1open List;
2open Fnlib Config Mixture Const Smlexc;
3open Globals Location Units Asynt Asyntfn Types;
4open Primdec Smlprim;
7type UEnv = (string * Type) list;   (* Syntax TyVars to TypeVars *)
9val piRef = mkPrimInfo 1 MLPref;
11fun mkPrimStatus arity name =
12  PRIMname(mkPrimInfo arity (findPrimitive arity name))
15(* --- Warning printing --- *)
17fun isFunType tau =
18  case normType tau of
19      ARROWt _ => true
20    |        _ => false
23fun unitResultExpected exp tau =
24  if isFunType tau then
25    (msgIBlock 0;
26     errLocation (xLR exp);
27     errPrompt "Warning: function-type result is being discarded.";
28     msgEOL(); msgEOL();
29     msgEBlock())
30  else ()
33(* --- Error printing --- *)
35fun typeClash tau1 tau2 reason =
36  under_binder
37  (fn (tau1,tau2,reason) =>
38    let fun isEqVar tau = case normType tau of
39	                       VARt var => #tvEqu (!var)
40			     | _        => false
41	fun isExVar tau = case normType tau of
42	                       VARt var => isExplicit var
43			     | _        => false
44	fun msgTy tau =
45	    if (case reason of
46		    UnifyEquality => true
47		  | _ => false)
48		andalso isEqVar tau then
49		(msgString "equality type "; printNextType tau)
50	    else if (case reason of
51			 UnifyExplicit => true
52		       | UnifyOther => true
53		       | UnifyEquality => true
54		       | UnifyScope _ => true
55		       | _ => false)
56		    andalso isExVar tau then
57		(msgString "explicit type "; printNextType tau)
58	    else
59		(msgString "type"; msgEOL();
60		 errPrompt "  "; printNextType tau)
61     in
62        collectExplicitVars tau1;
63	collectExplicitVars tau2;
64        msgString " of "; msgTy tau1; msgEOL();
65	errPrompt "cannot have "; msgTy tau2; msgEOL();
66	(case reason of
67	     UnifyCircular =>
68		 (errPrompt "because of circularity"; msgEOL())
69	   | UnifyEquality => ()
70           | UnifyExplicit => ()
71	   | UnifyScope (var,TYNAMEsv tn) =>
72		 (errPrompt "because of a scope violation:";
73		  msgEOL();
74                  errPrompt "the type constructor ";
75		  prTyName false tn;
76                  msgString " is a parameter " ;
77                  msgEOL();
78		  errPrompt "that is declared within \
79                	    \the scope of ";
80		  prTypeVar var;
81		  msgEOL())
82	   | UnifyScope (var,TYPEVARsv tv) =>
83		 (errPrompt "because of a scope violation:";
84                  msgEOL();
85                  errPrompt "the type variable ";
86		  prTypeVar tv;
87                  msgString " is a parameter " ;
88                  msgEOL();
89		  errPrompt "that is declared within \
90                	    \the scope of ";
91		  prTypeVar var;
92		  msgEOL())
93	   | UnifyTup      =>
94		 (errPrompt "because the tuple has the\
95		             \ wrong number of components";
96		  msgEOL())
97	   | UnifyRec lab  =>
98		 (errPrompt "because record label  ";
99		  printLab lab; msgString "  is missing"; msgEOL())
100           | UnifyMod (reasonopt,reasonopt') =>
101		 (case reasonopt of
102		       NONE => ()
103		     | SOME reason =>
104			   (errPrompt "because the first module type \
105			               \does not match the second module type ...";
106			    msgEOL();
107			    errMatchReason "first module type" "second module type" reason);
108		   case reasonopt' of
109		       NONE => ()
110		     | SOME reason =>
111			   (errPrompt "because the second module type \
112			               \does not match the first module type ...";
113			    msgEOL();
114			    errMatchReason "second module type" "first module type" reason))
115           | UnifyOther  => ())
116    end)
117  (tau1,tau2,reason);
119fun typeClashId (ii : IdInfo) tau1 tau2 reason =
120  let val {qualid, info} = ii in
121    msgIBlock 0;
122    errLocation (#idLoc info);
123    errPrompt "Type clash: identifier "; msgString (showQualId qualid);
124    typeClash tau1 tau2 reason;
125    msgEBlock();
126    raise Toplevel
127  end
130fun unifyId ii tau1 tau2 =
131  unify tau1 tau2
132  handle Unify reason => typeClashId ii tau1 tau2 reason
135fun typeClashPat pat tau1 tau2 reason =
137  msgIBlock 0;
138  errLocation (xLR pat);
139  errPrompt "Type clash: pattern";
140  typeClash tau1 tau2 reason;
141  msgEBlock();
142  raise Toplevel
145fun unifyPat pat tau1 tau2 =
146  unify tau1 tau2
147  handle Unify reason => typeClashPat pat tau1 tau2 reason
150fun typeClashExp exp tau1 tau2 reason =
152  msgIBlock 0;
153  errLocation (xLR exp);
154  errPrompt "Type clash: expression";
155  typeClash tau1 tau2 reason;
156  msgEBlock();
157  raise Toplevel
160fun unifyExp exp tau1 tau2 =
161  unify tau1 tau2
162  handle Unify reason => typeClashExp exp tau1 tau2 reason
165fun unifyMatch mrules tau1 tau2 =
166  unify tau1 tau2
167  handle Unify reason =>
168  let val MRule(ref pats, exp) = hd mrules in
169    msgIBlock 0;
170    errLocation (xxLR (hd pats) exp);
171    errPrompt "Type clash: match rule";
172    typeClash tau1 tau2 reason;
173    msgEBlock();
174    raise Toplevel
175  end
178fun looksLikeInfixId (ii : IdInfo) =
179  case ii of
180      {qualid={qual="", id = [_]}, info={withOp=false, ...}} => true
181    | _ => false
184fun isPairPat (_, pat') =
185  case pat' of
186      RECpat(ref (RECrp(fs, NONE))) => isPairRow fs
187    | _ => false
191fun looksLikeInfixExp (_, exp') =
192  case exp' of
193    VARexp(ref(RESve{qualid={qual=[],...}, info={withOp=false,...}}))
194      => true
195  | VARexp(ref(OVLve({qualid={qual=[],...}, info={withOp=false,...}}, _, _)))
196      => true
197  | _ => false
201fun looksLikeInfixExp (_, exp') =
202  case exp' of
203    VIDPATHexp(ref(RESvidpath ({qualid={qual="",id=[_]}, info={withOp=false,...}})))
204      => true
205  | VIDPATHexp(ref(OVLvidpath ({qualid={qual="",id=[_]}, info={withOp=false,...}}, _, _)))
206      => true
207  | _ => false
212fun isPairExp (_, exp') =
213  case exp' of
214    RECexp(ref (RECre fs)) => isPairRow fs
215  | _ => false
218fun newUnknownPair() = type_pair (newUnknown()) (newUnknown());
220infix 6 U; infix 7 \\;
222fun list_union [] ys = ys
223  | list_union (x :: xs) ys =
224      if member x ys then (list_union xs ys) else (x :: list_union xs ys)
226fun list_subtract xs [] = xs
227  | list_subtract xs ys =
228      let fun h [] = []
229            | h (x :: xs) = if member x ys then (h xs) else (x :: h xs)
230      in h xs end
233fun xs U ys = list_union xs ys;
234fun U_map f = foldR_map list_union f [];
235fun xs \\ ys = list_subtract xs ys;
237infix 7 without;
239fun xs without (tyvarseq:TyVarSeq) =
240    xs \\ (map (fn ii => hd(#id(#qualid ii))) tyvarseq);
242fun unguardedExp (_, exp') =
243  case exp' of
244    SCONexp _ => []
245  | VIDPATHexp (ref (RESvidpath (_))) => []
246  | VIDPATHexp (ref (OVLvidpath (_,ovlty,ty))) => []
247  | RECexp(ref (RECre fields)) =>
248      U_map (fn(_, e) => unguardedExp e) fields
249  | RECexp(ref (TUPLEre es)) =>
250      U_map unguardedExp es
251  | VECexp es =>
252      U_map unguardedExp es
253  | LETexp(dec, exp) =>
254      unguardedDec dec U unguardedExp exp
255  | PARexp exp => unguardedExp exp
256  | APPexp(exp1, exp2) =>
257      unguardedExp exp1 U unguardedExp exp2
258  | INFIXexp (ref (UNRESinfixexp es)) =>
259      U_map unguardedExp es
260  | INFIXexp (ref (RESinfixexp e)) => unguardedExp e
261  | TYPEDexp(exp, ty) =>
262      unguardedExp exp U unguardedTy ty
263  | ANDALSOexp(exp1, exp2) =>
264      unguardedExp exp1 U unguardedExp exp2
265  | ORELSEexp(exp1, exp2) =>
266      unguardedExp exp1 U unguardedExp exp2
267  | HANDLEexp(exp, mrules) =>
268      unguardedExp exp U U_map unguardedMRule mrules
269  | RAISEexp exp =>
270      unguardedExp exp
271  | IFexp(e0, e1, e2) =>
272      unguardedExp e0 U unguardedExp e1 U unguardedExp e2
273  | FNexp mrules =>
274      U_map unguardedMRule mrules
275  | WHILEexp(exp1, exp2) =>
276      unguardedExp exp1 U unguardedExp exp2
277  | SEQexp(exp1, exp2) =>
278      unguardedExp exp1 U unguardedExp exp2
279  | STRUCTUREexp(modexp,sigexp,_) =>
280      unguardedModExp modexp U unguardedSigExp sigexp
281  | FUNCTORexp(modexp,sigexp,_) =>
282      unguardedModExp modexp U unguardedSigExp sigexp
283and unguardedMRule (MRule(ref pats, exp)) =
284  U_map unguardedPat pats U unguardedExp exp
285and unguardedPat (_, pat') =
286  case pat' of
287    SCONpat _ => []
288  | VARpat _ => []
289  | WILDCARDpat => []
290  | NILpat _ => []
291  | CONSpat(_, p) => unguardedPat p
292  | EXNILpat _ => []
293  | EXCONSpat(_,p) => unguardedPat p
294  | EXNAMEpat _ => fatalError "unguardedPat"
295(* cvr: TODO review *)
296  | REFpat p => unguardedPat p
297  | RECpat(ref (RECrp(fs, _))) =>
298      U_map (fn(_, p) => unguardedPat p) fs
299  | RECpat(ref (TUPLErp _)) => fatalError "unguardedPat"
300(* cvr: TODO review *)
301  | VECpat ps =>
302      U_map unguardedPat ps
303  | INFIXpat (ref (RESinfixpat p))  => unguardedPat p
304  | INFIXpat (ref (UNRESinfixpat _)) => fatalError "unguardedPat"
305(* cvr: TODO review *)
306  | PARpat pat => unguardedPat pat
307  | TYPEDpat(pat, ty) =>
308      unguardedPat pat U unguardedTy ty
309  | LAYEREDpat(pat1, pat2) =>
310      unguardedPat pat1 U unguardedPat pat2
312and unguardedDec (_, dec') =
313  case dec' of
314    VALdec _ => []
315  | PRIM_VALdec _ => []
316  | FUNdec (ref (UNRESfundec (tyvarseq, fvbds))) => fatalError "unguardedDec"
317(* cvr: TODO review *)
318  | FUNdec (ref (RESfundec dec)) => unguardedDec dec
319  | TYPEdec tbds =>
320	U_map unguardedTypBind tbds
321  | PRIM_TYPEdec _ => []
322  | DATATYPEdec (dbds,SOME tbds) =>
323	(U_map unguardedDatBind dbds) U
324	(U_map unguardedTypBind tbds)
325  | DATATYPEdec (dbds,NONE) =>
326 	 U_map unguardedDatBind dbds
327  | DATATYPErepdec (tycon, tyconpath) =>
328	 unguardedTyConPath tyconpath
329  | ABSTYPEdec(dbds,SOME tbds,dec) =>
330      (U_map unguardedDatBind dbds) U
331      (U_map unguardedTypBind tbds) U
332      unguardedDec dec
333  | ABSTYPEdec(dbds,NONE,dec) =>
334      (U_map unguardedDatBind dbds) U
335      unguardedDec dec
336  | EXCEPTIONdec ebs =>
337      U_map unguardedExBind ebs
338  | LOCALdec (dec1, dec2) =>
339      unguardedDec dec1 U unguardedDec dec2
340  | OPENdec _ => []
341  | EMPTYdec => []
342  | SEQdec (dec1, dec2) =>
343      unguardedDec dec1 U unguardedDec dec2
344  | FIXITYdec _ => []
345  | STRUCTUREdec mbds =>
346      U_map unguardedModBind mbds
347  | FUNCTORdec fbds =>
348      U_map unguardedFunBind fbds
349  | SIGNATUREdec sbds =>
350      U_map unguardedSigBind sbds
351and unguardedExBind (EXDECexbind(_, SOME ty)) = unguardedTy ty
352  | unguardedExBind (EXDECexbind(_, NONE)) = []
353  | unguardedExBind (EXEQUALexbind(_,_)) = []
354and unguardedValBind (ValBind(ref pat, exp)) =
355  unguardedPat pat U unguardedExp exp
356and unguardedPrimValBindList (pbs) =
357  (U_map (fn (ii,ty,arity,n) => unguardedTy ty) pbs)
358and unguardedValDec (pvbs, rvbs) =
359  (U_map unguardedValBind pvbs) U
360  (U_map unguardedValBind rvbs)
361and unguardedTy (_, ty') =
362  case ty' of
363    TYVARty ii => [hd(#id(#qualid ii))]
364  | RECty fs =>
365      U_map (fn(_, ty) => unguardedTy ty) fs
366  | CONty(tys, tyconpath) =>
367      (U_map unguardedTy tys) U unguardedTyConPath tyconpath
368  | FNty(ty1, ty2) =>
369      unguardedTy ty1 U unguardedTy ty2
370  | PACKty(sigexp) =>
371      unguardedSigExp sigexp
372  | PARty(ty) =>
373      unguardedTy ty
374and unguardedModBind (MODBINDmodbind(modid,modexp)) =
375      unguardedModExp modexp
376  | unguardedModBind (ASmodbind(modid,sigexp,exp)) =
377      (unguardedSigExp sigexp U
378       unguardedExp exp)
379and unguardedSigBind (SIGBINDsigbind(sigid,sigexp)) =
380      unguardedSigExp sigexp
381and unguardedFunBind (FUNBINDfunbind(funid,modexp)) =
382     unguardedModExp modexp
383  | unguardedFunBind (ASfunbind(funid,sigexp,exp)) =
384      (unguardedSigExp sigexp U
385       unguardedExp exp)
386and unguardedModExp (_,(modexp,_)) =
387    case modexp of
388      DECmodexp dec =>
389	  unguardedDec dec
390   | LONGmodexp _ => []
391   | LETmodexp (dec,modexp) =>
392	  unguardedDec dec U unguardedModExp modexp
393   | PARmodexp modexp =>
394	  unguardedModExp modexp
395   | CONmodexp (modexp,sigexp) =>
396	  unguardedModExp modexp U unguardedSigExp sigexp
397   | ABSmodexp (modexp,sigexp) =>
398	  unguardedModExp modexp U unguardedSigExp sigexp
399   | FUNCTORmodexp (_,modid,_, sigexp, modexp) =>
400	  unguardedSigExp sigexp U unguardedModExp modexp
401   | APPmodexp (modexp,modexp') =>
402	  unguardedModExp modexp U unguardedModExp modexp'
403   | RECmodexp (modid,_,sigexp, modexp) =>
404	  unguardedSigExp sigexp U unguardedModExp modexp
405and unguardedSigExp (_,sigexp) =
406  case sigexp of
407    SPECsigexp spec => unguardedSpec spec
408  | SIGIDsigexp _ => []
409  | WHEREsigexp (sigexp, tyvarseq, longtycon, ty) =>
410           (unguardedSigExp sigexp U (unguardedTy ty without tyvarseq))
411  | FUNSIGsigexp (_,modid, sigexp,sigexp') =>
412           (unguardedSigExp sigexp U unguardedSigExp sigexp')
413  | RECsigexp (modid, sigexp,sigexp') =>
414           (unguardedSigExp sigexp U unguardedSigExp sigexp')
415and unguardedSpec (_, spec') =
416  case spec' of
417    VALspec _ => []
418  | PRIM_VALspec _ => []
419  | TYPEDESCspec _ => []
420  | TYPEspec tbds => U_map unguardedTypBind tbds
421  | DATATYPEspec (dbds,SOME tbds) =>
422       (U_map unguardedDatBind dbds) U
423       (U_map unguardedTypBind tbds)
424  | DATATYPEspec (dbds,NONE) =>
425       U_map unguardedDatBind dbds
426  | DATATYPErepspec (tycon, tyconpath) =>
427       unguardedTyConPath tyconpath
428  | EXCEPTIONspec eds => U_map unguardedExDesc eds
429  | LOCALspec(spec1, spec2) =>
430       unguardedSpec spec1 U unguardedSpec spec2
431  | OPENspec _ => []
432  | EMPTYspec => []
433  | SEQspec(spec1, spec2) =>
434       unguardedSpec spec1 U unguardedSpec spec2
435  | INCLUDEspec sigexp =>
436       unguardedSigExp sigexp
437  | STRUCTUREspec moddescs =>
438       U_map unguardedModDesc moddescs
439  | FUNCTORspec fundescs =>
440       U_map unguardedFunDesc fundescs
441  | SHARINGTYPEspec (spec, longtycons) =>
442       unguardedSpec spec
443  | SHARINGspec (spec, longmodids) =>
444       unguardedSpec spec
445  | FIXITYspec _ =>
446       []
447  | SIGNATUREspec sigdescs =>
448      U_map unguardedSigBind sigdescs
449and unguardedModDesc (MODDESCmoddesc(modid,sigexp)) =
450    unguardedSigExp sigexp
451and unguardedFunDesc (FUNDESCfundesc(funid,sigexp)) =
452    unguardedSigExp sigexp
453and unguardedTyConPath (_,LONGtyconpath _) = []
454  | unguardedTyConPath (_,WHEREtyconpath (_,_,modexp)) =
455       unguardedModExp modexp
456and unguardedTypBind (tyvarseq,tycon,ty) =
457       unguardedTy ty without tyvarseq
458and unguardedExDesc (_,SOME ty) =
459       unguardedTy ty
460  | unguardedExDesc (_,NONE) = []
461and unguardedDatBind (tyvarseq, tycon, cbds) =
462       (U_map unguardedConBind cbds) without tyvarseq
463and unguardedConBind (ConBind (ii, NONE)) = []
464  | unguardedConBind (ConBind (ii, SOME ty)) = unguardedTy ty
465and unguardedValDescList (vds) =
466  (U_map (fn (ii,ty) => unguardedTy ty) vds)
469(* cvr: TODO the original definition of scopedTyVars appears to be wrong,
470   since a variable in pars will not be scoped,
471   if it is already scoped in UE
472fun scopedTyVars UE pars unguardedTyVars =
473  list_subtract (pars U unguardedTyVars) (map fst UE)
476(* cvr: REVIEW I think the correct definitions should be: *)
477fun scopedTyVars loc UE pars unguardedTyVars =
478   let val scopedtyvars = map fst UE
479   in
480       if (!currentCompliance) <> Liberal
481	   then (app (fn v =>
482		      if member v scopedtyvars
483			  then case !currentCompliance of
484			      Orthodox =>
485				  (msgIBlock 0;
486				   errLocation loc;
487				   errPrompt "Compliance Error: ";msgEOL();
488				   errPrompt "The phrase, although accepted as a Moscow ML extension,";msgEOL();
489				   errPrompt "is not supported by the Definition of Standard ML:"; msgEOL();
490				   errPrompt "the explicit type variable ";msgEOL();
491				   errPrompt "  "; msgString v;msgEOL();
492				   errPrompt "is already in scope and should not be redeclared";
493				   msgEOL();
494				   msgEBlock();
495				   raise Toplevel)
496			    |  Conservative =>
497				  (msgIBlock 0;
498				   errLocation loc;
499				   errPrompt "Compliance Warning: ";msgEOL();
500				   errPrompt "The phrase, although accepted as a Moscow ML extension,";msgEOL();
501				   errPrompt "is not supported by the Definition of Standard ML:"; msgEOL();
502				   errPrompt "the explicit type variable ";msgEOL();
503				   errPrompt "  "; msgString v;msgEOL();
504				   errPrompt "is already in scope and should not be redeclared";
505				   msgEOL();
506				   msgEBlock())
507			    | _  => ()
508		      else ())
509	       pars)
510       else ();
511       (pars U (list_subtract unguardedTyVars scopedtyvars))
512   end
516fun incrUE tyvars =
517  map (fn tv => (tv, TypeOfTypeVar(newExplicitTypeVar tv))) tyvars
520(* Modified to allow more forms of non-expansive expressions: *)
522fun isExpansiveExp (_, exp') =
523  case exp' of
524    SCONexp _       => false
525  | VIDPATHexp (ref (RESvidpath (_))) => false
526  | VIDPATHexp (ref (OVLvidpath (_,ovlty,ty))) => false
527  | PARexp exp      => isExpansiveExp exp
528  | TYPEDexp(exp,_) => isExpansiveExp exp
529  | FNexp _         => false
530  | RECexp (ref (RECre exprow))    =>
