1 # ifndef EC_H
2 # define EC_H
4 # ifndef CORD_H
5 #  include "cord.h"
6 # endif
8 /* Extensible cords are strings that may be destructively appended to.	*/
9 /* They allow fast construction of cords from characters that are	*/
10 /* being read from a stream.						*/
11 /*
12  * A client might look like:
13  *
14  *	{
15  *	    CORD_ec x;
16  *	    CORD result;
17  *	    char c;
18  *	    FILE *f;
19  *
20  *	    ...
21  *	    CORD_ec_init(x);
22  *	    while(...) {
23  *		c = getc(f);
24  *		...
25  *		CORD_ec_append(x, c);
26  *	    }
27  *	    result = CORD_balance(CORD_ec_to_cord(x));
28  *
29  * If a C string is desired as the final result, the call to CORD_balance
30  * may be replaced by a call to CORD_to_char_star.
31  */
33 # ifndef CORD_BUFSZ
34 #   define CORD_BUFSZ 128
35 # endif
37 typedef struct CORD_ec_struct {
38     CORD ec_cord;
39     char * ec_bufptr;
40     char ec_buf[CORD_BUFSZ+1];
41 } CORD_ec[1];
43 /* This structure represents the concatenation of ec_cord with		*/
44 /* ec_buf[0 ... (ec_bufptr-ec_buf-1)]					*/
46 /* Flush the buffer part of the extended chord into ec_cord.	*/
47 /* Note that this is almost the only real function, and it is	*/
48 /* implemented in 6 lines in cordxtra.c				*/
49 void CORD_ec_flush_buf(CORD_ec x);
51 /* Convert an extensible cord to a cord. */
52 # define CORD_ec_to_cord(x) (CORD_ec_flush_buf(x), (x)[0].ec_cord)
54 /* Initialize an extensible cord. */
55 # define CORD_ec_init(x) ((x)[0].ec_cord = 0, (x)[0].ec_bufptr = (x)[0].ec_buf)
57 /* Append a character to an extensible cord.	*/
58 # define CORD_ec_append(x, c) \
59     {  \
60 	if ((x)[0].ec_bufptr == (x)[0].ec_buf + CORD_BUFSZ) { \
61 	  	CORD_ec_flush_buf(x); \
62 	} \
63 	*((x)[0].ec_bufptr)++ = (c); \
64     }
66 /* Append a cord to an extensible cord.  Structure remains shared with 	*/
67 /* original.								*/
68 void CORD_ec_append_cord(CORD_ec x, CORD s);
70 # endif /* EC_H */