1 // Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
2 // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
3 // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
5 using System.Collections.Generic;
6 using System.Data.Common;
7 using System.Diagnostics;
9 namespace System.Data
10 {
11     internal sealed class Select
12     {
13         private readonly DataTable _table;
14         private readonly IndexField[] _indexFields;
15         private DataViewRowState _recordStates;
16         private DataExpression _rowFilter;
17         private ExpressionNode _expression;
19         private Index _index;
21         private int[] _records;
22         private int _recordCount;
24         private ExpressionNode _linearExpression;
25         private bool _candidatesForBinarySearch;
27         private sealed class ColumnInfo
28         {
29             public bool flag = false;               // Misc. Use
30             public bool equalsOperator = false;     // True when the associated expr has = Operator defined
31             public BinaryNode expr = null;          // Binary Search capable expression associated
32         }
34         private ColumnInfo[] _candidateColumns;
35         private int _nCandidates;
36         private int _matchedCandidates;
Select(DataTable table, string filterExpression, string sort, DataViewRowState recordStates)38         public Select(DataTable table, string filterExpression, string sort, DataViewRowState recordStates)
39         {
40             _table = table;
41             _indexFields = table.ParseSortString(sort);
42             if (filterExpression != null && filterExpression.Length > 0)
43             {
44                 _rowFilter = new DataExpression(_table, filterExpression);
45                 _expression = _rowFilter.ExpressionNode;
46             }
47             _recordStates = recordStates;
48         }
IsSupportedOperator(int op)50         private bool IsSupportedOperator(int op)
51         {
52             return ((op >= Operators.EqualTo && op <= Operators.LessOrEqual) || op == Operators.Is || op == Operators.IsNot);
53         }
55         // Gathers all linear expressions in to this.linearExpression and all binary expressions in to their respective candidate columns expressions
AnalyzeExpression(BinaryNode expr)56         private void AnalyzeExpression(BinaryNode expr)
57         {
58             if (_linearExpression == _expression)
59                 return;
61             if (expr._op == Operators.Or)
62             {
63                 _linearExpression = _expression;
64                 return;
65             }
66             else
67             if (expr._op == Operators.And)
68             {
69                 bool isLeft = false, isRight = false;
70                 if (expr._left is BinaryNode)
71                 {
72                     AnalyzeExpression((BinaryNode)expr._left);
73                     if (_linearExpression == _expression)
74                         return;
75                     isLeft = true;
76                 }
77                 else
78                 {
79                     UnaryNode unaryNode = expr._left as UnaryNode;
80                     if (unaryNode != null)
81                     {
82                         while (unaryNode._op == Operators.Noop && unaryNode._right is UnaryNode && ((UnaryNode)unaryNode._right)._op == Operators.Noop)
83                         {
84                             unaryNode = (UnaryNode)unaryNode._right;
85                         }
86                         if (unaryNode._op == Operators.Noop && unaryNode._right is BinaryNode)
87                         {
88                             AnalyzeExpression((BinaryNode)(unaryNode._right));
89                             if (_linearExpression == _expression)
90                             {
91                                 return;
92                             }
93                             isLeft = true;
94                         }
95                     }
96                 }
98                 if (expr._right is BinaryNode)
99                 {
100                     AnalyzeExpression((BinaryNode)expr._right);
101                     if (_linearExpression == _expression)
102                         return;
103                     isRight = true;
104                 }
105                 else
106                 {
107                     UnaryNode unaryNode = expr._right as UnaryNode;
108                     if (unaryNode != null)
109                     {
110                         while (unaryNode._op == Operators.Noop && unaryNode._right is UnaryNode && ((UnaryNode)unaryNode._right)._op == Operators.Noop)
111                         {
112                             unaryNode = (UnaryNode)unaryNode._right;
113                         }
114                         if (unaryNode._op == Operators.Noop && unaryNode._right is BinaryNode)
115                         {
116                             AnalyzeExpression((BinaryNode)(unaryNode._right));
