1 /**
2   ******************************************************************************
3   * @file    usbh_hid_keybd.h
4   * @author  MCD Application Team
5   * @version V3.0.0
6   * @date    18-February-2014
7   * @brief   This file contains all the prototypes for the usbh_hid_keybd.c
8   ******************************************************************************
9   * @attention
10   *
11   * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2014 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
12   *
13   * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
14   * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
15   * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
16   *
17   *        http://www.st.com/software_license_agreement_liberty_v2
18   *
19   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
20   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
21   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
22   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
23   * limitations under the License.
24   *
25   ******************************************************************************
26   */
28 /* Define to prevent recursive -----------------------------------------------*/
29 #ifndef __USBH_HID_KEYBD_H
30 #define __USBH_HID_KEYBD_H
32 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
33 #include "usbh_hid.h"
34 #include "usbh_hid_keybd.h"
36 /** @addtogroup USBH_LIB
37   * @{
38   */
40 /** @addtogroup USBH_CLASS
41   * @{
42   */
44 /** @addtogroup USBH_HID_CLASS
45   * @{
46   */
48 /** @defgroup USBH_HID_KEYBD
49   * @brief This file is the Header file for USBH_HID_KEYBD.c
50   * @{
51   */
54 /** @defgroup USBH_HID_KEYBD_Exported_Types
55   * @{
56   */
57 #define KEY_NONE                               0x00
58 #define KEY_ERRORROLLOVER                      0x01
59 #define KEY_POSTFAIL                           0x02
60 #define KEY_ERRORUNDEFINED                     0x03
61 #define KEY_A                                  0x04
62 #define KEY_B                                  0x05
63 #define KEY_C                                  0x06
64 #define KEY_D                                  0x07
65 #define KEY_E                                  0x08
66 #define KEY_F                                  0x09
67 #define KEY_G                                  0x0A
68 #define KEY_H                                  0x0B
69 #define KEY_I                                  0x0C
70 #define KEY_J                                  0x0D
71 #define KEY_K                                  0x0E
72 #define KEY_L                                  0x0F
73 #define KEY_M                                  0x10
74 #define KEY_N                                  0x11
75 #define KEY_O                                  0x12
76 #define KEY_P                                  0x13
77 #define KEY_Q                                  0x14
78 #define KEY_R                                  0x15
79 #define KEY_S                                  0x16
80 #define KEY_T                                  0x17
81 #define KEY_U                                  0x18
82 #define KEY_V                                  0x19
83 #define KEY_W                                  0x1A
84 #define KEY_X                                  0x1B
85 #define KEY_Y                                  0x1C
86 #define KEY_Z                                  0x1D
87 #define KEY_1_EXCLAMATION_MARK                 0x1E
88 #define KEY_2_AT                               0x1F
89 #define KEY_3_NUMBER_SIGN                      0x20
90 #define KEY_4_DOLLAR                           0x21
91 #define KEY_5_PERCENT                          0x22
92 #define KEY_6_CARET                            0x23
93 #define KEY_7_AMPERSAND                        0x24
94 #define KEY_8_ASTERISK                         0x25
95 #define KEY_9_OPARENTHESIS                     0x26
96 #define KEY_0_CPARENTHESIS                     0x27
97 #define KEY_ENTER                              0x28
98 #define KEY_ESCAPE                             0x29
99 #define KEY_BACKSPACE                          0x2A
100 #define KEY_TAB                                0x2B
101 #define KEY_SPACEBAR                           0x2C
102 #define KEY_MINUS_UNDERSCORE                   0x2D
103 #define KEY_EQUAL_PLUS                         0x2E
104 #define KEY_OBRACKET_AND_OBRACE                0x2F
105 #define KEY_CBRACKET_AND_CBRACE                0x30
106 #define KEY_BACKSLASH_VERTICAL_BAR             0x31
107 #define KEY_NONUS_NUMBER_SIGN_TILDE            0x32
108 #define KEY_SEMICOLON_COLON                    0x33
109 #define KEY_SINGLE_AND_DOUBLE_QUOTE            0x34
110 #define KEY_GRAVE ACCENT AND TILDE             0x35
111 #define KEY_COMMA_AND_LESS                     0x36
112 #define KEY_DOT_GREATER                        0x37
113 #define KEY_SLASH_QUESTION                     0x38
