2--                                                                          --
3--                 GNAT RUN-TIME LIBRARY (GNARL) COMPONENTS                 --
4--                                                                          --
5--     S Y S T E M . S T A C K _ C H E C K I N G . O P E R A T I O N S      --
6--                                                                          --
7--                                  B o d y                                 --
8--                                                                          --
9--          Copyright (C) 1999-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
10--                                                                          --
11-- GNARL is free software; you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
12-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
13-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
14-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
15-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
16-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
17--                                                                          --
18-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
19-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   --
20-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               --
21--                                                                          --
22-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
23-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
24-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
25-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                                          --
26--                                                                          --
27-- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University.       --
28-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc.     --
29--                                                                          --
32--  This is the general implementation of this package. There is a VxWorks
33--  specific version of this package (s-stchop-vxworks.adb). This file should
34--  be kept synchronized with it.
36pragma Restrictions (No_Elaboration_Code);
37--  We want to guarantee the absence of elaboration code because the
38--  binder does not handle references to this package.
40with System.Storage_Elements; use System.Storage_Elements;
41with System.Parameters; use System.Parameters;
42with System.Soft_Links;
43with System.CRTL;
45package body System.Stack_Checking.Operations is
47   Kilobyte : constant := 1024;
49   function Set_Stack_Info
50     (Stack : not null access Stack_Access) return Stack_Access;
51   --  The function Set_Stack_Info is the actual function that updates the
52   --  cache containing a pointer to the Stack_Info. It may also be used for
53   --  detecting asynchronous abort in combination with Invalidate_Self_Cache.
54   --
55   --  Set_Stack_Info should do the following things in order:
56   --     1) Get the Stack_Access value for the current task
57   --     2) Set Stack.all to the value obtained in 1)
58   --     3) Optionally Poll to check for asynchronous abort
59   --
60   --  This order is important because if at any time a write to the stack
61   --  cache is pending, that write should be followed by a Poll to prevent
62   --  losing signals.
63   --
64   --  Note: This function must be compiled with Polling turned off
65   --
66   --  Note: on systems with real thread-local storage, Set_Stack_Info should
67   --  return an access value for such local storage. In those cases the cache
68   --  will always be up-to-date.
70   ----------------------------
71   -- Invalidate_Stack_Cache --
72   ----------------------------
74   procedure Invalidate_Stack_Cache (Any_Stack : Stack_Access) is
75      pragma Warnings (Off, Any_Stack);
76   begin
77      Cache := Null_Stack;
78   end Invalidate_Stack_Cache;
80   -----------------------------
81   -- Notify_Stack_Attributes --
82   -----------------------------
84   procedure Notify_Stack_Attributes
85     (Initial_SP : System.Address;
86      Size       : System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Offset)
87   is
88      My_Stack : constant Stack_Access := Soft_Links.Get_Stack_Info.all;
90      --  We piggyback on the 'Limit' field to store what will be used as the
91      --  'Base' and leave the 'Size' alone to not interfere with the logic in
92      --  Set_Stack_Info below.
94      pragma Unreferenced (Size);
96   begin
97      My_Stack.Limit := Initial_SP;
98   end Notify_Stack_Attributes;
100   --------------------
101   -- Set_Stack_Info --
102   --------------------
104   function Set_Stack_Info
105     (Stack : not null access Stack_Access) return Stack_Access
106   is
107      type Frame_Mark is null record;
108      Frame_Location : Frame_Mark;
109      Frame_Address  : constant Address := Frame_Location'Address;
111      My_Stack    : Stack_Access;
112      Limit_Chars : System.Address;
113      Limit       : Integer;
115   begin
116      --  The order of steps 1 .. 3 is important, see specification
118      --  1) Get the Stack_Access value for the current task
120      My_Stack := Soft_Links.Get_Stack_Info.all;
122      if My_Stack.Base = Null_Address then
124         --  First invocation, initialize based on the assumption that there
125         --  are Environment_Stack_Size bytes available beyond the current
126         --  frame address.
128         if My_Stack.Size = 0 then
129            My_Stack.Size := Storage_Offset (Default_Env_Stack_Size);
131            --  When the environment variable GNAT_STACK_LIMIT is set, set
132            --  Environment_Stack_Size to that number of kB.