117                             if (_linearExpression == _expression)
118                             {
119                                 return;
120                             }
122                             isRight = true;
123                         }
124                     }
125                 }
127                 if (isLeft && isRight)
128                     return;
130                 ExpressionNode e = isLeft ? expr._right : expr._left;
131                 _linearExpression = (_linearExpression == null ? e : new BinaryNode(_table, Operators.And, e, _linearExpression));
132                 return;
133             }
134             else
135             if (IsSupportedOperator(expr._op))
136             {
137                 if (expr._left is NameNode && expr._right is ConstNode)
138                 {
139                     ColumnInfo canColumn = _candidateColumns[((NameNode)(expr._left))._column.Ordinal];
140                     canColumn.expr = (canColumn.expr == null ? expr : new BinaryNode(_table, Operators.And, expr, canColumn.expr));
141                     if (expr._op == Operators.EqualTo)
142                     {
143                         canColumn.equalsOperator = true;
144                     }
145                     _candidatesForBinarySearch = true;
146                     return;
147                 }
148                 else
149                 if (expr._right is NameNode && expr._left is ConstNode)
150                 {
151                     ExpressionNode temp = expr._left;
152                     expr._left = expr._right;
153                     expr._right = temp;
154                     switch (expr._op)
155                     {
156                         case Operators.GreaterThen: expr._op = Operators.LessThen; break;
157                         case Operators.LessThen: expr._op = Operators.GreaterThen; break;
158                         case Operators.GreaterOrEqual: expr._op = Operators.LessOrEqual; break;
159                         case Operators.LessOrEqual: expr._op = Operators.GreaterOrEqual; break;
160                         default: break;
161                     }
162                     ColumnInfo canColumn = _candidateColumns[((NameNode)(expr._left))._column.Ordinal];
163                     canColumn.expr = (canColumn.expr == null ? expr : new BinaryNode(_table, Operators.And, expr, canColumn.expr));
164                     if (expr._op == Operators.EqualTo)
165                     {
166                         canColumn.equalsOperator = true;
167                     }
168                     _candidatesForBinarySearch = true;
169                     return;
170                 }
171             }
173             _linearExpression = (_linearExpression == null ? expr : new BinaryNode(_table, Operators.And, expr, _linearExpression));
174             return;
175         }
CompareSortIndexDesc(IndexField[] fields)177         private bool CompareSortIndexDesc(IndexField[] fields)
178         {
179             if (fields.Length < _indexFields.Length)
180                 return false;
181             int j = 0;
182             for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length && j < _indexFields.Length; i++)
183             {
184                 if (fields[i] == _indexFields[j])
185                 {
186                     j++;
187                 }
188                 else
189                 {
190                     ColumnInfo canColumn = _candidateColumns[fields[i].Column.Ordinal];
191                     if (!(canColumn != null && canColumn.equalsOperator))
192                         return false;
193                 }
194             }
195             return j == _indexFields.Length;
196         }
FindSortIndex()198         private bool FindSortIndex()
199         {
200             _index = null;
201             _table._indexesLock.EnterUpgradeableReadLock();
202             try
203             {
204                 int count = _table._indexes.Count;
205                 int rowsCount = _table.Rows.Count;
206                 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
207                 {
208                     Index ndx = _table._indexes[i];
209                     if (ndx.RecordStates != _recordStates)
210                         continue;
211                     if (!ndx.IsSharable)
212                     {
213                         continue;
214                     }
215                     if (CompareSortIndexDesc(ndx._indexFields))
216                     {
217                         _index = ndx;
218                         return true;
219                     }
220                 }
221             }
222             finally
223             {
224                 _table._indexesLock.ExitUpgradeableReadLock();
225             }
226             return false;
227         }
229         // Returns no. of columns that are matched
CompareClosestCandidateIndexDesc(IndexField[] fields)230         private int CompareClosestCandidateIndexDesc(IndexField[] fields)