531	exists (fn (_, e) => isExpansiveExp e) exprow
532  | RECexp (ref (TUPLEre explist)) =>
533	exists isExpansiveExp explist
534  | APPexp((_, VIDPATHexp (ref(RESvidpath ii))), exp) =>
535	isExpansiveExp exp orelse
536	let val {info = {idKind, ...}, ...} = ii
537	in case !idKind of
538	    {info = CONik _, qualid = {id, qual}} => id = ["ref"]
539	  | {info = EXCONik _, ...}               => false
540	  | _                                     => true
541	end
542  | APPexp((_,VIDPATHexp (ref(OVLvidpath(ii,_,_)))),exp) =>
543	isExpansiveExp exp orelse
544	let val {info = {idKind, ...}, ...} = ii
545	in case !idKind of
546	    {info = CONik _, qualid = {id, qual}} => id = ["ref"]
547	  | {info = EXCONik _, ...}               => false
548	  | _                                     => true
549	end
550  | INFIXexp (ref (RESinfixexp e)) =>
551      isExpansiveExp e
552  | INFIXexp (ref (UNRESinfixexp _)) => fatalError "isExpansiveExp: unresolved infix exp"
553  | STRUCTUREexp (modexp,_,_) => isExpansiveModExp modexp
554  | FUNCTORexp (modexp,_,_) => isExpansiveModExp modexp
555  | _ => true
556and isExpansiveModExp (_, (modexp',_)) =
557    case modexp' of
558      DECmodexp _ => true
559    | LONGmodexp _ => false
560    | LETmodexp _ => true
561    | PARmodexp modexp => isExpansiveModExp modexp
562    | CONmodexp (modexp,_) => isExpansiveModExp modexp
563    | ABSmodexp  (modexp,_) => isExpansiveModExp modexp
564    | FUNCTORmodexp _ => false
565    | APPmodexp _ => true
566    | RECmodexp (_,_,_, modexp) => isExpansiveModExp modexp
570fun expansiveIdsInValBind (ValBind(ref pat, exp)) acc =
571  if (isExpansiveExp exp) then (domPatAcc pat acc) else acc
574(* Bug fix 2004-05-24 from Claudio; bug from Andrzej Wasowski *)
576fun renameScheme scheme = Types.copyTypeScheme [] [] scheme
578fun closeValBindVE loc (pvbs: ValBind list) VE =
579  let val exIds = foldR expansiveIdsInValBind [] pvbs in
580    mapEnv (fn id => fn {qualid, info = (t,sc)} =>
581        {qualid=qualid,info = (renameScheme(generalization (member id
582exIds) t),sc)}) VE
583  end
588fun closeValBindVE loc (pvbs: ValBind list) VE =
589  let val exIds = foldR expansiveIdsInValBind [] pvbs in
590    mapEnv (fn id => fn {qualid, info = (t,sc)} =>
591        {qualid=qualid,info = (generalization (member id exIds) t,sc)}) VE
592  end
596fun findAndMentionStrSig loc i =
597    let  val cu = findAndMentionSig loc i
598    in  case modeOfSig cu of
599	STRmode => cu
600      |	TOPDECmode => (* cvr: TODO in the near future this should be an error, not just a warning *)
601	    ((msgIBlock 0;
602	      errLocation loc;
603	      errPrompt "Warning: this unit was compiled as a sequence of toplevel declarations,";msgEOL();
604	      errPrompt "but is being used as if it had been compiled as a structure.";msgEOL();
605	      msgEBlock());
606	    cu)
607    end
610fun findLongModIdForOpen ME loc q =
611  case q of
612     {qual, id = []} => fatalError "findLongModIdForOpen"
613   | {qual, id = [i] } =>
614	 (let val {qualid,info=RS} = lookupEnv ME i
615	      val S = SofRecStr RS
616	  in
617	      ([],{qualid = qualid,
618		   info =  (MEofStr S,
619			    FEofStr S,
620			    NILenv,
621			    VEofStr S,
622			    TEofStr S)})
623	  end handle Subscript =>
624	      let val i = normalizedUnitName i (* cvr: REVIEW *)
625	      in
626		  if i = #uName(!currentSig) then
627		      (msgIBlock 0;
628		       errLocation loc;
629		       errPrompt "the free structure identifier may not refer to the current unit: ";
630		       printQualId q; msgEOL();
631		       msgEBlock();
632		       raise Toplevel)
633		  else
634		      let val cu = findAndMentionStrSig loc i (* cvr: REVIEW maybe findAndMention? *)
635		      in
636			  ([],{qualid = {qual = i,id = []},
637			       info = (bindTopInEnv NILenv (#uModEnv cu),
638				       bindTopInEnv NILenv (#uFunEnv cu),
639				       bindTopInEnv NILenv (#uSigEnv cu),
640				       bindTopInEnv NILenv (#uVarEnv cu),
641				       bindTopInEnv NILenv (#uTyEnv cu))
642			       })
643		      end
644	      end)
645   | _ =>  let val (fields,{qualid,info=RS}) = findLongModId ME loc q
646	       val S = SofRecStr RS
647	   in
648	       (fields,{qualid = qualid,
649			info =  (MEofStr S,
650				 FEofStr S,
651				 NILenv,
652				 VEofStr S,
653				 TEofStr S)})
654	   end
655and findLongModId ME loc q =
656  case q of
657     {qual, id = []} => fatalError "findLongModId"
658  |  {qual, id = [i] } =>
659	 (let val modglobal = lookupEnv ME i
660	  in ([],modglobal)
661	  end handle Subscript =>
662	      let val i = normalizedUnitName i (* cvr: REVIEW *)
663	      in
664		  if i = #uName(!currentSig) then
665		      (msgIBlock 0;
666		       errLocation loc;
667		       errPrompt  "the free structure identifier may not refer to the current unit: ";
668		       printQualId q; msgEOL();
669		       msgEBlock();
670		       raise Toplevel)
671		  else
672		      let val cu = findAndMentionStrSig loc i
673		      in
674			  ([],{qualid = {qual = i,id = []},
675			       info =
676			         NONrec  (STRstr(bindTopInEnv NILenv (#uModEnv cu),
677					     bindTopInEnv NILenv (#uFunEnv cu),
678					     bindTopInEnv NILenv (#uSigEnv cu),
679					     bindTopInEnv NILenv (#uTyEnv cu),
680					     bindTopInEnv NILenv (#uVarEnv cu)))
681			       })
682		      end
683	      end)
684 | {qual, id = i::id} =>
685     let val (fields,{qualid = {qual = qual',id = id'}, info = RS}) = findLongModId ME loc {qual = qual , id = id}
686     in
687	 let val (field,modglobal) = lookupMEofStr (SofRecStr RS) i
688	 in if isGlobalName (#qualid modglobal)
689	    then ([],modglobal)
690	    else (field::fields,
691		  {qualid = {qual = qual', id = i::id'},
692		   info = #info modglobal})
693	 end handle Subscript =>
694	     errorMsg loc ("Unbound structure component: "^(showQualId q))
695     end
699fun findLongVId ME VE loc q =
700  case q of
701    {qual, id = []} => fatalError "findLongVId"
702 |  {qual, id = [i] } =>
703	(([],lookupEnv VE i)
704	 handle Subscript =>
705	     errorMsg loc ("Unbound value identifier: "^(showQualId q)))
706 | {qual, id = i::id} =>
707	let val (fields,{qualid = {qual = qual', id = id'},info = RS}) =
708	    findLongModId ME loc {qual = qual , id = id}
709	in
710	    let val (field,info) = lookupVEofStr (SofRecStr RS) i
711	    in if isGlobalName (#qualid info)
712	       then ([],info) (* inline globals *)
713	       else (field::fields,
714		     {qualid = {qual = qual', id = i::id'},
715		      info = #info info})
716	    end handle Subscript =>
717		errorMsg loc ("Unbound value component: "^(showQualId q))
718      end
721fun findLongFunId ME FE loc q =
722  case q of
723    {qual, id = []} => fatalError "findLongFunId"
724 |  {qual, id = [i] } =>
725	(([],lookupEnv FE i)
726	 handle Subscript =>
727	     errorMsg loc ("Unbound functor identifier: "^(showQualId q)))
728 | {qual, id = i::id} =>
729	let val (fields,{qualid = {qual = qual', id = id'},info = RS}) =
730	    findLongModId ME loc {qual = qual , id = id}
731	in
732	    let val (field,info) = lookupFEofStr (SofRecStr RS) i
733	    in  if isGlobalName (#qualid info)
734		then ([],info) (* inline globals *)
735		else (field::fields,
736		      {qualid = {qual = qual', id = i::id'},
737		       info = #info info})
738	    end handle Subscript =>
739		errorMsg loc ("Unbound functor component: "^(showQualId q))
740      end
743(* cvr: *)
744fun findLongTyCon ME TE loc q =
745  case q of
746    {qual, id = []} => fatalError "findLongTyCon"
747 |  {qual, id = [i] } =>
748      ((lookupEnv TE i)
749       handle Subscript =>
750           errorMsg loc ("Unbound type constructor: "^(showQualId q)))
751 | {qual, id = i::id} =>
752      let val (_,{info = RS,...}) = findLongModId ME loc {qual = qual, id = id}
753      in
754	  ((lookupEnv (TEofStr (SofRecStr RS)) i)
755	   handle Subscript =>
756	       errorMsg loc ("Unbound type component: "^(showQualId q)))
757      end
760fun findLongModIdInStr S loc q =
761  case q of
762     {qual, id = []} => fatalError "findLongModIdInStr"
763  |  {qual, id = [i] } =>
764      (let val (field,modglobal) = lookupMEofStr S i
765       in if isGlobalName (#qualid modglobal)
766          then ([],modglobal)
767	  else ([field],modglobal)
768       end handle Subscript =>
769       errorMsg loc ("Unbound structure component: "^(showQualId q)))
770 | {qual, id = i::id} =>
771     let val (fields,{qualid = {qual = qual',id = id'}, info = RS'}) =
772	 findLongModIdInStr S loc {qual = qual,id = id}
773     in
774	 let val (field,modglobal) = lookupMEofStr (SofRecStr RS') i
775	 in if isGlobalName (#qualid modglobal)
776	    then ([],modglobal)
777	    else (field::fields,
778		  {qualid = {qual = qual', id = i::id'},
779		   info = #info modglobal})
780	 end handle Subscript =>
781	     errorMsg loc ("Unbound structure component: "^(showQualId q))
782     end
785fun findLongTyConInStr S loc q =
786  case q of
787    {qual, id = []} => fatalError "findLongTyConInStr"
788 |  {qual, id = [i] } =>
789      ((lookupEnv (TEofStr S) i)
790       handle Subscript =>
791           errorMsg loc ("Unbound type component: "^(showQualId q)))
792 | {qual, id = i::id} =>
793      let val (_,{info = RS',...}) = findLongModIdInStr S loc {qual = qual, id = id}
794      in
795	  ((lookupEnv (TEofStr (SofRecStr RS')) i)
796	   handle Subscript =>
797	       errorMsg loc ("Unbound type component: "^(showQualId q)))
798      end
802fun findSigId GE loc sigid =
803     lookupEnv GE sigid
804     handle Subscript =>
805	      let val i = normalizedUnitName sigid  (* cvr: TODO review *)
806	      in
807		  if i = #uName(!currentSig) then
808		      (msgIBlock 0;
809		       errLocation loc;
810		       errPrompt "The free signature identifier may not refer to the current unit: ";
811		       msgString sigid; msgEOL();
812		       msgEBlock();
813		       raise Toplevel)
814		  else
815		      let val cu = findAndMentionStrSig loc i
816		      (* cvr: TODO review - using the unit's signature
817		         probably shouldn't imply using its implementation *)
818		      in
819			 case !(strOptOfSig cu) of
820			     NONE =>
821				 (msgIBlock 0;
822				  errLocation loc;
823				  errPrompt "The signature identifier\
824				  \ refers to a unit interface, \
825				  \ but the unit was not defined \
826				  \ with an explicit signature.";
827				  msgEOL();
828				  msgEBlock();
829				  raise Toplevel)
830			   | SOME RS =>
831				{qualid = {qual = i,id = []},
832				 info = (* cvr: remove copySig [] [] *)
833				 (LAMBDAsig(!(tyNameSetOfSig cu),
834					    STRmod RS))}
835		      end
836	      end
839(* Expectations are used by elabModExp to resolve
840   ambiguous longmodid's either longstrids or longfunids
843datatype Expectation = FUNexpected | STRexpected | MODexpected;
845fun expectMod (STRmod S) = STRexpected
846|   expectMod (FUNmod F) = FUNexpected
849fun resolveExpectation (MODexpected,true) = FUNexpected
850|   resolveExpectation (MODexpected,false) = STRexpected
851|   resolveExpectation (expectation,_) = expectation
854fun reportExpectation expectation ({info = {withOp,...},qualid}:LongModId) =
855 case expectation of
856  MODexpected =>
857     let val (expected,intended) =
858	 case withOp of
859	    false => ("structure.","functor")
860	  | true => ("functor.","structure")				    	 in
861	  msgIBlock 0;
862          errPrompt "(In this context,\
863		     \ it is assumed that ";
864	     msgEOL();
865	  errPrompt "   ";
866	     (if withOp then msgString "op " else ());
867	     msgString (showQualId qualid);
868	     msgEOL();
869	  errPrompt " refers to a "; msgString expected; msgEOL();
870	  errPrompt " If you actually meant the ";
871	     msgString intended;
872	     msgString " of the same name,";
873	     msgEOL();
874	  errPrompt " you must use the syntax: ";
875	     msgEOL();
876	  errPrompt "   ";
877	     (if withOp then () else msgString "op ");
878	     msgString (showQualId qualid);
879	     msgEOL();
880	  errPrompt " to indicate this.)";msgEOL();
881	  raise Toplevel
882      end
883  | _ => raise Toplevel
886fun lookup_VE (ME:ModEnv) (VE : VarEnv) (ii : IdInfo) =
887  let val {qualid, info} = ii
888      val {idLoc, ...} = info
889  in
890    let val (_,{ qualid = csqualid, info = (sch,_)}) =
891             findLongVId ME VE idLoc qualid
892    in
893    specialization(sch)
894    end
895    handle Subscript =>
896      fatalError "lookup_VE"
897  end;
900fun lookup_UE (UE : UEnv) loc (ii : IdInfo) =
901  let val id = hd(#id(#qualid ii)) in
902    lookup id UE
903    handle Subscript => errorMsg loc ("Unbound type variable: " ^ id)
904  end;
906fun lookup_VEForPat ME VE (ii : IdInfo) =
907 let val { qualid, info } = ii
908     val { idLoc = loc, ... } = info
909 in
910  case qualid of
911    {qual, id = []} => fatalError "lookup_VEForPat"
912 |  {qual, id = [i] } =>
913      (let val {qualid = csqualid, info = (_,cs)} = lookupEnv VE i
914       in  ([],{qualid = csqualid, info = cs})
915       end
916       (* Otherwise ii is being defined in the pattern... *)
917       handle Subscript =>
918          ([],{ qualid = qualid, info=VARname REGULARo }))
919 | {qual, id = id as (_::_)} =>
920      let val (fields,{qualid = csqualid, info = (_,cs)}) =
921              (findLongVId ME VE loc qualid)
922      in  (fields,{qualid = csqualid, info = cs})
923      end
924 end
927(* syntactic checks *)
929fun appOpt f u (SOME x) = f x
930  | appOpt f u NONE     = u
933fun illegalVal id =
934    id = "true" orelse id = "false"
935    orelse id = "nil" orelse id = "::" orelse id = "ref"
937fun illegalCon id = illegalVal id orelse id = "it"
939fun checkRebinding illegal ({qualid={id=lid, ...}, info = {idLoc, ...}} : IdInfo) =
940    if illegal (longIdentAsIdent lid "checkRebinding") then
941	errorMsg idLoc "Illegal rebinding or respecification"
942    else
943	();
945fun checkAsPatSource (loc, pat') =
946  case pat' of
947    VARpat _ => ()
948  | TYPEDpat((_, VARpat _), _) => ()
949  | INFIXpat (ref (UNRESinfixpat _)) => fatalError "checkAsPatSource"
950  | INFIXpat (ref (RESinfixpat p)) =>
951        checkAsPatSource p
952  | _ => errorMsg loc "Ill-formed source of a layered pattern"
955fun checkRecTy (loc, fs) =
956       if duplicates (map fst fs) then
957         errorMsg loc "The same label is bound twice in a record type"
958       else ()
962fun checkRecPat (loc, fs) =
963       if duplicates (map fst fs) then
964         errorMsg loc "The same label is bound twice in a record pattern"
965       else ()
968fun isFnExp (_, exp') =
969  case exp' of
970    PARexp exp => isFnExp exp
971  | TYPEDexp(exp, ty) => isFnExp exp
972  | FNexp _ => true
973  | _ => false
976fun checkFnExp exp =
977  if isFnExp exp then () else
978  errorMsg (xLR exp) "Non-functional rhs expression in val rec declaration"
981fun inIds (ii : IdInfo) (iis : IdInfo list) =
982  exists (fn ii' => #id(#qualid ii) = #id(#qualid ii')) iis;
986fun checkDuplIds (iis : IdInfo list) msg =
987  case iis of
988      [] => ()
989    | ii :: iis' =>
990        if inIds ii iis' then
991          errorMsg (#idLoc (#info ii)) msg
992        else checkDuplIds iis' msg
995fun checkAllIdsIn loc [] iis desc = ()
996|   checkAllIdsIn loc (v::vs) iis desc =
997    (if exists (fn (ii':IdInfo) => [v] = #id(#qualid ii'))  iis
998     then ()
999     else (case (!currentCompliance) of
1000	       Orthodox =>
1001		(msgIBlock 0;
1002		 errLocation loc;
1003		 errPrompt "Compliance Error: ";msgEOL();
1004		 errPrompt "The phrase, although accepted as a Moscow ML extension,";msgEOL();
1005		 errPrompt "is not supported by the Definition of Standard ML:"; msgEOL();
1006		 errPrompt "the type variable";msgEOL();
1007		 errPrompt "  "; msgString v;msgEOL();
1008		 errPrompt "should be a parameter of the ";
1009		 msgString desc;msgEOL();
1010		 msgEBlock();
1011		 raise Toplevel)
1012	  |  Conservative =>
1013		(msgIBlock 0;
1014		 errLocation loc;
1015		 errPrompt "Compliance Warning: ";msgEOL();
1016		 errPrompt "The phrase, although accepted as a Moscow ML extension,";msgEOL();
1017		 errPrompt "is not supported by the Definition of Standard ML:"; msgEOL();
1018		 errPrompt "the type variable";msgEOL();
1019		 errPrompt "  "; msgString v;msgEOL();
1020		 errPrompt "should be a parameter of the ";
1021		 msgString desc;msgEOL();
1022		 msgEBlock();
1023		 checkAllIdsIn loc (drop (fn v' => v = v') vs) iis desc)
1024	  | _  => ()))
1027fun checkTypBind (tyvars, tycon, ty as (loc,_)) =
1028( checkDuplIds tyvars
1029    "Duplicate parameter in a type binding";
1030  if (!currentCompliance) <> Liberal
1031      then checkAllIdsIn loc (unguardedTy ty) tyvars "type binding"
1032  else ()
1035fun checkDatBind (tyvars, tycon, cbs) =
1037  app (fn ConBind(ii, SOME (ty as (loc,_))) =>
1038             (if (!currentCompliance)<> Liberal
1039		  then checkAllIdsIn loc (unguardedTy ty) tyvars "datatype binding"
1040	      else ())
1041        | ConBind(ii, NONE) => ())
1042       cbs;
1043  checkDuplIds tyvars
1044    "Duplicate parameter in a datatype binding"
1047fun checkTypDesc (tyvars, tycon) =
1048  checkDuplIds tyvars
1049    "Duplicate parameter in a prim_type binding"
1053(* checkApplicativeModExp dec is used to ensures that module values are
1054   not opened at top-level within (both generative and applicative) functor bodies
1055   (doing so is unsound in the presence of applicative functors).
