1 unit GIFImage;
2 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 //                                                                            //
4 // Project:	GIF Graphics Object                                           //
5 // Module:	gifimage                                                      //
6 // Description:	TGraphic implementation of the GIF89a graphics format         //
7 // Version:	2.2                                                           //
8 // Release:	5                                                             //
9 // Date:	23-MAY-1999                                                   //
10 // Target:	Win32, Delphi 2, 3, 4 & 5, C++ Builder 3 & 4                  //
11 // Author(s):	anme: Anders Melander, anders@melander.dk                     //
12 //		fila: Filip Larsen                                            //
13 //		rps: Reinier Sterkenburg                                      //
14 // Copyright:	(c) 1997-99 Anders Melander.                                  //
15 //		All rights reserved.                                          //
16 // Formatting:	2 space indent, 8 space tabs, 80 columns.                     //
17 //                                                                            //
18 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
19 // Changed 2001.07.23 by Finn Tolderlund:                                     //
20 // Changed according to e-mail from "Rolf Frei" <rolf@eicom.ch>               //
21 //   on 2001.07.23 so that it works in Delphi 6.                              //
22 //                                                                            //
23 // Changed 2002.07.07 by Finn Tolderlund:                                     //
24 // Incorporated additional modifications by Alexey Barkovoy (clootie@reactor.ru)
25 // found in his Delphi 6 GifImage.pas (from 22-Dec-2001).                     //
26 // Alexey Barkovoy's Delphi 6 gifimage.pas can be downloaded from             //
27 //   http://clootie.narod.ru/delphi/download_vcl.html                         //
28 // These changes made showing of animated gif files more stable. The code     //
29 // from 2001.07.23 could crash sometimes with an Execption EAccessViolation.  //
30 //                                                                            //
31 // Changed 2002.10.06 by Finn Tolderlund:                                     //
32 // Delphi 7 compatible.                                                       //
33 //                                                                            //
34 // Changed 2003-03-06 by Finn Tolderlund:                                     //
35 // Changes made as a result of postings in borland.public.delphi.graphics     //
36 // from 2003-02-28 to 2003-03-05 where white (255,255,255) in a bitmap        //
37 // was converted to (254,254,254) in the gif.                                 //
38 // The doCreateOptimizedPaletteFromSingleBitmap function and                  //
39 // the CreateOptimizedPaletteFromManyBitmaps function is changed so that      //
40 // the correct offset 246 is used instead of 245.                             //
41 // The ReduceColors function is changed according to Anders Melander's post   //
42 // so that a colour get converted to the precise colour if that colour is     //
43 // present in the palette when using ColorReduction rmQuantize.               //
44 //                                                                            //
45 // Changed 2003-03-09 by Finn Tolderlund:                                     //
46 // Delphi 7 version is now assumed if unknown compiler version is unknown     //
47 // for better compatibility with future Delphi versions.                      //
48 // Hopefully this code is now compatible with future Delphi versions,         //
49 // unless Borland makes some changes that breaks existing code.               //
50 //                                                                            //
51 // Changed 2003-08-04 by Finn Tolderlund:                                     //
52 // Changed procedure AddMaskOnly so that it doesn't leak a GDI HBitmap-object //
53 // and it doesn't release the handle of the source bitmap which               //
54 // is used to assign to the GIF object as in gif.assign(bm);                  //
55 // These changes were made as a result of a news post made by Renate Schaaf   //
56 // with the subject "TGifImage HBitmap leak on assign?"                       //
57 // in borland.public.delphi.graphics on Mon 28 Jul 2003 and Sun 03 Aug 2003.  //
58 //                                                                            //
59 // Changed 2004.03.09 by Finn Tolderlund:                                     //
60 // Added a ForceFrame property to the TGIFImage class.                        //
61 // The ForceFrame property can be used to make TGIFImage display a apecific   //
62 // sub frame from an animated gif.                                            //
63 // How to use: Set the Animate property to False and set the ForceFrame       //
64 // property to a desired frame number (0-N)                                   //
65 // Normal display: Set the ForceFrame property to -1 and set Animate to True. //
66 // If ForceFrame is negative TGIFImage behaves just as before this change.    //
67 // Note that if the sub frame in the gif only contains part of the image      //
68 // (i.e. only the changes from previous frames) the result is unpredictable.  //
69 // The result is best if each sub frame contains a whole image.               //
70 // If the sub frame is transparent the background is not automatically        //
71 // restored, you must do so yourself if you want that.                        //
72 // If you are using a TImage to display the gif you can use                   //
73 // Image.Parent.Invalidate or Image.Parent.Refresh to restore the background. //
74 // This change was made as a result of a email correspondance with            //
75 // Tineke Kosmis (http://www.classe.nl/) which requested such a property.     //
76 //                                                                            //
77 // Changed 2006.07.09 by Finn Tolderlund:                                     //
78 // Added conditional switch as default: FIXHEADER_WIDTHHEIGHT_SILENT          //
79 // When the switch is defined:                                                //
80 // When loading a gif all frames are examined. If a frame has a larger        //
81 // Width/Height than the header values then the header values are updated     //
82 // with the larger values from the frame.                                     //
83 // I had a MANTA.GIF where the header said 120x89 but the frames said 200x148 //
84 // and the frames got clipped. MSIE didn't clip it.                           //
85 // http://www.graphcomp.com/info/specs/ani_gif.html :                         //
86 // Do not assume all of your images are the same size. Read through their     //
87 // sizes and set the logical screen to the largest width & height included    //
88 // in the file.                                                               //
89 // By removing the define FIXHEADER_WIDTHHEIGHT_SILENT                        //
90 // the header is not altered. This makes the unit work as before.             //
91 //                                                                            //
92 // Changed 2006.07.10 by Finn Tolderlund:                                     //
93 // Added conditional switch as default: DEFAULT_GOCLEARLOOP                   //
94 // When the switch is defined:                                                //
95 // When loading a gif default DrawOptions include goClearLoop                 //
96 // Same as adding goClearLoop manually to DrawOptions.                        //
97 // This will clear an animated gif before first frame on each loop.           //
98 // Someone sent me a 'conductor.gif' where some of the last frame was retaind //
99 // when beginning a new loop and that was visually incorrect.                 //
100 // Without glClearLoop the first frame may look different on the second loop  //
101 // because some part of the last frame could still be present.                //
102 // With goClearLoop the first frame will always look the same on each loop.   //
103 // I think the last is better.                                                //
104 //                                                                            //
105 // Changed 2006.07.29 by Finn Tolderlund:                                     //
106 // Added a check in procedure TGIFSubImage.Decompress to make sure that       //
107 // the InitialBitsPerCode variable never exeeds the value 15.                 //
108 // Someone sent an animated iup110296.gif (corrupt I think) which caused      //
109 // this unit to crash in function NextLZW because InitialBitsPerCode was 20.  //
110 // This fix prevents the crash and should not cause problems with other gifs. //
111 // Not sure that the fix is the correct way to handle it. It seems to work.   //
112 //                                                                            //
113 // Changed 2006.10.09 by Finn Tolderlund:                                     //
114 // Received a mail from Michael Thomas Greer with a fix that allows           //
115 // the TGIFSubImage.Pixels[] property to be writeable. The help file states   //
116 // that the Pixels property can be written, but it was read-only.             //
117 // Help file: "Write Pixels to change the color index of individual pixels".  //
118 //                                                                            //
119 // Changed 2006.10.16 by Finn Tolderlund:                                     //
120 // Received a mail from Maurizio Lotauro who was using Delphi 5 and FastMM4.  //
121 // FastMM4 complains about a memory leak when using Delphi 5.                 //
122 // I don't have Delphi 5 installed so I can't test if there really is a       //
123 // memory leak or if it's just FastMM4 which can't detect it correctly.       //
124 // The problem and fix only applies to Delphi 5 or older.                     //
125 // Added a fix to keep FastMM4 happy. See more at this link:                  //
126 // http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=1559584&forum_id=443400   //
127 //                                                                            //
128 // Changed 2007.01.18 by Finn Tolderlund:                                     //
129 // The ReduceColors function is changed so that it's now possible to use      //
130 // the TFastColorLookup class if you use ColorReduction rmQuantize.           //
131 // The TFastColorLookup class was removed 2003-03-06, but is introduced again //
132 // because Paul Lopez needed speed when adding images to a gif.               //
133 // This changes how rmQuantize works: It's now fast but less precise.         //
134 // This means:                                                                //
135 // Use rmQuantizeWindows to get precision, use rmQuantize if you need speed.  //
136 //                                                                            //
137 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
138 //                                                                            //
139 // Please read the "Conditions of use" in the release notes.                  //
140 //                                                                            //
141 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
142 // Known problems:
143 //
144 // * The combination of buffered, tiled and transparent draw will display the
145 //   background incorrectly (scaled).
146 //   If this is a problem for you, use non-buffered (goDirectDraw) drawing
147 //   instead.
148 //
149 // * The combination of non-buffered, transparent and stretched draw is
150 //   sometimes distorted with a pattern effect when the image is displayed
151 //   smaller than the real size (shrinked).
152 //
153 // * Buffered display flickers when TGIFImage is used by a transparent TImage
154 //   component.
155 //   This is a problem with TImage caused by the fact that TImage was designed
156 //   with static images in mind. Not much I can do about it.
157 //
158 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
159 // To do (in rough order of priority):
160 // { TODO -oanme -cFeature : TImage hook for destroy notification. }
161 // { TODO -oanme -cFeature : TBitmap pool to limit resource consumption on Win95/98. }
162 // { TODO -oanme -cImprovement : Make BitsPerPixel property writable. }
163 // { TODO -oanme -cFeature : Visual GIF component. }
164 // { TODO -oanme -cImprovement : Easier method to determine DrawPainter status. }
165 // { TODO -oanme -cFeature : Import to 256+ color GIF. }
166 // { TODO -oanme -cFeature : Make some of TGIFImage's properties persistent (DrawOptions etc). }
167 // { TODO -oanme -cFeature : Add TGIFImage.Persistent property. Should save published properties in application extension when this options is set. }
168 // { TODO -oanme -cBugFix : Solution for background buffering in scrollbox. }
169 //
170 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
171 {$ifdef BCB}
172 {$ObjExportAll On}
173 {$endif}
175 interface
176 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
177 //
178 //		Conditional Compiler Symbols
179 //
180 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
181 (*
182   DEBUG				Must be defined if any of the DEBUG_xxx
183   				symbols are defined.
184                                 If the symbol is defined the source will not be
185                                 optimized and overflow- and range checks will be
186                                 enabled.
188   DEBUG_HASHPERFORMANCE		Calculates hash table performance data.
189   DEBUG_HASHFILLFACTOR		Calculates fill factor of hash table -
190   				Interferes with DEBUG_HASHPERFORMANCE.
191   DEBUG_COMPRESSPERFORMANCE	Calculates LZW compressor performance data.
192   DEBUG_DECOMPRESSPERFORMANCE	Calculates LZW decompressor performance data.
193   DEBUG_DITHERPERFORMANCE	Calculates color reduction performance data.
194   DEBUG_DRAWPERFORMANCE		Calculates low level drawing performance data.
195   				The performance data for DEBUG_DRAWPERFORMANCE
196                                 will be displayed when you press the Ctrl key.
197   DEBUG_RENDERPERFORMANCE	Calculates performance data for the GIF to
198   				bitmap converter.
199   				The performance data for DEBUG_DRAWPERFORMANCE
200                                 will be displayed when you press the Ctrl key.
202   GIF_NOSAFETY			Define this symbol to disable overflow- and
203 				range checks.
204                                 Ignored if the DEBUG symbol is defined.
206   STRICT_MOZILLA		Define to mimic Mozilla as closely as possible.
207   				If not defined, a slightly more "optimal"
208                                 implementation is used (IMHO).
210   FAST_AS_HELL			Define this symbol to use strictly GIF compliant
211   				(but too fast) animation timing.
212                                 Since our paint routines are much faster and
213                                 more precise timed than Mozilla's, the standard
214                                 GIF and Mozilla values causes animations to loop
215                                 faster than they would in Mozilla.
216                                 If the symbol is _not_ defined, an alternative
217                                 set of tweaked timing values will be used.
218                                 The tweaked values are not optimal but are based
219                                 on tests performed on my reference system:
220                                 - Windows 95
221                                 - 133 MHz Pentium
222                                 - 64Mb RAM
223                                 - Diamond Stealth64/V3000
224                                 - 1600*1200 in 256 colors
225                                 The alternate values can be modified if you are
226                                 not satisfied with my defaults (they can be
227                                 found a few pages down).
229   REGISTER_TGIFIMAGE            Define this symbol to register TGIFImage with
230   				the TPicture class and integrate with TImage.
231                                 This is required to be able to display GIFs in
232                                 the TImage component.
233                                 The symbol is defined by default.
234                                 Undefine if you use another GIF library to
235                                 provide GIF support for TImage.
237   PIXELFORMAT_TOO_SLOW		When this symbol is defined, the internal
238   				PixelFormat routines are used in some places
239                                 instead of TBitmap.PixelFormat.
240                                 The current implementation (Delphi4, Builder 3)
241                                 of TBitmap.PixelFormat can in some situation
242                                 degrade performance.
243                                 The symbol is defined by default.
245   CREATEDIBSECTION_SLOW		If this symbol is defined, TDIBWriter will
246   				use global memory as scanline storage, instead
247                                 of a DIB section.
248                                 Benchmarks have shown that a DIB section is
249                                 twice as slow as global memory.
250                                 The symbol is defined by default.
251                                 The symbol requires that PIXELFORMAT_TOO_SLOW
252                                 is defined.
254   SERIALIZE_RENDER		Define this symbol to serialize threaded
255   				GIF to bitmap rendering.
256                                 When a GIF is displayed with the goAsync option
257                                 (the default), the GIF to bitmap rendering is
258                                 executed in the context of the draw thread.
259                                 If more than one thread is drawing the same GIF
260                                 or the GIF is being modified while it is
261                                 animating, the GIF to bitmap rendering should be
262                                 serialized to guarantee that the bitmap isn't
263                                 modified by more than one thread at a time. If
264                                 SERIALIZE_RENDER is defined, the draw threads
265                                 uses TThread.Synchronize to serialize GIF to
266                                 bitmap rendering.
268   FIXHEADER_WIDTHHEIGHT_SILENT  Define this symbol to adjust Width and Height
269                                 in the header if any of the frames has a larger
270                                 Width or Height.
272   DEFAULT_GOCLEARLOOP           Define this symbol to clear animation on each
273                                 loop before first frame.
274                                 Same as adding goClearLoop to DrawOptions.
275                                 STRICT_MOZILLA does the same,
276                                 but STRICT_MOZILLA does something more.
278 *)
286 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
287 //
288 //		Determine Delphi and C++ Builder version
289 //
290 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
292 // Delphi 1.x
293 {$IFDEF VER80}
294   'Error: TGIFImage does not support Delphi 1.x'
295 {$ENDIF}
297 // Delphi 2.x
298 {$IFDEF VER90}
299   {$DEFINE VER9x}
300 {$ENDIF}
302 // C++ Builder 1.x
303 {$IFDEF VER93}
304   // Good luck...
305   {$DEFINE VER9x}
306 {$ENDIF}
308 // Delphi 3.x
309 {$IFDEF VER100}
310   {$DEFINE VER10_PLUS}
311   {$DEFINE D3_BCB3}
312 {$ENDIF}
314 // C++ Builder 3.x
315 {$IFDEF VER110}
316   {$DEFINE VER10_PLUS}
317   {$DEFINE VER11_PLUS}
318   {$DEFINE D3_BCB3}
320 {$ENDIF}
322 // Delphi 4.x
323 {$IFDEF VER120}
324   {$DEFINE VER10_PLUS}
325   {$DEFINE VER11_PLUS}
326   {$DEFINE VER12_PLUS}
328 {$ENDIF}
330 // C++ Builder 4.x
331 {$IFDEF VER125}
332   {$DEFINE VER10_PLUS}
333   {$DEFINE VER11_PLUS}
334   {$DEFINE VER12_PLUS}
335   {$DEFINE VER125_PLUS}
337 {$ENDIF}
339 // Delphi 5.x
340 {$IFDEF VER130}
341   {$DEFINE VER10_PLUS}
342   {$DEFINE VER11_PLUS}
343   {$DEFINE VER12_PLUS}
344   {$DEFINE VER125_PLUS}
345   {$DEFINE VER13_PLUS}
347 {$ENDIF}
349 // Delphi 6.x
350 {$IFDEF VER140}
352   {$DEFINE VER10_PLUS}
353   {$DEFINE VER11_PLUS}
354   {$DEFINE VER12_PLUS}
355   {$DEFINE VER125_PLUS}
356   {$DEFINE VER13_PLUS}
357   {$DEFINE VER14_PLUS}
359 {$ENDIF}
361 // Delphi 7.x
362 {$IFDEF VER150}
364   {$DEFINE VER10_PLUS}
365   {$DEFINE VER11_PLUS}
366   {$DEFINE VER12_PLUS}
367   {$DEFINE VER125_PLUS}
368   {$DEFINE VER13_PLUS}
369   {$DEFINE VER14_PLUS}
370   {$DEFINE VER15_PLUS}
372 {$ENDIF}
374 // 2003.03.09 ->
375 // Unknown compiler version - assume D4 compatible
376 //{$IFNDEF VER9x}
377 //  {$IFNDEF VER10_PLUS}
378 //    {$DEFINE VER10_PLUS}
379 //    {$DEFINE VER11_PLUS}
380 //    {$DEFINE VER12_PLUS}
382 //  {$ENDIF}
383 //{$ENDIF}
384 // 2003.03.09 <-
386 // 2003.03.09 ->
387 // Unknown compiler version - assume D7 compatible
388 {$IFNDEF VER9x}
391   {$DEFINE VER10_PLUS}
392   {$DEFINE VER11_PLUS}
393   {$DEFINE VER12_PLUS}
394   {$DEFINE VER125_PLUS}
395   {$DEFINE VER13_PLUS}
396   {$DEFINE VER14_PLUS}
397   {$DEFINE VER15_PLUS}
399 {$ENDIF}
400 {$ENDIF}
401 // 2003.03.09 <-
403 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
404 //
405 //		Compiler Options required to compile this library
406 //
407 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
408 {$A+,B-,H+,J+,K-,M-,T-,X+}
410 // Debug control - You can safely change these settings
412   {$C+}	// ASSERTIONS
413   {$O-}	// OPTIMIZATION
415   {$R+}	// RANGECHECKS
416 {$ELSE}
417   {$C-}	// ASSERTIONS
419     {$Q-}// OVERFLOWCHECKS
420     {$R-}// RANGECHECKS
421   {$ENDIF}
422 {$ENDIF}
424 // Special options for Time2Help parser
425 {$ifdef TIME2HELP}
427 {$endif}
429 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
430 //
431 //			External dependecies
432 //
433 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
434 uses
435   sysutils,
436   Windows,
437   Graphics,
438   Classes;
440 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
441 //
442 //			TGIFImage library version
443 //
444 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
445 const
446   GIFVersion		= $0202;
447   GIFVersionMajor	= 2;
448   GIFVersionMinor	= 2;
449   GIFVersionRelease	= 5;
451 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
452 //
453 //			Misc constants and support types
454 //
455 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
456 const
457   GIFMaxColors	= 256;			// Max number of colors supported by GIF
458   					// Don't bother changing this value!
460   BitmapAllocationThreshold = 500000;	// Bitmap pixel count limit at which
461   					// a newly allocated bitmap will be
462                                         // converted to 1 bit format before
463                                         // being resized and converted to 8 bit.
465 var
467   GIFDelayExp: integer = 10;		// Delay multiplier in mS.
468 {$ELSE}
469   GIFDelayExp: integer = 12;		// Delay multiplier in mS. Tweaked.
470 {$ENDIF}
471 					// * GIFDelayExp:
472   					// The following delay values should all
473                                         // be multiplied by this value to
474                                         // calculate the effective time (in mS).
475                                         // According to the GIF specs, this
476                                         // value should be 10.
477                                         // Since our paint routines are much
478                                         // faster than Mozilla's, you might need
479                                         // to increase this value if your
480                                         // animations loops too fast. The
481                                         // optimal value is impossible to
482                                         // determine since it depends on the
483                                         // speed of the CPU, the viceo card,
484                                         // memory and many other factors.
486   GIFDefaultDelay: integer = 10;	// * GIFDefaultDelay:
487   					// Default animation delay.
488   					// This value is used if no GCE is
489                                         // defined.
490                                         // (10 = 100 mS)
493   GIFMinimumDelay: integer = 1;		// Minimum delay (from Mozilla source).
494   					// (1 = 10 mS)
495 {$ELSE}
496   GIFMinimumDelay: integer = 3;		// Minimum delay - Tweaked.
497 {$ENDIF}
498 					// * GIFMinimumDelay:
499 					// The minumum delay used in the Mozilla
500                                         // source is 10mS. This corresponds to a
501                                         // value of 1. However, since our paint
502                                         // routines are much faster than
503                                         // Mozilla's, a value of 3 or 4 gives
504                                         // better results.
506   GIFMaximumDelay: integer = 1000;	// * GIFMaximumDelay:
507   					// Maximum delay when painter is running
508   					// in main thread (goAsync is not set).
509                                         // This value guarantees that a very
510                                         // long and slow GIF does not hang the
511                                         // system.
512                                         // (1000 = 10000 mS = 10 Seconds)
514 type
515   TGIFVersion = (gvUnknown, gv87a, gv89a);
516   TGIFVersionRec = array[0..2] of char;
518 const
519   GIFVersions : array[gv87a..gv89a] of TGIFVersionRec = ('87a', '89a');
521 type
522   // TGIFImage mostly throws exceptions of type GIFException
523   GIFException = class(EInvalidGraphic);
525   // Severity level as indicated in the Warning methods and the OnWarning event
526   TGIFSeverity = (gsInfo, gsWarning, gsError);
528 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
529 //
530 //			Delphi 2.x support
531 //
532 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
533 {$IFDEF VER9x}
534 // Delphi 2 doesn't support TBitmap.PixelFormat
536 type
537   // TThreadList from Delphi 3 classes.pas
538   TThreadList = class
539   private
540     FList: TList;
541     FLock: TRTLCriticalSection;
542   public
543     constructor Create;
544     destructor Destroy; override;
545     procedure Add(Item: Pointer);
546     procedure Clear;
LockListnull547     function  LockList: TList;
548     procedure Remove(Item: Pointer);
549     procedure UnlockList;
550   end;
552   // From Delphi 3 sysutils.pas
553   EOutOfMemory = class(Exception);
555   // From Delphi 3 classes.pas
556   EOutOfResources = class(EOutOfMemory);
558   // From Delphi 3 windows.pas
559   PMaxLogPalette = ^TMaxLogPalette;
560   TMaxLogPalette = packed record
561     palVersion: Word;
562     palNumEntries: Word;
563     palPalEntry: array [Byte] of TPaletteEntry;
564   end; { TMaxLogPalette }
566   // From Delphi 3 graphics.pas. Used by the D3 TGraphic class.
567   TProgressStage = (psStarting, psRunning, psEnding);
568   TProgressEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Stage: TProgressStage;
569     PercentDone: Byte; RedrawNow: Boolean; const R: TRect; const Msg: string) of object;
571   // From Delphi 3 windows.pas
572   PRGBTriple = ^TRGBTriple;
573 {$ENDIF}
575 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
576 //
577 //			Forward declarations
578 //
579 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
580 type
581   TGIFImage = class;
582   TGIFSubImage = class;
584 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
585 //
586 //			TGIFItem
587 //
588 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
589   TGIFItem = class(TPersistent)
590   private
591     FGIFImage: TGIFImage;
592   protected
GetVersionnull593     function GetVersion: TGIFVersion; virtual;
594     procedure Warning(Severity: TGIFSeverity; Message: string); virtual;
595   public
596     constructor Create(GIFImage: TGIFImage); virtual;
598     procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); virtual; abstract;
599     procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); virtual; abstract;
600     procedure SaveToFile(const Filename: string); virtual;
601     procedure LoadFromFile(const Filename: string); virtual;
602     property Version: TGIFVersion read GetVersion;
603     property Image: TGIFImage read FGIFImage;
604   end;
606 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
607 //
608 //			TGIFList
609 //
610 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
611   TGIFList = class(TPersistent)
612   private
613     FItems: TList;
614     FImage: TGIFImage;
615   protected
GetItemnull616     function GetItem(Index: Integer): TGIFItem;
617     procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; Item: TGIFItem);
GetCountnull618     function GetCount: Integer;
619     procedure Warning(Severity: TGIFSeverity; Message: string); virtual;
620   public
621     constructor Create(Image: TGIFImage);
622     destructor Destroy; override;
Addnull624     function Add(Item: TGIFItem): Integer;
625     procedure Clear;
626     procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
627     procedure Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer);
Firstnull628     function First: TGIFItem;
IndexOfnull629     function IndexOf(Item: TGIFItem): Integer;
630     procedure Insert(Index: Integer; Item: TGIFItem);
Lastnull631     function Last: TGIFItem;
632     procedure Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer);
Removenull633     function Remove(Item: TGIFItem): Integer;
634     procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); virtual;
635     procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; Parent: TObject); virtual; abstract;
637     property Items[Index: Integer]: TGIFItem read GetItem write SetItem; default;
638     property Count: Integer read GetCount;
639     property List: TList read FItems;
640     property Image: TGIFImage read FImage;
641   end;
643 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
644 //
645 //			TGIFColorMap
646 //
647 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
648   // One way to do it:
649   //  TBaseColor = (bcRed, bcGreen, bcBlue);
650   //  TGIFColor = array[bcRed..bcBlue] of BYTE;
651   // Another way:
652   TGIFColor = packed record
653     Red: byte;
654     Green: byte;
655     Blue: byte;
656   end;
658   TColorMap = packed array[0..GIFMaxColors-1] of TGIFColor;
659   PColorMap = ^TColorMap;
661   TUsageCount = record
662     Count		: integer;	// # of pixels using color index
663     Index		: integer;	// Color index
664   end;
665   TColormapHistogram = array[0..255] of TUsageCount;
666   TColormapReverse = array[0..255] of byte;
668   TGIFColorMap = class(TPersistent)
669   private
670     FColorMap		: PColorMap;
671     FCount		: integer;
672     FCapacity		: integer;
673     FOptimized		: boolean;
674   protected
GetColornull675     function GetColor(Index: integer): TColor;
676     procedure SetColor(Index: integer; Value: TColor);
GetBitsPerPixelnull677     function GetBitsPerPixel: integer;
DoOptimizenull678     function DoOptimize: boolean;
679     procedure SetCapacity(Size: integer);
680     procedure Warning(Severity: TGIFSeverity; Message: string); virtual; abstract;
681     procedure BuildHistogram(var Histogram: TColormapHistogram); virtual; abstract;
682     procedure MapImages(var Map: TColormapReverse); virtual; abstract;
684   public
685     constructor Create;
686     destructor Destroy; override;
Color2RGBnull687     class function Color2RGB(Color: TColor): TGIFColor;
RGB2Colornull688     class function RGB2Color(Color: TGIFColor): TColor;
689     procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
690     procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; Count: integer);
691     procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
IndexOfnull692     function IndexOf(Color: TColor): integer;
Addnull693     function Add(Color: TColor): integer;
AddUniquenull694     function AddUnique(Color: TColor): integer;
695     procedure Delete(Index: integer);
696     procedure Clear;
Optimizenull697     function Optimize: boolean; virtual; abstract;
698     procedure Changed; virtual; abstract;
699     procedure ImportPalette(Palette: HPalette);
700     procedure ImportColorTable(Pal: pointer; Count: integer);
701     procedure ImportDIBColors(Handle: HDC);
702     procedure ImportColorMap(Map: TColorMap; Count: integer);
ExportPalettenull703     function ExportPalette: HPalette;
704     property Colors[Index: integer]: TColor read GetColor write SetColor; default;
705     property Data: PColorMap read FColorMap;
706     property Count: integer read FCount;
707     property Optimized: boolean read FOptimized write FOptimized;
708     property BitsPerPixel: integer read GetBitsPerPixel;
709   end;
711 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
712 //
713 //			TGIFHeader
714 //
715 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
716   TLogicalScreenDescriptor = packed record
717     ScreenWidth: word;              { logical screen width }
718     ScreenHeight: word;             { logical screen height }
719     PackedFields: byte;             { packed fields }
720     BackgroundColorIndex: byte;     { index to global color table }
721     AspectRatio: byte;              { actual ratio = (AspectRatio + 15) / 64 }
722   end;
724   TGIFHeader = class(TGIFItem)
725   private
726     FLogicalScreenDescriptor: TLogicalScreenDescriptor;
727     FColorMap		: TGIFColorMap;
728     procedure Prepare;
729   protected
GetVersionnull730     function GetVersion: TGIFVersion; override;
GetBackgroundColornull731     function GetBackgroundColor: TColor;
732     procedure SetBackgroundColor(Color: TColor);
733     procedure SetBackgroundColorIndex(Index: BYTE);
GetBitsPerPixelnull734     function GetBitsPerPixel: integer;
GetColorResolutionnull735     function GetColorResolution: integer;
736   public
737     constructor Create(GIFImage: TGIFImage); override;
738     destructor Destroy; override;
739     procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
740     procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
741     procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); override;
742     procedure Clear;
743     property Version: TGIFVersion read GetVersion;
744     property Width: WORD read FLogicalScreenDescriptor.ScreenWidth
745                          write FLogicalScreenDescriptor.ScreenWidth;
746     property Height: WORD read FLogicalScreenDescriptor.ScreenHeight
747                           write FLogicalScreenDescriptor.Screenheight;
748     property BackgroundColorIndex: BYTE read FLogicalScreenDescriptor.BackgroundColorIndex
749                                         write SetBackgroundColorIndex;
750     property BackgroundColor: TColor read GetBackgroundColor
751                                      write SetBackgroundColor;
752     property AspectRatio: BYTE read FLogicalScreenDescriptor.AspectRatio
753                                write FLogicalScreenDescriptor.AspectRatio;
754     property ColorMap: TGIFColorMap read FColorMap;
755     property BitsPerPixel: integer read GetBitsPerPixel;
756     property ColorResolution: integer read GetColorResolution;
757   end;
759 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
760 //
761 //                      TGIFExtension
762 //
763 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
764   TGIFExtensionType = BYTE;
765   TGIFExtension = class;
766   TGIFExtensionClass = class of TGIFExtension;
768   TGIFGraphicControlExtension = class;
770   TGIFExtension = class(TGIFItem)
771   private
772     FSubImage: TGIFSubImage;
773   protected
GetExtensionTypenull774     function GetExtensionType: TGIFExtensionType; virtual; abstract;
GetVersionnull775     function GetVersion: TGIFVersion; override;
DoReadFromStreamnull776     function DoReadFromStream(Stream: TStream): TGIFExtensionType;
777     class procedure RegisterExtension(elabel: BYTE; eClass: TGIFExtensionClass);
FindExtensionnull778     class function FindExtension(Stream: TStream): TGIFExtensionClass;
FindSubExtensionnull779     class function FindSubExtension(Stream: TStream): TGIFExtensionClass; virtual;
780   public
781      // Ignore compiler warning about hiding base class constructor
782     constructor Create(ASubImage: TGIFSubImage); {$IFDEF VER12_PLUS} reintroduce; {$ENDIF} virtual;
783     destructor Destroy; override;
784     procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
785     procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); override;
786     property ExtensionType: TGIFExtensionType read GetExtensionType;
787     property SubImage: TGIFSubImage read FSubImage;
788   end;
790 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
791 //
792 //			TGIFSubImage
793 //
794 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
795   TGIFExtensionList = class(TGIFList)
796   protected
GetExtensionnull797     function GetExtension(Index: Integer): TGIFExtension;
798     procedure SetExtension(Index: Integer; Extension: TGIFExtension);
799   public
800     procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; Parent: TObject); override;
801     property Extensions[Index: Integer]: TGIFExtension read GetExtension write SetExtension; default;
802   end;
804   TImageDescriptor = packed record
805     Separator: byte;	{ fixed value of ImageSeparator }
806     Left: word;		{ Column in pixels in respect to left edge of logical screen }
807     Top: word;		{ row in pixels in respect to top of logical screen }
808     Width: word;	{ width of image in pixels }
809     Height: word;	{ height of image in pixels }
810     PackedFields: byte;	{ Bit fields }
811   end;
813   TGIFSubImage = class(TGIFItem)
814   private
815     FBitmap		: TBitmap;
816     FMask		: HBitmap;
817     FNeedMask		: boolean;
818     FLocalPalette	: HPalette;
819     FData		: PChar;
820     FDataSize		: integer;
821     FColorMap		: TGIFColorMap;
822     FImageDescriptor	: TImageDescriptor;
823     FExtensions		: TGIFExtensionList;
824     FTransparent	: boolean;
825     FGCE		: TGIFGraphicControlExtension;
826     procedure Prepare;
827     procedure Compress(Stream: TStream);
828     procedure Decompress(Stream: TStream);
829   protected
GetVersionnull830     function GetVersion: TGIFVersion; override;
GetInterlacednull831     function GetInterlaced: boolean;
832     procedure SetInterlaced(Value: boolean);
GetColorResolutionnull833     function GetColorResolution: integer;
GetBitsPerPixelnull834     function GetBitsPerPixel: integer;
835     procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override;
DoGetBitmapnull836     function DoGetBitmap: TBitmap;
DoGetDitherBitmapnull837     function DoGetDitherBitmap: TBitmap;
GetBitmapnull838     function GetBitmap: TBitmap;
839     procedure SetBitmap(Value: TBitmap);
840     procedure FreeMask;
GetEmptynull841     function GetEmpty: Boolean;
GetPalettenull842     function GetPalette: HPALETTE;
843     procedure SetPalette(Value: HPalette);
GetActiveColorMapnull844     function GetActiveColorMap: TGIFColorMap;
GetBoundsRectnull845     function GetBoundsRect: TRect;
846     procedure SetBoundsRect(const Value: TRect);
847     procedure DoSetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: integer);
GetClientRectnull848     function GetClientRect: TRect;
GetPixelnull849     function GetPixel(x, y: integer): BYTE;
850 // 2006.10.09 ->
851     procedure SetPixel(x, y: integer; Value: BYTE);
852 // 2006.10.09 <-
GetScanlinenull853     function GetScanline(y: integer): pointer;
854     procedure NewBitmap;
855     procedure FreeBitmap;
856     procedure NewImage;
857     procedure FreeImage;
858     procedure NeedImage;
ScaleRectnull859     function ScaleRect(DestRect: TRect): TRect;
HasMasknull860     function HasMask: boolean;
GetBoundsnull861     function GetBounds(Index: integer): WORD;
862     procedure SetBounds(Index: integer; Value: WORD);
GetHasBitmapnull863     function GetHasBitmap: boolean;
864     procedure SetHasBitmap(Value: boolean);
865   public
866     constructor Create(GIFImage: TGIFImage); override;
867     destructor Destroy; override;
868     procedure Clear;
869     procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
870     procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); override;
871     procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
872     procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect;
873       DoTransparent, DoTile: boolean);
874     procedure StretchDraw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect;
875       DoTransparent, DoTile: boolean);
876     procedure Crop;
877     procedure Merge(Previous: TGIFSubImage);
878     property HasBitmap: boolean read GetHasBitmap write SetHasBitmap;
879     property Left: WORD index 1 read GetBounds write SetBounds;
880     property Top: WORD index 2 read GetBounds write SetBounds;
881     property Width: WORD index 3 read GetBounds write SetBounds;
882     property Height: WORD index 4 read GetBounds write SetBounds;
883     property BoundsRect: TRect read GetBoundsRect write SetBoundsRect;
884     property ClientRect: TRect read GetClientRect;
885     property Interlaced: boolean read GetInterlaced write SetInterlaced;
886     property ColorMap: TGIFColorMap read FColorMap;
887     property ActiveColorMap: TGIFColorMap read GetActiveColorMap;
888     property Data: PChar read FData;
889     property DataSize: integer read FDataSize;
890     property Extensions: TGIFExtensionList read FExtensions;
891     property Version: TGIFVersion read GetVersion;
892     property ColorResolution: integer read GetColorResolution;
893     property BitsPerPixel: integer read GetBitsPerPixel;
894     property Bitmap: TBitmap read GetBitmap write SetBitmap;
895     property Mask: HBitmap read FMask;
896     property Palette: HPALETTE read GetPalette write SetPalette;
897     property Empty: boolean read GetEmpty;
898     property Transparent: boolean read FTransparent;
899     property GraphicControlExtension: TGIFGraphicControlExtension read FGCE;
900 // 2006.10.09 ->
901 //  property Pixels[x, y: integer]: BYTE read GetPixel;
902     property Pixels[x, y: integer]: BYTE read GetPixel write SetPixel;
903 // 2006.10.09 <-
904     property Scanline[y: integer]: pointer read GetScanline;
905   end;
907 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
908 //
909 //                      TGIFTrailer
910 //
911 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
912   TGIFTrailer = class(TGIFItem)
913     procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
914     procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); override;
915   end;
917 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
918 //
919 //                      TGIFGraphicControlExtension
920 //
921 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
922   // Graphic Control Extension block a.k.a GCE
923   TGIFGCERec = packed record
924     BlockSize: byte;         { should be 4 }
925     PackedFields: Byte;
926     DelayTime: Word;         { in centiseconds }
927     TransparentColorIndex: Byte;
928     Terminator: Byte;
929   end;
931   TDisposalMethod = (dmNone, dmNoDisposal, dmBackground, dmPrevious);
933   TGIFGraphicControlExtension = class(TGIFExtension)
934   private
935     FGCExtension: TGIFGCERec;
936   protected
GetExtensionTypenull937     function GetExtensionType: TGIFExtensionType; override;
GetTransparentnull938     function GetTransparent: boolean;
939     procedure SetTransparent(Value: boolean);
GetTransparentColornull940     function GetTransparentColor: TColor;
941     procedure SetTransparentColor(Color: TColor);
GetTransparentColorIndexnull942     function GetTransparentColorIndex: BYTE;
943     procedure SetTransparentColorIndex(Value: BYTE);
GetDelaynull944     function GetDelay: WORD;
945     procedure SetDelay(Value: WORD);
GetUserInputnull946     function GetUserInput: boolean;
947     procedure SetUserInput(Value: boolean);
GetDisposalnull948     function GetDisposal: TDisposalMethod;
949     procedure SetDisposal(Value: TDisposalMethod);
951   public
952     constructor Create(ASubImage: TGIFSubImage); override;
953     destructor Destroy; override;
954     procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
955     procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); override;
956     property Delay: WORD read GetDelay write SetDelay;
957     property Transparent: boolean read GetTransparent write SetTransparent;
958     property TransparentColorIndex: BYTE read GetTransparentColorIndex
959                                             write SetTransparentColorIndex;
960     property TransparentColor: TColor read GetTransparentColor write SetTransparentColor;
961     property UserInput: boolean read GetUserInput write SetUserInput;
962     property Disposal: TDisposalMethod read GetDisposal write SetDisposal;
963   end;
965 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
966 //
967 //                      TGIFTextExtension
968 //
969 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
970   TGIFPlainTextExtensionRec = packed record
971     BlockSize: byte;         { should be 12 }
972     Left, Top, Width, Height: Word;
973     CellWidth, CellHeight: Byte;
974     TextFGColorIndex,
975     TextBGColorIndex: Byte;
976   end;
978   TGIFTextExtension = class(TGIFExtension)
979   private
980     FText		: TStrings;
981     FPlainTextExtension	: TGIFPlainTextExtensionRec;
982   protected
GetExtensionTypenull983     function GetExtensionType: TGIFExtensionType; override;
GetForegroundColornull984     function GetForegroundColor: TColor;
985     procedure SetForegroundColor(Color: TColor);
GetBackgroundColornull986     function GetBackgroundColor: TColor;
987     procedure SetBackgroundColor(Color: TColor);
GetBoundsnull988     function GetBounds(Index: integer): WORD;
989     procedure SetBounds(Index: integer; Value: WORD);
GetCharWidthHeightnull990     function GetCharWidthHeight(Index: integer): BYTE;
991     procedure SetCharWidthHeight(Index: integer; Value: BYTE);
GetColorIndexnull992     function GetColorIndex(Index: integer): BYTE;
993     procedure SetColorIndex(Index: integer; Value: BYTE);
994   public
995     constructor Create(ASubImage: TGIFSubImage); override;
996     destructor Destroy; override;
997     procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
998     procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); override;
999     property Left: WORD index 1 read GetBounds write SetBounds;
1000     property Top: WORD index 2 read GetBounds write SetBounds;
1001     property GridWidth: WORD index 3 read GetBounds write SetBounds;
1002     property GridHeight: WORD index 4 read GetBounds write SetBounds;
1003     property CharWidth: BYTE index 1 read GetCharWidthHeight write SetCharWidthHeight;
1004     property CharHeight: BYTE index 2 read GetCharWidthHeight write SetCharWidthHeight;
1005     property ForegroundColorIndex: BYTE index 1 read GetColorIndex write SetColorIndex;
1006     property ForegroundColor: TColor read GetForegroundColor;
1007     property BackgroundColorIndex: BYTE  index 2 read GetColorIndex write SetColorIndex;
1008     property BackgroundColor: TColor read GetBackgroundColor;
1009     property Text: TStrings read FText write FText;
1010   end;
1012 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1013 //
1014 //                      TGIFCommentExtension
1015 //
1016 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1017   TGIFCommentExtension = class(TGIFExtension)
1018   private
1019     FText		: TStrings;
1020   protected
GetExtensionTypenull1021     function GetExtensionType: TGIFExtensionType; override;
1022   public
1023     constructor Create(ASubImage: TGIFSubImage); override;
1024     destructor Destroy; override;
1025     procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
1026     procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); override;
1027     property Text: TStrings read FText;
1028   end;
1030 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1031 //
1032 //                      TGIFApplicationExtension
1033 //
1034 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1035   TGIFIdentifierCode = array[0..7] of char;
1036   TGIFAuthenticationCode = array[0..2] of char;
1037   TGIFApplicationRec = packed record
1038     Identifier		: TGIFIdentifierCode;
1039     Authentication	: TGIFAuthenticationCode;
1040   end;
1042   TGIFApplicationExtension = class;
1043   TGIFAppExtensionClass = class of TGIFApplicationExtension;
1045   TGIFApplicationExtension = class(TGIFExtension)
1046   private
1047     FIdent		: TGIFApplicationRec;
GetAuthenticationnull1048     function GetAuthentication: string;
GetIdentifiernull1049     function GetIdentifier: string;
1050   protected
GetExtensionTypenull1051     function GetExtensionType: TGIFExtensionType; override;
1052     procedure SetAuthentication(const Value: string);
1053     procedure SetIdentifier(const Value: string);
1054     procedure SaveData(Stream: TStream); virtual; abstract;
1055     procedure LoadData(Stream: TStream); virtual; abstract;
1056   public
1057     constructor Create(ASubImage: TGIFSubImage); override;
1058     destructor Destroy; override;
1059     procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
1060     procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); override;
1061     class procedure RegisterExtension(eIdent: TGIFApplicationRec; eClass: TGIFAppExtensionClass);
FindSubExtensionnull1062     class function FindSubExtension(Stream: TStream): TGIFExtensionClass; override;
1063     property Identifier: string read GetIdentifier write SetIdentifier;
1064     property Authentication: string read GetAuthentication write SetAuthentication;
1065   end;
1067 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1068 //
1069 //                      TGIFUnknownAppExtension
1070 //
1071 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1072   TGIFBlock = class(TObject)
1073   private
1074     FSize		: BYTE;
1075     FData		: pointer;
1076   public
1077     constructor Create(ASize: integer);
1078     destructor Destroy; override;
1079     procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
1080     procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
1081     property Size: BYTE read FSize;
1082     property Data: pointer read FData;
1083   end;
1085   TGIFUnknownAppExtension = class(TGIFApplicationExtension)
1086   private
1087     FBlocks		: TList;
1088   protected
1089     procedure SaveData(Stream: TStream); override;
1090     procedure LoadData(Stream: TStream); override;
1091   public
1092     constructor Create(ASubImage: TGIFSubImage); override;
1093     destructor Destroy; override;
1094     property Blocks: TList read FBlocks;
1095   end;
1097 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1098 //
1099 //                      TGIFAppExtNSLoop
1100 //
1101 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1102   TGIFAppExtNSLoop = class(TGIFApplicationExtension)
1103   private
1104     FLoops		: WORD;
1105     FBufferSize		: DWORD;
1106   protected
1107     procedure SaveData(Stream: TStream); override;
1108     procedure LoadData(Stream: TStream); override;
1109   public
1110     constructor Create(ASubImage: TGIFSubImage); override;
1111     property Loops: WORD read FLoops write FLoops;
1112     property BufferSize: DWORD read FBufferSize write FBufferSize;
1113   end;
1115 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1116 //
1117 //                      TGIFImage
1118 //
1119 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1120   TGIFImageList = class(TGIFList)
1121   protected
GetImagenull1122     function GetImage(Index: Integer): TGIFSubImage;
1123     procedure SetImage(Index: Integer; SubImage: TGIFSubImage);
1124   public
1125     procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; Parent: TObject); override;
1126     procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
1127     property SubImages[Index: Integer]: TGIFSubImage read GetImage write SetImage; default;
1128   end;
1130   // Compression algorithms
1131   TGIFCompression =
1132     (gcLZW,			// Normal LZW compression
1133      gcRLE			// GIF compatible RLE compression
1134     );
1136   // Color reduction methods
1137   TColorReduction =
1138     (rmNone,			// Do not perform color reduction
1139      rmWindows20,		// Reduce to the Windows 20 color system palette
1140      rmWindows256,		// Reduce to the Windows 256 color halftone palette (Only works in 256 color display mode)
1141      rmWindowsGray,		// Reduce to the Windows 4 grayscale colors
1142      rmMonochrome,		// Reduce to a black/white monochrome palette
1143      rmGrayScale,		// Reduce to a uniform 256 shade grayscale palette
1144      rmNetscape,		// Reduce to the Netscape 216 color palette
1145      rmQuantize,		// Reduce to optimal 2^n color palette
1146      rmQuantizeWindows,		// Reduce to optimal 256 color windows palette
1147      rmPalette			// Reduce to custom palette
1148     );
1149   TDitherMode =
1150     (dmNearest,			// Nearest color matching w/o error correction
1151      dmFloydSteinberg,		// Floyd Steinberg Error Diffusion dithering
1152      dmStucki,			// Stucki Error Diffusion dithering
1153      dmSierra,			// Sierra Error Diffusion dithering
1154      dmJaJuNI,			// Jarvis, Judice & Ninke Error Diffusion dithering
1155      dmSteveArche,		// Stevenson & Arche Error Diffusion dithering
1156      dmBurkes			// Burkes Error Diffusion dithering
1157      // dmOrdered,		// Ordered dither
1158     );
1160   // Optimization options
1161   TGIFOptimizeOption =
1162     (ooCrop,			// Crop animated GIF frames
1163      ooMerge,			// Merge pixels of same color
1164      ooCleanup,			// Remove comments and application extensions
1165      ooColorMap,		// Sort color map by usage and remove unused entries
1166      ooReduceColors		// Reduce color depth ***NOT IMPLEMENTED***
1167     );
1168   TGIFOptimizeOptions = set of TGIFOptimizeOption;
1170   TGIFDrawOption =
1171     (goAsync,			// Asyncronous draws (paint in thread)
1172      goTransparent,		// Transparent draws
1173      goAnimate,			// Animate draws
1174      goLoop,			// Loop animations
1175      goLoopContinously,		// Ignore loop count and loop forever
1176      goValidateCanvas,		// Validate canvas in threaded paint ***NOT IMPLEMENTED***
1177      goDirectDraw,		// Draw() directly on canvas
1178      goClearOnLoop,		// Clear animation on loop
1179      goTile,			// Tiled display
1180      goDither,			// Dither to Netscape palette
1181      goAutoDither		// Only dither on 256 color systems
1182     );
1183   TGIFDrawOptions = set of TGIFDrawOption;
1184   // Note: if goAsync is not set then goDirectDraw should be set. Otherwise
1185   // the image will not be displayed.
1187   PGIFPainter = ^TGIFPainter;
1189   TGIFPainter = class(TThread)
1190   private
1191     FImage		: TGIFImage;	// The TGIFImage that owns this painter
1192     FCanvas		: TCanvas;	// Destination canvas
1193     FRect		: TRect;	// Destination rect
1194     FDrawOptions	: TGIFDrawOptions;// Paint options
1195     FAnimationSpeed	: integer;	// Animation speed %
1196     FActiveImage	: integer;	// Current frame
1197     Disposal		,		// Used by synchronized paint
1198     OldDisposal		: TDisposalMethod;// Used by synchronized paint
1199     BackupBuffer	: TBitmap;	// Used by synchronized paint
1200     FrameBuffer		: TBitmap;	// Used by synchronized paint
1201     Background		: TBitmap;	// Used by synchronized paint
1202     ValidateDC		: HDC;
1203     DoRestart		: boolean;	// Flag used to restart animation
1204     FStarted		: boolean;	// Flag used to signal start of paint
1205     PainterRef		: PGIFPainter;	// Pointer to var referencing painter
1206     FEventHandle	: THandle;	// Animation delay event
1207     ExceptObject	: Exception;	// Eaten exception
1208     ExceptAddress	: pointer;	// Eaten exceptions address
1209     FEvent		: TNotifyEvent;	// Used by synchronized events
1210     FOnStartPaint	: TNotifyEvent;
1211     FOnPaint		: TNotifyEvent;
1212     FOnAfterPaint	: TNotifyEvent;
1213     FOnLoop		: TNotifyEvent;
1214     FOnEndPaint		: TNotifyEvent;
1215     procedure DoOnTerminate(Sender: TObject);// Sync. shutdown procedure
1216     procedure DoSynchronize(Method: TThreadMethod);// Conditional sync stub
1217 {$ifdef SERIALIZE_RENDER}
1218     procedure PrefetchBitmap;		// Sync. bitmap prefetch
1219 {$endif}
1220     procedure DoPaintFrame;		// Sync. buffered paint procedure
1221     procedure DoPaint;			// Sync. paint procedure
1222     procedure DoEvent;
1223     procedure SetActiveImage(const Value: integer);// Sync. event procedure
1224   protected
1225     procedure Execute; override;
1226     procedure SetAnimationSpeed(Value: integer);
1227   public
1228     constructor Create(AImage: TGIFImage; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect;
1229       Options: TGIFDrawOptions);
1230     constructor CreateRef(Painter: PGIFPainter; AImage: TGIFImage; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect;
1231       Options: TGIFDrawOptions);
1232     destructor Destroy; override;
1233     procedure Start;
1234     procedure Stop;
1235     procedure Restart;
1236     property Image: TGIFImage read FImage;
1237     property Canvas: TCanvas read FCanvas;
1238     property Rect: TRect read FRect write FRect;
1239     property DrawOptions: TGIFDrawOptions read FDrawOptions write FDrawOptions;
1240     property AnimationSpeed: integer read FAnimationSpeed write SetAnimationSpeed;
1241     property Started: boolean read FStarted;
1242     property ActiveImage: integer read FActiveImage write SetActiveImage;
1243     property OnStartPaint: TNotifyEvent read FOnStartPaint write FOnStartPaint;
1244     property OnPaint: TNotifyEvent read FOnPaint write FOnPaint;
1245     property OnAfterPaint: TNotifyEvent read FOnAfterPaint write FOnAfterPaint;
1246     property OnLoop: TNotifyEvent read FOnLoop write FOnLoop;
1247     property OnEndPaint	: TNotifyEvent read FOnEndPaint	 write FOnEndPaint	;
1248     property EventHandle: THandle read FEventHandle;
1249   end;
1251   TGIFWarning = procedure(Sender: TObject; Severity: TGIFSeverity; Message: string) of object;
1253   TGIFImage = class(TGraphic)
1254   private
1255     IsDrawing		: Boolean;
1256     IsInsideGetPalette	: boolean;
1257     FImages		: TGIFImageList;
1258     FHeader		: TGIFHeader;
1259     FGlobalPalette	: HPalette;
1260     FPainters		: TThreadList;
1261     FDrawOptions	: TGIFDrawOptions;
1262     FColorReduction	: TColorReduction;
1263     FReductionBits	: integer;
1264     FDitherMode		: TDitherMode;
1265     FCompression	: TGIFCompression;
1266     FOnWarning		: TGIFWarning;
1267     FBitmap		: TBitmap;
1268     FDrawPainter	: TGIFPainter;
1269     FThreadPriority	: TThreadPriority;
1270     FAnimationSpeed	: integer;
1271     FForceFrame: Integer;  // 2004.03.09
1272     FDrawBackgroundColor: TColor;
1273     FOnStartPaint	: TNotifyEvent;
1274     FOnPaint		: TNotifyEvent;
1275     FOnAfterPaint	: TNotifyEvent;
1276     FOnLoop		: TNotifyEvent;
1277     FOnEndPaint		: TNotifyEvent;
1278 {$IFDEF VER9x}
1279     FPaletteModified	: Boolean;
1280     FOnProgress		: TProgressEvent;
1281 {$ENDIF}
GetAnimatenull1282     function GetAnimate: Boolean;  // 2002.07.07
1283     procedure SetAnimate(const Value: Boolean);  // 2002.07.07
1284     procedure SetForceFrame(const Value: Integer);  // 2004.03.09
1285   protected
1286     // Obsolete: procedure Changed(Sender: TObject); {$IFDEF VER9x} virtual; {$ELSE} override; {$ENDIF}
GetHeightnull1287     function GetHeight: Integer; override;
1288     procedure SetHeight(Value: Integer); override;
GetWidthnull1289     function GetWidth: Integer; override;
1290     procedure SetWidth(Value: Integer); override;
1291     procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override;
InternalPaintnull1292     function InternalPaint(Painter: PGIFPainter; ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect; Options: TGIFDrawOptions): TGIFPainter;
1293     procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect); override;
Equalsnull1294     function Equals(Graphic: TGraphic): Boolean; override;
GetPalettenull1295     function GetPalette: HPALETTE; {$IFDEF VER9x} virtual; {$ELSE} override; {$ENDIF}
1296     procedure SetPalette(Value: HPalette); {$IFDEF VER9x} virtual; {$ELSE} override; {$ENDIF}
GetEmptynull1297     function GetEmpty: Boolean; override;
1298     procedure WriteData(Stream: TStream); override;
GetIsTransparentnull1299     function GetIsTransparent: Boolean;
GetVersionnull1300     function GetVersion: TGIFVersion;
GetColorResolutionnull1301     function GetColorResolution: integer;
GetBitsPerPixelnull1302     function GetBitsPerPixel: integer;
GetBackgroundColorIndexnull1303     function GetBackgroundColorIndex: BYTE;
1304     procedure SetBackgroundColorIndex(const Value: BYTE);
GetBackgroundColornull1305     function GetBackgroundColor: TColor;
1306     procedure SetBackgroundColor(const Value: TColor);
GetAspectRationull1307     function GetAspectRatio: BYTE;
1308     procedure SetAspectRatio(const Value: BYTE);
1309     procedure SetDrawOptions(Value: TGIFDrawOptions);
1310     procedure SetAnimationSpeed(Value: integer);
1311     procedure SetReductionBits(Value: integer);
1312     procedure NewImage;
GetBitmapnull1313     function GetBitmap: TBitmap;
NewBitmapnull1314     function NewBitmap: TBitmap;
1315     procedure FreeBitmap;
GetColorMapnull1316     function GetColorMap: TGIFColorMap;
GetDoDithernull1317     function GetDoDither: boolean;
1318     property DrawPainter: TGIFPainter read FDrawPainter; // Extremely volatile
1319     property DoDither: boolean read GetDoDither;
1320 {$IFDEF VER9x}
1321     procedure Progress(Sender: TObject; Stage: TProgressStage;
1322       PercentDone: Byte;  RedrawNow: Boolean; const R: TRect; const Msg: string); dynamic;
1323 {$ENDIF}
1325     procedure FixHeaderWidthHeight;  // 2006.07.09
1326 {$ENDIF}
1327   public
1328     constructor Create; override;
1329     destructor Destroy; override;
1330     procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
1331     procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); override;
1332     procedure LoadFromResourceName(Instance: THandle; const ResName: String);  // 2002.07.07
Addnull1333     function Add(Source: TPersistent): integer;
1334     procedure Pack;
1335     procedure OptimizeColorMap;
1336     procedure Optimize(Options: TGIFOptimizeOptions;
1337       ColorReduction: TColorReduction; DitherMode: TDitherMode;
1338       ReductionBits: integer);
1339     procedure Clear;
1340     procedure StopDraw;
Paintnull1341     function Paint(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect; Options: TGIFDrawOptions): TGIFPainter;
1342     procedure PaintStart;
1343     procedure PaintPause;
1344     procedure PaintStop;
1345     procedure PaintResume;
1346     procedure PaintRestart;
1347     procedure Warning(Sender: TObject; Severity: TGIFSeverity; Message: string); virtual;
1348     procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
1349     procedure LoadFromClipboardFormat(AFormat: Word; AData: THandle;
1350       APalette: HPALETTE); override;
1351     procedure SaveToClipboardFormat(var AFormat: Word; var AData: THandle;
1352       var APalette: HPALETTE); override;
1353     property GlobalColorMap: TGIFColorMap read GetColorMap;
1354     property Version: TGIFVersion read GetVersion;
1355     property Images: TGIFImageList read FImages;
1356     property ColorResolution: integer read GetColorResolution;
1357     property BitsPerPixel: integer read GetBitsPerPixel;
1358     property BackgroundColorIndex: BYTE read GetBackgroundColorIndex write SetBackgroundColorIndex;
1359     property BackgroundColor: TColor read GetBackgroundColor write SetBackgroundColor;
1360     property AspectRatio: BYTE read GetAspectRatio write SetAspectRatio;
1361     property Header: TGIFHeader read FHeader; // ***OBSOLETE***
1362     property IsTransparent: boolean read GetIsTransparent;
1363     property DrawOptions: TGIFDrawOptions read FDrawOptions write SetDrawOptions;
1364     property DrawBackgroundColor: TColor read FDrawBackgroundColor write FDrawBackgroundColor;
1365     property ColorReduction: TColorReduction read FColorReduction write FColorReduction;
1366     property ReductionBits: integer read FReductionBits write SetReductionBits;
1367     property DitherMode: TDitherMode read FDitherMode write FDitherMode;
1368     property Compression: TGIFCompression read FCompression write FCompression;
1369     property AnimationSpeed: integer read FAnimationSpeed write SetAnimationSpeed;
1370     property Animate: Boolean read GetAnimate write SetAnimate;  // 2002.07.07
1371     property ForceFrame: Integer read FForceFrame write SetForceFrame;  // 2004.03.09
1372     property Painters: TThreadList read FPainters;
1373     property ThreadPriority: TThreadPriority read FThreadPriority write FThreadPriority;
1374     property Bitmap: TBitmap read GetBitmap; // Volatile - beware!
