1 use std::fmt;
2 use std::ops::{Index, Range};
4 use crate::algorithms::utils::is_empty_range;
5 use crate::algorithms::DiffHook;
6 use crate::iter::ChangesIter;
8 /// An enum representing a diffing algorithm.
9 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug)]
10 pub enum Algorithm {
11     /// Picks the myers algorithm from [`crate::algorithms::myers`]
12     Myers,
13     /// Picks the patience algorithm from [`crate::algorithms::patience`]
14     Patience,
15     /// Picks the LCS algorithm from [`crate::algorithms::lcs`]
16     Lcs,
17 }
19 impl Default for Algorithm {
20     /// Returns the default algorithm ([`Algorithm::Myers`]).
default() -> Algorithm21     fn default() -> Algorithm {
22         Algorithm::Myers
23     }
24 }
26 /// The tag of a change.
27 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy, Ord, PartialOrd)]
28 pub enum ChangeTag {
29     /// The change indicates equality (not a change)
30     Equal,
31     /// The change indicates deleted text.
32     Delete,
33     /// The change indicates inserted text.
34     Insert,
35 }
37 impl fmt::Display for ChangeTag {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result38     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
39         write!(
40             f,
41             "{}",
42             match &self {
43                 ChangeTag::Equal => ' ',
44                 ChangeTag::Delete => '-',
45                 ChangeTag::Insert => '+',
46             }
47         )
48     }
49 }
51 /// Represents the expanded [`DiffOp`] change.
52 ///
53 /// This type is returned from [`DiffOp::iter_changes`] and
54 /// [`TextDiff::iter_changes`](crate::text::TextDiff::iter_changes).
55 ///
56 /// It exists so that it's more convenient to work with textual differences as
57 /// the underlying [`DiffOp`] encodes a group of changes.
58 ///
59 /// This type has additional methods that are only available for types
60 /// implementing [`DiffableStr`](crate::text::DiffableStr).
61 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy, Ord, PartialOrd)]
62 pub struct Change<'s, T: ?Sized> {
63     pub(crate) tag: ChangeTag,
64     pub(crate) old_index: Option<usize>,
65     pub(crate) new_index: Option<usize>,
66     pub(crate) value: &'s T,
67 }
69 /// These methods are available for all change types.
70 impl<'s, T: ?Sized> Change<'s, T> {
71     /// Returns the change tag.
tag(&self) -> ChangeTag72     pub fn tag(&self) -> ChangeTag {
73         self.tag
74     }
76     /// Returns the old index if available.
old_index(&self) -> Option<usize>77     pub fn old_index(&self) -> Option<usize> {
78         self.old_index
79     }
81     /// Returns the new index if available.
new_index(&self) -> Option<usize>82     pub fn new_index(&self) -> Option<usize> {
83         self.new_index
84     }
86     /// Returns the underlying changed value.
87     ///
88     /// Depending on the type of the underlying [`crate::text::DiffableStr`]
89     /// this value is more or less useful.  If you always want to have a utf-8
90     /// string it's best to use the [`Change::as_str`] and
91     /// [`Change::to_string_lossy`] methods.
value(&self) -> &'s T92     pub fn value(&self) -> &'s T {
93         self.value
94     }
95 }
97 /// Utility enum to capture a diff operation.
98 ///
99 /// This is used by [`Capture`](crate::algorithms::Capture).
100 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
101 pub enum DiffOp {
102     /// A segment is equal (see [`DiffHook::equal`])
103     Equal {
104         /// The starting index in the old sequence.
105         old_index: usize,
106         /// The starting index in the new sequence.
107         new_index: usize,
108         /// The length of the segment.
109         len: usize,
110     },
111     /// A segment was deleted (see [`DiffHook::delete`])
112     Delete {
113         /// The starting index in the old sequence.
114         old_index: usize,
115         /// The length of the old segment.
116         old_len: usize,
117         /// The starting index in the new sequence.
118         new_index: usize,
119     },
120     /// A segment was inserted (see [`DiffHook::insert`])
121     Insert {
122         /// The starting index in the old sequence.
123         old_index: usize,
124         /// The starting index in the new sequence.
125         new_index: usize,
126         /// The length of the new segment.
127         new_len: usize,
128     },
129     /// A segment was replaced (see [`DiffHook::replace`])
130     Replace {
131         /// The starting index in the old sequence.