231         {
232             int count = (fields.Length < _nCandidates ? fields.Length : _nCandidates);
233             int i = 0;
234             for (; i < count; i++)
235             {
236                 ColumnInfo canColumn = _candidateColumns[fields[i].Column.Ordinal];
237                 if (canColumn == null || canColumn.expr == null)
238                 {
239                     break;
240                 }
241                 else
242                 if (!canColumn.equalsOperator)
243                 {
244                     return i + 1;
245                 }
246             }
247             return i;
248         }
250         // Returns whether the found index (if any) is a sort index as well
FindClosestCandidateIndex()251         private bool FindClosestCandidateIndex()
252         {
253             _index = null;
254             _matchedCandidates = 0;
255             bool sortPriority = true;
256             _table._indexesLock.EnterUpgradeableReadLock();
257             try
258             {
259                 int count = _table._indexes.Count;
260                 int rowsCount = _table.Rows.Count;
261                 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
262                 {
263                     Index ndx = _table._indexes[i];
264                     if (ndx.RecordStates != _recordStates)
265                         continue;
266                     if (!ndx.IsSharable)
267                         continue;
268                     int match = CompareClosestCandidateIndexDesc(ndx._indexFields);
269                     if (match > _matchedCandidates || (match == _matchedCandidates && !sortPriority))
270                     {
271                         _matchedCandidates = match;
272                         _index = ndx;
273                         sortPriority = CompareSortIndexDesc(ndx._indexFields);
274                         if (_matchedCandidates == _nCandidates && sortPriority)
275                         {
276                             return true;
277                         }
278                     }
279                 }
280             }
281             finally
282             {
283                 _table._indexesLock.ExitUpgradeableReadLock();
284             }
286             return (_index != null ? sortPriority : false);
287         }
289         // Initialize candidate columns to new columnInfo and leave all non candidate columns to null
InitCandidateColumns()290         private void InitCandidateColumns()
291         {
292             _nCandidates = 0;
293             _candidateColumns = new ColumnInfo[_table.Columns.Count];
294             if (_rowFilter == null)
295                 return;
296             DataColumn[] depColumns = _rowFilter.GetDependency();
297             for (int i = 0; i < depColumns.Length; i++)
298             {
299                 if (depColumns[i].Table == _table)
300                 {
301                     _candidateColumns[depColumns[i].Ordinal] = new ColumnInfo();
302                     _nCandidates++;
303                 }
304             }
305         }
307         // Based on the required sorting and candidate columns settings, create a new index; Should be called only when there is no existing index to be reused
CreateIndex()308         private void CreateIndex()
309         {
310             if (_index == null)
311             {
312                 if (_nCandidates == 0)
313                 {
314                     _index = new Index(_table, _indexFields, _recordStates, null);
315                     _index.AddRef();
316                 }
317                 else
318                 {
319                     int i;
320                     int lenCanColumns = _candidateColumns.Length;
321                     int lenIndexDesc = _indexFields.Length;
322                     bool equalsOperator = true;
323                     for (i = 0; i < lenCanColumns; i++)
324                     {
325                         if (_candidateColumns[i] != null)
326                         {
327                             if (!_candidateColumns[i].equalsOperator)
328                             {
329                                 equalsOperator = false;
330                                 break;
331                             }
332                         }
333                     }
335                     int j = 0;
336                     for (i = 0; i < lenIndexDesc; i++)
337                     {
338                         ColumnInfo candidateColumn = _candidateColumns[_indexFields[i].Column.Ordinal];
339                         if (candidateColumn != null)
340                         {
341                             candidateColumn.flag = true;
342                             j++;
343                         }
344                     }
345                     int indexNotInCandidates = lenIndexDesc - j;
346                     int candidatesNotInIndex = _nCandidates - j;