1375     property OnWarning: TGIFWarning read FOnWarning write FOnWarning;
1376     property OnStartPaint: TNotifyEvent read FOnStartPaint write FOnStartPaint;
1377     property OnPaint: TNotifyEvent read FOnPaint write FOnPaint;
1378     property OnAfterPaint: TNotifyEvent read FOnAfterPaint write FOnAfterPaint;
1379     property OnLoop: TNotifyEvent read FOnLoop write FOnLoop;
1380     property OnEndPaint	: TNotifyEvent read FOnEndPaint	 write FOnEndPaint	;
1381 {$IFDEF VER9x}
1382     property Palette: HPALETTE read GetPalette write SetPalette;
1383     property PaletteModified: Boolean read FPaletteModified write FPaletteModified;
1384     property OnProgress: TProgressEvent read FOnProgress write FOnProgress;
1385 {$ENDIF}
1386   end;
1388 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1389 //
1390 //                      Utility routines
1391 //
1392 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1393   // WebPalette creates a 216 color uniform palette a.k.a. the Netscape Palette
WebPalettenull1394   function WebPalette: HPalette;
1396   // ReduceColors
1397   // Map colors in a bitmap to their nearest representation in a palette using
1398   // the methods specified by the ColorReduction and DitherMode parameters.
1399   // The ReductionBits parameter specifies the desired number of colors (bits
1400   // per pixel) when the reduction method is rmQuantize. The CustomPalette
1401   // specifies the palette when the rmPalette reduction method is used.
ReduceColorsnull1402   function ReduceColors(Bitmap: TBitmap; ColorReduction: TColorReduction;
1403     DitherMode: TDitherMode; ReductionBits: integer; CustomPalette: hPalette): TBitmap;
1405   // CreateOptimizedPaletteFromManyBitmaps
1406   //: Performs Color Quantization on multiple bitmaps.
1407   // The Bitmaps parameter is a list of bitmaps. Returns an optimized palette.
CreateOptimizedPaletteFromManyBitmapsnull1408   function CreateOptimizedPaletteFromManyBitmaps(Bitmaps: TList; Colors, ColorBits: integer;
1409     Windows: boolean): hPalette;
1411 {$IFDEF VER9x}
1412   // From Delphi 3 graphics.pas
1413 type
1414   TPixelFormat = (pfDevice, pf1bit, pf4bit, pf8bit, pf15bit, pf16bit, pf24bit, pf32bit, pfCustom);
1415 {$ENDIF}
1417   procedure InternalGetDIBSizes(Bitmap: HBITMAP; var InfoHeaderSize: Integer;
1418     var ImageSize: longInt; PixelFormat: TPixelFormat);
InternalGetDIBnull1419   function InternalGetDIB(Bitmap: HBITMAP; Palette: HPALETTE;
1420    var BitmapInfo; var Bits; PixelFormat: TPixelFormat): Boolean;
1422 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1423 //
1424 //                      Global variables
1425 //
1426 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1427 // GIF Clipboard format identifier for use by LoadFromClipboardFormat and
1428 // SaveToClipboardFormat.
1429 // Set in Initialization section.
1430 var
1431   CF_GIF: WORD;
1433 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1434 //
1435 //                      Library defaults
1436 //
1437 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1438 var
1439   //: Default options for TGIFImage.DrawOptions.
1440   GIFImageDefaultDrawOptions : TGIFDrawOptions =
1441     [goAsync, goLoop, goTransparent, goAnimate, goDither, goAutoDither
1443      ,goClearOnLoop
1444 {$ENDIF}
1445 {$IFDEF DEFAULT_GOCLEARLOOP} // 2006.07.10
1446      ,goClearOnLoop
1447 {$ENDIF}
1448     ];
1450   // WARNING! Do not use goAsync and goDirectDraw unless you have absolute
1451   // control of the destination canvas.
1452   // TGIFPainter will continue to write on the canvas even after the canvas has
1453   // been deleted, unless *you* prevent it.
1454   // The goValidateCanvas option will fix this problem if it is ever implemented.
1456   //: Default color reduction methods for bitmap import.
1457   // These are the fastest settings, but also the ones that gives the
1458   // worst result (in most cases).
1459   GIFImageDefaultColorReduction: TColorReduction = rmNetscape;
1460   GIFImageDefaultColorReductionBits: integer = 8; // Range 3 - 8
1461   GIFImageDefaultDitherMode: TDitherMode = dmNearest;
1463   //: Default encoder compression method.
1464   GIFImageDefaultCompression: TGIFCompression = gcLZW;
1466   //: Default painter thread priority
1467   GIFImageDefaultThreadPriority: TThreadPriority = tpNormal;
1469   //: Default animation speed in % of normal speed (range 0 - 1000)
1470   GIFImageDefaultAnimationSpeed: integer = 100;
1472   // DoAutoDither is set to True in the initializaion section if the desktop DC
1473   // supports 256 colors or less.
1474   // It can be modified in your application to disable/enable Auto Dithering
1475   DoAutoDither: boolean = False;
1477   // Palette is set to True in the initialization section if the desktop DC
1478   // supports 256 colors or less.
1479   // You should NOT modify it.
1480   PaletteDevice: boolean = False;
1482   // Set GIFImageRenderOnLoad to True to render (convert to bitmap) the
1483   // GIF frames as they are loaded instead of rendering them on-demand.
1484   // This might increase resource consumption and will increase load time,
1485   // but will cause animated GIFs to display more smoothly.
1486   GIFImageRenderOnLoad: boolean = False;
1488   // If GIFImageOptimizeOnStream is true, the GIF will be optimized
1489   // before it is streamed to the DFM file.
1490   // This will not affect TGIFImage.SaveToStream or SaveToFile.
1491   GIFImageOptimizeOnStream: boolean = False;
1493 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1494 //
1495 //                      Design Time support
1496 //
1497 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1498 // Dummy component registration for design time support of GIFs in TImage
1499 procedure Register;
1501 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1502 //
1503 //                      Error messages
1504 //
1505 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1506 {$ifndef VER9x}
1507 resourcestring
1508 {$else}
1509 const
1510 {$endif}
1511   // GIF Error messages
1512   sOutOfData		= 'Premature end of data';
1513   sTooManyColors	= 'Color table overflow';
1514   sBadColorIndex	= 'Invalid color index';
1515   sBadVersion		= 'Unsupported GIF version';
1516   sBadSignature		= 'Invalid GIF signature';
1517   sScreenBadColorSize	= 'Invalid number of colors specified in Screen Descriptor';
1518   sImageBadColorSize	= 'Invalid number of colors specified in Image Descriptor';
1519   sUnknownExtension	= 'Unknown extension type';
1520   sBadExtensionLabel	= 'Invalid extension introducer';
1521   sOutOfMemDIB		= 'Failed to allocate memory for GIF DIB';
1522   sDIBCreate		= 'Failed to create DIB from Bitmap';
1523   sDecodeTooFewBits	= 'Decoder bit buffer under-run';
1524   sDecodeCircular	= 'Circular decoder table entry';
1525   sBadTrailer		= 'Invalid Image trailer';
1526   sBadExtensionInstance	= 'Internal error: Extension Instance does not match Extension Label';
1527   sBadBlockSize		= 'Unsupported Application Extension block size';
1528   sBadBlock		= 'Unknown GIF block type';
1529   sUnsupportedClass	= 'Object type not supported for operation';
1530   sInvalidData		= 'Invalid GIF data';
1531   sBadHeight		= 'Image height too small for contained frames';
1532   sBadWidth		= 'Image width too small for contained frames';
1534   sGIFToClipboard	= 'Clipboard operations not supported for GIF objects';
1535 {$ELSE}
1536   sFailedPaste		= 'Failed to store GIF on clipboard';
1537 {$IFDEF VER9x}
1538   sUnknownClipboardFormat= 'Unsupported clipboard format';
1539 {$ENDIF}
1540 {$ENDIF}
1541   sScreenSizeExceeded	= 'Image exceeds Logical Screen size';
1542   sNoColorTable		= 'No global or local color table defined';
1543   sBadPixelCoordinates	= 'Invalid pixel coordinates';
1544   sUnsupportedBitmap	= 'Unsupported bitmap format';
1545   sInvalidPixelFormat	= 'Unsupported PixelFormat';
1546   sBadDimension		= 'Invalid image dimensions';
1547   sNoDIB		= 'Image has no DIB';
1548   sInvalidStream	= 'Invalid stream operation';
1549   sInvalidColor		= 'Color not in color table';
1550   sInvalidBitSize	= 'Invalid Bits Per Pixel value';
1551   sEmptyColorMap	= 'Color table is empty';
1552   sEmptyImage		= 'Image is empty';
1553   sInvalidBitmapList	= 'Invalid bitmap list';
1554   sInvalidReduction	= 'Invalid reduction method';
1555 {$IFDEF VER9x}
1556   // From Delphi 3 consts.pas
1557   SOutOfResources	= 'Out of system resources';
1558   SInvalidBitmap	= 'Bitmap image is not valid';
1559   SScanLine		= 'Scan line index out of range';
1560 {$ENDIF}
1562 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1563 //
1564 //                      Misc texts
1565 //
1566 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1567   // File filter name
1568   sGIFImageFile		= 'GIF Image';
1570   // Progress messages
1571   sProgressLoading	= 'Loading...';
1572   sProgressSaving	= 'Saving...';
1573   sProgressConverting	= 'Converting...';
1574   sProgressRendering	= 'Rendering...';
1575   sProgressCopying	= 'Copying...';
1576   sProgressOptimizing	= 'Optimizing...';
1579 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1580 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1581 //
1582 //			Implementation
1583 //
1584 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1585 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1586 implementation
1588 { This makes me long for the C preprocessor... }
1589 {$ifdef DEBUG}
1591     {$define DEBUG_PERFORMANCE}
1592   {$else}
1594       {$define DEBUG_PERFORMANCE}
1595     {$else}
1597         {$define DEBUG_PERFORMANCE}
1598       {$else}
1599         {$ifdef DEBUG_DITHERPERFORMANCE}
1600           {$define DEBUG_PERFORMANCE}
1601         {$else}
1602           {$ifdef DEBUG_DRAWPERFORMANCE}
1603             {$define DEBUG_PERFORMANCE}
1604           {$else}
1605             {$ifdef DEBUG_RENDERPERFORMANCE}
1606               {$define DEBUG_PERFORMANCE}
1607             {$endif}
1608           {$endif}
1609         {$endif}
1610       {$endif}
1611     {$endif}
1612   {$endif}
1613 {$endif}
1615 uses
1616 {$ifdef DEBUG}
1617   dialogs,
1618 {$endif}
1619   mmsystem, // timeGetTime()
1620   messages,
1621   Consts;
1624 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1625 //
1626 //			Misc consts
1627 //
1628 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1629 const
1630   { Extension/block label values }
1631   bsPlainTextExtension		= $01;
1632   bsGraphicControlExtension	= $F9;
1633   bsCommentExtension		= $FE;
1634   bsApplicationExtension	= $FF;
1636   bsImageDescriptor		= Ord(',');
1637   bsExtensionIntroducer		= Ord('!');
1638   bsTrailer			= ord(';');
1640   // Thread messages - Used by TThread.Synchronize()
1641   CM_DESTROYWINDOW	= $8FFE; // Defined in classes.pas
1642   CM_EXECPROC 		= $8FFF; // Defined in classes.pas
1645 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1646 //
1647 //                      Design Time support
1648 //
1649 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1650 //: Dummy component registration to add design-time support of GIFs to TImage.
1651 // Since TGIFImage isn't a component there's nothing to register here, but
1652 // since Register is only called at design time we can set the design time
1653 // GIF paint options here (modify as you please):
1654 procedure Register;
1655 begin
1656   // Don't loop animations at design-time. Animated GIFs will animate once and
1657   // then stop thus not using CPU resources and distracting the developer.
1658   Exclude(GIFImageDefaultDrawOptions, goLoop);
1659 end;
1661 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1662 //
1663 //			Utilities
1664 //
1665 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1666 //: Creates a 216 color uniform non-dithering Netscape palette.
1667 function WebPalette: HPalette;
1668 type
1669   TLogWebPalette	= packed record
1670     palVersion		: word;
1671     palNumEntries	: word;
1672     PalEntries		: array[0..5,0..5,0..5] of TPaletteEntry;
1673   end;
1674 var
1675   r, g, b		: byte;
1676   LogWebPalette		: TLogWebPalette;
1677   LogPalette		: TLogpalette absolute LogWebPalette; // Stupid typecast
1678 begin
1679   with LogWebPalette do
1680   begin
1681     palVersion:= $0300;
1682     palNumEntries:= 216;
1683     for r:=0 to 5 do
1684       for g:=0 to 5 do
1685         for b:=0 to 5 do
1686         begin
1687           with PalEntries[r,g,b] do
1688           begin
1689             peRed := 51 * r;
1690             peGreen := 51 * g;
1691             peBlue := 51 * b;
1692             peFlags := 0;
1693           end;
1694         end;
1695   end;
1696   Result := CreatePalette(Logpalette);
1697 end;
1699 (*
1700 **  GDI Error handling
1701 **  Adapted from graphics.pas
1702 *)
1703 {$IFOPT R+}
1704   {$DEFINE R_PLUS}
1706 {$ENDIF}
1707 {$ifdef D3_BCB3}
1708 function GDICheck(Value: Integer): Integer;
1709 {$else}
1710 function GDICheck(Value: Cardinal): Cardinal;
1711 {$endif}
1712 var
1713   ErrorCode		: integer;
1714   Buf			: array [byte] of char;
1716   function ReturnAddr: Pointer;
1717   // From classes.pas
1718   asm
1719     MOV		EAX,[EBP+4] // sysutils.pas says [EBP-4], but this works !
1720   end;
1722 begin
1723   if (Value = 0) then
1724   begin
1725     ErrorCode := GetLastError;
1726     if (ErrorCode <> 0) and (FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, nil,
1727       ErrorCode, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, Buf, sizeof(Buf), nil) <> 0) then
1728       raise EOutOfResources.Create(Buf) at ReturnAddr
1729     else
1730       raise EOutOfResources.Create(SOutOfResources) at ReturnAddr;
1731   end;
1732   Result := Value;
1733 end;
1734 {$IFDEF R_PLUS}
1736   {$UNDEF R_PLUS}
1737 {$ENDIF}
1739 (*
1740 **  Raise error condition
1741 *)
1742 procedure Error(msg: string);
1743   function ReturnAddr: Pointer;
1744   // From classes.pas
1745   asm
1746     MOV		EAX,[EBP+4] // sysutils.pas says [EBP-4] !
1747   end;
1748 begin
1749   raise GIFException.Create(msg) at ReturnAddr;
1750 end;
1752 (*
1753 **  Return number bytes required to
1754 **  hold a given number of bits.
1755 *)
1756 function ByteAlignBit(Bits: Cardinal): Cardinal;
1757 begin
1758   Result := (Bits+7) SHR 3;
1759 end;
1760 // Rounded up to nearest 2
1761 function WordAlignBit(Bits: Cardinal): Cardinal;
1762 begin
1763   Result := ((Bits+15) SHR 4) SHL 1;
1764 end;
1765 // Rounded up to nearest 4
1766 function DWordAlignBit(Bits: Cardinal): Cardinal;
1767 begin
1768   Result := ((Bits+31) SHR 5) SHL 2;
1769 end;
1770 // Round to arbitrary number of bits
1771 function AlignBit(Bits, BitsPerPixel, Alignment: Cardinal): Cardinal;
1772 begin
1773   Dec(Alignment);
1774   Result := ((Bits * BitsPerPixel) + Alignment) and not Alignment;
1775   Result := Result SHR 3;
1776 end;
1778 (*
1779 **  Compute Bits per Pixel from Number of Colors
1780 **  (Return the ceiling log of n)
1781 *)
1782 function Colors2bpp(Colors: integer): integer;
1783 var
1784   MaxColor		: integer;
1785 begin
1786   (*
1787   ** This might be faster computed by multiple if then else statements
1788   *)
1790   if (Colors = 0) then
1791     Result := 0
1792   else
1793   begin
1794     Result := 1;
1795     MaxColor := 2;
1796     while (Colors > MaxColor) do
1797     begin
1798       inc(Result);
1799       MaxColor := MaxColor SHL 1;
1800     end;
1801   end;
1802 end;
1804 (*
1805 **  Write an ordinal byte value to a stream
1806 *)
1807 procedure WriteByte(Stream: TStream; b: BYTE);
1808 begin
1809   Stream.Write(b, 1);
1810 end;
1812 (*
1813 **  Read an ordinal byte value from a stream
1814 *)
1815 function ReadByte(Stream: TStream): BYTE;
1816 begin
1817   Stream.Read(Result, 1);
1818 end;
1820 (*
1821 **  Read data from stream and raise exception of EOF
1822 *)
1823 procedure ReadCheck(Stream: TStream; var Buffer; Size: LongInt);
1824 var
1825   ReadSize		: integer;
1826 begin
1827   ReadSize := Stream.Read(Buffer, Size);
1828   if (ReadSize <> Size) then
1829     Error(sOutOfData);
1830 end;
1832 (*
1833 **  Write a string list to a stream as multiple blocks
1834 **  of max 255 characters in each.
1835 *)
1836 procedure WriteStrings(Stream: TStream; Text: TStrings);
1837 var
1838   i			: integer;
1839   b			: BYTE;
1840   size			: integer;
1841   s			: string;
1842 begin
1843   for i := 0 to Text.Count-1 do
1844   begin
1845     s := Text[i];
1846     size := length(s);
1847     if (size > 255) then
1848       b := 255
1849     else
1850       b := size;
1851     while (size > 0) do
1852     begin
1853       dec(size, b);
1854       WriteByte(Stream, b);
1855       Stream.Write(PChar(s)^, b);
1856       delete(s, 1, b);
1857       if (b > size) then
1858         b := size;
1859     end;
1860   end;
1861   // Terminating zero (length = 0)
1862   WriteByte(Stream, 0);
1863 end;
1866 (*
1867 **  Read a string list from a stream as multiple blocks
1868 **  of max 255 characters in each.
1869 *)
1870 { TODO -oanme -cImprovement : Replace ReadStrings with TGIFReader. }
1871 procedure ReadStrings(Stream: TStream; Text: TStrings);
1872 var
1873   size			: BYTE;
1874   buf			: array[0..255] of char;
1875 begin
1876   Text.Clear;
1877   if (Stream.Read(size, 1) <> 1) then
1878     exit;
1879   while (size > 0) do
1880   begin
1881     ReadCheck(Stream, buf, size);
1882     buf[size] := #0;
1883     Text.Add(Buf);
1884     if (Stream.Read(size, 1) <> 1) then
1885       exit;
1886   end;
1887 end;
1890 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1891 //
1892 //		Delphi 2.x / C++ Builder 1.x support
1893 //
1894 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1895 {$IFDEF VER9x}
1896 var
1897   // From Delphi 3 graphics.pas
1898   SystemPalette16: HPalette; // 16 color palette that maps to the system palette
1900 type
1901   TPixelFormats = set of TPixelFormat;
1903 const
1904   // Only pf1bit, pf4bit and pf8bit is supported since they are the only ones
1905   // with palettes
1906   SupportedPixelformats: TPixelFormats = [pf1bit, pf4bit, pf8bit];
1907 {$ENDIF}
1910 // --------------------------
1911 // InitializeBitmapInfoHeader
1912 // --------------------------
1913 // Fills a TBitmapInfoHeader with the values of a bitmap when converted to a
1914 // DIB of a specified PixelFormat.
1915 //
1916 // Parameters:
1917 // Bitmap	The handle of the source bitmap.
1918 // Info		The TBitmapInfoHeader buffer that will receive the values.
1919 // PixelFormat	The pixel format of the destination DIB.
1920 //
1922   // Disable optimization to circumvent optimizer bug...
1923   {$IFOPT O+}
1924     {$DEFINE O_PLUS}
1925     {$O-}
1926   {$ENDIF}
1927 {$ENDIF}
1928 procedure InitializeBitmapInfoHeader(Bitmap: HBITMAP; var Info: TBitmapInfoHeader;
1929   PixelFormat: TPixelFormat);
1930 // From graphics.pas, "optimized" for our use
1931 var
1932   DIB		: TDIBSection;
1933   Bytes		: Integer;
1934 begin
1935   DIB.dsbmih.biSize := 0;
1936   Bytes := GetObject(Bitmap, SizeOf(DIB), @DIB);
1937   if (Bytes = 0) then
1938     Error(sInvalidBitmap);
1940   if (Bytes >= (sizeof(DIB.dsbm) + sizeof(DIB.dsbmih))) and
1941     (DIB.dsbmih.biSize >= sizeof(DIB.dsbmih)) then
1942     Info := DIB.dsbmih
1943   else
1944   begin
1945     FillChar(Info, sizeof(Info), 0);
1946     with Info, DIB.dsbm do
1947     begin
1948       biSize := SizeOf(Info);
1949       biWidth := bmWidth;
1950       biHeight := bmHeight;
1951     end;
1952   end;
1953   case PixelFormat of
1954     pf1bit: Info.biBitCount := 1;
1955     pf4bit: Info.biBitCount := 4;
1956     pf8bit: Info.biBitCount := 8;
1957     pf24bit: Info.biBitCount := 24;
1958   else
1959     Error(sInvalidPixelFormat);
1960     // Info.biBitCount := DIB.dsbm.bmBitsPixel * DIB.dsbm.bmPlanes;
1961   end;
1962   Info.biPlanes := 1;
1963   Info.biCompression := BI_RGB; // Always return data in RGB format
1964   Info.biSizeImage := AlignBit(Info.biWidth, Info.biBitCount, 32) * Cardinal(abs(Info.biHeight));
1965 end;
1966 {$IFDEF O_PLUS}
1967   {$O+}
1968   {$UNDEF O_PLUS}
1969 {$ENDIF}
1971 // -------------------
1972 // InternalGetDIBSizes
1973 // -------------------
1974 // Calculates the buffer sizes nescessary for convertion of a bitmap to a DIB
1975 // of a specified PixelFormat.
1976 // See the GetDIBSizes API function for more info.
1977 //
1978 // Parameters:
1979 // Bitmap	The handle of the source bitmap.
1980 // InfoHeaderSize
1981 //		The returned size of a buffer that will receive the DIB's
1982 //		TBitmapInfo structure.
1983 // ImageSize	The returned size of a buffer that will receive the DIB's
1984 //		pixel data.
1985 // PixelFormat	The pixel format of the destination DIB.
1986 //
1987 procedure InternalGetDIBSizes(Bitmap: HBITMAP; var InfoHeaderSize: Integer;
1988   var ImageSize: longInt; PixelFormat: TPixelFormat);
1989 // From graphics.pas, "optimized" for our use
1990 var
1991   Info		: TBitmapInfoHeader;
1992 begin
1993   InitializeBitmapInfoHeader(Bitmap, Info, PixelFormat);
1994   // Check for palette device format
1995   if (Info.biBitCount > 8) then
1996   begin
1997     // Header but no palette
1998     InfoHeaderSize := SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader);
1999     if ((Info.biCompression and BI_BITFIELDS) <> 0) then
2000       Inc(InfoHeaderSize, 12);
2001   end else
2002     // Header and palette
2003     InfoHeaderSize := SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader) + SizeOf(TRGBQuad) * (1 shl Info.biBitCount);
2004   ImageSize := Info.biSizeImage;
2005 end;
2007 // --------------
2008 // InternalGetDIB
2009 // --------------
2010 // Converts a bitmap to a DIB of a specified PixelFormat.
2011 //
2012 // Parameters:
2013 // Bitmap	The handle of the source bitmap.
2014 // Pal		The handle of the source palette.
2015 // BitmapInfo	The buffer that will receive the DIB's TBitmapInfo structure.
2016 //		A buffer of sufficient size must have been allocated prior to
2017 //		calling this function.
2018 // Bits		The buffer that will receive the DIB's pixel data.
2019 //		A buffer of sufficient size must have been allocated prior to
2020 //		calling this function.
2021 // PixelFormat	The pixel format of the destination DIB.
2022 //
2023 // Returns:
2024 // True on success, False on failure.
2025 //
2026 // Note: The InternalGetDIBSizes function can be used to calculate the
2027 // nescessary sizes of the BitmapInfo and Bits buffers.
2028 //
2029 function InternalGetDIB(Bitmap: HBITMAP; Palette: HPALETTE;
2030   var BitmapInfo; var Bits; PixelFormat: TPixelFormat): Boolean;
2031 // From graphics.pas, "optimized" for our use
2032 var
2033   OldPal	: HPALETTE;
2034   DC		: HDC;
2035 begin
2036   InitializeBitmapInfoHeader(Bitmap, TBitmapInfoHeader(BitmapInfo), PixelFormat);
2037   OldPal := 0;
2038   DC := CreateCompatibleDC(0);
2039   try
2040     if (Palette <> 0) then
2041     begin
2042       OldPal := SelectPalette(DC, Palette, False);
2043       RealizePalette(DC);
2044     end;
2045     Result := (GetDIBits(DC, Bitmap, 0, abs(TBitmapInfoHeader(BitmapInfo).biHeight),
2046       @Bits, TBitmapInfo(BitmapInfo), DIB_RGB_COLORS) <> 0);
2047   finally
2048     if (OldPal <> 0) then
2049       SelectPalette(DC, OldPal, False);
2050     DeleteDC(DC);
2051   end;
2052 end;
2054 // ----------
2055 // DIBFromBit
2056 // ----------
2057 // Converts a bitmap to a DIB of a specified PixelFormat.
2058 // The DIB is returned in a TMemoryStream ready for streaming to a BMP file.
2059 //
thenull2060 // Note: As opposed to D2's DIBFromBit function, the returned stream also
2061 // contains a TBitmapFileHeader at offset 0.
2062 //
2063 // Parameters:
2064 // Stream	The TMemoryStream used to store the bitmap data.
2065 //		The stream must be allocated and freed by the caller prior to
2066 //		calling this function.
2067 // Src		The handle of the source bitmap.
2068 // Pal		The handle of the source palette.
2069 // PixelFormat	The pixel format of the destination DIB.
2070 // DIBHeader	A pointer to the DIB's TBitmapInfo (or TBitmapInfoHeader)
2071 //		structure in the memory stream.
2072 //		The size of the structure can either be deduced from the
2073 //		pixel format (i.e. number of colors) or calculated by
2074 //		subtracting the DIBHeader pointer from the DIBBits pointer.
2075 // DIBBits	A pointer to the DIB's pixel data in the memory stream.
2076 //
2077 procedure DIBFromBit(Stream: TMemoryStream; Src: HBITMAP;
2078   Pal: HPALETTE; PixelFormat: TPixelFormat; var DIBHeader, DIBBits: Pointer);
2079 // (From D2 graphics.pas, "optimized" for our use)
2080 var
2081   HeaderSize		: integer;
2082   FileSize		: longInt;
2083   ImageSize		: longInt;
2084   BitmapFileHeader	: PBitmapFileHeader;
2085 begin
2086   if (Src = 0) then
2087     Error(sInvalidBitmap);
2088   // Get header- and pixel data size for new pixel format
2089   InternalGetDIBSizes(Src, HeaderSize, ImageSize, PixelFormat);
2090   // Make room in stream for a TBitmapInfo and pixel data
2091   FileSize := sizeof(TBitmapFileHeader) + HeaderSize + ImageSize;
2092   Stream.SetSize(FileSize);
2093   // Get pointer to TBitmapFileHeader
2094   BitmapFileHeader := Stream.Memory;
2095   // Get pointer to TBitmapInfo
2096   DIBHeader := Pointer(Longint(BitmapFileHeader) + sizeof(TBitmapFileHeader));
2097   // Get pointer to pixel data
2098   DIBBits := Pointer(Longint(DIBHeader) + HeaderSize);
2099   // Initialize file header
2100   FillChar(BitmapFileHeader^, sizeof(TBitmapFileHeader), 0);
2101   with BitmapFileHeader^ do
2102   begin
2103     bfType := $4D42; // 'BM' = Windows BMP signature
2104     bfSize := FileSize; // File size (not needed)
2105     bfOffBits := sizeof(TBitmapFileHeader) + HeaderSize; // Offset of pixel data
2106   end;
2107   // Get pixel data in new pixel format
2108   InternalGetDIB(Src, Pal, DIBHeader^, DIBBits^, PixelFormat);
2109 end;
2111 // --------------
2112 // GetPixelFormat
2113 // --------------
2114 // Returns the current pixel format of a bitmap.
2115 //
2116 // Replacement for delphi 3 TBitmap.PixelFormat getter.
2117 //
2118 // Parameters:
2119 // Bitmap	The bitmap which pixel format is returned.
2120 //
2121 // Returns:
2122 // The PixelFormat of the bitmap
2123 //
GetPixelFormatnull2124 function GetPixelFormat(Bitmap: TBitmap): TPixelFormat;
2125 {$IFDEF VER9x}
2126 // From graphics.pas, "optimized" for our use
2127 var
2128   DIBSection		: TDIBSection;
2129   Bytes			: Integer;
2130   Handle		: HBitmap;
2131 begin
2132   Result := pfCustom; // This value is never returned
2134   // Note: To work around an optimizer bug, we do not use Bitmap.Handle
2135   // directly. Instead we store the value and use it indirectly. Unless we do
2136   // this, the register containing Bitmap.Handle will be overwritten!
2137   Handle := Bitmap.Handle;
2138   if (Handle <> 0) then
2139   begin
2140     Bytes := GetObject(Handle, SizeOf(DIBSection), @DIBSection);
2141     if (Bytes = 0) then
2142       Error(sInvalidBitmap);
2144     with (DIBSection) do
2145     begin
2146       // Check for NT bitmap
2147       if (Bytes < (SizeOf(dsbm) + SizeOf(dsbmih))) or (dsbmih.biSize < SizeOf(dsbmih)) then
2148         DIBSection.dsBmih.biBitCount := dsbm.bmBitsPixel * dsbm.bmPlanes;
2150       case (dsBmih.biBitCount) of
2151         0: Result := pfDevice;
2152         1: Result := pf1bit;
2153         4: Result := pf4bit;
2154         8: Result := pf8bit;
2155         16: case (dsBmih.biCompression) of
2156               BI_RGB:
2157                 Result := pf15Bit;
2158               BI_BITFIELDS:
2159                 if (dsBitFields[1] = $07E0) then
2160                   Result := pf16Bit;
2161             end;
2162         24: Result := pf24Bit;
2163         32: if (dsBmih.biCompression = BI_RGB) then
2164               Result := pf32Bit;
2165       else
2166         Error(sUnsupportedBitmap);
2167       end;
2168     end;
2169   end else
2170 //    Result := pfDevice;
2171     Error(sUnsupportedBitmap);
2172 end;
2173 {$ELSE}
2174 begin
2175   Result := Bitmap.PixelFormat;
2176 end;
2177 {$ENDIF}
2179 // --------------
2180 // SetPixelFormat
2181 // --------------
2182 // Changes the pixel format of a TBitmap.
2183 //
2184 // Replacement for delphi 3 TBitmap.PixelFormat setter.
2185 // The returned TBitmap will always be a DIB.
2186 //
willnull2187 // Note: Under Delphi 3.x this function will leak a palette handle each time it
2188 //       converts a TBitmap to pf8bit format!
2189 //       If possible, use SafeSetPixelFormat instead to avoid this.
2190 //
2191 // Parameters:
2192 // Bitmap	The bitmap to modify.
2193 // PixelFormat	The pixel format to convert to.
2194 //
2195 procedure SetPixelFormat(Bitmap: TBitmap; PixelFormat: TPixelFormat);
2196 {$IFDEF VER9x}
2197 var
2198   Stream	: TMemoryStream;
2199   Header	,
2200   Bits		: Pointer;
2201 begin
2202   // Can't change anything without a handle
2203   if (Bitmap.Handle = 0) then
2204     Error(sInvalidBitmap);
2206   // Only convert to supported formats
2207   if not(PixelFormat in SupportedPixelformats) then
2208     Error(sInvalidPixelFormat);
2210   // No need to convert to same format
2211   if (GetPixelFormat(Bitmap) = PixelFormat) then
2212     exit;
2214   Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
2215   try
2216     // Convert to DIB file in memory stream
2217     DIBFromBit(Stream, Bitmap.Handle, Bitmap.Palette, PixelFormat, Header, Bits);
2218     // Load DIB from stream
2219     Stream.Position := 0;
2220     Bitmap.LoadFromStream(Stream);
2221   finally
2222     Stream.Free;
2223   end;
2224 end;
2225 {$ELSE}
2226 begin
2227   Bitmap.PixelFormat := PixelFormat;
2228 end;
2229 {$ENDIF}
2231 {$IFDEF VER100}
2232 var
2233   pf8BitBitmap: TBitmap = nil;
2234 {$ENDIF}
2236 // ------------------
2237 // SafeSetPixelFormat
2238 // ------------------
2239 // Changes the pixel format of a TBitmap but doesn't preserve the contents.
2240 //
2241 // Replacement for Delphi 3 TBitmap.PixelFormat setter.
2242 // The returned TBitmap will always be an empty DIB of the same size as the
2243 // original bitmap.
2244 //
isnull2245 // This function is used to avoid the palette handle leak that Delphi 3's
2246 // SetPixelFormat and TBitmap.PixelFormat suffers from.
2247 //
2248 // Parameters:
2249 // Bitmap	The bitmap to modify.
2250 // PixelFormat	The pixel format to convert to.
2251 //
2252 procedure SafeSetPixelFormat(Bitmap: TBitmap; PixelFormat: TPixelFormat);
2253 {$IFDEF VER9x}
2254 begin
2255   SetPixelFormat(Bitmap, PixelFormat);
2256 end;
2257 {$ELSE}
2258 {$IFNDEF VER100}
2259 var
2260   Palette		: hPalette;
2261 begin
2262   Bitmap.PixelFormat := PixelFormat;
2264   // Work around a bug in TBitmap:
2265   // When converting to pf8bit format, the palette assigned to TBitmap.Palette
2266   // will be a half tone palette (which only contains the 20 system colors).
2267   // Unfortunately this is not the palette used to render the bitmap and it
2268   // is also not the palette saved with the bitmap.
2269   if (PixelFormat = pf8bit) then
2270   begin
2271     // Disassociate the wrong palette from the bitmap (without affecting
2272     // the DIB color table)
2273     Palette := Bitmap.ReleasePalette;
2274     if (Palette <> 0) then
2275       DeleteObject(Palette);
2276     // Recreate the palette from the DIB color table
2277     Bitmap.Palette;
2278   end;
2279 end;
2280 {$ELSE}
2281 var
2282   Width			,
2283   Height		: integer;
2284 begin
2285   if (PixelFormat = pf8bit) then
2286   begin
2287     // Partial solution to "TBitmap.PixelFormat := pf8bit" leak
2288     // by Greg Chapman <glc@well.com>
2289     if (pf8BitBitmap = nil) then
2290     begin
2291       // Create a "template" bitmap
2292       // The bitmap is deleted in the finalization section of the unit.
2293       pf8BitBitmap:= TBitmap.Create;
2294       // Convert template to pf8bit format
2295       // This will leak 1 palette handle, but only once
2296       pf8BitBitmap.PixelFormat:= pf8Bit;
2297     end;
2298     // Store the size of the original bitmap
2299     Width := Bitmap.Width;
2300     Height := Bitmap.Height;
2301     // Convert to pf8bit format by copying template
2302     Bitmap.Assign(pf8BitBitmap);
2303     // Restore the original size
2304     Bitmap.Width := Width;
2305     Bitmap.Height := Height;
2306   end else
2307     // This is safe since only pf8bit leaks
2308     Bitmap.PixelFormat := PixelFormat;
2309 end;
2310 {$ENDIF}
2311 {$ENDIF}
2314 {$IFDEF VER9x}
2316 // -----------
2317 // CopyPalette
2318 // -----------
2319 // Copies a HPALETTE.
2320 //
2321 // Copied from D3 graphics.pas.
2322 // This is declared private in some old versions of Delphi 2 so we have to
2323 // implement it here to support those old versions.
2324 //
2325 // Parameters:
2326 // Palette	The palette to copy.
2327 //
2328 // Returns:
2329 // The handle to a new palette.
2330 //
2331 function CopyPalette(Palette: HPALETTE): HPALETTE;
2332 var
2333   PaletteSize: Integer;
2334   LogPal: TMaxLogPalette;
2335 begin
2336   Result := 0;
2337   if Palette = 0 then Exit;
2338   PaletteSize := 0;
2339   if GetObject(Palette, SizeOf(PaletteSize), @PaletteSize) = 0 then Exit;
2340   if PaletteSize = 0 then Exit;
2341   with LogPal do
2342   begin
2343     palVersion := $0300;
2344     palNumEntries := PaletteSize;
2345     GetPaletteEntries(Palette, 0, PaletteSize, palPalEntry);
2346   end;
2347   Result := CreatePalette(PLogPalette(@LogPal)^);
2348 end;
2351 // TThreadList implementation from Delphi 3 classes.pas
2352 constructor TThreadList.Create;
2353 begin
2354   inherited Create;
2355   InitializeCriticalSection(FLock);
2356   FList := TList.Create;
2357 end;
2359 destructor TThreadList.Destroy;
2360 begin
2361   LockList;    // Make sure nobody else is inside the list.
2362   try
2363     FList.Free;
2364     inherited Destroy;
2365   finally
2366     UnlockList;
2367     DeleteCriticalSection(FLock);
2368   end;
2369 end;
2371 procedure TThreadList.Add(Item: Pointer);
2372 begin
2373   LockList;
2374   try
2375     if FList.IndexOf(Item) = -1 then
2376       FList.Add(Item);
2377   finally
2378     UnlockList;
2379   end;
2380 end;
2382 procedure TThreadList.Clear;
2383 begin
2384   LockList;
2385   try
2386     FList.Clear;
2387   finally
2388     UnlockList;
2389   end;
2390 end;
LockListnull2392 function  TThreadList.LockList: TList;
2393 begin
2394   EnterCriticalSection(FLock);
2395   Result := FList;
2396 end;
2398 procedure TThreadList.Remove(Item: Pointer);
2399 begin
2400   LockList;
2401   try
2402     FList.Remove(Item);
2403   finally
2404     UnlockList;
2405   end;
2406 end;
2408 procedure TThreadList.UnlockList;
2409 begin
2410   LeaveCriticalSection(FLock);
2411 end;
2412 // End of TThreadList implementation
2414 // From Delphi 3 sysutils.pas
2415 { CompareMem performs a binary compare of Length bytes of memory referenced
2416   by P1 to that of P2.  CompareMem returns True if the memory referenced by
2417   P1 is identical to that of P2. }
2418 function CompareMem(P1, P2: Pointer; Length: Integer): Boolean; assembler;
2419 asm
2420         PUSH    ESI
2421         PUSH    EDI
2422         MOV     ESI,P1
2423         MOV     EDI,P2
2424         MOV     EDX,ECX
2425         XOR     EAX,EAX
2426         AND     EDX,3
2427         SHR     ECX,1
2428         SHR     ECX,1
2429         REPE    CMPSD
2430         JNE     @@2
2431         MOV     ECX,EDX
2432         REPE    CMPSB
2433         JNE     @@2
2434 @@1:    INC     EAX
2435 @@2:    POP     EDI
2436         POP     ESI
2437 end;
2439 // Dummy ASSERT procedure since ASSERT does not exist in Delphi 2.x
2440 procedure ASSERT(Condition: boolean; Message: string);
2441 begin
2442 end;
2444 {$ENDIF} // Delphi 2.x stuff
2446 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2447 //
2448 //			TDIB Classes
2449 //
2450 //  These classes gives read and write access to TBitmap's pixel data
2451 //  independently of the Delphi version used.
2452 //
2453 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2454 type
2455   TDIB = class(TObject)
2456   private
2457     FBitmap		: TBitmap;
2458     FPixelFormat	: TPixelFormat;
2459   protected
GetScanlinenull2460     function GetScanline(Row: integer): pointer; virtual; abstract;
2461     constructor Create(ABitmap: TBitmap; APixelFormat: TPixelFormat);
2462   public
2463     property Scanline[Row: integer]: pointer read GetScanline;
2464     property Bitmap: TBitmap read FBitmap;
2465     property PixelFormat: TPixelFormat read FPixelFormat;
2466   end;
2468   TDIBReader = class(TDIB)
2469   private
2470 {$ifdef VER9x}
2471     FDIB		: TDIBSection;
2472     FDC			: HDC;
2473     FScanLine		: pointer;
2474     FLastRow		: integer;
2475     FInfo		: PBitmapInfo;
2476     FBytes		: integer;
2477 {$endif}
2478   protected
GetScanlinenull2479     function GetScanline(Row: integer): pointer; override;
2480   public
2481     constructor Create(ABitmap: TBitmap; APixelFormat: TPixelFormat);
2482     destructor Destroy; override;
2483   end;
2485   TDIBWriter = class(TDIB)
2486   private
2488     FDIBInfo		: PBitmapInfo;
2489     FDIBBits		: pointer;
2490     FDIBInfoSize	: integer;
2491     FDIBBitsSize	: longInt;
2493     FDIB		: HBITMAP;
2494 {$endif}
2495 {$endif}
2496     FPalette		: HPalette;
2497     FHeight		: integer;
2498     FWidth		: integer;
2499   protected
2500     procedure CreateDIB;
2501     procedure FreeDIB;
2502     procedure NeedDIB;
GetScanlinenull2503     function GetScanline(Row: integer): pointer; override;
2504   public
2505     constructor Create(ABitmap: TBitmap; APixelFormat: TPixelFormat;
2506       AWidth, AHeight: integer; APalette: HPalette);
2507     destructor Destroy; override;
2508     procedure UpdateBitmap;
2509     property Width: integer read FWidth;
2510     property Height: integer read FHeight;
2511     property Palette: HPalette read FPalette;
2512   end;
2514 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2515 constructor TDIB.Create(ABitmap: TBitmap; APixelFormat: TPixelFormat);
2516 begin
2517   inherited Create;
2518   FBitmap := ABitmap;
2519   FPixelFormat := APixelFormat;
2520 end;
2522 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2523 constructor TDIBReader.Create(ABitmap: TBitmap; APixelFormat: TPixelFormat);
2524 {$ifdef VER9x}
2525 var
2526   InfoHeaderSize	: integer;
2527   ImageSize		: longInt;
2528 {$endif}
2529 begin
2530   inherited Create(ABitmap, APixelFormat);
2531 {$ifndef VER9x}
2532   SetPixelFormat(FBitmap, FPixelFormat);
2533 {$else}
2534   FDC := CreateCompatibleDC(0);
2535   SelectPalette(FDC, FBitmap.Palette, False);
2537   // Allocate DIB info structure
2538   InternalGetDIBSizes(ABitmap.Handle, InfoHeaderSize, ImageSize, APixelFormat);
2539   GetMem(FInfo, InfoHeaderSize);
2540   // Get DIB info
2541   InitializeBitmapInfoHeader(ABitmap.Handle, FInfo^.bmiHeader, APixelFormat);
2543   // Allocate scan line buffer
2544   GetMem(FScanLine, ImageSize DIV abs(FInfo^.bmiHeader.biHeight));
2546   FLastRow := -1;
2547 {$endif}
2548 end;
2550 destructor TDIBReader.Destroy;
2551 begin
2552 {$ifdef VER9x}
2553   DeleteDC(FDC);
2554   FreeMem(FScanLine);
2555   FreeMem(FInfo);
2556 {$endif}
2557   inherited Destroy;
2558 end;
TDIBReader.GetScanlinenull2560 function TDIBReader.GetScanline(Row: integer): pointer;
2561 begin
2562 {$ifdef VER9x}
2563   if (Row < 0) or (Row >= FBitmap.Height) then
2564     raise EInvalidGraphicOperation.Create(SScanLine);
2565   GDIFlush;
2567   Result := FScanLine;
2568   if (Row = FLastRow) then
2569     exit;
2570   FLastRow := Row;
2572   if (FInfo^.bmiHeader.biHeight > 0) then  // bottom-up DIB
2573     Row := FInfo^.bmiHeader.biHeight - Row - 1;
2574   GetDIBits(FDC, FBitmap.Handle, Row, 1, FScanLine, FInfo^, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
2576 {$else}
2577   Result := FBitmap.ScanLine[Row];
2578 {$endif}
2579 end;
2581 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2582 constructor TDIBWriter.Create(ABitmap: TBitmap; APixelFormat: TPixelFormat;
2583   AWidth, AHeight: integer; APalette: HPalette);
2584 begin
2585   inherited Create(ABitmap, APixelFormat);
2587   // DIB writer only supports 8 or 24 bit bitmaps
2588   if not(APixelFormat in [pf8bit, pf24bit]) then
2589     Error(sInvalidPixelFormat);
2590   if (AWidth = 0) or (AHeight = 0) then
2591     Error(sBadDimension);
2593   FHeight := AHeight;
2594   FWidth := AWidth;
2596   FBitmap.Palette := 0;
2597   FBitmap.Height := FHeight;
2598   FBitmap.Width := FWidth;
2599   SafeSetPixelFormat(FBitmap, FPixelFormat);
2600   FPalette := CopyPalette(APalette);
2601   FBitmap.Palette := FPalette;
2602 {$else}
2603   FPalette := APalette;
2604   FDIBInfo := nil;
2605   FDIBBits := nil;
2607   FDIB := 0;
2608 {$endif}
2609 {$endif}
2610 end;
2612 destructor TDIBWriter.Destroy;
2613 begin
2614   UpdateBitmap;
2615   FreeDIB;
2616   inherited Destroy;
2617 end;
TDIBWriter.GetScanlinenull2619 function TDIBWriter.GetScanline(Row: integer): pointer;
2620 begin
2622   NeedDIB;
2624   if (FDIBBits = nil) then
2625     Error(sNoDIB);
2626   with FDIBInfo^.bmiHeader do
2627   begin
2628     if (Row < 0) or (Row >= Height) then
2629       raise EInvalidGraphicOperation.Create(SScanLine);
2630     GDIFlush;
2632     if biHeight > 0 then  // bottom-up DIB
2633       Row := biHeight - Row - 1;
2634     Result := PChar(Cardinal(FDIBBits) + Cardinal(Row) * AlignBit(biWidth, biBitCount, 32));
2635   end;
2636 {$else}
2637   Result := FBitmap.ScanLine[Row];
2638 {$endif}
2639 end;
2641 procedure TDIBWriter.CreateDIB;
2643 var
2644   SrcColors		: WORD;
2645 //  ScreenDC		: HDC;
2647   // From Delphi 3.02 graphics.pas
2648   // There is a bug in the ByteSwapColors from Delphi 3.0!
2649   procedure ByteSwapColors(var Colors; Count: Integer);
2650   var   // convert RGB to BGR and vice-versa.  TRGBQuad <-> TPaletteEntry
2651     SysInfo: TSystemInfo;
2652   begin
2653     GetSystemInfo(SysInfo);
2654     asm
2655           MOV   EDX, Colors
2656           MOV   ECX, Count
2657           DEC   ECX
2658           JS    @@END
2659           LEA   EAX, SysInfo
2660           CMP   [EAX].TSystemInfo.wProcessorLevel, 3
2661           JE    @@386
2662     @@1:  MOV   EAX, [EDX+ECX*4]
2663           BSWAP EAX
2664           SHR   EAX,8
2665           MOV   [EDX+ECX*4],EAX
2666           DEC   ECX
2667           JNS   @@1
2668           JMP   @@END
2669     @@386:
2670           PUSH  EBX
2671     @@2:  XOR   EBX,EBX
2672           MOV   EAX, [EDX+ECX*4]
2673           MOV   BH, AL
2674           MOV   BL, AH
2675           SHR   EAX,16
2676           SHL   EBX,8
2677           MOV   BL, AL
2678           MOV   [EDX+ECX*4],EBX
2679           DEC   ECX
2680           JNS   @@2
2681           POP   EBX
2682       @@END:
2683     end;
2684   end;
2685 {$ENDIF}
2686 begin
2688   FreeDIB;
2690   if (PixelFormat = pf8bit) then
2691     // 8 bit: Header and palette
2692     FDIBInfoSize := SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader) + SizeOf(TRGBQuad) * (1 shl 8)
2693   else
2694     // 24 bit: Header but no palette
2695     FDIBInfoSize := SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader);
2697   // Allocate TBitmapInfo structure
2698   GetMem(FDIBInfo, FDIBInfoSize);
2699   try
2700     FDIBInfo^.bmiHeader.biSize := SizeOf(FDIBInfo^.bmiHeader);
2701     FDIBInfo^.bmiHeader.biWidth := Width;
2702     FDIBInfo^.bmiHeader.biHeight := Height;
2703     FDIBInfo^.bmiHeader.biPlanes := 1;
2704     FDIBInfo^.bmiHeader.biSizeImage := 0;
2705     FDIBInfo^.bmiHeader.biCompression := BI_RGB;
2707     if (PixelFormat = pf8bit) then
2708     begin
2709       FDIBInfo^.bmiHeader.biBitCount := 8;
2710       // Find number of colors defined by palette
2711       if (Palette <> 0) and
2712         (GetObject(Palette, sizeof(SrcColors), @SrcColors) <> 0) and
2713         (SrcColors <> 0) then
2714       begin
2715         // Copy all colors...
2716         GetPaletteEntries(Palette, 0, SrcColors, FDIBInfo^.bmiColors[0]);
2717         // ...and convert BGR to RGB
2718         ByteSwapColors(FDIBInfo^.bmiColors[0], SrcColors);
2719       end else
2720         SrcColors := 0;
2722       // Finally zero any unused entried
2723       if (SrcColors < 256) then
2724         FillChar(pointer(LongInt(@FDIBInfo^.bmiColors)+SizeOf(TRGBQuad)*SrcColors)^,
2725           256 - SrcColors, 0);
2726       FDIBInfo^.bmiHeader.biClrUsed := 256;
2727       FDIBInfo^.bmiHeader.biClrImportant := SrcColors;
2728     end else
2729     begin
2730       FDIBInfo^.bmiHeader.biBitCount := 24;
2731       FDIBInfo^.bmiHeader.biClrUsed := 0;
2732       FDIBInfo^.bmiHeader.biClrImportant := 0;
2733     end;
2734     FDIBBitsSize := AlignBit(Width, FDIBInfo^.bmiHeader.biBitCount, 32) * Cardinal(abs(Height));
2737     FDIBBits := GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, FDIBBitsSize);
2738     if (FDIBBits = nil) then
2739       raise EOutOfMemory.Create(sOutOfMemDIB);
2740 {$else}
2741 //    ScreenDC := GDICheck(GetDC(0));
2742     try
2743       // Allocate DIB section
2744       // Note: You can ignore warnings about the HDC parameter being 0. The
2745       // parameter is not used for 24 bit bitmaps
2746       FDIB := GDICheck(CreateDIBSection(0 {ScreenDC}, FDIBInfo^, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
2747         FDIBBits,
2748         {$IFDEF VER9x} nil, {$ELSE} 0, {$ENDIF}
2749         0));
2750     finally
2751 //      ReleaseDC(0, ScreenDC);
2752     end;
2753 {$endif}
2755   except
2756     FreeDIB;
2757     raise;
2758   end;
2759 {$endif}
2760 end;
2762 procedure TDIBWriter.FreeDIB;
2763 begin
2765   if (FDIBInfo <> nil) then
2766     FreeMem(FDIBInfo);
2768   if (FDIBBits <> nil) then
2769     GlobalFreePtr(FDIBBits);
2770 {$else}
2771   if (FDIB <> 0) then
2772     DeleteObject(FDIB);
2773   FDIB := 0;
2774 {$endif}
2775   FDIBInfo := nil;
2776   FDIBBits := nil;
2777 {$endif}
2778 end;
2780 procedure TDIBWriter.NeedDIB;
2781 begin
2784   if (FDIBBits = nil) then
2785 {$else}
2786   if (FDIB = 0) then
2787 {$endif}
2788     CreateDIB;
2789 {$endif}
2790 end;
2792 // Convert the DIB created by CreateDIB back to a TBitmap
2793 procedure TDIBWriter.UpdateBitmap;
2795 var
2796   Stream		: TMemoryStream;
2797   FileSize		: longInt;
2798   BitmapFileHeader	: TBitmapFileHeader;
2799 {$endif}
2800 begin
2804   if (FDIBBits = nil) then
2805 {$else}
2806   if (FDIB = 0) then
2807 {$endif}
2808     exit;
2810   // Win95 and NT differs in what solution performs best
2812 {$ifdef VER10_PLUS}
2813   if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) then
2814   begin
2815     // Assign DIB to bitmap
2816     FBitmap.Handle := FDIB;
2817     FDIB := 0;
2818     FBitmap.Palette := CopyPalette(Palette);
2819   end else
2820 {$endif}
2821 {$endif}
2822   begin
2823     // Write DIB to a stream in the BMP file format
2824     Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
2825     try
2826       // Make room in stream for a TBitmapInfo and pixel data
2827       FileSize := sizeof(TBitmapFileHeader) + FDIBInfoSize + FDIBBitsSize;
2828       Stream.SetSize(FileSize);
2829       // Initialize file header
2830       FillChar(BitmapFileHeader, sizeof(TBitmapFileHeader), 0);
2831       with BitmapFileHeader do
2832       begin
2833         bfType := $4D42; // 'BM' = Windows BMP signature
2834         bfSize := FileSize; // File size (not needed)
2835         bfOffBits := sizeof(TBitmapFileHeader) + FDIBInfoSize; // Offset of pixel data
2836       end;
2837       // Save file header
2838       Stream.Write(BitmapFileHeader, sizeof(TBitmapFileHeader));
2839       // Save TBitmapInfo structure
2840       Stream.Write(FDIBInfo^, FDIBInfoSize);
2841       // Save pixel data
2842       Stream.Write(FDIBBits^, FDIBBitsSize);
2844       // Rewind and load bitmap from stream
2845       Stream.Position := 0;
2846       FBitmap.LoadFromStream(Stream);
2847     finally
2848       Stream.Free;
2849     end;
2850   end;
2851 {$endif}
2852 end;
2854 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2855 //
2856 //			Color Mapping
2857 //
2858 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2859 type
2860   TColorLookup = class(TObject)
2861   private
2862     FColors		: integer;
2863   public
2864     constructor Create(Palette: hPalette); virtual;
Lookupnull2865     function Lookup(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char; virtual; abstract;
2866     property Colors: integer read FColors;
2867   end;
2869   PRGBQuadArray = ^TRGBQuadArray;		// From Delphi 3 graphics.pas
2870   TRGBQuadArray = array[Byte] of TRGBQuad;	// From Delphi 3 graphics.pas
2872   BGRArray = array[0..0] of TRGBTriple;
2873   PBGRArray = ^BGRArray;
2875   PalArray =  array[byte] of TPaletteEntry;
2876   PPalArray = ^PalArray;
2878   // TFastColorLookup implements a simple but reasonably fast generic color
2879   // mapper. It trades precision for speed by reducing the size of the color
2880   // space.
2881   // Using a class instead of inline code results in a speed penalty of
2882   // approx. 15% but reduces the complexity of the color reduction routines that
2883   // uses it. If bitmap to GIF conversion speed is really important to you, the
2884   // implementation can easily be inlined again.
2885   TInverseLookup = array[0..1 SHL 15-1] of SmallInt;
2886   PInverseLookup = ^TInverseLookup;
2888   TFastColorLookup = class(TColorLookup)
2889   private
2890     FPaletteEntries	: PPalArray;
2891     FInverseLookup	: PInverseLookup;
2892   public
2893     constructor Create(Palette: hPalette); override;
2894     destructor Destroy; override;
Lookupnull2895     function Lookup(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char; override;
2896   end;
2898   // TSlowColorLookup implements a precise but very slow generic color mapper.
