1 (*
2  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
3  * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
4  * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
5  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
6  *
7  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
8  * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
9  * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
10  * under the License.
11  *
12  * The Initial Developer of this code is John Hansen.
13  * Portions created by John Hansen are Copyright (C) 2009 John Hansen.
14  * All Rights Reserved.
15  *
16  *)
17 unit uNXCComp;
19 interface
21 uses
22   Classes, uNBCCommon, uGenLexer, uNXTClasses, uPreprocess, Contnrs;
24 type
25   TNXCComp = class
26   private
27     fStackDepth : integer;
28     fStatementType : TStatementType;
29     fInlineFunctionStack : TObjectStack;
30     fLastErrLine : integer;
31     fLastErrMsg : string;
32     endofallsource : boolean;
33     fEnhancedFirmware: boolean;
34     fIgnoreSystemFile: boolean;
35     fParenDepth : integer;
36     fSafeCalls: boolean;
37     fMaxErrors: word;
38     fFirmwareVersion: word;
39     fStackVarNames : TStringList;
40     fOnCompilerStatusChange: TCompilerStatusChangeEvent;
41     fMaxPreProcDepth: word;
FunctionParameterTypeNamenull42     function FunctionParameterTypeName(const name: string; idx: integer): string;
LocalDataTypenull43     function LocalDataType(const n: string): char;
LocalTypeNamenull44     function LocalTypeName(const n: string): string;
LocalConstantValuenull45     function LocalConstantValue(const n: string): string;
GlobalDataTypenull46     function GlobalDataType(const n: string): char;
GlobalTypeNamenull47     function GlobalTypeName(const n: string): string;
ParamDataTypenull48     function ParamDataType(const n: string): char;
ParamTypeNamenull49     function ParamTypeName(const n: string): string;
FuncParamDataTypenull50     function FuncParamDataType(const n: string): char;
51     procedure CheckSemicolon;
52     procedure OpenParen;
53     procedure CloseParen;
54     procedure InitializeGraphicOutVars;
55     procedure LocalEmitLn(SL: TStrings; const line: string);
56     procedure LocalEmitLnNoTab(SL: TStrings; const line: string);
57     procedure pop;
58     procedure push;
59     procedure SetStatementType(const Value: TStatementType);
60     procedure DoCompilerStatusChange(const Status: string; const bDone : boolean = False);
61     procedure DoCommonFuncProcDecl(var bProtoExists: boolean;
62       var Name: string; const tname: string; const tok, dt: char; bInline,
63       bSafeCall: boolean);
64     procedure HandlePreprocStatusChange(Sender : TObject; const StatusMsg : string);
65     procedure SetCurFile(const Value: string);
IsCharLiteralnull66     function IsCharLiteral(const aName: string): boolean;
IsStringLiteralnull67     function IsStringLiteral(const aName: string): boolean;
68   protected
69     fDD: TDataDefs;
70     fCurrentStruct : TDataspaceEntry;
71     fNamedTypes : TMapList;
72     fEmittedLocals : TStringList;
73     fLocals : TVariableList;
74     fParams : TVariableList;
75     fGlobals : TVariableList;
76     fFuncParams : TFunctionParameters;
77     fCurrentInlineFunction : TInlineFunction;
78     fInlineFunctions : TInlineFunctions;
79     fArrayHelpers : TArrayHelperVars;
80     fNBCSrc : TStrings;
81     fMessages : TStrings;
82     fMS : TMemoryStream;
83     fTempChar : Char;
84     fCCSet : boolean;
85     fIncludeDirs: TStrings;
86     fCurFile: string;
87     fOnCompMSg: TOnCompilerMessage;
88     fDirLine : string;
89     fCurrentLine : string;
90     fExpStr : string;
91     fExpStrHasVars : boolean;
92     fAPIFunctions : TStringList;
93     fAPIStrFunctions : TStringList;
94     fThreadNames : TStringList;
95     fCurrentThreadName : string;
96     fBytesRead : integer;
97     fSwitchFixups : TStringList;
98     fSwitchRegNames : TStringList;
99     fSwitchDepth : integer;
100     fCalc : TNBCExpParser;
101     fOptimizeLevel: integer;
102     fInlineDepth : integer;
103     fInlineStack : TObjectList; // list of TStrings
104     fSafeCalling : boolean;
105     fNestingLevel : integer;
106     fLHSDataType : char;
107     fLHSName : string;
108     fWarningsOff: boolean;
109     fFunctionNameCallStack : TStringList;
110     fSemiColonRequired : boolean;
111     fExpressionIsSigned : boolean;
112     fConstStringMap : TStringList;
113     fArrayIndexStack : TStringList;
114     fStructDecls : TStringList;
115     fUDTOnStack : string;
116     fLastExpressionOptimizedToConst : boolean;
117     fLastLoadedConst : string;
118     fProcessingMathAssignment : boolean;
119     fProcessingAsmBlock : boolean;
120     fNoCommaOperator : boolean;
AmInliningnull121     function AmInlining : boolean;
122     procedure IncrementInlineDepth;
123     procedure DecrementInlineDepth;
124     procedure HandleSpecialNames;
125     procedure EmitNXCRequiredStructs;
126     procedure ResetStatementType;
127     procedure DecrementNestingLevel;
128     procedure GetCharX;
129     procedure GetChar;
130     procedure Init;
131     procedure Prog; virtual;
132     procedure SkipCommentBlock;
133     procedure SkipLine;
134     procedure SkipDirectiveLine;
135     procedure SkipWhite;
136     procedure GetDirective;
137     procedure GetName;
138     procedure GetNum;
139     procedure GetHexNum;
140     procedure GetCharLit;
141     procedure GetOp;
142     procedure Next(bProcessDirectives : boolean = True);
143     procedure MatchString(x: string);
144     procedure Semi;
145     procedure NotNumericFactor;
146     procedure NumericFactor;
147     procedure Modulo;
148     procedure Divide;
149     procedure Multiply;
150     procedure Term;
151     procedure Add;
152     procedure EqualString;
153     procedure LessString;
154     procedure EqualArrayOrUDT(const lhs : string);
155     procedure LessArrayOrUDT(const lhs : string);
156     procedure Expression;
157     procedure DoPreIncOrDec(bPutOnStack : boolean);
IncrementOrDecrementnull158     function  IncrementOrDecrement : boolean;
OptimizeExpressionnull159     function OptimizeExpression(const idx : integer) : string;
160     procedure Subtract;
161     procedure CommaExpression;
162     procedure BoolExpression;
163     procedure Relation;
164     procedure StoreZeroFlag;
ValueIsStringTypenull165     function  ValueIsStringType(var dt : char) : boolean;
ValueIsArrayTypenull166     function  ValueIsArrayType : boolean;
ValueIsUserDefinedTypenull167     function  ValueIsUserDefinedType : boolean;
168     procedure BoolTerm;
169     procedure BitOr;
170     procedure BitXor;
171     procedure BitAnd;
TypesAreCompatiblenull172     function  TypesAreCompatible(lhs, rhs : char) : boolean;
GetParamNamenull173     function  GetParamName(procname : string; idx : integer) : string;
174     procedure DoCall(procname: string);
GetValueOfnull175     function  GetValueOf(const name : string) : string;
176     procedure DoCallAPIFunc(procname: string);
APIFuncNameToIDnull177     function  APIFuncNameToID(procname : string) : integer;
IsAPIFuncnull178     function  IsAPIFunc(procname : string) : boolean;
179     procedure DoAssignValue(const aName : string; dt : char; bNoChecks : boolean = False);
180     procedure DoLocalArrayInit(const aName, ival : string; dt : char);
181     procedure DoArrayAssignValue(const aName, idx : string; dt : char);
DoNewArrayIndexnull182     function DoNewArrayIndex(theArrayDT : Char; theArray, aLHSName : string) : boolean;
183     procedure Assignment;
184     procedure CheckNotConstant(const aName : string);
CheckConstantnull185     function CheckConstant(const aName : string) : string;
Blocknull186     function Block(const lend : string = ''; const lstart : string = '') : boolean;
187     procedure BlockStatements(const lend : string = ''; const lstart : string = '');
188     procedure CheckBytesRead(const oldBytesRead : integer);
189     procedure DoFor;
190     procedure DoIf(const lend, lstart : string);
191     procedure DoWhile;
192     procedure DoDoWhile;
193     procedure DoRepeat;
194     procedure DoAsm(var dt : char);
DecorateVariablesnull195     function  DecorateVariables(const asmStr : string) : string;
196     procedure DoSwitch(const lstart : string);
197     procedure DoSwitchCase;
GetCaseConstantnull198     function  GetCaseConstant : string;
199     procedure DoSwitchDefault;
SwitchFixupIndexnull200     function  SwitchFixupIndex : integer;
SwitchIsStringnull201     function  SwitchIsString : Boolean;
SwitchRegisterNamenull202     function  SwitchRegisterName : string;
203     procedure ClearSwitchFixups;
204     procedure FixupSwitch(idx : integer; lbl : string);
205     procedure DoLabel;
206     procedure DoStart;
207     procedure DoStopTask;
208     procedure DoSetPriority;
209     procedure CommaStatement(const lend, lstart : string);
210     procedure Statement(const lend, lstart : string);
211     procedure ProcessDirectives(bScan : boolean = True);
212     procedure HandlePoundLine;
ArrayOfTypenull213     function  ArrayOfType(dt : char; dimensions : integer) : char;
GetVariableTypenull214     function  GetVariableType(vt: char; bUnsigned: boolean): char;
215     procedure CheckForValidDataType(dt : char);
RemoveArrayDimensionnull216     function  RemoveArrayDimension(dt : char) : char;
AddArrayDimensionnull217     function  AddArrayDimension(dt : char) : char;
218     procedure IncLineNumber;
AddLocalnull219     function AddLocal(name: string; dt: char; const tname : string;
220       bConst : boolean; const lenexp : string) : integer;
221     procedure AllocGlobal(const tname : string; dt: char; bInline, bSafeCall, bConst : boolean);
222     procedure AllocLocal(const sub, tname: string; dt: char; bConst : boolean);
GetInitialValuenull223     function  GetInitialValue(dt : char) : string;
224     procedure DoLocals(const sub: string);
225     procedure AddFunctionParameter(pname, varname, tname : string; idx : integer;
226       ptype : char; bIsConst, bIsRef, bIsArray : boolean; aDim : integer;
227       bHasDefault : boolean; defValue : string);
FormalListnull228     function  FormalList(protoexists: boolean; var procname: string): integer;
229     procedure ProcedureBlock;
230     procedure InitializeGlobalArrays;
231     procedure EmitGlobalDataInitSubroutine;
232     procedure FunctionBlock(Name, tname : string; dt : char; bInline, bSafeCall : boolean);
233     procedure AbortMsg(s: string);
234     procedure Expected(s: string);
235     procedure Undefined(n: string);
236     procedure CheckIdent;
237     procedure CheckEnhancedFirmware;
238     procedure CheckDataType(dt : char);
239     procedure CheckTypeCompatibility(fp : TFunctionParameter; dt : char; const name : string);
240     procedure Duplicate(n: string);
SizeOfTypenull241 //    function SizeOfType(dt: char): integer;
242     function AddEntry(N: string; dt: char; const tname, lenexp : string; bConst : boolean = False; bSafeCall : boolean = False) : integer;
243     procedure CheckDup(N: string);
244     procedure CheckTable(const N: string);
245     procedure CheckGlobal(const N: string);
246     procedure AddParam(N: string; dt: char; const tname : string;
247       bConst : boolean; bHasDefault : boolean; const defValue : string);
DataTypenull248     function  DataType(const n: string): char;
DataTypeNamenull249     function  DataTypeName(const n: string): string;
250     procedure LoadVar(const Name: string);
251     procedure CheckNotProc(const Name : string);
252     procedure Store(const Name: string; bNoChecks : boolean = False);
253     procedure Allocate(const Name, aVal, Val, tname: string; dt: char);
254     procedure InitializeArray(const Name, aVal, Val, tname: string; dt : char;