114 #define KEY_CAPS LOCK                          0x39
115 #define KEY_F1                                 0x3A
116 #define KEY_F2                                 0x3B
117 #define KEY_F3                                 0x3C
118 #define KEY_F4                                 0x3D
119 #define KEY_F5                                 0x3E
120 #define KEY_F6                                 0x3F
121 #define KEY_F7                                 0x40
122 #define KEY_F8                                 0x41
123 #define KEY_F9                                 0x42
124 #define KEY_F10                                0x43
125 #define KEY_F11                                0x44
126 #define KEY_F12                                0x45
127 #define KEY_PRINTSCREEN                        0x46
128 #define KEY_SCROLL LOCK                        0x47
129 #define KEY_PAUSE                              0x48
130 #define KEY_INSERT                             0x49
131 #define KEY_HOME                               0x4A
132 #define KEY_PAGEUP                             0x4B
133 #define KEY_DELETE                             0x4C
134 #define KEY_END1                               0x4D
135 #define KEY_PAGEDOWN                           0x4E
136 #define KEY_RIGHTARROW                         0x4F
137 #define KEY_LEFTARROW                          0x50
138 #define KEY_DOWNARROW                          0x51
139 #define KEY_UPARROW                            0x52
140 #define KEY_KEYPAD_NUM_LOCK_AND_CLEAR          0x53
141 #define KEY_KEYPAD_SLASH                       0x54
142 #define KEY_KEYPAD_ASTERIKS                    0x55
143 #define KEY_KEYPAD_MINUS                       0x56
144 #define KEY_KEYPAD_PLUS                        0x57
145 #define KEY_KEYPAD_ENTER                       0x58
146 #define KEY_KEYPAD_1_END                       0x59
147 #define KEY_KEYPAD_2_DOWN_ARROW                0x5A
148 #define KEY_KEYPAD_3_PAGEDN                    0x5B
149 #define KEY_KEYPAD_4_LEFT_ARROW                0x5C
150 #define KEY_KEYPAD_5                           0x5D
151 #define KEY_KEYPAD_6_RIGHT_ARROW               0x5E
152 #define KEY_KEYPAD_7_HOME                      0x5F
153 #define KEY_KEYPAD_8_UP_ARROW                  0x60
154 #define KEY_KEYPAD_9_PAGEUP                    0x61
155 #define KEY_KEYPAD_0_INSERT                    0x62
158 #define KEY_APPLICATION                        0x65
159 #define KEY_POWER                              0x66
160 #define KEY_KEYPAD_EQUAL                       0x67
161 #define KEY_F13                                0x68
162 #define KEY_F14                                0x69
163 #define KEY_F15                                0x6A
164 #define KEY_F16                                0x6B
165 #define KEY_F17                                0x6C
166 #define KEY_F18                                0x6D
167 #define KEY_F19                                0x6E
168 #define KEY_F20                                0x6F
169 #define KEY_F21                                0x70
170 #define KEY_F22                                0x71
171 #define KEY_F23                                0x72
172 #define KEY_F24                                0x73
173 #define KEY_EXECUTE                            0x74
174 #define KEY_HELP                               0x75
175 #define KEY_MENU                               0x76
176 #define KEY_SELECT                             0x77
177 #define KEY_STOP                               0x78
178 #define KEY_AGAIN                              0x79
179 #define KEY_UNDO                               0x7A
180 #define KEY_CUT                                0x7B
181 #define KEY_COPY                               0x7C
182 #define KEY_PASTE                              0x7D
183 #define KEY_FIND                               0x7E
184 #define KEY_MUTE                               0x7F
185 #define KEY_VOLUME_UP                          0x80
186 #define KEY_VOLUME_DOWN                        0x81
187 #define KEY_LOCKING_CAPS_LOCK                  0x82
188 #define KEY_LOCKING_NUM_LOCK                   0x83
189 #define KEY_LOCKING_SCROLL_LOCK                0x84
190 #define KEY_KEYPAD_COMMA                       0x85
191 #define KEY_KEYPAD_EQUAL_SIGN                  0x86
192 #define KEY_INTERNATIONAL1                     0x87
193 #define KEY_INTERNATIONAL2                     0x88
194 #define KEY_INTERNATIONAL3                     0x89
195 #define KEY_INTERNATIONAL4                     0x8A
196 #define KEY_INTERNATIONAL5                     0x8B
197 #define KEY_INTERNATIONAL6                     0x8C
198 #define KEY_INTERNATIONAL7                     0x8D
199 #define KEY_INTERNATIONAL8                     0x8E
200 #define KEY_INTERNATIONAL9                     0x8F
201 #define KEY_LANG1                              0x90
202 #define KEY_LANG2                              0x91
203 #define KEY_LANG3                              0x92
