1 // Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. 2 // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. 3 // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. 4 5 [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute("")] 6 [assembly:System.CLSCompliantAttribute(true)] 7 [assembly:System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute((System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes)(258))] 8 [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute("Mono development team")] 9 [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyrightAttribute("(c) Various Mono authors")] 10 [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute("System.Xml.dll")] 11 [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyDescriptionAttribute("System.Xml.dll")] 12 [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute("4.0.30319.17020")] 13 [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute("4.0.30319.17020")] 14 [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute("Mono Common Language Infrastructure")] 15 [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute("System.Xml.dll")] 16 [assembly:System.Resources.NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute("en-US")] 17 [assembly:System.Resources.SatelliteContractVersionAttribute("")] 18 [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilationRelaxationsAttribute((System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilationRelaxations)(8))] 19 [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleToAttribute("System.Data.SqlXml, PublicKey=00000000000000000400000000000000")] 20 [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleToAttribute("System.Runtime.Serialization, PublicKey=00000000000000000400000000000000", AllInternalsVisible=false)] 21 [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleToAttribute("System.ServiceModel.Friend, PublicKey=002400000480000094000000060200000024000052534131000400000100010007d1fa57c4aed9f0a32e84aa0faefd0de9e8fd6aec8f87fb03766c834c99921eb23be79ad9d5dcc1dd9ad236132102900b723cf980957fc4e177108fc607774f29e8320e92ea05ece4e821c0a5efe8f1645c4c0c93c1ab99285d622caa652c1dfad63d745d6f2de5f17e5eaf0fc4963d261c8a12436518206dc093344d5ad293")] 22 [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleToAttribute("System.Xml.Linq, PublicKey=00000000000000000400000000000000")] 23 [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleToAttribute("System.Xml.Linq, PublicKey=00000000000000000400000000000000", AllInternalsVisible=false)] 24 [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReferenceAssemblyAttribute] 25 [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute(WrapNonExceptionThrows=true)] 26 [assembly:System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)] 27 [assembly:System.Security.AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute] 28 [assembly:System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification=true)] 29 namespace System.Xml 30 { 31 public enum ConformanceLevel 32 { 33 Auto = 0, 34 Document = 2, 35 Fragment = 1, 36 } 37 public enum DtdProcessing 38 { 39 Ignore = 1, 40 Parse = 2, 41 Prohibit = 0, 42 } 43 public enum EntityHandling 44 { 45 ExpandCharEntities = 2, 46 ExpandEntities = 1, 47 } 48 public enum Formatting 49 { 50 Indented = 1, 51 None = 0, 52 } 53 [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] 54 [System.ObsoleteAttribute("This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.", true)] 55 public partial interface IApplicationResourceStreamResolver 56 { 57 [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute((System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)(1))] 58 [System.ObsoleteAttribute("This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.", true)] GetApplicationResourceStream(System.Uri relativeUri)59 System.IO.Stream GetApplicationResourceStream(System.Uri relativeUri); 60 } 61 public partial interface IHasXmlNode 62 { GetNode()63 System.Xml.XmlNode GetNode(); 64 } 65 public partial interface IXmlLineInfo 66 { 67 int LineNumber { get; } 68 int LinePosition { get; } HasLineInfo()69 bool HasLineInfo(); 70 } 71 public partial interface IXmlNamespaceResolver 72 { GetNamespacesInScope(System.Xml.XmlNamespaceScope scope)73 System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> GetNamespacesInScope(System.Xml.XmlNamespaceScope scope); LookupNamespace(string prefix)74 string LookupNamespace(string prefix); LookupPrefix(string namespaceName)75 string LookupPrefix(string namespaceName); 76 } 77 [System.FlagsAttribute] 78 public enum NamespaceHandling 79 { 80 Default = 0, 81 OmitDuplicates = 1, 82 } 83 public partial class NameTable : System.Xml.XmlNameTable 84 { NameTable()85 public NameTable() { } Add(char[] key, int start, int len)86 public override string Add(char[] key, int start, int len) { throw null; } Add(string key)87 public override string Add(string key) { throw null; } Get(char[] key, int start, int len)88 public override string Get(char[] key, int start, int len) { throw null; } Get(string value)89 public override string Get(string value) { throw null; } 90 } 91 public enum NewLineHandling 92 { 93 Entitize = 1, 94 None = 2, 95 Replace = 0, 96 } 97 public enum ReadState 98 { 99 Closed = 4, 100 EndOfFile = 3, 101 Error = 2, 102 Initial = 0, 103 Interactive = 1, 104 } 105 public enum ValidationType 106 { 107 [System.ObsoleteAttribute("Validation type should be specified as DTD or Schema.")] 108 Auto = 1, 109 DTD = 2, 110 None = 0, 111 Schema = 4, 112 [System.ObsoleteAttribute("XDR Validation through XmlValidatingReader is obsoleted")] 113 XDR = 3, 114 } 115 public enum WhitespaceHandling 116 { 117 All = 0, 118 None = 2, 119 Significant = 1, 120 } 121 public enum WriteState 122 { 123 Attribute = 3, 124 Closed = 5, 125 Content = 4, 126 Element = 2, 127 Error = 6, 128 Prolog = 1, 129 Start = 0, 130 } 131 public partial class XmlAttribute : System.Xml.XmlNode 132 { XmlAttribute(string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI, System.Xml.XmlDocument doc)133 protected internal XmlAttribute(string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI, System.Xml.XmlDocument doc) { } 134 public override string BaseURI { get { throw null; } } 135 public override string InnerText { set { } } 136 public override string InnerXml { set { } } 137 public override string LocalName { get { throw null; } } 138 public override string Name { get { throw null; } } 139 public override string NamespaceURI { get { throw null; } } 140 public override System.Xml.XmlNodeType NodeType { get { throw null; } } 141 public override System.Xml.XmlDocument OwnerDocument { get { throw null; } } 142 public virtual System.Xml.XmlElement OwnerElement { get { throw null; } } 143 public override System.Xml.XmlNode ParentNode { get { throw null; } } 144 public override string Prefix { get { throw null; } set { } } 145 public override System.Xml.Schema.IXmlSchemaInfo SchemaInfo { get { throw null; } } 146 public virtual bool Specified { get { throw null; } } 147 public override string Value { get { throw null; } set { } } AppendChild(System.Xml.XmlNode newChild)148 public override System.Xml.XmlNode AppendChild(System.Xml.XmlNode newChild) { throw null; } CloneNode(bool deep)149 public override System.Xml.XmlNode CloneNode(bool deep) { throw null; } InsertAfter(System.Xml.XmlNode newChild, System.Xml.XmlNode refChild)150 public override System.Xml.XmlNode InsertAfter(System.Xml.XmlNode newChild, System.Xml.XmlNode refChild) { throw null; } InsertBefore(System.Xml.XmlNode newChild, System.Xml.XmlNode refChild)151 public override System.Xml.XmlNode InsertBefore(System.Xml.XmlNode newChild, System.Xml.XmlNode refChild) { throw null; } PrependChild(System.Xml.XmlNode newChild)152 public override System.Xml.XmlNode PrependChild(System.Xml.XmlNode newChild) { throw null; } RemoveChild(System.Xml.XmlNode oldChild)153 public override System.Xml.XmlNode RemoveChild(System.Xml.XmlNode oldChild) { throw null; } ReplaceChild(System.Xml.XmlNode newChild, System.Xml.XmlNode oldChild)154 public override System.Xml.XmlNode ReplaceChild(System.Xml.XmlNode newChild, System.Xml.XmlNode oldChild) { throw null; } WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)155 