2{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
8{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
11{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
13-- We never want to link against terminfo while bootstrapping.
14#if defined(BOOTSTRAPPING)
15#if defined(WITH_TERMINFO)
20-- Fine if this comes from make/Hadrian or the pre-built base.
21#include <ghcplatform.h>
25-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2009.
27-- Package management tool
31module Main (main) where
33import qualified GHC.PackageDb as GhcPkg
34import GHC.PackageDb (BinaryStringRep(..))
35import GHC.HandleEncoding
36import GHC.BaseDir (getBaseDir)
37import GHC.Settings (getTargetPlatform, maybeReadFuzzy)
38import GHC.Platform (platformMini)
39import GHC.Platform.Host (cHostPlatformMini)
40import GHC.UniqueSubdir (uniqueSubdir)
41import GHC.Version ( cProjectVersion )
42import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
43import qualified Data.Graph as Graph
44import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as ModuleName
45import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
46import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as Cabal
47import qualified Distribution.Parsec as Cabal
48import Distribution.Package hiding (installedUnitId)
49import Distribution.Text
50import Distribution.Version
51import Distribution.Backpack
52import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
53import Distribution.Types.LibraryName
54import Distribution.Types.MungedPackageName
55import Distribution.Types.MungedPackageId
56import Distribution.Simple.Utils (fromUTF8BS, toUTF8BS, writeUTF8File, readUTF8File)
57import qualified Data.Version as Version
58import System.FilePath as FilePath
59import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FilePath.Posix
60import System.Directory ( getAppUserDataDirectory, createDirectoryIfMissing,
61                          getModificationTime )
62import Text.Printf
64import Prelude
66import System.Console.GetOpt
67import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
68import Data.Maybe
70import Data.Char ( toLower )
71import Control.Monad
72import System.Directory ( doesDirectoryExist, getDirectoryContents,
73                          doesFileExist, removeFile,
74                          getCurrentDirectory )
75import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode(..) )
76import System.Environment ( getArgs, getProgName, getEnv )
77import System.IO
78import System.IO.Error
79import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType(InappropriateType))
80import Data.List
81import Control.Concurrent
82import qualified Data.Foldable as F
83import qualified Data.Traversable as F
84import qualified Data.Set as Set
85import qualified Data.Map as Map
86import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
88#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
89import GHC.ConsoleHandler
91import System.Posix hiding (fdToHandle)
94#if defined(GLOB)
95import qualified System.Info(os)
98#if defined(WITH_TERMINFO)
99import System.Console.Terminfo as Terminfo
102#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
103# if defined(i386_HOST_ARCH)
104#  define WINDOWS_CCONV stdcall
105# elif defined(x86_64_HOST_ARCH)
106#  define WINDOWS_CCONV ccall
107# else
108#  error Unknown mingw32 arch
109# endif
112-- | Short-circuit 'any' with a \"monadic predicate\".
113anyM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m Bool
114anyM _ [] = return False
115anyM p (x:xs) = do
116  b <- p x
117  if b
118    then return True
119    else anyM p xs
121-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
122-- Entry point
124main :: IO ()
125main = do
126  configureHandleEncoding
127  args <- getArgs
129  case getOpt Permute (flags ++ deprecFlags) args of
130        (cli,_,[]) | FlagHelp `elem` cli -> do
131           prog <- getProgramName
132           bye (usageInfo (usageHeader prog) flags)
133        (cli,_,[]) | FlagVersion `elem` cli ->
134           bye ourCopyright
135        (cli,nonopts,[]) ->
136           case getVerbosity Normal cli of
137           Right v -> runit v cli nonopts
138           Left err -> die err
139        (_,_,errors) -> do
140           prog <- getProgramName
141           die (concat errors ++ shortUsage prog)
143-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
144-- Command-line syntax
146data Flag
147  = FlagUser
148  | FlagGlobal
149  | FlagHelp
150  | FlagVersion
151  | FlagConfig FilePath
152  | FlagGlobalConfig FilePath
153  | FlagUserConfig FilePath
154  | FlagForce
155  | FlagForceFiles
156  | FlagMultiInstance
157  | FlagExpandEnvVars
158  | FlagExpandPkgroot
159  | FlagNoExpandPkgroot
160  | FlagSimpleOutput
161  | FlagNamesOnly
162  | FlagIgnoreCase
163  | FlagNoUserDb
164  | FlagVerbosity (Maybe String)
165  | FlagUnitId
166  | FlagShowUnitIds
167  deriving Eq
169flags :: [OptDescr Flag]
170flags = [
171  Option [] ["user"] (NoArg FlagUser)
172        "use the current user's package database",
173  Option [] ["global"] (NoArg FlagGlobal)
174        "use the global package database",
175  Option ['f'] ["package-db"] (ReqArg FlagConfig "FILE/DIR")
176        "use the specified package database",
177  Option [] ["package-conf"] (ReqArg FlagConfig "FILE/DIR")
178        "use the specified package database (DEPRECATED)",
179  Option [] ["global-package-db"] (ReqArg FlagGlobalConfig "DIR")
180        "location of the global package database",
181  Option [] ["no-user-package-db"] (NoArg FlagNoUserDb)
182        "never read the user package database",
183  Option [] ["user-package-db"] (ReqArg FlagUserConfig "DIR")
184        "location of the user package database (use instead of default)",
185  Option [] ["no-user-package-conf"] (NoArg FlagNoUserDb)
186        "never read the user package database (DEPRECATED)",
187  Option [] ["force"] (NoArg FlagForce)
188         "ignore missing dependencies, directories, and libraries",
189  Option [] ["force-files"] (NoArg FlagForceFiles)
190         "ignore missing directories and libraries only",
191  Option [] ["enable-multi-instance"] (NoArg FlagMultiInstance)
192        "allow registering multiple instances of the same package version",
193  Option [] ["expand-env-vars"] (NoArg FlagExpandEnvVars)
194        "expand environment variables (${name}-style) in input package descriptions",
195  Option [] ["expand-pkgroot"] (NoArg FlagExpandPkgroot)
196        "expand ${pkgroot}-relative paths to absolute in output package descriptions",
197  Option [] ["no-expand-pkgroot"] (NoArg FlagNoExpandPkgroot)
198        "preserve ${pkgroot}-relative paths in output package descriptions",
199  Option ['?'] ["help"] (NoArg FlagHelp)
200        "display this help and exit",
201  Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg FlagVersion)
202        "output version information and exit",
203  Option [] ["simple-output"] (NoArg FlagSimpleOutput)
204        "print output in easy-to-parse format for some commands",
205  Option [] ["show-unit-ids"] (NoArg FlagShowUnitIds)
206        "print unit-ids instead of package identifiers",
207  Option [] ["names-only"] (NoArg FlagNamesOnly)
208        "only print package names, not versions; can only be used with list --simple-output",
209  Option [] ["ignore-case"] (NoArg FlagIgnoreCase)
210        "ignore case for substring matching",
211  Option [] ["ipid", "unit-id"] (NoArg FlagUnitId)
212        "interpret package arguments as unit IDs (e.g. installed package IDs)",
213  Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (OptArg FlagVerbosity "Verbosity")
214        "verbosity level (0-2, default 1)"
215  ]
217data Verbosity = Silent | Normal | Verbose
218    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
220getVerbosity :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> Either String Verbosity
221getVerbosity v [] = Right v
222getVerbosity _ (FlagVerbosity Nothing    : fs) = getVerbosity Verbose fs
223getVerbosity _ (FlagVerbosity (Just "0") : fs) = getVerbosity Silent  fs
224getVerbosity _ (FlagVerbosity (Just "1") : fs) = getVerbosity Normal  fs
225getVerbosity _ (FlagVerbosity (Just "2") : fs) = getVerbosity Verbose fs
226getVerbosity _ (FlagVerbosity v : _) = Left ("Bad verbosity: " ++ show v)
227getVerbosity v (_ : fs) = getVerbosity v fs
229deprecFlags :: [OptDescr Flag]
230deprecFlags = [
231        -- put deprecated flags here
232  ]
234ourCopyright :: String
235ourCopyright = "GHC package manager version " ++ GHC.Version.cProjectVersion ++ "\n"
237shortUsage :: String -> String
238shortUsage prog = "For usage information see '" ++ prog ++ " --help'."
240usageHeader :: String -> String
241usageHeader prog = substProg prog $
242  "Usage:\n" ++
243  "  $p init {path}\n" ++
244  "    Create and initialise a package database at the location {path}.\n" ++
245  "    Packages can be registered in the new database using the register\n" ++
246  "    command with --package-db={path}.  To use the new database with GHC,\n" ++
247  "    use GHC's -package-db flag.\n" ++
248  "\n" ++
249  "  $p register {filename | -}\n" ++
250  "    Register the package using the specified installed package\n" ++
251  "    description. The syntax for the latter is given in the $p\n" ++
252  "    documentation.  The input file should be encoded in UTF-8.\n" ++
253  "\n" ++
254  "  $p update {filename | -}\n" ++
255  "    Register the package, overwriting any other package with the\n" ++
256  "    same name. The input file should be encoded in UTF-8.\n" ++
257  "\n" ++
258  "  $p unregister [pkg-id] \n" ++
259  "    Unregister the specified packages in the order given.\n" ++
260  "\n" ++
261  "  $p expose {pkg-id}\n" ++
262  "    Expose the specified package.\n" ++
263  "\n" ++
264  "  $p hide {pkg-id}\n" ++
265  "    Hide the specified package.\n" ++
266  "\n" ++
267  "  $p trust {pkg-id}\n" ++
268  "    Trust the specified package.\n" ++
269  "\n" ++
270  "  $p distrust {pkg-id}\n" ++
271  "    Distrust the specified package.\n" ++
272  "\n" ++
273  "  $p list [pkg]\n" ++
274  "    List registered packages in the global database, and also the\n" ++
275  "    user database if --user is given. If a package name is given\n" ++
276  "    all the registered versions will be listed in ascending order.\n" ++
277  "    Accepts the --simple-output flag.\n" ++
278  "\n" ++
279  "  $p dot\n" ++
280  "    Generate a graph of the package dependencies in a form suitable\n" ++
281  "    for input for the graphviz tools.  For example, to generate a PDF\n" ++
282  "    of the dependency graph: ghc-pkg dot | tred | dot -Tpdf >pkgs.pdf\n" ++
283  "\n" ++
284  "  $p find-module {module}\n" ++
285  "    List registered packages exposing module {module} in the global\n" ++
286  "    database, and also the user database if --user is given.\n" ++
287  "    All the registered versions will be listed in ascending order.\n" ++
288  "    Accepts the --simple-output flag.\n" ++
289  "\n" ++
290  "  $p latest {pkg-id}\n" ++
291  "    Prints the highest registered version of a package.\n" ++
292  "\n" ++
293  "  $p check\n" ++
294  "    Check the consistency of package dependencies and list broken packages.\n" ++
295  "    Accepts the --simple-output flag.\n" ++
296  "\n" ++
297  "  $p describe {pkg}\n" ++
298  "    Give the registered description for the specified package. The\n" ++
299  "    description is returned in precisely the syntax required by $p\n" ++
300  "    register.\n" ++
301  "\n" ++
302  "  $p field {pkg} {field}\n" ++
303  "    Extract the specified field of the package description for the\n" ++
304  "    specified package. Accepts comma-separated multiple fields.\n" ++
305  "\n" ++
306  "  $p dump\n" ++
307  "    Dump the registered description for every package.  This is like\n" ++
308  "    \"ghc-pkg describe '*'\", except that it is intended to be used\n" ++
309  "    by tools that parse the results, rather than humans.  The output is\n" ++
310  "    always encoded in UTF-8, regardless of the current locale.\n" ++
311  "\n" ++
312  "  $p recache\n" ++
313  "    Regenerate the package database cache.  This command should only be\n" ++
314  "    necessary if you added a package to the database by dropping a file\n" ++
315  "    into the database directory manually.  By default, the global DB\n" ++
316  "    is recached; to recache a different DB use --user or --package-db\n" ++
317  "    as appropriate.\n" ++
318  "\n" ++
319  " Substring matching is supported for {module} in find-module and\n" ++
320  " for {pkg} in list, describe, and field, where a '*' indicates\n" ++
321  " open substring ends (prefix*, *suffix, *infix*).  Use --ipid to\n" ++
322  " match against the installed package ID instead.\n" ++
323  "\n" ++
324  "  When asked to modify a database (register, unregister, update,\n"++
325  "  hide, expose, and also check), ghc-pkg modifies the global database by\n"++
326  "  default.  Specifying --user causes it to act on the user database,\n"++
327  "  or --package-db can be used to act on another database\n"++
328  "  entirely. When multiple of these options are given, the rightmost\n"++
329  "  one is used as the database to act upon.\n"++
330  "\n"++
331  "  Commands that query the package database (list, tree, latest, describe,\n"++
332  "  field) operate on the list of databases specified by the flags\n"++
333  "  --user, --global, and --package-db.  If none of these flags are\n"++
334  "  given, the default is --global --user.\n"++
335  "\n" ++
336  " The following optional flags are also accepted:\n"
338substProg :: String -> String -> String
339substProg _ [] = []
340substProg prog ('$':'p':xs) = prog ++ substProg prog xs
341substProg prog (c:xs) = c : substProg prog xs
343-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
344-- Do the business
346data Force = NoForce | ForceFiles | ForceAll | CannotForce
347  deriving (Eq,Ord)
349-- | Enum flag representing argument type
350data AsPackageArg
351    = AsUnitId
352    | AsDefault
354-- | Represents how a package may be specified by a user on the command line.