255       lenexpr : string);
InlineDecorationnull256 //    function  InlineDecoration : string;
257     procedure Epilog(bIsSub: boolean);
258     procedure Prolog(const name: string; bIsSub: boolean);
259     procedure EmitRegisters;
260     procedure EmitStackVariables;
261     procedure EmitMutexDeclaration(const name : string);
262     procedure EmitInlineParametersAndLocals(func : TInlineFunction);
263     procedure EmitLn(s: string);
264     procedure EmitLnNoTab(s: string);
265     procedure PostLabel(L: string);
266     procedure LoadConst(n: string);
267     procedure Negate;
268     procedure NotIt;
269     procedure Complement;
270     procedure PopAdd;
271     procedure PopAnd;
272     procedure PopCmpEqual;
273     procedure PopCmpGreater;
274     procedure PopCmpGreaterOrEqual;
275     procedure PopCmpLess;
276     procedure PopCmpLessOrEqual;
277     procedure PopCmpNEqual;
278     procedure PopMod;
279     procedure PopDiv;
280     procedure PopLeftShift;
281     procedure PopMul;
282     procedure PopOr;
283     procedure PopRightShift;
284     procedure PopSub;
285     procedure PopXor;
286     procedure PushPrim;
287     procedure SetZeroCC;
288     procedure Branch(L: string);
289     procedure BranchFalse(L: string);
290     procedure BranchTrue(L: string);
291     procedure ClearReg;
292     procedure ArrayAssignment(const name : string; dt : char; bIndexed : boolean);
293     procedure UDTAssignment(const name : string);
294     procedure GetAndStoreUDT(const name : string);
295     procedure MathAssignment(const name : string);
296     procedure StoreAdd(const name: string);
297     procedure StoreDiv(const name: string);
298     procedure StoreMod(const name: string);
299     procedure StoreAnd(const name: string);
300     procedure StoreOr(const name: string);
301     procedure StoreXor(const name: string);
302     procedure StoreAbs(const name: string);
303     procedure StoreSign(const name: string);
304     procedure StoreShift(bRight : boolean; const name: string);
305     procedure StoreMul(const name: string);
306     procedure StoreSub(const name: string);
307     procedure StoreInc(const name: string; const val: integer = 1);
308     procedure StoreDec(const name: string; const val: integer = 1);
309     procedure DoAPICommands(const lend, lstart : string);
310     procedure DoResetScreen;
311     procedure DoReadButton(idx : integer);
312     procedure DoBreakContinue(idx : integer; const lbl : string);
313     procedure DoOnFwdRev;
314     procedure DoOnFwdRevReg;
315     procedure DoOnFwdRevSync;
316     procedure DoOnFwdRevEx;
317     procedure DoOnFwdRevRegEx;
318     procedure DoOnFwdRevSyncEx;
319     procedure DoOnFwdRevRegPID;
320     procedure DoOnFwdRevSyncPID;
321     procedure DoOnFwdRevRegExPID;
322     procedure DoOnFwdRevSyncExPID;
323     procedure DoResetCounters;
324     procedure DoRotateMotors(idx : integer);
325     procedure DoTextNumOut(idx : integer);
326     procedure DoFontTextNumOut(idx : integer);
327     procedure DoDrawPoint;
328     procedure DoDrawPoly;
329     procedure DoDrawEllipse;
330     procedure DoDrawLineRect(idx : integer);
331     procedure DoDrawCircle;
332     procedure DoDrawGraphic(idx : integer);
333     procedure DoPlayToneEx;
334     procedure DoPlayFileEx;
335     procedure DoAcquireRelease;
336     procedure DoExitTo;
337     procedure DoSetInputOutput(const idx : integer);
338     procedure DoStop;
339     procedure DoGoto;
340     procedure DoPrecedesFollows;
341     procedure DoReturn;
342     procedure DoStopMotors;
343     procedure DoStopMotorsEx;
344     procedure DoStrCat;
StrCatHelpernull345     function StrCatHelper(const oldasmstr : string; recurseToken : Char) : string;
346     procedure DoSubString;
347     procedure DoStrReplace;
348     procedure DoStrToNum;
349     procedure MoveToCorrectRegister(dt : char);
350     procedure ReportProblem(const lineNo: integer; const fName, msg: string; const err: boolean);
351     procedure Scan;
IsWhitenull352     function  IsWhite(c: char): boolean;
IsRelopnull353     function  IsRelop(c: char): boolean;
IsOropnull354     function  IsOrop(c: char): boolean;
IsDigitnull355     function  IsDigit(c: char): boolean;
IsHexnull356     function  IsHex(c: char): boolean;
IsAlNumnull357     function  IsAlNum(c: char): boolean;
IsAddopnull358     function  IsAddop(c: char): boolean;
IsMulopnull359     function  IsMulop(c: char): boolean;
360     procedure GetString;
361     procedure CheckNumeric;
ValueIsNumericnull362     function  ValueIsNumeric : boolean;
363     procedure CheckString;
364     procedure LoadAPIFunctions;
365     procedure AddAPIFunction(const name : string; id : integer);
WhatIsnull366     function  WhatIs(const n: string): TSymbolType;
StringExpressionnull367     function StringExpression(const Name : string; bAdd : boolean = False) : boolean;
368     procedure StringConcatAssignment(const Name : string);
369     procedure StringFunction(const Name : string);
TempSignedByteNamenull370     function  TempSignedByteName: string;
TempSignedWordNamenull371     function  TempSignedWordName: string;
TempSignedLongNamenull372     function  TempSignedLongName : string;
TempUnsignedLongNamenull373     function  TempUnsignedLongName : string;
TempFloatNamenull374     function  TempFloatName : string;
RegisterNameByStatementTypenull375     function  RegisterNameByStatementType(st : TStatementType; name : string = '') : string;
RegisterNamenull376     function  RegisterName(name : string = '') : string;
SignedRegisterNamenull377     function  SignedRegisterName(name : string = '') : string;
UnsignedRegisterNamenull378     function  UnsignedRegisterName(name : string = '') : string;
FloatRegisterNamenull379     function  FloatRegisterName(name : string = '') : string;
ZeroFlagnull380     function  ZeroFlag : string;
tosnull381     function  tos: string;
StrTmpBufNamenull382     function  StrTmpBufName(name : string = '') : string;
StrBufNamenull383     function  StrBufName(name : string = '') : string;
StrRetValNamenull384     function  StrRetValName(name : string = '') : string;
385     procedure StoreString(const Name: string; bNoChecks : boolean = False);
386     procedure AddAPIStringFunction(const name: string; id: integer);
APIStrFuncNameToIDnull387     function  APIStrFuncNameToID(procname: string): integer;
IsAPIStrFuncnull388     function  IsAPIStrFunc(procname: string): boolean;
389     procedure DoStrLen;
390 //    procedure DoSizeOf;
391     procedure DoStrIndex;
392     procedure DoFormatNum;
ReplaceTokensnull393     function  ReplaceTokens(const line: string): string;
394     procedure EmitAsmLines(s: string);
395     procedure EmitPoundLine;
IsLocalnull396     function  IsLocal(n: string): boolean;
LocalIdxnull397     function  LocalIdx(n: string): integer;
IsOldParamnull398     function  IsOldParam(n: string): boolean;
IsFuncParamnull399     function  IsFuncParam(n: string; bStripInline : boolean = false): boolean;
IsParamnull400     function  IsParam(n: string): boolean;
ParamIdxnull401     function  ParamIdx(n: string): integer;
402     procedure AllocateHelper(const Name, aVal, Val, tname: string; dt: char);
AlreadyDecoratednull403     function  AlreadyDecorated(n : string) : boolean;
GetDecoratedValuenull404     function  GetDecoratedValue: string;
GetDecoratedIdentnull405     function  GetDecoratedIdent(const val: string): string;
406     procedure PopCmpHelper(const cc: string);
407     procedure GreaterString;
408     procedure NEqualString;
409     procedure CmpHelper(const cc, lhs, rhs : string);
410     procedure GreaterArrayOrUDT(const lhs : string);
411     procedure NEqualArrayOrUDT(const lhs : string);
412     procedure BoolSubExpression;
NewLabelnull413     function  NewLabel: string;
414     procedure StoreArray(const name, idx, val: string);
415     procedure CheckTask(const Name: string);
416     procedure StringRelation;
417     procedure ArrayOrUDTRelation;
418     procedure NumericRelation;
419     procedure NumericRelationLTGT;
420     procedure NumericShiftLeftRight;
GetNBCSrcnull421     function  GetNBCSrc: TStrings;
FunctionReturnTypenull422     function  FunctionReturnType(const name: string): char;
FunctionParameterCountnull423     function  FunctionParameterCount(const name: string): integer;
FunctionRequiredParameterCountnull424     function  FunctionRequiredParameterCount(const name: string): integer;
FunctionParameterTypenull425     function  FunctionParameterType(const name : string; idx : integer) : char;
426     procedure ClearLocals;
427     procedure ClearParams;
428     procedure ClearGlobals;
IsGlobalnull429     function  IsGlobal(n: string): boolean;
GlobalIdxnull430     function  GlobalIdx(n: string): integer;
431     procedure SetDefines(const Value: TStrings);
GetFunctionParamnull432     function  GetFunctionParam(const procname: string;
433       idx: integer): TFunctionParameter;
434     procedure CheckStringConst;
AdvanceToNextParamnull435     function  AdvanceToNextParam : string;
FunctionParameterIsConstantnull436     function  FunctionParameterIsConstant(const name: string;
437       idx: integer): boolean;
FunctionParameterDefaultValuenull438     function FunctionParameterDefaultValue(const name: string;
439       idx: integer): string;
FunctionParameterHasDefaultnull440     function FunctionParameterHasDefault(const name: string;
441       idx: integer): boolean;
IsParamConstnull442     function  IsParamConst(n: string): boolean;
IsLocalConstnull443     function  IsLocalConst(n: string): boolean;
IsGlobalConstnull444     function  IsGlobalConst(n: string): boolean;
GlobalUsesSafeCallnull445     function  GlobalUsesSafeCall(const n: string): boolean;
GetUDTTypenull446     function  GetUDTType(n : string) : string;
447     procedure AddTypeNameAlias(const lbl, args : string);
TranslateTypeNamenull448     function  TranslateTypeName(const name : string) : string;
449     procedure ProcessEnum(bGlobal : boolean);
450     procedure ProcessTypedef;
451     procedure ProcessStruct(bTypeDef : boolean = False);
452     procedure CheckForTypedef(var bUnsigned, bConst, bInline, bSafeCall : boolean);
IsUserDefinedTypenull453     function  IsUserDefinedType(const name : string) : boolean;
RootOfnull454     function  RootOf(const name : string) : string;
DataTypeOfDataspaceEntrynull455     function  DataTypeOfDataspaceEntry(DE : TDataspaceEntry) : char;
456     procedure LoadSystemFile(S : TStream);
457     procedure CheckForMain;
ProcessArrayDimensionsnull458     function ProcessArrayDimensions(var lenexpr : string) : string;
459   protected
460     fTmpAsmLines : TStrings;
461     fBadProgram : boolean;
462     fProgErrorCount : integer;
463     fDefines : TStrings;
464     procedure InternalParseStream;
465     procedure Clear;
466     property  SwitchFixups : TStringList read fSwitchFixups;
467     property  SwitchRegisterNames : TStringList read fSwitchRegNames;
468   protected
469     procedure TopDecls; virtual;
470     procedure Header; virtual;
471     procedure Trailer; virtual;
472     procedure PreProcess; virtual;
GetPreProcLexerClassnull473     function  GetPreProcLexerClass : TGenLexerClass; virtual;
474     // dataspace definitions property
475     property  DataDefinitions : TDataDefs read fDD;
476     property  StatementType : TStatementType read fStatementType write SetStatementType;
477   public
478     constructor Create;
479     destructor Destroy; override;
480     procedure Parse(const aFilename : string); overload;
481     procedure Parse(aStream : TStream); overload;
482     procedure Parse(aStrings : TStrings); overload;
483     property  Defines : TStrings read fDefines write SetDefines;
484     property  NBCSource : TStrings read GetNBCSrc;