public override void WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)156 public override void WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } 157 } 158 public sealed partial class XmlAttributeCollection : System.Xml.XmlNamedNodeMap, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable 159 { XmlAttributeCollection()160 internal XmlAttributeCollection() { } 161 [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerName("ItemOf")] 162 public System.Xml.XmlAttribute this[int i] { get { throw null; } } 163 [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerName("ItemOf")] 164 public System.Xml.XmlAttribute this[string name] { get { throw null; } } 165 [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerName("ItemOf")] 166 public System.Xml.XmlAttribute this[string localName, string namespaceURI] { get { throw null; } } 167 int System.Collections.ICollection.Count { get { throw null; } } 168 bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { throw null; } } 169 object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get { throw null; } } Append(System.Xml.XmlAttribute node)170 public System.Xml.XmlAttribute Append(System.Xml.XmlAttribute node) { throw null; } CopyTo(System.Xml.XmlAttribute[] array, int index)171 public void CopyTo(System.Xml.XmlAttribute[] array, int index) { } InsertAfter(System.Xml.XmlAttribute newNode, System.Xml.XmlAttribute refNode)172 public System.Xml.XmlAttribute InsertAfter(System.Xml.XmlAttribute newNode, System.Xml.XmlAttribute refNode) { throw null; } InsertBefore(System.Xml.XmlAttribute newNode, System.Xml.XmlAttribute refNode)173 public System.Xml.XmlAttribute InsertBefore(System.Xml.XmlAttribute newNode, System.Xml.XmlAttribute refNode) { throw null; } Prepend(System.Xml.XmlAttribute node)174 public System.Xml.XmlAttribute Prepend(System.Xml.XmlAttribute node) { throw null; } Remove(System.Xml.XmlAttribute node)175 public System.Xml.XmlAttribute Remove(System.Xml.XmlAttribute node) { throw null; } RemoveAll()176 public void RemoveAll() { } RemoveAt(int i)177 public System.Xml.XmlAttribute RemoveAt(int i) { throw null; } SetNamedItem(System.Xml.XmlNode node)178 public override System.Xml.XmlNode SetNamedItem(System.Xml.XmlNode node) { throw null; } System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(System.Array array, int index)179 void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(System.Array array, int index) { } 180 } 181 public partial class XmlCDataSection : System.Xml.XmlCharacterData 182 { XmlCDataSection(string data, System.Xml.XmlDocument doc)183 protected internal XmlCDataSection(string data, System.Xml.XmlDocument doc) : base (default(string), default(System.Xml.XmlDocument)) { } 184 public override string LocalName { get { throw null; } } 185 public override string Name { get { throw null; } } 186 public override System.Xml.XmlNodeType NodeType { get { throw null; } } 187 public override System.Xml.XmlNode ParentNode { get { throw null; } } CloneNode(bool deep)188 public override System.Xml.XmlNode CloneNode(bool deep) { throw null; } WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)189 public override void WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)190 public override void WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } 191 } 192 public abstract partial class XmlCharacterData : System.Xml.XmlLinkedNode 193 { XmlCharacterData(string data, System.Xml.XmlDocument doc)194 protected internal XmlCharacterData(string data, System.Xml.XmlDocument doc) { } 195 public virtual string Data { get { throw null; } set { } } 196 public override string InnerText { get { throw null; } set { } } 197 public virtual int Length { get { throw null; } } 198 public override string Value { get { throw null; } set { } } AppendData(string strData)199 public virtual void AppendData(string strData) { } DeleteData(int offset, int count)200 public virtual void DeleteData(int offset, int count) { } InsertData(int offset, string strData)201 public virtual void InsertData(int offset, string strData) { } ReplaceData(int offset, int count, string strData)202 public virtual void ReplaceData(int offset, int count, string strData) { } Substring(int offset, int count)203 public virtual string Substring(int offset, int count) { throw null; } 204 } 205 public partial class XmlComment : System.Xml.XmlCharacterData 206 { XmlComment(string comment, System.Xml.XmlDocument doc)207 protected internal XmlComment(string comment, System.Xml.XmlDocument doc) : base (default(string), default(System.Xml.XmlDocument)) { } 208 public override string LocalName { get { throw null; } } 209 public override string Name { get { throw null; } } 210 public override System.Xml.XmlNodeType NodeType { get { throw null; } } CloneNode(bool deep)211 public override System.Xml.XmlNode CloneNode(bool deep) { throw null; } WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)212 public override void WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)213 public override void WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } 214 } 215 public partial class XmlConvert 216 { XmlConvert()217 public XmlConvert() { } DecodeName(string name)218 public static string DecodeName(string name) { throw null; } EncodeLocalName(string name)219 public static string EncodeLocalName(string name) { throw null; } EncodeName(string name)220 public static string EncodeName(string name) { throw null; } EncodeNmToken(string name)221 public static string EncodeNmToken(string name) { throw null; } IsNCNameChar(char ch)222 public static bool IsNCNameChar(char ch) { throw null; } IsPublicIdChar(char ch)223 public static bool IsPublicIdChar(char ch) { throw null; } IsStartNCNameChar(char ch)224 public static bool IsStartNCNameChar(char ch) { throw null; } IsWhitespaceChar(char ch)225 public static bool IsWhitespaceChar(char ch) { throw null; } IsXmlChar(char ch)226 public static bool IsXmlChar(char ch) { throw null; } IsXmlSurrogatePair(char lowChar, char highChar)227 public static bool IsXmlSurrogatePair(char lowChar, char highChar) { throw null; } ToBoolean(string s)228 public static bool ToBoolean(string s) { throw null; } ToByte(string s)229 public static byte ToByte(string s) { throw null; } ToChar(string s)230 public static char ToChar(string s) { throw null; } 231 [System.ObsoleteAttribute("Use XmlConvert.ToDateTime() that takes in XmlDateTimeSerializationMode")] ToDateTime(string s)232 public static System.DateTime ToDateTime(string s) { throw null; } ToDateTime(string s, string format)233 public static System.DateTime ToDateTime(string s, string format) { throw null; } ToDateTime(string s, string[] formats)234 public static System.DateTime ToDateTime(string s, string[] formats) { throw null; } ToDateTime(string s, System.Xml.XmlDateTimeSerializationMode dateTimeOption)235 public static System.DateTime ToDateTime(string s, System.Xml.XmlDateTimeSerializationMode dateTimeOption) { throw null; } ToDateTimeOffset(string s)236 public static System.DateTimeOffset ToDateTimeOffset(string s) { throw null; } ToDateTimeOffset(string s, string format)237 public static System.DateTimeOffset ToDateTimeOffset(string s, string format) { throw null; } ToDateTimeOffset(string s, string[] formats)238 public static System.DateTimeOffset ToDateTimeOffset(string s, string[] formats) { throw null; } ToDecimal(string s)239 public static decimal ToDecimal(string s) { throw null; } ToDouble(string s)240 public static double ToDouble(string s) { throw null; } ToGuid(string s)241 public static System.Guid ToGuid(string s) { throw null; } ToInt16(string s)242 public static short ToInt16(string s) { throw null; } ToInt32(string s)243 public static int ToInt32(string s) { throw null; } ToInt64(string s)244 public static long ToInt64(string s) { throw null; } 245 [System.CLSCompliantAttribute(false)] ToSByte(string s)246 public static sbyte ToSByte(string s) { throw null; } ToSingle(string s)247 public static float ToSingle(string s) { throw null; } ToString(bool value)248 public static string ToString(bool value) { throw null; } ToString(byte value)249 public static string ToString(byte value) { throw null; } ToString(char value)250 public static string ToString(char