
736         for (bd = gen->compact_objects; bd; bd = next) {
737             next = bd->link;
738             compactFree(((StgCompactNFDataBlock*)bd->start)->owner);
739         }
740         gen->compact_objects = gen->live_compact_objects;
741         gen->n_compact_blocks = gen->n_live_compact_blocks;
742     }
743     else // for generations > N
744     {
745         /* For older generations, we need to append the
746          * scavenged_large_object list (i.e. large objects that have been
747          * promoted during this GC) to the large_object list for that step.
748          */
749         for (bd = gen->scavenged_large_objects; bd; bd = next) {
750             next = bd->link;
751             dbl_link_onto(bd, &gen->large_objects);
752             gen->n_large_words += bd->free - bd->start;
753         }
755         // And same for compacts
756         for (bd = gen->live_compact_objects; bd; bd = next) {
757             next = bd->link;
758             dbl_link_onto(bd, &gen->compact_objects);
759         }
761         // add the new blocks we promoted during this GC
762         gen->n_large_blocks += gen->n_scavenged_large_blocks;
763         gen->n_compact_blocks += gen->n_live_compact_blocks;
764     }
766     ASSERT(countBlocks(gen->large_objects) == gen->n_large_blocks);
767     ASSERT(countOccupied(gen->large_objects) == gen->n_large_words);
768     // We can run the same assertion on compact objects because there
769     // is memory "the GC doesn't see" (directly), but which is still
770     // accounted in gen->n_compact_blocks
772     gen->scavenged_large_objects = NULL;
773     gen->n_scavenged_large_blocks = 0;
774     gen->live_compact_objects = NULL;
775     gen->n_live_compact_blocks = 0;
777     // Count "live" data
778     live_words  += genLiveWords(gen);
779     live_blocks += genLiveBlocks(gen);
781     // add in the partial blocks in the gen_workspaces
782     {
783         uint32_t i;
784         for (i = 0; i < n_capabilities; i++) {
785             live_words  += gcThreadLiveWords(i, gen->no);
786             live_blocks += gcThreadLiveBlocks(i, gen->no);
787         }
788     }
789   } // for all generations
791   // Flush the update remembered sets. See Note [Eager update remembered set
792   // flushing] in NonMovingMark.c
793   if (RtsFlags.GcFlags.useNonmoving) {
794       RELEASE_SM_LOCK;
795       for (n = 0; n < n_capabilities; n++) {
796           nonmovingAddUpdRemSetBlocks(&capabilities[n]->upd_rem_set.queue);
797       }
798       ACQUIRE_SM_LOCK;
799   }
801   // Mark and sweep the oldest generation.
802   // N.B. This can only happen after we've moved
803   // oldest_gen->scavenged_large_objects back to oldest_gen->large_objects.
804   ASSERT(oldest_gen->scavenged_large_objects == NULL);
805   if (RtsFlags.GcFlags.useNonmoving && major_gc) {
806       // All threads in non-moving heap should be found to be alive, becuase
807       // threads in the non-moving generation's list should live in the
808       // non-moving heap, and we consider non-moving objects alive during
809       // preparation.
810       ASSERT(oldest_gen->old_threads == END_TSO_QUEUE);
811       // For weaks, remember that we evacuated all weaks to the non-moving heap
812       // in markWeakPtrList(), and then moved the weak_ptr_list list to
813       // old_weak_ptr_list. We then moved weaks with live keys to the
814       // weak_ptr_list again. Then, in collectDeadWeakPtrs() we moved weaks in
815       // old_weak_ptr_list to dead_weak_ptr_list. So at this point
816       // old_weak_ptr_list should be empty.
817       ASSERT(oldest_gen->old_weak_ptr_list == NULL);
819       // we may need to take the lock to allocate mark queue blocks
820       RELEASE_SM_LOCK;
821       // dead_weak_ptr_list contains weak pointers with dead keys. Those need to
822       // be kept alive because we'll use them in finalizeSchedulers(). Similarly
823       // resurrected_threads are also going to be used in resurrectedThreads()
824       // so we need to mark those too.
825       // Note that in sequential case these lists will be appended with more
826       // weaks and threads found to be dead in mark.
827 #if !defined(THREADED_RTS)
828       // In the non-threaded runtime this is the only time we push to the
829       // upd_rem_set
830       nonmovingAddUpdRemSetBlocks(&gct->cap->upd_rem_set.queue);
831 #endif
832       nonmovingCollect(&dead_weak_ptr_list, &resurrected_threads);
833       ACQUIRE_SM_LOCK;
834   }
836   // Update the max size of older generations after a major GC:
837   // We can't resize here in the case of the concurrent collector since we
838   // don't yet know how much live data we have. This will be instead done
839   // once we finish marking.
840   if (major_gc && RtsFlags.GcFlags.generations > 1 && ! RtsFlags.GcFlags.useNonmoving)
841       resizeGenerations();
843   // Free the mark stack.
844   if (mark_stack_top_bd != NULL) {
845       debugTrace(DEBUG_gc, "mark stack: %d blocks",
846                  countBlocks(mark_stack_top_bd));
847       freeChain(mark_stack_top_bd);
848   }
850   // Free any bitmaps.
851   for (g = 0; g <= N; g++) {
852       gen = &generations[g];
853       if (gen->bitmap != NULL) {
854           freeGroup(gen->bitmap);
855           gen->bitmap = NULL;
856       }
857   }
859   resize_nursery();
861   resetNurseries();
863 #if defined(DEBUG)
864   // Mark the garbage collected CAFs as dead. Done in `nonmovingGcCafs()` when
865   // non-moving GC is enabled.
866   if (major_gc && !RtsFlags.GcFlags.useNonmoving) {
867       gcCAFs();
868   }
869 #endif
871   // Update the stable name hash table
872   updateStableNameTable(major_gc);
874   // unlock the StablePtr table.  Must be before scheduleFinalizers(),
875   // because a finalizer may call hs_free_fun_ptr() or
876   // hs_free_stable_ptr(), both of which access the StablePtr table.
877   stablePtrUnlock();
879   // Unload dynamically-loaded object code after a major GC.
880   // See Note [Object unloading] in CheckUnload.c for details.
881   //
882   // TODO: Similar to `nonmovingGcCafs` non-moving GC should have its own
883   // collector for these objects, but that's currently not implemented, so we
884   // simply don't unload object code when non-moving GC is enabled.