485     property  CompilerMessages : TStrings read fMessages;
486     property  IncludeDirs : TStrings read fIncludeDirs;
487     property  CurrentFile : string read fCurFile write SetCurFile;
488     property  OptimizeLevel : integer read fOptimizeLevel write fOptimizeLevel;
489     property  WarningsOff : boolean read fWarningsOff write fWarningsOff;
490     property  EnhancedFirmware : boolean read fEnhancedFirmware write fEnhancedFirmware;
491     property  FirmwareVersion : word read fFirmwareVersion write fFirmwareVersion;
492     property  IgnoreSystemFile : boolean read fIgnoreSystemFile write fIgnoreSystemFile;
493     property  SafeCalls : boolean read fSafeCalls write fSafeCalls;
494     property  MaxErrors : word read fMaxErrors write fMaxErrors;
495     property  MaxPreprocessorDepth : word read fMaxPreProcDepth write fMaxPreProcDepth;
496     property  OnCompilerMessage : TOnCompilerMessage read fOnCompMSg write fOnCompMsg;
497     property  ErrorCount : integer read fProgErrorCount;
498     property OnCompilerStatusChange : TCompilerStatusChangeEvent read fOnCompilerStatusChange write fOnCompilerStatusChange;
499   end;
501 implementation
503 uses
504   SysUtils, Math, uNXCLexer, uNBCLexer, mwGenericLex, uLocalizedStrings,
505   NBCCommonData, NXCDefsData, uNXTConstants, Parser10;
507 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
508 { Constant Declarations }
510 const
511   TAB = ^I;
512   CR  = ^M;
513   LF  = ^J;
515 var
516   LCount : integer = 0;
518 const
519   MAXGLOBALS = 10000;
520   MAXPARAMS  = 32;
522 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
523 { Type Declarations }
525 type
526   SymTab = array[1..MAXGLOBALS] of string;
527   TabPtr = ^SymTab;
529 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
530 { Variable Declarations }
532 var
533   Look: char = LF;              { Lookahead Character }
534 //  PrevLook : char;
535   Token: char;             { Encoded Token       }
536   Value: string;           { Unencoded Token     }
538 var
539   slevel : integer = 1;
540   linenumber : integer;	// current source line number
541   totallines : integer = 0;
543 var
544   GS_Name : SymTab;
545   GS_Type : array[1..MAXGLOBALS] of char;
546   GS_Size : array[1..MAXGLOBALS] of integer;	// size (in 'data type' units)
547   GS_ReturnType : array[1..MAXGLOBALS] of char; // only for procedures
548   NumGlobals : integer = 0;
550 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
551 { Definition of Keywords and Token Types }
553 const
554   NKW  = 32; //18;
555   NKW1 = 33; //19;
557 const
558   KWlist: array[1..NKW] of string =
559               ('if', 'else', 'while',
560                'for', 'sub', 'void', 'task',
561                'do', 'repeat', 'switch', 'asm', 'const',
562                'default', 'case', 'typedef', 'inline', 'long', 'enum',
563                'short', 'int', 'unsigned',
564                'char', 'bool', 'byte', 'mutex', 'float', 'string',
565                'struct', 'safecall',
566                'start', 'stop', 'priority'
567                );
569 const                                     // 'xileweRWve'
570   KWcode: array[1..NKW1+1] of Char =
579      #0);
581 const
582   API_BREAK         = 0;
583   API_CONTINUE      = 1;
584   API_RETURN        = 2;
585   API_GOTO          = 3;
586   API_ONFWD         = 4;
587   API_ONREV         = 5;
588   API_ONFWDREG      = 6;
589   API_ONREVREG      = 7;
590   API_ONFWDSYNC     = 8;
591   API_ONREVSYNC     = 9;
592   API_COAST         = 10;
593   API_OFF           = 11;
594   API_ROTATEMOTOR   = 12;
596   API_ACQUIRE     = 14;
597   API_RELEASE     = 15;
598   API_PRECEDES    = 16;
599   API_FOLLOWS     = 17;
600   API_EXITTO      = 18;
601   API_SETINPUT    = 19;
602   API_SETOUTPUT   = 20;
603   API_STOP        = 21;
604   API_FLOAT       = 22;
605   API_ONFWDEX     = 23;
606   API_ONREVEX     = 24;
607   API_ONFWDREGEX  = 25;
608   API_ONREVREGEX  = 26;
611   API_COASTEX     = 29;
612   API_OFFEX       = 30;
615   API_RESETTACHOCOUNT      = 33;
619   API_ONFWDREGPID    = 37;
620   API_ONREVREGPID    = 38;
621   API_ONFWDSYNCPID   = 39;
622   API_ONREVSYNCPID   = 40;
628   APICount = 4+41;
629   APIList : array[0..APICount-1] of string = (
630     'break', 'continue', 'return', 'goto',
631     'OnFwd', 'OnRev', 'OnFwdReg', 'OnRevReg',
632     'OnFwdSync', 'OnRevSync', 'Coast', 'Off',
633     'RotateMotor', 'RotateMotorEx',
634     'Acquire', 'Release', 'Precedes', 'Follows',
635     'ExitTo', 'SetInput', 'SetOutput', 'Stop', 'Float',
636     'OnFwdEx', 'OnRevEx', 'OnFwdRegEx', 'OnRevRegEx',
637     'OnFwdSyncEx', 'OnRevSyncEx', 'CoastEx', 'OffEx',
638     'RotateMotorPID', 'RotateMotorExPID',
639     'ResetTachoCount', 'ResetBlockTachoCount',
640     'ResetRotationCount', 'ResetAllTachoCounts',
641     'OnFwdRegPID', 'OnRevRegPID', 'OnFwdSyncPID', 'OnRevSyncPID',
642     'OnFwdRegExPID', 'OnRevRegExPID', 'OnFwdSyncExPID', 'OnRevSyncExPID'
643   );
645 const
650 const
651   UnsignedIntegerTypes = [TOK_BYTEDEF, TOK_USHORTDEF, TOK_ULONGDEF];
652   SignedIntegerTypes = [TOK_CHARDEF, TOK_SHORTDEF, TOK_LONGDEF];
653   SignedTypes = SignedIntegerTypes + [TOK_FLOATDEF];
GetArrayDimensionnull655 function GetArrayDimension(dt : char) : integer;
656 begin
657   case dt of
658     TOK_ARRAYFLOAT..TOK_ARRAYFLOAT4         : Result := Ord(dt) - Ord(TOK_ARRAYFLOAT) + 1;
659     TOK_ARRAYSTRING..TOK_ARRAYSTRING4       : Result := Ord(dt) - Ord(TOK_ARRAYSTRING) + 1;
660     TOK_ARRAYUDT..TOK_ARRAYUDT4             : Result := Ord(dt) - Ord(TOK_ARRAYUDT) + 1;
661     TOK_ARRAYCHARDEF..TOK_ARRAYCHARDEF4     : Result := Ord(dt) - Ord(TOK_ARRAYCHARDEF) + 1;
663     TOK_ARRAYLONGDEF..TOK_ARRAYLONGDEF4     : Result := Ord(dt) - Ord(TOK_ARRAYLONGDEF) + 1;
664     TOK_ARRAYBYTEDEF..TOK_ARRAYBYTEDEF4     : Result := Ord(dt) - Ord(TOK_ARRAYBYTEDEF) + 1;
667     TOK_STRINGDEF                           : Result := 1; // a string is an array of byte
668   else
669     Result := 0;
670   end;
671 end;
IsArrayTypenull673 function IsArrayType(dt: char; bAllowStrings : boolean = False): boolean;
674 begin
675   Result := (dt >= TOK_ARRAYFLOAT) and (dt <= TOK_ARRAYULONGDEF4);
676   if not Result and bAllowStrings then
677     Result := dt = TOK_STRINGDEF;
678 end;
IsUDTnull680 function IsUDT(dt: char): boolean;
681 begin
682   Result := dt = TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE;
683 end;
ArrayBaseTypenull685 function ArrayBaseType(dt: char): char;
686 begin
687   case dt of
697     TOK_STRINGDEF                           : Result := TOK_BYTEDEF; // a string is an array of byte
698   else
699     Result := dt;
700   end;
701 end;
DataTypeToArrayDimensionsnull703 function DataTypeToArrayDimensions(dt : char) : string;
704 var
705   d, i : integer;
706 begin
707   Result := '';
708   d := GetArrayDimension(dt);
709   for i := 0 to d - 1 do
710     Result := Result + '[]';
711 end;
NXCStrToTypenull713 function NXCStrToType(const stype : string; bUseCase : Boolean = false) : TDSType;
714 var
715   tmptype : string;
716 begin
717   tmptype := stype;
718   if not bUseCase then
719     tmptype := LowerCase(tmptype);
720   if (tmptype = 'unsigned char') or (tmptype = 'byte') or (tmptype = 'bool') then
721     Result := dsUByte
722   else if tmptype = 'char' then
723     Result := dsSByte
724   else if (tmptype = 'unsigned int') or (tmptype = 'unsigned short') then
725     Result := dsUWord
726   else if (tmptype = 'int') or (tmptype = 'short') then
727     Result := dsSWord
728   else if tmptype = 'unsigned long' then
729     Result := dsULong
730   else if tmptype = 'long' then
731     Result := dsSLong
732   else if tmptype = 'mutex' then
733     Result := dsMutex
734   else if tmptype = 'float' then
735     Result := dsFloat
736   else if tmptype = 'void' then
737     Result := dsVoid
738   else
739     Result := dsCluster;
740 end;
742 procedure TNXCComp.pop;
743 begin
744   dec(fStackDepth);
745   fStackVarNames.Delete(fStackVarNames.Count - 1);
746 end;
748 procedure TNXCComp.push;
749 var
750   tosName : string;
751 begin
752   inc(fStackDepth);
753   MaxStackDepth := Max(MaxStackDepth, fStackDepth);
754   if fStatementType = stFloat then
755     tosName := Format('__float_stack_%3.3d%s', [fStackDepth, fCurrentThreadName])
756   else if fStatementType = stUnsigned then
757     tosName := Format('__unsigned_stack_%3.3d%s', [fStackDepth, fCurrentThreadName])
758   else
759     tosName := Format('__signed_stack_%3.3d%s', [fStackDepth, fCurrentThreadName]);
760   fStackVarNames.Add(tosName);
761 end;
763 procedure TNXCComp.GetCharX;
764 var
765   bytesread : integer;
766 begin
767   bytesread := fMS.Read(Look, 1);
768   inc(fBytesRead, bytesread);
769   fCurrentLine := fCurrentLine + Look;
770   if Look = LF then
771   begin
772     IncLineNumber;
773     fCurrentLine := '';
774   end;
775   if bytesread < 1 then
776     endofallsource := True;
777   if endofallsource and (slevel > 1) then begin
778     // close file pointer
779     linenumber := 0;
780     dec(slevel);
781     Look := LF;
782     endofallsource := False;
783   end;
784 end;
786 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
787 { Read New Character From Input Stream }
789 procedure TNXCComp.GetChar;
790 begin
791   if fTempChar <> ' ' then begin
792     Look := fTempChar;
793     fCurrentLine := fCurrentLine + Look;
794     fTempChar := ' ';
795   end
796   else begin
797     GetCharX;
798     if Look = '/' then begin
799       fMS.Read(fTempChar, 1);
800       if fTempChar = '*' then begin
801         Look := TOK_BLOCK_COMMENT;
802         fTempChar := ' ';
803       end
804       else if fTempChar = '/' then begin
805         Look := TOK_LINE_COMMENT;
806         fTempChar := ' ';
807       end
808       else begin
809         // we need to put that character we just read back into the buffer
810         fMS.Seek(-1, soFromCurrent);
811         fTempChar := ' ';
812       end;
813     end;
814   end;
815 end;
818 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
819 { Report Error and Halt }
821 procedure TNXCComp.ReportProblem(const lineNo: integer; const fName,
822   msg: string; const err : boolean);
823 var
824   tmp, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4 : string;
825   stop : boolean;
826 begin
827   // exit without doing anything if this is not an error and warnings are off
828   if WarningsOff and not err then
829     Exit;
830   if (lineNo <> fLastErrLine) or (msg <> fLastErrMsg) then
831   begin
832     fLastErrLine := lineNo;
833     fLastErrMsg  := msg;
834     if lineNo = -1 then
835     begin
836       tmp := msg;
837       fMessages.Add(tmp);
838     end
839     else
840     begin
841       if err then
842         tmp1 := Format('# Error: %s', [msg])
843       else
844         tmp1 := Format('# Warning: %s', [msg]);
845       fMessages.Add(tmp1);
846       tmp2 := Format('File "%s" ; line %d', [fName, lineNo]);
847       fMessages.Add(tmp2);
848       tmp3 := Format('#   %s', [fCurrentLine]);
849       fMessages.Add(tmp3);
850       tmp4 := '#----------------------------------------------------------';
851       fMessages.Add(tmp4);
852       tmp := tmp1+#13#10+tmp2+#13#10+tmp3+#13#10+tmp4;
853     end;
854     fBadProgram := err;
855     if err then
856       inc(fProgErrorCount);
857     stop := (MaxErrors > 0) and (fProgErrorCount >= MaxErrors);
858     if assigned(fOnCompMsg) then
859       fOnCompMsg(tmp, stop);
860     if stop then
861       Abort;
862   end;
863 end;
865 procedure TNXCComp.AbortMsg(s: string);
866 begin
867   ReportProblem(linenumber, CurrentFile, s, True);
868 end;
870 (*
871 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
872 {Return the size in base units of a standard datatype }
SizeOfTypenull874 function TNXCComp.SizeOfType(dt : char) : integer;