value) { throw null; } 251 [System.ObsoleteAttribute("Use XmlConvert.ToString() that takes in XmlDateTimeSerializationMode")] ToString(System.DateTime value)252 public static string ToString(System.DateTime value) { throw null; } ToString(System.DateTime value, string format)253 public static string ToString(System.DateTime value, string format) { throw null; } ToString(System.DateTime value, System.Xml.XmlDateTimeSerializationMode dateTimeOption)254 public static string ToString(System.DateTime value, System.Xml.XmlDateTimeSerializationMode dateTimeOption) { throw null; } ToString(System.DateTimeOffset value)255 public static string ToString(System.DateTimeOffset value) { throw null; } ToString(System.DateTimeOffset value, string format)256 public static string ToString(System.DateTimeOffset value, string format) { throw null; } ToString(decimal value)257 public static string ToString(decimal value) { throw null; } ToString(double value)258 public static string ToString(double value) { throw null; } ToString(System.Guid value)259 public static string ToString(System.Guid value) { throw null; } ToString(short value)260 public static string ToString(short value) { throw null; } ToString(int value)261 public static string ToString(int value) { throw null; } ToString(long value)262 public static string ToString(long value) { throw null; } 263 [System.CLSCompliantAttribute(false)] ToString(sbyte value)264 public static string ToString(sbyte value) { throw null; } ToString(float value)265 public static string ToString(float value) { throw null; } ToString(System.TimeSpan value)266 public static string ToString(System.TimeSpan value) { throw null; } 267 [System.CLSCompliantAttribute(false)] ToString(ushort value)268 public static string ToString(ushort value) { throw null; } 269 [System.CLSCompliantAttribute(false)] ToString(uint value)270 public static string ToString(uint value) { throw null; } 271 [System.CLSCompliantAttribute(false)] ToString(ulong value)272 public static string ToString(ulong value) { throw null; } ToTimeSpan(string s)273 public static System.TimeSpan ToTimeSpan(string s) { throw null; } 274 [System.CLSCompliantAttribute(false)] ToUInt16(string s)275 public static ushort ToUInt16(string s) { throw null; } 276 [System.CLSCompliantAttribute(false)] ToUInt32(string s)277 public static uint ToUInt32(string s) { throw null; } 278 [System.CLSCompliantAttribute(false)] ToUInt64(string s)279 public static ulong ToUInt64(string s) { throw null; } VerifyName(string name)280 public static string VerifyName(string name) { throw null; } VerifyNCName(string name)281 public static string VerifyNCName(string name) { throw null; } VerifyNMTOKEN(string name)282 public static string VerifyNMTOKEN(string name) { throw null; } VerifyPublicId(string publicId)283 public static string VerifyPublicId(string publicId) { throw null; } VerifyTOKEN(string token)284 public static string VerifyTOKEN(string token) { throw null; } VerifyWhitespace(string content)285 public static string VerifyWhitespace(string content) { throw null; } VerifyXmlChars(string content)286 public static string VerifyXmlChars(string content) { throw null; } 287 } 288 public enum XmlDateTimeSerializationMode 289 { 290 Local = 0, 291 RoundtripKind = 3, 292 Unspecified = 2, 293 Utc = 1, 294 } 295 public partial class XmlDeclaration : System.Xml.XmlLinkedNode 296 { XmlDeclaration(string version, string encoding, string standalone, System.Xml.XmlDocument doc)297 protected internal XmlDeclaration(string version, string encoding, string standalone, System.Xml.XmlDocument doc) { } 298 public string Encoding { get { throw null; } set { } } 299 public override string InnerText { get { throw null; } set { } } 300 public override string LocalName { get { throw null; } } 301 public override string Name { get { throw null; } } 302 public override System.Xml.XmlNodeType NodeType { get { throw null; } } 303 public string Standalone { get { throw null; } set { } } 304 public override string Value { get { throw null; } set { } } 305 public string Version { get { throw null; } } CloneNode(bool deep)306 public override System.Xml.XmlNode CloneNode(bool deep) { throw null; } WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)307 public override void WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)308 public override void WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } 309 } 310 public partial class XmlDocument : System.Xml.XmlNode 311 { XmlDocument()312 public XmlDocument() { } XmlDocument(System.Xml.XmlImplementation imp)313 protected internal XmlDocument(System.Xml.XmlImplementation imp) { } XmlDocument(System.Xml.XmlNameTable nt)314 public XmlDocument(System.Xml.XmlNameTable nt) { } 315 public override string BaseURI { get { throw null; } } 316 public System.Xml.XmlElement DocumentElement { get { throw null; } } 317 public virtual System.Xml.XmlDocumentType DocumentType { get { throw null; } } 318 public System.Xml.XmlImplementation Implementation { get { throw null; } } 319 public override string InnerText { set { } } 320 public override string InnerXml { get { throw null; } set { } } 321 public override bool IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } } 322 public override string LocalName { get { throw null; } } 323 public override string Name { get { throw null; } } 324 public System.Xml.XmlNameTable NameTable { get { throw null; } } 325 public override System.Xml.XmlNodeType NodeType { get { throw null; } } 326 public override System.Xml.XmlDocument OwnerDocument { get { throw null; } } 327 public override System.Xml.XmlNode ParentNode { get { throw null; } } 328 public bool PreserveWhitespace { get { throw null; } set { } } 329 public override System.Xml.Schema.IXmlSchemaInfo SchemaInfo { get { throw null; } } 330 public System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet Schemas { get { throw null; } set { } } 331 public virtual System.Xml.XmlResolver XmlResolver { set { } } 332 public event System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler NodeChanged { add { } remove { } } 333 public event System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler NodeChanging { add { } remove { } } 334 public event System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler NodeInserted { add { } remove { } } 335 public event System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler NodeInserting { add { } remove { } } 336 public event System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler NodeRemoved { add { } remove { } } 337 public event System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler NodeRemoving { add { } remove { } } CloneNode(bool deep)338 public override System.Xml.XmlNode CloneNode(bool deep) { throw null; } CreateAttribute(string name)339 public System.Xml.XmlAttribute CreateAttribute(string name) { throw null; } CreateAttribute(string qualifiedName, string namespaceURI)340 public System.Xml.XmlAttribute CreateAttribute(string qualifiedName, string namespaceURI) { throw null; } CreateAttribute(string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI)341 public virtual System.Xml.XmlAttribute CreateAttribute(string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI) { throw null; } CreateCDataSection(string data)342 public virtual System.Xml.XmlCDataSection CreateCDataSection(string data) { throw null; } CreateComment(string data)343 public virtual System.Xml.XmlComment CreateComment(string data) { throw null; } CreateDefaultAttribute(string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI)344 protected internal virtual System.Xml.XmlAttribute CreateDefaultAttribute(string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI) { throw null; } CreateDocumentFragment()345 public virtual System.Xml.XmlDocumentFragment CreateDocumentFragment() { throw null; } 346 [System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name="FullTrust")] CreateDocumentType(string name, string publicId, string systemId, string internalSubset)347 public virtual System.Xml.XmlDocumentType CreateDocumentType(string name, string publicId, string systemId, string internalSubset) { throw null; } CreateElement(string name)348 public System.Xml.XmlElement CreateElement(string