355data PackageArg
356    -- | A package identifier foo-0.1, or a glob foo-*
357    = Id GlobPackageIdentifier
358    -- | An installed package ID foo-0.1-HASH.  This is guaranteed to uniquely
359    -- match a single entry in the package database.
360    | IUId UnitId
361    -- | A glob against the package name.  The first string is the literal
362    -- glob, the second is a function which returns @True@ if the argument
363    -- matches.
364    | Substring String (String->Bool)
366runit :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> [String] -> IO ()
367runit verbosity cli nonopts = do
368  installSignalHandlers -- catch ^C and clean up
369  when (verbosity >= Verbose)
370    (putStr ourCopyright)
371  prog <- getProgramName
372  let
373        force
374          | FlagForce `elem` cli        = ForceAll
375          | FlagForceFiles `elem` cli   = ForceFiles
376          | otherwise                   = NoForce
377        as_arg | FlagUnitId `elem` cli = AsUnitId
378               | otherwise             = AsDefault
379        multi_instance = FlagMultiInstance `elem` cli
380        expand_env_vars= FlagExpandEnvVars `elem` cli
381        mexpand_pkgroot= foldl' accumExpandPkgroot Nothing cli
382          where accumExpandPkgroot _ FlagExpandPkgroot   = Just True
383                accumExpandPkgroot _ FlagNoExpandPkgroot = Just False
384                accumExpandPkgroot x _                   = x
386        splitFields fields = unfoldr splitComma (',':fields)
387          where splitComma "" = Nothing
388                splitComma fs = Just $ break (==',') (tail fs)
390        -- | Parses a glob into a predicate which tests if a string matches
391        -- the glob.  Returns Nothing if the string in question is not a glob.
392        -- At the moment, we only support globs at the beginning and/or end of
393        -- strings.  This function respects case sensitivity.
394        --
395        -- >>> fromJust (substringCheck "*") "anything"
396        -- True
397        --
398        -- >>> fromJust (substringCheck "string") "string"
399        -- True
400        --
401        -- >>> fromJust (substringCheck "*bar") "foobar"
402        -- True
403        --
404        -- >>> fromJust (substringCheck "foo*") "foobar"
405        -- True
406        --
407        -- >>> fromJust (substringCheck "*ooba*") "foobar"
408        -- True
409        --
410        -- >>> fromJust (substringCheck "f*bar") "foobar"
411        -- False
412        substringCheck :: String -> Maybe (String -> Bool)
413        substringCheck ""    = Nothing
414        substringCheck "*"   = Just (const True)
415        substringCheck [_]   = Nothing
416        substringCheck (h:t) =
417          case (h, init t, last t) of
418            ('*',s,'*') -> Just (isInfixOf (f s) . f)
419            ('*',_, _ ) -> Just (isSuffixOf (f t) . f)
420            ( _ ,s,'*') -> Just (isPrefixOf (f (h:s)) . f)
421            _           -> Nothing
422          where f | FlagIgnoreCase `elem` cli = map toLower
423                  | otherwise                 = id
424#if defined(GLOB)
425        glob x | System.Info.os=="mingw32" = do
426          -- glob echoes its argument, after win32 filename globbing
427          (_,o,_,_) <- runInteractiveCommand ("glob "++x)
428          txt <- hGetContents o
429          return (read txt)
430        glob x | otherwise = return [x]
432  --
433  -- first, parse the command
434  case nonopts of
435#if defined(GLOB)
436    -- dummy command to demonstrate usage and permit testing
437    -- without messing things up; use glob to selectively enable
438    -- windows filename globbing for file parameters
439    -- register, update, FlagGlobalConfig, FlagConfig; others?
440    ["glob", filename] -> do
441        print filename
442        glob filename >>= print
444    ["init", filename] ->
445        initPackageDB filename verbosity cli
446    ["register", filename] ->
447        registerPackage filename verbosity cli
448                        multi_instance
449                        expand_env_vars False force
450    ["update", filename] ->
451        registerPackage filename verbosity cli
452                        multi_instance
453                        expand_env_vars True force
454    "unregister" : pkgarg_strs@(_:_) -> do
455        forM_ pkgarg_strs $ \pkgarg_str -> do
456          pkgarg <- readPackageArg as_arg pkgarg_str
457          unregisterPackage pkgarg verbosity cli force
458    ["expose", pkgarg_str] -> do
459        pkgarg <- readPackageArg as_arg pkgarg_str
460        exposePackage pkgarg verbosity cli force
461    ["hide",   pkgarg_str] -> do
462        pkgarg <- readPackageArg as_arg pkgarg_str
463        hidePackage pkgarg verbosity cli force
464    ["trust",    pkgarg_str] -> do
465        pkgarg <- readPackageArg as_arg pkgarg_str
466        trustPackage pkgarg verbosity cli force
467    ["distrust", pkgarg_str] -> do
468        pkgarg <- readPackageArg as_arg pkgarg_str
469        distrustPackage pkgarg verbosity cli force
470    ["list"] -> do
471        listPackages verbosity cli Nothing Nothing
472    ["list", pkgarg_str] ->
473        case substringCheck pkgarg_str of
474          Nothing -> do pkgarg <- readPackageArg as_arg pkgarg_str
475                        listPackages verbosity cli (Just pkgarg) Nothing
476          Just m -> listPackages verbosity cli
477                                 (Just (Substring pkgarg_str m)) Nothing
478    ["dot"] -> do
479        showPackageDot verbosity cli
480    ["find-module", mod_name] -> do
481        let match = maybe (==mod_name) id (substringCheck mod_name)
482        listPackages verbosity cli Nothing (Just match)
483    ["latest", pkgid_str] -> do
484        pkgid <- readGlobPkgId pkgid_str
485        latestPackage verbosity cli pkgid
486    ["describe", pkgid_str] -> do
487        pkgarg <- case substringCheck pkgid_str of
488          Nothing -> readPackageArg as_arg pkgid_str
489          Just m  -> return (Substring pkgid_str m)
490        describePackage verbosity cli pkgarg (fromMaybe False mexpand_pkgroot)
492    ["field", pkgid_str, fields] -> do
493        pkgarg <- case substringCheck pkgid_str of
494          Nothing -> readPackageArg as_arg pkgid_str
495          Just m  -> return (Substring pkgid_str m)
496        describeField verbosity cli pkgarg
497                      (splitFields fields) (fromMaybe True mexpand_pkgroot)
499    ["check"] -> do
500        checkConsistency verbosity cli
502    ["dump"] -> do
503        dumpPackages verbosity cli (fromMaybe False mexpand_pkgroot)
505    ["recache"] -> do
506        recache verbosity cli
508    [] -> do
509        die ("missing command\n" ++ shortUsage prog)
510    (_cmd:_) -> do
511        die ("command-line syntax error\n" ++ shortUsage prog)
513parseCheck :: Cabal.Parsec a => String -> String -> IO a
514parseCheck str what =
515  case Cabal.eitherParsec str of
516    Left e  -> die ("cannot parse \'" ++ str ++ "\' as a " ++ what ++ ": " ++ e)
517    Right x -> pure x
519-- | Either an exact 'PackageIdentifier', or a glob for all packages
520-- matching 'PackageName'.
521data GlobPackageIdentifier
522    = ExactPackageIdentifier MungedPackageId
523    | GlobPackageIdentifier  MungedPackageName
525displayGlobPkgId :: GlobPackageIdentifier -> String
526displayGlobPkgId (ExactPackageIdentifier pid) = display pid
527displayGlobPkgId (GlobPackageIdentifier pn) = display pn ++ "-*"
529readGlobPkgId :: String -> IO GlobPackageIdentifier
530readGlobPkgId str
531  | "-*" `isSuffixOf` str =
532    GlobPackageIdentifier <$> parseCheck (init (init str)) "package identifier (glob)"
533  | otherwise = ExactPackageIdentifier <$> parseCheck str "package identifier (exact)"
535readPackageArg :: AsPackageArg -> String -> IO PackageArg
536readPackageArg AsUnitId str = IUId <$> parseCheck str "installed package id"
537readPackageArg AsDefault str = Id <$> readGlobPkgId str
539-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
540-- Package databases
542-- Some commands operate on a single database:
543--      register, unregister, expose, hide, trust, distrust
544-- however these commands also check the union of the available databases
545-- in order to check consistency.  For example, register will check that
546-- dependencies exist before registering a package.
548-- Some commands operate  on multiple databases, with overlapping semantics:
549--      list, describe, field
551data PackageDB (mode :: GhcPkg.DbMode)
552  = PackageDB {
553      location, locationAbsolute :: !FilePath,
554      -- We need both possibly-relative and definitely-absolute package
555      -- db locations. This is because the relative location is used as
556      -- an identifier for the db, so it is important we do not modify it.
557      -- On the other hand we need the absolute path in a few places
558      -- particularly in relation to the ${pkgroot} stuff.
560      packageDbLock :: !(GhcPkg.DbOpenMode mode GhcPkg.PackageDbLock),
561      -- If package db is open in read write mode, we keep its lock around for
562      -- transactional updates.
564      packages :: [InstalledPackageInfo]
565    }
567type PackageDBStack = [PackageDB 'GhcPkg.DbReadOnly]
568        -- A stack of package databases.  Convention: head is the topmost
569        -- in the stack.
571-- | Selector for picking the right package DB to modify as 'register' and
572-- 'recache' operate on the database on top of the stack, whereas 'modify'
573-- changes the first database that contains a specific package.
574data DbModifySelector = TopOne | ContainsPkg PackageArg
576allPackagesInStack :: PackageDBStack -> [InstalledPackageInfo]
577allPackagesInStack = concatMap packages
579-- | Retain only the part of the stack up to and including the given package
580-- DB (where the global package DB is the bottom of the stack). The resulting
581-- package DB stack contains exactly the packages that packages from the
582-- specified package DB can depend on, since dependencies can only extend
583-- down the stack, not up (e.g. global packages cannot depend on user
584-- packages).
585stackUpTo :: FilePath -> PackageDBStack -> PackageDBStack
586stackUpTo to_modify = dropWhile ((/= to_modify) . location)
588getPkgDatabases :: Verbosity
589                -> GhcPkg.DbOpenMode mode DbModifySelector
590                -> Bool    -- use the user db
591                -> Bool    -- read caches, if available
592                -> Bool    -- expand vars, like ${pkgroot} and $topdir
593                -> [Flag]
594                -> IO (PackageDBStack,
595                          -- the real package DB stack: [global,user] ++
596                          -- DBs specified on the command line with -f.
597                       GhcPkg.DbOpenMode mode (PackageDB mode),
598                          -- which one to modify, if any
599                       PackageDBStack)
600                          -- the package DBs specified on the command
601                          -- line, or [global,user] otherwise.  This
602                          -- is used as the list of package DBs for
603                          -- commands that just read the DB, such as 'list'.