132         old_index: usize,
133         /// The length of the old segment.
134         old_len: usize,
135         /// The starting index in the new sequence.
136         new_index: usize,
137         /// The length of the new segment.
138         new_len: usize,
139     },
140 }
142 /// The tag of a diff operation.
143 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy, Ord, PartialOrd)]
144 pub enum DiffTag {
145     /// The diff op encodes an equal segment.
146     Equal,
147     /// The diff op encodes a deleted segment.
148     Delete,
149     /// The diff op encodes an inserted segment.
150     Insert,
151     /// The diff op encodes a replaced segment.
152     Replace,
153 }
155 impl DiffOp {
156     /// Returns the tag of the operation.
tag(self) -> DiffTag157     pub fn tag(self) -> DiffTag {
158         self.as_tag_tuple().0
159     }
161     /// Returns the old range.
old_range(&self) -> Range<usize>162     pub fn old_range(&self) -> Range<usize> {
163         self.as_tag_tuple().1
164     }
166     /// Returns the new range.
new_range(&self) -> Range<usize>167     pub fn new_range(&self) -> Range<usize> {
168         self.as_tag_tuple().2
169     }
171     /// Transform the op into a tuple of diff tag and ranges.
172     ///
173     /// This is useful when operating on slices.  The returned format is
174     /// `(tag, i1..i2, j1..j2)`:
175     ///
176     /// * `Replace`: `a[i1..i2]` should be replaced by `b[j1..j2]`
177     /// * `Delete`: `a[i1..i2]` should be deleted (`j1 == j2` in this case).
178     /// * `Insert`: `b[j1..j2]` should be inserted at `a[i1..i2]` (`i1 == i2` in this case).
179     /// * `Equal`: `a[i1..i2]` is equal to `b[j1..j2]`.
as_tag_tuple(&self) -> (DiffTag, Range<usize>, Range<usize>)180     pub fn as_tag_tuple(&self) -> (DiffTag, Range<usize>, Range<usize>) {
181         match *self {
182             DiffOp::Equal {
183                 old_index,
184                 new_index,
185                 len,
186             } => (
187                 DiffTag::Equal,
188                 old_index..old_index + len,
189                 new_index..new_index + len,
190             ),
191             DiffOp::Delete {
192                 old_index,
193                 new_index,
194                 old_len,
195             } => (
196                 DiffTag::Delete,
197                 old_index..old_index + old_len,
198                 new_index..new_index,
199             ),
200             DiffOp::Insert {
201                 old_index,
202                 new_index,
203                 new_len,
204             } => (
205                 DiffTag::Insert,
206                 old_index..old_index,
207                 new_index..new_index + new_len,
208             ),
209             DiffOp::Replace {
210                 old_index,
211                 old_len,
212                 new_index,
213                 new_len,
214             } => (
215                 DiffTag::Replace,
216                 old_index..old_index + old_len,
217                 new_index..new_index + new_len,
218             ),
219         }
220     }
222     /// Apply this operation to a diff hook.
apply_to_hook<D: DiffHook>(&self, d: &mut D) -> Result<(), D::Error>223     pub fn apply_to_hook<D: DiffHook>(&self, d: &mut D) -> Result<(), D::Error> {
224         match *self {
225             DiffOp::Equal {
226                 old_index,
227                 new_index,
228                 len,
229             } => d.equal(old_index, new_index, len),
230             DiffOp::Delete {
231                 old_index,
232                 old_len,
233                 new_index,
234             } => d.delete(old_index, old_len, new_index),
235             DiffOp::Insert {
236                 old_index,
237                 new_index,
238                 new_len,
239             } => d.insert(old_index, new_index, new_len),
240             DiffOp::Replace {
241                 old_index,
242                 old_len,
243                 new_index,
244                 new_len,
245             } => d.replace(old_index, old_len, new_index, new_len),
246         }
247     }
249     /// Iterates over all changes encoded in the diff op against old and new
250     /// sequences.
251     ///
252     /// `old` and `new` are two indexable objects like the types you pass to
253     /// the diffing algorithm functions.