name) { throw null; } CreateElement(string qualifiedName, string namespaceURI)349 public System.Xml.XmlElement CreateElement(string qualifiedName, string namespaceURI) { throw null; } CreateElement(string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI)350 public virtual System.Xml.XmlElement CreateElement(string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI) { throw null; } CreateEntityReference(string name)351 public virtual System.Xml.XmlEntityReference CreateEntityReference(string name) { throw null; } CreateNavigator()352 public override System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator CreateNavigator() { throw null; } CreateNavigator(System.Xml.XmlNode node)353 protected internal virtual System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator CreateNavigator(System.Xml.XmlNode node) { throw null; } CreateNode(string nodeTypeString, string name, string namespaceURI)354 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode CreateNode(string nodeTypeString, string name, string namespaceURI) { throw null; } CreateNode(System.Xml.XmlNodeType type, string name, string namespaceURI)355 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode CreateNode(System.Xml.XmlNodeType type, string name, string namespaceURI) { throw null; } CreateNode(System.Xml.XmlNodeType type, string prefix, string name, string namespaceURI)356 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode CreateNode(System.Xml.XmlNodeType type, string prefix, string name, string namespaceURI) { throw null; } CreateProcessingInstruction(string target, string data)357 public virtual System.Xml.XmlProcessingInstruction CreateProcessingInstruction(string target, string data) { throw null; } CreateSignificantWhitespace(string text)358 public virtual System.Xml.XmlSignificantWhitespace CreateSignificantWhitespace(string text) { throw null; } CreateTextNode(string text)359 public virtual System.Xml.XmlText CreateTextNode(string text) { throw null; } CreateWhitespace(string text)360 public virtual System.Xml.XmlWhitespace CreateWhitespace(string text) { throw null; } CreateXmlDeclaration(string version, string encoding, string standalone)361 public virtual System.Xml.XmlDeclaration CreateXmlDeclaration(string version, string encoding, string standalone) { throw null; } GetElementById(string elementId)362 public virtual System.Xml.XmlElement GetElementById(string elementId) { throw null; } GetElementsByTagName(string name)363 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNodeList GetElementsByTagName(string name) { throw null; } GetElementsByTagName(string localName, string namespaceURI)364 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNodeList GetElementsByTagName(string localName, string namespaceURI) { throw null; } ImportNode(System.Xml.XmlNode node, bool deep)365 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode ImportNode(System.Xml.XmlNode node, bool deep) { throw null; } Load(System.IO.Stream inStream)366 public virtual void Load(System.IO.Stream inStream) { } Load(System.IO.TextReader txtReader)367 public virtual void Load(System.IO.TextReader txtReader) { } Load(string filename)368 public virtual void Load(string filename) { } Load(System.Xml.XmlReader reader)369 public virtual void Load(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { } LoadXml(string xml)370 public virtual void LoadXml(string xml) { } 371 [System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name="FullTrust")] ReadNode(System.Xml.XmlReader reader)372 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode ReadNode(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { throw null; } Save(System.IO.Stream outStream)373 public virtual void Save(System.IO.Stream outStream) { } Save(System.IO.TextWriter writer)374 public virtual void Save(System.IO.TextWriter writer) { } Save(string filename)375 public virtual void Save(string filename) { } Save(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)376 public virtual void Save(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } Validate(System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler validationEventHandler)377 public void Validate(System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler validationEventHandler) { } Validate(System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler validationEventHandler, System.Xml.XmlNode nodeToValidate)378 public void Validate(System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler validationEventHandler, System.Xml.XmlNode nodeToValidate) { } WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter xw)379 public override void WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter xw) { } WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)380 public override void WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } 381 } 382 public partial class XmlDocumentFragment : System.Xml.XmlNode 383 { XmlDocumentFragment(System.Xml.XmlDocument ownerDocument)384 protected internal XmlDocumentFragment(System.Xml.XmlDocument ownerDocument) { } 385 public override string InnerXml { get { throw null; } set { } } 386 public override string LocalName { get { throw null; } } 387 public override string Name { get { throw null; } } 388 public override System.Xml.XmlNodeType NodeType { get { throw null; } } 389 public override System.Xml.XmlDocument OwnerDocument { get { throw null; } } 390 public override System.Xml.XmlNode ParentNode { get { throw null; } } CloneNode(bool deep)391 public override System.Xml.XmlNode CloneNode(bool deep) { throw null; } WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)392 public override void WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)393 public override void WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } 394 } 395 public partial class XmlDocumentType : System.Xml.XmlLinkedNode 396 { XmlDocumentType(string name, string publicId, string systemId, string internalSubset, System.Xml.XmlDocument doc)397 protected internal XmlDocumentType(string name, string publicId, string systemId, string internalSubset, System.Xml.XmlDocument doc) { } 398 public System.Xml.XmlNamedNodeMap Entities { get { throw null; } } 399 public string InternalSubset { get { throw null; } } 400 public override bool IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } } 401 public override string LocalName { get { throw null; } } 402 public override string Name { get { throw null; } } 403 public override System.Xml.XmlNodeType NodeType { get { throw null; } } 404 public System.Xml.XmlNamedNodeMap Notations { get { throw null; } } 405 public string PublicId { get { throw null; } } 406 public string SystemId { get { throw null; } } CloneNode(bool deep)407 public override System.Xml.XmlNode CloneNode(bool deep) { throw null; } WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)408 public override void WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)409 public override void WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } 410 } 411 public partial class XmlElement : System.Xml.XmlLinkedNode 412 { XmlElement(string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI, System.Xml.XmlDocument doc)413 protected internal XmlElement(string prefix, string localName, string namespaceURI, System.Xml.XmlDocument doc) { } 414 public override System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection Attributes { get { throw null; } } 415 public virtual bool HasAttributes { get { throw null; } } 416 public override string InnerText { get { throw null; } set { } } 417 public override string InnerXml { get { throw null; } set { } } 418 public bool IsEmpty { get { throw null; } set { } } 419 public override string LocalName { get { throw null; } } 420 public override string Name { get { throw null; } } 421 public override string NamespaceURI { get { throw null; } } 422 public override System.Xml.XmlNode NextSibling { get { throw null; } } 423 public override System.Xml.XmlNodeType NodeType { get { throw null; } } 424 public override System.Xml.XmlDocument OwnerDocument { get { throw null; } } 425 public override System.Xml.XmlNode ParentNode { get { throw null; } } 426 public override string Prefix { get { throw