2899   // It uses the GetNearestPaletteIndex GDI function.
2900   // Note: Tests has shown TFastColorLookup to be more precise than
2901   // TSlowColorLookup in many cases. I can't explain why...
2902   TSlowColorLookup = class(TColorLookup)
2903   private
2904     FPaletteEntries	: PPalArray;
2905     FPalette		: hPalette;
2906   public
2907     constructor Create(Palette: hPalette); override;
2908     destructor Destroy; override;
2909     function Lookup(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char; override;
2910   end;
2912   // TNetscapeColorLookup maps colors to the netscape 6*6*6 color cube.
2913   TNetscapeColorLookup = class(TColorLookup)
2914   public
2915     constructor Create(Palette: hPalette); override;
2916     function Lookup(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char; override;
2917   end;
2919   // TGrayWindowsLookup maps colors to 4 shade palette.
2920   TGrayWindowsLookup = class(TSlowColorLookup)
2921   public
2922     constructor Create(Palette: hPalette); override;
2923     function Lookup(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char; override;
2924   end;
2926   // TGrayScaleLookup maps colors to a uniform 256 shade palette.
2927   TGrayScaleLookup = class(TColorLookup)
2928   public
2929     constructor Create(Palette: hPalette); override;
2930     function Lookup(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char; override;
2931   end;
2933   // TMonochromeLookup maps colors to a black/white palette.
2934   TMonochromeLookup = class(TColorLookup)
2935   public
2936     constructor Create(Palette: hPalette); override;
2937     function Lookup(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char; override;
2938   end;
2940 constructor TColorLookup.Create(Palette: hPalette);
2941 begin
2942   inherited Create;
2943 end;
2945 constructor TFastColorLookup.Create(Palette: hPalette);
2946 var
2947   i			: integer;
2948   InverseIndex		: integer;
2949 begin
2950   inherited Create(Palette);
2952   GetMem(FPaletteEntries, sizeof(TPaletteEntry) * 256);
2953   FColors := GetPaletteEntries(Palette, 0, 256, FPaletteEntries^);
2955   New(FInverseLookup);
2956   for i := low(TInverseLookup) to high(TInverseLookup) do
2957     FInverseLookup^[i] := -1;
2959   // Premap palette colors
2960   if (FColors > 0) then
2961     for i := 0 to FColors-1 do
2962       with FPaletteEntries^[i] do
2963       begin
2964         InverseIndex := (peRed SHR 3) OR ((peGreen AND $F8) SHL 2) OR ((peBlue AND $F8) SHL 7);
2965         if (FInverseLookup^[InverseIndex] = -1) then
2966           FInverseLookup^[InverseIndex] := i;
2967       end;
2968 end;
2970 destructor TFastColorLookup.Destroy;
2971 begin
2972   if (FPaletteEntries <> nil) then
2973     FreeMem(FPaletteEntries);
2974   if (FInverseLookup <> nil) then
2975     Dispose(FInverseLookup);
2977   inherited Destroy;
2978 end;
2980 // Map color to arbitrary palette
Lookupnull2981 function TFastColorLookup.Lookup(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char;
2982 var
2983   i			: integer;
2984   InverseIndex		: integer;
2985   Delta			,
2986   MinDelta		,
2987   MinColor		: integer;
2988 begin
2989   // Reduce color space with 3 bits in each dimension
2990   InverseIndex := (Red SHR 3) OR ((Green AND $F8) SHL 2) OR ((Blue AND $F8) SHL 7);
2992   if (FInverseLookup^[InverseIndex] <> -1) then
2993     Result := char(FInverseLookup^[InverseIndex])
2994   else
2995   begin
2996     // Sequential scan for nearest color to minimize euclidian distance
2997     MinDelta := 3 * (256 * 256);
2998     MinColor := 0;
2999     for i := 0 to FColors-1 do
3000       with FPaletteEntries[i] do
3001       begin
3002         Delta := ABS(peRed - Red) + ABS(peGreen - Green) + ABS(peBlue - Blue);
3003         if (Delta < MinDelta) then
3004         begin
3005           MinDelta := Delta;
3006           MinColor := i;
3007         end;
3008       end;
3009     Result := char(MinColor);
3010     FInverseLookup^[InverseIndex] := MinColor;
3011   end;
3013   with FPaletteEntries^[ord(Result)] do
3014   begin
3015     R := peRed;
3016     G := peGreen;
3017     B := peBlue;
3018   end;
3019 end;
3021 constructor TSlowColorLookup.Create(Palette: hPalette);
3022 begin
3023   inherited Create(Palette);
3024   FPalette := Palette;
3025   FColors := GetPaletteEntries(Palette, 0, 256, nil^);
3026   if (FColors > 0) then
3027   begin
3028     GetMem(FPaletteEntries, sizeof(TPaletteEntry) * FColors);
3029     FColors := GetPaletteEntries(Palette, 0, 256, FPaletteEntries^);
3030   end;
3031 end;
3033 destructor TSlowColorLookup.Destroy;
3034 begin
3035   if (FPaletteEntries <> nil) then
3036     FreeMem(FPaletteEntries);
3038   inherited Destroy;
3039 end;
3041 // Map color to arbitrary palette
Lookupnull3042 function TSlowColorLookup.Lookup(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char;
3043 begin
3044   Result := char(GetNearestPaletteIndex(FPalette, Red OR (Green SHL 8) OR (Blue SHL 16)));
3045   if (FPaletteEntries <> nil) then
3046     with FPaletteEntries^[ord(Result)] do
3047     begin
3048       R := peRed;
3049       G := peGreen;
3050       B := peBlue;
3051     end;
3052 end;
3054 constructor TNetscapeColorLookup.Create(Palette: hPalette);
3055 begin
3056   inherited Create(Palette);
3057   FColors := 6*6*6; // This better be true or something is wrong
3058 end;
3060 // Map color to netscape 6*6*6 color cube
Lookupnull3061 function TNetscapeColorLookup.Lookup(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char;
3062 begin
3063   R := (Red+3) DIV 51;
3064   G := (Green+3) DIV 51;
3065   B := (Blue+3) DIV 51;
3066   Result := char(B + 6*G + 36*R);
3067   R := R * 51;
3068   G := G * 51;
3069   B := B * 51;
3070 end;
3072 constructor TGrayWindowsLookup.Create(Palette: hPalette);
3073 begin
3074   inherited Create(Palette);
3075   FColors := 4;
3076 end;
3078 // Convert color to windows grays
Lookupnull3079 function TGrayWindowsLookup.Lookup(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char;
3080 begin
3081   Result := inherited Lookup(MulDiv(Red, 77, 256),
3082     MulDiv(Green, 150, 256), MulDiv(Blue, 29, 256), R, G, B);
3083 end;
3085 constructor TGrayScaleLookup.Create(Palette: hPalette);
3086 begin
3087   inherited Create(Palette);
3088   FColors := 256;
3089 end;
3091 // Convert color to grayscale
Lookupnull3092 function TGrayScaleLookup.Lookup(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char;
3093 begin
3094   Result := char((Blue*29 + Green*150 + Red*77) DIV 256);
3095   R := ord(Result);
3096   G := ord(Result);
3097   B := ord(Result);
3098 end;
3100 constructor TMonochromeLookup.Create(Palette: hPalette);
3101 begin
3102   inherited Create(Palette);
3103   FColors := 2;
3104 end;
3106 // Convert color to black/white
Lookupnull3107 function TMonochromeLookup.Lookup(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char;
3108 begin
3109   if ((Blue*29 + Green*150 + Red*77) > 32512) then
3110   begin
3111     Result := #1;
3112     R := 255;
3113     G := 255;
3114     B := 255;
3115   end else
3116   begin
3117     Result := #0;
3118     R := 0;
3119     G := 0;
3120     B := 0;
3121   end;
3122 end;
3124 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3125 //
3126 //			Dithering engine
3127 //
3128 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3129 type
3130   TDitherEngine = class
3131   private
3132   protected
3133     FDirection		: integer;
3134     FColumn		: integer;
3135     FLookup		: TColorLookup;
3136     Width		: integer;
3137   public
3138     constructor Create(AWidth: integer; Lookup: TColorLookup); virtual;
3139     function Dither(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char; virtual;
3140     procedure NextLine; virtual;
3141     procedure NextColumn;
3143     property Direction: integer read FDirection;
3144     property Column: integer read FColumn;
3145   end;
3147   // Note: TErrorTerm does only *need* to be 16 bits wide, but since
3148   // it is *much* faster to use native machine words (32 bit), we sacrifice
3149   // some bytes (a lot actually) to improve performance.
3150   TErrorTerm		= Integer;
3151   TErrors		= array[0..0] of TErrorTerm;
3152   PErrors		= ^TErrors;
3154   TFloydSteinbergDitherer = class(TDitherEngine)
3155   private
3156     ErrorsR		,
3157     ErrorsG		,
3158     ErrorsB		: PErrors;
3159     ErrorR		,
3160     ErrorG		,
3161     ErrorB		: PErrors;
3162     CurrentErrorR	,		// Current error or pixel value
3163     CurrentErrorG	,
3164     CurrentErrorB	,
3165     BelowErrorR		,		// Error for pixel below current
3166     BelowErrorG		,
3167     BelowErrorB		,
3168     BelowPrevErrorR	,		// Error for pixel below previous pixel
3169     BelowPrevErrorG	,
3170     BelowPrevErrorB	: TErrorTerm;
3171   public
3172     constructor Create(AWidth: integer; Lookup: TColorLookup); override;
3173     destructor Destroy; override;
3174     function Dither(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char; override;
3175     procedure NextLine; override;
3176   end;
3178   T5by3Ditherer = class(TDitherEngine)
3179   private
3180     ErrorsR0		,
3181     ErrorsG0		,
3182     ErrorsB0		,
3183     ErrorsR1		,
3184     ErrorsG1		,
3185     ErrorsB1		,
3186     ErrorsR2		,
3187     ErrorsG2		,
3188     ErrorsB2		: PErrors;
3189     ErrorR0		,
3190     ErrorG0		,
3191     ErrorB0		,
3192     ErrorR1		,
3193     ErrorG1		,
3194     ErrorB1		,
3195     ErrorR2		,
3196     ErrorG2		,
3197     ErrorB2		: PErrors;
3198     FDirection2		: integer;
3199   protected
3200     FDivisor		: integer;
3201     procedure Propagate(Errors0, Errors1, Errors2: PErrors; Error: integer); virtual; abstract;
3202   public
3203     constructor Create(AWidth: integer; Lookup: TColorLookup); override;
3204     destructor Destroy; override;
3205     function Dither(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char; override;
3206     procedure NextLine; override;
3207   end;
3209   TStuckiDitherer = class(T5by3Ditherer)
3210   protected
3211     procedure Propagate(Errors0, Errors1, Errors2: PErrors; Error: integer); override;
3212   public
3213     constructor Create(AWidth: integer; Lookup: TColorLookup); override;
3214   end;
3216   TSierraDitherer = class(T5by3Ditherer)
3217   protected
3218     procedure Propagate(Errors0, Errors1, Errors2: PErrors; Error: integer); override;
3219   public
3220     constructor Create(AWidth: integer; Lookup: TColorLookup); override;
3221   end;
3223   TJaJuNiDitherer = class(T5by3Ditherer)
3224   protected
3225     procedure Propagate(Errors0, Errors1, Errors2: PErrors; Error: integer); override;
3226   public
3227     constructor Create(AWidth: integer; Lookup: TColorLookup); override;
3228   end;
3230   TSteveArcheDitherer = class(TDitherEngine)
3231   private
3232     ErrorsR0		,
3233     ErrorsG0		,
3234     ErrorsB0		,
3235     ErrorsR1		,
3236     ErrorsG1		,
3237     ErrorsB1		,
3238     ErrorsR2		,
3239     ErrorsG2		,
3240     ErrorsB2		,
3241     ErrorsR3		,
3242     ErrorsG3		,
3243     ErrorsB3		: PErrors;
3244     ErrorR0		,
3245     ErrorG0		,
3246     ErrorB0		,
3247     ErrorR1		,
3248     ErrorG1		,
3249     ErrorB1		,
3250     ErrorR2		,
3251     ErrorG2		,
3252     ErrorB2		,
3253     ErrorR3		,
3254     ErrorG3		,
3255     ErrorB3		: PErrors;
3256     FDirection2		,
3257     FDirection3		: integer;
3258   public
3259     constructor Create(AWidth: integer; Lookup: TColorLookup); override;
3260     destructor Destroy; override;
3261     function Dither(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char; override;
3262     procedure NextLine; override;
3263   end;
3265   TBurkesDitherer = class(TDitherEngine)
3266   private
3267     ErrorsR0		,
3268     ErrorsG0		,
3269     ErrorsB0		,
3270     ErrorsR1		,
3271     ErrorsG1		,
3272     ErrorsB1		: PErrors;
3273     ErrorR0		,
3274     ErrorG0		,
3275     ErrorB0		,
3276     ErrorR1		,
3277     ErrorG1		,
3278     ErrorB1		: PErrors;
3279     FDirection2		: integer;
3280   public
3281     constructor Create(AWidth: integer; Lookup: TColorLookup); override;
3282     destructor Destroy; override;
3283     function Dither(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char; override;
3284     procedure NextLine; override;
3285   end;
3287 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3288 //	TDitherEngine
3289 constructor TDitherEngine.Create(AWidth: integer; Lookup: TColorLookup);
3290 begin
3291   inherited Create;
3293   FLookup := Lookup;
3294   Width := AWidth;
3296   FDirection := 1;
3297   FColumn := 0;
3298 end;
Dithernull3300 function TDitherEngine.Dither(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char;
3301 begin
3302   // Map color to palette
3303   Result := FLookup.Lookup(Red, Green, Blue, R, G, B);
3304   NextColumn;
3305 end;
3307 procedure TDitherEngine.NextLine;
3308 begin
3309   FDirection := -FDirection;
3310   if (FDirection = 1) then
3311     FColumn := 0
3312   else
3313     FColumn := Width-1;
3314 end;
3316 procedure TDitherEngine.NextColumn;
3317 begin
3318   inc(FColumn, FDirection);
3319 end;
3321 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3322 //	TFloydSteinbergDitherer
3323 constructor TFloydSteinbergDitherer.Create(AWidth: integer; Lookup: TColorLookup);
3324 begin
3325   inherited Create(AWidth, Lookup);
3327   // The Error arrays has (columns + 2) entries; the extra entry at
3328   // each end saves us from special-casing the first and last pixels.
3329   // We can get away with a single array (holding one row's worth of errors)
3330   // by using it to store the current row's errors at pixel columns not yet
3331   // processed, but the next row's errors at columns already processed.  We
3332   // need only a few extra variables to hold the errors immediately around the
3333   // current column.  (If we are lucky, those variables are in registers, but
3334   // even if not, they're probably cheaper to access than array elements are.)
3335   GetMem(ErrorsR, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+2));
3336   GetMem(ErrorsG, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+2));
3337   GetMem(ErrorsB, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+2));
3338   FillChar(ErrorsR^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+2), 0);
3339   FillChar(ErrorsG^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+2), 0);
3340   FillChar(ErrorsB^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+2), 0);
3341   ErrorR := ErrorsR;
3342   ErrorG := ErrorsG;
3343   ErrorB := ErrorsB;
3344   CurrentErrorR := 0;
3345   CurrentErrorG := CurrentErrorR;
3346   CurrentErrorB := CurrentErrorR;
3347   BelowErrorR := CurrentErrorR;
3348   BelowErrorG := CurrentErrorR;
3349   BelowErrorB := CurrentErrorR;
3350   BelowPrevErrorR := CurrentErrorR;
3351   BelowPrevErrorG := CurrentErrorR;
3352   BelowPrevErrorB := CurrentErrorR;
3353 end;
3355 destructor TFloydSteinbergDitherer.Destroy;
3356 begin
3357   FreeMem(ErrorsR);
3358   FreeMem(ErrorsG);
3359   FreeMem(ErrorsB);
3360   inherited Destroy;
3361 end;
3363 {$IFOPT R+}
3364   {$DEFINE R_PLUS}
3366 {$ENDIF}
Dithernull3367 function TFloydSteinbergDitherer.Dither(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char;
3368 var
3369   BelowNextError	: TErrorTerm;
3370   Delta			: TErrorTerm;
3371 begin
3372   CurrentErrorR := Red + (CurrentErrorR + ErrorR[0] + 8) DIV 16;
3373 //  CurrentErrorR := Red + (CurrentErrorR + ErrorR[Direction] + 8) DIV 16;
3374   if (CurrentErrorR < 0) then
3375     CurrentErrorR := 0
3376   else if (CurrentErrorR > 255) then
3377     CurrentErrorR := 255;
3379   CurrentErrorG := Green + (CurrentErrorG + ErrorG[0] + 8) DIV 16;
3380 //  CurrentErrorG := Green + (CurrentErrorG + ErrorG[Direction] + 8) DIV 16;
3381   if (CurrentErrorG < 0) then
3382     CurrentErrorG := 0
3383   else if (CurrentErrorG > 255) then
3384     CurrentErrorG := 255;
3386   CurrentErrorB := Blue + (CurrentErrorB + ErrorB[0] + 8) DIV 16;
3387 //  CurrentErrorB := Blue + (CurrentErrorB + ErrorB[Direction] + 8) DIV 16;
3388   if (CurrentErrorB < 0) then
3389     CurrentErrorB := 0
3390   else if (CurrentErrorB > 255) then
3391     CurrentErrorB := 255;
3393   // Map color to palette
3394   Result := inherited Dither(CurrentErrorR, CurrentErrorG, CurrentErrorB, R, G, B);
3396   // Propagate Floyd-Steinberg error terms.
3397   // Errors are accumulated into the error arrays, at a resolution of
3398   // 1/16th of a pixel count.  The error at a given pixel is propagated
3399   // to its not-yet-processed neighbors using the standard F-S fractions,
3400   //		...	(here)	7/16
3401   //		3/16	5/16	1/16
3402   // We work left-to-right on even rows, right-to-left on odd rows.
3404   // Red component
3405   CurrentErrorR := CurrentErrorR - R;
3406   if (CurrentErrorR <> 0) then
3407   begin
3408     BelowNextError := CurrentErrorR;			// Error * 1
3410     Delta := CurrentErrorR * 2;
3411     inc(CurrentErrorR, Delta);
3412     ErrorR[0] := BelowPrevErrorR + CurrentErrorR;	// Error * 3
3414     inc(CurrentErrorR, Delta);
3415     BelowPrevErrorR := BelowErrorR + CurrentErrorR;	// Error * 5
3417     BelowErrorR := BelowNextError;			// Error * 1
3419     inc(CurrentErrorR, Delta);				// Error * 7
3420   end;
3422   // Green component
3423   CurrentErrorG := CurrentErrorG - G;
3424   if (CurrentErrorG <> 0) then
3425   begin
3426     BelowNextError := CurrentErrorG;			// Error * 1
3428     Delta := CurrentErrorG * 2;
3429     inc(CurrentErrorG, Delta);
3430     ErrorG[0] := BelowPrevErrorG + CurrentErrorG;	// Error * 3
3432     inc(CurrentErrorG, Delta);
3433     BelowPrevErrorG := BelowErrorG + CurrentErrorG;	// Error * 5
3435     BelowErrorG := BelowNextError;			// Error * 1
3437     inc(CurrentErrorG, Delta);				// Error * 7
3438   end;
3440   // Blue component
3441   CurrentErrorB := CurrentErrorB - B;
3442   if (CurrentErrorB <> 0) then
3443   begin
3444     BelowNextError := CurrentErrorB;			// Error * 1
3446     Delta := CurrentErrorB * 2;
3447     inc(CurrentErrorB, Delta);
3448     ErrorB[0] := BelowPrevErrorB + CurrentErrorB;	// Error * 3
3450     inc(CurrentErrorB, Delta);
3451     BelowPrevErrorB := BelowErrorB + CurrentErrorB;	// Error * 5
3453     BelowErrorB := BelowNextError;			// Error * 1
3455     inc(CurrentErrorB, Delta);				// Error * 7
3456   end;
3458   // Move on to next column
3459   if (Direction = 1) then
3460   begin
3461     inc(longInt(ErrorR), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3462     inc(longInt(ErrorG), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3463     inc(longInt(ErrorB), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3464   end else
3465   begin
3466     dec(longInt(ErrorR), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3467     dec(longInt(ErrorG), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3468     dec(longInt(ErrorB), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3469   end;
3470 end;
3471 {$IFDEF R_PLUS}
3473   {$UNDEF R_PLUS}
3474 {$ENDIF}
3476 {$IFOPT R+}
3477   {$DEFINE R_PLUS}
3479 {$ENDIF}
3480 procedure TFloydSteinbergDitherer.NextLine;
3481 begin
3482   ErrorR[0] := BelowPrevErrorR;
3483   ErrorG[0] := BelowPrevErrorG;
3484   ErrorB[0] := BelowPrevErrorB;
3486   // Note: The optimizer produces better code for this construct:
3487   //   a := 0; b := a; c := a;
3488   // compared to this construct:
3489   //   a := 0; b := 0; c := 0;
3490   CurrentErrorR := 0;
3491   CurrentErrorG := CurrentErrorR;
3492   CurrentErrorB := CurrentErrorG;
3493   BelowErrorR := CurrentErrorG;
3494   BelowErrorG := CurrentErrorG;
3495   BelowErrorB := CurrentErrorG;
3496   BelowPrevErrorR := CurrentErrorG;
3497   BelowPrevErrorG := CurrentErrorG;
3498   BelowPrevErrorB := CurrentErrorG;
3500   inherited NextLine;
3502   if (Direction = 1) then
3503   begin
3504     ErrorR := ErrorsR;
3505     ErrorG := ErrorsG;
3506     ErrorB := ErrorsB;
3507   end else
3508   begin
3509     ErrorR := @ErrorsR[Width+1];
3510     ErrorG := @ErrorsG[Width+1];
3511     ErrorB := @ErrorsB[Width+1];
3512   end;
3513 end;
3514 {$IFDEF R_PLUS}
3516   {$UNDEF R_PLUS}
3517 {$ENDIF}
3519 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3520 //	T5by3Ditherer
3521 constructor T5by3Ditherer.Create(AWidth: integer; Lookup: TColorLookup);
3522 begin
3523   inherited Create(AWidth, Lookup);
3525   GetMem(ErrorsR0, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4));
3526   GetMem(ErrorsG0, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4));
3527   GetMem(ErrorsB0, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4));
3528   GetMem(ErrorsR1, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4));
3529   GetMem(ErrorsG1, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4));
3530   GetMem(ErrorsB1, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4));
3531   GetMem(ErrorsR2, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4));
3532   GetMem(ErrorsG2, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4));
3533   GetMem(ErrorsB2, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4));
3534   FillChar(ErrorsR0^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
3535   FillChar(ErrorsG0^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
3536   FillChar(ErrorsB0^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
3537   FillChar(ErrorsR1^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
3538   FillChar(ErrorsG1^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
3539   FillChar(ErrorsB1^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
3540   FillChar(ErrorsR2^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
3541   FillChar(ErrorsG2^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
3542   FillChar(ErrorsB2^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
3544   FDivisor := 1;
3545   FDirection2 := 2 * Direction;
3546   ErrorR0 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR0)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3547   ErrorG0 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsG0)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3548   ErrorB0 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsB0)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3549   ErrorR1 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR1)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3550   ErrorG1 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsG1)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3551   ErrorB1 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsB1)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3552   ErrorR2 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR2)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3553   ErrorG2 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsG2)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3554   ErrorB2 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsB2)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3555 end;
3557 destructor T5by3Ditherer.Destroy;
3558 begin
3559   FreeMem(ErrorsR0);
3560   FreeMem(ErrorsG0);
3561   FreeMem(ErrorsB0);
3562   FreeMem(ErrorsR1);
3563   FreeMem(ErrorsG1);
3564   FreeMem(ErrorsB1);
3565   FreeMem(ErrorsR2);
3566   FreeMem(ErrorsG2);
3567   FreeMem(ErrorsB2);
3568   inherited Destroy;
3569 end;
3571 {$IFOPT R+}
3572   {$DEFINE R_PLUS}
3574 {$ENDIF}
Dithernull3575 function T5by3Ditherer.Dither(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char;
3576 var
3577   ColorR		,
3578   ColorG		,
3579   ColorB		: integer; // Error for current pixel
3580 begin
3581   // Apply red component error correction
3582   ColorR := Red + (ErrorR0[0] + FDivisor DIV 2) DIV FDivisor;
3583   if (ColorR < 0) then
3584     ColorR := 0
3585   else if (ColorR > 255) then
3586     ColorR := 255;
3588   // Apply green component error correction
3589   ColorG := Green + (ErrorG0[0] + FDivisor DIV 2) DIV FDivisor;
3590   if (ColorG < 0) then
3591     ColorG := 0
3592   else if (ColorG > 255) then
3593     ColorG := 255;
3595   // Apply blue component error correction
3596   ColorB := Blue + (ErrorB0[0] + FDivisor DIV 2) DIV FDivisor;
3597   if (ColorB < 0) then
3598     ColorB := 0
3599   else if (ColorB > 255) then
3600     ColorB := 255;
3602   // Map color to palette
3603   Result := inherited Dither(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, R, G, B);
3605   // Propagate red component error
3606   Propagate(ErrorR0, ErrorR1, ErrorR2, ColorR - R);
3607   // Propagate green component error
3608   Propagate(ErrorG0, ErrorG1, ErrorG2, ColorG - G);
3609   // Propagate blue component error
3610   Propagate(ErrorB0, ErrorB1, ErrorB2, ColorB - B);
3612   // Move on to next column
3613   if (Direction = 1) then
3614   begin
3615     inc(longInt(ErrorR0), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3616     inc(longInt(ErrorG0), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3617     inc(longInt(ErrorB0), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3618     inc(longInt(ErrorR1), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3619     inc(longInt(ErrorG1), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3620     inc(longInt(ErrorB1), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3621     inc(longInt(ErrorR2), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3622     inc(longInt(ErrorG2), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3623     inc(longInt(ErrorB2), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3624   end else
3625   begin
3626     dec(longInt(ErrorR0), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3627     dec(longInt(ErrorG0), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3628     dec(longInt(ErrorB0), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3629     dec(longInt(ErrorR1), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3630     dec(longInt(ErrorG1), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3631     dec(longInt(ErrorB1), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3632     dec(longInt(ErrorR2), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3633     dec(longInt(ErrorG2), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3634     dec(longInt(ErrorB2), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3635   end;
3636 end;
3637 {$IFDEF R_PLUS}
3639   {$UNDEF R_PLUS}
3640 {$ENDIF}
3642 {$IFOPT R+}
3643   {$DEFINE R_PLUS}
3645 {$ENDIF}
3646 procedure T5by3Ditherer.NextLine;
3647 var
3648   TempErrors		: PErrors;
3649 begin
3650   FillChar(ErrorsR0^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
3651   FillChar(ErrorsG0^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
3652   FillChar(ErrorsB0^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
3654   // Swap lines
3655   TempErrors := ErrorsR0;
3656   ErrorsR0 := ErrorsR1;
3657   ErrorsR1 := ErrorsR2;
3658   ErrorsR2 := TempErrors;
3660   TempErrors := ErrorsG0;
3661   ErrorsG0 := ErrorsG1;
3662   ErrorsG1 := ErrorsG2;
3663   ErrorsG2 := TempErrors;
3665   TempErrors := ErrorsB0;
3666   ErrorsB0 := ErrorsB1;
3667   ErrorsB1 := ErrorsB2;
3668   ErrorsB2 := TempErrors;
3670   inherited NextLine;
3672   FDirection2 := 2 * Direction;
3673   if (Direction = 1) then
3674   begin
3675     // ErrorsR0[1] gives compiler error, so we
3676     // use PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR0)+sizeof(TErrorTerm)) instead...
3677     ErrorR0 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR0)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3678     ErrorG0 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsG0)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3679     ErrorB0 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsB0)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3680     ErrorR1 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR1)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3681     ErrorG1 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsG1)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3682     ErrorB1 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsB1)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3683     ErrorR2 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR2)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3684     ErrorG2 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsG2)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3685     ErrorB2 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsB2)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3686   end else
3687   begin
3688     ErrorR0 := @ErrorsR0[Width+1];
3689     ErrorG0 := @ErrorsG0[Width+1];
3690     ErrorB0 := @ErrorsB0[Width+1];
3691     ErrorR1 := @ErrorsR1[Width+1];
3692     ErrorG1 := @ErrorsG1[Width+1];
3693     ErrorB1 := @ErrorsB1[Width+1];
3694     ErrorR2 := @ErrorsR2[Width+1];
3695     ErrorG2 := @ErrorsG2[Width+1];
3696     ErrorB2 := @ErrorsB2[Width+1];
3697   end;
3698 end;
3699 {$IFDEF R_PLUS}
3701   {$UNDEF R_PLUS}
3702 {$ENDIF}
3704 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3705 //	TStuckiDitherer
3706 constructor TStuckiDitherer.Create(AWidth: integer; Lookup: TColorLookup);
3707 begin
3708   inherited Create(AWidth, Lookup);
3709   FDivisor := 42;
3710 end;
3712 {$IFOPT R+}
3713   {$DEFINE R_PLUS}
3715 {$ENDIF}
3716 procedure TStuckiDitherer.Propagate(Errors0, Errors1, Errors2: PErrors; Error: integer);
3717 begin
3718   if (Error = 0) then
3719     exit;
3720   // Propagate Stucki error terms:
3721   //	...	...	(here)	8/42	4/42
3722   //	2/42	4/42	8/42	4/42	2/42
3723   //	1/42	2/42	4/42	2/42	1/42
3724   inc(Errors2[FDirection2], Error);	// Error * 1
3725   inc(Errors2[-FDirection2], Error);	// Error * 1
3727   Error := Error + Error;
3728   inc(Errors1[FDirection2], Error);	// Error * 2
3729   inc(Errors1[-FDirection2], Error);	// Error * 2
3730   inc(Errors2[Direction], Error);	// Error * 2
3731   inc(Errors2[-Direction], Error);	// Error * 2
3733   Error := Error + Error;
3734   inc(Errors0[FDirection2], Error);	// Error * 4
3735   inc(Errors1[-Direction], Error);	// Error * 4
3736   inc(Errors1[Direction], Error);	// Error * 4
3737   inc(Errors2[0], Error);		// Error * 4
3739   Error := Error + Error;
3740   inc(Errors0[Direction], Error);	// Error * 8
3741   inc(Errors1[0], Error);		// Error * 8
3742 end;
3743 {$IFDEF R_PLUS}
3745   {$UNDEF R_PLUS}
3746 {$ENDIF}
3748 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3749 //	TSierraDitherer
3750 constructor TSierraDitherer.Create(AWidth: integer; Lookup: TColorLookup);
3751 begin
3752   inherited Create(AWidth, Lookup);
3753   FDivisor := 32;
3754 end;
3756 {$IFOPT R+}
3757   {$DEFINE R_PLUS}
3759 {$ENDIF}
3760 procedure TSierraDitherer.Propagate(Errors0, Errors1, Errors2: PErrors; Error: integer);
3761 var
3762   TempError		: integer;
3763 begin
3764   if (Error = 0) then
3765     exit;
3766   // Propagate Sierra error terms:
3767   //	...	...	(here)	5/32	3/32
3768   //	2/32	4/32	5/32	4/32	2/32
3769   //	...	2/32	3/32	2/32	...
3770   TempError := Error + Error;
3771   inc(Errors1[FDirection2], TempError);	// Error * 2
3772   inc(Errors1[-FDirection2], TempError);// Error * 2
3773   inc(Errors2[Direction], TempError);	// Error * 2
3774   inc(Errors2[-Direction], TempError);	// Error * 2
3776   inc(TempError, Error);
3777   inc(Errors0[FDirection2], TempError);	// Error * 3
3778   inc(Errors2[0], TempError);		// Error * 3
3780   inc(TempError, Error);
3781   inc(Errors1[-Direction], TempError);	// Error * 4
3782   inc(Errors1[Direction], TempError);	// Error * 4
3784   inc(TempError, Error);
3785   inc(Errors0[Direction], TempError);	// Error * 5
3786   inc(Errors1[0], TempError);		// Error * 5
3787 end;
3788 {$IFDEF R_PLUS}
3790   {$UNDEF R_PLUS}
3791 {$ENDIF}
3793 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3794 //	TJaJuNiDitherer
3795 constructor TJaJuNiDitherer.Create(AWidth: integer; Lookup: TColorLookup);
3796 begin
3797   inherited Create(AWidth, Lookup);
3798   FDivisor := 38;
3799 end;
3801 {$IFOPT R+}
3802   {$DEFINE R_PLUS}
3804 {$ENDIF}
3805 procedure TJaJuNiDitherer.Propagate(Errors0, Errors1, Errors2: PErrors; Error: integer);
3806 var
3807   TempError		: integer;
3808 begin
3809   if (Error = 0) then
3810     exit;
3811   // Propagate Jarvis, Judice and Ninke error terms:
3812   //	...	...	(here)	8/38	4/38
3813   //	2/38	4/38	8/38	4/38	2/38
3814   //	1/38	2/38	4/38	2/38	1/38
3815   inc(Errors2[FDirection2], Error);	// Error * 1
3816   inc(Errors2[-FDirection2], Error);	// Error * 1
3818   TempError := Error + Error;
3819   inc(Error, TempError);
3820   inc(Errors1[FDirection2], Error);	// Error * 3
3821   inc(Errors1[-FDirection2], Error);	// Error * 3
3822   inc(Errors2[Direction], Error);	// Error * 3
3823   inc(Errors2[-Direction], Error);	// Error * 3
3825   inc(Error, TempError);
3826   inc(Errors0[FDirection2], Error);	// Error * 5
3827   inc(Errors1[-Direction], Error);	// Error * 5
3828   inc(Errors1[Direction], Error);	// Error * 5
3829   inc(Errors2[0], Error);		// Error * 5
3831   inc(Error, TempError);
3832   inc(Errors0[Direction], Error);	// Error * 7
3833   inc(Errors1[0], Error);		// Error * 7
3834 end;
3835 {$IFDEF R_PLUS}
3837   {$UNDEF R_PLUS}
3838 {$ENDIF}
3840 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3841 //	TSteveArcheDitherer
3842 constructor TSteveArcheDitherer.Create(AWidth: integer; Lookup: TColorLookup);
3843 begin
3844   inherited Create(AWidth, Lookup);
3846   GetMem(ErrorsR0, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6));
3847   GetMem(ErrorsG0, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6));
3848   GetMem(ErrorsB0, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6));
3849   GetMem(ErrorsR1, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6));
3850   GetMem(ErrorsG1, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6));
3851   GetMem(ErrorsB1, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6));
3852   GetMem(ErrorsR2, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6));
3853   GetMem(ErrorsG2, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6));
3854   GetMem(ErrorsB2, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6));
3855   GetMem(ErrorsR3, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6));
3856   GetMem(ErrorsG3, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6));
3857   GetMem(ErrorsB3, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6));
3858   FillChar(ErrorsR0^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6), 0);
3859   FillChar(ErrorsG0^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6), 0);
3860   FillChar(ErrorsB0^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6), 0);
3861   FillChar(ErrorsR1^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6), 0);
3862   FillChar(ErrorsG1^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6), 0);
3863   FillChar(ErrorsB1^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6), 0);
3864   FillChar(ErrorsR2^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6), 0);
3865   FillChar(ErrorsG2^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6), 0);
3866   FillChar(ErrorsB2^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6), 0);
3867   FillChar(ErrorsR3^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6), 0);
3868   FillChar(ErrorsG3^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6), 0);
3869   FillChar(ErrorsB3^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6), 0);
3871   FDirection2 := 2 * Direction;
3872   FDirection3 := 3 * Direction;
3874   ErrorR0 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR0)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3875   ErrorG0 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsG0)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3876   ErrorB0 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsB0)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3877   ErrorR1 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR1)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3878   ErrorG1 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsG1)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3879   ErrorB1 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsB1)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3880   ErrorR2 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR2)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3881   ErrorG2 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsG2)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3882   ErrorB2 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsB2)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3883   ErrorR3 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR3)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3884   ErrorG3 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsG3)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3885   ErrorB3 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsB3)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3886 end;
3888 destructor TSteveArcheDitherer.Destroy;
3889 begin
3890   FreeMem(ErrorsR0);
3891   FreeMem(ErrorsG0);
3892   FreeMem(ErrorsB0);
3893   FreeMem(ErrorsR1);
3894   FreeMem(ErrorsG1);
3895   FreeMem(ErrorsB1);
3896   FreeMem(ErrorsR2);
3897   FreeMem(ErrorsG2);
3898   FreeMem(ErrorsB2);
3899   FreeMem(ErrorsR3);
3900   FreeMem(ErrorsG3);
3901   FreeMem(ErrorsB3);
3902   inherited Destroy;
3903 end;
3905 {$IFOPT R+}
3906   {$DEFINE R_PLUS}
3908 {$ENDIF}
Dithernull3909 function TSteveArcheDitherer.Dither(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char;
3910 var
3911   ColorR		,
3912   ColorG		,
3913   ColorB		: integer; // Error for current pixel
3915   // Propagate Stevenson & Arche error terms:
3916   //	...	...	...	(here)	...	32/200	...
3917   //    12/200	...	26/200	...	30/200	...	16/200
3918   //	...	12/200	...	26/200	...	12/200	...
3919   //	5/200	...	12/200	...	12/200	...	5/200
3920   procedure Propagate(Errors0, Errors1, Errors2, Errors3: PErrors; Error: integer);
3921   var
3922     TempError		: integer;
3923   begin
3924     if (Error = 0) then
3925       exit;
3926     TempError := 5 * Error;
3927     inc(Errors3[FDirection3], TempError);	// Error * 5
3928     inc(Errors3[-FDirection3], TempError);	// Error * 5
3930     TempError := 12 * Error;
3931     inc(Errors1[-FDirection3], TempError);	// Error * 12
3932     inc(Errors2[-FDirection2], TempError);	// Error * 12
3933     inc(Errors2[FDirection2], TempError);	// Error * 12
3934     inc(Errors3[-Direction], TempError);	// Error * 12
3935     inc(Errors3[Direction], TempError);		// Error * 12
3937     inc(Errors1[FDirection3], 16 * TempError);	// Error * 16
3939     TempError := 26 * Error;
3940     inc(Errors1[-Direction], TempError);	// Error * 26
3941     inc(Errors2[0], TempError);			// Error * 26
3943     inc(Errors1[Direction], 30 * Error);	// Error * 30
3945     inc(Errors0[FDirection2], 32 * Error);	// Error * 32
3946   end;
3948 begin
3949   // Apply red component error correction
3950   ColorR := Red + (ErrorR0[0] + 100) DIV 200;
3951   if (ColorR < 0) then
3952     ColorR := 0
3953   else if (ColorR > 255) then
3954     ColorR := 255;
3956   // Apply green component error correction
3957   ColorG := Green + (ErrorG0[0] + 100) DIV 200;
3958   if (ColorG < 0) then
3959     ColorG := 0
3960   else if (ColorG > 255) then
3961     ColorG := 255;
3963   // Apply blue component error correction
3964   ColorB := Blue + (ErrorB0[0] + 100) DIV 200;
3965   if (ColorB < 0) then
3966     ColorB := 0
3967   else if (ColorB > 255) then
3968     ColorB := 255;
3970   // Map color to palette
3971   Result := inherited Dither(ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, R, G, B);
3973   // Propagate red component error
3974   Propagate(ErrorR0, ErrorR1, ErrorR2, ErrorR3, ColorR - R);
3975   // Propagate green component error
3976   Propagate(ErrorG0, ErrorG1, ErrorG2, ErrorG3, ColorG - G);
3977   // Propagate blue component error
3978   Propagate(ErrorB0, ErrorB1, ErrorB2, ErrorB3, ColorB - B);
3980   // Move on to next column
3981   if (Direction = 1) then
3982   begin
3983     inc(longInt(ErrorR0), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3984     inc(longInt(ErrorG0), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3985     inc(longInt(ErrorB0), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3986     inc(longInt(ErrorR1), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3987     inc(longInt(ErrorG1), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3988     inc(longInt(ErrorB1), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3989     inc(longInt(ErrorR2), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3990     inc(longInt(ErrorG2), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3991     inc(longInt(ErrorB2), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3992     inc(longInt(ErrorR3), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3993     inc(longInt(ErrorG3), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3994     inc(longInt(ErrorB3), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3995   end else
3996   begin
3997     dec(longInt(ErrorR0), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3998     dec(longInt(ErrorG0), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
3999     dec(longInt(ErrorB0), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4000     dec(longInt(ErrorR1), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4001     dec(longInt(ErrorG1), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4002     dec(longInt(ErrorB1), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4003     dec(longInt(ErrorR2), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4004     dec(longInt(ErrorG2), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4005     dec(longInt(ErrorB2), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4006     dec(longInt(ErrorR3), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4007     dec(longInt(ErrorG3), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4008     dec(longInt(ErrorB3), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4009   end;
4010 end;
4011 {$IFDEF R_PLUS}
4013   {$UNDEF R_PLUS}
4014 {$ENDIF}
4016 {$IFOPT R+}
4017   {$DEFINE R_PLUS}
4019 {$ENDIF}
4020 procedure TSteveArcheDitherer.NextLine;
4021 var
4022   TempErrors		: PErrors;
4023 begin
4024   FillChar(ErrorsR0^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6), 0);
4025   FillChar(ErrorsG0^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6), 0);
4026   FillChar(ErrorsB0^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+6), 0);
4028   // Swap lines
4029   TempErrors := ErrorsR0;
4030   ErrorsR0 := ErrorsR1;
4031   ErrorsR1 := ErrorsR2;
4032   ErrorsR2 := ErrorsR3;
4033   ErrorsR3 := TempErrors;
4035   TempErrors := ErrorsG0;
4036   ErrorsG0 := ErrorsG1;
4037   ErrorsG1 := ErrorsG2;
4038   ErrorsG2 := ErrorsG3;
4039   ErrorsG3 := TempErrors;
4041   TempErrors := ErrorsB0;
4042   ErrorsB0 := ErrorsB1;
4043   ErrorsB1 := ErrorsB2;
4044   ErrorsB2 := ErrorsB3;
4045   ErrorsB3 := TempErrors;
4047   inherited NextLine;
4049   FDirection2 := 2 * Direction;
4050   FDirection3 := 3 * Direction;
4052   if (Direction = 1) then
4053   begin
4054     // ErrorsR0[1] gives compiler error, so we
4055     // use PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR0)+sizeof(TErrorTerm)) instead...
4056     ErrorR0 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR0)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4057     ErrorG0 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsG0)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4058     ErrorB0 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsB0)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4059     ErrorR1 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR1)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4060     ErrorG1 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsG1)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4061     ErrorB1 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsB1)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4062     ErrorR2 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR2)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4063     ErrorG2 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsG2)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4064     ErrorB2 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsB2)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4065     ErrorR3 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR3)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4066     ErrorG3 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsG3)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4067     ErrorB3 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsB3)+3*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4068   end else
4069   begin
4070     ErrorR0 := @ErrorsR0[Width+2];
4071     ErrorG0 := @ErrorsG0[Width+2];
4072     ErrorB0 := @ErrorsB0[Width+2];
4073     ErrorR1 := @ErrorsR1[Width+2];
4074     ErrorG1 := @ErrorsG1[Width+2];
4075     ErrorB1 := @ErrorsB1[Width+2];
4076     ErrorR2 := @ErrorsR2[Width+2];
4077     ErrorG2 := @ErrorsG2[Width+2];
4078     ErrorB2 := @ErrorsB2[Width+2];
4079     ErrorR3 := @ErrorsR2[Width+2];
4080     ErrorG3 := @ErrorsG2[Width+2];
4081     ErrorB3 := @ErrorsB2[Width+2];
4082   end;
4083 end;
4084 {$IFDEF R_PLUS}
4086   {$UNDEF R_PLUS}
4087 {$ENDIF}
4089 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4090 //	TBurkesDitherer
4091 constructor TBurkesDitherer.Create(AWidth: integer; Lookup: TColorLookup);
4092 begin
4093   inherited Create(AWidth, Lookup);
4095   GetMem(ErrorsR0, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4));
4096   GetMem(ErrorsG0, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4));
4097   GetMem(ErrorsB0, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4));
4098   GetMem(ErrorsR1, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4));
4099   GetMem(ErrorsG1, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4));
4100   GetMem(ErrorsB1, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4));
4101   FillChar(ErrorsR0^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
4102   FillChar(ErrorsG0^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
4103   FillChar(ErrorsB0^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
4104   FillChar(ErrorsR1^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
4105   FillChar(ErrorsG1^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
4106   FillChar(ErrorsB1^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
4108   FDirection2 := 2 * Direction;
4109   ErrorR0 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR0)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4110   ErrorG0 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsG0)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4111   ErrorB0 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsB0)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4112   ErrorR1 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR1)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4113   ErrorG1 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsG1)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4114   ErrorB1 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsB1)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4115 end;
4117 destructor TBurkesDitherer.Destroy;
4118 begin
4119   FreeMem(ErrorsR0);
4120   FreeMem(ErrorsG0);
4121   FreeMem(ErrorsB0);
4122   FreeMem(ErrorsR1);
4123   FreeMem(ErrorsG1);
4124   FreeMem(ErrorsB1);
4125   inherited Destroy;
4126 end;
4128 {$IFOPT R+}
4129   {$DEFINE R_PLUS}
4131 {$ENDIF}
Dithernull4132 function TBurkesDitherer.Dither(Red, Green, Blue: BYTE; var R, G, B: BYTE): char;
4133 var
4134   ErrorR		,
4135   ErrorG		,
4136   ErrorB		: integer; // Error for current pixel
4138   // Propagate Burkes error terms:
4139   //	...	...	(here)	8/32	4/32
4140   //	2/32	4/32	8/32	4/32	2/32
4141   procedure Propagate(Errors0, Errors1: PErrors; Error: integer);
4142   begin
4143     if (Error = 0) then
4144       exit;
4145     inc(Error, Error);
4146     inc(Errors1[FDirection2], Error);	// Error * 2
4147     inc(Errors1[-FDirection2], Error);	// Error * 2
4149     inc(Error, Error);
4150     inc(Errors0[FDirection2], Error);	// Error * 4
4151     inc(Errors1[-Direction], Error);	// Error * 4
4152     inc(Errors1[Direction], Error);	// Error * 4
4154     inc(Error, Error);
4155     inc(Errors0[Direction], Error);	// Error * 8
4156     inc(Errors1[0], Error);		// Error * 8
4157   end;
4159 begin
4160   // Apply red component error correction
4161   ErrorR := Red + (ErrorR0[0] + 16) DIV 32;
4162   if (ErrorR < 0) then
4163     ErrorR := 0
4164   else if (ErrorR > 255) then
4165     ErrorR := 255;
4167   // Apply green component error correction
4168   ErrorG := Green + (ErrorG0[0] + 16) DIV 32;
4169   if (ErrorG < 0) then
4170     ErrorG := 0
4171   else if (ErrorG > 255) then
4172     ErrorG := 255;
4174   // Apply blue component error correction
4175   ErrorB := Blue + (ErrorB0[0] + 16) DIV 32;
4176   if (ErrorB < 0) then
4177     ErrorB := 0
4178   else if (ErrorB > 255) then
4179     ErrorB := 255;
4181   // Map color to palette
4182   Result := inherited Dither(ErrorR, ErrorG, ErrorB, R, G, B);
4184   // Propagate red component error
4185   Propagate(ErrorR0, ErrorR1, ErrorR - R);
4186   // Propagate green component error
4187   Propagate(ErrorG0, ErrorG1, ErrorG - G);
4188   // Propagate blue component error
4189   Propagate(ErrorB0, ErrorB1, ErrorB - B);
4191   // Move on to next column
4192   if (Direction = 1) then
4193   begin
4194     inc(longInt(ErrorR0), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4195     inc(longInt(ErrorG0), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4196     inc(longInt(ErrorB0), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4197     inc(longInt(ErrorR1), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4198     inc(longInt(ErrorG1), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4199     inc(longInt(ErrorB1), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4200   end else
4201   begin
4202     dec(longInt(ErrorR0), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4203     dec(longInt(ErrorG0), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4204     dec(longInt(ErrorB0), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4205     dec(longInt(ErrorR1), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4206     dec(longInt(ErrorG1), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4207     dec(longInt(ErrorB1), sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4208   end;
4209 end;
4210 {$IFDEF R_PLUS}
4212   {$UNDEF R_PLUS}
4213 {$ENDIF}
4215 {$IFOPT R+}
4216   {$DEFINE R_PLUS}
4218 {$ENDIF}
4219 procedure TBurkesDitherer.NextLine;
4220 var
4221   TempErrors		: PErrors;
4222 begin
4223   FillChar(ErrorsR0^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
4224   FillChar(ErrorsG0^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
4225   FillChar(ErrorsB0^, sizeof(TErrorTerm)*(Width+4), 0);
4227   // Swap lines
4228   TempErrors := ErrorsR0;
4229   ErrorsR0 := ErrorsR1;
4230   ErrorsR1 := TempErrors;
4232   TempErrors := ErrorsG0;
4233   ErrorsG0 := ErrorsG1;
4234   ErrorsG1 := TempErrors;
4236   TempErrors := ErrorsB0;
4237   ErrorsB0 := ErrorsB1;
4238   ErrorsB1 := TempErrors;
4240   inherited NextLine;
4242   FDirection2 := 2 * Direction;
4243   if (Direction = 1) then
4244   begin
4245     // ErrorsR0[1] gives compiler error, so we
4246     // use PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR0)+sizeof(TErrorTerm)) instead...
4247     ErrorR0 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR0)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4248     ErrorG0 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsG0)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4249     ErrorB0 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsB0)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4250     ErrorR1 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsR1)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4251     ErrorG1 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsG1)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4252     ErrorB1 := PErrors(longInt(ErrorsB1)+2*sizeof(TErrorTerm));
4253   end else
4254   begin
4255     ErrorR0 := @ErrorsR0[Width+1];
4256     ErrorG0 := @ErrorsG0[Width+1];
4257     ErrorB0 := @ErrorsB0[Width+1];
4258     ErrorR1 := @ErrorsR1[Width+1];
4259     ErrorG1 := @ErrorsG1[Width+1];
4260     ErrorB1 := @ErrorsB1[Width+1];
4261   end;
4262 end;
4263 {$IFDEF R_PLUS}
4265   {$UNDEF R_PLUS}
4266 {$ENDIF}
4268 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4269 //
4270 //			Octree Color Quantization Engine
4271 //
4272 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4273 //  Adapted from Earl F. Glynn's ColorQuantizationLibrary, March 1998
4274 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4275 type
4276   TOctreeNode = class;	// Forward definition so TReducibleNodes can be declared
4278   TReducibleNodes = array[0..7] of TOctreeNode;
4280   TOctreeNode = Class(TObject)
4281   public
4282     IsLeaf		: Boolean;
4283     PixelCount		: integer;
4284     RedSum		: integer;
4285     GreenSum		: integer;
4286     BlueSum		: integer;
4287     Next		: TOctreeNode;
4288     Child		: TReducibleNodes;
4290     constructor Create(Level: integer; ColorBits: integer; var LeafCount: integer;
4291       var ReducibleNodes: TReducibleNodes);
4292     destructor Destroy; override;
4293   end;
4295   TColorQuantizer = class(TObject)
4296   private
4297     FTree		: TOctreeNode;
4298     FLeafCount		: integer;
4299     FReducibleNodes	: TReducibleNodes;
4300     FMaxColors		: integer;
4301     FColorBits		: integer;
4303   protected
4304     procedure AddColor(var Node: TOctreeNode; r, g, b: byte; ColorBits: integer;
4305       Level: integer; var LeafCount: integer; var ReducibleNodes: TReducibleNodes);
4306     procedure DeleteTree(var Node: TOctreeNode);
4307     procedure GetPaletteColors(const Node: TOctreeNode;
4308       var RGBQuadArray: TRGBQuadArray; var Index: integer);
4309     procedure ReduceTree(ColorBits: integer; var LeafCount: integer;
4310       var ReducibleNodes: TReducibleNodes);
4312   public
4313     constructor Create(MaxColors: integer; ColorBits: integer);
4314     destructor Destroy; override;
4316     procedure GetColorTable(var RGBQuadArray: TRGBQuadArray);
ProcessImagenull4317     function ProcessImage(const DIB: TDIBReader): boolean;
4319     property ColorCount: integer read FLeafCount;
4320   end;
4322 constructor TOctreeNode.Create(Level: integer; ColorBits: integer;
4323   var LeafCount: integer; var ReducibleNodes: TReducibleNodes);
4324 var
4325   i			: integer;
4326 begin
4327   PixelCount := 0;
4328   RedSum := 0;
4329   GreenSum := 0;
4330   BlueSum := 0;
4331   for i := Low(Child) to High(Child) do
4332     Child[i] := nil;
4334   IsLeaf := (Level = ColorBits);
4335   if (IsLeaf) then
4336   begin
4337     Next := nil;
4338     inc(LeafCount);
4339   end else
4340   begin
4341     Next := ReducibleNodes[Level];
4342     ReducibleNodes[Level] := self;
4343   end;
4344 end;
4346 destructor TOctreeNode.Destroy;
4347 var
4348   i			: integer;
4349 begin
4350   for i := High(Child) downto Low(Child) do
4351     Child[i].Free;
4352 end;
4354 constructor TColorQuantizer.Create(MaxColors: integer; ColorBits: integer);
4355 var
4356   i			: integer;
4357 begin
4358   ASSERT(ColorBits <= 8, 'ColorBits must be 8 or less');
4360   FTree := nil;
4361   FLeafCount := 0;
4363   // Initialize all nodes even though only ColorBits+1 of them are needed
4364   for i := Low(FReducibleNodes) to High(FReducibleNodes) do
4365     FReducibleNodes[i] := nil;
4367   FMaxColors := MaxColors;
4368   FColorBits := ColorBits;
4369 end;
4371 destructor TColorQuantizer.Destroy;
4372 begin
4373   if (FTree <> nil) then
4374     DeleteTree(FTree);
4375 end;
4377 procedure TColorQuantizer.GetColorTable(var RGBQuadArray: TRGBQuadArray);
4378 var
4379   Index			: integer;
4380 begin
4381   Index := 0;
4382   GetPaletteColors(FTree, RGBQuadArray, Index);
4383 end;
4385 // Handles passed to ProcessImage should refer to DIB sections, not DDBs.
4386 // In certain cases, specifically when it's called upon to process 1, 4, or
4387 // 8-bit per pixel images on systems with palettized display adapters,
4388 // ProcessImage can produce incorrect results if it's passed a handle to a
4389 // DDB.
TColorQuantizer.ProcessImagenull4390 function TColorQuantizer.ProcessImage(const DIB: TDIBReader): boolean;
4391 var
4392   i			,
4393   j			: integer;
4394   ScanLine		: pointer;
4395   Pixel			: PRGBTriple;
4396 begin
4397   Result := True;
4399   for j := 0 to DIB.Bitmap.Height-1 do
4400   begin
4401     Scanline := DIB.Scanline[j];
4402     Pixel := ScanLine;
4403     for i := 0 to DIB.Bitmap.Width-1 do
4404     begin
4405       with Pixel^ do
4406         AddColor(FTree, rgbtRed, rgbtGreen, rgbtBlue,
4407                  FColorBits, 0, FLeafCount, FReducibleNodes);
4409       while FLeafCount > FMaxColors do
4410         ReduceTree(FColorbits, FLeafCount, FReducibleNodes);
4411       inc(Pixel);
4412     end;
4413   end;
4414 end;
4416 procedure TColorQuantizer.AddColor(var Node: TOctreeNode; r,g,b: byte;
4417   ColorBits: integer; Level: integer; var LeafCount: integer;
4418   var ReducibleNodes: TReducibleNodes);
4419 const
4420   Mask:  array[0..7] of BYTE = ($80, $40, $20, $10, $08, $04, $02, $01);
4421 var
4422   Index			: integer;
4423   Shift			: integer;
4424 begin
4425   // If the node doesn't exist, create it.
4426   if (Node = nil) then
4427     Node := TOctreeNode.Create(Level, ColorBits, LeafCount, ReducibleNodes);
4429   if (Node.IsLeaf) then
4430   begin
4431     inc(Node.PixelCount);
4432     inc(Node.RedSum, r);
4433     inc(Node.GreenSum, g);
4434     inc(Node.BlueSum, b);
4435   end else
4436   begin
4437     // Recurse a level deeper if the node is not a leaf.