885   if (major_gc && !RtsFlags.GcFlags.useNonmoving) {
886       checkUnload();
887   }
889 #if defined(PROFILING)
890   // resetStaticObjectForProfiling() must be called before
891   // zeroing below.
893   // ToDo: fix the gct->scavenged_static_objects below
894   resetStaticObjectForProfiling(gct->scavenged_static_objects);
895 #endif
897   // Start any pending finalizers.  Must be after
898   // updateStableTables() and stableUnlock() (see #4221).
900   scheduleFinalizers(cap, dead_weak_ptr_list);
903   // check sanity after GC
904   // before resurrectThreads(), because that might overwrite some
905   // closures, which will cause problems with THREADED where we don't
906   // fill slop. If we are using the nonmoving collector then we can't claim to
907   // be *after* the major GC; it's now running concurrently.
908   IF_DEBUG(sanity, checkSanity(true /* after GC */, major_gc && !RtsFlags.GcFlags.useNonmoving));
910   // If a heap census is due, we need to do it before
911   // resurrectThreads(), for the same reason as checkSanity above:
912   // resurrectThreads() will overwrite some closures and leave slop
913   // behind.
914   if (do_heap_census) {
915       debugTrace(DEBUG_sched, "performing heap census");
916       RELEASE_SM_LOCK;
917       heapCensus(mut_time);
918       ACQUIRE_SM_LOCK;
919   }
921   // send exceptions to any threads which were about to die
923   resurrectThreads(resurrected_threads);
926   if (major_gc) {
927       W_ need_prealloc, need_live, need, got;
928       uint32_t i;
930       need_live = 0;
931       for (i = 0; i < RtsFlags.GcFlags.generations; i++) {
932           need_live += genLiveBlocks(&generations[i]);
933       }
934       need_live = stg_max(RtsFlags.GcFlags.minOldGenSize, need_live);
936       need_prealloc = 0;
937       for (i = 0; i < n_nurseries; i++) {
938           need_prealloc += nurseries[i].n_blocks;
939       }
940       need_prealloc += RtsFlags.GcFlags.largeAllocLim;
941       need_prealloc += countAllocdBlocks(exec_block);
942       need_prealloc += arenaBlocks();
943 #if defined(PROFILING)
944       if (RtsFlags.ProfFlags.doHeapProfile == HEAP_BY_RETAINER) {
945           need_prealloc = retainerStackBlocks();
946       }
947 #endif
949       /* If the amount of data remains constant, next major GC we'll
950        * require (F+1)*live + prealloc. We leave (F+2)*live + prealloc
951        * in order to reduce repeated deallocation and reallocation. #14702
952        */
953       need = need_prealloc + (RtsFlags.GcFlags.oldGenFactor + 2) * need_live;
955       /* Also, if user set heap size, do not drop below it.
956        */
957       need = stg_max(RtsFlags.GcFlags.heapSizeSuggestion, need);
959       /* But with a large nursery, the above estimate might exceed
960        * maxHeapSize.  A large resident set size might make the OS
961        * kill this process, or swap unnecessarily.  Therefore we
962        * ensure that our estimate does not exceed maxHeapSize.
963        */
964       if (RtsFlags.GcFlags.maxHeapSize != 0) {
965           need = stg_min(RtsFlags.GcFlags.maxHeapSize, need);
966       }
968       need = BLOCKS_TO_MBLOCKS(need);
970       got = mblocks_allocated;
972       if (got > need) {
973           returnMemoryToOS(got - need);
974       }
975   }
977   // extra GC trace info
978   IF_DEBUG(gc, statDescribeGens());
980 #if defined(DEBUG)
981   // symbol-table based profiling
982   /*  heapCensus(to_blocks); */ /* ToDo */
983 #endif
985   // restore enclosing cost centre
986 #if defined(PROFILING)
987   for (n = 0; n < n_capabilities; n++) {
988       capabilities[n]->r.rCCCS = save_CCS[n];
989   }
990 #endif
992 #if defined(DEBUG)
993   // check for memory leaks if DEBUG is on
994   memInventory(DEBUG_gc);
995 #endif
997   // ok, GC over: tell the stats department what happened.
998   stat_endGCWorker(cap, gct);
999   stat_endGC(cap, gct, live_words, copied,
1000              live_blocks * BLOCK_SIZE_W - live_words /* slop */,
1001              N, n_gc_threads, gc_threads,
1002              par_max_copied, par_balanced_copied,
1003              gc_spin_spin, gc_spin_yield, mut_spin_spin, mut_spin_yield,
1004              any_work, no_work, scav_find_work);
1006 #if defined(RTS_USER_SIGNALS)
1007   if (RtsFlags.MiscFlags.install_signal_handlers) {
1008     // unblock signals again
1009     unblockUserSignals();
1010   }
1011 #endif
1015   SET_GCT(saved_gct);
1016 }
1018 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1019    Heap overflow is indicated by setting a flag that the caller of
1020    GarbageCollect can check.  (not ideal, TODO: better)
1021    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
heapOverflow(void)1023 static void heapOverflow(void)
1024 {
1025     heap_overflow = true;
1026 }
1028 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1029    Initialise the gc_thread structures.
1030    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1032 static void
new_gc_thread(uint32_t n,gc_thread * t)1033 new_gc_thread (uint32_t n, gc_thread *t)
1034 {
1035     uint32_t g;
1036     gen_workspace *ws;
1038     t->cap = capabilities[n];
1040 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
1041     t->id = 0;
1042     initSpinLock(&t->gc_spin);
1043     initSpinLock(&t->mut_spin);
1044     ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&t->gc_spin);
1045     ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&t->mut_spin);
1046     t->wakeup = GC_THREAD_INACTIVE;  // starts true, so we can wait for the
1047                           // thread to start up, see wakeup_gc_threads
1048 #endif
1050     t->thread_index = n;
1051     t->free_blocks = NULL;
1052     t->gc_count = 0;
1054     init_gc_thread(t);
1056     for (g = 0; g < RtsFlags.GcFlags.generations; g++)
1057     {
1058         ws = &t->gens[g];
1059         ws->gen = &generations[g];
1060         ASSERT(g == ws->gen->no);
1061         ws->my_gct = t;
1063         // We want to call
1064         //   alloc_todo_block(ws,0);
1065         // but can't, because it uses gct which isn't set up at this point.