null; } set { } } 427 public override System.Xml.Schema.IXmlSchemaInfo SchemaInfo { get { throw null; } } CloneNode(bool deep)428 public override System.Xml.XmlNode CloneNode(bool deep) { throw null; } GetAttribute(string name)429 public virtual string GetAttribute(string name) { throw null; } GetAttribute(string localName, string namespaceURI)430 public virtual string GetAttribute(string localName, string namespaceURI) { throw null; } GetAttributeNode(string name)431 public virtual System.Xml.XmlAttribute GetAttributeNode(string name) { throw null; } GetAttributeNode(string localName, string namespaceURI)432 public virtual System.Xml.XmlAttribute GetAttributeNode(string localName, string namespaceURI) { throw null; } GetElementsByTagName(string name)433 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNodeList GetElementsByTagName(string name) { throw null; } GetElementsByTagName(string localName, string namespaceURI)434 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNodeList GetElementsByTagName(string localName, string namespaceURI) { throw null; } HasAttribute(string name)435 public virtual bool HasAttribute(string name) { throw null; } HasAttribute(string localName, string namespaceURI)436 public virtual bool HasAttribute(string localName, string namespaceURI) { throw null; } RemoveAll()437 public override void RemoveAll() { } RemoveAllAttributes()438 public virtual void RemoveAllAttributes() { } RemoveAttribute(string name)439 public virtual void RemoveAttribute(string name) { } RemoveAttribute(string localName, string namespaceURI)440 public virtual void RemoveAttribute(string localName, string namespaceURI) { } RemoveAttributeAt(int i)441 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode RemoveAttributeAt(int i) { throw null; } RemoveAttributeNode(string localName, string namespaceURI)442 public virtual System.Xml.XmlAttribute RemoveAttributeNode(string localName, string namespaceURI) { throw null; } RemoveAttributeNode(System.Xml.XmlAttribute oldAttr)443 public virtual System.Xml.XmlAttribute RemoveAttributeNode(System.Xml.XmlAttribute oldAttr) { throw null; } SetAttribute(string name, string value)444 public virtual void SetAttribute(string name, string value) { } SetAttribute(string localName, string namespaceURI, string value)445 public virtual string SetAttribute(string localName, string namespaceURI, string value) { throw null; } SetAttributeNode(string localName, string namespaceURI)446 public virtual System.Xml.XmlAttribute SetAttributeNode(string localName, string namespaceURI) { throw null; } SetAttributeNode(System.Xml.XmlAttribute newAttr)447 public virtual System.Xml.XmlAttribute SetAttributeNode(System.Xml.XmlAttribute newAttr) { throw null; } WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)448 public override void WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)449 public override void WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } 450 } 451 public partial class XmlEntity : System.Xml.XmlNode 452 { XmlEntity()453 internal XmlEntity() { } 454 public override string BaseURI { get { throw null; } } 455 public override string InnerText { get { throw null; } set { } } 456 public override string InnerXml { get { throw null; } set { } } 457 public override bool IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } } 458 public override string LocalName { get { throw null; } } 459 public override string Name { get { throw null; } } 460 public override System.Xml.XmlNodeType NodeType { get { throw null; } } 461 public string NotationName { get { throw null; } } 462 public override string OuterXml { get { throw null; } } 463 public string PublicId { get { throw null; } } 464 public string SystemId { get { throw null; } } CloneNode(bool deep)465 public override System.Xml.XmlNode CloneNode(bool deep) { throw null; } WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)466 public override void WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)467 public override void WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } 468 } 469 public partial class XmlEntityReference : System.Xml.XmlLinkedNode 470 { XmlEntityReference(string name, System.Xml.XmlDocument doc)471 protected internal XmlEntityReference(string name, System.Xml.XmlDocument doc) { } 472 public override string BaseURI { get { throw null; } } 473 public override bool IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } } 474 public override string LocalName { get { throw null; } } 475 public override string Name { get { throw null; } } 476 public override System.Xml.XmlNodeType NodeType { get { throw null; } } 477 public override string Value { get { throw null; } set { } } CloneNode(bool deep)478 public override System.Xml.XmlNode CloneNode(bool deep) { throw null; } WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)479 public override void WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)480 public override void WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } 481 } 482 [System.SerializableAttribute] 483 public partial class XmlException : System.SystemException 484 { XmlException()485 public XmlException() { } XmlException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context)486 protected XmlException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } XmlException(string message)487 public XmlException(string message) { } XmlException(string message, System.Exception innerException)488 public XmlException(string message, System.Exception innerException) { } XmlException(string message, System.Exception innerException, int lineNumber, int linePosition)489 public XmlException(string message, System.Exception innerException, int lineNumber, int linePosition) { } 490 public int LineNumber { get { throw null; } } 491 public int LinePosition { get { throw null; } } 492 public override string Message { get { throw null; } } 493 public string SourceUri { get { throw null; } } 494 [System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, SerializationFormatter=true)] GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context)495 public override void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } 496 } 497 public partial class XmlImplementation 498 { XmlImplementation()499 public XmlImplementation() { } XmlImplementation(System.Xml.XmlNameTable nt)500 public XmlImplementation(System.Xml.XmlNameTable nt) { } CreateDocument()501 public virtual System.Xml.XmlDocument CreateDocument() { throw null; } HasFeature(string strFeature, string strVersion)502 public bool HasFeature(string strFeature, string strVersion) { throw null; } 503 } 504 public abstract partial class XmlLinkedNode : System.Xml.XmlNode 505 { XmlLinkedNode()506 internal XmlLinkedNode() { } 507 public override System.Xml.XmlNode NextSibling { get { throw null; } } 508 public override System.Xml.XmlNode PreviousSibling { get { throw null; } } 509 } 510 public partial class XmlNamedNodeMap : System.Collections.IEnumerable 511 { XmlNamedNodeMap()512 internal XmlNamedNodeMap() { } 513 public virtual int Count { get { throw null; } } GetEnumerator()514 public virtual System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } GetNamedItem(string name)515 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode GetNamedItem(string name) { throw null; } GetNamedItem(string localName, string namespaceURI)516 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode GetNamedItem(string localName, string namespaceURI) { throw null; } Item(int index)517 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode Item(int index) { throw null; } RemoveNamedItem(string name)518 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode RemoveNamedItem(string name) { throw null; } RemoveNamedItem(string localName, string namespaceURI)519 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode RemoveNamedItem(string localName, string namespaceURI) { throw null; } SetNamedItem(System.Xml.XmlNode node)520 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode SetNamedItem(System.Xml.XmlNode node) { throw null; } 521 } 522 public partial class XmlNamespaceManager : System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver 523 { XmlNamespaceManager(System.Xml.XmlNameTable nameTable)524 