1057fun checkApplicativeModExp (_,(modexp,_)) =
1058    case modexp of
1059      DECmodexp dec =>
1060	  checkApplicativeDec dec
1061   | LONGmodexp _ => ()
1062   | LETmodexp (dec,modexp) =>
1063	  (checkApplicativeDec dec;
1064	   checkApplicativeModExp modexp)
1065   | PARmodexp modexp =>
1066	  checkApplicativeModExp modexp
1067   | CONmodexp (modexp,sigexp) =>
1068	  checkApplicativeModExp modexp
1069   | ABSmodexp (modexp,sigexp) =>
1070	  checkApplicativeModExp modexp
1071   | FUNCTORmodexp (_,modid,_, sigexp, modexp) =>
1072	  ()
1073          (* checkApplicativeModExp modexp is already ensured by the
1074             elaboration of modexp *)
1075   | APPmodexp (modexp,modexp') =>
1076	  (checkApplicativeModExp modexp;
1077	   checkApplicativeModExp modexp')
1078   | RECmodexp (modid,_,sigexp, modexp) =>
1079	  checkApplicativeModExp modexp
1080and checkApplicativeDec (loc,dec') =
1081  case dec' of
1082    ABSTYPEdec(_, _, dec2) =>
1083      checkApplicativeDec dec2
1084  | LOCALdec (dec1, dec2) =>
1085      (checkApplicativeDec dec1;checkApplicativeDec dec2)
1086  | SEQdec (dec1, dec2) =>
1087      (checkApplicativeDec dec1;checkApplicativeDec dec2)
1088  | STRUCTUREdec mbs =>
1089      app (fn ASmodbind ((loc,_),_,_) =>
1090	        errorMsg loc "Illegal structure binding: \
1091		             \a structure value cannot be opened in a functor body"
1092	   | MODBINDmodbind (_,modexp') =>
1093		checkApplicativeModExp modexp')
1094           mbs
1095  | FUNCTORdec fbs =>
1096      app (fn ASfunbind ((loc,_),_,_) =>
1097	        errorMsg loc "Illegal functor binding: \
1098		             \a functor value cannot be opened in a functor body"
1099	   | FUNBINDfunbind (_,modexp') =>
1100		checkApplicativeModExp modexp')
1101           fbs
1102  | _ => ()
1105fun checkApplicativeMod loc (STRmod recstr) =
1106    checkApplicativeRecStr loc recstr
1107|   checkApplicativeMod loc (FUNmod F) =
1108    checkApplicativeFun loc F
1109and checkApplicativeFun loc (forall,dom,(EXISTSexmod(exists,rng))) =
1110     case exists of
1111       [] => checkApplicativeMod loc rng
1112     | _ => errorMsg loc "Illegal applicative functor argument: \
1113		   \the signature specifies a generative functor \
1114		   \in a positive position"
1115and checkApplicativeRecStr loc (RECrec(fwd,bdy)) =
1116    checkApplicativeRecStr loc bdy
1117|   checkApplicativeRecStr loc (NONrec str) =
1118    checkApplicativeStr loc str
1119and checkApplicativeStr loc (STRstr (ME,FE,GE,TE,VE)) =
1120    (traverseEnv (fn modid => fn {info=recstr,...} =>
1121		    checkApplicativeRecStr loc recstr)
1122     ME;
1123     traverseEnv (fn funid => fn {info=F,...} =>
1124		    checkApplicativeFun loc F)
1125     FE)
1126|   checkApplicativeStr loc (SEQstr(S1,S2)) =
1127    (checkApplicativeStr loc S1;
1128     checkApplicativeStr loc S2)
1130(* semantic checks *)
1132val bindOnceInEnv = fn env => fn (loc,id) => fn info => fn msg =>
1133                         (lookupEnv env id;
1134                          errorMsg loc ("Illegal rebinding of "^id^": "^msg)
1135                         )
1136                         handle Subscript => bindInEnv env id info
1140(* cvr: TODO share code *)
1141fun checkNoRebindingsTyEnv loc ids VE msg =
1142       foldEnv (fn id => fn _ =>  fn ids =>
1143		if member id ids
1144		    then (errorMsg loc
1145			  ("Illegal rebinding of type constructor "^id^": "^msg))
1146		else id::ids) ids VE
1147and checkNoRebindingsModEnv loc modids ME msg =
1148       foldEnv (fn id => fn _ =>  fn ids =>
1149		if member id ids
1150		    then errorMsg loc ("Illegal rebinding of structure identifier "^id^": "^msg)
1151		else id::ids) modids ME
1152and checkNoRebindingsVarEnv  loc vids VE msg =
1153       foldEnv (fn id => fn _ =>  fn ids =>
1154		if member id ids
1155		    then errorMsg loc ("Illegal rebinding of value identifier "^id^": "^msg)
1156		else id::ids) vids VE
1157and checkNoRebindingsFunEnv  loc funids FE msg =
1158       foldEnv (fn id => fn _ =>  fn ids =>
1159		if member id ids
1160		    then errorMsg loc ("Illegal rebinding of functor identifier "^id^": "^msg)
1161		else id::ids) funids FE
1162and checkNoRebindingsSigEnv loc sigids GE msg =
1163       foldEnv (fn id => fn _ =>  fn ids =>
1164		if member id ids
1165		    then errorMsg loc ("Illegal rebinding of signature identifier "^id^": "^msg)
1166		else id::ids) sigids GE
1167and checkNoRebindingsStr loc (modids,funids,sigids,tycons,vids) S msg =
1168    case S of
1169       STRstr (ME,FE,GE,TE,VE) =>
1170        (checkNoRebindingsModEnv loc modids ME msg,
1171	 checkNoRebindingsFunEnv loc funids FE msg,
1172	 checkNoRebindingsSigEnv loc sigids GE msg,
1173         checkNoRebindingsTyEnv loc tycons TE msg,
1174         checkNoRebindingsVarEnv loc vids VE msg)
1175    |  SEQstr (S,S') =>
1176            checkNoRebindingsStr loc (checkNoRebindingsStr loc (modids,funids,sigids,tycons,vids) S msg) S' msg
1178   val checkNoRebindingsStr = fn loc => fn S => fn msg => (checkNoRebindingsStr loc ([],[],[],[],[]) S msg;())
1179   val checkNoRebindingsTyEnv = fn loc => fn TE => fn msg => (checkNoRebindingsTyEnv loc [] TE msg;())
1180   val checkNoRebindingsVarEnv = fn loc => fn VE => fn msg => (checkNoRebindingsVarEnv loc [] VE msg;())
1184fun errorVarAsCon (ii : IdInfo) =
1185  errorMsg (#idLoc (#info ii)) "A constructor name expected"
1188fun errorPrimAsCon (ii : IdInfo) =
1189  errorMsg (#idLoc (#info ii)) "A constructor name expected"
1192fun resolvePatCon ME VE (pat as (loc, pat')) =
1193  case pat' of
1194      SCONpat _ => pat
1195    | VARpat ii =>
1196        let val (fields,cs) = lookup_VEForPat ME VE ii
1197            val {qualid, info} = ii
1198        in
1199          case #info cs of
1200            VARname _ =>
1201              (if #qual qualid <> "" orelse
1202                  case #id qualid of [_] => false | _ => true
1203               then
1204                 errorMsg (#idLoc info)
1205                   "Variable names in patterns cannot be qualified"
1206               else ();
1207               pat)
1208          | PRIMname _ =>
1209              (if #qual qualid <> "" orelse
1210                  case #id qualid of [_] => false | _ => true
1211               then
1212                 errorMsg (#idLoc info)
1213                   "Variable names in patterns cannot be qualified"
1214               else ();
1215               pat)
1216          | CONname ci =>
1217              (if #conArity(!ci) <> 0 then
1218                 errorMsg (#idLoc info)
1219                   "Unary constructor in the pattern needs an argument"
1220               else ();
1221               #idKind info := { qualid= #qualid cs, info=CONik ci };
1222               (loc, NILpat ii))
1223          | EXNname ei =>
1224              (if #exconArity(!ei) <> 0 then
1225                 errorMsg (#idLoc info)
1226                   "Unary exception constructor in the pattern needs an argument"
1227               else ();
1228               #idKind info := { qualid= #qualid cs, info=EXCONik ei };
1229               #idFields info := fields;
1230               (loc, EXNILpat ii))
1231          | REFname   =>
1232              errorMsg (#idLoc info) "`ref` is used as a variable"
1233        end
1234    | WILDCARDpat => pat
1235    | NILpat ii => fatalError "resolvePatCon"
1236    | CONSpat(ii, p) =>
1237        let val (fields,cs) = lookup_VEForPat ME VE ii
1238            val {qualid, info} = ii
1239        in
1240          case #info cs of
1241            VARname _ => errorVarAsCon ii
1242          | PRIMname _ => errorPrimAsCon ii
1243          | CONname ci =>
1244              (if #conArity(!ci) = 0 then
1245                 errorMsg (#idLoc info)
1246                   "Nullary constructor in a pattern cannot be applied"
1247               else ();
1248               #idKind info := { qualid= #qualid cs, info=CONik ci };
1249               (loc, CONSpat(ii, resolvePatCon ME VE p)))
1250          | EXNname ei =>
1251              (#idKind info := { qualid= #qualid cs, info=EXCONik ei };
1252               #idFields info := fields;
1253               (loc, EXCONSpat(ii, resolvePatCon ME VE p)))
1254          | REFname   => (loc, REFpat (resolvePatCon ME VE p))
1255        end
1256    | EXNILpat _ => fatalError "resolvePatCon"
1257    | EXCONSpat _ => fatalError "resolvePatCon"
1258    | EXNAMEpat _ => fatalError "resolvePatCon"
1259    | REFpat _ => fatalError "resolvePatCon"
1260    | RECpat(ref (RECrp(fs, dots))) =>
1261        (loc, RECpat(ref (RECrp(map_fields (resolvePatCon ME VE) fs, dots))))
1262    | RECpat(ref (TUPLErp _)) => fatalError "resolvePatCon"
1263    | VECpat ps =>
1264        (loc, VECpat (map (resolvePatCon ME VE) ps))
1265    | PARpat p =>
1266        (loc, PARpat (resolvePatCon ME VE p))
1267    | INFIXpat (ref (UNRESinfixpat _)) => fatalError "resolvePatCon"
1268    | INFIXpat (ref (RESinfixpat p)) =>
1269        resolvePatCon ME VE p
1270    | TYPEDpat(p,t) =>
1271        (loc, TYPEDpat(resolvePatCon ME VE p, t))
1272    | LAYEREDpat(pat1, pat2) =>
1273        (loc, LAYEREDpat(resolvePatCon ME VE pat1, resolvePatCon ME VE pat2))
1277fun resolvePatConRec ME VE (pat as (loc, pat')) =
1278    case pat' of
1279	VARpat ii =>
1280	    let val {qualid, info} = ii
1281	    in
1282		if #qual qualid <> "" orelse
1283                  case #id qualid of [_] => false | _ => true
1284		then
1285                 errorMsg (#idLoc info)
1286                   "Variable names in patterns cannot be qualified"
1287		else
1288		    (checkRebinding illegalVal ii;
1289 		     pat)
1290	    end
1291      |  WILDCARDpat =>
1292	    pat
1293      | PARpat p               =>
1294	    (loc, PARpat (resolvePatConRec ME VE p))
1295      | TYPEDpat(p,t)          =>
1296	    (loc, TYPEDpat(resolvePatConRec ME VE p, t))
1297      | LAYEREDpat(pat1, pat2) =>
1298	    (loc, LAYEREDpat(resolvePatConRec ME VE pat1, resolvePatConRec ME VE pat2))
1299      | INFIXpat (ref (RESinfixpat p)) =>
1300	    resolvePatConRec ME VE p
1301      (* Other errors will be caught later by Synchk.checkRecFnPat *)
1302      | _ => errorMsg loc "Ill-formed left hand side in recursive binding";
1305local (* to implement the derived form for structure sharing,
1306         adapted from the MLKit
1307      *)
1308    (* cvr: TODO the error messages could be further
1309       improved by highlighting the
1310       location of the longmodid that causes the error *)
1311    fun update(a,b,m) = (let val bs = lookupEnv m a
1312			 in
1313			     bindInEnv m a (b::bs)
1314                         end)
1315			handle Subscript  => bindInEnv m a [b];
1317    (* We first collect a list of tyname lists which must be identified. *)
1319    fun collect_TE (loc,T0 : TyName list, path, TEs, acc) : TyName list list =
1320      let val tcmap = foldL (fn TE => fn acc =>
1321			     foldEnv (fn tycon => fn tystr => fn acc =>
1322				     update(tycon,tystr,acc))
1323			     acc
1324			     TE)
1325	              NILenv
1326                      TEs
1328	  (* Eliminate entries with less than two component, check
1329	   * arities and flexibility of involved tynames. Further,
1330	   * extract tynames from type structures. *)
1332      in
1333	    foldEnv  (fn tycon => fn tystrs => fn acc =>
1334                     case tystrs of
1335			 [] => acc
1336		       | [tystr] => acc
1337                       | tystrs =>
1338			let fun tystr_to_tyname (tyfun,_) =
1339			       (choose (equalsTyFunTyName tyfun) T0)
1340			       handle Subscript =>
1341				   errorMsg loc
1342				       ("Illegal sharing abbreviation: \
1343					\the type constructor "^
1344                                        (showQualId {qual="",id=tycon::path})^
1345					" does not denote an opaque type in each equated structure")
1346			    val tynames = map tystr_to_tyname tystrs
1347			    val kind = case tynames of
1348				          tn :: _ => kindTyName tn
1349					| _ => fatalError "collect_TE:2"
1350			                       (* we know that there are more than zero *)
1351			    val _ = app (fn tn => if kindTyName tn = kind
1352						      then
1353							  ()
1354						  else errorMsg loc
1355						          ("Illegal sharing abbreviation: \
1356							   \the type constructor "^
1357							   (showQualId {qual="",id=tycon::path})^
1358							   " does not have the same arity in \
1359							   \each equated structure"))
1360                                         tynames
1361			in tynames::acc
1362			end) acc tcmap
1363      end
1365    fun collect_S (loc,T0, path, Ss, acc) : TyName list list =
1366      let val (MEs, TEs) = foldL(fn RS => fn (MEs, TEs) =>
1367				      let val S = SofRecStr RS
1368					  val ME = MEofStr S
1369                                          val TE = TEofStr S
1370				      in (ME::MEs,TE::TEs)
1371				      end) ([],[]) Ss
1372	  val acc = collect_ME(loc,T0,path, MEs, acc)
1373      in collect_TE(loc,T0, path, TEs, acc)
1374      end
1376    and collect_ME (loc, T0, path, MEs, acc) : TyName list list =
1377      let val smap = foldL (fn ME =>
1378			    fn acc =>
1379			    foldEnv (fn modid =>
1380				     fn {qualid,info=S} =>
1381				     fn acc =>
1382				     update(modid,S,acc)
1383				     )
1384			            acc
1385				    ME)
1386	                    NILenv
1387			    MEs
1388      in
1389	    foldEnv (fn strid => fn Ss => fn acc =>
1390                        case Ss of
1391			   [] => acc  	  (* Eliminate entries with *)
1392	                 | [S] => acc     (* less than two components. *)
1393			 | Ss => collect_S(loc,T0, strid::path,Ss,acc))
1394	    acc smap
1395      end
1398    (* Collapse tynames set if any candidates identify two such *)
1400    fun emptyIntersection T = fn [] => true
1401                              | (tn::T') => not(exists (isEqTN tn) T)
1402                                              andalso emptyIntersection T T'
1403    fun union T = fn [] => T
1404	          |  tn::T' => if exists (isEqTN tn) T
1405				   then union T T'
1406			       else union (tn::T) T'
1408    fun collapse ([], Ts) : TyName list list = Ts
1409      | collapse (T::Ts, Ts') =
1410      let fun split ([], no, yes) = (no, yes)
1411	    | split (T'::Ts'', no, yes) =
1412	      if emptyIntersection T' T then split(Ts'',T'::no, yes)
1413	      else split(Ts'',no, T'::yes)
1414      in case split(Ts,[],[])
1415	   of (no, []) => collapse(no, T::Ts')
1416	    | (no, yes) =>
1417	     let val Tnew = foldL union T yes (*cvr: ?*)
1418	     in collapse(Tnew::no, Ts')
1419	     end
1420      end
1422    (* build the realisation *)
1424    fun build T0 Ts : TyName list =
1425	  case Ts of
1426	      [] => []
1427	    | (T::Ts) => let val T = (* cvr: re-order T as T0 *)
1428		                   foldR (fn tn => fn acc =>
1429					  (((choose (isEqTN tn) T)::acc)
1430					   handle Subscript => acc))
1431				   []
1432				   T0
1433                             val (tn,T') = case T of
1434				             [] => fatalError "build"
1435					   | tn::T' => (tn,T')
1436			     val equ = foldR (fn tn => fn equ =>
1437					      if (#tnEqu (!(#info tn))) <> FALSEequ
1438						  then TRUEequ (* cvr: TODO should we worry about REFequ? *)
1439					      else equ)
1440                		       FALSEequ
1441				       T
1442			     val _ = setTnEqu (#info tn) equ
1443			     val () = app (fn {qualid,info} => setTnSort info (REAts (APPtyfun (NAMEtyapp(tn))))) T'
1444                                       (* cvr: TODO revise -
1445					can't we identify type names
1446					just by identifying their info
1447					fields? *)
1448			     val T'' = build T0 Ts
1449			 in T' @ T''
1450			 end
1452    fun share (loc,T0:TyName list, Ss : RecStr list) : TyName list =
1453	let val Ts = collect_S (loc,T0,[],Ss,[])
1454	    val Ts : TyName list list = collapse(Ts,[])
1455            val T = build T0 Ts
1456	in
1457           drop (fn t => exists (isEqTN t) T) T0
1458	end
1461val elabModExpRef =