1066         // Hence, allocate a block for todo_bd manually:
1067         {
1068             bdescr *bd = allocBlockOnNode(capNoToNumaNode(n));
1069                 // no lock, locks aren't initialised yet
1070             initBdescr(bd, ws->gen, ws->gen->to);
1071             bd->flags = BF_EVACUATED;
1072             bd->u.scan = bd->free = bd->start;
1074             ws->todo_bd = bd;
1075             ws->todo_free = bd->free;
1076             ws->todo_lim = bd->start + BLOCK_SIZE_W;
1077         }
1079         ws->todo_q = newWSDeque(128);
1080         ws->todo_overflow = NULL;
1081         ws->n_todo_overflow = 0;
1082         ws->todo_large_objects = NULL;
1083         ws->todo_seg = END_NONMOVING_TODO_LIST;
1085         ws->part_list = NULL;
1086         ws->n_part_blocks = 0;
1087         ws->n_part_words = 0;
1089         ws->scavd_list = NULL;
1090         ws->n_scavd_blocks = 0;
1091         ws->n_scavd_words = 0;
1092     }
1093 }
1096 void
initGcThreads(uint32_t from USED_IF_THREADS,uint32_t to USED_IF_THREADS)1097 initGcThreads (uint32_t from USED_IF_THREADS, uint32_t to USED_IF_THREADS)
1098 {
1099 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
1100     uint32_t i;
1102     if (from > 0) {
1103         gc_threads = stgReallocBytes (gc_threads, to * sizeof(gc_thread*),
1104                                       "initGcThreads");
1105     } else {
1106         gc_threads = stgMallocBytes (to * sizeof(gc_thread*),
1107                                      "initGcThreads");
1108     }
1110     for (i = from; i < to; i++) {
1111         gc_threads[i] =
1112             stgMallocBytes(sizeof(gc_thread) +
1113                            RtsFlags.GcFlags.generations * sizeof(gen_workspace),
1114                            "alloc_gc_threads");
1116         new_gc_thread(i, gc_threads[i]);
1117     }
1118 #else
1119     ASSERT(from == 0 && to == 1);
1120     gc_threads = stgMallocBytes (sizeof(gc_thread*),"alloc_gc_threads");
1121     gc_threads[0] = gct;
1122     new_gc_thread(0,gc_threads[0]);
1123 #endif
1124 }
1126 void
freeGcThreads(void)1127 freeGcThreads (void)
1128 {
1129     uint32_t g;
1130     if (gc_threads != NULL) {
1131 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
1132         uint32_t i;
1133         for (i = 0; i < n_capabilities; i++) {
1134             for (g = 0; g < RtsFlags.GcFlags.generations; g++)
1135             {
1136                 freeWSDeque(gc_threads[i]->gens[g].todo_q);
1137             }
1138             stgFree (gc_threads[i]);
1139         }
1140         stgFree (gc_threads);
1141 #else
1142         for (g = 0; g < RtsFlags.GcFlags.generations; g++)
1143         {
1144             freeWSDeque(gc_threads[0]->gens[g].todo_q);
1145         }
1146         stgFree (gc_threads);
1147 #endif
1148         gc_threads = NULL;
1149     }
1150 }
1152 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1153    Start GC threads
1154    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1156 static volatile StgWord gc_running_threads;
1158 static StgWord
inc_running(void)1159 inc_running (void)
1160 {
1161     StgWord new;
1162     new = atomic_inc(&gc_running_threads, 1);
1163     ASSERT(new <= n_gc_threads);
1164     return new;
1165 }
1167 static StgWord
dec_running(void)1168 dec_running (void)
1169 {
1170     ASSERT(RELAXED_LOAD(&gc_running_threads) != 0);
1171     return atomic_dec(&gc_running_threads);
1172 }
1174 static bool
any_work(void)1175 any_work (void)
1176 {
1177     int g;
1178     gen_workspace *ws;
1180     NONATOMIC_ADD(&gct->any_work, 1);
1182     write_barrier();
1184     // scavenge objects in compacted generation
1185     if (mark_stack_bd != NULL && !mark_stack_empty()) {
1186         return true;
1187     }
1189     // Check for global work in any gen.  We don't need to check for
1190     // local work, because we have already exited scavenge_loop(),
1191     // which means there is no local work for this thread.
1192     for (g = 0; g < (int)RtsFlags.GcFlags.generations; g++) {
1193         ws = &gct->gens[g];
1194         if (ws->todo_large_objects) return true;
1195         if (!looksEmptyWSDeque(ws->todo_q)) return true;
1196         if (ws->todo_overflow) return true;
1197     }
1199 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
1200     if (work_stealing) {
1201         uint32_t n;
1202         // look for work to steal
1203         for (n = 0; n < n_gc_threads; n++) {
1204             if (n == gct->thread_index) continue;
1205             for (g = RtsFlags.GcFlags.generations-1; g >= 0; g--) {
1206                 ws = &gc_threads[n]->gens[g];
1207                 if (!looksEmptyWSDeque(ws->todo_q)) return true;
1208             }
1209         }
1210     }
1211 #endif
1213     __atomic_fetch_add(&gct->no_work, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
1214 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
1215     yieldThread();
1216 #endif
1218     return false;
1219 }
1221 static void
scavenge_until_all_done(void)1222 scavenge_until_all_done (void)
1223 {
1224     DEBUG_ONLY( uint32_t r );
1227 loop:
1228 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
1229     if (n_gc_threads > 1) {
1230         scavenge_loop();
1231     } else {
1232         scavenge_loop1();
1233     }
1234 #else
1235     scavenge_loop();
1236 #endif
1238     collect_gct_blocks();
1240     // scavenge_loop() only exits when there's no work to do
1242     // This atomic decrement also serves as a full barrier to ensure that any
1243     // writes we made during scavenging are visible to other threads.
1244 #if defined(DEBUG)
1245     r = dec_running();
1246 #else
1247     dec_running();
1248 #endif
1250     traceEventGcIdle(gct->cap);
1252     debugTrace(DEBUG_gc, "%d GC threads still running", r);
1254     while (SEQ_CST_LOAD(&gc_running_threads) != 0) {
1255         // usleep(1);
1256         if (any_work()) {
1257             inc_running();
1258             traceEventGcWork(gct->cap);
1259             goto loop;
1260         }
1261         // any_work() does not remove the work from the queue, it
1262         // just checks for the presence of work.  If we find any,
1263         // then we increment gc_running_threads and go back to
1264         // scavenge_loop() to perform any pending work.