4438     Shift := 7 - Level;
4440     Index := (((r and mask[Level]) SHR Shift) SHL 2)  or
4441              (((g and mask[Level]) SHR Shift) SHL 1)  or
4442               ((b and mask[Level]) SHR Shift);
4443     AddColor(Node.Child[Index], r, g, b, ColorBits, Level+1, LeafCount, ReducibleNodes);
4444   end;
4445 end;
4447 procedure TColorQuantizer.DeleteTree(var Node: TOctreeNode);
4448 var
4449   i			: integer;
4450 begin
4451   for i := High(TReducibleNodes) downto Low(TReducibleNodes) do
4452     if (Node.Child[i] <> nil) then
4453       DeleteTree(Node.Child[i]);
4455   Node.Free;
4456   Node := nil;
4457 end;
4459 procedure TColorQuantizer.GetPaletteColors(const Node: TOctreeNode;
4460   var RGBQuadArray: TRGBQuadArray; var Index: integer);
4461 var
4462   i			: integer;
4463 begin
4464   if (Node.IsLeaf) then
4465   begin
4466     with RGBQuadArray[Index] do
4467     begin
4468       if (Node.PixelCount <> 0) then
4469       begin
4470         rgbRed   := BYTE(Node.RedSum   DIV Node.PixelCount);
4471         rgbGreen := BYTE(Node.GreenSum DIV Node.PixelCount);
4472         rgbBlue  := BYTE(Node.BlueSum  DIV Node.PixelCount);
4473       end else
4474       begin
4475         rgbRed := 0;
4476         rgbGreen := 0;
4477         rgbBlue := 0;
4478       end;
4479       rgbReserved := 0;
4480     end;
4481     inc(Index);
4482   end else
4483   begin
4484     for i := Low(Node.Child) to High(Node.Child) do
4485       if (Node.Child[i] <> nil) then
4486         GetPaletteColors(Node.Child[i], RGBQuadArray, Index);
4487   end;
4488 end;
4490 procedure TColorQuantizer.ReduceTree(ColorBits: integer; var LeafCount: integer;
4491   var ReducibleNodes: TReducibleNodes);
4492 var
4493   RedSum		,
4494   GreenSum		,
4495   BlueSum 		: integer;
4496   Children		: integer;
4497   i			: integer;
4498   Node			: TOctreeNode;
4499 begin
4500   // Find the deepest level containing at least one reducible node
4501   i := Colorbits - 1;
4502   while (i > 0) and (ReducibleNodes[i] = nil) do
4503     dec(i);
4505   // Reduce the node most recently added to the list at level i.
4506   Node := ReducibleNodes[i];
4507   ReducibleNodes[i] := Node.Next;
4509   RedSum   := 0;
4510   GreenSum := 0;
4511   BlueSum  := 0;
4512   Children := 0;
4514   for i := Low(ReducibleNodes) to High(ReducibleNodes) do
4515     if (Node.Child[i] <> nil) then
4516     begin
4517       inc(RedSum, Node.Child[i].RedSum);
4518       inc(GreenSum, Node.Child[i].GreenSum);
4519       inc(BlueSum, Node.Child[i].BlueSum);
4520       inc(Node.PixelCount, Node.Child[i].PixelCount);
4521       Node.Child[i].Free;
4522       Node.Child[i] := nil;
4523       inc(Children);
4524     end;
4526   Node.IsLeaf := TRUE;
4527   Node.RedSum := RedSum;
4528   Node.GreenSum := GreenSum;
4529   Node.BlueSum := BlueSum;
4530   dec(LeafCount, Children-1);
4531 end;
4533 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4534 //
4535 //			Octree Color Quantization Wrapper
4536 //
4537 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4538 //	Adapted from Earl F. Glynn's PaletteLibrary, March 1998
4539 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4541 // Wrapper for internal use - uses TDIBReader for bitmap access
doCreateOptimizedPaletteFromSingleBitmapnull4542 function doCreateOptimizedPaletteFromSingleBitmap(const DIB: TDIBReader;
4543   Colors, ColorBits: integer; Windows: boolean): hPalette;
4544 var
4545   SystemPalette		: HPalette;
4546   ColorQuantizer	: TColorQuantizer;
4547   i			: integer;
4548   LogicalPalette	: TMaxLogPalette;
4549   RGBQuadArray		: TRGBQuadArray;
4550   Offset		: integer;
4551 begin
4552   LogicalPalette.palVersion := $0300;
4553   LogicalPalette.palNumEntries := Colors;
4554 // 2003.03.06 ->
4555   {reset palette to black}
4556   FillChar(LogicalPalette.palPalEntry, SizeOf(LogicalPalette.palPalEntry), 0);
4557   for i := 0 to 255 do
4558     LogicalPalette.palPalEntry[i].peFlags := PC_NOCOLLAPSE;
4559 // 2003.03.06 <-
4561   if (Windows) then
4562   begin
4563     // Get the windows 20 color system palette
4564     SystemPalette := GetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE);
4565     GetPaletteEntries(SystemPalette, 0, 10, LogicalPalette.palPalEntry[0]);
4566     //GetPaletteEntries(SystemPalette, 10, 10, LogicalPalette.palPalEntry[245]);  // wrong offset
4567     GetPaletteEntries(SystemPalette, 10, 10, LogicalPalette.palPalEntry[246]);  // 2003.03.06
4568     Colors := 236;
4569     Offset := 10;
4570     LogicalPalette.palNumEntries := 256;
4571 { Test code
4572 // 2003.03.06 ->
4573     // Get the windows 20 color system palette
4574     SystemPalette := GetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE);
4575     GetPaletteEntries(SystemPalette, 0, 10, LogicalPalette.palPalEntry[0]);
4576     GetPaletteEntries(SystemPalette, 10, 10, LogicalPalette.palPalEntry[10]);
4577     Colors := 236;
4578     Offset := 20;
4579     LogicalPalette.palNumEntries := 256;
4580 // 2003.03.06 <-
4581 }
4582   end else
4583     Offset := 0;
4585   // Normally for 24-bit images, use ColorBits of 5 or 6.  For 8-bit images
4586   // use ColorBits = 8.
4587   ColorQuantizer := TColorQuantizer.Create(Colors, ColorBits);
4588   try
4589     ColorQuantizer.ProcessImage(DIB);
4590     ColorQuantizer.GetColorTable(RGBQuadArray);
4591   finally
4592     ColorQuantizer.Free;
4593   end;
4595   for i := 0 to Colors-1 do
4596     with LogicalPalette.palPalEntry[i+Offset] do
4597     begin
4598       peRed   := RGBQuadArray[i].rgbRed;
4599       peGreen := RGBQuadArray[i].rgbGreen;
4600       peBlue  := RGBQuadArray[i].rgbBlue;
4601       peFlags := RGBQuadArray[i].rgbReserved;
4602     end;
4603   Result := CreatePalette(pLogPalette(@LogicalPalette)^);
4604 end;
CreateOptimizedPaletteFromSingleBitmapnull4606 function CreateOptimizedPaletteFromSingleBitmap(const Bitmap: TBitmap;
4607   Colors, ColorBits: integer; Windows: boolean): hPalette;
4608 var
4609   DIB			: TDIBReader;
4610 begin
4611   DIB := TDIBReader.Create(Bitmap, pf24bit);
4612   try
4613     Result := doCreateOptimizedPaletteFromSingleBitmap(DIB, Colors, ColorBits, Windows);
4614   finally
4615     DIB.Free;
4616   end;
4617 end;
CreateOptimizedPaletteFromManyBitmapsnull4619 function CreateOptimizedPaletteFromManyBitmaps(Bitmaps: TList; Colors, ColorBits: integer;
4620   Windows: boolean): hPalette;
4621 var
4622   SystemPalette		: HPalette;
4623   ColorQuantizer	: TColorQuantizer;
4624   i			: integer;
4625   LogicalPalette	: TMaxLogPalette;
4626   RGBQuadArray		: TRGBQuadArray;
4627   Offset		: integer;
4628   DIB			: TDIBReader;
4629 begin
4630   if (Bitmaps = nil) or (Bitmaps.Count = 0) then
4631     Error(sInvalidBitmapList);
4633   LogicalPalette.palVersion := $0300;
4634   LogicalPalette.palNumEntries := Colors;
4635 // 2003.03.06 ->
4636   {reset palette to black}
4637   FillChar(LogicalPalette.palPalEntry, SizeOf(LogicalPalette.palPalEntry), 0);
4638   for i := 0 to 255 do
4639     LogicalPalette.palPalEntry[i].peFlags := PC_NOCOLLAPSE;
4640 // 2003.03.06 <-
4642   if (Windows) then
4643   begin
4644     // Get the windows 20 color system palette
4645     SystemPalette := GetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE);
4646     GetPaletteEntries(SystemPalette, 0, 10, LogicalPalette.palPalEntry[0]);
4647     //GetPaletteEntries(SystemPalette, 10, 10, LogicalPalette.palPalEntry[245]);  // wrong offset
4648     GetPaletteEntries(SystemPalette, 10, 10, LogicalPalette.palPalEntry[246]);  // 2003.03.06
4649     Colors := 236;
4650     Offset := 10;
4651     LogicalPalette.palNumEntries := 256;
4652 { Test code
4653 // 2003.03.06 ->
4654     // Get the windows 20 color system palette
4655     SystemPalette := GetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE);
4656     GetPaletteEntries(SystemPalette, 0, 10, LogicalPalette.palPalEntry[0]);
4657     GetPaletteEntries(SystemPalette, 10, 10, LogicalPalette.palPalEntry[10]);
4658     Colors := 236;
4659     Offset := 20;
4660     LogicalPalette.palNumEntries := 256;
4661 // 2003.03.06 <-
4662 }
4663   end else
4664     Offset := 0;
4666   // Normally for 24-bit images, use ColorBits of 5 or 6.  For 8-bit images
4667   // use ColorBits = 8.
4668   ColorQuantizer := TColorQuantizer.Create(Colors, ColorBits);
4669   try
4670     for i := 0 to Bitmaps.Count-1 do
4671     begin
4672       DIB := TDIBReader.Create(TBitmap(Bitmaps[i]), pf24bit);
4673       try
4674         ColorQuantizer.ProcessImage(DIB);
4675       finally
4676         DIB.Free;
4677       end;
4678     end;
4679     ColorQuantizer.GetColorTable(RGBQuadArray);
4680   finally
4681     ColorQuantizer.Free;
4682   end;
4684   for i := 0 to Colors-1 do
4685     with LogicalPalette.palPalEntry[i+Offset] do
4686     begin
4687       peRed   := RGBQuadArray[i].rgbRed;
4688       peGreen := RGBQuadArray[i].rgbGreen;
4689       peBlue  := RGBQuadArray[i].rgbBlue;
4690       peFlags := RGBQuadArray[i].rgbReserved;
4691     end;
4692   Result := CreatePalette(pLogPalette(@LogicalPalette)^);
4693 end;
4695 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4696 //
4697 //			Color reduction
4698 //
4699 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4700 {$IFOPT R+}
4701   {$DEFINE R_PLUS}
4703 {$ENDIF}
4704 //: Reduces the color depth of a bitmap using color quantization and dithering.
ReduceColorsnull4705 function ReduceColors(Bitmap: TBitmap; ColorReduction: TColorReduction;
4706   DitherMode: TDitherMode; ReductionBits: integer; CustomPalette: hPalette): TBitmap;
4707 var
4708   Palette		: hPalette;
4709   ColorLookup		: TColorLookup;
4710   Ditherer		: TDitherEngine;
4711   Row			: Integer;
4712   DIBResult		: TDIBWriter;
4713   DIBSource		: TDIBReader;
4714   SrcScanLine		,
4715   Src			: PRGBTriple;
4716   DstScanLine		,
4717   Dst			: PChar;
4718   BGR			: TRGBTriple;
4720   TimeStart		,
4721   TimeStop		: DWORD;
4722 {$endif}
GrayScalePalettenull4724   function GrayScalePalette: hPalette;
4725   var
4726     i			: integer;
4727     Pal			: TMaxLogPalette;
4728   begin
4729     Pal.palVersion := $0300;
4730     Pal.palNumEntries := 256;
4731     for i := 0 to 255 do
4732     begin
4733       with (Pal.palPalEntry[i]) do
4734       begin
4735         peRed := i;
4736         peGreen := i;
4737         peBlue  := i;
4738         peFlags := PC_NOCOLLAPSE;
4739       end;
4740     end;
4741     Result := CreatePalette(pLogPalette(@Pal)^);
4742   end;
MonochromePalettenull4744   function MonochromePalette: hPalette;
4745   var
4746     i			: integer;
4747     Pal			: TMaxLogPalette;
4748   const
4749     Values		: array[0..1] of byte
4750     			= (0, 255);
4751   begin
4752     Pal.palVersion := $0300;
4753     Pal.palNumEntries := 2;
4754     for i := 0 to 1 do
4755     begin
4756       with (Pal.palPalEntry[i]) do
4757       begin
4758         peRed := Values[i];
4759         peGreen := Values[i];
4760         peBlue  := Values[i];
4761         peFlags := PC_NOCOLLAPSE;
4762       end;
4763     end;
4764     Result := CreatePalette(pLogPalette(@Pal)^);
4765   end;
WindowsGrayScalePalettenull4767   function WindowsGrayScalePalette: hPalette;
4768   var
4769     i			: integer;
4770     Pal			: TMaxLogPalette;
4771   const
4772     Values		: array[0..3] of byte
4773     			= (0, 128, 192, 255);
4774   begin
4775     Pal.palVersion := $0300;
4776     Pal.palNumEntries := 4;
4777     for i := 0 to 3 do
4778     begin
4779       with (Pal.palPalEntry[i]) do
4780       begin
4781         peRed := Values[i];
4782         peGreen := Values[i];
4783         peBlue  := Values[i];
4784         peFlags := PC_NOCOLLAPSE;
4785       end;
4786     end;
4787     Result := CreatePalette(pLogPalette(@Pal)^);
4788   end;
WindowsHalftonePalettenull4790   function WindowsHalftonePalette: hPalette;
4791   var
4792     DC			: HDC;
4793   begin
4794     DC := GDICheck(GetDC(0));
4795     try
4796       Result := CreateHalfTonePalette(DC);
4797     finally
4798       ReleaseDC(0, DC);
4799     end;
4800   end;
4802 begin
4804   timeBeginPeriod(5);
4805   TimeStart := timeGetTime;
4806 {$endif}
4808   Result := TBitmap.Create;
4809   try
4811     if (ColorReduction = rmNone) then
4812     begin
4813       Result.Assign(Bitmap);
4814 {$ifndef VER9x}
4815       SetPixelFormat(Result, pf24bit);
4816 {$endif}
4817       exit;
4818     end;
4820 {$IFNDEF VER9x}
4821     if (Bitmap.Width*Bitmap.Height > BitmapAllocationThreshold) then
4822       SetPixelFormat(Result, pf1bit); // To reduce resource consumption of resize
4823 {$ENDIF}
4825     ColorLookup := nil;
4826     Ditherer := nil;
4827     DIBResult := nil;
4828     DIBSource := nil;
4829     Palette := 0;
4830     try // Protect above resources
4832       // Dithering and color mapper only supports 24 bit bitmaps,
4833       // so we have convert the source bitmap to the appropiate format.
4834       DIBSource := TDIBReader.Create(Bitmap, pf24bit);
4836       // Create a palette based on current options
4837       case (ColorReduction) of
4838         rmQuantize:
4839           Palette := doCreateOptimizedPaletteFromSingleBitmap(DIBSource, 1 SHL ReductionBits, 8, False);
4840         rmQuantizeWindows:
4841           Palette := CreateOptimizedPaletteFromSingleBitmap(Bitmap, 256, 8, True);
4842         rmNetscape:
4843           Palette := WebPalette;
4844         rmGrayScale:
4845           Palette := GrayScalePalette;
4846         rmMonochrome:
4847           Palette := MonochromePalette;
4848         rmWindowsGray:
4849           Palette := WindowsGrayScalePalette;
4850         rmWindows20:
4851           Palette := GetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE);
4852         rmWindows256:
4853           Palette := WindowsHalftonePalette;
4854         rmPalette:
4855           Palette := CopyPalette(CustomPalette);
4856       else
4857         exit;
4858       end;
4860       { TODO -oanme -cImprovement : Gray scale conversion should be done prior to dithering/mapping. Otherwise corrected values will be converted multiple times. }
4862       // Create a color mapper based on current options
4863       case (ColorReduction) of
4864         // For some strange reason my fast and dirty color lookup
4865         // is more precise that Windows GetNearestPaletteIndex...
4866         // rmWindows20:
4867         //  ColorLookup := TSlowColorLookup.Create(Palette);
4868         // rmWindowsGray:
4869         //  ColorLookup := TGrayWindowsLookup.Create(Palette);
4870         rmQuantize:
4871 // 2007.01.18 ->  // switch back to TFastColorLookup
4872           ColorLookup := TFastColorLookup.Create(Palette);
4873 //          ColorLookup := TSlowColorLookup.Create(Palette);  // 2003-03-06
4874 // 2007.01.18 <-
4875         rmNetscape:
4876           ColorLookup := TNetscapeColorLookup.Create(Palette);
4877         rmGrayScale:
4878           ColorLookup := TGrayScaleLookup.Create(Palette);
4879         rmMonochrome:
4880           ColorLookup := TMonochromeLookup.Create(Palette);
4881       else
4882 //        ColorLookup := TFastColorLookup.Create(Palette);
4883         ColorLookup := TSlowColorLookup.Create(Palette);  // 2003-03-06
4884       end;
4886       // Nothing to do if palette doesn't contain any colors
4887       if (ColorLookup.Colors = 0) then
4888         exit;
4890       // Create a ditherer based on current options
4891       case (DitherMode) of
4892         dmNearest:
4893           Ditherer := TDitherEngine.Create(Bitmap.Width, ColorLookup);
4894         dmFloydSteinberg:
4895           Ditherer := TFloydSteinbergDitherer.Create(Bitmap.Width, ColorLookup);
4896         dmStucki:
4897           Ditherer := TStuckiDitherer.Create(Bitmap.Width, ColorLookup);
4898         dmSierra:
4899           Ditherer := TSierraDitherer.Create(Bitmap.Width, ColorLookup);
4900         dmJaJuNI:
4901           Ditherer := TJaJuNIDitherer.Create(Bitmap.Width, ColorLookup);
4902         dmSteveArche:
4903           Ditherer := TSteveArcheDitherer.Create(Bitmap.Width, ColorLookup);
4904         dmBurkes:
4905           Ditherer := TBurkesDitherer.Create(Bitmap.Width, ColorLookup);
4906       else
4907         exit;
4908       end;
4910       // The processed bitmap is returned in pf8bit format
4911       DIBResult := TDIBWriter.Create(Result, pf8bit, Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height,
4912         Palette);
4914       // Process the image
4915       Row := 0;
4916       while (Row < Bitmap.Height) do
4917       begin
4918         SrcScanline := DIBSource.ScanLine[Row];
4919         DstScanline := DIBResult.ScanLine[Row];
4920         Src := pointer(longInt(SrcScanLine) + Ditherer.Column*sizeof(TRGBTriple));
4921         Dst := pointer(longInt(DstScanLine) + Ditherer.Column);
4923         while (Ditherer.Column < Ditherer.Width) and (Ditherer.Column >= 0) do
4924         begin
4925           BGR := Src^;
4926           // Dither and map a single pixel
4927           Dst^ := Ditherer.Dither(BGR.rgbtRed, BGR.rgbtGreen, BGR.rgbtBlue,
4928             BGR.rgbtRed, BGR.rgbtGreen, BGR.rgbtBlue);
4930           inc(Src, Ditherer.Direction);
4931           inc(Dst, Ditherer.Direction);
4932         end;
4934         Inc(Row);
4935         Ditherer.NextLine;
4936       end;
4937     finally
4938       if (ColorLookup <> nil) then
4939         ColorLookup.Free;
4940       if (Ditherer <> nil) then
4941         Ditherer.Free;
4942       if (DIBResult <> nil) then
4943         DIBResult.Free;
4944       if (DIBSource <> nil) then
4945         DIBSource.Free;
4946       // Must delete palette after TDIBWriter since TDIBWriter uses palette
4947       if (Palette <> 0) then
4948         DeleteObject(Palette);
4949     end;
4950   except
4951     Result.Free;
4952     raise;
4953   end;
4956   TimeStop := timeGetTime;
4957   ShowMessage(format('Dithered %d pixels in %d mS, Rate %d pixels/mS (%d pixels/S)',
4958     [Bitmap.Height*Bitmap.Width, TimeStop-TimeStart,
4959     MulDiv(Bitmap.Height, Bitmap.Width, TimeStop-TimeStart+1),
4960     MulDiv(Bitmap.Height, Bitmap.Width * 1000, TimeStop-TimeStart+1)]));
4961   timeEndPeriod(5);
4962 {$endif}
4963 end;
4964 {$IFDEF R_PLUS}
4966   {$UNDEF R_PLUS}
4967 {$ENDIF}
4969 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4970 //
4971 //			TGIFColorMap
4972 //
4973 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4974 const
4975   InitColorMapSize = 16;
4976   DeltaColorMapSize = 32;
4978 //: Creates an instance of a TGIFColorMap object.
4979 constructor TGIFColorMap.Create;
4980 begin
4981   inherited Create;
4982   FColorMap := nil;
4983   FCapacity := 0;
4984   FCount := 0;
4985   FOptimized := False;
4986 end;
4988 //: Destroys an instance of a TGIFColorMap object.
4989 destructor TGIFColorMap.Destroy;
4990 begin
4991   Clear;
4992   Changed;
4993   inherited Destroy;
4994 end;
4996 //: Empties the color map.
4997 procedure TGIFColorMap.Clear;
4998 begin
4999   if (FColorMap <> nil) then
5000     FreeMem(FColorMap);
5001   FColorMap := nil;
5002   FCapacity := 0;
5003   FCount := 0;
5004   FOptimized := False;
5005 end;
5007 //: Converts a Windows color value to a RGB value.
5008 class function TGIFColorMap.Color2RGB(Color: TColor): TGIFColor;
5009 begin
5010   Result.Blue := (Color shr 16) and $FF;
5011   Result.Green := (Color shr 8) and $FF;
5012   Result.Red  := Color and $FF;
5013 end;
5015 //: Converts a RGB value to a Windows color value.
5016 class function TGIFColorMap.RGB2Color(Color: TGIFColor): TColor;
5017 begin
5018   Result := (Color.Blue SHL 16) OR (Color.Green SHL 8) OR Color.Red;
5019 end;
5021 //: Saves the color map to a stream.
5022 procedure TGIFColorMap.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
5023 var
5024   Dummies		: integer;
5025   Dummy			: TGIFColor;
5026 begin
5027   if (FCount = 0) then
5028     exit;
5029   Stream.WriteBuffer(FColorMap^, FCount*sizeof(TGIFColor));
5030   Dummies := (1 SHL BitsPerPixel)-FCount;
5031   Dummy.Red := 0;
5032   Dummy.Green := 0;
5033   Dummy.Blue := 0;
5034   while (Dummies > 0) do
5035   begin
5036     Stream.WriteBuffer(Dummy, sizeof(TGIFColor));
5037     dec(Dummies);
5038   end;
5039 end;
5041 //: Loads the color map from a stream.
5042 procedure TGIFColorMap.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; Count: integer);
5043 begin
5044   Clear;
5045   SetCapacity(Count);
5046   ReadCheck(Stream, FColorMap^, Count*sizeof(TGIFColor));
5047   FCount := Count;
5048 end;
5050 //: Returns the position of a color in the color map.
IndexOfnull5051 function TGIFColorMap.IndexOf(Color: TColor): integer;
5052 var
5053   RGB			: TGIFColor;
5054 begin
5055   RGB := Color2RGB(Color);
5056   if (FOptimized) then
5057   begin
5058     // Optimized palette has most frequently occuring entries first
5059     Result := 0;
5060     // Reverse search to (hopefully) check latest colors first
5061     while (Result < FCount) do
5062       with (FColorMap^[Result]) do
5063       begin
5064         if (RGB.Red = Red) and (RGB.Green = Green) and (RGB.Blue = Blue) then
5065           exit;
5066         Inc(Result);
5067       end;
5068     Result := -1;
5069   end else
5070   begin
5071     Result := FCount-1;
5072     // Reverse search to (hopefully) check latest colors first
5073     while (Result >= 0) do
5074       with (FColorMap^[Result]) do
5075       begin
5076         if (RGB.Red = Red) and (RGB.Green = Green) and (RGB.Blue = Blue) then
5077           exit;
5078         Dec(Result);
5079       end;
5080   end;
5081 end;
5083 procedure TGIFColorMap.SetCapacity(Size: integer);
5084 begin
5085   if (Size >= FCapacity) then
5086   begin
5087     if (Size <= InitColorMapSize) then
5088       FCapacity := InitColorMapSize
5089     else
5090       FCapacity := (Size + DeltaColorMapSize - 1) DIV DeltaColorMapSize * DeltaColorMapSize;
5091     if (FCapacity > GIFMaxColors) then
5092       FCapacity := GIFMaxColors;
5093     ReallocMem(FColorMap, FCapacity * sizeof(TGIFColor));
5094   end;
5095 end;
5097 //: Imports a Windows palette into the color map.
5098 procedure TGIFColorMap.ImportPalette(Palette: HPalette);
5099 type
5100   PalArray =  array[byte] of TPaletteEntry;
5101 var
5102   Pal			: PalArray;
5103   NewCount		: integer;
5104   i			: integer;
5105 begin
5106   Clear;
5107   NewCount := GetPaletteEntries(Palette, 0, 256, pal);
5108   if (NewCount = 0) then
5109     exit;
5110   SetCapacity(NewCount);
5111   for i := 0 to NewCount-1 do
5112     with FColorMap[i], Pal[i] do
5113     begin
5114       Red := peRed;
5115       Green := peGreen;
5116       Blue := peBlue;
5117     end;
5118   FCount := NewCount;
5119   Changed;
5120 end;
5122 //: Imports a color map structure into the color map.
5123 procedure TGIFColorMap.ImportColorMap(Map: TColorMap; Count: integer);
5124 begin
5125   Clear;
5126   if (Count = 0) then
5127     exit;
5128   SetCapacity(Count);
5129   FCount := Count;
5131   System.Move(Map, FColorMap^, FCount * sizeof(TGIFColor));
5133   Changed;
5134 end;
5136 //: Imports a Windows palette structure into the color map.
5137 procedure TGIFColorMap.ImportColorTable(Pal: pointer; Count: integer);
5138 var
5139   i			: integer;
5140 begin
5141   Clear;
5142   if (Count = 0) then
5143     exit;
5144   SetCapacity(Count);
5145   for i := 0 to Count-1 do
5146     with FColorMap[i], PRGBQuadArray(Pal)[i] do
5147     begin
5148       Red := rgbRed;
5149       Green := rgbGreen;
5150       Blue := rgbBlue;
5151     end;
5152   FCount := Count;
5153   Changed;
5154 end;
5156 //: Imports the color table of a DIB into the color map.
5157 procedure TGIFColorMap.ImportDIBColors(Handle: HDC);
5158 var
5159   Pal			: Pointer;
5160   NewCount		: integer;
5161 begin
5162   Clear;
5163   GetMem(Pal, sizeof(TRGBQuad) * 256);
5164   try
5165     NewCount := GetDIBColorTable(Handle, 0, 256, Pal^);
5166     ImportColorTable(Pal, NewCount);
5167   finally
5168     FreeMem(Pal);
5169   end;
5170   Changed;
5171 end;
5173 //: Creates a Windows palette from the color map.
ExportPalettenull5174 function TGIFColorMap.ExportPalette: HPalette;
5175 var
5176   Pal			: TMaxLogPalette;
5177   i			: Integer;
5178 begin
5179   if (Count = 0) then
5180   begin
5181     Result := 0;
5182     exit;
5183   end;
5184   Pal.palVersion := $300;
5185   Pal.palNumEntries := Count;
5186   for i := 0 to Count-1 do
5187     with FColorMap[i], Pal.palPalEntry[i] do
5188     begin
5189       peRed := Red;
5190       peGreen := Green;
5191       peBlue := Blue;
5192       peFlags := PC_NOCOLLAPSE; { TODO -oanme -cImprovement : Verify that PC_NOCOLLAPSE is the correct value to use. }
5193     end;
5194   Result := CreatePalette(PLogPalette(@Pal)^);
5195 end;
5197 //: Adds a color to the color map.
Addnull5198 function TGIFColorMap.Add(Color: TColor): integer;
5199 begin
5200   if (FCount >= GIFMaxColors) then
5201     // Color map full
5202     Error(sTooManyColors);
5204   Result := FCount;
5205   if (Result >= FCapacity) then
5206     SetCapacity(FCount+1);
5207   FColorMap^[FCount] := Color2RGB(Color);
5208   inc(FCount);
5209   FOptimized := False;
5210   Changed;
5211 end;
AddUniquenull5213 function TGIFColorMap.AddUnique(Color: TColor): integer;
5214 begin
5215   // Look up color before add (same as IndexOf)
5216   Result := IndexOf(Color);
5217   if (Result >= 0) then
5218     // Color already in map
5219     exit;
5221   Result := Add(Color);
5222 end;
5224 //: Removes a color from the color map.
5225 procedure TGIFColorMap.Delete(Index: integer);
5226 begin
5227   if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then
5228     // Color index out of range
5229     Error(sBadColorIndex);
5230   dec(FCount);
5231   if (Index < FCount) then
5232     System.Move(FColorMap^[Index + 1], FColorMap^[Index], (FCount - Index)* sizeof(TGIFColor));
5233   FOptimized := False;
5234   Changed;
5235 end;
GetColornull5237 function TGIFColorMap.GetColor(Index: integer): TColor;
5238 begin
5239   if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then
5240   begin
5241     // Color index out of range
5242     Warning(gsWarning, sBadColorIndex);
5243     // Raise an exception if the color map is empty
5244     if (FCount = 0) then
5245       Error(sEmptyColorMap);
5246     // Default to color index 0
5247     Index := 0;
5248   end;
5249   Result := RGB2Color(FColorMap^[Index]);
5250 end;
5252 procedure TGIFColorMap.SetColor(Index: integer; Value: TColor);
5253 begin
5254   if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then
5255     // Color index out of range
5256     Error(sBadColorIndex);
5257   FColorMap^[Index] := Color2RGB(Value);
5258   Changed;
5259 end;
DoOptimizenull5261 function TGIFColorMap.DoOptimize: boolean;
5262 var
5263   Usage			: TColormapHistogram;
5264   TempMap		: array[0..255] of TGIFColor;
5265   ReverseMap		: TColormapReverse;
5266   i			: integer;
5267   LastFound		: boolean;
5268   NewCount		: integer;
5269   T			: TUsageCount;
5270   Pivot			: integer;
5272   procedure QuickSort(iLo, iHi: Integer);
5273   var
5274     Lo, Hi: Integer;
5275   begin
5276     repeat
5277       Lo := iLo;
5278       Hi := iHi;
5279       Pivot := Usage[(iLo + iHi) SHR 1].Count;
5280       repeat
5281         while (Usage[Lo].Count - Pivot > 0) do inc(Lo);
5282         while (Usage[Hi].Count - Pivot < 0) do dec(Hi);
5283         if (Lo <= Hi) then
5284         begin
5285           T := Usage[Lo];
5286           Usage[Lo] := Usage[Hi];
5287           Usage[Hi] := T;
5288           inc(Lo);
5289           dec(Hi);
5290         end;
5291       until (Lo > Hi);
5292       if (iLo < Hi) then
5293         QuickSort(iLo, Hi);
5294       iLo := Lo;
5295     until (Lo >= iHi);
5296   end;
5298 begin
5299   if (FCount <= 1) then
5300   begin
5301     Result := False;
5302     exit;
5303   end;
5305   FOptimized := True;
5306   Result := True;
5308   BuildHistogram(Usage);
5310   (*
5311   **  Sort according to usage count
5312   *)
5313   QuickSort(0, FCount-1);
5315   (*
5316   ** Test for table already sorted
5317   *)
5318   for i := 0 to FCount-1 do
5319     if (Usage[i].Index <> i) then
5320       break;
5321   if (i = FCount) then
5322     exit;
5324   (*
5325   ** Build old to new map
5326   *)
5327   for i := 0 to FCount-1 do
5328     ReverseMap[Usage[i].Index] := i;
5331   MapImages(ReverseMap);
5333   (*
5334   **  Reorder colormap
5335   *)
5336   LastFound := False;
5337   NewCount := FCount;
5338   Move(FColorMap^, TempMap, FCount * sizeof(TGIFColor));
5339   for i := 0 to FCount-1 do
5340   begin
5341     FColorMap^[ReverseMap[i]] := TempMap[i];
5342     // Find last used color index
5343     if (Usage[i].Count = 0) and not(LastFound) then
5344     begin
5345       LastFound := True;
5346       NewCount := i;
5347     end;
5348   end;
5350   FCount := NewCount;
5352   Changed;
5353 end;
GetBitsPerPixelnull5355 function TGIFColorMap.GetBitsPerPixel: integer;
5356 begin
5357   Result := Colors2bpp(FCount);
5358 end;
5360 //: Copies one color map to another.
5361 procedure TGIFColorMap.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
5362 begin
5363   if (Source is TGIFColorMap) then
5364   begin
5365     Clear;
5366     FCapacity := TGIFColorMap(Source).FCapacity;
5367     FCount := TGIFColorMap(Source).FCount;
5368     FOptimized := TGIFColorMap(Source).FOptimized;
5369     FColorMap := AllocMem(FCapacity * sizeof(TGIFColor));
5370     System.Move(TGIFColorMap(Source).FColorMap^, FColorMap^, FCount * sizeof(TGIFColor));
5371     Changed;
5372   end else
5373     inherited Assign(Source);
5374 end;
5376 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5377 //
5378 //			TGIFItem
5379 //
5380 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5381 constructor TGIFItem.Create(GIFImage: TGIFImage);
5382 begin
5383   inherited Create;
5385   FGIFImage := GIFImage;
5386 end;
5388 procedure TGIFItem.Warning(Severity: TGIFSeverity; Message: string);
5389 begin
5390   FGIFImage.Warning(self, Severity, Message);
5391 end;
GetVersionnull5393 function TGIFItem.GetVersion: TGIFVersion;
5394 begin
5395   Result := gv87a;
5396 end;
5398 procedure TGIFItem.LoadFromFile(const Filename: string);
5399 var
5400   Stream: TStream;
5401 begin
5402   Stream := TFileStream.Create(Filename, fmOpenRead OR fmShareDenyWrite);
5403   try
5404     LoadFromStream(Stream);
5405   finally
5406     Stream.Free;
5407   end;
5408 end;
5410 procedure TGIFItem.SaveToFile(const Filename: string);
5411 var
5412   Stream: TStream;
5413 begin
5414   Stream := TFileStream.Create(Filename, fmCreate);
5415   try
5416     SaveToStream(Stream);
5417   finally
5418     Stream.Free;
5419   end;
5420 end;
5422 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5423 //
5424 //			TGIFList
5425 //
5426 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5427 constructor TGIFList.Create(Image: TGIFImage);
5428 begin
5429   inherited Create;
5430   FImage := Image;
5431   FItems := TList.Create;
5432 end;
5434 destructor TGIFList.Destroy;
5435 begin
5436   Clear;
5437   FItems.Free;
5438   inherited Destroy;
5439 end;
GetItemnull5441 function TGIFList.GetItem(Index: Integer): TGIFItem;
5442 begin
5443   Result := TGIFItem(FItems[Index]);
5444 end;
5446 procedure TGIFList.SetItem(Index: Integer; Item: TGIFItem);
5447 begin
5448   FItems[Index] := Item;
5449 end;
GetCountnull5451 function TGIFList.GetCount: Integer;
5452 begin
5453   Result := FItems.Count;
5454 end;
Addnull5456 function TGIFList.Add(Item: TGIFItem): Integer;
5457 begin
5458   Result := FItems.Add(Item);
5459 end;
5461 procedure TGIFList.Clear;
5462 begin
5463   while (FItems.Count > 0) do
5464     Delete(0);
5465 end;
5467 procedure TGIFList.Delete(Index: Integer);
5468 var
5469   Item			: TGIFItem;
5470 begin
5471   Item := TGIFItem(FItems[Index]);
5472   // Delete before item is destroyed to avoid recursion
5473   FItems.Delete(Index);
5474   Item.Free;
5475 end;
5477 procedure TGIFList.Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer);
5478 begin
5479   FItems.Exchange(Index1, Index2);
5480 end;
Firstnull5482 function TGIFList.First: TGIFItem;
5483 begin
5484   Result := TGIFItem(FItems.First);
5485 end;
IndexOfnull5487 function TGIFList.IndexOf(Item: TGIFItem): Integer;
5488 begin
5489   Result := FItems.IndexOf(Item);
5490 end;
5492 procedure TGIFList.Insert(Index: Integer; Item: TGIFItem);
5493 begin
5494   FItems.Insert(Index, Item);
5495 end;
Lastnull5497 function TGIFList.Last: TGIFItem;
5498 begin
5499   Result := TGIFItem(FItems.Last);
5500 end;
5502 procedure TGIFList.Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer);
5503 begin
5504   FItems.Move(CurIndex, NewIndex);
5505 end;
Removenull5507 function TGIFList.Remove(Item: TGIFItem): Integer;
5508 begin
5509   // Note: TGIFList.Remove must not destroy item
5510   Result := FItems.Remove(Item);
5511 end;
5513 procedure TGIFList.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
5514 var
5515   i			: integer;
5516 begin
5517   for i := 0 to FItems.Count-1 do
5518     TGIFItem(FItems[i]).SaveToStream(Stream);
5519 end;
5521 procedure TGIFList.Warning(Severity: TGIFSeverity; Message: string);
5522 begin
5523   Image.Warning(self, Severity, Message);
5524 end;
5526 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5527 //
5528 //			TGIFGlobalColorMap
5529 //
5530 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5531 type
5532   TGIFGlobalColorMap = class(TGIFColorMap)
5533   private
5534     FHeader	: TGIFHeader;
5535   protected
5536     procedure Warning(Severity: TGIFSeverity; Message: string); override;
5537     procedure BuildHistogram(var Histogram: TColormapHistogram); override;
5538     procedure MapImages(var Map: TColormapReverse); override;
5539   public
5540     constructor Create(HeaderItem: TGIFHeader);
5541     function Optimize: boolean; override;
5542     procedure Changed; override;
5543   end;
5545 constructor TGIFGlobalColorMap.Create(HeaderItem: TGIFHeader);
5546 begin
5547   Inherited Create;
5548   FHeader := HeaderItem;
5549 end;
5551 procedure TGIFGlobalColorMap.Warning(Severity: TGIFSeverity; Message: string);
5552 begin
5553   FHeader.Image.Warning(self, Severity, Message);
5554 end;
5556 procedure TGIFGlobalColorMap.BuildHistogram(var Histogram: TColormapHistogram);
5557 var
5558   Pixel			,
5559   LastPixel		: PChar;
5560   i			: integer;
5561 begin
5562   (*
5563   ** Init histogram
5564   *)
5565   for i := 0 to Count-1 do
5566   begin
5567     Histogram[i].Index := i;
5568     Histogram[i].Count := 0;
5569   end;
5571   for i := 0 to FHeader.Image.Images.Count-1 do
5572     if (FHeader.Image.Images[i].ActiveColorMap = self) then
5573     begin
5574       Pixel := FHeader.Image.Images[i].Data;
5575       LastPixel := Pixel + FHeader.Image.Images[i].Width * FHeader.Image.Images[i].Height;
5577       (*
5578       ** Sum up usage count for each color
5579       *)
5580       while (Pixel < LastPixel) do
5581       begin
5582         inc(Histogram[ord(Pixel^)].Count);
5583         inc(Pixel);
5584       end;
5585     end;
5586 end;
5588 procedure TGIFGlobalColorMap.MapImages(var Map: TColormapReverse);
5589 var
5590   Pixel			,
5591   LastPixel		: PChar;
5592   i			: integer;
5593 begin
5594   for i := 0 to FHeader.Image.Images.Count-1 do
5595     if (FHeader.Image.Images[i].ActiveColorMap = self) then
5596     begin
5597       Pixel := FHeader.Image.Images[i].Data;
5598       LastPixel := Pixel + FHeader.Image.Images[i].Width * FHeader.Image.Images[i].Height;
5600       (*
5601       **  Reorder all pixel to new map
5602       *)
5603       while (Pixel < LastPixel) do
5604       begin
5605         Pixel^ := chr(Map[ord(Pixel^)]);
5606         inc(Pixel);
5607       end;
5609       (*
5610       **  Reorder transparent colors
5611       *)
5612       if (FHeader.Image.Images[i].Transparent) then
5613         FHeader.Image.Images[i].GraphicControlExtension.TransparentColorIndex :=
5614           Map[FHeader.Image.Images[i].GraphicControlExtension.TransparentColorIndex];
5615     end;
5616 end;
Optimizenull5618 function TGIFGlobalColorMap.Optimize: boolean;
5619 begin
5620   { Optimize with first image, Remove unused colors if only one image }
5621   if (FHeader.Image.Images.Count > 0) then
5622     Result := DoOptimize
5623   else
5624     Result := False;
5625 end;
5627 procedure TGIFGlobalColorMap.Changed;
5628 begin
5629   FHeader.Image.Palette := 0;
5630 end;
5632 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5633 //
5634 //			TGIFHeader
5635 //
5636 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5637 constructor TGIFHeader.Create(GIFImage: TGIFImage);
5638 begin
5639   inherited Create(GIFImage);
5640   FColorMap := TGIFGlobalColorMap.Create(self);
5641   Clear;
5642 end;
5644 destructor TGIFHeader.Destroy;
5645 begin
5646   FColorMap.Free;
5647   inherited Destroy;
5648 end;
5650 procedure TGIFHeader.Clear;
5651 begin
5652   FColorMap.Clear;
5653   FLogicalScreenDescriptor.ScreenWidth := 0;
5654   FLogicalScreenDescriptor.ScreenHeight := 0;
5655   FLogicalScreenDescriptor.PackedFields := 0;
5656   FLogicalScreenDescriptor.BackgroundColorIndex := 0;
5657   FLogicalScreenDescriptor.AspectRatio := 0;
5658 end;
5660 procedure TGIFHeader.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
5661 begin
5662   if (Source is TGIFHeader) then
5663   begin
5664     ColorMap.Assign(TGIFHeader(Source).ColorMap);
5665     FLogicalScreenDescriptor := TGIFHeader(Source).FLogicalScreenDescriptor;
5666   end else
5667   if (Source is TGIFColorMap) then
5668   begin
5669     Clear;
5670     ColorMap.Assign(TGIFColorMap(Source));
5671   end else
5672     inherited Assign(Source);
5673 end;
5675 type
5676   TGIFHeaderRec = packed record
5677     Signature: array[0..2] of char; { contains 'GIF' }
5678     Version: TGIFVersionRec;   { '87a' or '89a' }
5679   end;
5681 const
5682   { logical screen descriptor packed field masks }
5683   lsdGlobalColorTable	= $80;		{ set if global color table follows L.S.D. }
5684   lsdColorResolution	= $70;		{ Color resolution - 3 bits }
5685   lsdSort		= $08;		{ set if global color table is sorted - 1 bit }
5686   lsdColorTableSize	= $07;		{ size of global color table - 3 bits }
5687   					{ Actual size = 2^value+1    - value is 3 bits }
5688 procedure TGIFHeader.Prepare;
5689 var
5690   pack			: BYTE;
5691 begin
5692   Pack := $00;
5693   if (ColorMap.Count > 0) then
5694   begin
5695     Pack := lsdGlobalColorTable;
5696     if (ColorMap.Optimized) then
5697       Pack := Pack OR lsdSort;
5698   end;
5699   // Note: The SHL below was SHL 5 in the original source, but that looks wrong
5700   Pack := Pack OR ((Image.ColorResolution SHL 4) AND lsdColorResolution);
5701   Pack := Pack OR ((Image.BitsPerPixel-1) AND lsdColorTableSize);
5702   FLogicalScreenDescriptor.PackedFields := Pack;
5703 end;
5705 procedure TGIFHeader.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
5706 var
5707   GifHeader		: TGIFHeaderRec;
5708   v			: TGIFVersion;
5709 begin
5710   v := Image.Version;
5711   if (v = gvUnknown) then
5712     Error(sBadVersion);
5714   GifHeader.Signature := 'GIF';
5715   GifHeader.Version := GIFVersions[v];
5717   Prepare;
5718   Stream.Write(GifHeader, sizeof(GifHeader));
5719   Stream.Write(FLogicalScreenDescriptor, sizeof(FLogicalScreenDescriptor));
5720   if (FLogicalScreenDescriptor.PackedFields AND lsdGlobalColorTable = lsdGlobalColorTable) then
5721     ColorMap.SaveToStream(Stream);
5722 end;
5724 procedure TGIFHeader.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
5725 var
5726   GifHeader		: TGIFHeaderRec;
5727   ColorCount		: integer;
5728   Position		: integer;
5729 begin
5730   Position := Stream.Position;
5732   ReadCheck(Stream, GifHeader, sizeof(GifHeader));
5733   if (uppercase(GifHeader.Signature) <> 'GIF') then
5734   begin
5735     // Attempt recovery in case we are reading a GIF stored in a form by rxLib
5736     Stream.Position := Position;
5737     // Seek past size stored in stream
5738     Stream.Seek(sizeof(longInt), soFromCurrent);
5739     // Attempt to read signature again
5740     ReadCheck(Stream, GifHeader, sizeof(GifHeader));
5741     if (uppercase(GifHeader.Signature) <> 'GIF') then
5742       Error(sBadSignature);
5743   end;
5745   ReadCheck(Stream, FLogicalScreenDescriptor, sizeof(FLogicalScreenDescriptor));
5747   if (FLogicalScreenDescriptor.PackedFields AND lsdGlobalColorTable = lsdGlobalColorTable) then
5748   begin
5749     ColorCount := 2 SHL (FLogicalScreenDescriptor.PackedFields AND lsdColorTableSize);
5750     if (ColorCount < 2) or (ColorCount > 256) then
5751       Error(sScreenBadColorSize);
5752     ColorMap.LoadFromStream(Stream, ColorCount)
5753   end else
5754     ColorMap.Clear;
5755 end;
GetVersionnull5757 function TGIFHeader.GetVersion: TGIFVersion;
5758 begin
5759   if (FColorMap.Optimized) or (AspectRatio <> 0) then
5760     Result := gv89a
5761   else
5762     Result := inherited GetVersion;
5763 end;
GetBackgroundColornull5765 function TGIFHeader.GetBackgroundColor: TColor;
5766 begin
5767   Result := FColorMap[BackgroundColorIndex];
5768 end;
5770 procedure TGIFHeader.SetBackgroundColor(Color: TColor);
5771 begin
5772   BackgroundColorIndex := FColorMap.AddUnique(Color);
5773 end;
5775 procedure TGIFHeader.SetBackgroundColorIndex(Index: BYTE);
5776 begin
5777   if ((Index >= FColorMap.Count) and (FColorMap.Count > 0)) then
5778   begin
5779     Warning(gsWarning, sBadColorIndex);
5780     Index := 0;
5781   end;
5782   FLogicalScreenDescriptor.BackgroundColorIndex := Index;
5783 end;
GetBitsPerPixelnull5785 function TGIFHeader.GetBitsPerPixel: integer;
5786 begin
5787   Result := FColorMap.BitsPerPixel;
5788 end;
GetColorResolutionnull5790 function TGIFHeader.GetColorResolution: integer;
5791 begin
5792   Result := FColorMap.BitsPerPixel-1;
5793 end;
5795 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5796 //
5797 //			TGIFLocalColorMap
5798 //
5799 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5800 type
5801   TGIFLocalColorMap = class(TGIFColorMap)
5802   private
5803     FSubImage		: TGIFSubImage;
5804   protected
5805     procedure Warning(Severity: TGIFSeverity; Message: string); override;
5806     procedure BuildHistogram(var Histogram: TColormapHistogram); override;
5807     procedure MapImages(var Map: TColormapReverse); override;
5808   public
5809     constructor Create(SubImage: TGIFSubImage);
5810     function Optimize: boolean; override;
5811     procedure Changed; override;
5812   end;
5814 constructor TGIFLocalColorMap.Create(SubImage: TGIFSubImage);
5815 begin
5816   Inherited Create;
5817   FSubImage := SubImage;
5818 end;
5820 procedure TGIFLocalColorMap.Warning(Severity: TGIFSeverity; Message: string);
5821 begin
5822   FSubImage.Image.Warning(self, Severity, Message);
5823 end;
5825 procedure TGIFLocalColorMap.BuildHistogram(var Histogram: TColormapHistogram);
5826 var
5827   Pixel			,
5828   LastPixel		: PChar;
5829   i			: integer;
5830 begin
5831   Pixel := FSubImage.Data;
5832   LastPixel := Pixel + FSubImage.Width * FSubImage.Height;
5834   (*
5835   ** Init histogram
5836   *)
5837   for i := 0 to Count-1 do
5838   begin
5839     Histogram[i].Index := i;
5840     Histogram[i].Count := 0;
5841   end;
5843   (*
5844   ** Sum up usage count for each color
5845   *)
5846   while (Pixel < LastPixel) do
5847   begin
5848     inc(Histogram[ord(Pixel^)].Count);
5849     inc(Pixel);
5850   end;
5851 end;
5853 procedure TGIFLocalColorMap.MapImages(var Map: TColormapReverse);
5854 var
5855   Pixel			,
5856   LastPixel		: PChar;
5857 begin
5858   Pixel := FSubImage.Data;
5859   LastPixel := Pixel + FSubImage.Width * FSubImage.Height;
5861   (*
5862   **  Reorder all pixel to new map
5863   *)
5864   while (Pixel < LastPixel) do
5865   begin
5866     Pixel^ := chr(Map[ord(Pixel^)]);
5867     inc(Pixel);
5868   end;
5870   (*
5871   **  Reorder transparent colors
5872   *)
5873   if (FSubImage.Transparent) then
5874     FSubImage.GraphicControlExtension.TransparentColorIndex :=
5875       Map[FSubImage.GraphicControlExtension.TransparentColorIndex];
5876 end;
Optimizenull5878 function TGIFLocalColorMap.Optimize: boolean;
5879 begin
5880   Result := DoOptimize;
5881 end;
5883 procedure TGIFLocalColorMap.Changed;
5884 begin
5885   FSubImage.Palette := 0;
5886 end;
5889 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5890 //
5891 //			LZW Decoder
5892 //
5893 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5894 const
5895   GIFCodeBits		= 12;			// Max number of bits per GIF token code
5896   GIFCodeMax		= (1 SHL GIFCodeBits)-1;// Max GIF token code
5897   						// 12 bits = 4095
5898   StackSize		= (2 SHL GIFCodeBits);	// Size of decompression stack
5899   TableSize		= (1 SHL GIFCodeBits);	// Size of decompression table
5901 procedure TGIFSubImage.Decompress(Stream: TStream);
5902 var
5903   table0		: array[0..TableSize-1] of integer;
5904   table1		: array[0..TableSize-1] of integer;
5905   firstcode, oldcode	: integer;
5906   buf			: array[0..257] of BYTE;
5908   Dest			: PChar;
5909   v			,
5910   xpos, ypos, pass	: integer;
5912   stack			: array[0..StackSize-1] of integer;
5913   Source			: ^integer;
5914   BitsPerCode		: integer;		// number of CodeTableBits/code
5915   InitialBitsPerCode	: BYTE;
5917   MaxCode		: integer;		// maximum code, given BitsPerCode
5918   MaxCodeSize		: integer;
5919   ClearCode		: integer;		// Special code to signal "Clear table"
5920   EOFCode		: integer;		// Special code to signal EOF
5921   step			: integer;
5922   i			: integer;
5924   StartBit		,			// Index of bit buffer start
5925   LastBit		,			// Index of last bit in buffer
5926   LastByte		: integer;		// Index of last byte in buffer
5927   get_done		,
5928   return_clear		,
5929   ZeroBlock		: boolean;
5930   ClearValue		: BYTE;
5932   TimeStartDecompress	,
5933   TimeStopDecompress	: DWORD;
5934 {$endif}
5936   function nextCode(BitsPerCode: integer): integer;
5937   const
5938     masks: array[0..15] of integer =
5939       ($0000, $0001, $0003, $0007,
5940        $000f, $001f, $003f, $007f,
5941        $00ff, $01ff, $03ff, $07ff,
5942        $0fff, $1fff, $3fff, $7fff);
5943   var
5944     StartIndex, EndIndex		: integer;
5945     ret			: integer;
5946     EndBit		: integer;
5947     count		: BYTE;
5948   begin
5949     if (return_clear) then
5950     begin
5951       return_clear := False;
5952       Result := ClearCode;
5953       exit;
5954     end;
5956     EndBit := StartBit + BitsPerCode;
5958     if (EndBit >= LastBit) then
5959     begin
5960       if (get_done) then
5961       begin
5962         if (StartBit >= LastBit) then
5963           Warning(gsWarning, sDecodeTooFewBits);
5964         Result := -1;
5965         exit;
5966       end;
5967       buf[0] := buf[LastByte-2];
5968       buf[1] := buf[LastByte-1];
5970       if (Stream.Read(count, 1) <> 1) then
5971       begin
5972         Result := -1;
5973         exit;
5974       end;
5975       if (count = 0) then
5976       begin
5977         ZeroBlock := True;
5978         get_done := TRUE;
5979       end else
5980       begin
5981         // Handle premature end of file
5982         if (Stream.Size - Stream.Position < Count) then
5983         begin
5984           Warning(gsWarning, sOutOfData);
5985           // Not enough data left - Just read as much as we can get
5986           Count := Stream.Size - Stream.Position;
5987         end;
5988         if (Count <> 0) then
5989           ReadCheck(Stream, Buf[2], Count);
5990       end;
5992       LastByte := 2 + count;
5993       StartBit := (StartBit - LastBit) + 16;
5994       LastBit := LastByte * 8;
5996       EndBit := StartBit + BitsPerCode;
5997     end;
5999     EndIndex := EndBit DIV 8;
6000     StartIndex := StartBit DIV 8;
6002     ASSERT(StartIndex <= high(buf), 'StartIndex too large');
6003     if (StartIndex = EndIndex) then
6004       ret := buf[StartIndex]
6005     else
6006       if (StartIndex + 1 = EndIndex) then
6007         ret := buf[StartIndex] OR (buf[StartIndex+1] SHL 8)
6008       else
6009         ret := buf[StartIndex] OR (buf[StartIndex+1] SHL 8) OR (buf[StartIndex+2] SHL 16);
6011     ret := (ret SHR (StartBit AND $0007)) AND masks[BitsPerCode];
6013     Inc(StartBit, BitsPerCode);
6015     Result := ret;
6016   end;
6018   function NextLZW: integer;
6019   var
6020     code, incode	: integer;
6021     i			: integer;
6022     b			: BYTE;
6023   begin
6024     code := nextCode(BitsPerCode);
6025     while (code >= 0) do
6026     begin
6027       if (code = ClearCode) then
6028       begin
6029         ASSERT(ClearCode < TableSize, 'ClearCode too large');
6030         for i := 0 to ClearCode-1 do
6031         begin
6032           table0[i] := 0;
6033           table1[i] := i;
6034         end;
6035         for i := ClearCode to TableSize-1 do
6036         begin
6037           table0[i] := 0;
6038           table1[i] := 0;
6039         end;
6040         BitsPerCode := InitialBitsPerCode+1;
6041         MaxCodeSize := 2 * ClearCode;
6042         MaxCode := ClearCode + 2;
6043         Source := @stack;
6044         repeat
6045           firstcode := nextCode(BitsPerCode);
6046           oldcode := firstcode;
6047         until (firstcode <> ClearCode);
6049         Result := firstcode;
6050         exit;
6051       end;
6052       if (code = EOFCode) then
6053       begin
6054         Result := -2;
6055         if (ZeroBlock) then
6056           exit;
6057         // Eat rest of data blocks
6058         if (Stream.Read(b, 1) <> 1) then
6059           exit;
6060         while (b <> 0) do
6061         begin
6062           Stream.Seek(b, soFromCurrent);
6063           if (Stream.Read(b, 1) <> 1) then
6064             exit;
6065         end;
6066         exit;
6067       end;
6069       incode := code;
6071       if (code >= MaxCode) then
6072       begin
6073         Source^ := firstcode;
6074         Inc(Source);
6075         code := oldcode;
6076       end;
6078       ASSERT(Code < TableSize, 'Code too large');
6079       while (code >= ClearCode) do
6080       begin
6081         Source^ := table1[code];
6082         Inc(Source);
6083         if (code = table0[code]) then
6084           Error(sDecodeCircular);
6085         code := table0[code];
6086         ASSERT(Code < TableSize, 'Code too large');
6087       end;
6089       firstcode := table1[code];
6090       Source^ := firstcode;
6091       Inc(Source);
6093       code := MaxCode;
6094       if (code <= GIFCodeMax) then
6095       begin
6096         table0[code] := oldcode;
6097         table1[code] := firstcode;
6098         Inc(MaxCode);
6099         if ((MaxCode >= MaxCodeSize) and (MaxCodeSize <= GIFCodeMax)) then
6100         begin
6101           MaxCodeSize := MaxCodeSize * 2;
6102           Inc(BitsPerCode);
6103         end;
6104       end;
6106       oldcode := incode;
6108       if (longInt(Source) > longInt(@stack)) then
6109       begin
6110         Dec(Source);
6111         Result := Source^;
6112         exit;
6113       end
6114     end;
6115     Result := code;
6116   end;
6118   function readLZW: integer;
6119   begin
6120     if (longInt(Source) > longInt(@stack)) then
6121     begin
6122       Dec(Source);
6123       Result := Source^;
6124     end else
6125       Result := NextLZW;
6126   end;
6128 begin
6129   NewImage;
6131   // Clear image data in case decompress doesn't complete
6132   if (Transparent) then
6133     // Clear to transparent color
6134     ClearValue := GraphicControlExtension.GetTransparentColorIndex
6135   else
6136     // Clear to first color
6137     ClearValue := 0;
6139   FillChar(FData^, FDataSize, ClearValue);
6142   TimeStartDecompress := timeGetTime;
6143 {$endif}
6145   (*
6146   ** Read initial code size in bits from stream
6147   *)
6148   if (Stream.Read(InitialBitsPerCode, 1) <> 1) then
6149     exit;
6150 // 2006.07.29 ->
6151   if InitialBitsPerCode > 8 then
6152     InitialBitsPerCode := 8;
6153 // 2006.07.29 <-
6154   (*
6155   **  Initialize the Compression routines
6156   *)
6157   BitsPerCode := InitialBitsPerCode + 1;
6158   ClearCode := 1 SHL InitialBitsPerCode;
6159   EOFCode := ClearCode + 1;
6160   MaxCodeSize := 2 * ClearCode;
6161   MaxCode := ClearCode + 2;
6163   StartBit := 0;
6164   LastBit := 0;
6165   LastByte := 2;
6167   ZeroBlock := False;
6168   get_done := False;
6169   return_clear := TRUE;
6171   Source := @stack;
6173   try
6174     if (Interlaced) then
6175     begin
6176       ypos := 0;
6177       pass := 0;
6178       step := 8;
6180       for i := 0 to Height-1 do
6181       begin
6182         Dest := FData + Width * ypos;
6183         for xpos := 0 to width-1 do
6184         begin
6185           v := readLZW;
6186           if (v < 0) then
6187             exit;
6188           Dest^ := char(v);
6189           Inc(Dest);
6190         end;
6191         Inc(ypos, step);
6192         if (ypos >= height) then
6193           repeat
6194             if (pass > 0) then
6195               step := step DIV 2;
6196             Inc(pass);
6197             ypos := step DIV 2;
6198           until (ypos < height);
6199       end;
6200     end else
6201     begin
6202       Dest := FData;
6203       for ypos := 0 to (height * width)-1 do
6204       begin
6205         v := readLZW;
6206         if (v < 0) then
6207           exit;
6208         Dest^ := char(v);
6209         Inc(Dest);
6210       end;
6211     end;
6212   finally
6213     if (readLZW >= 0) then
6214       ;
6215 //      raise GIFException.Create('Too much input data, ignoring extra...');
6216   end;
6218   TimeStopDecompress := timeGetTime;
6219   ShowMessage(format('Decompressed %d pixels in %d mS, Rate %d pixels/mS',
6220     [Height*Width, TimeStopDecompress-TimeStartDecompress,
6221     (Height*Width) DIV (TimeStopDecompress-TimeStartDecompress+1)]));
6222 {$endif}
6223 end;
6225 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6226 //
6227 //			LZW Encoder stuff
6228 //
6229 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6231 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6232 //			LZW Encoder THashTable
6233 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6234 const
6235   HashKeyBits		= 13;			// Max number of bits per Hash Key
6237   HashSize		= 8009;			// Size of hash table
6238   						// Must be prime
6239                                                 // Must be > than HashMaxCode
6240                                                 // Must be < than HashMaxKey
6242   HashKeyMax		= (1 SHL HashKeyBits)-1;// Max hash key value
6243   						// 13 bits = 8191
6245   HashKeyMask		= HashKeyMax;		// $1FFF
6246   GIFCodeMask		= GIFCodeMax;		// $0FFF
6248   HashEmpty		= $000FFFFF;		// 20 bits
6250 type
6251   // A Hash Key is 20 bits wide.