254     ///
255     /// ```rust
256     /// use similar::{ChangeTag, Algorithm};
257     /// use similar::capture_diff_slices;
258     /// let old = vec!["foo", "bar", "baz"];
259     /// let new = vec!["foo", "bar", "blah"];
260     /// let ops = capture_diff_slices(Algorithm::Myers, &old, &new);
261     /// let changes: Vec<_> = ops
262     ///     .iter()
263     ///     .flat_map(|x| x.iter_changes(&old, &new))
264     ///     .map(|x| (x.tag(), x.value()))
265     ///     .collect();
266     /// assert_eq!(changes, vec![
267     ///     (ChangeTag::Equal, "foo"),
268     ///     (ChangeTag::Equal, "bar"),
269     ///     (ChangeTag::Delete, "baz"),
270     ///     (ChangeTag::Insert, "blah"),
271     /// ]);
272     /// ```
iter_changes<'x, 'lookup, Old, New, T>( &self, old: &'lookup Old, new: &'lookup New, ) -> ChangesIter<'lookup, 'x, Old, New, T> where Old: Index<usize, Output = &'x T> + ?Sized, New: Index<usize, Output = &'x T> + ?Sized, T: 'x + ?Sized, 'x: 'lookup,273     pub fn iter_changes<'x, 'lookup, Old, New, T>(
274         &self,
275         old: &'lookup Old,
276         new: &'lookup New,
277     ) -> ChangesIter<'lookup, 'x, Old, New, T>
278     where
279         Old: Index<usize, Output = &'x T> + ?Sized,
280         New: Index<usize, Output = &'x T> + ?Sized,
281         T: 'x + ?Sized,
282         'x: 'lookup,
283     {
284         ChangesIter::new(old, new, *self)
285     }
287     /// Given a diffop yields the changes it encodes against the given slices.
288     ///
289     /// This is similar to [`DiffOp::iter_changes`] but instead of yielding the
290     /// individual changes it yields consequitive changed slices.
291     ///
292     /// This will only ever yield a single tuple or two tuples in case a
293     /// [`DiffOp::Replace`] operation is passed.
294     ///
295     /// ```rust
296     /// use similar::{ChangeTag, Algorithm};
297     /// use similar::capture_diff_slices;
298     /// let old = vec!["foo", "bar", "baz"];
299     /// let new = vec!["foo", "bar", "blah"];
300     /// let ops = capture_diff_slices(Algorithm::Myers, &old, &new);
301     /// let changes: Vec<_> = ops.iter().flat_map(|x| x.iter_slices(&old, &new)).collect();
302     /// assert_eq!(changes, vec![
303     ///     (ChangeTag::Equal, &["foo", "bar"][..]),
304     ///     (ChangeTag::Delete, &["baz"][..]),
305     ///     (ChangeTag::Insert, &["blah"][..]),
306     /// ]);
307     /// ```
308     ///
309     /// Due to lifetime restrictions it's currently impossible for the
310     /// returned slices to outlive the lookup.
iter_slices<'lookup, Old, New, T>( &self, old: &'lookup Old, new: &'lookup New, ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (ChangeTag, &'lookup T)> where T: 'lookup + ?Sized, Old: Index<Range<usize>, Output = T> + ?Sized, New: Index<Range<usize>, Output = T> + ?Sized,311     pub fn iter_slices<'lookup, Old, New, T>(
312         &self,
313         old: &'lookup Old,
314         new: &'lookup New,
315     ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (ChangeTag, &'lookup T)>
316     where
317         T: 'lookup + ?Sized,
318         Old: Index<Range<usize>, Output = T> + ?Sized,
319         New: Index<Range<usize>, Output = T> + ?Sized,
320     {
321         match *self {
322             DiffOp::Equal { old_index, len, .. } => {
323                 Some((ChangeTag::Equal, &old[old_index..old_index + len]))
324                     .into_iter()
325                     .chain(None.into_iter())
326             }
327             DiffOp::Insert {
328                 new_index, new_len, ..
329             } => Some((ChangeTag::Insert, &new[new_index..new_index + new_len]))
330                 .into_iter()
331                 .chain(None.into_iter()),
332             DiffOp::Delete {
333                 old_index, old_len, ..