875 begin
876   case dt of
877     TOK_CHARDEF, TOK_BYTEDEF : Result := 1;
878     TOK_SHORTDEF, TOK_USHORTDEF : Result := 2;
879     TOK_LONGDEF, TOK_ULONGDEF : Result := 4;
880     TOK_MUTEXDEF : Result := 4;
881     TOK_FLOATDEF : Result := 4; // ???
882   else
883     Result := 0;
884     AbortMsg('SizeOfType() - Unknown Data Type');
885   end;
886 end;
887 *)
889 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
890 { Report What Was Expected }
892 procedure TNXCComp.Expected(s: string);
893 begin
894   AbortMsg(Format(sExpectedString, [s]));
895 end;
897 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
898 { Report an Undefined Identifier }
900 procedure TNXCComp.Undefined(n: string);
901 begin
902   AbortMsg(Format(sUndefinedIdentifier, [n]));
903 end;
906 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
907 { Report a Duplicate Identifier }
909 procedure TNXCComp.Duplicate(n: string);
910 begin
911    AbortMsg(Format(sDuplicateIdentifier, [StripDecoration(n)]));
912 end;
915 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
916 { Check to Make Sure the Current Token is an Identifier }
918 procedure TNXCComp.CheckIdent;
919 begin
920   if Token <> TOK_IDENTIFIER then Expected(sIdentifier);
921 end;
923 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
924 { Check to Make Sure the Current Token is a Number }
TNXCComp.ValueIsNumericnull926 function TNXCComp.ValueIsNumeric: boolean;
927 var
928   vName : string;
929   idx : integer;
930   V : TVariable;
931 begin
932   Result := True;
933   if not (Token in [TOK_NUM, TOK_HEX]) then
934   begin
935     // what about a constant numeric variable?
936     if Token = TOK_IDENTIFIER then
937     begin
938       // it is an identifier
939       vName := GetDecoratedValue;
940       // if it is a global constant then it can be evaluated using our
941       // expression evaluator
942       fCalc.SilentExpression := vName;
943       if fCalc.ParserError then
944       begin
945         // what about a constant local?
946         idx := LocalIdx(vName);
947         if idx <> -1 then
948         begin
949           V := fLocals[idx];
950           if V.IsConstant and (V.Value <> '') then
951             Value := V.Value
952           else
953             Result := False;
954         end
955         else
956           Result := False;
957       end
958       else
959         Value := NBCFloatToStr(fCalc.Value);
960     end
961     else
962       Result := False;
963   end;
964 end;
966 procedure TNXCComp.CheckNumeric;
967 begin
968   if not ValueIsNumeric then
969     Expected(sNumber);
970 end;
972 procedure TNXCComp.CheckString;
973 begin
974   if (Token <> TOK_STRINGLIT) and
975      not (DataType(Value) in [TOK_STRINGDEF, TOK_ARRAYBYTEDEF, TOK_ARRAYCHARDEF]) then
976     Expected(sStringType);
977 end;
979 procedure TNXCComp.CheckStringConst;
980 begin
981   if (Token <> TOK_STRINGLIT) then
982     Expected(sStringLiteral);
983 end;
987 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
988 { Recognize a Decimal Digit }
IsDigitnull990 function TNXCComp.IsDigit(c: char): boolean;
991 begin
992   Result := c in ['0'..'9'];
993 end;
995 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
996 { Recognize a Hex Digit }
TNXCComp.IsHexnull998 function TNXCComp.IsHex(c: char): boolean;
999 begin
1000   Result := IsDigit(c) or (c in ['a'..'f', 'A'..'F']);
1001 end;
1003 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1004 { Recognize an Alphanumeric }
TNXCComp.IsAlNumnull1006 function TNXCComp.IsAlNum(c: char): boolean;
1007 begin
1008   Result := IsAlpha(c) or IsDigit(c) or (c = '.');
1009 end;
1011 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1012 { Recognize an Addop }
TNXCComp.IsAddopnull1014 function TNXCComp.IsAddop(c: char) : boolean;
1015 begin
1016   Result := c in ['+', '-'];
1017 end;
1019 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1020 { Recognize a Mulop }
IsMulopnull1022 function TNXCComp.IsMulop(c: char): boolean;
1023 begin
1024   Result := c in ['*', '/', '%'];
1025 end;
1027 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1028 { Recognize a Boolean Orop }
IsOropnull1030 function TNXCComp.IsOrop(c: char): boolean;
1031 begin
1032   Result := c in ['|', '^'];
1033 end;
1035 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1036 { Recognize a Relop }
IsRelopnull1038 function TNXCComp.IsRelop(c: char): boolean;
1039 begin
1040   Result := c in ['=', '!', '<', '>'];
1041 end;
1043 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1044 { Recognize White Space }
IsWhitenull1046 function TNXCComp.IsWhite(c: char): boolean;
1047 begin
1048   Result := c in [' ', TAB, CR, LF, TOK_BLOCK_COMMENT, TOK_LINE_COMMENT];
1049 end;
1051 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1052 { Skip A Comment Field }
1054 procedure TNXCComp.SkipCommentBlock;
1055 begin
1056   repeat
1057     repeat
1058       GetCharX;
1059     until (Look = '*') or endofallsource;
1060     GetCharX;
1061   until (Look = '/') or endofallsource;
1062   GetChar;
1063 end;
1066 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1067 { Skip A Comment To End Of Line field }
1069 procedure TNXCComp.SkipLine;
1070 begin
1071   repeat
1072     GetCharX;
1073   until (Look = LF) or endofallsource;
1074   GetChar;
1075 end;
1077 procedure TNXCComp.SkipDirectiveLine;
1078 begin
1079   fDirLine := Value + ' ';
1080   SkipWhite;
1081   repeat
1082     fDirLine := fDirLine + Look;
1083     GetCharX;
1084   until (Look = LF) or endofallsource;
1085   fDirLine := fDirLine + Look;
1086   GetChar;
1087 end;
1089 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1090 { Skip Over Leading White Space }
1092 procedure TNXCComp.SkipWhite;
1093 begin
1094   while IsWhite(Look) and not endofallsource do begin
1095     case Look of
1096       TOK_LINE_COMMENT : SkipLine;
1097       TOK_BLOCK_COMMENT : SkipCommentBlock;
1098     else
1099       GetChar;
1100     end;
1101   end;
1102 end;
1105 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1106 { Table Lookup }
Lookupnull1108 function Lookup(T: TabPtr; s: string; n: integer): integer;
1109 var
1110   i: integer;
1111   found: Boolean;
1112 begin
1113   found := false;
1114   i := n;
1115   while (i > 0) and not found do
1116      if s = T^[i] then
1117         found := true
1118      else
1119         dec(i);
1120   Result := i;
1121 end;
1124 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1125 { Locate a Symbol in Table }
1126 { Returns the index of the entry.  Zero if not present. }
TNXCComp.GlobalIdxnull1128 function TNXCComp.GlobalIdx(n: string): integer;
1129 begin
1130   Result := Lookup(@GS_Name, RootOf(n), NumGlobals);
1131 end;
TNXCComp.IsGlobalnull1133 function TNXCComp.IsGlobal(n: string): boolean;
1134 begin
1135   Result := GlobalIdx(RootOf(n)) <> 0;
1136 end;
TNXCComp.IsGlobalConstnull1138 function TNXCComp.IsGlobalConst(n: string): boolean;
1139 var
1140   i : integer;
1141 begin
1142   Result := False;
1143   i := fGlobals.IndexOfName(RootOf(n));
1144   if i <> -1 then
1145     Result := fGlobals[i].IsConstant;
1146 end;
TNXCComp.GlobalDataTypenull1148 function TNXCComp.GlobalDataType(const n: string): char;
1149 var
1150   i : integer;
1151 begin
1152   Result := #0;
1153   i := fGlobals.IndexOfName(RootOf(n));
1154   if i <> -1 then
1155     Result := fGlobals[i].DataType;
1156 end;
TNXCComp.GlobalTypeNamenull1158 function TNXCComp.GlobalTypeName(const n: string): string;
1159 var
1160   i : integer;
1161 begin
1162   Result := '';
1163   i := fGlobals.IndexOfName(RootOf(n));
1164   if i <> -1 then
1165     Result := fGlobals[i].TypeName;
1166 end;
GlobalUsesSafeCallnull1168 function TNXCComp.GlobalUsesSafeCall(const n: string): boolean;
1169 var
1170   i : integer;
1171 begin
1172   Result := False;
1173   i := fGlobals.IndexOfName(RootOf(n));
1174   if i <> -1 then
1175     Result := fGlobals[i].UseSafeCall;
1176 end;
TNXCComp.AlreadyDecoratednull1178 function TNXCComp.AlreadyDecorated(n: string): boolean;
1179 var
1180   i : integer;
1181   tmp : string;
1182 begin
1183   // a variable is considered to be already decorated if it
1184   // starts with "__" followed by a task name followed by DECOR_SEP
1185   // OR it starts with "__signed_stack_"
1186   // OR it starts with "__unsigned_stack_"
1187   // OR it starts with "__float_stack_"
1188   // OR it starts with %%CALLER%%_
1189   Result := False;
1190   i := Pos('__', n);
1191   if i = 1 then
1192   begin
1193     System.Delete(n, 1, 2); // remove the '__' at the beginning
1194     Result := Pos('%%CALLER%%_', n) = 1;
1195     if Result then Exit;
1196     i := Pos(DECOR_SEP, n);
1197     if i > 1 then
1198     begin
1199       tmp := Copy(n, 1, i-1);
1200       i := fThreadNames.IndexOf(tmp);
1201       Result := (i <> -1) or (tmp = 'signed_stack') or
1202                 (tmp = 'unsigned_stack') or (tmp = 'float_stack');
1203     end;
1204   end;
1205 end;
1207 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1208 { Look for Symbol in Parameter Table }
IsOldParamnull1210 function TNXCComp.IsOldParam(n: string): boolean;
1211 begin
1212   Result := ParamIdx(RootOf(n)) <> -1{0};
1213 end;
TNXCComp.IsFuncParamnull1215 function TNXCComp.IsFuncParam(n: string; bStripInline : boolean): boolean;
1216 var
1217   i : integer;
1218   fp : TFunctionParameter;
1219   decvar : string;
1220 begin
1221   Result := False;
1222   // check in the fFuncParams
1223   for i := 0 to fFuncParams.Count - 1 do
1224   begin
1225     fp := fFuncParams[i];
1226     decvar := ApplyDecoration(fp.ProcName, fp.Name, 0);
1227     if bStripInline and fp.FuncIsInline then
1228     begin
1229       if decvar = StripInline(RootOf(n)) then
1230       begin
1231         Result := True;
1232         Break;
1233       end;
1234     end
1235     else
1236     begin
1237       if decvar = RootOf(n) then
1238       begin
1239         Result := True;
1240         Break;
1241       end;
1242     end;
1243   end;
1244 end;
FuncParamDataTypenull1246 function TNXCComp.FuncParamDataType(const n: string): char;
1247 var
1248   i : integer;
1249   fp : TFunctionParameter;
1250   decvar : string;
1251 begin
1252   Result := #0;
1253   // check in the fFuncParams
1254   for i := 0 to fFuncParams.Count - 1 do
1255   begin
1256     fp := fFuncParams[i];
1257     decvar := ApplyDecoration(fp.ProcName, fp.Name, 0);
1258     if decvar = StripInline(RootOf(n)) then
1259     begin
1260       Result := fp.ParameterDataType;
1261       Break;
1262     end;
1263   end;
1264 end;
TNXCComp.IsParamnull1266 function TNXCComp.IsParam(n: string): boolean;
1267 begin
1268   Result := IsOldParam(n);
1269   if not Result then
1270     Result := IsFuncParam(n);
1271 end;
TNXCComp.ParamIdxnull1273 function TNXCComp.ParamIdx(n: string): integer;
1274 begin
1275   n := RootOf(n);
1276   if AlreadyDecorated(n) then
1277     Result := fParams.IndexOfName(n)
1278   else
1279     Result := fParams.IndexOfName(ApplyDecoration(fCurrentThreadName, n, 0));
1280 end;
TNXCComp.IsParamConstnull1282 function TNXCComp.IsParamConst(n: string): boolean;
1283 var
1284   i : integer;
1285 begin
1286   Result := False;
1287   i := ParamIdx(RootOf(n));
1288   if i <> -1 then
1289     Result := fParams[i].IsConstant;
1290 end;
1292 {
ParamConstantValuenull1293 function TNXCComp.ParamConstantValue(const n: string): string;
1294 var
1295   i : integer;
1296 begin
1297   Result := n;
1298   i := ParamIdx(RootOf(n));
1299   if i <> -1 then
1300   begin
1301     if fParams[i].IsConstant then
1302       Result := fParams[i].Value;
1303   end;
1304 end;
1305 }
1307 function TNXCComp.ParamDataType(const n: string): char;
1308 var
1309   i : integer;
1310 begin
1311   i := ParamIdx(RootOf(n));
1312   if i <> -1 then
1313     Result := fParams[i].DataType
1314   else
1315   begin
parameternull1316     // maybe a function parameter?