6252   // - The lower 8 bits are the postfix character (the new pixel).
6253   // - The upper 12 bits are the prefix code (the GIF token).
6254   // A KeyInt must be able to represent the integer values -1..(2^20)-1
6255   KeyInt = longInt;	// 32 bits
6256   CodeInt = SmallInt;	// 16 bits
6258   THashArray = array[0..HashSize-1] of KeyInt;
6259   PHashArray = ^THashArray;
6261   THashTable = class
6263     CountLookupFound	: longInt;
6264     CountMissFound	: longInt;
6265     CountLookupNotFound	: longInt;
6266     CountMissNotFound	: longInt;
6267 {$endif}
6268     HashTable: PHashArray;
6269   public
6270     constructor Create;
6271     destructor Destroy; override;
6272     procedure Clear;
6273     procedure Insert(Key: KeyInt; Code: CodeInt);
Lookupnull6274     function Lookup(Key: KeyInt): CodeInt;
6275   end;
HashKeynull6277 function HashKey(Key: KeyInt): CodeInt;
6278 begin
6279   Result := ((Key SHR (GIFCodeBits-8)) XOR Key) MOD HashSize;
6280 end;
NextHashKeynull6282 function NextHashKey(HKey: CodeInt): CodeInt;
6283 var
6284   disp		: CodeInt;
6285 begin
6286   (*
6287   ** secondary hash (after G. Knott)
6288   *)
6289   disp := HashSize - HKey;
6290   if (HKey = 0) then
6291     disp := 1;
6292 //  disp := 13;		// disp should be prime relative to HashSize, but
6293 			// it doesn't seem to matter here...
6294   dec(HKey, disp);
6295   if (HKey < 0) then
6296     inc(HKey, HashSize);
6297   Result := HKey;
6298 end;
6301 constructor THashTable.Create;
6302 begin
6303   ASSERT(longInt($FFFFFFFF) = -1, 'TGIFImage implementation assumes $FFFFFFFF = -1');
6305   inherited Create;
6306   GetMem(HashTable, sizeof(THashArray));
6307   Clear;
6309   CountLookupFound := 0;
6310   CountMissFound := 0;
6311   CountLookupNotFound := 0;
6312   CountMissNotFound := 0;
6313 {$endif}
6314 end;
6316 destructor THashTable.Destroy;
6317 begin
6319   ShowMessage(
6320     Format('Found: %d  HitRate: %.2f',
6321       [CountLookupFound, (CountLookupFound+1)/(CountMissFound+1)])+#13+
6322     Format('Not found: %d  HitRate: %.2f',
6323       [CountLookupNotFound, (CountLookupNotFound+1)/(CountMissNotFound+1)]));
6324 {$endif}
6325   FreeMem(HashTable);
6326   inherited Destroy;
6327 end;
6329 // Clear hash table and fill with empty slots (doh!)
6330 procedure THashTable.Clear;
6332 var
6333   i			,
6334   Count			: longInt;
6335 {$endif}
6336 begin
6338   Count := 0;
6339   for i := 0 to HashSize-1 do
6340     if (HashTable[i] SHR GIFCodeBits <> HashEmpty) then
6341       inc(Count);
6342   ShowMessage(format('Size: %d, Filled: %d, Rate %.4f',
6343     [HashSize, Count, Count/HashSize]));
6344 {$endif}
6346   FillChar(HashTable^, sizeof(THashArray), $FF);
6347 end;
6349 // Insert new key/value pair into hash table
6350 procedure THashTable.Insert(Key: KeyInt; Code: CodeInt);
6351 var
6352   HKey			: CodeInt;
6353 begin
6354   // Create hash key from prefix string
6355   HKey := HashKey(Key);
6357   // Scan for empty slot
6358   // while (HashTable[HKey] SHR GIFCodeBits <> HashEmpty) do { Unoptimized }
6359   while (HashTable[HKey] AND (HashEmpty SHL GIFCodeBits) <> (HashEmpty SHL GIFCodeBits)) do { Optimized }
6360     HKey := NextHashKey(HKey);
6361   // Fill slot with key/value pair
6362   HashTable[HKey] := (Key SHL GIFCodeBits) OR (Code AND GIFCodeMask);
6363 end;
6365 // Search for key in hash table.
6366 // Returns value if found or -1 if not
Lookupnull6367 function THashTable.Lookup(Key: KeyInt): CodeInt;
6368 var
6369   HKey			: CodeInt;
6370   HTKey			: KeyInt;
6372   n			: LongInt;
6373 {$endif}
6374 begin
6375   // Create hash key from prefix string
6376   HKey := HashKey(Key);
6379   n := 0;
6380 {$endif}
6381   // Scan table for key
6382   // HTKey := HashTable[HKey] SHR GIFCodeBits; { Unoptimized }
6383   Key := Key SHL GIFCodeBits; { Optimized }
6384   HTKey := HashTable[HKey] AND (HashEmpty SHL GIFCodeBits); { Optimized }
6385   // while (HTKey <> HashEmpty) do { Unoptimized }
6386   while (HTKey <> HashEmpty SHL GIFCodeBits) do { Optimized }
6387   begin
6388     if (Key = HTKey) then
6389     begin
6390       // Extract and return value
6391       Result := HashTable[HKey] AND GIFCodeMask;
6393       inc(CountLookupFound);
6394       inc(CountMissFound, n);
6395 {$endif}
6396       exit;
6397     end;
6399     inc(n);
6400 {$endif}
6401     // Try next slot
6402     HKey := NextHashKey(HKey);
6403     // HTKey := HashTable[HKey] SHR GIFCodeBits; { Unoptimized }
6404     HTKey := HashTable[HKey] AND (HashEmpty SHL GIFCodeBits); { Optimized }
6405   end;
6406   // Found empty slot - key doesn't exist
6407   Result := -1;
6409   inc(CountLookupNotFound);
6410   inc(CountMissNotFound, n);
6411 {$endif}
6412 end;
6414 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6415 //		TGIFStream - Abstract GIF block stream
6416 //
6417 // Descendants from TGIFStream either reads or writes data in blocks
6418 // of up to 255 bytes. These blocks are organized as a leading byte
6419 // containing the number of bytes in the block (exclusing the count
6420 // byte itself), followed by the data (up to 254 bytes of data).
6421 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6422 type
6423   TGIFStream = class(TStream)
6424   private
6425     FOnWarning		: TGIFWarning;
6426     FStream		: TStream;
6427     FOnProgress		: TNotifyEvent;
6428     FBuffer		: array [BYTE] of Char;
6429     FBufferCount	: integer;
6431   protected
6432     constructor Create(Stream: TStream);
Readnull6434     function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
Writenull6435     function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
Seeknull6436     function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; override;
6438     procedure Progress(Sender: TObject); dynamic;
6439     property OnProgress: TNotifyEvent read FOnProgress write FOnProgress;
6440   public
6441     property Warning: TGIFWarning read FOnWarning write FOnWarning;
6442   end;
6444 constructor TGIFStream.Create(Stream: TStream);
6445 begin
6446   inherited Create;
6447   FStream := Stream;
6448   FBufferCount := 1; // Reserve first byte of buffer for length
6449 end;
6451 procedure TGIFStream.Progress(Sender: TObject);
6452 begin
6453   if Assigned(FOnProgress) then
6454     FOnProgress(Sender);
6455 end;
Writenull6457 function TGIFStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
6458 begin
6459   raise Exception.Create(sInvalidStream);
6460 end;
Readnull6462 function TGIFStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
6463 begin
6464   raise Exception.Create(sInvalidStream);
6465 end;
TGIFStream.Seeknull6467 function TGIFStream.Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint;
6468 begin
6469   raise Exception.Create(sInvalidStream);
6470 end;
6472 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6473 //		TGIFReader - GIF block reader
6474 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6475 type
6476   TGIFReader = class(TGIFStream)
6477   public
6478     constructor Create(Stream: TStream);
Readnull6480     function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
6481   end;
6483 constructor TGIFReader.Create(Stream: TStream);
6484 begin
6485   inherited Create(Stream);
6486   FBufferCount := 0;
6487 end;
Readnull6489 function TGIFReader.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
6490 var
6491   n			: integer;
6492   Dst			: PChar;
6493   size			: BYTE;
6494 begin
6495   Dst := @Buffer;
6496   Result := 0;
6498   while (Count > 0) do
6499   begin
6500     // Get data from buffer
6501     while (FBufferCount > 0) and (Count > 0) do
6502     begin
6503       if (FBufferCount > Count) then
6504         n := Count
6505       else
6506         n := FBufferCount;
6507       Move(FBuffer, Dst^, n);
6508       dec(FBufferCount, n);
6509       dec(Count, n);
6510       inc(Result, n);
6511       inc(Dst, n);
6512     end;
6514     // Refill buffer when it becomes empty
6515     if (FBufferCount <= 0) then
6516     begin
6517       FStream.Read(size, 1);
6518       { TODO -oanme -cImprovement : Should be handled as a warning instead of an error. }
6519       if (size >= 255) then
6520         Error('GIF block too large');
6521       FBufferCount := size;
6522       if (FBufferCount > 0) then
6523       begin
6524         n := FStream.Read(FBuffer, size);
6525         if (n = FBufferCount) then
6526         begin
6527           Warning(self, gsWarning, sOutOfData);
6528           break;
6529         end;
6530       end else
6531         break;
6532     end;
6533   end;
6534 end;
6536 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6537 //		TGIFWriter - GIF block writer
6538 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6539 type
6540   TGIFWriter = class(TGIFStream)
6541   private
6542     FOutputDirty	: boolean;
6544   protected
6545     procedure FlushBuffer;
6547   public
6548     constructor Create(Stream: TStream);
6549     destructor Destroy; override;
Writenull6551     function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
WriteBytenull6552     function WriteByte(Value: BYTE): Longint;
6553   end;
6555 constructor TGIFWriter.Create(Stream: TStream);
6556 begin
6557   inherited Create(Stream);
6558   FBufferCount := 1; // Reserve first byte of buffer for length
6559   FOutputDirty := False;
6560 end;
6562 destructor TGIFWriter.Destroy;
6563 begin
6564   inherited Destroy;
6565   if (FOutputDirty) then
6566     FlushBuffer;
6567 end;
6569 procedure TGIFWriter.FlushBuffer;
6570 begin
6571   if (FBufferCount <= 0) then
6572     exit;
6574   FBuffer[0] := char(FBufferCount-1); // Block size excluding the count
6575   FStream.WriteBuffer(FBuffer, FBufferCount);
6576   FBufferCount := 1; // Reserve first byte of buffer for length
6577   FOutputDirty := False;
6578 end;
Writenull6580 function TGIFWriter.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
6581 var
6582   n			: integer;
6583   Src			: PChar;
6584 begin
6585   Result := Count;
6586   FOutputDirty := True;
6587   Src := @Buffer;
6588   while (Count > 0) do
6589   begin
6590     // Move data to the internal buffer in 255 byte chunks
6591     while (FBufferCount < sizeof(FBuffer)) and (Count > 0) do
6592     begin
6593       n := sizeof(FBuffer) - FBufferCount;
6594       if (n > Count) then
6595         n := Count;
6596       Move(Src^, FBuffer[FBufferCount], n);
6597       inc(Src, n);
6598       inc(FBufferCount, n);
6599       dec(Count, n);
6600     end;
6602     // Flush the buffer when it is full
6603     if (FBufferCount >= sizeof(FBuffer)) then
6604       FlushBuffer;
6605   end;
6606 end;
WriteBytenull6608 function TGIFWriter.WriteByte(Value: BYTE): Longint;
6609 begin
6610   Result := Write(Value, 1);
6611 end;
6613 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6614 //		TGIFEncoder - Abstract encoder
6615 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6616 type
6617   TGIFEncoder = class(TObject)
6618   protected
6619     FOnWarning		: TGIFWarning;
6620     MaxColor		: integer;
6621     BitsPerPixel	: BYTE;		// Bits per pixel of image
6622     Stream		: TStream;	// Output stream
6623     Width		,		// Width of image in pixels
6624     Height		: integer;	// height of image in pixels
6625     Interlace		: boolean;	// Interlace flag (True = interlaced image)
6626     Data		: PChar;	// Pointer to pixel data
6627     GIFStream		: TGIFWriter;	// Output buffer
6629     OutputBucket	: longInt;	// Output bit bucket
6630     OutputBits		: integer;	// Current # of bits in bucket
6632     ClearFlag		: Boolean;	// True if dictionary has just been cleared
6633     BitsPerCode		,		// Current # of bits per code
6634     InitialBitsPerCode	: integer;	// Initial # of bits per code after
6635   					// dictionary has been cleared
6636     MaxCode		: CodeInt;	// maximum code, given BitsPerCode
6637     ClearCode		: CodeInt;	// Special output code to signal "Clear table"
6638     EOFCode		: CodeInt;	// Special output code to signal EOF
6639     BaseCode		: CodeInt;	// ...
6641     Pixel		: PChar;	// Pointer to current pixel
6643     cX			,		// Current X counter (Width - X)
6644     Y			: integer;	// Current Y
6645     Pass		: integer;	// Interlace pass
MaxCodesFromBitsnull6647     function MaxCodesFromBits(Bits: integer): CodeInt;
6648     procedure Output(Value: integer); virtual;
6649     procedure Clear; virtual;
BumpPixelnull6650     function BumpPixel: boolean;
6651     procedure DoCompress; virtual; abstract;
6652   public
6653     procedure Compress(AStream: TStream; ABitsPerPixel: integer;
6654       AWidth, AHeight: integer; AInterlace: boolean; AData: PChar; AMaxColor: integer);
6655     property Warning: TGIFWarning read FOnWarning write FOnWarning;
6656   end;
6658 // Calculate the maximum number of codes that a given number of bits can represent
6659 // MaxCodes := (1^bits)-1
MaxCodesFromBitsnull6660 function TGIFEncoder.MaxCodesFromBits(Bits: integer): CodeInt;
6661 begin
6662   Result := (CodeInt(1) SHL Bits) - 1;
6663 end;
6665 // Stuff bits (variable sized codes) into a buffer and output them
6666 // a byte at a time
6667 procedure TGIFEncoder.Output(Value: integer);
6668 const
6669   BitBucketMask: array[0..16] of longInt =
6670     ($0000,
6671      $0001, $0003, $0007, $000F,
6672      $001F, $003F, $007F, $00FF,
6673      $01FF, $03FF, $07FF, $0FFF,
6674      $1FFF, $3FFF, $7FFF, $FFFF);
6675 begin
6676   if (OutputBits > 0) then
6677     OutputBucket :=
6678       (OutputBucket AND BitBucketMask[OutputBits]) OR (longInt(Value) SHL OutputBits)
6679   else
6680     OutputBucket := Value;
6682   inc(OutputBits, BitsPerCode);
6684   while (OutputBits >= 8) do
6685   begin
6686     GIFStream.WriteByte(OutputBucket AND $FF);
6687     OutputBucket := OutputBucket SHR 8;
6688     dec(OutputBits, 8);
6689   end;
6691   if (Value = EOFCode) then
6692   begin
6693     // At EOF, write the rest of the buffer.
6694     while (OutputBits > 0) do
6695     begin
6696       GIFStream.WriteByte(OutputBucket AND $FF);
6697       OutputBucket := OutputBucket SHR 8;
6698       dec(OutputBits, 8);
6699     end;
6700   end;
6701 end;
6703 procedure TGIFEncoder.Clear;
6704 begin
6705   // just_cleared = 1;
6706   ClearFlag := TRUE;
6707   Output(ClearCode);
6708 end;
6710 // Bump (X,Y) and data pointer to point to the next pixel
BumpPixelnull6711 function TGIFEncoder.BumpPixel: boolean;
6712 begin
6713   // Bump the current X position
6714   dec(cX);
6716   // If we are at the end of a scan line, set cX back to the beginning
6717   // If we are interlaced, bump Y to the appropriate spot, otherwise,
6718   // just increment it.
6719   if (cX <= 0) then
6720   begin
6722     if not(Interlace) then
6723     begin
6724       // Done - no more data
6725       Result := False;
6726       exit;
6727     end;
6729     cX := Width;
6730     case (Pass) of
6731       0:
6732         begin
6733           inc(Y, 8);
6734           if (Y >= Height) then
6735           begin
6736             inc(Pass);
6737             Y := 4;
6738           end;
6739         end;
6740       1:
6741         begin
6742           inc(Y, 8);
6743           if (Y >= Height) then
6744           begin
6745             inc(Pass);
6746             Y := 2;
6747           end;
6748         end;
6749       2:
6750         begin
6751           inc(Y, 4);
6752           if (Y >= Height) then
6753           begin
6754             inc(Pass);
6755             Y := 1;
6756           end;
6757         end;
6758       3:
6759         inc(Y, 2);
6760     end;
6762     if (Y >= height) then
6763     begin
6764       // Done - No more data
6765       Result := False;
6766       exit;
6767     end;
6768     Pixel := Data + (Y * Width);
6769   end;
6770   Result := True;
6771 end;
6774 procedure TGIFEncoder.Compress(AStream: TStream; ABitsPerPixel: integer;
6775   AWidth, AHeight: integer; AInterlace: boolean; AData: PChar; AMaxColor: integer);
6776 const
6777   EndBlockByte		= $00;			// End of block marker
6779 var
6780   TimeStartCompress	,
6781   TimeStopCompress	: DWORD;
6782 {$endif}
6783 begin
6784   MaxColor := AMaxColor;
6785   Stream := AStream;
6786   BitsPerPixel := ABitsPerPixel;
6787   Width := AWidth;
6788   Height := AHeight;
6789   Interlace := AInterlace;
6790   Data := AData;
6792   if (BitsPerPixel <= 1) then
6793     BitsPerPixel := 2;
6795   InitialBitsPerCode := BitsPerPixel + 1;
6796   Stream.Write(BitsPerPixel, 1);
6798   // out_bits_init = init_bits;
6799   BitsPerCode := InitialBitsPerCode;
6800   MaxCode := MaxCodesFromBits(BitsPerCode);
6802   ClearCode := (1 SHL (InitialBitsPerCode - 1));
6803   EOFCode := ClearCode + 1;
6804   BaseCode := EOFCode + 1;
6806   // Clear bit bucket
6807   OutputBucket := 0;
6808   OutputBits  := 0;
6810   // Reset pixel counter
6811   if (Interlace) then
6812     cX := Width
6813   else
6814     cX := Width*Height;
6815   // Reset row counter
6816   Y := 0;
6817   Pass := 0;
6819   GIFStream := TGIFWriter.Create(AStream);
6820   try
6821     GIFStream.Warning := Warning;
6822     if (Data <> nil) and (Height > 0) and (Width > 0) then
6823     begin
6825       TimeStartCompress := timeGetTime;
6826 {$endif}
6828       // Call compress implementation
6829       DoCompress;
6832       TimeStopCompress := timeGetTime;
6833       ShowMessage(format('Compressed %d pixels in %d mS, Rate %d pixels/mS',
6834         [Height*Width, TimeStopCompress-TimeStartCompress,
6835         DWORD(Height*Width) DIV (TimeStopCompress-TimeStartCompress+1)]));
6836 {$endif}
6837       // Output the final code.
6838       Output(EOFCode);
6839     end else
6840       // Output the final code (and nothing else).
6841       TGIFEncoder(self).Output(EOFCode);
6842   finally
6843     GIFStream.Free;
6844   end;
6846   WriteByte(Stream, EndBlockByte);
6847 end;
6849 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6850 //		TRLEEncoder - RLE encoder
6851 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6852 type
6853   TRLEEncoder = class(TGIFEncoder)
6854   private
6855     MaxCodes		: integer;
6856     OutBumpInit		,
6857     OutClearInit	: integer;
6858     Prefix		: integer;	// Current run color
6859     RunLengthTableMax	,
6860     RunLengthTablePixel	,
6861     OutCount		,
6862     OutClear		,
6863     OutBump		: integer;
6864   protected
ComputeTriangleCountnull6865     function ComputeTriangleCount(count: integer; nrepcodes: integer): integer;
6866     procedure MaxOutClear;
6867     procedure ResetOutClear;
6868     procedure FlushFromClear(Count: integer);
6869     procedure FlushClearOrRepeat(Count: integer);
6870     procedure FlushWithTable(Count: integer);
6871     procedure Flush(RunLengthCount: integer);
6872     procedure OutputPlain(Value: integer);
6873     procedure Clear; override;
6874     procedure DoCompress; override;
6875   end;
6878 procedure TRLEEncoder.Clear;
6879 begin
6880   OutBump := OutBumpInit;
6881   OutClear := OutClearInit;
6882   OutCount := 0;
6883   RunLengthTableMax := 0;
6885   inherited Clear;
6887   BitsPerCode := InitialBitsPerCode;
6888 end;
6890 procedure TRLEEncoder.OutputPlain(Value: integer);
6891 begin
6892   ClearFlag := False;
6893   Output(Value);
6894   inc(OutCount);
6896   if (OutCount >= OutBump) then
6897   begin
6898     inc(BitsPerCode);
6899     inc(OutBump, 1 SHL (BitsPerCode - 1));
6900   end;
6902   if (OutCount >= OutClear) then
6903     Clear;
6904 end;
TRLEEncoder.ComputeTriangleCountnull6906 function TRLEEncoder.ComputeTriangleCount(count: integer; nrepcodes: integer): integer;
6907 var
6908   PerRepeat		: integer;
6909   n			: integer;
iSqrtnull6911   function iSqrt(x: integer): integer;
6912   var
6913     r, v		: integer;
6914   begin
6915     if (x < 2) then
6916     begin
6917       Result := x;
6918       exit;
6919     end else
6920     begin
6921       v := x;
6922       r := 1;
6923       while (v > 0) do
6924       begin
6925         v := v DIV 4;
6926         r := r * 2;
6927       end;
6928     end;
6930     while (True) do
6931     begin
6932       v := ((x DIV r) + r) DIV 2;
6933       if ((v = r) or (v = r+1)) then
6934       begin
6935         Result := r;
6936         exit;
6937       end;
6938       r := v;
6939     end;
6940   end;
6942 begin
6943   Result := 0;
6944   PerRepeat := (nrepcodes * (nrepcodes+1)) DIV 2;
6946   while (Count >= PerRepeat) do
6947   begin
6948     inc(Result, nrepcodes);
6949     dec(Count, PerRepeat);
6950   end;
6952   if (Count > 0) then
6953   begin
6954     n := iSqrt(Count);
6955     while ((n * (n+1)) >= 2*Count) do
6956       dec(n);
6957     while ((n * (n+1)) < 2*Count) do
6958       inc(n);
6959     inc(Result, n);
6960   end;
6961 end;
6963 procedure TRLEEncoder.MaxOutClear;
6964 begin
6965   OutClear := MaxCodes;
6966 end;
6968 procedure TRLEEncoder.ResetOutClear;
6969 begin
6970   OutClear := OutClearInit;
6971   if (OutCount >= OutClear) then
6972     Clear;
6973 end;
6975 procedure TRLEEncoder.FlushFromClear(Count: integer);
6976 var
6977   n			: integer;
6978 begin
6979   MaxOutClear;
6980   RunLengthTablePixel := Prefix;
6981   n := 1;
6982   while (Count > 0) do
6983   begin
6984     if (n = 1) then
6985     begin
6986       RunLengthTableMax := 1;
6987       OutputPlain(Prefix);
6988       dec(Count);
6989     end else
6990     if (Count >= n) then
6991     begin
6992       RunLengthTableMax := n;
6993       OutputPlain(BaseCode + n - 2);
6994       dec(Count, n);
6995     end else
6996     if (Count = 1) then
6997     begin
6998       inc(RunLengthTableMax);
6999       OutputPlain(Prefix);
7000       break;
7001     end else
7002     begin
7003       inc(RunLengthTableMax);
7004       OutputPlain(BaseCode + Count - 2);
7005       break;
7006     end;
7008     if (OutCount = 0) then
7009       n := 1
7010     else
7011       inc(n);
7012   end;
7013   ResetOutClear;
7014 end;
7016 procedure TRLEEncoder.FlushClearOrRepeat(Count: integer);
7017 var
7018   WithClear		: integer;
7019 begin
7020   WithClear := 1 + ComputeTriangleCount(Count, MaxCodes);
7022   if (WithClear < Count) then
7023   begin
7024     Clear;
7025     FlushFromClear(Count);
7026   end else
7027     while (Count > 0) do
7028     begin
7029       OutputPlain(Prefix);
7030       dec(Count);
7031     end;
7032 end;
7034 procedure TRLEEncoder.FlushWithTable(Count: integer);
7035 var
7036   RepeatMax		,
7037   RepeatLeft		,
7038   LeftOver		: integer;
7039 begin
7040   RepeatMax := Count DIV RunLengthTableMax;
7041   LeftOver := Count MOD RunLengthTableMax;
7042   if (LeftOver <> 0) then
7043     RepeatLeft := 1
7044   else
7045     RepeatLeft := 0;
7047   if (OutCount + RepeatMax + RepeatLeft > MaxCodes) then
7048   begin
7049     RepeatMax := MaxCodes - OutCount;
7050     LeftOver := Count - (RepeatMax * RunLengthTableMax);
7051     RepeatLeft := 1 + ComputeTriangleCount(LeftOver, MaxCodes);
7052   end;
7054   if (1 + ComputeTriangleCount(Count, MaxCodes) < RepeatMax + RepeatLeft) then
7055   begin
7056     Clear;
7057     FlushFromClear(Count);
7058     exit;
7059   end;
7060   MaxOutClear;
7062   while (RepeatMax > 0) do
7063   begin
7064     OutputPlain(BaseCode + RunLengthTableMax-2);
7065     dec(RepeatMax);
7066   end;
7068   if (LeftOver > 0) then
7069   begin
7070     if (ClearFlag) then
7071       FlushFromClear(LeftOver)
7072     else if (LeftOver = 1) then
7073       OutputPlain(Prefix)
7074     else
7075       OutputPlain(BaseCode +  LeftOver - 2);
7076   end;
7077   ResetOutClear;
7078 end;
7080 procedure TRLEEncoder.Flush(RunLengthCount: integer);
7081 begin
7082   if (RunLengthCount = 1) then
7083   begin
7084     OutputPlain(Prefix);
7085     exit;
7086   end;
7088   if (ClearFlag) then
7089     FlushFromClear(RunLengthCount)
7090   else if ((RunLengthTableMax < 2) or (RunLengthTablePixel <> Prefix)) then
7091     FlushClearOrRepeat(RunLengthCount)
7092   else
7093     FlushWithTable(RunLengthCount);
7094 end;
7096 procedure TRLEEncoder.DoCompress;
7097 var
7098   Color			: CodeInt;
7099   RunLengthCount	: integer;
7101 begin
7102   OutBumpInit := ClearCode - 1;
7104   // For images with a lot of runs, making OutClearInit larger will
7105   // give better compression.
7106   if (BitsPerPixel <= 3) then
7107     OutClearInit := 9
7108   else
7109     OutClearInit := OutBumpInit - 1;
7111   // max_ocodes = (1 << GIFBITS) - ((1 << (out_bits_init - 1)) + 3);
7112   // <=> MaxCodes := (1 SHL GIFCodeBits) - ((1 SHL (BitsPerCode - 1)) + 3);
7113   // <=> MaxCodes := (1 SHL GIFCodeBits) - ((1 SHL (InitialBitsPerCode - 1)) + 3);
7114   // <=> MaxCodes := (1 SHL GIFCodeBits) - (ClearCode + 3);
7115   // <=> MaxCodes := (1 SHL GIFCodeBits) - (EOFCode + 2);
7116   // <=> MaxCodes := (1 SHL GIFCodeBits) - (BaseCode + 1);
7117   // <=> MaxCodes := MaxCodesFromBits(GIFCodeBits) - BaseCode;
7118   MaxCodes := MaxCodesFromBits(GIFCodeBits) - BaseCode;
7120   Clear;
7121   RunLengthCount := 0;
7123   Pixel := Data;
7124   Prefix := -1; // Dummy value to make Color <> Prefix
7125   repeat
7126     // Fetch the next pixel
7127     Color := CodeInt(Pixel^);
7128     inc(Pixel);
7130     if (Color >= MaxColor) then
7131       Error(sInvalidColor);
7133     if (RunLengthCount > 0) and (Color <> Prefix) then
7134     begin
7135       // End of current run
7136       Flush(RunLengthCount);
7137       RunLengthCount := 0;
7138     end;
7140     if (Color = Prefix) then
7141       // Increment run length
7142       inc(RunLengthCount)
7143     else
7144     begin
7145       // Start new run
7146       Prefix := Color;
7147       RunLengthCount := 1;
7148     end;
7149   until not(BumpPixel);
7150   Flush(RunLengthCount);
7151 end;
7153 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7154 //		TLZWEncoder - LZW encoder
7155 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7156 const
7157   TableMaxMaxCode	= (1 SHL GIFCodeBits);	//
7158   TableMaxFill		= TableMaxMaxCode-1;	// Clear table when it fills to
7159   						// this point.
7160   						// Note: Must be <= GIFCodeMax
7161 type
7162   TLZWEncoder = class(TGIFEncoder)
7163   private
7164     Prefix		: CodeInt;	// Current run color
7165     FreeEntry		: CodeInt;	// next unused code in table
7166     HashTable		: THashTable;
7167   protected
7168     procedure Output(Value: integer); override;
7169     procedure Clear; override;
7170     procedure DoCompress; override;
7171   end;
7174 procedure TLZWEncoder.Output(Value: integer);
7175 begin
7176   inherited Output(Value);
7178   // If the next entry is going to be too big for the code size,
7179   // then increase it, if possible.
7180   if (FreeEntry > MaxCode) or (ClearFlag) then
7181   begin
7182     if (ClearFlag) then
7183     begin
7184       BitsPerCode := InitialBitsPerCode;
7185       MaxCode := MaxCodesFromBits(BitsPerCode);
7186       ClearFlag := False;
7187     end else
7188     begin
7189       inc(BitsPerCode);
7190       if (BitsPerCode = GIFCodeBits) then
7191         MaxCode := TableMaxMaxCode
7192       else
7193         MaxCode := MaxCodesFromBits(BitsPerCode);
7194     end;
7195   end;
7196 end;
7198 procedure TLZWEncoder.Clear;
7199 begin
7200   inherited Clear;
7201   HashTable.Clear;
7202   FreeEntry := ClearCode + 2;
7203 end;
7206 procedure TLZWEncoder.DoCompress;
7207 var
7208   Color			: char;
7209   NewKey		: KeyInt;
7210   NewCode		: CodeInt;
7212 begin
7213   HashTable := THashTable.Create;
7214   try
7215     // clear hash table and sync decoder
7216     Clear;
7218     Pixel := Data;
7219     Prefix := CodeInt(Pixel^);
7220     inc(Pixel);
7221     if (Prefix >= MaxColor) then
7222       Error(sInvalidColor);
7223     while (BumpPixel) do
7224     begin
7225       // Fetch the next pixel
7226       Color := Pixel^;
7227       inc(Pixel);
7228       if (ord(Color) >= MaxColor) then
7229         Error(sInvalidColor);
7231       // Append Postfix to Prefix and lookup in table...
7232       NewKey := (KeyInt(Prefix) SHL 8) OR ord(Color);
7233       NewCode := HashTable.Lookup(NewKey);
7234       if (NewCode >= 0) then
7235       begin
7236         // ...if found, get next pixel
7237         Prefix := NewCode;
7238         continue;
7239       end;
7241       // ...if not found, output and start over
7242       Output(Prefix);
7243       Prefix := CodeInt(Color);
7245       if (FreeEntry < TableMaxFill) then
7246       begin
7247         HashTable.Insert(NewKey, FreeEntry);
7248         inc(FreeEntry);
7249       end else
7250         Clear;
7251     end;
7252     Output(Prefix);
7253   finally
7254     HashTable.Free;
7255   end;
7256 end;
7258 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7259 //
7260 //			TGIFSubImage
7261 //
7262 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7264 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7265 //		TGIFSubImage.Compress
7266 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7267 procedure TGIFSubImage.Compress(Stream: TStream);
7268 var
7269   Encoder		: TGIFEncoder;
7270   BitsPerPixel		: BYTE;
7271   MaxColors		: integer;
7272 begin
7273   if (ColorMap.Count > 0) then
7274   begin
7275     MaxColors := ColorMap.Count;
7276     BitsPerPixel := ColorMap.BitsPerPixel
7277   end else
7278   begin
7279     BitsPerPixel := Image.BitsPerPixel;
7280     MaxColors := 1 SHL BitsPerPixel;
7281   end;
7283   // Create a RLE or LZW GIF encoder
7284   if (Image.Compression = gcRLE) then
7285     Encoder := TRLEEncoder.Create
7286   else
7287     Encoder := TLZWEncoder.Create;
7288   try
7289     Encoder.Warning := Image.Warning;
7290     Encoder.Compress(Stream, BitsPerPixel, Width, Height, Interlaced, FData, MaxColors);
7291   finally
7292     Encoder.Free;
7293   end;
7294 end;
GetExtensionnull7296 function TGIFExtensionList.GetExtension(Index: Integer): TGIFExtension;
7297 begin
7298   Result := TGIFExtension(Items[Index]);
7299 end;
7301 procedure TGIFExtensionList.SetExtension(Index: Integer; Extension: TGIFExtension);
7302 begin
7303   Items[Index] := Extension;
7304 end;
7306 procedure TGIFExtensionList.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; Parent: TObject);
7307 var
7308   b			: BYTE;
7309   Extension		: TGIFExtension;
7310   ExtensionClass	: TGIFExtensionClass;
7311 begin
7312   // Peek ahead to determine block type
7313   if (Stream.Read(b, 1) <> 1) then
7314     exit;
7315   while not(b in [bsTrailer, bsImageDescriptor]) do
7316   begin
7317     if (b = bsExtensionIntroducer) then
7318     begin
7319       ExtensionClass := TGIFExtension.FindExtension(Stream);
7320       if (ExtensionClass = nil) then
7321         Error(sUnknownExtension);
7322       Stream.Seek(-1, soFromCurrent);
7323       Extension := ExtensionClass.Create(Parent as TGIFSubImage);
7324       try
7325         Extension.LoadFromStream(Stream);
7326         Add(Extension);
7327       except
7328         Extension.Free;
7329         raise;
7330       end;
7331     end else
7332     begin
7333       Warning(gsWarning, sBadExtensionLabel);
7334       break;
7335     end;
7336     if (Stream.Read(b, 1) <> 1) then
7337       exit;
7338   end;
7339   Stream.Seek(-1, soFromCurrent);
7340 end;
7342 const
7343   { image descriptor bit masks }
7344   idLocalColorTable	= $80;    { set if a local color table follows }
7345   idInterlaced		= $40;    { set if image is interlaced }
7346   idSort		= $20;    { set if color table is sorted }
7347   idReserved		= $0C;    { reserved - must be set to $00 }
7348   idColorTableSize	= $07;    { size of color table as above }
7350 constructor TGIFSubImage.Create(GIFImage: TGIFImage);
7351 begin
7352   inherited Create(GIFImage);
7353   FExtensions := TGIFExtensionList.Create(GIFImage);
7354   FColorMap := TGIFLocalColorMap.Create(self);
7355   FImageDescriptor.Separator := bsImageDescriptor;
7356   FImageDescriptor.Left := 0;
7357   FImageDescriptor.Top := 0;
7358   FImageDescriptor.Width := 0;
7359   FImageDescriptor.Height := 0;
7360   FImageDescriptor.PackedFields := 0;
7361   FBitmap := nil;
7362   FMask := 0;
7363   FNeedMask := True;
7364   FData := nil;
7365   FDataSize := 0;
7366   FTransparent := False;
7367   FGCE := nil;
7368   // Remember to synchronize with TGIFSubImage.Clear
7369 end;
7371 destructor TGIFSubImage.Destroy;
7372 begin
7373   if (FGIFImage <> nil) then
7374     FGIFImage.Images.Remove(self);
7375   Clear;
7376   FExtensions.Free;
7377   FColorMap.Free;
7378   if (FLocalPalette <> 0) then
7379     DeleteObject(FLocalPalette);
7380   inherited Destroy;
7381 end;
7383 procedure TGIFSubImage.Clear;
7384 begin
7385   FExtensions.Clear;
7386   FColorMap.Clear;
7387   FreeImage;
7388   Height := 0;
7389   Width := 0;
7390   FTransparent := False;
7391   FGCE := nil;
7392   FreeBitmap;
7393   FreeMask;
7394   // Remember to synchronize with TGIFSubImage.Create
7395 end;
GetEmptynull7397 function TGIFSubImage.GetEmpty: Boolean;
7398 begin
7399   Result := ((FData = nil) or (FDataSize = 0) or (Height = 0) or (Width = 0));
7400 end;
GetPalettenull7402 function TGIFSubImage.GetPalette: HPALETTE;
7403 begin
7404   if (FBitmap <> nil) and (FBitmap.Palette <> 0) then
7405     // Use bitmaps own palette if possible
7406     Result := FBitmap.Palette
7407   else if (FLocalPalette <> 0) then
7408     // Or a previously exported local palette
7409     Result := FLocalPalette
7410   else if (Image.DoDither) then
7411   begin
7412     // or create a new dither palette
7413     FLocalPalette := WebPalette;
7414     Result := FLocalPalette;
7415   end
7416   else if (ColorMap.Count > 0) then
7417   begin
7418     // or create a new if first time
7419     FLocalPalette := ColorMap.ExportPalette;
7420     Result := FLocalPalette;
7421   end else
7422     // Use global palette if everything else fails
7423     Result := Image.Palette;
7424 end;
7426 procedure TGIFSubImage.SetPalette(Value: HPalette);
7427 var
7428   NeedNewBitmap		: boolean;
7429 begin
7430   if (Value <> FLocalPalette) then
7431   begin
7432     // Zap old palette
7433     if (FLocalPalette <> 0) then
7434       DeleteObject(FLocalPalette);
7435     // Zap bitmap unless new palette is same as bitmaps own
7436     NeedNewBitmap := (FBitmap <> nil) and (Value <> FBitmap.Palette);
7438     // Use new palette
7439     FLocalPalette := Value;
7440     if (NeedNewBitmap) then
7441     begin
7442       // Need to create new bitmap and repaint
7443       FreeBitmap;
7444       Image.PaletteModified := True;
7445       Image.Changed(Self);
7446     end;
7447   end;
7448 end;
7450 procedure TGIFSubImage.NeedImage;
7451 begin
7452   if (FData = nil) then
7453     NewImage;
7454   if (FDataSize = 0) then
7455     Error(sEmptyImage);
7456 end;
7458 procedure TGIFSubImage.NewImage;
7459 var
7460   NewSize		: longInt;
7461 begin
7462   FreeImage;
7463   NewSize := Height * Width;
7464   if (NewSize <> 0) then
7465   begin
7466     GetMem(FData, NewSize);
7467     FillChar(FData^, NewSize, 0);
7468   end else
7469     FData := nil;
7470   FDataSize := NewSize;
7471 end;
7473 procedure TGIFSubImage.FreeImage;
7474 begin
7475   if (FData <> nil) then
7476     FreeMem(FData);
7477   FDataSize := 0;
7478   FData := nil;
7479 end;
GetHasBitmapnull7481 function TGIFSubImage.GetHasBitmap: boolean;
7482 begin
7483   Result := (FBitmap <> nil);
7484 end;
7486 procedure TGIFSubImage.SetHasBitmap(Value: boolean);
7487 begin
7488   if (Value <> (FBitmap <> nil)) then
7489   begin
7490     if (Value) then
7491       Bitmap // Referencing Bitmap will automatically create it
7492     else
7493       FreeBitmap;
7494   end;
7495 end;
7497 procedure TGIFSubImage.NewBitmap;
7498 begin
7499   FreeBitmap;
7500   FBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
7501 end;
7503 procedure TGIFSubImage.FreeBitmap;
7504 begin
7505   if (FBitmap <> nil) then
7506   begin
7507     FBitmap.Free;
7508     FBitmap := nil;
7509   end;
7510 end;
7512 procedure TGIFSubImage.FreeMask;
7513 begin
7514   if (FMask <> 0) then
7515   begin
7516     DeleteObject(FMask);
7517     FMask := 0;
7518   end;
7519   FNeedMask := True;
7520 end;
TGIFSubImage.HasMasknull7522 function TGIFSubImage.HasMask: boolean;
7523 begin
7524   if (FNeedMask) and (Transparent) then
7525   begin
7526     // Zap old bitmap
7527     FreeBitmap;
7528     // Create new bitmap and mask
7529     GetBitmap;
7530   end;
7531   Result := (FMask <> 0);
7532 end;
TGIFSubImage.GetBoundsnull7534 function TGIFSubImage.GetBounds(Index: integer): WORD;
7535 begin
7536   case (Index) of
7537     1: Result := FImageDescriptor.Left;
7538     2: Result := FImageDescriptor.Top;
7539     3: Result := FImageDescriptor.Width;
7540     4: Result := FImageDescriptor.Height;
7541   else
7542     Result := 0; // To avoid compiler warnings
7543   end;
7544 end;
7546 procedure TGIFSubImage.SetBounds(Index: integer; Value: WORD);
7547 begin
7548   case (Index) of
7549     1: DoSetBounds(Value, FImageDescriptor.Top, FImageDescriptor.Width, FImageDescriptor.Height);
7550     2: DoSetBounds(FImageDescriptor.Left, Value, FImageDescriptor.Width, FImageDescriptor.Height);
7551     3: DoSetBounds(FImageDescriptor.Left, FImageDescriptor.Top, Value, FImageDescriptor.Height);
7552     4: DoSetBounds(FImageDescriptor.Left, FImageDescriptor.Top, FImageDescriptor.Width, Value);
7553   end;
7554 end;
7556 {$IFOPT R+}
7557   {$DEFINE R_PLUS}
7559 {$ENDIF}
DoGetDitherBitmapnull7560 function TGIFSubImage.DoGetDitherBitmap: TBitmap;
7561 var
7562   ColorLookup		: TColorLookup;
7563   Ditherer		: TDitherEngine;
7564   DIBResult		: TDIB;
7565   Src			: PChar;
7566   Dst			: PChar;
7568   Row			: integer;
7569   Color			: TGIFColor;
7570   ColMap		: PColorMap;
7571   Index			: byte;
7572   TransparentIndex	: byte;
7573   IsTransparent		: boolean;
7574   WasTransparent	: boolean;
7575   MappedTransparentIndex: char;
7577   MaskBits		: PChar;
7578   MaskDest		: PChar;
7579   MaskRow		: PChar;
7580   MaskRowWidth		,
7581   MaskRowBitWidth	: integer;
7582   Bit			,
7583   RightBit		: BYTE;
7585 begin
7586   Result := TBitmap.Create;
7587   try
7589 {$IFNDEF VER9x}
7590     if (Width*Height > BitmapAllocationThreshold) then
7591       SetPixelFormat(Result, pf1bit); // To reduce resource consumption of resize
7592 {$ENDIF}
7594     if (Empty) then
7595     begin
7596       // Set bitmap width and height
7597       Result.Width := Width;
7598       Result.Height := Height;
7600       // Build and copy palette to bitmap
7601       Result.Palette := CopyPalette(Palette);
7603       exit;
7604     end;
7606     ColorLookup := nil;
7607     Ditherer := nil;
7608     DIBResult := nil;
7609     try // Protect above resources
7610       ColorLookup := TNetscapeColorLookup.Create(Palette);
7611       Ditherer := TFloydSteinbergDitherer.Create(Width, ColorLookup);
7612       // Get DIB buffer for scanline operations
7613       // It is assumed that the source palette is the 216 color Netscape palette
7614       DIBResult := TDIBWriter.Create(Result, pf8bit, Width, Height, Palette);
7616       // Determine if this image is transparent
7617       ColMap := ActiveColorMap.Data;
7618       IsTransparent := FNeedMask and Transparent;
7619       WasTransparent := False;
7620       FNeedMask := False;
7621       TransparentIndex := 0;
7622       MappedTransparentIndex := #0;
7623       if (FMask = 0) and (IsTransparent) then
7624       begin
7625         IsTransparent := True;
7626         TransparentIndex := GraphicControlExtension.TransparentColorIndex;
7627         Color := ColMap[ord(TransparentIndex)];
7628         MappedTransparentIndex := char(Color.Blue DIV 51 +
7629           MulDiv(6, Color.Green, 51) + MulDiv(36, Color.Red, 51)+1);
7630       end;
7632       // Allocate bit buffer for transparency mask
7633       MaskDest := nil;
7634       Bit := $00;
7635       if (IsTransparent) then
7636       begin
7637         MaskRowWidth := ((Width+15) DIV 16) * 2;
7638         MaskRowBitWidth := (Width+7) DIV 8;
7639         RightBit := $01 SHL ((8 - (Width AND $0007)) AND $0007);
7640         GetMem(MaskBits, MaskRowWidth * Height);
7641         FillChar(MaskBits^, MaskRowWidth * Height, 0);
7642       end else
7643       begin
7644         MaskBits := nil;
7645         MaskRowWidth := 0;
7646         MaskRowBitWidth := 0;
7647         RightBit := $00;
7648       end;
7650       try
7651         // Process the image
7652         Row := 0;
7653         MaskRow := MaskBits;
7654         Src := FData;
7655         while (Row < Height) do
7656         begin
7657           if ((Row AND $1F) = 0) then
7658             Image.Progress(Self, psRunning, MulDiv(Row, 100, Height),
7659               False, Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressRendering);
7661           Dst := DIBResult.ScanLine[Row];
7662           if (IsTransparent) then
7663           begin
7664             // Preset all pixels to transparent
7665             FillChar(Dst^, Width, ord(MappedTransparentIndex));
7666             if (Ditherer.Direction = 1) then
7667             begin
7668               MaskDest := MaskRow;
7669               Bit := $80;
7670             end else
7671             begin
7672               MaskDest := MaskRow + MaskRowBitWidth-1;
7673               Bit := RightBit;
7674             end;
7675           end;
7676           inc(Dst, Ditherer.Column);
7678           while (Ditherer.Column < Ditherer.Width) and (Ditherer.Column >= 0) do
7679           begin
7680             Index := ord(Src^);
7681             Color := ColMap[ord(Index)];
7683             if (IsTransparent) and (Index = TransparentIndex) then
7684             begin
7685               MaskDest^ := char(byte(MaskDest^) OR Bit);
7686               WasTransparent := True;
7687               Ditherer.NextColumn;
7688             end else
7689             begin
7690               // Dither and map a single pixel
7691               Dst^ := Ditherer.Dither(Color.Red, Color.Green, Color.Blue,
7692                 Color.Red, Color.Green, Color.Blue);
7693             end;
7695             if (IsTransparent) then
7696             begin
7697               if (Ditherer.Direction = 1) then
7698               begin
7699                 Bit := Bit SHR 1;
7700                 if (Bit = $00) then
7701                 begin
7702                   Bit := $80;
7703                   inc(MaskDest, 1);
7704                 end;
7705               end else
7706               begin
7707                 Bit := Bit SHL 1;
7708                 if (Bit = $00) then
7709                 begin
7710                   Bit := $01;
7711                   dec(MaskDest, 1);
7712                 end;
7713               end;
7714             end;
7716             inc(Src, Ditherer.Direction);
7717             inc(Dst, Ditherer.Direction);
7718           end;
7720           if (IsTransparent) then
7721             Inc(MaskRow, MaskRowWidth);
7722           Inc(Row);
7723           inc(Src, Width-Ditherer.Direction);
7724           Ditherer.NextLine;
7725         end;
7727         // Transparent paint needs a mask bitmap
7728         if (IsTransparent) and (WasTransparent) then
7729           FMask := CreateBitmap(Width, Height, 1, 1, MaskBits);
7730       finally
7731         if (MaskBits <> nil) then
7732           FreeMem(MaskBits);
7733       end;
7734     finally
7735       if (ColorLookup <> nil) then
7736         ColorLookup.Free;
7737       if (Ditherer <> nil) then
7738         Ditherer.Free;
7739       if (DIBResult <> nil) then
7740         DIBResult.Free;
7741     end;
7742   except
7743     Result.Free;
7744     raise;
7745   end;
7746 end;
7747 {$IFDEF R_PLUS}
7749   {$UNDEF R_PLUS}
7750 {$ENDIF}
DoGetBitmapnull7752 function TGIFSubImage.DoGetBitmap: TBitmap;
7753 var
7754   ScanLineRow		: Integer;
7755   DIBResult		: TDIB;
7756   DestScanLine		,
7757   Src			: PChar;
7758   TransparentIndex	: byte;
7759   IsTransparent		: boolean;
7760   WasTransparent	: boolean;
7762   MaskBits		: PChar;
7763   MaskDest		: PChar;
7764   MaskRow		: PChar;
7765   MaskRowWidth		: integer;
7766   Col			: integer;
7767   MaskByte		: byte;
7768   Bit			: byte;
7769 begin
7770   Result := TBitmap.Create;
7771   try
7773 {$IFNDEF VER9x}
7774     if (Width*Height > BitmapAllocationThreshold) then
7775       SetPixelFormat(Result, pf1bit); // To reduce resource consumption of resize
7776 {$ENDIF}
7778     if (Empty) then
7779     begin
7780       // Set bitmap width and height
7781       Result.Width := Width;
7782       Result.Height := Height;
7784       // Build and copy palette to bitmap
7785       Result.Palette := CopyPalette(Palette);
7787       exit;
7788     end;
7790     // Get DIB buffer for scanline operations
7791     DIBResult := TDIBWriter.Create(Result, pf8bit, Width, Height, Palette);
7792     try
7794       // Determine if this image is transparent
7795       IsTransparent := FNeedMask and Transparent;
7796       WasTransparent := False;
7797       FNeedMask := False;
7798       TransparentIndex := 0;
7799       if (FMask = 0) and (IsTransparent) then
7800       begin
7801         IsTransparent := True;
7802         TransparentIndex := GraphicControlExtension.TransparentColorIndex;
7803       end;
7804       // Allocate bit buffer for transparency mask
7805       if (IsTransparent) then
7806       begin
7807         MaskRowWidth := ((Width+15) DIV 16) * 2;
7808         GetMem(MaskBits, MaskRowWidth * Height);
7809         FillChar(MaskBits^, MaskRowWidth * Height, 0);
7810         IsTransparent := (MaskBits <> nil);
7811       end else
7812       begin
7813         MaskBits := nil;
7814         MaskRowWidth := 0;
7815       end;
7817       try
7818         ScanLineRow := 0;
7819         Src := FData;
7820         MaskRow := MaskBits;
7821         while (ScanLineRow < Height) do
7822         begin
7823           DestScanline := DIBResult.ScanLine[ScanLineRow];
7825           if ((ScanLineRow AND $1F) = 0) then
7826             Image.Progress(Self, psRunning, MulDiv(ScanLineRow, 100, Height),
7827               False, Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressRendering);
7829           Move(Src^, DestScanline^, Width);
7830           Inc(ScanLineRow);
7832           if (IsTransparent) then
7833           begin
7834             Bit := $80;
7835             MaskDest := MaskRow;
7836             MaskByte := 0;
7837             for Col := 0 to Width-1 do
7838             begin
7839               // Set a bit in the mask if the pixel is transparent
7840               if (Src^ = char(TransparentIndex)) then
7841                 MaskByte := MaskByte OR Bit;
7843               Bit := Bit SHR 1;
7844               if (Bit = $00) then
7845               begin
7846                 // Store a mask byte for each 8 pixels
7847                 Bit := $80;
7848                 WasTransparent := WasTransparent or (MaskByte <> 0);
7849                 MaskDest^ := char(MaskByte);
7850                 inc(MaskDest);
7851                 MaskByte := 0;
7852               end;
7853               Inc(Src);
7854             end;
7855             // Save the last mask byte in case the width isn't divisable by 8
7856             if (MaskByte <> 0) then
7857             begin
7858               WasTransparent := True;
7859               MaskDest^ := char(MaskByte);
7860             end;
7861             Inc(MaskRow, MaskRowWidth);
7862           end else
7863             Inc(Src, Width);
7864         end;
7866         // Transparent paint needs a mask bitmap
7867         if (IsTransparent) and (WasTransparent) then
7868           FMask := CreateBitmap(Width, Height, 1, 1, MaskBits);
7869       finally
7870         if (MaskBits <> nil) then
7871           FreeMem(MaskBits);
7872       end;
7873     finally
7874       // Free DIB buffer used for scanline operations
7875       DIBResult.Free;
7876     end;
7877   except
7878     Result.Free;
7879     raise;
7880   end;
7881 end;
7884 var
7885   ImageCount		: DWORD = 0;
7886   RenderTime		: DWORD = 0;
7887 {$endif}
GetBitmapnull7888 function TGIFSubImage.GetBitmap: TBitmap;
7889 var
7890   n			: integer;
7892   RenderStartTime	: DWORD;
7893 {$endif}
7894 begin
7896   if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) <> 0) then
7897   begin
7898     ShowMessage(format('Render %d images in %d mS, Rate %d mS/image (%d images/S)',
7899       [ImageCount, RenderTime,
7900        RenderTime DIV (ImageCount+1),
7901        MulDiv(ImageCount, 1000, RenderTime+1)]));
7902   end;
7903 {$endif}
7904   Result := FBitmap;
7905   if (Result <> nil) or (Empty) then
7906     Exit;
7909   inc(ImageCount);
7910   RenderStartTime := timeGetTime;
7911 {$endif}
7912   try
7913     Image.Progress(Self, psStarting, 0, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressRendering);
7914     try
7916       if (Image.DoDither) then
7917         // Create dithered bitmap
7918         FBitmap := DoGetDitherBitmap
7919       else
7920         // Create "regular" bitmap
7921         FBitmap := DoGetBitmap;
7923       Result := FBitmap;
7925     finally
7926       if ExceptObject = nil then
7927         n := 100
7928       else
7929         n := 0;
7930       Image.Progress(Self, psEnding, n, Image.PaletteModified, Rect(0,0,0,0),
7931         sProgressRendering);
7932       // Make sure new palette gets realized, in case OnProgress event didn't.