public XmlNamespaceManager(System.Xml.XmlNameTable nameTable) { } 525 public virtual string DefaultNamespace { get { throw null; } } 526 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNameTable NameTable { get { throw null; } } AddNamespace(string prefix, string uri)527 public virtual void AddNamespace(string prefix, string uri) { } GetEnumerator()528 public virtual System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } GetNamespacesInScope(System.Xml.XmlNamespaceScope scope)529 public virtual System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> GetNamespacesInScope(System.Xml.XmlNamespaceScope scope) { throw null; } HasNamespace(string prefix)530 public virtual bool HasNamespace(string prefix) { throw null; } LookupNamespace(string prefix)531 public virtual string LookupNamespace(string prefix) { throw null; } LookupPrefix(string uri)532 public virtual string LookupPrefix(string uri) { throw null; } PopScope()533 public virtual bool PopScope() { throw null; } PushScope()534 public virtual void PushScope() { } RemoveNamespace(string prefix, string uri)535 public virtual void RemoveNamespace(string prefix, string uri) { } 536 } 537 public enum XmlNamespaceScope 538 { 539 All = 0, 540 ExcludeXml = 1, 541 Local = 2, 542 } 543 public abstract partial class XmlNameTable 544 { XmlNameTable()545 protected XmlNameTable() { } Add(char[] array, int offset, int length)546 public abstract string Add(char[] array, int offset, int length); Add(string array)547 public abstract string Add(string array); Get(char[] array, int offset, int length)548 public abstract string Get(char[] array, int offset, int length); Get(string array)549 public abstract string Get(string array); 550 } 551 [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplayAttribute("{debuggerDisplayProxy}")] 552 public abstract partial class XmlNode : System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.ICloneable, System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable 553 { XmlNode()554 internal XmlNode() { } 555 public virtual System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection Attributes { get { throw null; } } 556 public virtual string BaseURI { get { throw null; } } 557 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNodeList ChildNodes { get { throw null; } } 558 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode FirstChild { get { throw null; } } 559 public virtual bool HasChildNodes { get { throw null; } } 560 public virtual string InnerText { get { throw null; } set { } } 561 public virtual string InnerXml { get { throw null; } set { } } 562 public virtual bool IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } } 563 public virtual System.Xml.XmlElement this[string name] { get { throw null; } } 564 public virtual System.Xml.XmlElement this[string localname, string ns] { get { throw null; } } 565 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode LastChild { get { throw null; } } 566 public abstract string LocalName { get; } 567 public abstract string Name { get; } 568 public virtual string NamespaceURI { get { throw null; } } 569 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode NextSibling { get { throw null; } } 570 public abstract System.Xml.XmlNodeType NodeType { get; } 571 public virtual string OuterXml { get { throw null; } } 572 public virtual System.Xml.XmlDocument OwnerDocument { get { throw null; } } 573 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode ParentNode { get { throw null; } } 574 public virtual string Prefix { get { throw null; } set { } } 575 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode PreviousSibling { get { throw null; } } 576 public virtual System.Xml.Schema.IXmlSchemaInfo SchemaInfo { get { throw null; } } 577 public virtual string Value { get { throw null; } set { } } AppendChild(System.Xml.XmlNode newChild)578 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode AppendChild(System.Xml.XmlNode newChild) { throw null; } Clone()579 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode Clone() { throw null; } CloneNode(bool deep)580 public abstract System.Xml.XmlNode CloneNode(bool deep); CreateNavigator()581 public virtual System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator CreateNavigator() { throw null; } GetEnumerator()582 public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; } GetNamespaceOfPrefix(string prefix)583 public virtual string GetNamespaceOfPrefix(string prefix) { throw null; } GetPrefixOfNamespace(string namespaceURI)584 public virtual string GetPrefixOfNamespace(string namespaceURI) { throw null; } InsertAfter(System.Xml.XmlNode newChild, System.Xml.XmlNode refChild)585 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode InsertAfter(System.Xml.XmlNode newChild, System.Xml.XmlNode refChild) { throw null; } InsertBefore(System.Xml.XmlNode newChild, System.Xml.XmlNode refChild)586 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode InsertBefore(System.Xml.XmlNode newChild, System.Xml.XmlNode refChild) { throw null; } Normalize()587 public virtual void Normalize() { } PrependChild(System.Xml.XmlNode newChild)588 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode PrependChild(System.Xml.XmlNode newChild) { throw null; } RemoveAll()589 public virtual void RemoveAll() { } RemoveChild(System.Xml.XmlNode oldChild)590 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode RemoveChild(System.Xml.XmlNode oldChild) { throw null; } ReplaceChild(System.Xml.XmlNode newChild, System.Xml.XmlNode oldChild)591 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode ReplaceChild(System.Xml.XmlNode newChild, System.Xml.XmlNode oldChild) { throw null; } SelectNodes(string xpath)592 public System.Xml.XmlNodeList SelectNodes(string xpath) { throw null; } SelectNodes(string xpath, System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr)593 public System.Xml.XmlNodeList SelectNodes(string xpath, System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr) { throw null; } SelectSingleNode(string xpath)594 public System.Xml.XmlNode SelectSingleNode(string xpath) { throw null; } SelectSingleNode(string xpath, System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr)595 public System.Xml.XmlNode SelectSingleNode(string xpath, System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr) { throw null; } Supports(string feature, string version)596 public virtual bool Supports(string feature, string version) { throw null; } System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()597 System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; } System.ICloneable.Clone()598 object System.ICloneable.Clone() { throw null; } WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)599 public abstract void WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w); WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)600 public abstract void WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w); 601 } 602 public enum XmlNodeChangedAction 603 { 604 Change = 2, 605 Insert = 0, 606 Remove = 1, 607 } 608 public partial class XmlNodeChangedEventArgs : System.EventArgs 609 { XmlNodeChangedEventArgs(System.Xml.XmlNode node, System.Xml.XmlNode oldParent, System.Xml.XmlNode newParent, string oldValue, string newValue, System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedAction action)610 public XmlNodeChangedEventArgs(System.Xml.XmlNode node, System.Xml.XmlNode oldParent, System.Xml.XmlNode newParent, string oldValue, string newValue, System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedAction action) { } 611 public System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedAction Action { get { throw null; } } 612 public System.Xml.XmlNode NewParent { get { throw null; } } 613 public string NewValue { get { throw null; } } 614 public System.Xml.XmlNode Node { get { throw null; } } 615 public System.Xml.XmlNode OldParent { get { throw null; } } 616 public string OldValue { get { throw null; } } 617 } XmlNodeChangedEventHandler(object sender, System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e)618 public delegate void XmlNodeChangedEventHandler(object sender, System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e); 619 public