1317     Result := FuncParamDataType(RootOf(n));
1318   end;
1319 end;
ParamTypeNamenull1321 function TNXCComp.ParamTypeName(const n: string): string;
1322 var
1323   i : integer;
1324 begin
1325   Result := '';
1326   i := ParamIdx(RootOf(n));
1327   if i <> -1 then
1328     Result := fParams[i].TypeName;
1329 end;
1331 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1332 { Look for Symbol in Local Table }
IsLocalnull1334 function TNXCComp.IsLocal(n: string): boolean;
1335 begin
1336   Result := LocalIdx(RootOf(n)) <> -1{0};
1337   if not Result then
1338   begin
1339     // is this a special internal variable name?
1340   end;
1341 end;
LocalIdxnull1343 function TNXCComp.LocalIdx(n: string): integer;
1344 var
1345   i : integer;
1346 begin
1347   n := RootOf(n);
1348   if AlreadyDecorated(n) then
1349     Result := fLocals.IndexOfName(n)
1350   else
1351   begin
1352     Result := -1;
1353     for i := fNestingLevel downto 0 do
1354     begin
1355       Result := fLocals.IndexOfName(ApplyDecoration(fCurrentThreadName, n, i));
1356       if Result > -1 then
1357         break;
1358     end;
1359   end;
1360 end;
IsLocalConstnull1362 function TNXCComp.IsLocalConst(n: string): boolean;
1363 var
1364   i : integer;
1365 begin
1366   Result := False;
1367   i := LocalIdx(RootOf(n));
1368   if i <> -1 then
1369     Result := fLocals[i].IsConstant;
1370 end;
LocalConstantValuenull1372 function TNXCComp.LocalConstantValue(const n: string): string;
1373 var
1374   i : integer;
1375 begin
1376   Result := n;
1377   i := LocalIdx(RootOf(n));
1378   if i <> -1 then
1379   begin
1380     if fLocals[i].IsConstant then
1381       Result := fLocals[i].Value;
1382   end;
1383 end;
LocalDataTypenull1385 function TNXCComp.LocalDataType(const n: string): char;
1386 var
1387   i : integer;
1388 begin
1389   Result := #0;
1390   i := LocalIdx(RootOf(n));
1391   if i <> -1 then
1392     Result := fLocals[i].DataType;
1393 end;
TNXCComp.LocalTypeNamenull1395 function TNXCComp.LocalTypeName(const n: string): string;
1396 var
1397   i : integer;
1398 begin
1399   Result := '';
1400   i := LocalIdx(RootOf(n));
1401   if i <> -1 then
1402     Result := fLocals[i].TypeName;
1403 end;
1405 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1406 { Check to See if an Identifier is in the Symbol Table         }
1407 { Report an error if it's not. }
1409 procedure TNXCComp.CheckTable(const N: string);
1410 begin
1411   if not IsParam(N) and
1412      not IsLocal(N) and
1413      not IsGlobal(N) then
1414     Undefined(N);
1415 end;
1417 procedure TNXCComp.CheckGlobal(const N: string);
1418 begin
1419   if not IsGlobal(N) then
1420     Undefined(N);
1421 end;
1423 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1424 { Check the Symbol Table for a Duplicate Identifier }
1425 { Report an error if identifier is already in table. }
1428 procedure TNXCComp.CheckDup(N: string);
1429 begin
1430   if IsGlobal(N) then
1431     Duplicate(N);
1432 end;
1435 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1436 { Add a New Entry to Symbol Table }
AddEntrynull1438 function TNXCComp.AddEntry(N: string; dt: char; const tname, lenexp : string;
1439   bConst, bSafeCall : boolean) : integer;
1440 var
1441   V : TVariable;
1442 begin
1443   CheckForValidDataType(dt);
1444   CheckDup(N);
1445   if NumGlobals = MAXGLOBALS then AbortMsg(sSymbolTableFull);
1446   Inc(NumGlobals);
1447   GS_Name[NumGlobals] := N;
1448   GS_Type[NumGlobals] := dt;
1450   V := fGlobals.Add;
1451   with V do
1452   begin
1453     Name        := N;
1454     DataType    := dt;
1455     IsConstant  := bConst;
1456     UseSafeCall := bSafeCall;
1457     TypeName    := tname;
1458     LenExpr     := lenexp;
1459   end;
1460   Result := V.Index;
1461 end;
1464 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1465 { Get an preprocessor directive }
1467 procedure TNXCComp.GetDirective;
1468 begin
1469   SkipWhite;
1470   if Look <> '#' then Expected(sDirective);
1471   Token := TOK_DIRECTIVE;
1472   Value := '';
1473   repeat
1474     Value := Value + Look;
1475     GetChar;
1476   until not IsAlpha(Look);
1477 end;
1479 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1480 { Get an Identifier }
1482 procedure TNXCComp.GetName;
1483 begin
1484   SkipWhite;
1485   if not IsAlpha(Look) then Expected(sIdentifier);
1486   Token := TOK_IDENTIFIER;
1487   Value := '';
1488   repeat
1489     Value := Value + Look;
1490     GetChar;
1491   until not IsAlNum(Look);
1492   fExpStrHasVars := True;
1493   HandleSpecialNames;
1494 end;
1497 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1498 { Get a Number }
1500 procedure TNXCComp.GetNum;
1501 var
1502   savedLook : char;
1503 begin
1504   SkipWhite;
1505   if not IsDigit(Look) then Expected(sNumber);
1506   savedLook := Look;
1507   GetChar;
1508   if Look in ['x', 'X'] then
1509   begin
1510     GetHexNum;
1511   end
1512   else
1513   begin
1514     Token := TOK_NUM;
1515     Value := savedLook;
1516     if not (IsDigit(Look) or (Look = '.')) then Exit;
1517     repeat
1518       Value := Value + Look;
1519       GetChar;
1520     until not (IsDigit(Look) or (Look = '.'));
1521   end;
1522 end;
1525 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1526 { Get a Hex Number }
1528 procedure TNXCComp.GetHexNum;
1529 begin
1530   SkipWhite;
1531   GetChar(); // skip the $ (or 'x')
1532   if not IsHex(Look) then Expected(sHexNumber);
1533   Token := TOK_HEX;
1534   Value := '0x';
1535   repeat
1536     Value := Value + Look;
1537     GetChar;
1538   until not IsHex(Look);
1539 end;
1542 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1543 { Get a Character Literal }
1545 procedure TNXCComp.GetCharLit;
1546 var
1547   i : integer;
1548 begin
1549   GetCharX; // skip the '
1550   Token := TOK_NUM;
1551   if Look = '\' then
1552   begin
1553     GetCharX; // skip the '\'
1554     i := Pos(Look, 'abfnrtv''"\?');
1555     case i of
1556       1 : Value := '7'; // bell
1557       2 : Value := '8'; // backspace
1558       3 : Value := '12'; // formfeed
1559       4 : Value := '10'; // new line
1560       5 : Value := '13'; // carriage return
1561       6 : Value := '9'; // tab
1562       7 : Value := '11'; // vertical tab
1563       8 : Value := '39'; // single quote
1564       9 : Value := '34'; // double quote
1565      10 : Value := '92'; // backslash
1566      11 : Value := '63'; // question mark
1567     else
1568       Value := IntToStr(Ord(Look));
1569     end;
1570   end
1571   else
1572   begin
1573     Value := IntToStr(Ord(Look));
1574   end;
1575   GetCharX;
1576   if Look <> '''' then Expected(sCharLiteral);
1577   GetChar;
1578 end;
1580 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1581 { Get a string Literal }
1583 procedure TNXCComp.GetString;
1584 var
1585   bEscapeNext : boolean;
1586 begin
1587   GetCharX; // skip the "
1588   Token := TOK_STRINGLIT;
1589   if Look = '"' then
1590   begin
1591     // empty string
1592     Value := '''''';
1593   end
1594   else
1595   begin
1596     bEscapeNext := False;
1597     Value := '''';
1598     if (Look = '''') then
1599       Value := Value + '\'''
1600     else
1601       Value := Value + Look;
1602     repeat
1603       if not bEscapeNext then
1604         bEscapeNext := Look = '\'
1605       else
1606         bEscapeNext := False;
1607       GetCharX;
1608       if not ((Look = LF) or ((Look = '"') and not bEscapeNext)) then
1609       begin
1610         if (Look = '''') and not bEscapeNext then
1611           Value := Value + '\'''
1612         else
1613           Value := Value + Look;
1614       end;
1615     until ((Look = '"') and not bEscapeNext) or (Look = LF) or endofallsource;
1616     Value := Value + '''';
1617     if Look <> '"' then Expected(sStringLiteral);
1618   end;
1619   GetChar;
1620 end;
1623 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1624 { Get an Operator }
1626 procedure TNXCComp.GetOp;
1627 begin
1628   SkipWhite;
1629   Token := Look;
1630   Value := Look;
1631   GetChar;
1632 end;
1635 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1636 { Get the Next Input Token }
1638 procedure TNXCComp.Next(bProcessDirectives : boolean);
1639 begin
1640   SkipWhite;
1641   if Look = '''' then GetCharLit
1642   else if Look = '"' then GetString
1643   else if Look = '#' then GetDirective
1644   else if IsAlpha(Look) then GetName
1645   else if IsDigit(Look) then GetNum
1646   else if Look = '$' then GetHexNum
1647   else GetOp;
1648   if bProcessDirectives then
1649   begin
1650     ProcessDirectives(False);
1651     fExpStr := fExpStr + Value;
1652   end;
1653   if not fProcessingAsmBlock and
1654      not (Token in ['<', '>', '|', '^', '&', '%', '/', '*', '-', '+', '=']) then
1655     SkipWhite; // also skip any whitespace after this token
1656 end;
1658 function IsAPICommand(const name : string) : boolean;
1659 var
1660   i : integer;
1661 begin
1662   Result := False;
1663   for i := Low(APIList) to High(APIList) do
1664   begin
1665     if APIList[i] = name then
1666     begin
1667       Result := True;
1668       Break;
1669     end;
1670   end;
1671 end;
1673 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1674 { Scan the Current Identifier for Keywords }
1676 procedure TNXCComp.Scan;
1677 var
1678   idx : integer;
1679 begin
1680   if Token = TOK_IDENTIFIER then
1681   begin
1682     idx := Lookup(Addr(KWlist), Value, NKW);
1683     if idx <> 0 then
1684       Token := KWcode[idx + 1]
1685     else
1686     begin
1687       // is it an API command?