605getPkgDatabases verbosity mode use_user use_cache expand_vars my_flags = do
606  -- Second we determine the location of the global package config.  On Windows,
607  -- this is found relative to the ghc-pkg.exe binary, whereas on Unix the
608  -- location is passed to the binary using the --global-package-db flag by the
609  -- wrapper script.
610  let err_msg = "missing --global-package-db option, location of global package database unknown\n"
611  global_conf <-
612     case [ f | FlagGlobalConfig f <- my_flags ] of
613        -- See Note [Base Dir] for more information on the base dir / top dir.
614        [] -> do mb_dir <- getBaseDir
615                 case mb_dir of
616                   Nothing  -> die err_msg
617                   Just dir -> do
618                     r <- lookForPackageDBIn dir
619                     case r of
620                       Nothing -> die ("Can't find package database in " ++ dir)
621                       Just path -> return path
622        fs -> return (last fs)
624  -- The value of the $topdir variable used in some package descriptions
625  -- Note that the way we calculate this is slightly different to how it
626  -- is done in ghc itself. We rely on the convention that the global
627  -- package db lives in ghc's libdir.
628  top_dir <- absolutePath (takeDirectory global_conf)
630  let no_user_db = FlagNoUserDb `elem` my_flags
632  -- get the location of the user package database, and create it if necessary
633  -- getAppUserDataDirectory can fail (e.g. if $HOME isn't set)
634  e_appdir <- tryIO $ getAppUserDataDirectory "ghc"
636  mb_user_conf <-
637    case [ f | FlagUserConfig f <- my_flags ] of
638      _ | no_user_db -> return Nothing
639      [] -> case e_appdir of
640        Left _    -> return Nothing
641        Right appdir -> do
642          -- See Note [Settings File] about this file, and why we need GHC to share it with us.
643          let settingsFile = top_dir </> "settings"
644          exists_settings_file <- doesFileExist settingsFile
645          targetPlatformMini <- case exists_settings_file of
646            False -> do
647              warn $ "WARNING: settings file doesn't exist " ++ show settingsFile
648              warn "cannot know target platform so guessing target == host (native compiler)."
649              pure cHostPlatformMini
650            True -> do
651              settingsStr <- readFile settingsFile
652              mySettings <- case maybeReadFuzzy settingsStr of
653                Just s -> pure $ Map.fromList s
654                -- It's excusable to not have a settings file (for now at
655                -- least) but completely inexcusable to have a malformed one.
656                Nothing -> die $ "Can't parse settings file " ++ show settingsFile
657              case getTargetPlatform settingsFile mySettings of
658                Right platform -> pure $ platformMini platform
659                Left e -> die e
660          let subdir = uniqueSubdir targetPlatformMini
661              dir = appdir </> subdir
662          r <- lookForPackageDBIn dir
663          case r of
664            Nothing -> return (Just (dir </> "package.conf.d", False))
665            Just f  -> return (Just (f, True))
666      fs -> return (Just (last fs, True))
668  -- If the user database exists, and for "use_user" commands (which includes
669  -- "ghc-pkg check" and all commands that modify the db) we will attempt to
670  -- use the user db.
671  let sys_databases
672        | Just (user_conf,user_exists) <- mb_user_conf,
673          use_user || user_exists = [user_conf, global_conf]
674        | otherwise               = [global_conf]
676  e_pkg_path <- tryIO (System.Environment.getEnv "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH")
677  let env_stack =
678        case e_pkg_path of
679                Left  _ -> sys_databases
680                Right path
681                  | not (null path) && isSearchPathSeparator (last path)
682                  -> splitSearchPath (init path) ++ sys_databases
683                  | otherwise
684                  -> splitSearchPath path
686        -- The "global" database is always the one at the bottom of the stack.
687        -- This is the database we modify by default.
688      virt_global_conf = last env_stack
690  let db_flags = [ f | Just f <- map is_db_flag my_flags ]
691         where is_db_flag FlagUser
692                      | Just (user_conf, _user_exists) <- mb_user_conf
693                      = Just user_conf
694               is_db_flag FlagGlobal     = Just virt_global_conf
695               is_db_flag (FlagConfig f) = Just f
696               is_db_flag _              = Nothing
698  let flag_db_names | null db_flags = env_stack
699                    | otherwise     = reverse (nub db_flags)
701  -- For a "modify" command, treat all the databases as
702  -- a stack, where we are modifying the top one, but it
703  -- can refer to packages in databases further down the
704  -- stack.
706  -- -f flags on the command line add to the database
707  -- stack, unless any of them are present in the stack
708  -- already.
709  let final_stack = filter (`notElem` env_stack)
710                     [ f | FlagConfig f <- reverse my_flags ]
711                     ++ env_stack
713      top_db = if null db_flags
714               then virt_global_conf
715               else last db_flags
717  (db_stack, db_to_operate_on) <- getDatabases top_dir mb_user_conf
718                                               flag_db_names final_stack top_db
720  let flag_db_stack = [ db | db_name <- flag_db_names,
721                        db <- db_stack, location db == db_name ]
723  when (verbosity > Normal) $ do
724    infoLn ("db stack: " ++ show (map location db_stack))
725    F.forM_ db_to_operate_on $ \db ->
726      infoLn ("modifying: " ++ (location db))
727    infoLn ("flag db stack: " ++ show (map location flag_db_stack))
729  return (db_stack, db_to_operate_on, flag_db_stack)
730  where
731    getDatabases top_dir mb_user_conf flag_db_names
732                 final_stack top_db = case mode of
733      -- When we open in read only mode, we simply read all of the databases/
734      GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly -> do
735        db_stack <- mapM readDatabase final_stack
736        return (db_stack, GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly)
738      -- The only package db we open in read write mode is the one on the top of
739      -- the stack.
740      GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite TopOne -> do
741        (db_stack, mto_modify) <- stateSequence Nothing
742          [ \case
743              to_modify@(Just _) -> (, to_modify) <$> readDatabase db_path
744              Nothing -> if db_path /= top_db
745                then (, Nothing) <$> readDatabase db_path
746                else do
747                  db <- readParseDatabase verbosity mb_user_conf
748                                          mode use_cache db_path
749                    `Exception.catch` couldntOpenDbForModification db_path
750                  let ro_db = db { packageDbLock = GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly }
751                  return (ro_db, Just db)
752          | db_path <- final_stack ]
754        to_modify <- case mto_modify of
755          Just db -> return db
756          Nothing -> die "no database selected for modification"
758        return (db_stack, GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite to_modify)
760      -- The package db we open in read write mode is the first one included in
761      -- flag_db_names that contains specified package. Therefore we need to
762      -- open each one in read/write mode first and decide whether it's for
763      -- modification based on its contents.
764      GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite (ContainsPkg pkgarg) -> do
765        (db_stack, mto_modify) <- stateSequence Nothing
766          [ \case
767              to_modify@(Just _) -> (, to_modify) <$> readDatabase db_path
768              Nothing -> if db_path `notElem` flag_db_names
769                then (, Nothing) <$> readDatabase db_path
770                else do
771                  let hasPkg :: PackageDB mode -> Bool
772                      hasPkg = not . null . findPackage pkgarg . packages
774                      openRo (e::IOError) = do
775                        db <- readDatabase db_path
776                        if hasPkg db
777                          then couldntOpenDbForModification db_path e
778                          else return (db, Nothing)
780                  -- If we fail to open the database in read/write mode, we need
781                  -- to check if it's for modification first before throwing an
782                  -- error, so we attempt to open it in read only mode.
783                  Exception.handle openRo $ do
784                    db <- readParseDatabase verbosity mb_user_conf
785                                            mode use_cache db_path
786                    let ro_db = db { packageDbLock = GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly }
787                    if hasPkg db
788                      then return (ro_db, Just db)
789                      else do
790                        -- If the database is not for modification after all,
791                        -- drop the write lock as we are already finished with
792                        -- the database.
793                        case packageDbLock db of
794                          GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite lock ->
795                            GhcPkg.unlockPackageDb lock
796                        return (ro_db, Nothing)
797          | db_path <- final_stack ]
799        to_modify <- case mto_modify of
800          Just db -> return db
801          Nothing -> cannotFindPackage pkgarg Nothing
803        return (db_stack, GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite to_modify)
804      where
805        couldntOpenDbForModification :: FilePath -> IOError -> IO a
806        couldntOpenDbForModification db_path e = die $ "Couldn't open database "
807          ++ db_path ++ " for modification: " ++ show e
809        -- Parse package db in read-only mode.
810        readDatabase :: FilePath -> IO (PackageDB 'GhcPkg.DbReadOnly)
811        readDatabase db_path = do
812          db <- readParseDatabase verbosity mb_user_conf
813                                  GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly use_cache db_path
814          if expand_vars
815            then return $ mungePackageDBPaths top_dir db
816            else return db
818    stateSequence :: Monad m => s -> [s -> m (a, s)] -> m ([a], s)
819    stateSequence s []     = return ([], s)
820    stateSequence s (m:ms) = do
821      (a, s')   <- m s
822      (as, s'') <- stateSequence s' ms
823      return (a : as, s'')
825lookForPackageDBIn :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
826lookForPackageDBIn dir = do
827  let path_dir = dir </> "package.conf.d"
828  exists_dir <- doesDirectoryExist path_dir
829  if exists_dir then return (Just path_dir) else do
830    let path_file = dir </> "package.conf"
831    exists_file <- doesFileExist path_file
832    if exists_file then return (Just path_file) else return Nothing
834readParseDatabase :: forall mode t. Verbosity
835                  -> Maybe (FilePath,Bool)
836                  -> GhcPkg.DbOpenMode mode t
837                  -> Bool -- use cache
838                  -> FilePath
839                  -> IO (PackageDB mode)
840readParseDatabase verbosity mb_user_conf mode use_cache path
841  -- the user database (only) is allowed to be non-existent
842  | Just (user_conf,False) <- mb_user_conf, path == user_conf
843  = do lock <- F.forM mode $ \_ -> do
844         createDirectoryIfMissing True path
845         GhcPkg.lockPackageDb cache
846       mkPackageDB [] lock
847  | otherwise
848  = do e <- tryIO $ getDirectoryContents path
849       case e of
850         Left err
851           | ioeGetErrorType err == InappropriateType -> do
852              -- We provide a limited degree of backwards compatibility for
853              -- old single-file style db:
854              mdb <- tryReadParseOldFileStyleDatabase verbosity
855                       mb_user_conf mode use_cache path
856              case mdb of
857                Just db -> return db
858                Nothing ->
859                  die $ "ghc no longer supports single-file style package "
860                     ++ "databases (" ++ path ++ ") use 'ghc-pkg init'"
861                     ++ "to create the database with the correct format."
863           | otherwise -> ioError err
864         Right fs
865           | not use_cache -> ignore_cache (const $ return ())
866           | otherwise -> do
867              e_tcache <- tryIO $ getModificationTime cache
868              case e_tcache of
869                Left ex -> do
870                  whenReportCacheErrors $
871                    if isDoesNotExistError ex
872                      then
873                        -- It's fine if the cache is not there as long as the
874                        -- database is empty.
875                        when (not $ null confs) $ do
876                            warn ("WARNING: cache does not exist: " ++ cache)
877                            warn ("ghc will fail to read this package db. " ++
878                                  recacheAdvice)
879                      else do
880                        warn ("WARNING: cache cannot be read: " ++ show ex)
881                        warn "ghc will fail to read this package db."
882                  ignore_cache (const $ return ())
883                Right tcache -> do
884                  when (verbosity >= Verbose) $ do
885                      warn ("Timestamp " ++ show tcache ++ " for " ++ cache)
886                  -- If any of the .conf files is newer than package.cache, we
887                  -- assume that cache is out of date.