abstract partial class XmlNodeList : System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.IDisposable 620 { XmlNodeList()621 protected XmlNodeList() { } 622 public abstract int Count { get; } 623 [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerName("ItemOf")] 624 public virtual System.Xml.XmlNode this[int i] { get { throw null; } } GetEnumerator()625 public abstract System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator(); Item(int index)626 public abstract System.Xml.XmlNode Item(int index); PrivateDisposeNodeList()627 protected virtual void PrivateDisposeNodeList() { } System.IDisposable.Dispose()628 void System.IDisposable.Dispose() { } 629 } 630 public enum XmlNodeOrder 631 { 632 After = 1, 633 Before = 0, 634 Same = 2, 635 Unknown = 3, 636 } 637 public partial class XmlNodeReader : System.Xml.XmlReader, System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver 638 { XmlNodeReader(System.Xml.XmlNode node)639 public XmlNodeReader(System.Xml.XmlNode node) { } 640 public override int AttributeCount { get { throw null; } } 641 public override string BaseURI { get { throw null; } } 642 public override bool CanReadBinaryContent { get { throw null; } } 643 public override bool CanResolveEntity { get { throw null; } } 644 public override int Depth { get { throw null; } } 645 public override bool EOF { get { throw null; } } 646 public override bool HasAttributes { get { throw null; } } 647 public override bool HasValue { get { throw null; } } 648 public override bool IsDefault { get { throw null; } } 649 public override bool IsEmptyElement { get { throw null; } } 650 public override string LocalName { get { throw null; } } 651 public override string Name { get { throw null; } } 652 public override string NamespaceURI { get { throw null; } } 653 public override System.Xml.XmlNameTable NameTable { get { throw null; } } 654 public override System.Xml.XmlNodeType NodeType { get { throw null; } } 655 public override string Prefix { get { throw null; } } 656 public override System.Xml.ReadState ReadState { get { throw null; } } 657 public override System.Xml.Schema.IXmlSchemaInfo SchemaInfo { get { throw null; } } 658 public override string Value { get { throw null; } } 659 public override string XmlLang { get { throw null; } } 660 public override System.Xml.XmlSpace XmlSpace { get { throw null; } } Close()661 public override void Close() { } GetAttribute(int attributeIndex)662 public override string GetAttribute(int attributeIndex) { throw null; } GetAttribute(string name)663 public override string GetAttribute(string name) { throw null; } GetAttribute(string name, string namespaceURI)664 public override string GetAttribute(string name, string namespaceURI) { throw null; } LookupNamespace(string prefix)665 public override string LookupNamespace(string prefix) { throw null; } MoveToAttribute(int attributeIndex)666 public override void MoveToAttribute(int attributeIndex) { } MoveToAttribute(string name)667 public override bool MoveToAttribute(string name) { throw null; } MoveToAttribute(string name, string namespaceURI)668 public override bool MoveToAttribute(string name, string namespaceURI) { throw null; } MoveToElement()669 public override bool MoveToElement() { throw null; } MoveToFirstAttribute()670 public override bool MoveToFirstAttribute() { throw null; } MoveToNextAttribute()671 public override bool MoveToNextAttribute() { throw null; } Read()672 public override bool Read() { throw null; } ReadAttributeValue()673 public override bool ReadAttributeValue() { throw null; } ReadContentAsBase64(byte[] buffer, int index, int count)674 public override int ReadContentAsBase64(byte[] buffer, int index, int count) { throw null; } ReadContentAsBinHex(byte[] buffer, int index, int count)675 public override int ReadContentAsBinHex(byte[] buffer, int index, int count) { throw null; } ReadElementContentAsBase64(byte[] buffer, int index, int count)676 public override int ReadElementContentAsBase64(byte[] buffer, int index, int count) { throw null; } ReadElementContentAsBinHex(byte[] buffer, int index, int count)677 public override int ReadElementContentAsBinHex(byte[] buffer, int index, int count) { throw null; } ReadString()678 public override string ReadString() { throw null; } ResolveEntity()679 public override void ResolveEntity() { } Skip()680 public override void Skip() { } System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver.GetNamespacesInScope(System.Xml.XmlNamespaceScope scope)681 System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver.GetNamespacesInScope(System.Xml.XmlNamespaceScope scope) { throw null; } System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver.LookupNamespace(string prefix)682 string System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver.LookupNamespace(string prefix) { throw null; } System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver.LookupPrefix(string namespaceName)683 string System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver.LookupPrefix(string namespaceName) { throw null; } 684 } 685 public enum XmlNodeType 686 { 687 Attribute = 2, 688 CDATA = 4, 689 Comment = 8, 690 Document = 9, 691 DocumentFragment = 11, 692 DocumentType = 10, 693 Element = 1, 694 EndElement = 15, 695 EndEntity = 16, 696 Entity = 6, 697 EntityReference = 5, 698 None = 0, 699 Notation = 12, 700 ProcessingInstruction = 7, 701 SignificantWhitespace = 14, 702 Text = 3, 703 Whitespace = 13, 704 XmlDeclaration = 17, 705 } 706 public partial class XmlNotation : System.Xml.XmlNode 707 { XmlNotation()708 internal XmlNotation() { } 709 public override string InnerXml { get { throw null; } set { } } 710 public override bool IsReadOnly { get { throw null; } } 711 public override string LocalName { get { throw null; } } 712 public override string Name { get { throw null; } } 713 public override System.Xml.XmlNodeType NodeType { get { throw null; } } 714 public override string OuterXml { get { throw null; } } 715 public string PublicId { get { throw null; } } 716 public string SystemId { get { throw null; } } CloneNode(bool deep)717 public override System.Xml.XmlNode CloneNode(bool deep) { throw null; } WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)718 public override void WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)719 public override void WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } 720 } 721 public enum XmlOutputMethod 722 { 723 AutoDetect = 3, 724 Html = 1, 725 Text = 2, 726 Xml = 0, 727 } 728 public partial class XmlParserContext 729 { XmlParserContext(System.Xml.XmlNameTable nt, System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr, string docTypeName, string pubId, string sysId, string internalSubset, string baseURI, string xmlLang, System.Xml.XmlSpace xmlSpace)730 public XmlParserContext(System.Xml.XmlNameTable nt, System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr, string docTypeName, string pubId, string sysId, string internalSubset, string baseURI, string xmlLang, System.Xml.XmlSpace xmlSpace) { } XmlParserContext(System.Xml.XmlNameTable nt, System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr, string docTypeName, string pubId, string sysId, string internalSubset, string baseURI, string xmlLang, System.Xml.XmlSpace xmlSpace, System.Text.Encoding enc)731 public XmlParserContext(System.Xml.XmlNameTable nt, System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr, string docTypeName, string pubId, string sysId, string internalSubset, string baseURI, string xmlLang, System.Xml.XmlSpace xmlSpace, System.Text.Encoding enc) { } XmlParserContext(System.Xml.XmlNameTable nt, System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr, string xmlLang, System.Xml.XmlSpace xmlSpace)732 public XmlParserContext(System.Xml.XmlNameTable nt, System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr, string xmlLang, System.Xml.XmlSpace xmlSpace) { } XmlParserContext(System.Xml.XmlNameTable nt, System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr, string xmlLang, System.Xml.XmlSpace xmlSpace, System.Text.Encoding enc)733 public XmlParserContext(System.Xml.XmlNameTable nt, System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr, string xmlLang, System.Xml.XmlSpace