1688       if IsAPICommand(Value) then
1689         Token := TOK_API
1690       else if IsUserDefinedType(Value) then
1691         Token := TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE;
1692     end;
1693   end;
1694 end;
1697 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1698 { Match a Specific Input String }
1700 procedure TNXCComp.MatchString(x: string);
1701 begin
1702   if Value <> x then Expected('''' + x + '''');
1703   Next;
1704 end;
1707 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1708 { Match a Semicolon }
1710 procedure TNXCComp.Semi;
1711 begin
1712   MatchString(TOK_SEMICOLON);
1713 //  if Token = TOK_SEMICOLON then
1714 //    Next;
1715 end;
1717 {
1718 procedure TNXCComp.OptionalSemi;
1719 begin
1720   if Token = TOK_SEMICOLON then
1721     Next;
1722 end;
1723 }
1725 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1726 { Output a String with Tab and CRLF }
1728 procedure TNXCComp.EmitLn(s: string);
1729 begin
1730   EmitPoundLine;
1731   NBCSource.Add(#9+s);
1732 end;
1734 procedure TNXCComp.EmitPoundLine;
1735 begin
1736   NBCSource.Add('#line ' + IntToStr(linenumber-1) + ' "' + CurrentFile + '"');
1737 end;
1740 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1741 { Output a String without Tab with CRLF }
1743 procedure TNXCComp.EmitLnNoTab(s: string);
1744 begin
1745   NBCSource.Add(s);
1746 end;
1748 procedure TNXCComp.EmitAsmLines(s: string);
1749 begin
1750   if Pos(#10, s) > 0 then
1751   begin
1752     fTmpAsmLines.Text := s;
1753     NBCSource.Add(Format('#pragma macro %d', [fTmpAsmLines.Count]));
1754     NBCSource.AddStrings(fTmpAsmLines);
1755     EmitPoundLine;
1756   end
1757   else
1758     NBCSource.Add(s);
1759 end;
1762 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1763 { Generate a Unique Label }
NewLabelnull1765 function TNXCComp.NewLabel: string;
1766 var
1767   S: string;
1768 begin
1769   S := '';
1770   Str(LCount, S);
1771   NewLabel := LABEL_PREFIX + S;
1772   Inc(LCount);
1773 end;
1776 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1777 { Post a Label To Output }
1779 procedure TNXCComp.PostLabel(L: string);
1780 begin
1781   EmitLnNoTab(L+':');
1782 end;
1785 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
1786 { Initialize Parameter Table to Null }
1787 procedure TNXCComp.ClearParams;
1788 begin
1789   fParams.Clear;
1790 end;
1792 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
1793 { Initialize Locals Table to Null }
1794 procedure TNXCComp.ClearLocals;
1795 begin
1796   fLocals.Clear;
1797   fEmittedLocals.Clear;
1798 end;
1800 procedure TNXCComp.ClearGlobals;
1801 var
1802   i : integer;
1803 begin
1804   for i := 1 to MAXGLOBALS do
1805   begin
1806     GS_Name[i] := '';
1807     GS_Type[i] := #0;
1808     GS_Size[i] := 0;
1809     GS_ReturnType[i] := #0;
1810   end;
1811   NumGlobals := 0;
1812   fGlobals.Clear;
1813 end;
1817 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
1818 { Add a Parameter to Table }
1820 procedure TNXCComp.AddParam(N: string; dt: char; const tname : string;
1821   bConst : boolean; bHasDefault : boolean; const defValue : string);
1822 begin
1823   CheckForValidDataType(dt);
1824   if IsOldParam(N) then Duplicate(N);
1825   with fParams.Add do
1826   begin
1827     Name       := N;
1828     DataType   := dt;
1829     IsConstant := bConst;
1830     TypeName   := tname;
1831   end;
1832 end;
WhatIsnull1834 function TNXCComp.WhatIs(const n : string) : TSymbolType;
1835 begin
1836   // calling IsOldParam and IsFuncParam separately in order to
1837   // tell IsFuncParam to strip inline decoration in this case.
1838   if IsOldParam(n) then Result := stParam
1839   else if IsFuncParam(n, True) then Result := stParam
1840   else if IsLocal(n) then Result := stLocal
1841   else if IsGlobal(n) then Result := stGlobal
1842   else if IsAPIFunc(n) then Result := stAPIFunc
1843   else if IsAPIStrFunc(n) then Result := stAPIStrFunc
1844   else Result := stUnknown;
1845 end;
DataTypenull1847 function TNXCComp.DataType(const n : string) : char;
1848 var
1849   p : integer;
1850   tname : string;
1851   DE : TDataspaceEntry;
1852 begin
1853   if (n = '') then
1854     Result := TOK_LONGDEF
1855   else if (n = 'true') or (n = 'false') or (n = '1') or (n = '0') then
1856     Result := TOK_BYTEDEF
1857   else
1858   begin
1859     case WhatIs(n) of
1860       stParam : begin
1861         Result := ParamDataType(n);
1862         p := Pos('.', n);
1863         if (Result = TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE) and (p > 0) then
1864         begin
1865           tname := ParamTypeName(n);
1866           DE := DataDefinitions.FindEntryByFullName(tname + Copy(n, p, MaxInt));
1867           Result := DataTypeOfDataspaceEntry(DE);
1868         end;
1869       end;
1870       stLocal : begin
1871         Result := LocalDataType(n);
1872         p := Pos('.', n);
1873         if (Result = TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE) and (p > 0) then
1874         begin
1875           tname := LocalTypeName(n);
1876           DE := DataDefinitions.FindEntryByFullName(tname + Copy(n, p, MaxInt));
1877           Result := DataTypeOfDataspaceEntry(DE);
1878         end;
1879       end;
1880       stGlobal : begin
1881         Result := GlobalDataType(n);
1882         p := Pos('.', n);
1883         if (Result = TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE) and (p > 0) then
1884         begin
1885           tname := GlobalTypeName(n);
1886           DE := DataDefinitions.FindEntryByFullName(tname + Copy(n, p, MaxInt));
1887           Result := DataTypeOfDataspaceEntry(DE);
1888         end;
1889       end;
1890       stAPIFunc : Result := TOK_APIFUNC;
1891       stAPIStrFunc : Result := TOK_APISTRFUNC;
1892     else
1893       // handle some special cases (register variables)
1894       if (Pos('__strretval', n) = 1) or (Pos('__strtmpbuf', n) = 1) or (Pos('__strbuf', n) = 1) then
1895         Result := TOK_STRINGDEF
1896       else if (Pos('__D0', n) = 1) or (Pos('__signed_stack_', n) = 1) or (Pos('__tmpslong', n) = 1) then
1897         Result := TOK_LONGDEF
1898       else if (Pos('__DU0', n) = 1) or (Pos('__unsigned_stack_', n) = 1) or (Pos('__tmplong', n) = 1) then
1899         Result := TOK_ULONGDEF
1900       else if (Pos('__DF0', n) = 1) or (Pos('__float_stack_', n) = 1) or (Pos('__tmpfloat', n) = 1) then
1901         Result := TOK_FLOATDEF
1902       else if (Pos('__zf', n) = 1) then
1903         Result := TOK_BYTEDEF
1904       else if (Pos('__tmpsbyte', n) = 1) then
1905         Result := TOK_CHARDEF
1906       else if (Pos('__tmpsword', n) = 1) then
1907         Result := TOK_SHORTDEF
1908       else
1909       begin
1910         Result := #0;
1911         Undefined(StripDecoration(n));
1912       end;
1913     end;
1914   end;
1915 end;
DataTypeNamenull1917 function TNXCComp.DataTypeName(const n : string) : string;
1918 begin
1919   Result := '';
1920   case WhatIs(n) of
1921     stParam : begin
1922       Result := ParamTypeName(n);
1923     end;
1924     stLocal : begin
1925       Result := LocalTypeName(n);
1926     end;
1927     stGlobal : begin
1928       Result := GlobalTypeName(n);
1929     end;
1930   end;
1931 end;
ArrayOfTypenull1933 function TNXCComp.ArrayOfType(dt: char; dimensions : integer): char;
1934 begin
1935   Result := dt;
1936   if (dimensions > 4) or (dimensions < 1) then begin
1937     AbortMsg(sInvalidArrayDim);
1938     Exit;
1939   end
1940   else begin
1941     dec(dimensions); // convert 1-4 range into 0-3 range
1942     case dt of
1943       TOK_CHARDEF : begin
1944         Result := Char(Ord(TOK_ARRAYCHARDEF)+dimensions);
1945       end;
1946       TOK_SHORTDEF : begin
1947         Result := Char(Ord(TOK_ARRAYSHORTDEF)+dimensions);
1948       end;
1949       TOK_LONGDEF : begin
1950         Result := Char(Ord(TOK_ARRAYLONGDEF)+dimensions);
1951       end;
1952       TOK_BYTEDEF : begin
1953         Result := Char(Ord(TOK_ARRAYBYTEDEF)+dimensions);
1954       end;
1955       TOK_USHORTDEF : begin
1956         Result := Char(Ord(TOK_ARRAYUSHORTDEF)+dimensions);
1957       end;
1958       TOK_ULONGDEF : begin
1959         Result := Char(Ord(TOK_ARRAYULONGDEF)+dimensions);
1960       end;
1961       TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE : begin
1962         Result := Char(Ord(TOK_ARRAYUDT)+dimensions);
1963       end;
1964       TOK_STRINGDEF : begin
1965         Result := Char(Ord(TOK_ARRAYSTRING)+dimensions);
1966       end;
1967       TOK_FLOATDEF : begin
1968         Result := Char(Ord(TOK_ARRAYFLOAT)+dimensions);
1969       end;
1970     else
1971       Result := dt;
1972     end;
1973   end;
1974 end;
1976 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
1977 { Add Primary or var }
1979 procedure TNXCComp.StoreAdd(const name : string);
1980 begin
1981   EmitLn(Format('add %0:s, %0:s, %s', [GetDecoratedIdent(name), RegisterName]));
1982 end;
1984 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
1985 { Subtract Primary from var }
1987 procedure TNXCComp.StoreSub(const name : string);
1988 begin
1989   EmitLn(Format('sub %0:s, %0:s, %s', [GetDecoratedIdent(name), RegisterName]));
1990 end;
1992 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
1993 { Multiply Primary with var }
1995 procedure TNXCComp.StoreMul(const name : string);
1996 begin
1997   EmitLn(Format('mul %0:s, %0:s, %s', [GetDecoratedIdent(name), RegisterName]));
1998 end;
2000 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2001 { Divide Primary with var }
2003 procedure TNXCComp.StoreDiv(const name : string);
2004 begin
2005   // check for unsafe division (signed by unsigned)
2006   if (DataType(name) in SignedTypes) and (StatementType = stUnsigned) then
2007   begin
2008     // cast the unsigned type to a signed type
2009     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [SignedRegisterName, UnsignedRegisterName]));
2010     StatementType := stSigned;
2011   end;
2012   EmitLn(Format('div %0:s, %0:s, %s', [GetDecoratedIdent(name), RegisterName]));
2013 end;
2015 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2016 { Mod Primary with var }
2018 procedure TNXCComp.StoreMod(const name : string);
2019 begin
2020   EmitLn(Format('mod %0:s, %0:s, %s', [GetDecoratedIdent(name), RegisterName]));
2021 end;
2023 procedure TNXCComp.StoreAbs(const name: string);
2024 begin
2025   EmitLn(Format('abs %0:s, %s', [GetDecoratedIdent(name), RegisterName]));
2026 end;
2028 procedure TNXCComp.StoreAnd(const name: string);
2029 begin
2030   EmitLn(Format('and %0:s, %0:s, %s', [GetDecoratedIdent(name), RegisterName]));
2031 end;
2033 procedure TNXCComp.StoreOr(const name: string);
2034 begin
2035   EmitLn(Format('or %0:s, %0:s, %s', [GetDecoratedIdent(name), RegisterName]));
2036 end;
2038 procedure TNXCComp.StoreShift(bRight: boolean; const name: string);
2039 begin
2040   if bRight then
2041     EmitLn(Format('shr %0:s, %0:s, %s', [GetDecoratedIdent(name), RegisterName]))
2042   else
2043     EmitLn(Format('shl %0:s, %0:s, %s', [GetDecoratedIdent(name), RegisterName]));
2044 end;
2046 procedure TNXCComp.StoreSign(const name: string);
2047 begin
2048   EmitLn(Format('sign %0:s, %s', [GetDecoratedIdent(name), RegisterName]));
2049 end;
2051 procedure TNXCComp.StoreXor(const name: string);
2052 begin
2053   EmitLn(Format('xor %0:s, %0:s, %s', [GetDecoratedIdent(name), RegisterName]));
2054 end;
2056 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2057 { increment var }
2059 procedure TNXCComp.StoreInc(const name : string; const val : integer);
2060 begin
2061   EmitLn(Format('add %0:s, %0:s, %d', [GetDecoratedIdent(name), val]));
2062 end;
2064 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2065 { decrement var }
2067 procedure TNXCComp.StoreDec(const name : string; const val : integer);
2068 begin
2069   EmitLn(Format('sub %0:s, %0:s, %d', [GetDecoratedIdent(name), val]));
2070 end;
2072 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2073 { Clear the Primary Register }