888                  cache_outdated <- (`anyM` confs) $ \conf ->
889                    (tcache <) <$> getModificationTime conf
890                  if not cache_outdated
891                      then do
892                          when (verbosity > Normal) $
893                             infoLn ("using cache: " ++ cache)
894                          GhcPkg.readPackageDbForGhcPkg cache mode
895                            >>= uncurry mkPackageDB
896                      else do
897                          whenReportCacheErrors $ do
898                              warn ("WARNING: cache is out of date: " ++ cache)
899                              warn ("ghc will see an old view of this " ++
900                                    "package db. " ++ recacheAdvice)
901                          ignore_cache $ \file -> do
902                            when (verbosity >= Verbose) $ do
903                              tFile <- getModificationTime file
904                              let rel = case tcache `compare` tFile of
905                                    LT -> " (NEWER than cache)"
906                                    GT -> " (older than cache)"
907                                    EQ -> " (same as cache)"
908                              warn ("Timestamp " ++ show tFile
909                                ++ " for " ++ file ++ rel)
910            where
911                 confs = map (path </>) $ filter (".conf" `isSuffixOf`) fs
913                 ignore_cache :: (FilePath -> IO ()) -> IO (PackageDB mode)
914                 ignore_cache checkTime = do
915                     -- If we're opening for modification, we need to acquire a
916                     -- lock even if we don't open the cache now, because we are
917                     -- going to modify it later.
918                     lock <- F.mapM (const $ GhcPkg.lockPackageDb cache) mode
919                     let doFile f = do checkTime f
920                                       parseSingletonPackageConf verbosity f
921                     pkgs <- mapM doFile confs
922                     mkPackageDB pkgs lock
924                 -- We normally report cache errors for read-only commands,
925                 -- since modify commands will usually fix the cache.
926                 whenReportCacheErrors = when $ verbosity > Normal
927                   || verbosity >= Normal && GhcPkg.isDbOpenReadMode mode
928  where
929    cache = path </> cachefilename
931    recacheAdvice
932      | Just (user_conf, True) <- mb_user_conf, path == user_conf
933      = "Use 'ghc-pkg recache --user' to fix."
934      | otherwise
935      = "Use 'ghc-pkg recache' to fix."
937    mkPackageDB :: [InstalledPackageInfo]
938                -> GhcPkg.DbOpenMode mode GhcPkg.PackageDbLock
939                -> IO (PackageDB mode)
940    mkPackageDB pkgs lock = do
941      path_abs <- absolutePath path
942      return $ PackageDB {
943          location = path,
944          locationAbsolute = path_abs,
945          packageDbLock = lock,
946          packages = pkgs
947        }
949parseSingletonPackageConf :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO InstalledPackageInfo
950parseSingletonPackageConf verbosity file = do
951  when (verbosity > Normal) $ infoLn ("reading package config: " ++ file)
952  BS.readFile file >>= fmap fst . parsePackageInfo
954cachefilename :: FilePath
955cachefilename = "package.cache"
957mungePackageDBPaths :: FilePath -> PackageDB mode -> PackageDB mode
958mungePackageDBPaths top_dir db@PackageDB { packages = pkgs } =
959    db { packages = map (mungePackagePaths top_dir pkgroot) pkgs }
960  where
961    pkgroot = takeDirectory $ dropTrailingPathSeparator (locationAbsolute db)
962    -- It so happens that for both styles of package db ("package.conf"
963    -- files and "package.conf.d" dirs) the pkgroot is the parent directory
964    -- ${pkgroot}/package.conf  or  ${pkgroot}/package.conf.d/
966-- TODO: This code is duplicated in compiler/main/Packages.hs
967mungePackagePaths :: FilePath -> FilePath
968                  -> InstalledPackageInfo -> InstalledPackageInfo
969-- Perform path/URL variable substitution as per the Cabal ${pkgroot} spec
970-- (http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/libraries/2009-May/011772.html)
971-- Paths/URLs can be relative to ${pkgroot} or ${pkgrooturl}.
972-- The "pkgroot" is the directory containing the package database.
974-- Also perform a similar substitution for the older GHC-specific
975-- "$topdir" variable. The "topdir" is the location of the ghc
976-- installation (obtained from the -B option).
977mungePackagePaths top_dir pkgroot pkg =
978    pkg {
979      importDirs  = munge_paths (importDirs pkg),
980      includeDirs = munge_paths (includeDirs pkg),
981      libraryDirs = munge_paths (libraryDirs pkg),
982      libraryDynDirs = munge_paths (libraryDynDirs pkg),
983      frameworkDirs = munge_paths (frameworkDirs pkg),
984      haddockInterfaces = munge_paths (haddockInterfaces pkg),
985                     -- haddock-html is allowed to be either a URL or a file
986      haddockHTMLs = munge_paths (munge_urls (haddockHTMLs pkg))
987    }
988  where
989    munge_paths = map munge_path
990    munge_urls  = map munge_url
992    munge_path p
993      | Just p' <- stripVarPrefix "${pkgroot}" p = pkgroot ++ p'
994      | Just p' <- stripVarPrefix "$topdir"    p = top_dir ++ p'
995      | otherwise                                = p
997    munge_url p
998      | Just p' <- stripVarPrefix "${pkgrooturl}" p = toUrlPath pkgroot p'
999      | Just p' <- stripVarPrefix "$httptopdir"   p = toUrlPath top_dir p'
1000      | otherwise                                   = p
1002    toUrlPath r p = "file:///"
1003                 -- URLs always use posix style '/' separators:
1004                 ++ FilePath.Posix.joinPath
1005                        (r : -- We need to drop a leading "/" or "\\"
1006                             -- if there is one:
1007                             dropWhile (all isPathSeparator)
1008                                       (FilePath.splitDirectories p))
1010    -- We could drop the separator here, and then use </> above. However,
1011    -- by leaving it in and using ++ we keep the same path separator
1012    -- rather than letting FilePath change it to use \ as the separator
1013    stripVarPrefix var path = case stripPrefix var path of
1014                              Just [] -> Just []
1015                              Just cs@(c : _) | isPathSeparator c -> Just cs
1016                              _ -> Nothing
1019-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1020-- Workaround for old single-file style package dbs
1022-- Single-file style package dbs have been deprecated for some time, but
1023-- it turns out that Cabal was using them in one place. So this code is for a
1024-- workaround to allow older Cabal versions to use this newer ghc.
1026-- We check if the file db contains just "[]" and if so, we look for a new
1027-- dir-style db in path.d/, ie in a dir next to the given file.
1028-- We cannot just replace the file with a new dir style since Cabal still
1029-- assumes it's a file and tries to overwrite with 'writeFile'.
1031-- ghc itself also cooperates in this workaround
1033tryReadParseOldFileStyleDatabase :: Verbosity -> Maybe (FilePath, Bool)
1034                                 -> GhcPkg.DbOpenMode mode t -> Bool -> FilePath
1035                                 -> IO (Maybe (PackageDB mode))
1036tryReadParseOldFileStyleDatabase verbosity mb_user_conf
1037                                 mode use_cache path = do
1038  -- assumes we've already established that path exists and is not a dir
1039  content <- readFile path `catchIO` \_ -> return ""
1040  if take 2 content == "[]"
1041    then do
1042      path_abs <- absolutePath path
1043      let path_dir = adjustOldDatabasePath path
1044      warn $ "Warning: ignoring old file-style db and trying " ++ path_dir
1045      direxists <- doesDirectoryExist path_dir
1046      if direxists
1047        then do
1048          db <- readParseDatabase verbosity mb_user_conf mode use_cache path_dir
1049          -- but pretend it was at the original location
1050          return $ Just db {
1051              location         = path,
1052              locationAbsolute = path_abs
1053            }
1054         else do
1055           lock <- F.forM mode $ \_ -> do
1056             createDirectoryIfMissing True path_dir
1057             GhcPkg.lockPackageDb $ path_dir </> cachefilename
1058           return $ Just PackageDB {
1059               location         = path,
1060               locationAbsolute = path_abs,
1061               packageDbLock    = lock,
1062               packages         = []
1063             }
1065    -- if the path is not a file, or is not an empty db then we fail
1066    else return Nothing
1068adjustOldFileStylePackageDB :: PackageDB mode -> IO (PackageDB mode)
1069adjustOldFileStylePackageDB db = do
1070  -- assumes we have not yet established if it's an old style or not
1071  mcontent <- liftM Just (readFile (location db)) `catchIO` \_ -> return Nothing
1072  case fmap (take 2) mcontent of
1073    -- it is an old style and empty db, so look for a dir kind in location.d/
1074    Just "[]" -> return db {
1075        location         = adjustOldDatabasePath $ location db,
1076        locationAbsolute = adjustOldDatabasePath $ locationAbsolute db
1077      }
1078    -- it is old style but not empty, we have to bail
1079    Just  _   -> die $ "ghc no longer supports single-file style package "
1080                    ++ "databases (" ++ location db ++ ") use 'ghc-pkg init'"
1081                    ++ "to create the database with the correct format."
1082    -- probably not old style, carry on as normal
1083    Nothing   -> return db
1085adjustOldDatabasePath :: FilePath -> FilePath
1086adjustOldDatabasePath = (<.> "d")
1088-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1089-- Creating a new package DB
1091initPackageDB :: FilePath -> Verbosity -> [Flag] -> IO ()
1092initPackageDB filename verbosity _flags = do
1093  let eexist = die ("cannot create: " ++ filename ++ " already exists")
1094  b1 <- doesFileExist filename
1095  when b1 eexist
1096  b2 <- doesDirectoryExist filename
1097  when b2 eexist
1098  createDirectoryIfMissing True filename
1099  lock <- GhcPkg.lockPackageDb $ filename </> cachefilename
1100  filename_abs <- absolutePath filename
1101  changeDB verbosity [] PackageDB {
1102      location = filename,
1103      locationAbsolute = filename_abs,
1104      packageDbLock = GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite lock,
1105      packages = []
1106    }
1107    -- We can get away with passing an empty stack here, because the new DB is
1108    -- going to be initially empty, so no dependencies are going to be actually
1109    -- looked up.
1110    []
1112-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1113-- Registering
1115registerPackage :: FilePath
1116                -> Verbosity
1117                -> [Flag]
1118                -> Bool              -- multi_instance
1119                -> Bool              -- expand_env_vars
1120                -> Bool              -- update
1121                -> Force
1122                -> IO ()
1123registerPackage input verbosity my_flags multi_instance
1124                expand_env_vars update force = do
1125  (db_stack, GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite db_to_operate_on, _flag_dbs) <-
1126    getPkgDatabases verbosity (GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite TopOne)
1127      True{-use user-} True{-use cache-} False{-expand vars-} my_flags
1129  let to_modify = location db_to_operate_on
1131  s <-
1132    case input of
1133      "-" -> do
1134        when (verbosity >= Normal) $
1135            info "Reading package info from stdin ... "
1136        -- fix the encoding to UTF-8, since this is an interchange format
1137        hSetEncoding stdin utf8
1138        getContents
1139      f   -> do
1140        when (verbosity >= Normal) $
1141            info ("Reading package info from " ++ show f ++ " ... ")
1142        readUTF8File f
1144  expanded <- if expand_env_vars then expandEnvVars s force
1145                                 else return s
1147  (pkg, ws) <- parsePackageInfo $ toUTF8BS expanded
1148  when (verbosity >= Normal) $
1149      infoLn "done."
1151  -- report any warnings from the parse phase
1152  _ <- reportValidateErrors verbosity [] ws
1153         (display (mungedId pkg) ++ ": Warning: ") Nothing
1155  -- validate the expanded pkg, but register the unexpanded
1156  pkgroot <- absolutePath (takeDirectory to_modify)
1157  let top_dir = takeDirectory (location (last db_stack))
1158      pkg_expanded = mungePackagePaths top_dir pkgroot pkg
1160  let truncated_stack = stackUpTo to_modify db_stack
1161  -- truncate the stack for validation, because we don't allow
1162  -- packages lower in the stack to refer to those higher up.
1163  validatePackageConfig pkg_expanded verbosity truncated_stack
1164                        multi_instance update force
1166  let
1167     -- In the normal mode, we only allow one version of each package, so we
1168     -- remove all instances with the same source package id as the one we're
1169     -- adding. In the multi instance mode we don't do that, thus allowing
1170     -- multiple instances with the same source package id.
1171     removes = [ RemovePackage p
1172               | not multi_instance,
1173                 p <- packages db_to_operate_on,
1174                 mungedId p == mungedId pkg,
1175                 -- Only remove things that were instantiated the same way!