347                     IndexField[] ndxFields = new IndexField[_nCandidates + indexNotInCandidates];
349                     if (equalsOperator)
350                     {
351                         j = 0;
352                         for (i = 0; i < lenCanColumns; i++)
353                         {
354                             if (_candidateColumns[i] != null)
355                             {
356                                 ndxFields[j++] = new IndexField(_table.Columns[i], isDescending: false);
357                                 _candidateColumns[i].flag = false;// this means it is processed
358                             }
359                         }
360                         for (i = 0; i < lenIndexDesc; i++)
361                         {
362                             ColumnInfo canColumn = _candidateColumns[_indexFields[i].Column.Ordinal];
363                             if (canColumn == null || canColumn.flag)
364                             { // if sort column is not a filter col , or not processed
365                                 ndxFields[j++] = _indexFields[i];
366                                 if (canColumn != null)
367                                 {
368                                     canColumn.flag = false;
369                                 }
370                             }
371                         }
373                         for (i = 0; i < _candidateColumns.Length; i++)
374                         {
375                             if (_candidateColumns[i] != null)
376                             {
377                                 _candidateColumns[i].flag = false;// same as before, it is false when it returns
378                             }
379                         }
381                         // Debug.Assert(j == candidatesNotInIndex, "Whole ndxDesc should be filled!");
383                         _index = new Index(_table, ndxFields, _recordStates, null);
384                         if (!IsOperatorIn(_expression))
385                         {
386                             // if the expression contains an 'IN' operator, the index will not be shared
387                             // therefore we do not need to index.AddRef, also table would track index consuming more memory until first write
388                             _index.AddRef();
389                         }
392                         _matchedCandidates = _nCandidates;
393                     }
394                     else
395                     {
396                         for (i = 0; i < lenIndexDesc; i++)
397                         {
398                             ndxFields[i] = _indexFields[i];
399                             ColumnInfo canColumn = _candidateColumns[_indexFields[i].Column.Ordinal];
400                             if (canColumn != null)
401                                 canColumn.flag = true;
402                         }
403                         j = i;
404                         for (i = 0; i < lenCanColumns; i++)
405                         {
406                             if (_candidateColumns[i] != null)
407                             {
408                                 if (!_candidateColumns[i].flag)
409                                 {
410                                     ndxFields[j++] = new IndexField(_table.Columns[i], isDescending: false);
411                                 }
412                                 else
413                                 {
414                                     _candidateColumns[i].flag = false;
415                                 }
416                             }
417                         }
418                         //                        Debug.Assert(j == nCandidates+indexNotInCandidates, "Whole ndxDesc should be filled!");
420                         _index = new Index(_table, ndxFields, _recordStates, null);
421                         _matchedCandidates = 0;
422                         if (_linearExpression != _expression)
423                         {
424                             IndexField[] fields = _index._indexFields;
425                             while (_matchedCandidates < j)
426                             {
427                                 ColumnInfo canColumn = _candidateColumns[fields[_matchedCandidates].Column.Ordinal];
428                                 if (canColumn == null || canColumn.expr == null)
429                                     break;
430                                 _matchedCandidates++;
431                                 if (!canColumn.equalsOperator)
432                                     break;
433                             }
434                         }
435                         for (i = 0; i < _candidateColumns.Length; i++)
436                         {
437                             if (_candidateColumns[i] != null)
438                             {
439                                 _candidateColumns[i].flag = false;// same as before, it is false when it returns