204 #define KEY_LANG4                              0x93
205 #define KEY_LANG5                              0x94
206 #define KEY_LANG6                              0x95
207 #define KEY_LANG7                              0x96
208 #define KEY_LANG8                              0x97
209 #define KEY_LANG9                              0x98
210 #define KEY_ALTERNATE_ERASE                    0x99
211 #define KEY_SYSREQ                             0x9A
212 #define KEY_CANCEL                             0x9B
213 #define KEY_CLEAR                              0x9C
214 #define KEY_PRIOR                              0x9D
215 #define KEY_RETURN                             0x9E
216 #define KEY_SEPARATOR                          0x9F
217 #define KEY_OUT                                0xA0
218 #define KEY_OPER                               0xA1
219 #define KEY_CLEAR_AGAIN                        0xA2
220 #define KEY_CRSEL                              0xA3
221 #define KEY_EXSEL                              0xA4
222 #define KEY_KEYPAD_00                          0xB0
223 #define KEY_KEYPAD_000                         0xB1
224 #define KEY_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR                0xB2
225 #define KEY_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR                  0xB3
226 #define KEY_CURRENCY_UNIT                      0xB4
227 #define KEY_CURRENCY_SUB_UNIT                  0xB5
228 #define KEY_KEYPAD_OPARENTHESIS                0xB6
229 #define KEY_KEYPAD_CPARENTHESIS                0xB7
230 #define KEY_KEYPAD_OBRACE                      0xB8
231 #define KEY_KEYPAD_CBRACE                      0xB9
232 #define KEY_KEYPAD_TAB                         0xBA
233 #define KEY_KEYPAD_BACKSPACE                   0xBB
234 #define KEY_KEYPAD_A                           0xBC
235 #define KEY_KEYPAD_B                           0xBD
236 #define KEY_KEYPAD_C                           0xBE
237 #define KEY_KEYPAD_D                           0xBF
238 #define KEY_KEYPAD_E                           0xC0
239 #define KEY_KEYPAD_F                           0xC1
240 #define KEY_KEYPAD_XOR                         0xC2
241 #define KEY_KEYPAD_CARET                       0xC3
242 #define KEY_KEYPAD_PERCENT                     0xC4
243 #define KEY_KEYPAD_LESS                        0xC5
244 #define KEY_KEYPAD_GREATER                     0xC6
245 #define KEY_KEYPAD_AMPERSAND                   0xC7
246 #define KEY_KEYPAD_LOGICAL_AND                 0xC8
247 #define KEY_KEYPAD_VERTICAL_BAR                0xC9
248 #define KEY_KEYPAD_LOGIACL_OR                  0xCA
249 #define KEY_KEYPAD_COLON                       0xCB
250 #define KEY_KEYPAD_NUMBER_SIGN                 0xCC
251 #define KEY_KEYPAD_SPACE                       0xCD
252 #define KEY_KEYPAD_AT                          0xCE
253 #define KEY_KEYPAD_EXCLAMATION_MARK            0xCF
254 #define KEY_KEYPAD_MEMORY_STORE                0xD0
255 #define KEY_KEYPAD_MEMORY_RECALL               0xD1
256 #define KEY_KEYPAD_MEMORY_CLEAR                0xD2
257 #define KEY_KEYPAD_MEMORY_ADD                  0xD3
258 #define KEY_KEYPAD_MEMORY_SUBTRACT             0xD4
259 #define KEY_KEYPAD_MEMORY_MULTIPLY             0xD5
260 #define KEY_KEYPAD_MEMORY_DIVIDE               0xD6
261 #define KEY_KEYPAD_PLUSMINUS                   0xD7
262 #define KEY_KEYPAD_CLEAR                       0xD8
263 #define KEY_KEYPAD_CLEAR_ENTRY                 0xD9
264 #define KEY_KEYPAD_BINARY                      0xDA
265 #define KEY_KEYPAD_OCTAL                       0xDB
266 #define KEY_KEYPAD_DECIMAL                     0xDC
267 #define KEY_KEYPAD_HEXADECIMAL                 0xDD
268 #define KEY_LEFTCONTROL                        0xE0
269 #define KEY_LEFTSHIFT                          0xE1
270 #define KEY_LEFTALT                            0xE2
271 #define KEY_LEFT_GUI                           0xE3
272 #define KEY_RIGHTCONTROL                       0xE4
273 #define KEY_RIGHTSHIFT                         0xE5
274 #define KEY_RIGHTALT                           0xE6
275 #define KEY_RIGHT_GUI                          0xE7
277 typedef struct
278 {
279   uint8_t state;
280   uint8_t lctrl;
281   uint8_t lshift;
282   uint8_t lalt;
283   uint8_t lgui;
284   uint8_t rctrl;
285   uint8_t rshift;
286   uint8_t ralt;
287   uint8_t rgui;
288   uint8_t keys[6];
289 }
290 HID_KEYBD_Info_TypeDef;
292 USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_HID_KeybdInit(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost);
293 HID_KEYBD_Info_TypeDef *USBH_HID_GetKeybdInfo(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost);
294 uint8_t USBH_HID_GetASCIICode(HID_KEYBD_Info_TypeDef *info);
296 /**
297   * @}
298   */
300 #endif /* __USBH_HID_KEYBD_H */
302 /**
303   * @}
304   */
306 /**
307   * @}
308   */
310 /**
311   * @}
312   */
314 /**
315   * @}
316   */
317 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/