1265     }
1267     traceEventGcDone(gct->cap);
1268 }
1270 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
1272 void
gcWorkerThread(Capability * cap)1273 gcWorkerThread (Capability *cap)
1274 {
1275     gc_thread *saved_gct;
1277     // necessary if we stole a callee-saves register for gct:
1278     saved_gct = gct;
1280     SET_GCT(gc_threads[cap->no]);
1281     gct->id = osThreadId();
1282     stat_startGCWorker (cap, gct);
1284     // Wait until we're told to wake up
1285     RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&gct->mut_spin);
1286     // yieldThread();
1287     //    Strangely, adding a yieldThread() here makes the CPU time
1288     //    measurements more accurate on Linux, perhaps because it syncs
1289     //    the CPU time across the multiple cores.  Without this, CPU time
1290     //    is heavily skewed towards GC rather than MUT.
1291     SEQ_CST_STORE(&gct->wakeup, GC_THREAD_STANDING_BY);
1292     debugTrace(DEBUG_gc, "GC thread %d standing by...", gct->thread_index);
1293     ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&gct->gc_spin);
1295     init_gc_thread(gct);
1297     traceEventGcWork(gct->cap);
1299     // Every thread evacuates some roots.
1300     gct->evac_gen_no = 0;
1301     markCapability(mark_root, gct, cap, true/*prune sparks*/);
1302     scavenge_capability_mut_lists(cap);
1304     scavenge_until_all_done();
1306 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
1307     // Now that the whole heap is marked, we discard any sparks that
1308     // were found to be unreachable.  The main GC thread is currently
1309     // marking heap reachable via weak pointers, so it is
1310     // non-deterministic whether a spark will be retained if it is
1311     // only reachable via weak pointers.  To fix this problem would
1312     // require another GC barrier, which is too high a price.
1313     pruneSparkQueue(false, cap);
1314 #endif
1316     // Wait until we're told to continue
1317     RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&gct->gc_spin);
1318     debugTrace(DEBUG_gc, "GC thread %d waiting to continue...",
1319                gct->thread_index);
1320     stat_endGCWorker (cap, gct);
1321     // This must come *after* stat_endGCWorker since it serves to
1322     // synchronize us with the GC leader, which will later aggregate the
1323     // GC statistics.
1325     ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&gct->mut_spin);
1326     debugTrace(DEBUG_gc, "GC thread %d on my way...", gct->thread_index);
1328     SET_GCT(saved_gct);
1329 }
1331 #endif
1333 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
1335 void
waitForGcThreads(Capability * cap USED_IF_THREADS,bool idle_cap[])1336 waitForGcThreads (Capability *cap USED_IF_THREADS, bool idle_cap[])
1337 {
1338     const uint32_t n_threads = n_capabilities;
1339     const uint32_t me = cap->no;
1340     uint32_t i, j;
1341     bool retry = true;
1342     Time t0, t1, t2;
1344     t0 = t1 = t2 = getProcessElapsedTime();
1346     while(retry) {
1347         for (i=0; i < n_threads; i++) {
1348             if (i == me || idle_cap[i]) continue;
1349             if (SEQ_CST_LOAD(&gc_threads[i]->wakeup) != GC_THREAD_STANDING_BY) {
1350                 prodCapability(capabilities[i], cap->running_task);
1351             }
1352         }
1353         for (j=0; j < 10; j++) {
1354             retry = false;
1355             for (i=0; i < n_threads; i++) {
1356                 if (i == me || idle_cap[i]) continue;
1357                 write_barrier();
1358                 interruptCapability(capabilities[i]);
1359                 if (SEQ_CST_LOAD(&gc_threads[i]->wakeup) != GC_THREAD_STANDING_BY) {
1360                     retry = true;
1361                 }
1362             }
1363             if (!retry) break;
1364 #if defined(PROF_SPIN)
1365             waitForGcThreads_yield++;
1366 #endif
1367             yieldThread();
1368         }
1370         t2 = getProcessElapsedTime();
1371         if (RtsFlags.GcFlags.longGCSync != 0 &&
1372             t2 - t1 > RtsFlags.GcFlags.longGCSync) {
1373             /* call this every longGCSync of delay */
1374             rtsConfig.longGCSync(cap->no, t2 - t0);
1375             t1 = t2;
1376         }
1377         if (retry) {
1378 #if defined(PROF_SPIN)
1379             // This is a bit strange, we'll get more yields than spins.
1380             // I guess that means it's not a spin-lock at all, but these
1381             // numbers are still useful (I think).
1382             waitForGcThreads_spin++;
1383 #endif
1384         }
1385     }
1387     if (RtsFlags.GcFlags.longGCSync != 0 &&
1388         t2 - t0 > RtsFlags.GcFlags.longGCSync) {
1389         rtsConfig.longGCSyncEnd(t2 - t0);
1390     }
1391 }
1393 #endif // THREADED_RTS
1395 static void
start_gc_threads(void)1396 start_gc_threads (void)
1397 {
1398 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
1399     gc_running_threads = 0;
1400 #endif
1401 }
1403 static void
wakeup_gc_threads(uint32_t me USED_IF_THREADS,bool idle_cap[]USED_IF_THREADS)1404 wakeup_gc_threads (uint32_t me USED_IF_THREADS,
1405                    bool idle_cap[] USED_IF_THREADS)
1406 {
1407 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
1408     uint32_t i;
1410     if (n_gc_threads == 1) return;
1412     for (i=0; i < n_gc_threads; i++) {
1413         if (i == me || idle_cap[i]) continue;
1414         inc_running();
1415         debugTrace(DEBUG_gc, "waking up gc thread %d", i);
1416         if (SEQ_CST_LOAD(&gc_threads[i]->wakeup) != GC_THREAD_STANDING_BY)
1417             barf("wakeup_gc_threads");
1419         SEQ_CST_STORE(&gc_threads[i]->wakeup, GC_THREAD_RUNNING);
1420         ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&gc_threads[i]->mut_spin);
1421         RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&gc_threads[i]->gc_spin);
1422     }
1423 #endif
1424 }
1426 // After GC is complete, we must wait for all GC threads to enter the
1427 // standby state, otherwise they may still be executing inside
1428 // any_work(), and may even remain awake until the next GC starts.