134            Limit_Chars := System.CRTL.getenv ("GNAT_STACK_LIMIT" & ASCII.NUL);
136            if Limit_Chars /= Null_Address then
137               Limit := System.CRTL.atoi (Limit_Chars);
139               if Limit >= 0 then
140                  My_Stack.Size := Storage_Offset (Limit) * Kilobyte;
141               end if;
142            end if;
143         end if;
145         --  If a stack base address has been registered, honor it. Fallback to
146         --  the address of a local object otherwise.
148         My_Stack.Base :=
149           (if My_Stack.Limit /= System.Null_Address
150            then My_Stack.Limit else Frame_Address);
152         if Stack_Grows_Down then
154            --  Prevent wrap-around on too big stack sizes
156            My_Stack.Limit := My_Stack.Base - My_Stack.Size;
158            if My_Stack.Limit > My_Stack.Base then
159               My_Stack.Limit := Address'First;
160            end if;
162         else
163            My_Stack.Limit := My_Stack.Base + My_Stack.Size;
165            --  Prevent wrap-around on too big stack sizes
167            if My_Stack.Limit < My_Stack.Base then
168               My_Stack.Limit := Address'Last;
169            end if;
170         end if;
171      end if;
173      --  2) Set Stack.all to the value obtained in 1)
175      Stack.all := My_Stack;
177      --  3) Optionally Poll to check for asynchronous abort
179      if Soft_Links.Check_Abort_Status.all /= 0 then
180         raise Standard'Abort_Signal;
181      end if;
183      --  Never trust the cached value, but return local copy
185      return My_Stack;
186   end Set_Stack_Info;
188   -----------------
189   -- Stack_Check --
190   -----------------
192   function Stack_Check
193     (Stack_Address : System.Address) return Stack_Access
194   is
195      type Frame_Marker is null record;
196      Marker        : Frame_Marker;
197      Cached_Stack  : constant Stack_Access := Cache;
198      Frame_Address : constant System.Address := Marker'Address;
200   begin
201      --  The parameter may have wrapped around in System.Address arithmetics.
202      --  In that case, we have no other choices than raising the exception.
204      if (Stack_Grows_Down and then
205            Stack_Address > Frame_Address)
206        or else
207         (not Stack_Grows_Down and then
208            Stack_Address < Frame_Address)
209      then
210         raise Storage_Error with "stack overflow detected";
211      end if;
213      --  This function first does a "cheap" check which is correct if it
214      --  succeeds. In case of failure, the full check is done. Ideally the
215      --  cheap check should be done in an optimized manner, or be inlined.
217      if (Stack_Grows_Down and then
218            (Frame_Address <= Cached_Stack.Base
219               and then
220             Stack_Address > Cached_Stack.Limit))
221        or else
222         (not Stack_Grows_Down and then
223            (Frame_Address >= Cached_Stack.Base
224               and then
225             Stack_Address < Cached_Stack.Limit))
226      then
227         --  Cached_Stack is valid as it passed the stack check
229         return Cached_Stack;
230      end if;
232      Full_Check :
233      declare
234         My_Stack : constant Stack_Access := Set_Stack_Info (Cache'Access);
235         --  At this point Stack.all might already be invalid, so
236         --  it is essential to use our local copy of Stack.
238      begin
239         if (Stack_Grows_Down and then
240               (not (Frame_Address <= My_Stack.Base)))
241           or else
242            (not Stack_Grows_Down and then
243               (not (Frame_Address >= My_Stack.Base)))
244         then
245            --  The returned Base is lower than the stored one, so assume that
246            --  the original one wasn't right and use the current Frame_Address
247            --  as new one. This allows Base to be initialized with the
248            --  Frame_Address as approximation. During initialization the
249            --  Frame_Address will be close to the stack base anyway: the
250            --  difference should be compensated for in the stack reserve.
252            My_Stack.Base := Frame_Address;
253         end if;
255         if (Stack_Grows_Down
256              and then Stack_Address < My_Stack.Limit)
257           or else
258            (not Stack_Grows_Down
259              and then Stack_Address > My_Stack.Limit)
260         then
261            raise Storage_Error with "stack overflow detected";
262         end if;
264         return My_Stack;
265      end Full_Check;
266   end Stack_Check;
268   ------------------------
269   -- Update_Stack_Cache --
270   ------------------------
272   procedure Update_Stack_Cache (Stack : Stack_Access) is
273   begin
274      if not Multi_Processor then
275         Cache := Stack;
276      end if;
277   end Update_Stack_Cache;
279end System.Stack_Checking.Operations;