1462    let fun dummyElabModExp (e:Expectation) (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE:UEnv) (VE:VarEnv) (TE:TyEnv) (modexp:ModExp) : Globals.ExMod = fatalError "dummyElabModExp"
1463    in ref dummyElabModExp
1464    end;
1466fun elabTyConPath ME FE GE UE VE TE (loc,tyconpath') =
1467  case tyconpath' of
1468      LONGtyconpath longtycon =>
1469	  findLongTyCon ME TE loc (#qualid longtycon)
1470    | WHEREtyconpath (longtycon,(_,modid),modexp) =>
1471	  let
1472	      val EXISTSexmod(T,M) =
1473		  (!elabModExpRef) STRexpected ME FE GE UE VE TE modexp
1474	      val S = case M of
1475		  FUNmod _ => errorMsg loc "Illegal projection: this module expression should be\
1476		   \ a structure but is actually a functor"
1477		| STRmod S => S
1478              val modidinfo = {qualid =  mkLocalName  modid, info = S} 	                   val tyStr = findLongTyCon (bindInEnv ME modid modidinfo)
1479		                         TE loc (#qualid longtycon)
1480              val (fns,_,_) = freeVarsTyStr [] [] ([],[],[]) tyStr
1481	  in
1482	      app (fn tn =>
1483		   if exists (isEqTN tn) T
1484		       then   errorMsg loc "Illegal projection: this projection\
1485		              \ causes an existential type constructor\
1486              	              \ to escape its scope"			     		      	   else ()) fns;
1487              tyStr
1488	  end;
1491fun applyTyConPath ME FE GE UE VE TE ((tyconpath as (loc,_)) : TyConPath) ts =
1492  let val (tyfun,_) = elabTyConPath ME FE GE UE VE TE tyconpath
1493      val arity = List.length ts
1494  in
1495    if kindTyFun tyfun <> (ARITYkind arity) then
1496      errorMsg loc ("Arity mismatch! ")
1497    else ();
1498    case tyfun of
1499        APPtyfun tyapp =>
1500          CONt(ts, tyapp)
1501      | TYPEtyfun(pars, body) =>
1502          type_subst (zip2 pars ts) body
1503(* cvr: TODO would this improve sharing? *)
1504(*      | TYPEtyfun(pars, body) =>
1505	  let val tyname =
1506	     {qualid = {qual="",id = [""]},
1507	      info = ref {tnKind = ARITYkind arity,
1508			 tnEqu = TRUEequ, (* cvr: TODO revise *)
1509			 tnSort = REAts tyfun,
1510			 tnStamp = newTyNameStamp(),
1511			 tnLevel = currentBindingLevel(),
1512			 tnConEnv = ref NONE}}
1513	  in
1514	      CONt(ts, NAMEtyapp tyname)
1515	  end
1517(* cvr: end *)
1518      | LAMtyfun _ => fatalError "applyTyConpath"
1519  end;
1521val elabSigExpRef =
1522    let fun dummyElabSigExp (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE:UEnv) (VE:VarEnv) (TE:TyEnv) (sigexp:SigExp) : Globals.Sig = fatalError "dummyElabSigExp"
1523    in ref dummyElabSigExp
1524    end;
1527fun elabTy (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE : UEnv) (VE:VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv) (loc, ty') =
1528  case ty' of
1529    TYVARty ii =>
1530      lookup_UE UE loc ii
1531  | RECty fs =>
1532      (checkRecTy (loc,fs);
1533       type_rigid_record (map_fields (elabTy ME FE GE UE VE TE) fs))
1534  | CONty(ty_list,tyconpath) =>
1535     applyTyConPath ME FE GE UE VE TE tyconpath
1536             (map (elabTy ME FE GE UE VE TE) ty_list)
1537  | FNty(ty,ty') =>
1538      type_arrow (elabTy ME FE GE UE VE TE ty)
1539                 (elabTy ME FE GE UE VE TE ty')
1540  | PACKty(sigexp) =>
1541      let val LAMBDAsig (T,M) = (!elabSigExpRef) ME FE GE UE VE TE sigexp
1542      in
1543	  PACKt (EXISTSexmod(T,M))
1544      end
1545  | PARty(ty) =>
1546      elabTy ME FE GE UE VE TE ty
1549fun elabSCon (INTscon i,    _     ) = type_int
1550  | elabSCon (CHARscon c,   _     ) = type_char
1551  | elabSCon (WORDscon c, tyOptRef) =
1552    let val ty = VARt (newTypeVar false  false  true)
1553	                       (* nonequ nonimp overloaded *)
1554    in tyOptRef := SOME ty; ty end
1555  | elabSCon (REALscon r,   _     ) = type_real
1556  | elabSCon (STRINGscon s, _     ) = type_string
1559fun elabPat (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE : UEnv) (VE : VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv)   (pat as (loc, pat')) (pat_t : Type) (PE : VarEnv) =
1560  case pat' of
1561    SCONpat scon =>
1562      (unifyPat pat (elabSCon scon) pat_t; PE)
1563  | VARpat ii =>
1564     (case ii of
1565        {qualid = {id = [id],...}, info={idLoc,...}} =>
1566          let val q =  mkLocalName  id
1567              val vi = { qualid=q, info=REGULARo }
1568          in bindOnceInEnv PE (idLoc,id)
1569	      {qualid=q, info= (trivial_scheme pat_t,VARname REGULARo)}
1570	      "the same value identifier is bound twice in a pattern"
1571          end
1572      | {qualid = {id = _,...},...} => fatalError "elabPat: VARpat")
1573                                       (* longvid variables are illegal *)
1574  | WILDCARDpat => PE
1575  | NILpat ii => (unifyPat pat (lookup_VE ME  VE ii) pat_t; PE)
1576  | CONSpat(ii, p) =>
1577      let val id_t = lookup_VE ME VE ii
1578          val p_t = newUnknown()
1579          val res_t = newUnknown()
1580      in
1581        unifyId ii id_t (type_arrow p_t res_t);
1582        if (looksLikeInfixId ii) andalso (isPairPat p) then
1583          (unify p_t (newUnknownPair())
1584           handle Unify reason =>
1585             typeClashId ii id_t (type_arrow (newUnknownPair()) res_t) reason)
1586        else ();
1587        unifyPat pat res_t pat_t;
1588        elabPat ME FE GE UE VE TE  p p_t PE
1589      end
1590  | EXNILpat ii =>
1591      let val id_t =  lookup_VE ME VE ii
1592      in
1593        unifyId ii id_t type_exn;
1594        unifyPat pat type_exn pat_t;
1595        PE
1596      end
1597  | EXCONSpat(ii, p) =>
1598      let val id_t = lookup_VE ME VE ii
1599          val p_t = newUnknown()
1600      in
1601        unifyId ii id_t (type_arrow p_t type_exn);
1602        if looksLikeInfixId ii andalso isPairPat p then
1603          (unify p_t (newUnknownPair())
1604           handle Unify reason =>
1605             typeClashId ii id_t (type_arrow (newUnknownPair()) type_exn) reason)
1606        else ();
1607        unifyPat pat type_exn pat_t;
1608        elabPat ME FE GE UE VE TE  p p_t PE
1609      end
1610  | EXNAMEpat _ => fatalError "elabPat:1"
1611  | REFpat p =>
1612      let val p_t = newUnknown() in
1613        unifyPat pat (type_ref p_t) pat_t;
1614         elabPat ME FE GE UE VE TE  p p_t PE
1615      end
1616  | RECpat(ref (RECrp(fs, dots))) =>
1617      let val _ = checkRecPat (loc,fs)
1618	  val ls = map fst fs
1619          val ps = map snd fs
1620          val ts = map (fn _ => newUnknown()) ps
1621          val fs_t = zip2 ls ts
1622          fun reportClash isRigid reason =
1623            let val ts' = map (fn _ => newUnknown()) ps
1624                val fs_t' = zip2 ls ts'
1625            in
1626              if isRigid then
1627                typeClashPat pat (type_rigid_record fs_t') pat_t reason
1628              else
1629                typeClashPat pat
1630                  (type_flexible_record fs_t' (fresh3DotType())) pat_t reason
1631            end
1632      in
1633        (case dots of
1634            NONE =>     (unify (type_rigid_record fs_t) pat_t
1635                         handle Unify reason => reportClash true reason)
1636          | SOME rho => (unify (type_flexible_record fs_t rho) pat_t
1637                         handle Unify reason => reportClash false reason));
1638        foldL_zip (elabPat ME FE GE UE VE TE ) PE ps ts
1639      end
1640  | RECpat(ref (TUPLErp _)) => fatalError "elabPat:2"
1641  | VECpat ps =>
1642      let val p_t = newUnknown() in
1643        unifyPat pat (type_vector p_t) pat_t;
1644        foldL (fn p => fn PE => elabPat ME FE GE UE VE TE  p p_t PE) PE ps
1645      end
1646  | PARpat p =>
1647      elabPat ME FE GE UE VE TE  p pat_t PE
1648  | INFIXpat _ => fatalError "elabPat:3"
1649  | TYPEDpat(p,ty) =>
1650      let val ty_t = elabTy ME FE GE UE VE TE ty
1651          val PE' = elabPat ME FE GE UE VE TE  p pat_t PE
1652      in
1653        unifyPat p pat_t ty_t;
1654        PE'
1655      end
1656  | LAYEREDpat(p1,p2) =>
1657      (checkAsPatSource p1;
1658       elabPat ME FE GE UE VE TE  p2 pat_t
1659         (elabPat ME FE GE UE VE TE  p1 pat_t PE))
1663fun freshTyName tycon kind =
1664  ({qualid = mkLocalName tycon,
1665    info = ref {tnKind = kind,
1666                tnStamp = newTyNameStamp(),
1667                tnEqu = TRUEequ,
1668                tnSort = PARAMETERts,
1669                tnLevel = currentBindingLevel(),
1670                tnConEnv = ref NONE
1671           }
1672   }
1673  : TyName)
1676fun makeTyName tyvar_list tycon =
1677  let val arity = List.length tyvar_list
1678  in freshTyName tycon (ARITYkind arity) end
1681fun initialDatBindTE (dbs : DatBind list)=
1682  foldL
1683    (fn (datbind as (tyvar_list, loctycon as (loc,tycon), _)) => fn (LAMBDA(T,env)) =>
1684       let val _ = checkDatBind datbind
1685	   val tyname = makeTyName tyvar_list tycon
1686       in
1687        LAMBDA(tyname::T,
1688              bindOnceInEnv env loctycon
1689	       (APPtyfun (NAMEtyapp tyname),ConEnv [])
1690	       "the same type constructor is bound twice\
1691               \ in a datatype declaration or specification")
1692       end)
1693    (LAMBDA([],NILenv)) dbs
1696fun absTE (TE : TyEnv) =
1697  mapEnv
1698    (fn id =>
1699      (fn (APPtyfun (NAMEtyapp tyname),ConEnv CE) =>
1700         let val {info, ...} = tyname in
1701	     case !(#tnConEnv(!info)) of
1702		 SOME (ConEnv CE) =>
1703		     (setTnEqu info FALSEequ;
1704		      #tnConEnv(!info):= NONE;
1705		      (APPtyfun (NAMEtyapp tyname),ConEnv []))
1706	       | _ => fatalError "absTE:1"
1707	 end
1708       | _ => fatalError "absTE:2"))
1709    TE
1712fun elabTypBind (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE:UEnv) (VE:VarEnv)
1713  (TE : TyEnv) (tb as (tyvars, loctycon, ty) : TypBind) =
1714  let val _ = checkTypBind tb
1715      val (_,id) = loctycon
1716      val pars = map (fn tyvar => hd(#id(#qualid tyvar))) tyvars
1717      val _ = incrBindingLevel();
1718      val vs = map (fn tv => newExplicitTypeVar tv) pars
1719      val us = map TypeOfTypeVar vs
1720      val UE' = (zip2 pars us) @ UE
1721      val ty = elabTy ME FE GE UE' VE TE ty
1722      val _ = decrBindingLevel();
1723      val tyname = makeTyName tyvars id
1724      val tyfun = APPtyfun (NAMEtyapp(tyname))
1725  in
1726    setTnSort (#info tyname) (REAts (TYPEtyfun(vs, ty)));
1727    (loctycon, (tyfun,ConEnv []))
1728  end
1731fun elabTypBindList (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE:UEnv) (VE:VarEnv)
1732   (TE : TyEnv) (tbs : TypBind list) =
1733  foldL_map (fn (locid, tyname) => fn env =>
1734	        bindOnceInEnv env locid tyname
1735		   "the same type constructor is bound twice in a type declaration")
1736            (elabTypBind ME FE GE UE VE TE) NILenv tbs
1739fun elabTypBindList_opt (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE:UEnv) (VE:VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv) = fn
1740    SOME tbs => elabTypBindList ME FE GE UE VE TE tbs
1741  | NONE => NILenv
1744fun elabPrimTypBind equ (typdesc as (tyvars, loctycon) : TypDesc) =
1745  let val _ = checkTypDesc typdesc
1746      val (_,id) = loctycon
1747      val tyname = makeTyName tyvars id
1748      val tyfun = APPtyfun (NAMEtyapp(tyname))
1749  in
1750    setTnEqu (#info tyname) equ;
1751    LAMBDA([tyname],(loctycon, (tyfun, ConEnv [])))
1752  end;
1754fun elabPrimTypBindList equ (tbs : TypDesc list) =
1755  foldL_map (fn LAMBDA(T',(locid, tystr)) => fn (LAMBDA(T,env)) =>
1756	     LAMBDA(T@T',bindOnceInEnv env locid tystr
1757		           "The same tycon is bound twice\
1758                            \ in a prim_type declaration"))
1759            (elabPrimTypBind equ) (LAMBDA([],NILenv)) tbs
1762fun closeEE EE =
1763  mapEnv (fn excon => fn {qualid, info =(t,csd)} =>
1764         {qualid = qualid, info = (generalization true t,csd)}) EE
1767fun openVE VE =
1768  mapEnv (fn id => fn {qualid, info = (sch,csd)} =>
1769              {qualid=qualid, info = (TypeOfScheme sch,csd)}) VE
1772fun isRecTy (loc, ty') =
1773  case ty' of
1774    RECty [] => false
1775  | RECty _ => true
1776  | _ => false
1779fun arityOfRecTy (loc, ty') =
1780  case ty' of
1781      RECty fs => List.length fs
1782    | _ => fatalError "arityOfRecTy"
1786fun elabConBind (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE : UEnv) (VE : VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv) tvs res_t = fn
1787    ConBind(ii, SOME ty) =>
1788      let val _ = checkRebinding illegalCon ii;
1789	  val {qualid, info} = ii
1790          val ci = getConInfo ii
1791          val _ =  setConArity ci 1
1792          val arg_t = (elabTy ME FE GE UE VE TE ty)
1793      in
1794        setConType ci
1795          (mkScheme tvs (type_arrow arg_t res_t));
1796        if #conSpan(!ci) <> 1 andalso isRecTy ty then
1797          (setConArity ci (arityOfRecTy ty);
1798           setConIsGreedy ci true)
1799        else ();
1800        { qualid= #qualid(!(#idKind(#info ii))), info=ci }
1801      end
1802  | ConBind(ii, NONE) =>
1803      let val _ = checkRebinding illegalCon ii;
1804	  val {qualid, info} = ii
1805          val ci = getConInfo ii
1806          val _ =  setConArity ci 0
1807      in
1808        setConType ci
1809         (mkScheme tvs res_t);
1810        { qualid= #qualid(!(#idKind(#info ii))), info=ci }
1811      end
1815fun setEquality (TE :TyEnv) =
1816  traverseEnv
1817    (fn _ => fn (tyfun,_) =>
1818       case tyfun of
1819         APPtyfun (NAMEtyapp tyname) =>
1820          let val {info, ...} = tyname in
1821            case #tnSort (!info) of
1822               REAts tyfun =>
1823                  setTnEqu info (EqualityOfTyFun tyfun)
1824            | VARIABLEts => fatalError "setEquality"
1825            | PARAMETERts => fatalError "setEquality"
1826          end
1827       | _ => fatalError "setEquality")
1828    TE
1831val equAttrReset = ref false;
1833fun maximizeEquality (TE : TyEnv) =
1835  equAttrReset := true;
1836  while !equAttrReset do
1837    (equAttrReset := false;
1838     traverseEnv
1839       (fn _ => fn tystr =>
1840         (case tystr of
1841	     (APPtyfun (NAMEtyapp tyname),ConEnv CE) =>
1842               let val {info, ...} = tyname in
1843                   case #tnEqu(!info) of
1844                        FALSEequ => ()
1845                      | TRUEequ  =>
1846                          if exists (fn ci => schemeViolatesEquality
1847                                       (#conType (!(#info ci))))
1848                                    CE
1849                          then
1850                            (setTnEqu info FALSEequ; equAttrReset := true)
1851                          else ()
1852                      | _ => fatalError "maximizeEquality:1"
1853               end
1854         | _ => fatalError "maximizeEquality:2")
1855        )
1856       TE)
1860fun setTags (cbs : ConBind list) =
1861  let prim_val string_of_int : int -> string = 1 "sml_string_of_int";
1862      val span = List.length cbs
1863      fun loop n = fn
1864          [] => ()
1865        | (ConBind(ii, _)) :: rest =>
1866            let val {qualid = {id = lid,...},info} = ii
1867		val id = longIdentAsIdent lid "setTags:1"
1868                val {idLoc,...} = info
1869                val _ = app (fn (ConBind ({qualid = {id = lid',...},info = {idLoc=idLoc',...}},_)) =>
1870			        if id = (longIdentAsIdent lid' "setTags:2") then
1871				    errorMsg idLoc' "Illegal constructor specification: \
1872				                     \the constructor cannot be specified twice \
1873						     \for the same datatype"
1874				else ())
1875                        rest (* cvr: should this check go elsewhere ? *)
1876                val () =
1877                  if n > maxBlockTag then
1878                    errorMsg idLoc ("Implementation restriction:\n \
1879                                    \A datatype cannot declare more than "^
1880				    string_of_int (maxBlockTag + 1) ^
1881				    " constructors.")