440                             }
441                         }
442                     }
443                 }
444             }
445         }
IsOperatorIn(ExpressionNode enode)448         private bool IsOperatorIn(ExpressionNode enode)
449         {
450             BinaryNode bnode = (enode as BinaryNode);
451             if (null != bnode)
452             {
453                 if (Operators.In == bnode._op ||
454                     IsOperatorIn(bnode._right) ||
455                     IsOperatorIn(bnode._left))
456                 {
457                     return true;
458                 }
459             }
460             return false;
461         }
465         // Based on the current index and candidate columns settings, build the linear expression; Should be called only when there is atleast something for Binary Searching
BuildLinearExpression()466         private void BuildLinearExpression()
467         {
468             int i;
469             IndexField[] fields = _index._indexFields;
470             int lenId = fields.Length;
471             Debug.Assert(_matchedCandidates > 0 && _matchedCandidates <= lenId, "BuildLinearExpression : Invalid Index");
472             for (i = 0; i < _matchedCandidates; i++)
473             {
474                 ColumnInfo canColumn = _candidateColumns[fields[i].Column.Ordinal];
475                 Debug.Assert(canColumn != null && canColumn.expr != null, "BuildLinearExpression : Must be a matched candidate");
476                 canColumn.flag = true;
477             }
478             //this is invalid assert, assumption was that all equals operator exists at the begining of candidateColumns
479             // but with QFE 1704, this assumption is not true anymore
480             //            Debug.Assert(matchedCandidates==1 || candidateColumns[matchedCandidates-1].equalsOperator, "BuildLinearExpression : Invalid matched candidates");
481             int lenCanColumns = _candidateColumns.Length;
482             for (i = 0; i < lenCanColumns; i++)
483             {
484                 if (_candidateColumns[i] != null)
485                 {
486                     if (!_candidateColumns[i].flag)
487                     {
488                         if (_candidateColumns[i].expr != null)
489                         {
490                             _linearExpression = (_linearExpression == null ? _candidateColumns[i].expr : new BinaryNode(_table, Operators.And, _candidateColumns[i].expr, _linearExpression));
491                         }
492                     }
493                     else
494                     {
495                         _candidateColumns[i].flag = false;
496                     }
497                 }
498             }
499         }
SelectRows()501         public DataRow[] SelectRows()
502         {
503             bool needSorting = true;
505             InitCandidateColumns();
507             if (_expression is BinaryNode)
508             {
509                 AnalyzeExpression((BinaryNode)_expression);
510                 if (!_candidatesForBinarySearch)
511                 {
512                     _linearExpression = _expression;
513                 }
514                 if (_linearExpression == _expression)
515                 {
516                     for (int i = 0; i < _candidateColumns.Length; i++)
517                     {
518                         if (_candidateColumns[i] != null)
519                         {
520                             _candidateColumns[i].equalsOperator = false;
521                             _candidateColumns[i].expr = null;
522                         }
523                     }
524                 }
525                 else
526                 {
527                     needSorting = !FindClosestCandidateIndex();
528                 }
529             }
530             else
531             {
532                 _linearExpression = _expression;
533             }
535             if (_index == null && (_indexFields.Length > 0 || _linearExpression == _expression))
536             {
537                 needSorting = !FindSortIndex();
538             }
540             if (_index == null)
541             {
542                 CreateIndex();
543                 needSorting = false;
544             }
546             if (_index.RecordCount == 0)
547                 return _table.NewRowArray(0);
549             Range range;
550             if (_matchedCandidates == 0)
551             {
552                 range = new Range(0, _index.RecordCount - 1);
553                 Debug.Assert(!needSorting, "What are we doing here if no real reuse of this index ?");
554                 _linearExpression = _expression;
555                 return GetLinearFilteredRows(range);
556             }
557             else
558             {
559                 range = GetBinaryFilteredRecords();
560                 if (range.Count == 0)
561                     return _table.NewRowArray(0);