7933       if Image.PaletteModified then
7934         Image.Changed(Self);
7935     end;
7936   except
7937     on EAbort do ;   // OnProgress can raise EAbort to cancel image load
7938   end;
7940   inc(RenderTime, timeGetTime-RenderStartTime);
7941 {$endif}
7942 end;
7944 procedure TGIFSubImage.SetBitmap(Value: TBitmap);
7945 begin
7946   FreeBitmap;
7947   if (Value <> nil) then
7948     Assign(Value);
7949 end;
GetActiveColorMapnull7951 function TGIFSubImage.GetActiveColorMap: TGIFColorMap;
7952 begin
7953   if (ColorMap.Count > 0) or (Image.GlobalColorMap.Count = 0) then
7954     Result := ColorMap
7955   else
7956     Result := Image.GlobalColorMap;
7957 end;
TGIFSubImage.GetInterlacednull7959 function TGIFSubImage.GetInterlaced: boolean;
7960 begin
7961   Result := (FImageDescriptor.PackedFields AND idInterlaced) <> 0;
7962 end;
7964 procedure TGIFSubImage.SetInterlaced(Value: boolean);
7965 begin
7966   if (Value) then
7967     FImageDescriptor.PackedFields := FImageDescriptor.PackedFields OR idInterlaced
7968   else
7969     FImageDescriptor.PackedFields := FImageDescriptor.PackedFields AND NOT(idInterlaced);
7970 end;
TGIFSubImage.GetVersionnull7972 function TGIFSubImage.GetVersion: TGIFVersion;
7973 var
7974   v			: TGIFVersion;
7975   i			: integer;
7976 begin
7977   if (ColorMap.Optimized) then
7978     Result := gv89a
7979   else
7980     Result := inherited GetVersion;
7981   i := 0;
7982   while (Result < high(TGIFVersion)) and (i < FExtensions.Count) do
7983   begin
7984     v := FExtensions[i].Version;
7985     if (v > Result) then
7986       Result := v;
7987   end;
7988 end;
TGIFSubImage.GetColorResolutionnull7990 function TGIFSubImage.GetColorResolution: integer;
7991 begin
7992   Result := ColorMap.BitsPerPixel-1;
7993 end;
GetBitsPerPixelnull7995 function TGIFSubImage.GetBitsPerPixel: integer;
7996 begin
7997   Result := ColorMap.BitsPerPixel;
7998 end;
TGIFSubImage.GetBoundsRectnull8000 function TGIFSubImage.GetBoundsRect: TRect;
8001 begin
8002   Result := Rect(FImageDescriptor.Left,
8003     FImageDescriptor.Top,
8004     FImageDescriptor.Left+FImageDescriptor.Width,
8005     FImageDescriptor.Top+FImageDescriptor.Height);
8006 end;
8008 procedure TGIFSubImage.DoSetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: integer);
8009 var
8010   TooLarge		: boolean;
8011   Zap			: boolean;
8012 begin
8013   Zap := (FImageDescriptor.Width <> Width) or (FImageDescriptor.Height <> AHeight);
8014   FImageDescriptor.Left := ALeft;
8015   FImageDescriptor.Top := ATop;
8016   FImageDescriptor.Width := AWidth;
8017   FImageDescriptor.Height := AHeight;
8019   // Delete existing image and bitmaps if size has changed
8020   if (Zap) then
8021   begin
8022     FreeBitmap;
8023     FreeMask;
8024     FreeImage;
8025     // ...and allocate a new image
8026     NewImage;
8027   end;
8029   TooLarge := False;
8030   // Set width & height if added image is larger than existing images
8032   // From Mozilla source:
8033   // Work around broken GIF files where the logical screen
8034   // size has weird width or height. [...]
8035   if (Image.Width < AWidth) or (Image.Height < AHeight) then
8036   begin
8037     TooLarge := True;
8038     Image.Width := AWidth;
8039     Image.Height := AHeight;
8040     Left := 0;
8041     Top := 0;
8042   end;
8043 {$ELSE}
8044   if (Image.Width < ALeft+AWidth) then
8045   begin
8046     if (Image.Width > 0) then
8047     begin
8048       TooLarge := True;
8049       Warning(gsWarning, sBadWidth)
8050     end;
8051     Image.Width := ALeft+AWidth;
8052   end;
8053   if (Image.Height < ATop+AHeight) then
8054   begin
8055     if (Image.Height > 0) then
8056     begin
8057       TooLarge := True;
8058       Warning(gsWarning, sBadHeight)
8059     end;
8060     Image.Height := ATop+AHeight;
8061   end;
8062 {$ENDIF}
8064   if (TooLarge) then
8065     Warning(gsWarning, sScreenSizeExceeded);
8066 end;
8068 procedure TGIFSubImage.SetBoundsRect(const Value: TRect);
8069 begin
8070   DoSetBounds(Value.Left, Value.Top, Value.Right-Value.Left+1, Value.Bottom-Value.Top+1);
8071 end;
GetClientRectnull8073 function TGIFSubImage.GetClientRect: TRect;
8074 begin
8075   Result := Rect(0, 0, FImageDescriptor.Width, FImageDescriptor.Height);
8076 end;
GetPixelnull8078 function TGIFSubImage.GetPixel(x, y: integer): BYTE;
8079 begin
8080   if (x < 0) or (x > Width-1) then
8081     Error(sBadPixelCoordinates);
8082   Result := BYTE(PChar(longInt(Scanline[y]) + x)^);
8083 end;
8085 // 2006.10.09 ->
8086 procedure TGIFSubImage.SetPixel(x, y: integer; Value: BYTE );
8087 begin
8088   if (x < 0) or (x > Width-1) or (y < 0) or (y > Height-1) then
8089     Error(sBadPixelCoordinates);
8090   if Value >= ActiveColorMap.FCount then
8091     Error(sBadColorIndex);
8092   BYTE(PChar(longInt(Scanline[y]) + x)^) := Value;
8093 end;
8094 // 2006.10.09 <-
TGIFSubImage.GetScanlinenull8096 function TGIFSubImage.GetScanline(y: integer): pointer;
8097 begin
8098   if (y < 0) or (y > Height-1) then
8099     Error(sBadPixelCoordinates);
8100   NeedImage;
8101   Result := pointer(longInt(FData) + y * Width);
8102 end;
8104 procedure TGIFSubImage.Prepare;
8105 var
8106   Pack			: BYTE;
8107 begin
8108   Pack := FImageDescriptor.PackedFields;
8109   if (ColorMap.Count > 0) then
8110   begin
8111     Pack := idLocalColorTable;
8112     if (ColorMap.Optimized) then
8113       Pack := Pack OR idSort;
8114     Pack := (Pack AND NOT(idColorTableSize)) OR (ColorResolution AND idColorTableSize);
8115   end else
8116     Pack := Pack AND NOT(idLocalColorTable OR idSort OR idColorTableSize);
8117   FImageDescriptor.PackedFields := Pack;
8118 end;
8120 procedure TGIFSubImage.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
8121 begin
8122   FExtensions.SaveToStream(Stream);
8123   if (Empty) then
8124     exit;
8125   Prepare;
8126   Stream.Write(FImageDescriptor, sizeof(TImageDescriptor));
8127   ColorMap.SaveToStream(Stream);
8128   Compress(Stream);
8129 end;
8131 procedure TGIFSubImage.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
8132 var
8133   ColorCount		: integer;
8134   b			: BYTE;
8135 begin
8136   Clear;
8137   FExtensions.LoadFromStream(Stream, self);
8138   // Check for extension without image
8139   if (Stream.Read(b, 1) <> 1) then
8140     exit;
8141   Stream.Seek(-1, soFromCurrent);
8142   if (b = bsTrailer) or (b = 0) then
8143     exit;
8145   ReadCheck(Stream, FImageDescriptor, sizeof(TImageDescriptor));
8147   // From Mozilla source:
8148   // Work around more broken GIF files that have zero image
8149   // width or height
8150   if (FImageDescriptor.Height = 0) or (FImageDescriptor.Width = 0) then
8151   begin
8152     FImageDescriptor.Height := Image.Height;
8153     FImageDescriptor.Width := Image.Width;
8154     Warning(gsWarning, sScreenSizeExceeded);
8155   end;
8157   if (FImageDescriptor.PackedFields AND idLocalColorTable = idLocalColorTable) then
8158   begin
8159     ColorCount := 2 SHL (FImageDescriptor.PackedFields AND idColorTableSize);
8160     if (ColorCount < 2) or (ColorCount > 256) then
8161       Error(sImageBadColorSize);
8162     ColorMap.LoadFromStream(Stream, ColorCount);
8163   end;
8165   Decompress(Stream);
8167   // On-load rendering
8168   if (GIFImageRenderOnLoad) then
8169     // Touch bitmap to force frame to be rendered
8170     Bitmap;
8171 end;
8173 procedure TGIFSubImage.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
8174 begin
8175   if (Dest is TBitmap) then
8176     Dest.Assign(Bitmap)
8177   else
8178     inherited AssignTo(Dest);
8179 end;
8181 procedure TGIFSubImage.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
8182 var
8183   MemoryStream		: TMemoryStream;
8184   i			: integer;
8185   PixelFormat		: TPixelFormat;
8186   DIBSource		: TDIB;
8187   ABitmap		: TBitmap;
8189   procedure Import8Bit(Dest: PChar);
8190   var
8191     y			: integer;
8192   begin
8193     // Copy colormap
8194 {$ifdef VER10_PLUS}
8195     if (FBitmap.HandleType = bmDIB) then
8196       FColorMap.ImportDIBColors(FBitmap.Canvas.Handle)
8197     else
8198 {$ENDIF}
8199       FColorMap.ImportPalette(FBitmap.Palette);
8200     // Copy pixels
8201     for y := 0 to Height-1 do
8202     begin
8203       if ((y AND $1F) = 0) then
8204         Image.Progress(Self, psRunning, MulDiv(y, 100, Height), False, Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressConverting);
8205       Move(DIBSource.Scanline[y]^, Dest^, Width);
8206       inc(Dest, Width);
8207     end;
8208   end;
8210   procedure Import4Bit(Dest: PChar);
8211   var
8212     x, y		: integer;
8213     Scanline		: PChar;
8214   begin
8215     // Copy colormap
8216     FColorMap.ImportPalette(FBitmap.Palette);
8217     // Copy pixels
8218     for y := 0 to Height-1 do
8219     begin
8220       if ((y AND $1F) = 0) then
8221         Image.Progress(Self, psRunning, MulDiv(y, 100, Height), False, Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressConverting);
8222       ScanLine := DIBSource.Scanline[y];
8223       for x := 0 to Width-1 do
8224       begin
8225         if (x AND $01 = 0) then
8226           Dest^ := chr(ord(ScanLine^) SHR 4)
8227         else
8228         begin
8229           Dest^ := chr(ord(ScanLine^) AND $0F);
8230           inc(ScanLine);
8231         end;
8232         inc(Dest);
8233       end;
8234     end;
8235   end;
8237   procedure Import1Bit(Dest: PChar);
8238   var
8239     x, y		: integer;
8240     Scanline		: PChar;
8241     Bit			: integer;
8242     Byte		: integer;
8243   begin
8244     // Copy colormap
8245     FColorMap.ImportPalette(FBitmap.Palette);
8246     // Copy pixels
8247     for y := 0 to Height-1 do
8248     begin
8249       if ((y AND $1F) = 0) then
8250         Image.Progress(Self, psRunning, MulDiv(y, 100, Height), False, Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressConverting);
8251       ScanLine := DIBSource.Scanline[y];
8252       x := Width;
8253       Bit := 0;
8254       Byte := 0; // To avoid compiler warning
8255       while (x > 0) do
8256       begin
8257         if (Bit = 0) then
8258         begin
8259           Bit := 8;
8260           Byte := ord(ScanLine^);
8261           inc(Scanline);
8262         end;
8263         Dest^ := chr((Byte AND $80) SHR 7);
8264         Byte := Byte SHL 1;
8265         inc(Dest);
8266         dec(Bit);
8267         dec(x);
8268       end;
8269     end;
8270   end;
8272   procedure Import24Bit(Dest: PChar);
8273   type
8274     TCacheEntry = record
8275       Color		: TColor;
8276       Index		: integer;
8277     end;
8278   const
8279     // Size of palette cache. Must be 2^n.
8280     // The cache holds the palette index of the last "CacheSize" colors
8281     // processed. Hopefully the cache can speed things up a bit... Initial
8282     // testing shows that this is indeed the case at least for non-dithered
8283     // bitmaps.
8284     // All the same, a small hash table would probably be much better.
8285     CacheSize		= 8;
8286   var
8287     i			: integer;
8288     Cache		: array[0..CacheSize-1] of TCacheEntry;
8289     LastEntry		: integer;
8290     Scanline		: PRGBTriple;
8291     Pixel		: TColor;
8292     RGBTriple		: TRGBTriple absolute Pixel;
8293     x, y		: integer;
8294     ColorMap		: PColorMap;
8295     t			: byte;
8296   label
8297     NextPixel;
8298   begin
8299     for i := 0 to CacheSize-1 do
8300       Cache[i].Index := -1;
8301     LastEntry := 0;
8303     // Copy all pixels and build colormap
8304     for y := 0 to Height-1 do
8305     begin
8306       if ((y AND $1F) = 0) then
8307         Image.Progress(Self, psRunning, MulDiv(y, 100, Height), False, Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressConverting);
8308       ScanLine := DIBSource.Scanline[y];
8309       for x := 0 to Width-1 do
8310       begin
8311         Pixel := 0;
8312         RGBTriple := Scanline^;
8313         // Scan cache for color from most recently processed color to last
8314         // recently processed. This is done because TColorMap.AddUnique is very slow.
8315         i := LastEntry;
8316         repeat
8317           if (Cache[i].Index = -1) then
8318             break;
8319           if (Cache[i].Color = Pixel) then
8320           begin
8321             Dest^ := chr(Cache[i].Index);
8322             LastEntry := i;
8323             goto NextPixel;
8324           end;
8325           if (i = 0) then
8326             i := CacheSize-1
8327           else
8328             dec(i);
8329         until (i = LastEntry);
8330         // Color not found in cache, do it the slow way instead
8331         Dest^ := chr(FColorMap.AddUnique(Pixel));
8332         // Add color and index to cache
8333         LastEntry := (LastEntry + 1) AND (CacheSize-1);
8334         Cache[LastEntry].Color := Pixel;
8335         Cache[LastEntry].Index := ord(Dest^);
8337         NextPixel:
8338         Inc(Dest);
8339         Inc(Scanline);
8340       end;
8341     end;
8342     // Convert colors in colormap from BGR to RGB
8343     ColorMap := FColorMap.Data;
8344     i := FColorMap.Count;
8345     while (i > 0) do
8346     begin
8347       t := ColorMap^[0].Red;
8348       ColorMap^[0].Red := ColorMap^[0].Blue;
8349       ColorMap^[0].Blue := t;
8350       inc(integer(ColorMap), sizeof(TGIFColor));
8351       dec(i);
8352     end;
8353   end;
8355   procedure ImportViaDraw(ABitmap: TBitmap; Graphic: TGraphic);
8356   begin
8357     ABitmap.Height := Graphic.Height;
8358     ABitmap.Width := Graphic.Width;
8360     // Note: Disable the call to SafeSetPixelFormat below to import
8361     // in max number of colors with the risk of having to use
8362     // TCanvas.Pixels to do it (very slow).
8364     // Make things a little easier for TGIFSubImage.Assign by converting
8365     // pfDevice to a more import friendly format
8366 {$ifdef SLOW_BUT_SAFE}
8367     SafeSetPixelFormat(ABitmap, pf8bit);
8368 {$else}
8369 {$ifndef VER9x}
8370     SetPixelFormat(ABitmap, pf24bit);
8371 {$endif}
8372 {$endif}
8373     ABitmap.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Graphic);
8374   end;
8376   procedure AddMask(Mask: TBitmap);
8377   var
8378     DIBReader		: TDIBReader;
8379     TransparentIndex	: integer;
8380     i			,
8381     j			: integer;
8382     GIFPixel		,
8383     MaskPixel		: PChar;
8384     WasTransparent	: boolean;
8385     GCE			: TGIFGraphicControlExtension;
8386   begin
8387     // Optimize colormap to make room for transparent color
8388     ColorMap.Optimize;
8389     // Can't make transparent if no color or colormap full
8390     if (ColorMap.Count = 0) or (ColorMap.Count = 256) then
8391       exit;
8393     // Add the transparent color to the color map
8394     TransparentIndex := ColorMap.Add(TColor(0));
8395     WasTransparent := False;
8397     DIBReader := TDIBReader.Create(Mask, pf8bit);
8398     try
8399       for i := 0 to Height-1 do
8400       begin
8401         MaskPixel := DIBReader.Scanline[i];
8402         GIFPixel := Scanline[i];
8403         for j := 0 to Width-1 do
8404         begin
8405           // Change all unmasked pixels to transparent
8406           if (MaskPixel^ <> #0) then
8407           begin
8408             GIFPixel^ := chr(TransparentIndex);
8409             WasTransparent := True;
8410           end;
8411           inc(MaskPixel);
8412           inc(GIFPixel);
8413         end;
8414       end;
8415     finally
8416       DIBReader.Free;
8417     end;
8419     // Add a Graphic Control Extension if any part of the mask was transparent
8420     if (WasTransparent) then
8421     begin
8422       GCE := TGIFGraphicControlExtension.Create(self);
8423       GCE.Transparent := True;
8424       GCE.TransparentColorIndex := TransparentIndex;
8425       Extensions.Add(GCE);
8426     end else
8427       // Otherwise removed the transparency color since it wasn't used
8428       ColorMap.Delete(TransparentIndex);
8429   end;
8431   procedure AddMaskOnly(hMask: hBitmap);
8432   var
8433     Mask		: TBitmap;
8434   begin
8435     if (hMask = 0) then
8436       exit;
8438     // Encapsulate the mask
8439     Mask := TBitmap.Create;
8440     try
8441 //      Mask.Handle := hMask;  // 2003.08.04
8442       Mask.Handle := Windows.CopyImage(hMask, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_COPYRETURNORG);  // 2003.08.04
8443       AddMask(Mask);
8444     finally
8445 //      Mask.ReleaseHandle;  // 2003.08.04
8446       Mask.Free;
8447     end;
8448   end;
8450   procedure AddIconMask(Icon: TIcon);
8451   var
8452     IconInfo		: TIconInfo;
8453   begin
8454     if (not GetIconInfo(Icon.Handle, IconInfo)) then
8455       exit;
8457     // Extract the icon mask
8458     AddMaskOnly(IconInfo.hbmMask);
8459   end;
8461   procedure AddMetafileMask(Metafile: TMetaFile);
8462   var
8463     Mask1		,
8464     Mask2		: TBitmap;
8466     procedure DrawMetafile(ABitmap: TBitmap; Background: TColor);
8467     begin
8468       ABitmap.Width := Metafile.Width;
8469       ABitmap.Height := Metafile.Height;
8470 {$ifndef VER9x}
8471       SetPixelFormat(ABitmap, pf24bit);
8472 {$endif}
8473       ABitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := Background;
8474       ABitmap.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
8475       ABitmap.Canvas.FillRect(ABitmap.Canvas.ClipRect);
8476       ABitmap.Canvas.Draw(0,0, Metafile);
8477     end;
8479   begin
8480     // Create the metafile mask
8481     Mask1 := TBitmap.Create;
8482     try
8483       Mask2 := TBitmap.Create;
8484       try
8485         DrawMetafile(Mask1, clWhite);
8486         DrawMetafile(Mask2, clBlack);
8487         Mask1.Canvas.CopyMode := cmSrcInvert;
8488         Mask1.Canvas.Draw(0,0, Mask2);
8489         AddMask(Mask1);
8490       finally
8491         Mask2.Free;
8492       end;
8493     finally
8494       Mask1.Free;
8495     end;
8496   end;
8498 begin
8499   if (Source = self) then
8500     exit;
8501   if (Source = nil) then
8502   begin
8503     Clear;
8504   end else
8505   //
8506   // TGIFSubImage import
8507   //
8508   if (Source is TGIFSubImage) then
8509   begin
8510     // Zap existing colormap, extensions and bitmap
8511     Clear;
8512     if (TGIFSubImage(Source).Empty) then
8513       exit;
8514     // Copy source data
8515     FImageDescriptor := TGIFSubImage(Source).FImageDescriptor;
8516     FTransparent := TGIFSubImage(Source).Transparent;
8517     // Copy image data
8518     NewImage;
8519     if (FData <> nil) and (TGIFSubImage(Source).Data <> nil) then
8520       Move(TGIFSubImage(Source).Data^, FData^, FDataSize);
8521     // Copy palette
8522     FColorMap.Assign(TGIFSubImage(Source).ColorMap);
8523     // Copy extensions
8524     if (TGIFSubImage(Source).Extensions.Count > 0) then
8525     begin
8526       MemoryStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
8527       try
8528         TGIFSubImage(Source).Extensions.SaveToStream(MemoryStream);
8529         MemoryStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
8530         Extensions.LoadFromStream(MemoryStream, Self);
8531       finally
8532         MemoryStream.Free;
8533       end;
8534     end;
8536     // Copy bitmap representation
8537     // (Not really nescessary but improves performance if the bitmap is needed
8538     // later on)
8539     if (TGIFSubImage(Source).HasBitmap) then
8540     begin
8541       NewBitmap;
8542       FBitmap.Assign(TGIFSubImage(Source).Bitmap);
8543     end;
8544   end else
8545   //
8546   // Bitmap import
8547   //
8548   if (Source is TBitmap) then
8549   begin
8550     // Zap existing colormap, extensions and bitmap
8551     Clear;
8552     if (TBitmap(Source).Empty) then
8553       exit;
8555     Width := TBitmap(Source).Width;
8556     Height := TBitmap(Source).Height;
8558     PixelFormat := GetPixelFormat(TBitmap(Source));
8559 {$ifdef VER9x}
8560     // Delphi 2 TBitmaps are always DDBs. This means that if a 24 bit
8561     // bitmap is loaded in 8 bit device mode, TBitmap.PixelFormat will
8562     // be pf8bit, but TBitmap.Palette will be 0!
8563     if (TBitmap(Source).Palette = 0) then
8564       PixelFormat := pfDevice;
8565 {$endif}
8566     if (PixelFormat > pf8bit) or (PixelFormat = pfDevice) then
8567     begin
8568       // Convert image to 8 bits/pixel or less
8569       FBitmap := ReduceColors(TBitmap(Source), Image.ColorReduction,
8570         Image.DitherMode, Image.ReductionBits, 0);
8571       PixelFormat := GetPixelFormat(FBitmap);
8572     end else
8573     begin
8574       // Create new bitmap and copy
8575       NewBitmap;
8576       FBitmap.Assign(TBitmap(Source));
8577     end;
8579     // Allocate new buffer
8580     NewImage;
8582     Image.Progress(Self, psStarting, 0, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressConverting);
8583     try
8584 {$ifdef VER9x}
8585       // This shouldn't happen, but better safe...
8586       if (FBitmap.Palette = 0) then
8587         PixelFormat := pf24bit;
8588 {$endif}
8589       if (not(PixelFormat in [pf1bit, pf4bit, pf8bit, pf24bit])) then
8590         PixelFormat := pf24bit;
8591       DIBSource := TDIBReader.Create(FBitmap, PixelFormat);
8592       try
8593         // Copy pixels
8594         case (PixelFormat) of
8595           pf8bit: Import8Bit(Fdata);
8596           pf4bit: Import4Bit(Fdata);
8597           pf1bit: Import1Bit(Fdata);
8598         else
8599 //        Error(sUnsupportedBitmap);
8600           Import24Bit(Fdata);
8601         end;
8603       finally
8604         DIBSource.Free;
8605       end;
8607 {$ifdef VER10_PLUS}
8608       // Add mask for transparent bitmaps
8609       if (TBitmap(Source).Transparent) then
8610         AddMaskOnly(TBitmap(Source).MaskHandle);
8611 {$endif}
8613     finally
8614       if ExceptObject = nil then
8615         i := 100
8616       else
8617         i := 0;
8618       Image.Progress(Self, psEnding, i, Image.PaletteModified, Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressConverting);
8619     end;
8620   end else
8621   //
8622   // TGraphic import
8623   //
8624   if (Source is TGraphic) then
8625   begin
8626     // Zap existing colormap, extensions and bitmap
8627     Clear;
8628     if (TGraphic(Source).Empty) then
8629       exit;
8631     ABitmap := TBitmap.Create;
8632     try
8633       // Import TIcon and TMetafile by drawing them onto a bitmap...
8634       // ...and then importing the bitmap recursively
8635       if (Source is TIcon) or (Source is TMetafile) then
8636       begin
8637         try
8638           ImportViaDraw(ABitmap, TGraphic(Source))
8639         except
8640           // If import via TCanvas.Draw fails (which it shouldn't), we try the
8641           // Assign mechanism instead
8642           ABitmap.Assign(Source);
8643         end;
8644       end else
8645         try
8646           ABitmap.Assign(Source);
8647         except
8648           // If automatic conversion to bitmap fails, we try and draw the
8649           // graphic on the bitmap instead
8650           ImportViaDraw(ABitmap, TGraphic(Source));
8651         end;
8652       // Convert the bitmap to a GIF frame recursively
8653       Assign(ABitmap);
8654     finally
8655       ABitmap.Free;
8656     end;
8658     // Import transparency mask
8659     if (Source is TIcon) then
8660       AddIconMask(TIcon(Source));
8661     if (Source is TMetaFile) then
8662       AddMetafileMask(TMetaFile(Source));
8664   end else
8665   //
8666   // TPicture import
8667   //
8668   if (Source is TPicture) then
8669   begin
8670     // Recursively import TGraphic
8671     Assign(TPicture(Source).Graphic);
8672   end else
8673     // Unsupported format - fall back to Source.AssignTo
8674     inherited Assign(Source);
8675 end;
8677 // Copied from D3 graphics.pas
8678 // Fixed by Brian Lowe of Acro Technology Inc. 30Jan98
TransparentStretchBltnull8679 function TransparentStretchBlt(DstDC: HDC; DstX, DstY, DstW, DstH: Integer;
8680   SrcDC: HDC; SrcX, SrcY, SrcW, SrcH: Integer; MaskDC: HDC; MaskX,
8681   MaskY: Integer): Boolean;
8682 const
8683   ROP_DstCopy		= $00AA0029;
8684 var
8685   MemDC			,
8686   OrMaskDC		: HDC;
8687   MemBmp		,
8688   OrMaskBmp		: HBITMAP;
8689   Save			,
8690   OrMaskSave		: THandle;
8691   crText, crBack	: TColorRef;
8692   SavePal		: HPALETTE;
8694 begin
8695   Result := True;
8696   if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (SrcW = DstW) and (SrcH = DstH) then
8697   begin
8698     MemBmp := GDICheck(CreateCompatibleBitmap(SrcDC, 1, 1));
8699     MemBmp := SelectObject(MaskDC, MemBmp);
8700     try
8701       MaskBlt(DstDC, DstX, DstY, DstW, DstH, SrcDC, SrcX, SrcY, MemBmp, MaskX,
8702         MaskY, MakeRop4(ROP_DstCopy, SrcCopy));
8703     finally
8704       MemBmp := SelectObject(MaskDC, MemBmp);
8705       DeleteObject(MemBmp);
8706     end;
8707     Exit;
8708   end;
8710   SavePal := 0;
8711   MemDC := GDICheck(CreateCompatibleDC(DstDC));
8712   try
8713     { Color bitmap for combining OR mask with source bitmap }
8714     MemBmp := GDICheck(CreateCompatibleBitmap(DstDC, SrcW, SrcH));
8715     try
8716       Save := SelectObject(MemDC, MemBmp);
8717       try
8718         { This bitmap needs the size of the source but DC of the dest }
8719         OrMaskDC := GDICheck(CreateCompatibleDC(DstDC));
8720         try
8721           { Need a monochrome bitmap for OR mask!! }
8722           OrMaskBmp := GDICheck(CreateBitmap(SrcW, SrcH, 1, 1, nil));
8723           try
8724             OrMaskSave := SelectObject(OrMaskDC, OrMaskBmp);
8725             try
8727               // OrMask := 1
8728               // Original: BitBlt(OrMaskDC, SrcX, SrcY, SrcW, SrcH, OrMaskDC, SrcX, SrcY, WHITENESS);
8729               // Replacement, but not needed: PatBlt(OrMaskDC, SrcX, SrcY, SrcW, SrcH, WHITENESS);
8730               // OrMask := OrMask XOR Mask
8731               // Not needed: BitBlt(OrMaskDC, SrcX, SrcY, SrcW, SrcH, MaskDC, SrcX, SrcY, SrcInvert);
8732               // OrMask := NOT Mask
8733               BitBlt(OrMaskDC, SrcX, SrcY, SrcW, SrcH, MaskDC, SrcX, SrcY, NotSrcCopy);
8735               // Retrieve source palette (with dummy select)
8736               SavePal := SelectPalette(SrcDC, SystemPalette16, False);
8737               // Restore source palette
8738               SelectPalette(SrcDC, SavePal, False);
8739               // Select source palette into memory buffer
8740               if SavePal <> 0 then
8741                 SavePal := SelectPalette(MemDC, SavePal, True)
8742               else
8743                 SavePal := SelectPalette(MemDC, SystemPalette16, True);
8744               RealizePalette(MemDC);
8746               // Mem := OrMask
8747               BitBlt(MemDC, SrcX, SrcY, SrcW, SrcH, OrMaskDC, SrcX, SrcY, SrcCopy);
8748               // Mem := Mem AND Src
8749 {$IFNDEF GIF_TESTMASK} // Define GIF_TESTMASK if you want to know what it does...
8750               BitBlt(MemDC, SrcX, SrcY, SrcW, SrcH, SrcDC, SrcX, SrcY, SrcAnd);
8751 {$ELSE}
8752               StretchBlt(DstDC, DstX, DstY, DstW DIV 2, DstH, MemDC, SrcX, SrcY, SrcW, SrcH, SrcCopy);
8753               StretchBlt(DstDC, DstX+DstW DIV 2, DstY, DstW DIV 2, DstH, SrcDC, SrcX, SrcY, SrcW, SrcH, SrcCopy);
8754               exit;
8755 {$ENDIF}
8756             finally
8757               if (OrMaskSave <> 0) then
8758                 SelectObject(OrMaskDC, OrMaskSave);
8759             end;
8760           finally
8761             DeleteObject(OrMaskBmp);
8762           end;
8763         finally
8764           DeleteDC(OrMaskDC);
8765         end;
8767         crText := SetTextColor(DstDC, $00000000);
8768         crBack := SetBkColor(DstDC, $00FFFFFF);
8770         { All color rendering is done at 1X (no stretching),
8771           then final 2 masks are stretched to dest DC }
8772         // Neat trick!
8773         // Dst := Dst AND Mask
8774         StretchBlt(DstDC, DstX, DstY, DstW, DstH, MaskDC, SrcX, SrcY, SrcW, SrcH, SrcAnd);
8775         // Dst := Dst OR Mem
8776         StretchBlt(DstDC, DstX, DstY, DstW, DstH, MemDC, SrcX, SrcY, SrcW, SrcH, SrcPaint);
8778         SetTextColor(DstDC, crText);
8779         SetTextColor(DstDC, crBack);
8781       finally
8782         if (Save <> 0) then
8783           SelectObject(MemDC, Save);
8784       end;
8785     finally
8786       DeleteObject(MemBmp);
8787     end;
8788   finally
8789     if (SavePal <> 0) then
8790       SelectPalette(MemDC, SavePal, False);
8791     DeleteDC(MemDC);
8792   end;
8793 end;
8795 procedure TGIFSubImage.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect;
8796   DoTransparent, DoTile: boolean);
8797 begin
8798   if (DoTile) then
8799     StretchDraw(ACanvas, Rect, DoTransparent, DoTile)
8800   else
8801     StretchDraw(ACanvas, ScaleRect(Rect), DoTransparent, DoTile);
8802 end;
8804 type
8805   // Dummy class used to gain access to protected method TCanvas.Changed
8806   TChangableCanvas = class(TCanvas)
8807   end;
8809 procedure TGIFSubImage.StretchDraw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect;
8810   DoTransparent, DoTile: boolean);
8811 var
8812   MaskDC		: HDC;
8813   Save			: THandle;
8814   Tile			: TRect;
8816   ImageCount		,
8817   TimeStart		,
8818   TimeStop		: DWORD;
8819 {$endif}
8821 begin
8823   TimeStart := timeGetTime;
8824   ImageCount := 0;
8825 {$endif}
8826   if (DoTransparent) and (Transparent) and (HasMask) then
8827   begin
8828     // Draw transparent using mask
8829     Save := 0;
8830     MaskDC := 0;
8831     try
8832       MaskDC := GDICheck(CreateCompatibleDC(0));
8833       Save := SelectObject(MaskDC, FMask);
8835       if (DoTile) then
8836       begin
8837         Tile.Left := Rect.Left+Left;
8838         Tile.Right := Tile.Left + Width;
8839         while (Tile.Left < Rect.Right) do
8840         begin
8841           Tile.Top := Rect.Top+Top;
8842           Tile.Bottom := Tile.Top + Height;
8843           while (Tile.Top < Rect.Bottom) do
8844           begin
8845             TransparentStretchBlt(ACanvas.Handle, Tile.Left, Tile.Top, Width, Height,
8846               Bitmap.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Width, Height, MaskDC, 0, 0);
8847             Tile.Top := Tile.Top + Image.Height;
8848             Tile.Bottom := Tile.Bottom + Image.Height;
8850             inc(ImageCount);
8851 {$endif}
8852           end;
8853           Tile.Left := Tile.Left + Image.Width;
8854           Tile.Right := Tile.Right + Image.Width;
8855         end;
8856       end else
8857         TransparentStretchBlt(ACanvas.Handle, Rect.Left, Rect.Top,
8858           Rect.Right - Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top,
8859           Bitmap.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Width, Height, MaskDC, 0, 0);
8861       // Since we are not using any of the TCanvas functions (only handle)
8862       // we need to fire the TCanvas.Changed method "manually".
8863       TChangableCanvas(ACanvas).Changed;
8865     finally
8866       if (Save <> 0) then
8867         SelectObject(MaskDC, Save);
8868       if (MaskDC <> 0) then
8869         DeleteDC(MaskDC);
8870     end;
8871   end else
8872   begin
8873     if (DoTile) then
8874     begin
8875       Tile.Left := Rect.Left+Left;
8876       Tile.Right := Tile.Left + Width;
8877       while (Tile.Left < Rect.Right) do
8878       begin
8879         Tile.Top := Rect.Top+Top;
8880         Tile.Bottom := Tile.Top + Height;
8881         while (Tile.Top < Rect.Bottom) do
8882         begin
8883           ACanvas.StretchDraw(Tile, Bitmap);
8884           Tile.Top := Tile.Top + Image.Height;
8885           Tile.Bottom := Tile.Bottom + Image.Height;
8887           inc(ImageCount);
8888 {$endif}
8889         end;
8890         Tile.Left := Tile.Left + Image.Width;
8891         Tile.Right := Tile.Right + Image.Width;
8892       end;
8893     end else
8894       ACanvas.StretchDraw(Rect, Bitmap);
8895   end;
8897   if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) <> 0) then
8898   begin
8899     TimeStop := timeGetTime;
8900     ShowMessage(format('Draw %d images in %d mS, Rate %d images/mS (%d images/S)',
8901       [ImageCount, TimeStop-TimeStart,
8902       ImageCount DIV (TimeStop-TimeStart+1),
8903       MulDiv(ImageCount, 1000, TimeStop-TimeStart+1)]));
8904   end;
8905 {$endif}
8906 end;
8908 // Given a destination rect (DestRect) calculates the
8909 // area covered by this sub image
TGIFSubImage.ScaleRectnull8910 function TGIFSubImage.ScaleRect(DestRect: TRect): TRect;
8911 var
8912   HeightMul		,
8913   HeightDiv		: integer;
8914   WidthMul		,
8915   WidthDiv		: integer;
8916 begin
8917   HeightDiv := Image.Height;
8918   HeightMul := DestRect.Bottom-DestRect.Top;
8919   WidthDiv := Image.Width;
8920   WidthMul := DestRect.Right-DestRect.Left;
8922   Result.Left := DestRect.Left + muldiv(Left, WidthMul, WidthDiv);
8923   Result.Top := DestRect.Top + muldiv(Top, HeightMul, HeightDiv);
8924   Result.Right := DestRect.Left + muldiv(Left+Width, WidthMul, WidthDiv);
8925   Result.Bottom := DestRect.Top + muldiv(Top+Height, HeightMul, HeightDiv);
8926 end;
8928 procedure TGIFSubImage.Crop;
8929 var
8930   TransparentColorIndex	: byte;
8931   CropLeft		,
8932   CropTop		,
8933   CropRight		,
8934   CropBottom		: integer;
8935   WasTransparent	: boolean;
8936   i			: integer;
8937   NewSize		: integer;
8938   NewData		: PChar;
8939   NewWidth		,
8940   NewHeight		: integer;
8941   pSource		,
8942   pDest			: PChar;
8943 begin
8944   if (Empty) or (not Transparent) then
8945     exit;
8946   TransparentColorIndex := GraphicControlExtension.TransparentColorIndex;
8947   CropLeft := 0;
8948   CropRight := Width - 1;
8949   CropTop := 0;
8950   CropBottom := Height - 1;
8951   // Find left edge
8952   WasTransparent := True;
8953   while (CropLeft <= CropRight) and (WasTransparent) do
8954   begin
8955     for i := CropTop to CropBottom do
8956       if (Pixels[CropLeft, i] <> TransparentColorIndex) then
8957       begin
8958         WasTransparent := False;
8959         break;
8960       end;
8961     if (WasTransparent) then
8962       inc(CropLeft);
8963   end;
8964   // Find right edge
8965   WasTransparent := True;
8966   while (CropLeft <= CropRight) and (WasTransparent) do
8967   begin
8968     for i := CropTop to CropBottom do
8969       if (pixels[CropRight, i] <> TransparentColorIndex) then
8970       begin
8971         WasTransparent := False;
8972         break;
8973       end;
8974     if (WasTransparent) then
8975       dec(CropRight);
8976   end;
8977   if (CropLeft <= CropRight) then
8978   begin
8979     // Find top edge
8980     WasTransparent := True;
8981     while (CropTop <= CropBottom) and (WasTransparent) do
8982     begin
8983       for i := CropLeft to CropRight do
8984         if (pixels[i, CropTop] <> TransparentColorIndex) then
8985         begin
8986           WasTransparent := False;
8987           break;
8988         end;
8989       if (WasTransparent) then
8990         inc(CropTop);
8991     end;
8992     // Find bottom edge
8993     WasTransparent := True;
8994     while (CropTop <= CropBottom) and (WasTransparent) do
8995     begin
8996       for i := CropLeft to CropRight do
8997         if (pixels[i, CropBottom] <> TransparentColorIndex) then
8998         begin
8999           WasTransparent := False;
9000           break;
9001         end;
9002       if (WasTransparent) then
9003         dec(CropBottom);
9004     end;
9005   end;
9007   if (CropLeft > CropRight) or (CropTop > CropBottom) then
9008   begin
9009     // Cropped to nothing - frame is invisible
9010     Clear;
9011   end else
9012   begin
9013     // Crop frame - move data
9014     NewWidth := CropRight - CropLeft + 1;
9015     Newheight := CropBottom - CropTop + 1;
9016     NewSize := NewWidth * NewHeight;
9017     GetMem(NewData, NewSize);
9018     pSource := PChar(integer(FData) + CropTop * Width + CropLeft);
9019     pDest := NewData;
9020     for i := 0 to NewHeight-1 do
9021     begin
9022       Move(pSource^, pDest^, NewWidth);
9023       inc(pSource, Width);
9024       inc(pDest, NewWidth);
9025     end;
9026     FreeImage;
9027     FData := NewData;
9028     FDataSize := NewSize;
9029     inc(FImageDescriptor.Left, CropLeft);
9030     inc(FImageDescriptor.Top, CropTop);
9031     FImageDescriptor.Width := NewWidth;
9032     FImageDescriptor.Height := NewHeight;
9033     FreeBitmap;
9034     FreeMask
9035   end;
9036 end;
9038 procedure TGIFSubImage.Merge(Previous: TGIFSubImage);
9039 var
9040   SourceIndex		,
9041   DestIndex		: byte;
9042   SourceTransparent	: boolean;
9043   NeedTransparentColorIndex: boolean;
9044   PreviousRect		,
9045   ThisRect		,
9046   MergeRect		: TRect;
9047   PreviousY		,
9048   X			,
9049   Y			: integer;
9050   pSource		,
9051   pDest			: PChar;
9052   pSourceMap		,
9053   pDestMap		: PColorMap;
9054   GCE			: TGIFGraphicControlExtension;
CanMakeTransparentnull9056   function CanMakeTransparent: boolean;
9057   begin
9058     // Is there a local color map...
9059     if (ColorMap.Count > 0) then
9060       // ...and is there room in it?
9061       Result := (ColorMap.Count < 256)
9062     // Is there a global color map...
9063     else if (Image.GlobalColorMap.Count > 0) then
9064       // ...and is there room in it?
9065       Result := (Image.GlobalColorMap.Count < 256)
9066     else
9067       Result := False;
9068   end;
GetTransparentColorIndexnull9070   function GetTransparentColorIndex: byte;
9071   var
9072     i			: integer;
9073   begin
9074     if (ColorMap.Count > 0) then
9075     begin
9076       // Get the transparent color from the local color map
9077       Result := ColorMap.Add(TColor(0));
9078     end else
9079     begin
9080       // Are any other frames using the global color map for transparency
9081       for i := 0 to Image.Images.Count-1 do
9082         if (Image.Images[i] <> self) and (Image.Images[i].Transparent) and
9083           (Image.Images[i].ColorMap.Count = 0) then
9084         begin
9085           // Use the same transparency color as the other frame
9086           Result := Image.Images[i].GraphicControlExtension.TransparentColorIndex;
9087           exit;
9088         end;
9089       // Get the transparent color from the global color map
9090       Result := Image.GlobalColorMap.Add(TColor(0));
9091     end;
9092   end;
9094 begin
9095   // Determine if it is possible to merge this frame
9096   if (Empty) or (Previous = nil) or (Previous.Empty) or
9097     ((Previous.GraphicControlExtension <> nil) and
9098      (Previous.GraphicControlExtension.Disposal in [dmBackground, dmPrevious])) then
9099     exit;
9101   PreviousRect := Previous.BoundsRect;
9102   ThisRect := BoundsRect;
9104   // Cannot merge unless the frames intersect
9105   if (not IntersectRect(MergeRect, PreviousRect, ThisRect)) then
9106     exit;
9108   // If the frame isn't already transparent, determine
9109   // if it is possible to make it so
9110   if (Transparent) then
9111   begin
9112     DestIndex := GraphicControlExtension.TransparentColorIndex;
9113     NeedTransparentColorIndex := False;
9114   end else
9115   begin
9116     if (not CanMakeTransparent) then
9117       exit;
9118     DestIndex := 0; // To avoid compiler warning
9119     NeedTransparentColorIndex := True;
9120   end;
9122   SourceTransparent := Previous.Transparent;
9123   if (SourceTransparent) then
9124     SourceIndex := Previous.GraphicControlExtension.TransparentColorIndex
9125   else
9126     SourceIndex := 0; // To avoid compiler warning
9128   PreviousY := MergeRect.Top - Previous.Top;
9130   pSourceMap := Previous.ActiveColorMap.Data;
9131   pDestMap := ActiveColorMap.Data;
9133   for Y := MergeRect.Top - Top to MergeRect.Bottom - Top-1 do
9134   begin
9135     pSource := PChar(integer(Previous.Scanline[PreviousY]) + MergeRect.Left - Previous.Left);
9136     pDest := PChar(integer(Scanline[Y]) + MergeRect.Left - Left);
9138     for X := MergeRect.Left to MergeRect.Right-1 do
9139     begin
9140       // Ignore pixels if either this frame's or the previous frame's pixel is transparent
9141       if (
9142             not(
9143               ((not NeedTransparentColorIndex) and (pDest^ = char(DestIndex))) or
9144               ((SourceTransparent) and (pSource^ = char(SourceIndex)))
9145             )
9146           ) and (
9147             // Replace same colored pixels with transparency
9148             ((pDestMap = pSourceMap) and (pDest^ = pSource^)) or
9149             (CompareMem(@(pDestMap^[ord(pDest^)]), @(pSourceMap^[ord(pSource^)]), sizeof(TGIFColor)))
9150           ) then
9151       begin
9152         if (NeedTransparentColorIndex) then
9153         begin
9154           NeedTransparentColorIndex := False;
9155           DestIndex := GetTransparentColorIndex;
9156         end;
9157         pDest^ := char(DestIndex);
9158       end;
9159       inc(pDest);
9160       inc(pSource);
9161     end;
9162     inc(PreviousY);
9163   end;
9165   (*
9166   ** Create a GCE if the frame wasn't already transparent and any
9167   ** pixels were made transparent
9168   *)
9169   if (not Transparent) and (not NeedTransparentColorIndex) then
9170   begin
9171     if (GraphicControlExtension = nil) then
9172     begin
9173       GCE := TGIFGraphicControlExtension.Create(self);
9174       Extensions.Add(GCE);
9175     end else
9176       GCE := GraphicControlExtension;
9177     GCE.Transparent := True;
9178     GCE.TransparentColorIndex := DestIndex;
9179   end;
9181   FreeBitmap;
9182   FreeMask
9183 end;
9185 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9186 //
9187 //			TGIFTrailer
9188 //
9189 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9190 procedure TGIFTrailer.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
9191 begin
9192   WriteByte(Stream, bsTrailer);
9193 end;
9195 procedure TGIFTrailer.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
9196 var
9197   b			: BYTE;
9198 begin
9199   if (Stream.Read(b, 1) <> 1) then
9200     exit;
9201   if (b <> bsTrailer) then
9202     Warning(gsWarning, sBadTrailer);
9203 end;
9205 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9206 //
9207 //		TGIFExtension registration database
9208 //
9209 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9210 type
9211   TExtensionLeadIn = packed record
9212     Introducer: byte;      { always $21 }
9213     ExtensionLabel: byte;
9214   end;
9216   PExtRec = ^TExtRec;
9217   TExtRec = record
9218     ExtClass: TGIFExtensionClass;
9219     ExtLabel: BYTE;
9220   end;
9222   TExtensionList = class(TList)
9223   public
9224     constructor Create;
9225     destructor Destroy; override;
9226     procedure Add(eLabel: BYTE; eClass: TGIFExtensionClass);
FindExtnull9227     function FindExt(eLabel: BYTE): TGIFExtensionClass;
9228     procedure Remove(eClass: TGIFExtensionClass);
9229   end;
9231 constructor TExtensionList.Create;
9232 begin
9233   inherited Create;
9234   Add(bsPlainTextExtension, TGIFTextExtension);
9235   Add(bsGraphicControlExtension, TGIFGraphicControlExtension);
9236   Add(bsCommentExtension, TGIFCommentExtension);
9237   Add(bsApplicationExtension, TGIFApplicationExtension);
9238 end;
9240 destructor TExtensionList.Destroy;
9241 var
9242   I: Integer;
9243 begin
9244   for I := 0 to Count-1 do
9245     Dispose(PExtRec(Items[I]));
9246   inherited Destroy;
9247 end;
9249 procedure TExtensionList.Add(eLabel: BYTE; eClass: TGIFExtensionClass);
9250 var
9251   NewRec: PExtRec;
9252 begin
9253   New(NewRec);
9254   with NewRec^ do
9255   begin
9256     ExtLabel := eLabel;
9257     ExtClass := eClass;
9258   end;
9259   inherited Add(NewRec);
9260 end;
TExtensionList.FindExtnull9262 function TExtensionList.FindExt(eLabel: BYTE): TGIFExtensionClass;
9263 var
9264   I: Integer;
9265 begin
9266   for I := Count-1 downto 0 do
9267     with PExtRec(Items[I])^ do
9268       if ExtLabel = eLabel then
9269       begin
9270         Result := ExtClass;
9271         Exit;
9272       end;
9273   Result := nil;
9274 end;
9276 procedure TExtensionList.Remove(eClass: TGIFExtensionClass);
9277 var
9278   I: Integer;
9279   P: PExtRec;
9280 begin
9281   for I := Count-1 downto 0 do
9282   begin
9283     P := PExtRec(Items[I]);
9284     if P^.ExtClass.InheritsFrom(eClass) then
9285     begin
9286       Dispose(P);
9287       Delete(I);
9288     end;
9289   end;
9290 end;
9292 var
9293   ExtensionList: TExtensionList = nil;
GetExtensionListnull9295 function GetExtensionList: TExtensionList;
9296 begin
9297   if (ExtensionList = nil) then
9298     ExtensionList := TExtensionList.Create;
9299   Result := ExtensionList;
9300 end;
9302 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9303 //
9304 //			TGIFExtension
9305 //
9306 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
GetVersionnull9307 function TGIFExtension.GetVersion: TGIFVersion;
9308 begin
9309   Result := gv89a;
9310 end;
9312 class procedure TGIFExtension.RegisterExtension(eLabel: BYTE; eClass: TGIFExtensionClass);
9313 begin
9314   GetExtensionList.Add(eLabel, eClass);
9315 end;
TGIFExtension.FindExtensionnull9317 class function TGIFExtension.FindExtension(Stream: TStream): TGIFExtensionClass;
9318 var
9319   eLabel		: BYTE;
9320   SubClass		: TGIFExtensionClass;
9321   Pos			: LongInt;
9322 begin
9323   Pos := Stream.Position;
9324   if (Stream.Read(eLabel, 1) <> 1) then
9325   begin
9326     Result := nil;
9327     exit;
9328   end;
9329   Result := GetExtensionList.FindExt(eLabel);
9330   while (Result <> nil) do
9331   begin
9332     SubClass := Result.FindSubExtension(Stream);
9333     if (SubClass = Result) then
9334       break;
9335     Result := SubClass;
9336   end;
9337   Stream.Position := Pos;
9338 end;
TGIFExtension.FindSubExtensionnull9340 class function TGIFExtension.FindSubExtension(Stream: TStream): TGIFExtensionClass;
9341 begin
9342   Result := self;
9343 end;
9345 constructor TGIFExtension.Create(ASubImage: TGIFSubImage);
9346 begin
9347   inherited Create(ASubImage.Image);
9348   FSubImage := ASubImage;
9349 end;
9351 destructor TGIFExtension.Destroy;
9352 begin
9353   if (FSubImage <> nil) then
9354     FSubImage.Extensions.Remove(self);
9355   inherited Destroy;
9356 end;
9358 procedure TGIFExtension.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
9359 var
9360   ExtensionLeadIn	: TExtensionLeadIn;
9361 begin
9362   ExtensionLeadIn.Introducer := bsExtensionIntroducer;
9363   ExtensionLeadIn.ExtensionLabel := ExtensionType;
9364   Stream.Write(ExtensionLeadIn, sizeof(ExtensionLeadIn));
9365 end;
TGIFExtension.DoReadFromStreamnull9367 function TGIFExtension.DoReadFromStream(Stream: TStream): TGIFExtensionType;
9368 var
9369   ExtensionLeadIn	: TExtensionLeadIn;
9370 begin
9371   ReadCheck(Stream, ExtensionLeadIn, sizeof(ExtensionLeadIn));
9372   if (ExtensionLeadIn.Introducer <> bsExtensionIntroducer) then
9373     Error(sBadExtensionLabel);
9374   Result := ExtensionLeadIn.ExtensionLabel;
9375 end;
9377 procedure TGIFExtension.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
9378 begin
9379   // Seek past lead-in
9380   // Stream.Seek(sizeof(TExtensionLeadIn), soFromCurrent);
9381   if (DoReadFromStream(Stream) <> ExtensionType) then
9382     Error(sBadExtensionInstance);
9383 end;
9385 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9386 //
9387 //			TGIFGraphicControlExtension
9388 //
9389 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9390 const
9391   { Extension flag bit masks }
9392   efInputFlag		= $02;		{ 00000010 }
9393   efDisposal		= $1C;		{ 00011100 }
9394   efTransparent		= $01;		{ 00000001 }
9395   efReserved		= $E0;		{ 11100000 }
9397 constructor TGIFGraphicControlExtension.Create(ASubImage: TGIFSubImage);
9398 begin
9399   inherited Create(ASubImage);
9401   FGCExtension.BlockSize := 4;
9402   FGCExtension.PackedFields := $00;
9403   FGCExtension.DelayTime := 0;
9404   FGCExtension.TransparentColorIndex := 0;
9405   FGCExtension.Terminator := 0;
9406   if (ASubImage.FGCE = nil) then
9407     ASubImage.FGCE := self;
9408 end;
9410 destructor TGIFGraphicControlExtension.Destroy;
9411 begin
9412   // Clear transparent flag in sub image
9413   if (Transparent) then
9414     SubImage.FTransparent := False;
9416   if (SubImage.FGCE = self) then
9417     SubImage.FGCE := nil;
9419   inherited Destroy;
9420 end;
GetExtensionTypenull9422 function TGIFGraphicControlExtension.GetExtensionType: TGIFExtensionType;
9423 begin
9424   Result := bsGraphicControlExtension;
9425 end;
GetTransparentnull9427 function TGIFGraphicControlExtension.GetTransparent: boolean;
9428 begin
9429   Result := (FGCExtension.PackedFields AND efTransparent) <> 0;
9430 end;
9432 procedure TGIFGraphicControlExtension.SetTransparent(Value: boolean);
9433 begin
9434   // Set transparent flag in sub image
9435   SubImage.FTransparent := Value;
9436   if (Value) then
9437     FGCExtension.PackedFields := FGCExtension.PackedFields OR efTransparent
9438   else
9439     FGCExtension.PackedFields := FGCExtension.PackedFields AND NOT(efTransparent);
9440 end;
TGIFGraphicControlExtension.GetTransparentColornull9442 function TGIFGraphicControlExtension.GetTransparentColor: TColor;
9443 begin
9444   Result := SubImage.ActiveColorMap[TransparentColorIndex];
9445 end;
9447 procedure TGIFGraphicControlExtension.SetTransparentColor(Color: TColor);
9448 begin
9449   FGCExtension.TransparentColorIndex := Subimage.ActiveColorMap.AddUnique(Color);
9450 end;
GetTransparentColorIndexnull9452 function TGIFGraphicControlExtension.GetTransparentColorIndex: BYTE;
9453 begin
9454   Result := FGCExtension.TransparentColorIndex;
9455 end;
9457 procedure TGIFGraphicControlExtension.SetTransparentColorIndex(Value: BYTE);
9458 begin
9459   if ((Value >= SubImage.ActiveColorMap.Count) and (SubImage.ActiveColorMap.Count > 0)) then
9460   begin
9461     Warning(gsWarning, sBadColorIndex);
9462     Value := 0;
9463   end;
9464   FGCExtension.TransparentColorIndex := Value;
9465 end;
GetDelaynull9467 function TGIFGraphicControlExtension.GetDelay: WORD;
9468 begin
9469   Result := FGCExtension.DelayTime;
9470 end;
9471 procedure TGIFGraphicControlExtension.SetDelay(Value: WORD);
9472 begin
9473   FGCExtension.DelayTime := Value;
9474 end;
TGIFGraphicControlExtension.GetUserInputnull9476 function TGIFGraphicControlExtension.GetUserInput: boolean;
9477 begin
9478   Result := (FGCExtension.PackedFields AND efInputFlag) <> 0;
9479 end;
9481 procedure TGIFGraphicControlExtension.SetUserInput(Value: boolean);
9482 begin
9483   if (Value) then
9484     FGCExtension.PackedFields := FGCExtension.PackedFields OR efInputFlag
9485   else
9486     FGCExtension.PackedFields := FGCExtension.PackedFields AND NOT(efInputFlag);
9487 end;
GetDisposalnull9489 function TGIFGraphicControlExtension.GetDisposal: TDisposalMethod;
9490 begin
9491   Result := TDisposalMethod((FGCExtension.PackedFields AND efDisposal) SHR 2);
9492 end;
9494 procedure TGIFGraphicControlExtension.SetDisposal(Value: TDisposalMethod);
9495 begin
9496   FGCExtension.PackedFields := FGCExtension.PackedFields AND NOT(efDisposal)
9497     OR ((ord(Value) SHL 2) AND efDisposal);
9498 end;
9500 procedure TGIFGraphicControlExtension.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
9501 begin
9502   inherited SaveToStream(Stream);
9503   Stream.Write(FGCExtension, sizeof(FGCExtension));
9504 end;
9506 procedure TGIFGraphicControlExtension.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
9507 begin
9508   inherited LoadFromStream(Stream);
9509   if (Stream.Read(FGCExtension, sizeof(FGCExtension)) <> sizeof(FGCExtension)) then
9510   begin
9511     Warning(gsWarning, sOutOfData);
9512     exit;
9513   end;
9514   // Set transparent flag in sub image
9515   if (Transparent) then
9516     SubImage.FTransparent := True;
9517 end;
9519 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9520 //
9521 //			TGIFTextExtension
9522 //
9523 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9524 constructor TGIFTextExtension.Create(ASubImage: TGIFSubImage);
9525 begin
9526   inherited Create(ASubImage);
9527   FText := TStringList.Create;
9528   FPlainTextExtension.BlockSize := 12;
9529   FPlainTextExtension.Left := 0;
9530   FPlainTextExtension.Top := 0;
9531   FPlainTextExtension.Width := 0;
9532   FPlainTextExtension.Height := 0;
9533   FPlainTextExtension.CellWidth := 0;
9534   FPlainTextExtension.CellHeight := 0;
9535   FPlainTextExtension.TextFGColorIndex := 0;
9536   FPlainTextExtension.TextBGColorIndex := 0;
9537 end;
9539 destructor TGIFTextExtension.Destroy;
9540 begin
9541   FText.Free;
9542   inherited Destroy;
9543 end;
GetExtensionTypenull9545 function TGIFTextExtension.GetExtensionType: TGIFExtensionType;
9546 begin
9547   Result := bsPlainTextExtension;
9548 end;
GetForegroundColornull9550 function TGIFTextExtension.GetForegroundColor: TColor;
9551 begin
9552   Result := SubImage.ColorMap[ForegroundColorIndex];
9553 end;
9555 procedure TGIFTextExtension.SetForegroundColor(Color: TColor);
9556 begin
9557   ForegroundColorIndex := SubImage.ActiveColorMap.AddUnique(Color);
9558 end;
TGIFTextExtension.GetBackgroundColornull9560 function TGIFTextExtension.GetBackgroundColor: TColor;
9561 begin
9562   Result := SubImage.ActiveColorMap[BackgroundColorIndex];
9563 end;
9565 procedure TGIFTextExtension.SetBackgroundColor(Color: TColor);
9566 begin
9567   BackgroundColorIndex := SubImage.ColorMap.AddUnique(Color);
9568 end;
GetBoundsnull9570 function TGIFTextExtension.GetBounds(Index: integer): WORD;
9571 begin
9572   case (Index) of
9573     1: Result := FPlainTextExtension.Left;
9574     2: Result := FPlainTextExtension.Top;
9575     3: Result := FPlainTextExtension.Width;
9576     4: Result := FPlainTextExtension.Height;
9577   else
9578     Result := 0; // To avoid compiler warnings
9579   end;
9580 end;
9582 procedure TGIFTextExtension.SetBounds(Index: integer; Value: WORD);
9583 begin
9584   case (Index) of
9585     1: FPlainTextExtension.Left := Value;
9586     2: FPlainTextExtension.Top := Value;
9587     3: FPlainTextExtension.Width := Value;
9588     4: FPlainTextExtension.Height := Value;
9589   end;
9590 end;
TGIFTextExtension.GetCharWidthHeightnull9592 function TGIFTextExtension.GetCharWidthHeight(Index: integer): BYTE;
9593 begin
9594   case (Index) of
9595     1: Result := FPlainTextExtension.CellWidth;
9596     2: Result := FPlainTextExtension.CellHeight;
9597   else
9598     Result := 0; // To avoid compiler warnings
9599   end;
9600 end;
9602 procedure TGIFTextExtension.SetCharWidthHeight(Index: integer; Value: BYTE);
9603 begin
9604   case (Index) of
9605     1: FPlainTextExtension.CellWidth := Value;
9606     2: FPlainTextExtension.CellHeight := Value;
9607   end;
9608 end;
GetColorIndexnull9610 function TGIFTextExtension.GetColorIndex(Index: integer): BYTE;
9611 begin
9612   case (Index) of
9613     1: Result := FPlainTextExtension.TextFGColorIndex;
9614     2: Result := FPlainTextExtension.TextBGColorIndex;
9615   else
9616     Result := 0; // To avoid compiler warnings
9617   end;
9618 end;
9620 procedure TGIFTextExtension.SetColorIndex(Index: integer; Value: BYTE);
9621 begin
9622   case (Index) of
9623     1: FPlainTextExtension.TextFGColorIndex := Value;
9624     2: FPlainTextExtension.TextBGColorIndex := Value;
9625   end;
9626 end;
9628 procedure TGIFTextExtension.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
9629 begin
9630   inherited SaveToStream(Stream);
9631   Stream.Write(FPlainTextExtension, sizeof(FPlainTextExtension));
9632   WriteStrings(Stream, FText);
9633 end;
9635 procedure TGIFTextExtension.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
9636 begin
9637   inherited LoadFromStream(Stream);
9638   ReadCheck(Stream, FPlainTextExtension, sizeof(FPlainTextExtension));
9639   ReadStrings(Stream, FText);
9640 end;
9642 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9643 //
9644 //			TGIFCommentExtension
9645 //
9646 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9647 constructor TGIFCommentExtension.Create(ASubImage: TGIFSubImage);
9648 begin
9649   inherited Create(ASubImage);
9650   FText := TStringList.Create;
9651 end;
9653 destructor TGIFCommentExtension.Destroy;
9654 begin
9655   FText.Free;
9656   inherited Destroy;
9657 end;
TGIFCommentExtension.GetExtensionTypenull9659 function TGIFCommentExtension.GetExtensionType: TGIFExtensionType;
9660 begin
9661   Result := bsCommentExtension;
9662 end;
9664 procedure TGIFCommentExtension.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
9665 begin
9666   inherited SaveToStream(Stream);
9667   WriteStrings(Stream, FText);
9668 end;
9670 procedure TGIFCommentExtension.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
9671 begin
9672   inherited LoadFromStream(Stream);
9673   ReadStrings(Stream, FText);
9674 end;
9676 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9677 //
9678 //		TGIFApplicationExtension registration database
9679 //
9680 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9681 type
9682   PAppExtRec = ^TAppExtRec;
9683   TAppExtRec = record
9684     AppClass: TGIFAppExtensionClass;
9685     Ident: TGIFApplicationRec;
9686   end;
9688   TAppExtensionList = class(TList)
9689   public
9690     constructor Create;
9691     destructor Destroy; override;
9692     procedure Add(eIdent: TGIFApplicationRec; eClass: TGIFAppExtensionClass);
FindExtnull9693     function FindExt(eIdent: TGIFApplicationRec): TGIFAppExtensionClass;
9694     procedure Remove(eClass: TGIFAppExtensionClass);
9695   end;
9697 constructor TAppExtensionList.Create;
9698 const
9699   NSLoopIdent: array[0..1] of TGIFApplicationRec =
9700     ((Identifier: 'NETSCAPE'; Authentication: '2.0'),
9701      (Identifier: 'ANIMEXTS'; Authentication: '1.0'));
9702 begin
9703   inherited Create;
9704   Add(NSLoopIdent[0], TGIFAppExtNSLoop);
9705   Add(NSLoopIdent[1], TGIFAppExtNSLoop);
9706 end;
9708 destructor TAppExtensionList.Destroy;
9709 var
9710   I: Integer;
9711 begin
9712   for I := 0 to Count-1 do
9713     Dispose(PAppExtRec(Items[I]));
9714   inherited Destroy;
9715 end;
9717 procedure TAppExtensionList.Add(eIdent: TGIFApplicationRec; eClass: TGIFAppExtensionClass);
9718 var
9719   NewRec: PAppExtRec;
9720 begin
9721   New(NewRec);
9722   NewRec^.Ident := eIdent;
9723   NewRec^.AppClass := eClass;
9724   inherited Add(NewRec);
9725 end;
FindExtnull9727 function TAppExtensionList.FindExt(eIdent: TGIFApplicationRec): TGIFAppExtensionClass;
9728 var
9729   I: Integer;
9730 begin
9731   for I := Count-1 downto 0 do
9732     with PAppExtRec(Items[I])^ do
9733       if CompareMem(@Ident, @eIdent, sizeof(TGIFApplicationRec)) then
9734       begin
9735         Result := AppClass;
9736         Exit;
9737       end;
9738   Result := nil;
9739 end;
9741 procedure TAppExtensionList.Remove(eClass: TGIFAppExtensionClass);
9742 var
9743   I: Integer;
9744   P: PAppExtRec;
9745 begin
9746   for I := Count-1 downto 0 do
9747   begin
9748     P := PAppExtRec(Items[I]);
9749     if P^.AppClass.InheritsFrom(eClass) then
9750     begin
9751       Dispose(P);
9752       Delete(I);
9753     end;
9754   end;
9755 end;
9757 var
9758   AppExtensionList: TAppExtensionList = nil;
GetAppExtensionListnull9760 function GetAppExtensionList: TAppExtensionList;
9761 begin
9762   if (AppExtensionList = nil) then
9763     AppExtensionList := TAppExtensionList.Create;
9764   Result := AppExtensionList;
9765 end;
9767 class procedure TGIFApplicationExtension.RegisterExtension(eIdent: TGIFApplicationRec;
9768   eClass: TGIFAppExtensionClass);
9769 begin
9770   GetAppExtensionList.Add(eIdent, eClass);
9771 end;
TGIFApplicationExtension.FindSubExtensionnull9773 class function TGIFApplicationExtension.FindSubExtension(Stream: TStream): TGIFExtensionClass;
9774 var
9775   eIdent		: TGIFApplicationRec;
9776   OldPos		: longInt;
9777   Size			: BYTE;
9778 begin
9779   OldPos := Stream.Position;
9780   Result := nil;
9781   if (Stream.Read(Size, 1) <> 1) then
9782     exit;
9784   // Some old Adobe export filters mistakenly uses a value of 10
9785   if (Size = 10) then
9786   begin
9787     { TODO -oanme -cImprovement : replace with seek or read and check contents = 'Adobe' }
9788     if (Stream.Read(eIdent, 10) <> 10) then
9789       exit;
9790     Result := TGIFUnknownAppExtension;
9791     exit;
9792   end else
9793   if (Size <> sizeof(TGIFApplicationRec)) or
9794     (Stream.Read(eIdent, sizeof(eIdent)) <> sizeof(eIdent)) then
9795   begin
9796     Stream.Position := OldPos;
9797     Result := inherited FindSubExtension(Stream);
9798   end else
9799   begin
9800     Result := GetAppExtensionList.FindExt(eIdent);
9801     if (Result = nil) then
9802       Result := TGIFUnknownAppExtension;
9803   end;
9804 end;
9806 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9807 //
9808 //			TGIFApplicationExtension
9809 //
9810 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9811 constructor TGIFApplicationExtension.Create(ASubImage: TGIFSubImage);
9812 begin
9813   inherited Create(ASubImage);
9814   FillChar(FIdent, sizeof(FIdent), 0);
9815 end;
9817 destructor TGIFApplicationExtension.Destroy;
9818 begin
9819   inherited Destroy;
9820 end;
GetExtensionTypenull9822 function TGIFApplicationExtension.GetExtensionType: TGIFExtensionType;
9823 begin
9824   Result := bsApplicationExtension;
9825 end;
GetAuthenticationnull9827 function TGIFApplicationExtension.GetAuthentication: string;
9828 begin
9829   Result := FIdent.Authentication;
9830 end;
9832 procedure TGIFApplicationExtension.SetAuthentication(const Value: string);
9833 begin
9834   if (Length(Value) < sizeof(TGIFAuthenticationCode)) then
9835     FillChar(FIdent.Authentication, sizeof(TGIFAuthenticationCode), 32);
9836   StrLCopy(@(FIdent.Authentication[0]), PChar(Value), sizeof(TGIFAuthenticationCode));
9837 end;
GetIdentifiernull9839 function TGIFApplicationExtension.GetIdentifier: string;
9840 begin
9841   Result := FIdent.Identifier;
9842 end;
9844 procedure TGIFApplicationExtension.SetIdentifier(const Value: string);
9845 begin
9846   if (Length(Value) < sizeof(TGIFIdentifierCode)) then
9847     FillChar(FIdent.Identifier, sizeof(TGIFIdentifierCode), 32);
9848   StrLCopy(@(FIdent.Identifier[0]), PChar(Value), sizeof(TGIFIdentifierCode));
9849 end;
9851 procedure TGIFApplicationExtension.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
9852 begin
9853   inherited SaveToStream(Stream);
9854   WriteByte(Stream, sizeof(FIdent)); // Block size
9855   Stream.Write(FIdent, sizeof(FIdent));
9856   SaveData(Stream);
9857 end;
9859 procedure TGIFApplicationExtension.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
9860 var
9861   i			: integer;
9862 begin
9863   inherited LoadFromStream(Stream);
9864   i := ReadByte(Stream);
9865   // Some old Adobe export filters mistakenly uses a value of 10
9866   if (i = 10) then
9867     FillChar(FIdent, sizeOf(FIdent), 0)
9868   else
9869     if (i < 11) then
9870       Error(sBadBlockSize);
9872   ReadCheck(Stream, FIdent, sizeof(FIdent));
9874   Dec(i, sizeof(FIdent));
9875   // Ignore extra data
9876   Stream.Seek(i, soFromCurrent);
9878   // ***FIXME***
9879   // If self class is TGIFApplicationExtension, this will cause an "abstract
9880   // error".