1429 static void
shutdown_gc_threads(uint32_t me USED_IF_THREADS,bool idle_cap[]USED_IF_THREADS)1430 shutdown_gc_threads (uint32_t me USED_IF_THREADS,
1431                      bool idle_cap[] USED_IF_THREADS)
1432 {
1433 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
1434     uint32_t i;
1436     if (n_gc_threads == 1) return;
1438     for (i=0; i < n_gc_threads; i++) {
1439         if (i == me || idle_cap[i]) continue;
1440         while (SEQ_CST_LOAD(&gc_threads[i]->wakeup) != GC_THREAD_WAITING_TO_CONTINUE) {
1441             busy_wait_nop();
1442         }
1443     }
1444 #endif
1445 }
1447 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
1448 void
releaseGCThreads(Capability * cap USED_IF_THREADS,bool idle_cap[])1449 releaseGCThreads (Capability *cap USED_IF_THREADS, bool idle_cap[])
1450 {
1451     const uint32_t n_threads = n_capabilities;
1452     const uint32_t me = cap->no;
1453     uint32_t i;
1454     for (i=0; i < n_threads; i++) {
1455         if (i == me || idle_cap[i]) continue;
1456         if (SEQ_CST_LOAD(&gc_threads[i]->wakeup) != GC_THREAD_WAITING_TO_CONTINUE)
1457             barf("releaseGCThreads");
1459         SEQ_CST_STORE(&gc_threads[i]->wakeup, GC_THREAD_INACTIVE);
1460         ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&gc_threads[i]->gc_spin);
1461         RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&gc_threads[i]->mut_spin);
1462     }
1463 }
1464 #endif
1466 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1467    Save the mutable lists in saved_mut_lists where it will be scavenged
1468    during GC
1469    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1471 static void
stash_mut_list(Capability * cap,uint32_t gen_no)1472 stash_mut_list (Capability *cap, uint32_t gen_no)
1473 {
1474     cap->saved_mut_lists[gen_no] = cap->mut_lists[gen_no];
1475     RELEASE_STORE(&cap->mut_lists[gen_no], allocBlockOnNode_sync(cap->node));
1476 }
1478 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1479    Initialise a generation that is to be collected
1480    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1482 static void
prepare_collected_gen(generation * gen)1483 prepare_collected_gen (generation *gen)
1484 {
1485     uint32_t i, g, n;
1486     gen_workspace *ws;
1487     bdescr *bd, *next;
1489     g = gen->no;
1491     if (RtsFlags.GcFlags.useNonmoving && g == oldest_gen->no) {
1492         // Nonmoving heap's mutable list is always a root.
1493         for (i = 0; i < n_capabilities; i++) {
1494             stash_mut_list(capabilities[i], g);
1495         }
1496     } else if (g != 0) {
1497         // Otherwise throw away the current mutable list. Invariant: the
1498         // mutable list always has at least one block; this means we can avoid
1499         // a check for NULL in recordMutable().
1500         for (i = 0; i < n_capabilities; i++) {
1501             bdescr *old = RELAXED_LOAD(&capabilities[i]->mut_lists[g]);
1502             freeChain(old);
1504             bdescr *new = allocBlockOnNode(capNoToNumaNode(i));
1505             RELAXED_STORE(&capabilities[i]->mut_lists[g], new);
1506         }
1507     }
1509     gen = &generations[g];
1510     ASSERT(gen->no == g);
1512     // we'll construct a new list of threads in this step
1513     // during GC, throw away the current list.
1514     gen->old_threads = gen->threads;
1515     gen->threads = END_TSO_QUEUE;
1517     // deprecate the existing blocks (except in the case of the nonmoving
1518     // collector since these will be preserved in nonmovingCollect for the
1519     // concurrent GC).
1520     if (!(RtsFlags.GcFlags.useNonmoving && g == oldest_gen->no)) {
1521         gen->old_blocks   = gen->blocks;
1522         gen->n_old_blocks = gen->n_blocks;
1523         gen->blocks       = NULL;
1524         gen->n_blocks     = 0;
1525         gen->n_words      = 0;
1526         gen->live_estimate = 0;
1527     }
1529     // initialise the large object queues.
1530     ASSERT(gen->scavenged_large_objects == NULL);
1531     ASSERT(gen->n_scavenged_large_blocks == 0);
1532     ASSERT(gen->live_compact_objects == NULL);
1533     ASSERT(gen->n_live_compact_blocks == 0);
1535     // grab all the partial blocks stashed in the gc_thread workspaces and
1536     // move them to the old_blocks list of this gen.
1537     for (n = 0; n < n_capabilities; n++) {
1538         ws = &gc_threads[n]->gens[gen->no];
1540         for (bd = ws->part_list; bd != NULL; bd = next) {
1541             next = bd->link;
1542             bd->link = gen->old_blocks;
1543             gen->old_blocks = bd;
1544             gen->n_old_blocks += bd->blocks;
1545         }
1546         ws->part_list = NULL;
1547         ws->n_part_blocks = 0;
1548         ws->n_part_words = 0;
1550         ASSERT(ws->scavd_list == NULL);
1551         ASSERT(ws->n_scavd_blocks == 0);
1552         ASSERT(ws->n_scavd_words == 0);
1554         if (ws->todo_free != ws->todo_bd->start) {
1555             ws->todo_bd->free = ws->todo_free;
1556             ws->todo_bd->link = gen->old_blocks;
1557             gen->old_blocks = ws->todo_bd;
1558             gen->n_old_blocks += ws->todo_bd->blocks;
1559             alloc_todo_block(ws,0); // always has one block.