1882                  else ();
1883                val ci = mkConInfo()
1884                val q = mkGlobalName id
1885                val _ =  #idKind info := { qualid=q, info=CONik ci }
1886            in
1887              setConTag ci n;
1888              setConSpan ci span;
1889              loop (n+1) rest
1890            end
1891  in loop 0 cbs end
1895fun cons x xs = x :: xs;
1897fun elabDatBind (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE:UEnv) (VE:VarEnv) (TE:TyEnv)
1898     (datbind as (tyvars, loctycon as (loc,tycon), conbind_list) : DatBind) =
1899  let val pars = map (fn ii => hd(#id(#qualid ii))) tyvars
1900      val conbind_list =
1901	  Sort.sort (fn ConBind(ii,_) => fn ConBind(ii',_) =>
1902		     hd(#id(#qualid ii))<=hd(#id(#qualid ii'))) conbind_list
1903      val () = setTags conbind_list
1904      val () = incrBindingLevel()
1905      val vs = map (fn tv => newExplicitTypeVar tv) pars
1906      val us = map TypeOfTypeVar vs
1907      val UE' = (zip2 pars us) @ UE
1908      val (tyfun,_) = lookupEnv TE tycon
1909      val tyname = case tyfun of
1910	              APPtyfun(NAMEtyapp tyname) => tyname
1911		   | _ => fatalError "elabDatBind"
1912      val t = type_con us tyname
1913      val CE = ConEnv (foldR_map cons (elabConBind ME FE GE UE' VE TE vs t) [] conbind_list)
1914  in
1915     decrBindingLevel();
1916     setTnConEnv (#info tyname) (ref (SOME CE));
1917     (VEofCE CE,(loctycon,(tyfun,CE)))
1918  end
1921fun elabDatBindList (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE:UEnv) (VE:VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv) (dbs : DatBind list) =
1922  foldL_map (fn (VE',(loctycon,tystr)) => fn (VE,TE) =>
1923	     (plusEnv VE VE',
1924	      bindOnceInEnv TE loctycon tystr
1925	       "The same type constructor is declared twice in a\
1926               \ datatype declaration"))
1927            (elabDatBind ME FE GE UE VE TE) (NILenv,NILenv) dbs
1930fun elabExBind  (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE : UEnv) (VE : VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv)  = fn
1931    EXDECexbind(ii, SOME ty) =>
1932      let val _ = checkRebinding illegalCon ii
1933	  val {qualid, info = {idLoc,idKind,...}} = ii
1934          val id = longIdentAsIdent (#id qualid) "elabExBind"
1935          val ei = mkExConInfo()
1936          val q =  mkLocalName  id
1937          val _ = idKind := { qualid=q, info=EXCONik ei };
1938          val _ = setExConArity ei 1
1939          val arg_t = (elabTy ME FE GE UE VE TE ty)
1940      in
1941        if typeIsImperative arg_t then ()
1942        else errorMsg (xLR ty) "Non-imperative exception type";
1943        ((idLoc,id), {qualid = q,info = (type_arrow arg_t type_exn, EXNname ei)})
1944      end
1945  | EXDECexbind(ii, NONE) =>
1946      let val _ = checkRebinding illegalCon ii
1947          val {qualid, info = {idLoc,idKind,...}} = ii
1948          val id = longIdentAsIdent (#id qualid) "elabDec:EXDECexbind"
1949          val ei = mkExConInfo()
1950          val q =  mkLocalName id
1951          val _ = idKind := { qualid=q, info=EXCONik ei };
1952          val _ = setExConArity ei 0
1953      in
1954            ((idLoc,id), {qualid = q, info = (type_exn, EXNname ei)})
1955      end
1956  | EXEQUALexbind(ii, ii') =>
1957      let val _ = checkRebinding illegalCon ii
1958	  val {qualid, info={idLoc,idKind,...}} = ii
1959          val id = longIdentAsIdent (#id qualid) "elabDec:EXEQUALexbind"
1960          val {qualid=qualid', info=info'} = ii'
1961          val {idLoc=loc', ...} = info'
1962          val (fields,{qualid = csqualid, info = (sigma,cs)}) = findLongVId ME VE loc' qualid'
1963      in
1964        case cs of
1965            VARname _ => errorMsg loc'
1966              ("Variable "^showQualId qualid' ^" is used as an exception name")
1967          | PRIMname _ => errorMsg loc'
1968              ("Primitive "^showQualId qualid' ^" is used as an exception name")
1969          | CONname _ => errorMsg loc'
1970              ("Constructor "^showQualId qualid' ^" is used as an exception name")
1971          | REFname   => errorMsg loc'
1972              "`ref' is used as an exception name"
1973          | EXNname ei' => (* cvr: TODO review *)
1974              let val q =  mkLocalName  id in
1975                #idKind info' := { qualid= csqualid, info=EXCONik ei' };
1976                #idFields info' := fields;
1977                idKind := { qualid= q, info=EXCONik ei' };
1978                ((idLoc,id), {qualid = q, info = (specialization(sigma), EXNname ei')})
1979              end
1981      end
1984fun elabExBindList (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE : UEnv) (VE : VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv)  ebs =
1985  closeEE (foldL_map (fn (locid, tau) => fn env =>
1986		      bindOnceInEnv env locid tau
1987		       "The same exception constructor is declared\
1988                       \ twice in an exception declaration" )
1989                     (elabExBind ME FE GE UE VE TE ) NILenv ebs)
1992(* OVL1TXXo is not a true overloaded type, *)
1993(* because it needn't be resolved to `int', `real', or `string'. *)
1994(* This is only a hack to catch the type inferred by the *)
1995(* type-checker... Thus the attribute `overloaded' mustn't be *)
1996(* turned on in the type variable. *)
1997(* The same is true of OVL1TPUo (installPP) and OVL2EEBo (=, <>). *)
1999fun elabOvlExp t ovltype =
2000  case ovltype of
2001      REGULARo =>
2002        fatalError "elabOvlExp"
2003    | OVL1NNo =>
2004        (setCurrentBindingLevel true t;
2005         type_arrow t t)
2006    | OVL1NSo =>
2007        (setCurrentBindingLevel true t;
2008         type_arrow t type_string)
2009    | OVL2NNBo =>
2010        (setCurrentBindingLevel true t;
2011         type_arrow (type_pair t t) type_bool)
2012    | OVL2NNNo =>
2013        (setCurrentBindingLevel true t;
2014         type_arrow (type_pair t t) t)
2015    | OVL1TXXo =>
2016        (setCurrentBindingLevel false t;
2017         type_arrow t t)
2018    | OVL1TPUo =>
2019        (setCurrentBindingLevel false t;
2020         type_arrow
2021           (type_arrow type_ppstream (type_arrow t type_unit))
2022           type_unit)
2023    | OVL2EEBo =>
2024        (setCurrentBindingLevel false t;
2025	 makeEquality t;
2026         type_arrow (type_pair t t) type_bool)
2029fun elabExp (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE : UEnv) (VE : VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv)
2030                 (exp as (loc, exp')) exp_t =
2031  case exp' of
2032    SCONexp scon =>
2033      unifyExp exp (elabSCon scon) exp_t
2034(* cvr: TODO
2035  | VARexp(ref (RESve ii)) =>
2036      unifyExp exp (lookup_VE VE ii) exp_t
2037  | VARexp(ref (OVLve(_, ovltype, tau))) =>
2038      unifyExp exp (elabOvlExp tau ovltype) exp_t
2040  | VIDPATHexp (r as (ref (RESvidpath ii))) =>
2041      let
2042	  val {qualid, info} = ii
2043	  val {idKind, idFields,... } = info
2044          val (fields,{qualid = csqualid, info = (scheme,cs)}) =
2045	      findLongVId ME VE loc qualid
2046          val tau = specialization(scheme)
2047      in
2048        case cs of
2049          VARname REGULARo =>
2050            (idKind := { qualid=csqualid, info=VARik };
2051             idFields := fields;
2052             unifyExp exp tau exp_t)
2053        | VARname ovltype =>
2054            let val tau = newUnknown() in
2055               r := OVLvidpath (ii, ovltype, tau);
2056               unifyExp exp (elabOvlExp tau ovltype) exp_t
2057            end
2058        | PRIMname pi =>
2059            (idKind := { qualid=csqualid, info=PRIMik pi };
2060             idFields := fields;
2061             unifyExp exp tau exp_t)
2062        | CONname ci =>
2063            (idKind := { qualid=csqualid, info=CONik ci };
2064             idFields := fields;
2065             unifyExp exp tau exp_t)
2066        | EXNname ei =>
2067            (idKind := { qualid=csqualid, info=EXCONik ei };
2068             idFields := fields;
2069             unifyExp exp tau exp_t)
2070        | REFname   =>
2071            (idKind := { qualid=csqualid, info=PRIMik piRef };
2072             idFields := fields;
2073             unifyExp exp tau exp_t)
2074      end
2075  | VIDPATHexp (ref (OVLvidpath _)) =>
2076       fatalError "elabExp"
2077  | FNexp mrules =>
2078      elabMatch ME FE GE UE VE TE mrules exp_t
2079  | APPexp(func, arg) =>
2080      let val func_t = newUnknown()
2081          val () = elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE func func_t
2082          val arg_t = newUnknown()
2083          val res_t = newUnknown()
2084      in
2085        unifyExp func func_t (type_arrow arg_t res_t);
2086        if looksLikeInfixExp func andalso isPairExp arg then
2087          (unify arg_t (newUnknownPair())
2088           handle Unify reason =>
2089             typeClashExp func func_t (type_arrow (newUnknownPair()) res_t)
2090	                  reason)
2091        else ();
2092        unifyExp exp res_t exp_t;
2093        elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE arg arg_t
2094      end
2095  | LETexp(dec, body) =>
2096      let val EXISTS(T,(ME',FE',GE', VE', TE')) =
2097	        elabDec ME FE GE UE VE TE   dec
2098	  val () = incrBindingLevel();
2099          val () = refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T;
2100          val tau =
2101	      elabExp (plusEnv ME ME') (plusEnv FE FE') (plusEnv GE GE') UE
2102	          (plusEnv VE VE') (plusEnv TE TE') body exp_t
2103      in  decrBindingLevel()
2104      end
2105  | RECexp(ref (RECre fs)) =>
2106      let val ls = map fst fs
2107	  val _ = if duplicates ls then
2108	             errorMsg loc "The same label is bound twice in a record expression"
2109		  else ()
2110          val es = map snd fs
2111          val ts = map (fn _ => newUnknown()) es
2112          val fs_t = zip2 ls ts
2113      in
2114        (unify (type_rigid_record fs_t) exp_t
2115         handle Unify reason =>
2116           let val ts' = map (fn _ => newUnknown()) es
2117               val fs_t' = zip2 ls ts'
2118           in typeClashExp exp (type_rigid_record fs_t') exp_t reason end);
2119        app2 (elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE) es ts
2120      end
2121  | RECexp(ref (TUPLEre _)) => fatalError "elabExp"
2122  | VECexp es =>
2123      let val e_t = newUnknown() in
2124        app (fn e => elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE e e_t) es;
2125        unifyExp exp (type_vector e_t) exp_t
2126      end
2127  | PARexp e =>
2128      elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE e exp_t
2129  | INFIXexp (ref (RESinfixexp e)) =>
2130      elabExp ME FE GE  UE VE TE e exp_t
2131  | INFIXexp (ref (UNRESinfixexp _)) => fatalError "elabExp: unresolved infix exp"
2132  | TYPEDexp(e,ty) =>
2133      let val ty_t = elabTy ME FE GE UE VE TE ty in
2134        elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE e exp_t;
2135        unifyExp e exp_t ty_t
2136      end
2137  | ANDALSOexp(e1, e2) =>
2138      (elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE e1 type_bool;
2139       elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE e2 type_bool;
2140       unifyExp exp type_bool exp_t)
2141  | ORELSEexp(e1, e2) =>
2142      (elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE e1 type_bool;
2143       elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE e2 type_bool;
2144       unifyExp exp type_bool exp_t)
2145  | HANDLEexp(e, mrules) =>
2146      (elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE e exp_t;
2147       elabMatch ME FE GE UE VE TE mrules (type_arrow type_exn exp_t))
2148  | RAISEexp e =>
2149      elabExp ME FE GE  UE VE TE e type_exn
2150  | IFexp(e0, e1, e2) =>
2151      (elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE e0 type_bool;
2152       elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE e1 exp_t;
2153       elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE e2 exp_t)
2154  | WHILEexp(e1, e2) =>
2155      let val e2_t = newUnknown() in
2156        elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE e1 type_bool;
2157        elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE e2 e2_t;
2158        unitResultExpected e2 e2_t;
2159        unifyExp exp type_unit exp_t
2160      end
2161  | SEQexp(e1, e2) =>
2162      let val e1_t = newUnknown() in
2163        elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE e1 e1_t;
2164        unitResultExpected e1 e1_t;
2165        elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE e2 exp_t
2166      end
2167  | STRUCTUREexp(modexp,sigexp,r) =>
2168       let val EXISTSexmod(T,M) = elabModExp STRexpected ME FE GE UE VE TE modexp
2169           val _ = case M of STRmod S => ()
2170	           |  _ => errorMsg loc
2171	                    "The encapsulated module expression should be\
2172                             \ a structure but is actually a functor"
2173           val LAMBDAsig(T',M') = elabSigExp ME FE GE UE VE TE sigexp
2174           val _ = case M' of STRmod _ => ()
2175	           |  _ => errorMsg loc
2176	                    "The signature expression should specify\
2177                             \ a structure but actually specifies a functor"
2178       in
2179           incrBindingLevel();
2180	   refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T;
2181           refreshTyNameSet VARIABLEts T';
2182           (matchMod M M'
2183	      handle MatchError matchReason =>
2184		  (msgIBlock 0;
2185		   errLocation loc;
2186		   errPrompt "Signature mismatch: \
2187		    \the structure does not match the signature ...";
2188		   msgEOL();
2189		   msgEBlock();
2190		   errMatchReason "structure" "signature" matchReason;
2191		   raise Toplevel));
2192           refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T'; (* forget the realisation *)
2193           decrBindingLevel();
2194           let val X' = EXISTSexmod(T',normMod M') (* re-introduce the quantifier *)
2195           in
2196           r := SOME X';
2197           unifyExp exp (PACKt (EXISTSexmod(T',M'))) exp_t
2198                  (*    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2199                         this type should *not* be normed
2200                         because it will be used to match against
2201                  *)
2202           end
2203       end
2204  | FUNCTORexp(modexp,sigexp,r) =>
2205       let val EXISTSexmod(T,M) = elabModExp FUNexpected ME FE GE UE VE TE modexp
2206           val _ = case M of FUNmod _ => ()
2207	           |  _ => errorMsg loc
2208	                    "The encapsulated module expression should be\
2209                             \ a functor but is actually a structure"
2210           val LAMBDAsig(T',M') = elabSigExp ME FE GE UE VE TE sigexp
2211           val _ = case M' of FUNmod _ => ()
2212	           |  _ => errorMsg loc
2213	                    "The signature expression should specify\
2214                             \ a functor but actually specifies a structure"
2215       in
2216           incrBindingLevel();
2217	   refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T;
2218           refreshTyNameSet VARIABLEts T';
2219           (matchMod M M'
2220	      handle MatchError matchReason =>
2221		  (msgIBlock 0;
2222		   errLocation loc;
2223		   errPrompt "Signature mismatch: \
2224		    \the functor does not match the signature ...";
2225		   msgEOL();
2226		   msgEBlock();
2227		   errMatchReason "functor" "signature" matchReason;
2228		   raise Toplevel));
2229           refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T'; (* forget the realisation *)
2230           decrBindingLevel();
2231           let val X' = EXISTSexmod(T',normMod M') (* re-introduce the quantifier *)
2232           in
2233           r := SOME X';
2234           unifyExp exp (PACKt (EXISTSexmod(T',M'))) exp_t
2235                  (*     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2236                         this type should *not* be normed
2237                         because it will be used to match against
2238                  *)
2239           end
2240       end
2242and elabExpSeq  (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE:UEnv) (VE:VarEnv)
2243  (TE : TyEnv) es ts =
2244  let fun loop [] [] = ()
2245        | loop (e :: es) (t :: ts) =
2246            (elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE e t; loop es ts)
2247        | loop _ _ = fatalError "elabExpSeq"
2248  in loop es ts end
2250and elabMatch  (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE:UEnv) (VE:VarEnv)
2251 (TE : TyEnv) mrules match_t =
2252  let val _ = app (fn MRule(r as ref pats, _) =>
2253                   r := map (resolvePatCon ME VE) pats)
2254              mrules
2255      val MRule(ref pats1,_) = hd mrules
2256      val arg_ts = map (fn pat => newUnknown()) pats1
2257      val res_t = newUnknown()
2258  in
2259    unifyMatch mrules (foldR type_arrow res_t arg_ts) match_t;
2260    app (fn MRule(ref pats, exp) => elabMRule ME FE GE UE VE TE exp res_t pats arg_ts)
2261            mrules
2262  end