1176                 instantiatedWith p == instantiatedWith pkg ]
1177  --
1178  changeDB verbosity (removes ++ [AddPackage pkg]) db_to_operate_on db_stack
1181        :: BS.ByteString
1182        -> IO (InstalledPackageInfo, [ValidateWarning])
1183parsePackageInfo str =
1184  case parseInstalledPackageInfo str of
1185    Right (warnings, ok) -> pure (mungePackageInfo ok, ws)
1186      where
1187        ws = [ msg | msg <- warnings
1188                   , not ("Unrecognized field pkgroot" `isPrefixOf` msg) ]
1189    Left err -> die (unlines (F.toList err))
1191mungePackageInfo :: InstalledPackageInfo -> InstalledPackageInfo
1192mungePackageInfo ipi = ipi
1194-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1195-- Making changes to a package database
1197data DBOp = RemovePackage InstalledPackageInfo
1198          | AddPackage    InstalledPackageInfo
1199          | ModifyPackage InstalledPackageInfo
1201changeDB :: Verbosity
1202         -> [DBOp]
1203         -> PackageDB 'GhcPkg.DbReadWrite
1204         -> PackageDBStack
1205         -> IO ()
1206changeDB verbosity cmds db db_stack = do
1207  let db' = updateInternalDB db cmds
1208  db'' <- adjustOldFileStylePackageDB db'
1209  createDirectoryIfMissing True (location db'')
1210  changeDBDir verbosity cmds db'' db_stack
1212updateInternalDB :: PackageDB 'GhcPkg.DbReadWrite
1213                 -> [DBOp] -> PackageDB 'GhcPkg.DbReadWrite
1214updateInternalDB db cmds = db{ packages = foldl do_cmd (packages db) cmds }
1215 where
1216  do_cmd pkgs (RemovePackage p) =
1217    filter ((/= installedUnitId p) . installedUnitId) pkgs
1218  do_cmd pkgs (AddPackage p) = p : pkgs
1219  do_cmd pkgs (ModifyPackage p) =
1220    do_cmd (do_cmd pkgs (RemovePackage p)) (AddPackage p)
1223changeDBDir :: Verbosity
1224            -> [DBOp]
1225            -> PackageDB 'GhcPkg.DbReadWrite
1226            -> PackageDBStack
1227            -> IO ()
1228changeDBDir verbosity cmds db db_stack = do
1229  mapM_ do_cmd cmds
1230  updateDBCache verbosity db db_stack
1231 where
1232  do_cmd (RemovePackage p) = do
1233    let file = location db </> display (installedUnitId p) <.> "conf"
1234    when (verbosity > Normal) $ infoLn ("removing " ++ file)
1235    removeFileSafe file
1236  do_cmd (AddPackage p) = do
1237    let file = location db </> display (installedUnitId p) <.> "conf"
1238    when (verbosity > Normal) $ infoLn ("writing " ++ file)
1239    writeUTF8File file (showInstalledPackageInfo p)
1240  do_cmd (ModifyPackage p) =
1241    do_cmd (AddPackage p)
1243updateDBCache :: Verbosity
1244              -> PackageDB 'GhcPkg.DbReadWrite
1245              -> PackageDBStack
1246              -> IO ()
1247updateDBCache verbosity db db_stack = do
1248  let filename = location db </> cachefilename
1249      db_stack_below = stackUpTo (location db) db_stack
1251      pkgsCabalFormat :: [InstalledPackageInfo]
1252      pkgsCabalFormat = packages db
1254      -- | All the packages we can legally depend on in this step.
1255      dependablePkgsCabalFormat :: [InstalledPackageInfo]
1256      dependablePkgsCabalFormat = allPackagesInStack db_stack_below
1258      pkgsGhcCacheFormat :: [(PackageCacheFormat, Bool)]
1259      pkgsGhcCacheFormat
1260        -- See Note [Recompute abi-depends]
1261        = map (recomputeValidAbiDeps dependablePkgsCabalFormat)
1262        $ map convertPackageInfoToCacheFormat
1263          pkgsCabalFormat
1265      hasAnyAbiDepends :: InstalledPackageInfo -> Bool
1266      hasAnyAbiDepends x = length (abiDepends x) > 0
1268  -- warn when we find any (possibly-)bogus abi-depends fields;
1269  -- Note [Recompute abi-depends]
1270  when (verbosity >= Normal) $ do
1271    let definitelyBrokenPackages =
1272          nub
1273            . sort
1274            . map (unPackageName . GhcPkg.packageName . fst)
1275            . filter snd
1276            $ pkgsGhcCacheFormat
1277    when (definitelyBrokenPackages /= []) $ do
1278      warn "the following packages have broken abi-depends fields:"
1279      forM_ definitelyBrokenPackages $ \pkg ->
1280        warn $ "    " ++ pkg
1281    when (verbosity > Normal) $ do
1282      let possiblyBrokenPackages =
1283            nub
1284              . sort
1285              . filter (not . (`elem` definitelyBrokenPackages))
1286              . map (unPackageName . pkgName . packageId)
1287              . filter hasAnyAbiDepends
1288              $ pkgsCabalFormat
1289      when (possiblyBrokenPackages /= []) $ do
1290          warn $
1291            "the following packages have correct abi-depends, " ++
1292            "but may break in the future:"
1293          forM_ possiblyBrokenPackages $ \pkg ->
1294            warn $ "    " ++ pkg
1296  when (verbosity > Normal) $
1297      infoLn ("writing cache " ++ filename)
1299  GhcPkg.writePackageDb filename (map fst pkgsGhcCacheFormat) pkgsCabalFormat
1300    `catchIO` \e ->
1301      if isPermissionError e
1302      then die $ filename ++ ": you don't have permission to modify this file"
1303      else ioError e
1305  case packageDbLock db of
1306    GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite lock -> GhcPkg.unlockPackageDb lock
1308type PackageCacheFormat = GhcPkg.InstalledPackageInfo
1309                            ComponentId
1310                            PackageIdentifier
1311                            PackageName
1312                            UnitId
1313                            OpenUnitId
1314                            ModuleName
1315                            OpenModule
1317{- Note [Recompute abi-depends]
1320Like most fields, `ghc-pkg` relies on who-ever is performing package
1321registration to fill in fields; this includes the `abi-depends` field present
1322for the package.
1324However, this was likely a mistake, and is not very robust; in certain cases,
1325versions of Cabal may use bogus abi-depends fields for a package when doing
1326builds. Why? Because package database information is aggressively cached; it is
1327possible to work Cabal into a situation where it uses a cached version of
1328`abi-depends`, rather than the one in the actual database after it has been
1331However, there is an easy fix: ghc-pkg /already/ knows the `abi-depends` of a
1332package, because they are the ABIs of the packages pointed at by the `depends`
1333field. So it can simply look up the abi from the dependencies in the original
1334database, and ignore whatever the system registering gave it.
1336So, instead, we do two things here:
1338  - We throw away the information for a registered package's `abi-depends` field.
1340  - We recompute it: we simply look up the unit ID of the package in the original
1341    database, and use *its* abi-depends.
1343See #14381, and Cabal issue #4728.
1345Additionally, because we are throwing away the original (declared) ABI deps, we
1346return a boolean that indicates whether any abi-depends were actually
1351recomputeValidAbiDeps :: [InstalledPackageInfo]
1352                      -> PackageCacheFormat
1353                      -> (PackageCacheFormat, Bool)
1354recomputeValidAbiDeps db pkg =
1355  (pkg { GhcPkg.abiDepends = newAbiDeps }, abiDepsUpdated)
1356  where
1357    newAbiDeps =
1358      catMaybes . flip map (GhcPkg.abiDepends pkg) $ \(k, _) ->
1359        case filter (\d -> installedUnitId d == k) db of
1360          [x] -> Just (k, unAbiHash (abiHash x))
1361          _   -> Nothing
1362    abiDepsUpdated =
1363      GhcPkg.abiDepends pkg /= newAbiDeps
1365convertPackageInfoToCacheFormat :: InstalledPackageInfo -> PackageCacheFormat
1366convertPackageInfoToCacheFormat pkg =
1367    GhcPkg.InstalledPackageInfo {
1368       GhcPkg.unitId             = installedUnitId pkg,
1369       GhcPkg.componentId        = installedComponentId pkg,
1370       GhcPkg.instantiatedWith   = instantiatedWith pkg,
1371       GhcPkg.sourcePackageId    = sourcePackageId pkg,
1372       GhcPkg.packageName        = packageName pkg,
1373       GhcPkg.packageVersion     = Version.Version (versionNumbers (packageVersion pkg)) [],
1374       GhcPkg.sourceLibName      =
1375         fmap (mkPackageName . unUnqualComponentName) (libraryNameString $ sourceLibName pkg),
1376       GhcPkg.depends            = depends pkg,
1377       GhcPkg.abiDepends         = map (\(AbiDependency k v) -> (k,unAbiHash v)) (abiDepends pkg),
1378       GhcPkg.abiHash            = unAbiHash (abiHash pkg),
1379       GhcPkg.importDirs         = importDirs pkg,
1380       GhcPkg.hsLibraries        = hsLibraries pkg,
1381       GhcPkg.extraLibraries     = extraLibraries pkg,
1382       GhcPkg.extraGHCiLibraries = extraGHCiLibraries pkg,
1383       GhcPkg.libraryDirs        = libraryDirs pkg,
1384       GhcPkg.libraryDynDirs     = libraryDynDirs pkg,
1385       GhcPkg.frameworks         = frameworks pkg,
1386       GhcPkg.frameworkDirs      = frameworkDirs pkg,
1387       GhcPkg.ldOptions          = ldOptions pkg,
1388       GhcPkg.ccOptions          = ccOptions pkg,
1389       GhcPkg.includes           = includes pkg,
1390       GhcPkg.includeDirs        = includeDirs pkg,
1391       GhcPkg.haddockInterfaces  = haddockInterfaces pkg,
1392       GhcPkg.haddockHTMLs       = haddockHTMLs pkg,
1393       GhcPkg.exposedModules     = map convertExposed (exposedModules pkg),
1394       GhcPkg.hiddenModules      = hiddenModules pkg,
1395       GhcPkg.indefinite         = indefinite pkg,
1396       GhcPkg.exposed            = exposed pkg,
1397       GhcPkg.trusted            = trusted pkg
1398    }
1399  where
1400    convertExposed (ExposedModule n reexport) = (n, reexport)
1402instance GhcPkg.BinaryStringRep ComponentId where
1403  fromStringRep = mkComponentId . fromStringRep
1404  toStringRep   = toStringRep . display
1406instance GhcPkg.BinaryStringRep PackageName where
1407  fromStringRep = mkPackageName . fromStringRep
1408  toStringRep   = toStringRep . display
1410instance GhcPkg.BinaryStringRep PackageIdentifier where
1411  fromStringRep = fromMaybe (error "BinaryStringRep PackageIdentifier")
1412                . simpleParse . fromStringRep
1413  toStringRep = toStringRep . display
1415instance GhcPkg.BinaryStringRep ModuleName where
1416  fromStringRep = ModuleName.fromString . fromStringRep
1417  toStringRep   = toStringRep . display
1419instance GhcPkg.BinaryStringRep String where
1420  fromStringRep = fromUTF8BS
1421  toStringRep   = toUTF8BS
1423instance GhcPkg.BinaryStringRep UnitId where
1424  fromStringRep = mkUnitId . fromStringRep
1425  toStringRep   = toStringRep . display
1427instance GhcPkg.DbUnitIdModuleRep UnitId ComponentId OpenUnitId ModuleName OpenModule where
1428  fromDbModule (GhcPkg.DbModule uid mod_name) = OpenModule uid mod_name
1429  fromDbModule (GhcPkg.DbModuleVar mod_name) = OpenModuleVar mod_name
1430  toDbModule (OpenModule uid mod_name) = GhcPkg.DbModule uid mod_name
1431  toDbModule (OpenModuleVar mod_name) = GhcPkg.DbModuleVar mod_name
1432  fromDbUnitId (GhcPkg.DbUnitId cid insts) = IndefFullUnitId cid (Map.fromList insts)
1433  fromDbUnitId (GhcPkg.DbInstalledUnitId uid)
1434    = DefiniteUnitId (unsafeMkDefUnitId uid)
1435  toDbUnitId (IndefFullUnitId cid insts) = GhcPkg.DbUnitId cid (Map.toList insts)
1436  toDbUnitId (DefiniteUnitId def_uid)
1437    = GhcPkg.DbInstalledUnitId (unDefUnitId def_uid)
1439-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1440-- Exposing, Hiding, Trusting, Distrusting, Unregistering are all similar
1442exposePackage :: PackageArg -> Verbosity -> [Flag] -> Force -> IO ()
1443exposePackage = modifyPackage (\p -> ModifyPackage p{exposed=True})
1445hidePackage :: PackageArg -> Verbosity -> [Flag] -> Force -> IO ()
1446hidePackage = modifyPackage (\p -> ModifyPackage p{exposed=False})
1448trustPackage :: PackageArg -> Verbosity -> [Flag] -> Force -> IO ()
1449trustPackage = modifyPackage (\p -> ModifyPackage p{trusted=True})
1451distrustPackage :: PackageArg -> Verbosity -> [Flag] -> Force -> IO ()
1452distrustPackage = modifyPackage (\p -> ModifyPackage p{trusted=False})
1454unregisterPackage :: PackageArg -> Verbosity -> [Flag] -> Force -> IO ()
1455unregisterPackage = modifyPackage RemovePackage
1458  :: (InstalledPackageInfo -> DBOp)
1459  -> PackageArg
1460  -> Verbosity
1461  -> [Flag]
1462  -> Force
1463  -> IO ()
1464modifyPackage fn pkgarg verbosity my_flags force = do
1465  (db_stack, GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite db, _flag_dbs) <-
1466    getPkgDatabases verbosity (GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite $ ContainsPkg pkgarg)
1467      True{-use user-} True{-use cache-} False{-expand vars-} my_flags
1469  let db_name = location db
1470      pkgs    = packages db
1472      -- Get package respecting flags...
