1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // <copyright file="HTMLTagNameToTypeMapper.cs" company="Microsoft">
3 //     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
4 // </copyright>
5 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 /*
8  * Mapper of html tags to control types.
9  *
10  * Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
11  */
13 namespace System.Web.UI {
14     using System;
15     using System.Collections;
16     using System.Web.Compilation;
17     using System.Web.Configuration;
18     using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
19     using System.Web.Util;
21     internal class HtmlTagNameToTypeMapper : ITagNameToTypeMapper {
22         static Hashtable _tagMap;
23         static Hashtable _inputTypes;
HtmlTagNameToTypeMapper()25         internal HtmlTagNameToTypeMapper() {
26         }
ITagNameToTypeMapper.GetControlType(string tagName, IDictionary attributeBag)28         /*public*/ Type ITagNameToTypeMapper.GetControlType(string tagName, IDictionary attributeBag) {
29             Type controlType;
31             if (_tagMap == null) {
32                 Hashtable t = new Hashtable(10, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
33                 t.Add("a", typeof(HtmlAnchor));
34                 t.Add("button", typeof(HtmlButton));
35                 t.Add("form", typeof(HtmlForm));
36                 t.Add("head", typeof(HtmlHead));
37                 t.Add("img", typeof(HtmlImage));
38                 t.Add("textarea", typeof(HtmlTextArea));
39                 t.Add("select", typeof(HtmlSelect));
40                 t.Add("table", typeof(HtmlTable));
41                 t.Add("tr", typeof(HtmlTableRow));
42                 t.Add("td", typeof(HtmlTableCell));
43                 t.Add("th", typeof(HtmlTableCell));
45                 // Add new html 5 audio/video tags which resolve the src tag
46                 if (MultiTargetingUtil.IsTargetFramework45OrAbove) {
47                     t.Add("audio", typeof(HtmlAudio));
48                     t.Add("video", typeof(HtmlVideo));
49                     t.Add("track", typeof(HtmlTrack));
50                     t.Add("source", typeof(HtmlSource));
51                     t.Add("iframe", typeof(HtmlIframe));
52                     t.Add("embed", typeof(HtmlEmbed));
53                     t.Add("area", typeof(HtmlArea));
54                     t.Add("html", typeof(HtmlElement));
55                 }
56                 _tagMap = t;
57             }
59             if (_inputTypes == null) {
60                 Hashtable t = new Hashtable(10, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
61                 t.Add("text", typeof(HtmlInputText));
62                 t.Add("password", typeof(HtmlInputPassword));
63                 t.Add("button", typeof(HtmlInputButton));
64                 t.Add("submit", typeof(HtmlInputSubmit));
65                 t.Add("reset", typeof(HtmlInputReset));
66                 t.Add("image", typeof(HtmlInputImage));
67                 t.Add("checkbox", typeof(HtmlInputCheckBox));
68                 t.Add("radio", typeof(HtmlInputRadioButton));
69                 t.Add("hidden", typeof(HtmlInputHidden));
70                 t.Add("file", typeof(HtmlInputFile));
71                 _inputTypes = t;
72             }
74             if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase("input", tagName)) {
75                 string type = "text";
76                 if (attributeBag != null) {
77                     type = (string)attributeBag["type"] ?? type;
78                 }
80                 controlType = (Type)_inputTypes[type];
81                 if (controlType == null) {
82                     // HtmlInputGenericControl was introduced in 4.5, so we do explicit version checking to preserve the old throwing behavior
83                     if (MultiTargetingUtil.IsTargetFramework45OrAbove) {
84                         controlType = typeof(HtmlInputGenericControl);
85                     }
86                     else {
87                         throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_type_for_input_tag, type));
88                     }
89                 }
90             }
91             else {
92                 controlType = (Type)_tagMap[tagName];
93                 if (controlType == null) {
94                     controlType = typeof(HtmlGenericControl);
95                 }
96             }
98             return controlType;
99         }
100     }
101 }