2264and elabMRule (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE:UEnv) (VE:VarEnv)
2265 (TE : TyEnv) exp res_t pats arg_ts =
2266  case (pats, arg_ts) of
2267      ([], []) => elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE exp res_t
2268    | (pat :: pats', arg_t :: arg_ts') =>
2269        let val VE' = elabPat ME FE GE UE VE TE  pat arg_t NILenv
2270        in elabMRule ME FE GE UE (plusEnv VE VE') TE exp res_t pats' arg_ts' end
2271    | (_, _) => fatalError "elabMRule"
2273and elabDatatypeReplication (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv)
2274        (UE:UEnv) (VE:VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv)
2275       (loc,((_,tycon),tyconpath)) =
2276    let val tyStr as (tyfun,CE) =
2277	elabTyConPath ME FE GE UE VE TE tyconpath
2278    in (VEofCE CE,mk1Env tycon tyStr)
2279    end
2280and elabDec (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE:UEnv) (VE:VarEnv)
2281  (TE : TyEnv)    (loc, dec') =
2282  case dec' of
2283    VALdec (tvs, (pvbs, rvbs)) =>
2284      let val _ = checkDuplIds tvs "Duplicate explicit type variable"
2285	  val pars = map (fn ii => hd(#id(#qualid ii))) tvs
2286	  val tyvars = scopedTyVars loc UE pars (unguardedValDec (pvbs, rvbs))
2287          val ()   = incrBindingLevel()
2288          val UE'  = incrUE tyvars @ UE
2289          val VE'  = elabValBind ME FE GE UE' VE TE  pvbs
2290          val VE'' = elabRecValBind ME FE GE UE' VE TE  rvbs
2291      in
2292        decrBindingLevel();
2293        EXISTS([],(NILenv,NILenv,NILenv,closeValBindVE loc pvbs (plusEnv VE' VE''), NILenv))
2294      end
2295  | PRIM_VALdec (tyvarseq,pbs) =>
2296       let val _ = checkDuplIds tyvarseq "Duplicate explicit type variable"
2297	   val pars = map (fn ii => hd(#id(#qualid ii))) tyvarseq
2298	   val tyvars = scopedTyVars loc UE pars (unguardedPrimValBindList pbs)
2299	   val () = incrBindingLevel()
2300           val tvs = map (fn tv => newExplicitTypeVar tv) tyvars
2301	   val UE' = (zip2 tyvars (map TypeOfTypeVar tvs)) @ UE
2302	   val VE' =
2303	      foldL_map (fn(locid, info) => fn acc =>
2304  		           bindOnceInEnv acc locid info
2305			     "the same primitive is declared twice\
2306			      \ in a prim_val declaration")
2307			 (elabPrimValBind ME FE GE UE' VE TE tvs)
2308                         NILenv pbs
2309       in decrBindingLevel();
2310 	  EXISTS([],(NILenv, NILenv, NILenv, VE',NILenv))
2311       end
2312  | FUNdec (ref (UNRESfundec _)) => fatalError "elabDec"
2313  | FUNdec (ref (RESfundec dec)) => elabDec ME FE GE UE VE TE  dec
2314  | TYPEdec tbs =>
2315      let val tbsTE = elabTypBindList ME FE GE UE VE TE tbs
2316      in
2317        setEquality tbsTE;
2318        EXISTS([],(NILenv,NILenv,NILenv,NILenv, tbsTE))
2319      end
2320  | PRIM_TYPEdec(equ, tbs) =>
2321      let val LAMBDA(T',TE') = elabPrimTypBindList equ tbs
2322      in
2323      EXISTS(T',(NILenv,NILenv,NILenv,NILenv,TE'))
2324      end
2325  | DATATYPEdec(dbs, tbs_opt) =>
2326      let val LAMBDA(T,dbsTE) = initialDatBindTE dbs
2327          val _ = incrBindingLevel();
2328          val _ = refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T;
2329          val tbsTE = elabTypBindList_opt ME FE GE UE VE (plusEnv TE dbsTE) tbs_opt
2330          (* Here dbsTE will get destructively updated too. *)
2331          val _ = checkNoRebindingsTyEnv loc (plusEnv dbsTE tbsTE)
2332	             "the same type constructor is defined twice in this datatype declaration"
2333          val (VE',dbsTE') = elabDatBindList ME FE GE UE VE (plusEnv (plusEnv TE dbsTE) tbsTE) dbs
2334          val _ = checkNoRebindingsVarEnv loc VE'
2335	             "the same constructor is defined twice in this datatype declaration"
2336      in
2337        maximizeEquality dbsTE';
2338        setEquality tbsTE;
2339        decrBindingLevel();
2340        EXISTS(T,(NILenv,NILenv,NILenv,VE', plusEnv dbsTE' tbsTE))
2341      end
2342  | DATATYPErepdec rep =>
2343    let val (VE,TE) = elabDatatypeReplication ME FE GE UE VE TE (loc,rep)
2344    in
2345       EXISTS([],(NILenv,NILenv,NILenv,VE,TE))
2346    end
2347  | ABSTYPEdec(dbs, tbs_opt, dec2) =>
2348    let   val LAMBDA(T1,dbsTE) = initialDatBindTE dbs
2349          val _ = incrBindingLevel();
2350          val _ = refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T1;
2351          val tbsTE = elabTypBindList_opt ME FE GE UE VE (plusEnv TE dbsTE) tbs_opt
2352          (* Here dbsTE will get destructively updated too. *)
2353          val _ = checkNoRebindingsTyEnv loc (plusEnv dbsTE tbsTE)
2354	            "the same type constructor is defined twice in this abstype declaration"
2355          val (VE',dbsTE') = elabDatBindList ME FE GE UE VE (plusEnv (plusEnv TE dbsTE) tbsTE) dbs
2356          val _ = checkNoRebindingsVarEnv loc VE'
2357	             "the same constructor is bound twice in this abstype declaration"
2358          val () = maximizeEquality dbsTE'
2359          val () = setEquality tbsTE;
2360          val EXISTS(T2,(ME2,FE2,GE2,VE2, TE2)) =
2361            elabDec ME FE GE UE (plusEnv VE VE')
2362                    (plusEnv (plusEnv TE dbsTE') tbsTE)  dec2
2363      in
2364        (* Now let's destructively update the equality attributes *)
2365        (* and the lists of constructors! *)
2366        (* Here VE2 and TE2 will be implicitly influenced too. *)
2367        let val dbsTE2 = absTE dbsTE';
2368        in
2369           setEquality tbsTE; (* cvr: TODO review why is this repeated? *)
2370           decrBindingLevel();
2371	   refreshExEnv(EXISTS(T1@T2,(ME2,FE2,GE2,VE2, plusEnv(plusEnv dbsTE2 tbsTE) TE2)))
2372        end
2373        (* cvr: *)
2374      end
2375  | EXCEPTIONdec ebs =>
2376     EXISTS([],(NILenv,NILenv,NILenv,(elabExBindList ME FE GE UE VE TE  ebs), NILenv))
2377  | LOCALdec (dec1, dec2) =>
2378      let val EXISTS(T',(ME',FE',GE',VE', TE')) =
2379	         refreshExEnv(elabDec ME FE GE UE VE TE  dec1)
2380          val _ = incrBindingLevel()
2381          val _ = refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T'
2382          val EXISTS(T'',(ME'', FE'', GE'', VE'',TE'')) =
2383                elabDec (plusEnv ME ME') (plusEnv FE FE') (plusEnv GE GE')
2384                        UE (plusEnv VE VE') (plusEnv TE TE')  dec2
2385      in  decrBindingLevel();
2386          refreshExEnv(EXISTS(T'@T'',(ME'', FE'', GE'', VE'', TE'')))
2387      end
2388  | OPENdec longmodidinfos =>
2389  EXISTS([],
2390	 foldL (fn (longmodid,envoptref) => fn (ME',FE',GE',VE',TE') =>
2391		let val {qualid,info} = longmodid
2392		    val {idKind, idFields,idLoc,... } = info
2393		    val (fields,{qualid = csqualid,
2394				 info = Env as (ME'',FE'',GE'',VE'',TE'')}) =
2395			findLongModIdForOpen ME idLoc qualid
2396		in
2397		    idKind := { qualid=csqualid, info=STRik };
2398		    idFields := fields;
2399		    envoptref := SOME Env;
2400		    (plusEnv ME' ME'',
2401		     plusEnv FE' FE'',
2402		     plusEnv GE' GE'',
2403		     plusEnv VE' VE'',
2404		     plusEnv TE' TE'')
2405		end)
2406	 (NILenv,NILenv,NILenv,NILenv,NILenv)
2407	 longmodidinfos)
2408  | EMPTYdec => EXISTS([],(NILenv, NILenv,NILenv,NILenv, NILenv))
2409  | SEQdec (dec1, dec2) =>
2410      let val EXISTS(T',(ME',FE',GE',VE', TE')) =
2411            elabDec ME FE GE UE VE TE  dec1
2412          val _ = incrBindingLevel();
2413          val _ = refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T';
2414          val EXISTS(T'',(ME'', FE'', GE'', VE'',TE'')) =
2415            elabDec (plusEnv ME ME') (plusEnv FE FE') (plusEnv GE GE')  UE (plusEnv VE VE') (plusEnv TE TE')  dec2
2416      in  (decrBindingLevel();
2417	   (*cvr: is this refresh too expensive? *)
2418	   refreshExEnv(EXISTS(T'@T'',(plusEnv ME' ME'', plusEnv FE' FE'',plusEnv GE' GE'',plusEnv VE' VE'', plusEnv TE' TE''))))
2419      end
2420  | FIXITYdec _ => EXISTS([],(NILenv,NILenv,NILenv,NILenv,NILenv))
2421  | STRUCTUREdec mbs =>
2422      let val EXISTS(T,ME') = elabModBindList ME FE GE UE VE TE  mbs
2423      in refreshExEnv(EXISTS(T,(ME',NILenv,NILenv,NILenv, NILenv)))
2424      end
2425  | FUNCTORdec fbs =>
2426      let val EXISTS(T,FE') = elabFunBindList ME FE GE UE VE TE  fbs
2427      in refreshExEnv(EXISTS(T,(NILenv,FE',NILenv,NILenv, NILenv)))
2428      end
2429  | SIGNATUREdec sbs =>
2430      let val GE' = elabSigBindList ME FE GE UE VE TE  sbs
2431      in    EXISTS([],(NILenv,NILenv,GE',NILenv, NILenv))
2432      end
2433and elabModBindList (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE : UEnv)
2434   (VE : VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv)  mbs =
2435  foldL_map
2436      (fn EXISTS(T',(locmodid,M')) => fn (EXISTS(T,ME)) =>
2437       EXISTS(T@T', bindOnceInEnv ME locmodid M'
2438	               "the same structure identifier is declared twice\
2439                       \ in a structure declaration"))
2440     (elabModBind ME FE GE UE VE TE ) (EXISTS([],NILenv)) mbs
2441and elabModBind (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE : UEnv)
2442   (VE : VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv)
2443	      (MODBINDmodbind (locmodid as (loc,modid),modexp as (loc',_))) =
2444    let val EXISTSexmod(T,M) = elabModExp STRexpected ME FE GE UE VE TE modexp
2445	val S = case M of
2446	           STRmod S => S
2447		 | FUNmod _ =>
2448		       errorMsg loc'
2449		       "This module expression is actually a functor \
2450			\but should be a structure"
2451    in
2452	  EXISTS(T,(locmodid,{qualid =  mkLocalName  modid, info = S}))
2453    end
2454  | elabModBind (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE : UEnv)
2455   (VE : VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv)  (ASmodbind (locmodid as (loc,modid),sigexp as (loc',_),exp)) =
2456  let val LAMBDAsig(T,M) = elabSigExp ME FE GE UE VE TE sigexp
2457      val S = case M of FUNmod _ => errorMsg loc' "This signature should specify a structure but actually specifies a functor"
2458	      |  STRmod S => normRecStr S
2459      val tau = elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE exp (PACKt(EXISTSexmod(T,M)))
2460  in
2461        EXISTS(T,(locmodid,{qualid =  mkLocalName  modid, info = S}))
2462  end
2463and elabFunBindList (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE : UEnv)
2464   (VE : VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv)  mbs =
2465  foldL_map
2466      (fn EXISTS(T',(locfunid,F')) => fn (EXISTS(T,FE)) =>
2467       EXISTS(T@T', bindOnceInEnv FE locfunid F'
2468	               "the same functor identifier is declared twice\
2469                       \ in a functor declaration"))
2470     (elabFunBind ME FE GE UE VE TE ) (EXISTS([],NILenv)) mbs
2471and elabFunBind (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE : UEnv) (VE : VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv)
2472  (FUNBINDfunbind (locfunid as (loc,funid),modexp as (loc',_))) =
2473    let val EXISTSexmod(T,M) = elabModExp FUNexpected ME FE GE UE VE TE modexp
2474	val F = case M of
2475		    FUNmod F => F
2476	         |  STRmod _ =>
2477		       errorMsg loc'
2478		       "This module expression is actually a structure \
2479			\but should be a functor"
2480    in
2481	  EXISTS(T,(locfunid,{qualid =  mkLocalName  funid, info = F}))
2482    end
2483| elabFunBind (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE : UEnv) (VE : VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv)
2484   (ASfunbind (locfunid as (loc,funid),sigexp as (loc',_),exp)) =
2485      let val LAMBDAsig(T,M) = elabSigExp ME FE GE UE VE TE sigexp
2486	  val F = case M of
2487	      STRmod _ => errorMsg loc' "This signature should specify a functor but actually specifies a structure"
2488	    |  FUNmod F => F
2489	  val tau = elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE exp (PACKt(EXISTSexmod(T,M)))
2490      in
2491	  EXISTS(T,(locfunid,{qualid =  mkLocalName  funid, info = F}))
2492      end
2493and elabSigBindList (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE : UEnv)
2494   (VE : VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv)  sbs =
2495   foldL_map (fn (locsigid,G) => fn GE =>
2496	      bindOnceInEnv GE locsigid G
2497	       "the same signature identifier is declared twice\
2498                \ in a signature declaration")
2499             (elabSigBind ME FE GE UE VE TE ) NILenv sbs
2500and elabSigBind (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE : UEnv)
2501   (VE : VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv)  (SIGBINDsigbind (locsigid as (loc,sigid),sigexp)) =
2502  let val G = elabSigExp ME FE GE UE VE TE sigexp
2503  in
2504       (locsigid, {qualid = mkLocalName sigid, info = G})
2505  end
2506and elabModExp expectation (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE : UEnv)
2507   (VE : VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv) (loc,(modexp',r)) =
2508  case modexp' of
2509      DECmodexp dec =>
2510       let
2511	   val EXISTS(T',(ME',FE',GE',VE',TE')) = elabDec ME FE GE UE VE TE  dec
2512           val exmod = EXISTSexmod(T',(STRmod (NONrec (STRstr (sortEnv ME',
2513							       sortEnv FE',
2514							       NILenv,
2515							       sortEnv TE',
2516							       sortEnv VE')))))
2517       in
2518           r :=  SOME exmod;
2519           exmod
2520       end
2521   |  LONGmodexp (ii as {info={withOp,...},qualid}) =>
2522       ((case resolveExpectation(expectation,withOp) of
2523	     STRexpected =>
2524	       let val {qualid, info} = ii
2525		   val {idKind, idFields,... } = info
2526		   val (fields,{qualid=resqualid,info=S}) =
2527		       findLongModId ME loc qualid
2528		   val X = EXISTSexmod([],STRmod ((* cvr: avoid*) copyRecStr  [] [] S))
2529	       in
2530		     idKind := {qualid = resqualid, info = STRik};
2531		     idFields := fields;
2532		     r :=  SOME X;
2533		     X
2534	       end
2535	   | FUNexpected =>
2536	       let val {qualid, info} = ii
2537		   val {idKind, idFields,... } = info
2538		   val (fields,{qualid=resqualid,info=F}) =
2539		       findLongFunId ME FE loc qualid
2540		   val X = EXISTSexmod([],FUNmod ((* cvr: avoid*) copyGenFun  [] [] F))
2541	       in
2542		   idKind := {qualid = resqualid, info = FUNik};
2543		   idFields := fields;
2544		   r :=  SOME X;
2545		   X
2546	       end
2547	   | _ => fatalError "elabModExp:resolveExpectation")
2548      handle Toplevel => reportExpectation expectation ii)
2549    | CONmodexp (modexp,sigexp) =>
2550       let
2551           val LAMBDAsig(T',M') = elabSigExp ME FE GE UE VE TE sigexp
2552           val EXISTSexmod(T,M) = elabModExp (expectMod M') ME FE GE UE VE TE modexp
2553       in
2554           incrBindingLevel();
2555	   refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T;
2556           refreshTyNameSet VARIABLEts T';
2557           ((matchMod M M')
2558	      handle MatchError matchReason =>
2559		  (msgIBlock 0;
2560		   errLocation loc;
2561		   errPrompt "Signature mismatch: \
2562		    \the module does not match the signature ...";
2563		   msgEOL();
2564		   msgEBlock();
2565		   errMatchReason "module" "signature" matchReason;
2566		   raise Toplevel));
2567           decrBindingLevel();
2568           let val X' = EXISTSexmod(T,normMod M')
2569           in
2570	       r := SOME X';
2571	       X'
2572           end
2573       end
2574    | ABSmodexp (modexp,sigexp) =>
2575       let val LAMBDAsig(T',M') = elabSigExp ME FE GE UE VE TE sigexp
2576	   val EXISTSexmod(T,M) = elabModExp (expectMod M') ME FE GE UE VE TE modexp
2577       in
2578           incrBindingLevel();
2579	   refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T;
2580           refreshTyNameSet VARIABLEts T';
2581           ((matchMod M M')
2582	      handle MatchError matchReason =>
2583		  (msgIBlock 0;
2584		   errLocation loc;
2585		   errPrompt "Signature mismatch: \
2586		    \the module does not match the signature ...";
2587		   msgEOL();
2588		   msgEBlock();
2589		   errMatchReason "module" "signature" matchReason; (* cvr: TODO improve descs*)
2590		   raise Toplevel));
2591           refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T'; (* forget the realisation *)
2592           (* cvr: REVIEW forgetting the realisation *only* works if
2593	      we haven't done path compression on any realised type names in M that
2594	      pointed to T' (usually because of sharing constraints), otherwise
2595	      those names won't have their realisations forgotten *)
2596           decrBindingLevel();
2597           let val X' = EXISTSexmod(T',normMod M') (* re-introduce the quantifier *)
2598           in
2599	       r := SOME X';
2600	       X'
2601           end
2602       end
2603   | LETmodexp (dec, modexp) =>
2604      let
2605	  val EXISTS(T',(ME',FE',GE',VE', TE')) =
2606	      elabDec ME FE GE UE VE TE  dec;
2607          val _ = incrBindingLevel();
2608          val _ = refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T';
2609          val EXISTSexmod(T'',M) =
2610            elabModExp expectation (plusEnv ME ME') (plusEnv FE FE') (plusEnv GE GE') UE (plusEnv VE VE') (plusEnv TE TE') modexp
2611      in  decrBindingLevel();
2612          let val X' = EXISTSexmod(T'@T'',M) (* re-introduce the quantifier *)
2613          in