2075 procedure TNXCComp.ClearReg;
2076 var
2077   fmtStr : string;
2078 begin
2079   fCCSet := False;
2080   // 2009-03-18 JCH: It is never safe to use "set" with a float variable
2081   if StatementType = stFloat then
2082     fmtStr := 'mov %s, 0'
2083   else
2084     fmtStr := 'set %s, 0';
2085   EmitLn(Format(fmtStr, [RegisterName]));
2086 end;
2088 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2089 { Bitwise Negate the Primary Register }
2091 procedure TNXCComp.Complement;
2092 begin
2093   CheckEnhancedFirmware;
2094   fCCSet := False;
2095   EmitLn(Format('cmnt %0:s, %0:s', [RegisterName]));
2096 end;
2098 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2099 { Negate the Primary Register }
2101 procedure TNXCComp.Negate;
2102 begin
2103   fCCSet := False;
2104   EmitLn(Format('neg %0:s, %0:s', [RegisterName]));
2105 end;
2107 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2108 { Complement the Primary Register }
2110 procedure TNXCComp.NotIt;
2111 begin
2112   fCCSet := False;
2113   EmitLn(Format('not %0:s, %0:s', [RegisterName]));
2114 end;
2117 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2118 { Load a Constant Value to Primary Register }
2120 procedure TNXCComp.LoadConst(n: string);
2121 var
2122   cval : int64;
2123   tmpSrc : string;
2124 begin
2125   fLastLoadedConst := n;
2126   if (Pos('.', n) > 0) or (StatementType = stFloat) then
2127   begin
2128     tmpSrc := 'mov %s, %s';
2129     StatementType := stFloat;
2130   end
2131   else
2132   begin
2133     cval := StrToInt64Def(n, 0);
2134     if cval <= MaxInt then
2135       StatementType := stSigned
2136     else
2137       StatementType := stUnsigned;
2138     if (cval > High(smallint)) or
2139        ((cval < 0) and (not EnhancedFirmware or (cval < Low(smallint)))) then
2140       tmpSrc := 'mov %s, %s'
2141     else
2142       tmpSrc := 'set %s, %s';
2143   end;
2144   fCCSet := False;
2145   EmitLn(Format(tmpSrc, [RegisterName, n]));
2146 end;
2148 procedure TNXCComp.CheckNotProc(const Name : string);
2149 begin
2150   if DataType(Name) in [TOK_PROCEDURE, TOK_TASK] then
2151     AbortMsg(sAssignTaskError);
2152 end;
2154 procedure TNXCComp.CheckTask(const Name : string);
2155 begin
2156   if DataType(Name) <> TOK_TASK then
2157     AbortMsg(sArgMustBeTask);
2158 end;
2160 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2161 { Load a Variable to Primary Register }
2163 procedure TNXCComp.LoadVar(const Name: string);
2164 var
2165   dt : Char;
2166 begin
2167   CheckNotProc(Name);
2168   dt := DataType(Name);
2169   if dt = TOK_FLOATDEF then
2170     StatementType := stFloat
2171   else if not (dt in UnsignedIntegerTypes) then
2172     StatementType := stSigned
2173   else
2174     StatementType := stUnsigned;
2175   fCCSet := False;
2176   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [RegisterName, GetDecoratedIdent(Name)]));
2177 end;
2179 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2180 { Push Primary onto Stack }
2182 procedure TNXCComp.PushPrim;
2183 begin
2184   push;
2185   EmitLn(Format('mov %1:s, %0:s', [RegisterName, tos]));
2186 end;
2188 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2189 { Add Top of Stack to Primary }
2191 procedure TNXCComp.PopAdd;
2192 begin
2193   fCCSet := False;
2194   EmitLn(Format('add %2:s, %1:s, %0:s', [RegisterName, tos, RegisterName]));
2195   pop;
2196 end;
2198 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2199 { Subtract Primary from Top of Stack }
2201 procedure TNXCComp.PopSub;
2202 begin
2203   fCCSet := False;
2204   EmitLn(Format('sub %2:s, %1:s, %0:s', [RegisterName, tos, RegisterName]));
2205   pop;
2206 end;
2208 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2209 { Multiply Top of Stack by Primary }
2211 procedure TNXCComp.PopMul;
2212 begin
2213   fCCSet := False;
2214   EmitLn(Format('mul %2:s, %1:s, %0:s', [RegisterName, tos, RegisterName]));
2215   pop;
2216 end;
2218 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2219 { Divide Top of Stack by Primary }
2221 procedure TNXCComp.PopDiv;
2222 var
2223   p0, p1, p2 : string;
2224 begin
2225   p0 := RegisterName;
2226   p1 := tos;
2227   p2 := RegisterName;
2228   if (DataType(p1) in SignedTypes) and (DataType(p0) in UnsignedIntegerTypes) then
2229   begin
2230     // cast the unsigned type to a signed type
2231     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [SignedRegisterName, UnsignedRegisterName]));
2232     p0 := SignedRegisterName;
2233   end;
2234   fCCSet := False;
2235   EmitLn(Format('div %2:s, %1:s, %0:s', [p0, p1, p2]));
2236   pop;
2237 end;
2239 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2240 { Modulo Top of Stack by Primary }
2242 procedure TNXCComp.PopMod;
2243 begin
2244   fCCSet := False;
2245   EmitLn(Format('mod %2:s, %1:s, %0:s', [RegisterName, tos, RegisterName]));
2246   pop;
2247 end;
2249 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2250 { AND Top of Stack with Primary }
2252 procedure TNXCComp.PopAnd;
2253 begin
2254   fCCSet := False;
2255   EmitLn(Format('and %2:s, %1:s, %0:s', [RegisterName, tos, RegisterName]));
2256   pop;
2257 end;
2259 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2260 { OR Top of Stack with Primary }
2262 procedure TNXCComp.PopOr;
2263 begin
2264   fCCSet := False;
2265   EmitLn(Format('or %2:s, %1:s, %0:s', [RegisterName, tos, RegisterName]));
2266   pop;
2267 end;
2269 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2270 { XOR Top of Stack with Primary }
2272 procedure TNXCComp.PopXor;
2273 begin
2274   fCCSet := False;
2275   EmitLn(Format('xor %2:s, %1:s, %0:s', [RegisterName, tos, RegisterName]));
2276   pop;
2277 end;
2280 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2281 { Left Shift Top of Stack to Primary }
2283 procedure TNXCComp.PopLeftShift;
2284 begin
2285   fCCSet := False;
2286   EmitLn(Format('shl %2:s, %1:s, %0:s', [RegisterName, tos, RegisterName]));
2287   pop;
2288 end;
2290 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2291 { Right Shift Top of Stack to Primary }
2293 procedure TNXCComp.PopRightShift;
2294 begin
2295   fCCSet := False;
2296   EmitLn(Format('shr %2:s, %1:s, %0:s', [RegisterName, tos, RegisterName]));
2297   pop;
2298 end;
2300 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2301 { Set zero flag based on __D0 value }
2303 procedure TNXCComp.SetZeroCC;
2304 begin
2305   fCCSet := True;
2306   EmitLn(Format('tst NEQ, %s, %s',[ZeroFlag, RegisterName]));
2307 end;
FunctionReturnTypenull2309 function TNXCComp.FunctionReturnType(const name : string) : char;
2310 var
2311   i : integer;
2312 begin
2313   Result := #0;
2314   i := GlobalIdx(name);
2315   if (i > 0) and (GS_Type[i] = TOK_PROCEDURE) then
2316     Result := GS_ReturnType[i];
2317 end;
ValueIsStringTypenull2319 function TNXCComp.ValueIsStringType(var dt : char): boolean;
2320 begin
2321   if Token = TOK_IDENTIFIER then
2322     dt := DataType(Value)
2323   else
2324     dt := #0;
2325   Result := IsAPIStrFunc(Value);
2326   if not Result then
2327   begin
2328     Result := (Token = TOK_STRINGLIT) or
2329               ((Token = TOK_IDENTIFIER) and
2331     if not Result then begin
2332       Result := FunctionReturnType(Value) in [TOK_STRINGDEF{, TOK_ARRAYBYTEDEF, TOK_ARRAYCHARDEF}];
2333       if not Result then begin
2334         // what about a string array?
2335         Result := (Token = TOK_IDENTIFIER) and
2336                   (dt in [TOK_ARRAYSTRING..TOK_ARRAYSTRING4]) and
2337                   (Look = '[');
2338       end;
2339     end
2340     else
2341     begin
2342       // if we are indexing into the string then it is not really a string type
2343       if Look = '[' then
2344         Result := False;
2345     end;
2346   end;
2347 end;
ValueIsArrayTypenull2349 function TNXCComp.ValueIsArrayType: boolean;
2350 begin
2351   Result := IsArrayType(DataType(Value));
2352 end;
ValueIsUserDefinedTypenull2354 function TNXCComp.ValueIsUserDefinedType: boolean;
2355 begin
2356   Result := DataType(Value) = TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE;
2357 end;
2359 procedure TNXCComp.CmpHelper(const cc, lhs, rhs: string);
2360 begin
2361   fCCSet := True;
2362   EmitLn(Format('cmp %s, %s, %s, %s',[cc, ZeroFlag, lhs, rhs]));
2363 end;
2365 procedure TNXCComp.PopCmpHelper(const cc : string);
2366 begin
2367   CmpHelper(cc, tos, RegisterName);
2368   pop;
2369 end;
2371 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2372 { Set __zf If Compare was = }
2374 procedure TNXCComp.PopCmpEqual;
2375 begin
2376   PopCmpHelper('EQ');
2377 end;
2379 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2380 { Set __D0 If Compare was != }
2382 procedure TNXCComp.PopCmpNEqual;
2383 begin
2384   PopCmpHelper('NEQ');
2385 end;
2387 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2388 { Set __D0 If Compare was > }
2390 procedure TNXCComp.PopCmpGreater;
2391 begin
2392   PopCmpHelper('GT');
2393 end;
2395 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2396 { Set __D0 If Compare was < }
2398 procedure TNXCComp.PopCmpLess;
2399 begin
2400   PopCmpHelper('LT');
2401 end;
2403 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2404 { Set __D0 If Compare was <= }
2406 procedure TNXCComp.PopCmpLessOrEqual;
2407 begin
2408   PopCmpHelper('LTEQ');
2409 end;
2411 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2412 { Set __D0 If Compare was >= }
2414 procedure TNXCComp.PopCmpGreaterOrEqual;
2415 begin
2416   PopCmpHelper('GTEQ');
2417 end;
2419 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2420 { Store Primary to Variable }
2422 procedure TNXCComp.Store(const Name: string; bNoChecks : boolean);
2423 begin
2424   if not bNoChecks then
2425     CheckNotProc(Name);
2426   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[GetDecoratedIdent(Name), RegisterName]));
2427 end;
2429 procedure TNXCComp.StoreString(const Name : string; bNoChecks : boolean);
2430 begin
2431   if not bNoChecks then
2432     CheckNotProc(Name);
2433   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [GetDecoratedIdent(Name), StrBufName]));
2434 end;
2436 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2437 { Branch Unconditional  }
2439 procedure TNXCComp.Branch(L: string);
2440 begin
2441   EmitLn('jmp ' + L);
2442 end;
2444 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2445 { Branch False }
2447 procedure TNXCComp.BranchFalse(L: string);
2448 begin
2449   // if the condition code has not been set then set it manually
2450   if not fCCSet then
2451     SetZeroCC;
2452   EmitLn(Format('brtst EQ, %s, %s', [L, ZeroFlag]));
2453 end;
2455 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2456 { Branch True }
2458 procedure TNXCComp.BranchTrue(L: string);
2459 begin
2460   // if the condition code has not been set then set it manually
2461   if not fCCSet then
2462     SetZeroCC;
2463   EmitLn(Format('brtst NEQ, %s, %s', [L, ZeroFlag]));
2464 end;
2466 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
2467 { Write Header Info }
2469 procedure TNXCComp.Header;
2470 begin
2471   // do nothing
2472 end;
2474 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
2475 { Write Trailer Info }
2477 procedure TNXCComp.Trailer;
2478 var
2479   tmp : TStrings;
2480 begin
2481   DoCompilerStatusChange(sNXCGenerateTrailer);
2482   CheckForMain;
2483   // handle stack variables
2484   tmp := TStringList.Create;
2485   try
2486     tmp.AddStrings(NBCSource);
2487     NBCSource.Clear;
2488     // emit struct decls
2489     NBCSource.AddStrings(fStructDecls);
2490     EmitLnNoTab('dseg segment');
2491     // structures
2492     EmitNXCRequiredStructs;
2493     EmitLn('__SSMArgs TNXCSetScreenMode');
2494     EmitLn('__SPTArgs TNXCSoundPlayTone');
2495     EmitLn('__SPFArgs TNXCSoundPlayFile');
2496     // mutexes
2497     EmitLn('__SSMArgsMutex mutex');
2498     EmitLn('__SPTArgsMutex mutex');
2499     EmitLn('__SPFArgsMutex mutex');
2501     EmitRegisters;