562                 if (_matchedCandidates < _nCandidates)
563                 {
564                     BuildLinearExpression();
565                 }
566                 if (!needSorting)
567                 {
568                     return GetLinearFilteredRows(range);
569                 }
570                 else
571                 {
572                     _records = GetLinearFilteredRecords(range);
573                     _recordCount = _records.Length;
574                     if (_recordCount == 0)
575                         return _table.NewRowArray(0);
576                     Sort(0, _recordCount - 1);
577                     return GetRows();
578                 }
579             }
580         }
GetRows()582         public DataRow[] GetRows()
583         {
584             DataRow[] newRows = _table.NewRowArray(_recordCount);
585             for (int i = 0; i < newRows.Length; i++)
586             {
587                 newRows[i] = _table._recordManager[_records[i]];
588             }
589             return newRows;
590         }
AcceptRecord(int record)592         private bool AcceptRecord(int record)
593         {
594             DataRow row = _table._recordManager[record];
596             if (row == null)
597                 return true;
599             DataRowVersion version = DataRowVersion.Default;
600             if (row._oldRecord == record)
601             {
602                 version = DataRowVersion.Original;
603             }
604             else if (row._newRecord == record)
605             {
606                 version = DataRowVersion.Current;
607             }
608             else if (row._tempRecord == record)
609             {
610                 version = DataRowVersion.Proposed;
611             }
613             object val = _linearExpression.Eval(row, version);
614             bool result;
615             try
616             {
617                 result = DataExpression.ToBoolean(val);
618             }
619             catch (Exception e) when (ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e))
620             {
621                 throw ExprException.FilterConvertion(_rowFilter.Expression);
622             }
623             return result;
624         }
Eval(BinaryNode expr, DataRow row, DataRowVersion version)626         private int Eval(BinaryNode expr, DataRow row, DataRowVersion version)
627         {
628             if (expr._op == Operators.And)
629             {
630                 int lResult = Eval((BinaryNode)expr._left, row, version);
631                 if (lResult != 0)
632                     return lResult;
633                 int rResult = Eval((BinaryNode)expr._right, row, version);
634                 if (rResult != 0)
635                     return rResult;
636                 return 0;
637             }
639             long c = 0;
640             object vLeft = expr._left.Eval(row, version);
641             if (expr._op != Operators.Is && expr._op != Operators.IsNot)
642             {
643                 object vRight = expr._right.Eval(row, version);
644                 bool isLConst = (expr._left is ConstNode);
645                 bool isRConst = (expr._right is ConstNode);
647                 if ((vLeft == DBNull.Value) || (expr._left.IsSqlColumn && DataStorage.IsObjectSqlNull(vLeft)))
648                     return -1;
649                 if ((vRight == DBNull.Value) || (expr._right.IsSqlColumn && DataStorage.IsObjectSqlNull(vRight)))
650                     return 1;
652                 StorageType leftType = DataStorage.GetStorageType(vLeft.GetType());
653                 if (StorageType.Char == leftType)
654                 {
655                     if ((isRConst) || (!expr._right.IsSqlColumn))
656                         vRight = Convert.ToChar(vRight, _table.FormatProvider);
657                     else
658                         vRight = SqlConvert.ChangeType2(vRight, StorageType.Char, typeof(char), _table.FormatProvider);
659                 }
661                 StorageType rightType = DataStorage.GetStorageType(vRight.GetType());
662                 StorageType resultType;
663                 if (expr._left.IsSqlColumn || expr._right.IsSqlColumn)
664                 {
665                     resultType = expr.ResultSqlType(leftType, rightType, isLConst, isRConst, expr._op);
666                 }
667                 else
668                 {
669                     resultType = expr.ResultType(leftType, rightType, isLConst, isRConst, expr._op);
670                 }
671                 if (StorageType.Empty == resultType)
672                 {
673                     expr.SetTypeMismatchError(expr._op, vLeft.GetType(), vRight.GetType());
674                 }
676                 // if comparing a Guid column value against a string literal
677                 // use InvariantCulture instead of DataTable.Locale because in the Danish related cultures
678                 // sorting a Guid as a string has different results than in Invariant and English related cultures.