2614	      r := SOME X';
2615	      X'
2616          end
2617      end
2618  | FUNCTORmodexp (Generative standard,(loc,modid),idKindDescRef,sigexp,modexp) =>
2619      let val _ = checkApplicativeModExp modexp
2620	  val LAMBDAsig (T,M) = elabSigExp ME FE GE UE VE TE sigexp
2621	  val (ME',FE') = case M of
2622	      STRmod S =>
2623                  (idKindDescRef := STRik;
2624		   (bindInEnv ME modid {qualid=mkLocalName modid,
2625					info = normRecStr S},
2626		    FE))
2627	    | FUNmod F =>
2628                  (idKindDescRef := FUNik;
2629		   (ME,
2630		    bindInEnv FE modid {qualid=mkLocalName modid,
2631					info = F}))
2632	  val _ = incrBindingLevel();
2633	  val _ = refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T;
2634	  val X = elabModExp MODexpected ME' FE' GE UE VE TE modexp
2635      in
2636	  decrBindingLevel();
2637	  let val X' = EXISTSexmod([],FUNmod(T,M,X))
2638	  in
2639	      r := SOME X';
2640	      X'
2641	  end
2642      end
2643  | FUNCTORmodexp (Applicative,(loc,modid),idKindDescRef,sigexp as (locsigexp,_),modexp) =>
2644      let val _ = checkApplicativeModExp modexp
2645	  val LAMBDAsig (T,M) = elabSigExp ME FE GE UE VE TE sigexp
2646	  val _ = checkApplicativeMod locsigexp M
2647	  val (ME',FE') = case M of
2648	      STRmod S =>
2649                  (idKindDescRef := STRik;
2650		   (bindInEnv ME modid {qualid=mkLocalName modid,
2651					info = normRecStr S},
2652		    FE))
2653	    | FUNmod F =>
2654                  (idKindDescRef := FUNik;
2655		   (ME,
2656		    bindInEnv FE modid {qualid=mkLocalName modid,
2657					info = F}))
2658	  val _ = incrBindingLevel(); (* cvr: TODO review *)
2659	  val _ = incrBindingLevel();
2660	  val _ = refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T;
2661	  val EXISTSexmod(T',M') = elabModExp MODexpected ME' FE' GE UE VE TE modexp
2662      in
2663	  decrBindingLevel();
2664	  let
2665              val (T'',T'toT'') = parameteriseTyNameSet T' T
2666	      val X' = EXISTSexmod(T'',FUNmod(T,M,EXISTSexmod([],copyMod T'toT'' [] M')))
2667	  in
2668	      decrBindingLevel();
2669	      r := SOME X';
2670	      X'
2671	  end
2672      end
2673   | APPmodexp (funmodexp as (loc',_),modexp) =>
2674       let
2675           val EXISTSexmod(T,M) = elabModExp FUNexpected ME FE GE UE VE TE funmodexp
2676           val (T',M',X) = case M of
2677	       FUNmod F => copyGenFun [] [] F
2678	     | STRmod _ => errorMsg loc' "Illegal application: this module expression \
2679                                            \is a structure but should be a functor"
2680           val EXISTSexmod(T'',M'') = elabModExp (expectMod M') ME FE GE UE VE TE modexp
2682       in
2683           incrBindingLevel();
2684	   refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T;
2685           refreshTyNameSet VARIABLEts T';
2686	   refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T'';
2687           (matchMod M'' M'
2688	      handle MatchError matchReason =>
2689		  (msgIBlock 0;
2690		   errLocation loc;
2691		   errPrompt "Signature mismatch: \
2692		    \the argument module does not match the functor's domain ...";
2693		   msgEOL();
2694		   msgEBlock();
2695		   errMatchReason "actual argument" "formal argument" matchReason;
2696		   raise Toplevel));
2697           decrBindingLevel();
2698           let val X' = let val EXISTSexmod(T''',M''') = X
2699			in
2700			   EXISTSexmod(T@T''@T''',normMod M''')
2701			end
2702           in
2703	       r := SOME X';
2704	       X'
2705           end
2706       end
2707   | PARmodexp modexp =>
2708      let val X = elabModExp expectation ME FE GE UE VE TE modexp
2709      in r:= SOME X;
2710         X
2711      end
2712  | RECmodexp ((loc,modid),inforef,
2713	       sigexp as (locsigexp,_),
2714	       modexp as (locmodexp,_)) =>
2715      let val LAMBDAsig (T,M) = elabSigExp ME FE GE UE VE TE sigexp
2716	  val (ME',RS) = case M of
2717	      STRmod RS =>
2718                  (let val normRS = normRecStr RS
2719		   in
2720		       inforef := SOME normRS;
2721		       (bindInEnv ME modid {qualid=mkLocalName modid,
2722					    info = normRS},
2723			RS)
2724		   end)
2725	    | FUNmod F =>
2726		  errorMsg locsigexp "Illegal recursive structure: \
2727		   \the forward specification should specify \
2728		   \a structure but actually specifies a functor"
2729	  val _ = incrBindingLevel();
2730          val _ = refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T;
2731	  val EXISTSexmod(T',M') = elabModExp STRexpected ME' FE GE UE VE TE modexp
2732	  val RS' = case M' of
2733	      STRmod RS' =>
2734                  RS'
2735	    | FUNmod F =>
2736		  errorMsg locmodexp "Illegal recursive structure: \
2737		                     \the body should be \
2738				     \a structure but is actually a functor"
2739          val _ = refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T';
2740          val _ = matchMod (STRmod RS') (STRmod RS)
2741		      handle MatchError matchReason =>
2742			  (msgIBlock 0;
2743			   errLocation loc;
2744			   errPrompt "Illegal recursive structure: \
2745			    \the body does not enrich the forward specification...";
2746			   msgEOL();
2747			   msgEBlock();
2748			   errMatchReason "body" "forward specification" matchReason;
2749			   raise Toplevel)
2750      in
2751	  decrBindingLevel();
2752	  let val X' = EXISTSexmod(T@T',STRmod (normRecStr RS'))
2753	  in
2754	      r := SOME X';
2755	      X'
2756	  end
2757      end
2759and elabValBind (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE : UEnv) (VE : VarEnv)
2760 (TE : TyEnv)  (vbs : ValBind list) =
2761  let val _ = app (fn ValBind(r as ref p, e) =>
2762                     r := resolvePatCon ME  VE p)
2763                  vbs
2764      val ps = map (fn ValBind(ref p,e) => p) vbs
2765      val es = map (fn ValBind(ref p,e) => e) vbs
2766      val pts = map (fn _ => newUnknown()) ps
2767      val VE' = foldL_zip (elabPat ME FE GE UE VE TE ) NILenv ps pts
2768      val VE'' = mkHashEnv (length ps) VE'
2769  in
2770    app2 (elabExp ME FE GE UE VE TE) es pts;
2771    openVE VE''
2772  end
2774and elabRecValBind (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE : UEnv) (VE : VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv)  (vbs : ValBind list) =
2775  let val _ = app (fn ValBind(r as ref p, e) =>
2776                     r := resolvePatConRec ME VE p)
2777                  vbs
2778      val ps = map (fn ValBind(ref p,e) => p) vbs
2779      val es = map (fn ValBind(ref p,e) => e) vbs
2780      val _  = app checkFnExp es
2781      val pts = map (fn _ => newUnknown()) ps
2782      val VE' = foldL_zip (elabPat ME FE GE UE VE TE ) NILenv ps pts
2783      val VE'' = mkHashEnv (length ps) VE'
2784      val rec_VE = plusEnv VE VE''
2785  in
2786    app2 (elabExp ME FE GE UE rec_VE TE) es pts;
2787    openVE VE''
2788  end
2789and elabPrimValBind ME FE GE UE VE TE tvs (ii, ty, arity, n) =
2790  let (* cvr: REVIEW  val _ = checkRebinding illegalVal ii
2791       *)
2792      val ty_t = elabTy ME FE GE UE VE TE ty
2793      val {qualid, info = {idLoc,...}} = ii
2794      val pid = longIdentAsIdent (#id qualid) "elabPrimValBind"
2795      val q =  mkLocalName pid
2796  in ((idLoc,pid),
2797      {qualid =q,
2798       info=(mkScheme tvs ty_t,mkPrimStatus arity n)})
2799  end
2804and elabValDesc (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE:UEnv) (VE:VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv) tvs ((ii, ty) : ValDesc) =
2805  let val _ = checkRebinding illegalVal ii
2806      val ty_t = elabTy ME FE GE UE VE TE ty
2807      val {qualid, info = {idLoc,...}} = ii
2808      val vid = longIdentAsIdent (#id qualid) "elabValDesc"
2809      val q =  mkLocalName vid
2810  in ((idLoc,vid), {qualid = q, info = (mkScheme tvs ty_t,VARname (REGULARo))}) end
2812and elabExDesc (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE : UEnv) (VE : VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv)
2813               ((ii, ty_opt) : ExDesc) =
2814  let val _ = checkRebinding illegalCon ii
2815      val {qualid, info = {idLoc,idKind,...}} = ii
2816      val eid = longIdentAsIdent (#id qualid) "elabExDesc"
2817      val ei = mkExConInfo()
2818      val q = mkLocalName eid
2819  in
2820    idKind := { qualid=q, info=EXCONik ei };
2821    (case ty_opt of
2822          SOME _ => setExConArity ei 1
2823        | NONE   => setExConArity ei 0);
2824    case ty_opt of
2825      SOME ty =>
2826        let
2827            val arg_t = (elabTy ME FE GE UE VE TE ty)
2828        in
2829          if typeIsImperative arg_t then ()
2830          else errorMsg (xLR ty) "Non-imperative exception type";
2831          ((idLoc,eid), {qualid = q, info =(type_arrow arg_t type_exn, EXNname ei)})
2832        end
2833    | NONE =>
2834        ((idLoc,eid), {qualid = q, info = (type_exn,EXNname ei)})
2835  end
2837and elabExDescList (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE : UEnv)
2838  (VE : VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv)  eds =
2839  closeEE (foldL_map (fn (locid, tau) => fn env =>
2840		      bindOnceInEnv env locid tau
2841		      	       "the same exception constructor is specified twice\
2842				\ in an exception specification")
2843                     (elabExDesc ME FE GE UE VE TE ) NILenv eds)
2846and elabSigExp (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE:UEnv) (VE:VarEnv) (TE:TyEnv)
2847  (loc, sigexp) =
2848  (case sigexp of
2849      SPECsigexp spec =>
2850	  let val LAMBDA(T,S) = elabSpec ME FE GE UE VE TE  spec
2851              val _ = checkNoRebindingsStr loc S
2852     	                "the same identifier is specified twice in the body of this signature"
2853	  in LAMBDAsig (T,STRmod (NONrec (removeGEofStr S)))
2854	  end
2855   |  SIGIDsigexp (loc,sigid) =>
2856          let val {qualid,info = G} = findSigId GE loc sigid
2857          in copySig [] [] G
2858          end
2859   | FUNSIGsigexp (Generative standard,(loc,modid),sigexp,sigexp') =>
2860          let val LAMBDAsig(T,M) = elabSigExp ME FE GE UE VE TE  sigexp
2861	      val (ME',FE') = case M of
2862				    STRmod S =>
2863					(bindInEnv ME modid {qualid=mkLocalName modid,
2864							     info = normRecStr S},
2865					 FE)
2866				  | FUNmod F =>
2867					(ME,
2868					 bindInEnv FE modid {qualid=mkLocalName modid,
2869							     info = F})
2870	      val _ = incrBindingLevel();
2871	      val _ = refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T;
2872	      val LAMBDAsig(T',M') = elabSigExp ME' FE' GE UE VE TE sigexp'
2873	  in
2874	    (decrBindingLevel();
2875	     LAMBDAsig([],FUNmod (T,M,(EXISTSexmod(T',M')))))
2876	  end
2877   | FUNSIGsigexp (Applicative,(loc,modid),sigexp,sigexp') =>
2878          let val LAMBDAsig(T,M) = elabSigExp ME FE GE UE VE TE  sigexp
2879	      val (ME',FE') = case M of
2880				    STRmod S =>
2881					(bindInEnv ME modid {qualid=mkLocalName modid,
2882							     info = normRecStr S},
2883					 FE)
2884				  | FUNmod F =>
2885					(ME,
2886					 bindInEnv FE modid {qualid=mkLocalName modid,
2887							     info = F})
2888	      val _ = incrBindingLevel();
2889	      val _ = incrBindingLevel();
2890	      val _ = refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T;
2891	      val LAMBDAsig(T',M') = elabSigExp ME' FE' GE UE VE TE sigexp'
2892              val _ = decrBindingLevel();
2893              val (T'',T'toT'') = parameteriseTyNameSet T' T
2894	  in  decrBindingLevel();
2895	      (LAMBDAsig(T'',FUNmod (T,M,(EXISTSexmod([],copyMod T'toT'' [] M')))))
2896	  end
2897   | WHEREsigexp (sigexp, tyvarseq, longtycon,ty) => (* cvr: TODO review *)
2898      (* Unlike SML, we reject where type constraints that construct inconsistent signatures
2899         by equating a specified datatype with a non-equivalent type or datatype.
2900	 In SML, an inconsistent signature can never be implemented, but in Mosml it
2901         can, by using a recursive structure, so we have to rule out inconsitent signatures from
2902	 the start.
2903       *)
2904      (case (elabSigExp ME FE GE UE VE TE  sigexp) of
2905	    (LAMBDAsig(_,FUNmod _)) =>
2906		errorMsg loc "Illegal where constraint: the constrained signature specifies a functor but should specify a structure"
2907	|   (LAMBDAsig(T,STRmod RS)) =>
2908	      let val S = SofRecStr RS
2909		  val _ = incrBindingLevel();
2910		  val _ = refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T;
2911		  val _ = checkDuplIds tyvarseq "Duplicate type parameter"
2912                  val pars = map (fn tyvar => hd(#id(#qualid tyvar))) tyvarseq
2913		  val vs = map (fn tv => newExplicitTypeVar tv) pars
2914		  val us = map TypeOfTypeVar vs
2915		  val UE' = zip2 pars us
2916                  val {qualid = qualid,info={idLoc,...}} = longtycon
2917		  val tycon = hd (#id qualid)
2918                  val tau = elabTy ME FE GE (UE' @ UE) VE TE ty
2919                  val infTyFun = TYPEtyfun(vs,tau)
2920		  val infTyStr = (infTyFun,ConEnv [])
2921                  val _ = decrBindingLevel();
2922                  val specTyStr = findLongTyConInStr S idLoc qualid
2923                  val specTyFun = normTyFun (#1 specTyStr)
2924                  val tn = (choose (equalsTyFunTyName specTyFun) T)
2925                           handle Subscript =>
2926			    (msgIBlock 0;
2927			     errLocation loc;
2928			     errPrompt "Illegal where constraint: the type constructor "; printQualId qualid;msgEOL();
2929                             errPrompt "refers to a transparent type specification";msgEOL();
2930                             errPrompt "but should refer to an opaque type or datatype specification";msgEOL();
2931			     msgEBlock();
2932			     raise Toplevel)
2933		  exception IllFormed
2934	      in
2935		 setTnSort (#info tn) (VARIABLEts);
2936		 ((realizeLongTyCon qualid infTyStr specTyStr)
2937		  handle MatchError matchReason =>
2938		      (msgIBlock 0;
2939		       errLocation loc;
2940		       errPrompt "Illegal where constraint: the type constructor "; printQualId qualid;msgEOL();
2941		       errPrompt "cannot be constrained in this way because ...";msgEOL();
2942		       msgEBlock();
2943		       errMatchReason "constraint" "signature" matchReason;
2944		       raise Toplevel));
2945		 ((case !(#tnConEnv(!(#info(tn)))) of (* check well-formedness *)
2946		       NONE => () (* nothing to check *)
2947		     | SOME specConEnv =>
2948			   (case normType tau of (* eta-equivalent to a type application? *)
2949				CONt(ts,tyapp) =>
2950				    let fun equal_args [] [] = ()
2951					|   equal_args ((VARt w)::ts) (v::vs) =
2952					     if w = v
2953					     then equal_args ts vs
2954					     else raise IllFormed
2955                                        |   equal_args _ _ = raise IllFormed
2956				    in
2957					equal_args ts vs;
2958					case conEnvOfTyApp tyapp of
2959					    NONE => raise IllFormed
2960					  | SOME infConEnv => (* equivalent conenvs ? *)
2961					        let
2962   						    val infMod =
2963							STRmod (NONrec (STRstr
2964							  (NILenv,NILenv,NILenv,
2965							   mk1Env tycon (infTyFun,infConEnv),
2966							   (VEofCE infConEnv))))
2967						    val specMod = copyMod [(tn,tyapp)] []
2968							(STRmod (NONrec (STRstr
2969 							  (NILenv,NILenv,NILenv,
2970							   mk1Env tycon (specTyFun,specConEnv),
2971							   (VEofCE specConEnv)))))
2972						in
2973						   ((matchMod infMod specMod)
2974						     handle MatchError matchReason =>
2975							 (msgIBlock 0;
2976							  errLocation loc;
2977							  errPrompt "Illegal where constraint: the datatype constructor ";
2978							   printQualId qualid;msgEOL();
2979							  errPrompt "cannot be constrained in this way because ";msgEOL();
2980							  errPrompt "the constraint's constructor environment \
2981 							   \does not match the specification's constructor environment";msgEOL();
2982							  msgEBlock();
2983							  errMatchReason "constraint" "specification" matchReason;
2984							  raise Toplevel);
2985						     (matchMod specMod infMod)
2986						     handle MatchError matchReason =>
2987							 (msgIBlock 0;
2988							  errLocation loc;
2989							  errPrompt "Illegal where constraint: the datatype constructor ";
2990							   printQualId qualid;msgEOL();
2991							  errPrompt "cannot be constrained in this way because ";msgEOL();
2992							  errPrompt "the specification's constructor environment \
2993 							   \does not match the constraint's constructor environment";msgEOL();
2994							  msgEBlock();
2995							  errMatchReason "specification" "constraint" matchReason;
2996							  raise Toplevel))
2997						end
2998				    end
2999			      | _ => raise IllFormed))
3000		  handle IllFormed =>
3001		      (msgIBlock 0;
3002		       errLocation loc;
3003		       errPrompt "Illegal where constraint: the type constructor ";printQualId qualid;msgEOL();
3004		       errPrompt "is specified as a datatype"; msgEOL();
3005		       errPrompt "but its constraint is not a datatype";msgEOL();
3006		       msgEBlock();
3007		       raise Toplevel));
3008		 LAMBDAsig(remove tn T,STRmod RS)
3009	      end)
3010   | RECsigexp ((_,modid),sigexp as (locforward,_),sigexp' as (locbody,_)) =>