1473      ps = findPackage pkgarg pkgs
1475  -- This shouldn't happen if getPkgDatabases picks the DB correctly.
1476  when (null ps) $ cannotFindPackage pkgarg $ Just db
1478  let pks = map installedUnitId ps
1480      cmds = [ fn pkg | pkg <- pkgs, installedUnitId pkg `elem` pks ]
1481      new_db = updateInternalDB db cmds
1482      new_db_ro = new_db { packageDbLock = GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly }
1484      -- ...but do consistency checks with regards to the full stack
1485      old_broken = brokenPackages (allPackagesInStack db_stack)
1486      rest_of_stack = filter ((/= db_name) . location) db_stack
1487      new_stack = new_db_ro : rest_of_stack
1488      new_broken = brokenPackages (allPackagesInStack new_stack)
1489      newly_broken = filter ((`notElem` map installedUnitId old_broken)
1490                            . installedUnitId) new_broken
1491  --
1492  let displayQualPkgId pkg
1493        | [_] <- filter ((== pkgid) . mungedId)
1494                        (allPackagesInStack db_stack)
1495            = display pkgid
1496        | otherwise = display pkgid ++ "@" ++ display (installedUnitId pkg)
1497        where pkgid = mungedId pkg
1498  when (not (null newly_broken)) $
1499      dieOrForceAll force ("unregistering would break the following packages: "
1500              ++ unwords (map displayQualPkgId newly_broken))
1502  changeDB verbosity cmds db db_stack
1504recache :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> IO ()
1505recache verbosity my_flags = do
1506  (_db_stack, GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite db_to_operate_on, _flag_dbs) <-
1507    getPkgDatabases verbosity (GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite TopOne)
1508      True{-use user-} False{-no cache-} False{-expand vars-} my_flags
1509  changeDB verbosity [] db_to_operate_on _db_stack
1511-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1512-- Listing packages
1514listPackages ::  Verbosity -> [Flag] -> Maybe PackageArg
1515             -> Maybe (String->Bool)
1516             -> IO ()
1517listPackages verbosity my_flags mPackageName mModuleName = do
1518  let simple_output = FlagSimpleOutput `elem` my_flags
1519  (db_stack, GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly, flag_db_stack) <-
1520    getPkgDatabases verbosity GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly
1521      False{-use user-} True{-use cache-} False{-expand vars-} my_flags
1523  let db_stack_filtered -- if a package is given, filter out all other packages
1524        | Just this <- mPackageName =
1525            [ db{ packages = filter (this `matchesPkg`) (packages db) }
1526            | db <- flag_db_stack ]
1527        | Just match <- mModuleName = -- packages which expose mModuleName
1528            [ db{ packages = filter (match `exposedInPkg`) (packages db) }
1529            | db <- flag_db_stack ]
1530        | otherwise = flag_db_stack
1532      db_stack_sorted
1533          = [ db{ packages = sort_pkgs (packages db) }
1534            | db <- db_stack_filtered ]
1535          where sort_pkgs = sortBy cmpPkgIds
1536                cmpPkgIds pkg1 pkg2 =
1537                   case mungedName p1 `compare` mungedName p2 of
1538                        LT -> LT
1539                        GT -> GT
1540                        EQ -> case mungedVersion p1 `compare` mungedVersion p2 of
1541                                LT -> LT
1542                                GT -> GT
1543                                EQ -> installedUnitId pkg1 `compare` installedUnitId pkg2
1544                   where (p1,p2) = (mungedId pkg1, mungedId pkg2)
1546      stack = reverse db_stack_sorted
1548      match `exposedInPkg` pkg = any match (map display $ exposedModules pkg)
1550      pkg_map = allPackagesInStack db_stack
1551      broken = map installedUnitId (brokenPackages pkg_map)
1553      show_normal PackageDB{ location = db_name, packages = pkg_confs } =
1554          do hPutStrLn stdout db_name
1555             if null pkg_confs
1556                 then hPutStrLn stdout "    (no packages)"
1557                 else hPutStrLn stdout $ unlines (map ("    " ++) (map pp_pkg pkg_confs))
1558           where
1559                 pp_pkg p
1560                   | installedUnitId p `elem` broken = printf "{%s}" doc
1561                   | exposed p = doc
1562                   | otherwise = printf "(%s)" doc
1563                   where doc | verbosity >= Verbose = printf "%s (%s)" pkg (display (installedUnitId p))
1564                             | otherwise            = pkg
1565                          where
1566                          pkg = display (mungedId p)
1568      show_simple = simplePackageList my_flags . allPackagesInStack
1570  when (not (null broken) && not simple_output && verbosity /= Silent) $ do
1571     prog <- getProgramName
1572     warn ("WARNING: there are broken packages.  Run '" ++ prog ++ " check' for more details.")
1574  if simple_output then show_simple stack else do
1576#if !defined(WITH_TERMINFO)
1577    mapM_ show_normal stack
1579    let
1580       show_colour withF db@PackageDB{ packages = pkg_confs } =
1581           if null pkg_confs
1582           then termText (location db) <#> termText "\n    (no packages)\n"
1583           else
1584               mconcat $ map (<#> termText "\n") $
1585                           (termText (location db)
1586                            : map (termText "    " <#>) (map pp_pkg pkg_confs))
1587          where
1588                   pp_pkg p
1589                     | installedUnitId p `elem` broken = withF Red  doc
1590                     | exposed p                       = doc
1591                     | otherwise                       = withF Blue doc
1592                     where doc | verbosity >= Verbose
1593                               = termText (printf "%s (%s)" pkg (display (installedUnitId p)))
1594                               | otherwise
1595                               = termText pkg
1596                            where
1597                            pkg = display (mungedId p)
1599    is_tty <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout
1600    if not is_tty
1601       then mapM_ show_normal stack
1602       else do tty <- Terminfo.setupTermFromEnv
1603               case Terminfo.getCapability tty withForegroundColor of
1604                   Nothing -> mapM_ show_normal stack
1605                   Just w  -> runTermOutput tty $ mconcat $
1606                                                  map (show_colour w) stack
1609simplePackageList :: [Flag] -> [InstalledPackageInfo] -> IO ()
1610simplePackageList my_flags pkgs = do
1611   let showPkg :: InstalledPackageInfo -> String
1612       showPkg | FlagShowUnitIds `elem` my_flags = display . installedUnitId
1613               | FlagNamesOnly `elem` my_flags   = display . mungedName . mungedId
1614               | otherwise                       = display . mungedId
1615       strs = map showPkg pkgs
1616   when (not (null pkgs)) $
1617      hPutStrLn stdout $ concat $ intersperse " " strs
1619showPackageDot :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> IO ()
1620showPackageDot verbosity myflags = do
1621  (_, GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly, flag_db_stack) <-
1622    getPkgDatabases verbosity GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly
1623      False{-use user-} True{-use cache-} False{-expand vars-} myflags
1625  let all_pkgs = allPackagesInStack flag_db_stack
1626      ipix  = PackageIndex.fromList all_pkgs
1628  putStrLn "digraph {"
1629  let quote s = '"':s ++ "\""
1630  mapM_ putStrLn [ quote from ++ " -> " ++ quote to
1631                 | p <- all_pkgs,
1632                   let from = display (mungedId p),
1633                   key <- depends p,
1634                   Just dep <- [PackageIndex.lookupUnitId ipix key],
1635                   let to = display (mungedId dep)
1636                 ]
1637  putStrLn "}"
1639-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1640-- Prints the highest (hidden or exposed) version of a package
1642-- ToDo: This is no longer well-defined with unit ids, because the
1643-- dependencies may be varying versions
1644latestPackage ::  Verbosity -> [Flag] -> GlobPackageIdentifier -> IO ()
1645latestPackage verbosity my_flags pkgid = do
1646  (_, GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly, flag_db_stack) <-
1647    getPkgDatabases verbosity GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly
1648      False{-use user-} True{-use cache-} False{-expand vars-} my_flags
1650  ps <- findPackages flag_db_stack (Id pkgid)
1651  case ps of
1652    [] -> die "no matches"
1653    _  -> show_pkg . maximum . map mungedId $ ps
1654  where
1655    show_pkg pid = hPutStrLn stdout (display pid)
1657-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1658-- Describe
1660describePackage :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> PackageArg -> Bool -> IO ()
1661describePackage verbosity my_flags pkgarg expand_pkgroot = do
1662  (_, GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly, flag_db_stack) <-
1663    getPkgDatabases verbosity GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly
1664      False{-use user-} True{-use cache-} expand_pkgroot my_flags
1665  dbs <- findPackagesByDB flag_db_stack pkgarg
1666  doDump expand_pkgroot [ (pkg, locationAbsolute db)
1667                        | (db, pkgs) <- dbs, pkg <- pkgs ]
1669dumpPackages :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> Bool -> IO ()
1670dumpPackages verbosity my_flags expand_pkgroot = do
1671  (_, GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly, flag_db_stack) <-
1672    getPkgDatabases verbosity GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly
1673      False{-use user-} True{-use cache-} expand_pkgroot my_flags
1674  doDump expand_pkgroot [ (pkg, locationAbsolute db)
1675                        | db <- flag_db_stack, pkg <- packages db ]
1677doDump :: Bool -> [(InstalledPackageInfo, FilePath)] -> IO ()
1678doDump expand_pkgroot pkgs = do
1679  -- fix the encoding to UTF-8, since this is an interchange format
1680  hSetEncoding stdout utf8
1681  putStrLn $
1682    intercalate "---\n"
1683    [ if expand_pkgroot
1684        then showInstalledPackageInfo pkg
1685        else showInstalledPackageInfo pkg ++ pkgrootField
1686    | (pkg, pkgloc) <- pkgs
1687    , let pkgroot      = takeDirectory pkgloc
1688          pkgrootField = "pkgroot: " ++ show pkgroot ++ "\n" ]
1690-- PackageId is can have globVersion for the version
1691findPackages :: PackageDBStack -> PackageArg -> IO [InstalledPackageInfo]
1692findPackages db_stack pkgarg
1693  = fmap (concatMap snd) $ findPackagesByDB db_stack pkgarg
1695findPackage :: PackageArg -> [InstalledPackageInfo] -> [InstalledPackageInfo]
1696findPackage pkgarg pkgs = filter (pkgarg `matchesPkg`) pkgs
1698findPackagesByDB :: PackageDBStack -> PackageArg
1699                 -> IO [(PackageDB 'GhcPkg.DbReadOnly, [InstalledPackageInfo])]
1700findPackagesByDB db_stack pkgarg
1701  = case [ (db, matched)
1702         | db <- db_stack,
1703           let matched = findPackage pkgarg $ packages db,
1704           not (null matched) ] of
1705        [] -> cannotFindPackage pkgarg Nothing
1706        ps -> return ps
1708cannotFindPackage :: PackageArg -> Maybe (PackageDB mode) -> IO a
1709cannotFindPackage pkgarg mdb = die $ "cannot find package " ++ pkg_msg pkgarg
1710  ++ maybe "" (\db -> " in " ++ location db) mdb
1711  where
1712    pkg_msg (Id pkgid)           = displayGlobPkgId pkgid
1713    pkg_msg (IUId ipid)          = display ipid
1714    pkg_msg (Substring pkgpat _) = "matching " ++ pkgpat
1716matches :: GlobPackageIdentifier -> MungedPackageId -> Bool
1717GlobPackageIdentifier pn `matches` pid'
1718  = (pn == mungedName pid')
1719ExactPackageIdentifier pid `matches` pid'
1720  = mungedName pid == mungedName pid' &&
1721    (mungedVersion pid == mungedVersion pid' || mungedVersion pid == nullVersion)
1723matchesPkg :: PackageArg -> InstalledPackageInfo -> Bool
1724(Id pid)        `matchesPkg` pkg = pid `matches` mungedId pkg
1725(IUId ipid)     `matchesPkg` pkg = ipid == installedUnitId pkg
1726(Substring _ m) `matchesPkg` pkg = m (display (mungedId pkg))
1728-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1729-- Field
1731describeField :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> PackageArg -> [String] -> Bool -> IO ()
1732describeField verbosity my_flags pkgarg fields expand_pkgroot = do
1733  (_, GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly, flag_db_stack) <-
1734    getPkgDatabases verbosity GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly
1735      False{-use user-} True{-use cache-} expand_pkgroot my_flags
1736  fns <- mapM toField fields
1737  ps <- findPackages flag_db_stack pkgarg
1738  mapM_ (selectFields fns) ps
1739  where showFun = if FlagSimpleOutput `elem` my_flags
1740                  then showSimpleInstalledPackageInfoField
1741                  else showInstalledPackageInfoField
1742        toField f = case showFun f of
1743                    Nothing -> die ("unknown field: " ++ f)
1744                    Just fn -> return fn
1745        selectFields fns pinfo = mapM_ (\fn->putStrLn (fn pinfo)) fns
1748-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1749-- Check: Check consistency of installed packages
1751checkConsistency :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> IO ()
1752checkConsistency verbosity my_flags = do
1753  (db_stack, GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly, _) <-
1754    getPkgDatabases verbosity GhcPkg.DbOpenReadOnly
1755      True{-use user-} True{-use cache-} True{-expand vars-} my_flags
1756      -- although check is not a modify command, we do need to use the user
1757      -- db, because we may need it to verify package deps.