1560         }
1561     }
1563     // mark the small objects as from-space
1564     for (bd = gen->old_blocks; bd; bd = bd->link) {
1565         bd->flags &= ~BF_EVACUATED;
1566     }
1568     // mark the large objects as from-space
1569     for (bd = gen->large_objects; bd; bd = bd->link) {
1570         bd->flags &= ~BF_EVACUATED;
1571     }
1573     // mark the compact objects as from-space
1574     for (bd = gen->compact_objects; bd; bd = bd->link) {
1575         bd->flags &= ~BF_EVACUATED;
1576     }
1578     // for a compacted generation, we need to allocate the bitmap
1579     if (gen->mark) {
1580         StgWord bitmap_size; // in bytes
1581         bdescr *bitmap_bdescr;
1582         StgWord *bitmap;
1584         bitmap_size = gen->n_old_blocks * BLOCK_SIZE / BITS_IN(W_);
1586         if (bitmap_size > 0) {
1587             bitmap_bdescr = allocGroup((StgWord)BLOCK_ROUND_UP(bitmap_size)
1588                                        / BLOCK_SIZE);
1589             gen->bitmap = bitmap_bdescr;
1590             bitmap = bitmap_bdescr->start;
1592             debugTrace(DEBUG_gc, "bitmap_size: %d, bitmap: %p",
1593                        bitmap_size, bitmap);
1595             // don't forget to fill it with zeros!
1596             memset(bitmap, 0, bitmap_size);
1598             // For each block in this step, point to its bitmap from the
1599             // block descriptor.
1600             for (bd=gen->old_blocks; bd != NULL; bd = bd->link) {
1601                 bd->u.bitmap = bitmap;
1602                 bitmap += BLOCK_SIZE_W / BITS_IN(W_);
1604                 // Also at this point we set the BF_MARKED flag
1605                 // for this block.  The invariant is that
1606                 // BF_MARKED is always unset, except during GC
1607                 // when it is set on those blocks which will be
1608                 // compacted.
1609                 if (!(bd->flags & BF_FRAGMENTED)) {
1610                     bd->flags |= BF_MARKED;
1611                 }
1613                 // BF_SWEPT should be marked only for blocks that are being
1614                 // collected in sweep()
1615                 bd->flags &= ~BF_SWEPT;
1616             }
1617         }
1618     }
1619 }
1621 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1622    Initialise a generation that is *not* to be collected
1623    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1625 static void
prepare_uncollected_gen(generation * gen)1626 prepare_uncollected_gen (generation *gen)
1627 {
1628     uint32_t i;
1631     ASSERT(gen->no > 0);
1633     // save the current mutable lists for this generation, and
1634     // allocate a fresh block for each one.  We'll traverse these
1635     // mutable lists as roots early on in the GC.
1636     for (i = 0; i < n_capabilities; i++) {
1637         stash_mut_list(capabilities[i], gen->no);
1638     }
1640     ASSERT(gen->scavenged_large_objects == NULL);
1641     ASSERT(gen->n_scavenged_large_blocks == 0);
1642 }
1644 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1645    Collect the completed blocks from a GC thread and attach them to
1646    the generation.
1647    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1649 static void
collect_gct_blocks(void)1650 collect_gct_blocks (void)
1651 {
1652     uint32_t g;
1653     gen_workspace *ws;
1654     bdescr *bd, *prev;
1656     for (g = 0; g < RtsFlags.GcFlags.generations; g++) {
1657         ws = &gct->gens[g];
1659         // there may still be a block attached to ws->todo_bd;
1660         // leave it there to use next time.
1662         if (ws->scavd_list != NULL) {
1663             ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&ws->gen->sync);
1665             ASSERT(gct->scan_bd == NULL);
1666             ASSERT(countBlocks(ws->scavd_list) == ws->n_scavd_blocks);
1668             prev = NULL;
1669             for (bd = ws->scavd_list; bd != NULL; bd = bd->link) {
1670                 prev = bd;
1671             }
1672             if (prev != NULL) {
1673                 prev->link = ws->gen->blocks;
1674                 ws->gen->blocks = ws->scavd_list;
1675             }
1676             ws->gen->n_blocks += ws->n_scavd_blocks;
1677             ws->gen->n_words += ws->n_scavd_words;
1679             ws->scavd_list = NULL;
1680             ws->n_scavd_blocks = 0;
1681             ws->n_scavd_words = 0;
1683             RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&ws->gen->sync);
1684         }
1685     }
1686 }
1688 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1689    During mutation, any blocks that are filled by allocatePinned() are stashed
1690    on the local pinned_object_blocks list, to avoid needing to take a global
1691    lock.  Here we collect those blocks from the cap->pinned_object_blocks lists
1692    and put them on the g0->large_object or oldest_gen->large_objects.
1694    How to decide which list to put them on?
1696    - When non-moving heap is enabled and this is a major GC, we put them on
1697      oldest_gen. This is because after preparation we really want no
1698      old-to-young references, and we want to be able to reset mut_lists. For
1699      this we need to promote every potentially live object to the oldest gen.
1701    - Otherwise we put them on g0.
1702    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1704 static void
collect_pinned_object_blocks(void)1705 collect_pinned_object_blocks (void)
1706 {
1707     const bool use_nonmoving = RtsFlags.GcFlags.useNonmoving;
1708     generation *const gen = (use_nonmoving && major_gc) ? oldest_gen : g0;
1710     for (uint32_t n = 0; n < n_capabilities; n++) {
1711         bdescr *last = NULL;
1712         if (use_nonmoving && gen == oldest_gen) {
1713             // Mark objects as belonging to the nonmoving heap
1714             for (bdescr *bd = RELAXED_LOAD(&capabilities[n]->pinned_object_blocks); bd != NULL; bd = bd->link) {
1715                 bd->flags |= BF_NONMOVING;
1716                 bd->gen = oldest_gen;
1717                 bd->gen_no = oldest_gen->no;
1718                 oldest_gen->n_large_words += bd->free - bd->start;
1719                 oldest_gen->n_large_blocks += bd->blocks;
1720                 last = bd;
1721             }
1722         } else {
1723             for (bdescr *bd = capabilities[n]->pinned_object_blocks; bd != NULL; bd = bd->link) {
1724                 last = bd;
1725             }
1726         }
1728         if (last != NULL) {
1729             last->link = gen->large_objects;
1730             if (gen->large_objects != NULL) {
1731                 gen->large_objects->u.back = last;
1732             }
1733             gen->large_objects = RELAXED_LOAD(&capabilities[n]->pinned_object_blocks);
1734             RELAXED_STORE(&capabilities[n]->pinned_object_blocks, NULL);
1735         }
1736     }
1737 }
1739 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1740    Initialise a gc_thread before GC
1741    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1743 static void
init_gc_thread(gc_thread * t)1744 init_gc_thread (gc_thread *t)
1745 {
1746     t->static_objects = END_OF_STATIC_OBJECT_LIST;
1747     t->scavenged_static_objects = END_OF_STATIC_OBJECT_LIST;
1748     t->scan_bd = NULL;
1749     t->mut_lists = t->cap->mut_lists;
1750     t->evac_gen_no = 0;
1751     t->failed_to_evac = false;
1752     t->eager_promotion = true;
1753     t->thunk_selector_depth = 0;
1754     t->copied = 0;
1755     t->scanned = 0;
1756     t->any_work = 0;
1757     t->no_work = 0;
1758     t->scav_find_work = 0;
1759 }
1761 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1762    Function we pass to evacuate roots.