9881   // TGIFApplicationExtension.LoadData should read and ignore rest of block.
9882   LoadData(Stream);
9883 end;
9885 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9886 //
9887 //			TGIFUnknownAppExtension
9888 //
9889 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9890 constructor TGIFBlock.Create(ASize: integer);
9891 begin
9892   inherited Create;
9893   FSize := ASize;
9894   GetMem(FData, FSize);
9895   FillChar(FData^, FSize, 0);
9896 end;
9898 destructor TGIFBlock.Destroy;
9899 begin
9900   FreeMem(FData);
9901   inherited Destroy;
9902 end;
9904 procedure TGIFBlock.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
9905 begin
9906   Stream.Write(FSize, 1);
9907   Stream.Write(FData^, FSize);
9908 end;
9910 procedure TGIFBlock.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
9911 begin
9912   ReadCheck(Stream, FData^, FSize);
9913 end;
9915 constructor TGIFUnknownAppExtension.Create(ASubImage: TGIFSubImage);
9916 begin
9917   inherited Create(ASubImage);
9918   FBlocks := TList.Create;
9919 end;
9921 destructor TGIFUnknownAppExtension.Destroy;
9922 var
9923   i			: integer;
9924 begin
9925   for i := 0 to FBlocks.Count-1 do
9926     TGIFBlock(FBlocks[i]).Free;
9927   FBlocks.Free;
9928   inherited Destroy;
9929 end;
9932 procedure TGIFUnknownAppExtension.SaveData(Stream: TStream);
9933 var
9934   i			: integer;
9935 begin
9936   for i := 0 to FBlocks.Count-1 do
9937     TGIFBlock(FBlocks[i]).SaveToStream(Stream);
9938   // Terminating zero
9939   WriteByte(Stream, 0);
9940 end;
9942 procedure TGIFUnknownAppExtension.LoadData(Stream: TStream);
9943 var
9944   b			: BYTE;
9945   Block			: TGIFBlock;
9946   i			: integer;
9947 begin
9948   // Zap old blocks
9949   for i := 0 to FBlocks.Count-1 do
9950     TGIFBlock(FBlocks[i]).Free;
9951   FBlocks.Clear;
9953   // Read blocks
9954   if (Stream.Read(b, 1) <> 1) then
9955     exit;
9956   while (b <> 0) do
9957   begin
9958     Block := TGIFBlock.Create(b);
9959     try
9960       Block.LoadFromStream(Stream);
9961     except
9962       Block.Free;
9963       raise;
9964     end;
9965     FBlocks.Add(Block);
9966     if (Stream.Read(b, 1) <> 1) then
9967       exit;
9968   end;
9969 end;
9971 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9972 //
9973 //                      TGIFAppExtNSLoop
9974 //
9975 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9976 const
9977   // Netscape sub block types
9978   nbLoopExtension	= 1;
9979   nbBufferExtension	= 2;
9981 constructor TGIFAppExtNSLoop.Create(ASubImage: TGIFSubImage);
9982 const
9983   NSLoopIdent: TGIFApplicationRec = (Identifier: 'NETSCAPE'; Authentication: '2.0');
9984 begin
9985   inherited Create(ASubImage);
9986   FIdent := NSLoopIdent;
9987 end;
9989 procedure TGIFAppExtNSLoop.SaveData(Stream: TStream);
9990 begin
9991   // Write loop count
9992   WriteByte(Stream, 1 + sizeof(FLoops)); // Size of block
9993   WriteByte(Stream, nbLoopExtension); // Identify sub block as looping extension data
9994   Stream.Write(FLoops, sizeof(FLoops)); // Loop count
9996   // Write buffer size if specified
9997   if (FBufferSize > 0) then
9998   begin
9999     WriteByte(Stream, 1 + sizeof(FBufferSize)); // Size of block
10000     WriteByte(Stream, nbBufferExtension); // Identify sub block as buffer size data
10001     Stream.Write(FBufferSize, sizeof(FBufferSize)); // Buffer size
10002   end;
10004   WriteByte(Stream, 0); // Terminating zero
10005 end;
10007 procedure TGIFAppExtNSLoop.LoadData(Stream: TStream);
10008 var
10009   BlockSize		: integer;
10010   BlockType		: integer;
10011 begin
10012   // Read size of first block or terminating zero
10013   BlockSize := ReadByte(Stream);
10014   while (BlockSize <> 0) do
10015   begin
10016     BlockType := ReadByte(Stream);
10017     dec(BlockSize);
10019     case (BlockType AND $07) of
10020       nbLoopExtension:
10021         begin
10022           if (BlockSize < sizeof(FLoops)) then
10023             Error(sInvalidData);
10024           // Read loop count
10025           ReadCheck(Stream, FLoops, sizeof(FLoops));
10026           dec(BlockSize, sizeof(FLoops));
10027         end;
10028       nbBufferExtension:
10029         begin
10030           if (BlockSize < sizeof(FBufferSize)) then
10031             Error(sInvalidData);
10032           // Read buffer size
10033           ReadCheck(Stream, FBufferSize, sizeof(FBufferSize));
10034           dec(BlockSize, sizeof(FBufferSize));
10035         end;
10036     end;
10038     // Skip/ignore unread data
10039     if (BlockSize > 0) then
10040       Stream.Seek(BlockSize, soFromCurrent);
10042     // Read size of next block or terminating zero
10043     BlockSize := ReadByte(Stream);
10044   end;
10045 end;
10048 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10049 //
10050 //			TGIFImageList
10051 //
10052 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
TGIFImageList.GetImagenull10053 function TGIFImageList.GetImage(Index: Integer): TGIFSubImage;
10054 begin
10055   Result := TGIFSubImage(Items[Index]);
10056 end;
10058 procedure TGIFImageList.SetImage(Index: Integer; SubImage: TGIFSubImage);
10059 begin
10060   Items[Index] := SubImage;
10061 end;
10063 procedure TGIFImageList.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; Parent: TObject);
10064 var
10065   b			: BYTE;
10066   SubImage		: TGIFSubImage;
10067 begin
10068   // Peek ahead to determine block type
10069   repeat
10070     if (Stream.Read(b, 1) <> 1) then
10071       exit;
10072   until (b <> 0); // Ignore 0 padding (non-compliant)
10074   while (b <> bsTrailer) do
10075   begin
10076     Stream.Seek(-1, soFromCurrent);
10077     if (b in [bsExtensionIntroducer, bsImageDescriptor]) then
10078     begin
10079       SubImage := TGIFSubImage.Create(Parent as TGIFImage);
10080       try
10081         SubImage.LoadFromStream(Stream);
10082         Add(SubImage);
10083         Image.Progress(Self, psRunning, MulDiv(Stream.Position, 100, Stream.Size),
10084           GIFImageRenderOnLoad, Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressLoading);
10085       except
10086         SubImage.Free;
10087         raise;
10088       end;
10089     end else
10090     begin
10091       Warning(gsWarning, sBadBlock);
10092       break;
10093     end;
10094     repeat
10095       if (Stream.Read(b, 1) <> 1) then
10096         exit;
10097     until (b <> 0); // Ignore 0 padding (non-compliant)
10098   end;
10099   Stream.Seek(-1, soFromCurrent);
10100 end;
10102 procedure TGIFImageList.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
10103 var
10104   i			: integer;
10105 begin
10106   for i := 0 to Count-1 do
10107   begin
10108     TGIFItem(Items[i]).SaveToStream(Stream);
10109     Image.Progress(Self, psRunning, MulDiv((i+1), 100, Count), False, Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressSaving);
10110   end;
10111 end;
10113 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10114 //
10115 //			TGIFPainter
10116 //
10117 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10118 constructor TGIFPainter.CreateRef(Painter: PGIFPainter; AImage: TGIFImage;
10119   ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; Options: TGIFDrawOptions);
10120 begin
10121   Create(AImage, ACanvas, ARect, Options);
10122   PainterRef := Painter;
10123   if (PainterRef <> nil) then
10124     PainterRef^ := self;
10125 end;
10127 constructor TGIFPainter.Create(AImage: TGIFImage; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect;
10128   Options: TGIFDrawOptions);
10129 var
10130   i			: integer;
10131   BackgroundColor	: TColor;
10132   Disposals		: set of TDisposalMethod;
10133 begin
10134   inherited Create(True);
10135   FreeOnTerminate := True;
10136   Onterminate := DoOnTerminate;
10137   FImage := AImage;
10138   FCanvas := ACanvas;
10139   FRect := ARect;
10140   FActiveImage := -1;
10141   FDrawOptions := Options;
10142   FStarted := False;
10143   BackupBuffer := nil;
10144   FrameBuffer := nil;
10145   Background := nil;
10146   FEventHandle := 0;
10147   // This should be a parameter, but I think I've got enough of them already...
10148   FAnimationSpeed := FImage.AnimationSpeed;
10150   // An event handle is used for animation delays
10151   if (FDrawOptions >= [goAnimate, goAsync]) and (FImage.Images.Count > 1) and
10152     (FAnimationSpeed >= 0) then
10153     FEventHandle := CreateEvent(nil, False, False, nil);
10155   // Preprocessing of extensions to determine if we need frame buffers
10156   Disposals := [];
10157   if (FImage.DrawBackgroundColor = clNone) then
10158   begin
10159     if (FImage.GlobalColorMap.Count > 0) then
10160       BackgroundColor := FImage.BackgroundColor
10161     else
10162       BackgroundColor := ColorToRGB(clWindow);
10163   end else
10164     BackgroundColor := ColorToRGB(FImage.DrawBackgroundColor);
10166   // Need background buffer to clear on loop
10167   if (goClearOnLoop in FDrawOptions) then
10168     Include(Disposals, dmBackground);
10170   for i := 0 to FImage.Images.Count-1 do
10171     if (FImage.Images[i].GraphicControlExtension <> nil) then
10172       with (FImage.Images[i].GraphicControlExtension) do
10173         Include(Disposals, Disposal);
10175   // Need background buffer to draw transparent on background
10176   if (dmBackground in Disposals) and (goTransparent in FDrawOptions) then
10177   begin
10178     Background := TBitmap.Create;
10179     Background.Height := FRect.Bottom-FRect.Top;
10180     Background.Width := FRect.Right-FRect.Left;
10181     // Copy background immediately
10182     Background.Canvas.CopyMode := cmSrcCopy;
10183     Background.Canvas.CopyRect(Background.Canvas.ClipRect, FCanvas, FRect);
10184   end;
10185   // Need frame- and backup buffer to restore to previous and background
10186   if ((Disposals * [dmPrevious, dmBackground]) <> []) then
10187   begin
10188     BackupBuffer := TBitmap.Create;
10189     BackupBuffer.Height := FRect.Bottom-FRect.Top;
10190     BackupBuffer.Width := FRect.Right-FRect.Left;
10191     BackupBuffer.Canvas.CopyMode := cmSrcCopy;
10192     BackupBuffer.Canvas.Brush.Color := BackgroundColor;
10193     BackupBuffer.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
10194 {$IFDEF DEBUG}
10195     BackupBuffer.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack;
10196     BackupBuffer.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsDiagCross;
10197 {$ENDIF}
10198     // Step 1: Copy destination to backup buffer
10199     //         Always executed before first frame and only once.
10200     BackupBuffer.Canvas.CopyRect(BackupBuffer.Canvas.ClipRect, FCanvas, FRect);
10201     FrameBuffer := TBitmap.Create;
10202     FrameBuffer.Height := FRect.Bottom-FRect.Top;
10203     FrameBuffer.Width := FRect.Right-FRect.Left;
10204     FrameBuffer.Canvas.CopyMode := cmSrcCopy;
10205     FrameBuffer.Canvas.Brush.Color := BackgroundColor;
10206     FrameBuffer.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
10207 {$IFDEF DEBUG}
10208     FrameBuffer.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack;
10209     FrameBuffer.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsDiagCross;
10210 {$ENDIF}
10211   end;
10212 end;
10214 destructor TGIFPainter.Destroy;
10215 begin
10216   // OnTerminate isn't called if we are running in main thread, so we must call
10217   // it manually
10218   if not(goAsync in DrawOptions) then
10219     DoOnTerminate(self);
10220   // Reraise any exptions that were eaten in the Execute method
10221   if (ExceptObject <> nil) then
10222     raise ExceptObject at ExceptAddress;
10223   inherited Destroy;
10224 end;
10226 procedure TGIFPainter.SetAnimationSpeed(Value: integer);
10227 begin
10228   if (Value < 0) then
10229     Value := 0
10230   else if (Value > 1000) then
10231     Value := 1000;
10232   if (Value <> FAnimationSpeed) then
10233   begin
10234     FAnimationSpeed := Value;
10235     // Signal WaitForSingleObject delay to abort
10236     if (FEventHandle <> 0) then
10237       SetEvent(FEventHandle)
10238     else
10239       DoRestart := True;
10240   end;
10241 end;
10243 procedure TGIFPainter.SetActiveImage(const Value: integer);
10244 begin
10245   if (Value >= 0) and (Value < FImage.Images.Count) then
10246     FActiveImage := Value;
10247 end;
10249 // Conditional Synchronize
10250 procedure TGIFPainter.DoSynchronize(Method: TThreadMethod);
10251 begin
10252   if (Terminated) then
10253     exit;
10254   if (goAsync in FDrawOptions) then
10255     // Execute Synchronized if requested...
10256     Synchronize(Method)
10257   else
10258     // ...Otherwise just execute in current thread (probably main thread)
10259     Method;
10260 end;
10262 // Delete frame buffers - Executed in main thread
10263 procedure TGIFPainter.DoOnTerminate(Sender: TObject);
10264 begin
10265   // It shouldn't really be nescessary to protect PainterRef in this manner
10266   // since we are running in the main thread at this point, but I'm a little
10267   // paranoid about the way PainterRef is being used...
10268   if Image <> nil then  // 2001.02.23
10269   begin  // 2001.02.23
10270     with Image.Painters.LockList do
10271       try
10272         // Zap pointer to self and remove from painter list
10273         if (PainterRef <> nil) and (PainterRef^ = self) then
10274           PainterRef^ := nil;
10275       finally
10276         Image.Painters.UnLockList;
10277       end;
10278     Image.Painters.Remove(self);
10279     FImage := nil;
10280   end;  // 2001.02.23
10282   // Free buffers
10283   if (BackupBuffer <> nil) then
10284     BackupBuffer.Free;
10285   if (FrameBuffer <> nil) then
10286     FrameBuffer.Free;
10287   if (Background <> nil) then
10288     Background.Free;
10290   // Delete event handle
10291   if (FEventHandle <> 0) then
10292     CloseHandle(FEventHandle);
10293 end;
10295 // Event "dispatcher" - Executed in main thread
10296 procedure TGIFPainter.DoEvent;
10297 begin
10298   if (Assigned(FEvent)) then
10299     FEvent(self);
10300 end;
10302 // Non-buffered paint - Executed in main thread
10303 procedure TGIFPainter.DoPaint;
10304 begin
10305   FImage.Images[ActiveImage].Draw(FCanvas, FRect, (goTransparent in FDrawOptions),
10306     (goTile in FDrawOptions));
10307   FStarted := True;
10308 end;
10310 // Buffered paint - Executed in main thread
10311 procedure TGIFPainter.DoPaintFrame;
10312 var
10313   DrawDestination	: TCanvas;
10314   DrawRect		: TRect;
10315   DoStep2		,
10316   DoStep3		,
10317   DoStep5		,
10318   DoStep6		: boolean;
10319   SavePal		,
10320   SourcePal		: HPALETTE;
10322   procedure ClearBackup;
10323   var
10324     r			,
10325     Tile		: TRect;
10326     FrameTop		,
10327     FrameHeight		: integer;
10328     ImageWidth		,
10329     ImageHeight		: integer;
10330   begin
10332     if (goTransparent in FDrawOptions) then
10333     begin
10334       // If the frame is transparent, we must remove it by copying the
10335       // background buffer over it
10336       if (goTile in FDrawOptions) then
10337       begin
10338         FrameTop := FImage.Images[ActiveImage].Top;
10339         FrameHeight := FImage.Images[ActiveImage].Height;
10340         ImageWidth := FImage.Width;
10341         ImageHeight := FImage.Height;
10343         Tile.Left := FRect.Left + FImage.Images[ActiveImage].Left;
10344         Tile.Right := Tile.Left + FImage.Images[ActiveImage].Width;
10345         while (Tile.Left < FRect.Right) do
10346         begin
10347           Tile.Top := FRect.Top + FrameTop;
10348           Tile.Bottom := Tile.Top + FrameHeight;
10349           while (Tile.Top < FRect.Bottom) do
10350           begin
10351             BackupBuffer.Canvas.CopyRect(Tile, Background.Canvas, Tile);
10352             Tile.Top := Tile.Top + ImageHeight;
10353             Tile.Bottom := Tile.Bottom + ImageHeight;
10354           end;
10355           Tile.Left := Tile.Left + ImageWidth;
10356           Tile.Right := Tile.Right + ImageWidth;
10357         end;
10358       end else
10359       begin
10360         r := FImage.Images[ActiveImage].ScaleRect(BackupBuffer.Canvas.ClipRect);
10361         BackupBuffer.Canvas.CopyRect(r, Background.Canvas, r)
10362       end;
10363     end else
10364     begin
10365       // If the frame isn't transparent, we just clear the area covered by
10366       // it to the background color.
10367       // Tile the background unless the frame covers all of the image
10368       if (goTile in FDrawOptions) and
10369         ((FImage.Width <> FImage.Images[ActiveImage].Width) and
10370          (FImage.height <> FImage.Images[ActiveImage].Height)) then
10371       begin
10372         FrameTop := FImage.Images[ActiveImage].Top;
10373         FrameHeight := FImage.Images[ActiveImage].Height;
10374         ImageWidth := FImage.Width;
10375         ImageHeight := FImage.Height;
10376         // ***FIXME*** I don't think this does any difference
10377         BackupBuffer.Canvas.Brush.Color := FImage.DrawBackgroundColor;
10379         Tile.Left := FRect.Left + FImage.Images[ActiveImage].Left;
10380         Tile.Right := Tile.Left + FImage.Images[ActiveImage].Width;
10381         while (Tile.Left < FRect.Right) do
10382         begin
10383           Tile.Top := FRect.Top + FrameTop;
10384           Tile.Bottom := Tile.Top + FrameHeight;
10385           while (Tile.Top < FRect.Bottom) do
10386           begin
10387             BackupBuffer.Canvas.FillRect(Tile);
10389             Tile.Top := Tile.Top + ImageHeight;
10390             Tile.Bottom := Tile.Bottom + ImageHeight;
10391           end;
10392           Tile.Left := Tile.Left + ImageWidth;
10393           Tile.Right := Tile.Right + ImageWidth;
10394         end;
10395       end else
10396         BackupBuffer.Canvas.FillRect(FImage.Images[ActiveImage].ScaleRect(FRect));
10397     end;
10398   end;
10400 begin
10401   if (goValidateCanvas in FDrawOptions) then
10402     if (GetObjectType(ValidateDC) <> OBJ_DC) then
10403     begin
10404       Terminate;
10405       exit;
10406     end;
10408   DrawDestination := nil;
10409   DoStep2 := (goClearOnLoop in FDrawOptions) and (FActiveImage = 0);
10410   DoStep3 := False;
10411   DoStep5 := False;
10412   DoStep6 := False;
10413 {
10414 Disposal mode algorithm:
10416 Step 1: Copy destination to backup buffer
10417         Always executed before first frame and only once.
10418         Done in constructor.
10419 Step 2: Clear previous frame (implementation is same as step 6)
10420         Done implicitly by implementation.
10421         Only done explicitly on first frame if goClearOnLoop option is set.
10422 Step 3: Copy backup buffer to frame buffer
10423 Step 4: Draw frame
10424 Step 5: Copy buffer to destination
10425 Step 6: Clear frame from backup buffer
10426 +------------+------------------+---------------------+------------------------+
10427 |New  \  Old |  dmNone          |  dmBackground       |  dmPrevious            |
10428 +------------+------------------+---------------------+------------------------+
10429 |dmNone      |                  |                     |                        |
10430 |            |4. Paint on backup|4. Paint on backup   |4. Paint on backup      |
10431 |            |5. Restore        |5. Restore           |5. Restore              |
10432 +------------+------------------+---------------------+------------------------+
10433 |dmBackground|                  |                     |                        |
10434 |            |4. Paint on backup|4. Paint on backup   |4. Paint on backup      |
10435 |            |5. Restore        |5. Restore           |5. Restore              |
10436 |            |6. Clear backup   |6. Clear backup      |6. Clear backup         |
10437 +------------+------------------+---------------------+------------------------+
10438 |dmPrevious  |                  |                     |                        |
10439 |            |                  |3. Copy backup to buf|3. Copy backup to buf   |
10440 |            |4. Paint on dest  |4. Paint on buf      |4. Paint on buf         |
10441 |            |                  |5. Copy buf to dest  |5. Copy buf to dest     |
10442 +------------+------------------+---------------------+------------------------+
10443 }
10444   case (Disposal) of
10445     dmNone, dmNoDisposal:
10446       begin
10447         DrawDestination := BackupBuffer.Canvas;
10448         DrawRect := BackupBuffer.Canvas.ClipRect;
10449         DoStep5 := True;
10450       end;
10451     dmBackground:
10452       begin
10453         DrawDestination := BackupBuffer.Canvas;
10454         DrawRect := BackupBuffer.Canvas.ClipRect;
10455         DoStep5 := True;
10456         DoStep6 := True;
10457       end;
10458     dmPrevious:
10459       case (OldDisposal) of
10460         dmNone, dmNoDisposal:
10461         begin
10462           DrawDestination := FCanvas;
10463           DrawRect := FRect;
10464         end;
10465         dmBackground, dmPrevious:
10466         begin
10467           DrawDestination := FrameBuffer.Canvas;
10468           DrawRect := FrameBuffer.Canvas.ClipRect;
10469           DoStep3 := True;
10470           DoStep5 := True;
10471         end;
10472       end;
10473   end;
10475   // Find source palette
10476   SourcePal := FImage.Images[ActiveImage].Palette;
10477   if (SourcePal = 0) then
10478     SourcePal := SystemPalette16; // This should never happen
10480   SavePal := SelectPalette(DrawDestination.Handle, SourcePal, False);
10481   RealizePalette(DrawDestination.Handle);
10483   // Step 2: Clear previous frame
10484   if (DoStep2) then
10485    ClearBackup;
10487   // Step 3: Copy backup buffer to frame buffer
10488   if (DoStep3) then
10489     FrameBuffer.Canvas.CopyRect(FrameBuffer.Canvas.ClipRect,
10490       BackupBuffer.Canvas, BackupBuffer.Canvas.ClipRect);
10492   // Step 4: Draw frame
10493   if (DrawDestination <> nil) then
10494     FImage.Images[ActiveImage].Draw(DrawDestination, DrawRect,
10495       (goTransparent in FDrawOptions), (goTile in FDrawOptions));
10497   // Step 5: Copy buffer to destination
10498   if (DoStep5) then
10499   begin
10500     FCanvas.CopyMode := cmSrcCopy;
10501     FCanvas.CopyRect(FRect, DrawDestination, DrawRect);
10502   end;
10504   if (SavePal <> 0) then
10505     SelectPalette(DrawDestination.Handle, SavePal, False);
10507   // Step 6: Clear frame from backup buffer
10508   if (DoStep6) then
10509    ClearBackup;
10511   FStarted := True;
10512 end;
10514 // Prefetch bitmap
10515 // Used to force the GIF image to be rendered as a bitmap
10516 {$ifdef SERIALIZE_RENDER}
10517 procedure TGIFPainter.PrefetchBitmap;
10518 begin
10519   // Touch current bitmap to force bitmap to be rendered
10520   if not((FImage.Images[ActiveImage].Empty) or (FImage.Images[ActiveImage].HasBitmap)) then
10521     FImage.Images[ActiveImage].Bitmap;
10522 end;
10523 {$endif}
10525 // Main thread execution loop - This is where it all happens...
10526 procedure TGIFPainter.Execute;
10527 var
10528   i			: integer;
10529   LoopCount		,
10530   LoopPoint		: integer;
10531   Looping		: boolean;
10532   Ext			: TGIFExtension;
10533   Msg			: TMsg;
10534   Delay			,
10535   OldDelay		,
10536   DelayUsed		: longInt;
10537   DelayStart		,
10538   NewDelayStart		: DWORD;
10540   procedure FireEvent(Event: TNotifyEvent);
10541   begin
10542     if not(Assigned(Event)) then
10543       exit;
10544     FEvent := Event;
10545     try
10546       DoSynchronize(DoEvent);
10547     finally
10548       FEvent := nil;
10549     end;
10550   end;
10552 begin
10553 {
10554   Disposal:
10555     dmNone: Same as dmNodisposal
10556     dmNoDisposal: Do not dispose
10557     dmBackground: Clear with background color *)
10558     dmPrevious: Previous image
10559     *) Note: Background color should either be a BROWSER SPECIFIED Background
10560        color (DrawBackgroundColor) or the background image if any frames are
10561        transparent.
10562 }
10563   try
10564     try
10565       if (goValidateCanvas in FDrawOptions) then
10566         ValidateDC := FCanvas.Handle;
10567       DoRestart := True;
10569       // Loop to restart paint
10570       while (DoRestart) and not(Terminated) do
10571       begin
10572         FActiveImage := 0;
10573         // Fire OnStartPaint event
10574         // Note: ActiveImage may be altered by the event handler
10575         FireEvent(FOnStartPaint);
10577         FStarted := False;
10578         DoRestart := False;
10579         LoopCount := 1;
10580         LoopPoint := FActiveImage;
10581         Looping := False;
10582         if (goAsync in DrawOptions) then
10583           Delay := 0
10584         else
10585           Delay := 1; // Dummy to process messages
10586         OldDisposal := dmNoDisposal;
10587         // Fetch delay start time
10588         DelayStart := timeGetTime;
10589         OldDelay := 0;
10591         // Loop to loop - duh!
10592         while ((LoopCount <> 0) or (goLoopContinously in DrawOptions)) and
10593           not(Terminated or DoRestart) do
10594         begin
10595           FActiveImage := LoopPoint;
10597           // Fire OnLoopPaint event
10598           // Note: ActiveImage may be altered by the event handler
10599           if (FStarted) then
10600             FireEvent(FOnLoop);
10602           // Loop to animate
10603           while (ActiveImage < FImage.Images.Count) and not(Terminated or DoRestart) do
10604           begin
10605             // Ignore empty images
10606             if (FImage.Images[ActiveImage].Empty) then
10607               break;
10608             // Delay from previous image
10609             if (Delay > 0) then
10610             begin
10611               // Prefetch frame bitmap
10612 {$ifdef SERIALIZE_RENDER}
10613               DoSynchronize(PrefetchBitmap);
10614 {$else}
10615               FImage.Images[ActiveImage].Bitmap;
10616 {$endif}
10618               // Calculate inter frame delay
10619               NewDelayStart := timeGetTime;
10620               if (FAnimationSpeed > 0) then
10621               begin
10622                 // Calculate number of mS used in prefetch and display
10623                 try
10624                   DelayUsed := integer(NewDelayStart-DelayStart)-OldDelay;
10625                   // Prevent feedback oscillations caused by over/undercompensation.
10626                   DelayUsed := DelayUsed DIV 2;
10627                   // Convert delay value to mS and...
10628                   // ...Adjust for time already spent converting GIF to bitmap and...
10629                   // ...Adjust for Animation Speed factor.
10630                   Delay := MulDiv(Delay * GIFDelayExp - DelayUsed, 100, FAnimationSpeed);
10631                   OldDelay := Delay;
10632                 except
10633                   Delay := GIFMaximumDelay * GIFDelayExp;
10634                   OldDelay := 0;
10635                 end;
10636               end else
10637               begin
10638                 if (goAsync in DrawOptions) then
10639                   Delay := longInt(INFINITE)
10640                 else
10641                   Delay := GIFMaximumDelay * GIFDelayExp;
10642               end;
10643               // Fetch delay start time
10644               DelayStart := NewDelayStart;
10646               // Sleep in one chunk if we are running in a thread
10647               if (goAsync in DrawOptions) then
10648               begin
10649                 // Use of WaitForSingleObject allows TGIFPainter.Stop to wake us up
10650                 if (Delay > 0) or (FAnimationSpeed = 0) then
10651                 begin
10652                   if (WaitForSingleObject(FEventHandle, DWORD(Delay)) <> WAIT_TIMEOUT) then
10653                   begin
10654                     // Don't use interframe delay feedback adjustment if delay
10655                     // were prematurely aborted (e.g. because the animation
10656                     // speed were changed)
10657                     OldDelay := 0;
10658                     DelayStart := longInt(timeGetTime);
10659                   end;
10660                 end;
10661               end else
10662               begin
10663                 if (Delay <= 0) then
10664                   Delay := 1;
10665                 // Fetch start time
10666                 NewDelayStart := timeGetTime;
10667                 // If we are not running in a thread we Sleep in small chunks
10668                 // and give the user a chance to abort
10669                 while (Delay > 0) and not(Terminated or DoRestart) do
10670                 begin
10671                   if (Delay < 100) then
10672                     Sleep(Delay)
10673                   else
10674                     Sleep(100);
10675                   // Calculate number of mS delayed in this chunk
10676                   DelayUsed := integer(timeGetTime - NewDelayStart);
10677                   dec(Delay, DelayUsed);
10678                   // Reset start time for chunk
10679                   NewDelaySTart := timeGetTime;
10680                   // Application.ProcessMessages wannabe
10681                   while (not(Terminated or DoRestart)) and
10682                     (PeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) do
10683                   begin
10684                     if (Msg.Message <> WM_QUIT) then
10685                     begin
10686                       TranslateMessage(Msg);
10687                       DispatchMessage(Msg);
10688                     end else
10689                     begin
10690                       // Put WM_QUIT back in queue and get out of here fast
10691                       PostQuitMessage(Msg.WParam);
10692                       Terminate;
10693                     end;
10694                   end;
10695                 end;
10696               end;
10697             end else
10698               Sleep(0); // Yield
10699             if (Terminated) then
10700               break;
10702             // Fire OnPaint event
10703             // Note: ActiveImage may be altered by the event handler
10704             FireEvent(FOnPaint);
10705             if (Terminated) then
10706               break;
10708             // Pre-draw processing of extensions
10709             Disposal := dmNoDisposal;
10710             for i := 0 to FImage.Images[ActiveImage].Extensions.Count-1 do
10711             begin
10712               Ext := FImage.Images[ActiveImage].Extensions[i];
10713               if (Ext is TGIFAppExtNSLoop) then
10714               begin
10715                 // Recursive loops not supported (or defined)
10716                 if (Looping) then
10717                   continue;
10718                 Looping := True;
10719                 LoopCount := TGIFAppExtNSLoop(Ext).Loops;
10720                 if ((LoopCount = 0) or (goLoopContinously in DrawOptions)) and
10721                   (goAsync in DrawOptions) then
10722                   LoopCount := -1; // Infinite if running in separate thread
10724                 // Loop from this image and on
10725                 // Note: This is not standard behavior
10726                 LoopPoint := ActiveImage;
10727 {$ENDIF}
10728               end else
10729               if (Ext is TGIFGraphicControlExtension) then
10730                 Disposal := TGIFGraphicControlExtension(Ext).Disposal;
10731             end;
10733             // Paint the image
10734             if (BackupBuffer <> nil) then
10735               DoSynchronize(DoPaintFrame)
10736             else
10737               DoSynchronize(DoPaint);
10738             OldDisposal := Disposal;
10740             if (Terminated) then
10741               break;
10743             Delay := GIFDefaultDelay; // Default delay
10744             // Post-draw processing of extensions
10745             if (FImage.Images[ActiveImage].GraphicControlExtension <> nil) then
10746               if (FImage.Images[ActiveImage].GraphicControlExtension.Delay > 0) then
10747               begin
10748                 Delay := FImage.Images[ActiveImage].GraphicControlExtension.Delay;
10750                 // Enforce minimum animation delay in compliance with Mozilla
10751                 if (Delay < GIFMinimumDelay) then
10752                   Delay := GIFMinimumDelay;
10754                 // Do not delay more than 10 seconds if running in main thread
10755                 if (Delay > GIFMaximumDelay) and not(goAsync in DrawOptions) then
10756                   Delay := GIFMaximumDelay; // Max 10 seconds
10757               end;
10758             // Fire OnAfterPaint event
10759             // Note: ActiveImage may be altered by the event handler
10760             i := FActiveImage;
10761             FireEvent(FOnAfterPaint);
10762             if (Terminated) then
10763               break;
10764             // Don't increment frame counter if event handler modified
10765             // current frame
10766             if (FActiveImage = i) then
10767               Inc(FActiveImage);
10768             // Nothing more to do unless we are animating
10769             if not(goAnimate in DrawOptions) then
10770               break;
10771           end;
10773           if (LoopCount > 0) then
10774             Dec(LoopCount);
10775           if ([goAnimate, goLoop] * DrawOptions <> [goAnimate, goLoop]) then
10776             break;
10777         end;
10778         if (Terminated) then  // 2001.07.23
10779           break;  // 2001.07.23
10780       end;
10781       FActiveImage := -1;
10782       // Fire OnEndPaint event
10783       FireEvent(FOnEndPaint);
10784     finally
10785       // If we are running in the main thread we will have to zap our self
10786       if not(goAsync in DrawOptions) then
10787         Free;
10788     end;
10789   except
10790     on E: Exception do
10791     begin
10792       // Eat exception and terminate thread...
10793       // If we allow the exception to abort the thread at this point, the
10794       // application will hang since the thread destructor will never be called
10795       // and the application will wait forever for the thread to die!
10796       Terminate;
10797       // Clone exception
10798       ExceptObject := E.Create(E.Message);
10799       ExceptAddress := ExceptAddr;
10800     end;
10801   end;
10802 end;
10804 procedure TGIFPainter.Start;
10805 begin
10806   if (goAsync in FDrawOptions) then
10807     Resume;
10808 end;
10810 procedure TGIFPainter.Stop;
10811 begin
10812   Terminate;
10813   if (goAsync in FDrawOptions) then
10814   begin
10815     // Signal WaitForSingleObject delay to abort
10816     if (FEventHandle <> 0) then
10817       SetEvent(FEventHandle);
10818     Priority := tpNormal;
10819     if (Suspended) then
10820       Resume; // Must be running before we can terminate
10821   end;
10822 end;
10824 procedure TGIFPainter.Restart;
10825 begin
10826   DoRestart := True;
10827   if (Suspended) and (goAsync in FDrawOptions) then
10828     Resume; // Must be running before we can terminate
10829 end;
10831 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10832 //
10833 //			TColorMapOptimizer
10834 //
10835 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10836 // Used by TGIFImage to optimize local color maps to a single global color map.
10837 // The following algorithm is used:
10838 // 1) Build a histogram for each image
10839 // 2) Merge histograms
10840 // 3) Sum equal colors and adjust max # of colors
10841 // 4) Map entries > max to entries <= 256
10842 // 5) Build new color map
10843 // 6) Map images to new color map
10844 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10846 type
10848   POptimizeEntry	= ^TOptimizeEntry;
10849   TColorRec = record
10850   case byte of
10851     0: (Value: integer);
10852     1: (Color: TGIFColor);
10853     2: (SameAs: POptimizeEntry); // Used if TOptimizeEntry.Count = 0
10854   end;
10856   TOptimizeEntry = record
10857     Count		: integer;	// Usage count
10858     OldIndex		: integer;	// Color OldIndex
10859     NewIndex		: integer;	// NewIndex color OldIndex
10860     Color		: TColorRec;	// Color value
10861   end;
10863   TOptimizeEntries	= array[0..255] of TOptimizeEntry;
10864   POptimizeEntries	= ^TOptimizeEntries;
10866   THistogram = class(TObject)
10867   private
10868     PHistogram		: POptimizeEntries;
10869     FCount		: integer;
10870     FColorMap		: TGIFColorMap;
10871     FList		: TList;
10872     FImages		: TList;
10873   public
10874     constructor Create(AColorMap: TGIFColorMap);
10875     destructor Destroy; override;
ProcessSubImagenull10876     function ProcessSubImage(Image: TGIFSubImage): boolean;
Prunenull10877     function Prune: integer;
10878     procedure MapImages(UseTransparency: boolean; NewTransparentColorIndex: byte);
10879     property Count: integer read FCount;
10880     property ColorMap: TGIFColorMap read FColorMap;
10881     property List: TList read FList;
10882   end;
10884   TColorMapOptimizer = class(TObject)
10885   private
10886     FImage		: TGIFImage;
10887     FHistogramList	: TList;
10888     FHistogram		: TList;
10889     FColorMap		: TColorMap;
10890     FFinalCount		: integer;
10891     FUseTransparency	: boolean;
10892     FNewTransparentColorIndex: byte;
10893   protected
10894     procedure ProcessImage;
10895     procedure MergeColors;
10896     procedure MapColors;
10897     procedure ReplaceColorMaps;
10898   public
10899     constructor Create(AImage: TGIFImage);
10900     destructor Destroy; override;
10901     procedure Optimize;
10902   end;
CompareColornull10904 function CompareColor(Item1, Item2: Pointer): integer;
10905 begin
10906   Result := POptimizeEntry(Item2)^.Color.Value - POptimizeEntry(Item1)^.Color.Value;
10907 end;
CompareCountnull10909 function CompareCount(Item1, Item2: Pointer): integer;
10910 begin
10911   Result := POptimizeEntry(Item2)^.Count - POptimizeEntry(Item1)^.Count;
10912 end;
10914 constructor THistogram.Create(AColorMap: TGIFColorMap);
10915 var
10916   i			: integer;
10917 begin
10918   inherited Create;
10920   FCount := AColorMap.Count;
10921   FColorMap := AColorMap;
10923   FImages := TList.Create;
10925   // Allocate memory for histogram
10926   GetMem(PHistogram, FCount * sizeof(TOptimizeEntry));
10927   FList := TList.Create;
10929   FList.Capacity := FCount;
10931   // Move data to histogram and initialize
10932   for i := 0 to FCount-1 do
10933     with PHistogram^[i] do
10934     begin
10935       FList.Add(@PHistogram^[i]);
10936       OldIndex := i;
10937       Count := 0;
10938       Color.Value := 0;
10939       Color.Color := AColorMap.Data^[i];
10940       NewIndex := 256; // Used to signal unmapped
10941     end;
10942 end;
10944 destructor THistogram.Destroy;
10945 begin
10946   FImages.Free;
10947   FList.Free;
10948   FreeMem(PHistogram);
10949   inherited Destroy;
10950 end;
10952 //: Build a color histogram
ProcessSubImagenull10953 function THistogram.ProcessSubImage(Image: TGIFSubImage): boolean;
10954 var
10955   Size			: integer;
10956   Pixel			: PChar;
10957   IsTransparent		,
10958   WasTransparent	: boolean;
10959   OldTransparentColorIndex: byte;
10960 begin
10961   Result := False;
10962   if (Image.Empty) then
10963     exit;
10965   FImages.Add(Image);
10967   Pixel := Image.data;
10968   Size := Image.Width * Image.Height;
10970   IsTransparent := Image.Transparent;
10971   if (IsTransparent) then
10972     OldTransparentColorIndex := Image.GraphicControlExtension.TransparentColorIndex
10973   else
10974     OldTransparentColorIndex := 0; // To avoid compiler warning
10975   WasTransparent := False;
10977   (*
10978   ** Sum up usage count for each color
10979   *)
10980   while (Size > 0) do
10981   begin
10982     // Ignore transparent pixels
10983     if (not IsTransparent) or (ord(Pixel^) <> OldTransparentColorIndex) then
10984     begin
10985       // Check for invalid color index
10986       if (ord(Pixel^) >= FCount) then
10987       begin
10988         Pixel^ := #0; // ***FIXME*** Isn't this an error condition?
10989         Image.Warning(gsWarning, sInvalidColor);
10990       end;
10992       with PHistogram^[ord(Pixel^)] do
10993       begin
10994         // Stop if any color reaches the max count
10995         if (Count = high(integer)) then
10996           break;
10997         inc(Count);
10998       end;
10999     end else
11000       WasTransparent := WasTransparent or IsTransparent;
11001     inc(Pixel);
11002     dec(Size);
11003   end;
11005   (*
11006   ** Clear frames transparency flag if the frame claimed to
11007   ** be transparent, but wasn't
11008   *)
11009   if (IsTransparent and not WasTransparent) then
11010   begin
11011     Image.GraphicControlExtension.TransparentColorIndex := 0;
11012     Image.GraphicControlExtension.Transparent := False;
11013   end;
11015   Result := WasTransparent;
11016 end;
11018 //: Removed unused color entries from the histogram
THistogram.Prunenull11019 function THistogram.Prune: integer;
11020 var
11021   i, j			: integer;
11022 begin
11023   (*
11024   **  Sort by usage count
11025   *)
11026   FList.Sort(CompareCount);
11028   (*
11029   **  Determine number of used colors
11030   *)
11031   for i := 0 to FCount-1 do
11032     // Find first unused color entry
11033     if (POptimizeEntry(FList[i])^.Count = 0) then
11034     begin
11035       // Zap unused colors
11036       for j := i to FCount-1 do
11037         POptimizeEntry(FList[j])^.Count := -1; // Use -1 to signal unused entry
11038       // Remove unused entries
11039       FCount := i;
11040       FList.Count := FCount;
11041       break;
11042     end;
11044   Result := FCount;
11045 end;
11047 //: Convert images from old color map to new color map
11048 procedure THistogram.MapImages(UseTransparency: boolean; NewTransparentColorIndex: byte);
11049 var
11050   i			: integer;
11051   Size			: integer;
11052   Pixel			: PChar;
11053   ReverseMap		: array[byte] of byte;
11054   IsTransparent		: boolean;
11055   OldTransparentColorIndex: byte;
11056 begin
11057   (*
11058   ** Build NewIndex map
11059   *)
11060   for i := 0 to List.Count-1 do
11061     ReverseMap[POptimizeEntry(List[i])^.OldIndex] := POptimizeEntry(List[i])^.NewIndex;
11063   (*
11064   **  Reorder all images using this color map
11065   *)
11066   for i := 0 to FImages.Count-1 do
11067     with TGIFSubImage(FImages[i]) do
11068     begin
11069       Pixel := Data;
11070       Size := Width * Height;
11072       // Determine frame transparency
11073       IsTransparent := (Transparent) and (UseTransparency);
11074       if (IsTransparent) then
11075       begin
11076         OldTransparentColorIndex := GraphicControlExtension.TransparentColorIndex;
11077         // Map transparent color
11078         GraphicControlExtension.TransparentColorIndex := NewTransparentColorIndex;
11079       end else
11080         OldTransparentColorIndex := 0; // To avoid compiler warning
11082       // Map all pixels to new color map
11083       while (Size > 0) do
11084       begin
11085         // Map transparent pixels to the new transparent color index and...
11086         if (IsTransparent) and (ord(Pixel^) = OldTransparentColorIndex) then
11087           Pixel^ := char(NewTransparentColorIndex)
11088         else
11089           // ... all other pixels to their new color index
11090           Pixel^ := char(ReverseMap[ord(Pixel^)]);
11091         dec(size);
11092         inc(Pixel);
11093       end;
11094     end;
11095 end;
11097 constructor TColorMapOptimizer.Create(AImage: TGIFImage);
11098 begin
11099   inherited Create;
11100   FImage := AImage;
11101   FHistogramList := TList.Create;
11102   FHistogram := TList.Create;
11103 end;
11105 destructor TColorMapOptimizer.Destroy;
11106 var
11107   i			: integer;
11108 begin
11109   FHistogram.Free;
11111   for i := FHistogramList.Count-1 downto 0 do
11112     THistogram(FHistogramList[i]).Free;
11113   FHistogramList.Free;
11115   inherited Destroy;
11116 end;
11118 procedure TColorMapOptimizer.ProcessImage;
11119 var
11120   Hist			: THistogram;
11121   i			: integer;
11122   ProcessedImage	: boolean;
11123 begin
11124   FUseTransparency := False;
11125   (*
11126   ** First process images using global color map
11127   *)
11128   if (FImage.GlobalColorMap.Count > 0) then
11129   begin
11130     Hist := THistogram.Create(FImage.GlobalColorMap);
11131     ProcessedImage := False;
11132     // Process all images that are using the global color map
11133     for i := 0 to FImage.Images.Count-1 do
11134       if (FImage.Images[i].ColorMap.Count = 0) and (not FImage.Images[i].Empty) then
11135       begin
11136         ProcessedImage := True;
11137       // Note: Do not change order of statements. Shortcircuit evaluation not desired!