1759  let simple_output = FlagSimpleOutput `elem` my_flags
1760  let unitid_output = FlagShowUnitIds `elem` my_flags
1762  let pkgs = allPackagesInStack db_stack
1764      checkPackage :: InstalledPackageInfo -> IO [InstalledPackageInfo]
1765      checkPackage p = do
1766         (_,es,ws) <- runValidate $ checkPackageConfig p verbosity db_stack
1767                                                       True True
1768         if null es
1769            then do
1770              when (not simple_output) $ do
1771                  _ <- reportValidateErrors verbosity [] ws "" Nothing
1772                  return ()
1773              return []
1774            else do
1775              when (not simple_output) $ do
1776                  reportError ("There are problems in package " ++ display (mungedId p) ++ ":")
1777                  _ <- reportValidateErrors verbosity es ws "  " Nothing
1778                  return ()
1779              return [p]
1781  broken_pkgs <- concat `fmap` mapM checkPackage pkgs
1783  let filterOut pkgs1 pkgs2 = filter not_in pkgs2
1784        where not_in p = mungedId p `notElem` all_ps
1785              all_ps = map mungedId pkgs1
1787  let not_broken_pkgs = filterOut broken_pkgs pkgs
1788      (_, trans_broken_pkgs) = closure [] not_broken_pkgs
1790      all_broken_pkgs :: [InstalledPackageInfo]
1791      all_broken_pkgs = broken_pkgs ++ trans_broken_pkgs
1793  when (not (null all_broken_pkgs)) $ do
1794    if simple_output
1795      then simplePackageList my_flags all_broken_pkgs
1796      else do
1797        let disp :: InstalledPackageInfo -> String
1798            disp | unitid_output = display . installedUnitId
1799                 | otherwise     = display . mungedId
1800        reportError ("\nThe following packages are broken, either because they have a problem\n"++
1801                "listed above, or because they depend on a broken package.")
1802        mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr . disp) all_broken_pkgs
1804  when (not (null all_broken_pkgs)) $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
1807closure :: [InstalledPackageInfo] -> [InstalledPackageInfo]
1808        -> ([InstalledPackageInfo], [InstalledPackageInfo])
1809closure pkgs db_stack = go pkgs db_stack
1810 where
1811   go avail not_avail =
1812     case partition (depsAvailable avail) not_avail of
1813        ([],        not_avail') -> (avail, not_avail')
1814        (new_avail, not_avail') -> go (new_avail ++ avail) not_avail'
1816   depsAvailable :: [InstalledPackageInfo] -> InstalledPackageInfo
1817                 -> Bool
1818   depsAvailable pkgs_ok pkg = null dangling
1819        where dangling = filter (`notElem` pids) (depends pkg)
1820              pids = map installedUnitId pkgs_ok
1822        -- we want mutually recursive groups of package to show up
1823        -- as broken. (#1750)
1825brokenPackages :: [InstalledPackageInfo] -> [InstalledPackageInfo]
1826brokenPackages pkgs = snd (closure [] pkgs)
1829-- Sanity-check a new package config, and automatically build GHCi libs
1830-- if requested.
1832type ValidateError   = (Force,String)
1833type ValidateWarning = String
1835newtype Validate a = V { runValidate :: IO (a, [ValidateError],[ValidateWarning]) }
1837instance Functor Validate where
1838    fmap = liftM
1840instance Applicative Validate where
1841    pure a = V $ pure (a, [], [])
1842    (<*>) = ap
1844instance Monad Validate where
1845   m >>= k = V $ do
1846      (a, es, ws) <- runValidate m
1847      (b, es', ws') <- runValidate (k a)
1848      return (b,es++es',ws++ws')
1850verror :: Force -> String -> Validate ()
1851verror f s = V (return ((),[(f,s)],[]))
1853vwarn :: String -> Validate ()
1854vwarn s = V (return ((),[],["Warning: " ++ s]))
1856liftIO :: IO a -> Validate a
1857liftIO k = V (k >>= \a -> return (a,[],[]))
1859-- returns False if we should die
1860reportValidateErrors :: Verbosity -> [ValidateError] -> [ValidateWarning]
1861                     -> String -> Maybe Force -> IO Bool
1862reportValidateErrors verbosity es ws prefix mb_force = do
1863  when (verbosity >= Normal) $ mapM_ (warn . (prefix++)) ws
1864  oks <- mapM report es
1865  return (and oks)
1866  where
1867    report (f,s)
1868      | Just force <- mb_force
1869      = if (force >= f)
1870           then do when (verbosity >= Normal) $
1871                        reportError (prefix ++ s ++ " (ignoring)")
1872                   return True
1873           else if f < CannotForce
1874                   then do reportError (prefix ++ s ++ " (use --force to override)")
1875                           return False
1876                   else do reportError err
1877                           return False
1878      | otherwise = do reportError err
1879                       return False
1880      where
1881             err = prefix ++ s
1883validatePackageConfig :: InstalledPackageInfo
1884                      -> Verbosity
1885                      -> PackageDBStack
1886                      -> Bool   -- multi_instance
1887                      -> Bool   -- update, or check
1888                      -> Force
1889                      -> IO ()
1890validatePackageConfig pkg verbosity db_stack
1891                      multi_instance update force = do
1892  (_,es,ws) <- runValidate $
1893                 checkPackageConfig pkg verbosity db_stack
1894                                    multi_instance update
1895  ok <- reportValidateErrors verbosity es ws
1896          (display (mungedId pkg) ++ ": ") (Just force)
1897  when (not ok) $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
1899checkPackageConfig :: InstalledPackageInfo
1900                      -> Verbosity
1901                      -> PackageDBStack
1902                      -> Bool   -- multi_instance
1903                      -> Bool   -- update, or check
1904                      -> Validate ()
1905checkPackageConfig pkg verbosity db_stack
1906                   multi_instance update = do
1907  checkPackageId pkg
1908  checkUnitId pkg db_stack update
1909  checkDuplicates db_stack pkg multi_instance update
1910  mapM_ (checkDep db_stack) (depends pkg)
1911  checkDuplicateDepends (depends pkg)
1912  mapM_ (checkDir False "import-dirs")  (importDirs pkg)
1913  mapM_ (checkDir True  "library-dirs") (libraryDirs pkg)
1914  mapM_ (checkDir True  "dynamic-library-dirs") (libraryDynDirs pkg)
1915  mapM_ (checkDir True  "include-dirs") (includeDirs pkg)
1916  mapM_ (checkDir True  "framework-dirs") (frameworkDirs pkg)
1917  mapM_ (checkFile   True "haddock-interfaces") (haddockInterfaces pkg)
1918  mapM_ (checkDirURL True "haddock-html")       (haddockHTMLs pkg)
1919  checkDuplicateModules pkg
1920  checkExposedModules db_stack pkg
1921  checkOtherModules pkg
1922  let has_code = Set.null (openModuleSubstFreeHoles (Map.fromList (instantiatedWith pkg)))
1923  when has_code $ mapM_ (checkHSLib verbosity (libraryDirs pkg ++ libraryDynDirs pkg)) (hsLibraries pkg)
1924  -- ToDo: check these somehow?
1925  --    extra_libraries :: [String],
1926  --    c_includes      :: [String],
1928-- When the package name and version are put together, sometimes we can
1929-- end up with a package id that cannot be parsed.  This will lead to
1930-- difficulties when the user wants to refer to the package later, so
1931-- we check that the package id can be parsed properly here.
1932checkPackageId :: InstalledPackageInfo -> Validate ()
1933checkPackageId ipi =
1934  let str = display (mungedId ipi) in
1935  case Cabal.eitherParsec str :: Either String MungedPackageId of
1936    Left e -> verror CannotForce ("invalid package identifier: '" ++ str ++ "': " ++ e)
1937    Right _ -> pure ()
1939checkUnitId :: InstalledPackageInfo -> PackageDBStack -> Bool
1940                -> Validate ()
1941checkUnitId ipi db_stack update = do
1942  let uid = installedUnitId ipi
1943  when (null (display uid)) $ verror CannotForce "missing id field"
1944  when (display uid /= compatPackageKey ipi) $
1945    verror CannotForce $ "installed package info from too old version of Cabal "
1946                      ++ "(key field does not match id field)"
1947  let dups = [ p | p <- allPackagesInStack db_stack,
1948                   installedUnitId p == uid ]
1949  when (not update && not (null dups)) $
1950    verror CannotForce $
1951        "package(s) with this id already exist: " ++
1952         unwords (map (display.installedUnitId) dups)
1954checkDuplicates :: PackageDBStack -> InstalledPackageInfo
1955                -> Bool -> Bool-> Validate ()
1956checkDuplicates db_stack pkg multi_instance update = do
1957  let
1958        pkgid = mungedId pkg
1959        pkgs  = packages (head db_stack)
1960  --
1961  -- Check whether this package id already exists in this DB
1962  --
1963  when (not update && not multi_instance
1964                   && (pkgid `elem` map mungedId pkgs)) $
1965       verror CannotForce $
1966          "package " ++ display pkgid ++ " is already installed"
1968  let
1969        uncasep = map toLower . display
1970        dups = filter ((== uncasep pkgid) . uncasep) (map mungedId pkgs)
1972  when (not update && not multi_instance
1973                   && not (null dups)) $ verror ForceAll $
1974        "Package names may be treated case-insensitively in the future.\n"++
1975        "Package " ++ display pkgid ++
1976        " overlaps with: " ++ unwords (map display dups)
1978checkDir, checkFile, checkDirURL :: Bool -> String -> FilePath -> Validate ()
1979checkDir  = checkPath False True
1980checkFile = checkPath False False
1981checkDirURL = checkPath True True
1983checkPath :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> FilePath -> Validate ()
1984checkPath url_ok is_dir warn_only thisfield d
1985 | url_ok && ("http://"  `isPrefixOf` d
1986           || "https://" `isPrefixOf` d) = return ()
1988 | url_ok
1989 , Just d' <- stripPrefix "file://" d
1990 = checkPath False is_dir warn_only thisfield d'
1992   -- Note: we don't check for $topdir/${pkgroot} here. We rely on these
1993   -- variables having been expanded already, see mungePackagePaths.