334             } => Some((ChangeTag::Delete, &old[old_index..old_index + old_len]))
335                 .into_iter()
336                 .chain(None.into_iter()),
337             DiffOp::Replace {
338                 old_index,
339                 old_len,
340                 new_index,
341                 new_len,
342             } => Some((ChangeTag::Delete, &old[old_index..old_index + old_len]))
343                 .into_iter()
344                 .chain(Some((ChangeTag::Insert, &new[new_index..new_index + new_len])).into_iter()),
345         }
346     }
is_empty(&self) -> bool348     pub(crate) fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
349         let (_, old, new) = self.as_tag_tuple();
350         is_empty_range(&old) && is_empty_range(&new)
351     }
shift_left(&mut self, adjust: usize)353     pub(crate) fn shift_left(&mut self, adjust: usize) {
354         self.adjust((adjust, true), (0, false));
355     }
shift_right(&mut self, adjust: usize)357     pub(crate) fn shift_right(&mut self, adjust: usize) {
358         self.adjust((adjust, false), (0, false));
359     }
grow_left(&mut self, adjust: usize)361     pub(crate) fn grow_left(&mut self, adjust: usize) {
362         self.adjust((adjust, true), (adjust, false));
363     }
grow_right(&mut self, adjust: usize)365     pub(crate) fn grow_right(&mut self, adjust: usize) {
366         self.adjust((0, false), (adjust, false));
367     }
shrink_left(&mut self, adjust: usize)369     pub(crate) fn shrink_left(&mut self, adjust: usize) {
370         self.adjust((0, false), (adjust, true));
371     }
shrink_right(&mut self, adjust: usize)373     pub(crate) fn shrink_right(&mut self, adjust: usize) {
374         self.adjust((adjust, false), (adjust, true));
375     }
adjust(&mut self, adjust_offset: (usize, bool), adjust_len: (usize, bool))377     fn adjust(&mut self, adjust_offset: (usize, bool), adjust_len: (usize, bool)) {
378         #[inline(always)]
379         fn modify(val: &mut usize, adj: (usize, bool)) {
380             if adj.1 {
381                 *val -= adj.0;
382             } else {
383                 *val += adj.0;
384             }
385         }
387         match self {
388             DiffOp::Equal {
389                 old_index,
390                 new_index,
391                 len,
392             } => {
393                 modify(old_index, adjust_offset);
394                 modify(new_index, adjust_offset);
395                 modify(len, adjust_len);
396             }
397             DiffOp::Delete {
398                 old_index,
399                 old_len,
400                 new_index,
401             } => {
402                 modify(old_index, adjust_offset);
403                 modify(old_len, adjust_len);
404                 modify(new_index, adjust_offset);
405             }
406             DiffOp::Insert {
407                 old_index,
408                 new_index,
409                 new_len,
410             } => {
411                 modify(old_index, adjust_offset);
412                 modify(new_index, adjust_offset);
413                 modify(new_len, adjust_len);
414             }
415             DiffOp::Replace {
416                 old_index,
417                 old_len,
418                 new_index,
419                 new_len,
420             } => {
421                 modify(old_index, adjust_offset);
422                 modify(old_len, adjust_len);
423                 modify(new_index, adjust_offset);
424                 modify(new_len, adjust_len);
425             }
426         }
427     }
428 }
430 #[cfg(feature = "text")]
431 mod text_additions {
432     use super::*;
433     use crate::text::DiffableStr;
434     use std::borrow::Cow;
436     /// The text interface can produce changes over [`DiffableStr`] implementing
437     /// values.  As those are generic interfaces for different types of strings
438     /// utility methods to make working with standard rust strings more enjoyable.
439     impl<'s, T: DiffableStr + ?Sized> Change<'s, T> {
440         /// Returns the value as string if it is utf-8.
as_str(&self) -> Option<&'s str>441         pub fn as_str(&self) -> Option<&'s str> {
442             T::as_str(self.value)
443         }
445         /// Returns the value (lossy) decoded as utf-8 string.
to_string_lossy(&self) -> Cow<'s, str>446         pub fn to_string_lossy(&self) -> Cow<'s, str> {
447             T::to_string_lossy(self.value)
448         }
450         /// Returns `true` if this change does not end in a newline and must be
451         /// followed up by one if line based diffs are used.
452         ///
453         /// The [`std::fmt::Display`] implementation of [`Change`] will automatically
454         /// insert a newline after the value if this is true.
missing_newline(&self) -> bool455         pub fn missing_newline(&self) -> bool {
456             !T::ends_with_newline(self.value)
457         }
458     }
460     impl<'s, T: DiffableStr + ?Sized> fmt::Display for Change<'s, T> {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result461         fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
462             write!(
463                 f,
464                 "{}{}",
465                 self.to_string_lossy(),
466                 if self.missing_newline() { "\n" } else { "" }
467             )
468         }
469     }
470 }