11138         FUseTransparency := Hist.ProcessSubImage(FImage.Images[i]) or FUseTransparency;
11139       end;
11140     // Keep the histogram if any images used the global color map...
11141     if (ProcessedImage) then
11142       FHistogramList.Add(Hist)
11143     else // ... otherwise delete it
11144       Hist.Free;
11145   end;
11147   (*
11148   ** Next process images that have a local color map
11149   *)
11150   for i := 0 to FImage.Images.Count-1 do
11151     if (FImage.Images[i].ColorMap.Count > 0) and (not FImage.Images[i].Empty) then
11152     begin
11153       Hist := THistogram.Create(FImage.Images[i].ColorMap);
11154       FHistogramList.Add(Hist);
11155       // Note: Do not change order of statements. Shortcircuit evaluation not desired!
11156       FUseTransparency := Hist.ProcessSubImage(FImage.Images[i]) or FUseTransparency;
11157     end;
11158 end;
11160 procedure TColorMapOptimizer.MergeColors;
11161 var
11162   Entry, SameEntry	: POptimizeEntry;
11163   i			: integer;
11164 begin
11165   (*
11166   **  Sort by color value
11167   *)
11168   FHistogram.Sort(CompareColor);
11170   (*
11171   **  Merge same colors
11172   *)
11173   SameEntry := POptimizeEntry(FHistogram[0]);
11174   for i := 1 to FHistogram.Count-1 do
11175   begin
11176     Entry := POptimizeEntry(FHistogram[i]);
11177     ASSERT(Entry^.Count > 0, 'Unused entry exported from THistogram');
11178     if (Entry^.Color.Value = SameEntry^.Color.Value) then
11179     begin
11180       // Transfer usage count to first entry
11181       inc(SameEntry^.Count, Entry^.Count);
11182       Entry^.Count := 0; // Use 0 to signal merged entry
11183       Entry^.Color.SameAs := SameEntry; // Point to master
11184     end else
11185       SameEntry := Entry;
11186   end;
11187 end;
11189 procedure TColorMapOptimizer.MapColors;
11190 var
11191   i, j			: integer;
11192   Delta, BestDelta	: integer;
11193   BestIndex		: integer;
11194   MaxColors		: integer;
11195 begin
11196   (*
11197   **  Sort by usage count
11198   *)
11199   FHistogram.Sort(CompareCount);
11201   (*
11202   ** Handle transparency
11203   *)
11204   if (FUseTransparency) then
11205     MaxColors := 255
11206   else
11207     MaxColors := 256;
11209   (*
11210   **  Determine number of colors used (max 256)
11211   *)
11212   FFinalCount := FHistogram.Count;
11213   for i := 0 to FFinalCount-1 do
11214     if (i >= MaxColors) or (POptimizeEntry(FHistogram[i])^.Count = 0) then
11215     begin
11216       FFinalCount := i;
11217       break;
11218     end;
11220   (*
11221   **  Build color map and reverse map for final entries
11222   *)
11223   for i := 0 to FFinalCount-1 do
11224   begin
11225     POptimizeEntry(FHistogram[i])^.NewIndex := i;
11226     FColorMap[i] := POptimizeEntry(FHistogram[i])^.Color.Color;
11227   end;
11229   (*
11230   **  Map colors > 256 to colors <= 256 and build NewIndex color map
11231   *)
11232   for i := FFinalCount to FHistogram.Count-1 do
11233     with POptimizeEntry(FHistogram[i])^ do
11234     begin
11235       // Entries with a usage count of -1 is unused
11236       ASSERT(Count <> -1, 'Internal error: Unused entry exported');
11237       // Entries with a usage count of 0 has been merged with another entry
11238       if (Count = 0) then
11239       begin
11240         // Use mapping of master entry
11241         ASSERT(Color.SameAs.NewIndex < 256, 'Internal error: Mapping to unmapped color');
11242         NewIndex := Color.SameAs.NewIndex;
11243       end else
11244       begin
11245         // Search for entry with nearest color value
11246         BestIndex := 0;
11247         BestDelta := 255*3;
11248         for j := 0 to FFinalCount-1 do
11249         begin
11250           Delta := ABS((POptimizeEntry(FHistogram[j])^.Color.Color.Red - Color.Color.Red) +
11251             (POptimizeEntry(FHistogram[j])^.Color.Color.Green - Color.Color.Green) +
11252             (POptimizeEntry(FHistogram[j])^.Color.Color.Blue - Color.Color.Blue));
11253           if (Delta < BestDelta) then
11254           begin
11255             BestDelta := Delta;
11256             BestIndex := j;
11257           end;
11258         end;
11259         NewIndex := POptimizeEntry(FHistogram[BestIndex])^.NewIndex;;
11260       end;
11261     end;
11263   (*
11264   ** Add transparency color to new color map
11265   *)
11266   if (FUseTransparency) then
11267   begin
11268     FNewTransparentColorIndex := FFinalCount;
11269     FColorMap[FFinalCount].Red := 0;
11270     FColorMap[FFinalCount].Green := 0;
11271     FColorMap[FFinalCount].Blue := 0;
11272     inc(FFinalCount);
11273   end;
11274 end;
11276 procedure TColorMapOptimizer.ReplaceColorMaps;
11277 var
11278   i			: integer;
11279 begin
11280   // Zap all local color maps
11281   for i := 0 to FImage.Images.Count-1 do
11282     if (FImage.Images[i].ColorMap <> nil) then
11283       FImage.Images[i].ColorMap.Clear;
11284   // Store optimized global color map
11285   FImage.GlobalColorMap.ImportColorMap(FColorMap, FFinalCount);
11286   FImage.GlobalColorMap.Optimized := True;
11287 end;
11289 procedure TColorMapOptimizer.Optimize;
11290 var
11291   Total			: integer;
11292   i, j			: integer;
11293 begin
11294   // Stop all painters during optimize...
11295   FImage.PaintStop;
11296   // ...and prevent any new from starting while we are doing our thing
11297   FImage.Painters.LockList;
11298   try
11300     (*
11301     **  Process all sub images
11302     *)
11303     ProcessImage;
11305     // Prune histograms and calculate total number of colors
11306     Total := 0;
11307     for i := 0 to FHistogramList.Count-1 do
11308       inc(Total, THistogram(FHistogramList[i]).Prune);
11310     // Allocate global histogram
11311     FHistogram.Clear;
11312     FHistogram.Capacity := Total;
11314     // Move data pointers from local histograms to global histogram
11315     for i := 0 to FHistogramList.Count-1 do
11316       with THistogram(FHistogramList[i]) do
11317         for j := 0 to Count-1 do
11318         begin
11319           ASSERT(POptimizeEntry(List[j])^.Count > 0, 'Unused entry exported from THistogram');
11320           FHistogram.Add(List[j]);
11321         end;
11323     (*
11324     **  Merge same colors
11325     *)
11326     MergeColors;
11328     (*
11329     **  Build color map and NewIndex map for final entries
11330     *)
11331     MapColors;
11333     (*
11334     **  Replace local colormaps with global color map
11335     *)
11336     ReplaceColorMaps;
11338     (*
11339     **  Process images for each color map
11340     *)
11341     for i := 0 to FHistogramList.Count-1 do
11342       THistogram(FHistogramList[i]).MapImages(FUseTransparency, FNewTransparentColorIndex);
11344     (*
11345     **  Delete the frame's old bitmaps and palettes
11346     *)
11347     for i := 0 to FImage.Images.Count-1 do
11348     begin
11349       FImage.Images[i].HasBitmap := False;
11350       FImage.Images[i].Palette := 0;
11351     end;
11353   finally
11354     FImage.Painters.UnlockList;
11355   end;
11356 end;
11358 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11359 //
11360 //			TGIFImage
11361 //
11362 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11363 constructor TGIFImage.Create;
11364 begin
11365   inherited Create;
11366   FImages := TGIFImageList.Create(self);
11367   FHeader := TGIFHeader.Create(self);
11368   FPainters := TThreadList.Create;
11369   FGlobalPalette := 0;
11370   // Load defaults
11371   FDrawOptions := GIFImageDefaultDrawOptions;
11372   ColorReduction := GIFImageDefaultColorReduction;
11373   FReductionBits := GIFImageDefaultColorReductionBits;
11374   FDitherMode := GIFImageDefaultDitherMode;
11375   FCompression := GIFImageDefaultCompression;
11376   FThreadPriority := GIFImageDefaultThreadPriority;
11377   FAnimationSpeed := GIFImageDefaultAnimationSpeed;
11379   FDrawBackgroundColor := clNone;
11380   IsDrawing := False;
11381   IsInsideGetPalette := False;
11382   FForceFrame := -1;  // 2004.03.09
11383   NewImage;
11384 end;
11386 destructor TGIFImage.Destroy;
11387 var
11388   i			: integer;
11389 begin
11390   PaintStop;
11391   with FPainters.LockList do
11392     try
11393       for i := Count-1 downto 0 do
11394         TGIFPainter(Items[i]).FImage := nil;
11395     finally
11396       FPainters.UnLockList;
11397     end;
11399   Clear;
11400   FPainters.Free;
11401   FImages.Free;
11402   FHeader.Free;
11403   inherited Destroy;
11404 end;
11406 procedure TGIFImage.Clear;
11407 begin
11408   PaintStop;
11409   FreeBitmap;
11410   FImages.Clear;
11411   FHeader.ColorMap.Clear;
11412   FHeader.Height := 0;
11413   FHeader.Width := 0;
11414   FHeader.Prepare;
11415   Palette := 0;
11416 end;
11418 procedure TGIFImage.NewImage;
11419 begin
11420   Clear;
11421 end;
GetVersionnull11423 function TGIFImage.GetVersion: TGIFVersion;
11424 var
11425   v			: TGIFVersion;
11426   i			: integer;
11427 begin
11428   Result := gvUnknown;
11429   for i := 0 to FImages.Count-1 do
11430   begin
11431     v := FImages[i].Version;
11432     if (v > Result) then
11433       Result := v;
11434     if (v >= high(TGIFVersion)) then
11435       break;
11436   end;
11437 end;
TGIFImage.GetColorResolutionnull11439 function TGIFImage.GetColorResolution: integer;
11440 var
11441   i			: integer;
11442 begin
11443   Result := FHeader.ColorResolution;
11444   for i := 0 to FImages.Count-1 do
11445     if (FImages[i].ColorResolution > Result) then
11446       Result := FImages[i].ColorResolution;
11447 end;
GetBitsPerPixelnull11449 function TGIFImage.GetBitsPerPixel: integer;
11450 var
11451   i			: integer;
11452 begin
11453   Result := FHeader.BitsPerPixel;
11454   for i := 0 to FImages.Count-1 do
11455     if (FImages[i].BitsPerPixel > Result) then
11456       Result := FImages[i].BitsPerPixel;
11457 end;
TGIFImage.GetBackgroundColorIndexnull11459 function TGIFImage.GetBackgroundColorIndex: BYTE;
11460 begin
11461   Result := FHeader.BackgroundColorIndex;
11462 end;
11464 procedure TGIFImage.SetBackgroundColorIndex(const Value: BYTE);
11465 begin
11466   FHeader.BackgroundColorIndex := Value;
11467 end;
GetBackgroundColornull11469 function TGIFImage.GetBackgroundColor: TColor;
11470 begin
11471   Result := FHeader.BackgroundColor;
11472 end;
11474 procedure TGIFImage.SetBackgroundColor(const Value: TColor);
11475 begin
11476   FHeader.BackgroundColor := Value;
11477 end;
TGIFImage.GetAspectRationull11479 function TGIFImage.GetAspectRatio: BYTE;
11480 begin
11481   Result := FHeader.AspectRatio;
11482 end;
11484 procedure TGIFImage.SetAspectRatio(const Value: BYTE);
11485 begin
11486   FHeader.AspectRatio := Value;
11487 end;
11489 procedure TGIFImage.SetDrawOptions(Value: TGIFDrawOptions);
11490 begin
11491   if (FDrawOptions = Value) then
11492     exit;
11494   if (DrawPainter <> nil) then
11495     DrawPainter.Stop;
11497   FDrawOptions := Value;
11498   // Zap all bitmaps
11499   Pack;
11500   Changed(self);
11501 end;
GetAnimatenull11503 function TGIFImage.GetAnimate: Boolean;
11504 begin  // 2002.07.07
11505   Result:= goAnimate in DrawOptions;
11506 end;
11508 procedure TGIFImage.SetAnimate(const Value: Boolean);
11509 begin  // 2002.07.07
11510   if Value then
11511     DrawOptions:= DrawOptions + [goAnimate]
11512   else
11513     DrawOptions:= DrawOptions - [goAnimate];
11514 end;
11516 procedure TGIFImage.SetForceFrame(const Value: Integer);
11517 begin  // 2004.03.09
11518   FForceFrame := Value;
11519   Changed(Self);
11520 end;
11522 procedure TGIFImage.SetAnimationSpeed(Value: integer);
11523 begin
11524   if (Value < 0) then
11525     Value := 0
11526   else if (Value > 1000) then
11527     Value := 1000;
11528   if (Value <> FAnimationSpeed) then
11529   begin
11530     FAnimationSpeed := Value;
11531     // Use the FPainters threadlist to protect FDrawPainter from being modified
11532     // by the thread while we mess with it
11533     with FPainters.LockList do
11534       try
11535         if (FDrawPainter <> nil) then
11536           FDrawPainter.AnimationSpeed := FAnimationSpeed;
11537       finally
11538         // Release the lock on FPainters to let paint thread kill itself
11539         FPainters.UnLockList;
11540       end;
11541   end;
11542 end;
11544 procedure TGIFImage.SetReductionBits(Value: integer);
11545 begin
11546   if (Value < 3) or (Value > 8) then
11547     Error(sInvalidBitSize);
11548   FReductionBits := Value;
11549 end;
11551 procedure TGIFImage.OptimizeColorMap;
11552 var
11553   ColorMapOptimizer	: TColorMapOptimizer;
11554 begin
11555   ColorMapOptimizer := TColorMapOptimizer.Create(self);
11556   try
11557     ColorMapOptimizer.Optimize;
11558   finally
11559     ColorMapOptimizer.Free;
11560   end;
11561 end;
11563 procedure TGIFImage.Optimize(Options: TGIFOptimizeOptions;
11564   ColorReduction: TColorReduction; DitherMode: TDitherMode;
11565   ReductionBits: integer);
11566 var
11567   i			,
11568   j			: integer;
11569   Delay			: integer;
11570   GCE			: TGIFGraphicControlExtension;
11571   ThisRect		,
11572   NextRect		,
11573   MergeRect		: TRect;
11574   Prog			,
11575   MaxProg		: integer;
Scannull11577   function Scan(Buf: PChar; Value: Byte; Count: integer): boolean; assembler;
11578   asm
11579     PUSH	EDI
11580     MOV		EDI, Buf
11581     MOV		ECX, Count
11582     MOV		AL, Value
11583     REPNE	SCASB
11584     MOV		EAX, False
11585     JNE		@@1
11586     MOV		EAX, True
11587 @@1:POP		EDI
11588   end;
11590 begin
11591   if (Empty) then
11592     exit;
11593   // Stop all painters during optimize...
11594   PaintStop;
11595   // ...and prevent any new from starting while we are doing our thing
11596   FPainters.LockList;
11597   try
11598     Progress(Self, psStarting, 0, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressOptimizing);
11599     try
11601       Prog := 0;
11602       MaxProg := Images.Count*6;
11604       // Sort color map by usage and remove unused entries
11605       if (ooColorMap in Options) then
11606       begin
11607         // Optimize global color map
11608         if (GlobalColorMap.Count > 0) then
11609           GlobalColorMap.Optimize;
11610         // Optimize local color maps
11611         for i := 0 to Images.Count-1 do
11612         begin
11613           inc(Prog);
11614           if (Images[i].ColorMap.Count > 0) then
11615           begin
11616             Images[i].ColorMap.Optimize;
11617             Progress(Self, psRunning, MulDiv(Prog, 100, MaxProg), False,
11618               Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressOptimizing);
11619           end;
11620         end;
11621       end;
11623       // Remove passive elements, pass 1
11624       if (ooCleanup in Options) then
11625       begin
11626         // Check for transparency flag without any transparent pixels
11627         for i := 0 to Images.Count-1 do
11628         begin
11629           inc(Prog);
11630           if (Images[i].Transparent) then
11631           begin
11632             if not(Scan(Images[i].Data,
11633                         Images[i].GraphicControlExtension.TransparentColorIndex,
11634                         Images[i].DataSize)) then
11635             begin
11636               Images[i].GraphicControlExtension.Transparent := False;
11637               Progress(Self, psRunning, MulDiv(Prog, 100, MaxProg), False,
11638                 Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressOptimizing);
11639             end;
11640           end;
11641         end;
11643         // Change redundant disposal modes
11644         for i := 0 to Images.Count-2 do
11645         begin
11646           inc(Prog);
11647           if (Images[i].GraphicControlExtension <> nil) and
11648             (Images[i].GraphicControlExtension.Disposal in [dmPrevious, dmBackground]) and
11649             (not Images[i+1].Transparent) then
11650           begin
11651             ThisRect := Images[i].BoundsRect;
11652             NextRect := Images[i+1].BoundsRect;
11653             if (not IntersectRect(MergeRect, ThisRect, NextRect)) then
11654               continue;
11655             // If the next frame completely covers the current frame,
11656             // change the disposal mode to dmNone
11657             if (EqualRect(MergeRect, NextRect)) then
11658               Images[i].GraphicControlExtension.Disposal := dmNone;
11659             Progress(Self, psRunning, MulDiv(Prog, 100, MaxProg), False,
11660               Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressOptimizing);
11661           end;
11662         end;
11663       end else
11664         inc(Prog, 2*Images.Count);
11666       // Merge layers of equal pixels (remove redundant pixels)
11667       if (ooMerge in Options) then
11668       begin
11669         // Merge from last to first to avoid intefering with merge
11670         for i := Images.Count-1 downto 1 do
11671         begin
11672           inc(Prog);
11673           j := i-1;
11674           // If the "previous" frames uses dmPrevious disposal mode, we must
11675           // instead merge with the frame before the previous
11676           while (j > 0) and
11677             ((Images[j].GraphicControlExtension <> nil) and
11678              (Images[j].GraphicControlExtension.Disposal = dmPrevious)) do
11679             dec(j);
11680           // Merge
11681           Images[i].Merge(Images[j]);
11682           Progress(Self, psRunning, MulDiv(Prog, 100, MaxProg), False,
11683             Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressOptimizing);
11684         end;
11685       end else
11686         inc(Prog, Images.Count);
11688       // Crop transparent areas
11689       if (ooCrop in Options) then
11690       begin
11691         for i := Images.Count-1 downto 0 do
11692         begin
11693           inc(Prog);
11694           if (not Images[i].Empty) and (Images[i].Transparent) then
11695           begin
11696             // Remember frames delay in case frame is deleted
11697             Delay := Images[i].GraphicControlExtension.Delay;
11698             // Crop
11699             Images[i].Crop;
11700             // If the frame was completely transparent we remove it
11701             if (Images[i].Empty) then
11702             begin
11703               // Transfer delay to previous frame in case frame was deleted
11704               if (i > 0) and (Images[i-1].Transparent) then
11705                 Images[i-1].GraphicControlExtension.Delay :=
11706                   Images[i-1].GraphicControlExtension.Delay + Delay;
11707               Images.Delete(i);
11708             end;
11709             Progress(Self, psRunning, MulDiv(Prog, 100, MaxProg), False,
11710               Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressOptimizing);
11711           end;
11712         end;
11713       end else
11714         inc(Prog, Images.Count);
11716       // Remove passive elements, pass 2
11717       inc(Prog, Images.Count);
11718       if (ooCleanup in Options) then
11719       begin
11720         for i := Images.Count-1 downto 0 do
11721         begin
11722           // Remove comments and application extensions
11723           for j := Images[i].Extensions.Count-1 downto 0 do
11724             if (Images[i].Extensions[j] is TGIFCommentExtension) or
11725               (Images[i].Extensions[j] is TGIFTextExtension) or
11726               (Images[i].Extensions[j] is TGIFUnknownAppExtension) or
11727               ((Images[i].Extensions[j] is TGIFAppExtNSLoop) and
11728                ((i > 0) or (Images.Count = 1))) then
11729               Images[i].Extensions.Delete(j);
11730           if (Images[i].GraphicControlExtension <> nil) then
11731           begin
11732             GCE := Images[i].GraphicControlExtension;
11733             // Zap GCE if all of the following are true:
11734             // * No delay or only one image
11735             // * Not transparent
11736             // * No prompt
11737             // * No disposal or only one image
11738             if ((GCE.Delay = 0) or (Images.Count = 1)) and
11739               (not GCE.Transparent) and
11740               (not GCE.UserInput) and
11741               ((GCE.Disposal in [dmNone, dmNoDisposal]) or (Images.Count = 1)) then
11742             begin
11743               GCE.Free;
11744             end;
11745           end;
11746           // Zap frame if it has become empty
11747           if (Images[i].Empty) and (Images[i].Extensions.Count = 0) then
11748             Images[i].Free;
11749         end;
11750         Progress(Self, psRunning, MulDiv(Prog, 100, MaxProg), False,
11751           Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressOptimizing);
11752       end else
11754       // Reduce color depth
11755       if (ooReduceColors in Options) then
11756       begin
11757         if (ColorReduction = rmPalette) then
11758           Error(sInvalidReduction);
11759         { TODO -oanme -cFeature : Implement ooReduceColors option. }
11760         // Not implemented!
11761       end;
11762     finally
11763       if ExceptObject = nil then
11764         i := 100
11765       else
11766         i := 0;
11767       Progress(Self, psEnding, i, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressOptimizing);
11768     end;
11769   finally
11770     FPainters.UnlockList;
11771   end;
11772 end;
11774 procedure TGIFImage.Pack;
11775 var
11776   i			: integer;
11777 begin
11778   // Zap bitmaps and palettes
11779   FreeBitmap;
11780   Palette := 0;
11781   for i := 0 to FImages.Count-1 do
11782   begin
11783     FImages[i].Bitmap := nil;
11784     FImages[i].Palette := 0;
11785   end;
11787   // Only pack if no global colormap and a single image
11788   if (FHeader.ColorMap.Count > 0) or (FImages.Count <> 1) then
11789     exit;
11791   // Copy local colormap to global
11792   FHeader.ColorMap.Assign(FImages[0].ColorMap);
11793   // Zap local colormap
11794   FImages[0].ColorMap.Clear;
11795 end;
11797 procedure TGIFImage.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
11798 var
11799   n			: Integer;
11800 begin
11801   Progress(Self, psStarting, 0, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressSaving);
11802   try
11803     // Write header
11804     FHeader.SaveToStream(Stream);
11805     // Write images
11806     FImages.SaveToStream(Stream);
11807     // Write trailer
11808     with TGIFTrailer.Create(self) do
11809       try
11810         SaveToStream(Stream);
11811       finally
11812         Free;
11813       end;
11814   finally
11815     if ExceptObject = nil then
11816       n := 100
11817     else
11818       n := 0;
11819     Progress(Self, psEnding, n, True, Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressSaving);
11820   end;
11821 end;
11823 // 2006.07.09 ->
11825 procedure TGIFImage.FixHeaderWidthHeight;
11826 var
11827   i, w, h: Integer;
11828 begin
11829   for i := 0 to Images.Count - 1 do
11830   begin
11831     w := Images.SubImages[i].Left + Images.SubImages[i].Width;
11832     h := Images.SubImages[i].Top + Images.SubImages[i].Height;
11833     if w > Header.Width then
11834       Header.Width := w;
11835     if h > Header.Height then
11836       Header.Height := h;
11837   end;
11838 end;
11839 {$ENDIF}
11840 // 2006.07.09 <-
11842 procedure TGIFImage.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
11843 var
11844   n			: Integer;
11845   Position		: integer;
11846 begin
11847   Progress(Self, psStarting, 0, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressLoading);
11848   try
11849     // Zap old image
11850     Clear;
11851     Position := Stream.Position;
11852     try
11853       // Read header
11854       FHeader.LoadFromStream(Stream);
11855       // Read images
11856       FImages.LoadFromStream(Stream, self);
11858       FixHeaderWidthHeight;  // 2006.07.09
11859       {$ENDIF}
11860       // Read trailer
11861       with TGIFTrailer.Create(self) do
11862         try
11863           LoadFromStream(Stream);
11864         finally
11865           Free;
11866         end;
11867     except
11868       // Restore stream position in case of error.
11869       // Not required, but "a nice thing to do"
11870       Stream.Position := Position;
11871       raise;
11872     end;
11873   finally
11874     if ExceptObject = nil then
11875       n := 100
11876     else
11877       n := 0;
11878     Progress(Self, psEnding, n, True, Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressLoading);
11879   end;
11880 end;
11882 procedure TGIFImage.LoadFromResourceName(Instance: THandle; const ResName: String);
11883 // 2002.07.07
11884 var
11885   Stream: TCustomMemoryStream;
11886 begin
11887   Stream := TResourceStream.Create(Instance, ResName, RT_RCDATA);
11888   try
11889     LoadFromStream(Stream);
11890   finally
11891     Stream.Free;
11892   end;
11893 end;
GetBitmapnull11895 function TGIFImage.GetBitmap: TBitmap;
11896 begin
11897   if not(Empty) then
11898   begin
11899     Result := FBitmap;
11900     if (Result <> nil) then
11901       exit;
11902     FBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
11903     Result := FBitmap;
11904     FBitmap.OnChange := Changed;
11905     // Use first image as default
11906     if (Images.Count > 0) then
11907     begin
11908       if (Images[0].Width = Width) and (Images[0].Height = Height) then
11909       begin
11910         // Use first image as it has same dimensions
11911         FBitmap.Assign(Images[0].Bitmap);
11912       end else
11913       begin
11914         // Draw first image on bitmap
11915         FBitmap.Palette := CopyPalette(Palette);
11916         FBitmap.Height := Height;
11917         FBitmap.Width := Width;
11918         Images[0].Draw(FBitmap.Canvas, FBitmap.Canvas.ClipRect, False, False);
11919       end;
11920     end;
11921   end else
11922     Result := nil
11923 end;
11925 // Create a new (empty) bitmap
NewBitmapnull11926 function TGIFImage.NewBitmap: TBitmap;
11927 begin
11928   Result := FBitmap;
11929   if (Result <> nil) then
11930     exit;
11931   FBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
11932   Result := FBitmap;
11933   FBitmap.OnChange := Changed;
11934   // Draw first image on bitmap
11935   FBitmap.Palette := CopyPalette(Palette);
11936   FBitmap.Height := Height;
11937   FBitmap.Width := Width;
11938 end;
11940 procedure TGIFImage.FreeBitmap;
11941 begin
11942   if (DrawPainter <> nil) then
11943     DrawPainter.Stop;
11945   if (FBitmap <> nil) then
11946   begin
11947     FBitmap.Free;
11948     FBitmap := nil;
11949   end;
11950 end;
Addnull11952 function TGIFImage.Add(Source: TPersistent): integer;
11953 var
11954   Image			: TGIFSubImage;
11955 begin
11956   Image := nil; // To avoid compiler warning - not needed.
11957   if (Source is TGraphic) then
11958   begin
11959     Image := TGIFSubImage.Create(self);
11960     try
11961       Image.Assign(Source);
11962       // ***FIXME*** Documentation should explain the inconsistency here:
11963       // TGIFimage does not take ownership of Source after TGIFImage.Add() and
11964       // therefore does not delete Source.
11965     except
11966       Image.Free;
11967       raise;
11968     end;
11969   end else
11970   if (Source is TGIFSubImage) then
11971     Image := TGIFSubImage(Source)
11972   else
11973     Error(sUnsupportedClass);
11975   Result := FImages.Add(Image);
11977   FreeBitmap;
11978   Changed(self);
11979 end;
TGIFImage.GetEmptynull11981 function TGIFImage.GetEmpty: Boolean;
11982 begin
11983   Result := (FImages.Count = 0);
11984 end;
TGIFImage.GetHeightnull11986 function TGIFImage.GetHeight: Integer;
11987 begin
11988   Result := FHeader.Height;
11989 end;
GetWidthnull11991 function TGIFImage.GetWidth: Integer;
11992 begin
11993   Result := FHeader.Width;
11994 end;
TGIFImage.GetIsTransparentnull11996 function TGIFImage.GetIsTransparent: Boolean;
11997 var
11998   i			: integer;
11999 begin
12000   Result := False;
12001   for i := 0 to Images.Count-1 do
12002     if (Images[i].GraphicControlExtension <> nil) and
12003       (Images[i].GraphicControlExtension.Transparent) then
12004     begin
12005       Result := True;
12006       exit;
12007     end;
12008 end;
Equalsnull12010 function TGIFImage.Equals(Graphic: TGraphic): Boolean;
12011 begin
12012   Result := (Graphic = self);
12013 end;
TGIFImage.GetPalettenull12015 function TGIFImage.GetPalette: HPALETTE;
12016 begin
12017   // Check for recursion
12018   // (TGIFImage.GetPalette->TGIFSubImage.GetPalette->TGIFImage.GetPalette etc...)
12019   if (IsInsideGetPalette) then
12020     Error(sNoColorTable);
12021   IsInsideGetPalette := True;
12022   try
12023     Result := 0;
12024     if (FBitmap <> nil) and (FBitmap.Palette <> 0) then
12025       // Use bitmaps own palette if possible
12026       Result := FBitmap.Palette
12027     else if (FGlobalPalette <> 0) then
12028       // Or a previously exported global palette
12029       Result := FGlobalPalette
12030     else if (DoDither) then
12031     begin
12032       // or create a new dither palette
12033       FGlobalPalette := WebPalette;
12034       Result := FGlobalPalette;
12035     end else
12036     if (FHeader.ColorMap.Count > 0) then
12037     begin
12038       // or create a new if first time
12039       FGlobalPalette := FHeader.ColorMap.ExportPalette;
12040       Result := FGlobalPalette;
12041     end else
12042     if (FImages.Count > 0) then
12043       // This can cause a recursion if no global palette exist and image[0]
12044       // hasn't got one either. Checked by the IsInsideGetPalette semaphor.
12045       Result := FImages[0].Palette;
12046   finally
12047     IsInsideGetPalette := False;
12048   end;
12049 end;
12051 procedure TGIFImage.SetPalette(Value: HPalette);
12052 var
12053   NeedNewBitmap		: boolean;
12054 begin
12055   if (Value <> FGlobalPalette) then
12056   begin
12057     // Zap old palette
12058     if (FGlobalPalette <> 0) then
12059       DeleteObject(FGlobalPalette);
12061     // Zap bitmap unless new palette is same as bitmaps own
12062     NeedNewBitmap := (FBitmap <> nil) and (Value <> FBitmap.Palette);
12064     // Use new palette
12065     FGlobalPalette := Value;
12067     if (NeedNewBitmap) then
12068     begin
12069       // Need to create new bitmap and repaint
12070       FreeBitmap;
12071       PaletteModified := True;
12072       Changed(Self);
12073     end;
12074   end;
12075 end;
12077 // Obsolete
12078 // procedure TGIFImage.Changed(Sender: TObject);
12079 // begin
12080 //  inherited Changed(Sender);
12081 // end;
12083 procedure TGIFImage.SetHeight(Value: Integer);
12084 var
12085   i			: integer;
12086 begin
12087   for i := 0 to Images.Count-1 do
12088     if (Images[i].Top + Images[i].Height > Value) then
12089       Error(sBadHeight);
12090   if (Value <> Header.Height) then
12091   begin
12092     Header.Height := Value;
12093     FreeBitmap;
12094     Changed(self);
12095   end;
12096 end;
12098 procedure TGIFImage.SetWidth(Value: Integer);
12099 var
12100   i			: integer;
12101 begin
12102   for i := 0 to Images.Count-1 do
12103     if (Images[i].Left + Images[i].Width > Value) then
12104       Error(sBadWidth);
12105   if (Value <> Header.Width) then
12106   begin
12107     Header.Width := Value;
12108     FreeBitmap;
12109     Changed(self);
12110   end;
12111 end;
12113 procedure TGIFImage.WriteData(Stream: TStream);
12114 begin
12115   if (GIFImageOptimizeOnStream) then
12116     Optimize([ooCrop, ooMerge, ooCleanup, ooColorMap, ooReduceColors], rmNone, dmNearest, 8);
12118   inherited WriteData(Stream);
12119 end;
12121 procedure TGIFImage.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
12122 begin
12123   if (Dest is TBitmap) then
12124     Dest.Assign(Bitmap)
12125   else
12126     inherited AssignTo(Dest);
12127 end;
12129 { TODO 1 -oanme -cImprovement : Better handling of TGIFImage.Assign(Empty TBitmap). }
12130 procedure TGIFImage.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
12131 var
12132   i			: integer;
12133   Image			: TGIFSubImage;
12134 begin
12135   if (Source = self) then
12136     exit;
12137   if (Source = nil) then
12138   begin
12139     Clear;
12140   end else
12141   //
12142   // TGIFImage import
12143   //
12144   if (Source is TGIFImage) then
12145   begin
12146     Clear;
12147     // Temporarily copy event handlers to be able to generate progress events
12148     // during the copy and handle copy errors
12149     OnProgress := TGIFImage(Source).OnProgress;
12150     try
12151       FOnWarning := TGIFImage(Source).OnWarning;
12152       Progress(Self, psStarting, 0, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressCopying);
12153       try
12154         FHeader.Assign(TGIFImage(Source).Header);
12155         FThreadPriority := TGIFImage(Source).ThreadPriority;
12156         FDrawBackgroundColor := TGIFImage(Source).DrawBackgroundColor;
12157         FDrawOptions := TGIFImage(Source).DrawOptions;
12158         FColorReduction := TGIFImage(Source).ColorReduction;
12159         FDitherMode := TGIFImage(Source).DitherMode;
12160         FForceFrame := TGIFImage(Source).ForceFrame;  // 2004.03.09
12161 // 2002.07.07 ->
12162         FOnWarning:= TGIFImage(Source).FOnWarning;
12163         FOnStartPaint:= TGIFImage(Source).FOnStartPaint;
12164         FOnPaint:= TGIFImage(Source).FOnPaint;
12165         FOnEndPaint:= TGIFImage(Source).FOnEndPaint;
12166         FOnAfterPaint:= TGIFImage(Source).FOnAfterPaint;
12167         FOnLoop:= TGIFImage(Source).FOnLoop;
12168 // 2002.07.07 <-
12169         for i := 0 to TGIFImage(Source).Images.Count-1 do
12170         begin
12171           Image := TGIFSubImage.Create(self);
12172           Image.Assign(TGIFImage(Source).Images[i]);
12173           Add(Image);
12174           Progress(Self, psRunning, MulDiv((i+1), 100, TGIFImage(Source).Images.Count),
12175             False, Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressCopying);
12176         end;
12178         FixHeaderWidthHeight;  // 2006.07.09
12179         {$ENDIF}
12180       finally
12181         if ExceptObject = nil then
12182           i := 100
12183         else
12184           i := 0;
12185         Progress(Self, psEnding, i, False, Rect(0,0,0,0), sProgressCopying);
12186       end;
12187     finally
12188       // Reset event handlers
12189       FOnWarning := nil;
12190       OnProgress := nil;
12191     end;
12192   end else
12193   //
12194   // Import via TGIFSubImage.Assign
12195   //
12196   begin
12197     Clear;
12198     Image := TGIFSubImage.Create(self);
12199     try
12200       Image.Assign(Source);
12201       Add(Image);
12202     except
12203       on E: EConvertError do
12204       begin
12205         Image.Free;
12206         // Unsupported format - fall back to Source.AssignTo
12207         inherited Assign(Source);
12208       end;
12209     else
12210       // Unknown conversion error
12211       Image.Free;
12212       raise;
12213     end;
12214   end;
12215 end;
12217 procedure TGIFImage.LoadFromClipboardFormat(AFormat: Word; AData: THandle;
12218   APalette: HPALETTE);
12220 var
12221   Size			: Longint;
12222   Buffer		: Pointer;
12223   Stream		: TMemoryStream;
12224   Bmp			: TBitmap;
12225 {$ENDIF}  // 2002.07.07
12226 begin  // 2002.07.07
12227 {$IFDEF REGISTER_TGIFIMAGE}  // 2002.07.07
12228   if (AData = 0) then
12229     AData := GetClipboardData(AFormat);
12230   if (AData <> 0) and (AFormat = CF_GIF) then
12231   begin
12232     // Get size and pointer to data
12233     Size := GlobalSize(AData);
12234     Buffer := GlobalLock(AData);
12235     try
12236       Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
12237       try
12238         // Copy data to a stream
12239         Stream.SetSize(Size);
12240         Move(Buffer^, Stream.Memory^, Size);
12241         // Load GIF from stream
12242         LoadFromStream(Stream);
12243       finally
12244         Stream.Free;
12245       end;
12246     finally
12247       GlobalUnlock(AData);
12248     end;
12249   end else
12250   if (AData <> 0) and (AFormat = CF_BITMAP) then
12251   begin
12252     // No GIF on clipboard - try loading a bitmap instead
12253     Bmp := TBitmap.Create;
12254     try
12255       Bmp.LoadFromClipboardFormat(AFormat, AData, APalette);
12256       Assign(Bmp);
12257     finally
12258       Bmp.Free;
12259     end;
12260   end else
12261     Error(sUnknownClipboardFormat);
12262 {$ELSE}  // 2002.07.07
12263   Error(sGIFToClipboard);  // 2002.07.07
12264 {$ENDIF}  // 2002.07.07
12265 end;
12267 procedure TGIFImage.SaveToClipboardFormat(var AFormat: Word; var AData: THandle;
12268   var APalette: HPALETTE);
12270 var
12271   Stream		: TMemoryStream;
12272   Data			: THandle;
12273   Buffer		: Pointer;
12274 {$ENDIF}  // 2002.07.07
12275 begin  // 2002.07.07
12276 {$IFDEF REGISTER_TGIFIMAGE}  // 2002.07.07
12277   if (Empty) then
12278     exit;
12279   // First store a bitmap version on the clipboard...
12280   Bitmap.SaveToClipboardFormat(AFormat, AData, APalette);
12281   // ...then store a GIF
12282   Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
12283   try
12284     // Save the GIF to a memory stream
12285     SaveToStream(Stream);
12286     Stream.Position := 0;
12287     // Allocate some memory for the GIF data
12288     Data := GlobalAlloc(HeapAllocFlags, Stream.Size);
12289     try
12290       if (Data <> 0) then
12291       begin
12292         Buffer := GlobalLock(Data);
12293         try
12294           // Copy GIF data from stream memory to clipboard memory
12295           Move(Stream.Memory^, Buffer^, Stream.Size);
12296         finally
12297           GlobalUnlock(Data);
12298         end;
12299         // Transfer data to clipboard
12300         if (SetClipboardData(CF_GIF, Data) = 0) then
12301           Error(sFailedPaste);
12302       end;
12303     except
12304       GlobalFree(Data);
12305       raise;
12306     end;
12307   finally
12308     Stream.Free;
12309   end;
12310 {$ELSE}  // 2002.07.07
12311   Error(sGIFToClipboard);  // 2002.07.07
12312 {$ENDIF}  // 2002.07.07
12313 end;
GetColorMapnull12315 function TGIFImage.GetColorMap: TGIFColorMap;
12316 begin
12317   Result := FHeader.ColorMap;
12318 end;
GetDoDithernull12320 function TGIFImage.GetDoDither: boolean;
12321 begin
12322   Result := (goDither in DrawOptions) and
12323     (((goAutoDither in DrawOptions) and DoAutoDither) or
12324       not(goAutoDither in DrawOptions));
12325 end;
12327 {$IFDEF VER9x}
12328 procedure TGIFImage.Progress(Sender: TObject; Stage: TProgressStage;
12329   PercentDone: Byte; RedrawNow: Boolean; const R: TRect; const Msg: string);
12330 begin
12331   if Assigned(FOnProgress) then
12332     FOnProgress(Sender, Stage, PercentDone, RedrawNow, R, Msg);
12333 end;
12334 {$ENDIF}
12336 procedure TGIFImage.StopDraw;
12337 {$IFNDEF VER14_PLUS}  // 2001.07.23
12338 var
12339   Msg			: TMsg;
12340   ThreadWindow		: HWND;
12341 {$ENDIF}  // 2001.07.23
12342 begin
12343   repeat
12344     // Use the FPainters threadlist to protect FDrawPainter from being modified
12345     // by the thread while we mess with it
12346     with FPainters.LockList do
12347       try
12348         if (FDrawPainter = nil) then
12349           break;
12351         // Tell thread to terminate
12352         FDrawPainter.Stop;
12354         // No need to wait for "thread" to terminate if running in main thread
12355         if not(goAsync in FDrawPainter.DrawOptions) then
12356           break;
12358       finally
12359         // Release the lock on FPainters to let paint thread kill itself
12360         FPainters.UnLockList;
12361       end;
12363 {$IFDEF VER14_PLUS}
12364 // 2002.07.07
12365     if (GetCurrentThreadID = MainThreadID) then
12366       while CheckSynchronize do {loop};
12367 {$ELSE}
12368     // Process Messages to make Synchronize work
12369     // (Instead of Application.ProcessMessages)
12370 //{$IFDEF VER14_PLUS}  // 2001.07.23
12371 //    Break;  // 2001.07.23
12372 //    Sleep(0); // Yield  // 2001.07.23
12373 //{$ELSE}  // 2001.07.23
12374     ThreadWindow := FindWindow('TThreadWindow', nil);
12375     while PeekMessage(Msg, ThreadWindow, CM_DESTROYWINDOW, CM_EXECPROC, PM_REMOVE) do
12376     begin
12377       if (Msg.Message <> WM_QUIT) then
12378       begin
12379         TranslateMessage(Msg);
12380         DispatchMessage(Msg);
12381       end else
12382       begin
12383         PostQuitMessage(Msg.WParam);
12384         exit;
12385       end;
12386     end;
12387 {$ENDIF}  // 2001.07.23
12388     Sleep(0); // Yield
12390   until (False);
12391   FreeBitmap;
12392 end;
12394 procedure TGIFImage.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect);
12395 var
12396   Canvas		: TCanvas;
12397   DestRect		: TRect;
12398 {$IFNDEF VER14_PLUS}  // 2001.07.23
12399   Msg			: TMsg;
12400   ThreadWindow		: HWND;
12401 {$ENDIF}  // 2001.07.23
12403   procedure DrawTile(Rect: TRect; Bitmap: TBitmap);
12404   var
12405     Tile		: TRect;
12406   begin
12407     if (goTile in FDrawOptions) then
12408     begin
12409       // Note: This design does not handle transparency correctly!
12410       Tile.Left := Rect.Left;
12411       Tile.Right := Tile.Left + Width;
12412       while (Tile.Left < Rect.Right) do
12413       begin
12414         Tile.Top := Rect.Top;
12415         Tile.Bottom := Tile.Top + Height;
12416         while (Tile.Top < Rect.Bottom) do
12417         begin
12418           ACanvas.StretchDraw(Tile, Bitmap);
12419           Tile.Top := Tile.Top + Height;
12420           Tile.Bottom := Tile.Top + Height;
12421         end;
12422         Tile.Left := Tile.Left + Width;
12423         Tile.Right := Tile.Left + Width;
12424       end;
12425     end else
12426       ACanvas.StretchDraw(Rect, Bitmap);
12427   end;
12429 begin
12430   // Prevent recursion(s(s(s)))
12431   if (IsDrawing) or (FImages.Count = 0) then
12432     exit;
12434   IsDrawing := True;
12435   try
12436     // Copy bitmap to canvas if we are already drawing
12437     // (or have drawn but are finished)
12438     if (FImages.Count = 1) or // Only one image
12439       (not (goAnimate in FDrawOptions)) then // Don't animate
12440     begin
12441       // 2004.03.09 ->
12442       if (FForceFrame >= 0) and (FForceFrame < FImages.Count) then
12443         FImages[FForceFrame].Draw(ACanvas, Rect, (goTransparent in FDrawOptions), (goTile in FDrawOptions))
12444       else
12445       // 2004.03.09 <-
12446         FImages[0].Draw(ACanvas, Rect, (goTransparent in FDrawOptions), (goTile in FDrawOptions));
12447       exit;
12448     end else
12449     if (FBitmap <> nil) and not(goDirectDraw in FDrawOptions) then
12450     begin
12451       DrawTile(Rect, Bitmap);
12452       exit;
12453     end;
12455     // Use the FPainters threadlist to protect FDrawPainter from being modified
12456     // by the thread while we mess with it
12457     with FPainters.LockList do
12458       try
12459       // If we are already painting on the canvas in goDirectDraw mode
12460       // and at the same location, just exit and let the painter do
12461       // its thing when it's ready
12462       if (FDrawPainter <> nil) and (FDrawPainter.Canvas = ACanvas) and
12463         EqualRect(FDrawPainter.Rect, Rect) then
12464         exit;
12466       // Kill the current paint thread
12467       StopDraw;
12469       if not(goDirectDraw in FDrawOptions) then
12470       begin
12471         // Create a bitmap to draw on
12472         NewBitmap;
12473         Canvas := FBitmap.Canvas;
12474         DestRect := Canvas.ClipRect;
12475         // Initialize bitmap canvas with background image
12476         Canvas.CopyRect(DestRect, ACanvas, Rect);
12477       end else
12478       begin
12479         Canvas := ACanvas;
12480         DestRect := Rect;
12481       end;
12483       // Create new paint thread
12484       InternalPaint(@FDrawPainter, Canvas, DestRect, FDrawOptions);
12486       if (FDrawPainter <> nil) then
12487       begin
12488         // Launch thread
12489         FDrawPainter.Start;
12491         if not(goDirectDraw in FDrawOptions) then
12492         begin
12493 {$IFDEF VER14_PLUS}
12494 // 2002.07.07
12495           while (FDrawPainter <> nil) and (not FDrawPainter.Terminated) and
12496             (not FDrawPainter.Started) do
12497           begin
12498             if not CheckSynchronize then
12499               Sleep(0); // Yield
12500           end;
12501 {$ELSE}
12502 //{$IFNDEF VER14_PLUS}  // 2001.07.23
12503           ThreadWindow := FindWindow('TThreadWindow', nil);
12504           // Wait for thread to render first frame
12505           while (FDrawPainter <> nil) and (not FDrawPainter.Terminated) and
12506             (not FDrawPainter.Started) do
12507             // Process Messages to make Synchronize work
12508             // (Instead of Application.ProcessMessages)
12509             if PeekMessage(Msg, ThreadWindow, CM_DESTROYWINDOW, CM_EXECPROC, PM_REMOVE) then
12510             begin
12511               if (Msg.Message <> WM_QUIT) then
12512               begin
12513                 TranslateMessage(Msg);
12514                 DispatchMessage(Msg);
12515               end else
12516               begin
12517                 PostQuitMessage(Msg.WParam);
12518                 exit;
12519               end;
12520             end else
12521               Sleep(0); // Yield
12522 {$ENDIF}  // 2001.07.23
12523           // Draw frame to destination
12524           DrawTile(Rect, Bitmap);
12525         end;
12526       end;
12527     finally
12528       FPainters.UnLockList;
12529     end;
12531   finally
12532     IsDrawing := False;
12533   end;
12534 end;
12536 // Internal pain(t) routine used by Draw()
InternalPaintnull12537 function TGIFImage.InternalPaint(Painter: PGifPainter; ACanvas: TCanvas;
12538   const Rect: TRect; Options: TGIFDrawOptions): TGIFPainter;
12539 begin
12540   if (Empty) or (Rect.Left >= Rect.Right) or (Rect.Top >= Rect.Bottom) then
12541   begin
12542     Result := nil;
12543     if (Painter <> nil) then
12544       Painter^ := Result;
12545     exit;
12546   end;
12548   // Draw in main thread if only one image
12549   if (Images.Count = 1) then
12550     Options := Options - [goAsync, goAnimate];
12552   Result := TGIFPainter.CreateRef(Painter, self, ACanvas, Rect, Options);
12553   FPainters.Add(Result);
12554   Result.OnStartPaint := FOnStartPaint;
12555   Result.OnPaint := FOnPaint;
12556   Result.OnAfterPaint := FOnAfterPaint;
12557   Result.OnLoop := FOnLoop;
12558   Result.OnEndPaint := FOnEndPaint;
12560   if not(goAsync in Options) then
12561   begin
12562     // Run in main thread
12563     Result.Execute;
12564     // Note: Painter threads executing in the main thread are freed upon exit
12565     // from the Execute method, so no need to do it here.
12566     Result := nil;
12567     if (Painter <> nil) then
12568       Painter^ := Result;
12569   end else
12570     Result.Priority := FThreadPriority;
12571 end;
Paintnull12573 function TGIFImage.Paint(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect;
12574   Options: TGIFDrawOptions): TGIFPainter;
12575 begin
12576   Result := InternalPaint(nil, ACanvas, Rect, Options);
12577   if (Result <> nil) then
12578     // Run in separate thread
12579     Result.Start;
12580 end;
12582 procedure TGIFImage.PaintStart;
12583 var
12584   i			: integer;
12585 begin
12586   with FPainters.LockList do
12587     try
12588       for i := 0 to Count-1 do
12589         TGIFPainter(Items[i]).Start;
12590     finally
12591       FPainters.UnLockList;
12592     end;
12593 end;
12595 procedure TGIFImage.PaintStop;
12596 var
12597   Ghosts		: integer;
12598   i			: integer;
12599 {$IFNDEF VER14_PLUS}  // 2001.07.23
12600   Msg			: TMsg;
12601   ThreadWindow		: HWND;
12602 {$ENDIF}  // 2001.07.23
12604 {$IFNDEF VER14_PLUS}  // 2001.07.23
12605   procedure KillThreads;
12606   var
12607     i			: integer;
12608   begin
12609     with FPainters.LockList do
12610       try
12611         for i := Count-1 downto 0 do
12612           if (goAsync in TGIFPainter(Items[i]).DrawOptions) then
12613           begin
12614             TerminateThread(TGIFPainter(Items[i]).Handle, 0);
12615             Delete(i);
12616           end;
12617       finally
12618         FPainters.UnLockList;
12619       end;
12620   end;
12621 {$ENDIF}  // 2001.07.23
12623 begin
12624   try
12625     // Loop until all have died
12626     repeat
12627       with FPainters.LockList do
12628         try
12629           if (Count = 0) then
12630             exit;
12632           // Signal painters to terminate
12633           // Painters will attempt to remove them self from the
12634           // painter list when they die
12635           Ghosts := Count;
12636           for i := Ghosts-1 downto 0 do
12637           begin
12638             if not(goAsync in TGIFPainter(Items[i]).DrawOptions) then
12639               dec(Ghosts);
12640             TGIFPainter(Items[i]).Stop;
12641           end;
12642         finally
12643           FPainters.UnLockList;
12644         end;
12646       // If all painters were synchronous, there's no purpose waiting for them
12647       // to terminate, because they are running in the main thread.
12648       if (Ghosts = 0) then
12649         exit;
12650 {$IFDEF VER14_PLUS}
12651 // 2002.07.07
12652       if (GetCurrentThreadID = MainThreadID) then
12653         while CheckSynchronize do {loop};
12654 {$ELSE}
12655       // Process Messages to make TThread.Synchronize work
12656       // (Instead of Application.ProcessMessages)
12657 //{$IFDEF VER14_PLUS}  // 2001.07.23
12658 //      Exit;  // 2001.07.23
12659 //{$ELSE}  // 2001.07.23
12660       ThreadWindow := FindWindow('TThreadWindow', nil);
12661       if (ThreadWindow = 0) then
12662       begin
12663         KillThreads;
12664         Exit;
12665       end;
12666       while PeekMessage(Msg, ThreadWindow, CM_DESTROYWINDOW, CM_EXECPROC, PM_REMOVE) do
12667       begin
12668         if (Msg.Message <> WM_QUIT) then
12669         begin
12670           TranslateMessage(Msg);
12671           DispatchMessage(Msg);
12672         end else
12673         begin
12674           KillThreads;
12675           Exit;
12676         end;
12677       end;
12678 {$ENDIF}  // 2001.07.23
12679       Sleep(0);
12680     until (False);
12681   finally
12682     FreeBitmap;
12683   end;
12684 end;
12686 procedure TGIFImage.PaintPause;
12687 var
12688   i			: integer;
12689 begin
12690   with FPainters.LockList do
12691     try
12692       for i := 0 to Count-1 do
12693         TGIFPainter(Items[i]).Suspend;
12694     finally
12695       FPainters.UnLockList;
12696     end;
12697 end;
12699 procedure TGIFImage.PaintResume;
12700 var
12701   i			: integer;
12702 begin
12703   // Implementation is currently same as PaintStart, but don't call PaintStart
12704   // in case its implementation changes
12705   with FPainters.LockList do
12706     try
12707       for i := 0 to Count-1 do
12708         TGIFPainter(Items[i]).Start;
12709     finally
12710       FPainters.UnLockList;
12711     end;
12712 end;
12714 procedure TGIFImage.PaintRestart;
12715 var
12716   i			: integer;
12717 begin
12718   with FPainters.LockList do
12719     try
12720       for i := 0 to Count-1 do
12721         TGIFPainter(Items[i]).Restart;
12722     finally
12723       FPainters.UnLockList;
12724     end;
12725 end;
12727 procedure TGIFImage.Warning(Sender: TObject; Severity: TGIFSeverity; Message: string);
12728 begin
12729   if (Assigned(FOnWarning)) then
12730     FOnWarning(Sender, Severity, Message);
12731 end;
12733 {$IFDEF VER12_PLUS}
12734   {$IFNDEF VER14_PLUS} // not anymore need for Delphi 6 and up  // 2001.07.23
12735 type
12736   TDummyThread = class(TThread)
12737   protected
12738     procedure Execute; override;
12739   end;
12740 procedure TDummyThread.Execute;
12741 begin
12742 end;
12743   {$ENDIF}  // 2001.07.23
12744 {$ENDIF}
12746 var
12747   DesktopDC: HDC;
12748 {$IFDEF VER12_PLUS}
12749   {$IFNDEF VER14_PLUS} // not anymore need for Delphi 6 and up  // 2001.07.23
12750   DummyThread: TThread;
12751   {$ENDIF}  // 2001.07.23
12752 {$ENDIF}
12754 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12755 //
12756 //			Initialization
12757 //
12758 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12760 initialization
12762   TPicture.RegisterFileFormat('GIF', sGIFImageFile, TGIFImage);
12763   CF_GIF := RegisterClipboardFormat(PChar(sGIFImageFile));
12764   TPicture.RegisterClipboardFormat(CF_GIF, TGIFImage);
12765 {$ENDIF}
12766   DesktopDC := GetDC(0);
12767   try
12768     PaletteDevice := (GetDeviceCaps(DesktopDC, BITSPIXEL) * GetDeviceCaps(DesktopDC, PLANES) <= 8);
12769     DoAutoDither := PaletteDevice;
12770   finally
12771     ReleaseDC(0, DesktopDC);
12772   end;
12774 {$IFDEF VER9x}
12775   // Note: This doesn't return the same palette as the Delphi 3 system palette
12776   // since the true system palette contains 20 entries and the Delphi 3 system
12777   // palette only contains 16.
12778   // For our purpose this doesn't matter since we do not care about the actual
12779   // colors (or their number) in the palette.
12780   // Stock objects doesn't have to be deleted.
12781   SystemPalette16 := GetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE);
12782 {$ENDIF}
12783 {$IFDEF VER12_PLUS}
12784   // Make sure that at least one thread always exist.
12785   // This is done to circumvent a race condition bug in Delphi 4.x and later:
12786   // When threads are deleted and created in rapid succesion, a situation might
12787   // arise where the thread window is deleted *after* the threads it controls
12788   // has been created. See the Delphi Bug Lists for more information.
12789   {$IFNDEF VER14_PLUS} // not anymore need for Delphi 6 and up  // 2001.07.23
12790   DummyThread := TDummyThread.Create(True);
12791   {$ENDIF}  // 2001.07.23
12792 {$ENDIF}
12794 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12795 //
12796 //			Finalization
12797 //
12798 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12799 finalization
12800   ExtensionList.Free;
12801   AppExtensionList.Free;
12802 {$IFNDEF VER9x}
12804     TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TGIFImage);
12805   {$ENDIF}
12806   {$IFDEF VER100}
12807   if (pf8BitBitmap <> nil) then
12808     pf8BitBitmap.Free;
12809   {$ENDIF}
12810 {$ENDIF}
12811 {$IFDEF VER12_PLUS}
12812   {$IFNDEF VER14_PLUS} // not anymore need for Delphi 6 and up  // 2001.07.23
12813   if (DummyThread <> nil) then
12814 // 2006.10.16 ->
12815 //    DummyThread.Free;
12816   begin
12817     DummyThread.Resume;
12818     DummyThread.WaitFor;
12819     DummyThread.Free;
12820   end;
12821 // 2006.10.16 <-
12822   {$ENDIF}  // 2001.07.23
12823 {$ENDIF}
12824 end.