1995 | isRelative d = verror ForceFiles $
1996                     thisfield ++ ": " ++ d ++ " is a relative path which "
1997                  ++ "makes no sense (as there is nothing for it to be "
1998                  ++ "relative to). You can make paths relative to the "
1999                  ++ "package database itself by using ${pkgroot}."
2000        -- relative paths don't make any sense; #4134
2001 | otherwise = do
2002   there <- liftIO $ if is_dir then doesDirectoryExist d else doesFileExist d
2003   when (not there) $
2004       let msg = thisfield ++ ": " ++ d ++ " doesn't exist or isn't a "
2005                                        ++ if is_dir then "directory" else "file"
2006       in
2007       if warn_only
2008          then vwarn msg
2009          else verror ForceFiles msg
2011checkDep :: PackageDBStack -> UnitId -> Validate ()
2012checkDep db_stack pkgid
2013  | pkgid `elem` pkgids = return ()
2014  | otherwise = verror ForceAll ("dependency \"" ++ display pkgid
2015                                 ++ "\" doesn't exist")
2016  where
2017        all_pkgs = allPackagesInStack db_stack
2018        pkgids = map installedUnitId all_pkgs
2020checkDuplicateDepends :: [UnitId] -> Validate ()
2021checkDuplicateDepends deps
2022  | null dups = return ()
2023  | otherwise = verror ForceAll ("package has duplicate dependencies: " ++
2024                                     unwords (map display dups))
2025  where
2026       dups = [ p | (p:_:_) <- group (sort deps) ]
2028checkHSLib :: Verbosity -> [String] -> String -> Validate ()
2029checkHSLib _verbosity dirs lib = do
2030  let filenames = ["lib" ++ lib ++ ".a",
2031                   "lib" ++ lib ++ "_p.a",
2032                   "lib" ++ lib ++ "-ghc" ++ GHC.Version.cProjectVersion ++ ".so",
2033                   "lib" ++ lib ++ "-ghc" ++ GHC.Version.cProjectVersion ++ ".dylib",
2034                            lib ++ "-ghc" ++ GHC.Version.cProjectVersion ++ ".dll"]
2035  b <- liftIO $ doesFileExistOnPath filenames dirs
2036  when (not b) $
2037    verror ForceFiles ("cannot find any of " ++ show filenames ++
2038                       " on library path")
2040doesFileExistOnPath :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> IO Bool
2041doesFileExistOnPath filenames paths = anyM doesFileExist fullFilenames
2042  where fullFilenames = [ path </> filename
2043                        | filename <- filenames
2044                        , path <- paths ]
2046-- | Perform validation checks (module file existence checks) on the
2047-- @hidden-modules@ field.
2048checkOtherModules :: InstalledPackageInfo -> Validate ()
2049checkOtherModules pkg = mapM_ (checkModuleFile pkg) (hiddenModules pkg)
2051-- | Perform validation checks (module file existence checks and module
2052-- reexport checks) on the @exposed-modules@ field.
2053checkExposedModules :: PackageDBStack -> InstalledPackageInfo -> Validate ()
2054checkExposedModules db_stack pkg =
2055  mapM_ checkExposedModule (exposedModules pkg)
2056  where
2057    checkExposedModule (ExposedModule modl reexport) = do
2058      let checkOriginal = checkModuleFile pkg modl
2059          checkReexport = checkModule "module reexport" db_stack pkg
2060      maybe checkOriginal checkReexport reexport
2062-- | Validates the existence of an appropriate @hi@ file associated with
2063-- a module.  Used for both @hidden-modules@ and @exposed-modules@ which
2064-- are not reexports.
2065checkModuleFile :: InstalledPackageInfo -> ModuleName -> Validate ()
2066checkModuleFile pkg modl =
2067      -- there's no interface file for GHC.Prim
2068      unless (modl == ModuleName.fromString "GHC.Prim") $ do
2069      let files = [ ModuleName.toFilePath modl <.> extension
2070                  | extension <- ["hi", "p_hi", "dyn_hi" ] ]
2071      b <- liftIO $ doesFileExistOnPath files (importDirs pkg)
2072      when (not b) $
2073         verror ForceFiles ("cannot find any of " ++ show files)
2075-- | Validates that @exposed-modules@ and @hidden-modules@ do not have duplicate
2076-- entries.
2077-- ToDo: this needs updating for signatures: signatures can validly show up
2078-- multiple times in the @exposed-modules@ list as long as their backing
2079-- implementations agree.
2080checkDuplicateModules :: InstalledPackageInfo -> Validate ()
2081checkDuplicateModules pkg
2082  | null dups = return ()
2083  | otherwise = verror ForceAll ("package has duplicate modules: " ++
2084                                     unwords (map display dups))
2085  where
2086    dups = [ m | (m:_:_) <- group (sort mods) ]
2087    mods = map exposedName (exposedModules pkg) ++ hiddenModules pkg
2089-- | Validates an original module entry, either the origin of a module reexport
2090-- or the backing implementation of a signature, by checking that it exists,
2091-- really is an original definition, and is accessible from the dependencies of
2092-- the package.
2093-- ToDo: If the original module in question is a backing signature
2094-- implementation, then we should also check that the original module in
2095-- question is NOT a signature (however, if it is a reexport, then it's fine
2096-- for the original module to be a signature.)
2097checkModule :: String
2098            -> PackageDBStack
2099            -> InstalledPackageInfo
2100            -> OpenModule
2101            -> Validate ()
2102checkModule _ _ _ (OpenModuleVar _) = error "Impermissible reexport"
2103checkModule field_name db_stack pkg
2104    (OpenModule (DefiniteUnitId def_uid) definingModule) =
2105  let definingPkgId = unDefUnitId def_uid
2106      mpkg = if definingPkgId == installedUnitId pkg
2107              then Just pkg
2108              else PackageIndex.lookupUnitId ipix definingPkgId
2109  in case mpkg of
2110      Nothing
2111           -> verror ForceAll (field_name ++ " refers to a non-existent " ++
2112                               "defining package: " ++
2113                                       display definingPkgId)
2115      Just definingPkg
2116        | not (isIndirectDependency definingPkgId)
2117           -> verror ForceAll (field_name ++ " refers to a defining " ++
2118                               "package that is not a direct (or indirect) " ++
2119                               "dependency of this package: " ++
2120                                       display definingPkgId)
2122        | otherwise
2123        -> case find ((==definingModule).exposedName)
2124                     (exposedModules definingPkg) of
2125            Nothing ->
2126              verror ForceAll (field_name ++ " refers to a module " ++
2127                               display definingModule ++ " " ++
2128                               "that is not exposed in the " ++
2129                               "defining package " ++ display definingPkgId)
2130            Just (ExposedModule {exposedReexport = Just _} ) ->
2131              verror ForceAll (field_name ++ " refers to a module " ++
2132                               display definingModule ++ " " ++
2133                               "that is reexported but not defined in the " ++
2134                               "defining package " ++ display definingPkgId)
2135            _ -> return ()
2136  where
2137    all_pkgs = allPackagesInStack db_stack
2138    ipix     = PackageIndex.fromList all_pkgs
2140    isIndirectDependency pkgid = fromMaybe False $ do
2141      thispkg  <- graphVertex (installedUnitId pkg)
2142      otherpkg <- graphVertex pkgid
2143      return (Graph.path depgraph thispkg otherpkg)
2144    (depgraph, _, graphVertex) =
2145      PackageIndex.dependencyGraph (PackageIndex.insert pkg ipix)
2147checkModule _ _ _ (OpenModule (IndefFullUnitId _ _) _) =
2148    -- TODO: add some checks here
2149    return ()
2152-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2153-- expanding environment variables in the package configuration
2155expandEnvVars :: String -> Force -> IO String
2156expandEnvVars str0 force = go str0 ""
2157 where
2158   go "" acc = return $! reverse acc
2159   go ('$':'{':str) acc | (var, '}':rest) <- break close str
2160        = do value <- lookupEnvVar var
2161             go rest (reverse value ++ acc)
2162        where close c = c == '}' || c == '\n' -- don't span newlines
2163   go (c:str) acc
2164        = go str (c:acc)
2166   lookupEnvVar :: String -> IO String
2167   lookupEnvVar "pkgroot"    = return "${pkgroot}"    -- these two are special,
2168   lookupEnvVar "pkgrooturl" = return "${pkgrooturl}" -- we don't expand them
2169   lookupEnvVar nm =
2170        catchIO (System.Environment.getEnv nm)
2171           (\ _ -> do dieOrForceAll force ("Unable to expand variable " ++
2172                                        show nm)
2173                      return "")
2177getProgramName :: IO String
2178getProgramName = liftM (`withoutSuffix` ".bin") getProgName
2179   where str `withoutSuffix` suff
2180            | suff `isSuffixOf` str = take (length str - length suff) str
2181            | otherwise             = str
2183bye :: String -> IO a
2184bye s = putStr s >> exitWith ExitSuccess
2186die :: String -> IO a
2187die = dieWith 1
2189dieWith :: Int -> String -> IO a
2190dieWith ec s = do
2191  prog <- getProgramName
2192  reportError (prog ++ ": " ++ s)
2193  exitWith (ExitFailure ec)
2195dieOrForceAll :: Force -> String -> IO ()
2196dieOrForceAll ForceAll s = ignoreError s
2197dieOrForceAll _other s   = dieForcible s
2199warn :: String -> IO ()
2200warn = reportError
2202-- send info messages to stdout
2203infoLn :: String -> IO ()
2204infoLn = putStrLn
2206info :: String -> IO ()
2207info = putStr
2209ignoreError :: String -> IO ()
2210ignoreError s = reportError (s ++ " (ignoring)")
2212reportError :: String -> IO ()
2213reportError s = do hFlush stdout; hPutStrLn stderr s
2215dieForcible :: String -> IO ()
2216dieForcible s = die (s ++ " (use --force to override)")
2219-- Adapted from ghc/compiler/utils/Panic
2221installSignalHandlers :: IO ()
2222installSignalHandlers = do
2223  threadid <- myThreadId
2224  let
2225      interrupt = Exception.throwTo threadid
2226                                    (Exception.ErrorCall "interrupted")
2227  --
2228#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
2229  _ <- installHandler sigQUIT (Catch interrupt) Nothing
2230  _ <- installHandler sigINT  (Catch interrupt) Nothing
2231  return ()
2233  -- GHC 6.3+ has support for console events on Windows
2234  -- NOTE: running GHCi under a bash shell for some reason requires
2235  -- you to press Ctrl-Break rather than Ctrl-C to provoke
2236  -- an interrupt.  Ctrl-C is getting blocked somewhere, I don't know
2237  -- why --SDM 17/12/2004
2238  let sig_handler ControlC = interrupt
2239      sig_handler Break    = interrupt
2240      sig_handler _        = return ()
2242  _ <- installHandler (Catch sig_handler)
2243  return ()
2246catchIO :: IO a -> (Exception.IOException -> IO a) -> IO a
2247catchIO = Exception.catch
2249tryIO :: IO a -> IO (Either Exception.IOException a)
2250tryIO = Exception.try
2252-- removeFileSave doesn't throw an exceptions, if the file is already deleted
2253removeFileSafe :: FilePath -> IO ()
2254removeFileSafe fn =
2255  removeFile fn `catchIO` \ e ->
2256    when (not $ isDoesNotExistError e) $ ioError e
2258-- | Turn a path relative to the current directory into a (normalised)
2259-- absolute path.
2260absolutePath :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
2261absolutePath path = return . normalise . (</> path) =<< getCurrentDirectory