xmlSpace, System.Text.Encoding enc) { } 734 public string BaseURI { get { throw null; } set { } } 735 public string DocTypeName { get { throw null; } set { } } 736 public System.Text.Encoding Encoding { get { throw null; } set { } } 737 public string InternalSubset { get { throw null; } set { } } 738 public System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager NamespaceManager { get { throw null; } set { } } 739 public System.Xml.XmlNameTable NameTable { get { throw null; } set { } } 740 public string PublicId { get { throw null; } set { } } 741 public string SystemId { get { throw null; } set { } } 742 public string XmlLang { get { throw null; } set { } } 743 public System.Xml.XmlSpace XmlSpace { get { throw null; } set { } } 744 } 745 public partial class XmlProcessingInstruction : System.Xml.XmlLinkedNode 746 { XmlProcessingInstruction(string target, string data, System.Xml.XmlDocument doc)747 protected internal XmlProcessingInstruction(string target, string data, System.Xml.XmlDocument doc) { } 748 public string Data { get { throw null; } set { } } 749 public override string InnerText { get { throw null; } set { } } 750 public override string LocalName { get { throw null; } } 751 public override string Name { get { throw null; } } 752 public override System.Xml.XmlNodeType NodeType { get { throw null; } } 753 public string Target { get { throw null; } } 754 public override string Value { get { throw null; } set { } } CloneNode(bool deep)755 public override System.Xml.XmlNode CloneNode(bool deep) { throw null; } WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)756 public override void WriteContentTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w)757 public override void WriteTo(System.Xml.XmlWriter w) { } 758 } 759 [System.SerializableAttribute] 760 public partial class XmlQualifiedName 761 { 762 public static readonly System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName Empty; XmlQualifiedName()763 public XmlQualifiedName() { } XmlQualifiedName(string name)764 public XmlQualifiedName(string name) { } XmlQualifiedName(string name, string ns)765 public XmlQualifiedName(string name, string ns) { } 766 public bool IsEmpty { get { throw null; } } 767 public string Name { get { throw null; } } 768 public string Namespace { get { throw null; } } Equals(object other)769 public override bool Equals(object other) { throw null; } GetHashCode()770 public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } operator ==(System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName a, System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName b)771 public static bool operator ==(System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName a, System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName b) { throw null; } operator !=(System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName a, System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName b)772 public static bool operator !=(System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName a, System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName b) { throw null; } ToString()773 public override string ToString() { throw null; } ToString(string name, string ns)774 public static string ToString(string name, string ns) { throw null; } 775 } 776 [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplayAttribute("{debuggerDisplayProxy}")] 777 [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplayAttribute("{debuggerDisplayProxy}")] 778 public abstract partial class XmlReader : System.IDisposable 779 { XmlReader()780 protected XmlReader() { } 781 public abstract int AttributeCount { get; } 782 public abstract string BaseURI { get; } 783 public virtual bool CanReadBinaryContent { get { throw null; } } 784 public virtual bool CanReadValueChunk { get { throw null; } } 785 public virtual bool CanResolveEntity { get { throw null; } } 786 public abstract int Depth { get; } 787 public abstract bool EOF { get; } 788 public virtual bool HasAttributes { get { throw null; } } 789 public virtual bool HasValue { get { throw null; } } 790 public virtual bool IsDefault { get { throw null; } } 791 public abstract bool IsEmptyElement { get; } 792 public virtual string this[int i] { get { throw null; } } 793 public virtual string this[string name] { get { throw null; } } 794 public virtual string this[string name, string namespaceURI] { get { throw null; } } 795 public abstract string LocalName { get; } 796 public virtual string Name { get { throw null; } } 797 public abstract string NamespaceURI { get; } 798 public abstract System.Xml.XmlNameTable NameTable { get; } 799 public abstract System.Xml.XmlNodeType NodeType { get; } 800 public abstract string Prefix { get; } 801 public virtual char QuoteChar { get { throw null; } } 802 public abstract System.Xml.ReadState ReadState { get; } 803 public virtual System.Xml.Schema.IXmlSchemaInfo SchemaInfo { get { throw null; } } 804 public virtual System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings Settings { get { throw null; } } 805 public abstract string Value { get; } 806 public virtual System.Type ValueType { get { throw null; } } 807 public virtual string XmlLang { get { throw null; } } 808 public virtual System.Xml.XmlSpace XmlSpace { get { throw null; } } Close()809 public virtual void Close() { } Create(System.IO.Stream input)810 public static System.Xml.XmlReader Create(System.IO.Stream input) { throw null; } Create(System.IO.Stream input, System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings settings)811 public static System.Xml.XmlReader Create(System.IO.Stream input, System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings settings) { throw null; } Create(System.IO.Stream input, System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings settings, string baseUri)812 public static System.Xml.XmlReader Create(System.IO.Stream input, System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings settings, string baseUri) { throw null; } Create(System.IO.Stream input, System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings settings, System.Xml.XmlParserContext inputContext)813 public static System.Xml.XmlReader Create(System.IO.Stream input, System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings settings, System.Xml.XmlParserContext inputContext) { throw null; } Create(System.IO.TextReader input)814 public static System.Xml.XmlReader Create(System.IO.TextReader input) { throw null; } Create(System.IO.TextReader input, System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings settings)815 public static System.Xml.XmlReader Create(System.IO.TextReader input, System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings settings) { throw null; } Create(System.IO.TextReader input, System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings settings, string baseUri)816 public static System.Xml.XmlReader Create(System.IO.TextReader input, System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings settings, string baseUri) { throw null; } Create(System.IO.TextReader input, System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings settings, System.Xml.XmlParserContext inputContext)817 public static System.Xml.XmlReader Create(System.IO.TextReader input, System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings settings, System.Xml.XmlParserContext inputContext) { throw null; } Create(string inputUri)818 public static System.Xml.XmlReader Create(string inputUri) { throw null; } Create(string inputUri, System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings settings)819 public static System.Xml.XmlReader Create(string inputUri, System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings settings) { throw null; } Create(string inputUri, System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings settings, System.Xml.XmlParserContext inputContext)820 public static System.Xml.XmlReader Create(string inputUri, System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings settings, System.Xml.XmlParserContext inputContext) { throw null; } Create(System.Xml.XmlReader reader, System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings settings)821