3011          let val LAMBDAsig(T,M) = elabSigExp ME FE GE UE VE TE  sigexp
3012	      val (ME',RS) =
3013		  case M of STRmod RS =>
3014		      (bindInEnv ME modid {qualid=mkLocalName modid,
3015					   info = normRecStr RS},
3016		       RS)
3017		  | FUNmod F =>
3018		      errorMsg locforward
3019		               "Illegal recursive signature: \
3020				\the forward specification should specify \
3021				\a structure but actually specifies a functor"
3022	      val _ = incrBindingLevel();
3023	      val _ = refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T;
3024	      val LAMBDAsig(T',M') = elabSigExp ME' FE GE UE VE TE sigexp'
3025	      val RS' =
3026		  case M' of
3027		      STRmod RS' => RS'
3028		    | FUNmod F =>
3029			  errorMsg locbody
3030			           "Illegal recursive signature: \
3031				    \the body should specify a structure \
3032				    \but actually specifies a functor"
3033	      val _ = refreshTyNameSet VARIABLEts T;
3034	      val _ = refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T';
3035	      val _ = matchMod (STRmod RS') (STRmod RS)
3036		      handle MatchError matchReason =>
3037			  (msgIBlock 0;
3038			   errLocation loc;
3039			   errPrompt "Illegal recursive signature: \
3040			              \the body does not match the \
3041				      \forward specification...";
3042			   msgEOL();
3043			   msgEBlock();
3044			   errMatchReason "body" "forward specification" matchReason;
3045			   raise Toplevel)
3046	  in
3047            (decrBindingLevel();
3048	     LAMBDAsig(T',STRmod (RECrec(RS,RS'))))
3049	  end)
3051and elabModDesc (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE:UEnv) (VE:VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv) (MODDESCmoddesc (locmodid as (loc,modid), sigexp as (loc',_)) : ModDesc)=
3052  let val LAMBDAsig(T,M) = elabSigExp ME FE GE UE VE TE sigexp
3053      val S = case M of
3054	           STRmod S => S
3055		 | FUNmod _ =>
3056		       errorMsg loc'
3057		       "This signature actually specifies a functor \
3058			\but should specify a structure"
3059  in LAMBDA(T,(locmodid,{qualid = mkLocalName modid, info = S})) end
3061and elabModDescList (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE:UEnv) (VE:VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv) mds =
3062  foldL_map
3063      (fn (LAMBDA(T',(locmodid,M))) => fn LAMBDA(T,ME) =>
3064       LAMBDA(T@T', bindOnceInEnv ME locmodid M
3065	             "the same structure identifier is specified twice\
3066		      \ in a structure specification"))
3067     (elabModDesc ME FE GE UE VE TE ) (LAMBDA([],NILenv)) mds
3068and elabFunDesc (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE:UEnv) (VE:VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv)
3069	      (FUNDESCfundesc (locmodid as (loc,modid), sigexp as (loc',_)) : FunDesc)=
3070  let val LAMBDAsig(T,M) = elabSigExp ME FE GE UE VE TE sigexp
3071      val F = case M of
3072	            FUNmod F => F
3073                 |  STRmod _ =>
3074		       errorMsg loc'
3075		       "This signature actually specifies a structure \
3076			\but should specify a functor"
3077  in LAMBDA(T,(locmodid,{qualid = mkLocalName modid, info = F})) end
3079and elabFunDescList (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE:UEnv) (VE:VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv) mds =
3080  foldL_map
3081      (fn (LAMBDA(T',(locfunid,F))) => fn LAMBDA(T,FE) =>
3082       LAMBDA(T@T', bindOnceInEnv FE locfunid F
3083	             "the same functor identifier is specified twice\
3084		      \ in a functor specification"))
3085     (elabFunDesc ME FE GE UE VE TE ) (LAMBDA([],NILenv)) mds
3086and elabSpec  (ME:ModEnv) (FE:FunEnv) (GE:SigEnv) (UE : UEnv) (VE : VarEnv) (TE : TyEnv)  (loc, spec') =
3087  case spec' of
3088    VALspec (tyvarseq,vds) =>
3089       let val _ = checkDuplIds tyvarseq "Duplicate explicit type variable"
3090	   val pars = map (fn ii => hd(#id(#qualid ii))) tyvarseq
3091	   val tyvars = scopedTyVars loc UE pars (unguardedValDescList vds)
3092	   val ()   = incrBindingLevel()
3093           val tvs = map (fn tv => newExplicitTypeVar tv) tyvars
3094	   val UE'  = (zip2 tyvars (map TypeOfTypeVar tvs)) @ UE
3095	   val VE' =
3096	      foldL_map (fn(locid, info) => fn acc =>
3097  		           bindOnceInEnv acc locid info
3098			     "the same value identifier is specified twice\
3099			      \ in a value specification")
3100			 (elabValDesc ME FE GE UE' VE TE tvs)
3101                         NILenv vds
3102       in decrBindingLevel();
3103 	  LAMBDA([],STRstr (NILenv, NILenv,NILenv, NILenv, VE'))
3104       end
3105 | PRIM_VALspec (tyvarseq,pbs) =>
3106       let val _ = checkDuplIds tyvarseq "Duplicate explicit type variable"
3107	   val pars = map (fn ii => hd(#id(#qualid ii))) tyvarseq
3108	   val tyvars = scopedTyVars loc UE pars (unguardedPrimValBindList pbs)
3109	   val () = incrBindingLevel()
3110           val tvs = map (fn tv => newExplicitTypeVar tv) tyvars
3111	   val UE' = (zip2 tyvars (map TypeOfTypeVar tvs)) @ UE
3112	   val VE' =
3113	      foldL_map (fn(locid, info) => fn acc =>
3114  		           bindOnceInEnv acc locid info
3115			     "the same value identifier is specified twice\
3116			      \ in a value specification")
3117			 (elabPrimValBind ME FE GE UE' VE TE tvs)
3118                         NILenv pbs
3119       in decrBindingLevel();
3120 	  LAMBDA([],STRstr (NILenv, NILenv,NILenv, NILenv, VE'))
3121       end
3122  | TYPEDESCspec(equ, tds) =>
3123      let val LAMBDA(T',TE') = elabPrimTypBindList equ tds
3124      in
3125         LAMBDA(T',STRstr(NILenv, NILenv, NILenv, TE',NILenv))
3126      end
3127  | TYPEspec tbs =>
3128      let val tbsTE = elabTypBindList ME FE GE UE VE TE tbs
3129      in
3130        setEquality tbsTE;
3131        LAMBDA([],STRstr(NILenv, NILenv, NILenv, tbsTE, NILenv))
3132      end
3133  | DATATYPEspec(dbs, tbs_opt) =>
3134      let val LAMBDA(T,dbsTE) = initialDatBindTE dbs
3135          val _ = incrBindingLevel();
3136          val _ = refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T;
3137          val tbsTE = elabTypBindList_opt ME FE GE UE VE (plusEnv TE dbsTE) tbs_opt
3138          (* Here dbsTE will get destructively updated too. *)
3139          val _ = checkNoRebindingsTyEnv loc (plusEnv dbsTE tbsTE)
3140	             "the same type constructur is specified twice in this datatype specification"
3141          val (VE',dbsTE') = elabDatBindList ME FE GE UE VE (plusEnv (plusEnv TE dbsTE) tbsTE) dbs
3142          val _ = checkNoRebindingsVarEnv loc VE'
3143	             "the same constructor is specified twice in this datatype declaration"
3144      in
3145        maximizeEquality dbsTE';
3146        setEquality tbsTE;
3147        decrBindingLevel();
3148        LAMBDA(T,STRstr(NILenv,  NILenv, NILenv, plusEnv dbsTE' tbsTE,VE'))
3149      end
3150  | DATATYPErepspec rep =>
3151    let val (VE,TE) = elabDatatypeReplication ME FE GE UE VE TE (loc,rep)
3152    in
3153       LAMBDA([],STRstr(NILenv, NILenv, NILenv, TE, VE))
3154    end
3155  | EXCEPTIONspec eds =>
3156      (if U_map unguardedExDesc eds <> [] then
3157         errorMsg loc "Type variables in an exception description"
3158       else (); (* cvr: TODO can be relaxed? *)
3159       LAMBDA([],STRstr(NILenv, NILenv, NILenv, NILenv,elabExDescList ME FE GE [] VE TE  eds)))
3160  | STRUCTUREspec mds =>
3161      let val LAMBDA(T,ME') = elabModDescList ME FE GE UE VE TE mds
3162      in LAMBDA(T,STRstr (ME', NILenv, NILenv, NILenv, NILenv)) end
3163  | FUNCTORspec mds =>
3164      let val LAMBDA(T,FE') = elabFunDescList ME FE GE UE VE TE mds
3165      in LAMBDA(T,STRstr (NILenv, FE', NILenv, NILenv, NILenv)) end
3166  | LOCALspec (spec1, spec2) =>
3167      let val (ME',FE',GE',VE', TE') = elabLocalSpec ME FE GE UE VE TE spec1
3168      in
3169          elabSpec (plusEnv ME ME') (plusEnv FE FE') (plusEnv GE GE') UE (plusEnv VE VE') (plusEnv TE TE')  spec2
3170      end
3171  | EMPTYspec => LAMBDA([],STRstr(NILenv, NILenv, NILenv, NILenv, NILenv))
3172  | INCLUDEspec sigexp =>
3173      let val LAMBDAsig(T,M) = elabSigExp ME FE GE UE VE TE sigexp
3174      in  case M of
3175	  FUNmod _ =>
3176	      errorMsg loc "Illegal include: the included \
3177                            \signature must specify a structure, not a functor"
3178        | STRmod (NONrec S) => LAMBDA(T,S)
3179	| _ => errorMsg loc "Illegal include: the included \
3180                             \signature may not be recursive"
3181      end
3182  | SHARINGTYPEspec (spec,longtyconlist) =>
3183      let val LAMBDA(T,S) = elabSpec ME FE GE UE VE TE  spec
3184          val _ = incrBindingLevel();
3185          val _ = refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T;
3186          val LocTyFunOfLongTyCon =
3187	      let val S' = STRstr(MEofStr S,FEofStr S,GEofStr S,TEofStr S,VEofStr S)
3188		  (* this step flattens S' once, instead of once for each find *)
3189	      in
3190	          fn longtycon as {qualid,info = {idLoc,...},...} =>
3191		     (idLoc,#1 (findLongTyConInStr S' idLoc qualid))
3192	      end
3193          val LocTyFuns = map LocTyFunOfLongTyCon longtyconlist
3194          fun orderAsT LocT = foldR (fn tn => fn acc =>
3195				      ((choose (fn (loc,tn') => isEqTN tn tn') LocT)::acc)
3196				       handle Subscript => acc)
3197	                       [] T
3198	  val LocT' (* as ((loc,tn)::LocT'') *) =
3199	      orderAsT
3200                 (map (fn (loc,tyfun) =>
3201			   ((loc,choose (equalsTyFunTyName tyfun) T)
3202			     handle Subscript =>
3203			       errorMsg loc "Illegal sharing spec: \
3204				\this type constructor does not denote \
3205                                \an opaque type of the specification"))
3206			 LocTyFuns)
3207          val ((loc,tn),LocT'') = case LocT' of
3208		                     (loctn::LocT'') => (loctn,LocT'')
3209				  | _ => fatalError "elabSpec"
3210          val kind = kindTyName tn
3211          val _ = app (fn (loc,tn'') =>
3212		       if kindTyName tn'' = kind
3213			   then ()
3214		       else errorMsg loc "Illegal sharing spec: \
3215		            \the arity of this type constructor differs from the preceding ones")
3216		       (LocT'')
3217	  val TminusT'' = foldR (fn (loc,tn) => fn TminusT'' =>
3218 		                  remove tn TminusT'')
3219		                 T LocT''
3220          val equ = foldR (fn (_,tn) => fn equ =>
3221		       if (#tnEqu (!(#info tn))) <> FALSEequ
3222			   then TRUEequ                  (* cvr: TODO should we worry about REFequ? *)
3223		       else equ)
3224		       FALSEequ LocT'
3225          val _ = setTnEqu (#info tn) equ
3226          val _ = app (fn (_,tn'') => setTnSort (#info tn'')
3227		        (REAts (APPtyfun(NAMEtyapp tn))))
3228		      LocT''
3229      in
3230          decrBindingLevel();
3231	  LAMBDA(TminusT'', S)
3232      end
3233  | SEQspec (spec1, spec2) =>
3234      let val LAMBDA(T',S)  = elabSpec ME FE GE UE VE TE  spec1
3235          val _ = incrBindingLevel();
3236          val _ = refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T';
3237          val LAMBDA(T'',S') =
3238            elabSpec (plusEnv ME (MEofStr S))
3239	             (plusEnv FE (FEofStr S))
3240		     (plusEnv GE (GEofStr S))
3241		     UE
3242		     (plusEnv VE (VEofStr S))
3243		     (plusEnv TE (TEofStr S))
3245		     spec2
3246      in  decrBindingLevel();
3247	  LAMBDA(T'@T'',SEQstr(S,S'))
3248      end
3249  | SHARINGspec (spec1, (loc',longmodids)) =>
3250	  let val LAMBDA(T, S) = elabSpec ME FE GE UE VE TE  spec1
3251	      val _ = incrBindingLevel();
3252	      val _ = refreshTyNameSet PARAMETERts T;
3253	      val Ss =
3254		     foldR
3255		     (fn longmodid as {qualid,info={idLoc,...}} =>
3256		      (fn Ss =>
3257		       let val (_,{info = S_i,qualid}) = findLongModIdInStr S idLoc qualid
3258		       in
3259			   S_i::Ss
3260		       end))
3261		        [] longmodids
3262	  in let val T' = share (loc',T,Ss)
3263	     in
3264		 decrBindingLevel();
3265		 LAMBDA(T', S)
3266	     end
3267          end
3268  | FIXITYspec _ =>
3269	  LAMBDA([],STRstr (NILenv,NILenv,NILenv,NILenv, NILenv))
3270  | SIGNATUREspec sigbinds =>
3271      let val GE' = elabSigBindList ME FE GE UE VE TE  sigbinds
3272      in    LAMBDA([],STRstr(NILenv,NILenv,GE',NILenv, NILenv))
3273      end
3274  | _ => errorMsg loc "Illegal specification: this form of specification can only \
3275                       \ appear within a local specification"
3276and elabLocalSpec ME FE GE UE VE TE (loc,spec) =
3277  case spec of
3278    EMPTYspec => (NILenv,NILenv,NILenv,NILenv, NILenv)
3279  | SEQspec (spec1, spec2) =>
3280      let val (ME',FE',GE',VE',TE') =
3281	        elabLocalSpec ME FE GE UE VE TE spec1
3282          val (ME'',FE'',GE'',VE'',TE'') =
3283                elabLocalSpec (plusEnv ME ME') (plusEnv FE FE')
3284                              (plusEnv GE GE') UE
3285                              (plusEnv VE VE') (plusEnv TE TE') spec2
3286      in (plusEnv ME' ME'', plusEnv FE' FE'', plusEnv GE' GE'',
3287          plusEnv VE' VE'', plusEnv TE' TE'') end
3288  | OPENspec longmodidinfos =>
3289	  foldL (fn (longmodid,envoptref) => fn (ME',FE',GE',VE',TE') =>
3290		 let val {qualid,info} = longmodid
3291		     val {idKind, idFields,... } = info
3292		     val (fields,{qualid = csqualid,
3293				  info = Env as (ME'',FE'',GE'',VE'',TE'')}) =
3294  			 findLongModIdForOpen ME loc qualid
3295		 in
3296		     idKind := { qualid=csqualid, info=VARik };
3297		     idFields := fields;
3298                     (* this should be unnecessary
3299		         envoptref := SOME Env; *)
3300		     (plusEnv ME' ME'',
3301		      plusEnv FE' FE'',
3302		      plusEnv GE' GE'',
3303		      plusEnv VE' VE'',
3304		      plusEnv TE' TE'')
3305		 end)
3306	  (NILenv,NILenv,NILenv,NILenv,NILenv)
3307          longmodidinfos
3308  | TYPEspec tbs =>
3309      let val tbsTE = elabTypBindList ME FE GE UE VE TE tbs in
3310        setEquality tbsTE;
3311            (NILenv,NILenv,NILenv,NILenv, tbsTE)
3312      end
3313  | LOCALspec (spec1, spec2) =>
3314      let val (ME',FE',GE',VE', TE') = elabLocalSpec ME FE GE UE VE TE spec1
3315      in
3316         elabLocalSpec (plusEnv ME ME') (plusEnv FE FE') (plusEnv GE GE') UE (plusEnv VE VE') (plusEnv TE TE') spec2
3317      end
3318  | _ => errorMsg loc "Illegal local specification: this form of specification cannot \
3319                       \ appear as a local specification"
3323fun elabToplevelDec (dec : Dec) =
3324 (if unguardedDec dec <> [] then
3325    errorMsg (xLR dec) "Unguarded type variables at the top-level"
3326  else ();
3327  let val EXISTS(T',(ME',FE',GE',VE',TE')) =
3328      elabDec (mkGlobalME()) (mkGlobalFE()) (mkGlobalGE()) []
3329              (mkGlobalVE()) (mkGlobalTE())   dec
3330      val _ = if (!currentCompliance) <> Liberal
3331		   then Synchk.compliantTopDec dec
3332	      else ()
3333  in EXISTS(T',(cleanEnv ME',
3334		 cleanEnv FE',
3335		 cleanEnv GE',
3336		 cleanEnv VE',
3337		 cleanEnv TE'))
3338  end);
3340fun elabStrDec (dec : Dec) =
3341 (if unguardedDec dec <> [] then
3342    errorMsg (xLR dec) "Unguarded type variables at the top-level"
3343  else ();
3344  let val EXISTS(T',(ME',FE',GE',VE',TE')) =
3345     elabDec (mkGlobalME()) (mkGlobalFE()) (mkGlobalGE()) []
3346             (mkGlobalVE()) (mkGlobalTE())   dec
3347      val _ = if (!currentCompliance) <> Liberal
3348		   then Synchk.compliantStrDec dec
3349	      else ()
3350  in
3351      EXISTS(T',(cleanEnv ME',
3352		 cleanEnv FE',
3353		 cleanEnv GE',
3354		 cleanEnv VE',
3355		 cleanEnv TE'))
3356  end)
3358fun elabToplevelSigExp (sigexp as (loc,_) : SigExp) =
3359    let val LAMBDAsig(T,M) =
3360	 elabSigExp (mkGlobalME())
3361	            (mkGlobalFE())
3362		    (mkGlobalGE())
3363		    []
3364		    (mkGlobalVE())
3365		    (mkGlobalTE())
3366		    sigexp
3367    in  case M of
3368	  FUNmod _ =>
3369	      errorMsg loc "Illegal unit signature: the signature \
3370                            \must specify a structure, not a functor"
3371        | STRmod RS =>
3372              (if (!currentCompliance) <> Liberal
3373		   then Synchk.compliantSigExp sigexp
3374	           else ();
3375	       LAMBDA(T,RS))
3376    end
3378fun elabToplevelSpec (spec : Spec) =
3379    let val StrSig =
3380	 elabSpec (mkGlobalME()) (mkGlobalFE())
3381	          (mkGlobalGE()) []
3382		  (mkGlobalVE()) (mkGlobalTE())
3383                  spec
3384    in
3385	(*  we could, but don't, check compliance since toplevel-mode .sig files don't need to be ported
3386	  if (!currentCompliance) <> Liberal
3387	       then Synchk.compliantTopSpec spec
3388	 else (); *)
3389	 StrSig
3390    end
3392fun elabSigSpec (spec : Spec) =
3393    let val StrSig =
3394	 elabSpec (mkGlobalME()) (mkGlobalFE())
3395	          (mkGlobalGE()) []
3396		  (mkGlobalVE()) (mkGlobalTE())
3397                  spec
3398    in
3399	if (!currentCompliance) <> Liberal
3400	    then Synchk.compliantSpec spec
3401	else ();
3402        StrSig
3403    end
3407(* tie the knot *)
3409(* cvr: TODO remove in favour of mutual recursion *)
3411val () = elabSigExpRef := elabSigExp;
3412val () = elabModExpRef := elabModExp;