679                 // This fix is restricted to DataTable.Select("GuidColumn = 'string literal'") types of queries
680                 NameNode namedNode = null;
681                 System.Globalization.CompareInfo comparer =
682                     ((isLConst && !isRConst && (leftType == StorageType.String) && (rightType == StorageType.Guid) && (null != (namedNode = expr._right as NameNode)) && (namedNode._column.DataType == typeof(Guid))) ||
683                      (isRConst && !isLConst && (rightType == StorageType.String) && (leftType == StorageType.Guid) && (null != (namedNode = expr._left as NameNode)) && (namedNode._column.DataType == typeof(Guid))))
684                      ? System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo : null;
686                 c = expr.BinaryCompare(vLeft, vRight, resultType, expr._op, comparer);
687             }
688             switch (expr._op)
689             {
690                 case Operators.EqualTo: c = (c == 0 ? 0 : c < 0 ? -1 : 1); break;
691                 case Operators.GreaterThen: c = (c > 0 ? 0 : -1); break;
692                 case Operators.LessThen: c = (c < 0 ? 0 : 1); break;
693                 case Operators.GreaterOrEqual: c = (c >= 0 ? 0 : -1); break;
694                 case Operators.LessOrEqual: c = (c <= 0 ? 0 : 1); break;
695                 case Operators.Is: c = (vLeft == DBNull.Value ? 0 : -1); break;
696                 case Operators.IsNot: c = (vLeft != DBNull.Value ? 0 : 1); break;
697                 default: Debug.Assert(true, "Unsupported Binary Search Operator!"); break;
698             }
699             return (int)c;
700         }
Evaluate(int record)702         private int Evaluate(int record)
703         {
704             DataRow row = _table._recordManager[record];
706             if (row == null)
707                 return 0;
709             DataRowVersion version = DataRowVersion.Default;
710             if (row._oldRecord == record)
711             {
712                 version = DataRowVersion.Original;
713             }
714             else if (row._newRecord == record)
715             {
716                 version = DataRowVersion.Current;
717             }
718             else if (row._tempRecord == record)
719             {
720                 version = DataRowVersion.Proposed;
721             }
723             IndexField[] fields = _index._indexFields;
724             for (int i = 0; i < _matchedCandidates; i++)
725             {
726                 int columnOrdinal = fields[i].Column.Ordinal;
727                 Debug.Assert(_candidateColumns[columnOrdinal] != null, "How come this is not a candidate column");
728                 Debug.Assert(_candidateColumns[columnOrdinal].expr != null, "How come there is no associated expression");
729                 int c = Eval(_candidateColumns[columnOrdinal].expr, row, version);
730                 if (c != 0)
731                     return fields[i].IsDescending ? -c : c;
732             }
733             return 0;
734         }
FindFirstMatchingRecord()736         private int FindFirstMatchingRecord()
737         {
738             int rec = -1;
739             int lo = 0;
740             int hi = _index.RecordCount - 1;
741             while (lo <= hi)
742             {
743                 int i = lo + hi >> 1;
744                 int recNo = _index.GetRecord(i);
745                 int c = Evaluate(recNo);
746                 if (c == 0) { rec = i; }
747                 if (c < 0) lo = i + 1;
748                 else hi = i - 1;
749             }
750             return rec;
751         }
FindLastMatchingRecord(int lo)753         private int FindLastMatchingRecord(int lo)
754         {
755             int rec = -1;
756             int hi = _index.RecordCount - 1;
757             while (lo <= hi)
758             {
759                 int i = lo + hi >> 1;
760                 int recNo = _index.GetRecord(i);
761                 int c = Evaluate(recNo);
762                 if (c == 0) { rec = i; }
763                 if (c <= 0) lo = i + 1;
764                 else hi = i - 1;
765             }
766             return rec;
767         }
GetBinaryFilteredRecords()769         private Range GetBinaryFilteredRecords()
770         {
771             if (_matchedCandidates == 0)
772             {
773                 return new Range(0, _index.RecordCount - 1);
774             }
775             Debug.Assert(_matchedCandidates <= _index._indexFields.Length, "GetBinaryFilteredRecords : Invalid Index");
776             int lo = FindFirstMatchingRecord();
777             if (lo == -1)
778             {
779                 return new Range();