1763    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1765 static void
mark_root(void * user USED_IF_THREADS,StgClosure ** root)1766 mark_root(void *user USED_IF_THREADS, StgClosure **root)
1767 {
1768     // we stole a register for gct, but this function is called from
1769     // *outside* the GC where the register variable is not in effect,
1770     // so we need to save and restore it here.  NB. only call
1771     // mark_root() from the main GC thread, otherwise gct will be
1772     // incorrect.
1773 #if defined(THREADED_RTS)
1774     gc_thread *saved_gct;
1775     saved_gct = gct;
1776 #endif
1777     SET_GCT(user);
1779     evacuate(root);
1781     SET_GCT(saved_gct);
1782 }
1784 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1785    Reset the sizes of the older generations when we do a major
1786    collection.
1788    CURRENT STRATEGY: make all generations except zero the same size.
1789    We have to stay within the maximum heap size, and leave a certain
1790    percentage of the maximum heap size available to allocate into.
1791    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1793 void
resizeGenerations(void)1794 resizeGenerations (void)
1795 {
1796     uint32_t g;
1797     W_ live, size, min_alloc, words;
1798     const W_ max  = RtsFlags.GcFlags.maxHeapSize;
1799     const W_ gens = RtsFlags.GcFlags.generations;
1801     // live in the oldest generations
1802     if (oldest_gen->live_estimate != 0) {
1803         words = oldest_gen->live_estimate;
1804     } else {
1805         words = oldest_gen->n_words;
1806     }
1807     live = (words + BLOCK_SIZE_W - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE_W +
1808         oldest_gen->n_large_blocks +
1809         oldest_gen->n_compact_blocks;
1811     // default max size for all generations except zero
1812     size = stg_max(live * RtsFlags.GcFlags.oldGenFactor,
1813                    RtsFlags.GcFlags.minOldGenSize);
1815     if (RtsFlags.GcFlags.heapSizeSuggestionAuto) {
1816         if (max > 0) {
1817             RtsFlags.GcFlags.heapSizeSuggestion = stg_min(max, size);
1818         } else {
1819             RtsFlags.GcFlags.heapSizeSuggestion = size;
1820         }
1821     }
1823     // minimum size for generation zero
1824     min_alloc = stg_max((RtsFlags.GcFlags.pcFreeHeap * max) / 200,
1825                         RtsFlags.GcFlags.minAllocAreaSize
1826                         * (W_)n_capabilities);
1828     // Auto-enable compaction when the residency reaches a
1829     // certain percentage of the maximum heap size (default: 30%).
1830     // Except when non-moving GC is enabled.
1831     if (!RtsFlags.GcFlags.useNonmoving &&
1832         (RtsFlags.GcFlags.compact ||
1833          (max > 0 &&
1834           oldest_gen->n_blocks >
1835           (RtsFlags.GcFlags.compactThreshold * max) / 100))) {
1836         oldest_gen->mark = 1;
1837         oldest_gen->compact = 1;
1838 //        debugBelch("compaction: on\n", live);
1839     } else {
1840         oldest_gen->mark = 0;
1841         oldest_gen->compact = 0;
1842 //        debugBelch("compaction: off\n", live);
1843     }
1845     if (RtsFlags.GcFlags.sweep) {
1846         oldest_gen->mark = 1;
1847     }
1849     // if we're going to go over the maximum heap size, reduce the
1850     // size of the generations accordingly.  The calculation is
1851     // different if compaction is turned on, because we don't need
1852     // to double the space required to collect the old generation.
1853     if (max != 0) {
1855         // this test is necessary to ensure that the calculations
1856         // below don't have any negative results - we're working
1857         // with unsigned values here.
1858         if (max < min_alloc) {
1859             heapOverflow();
1860         }
1862         if (oldest_gen->compact) {
1863             if ( (size + (size - 1) * (gens - 2) * 2) + min_alloc > max ) {
1864                 size = (max - min_alloc) / ((gens - 1) * 2 - 1);
1865             }
1866         } else {
1867             if ( (size * (gens - 1) * 2) + min_alloc > max ) {
1868                 size = (max - min_alloc) / ((gens - 1) * 2);
1869             }
1870         }
1872         if (size < live) {
1873             heapOverflow();
1874         }
1875     }
1877 #if 0
1878     debugBelch("live: %d, min_alloc: %d, size : %d, max = %d\n", live,
1879                min_alloc, size, max);
1880     debugBelch("resize_gen: n_blocks: %lu, n_large_block: %lu, n_compact_blocks: %lu\n",
1881                oldest_gen->n_blocks, oldest_gen->n_large_blocks, oldest_gen->n_compact_blocks);
1882     debugBelch("resize_gen: max_blocks: %lu -> %lu\n", oldest_gen->max_blocks, oldest_gen->n_blocks);
1883 #endif
1885     for (g = 0; g < gens; g++) {
1886         generations[g].max_blocks = size;
1887     }
1888 }
1890 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1891    Calculate the new size of the nursery, and resize it.
1892    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1894 static void
resize_nursery(void)1895 resize_nursery (void)
1896 {
1897     const StgWord min_nursery =
1898       RtsFlags.GcFlags.minAllocAreaSize * (StgWord)n_capabilities;
1900     if (RtsFlags.GcFlags.generations == 1)
1901     {   // Two-space collector:
1902         W_ blocks;
1904         /* set up a new nursery.  Allocate a nursery size based on a
1905          * function of the amount of live data (by default a factor of 2)
1906          * Use the blocks from the old nursery if possible, freeing up any
1907          * left over blocks.