780             }
781             int hi = FindLastMatchingRecord(lo);
782             Debug.Assert(lo <= hi, "GetBinaryFilteredRecords : Invalid Search Results");
783             return new Range(lo, hi);
784         }
GetLinearFilteredRecords(Range range)786         private int[] GetLinearFilteredRecords(Range range)
787         {
788             if (_linearExpression == null)
789             {
790                 int[] resultRecords = new int[range.Count];
791                 RBTree<int>.RBTreeEnumerator iterator = _index.GetEnumerator(range.Min);
792                 for (int i = 0; i < range.Count && iterator.MoveNext(); i++)
793                 {
794                     resultRecords[i] = iterator.Current;
795                 }
796                 return resultRecords;
797             }
798             else
799             {
800                 List<int> matchingRecords = new List<int>();
801                 RBTree<int>.RBTreeEnumerator iterator = _index.GetEnumerator(range.Min);
802                 for (int i = 0; i < range.Count && iterator.MoveNext(); i++)
803                 {
804                     if (AcceptRecord(iterator.Current))
805                     {
806                         matchingRecords.Add(iterator.Current);
807                     }
808                 }
809                 return matchingRecords.ToArray();
810             }
811         }
GetLinearFilteredRows(Range range)813         private DataRow[] GetLinearFilteredRows(Range range)
814         {
815             DataRow[] resultRows;
816             if (_linearExpression == null)
817             {
818                 return _index.GetRows(range);
819             }
821             List<DataRow> matchingRows = new List<DataRow>();
822             RBTree<int>.RBTreeEnumerator iterator = _index.GetEnumerator(range.Min);
823             for (int i = 0; i < range.Count && iterator.MoveNext(); i++)
824             {
825                 if (AcceptRecord(iterator.Current))
826                 {
827                     matchingRows.Add(_table._recordManager[iterator.Current]);
828                 }
829             }
830             resultRows = _table.NewRowArray(matchingRows.Count);
831             matchingRows.CopyTo(resultRows);
832             return resultRows;
833         }
CompareRecords(int record1, int record2)836         private int CompareRecords(int record1, int record2)
837         {
838             int lenIndexDesc = _indexFields.Length;
839             for (int i = 0; i < lenIndexDesc; i++)
840             {
841                 int c = _indexFields[i].Column.Compare(record1, record2);
842                 if (c != 0)
843                 {
844                     if (_indexFields[i].IsDescending) c = -c;
845                     return c;
846                 }
847             }
849             long id1 = _table._recordManager[record1] == null ? 0 : _table._recordManager[record1].rowID;
850             long id2 = _table._recordManager[record2] == null ? 0 : _table._recordManager[record2].rowID;
851             int diff = (id1 < id2) ? -1 : ((id2 < id1) ? 1 : 0);
853             // if they're two records in the same row, we need to be able to distinguish them.
854             if (diff == 0 && record1 != record2 &&
855                 _table._recordManager[record1] != null && _table._recordManager[record2] != null)
856             {
857                 id1 = (int)_table._recordManager[record1].GetRecordState(record1);
858                 id2 = (int)_table._recordManager[record2].GetRecordState(record2);
859                 diff = (id1 < id2) ? -1 : ((id2 < id1) ? 1 : 0);
860             }
862             return diff;
863         }
Sort(int left, int right)865         private void Sort(int left, int right)
866         {
867             int i, j;
868             int record;
869             do
870             {
871                 i = left;
872                 j = right;
873                 record = _records[i + j >> 1];
874                 do
875                 {
876                     while (CompareRecords(_records[i], record) < 0) i++;
877                     while (CompareRecords(_records[j], record) > 0) j--;
878                     if (i <= j)
879                     {
880                         int r = _records[i];
881                         _records[i] = _records[j];
882                         _records[j] = r;
883                         i++;
884                         j--;
885                     }
886                 } while (i <= j);
887                 if (left < j) Sort(left, j);
888                 left = i;
889             } while (i < right);
890         }
891     }
892 }