1908          *
1909          * If we get near the maximum heap size, then adjust our nursery
1910          * size accordingly.  If the nursery is the same size as the live
1911          * data (L), then we need 3L bytes.  We can reduce the size of the
1912          * nursery to bring the required memory down near 2L bytes.
1913          *
1914          * A normal 2-space collector would need 4L bytes to give the same
1915          * performance we get from 3L bytes, reducing to the same
1916          * performance at 2L bytes.
1917          */
1918         blocks = generations[0].n_blocks;
1920         if ( RtsFlags.GcFlags.maxHeapSize != 0 &&
1921              blocks * RtsFlags.GcFlags.oldGenFactor * 2 >
1922              RtsFlags.GcFlags.maxHeapSize )
1923         {
1924             long adjusted_blocks;  // signed on purpose
1925             int pc_free;
1927             adjusted_blocks = (RtsFlags.GcFlags.maxHeapSize - 2 * blocks);
1929             debugTrace(DEBUG_gc, "near maximum heap size of 0x%x blocks, blocks = %d, adjusted to %ld",
1930                        RtsFlags.GcFlags.maxHeapSize, blocks, adjusted_blocks);
1932             pc_free = adjusted_blocks * 100 / RtsFlags.GcFlags.maxHeapSize;
1933             if (pc_free < RtsFlags.GcFlags.pcFreeHeap) /* might even * be < 0 */
1934             {
1935                 heapOverflow();
1936             }
1937             blocks = adjusted_blocks;
1938         }
1939         else
1940         {
1941             blocks *= RtsFlags.GcFlags.oldGenFactor;
1942             if (blocks < min_nursery)
1943             {
1944                 blocks = min_nursery;
1945             }
1946         }
1947         resizeNurseries(blocks);
1948     }
1949     else  // Generational collector
1950     {
1951         /*
1952          * If the user has given us a suggested heap size, adjust our
1953          * allocation area to make best use of the memory available.
1954          */
1955         if (RtsFlags.GcFlags.heapSizeSuggestion)
1956         {
1957             long blocks;
1958             StgWord needed;
1960             calcNeeded(false, &needed); // approx blocks needed at next GC
1962             /* Guess how much will be live in generation 0 step 0 next time.
1963              * A good approximation is obtained by finding the
1964              * percentage of g0 that was live at the last minor GC.
1965              *
1966              * We have an accurate figure for the amount of copied data in
1967              * 'copied', but we must convert this to a number of blocks, with
1968              * a small adjustment for estimated slop at the end of a block
1969              * (- 10 words).
1970              */
1971             if (N == 0)
1972             {
1973                 g0_pcnt_kept = ((copied / (BLOCK_SIZE_W - 10)) * 100)
1974                     / countNurseryBlocks();
1975             }
1977             /* Estimate a size for the allocation area based on the
1978              * information available.  We might end up going slightly under
1979              * or over the suggested heap size, but we should be pretty
1980              * close on average.
1981              *
1982              * Formula:            suggested - needed
1983              *                ----------------------------
1984              *                    1 + g0_pcnt_kept/100
1985              *
1986              * where 'needed' is the amount of memory needed at the next
1987              * collection for collecting all gens except g0.
1988              */
1989             blocks =
1990                 (((long)RtsFlags.GcFlags.heapSizeSuggestion - (long)needed) * 100) /
1991                 (100 + (long)g0_pcnt_kept);
1993             if (blocks < (long)min_nursery) {
1994                 blocks = min_nursery;
1995             }
1997             resizeNurseries((W_)blocks);
1998         }
1999         else
2000         {
2001             // we might have added extra blocks to the nursery, so
2002             // resize back to the original size again.
2003             resizeNurseriesFixed();
2004         }
2005     }
2006 }
2008 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2009    Sanity code for CAF garbage collection.
2011    With DEBUG turned on, we manage a CAF list in addition to the SRT
2012    mechanism.  After GC, we run down the CAF list and make any
2013    CAFs which have been garbage collected GCD_CAF.  This means we get an error
2014    whenever the program tries to enter a garbage collected CAF.
2016    Any garbage collected CAFs are taken off the CAF list at the same
2017    time.
2018    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2020 #if defined(DEBUG)
gcCAFs(void)2022 void gcCAFs(void)
2023 {
2024     uint32_t i = 0;
2025     StgIndStatic *prev = NULL;
2027     for (StgIndStatic *p = debug_caf_list;
2028          p != (StgIndStatic*) END_OF_CAF_LIST;
2029          p = (StgIndStatic*) p->saved_info)
2030     {
2031         const StgInfoTable *info = get_itbl((StgClosure*)p);
2032         ASSERT(info->type == IND_STATIC);
2034         // See Note [STATIC_LINK fields] in Storage.h
2035         // This condition identifies CAFs that have just been GC'd and
2036         // don't have static_link==3 which means they should be ignored.
2037         if ((((StgWord)(p->static_link)&STATIC_BITS) | prev_static_flag) != 3) {
2038             debugTrace(DEBUG_gccafs, "CAF gc'd at 0x%p", p);
2039             SET_INFO((StgClosure*)p,&stg_GCD_CAF_info); // stub it
2040             if (prev == NULL) {
2041                 debug_caf_list = (StgIndStatic*)p->saved_info;
2042             } else {
2043                 prev->saved_info = p->saved_info;
2044             }
2045         } else {
2046             prev = p;
2047             i++;
2048         }
2049     }
2051     debugTrace(DEBUG_gccafs, "%d CAFs live", i);
2052 }
2053 #endif
2056 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2057    The GC can leave some work for the mutator to do before the next
2058    GC, provided the work can be safely overlapped with mutation.  This
2059    can help reduce the GC pause time.
2061    The mutator can call doIdleGCWork() any time it likes, but
2062    preferably when it is idle.  It's safe for multiple capabilities to
2063    call doIdleGCWork().
2065    When 'all' is
2066      * false: doIdleGCWork() should only take a short, bounded, amount
2067        of time.
2068      * true: doIdleGCWork() will complete all the outstanding GC work.
2070    The return value is
2071      * true if there's more to do (only if 'all' is false).
2072      * false otherwise.
2073   -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
doIdleGCWork(Capability * cap STG_UNUSED,bool all)2075 bool doIdleGCWork(Capability *cap STG_UNUSED, bool all)
2076 {
2077     return runSomeFinalizers(all);
2078 }