2502     EmitStackVariables;
2504     EmitLnNoTab('dseg ends');
2505     NBCSource.AddStrings(tmp);
2506     // output the array initialization subroutine last
2507     EmitGlobalDataInitSubroutine;
2508   finally
2509     tmp.Free;
2510   end;
2511 end;
2513 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
2514 { Write the Prolog }
2516 procedure TNXCComp.Prolog(const name : string; bIsSub : boolean);
2517 begin
2518   if bIsSub then
2519   begin
2520     if AmInlining then
2521     begin
2522       fCurrentInlineFunction := fInlineFunctions.Add;
2523       fCurrentInlineFunction.Name := name;
2524     end
2525     else
2526       EmitLnNoTab('subroutine ' + name);
2527   end
2528   else
2529     EmitLnNoTab('thread ' + name);
2530 end;
2532 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
2533 { Write the Epilog }
2535 procedure TNXCComp.Epilog(bIsSub : boolean);
2536 begin
2537   if bIsSub then
2538   begin
2539     if AmInlining then
2540     begin
2541       DecrementInlineDepth;
2542 //      dec(fInlineDepth);
2543 //      fInlining := False;
2544     end
2545     else
2546     begin
2547       EmitLn('return');
2548       EmitLnNoTab('ends');
2549     end;
2550   end
2551   else
2552     EmitLnNoTab('endt');
2553   EmitLnNoTab('');
2554 end;
2556 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
2557 { Allocate Storage for a Static variable }
2559 procedure TNXCComp.AllocateHelper(const Name, aVal, Val, tname: string; dt : char);
2560 begin
2561   case dt of
2562     TOK_CHARDEF,
2564       EmitLn(Format('%s sbyte%s %s', [Name, aVal, Val]));
2565     TOK_SHORTDEF,
2567       EmitLn(Format('%s sword%s %s', [Name, aVal, Val]));
2568     TOK_LONGDEF,
2570       EmitLn(Format('%s sdword%s %s', [Name, aVal, Val]));
2571     TOK_BYTEDEF,
2573       EmitLn(Format('%s byte%s %s', [Name, aVal, Val]));
2576       EmitLn(Format('%s word%s %s', [Name, aVal, Val]));
2577     TOK_ULONGDEF,
2579       EmitLn(Format('%s dword%s %s', [Name, aVal, Val]));
2580     TOK_MUTEXDEF  : EmitLn(Format('%s mutex', [Name]));
2581     TOK_FLOATDEF,
2583       EmitLn(Format('%s float%s %s', [Name, aVal, Val]));
2584     TOK_STRINGDEF : EmitLn(Format('%s byte[] %s', [Name, Val]));
2586       EmitLn(Format('%s byte[]%s %s', [Name, aVal, Val]));
2589       EmitLn(Format('%s %s%s %s', [Name, tname, aVal, Val]));
2590   else
2591     AbortMsg(sUnknownDatatype);
2592   end;
2593 end;
2595 procedure TNXCComp.Allocate(const Name, aVal, Val, tname: string; dt : char);
2596 //var
2597 //  oldInlining : boolean;
2598 begin
2600      (FirmwareVersion < MIN_FW_VER2X) then
2601     AbortMsg(sFloatNotSupported);
2602   // 2007-07-05 JCH:
2603   // changed this function to perform no code generation of variable
2604   // declarations whatsoever if the current function is marked
2605   // as inline.
2606   // Instead all the local variable and parameter information is gathered
2607   // in data structures to be output at the point of the first call of
2608   // the inline function on a per CALLER basis (i.e., once per caller)
2609   // the variables will be decorated at that point with the CALLER name
2610   // and an indication that these are inline variables.
2611   // For each local variable and function parameter stored in the
2612   // data structures for a particular inline function the body of the
2613   // inline function code will be processed and any matching tokens
2614   // (i.e., the names of these variables) will be replaced with the
2615   // decorated version of the local variable or function parameter name
2616   if AmInlining then Exit;
2617   // variables are not output within inline functions
2618 //  oldInlining := fInlining;
2619   try
2620 //    fInlining := False;
2621     EmitLnNoTab('dseg segment');
2622     AllocateHelper(Name, aVal, Val, tname, dt);
2623     EmitLnNoTab('dseg ends');
2624   finally
2625 //    fInlining := oldInlining;
2626   end;
2627 end;
2629 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2630 { Parse and Translate a Math Factor with Leading NOT }
2632 procedure TNXCComp.NotNumericFactor;
2633 begin
2634   if Token = '~' then begin  // handle unary complement
2635     Next;
2636     NumericFactor;
2637     Complement;
2638   end
2639   else if Token = '!' then // handle unary logical not
2640   begin
2641     Next;
2642     NumericFactor;
2643     NotIt;
2644   end
2645   else
2646     NumericFactor;
2647 end;
2649 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2650 { Parse and Translate a Math Factor }
2652 procedure TNXCComp.NumericFactor;
2653 var
2654   savedtoken, rdt : char;
2655   savedvalue : string;
2656   oldNoCommas : boolean;
2657 begin
2658   if Token = TOK_OPENPAREN then begin
2659     OpenParen;
2660 //    Next;
2661     oldNoCommas := fNoCommaOperator;
2662     try
2663       fNoCommaOperator := False;
2664       CommaExpression;
2665     finally
2666       fNoCommaOperator := oldNoCommas;
2667     end;
2668     CloseParen;
2669   end
2670   else begin
2671     // scan here so that Token is changed from IDENTIFIER to the
2672     // appropriate keyword token
2673     Scan;
2674     savedtoken := Token;
2675     savedvalue := Value;
2676     // JCH fix bug where function call with whitespace between function name
2677     // and open paren was causing a compiler error. (2007-12-10)
2678     if (savedtoken = TOK_IDENTIFIER) and (DataType(savedvalue) = TOK_PROCEDURE) then
2679     begin
2680       rdt := FunctionReturnType(savedvalue);
2681       if (rdt <> #0) and (rdt <> TOK_STRINGDEF) then
2682         DoCall(savedvalue)
2683       else
2684         AbortMsg(sInvalidReturnType);
2685     end
2686     else
2687     begin
2688       Next;
2689       case savedtoken of
2690         TOK_IDENTIFIER : begin
2691           if Token = '[' then
2692           begin
2693             fArrayIndexStack.Clear;
2694 //            DoArrayIndex(DataType(fLHSName), fLHSName, savedvalue);
2695 //            DoArrayIndex(ArrayBaseType(DataType(savedvalue)), fLHSName, savedvalue);
2696             DoNewArrayIndex(DataType(savedvalue), savedvalue, fLHSName);
2697           end
2698           else if ((Token = '+') and (Look = '+')) or
2699                   ((Token = '-') and (Look = '-')) then
2700           begin
2701             // increment/decrement
2702             LoadVar(savedvalue);
2703             if Token = '+' then
2704               StoreInc(savedvalue, 1)
2705             else
2706               StoreDec(savedvalue, 1);
2707             Next;
2708             Next;
2709           end
2710           // The next two blocks are not exactly C with respect to operator precedence
2711           // A better way to allow for assignment/math assignment within an expression
2712           // should be found. 2010-06-07 JCH
2713           else if (Token in ['+', '-', '/', '*', '%', '&', '|', '^']) and (Look = '=') then
2714           begin
2715             MathAssignment(savedvalue);
2716             LoadVar(savedvalue);
2717           end
2718           else if (Token = '=') and (Look <> '=') then
2719           begin
2720             // var = expression rather than var == expression
2721             // i.e., an assignment statement
2722             Next;
2723             DoAssignValue(savedvalue, DataType(savedvalue));
2724             LoadVar(savedvalue);
2725           end
2726           //
2727           // end of not exactly C handling of assignment/math assignment
2728           //
2729           else if savedvalue = 'true' then
2730             LoadConst('1')
2731           else if savedvalue = 'false' then
2732             LoadConst('0')
2733           else if IsAPIFunc(savedvalue) then
2734           begin
2735             DoCallAPIFunc(savedvalue);
2736           end
2737           else if IsArrayType(fLHSDataType) and not fProcessingMathAssignment then
2738           begin
2739             rdt := DataType(savedvalue);
2740             if not TypesAreCompatible(fLHSDataType, rdt) then
2741               AbortMsg(sDatatypesNotCompatible)
2742             else
2743               EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [GetDecoratedIdent(fLHSName), GetDecoratedIdent(savedvalue)]));
2744           end
2745           else if (fLHSDataType = TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE) and not fProcessingMathAssignment then
2746           begin
2747             if GetUDTType(fLHSName) <> GetUDTType(savedvalue) then
2748               AbortMsg(sUDTNotEqual)
2749             else
2750               EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [GetDecoratedIdent(fLHSName), GetDecoratedIdent(savedvalue)]));
2751           end
2752           else
2753             LoadVar(savedvalue);
2754         end;
2755         TOK_ASM : begin
2756           DoAsm(fLHSDataType);
2757         end;
2758         TOK_NUM, TOK_HEX : begin
2759           LoadConst(savedvalue);
2760         end;
2761         '-' : begin
2762           if Token = TOK_NUM then
2763           begin
2764             LoadConst(savedvalue+value);
2765             Next;
2766           end
2767           else
2768             Expected(sMathFactor);
2769         end;
2770       else
2771         Expected(sMathFactor);
2772       end;
2773     end;
2774   end;
2775 end;
2777 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
2778 { Recognize and Translate a Multiply }
2780 procedure TNXCComp.Multiply;
2781 begin
2782   Next;
2783   NotNumericFactor;
2784   PopMul;
2785 end;
2787 {-------------------------------------------------------------}
2788 { Recognize and Translate a Divide }
2790 procedure TNXCComp.Divide;
2791 begin
2792   Next;
2793   NotNumericFactor;
2794   PopDiv;
2795 end;
2797 {-------------------------------------------------------------}
2798 { Recognize and Translate a Module }
2800 procedure TNXCComp.Modulo;
2801 begin
2802   Next;
2803   NotNumericFactor;
2804   PopMod;
2805 end;
2807 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2808 { Parse and Translate a Math Term }
2810 procedure TNXCComp.Term;
2811 begin
2812   NotNumericFactor;
2813   while IsMulop(Token) do begin
2814     PushPrim;
2815     case Token of
2816       '*': Multiply;
2817       '/': Divide;
2818       '%': Modulo;
2819     end;
2820   end;
2821 end;
2823 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
2824 { Recognize and Translate an Add }
2826 procedure TNXCComp.Add;
2827 begin
2828   Next;
2829   Term;
2830   PopAdd;
2831 end;
2833 {-------------------------------------------------------------}
2834 { Recognize and Translate a Subtract }
2836 procedure TNXCComp.Subtract;
2837 begin
2838   Next;
2839   Term;
2840   PopSub;
2841 end;
2843 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2844 { Parse and Translate an Expression }
2846 procedure TNXCComp.Expression;
2847 var
2848   prev, lenVal : integer;
2849   oldExpStr, optExp : string;
2850 begin
2851   fExpStrHasVars := False;
2852   // 2009-04-09 JCH:
2853   // Store the old expression string and restore it at the end of this routine
2854   // so that recursive optimizations do not destroy the previous level of
2855   // the expression.  This fixes the bug caused by commenting out
2856   // "and not (fExpStr[1] in ['+', '-'])" in the OptimizeExpression function
2857   // below.  Without this, an expression like x = MyFunc(233)+10; was being
2858   // optimized to x = 10;
2859   oldExpStr := fExpStr;
2860   try
2861     // set the old expression to be everything except for the first token in
2862     // the new expression (aka "Value").
2863     lenVal := Length(Value);
2864     Delete(oldExpStr, Length(oldExpStr)-lenVal+1, lenVal);
2865     // now start our new expression with the current token
2866     fExpStr := Value;
2867     prev := NBCSource.Count;
2868     if IncrementOrDecrement then
2869     begin
2870       // handle pre-increment or pre-decrement unary operators
2871       DoPreIncOrDec(true);
2872     end
2873     else
2874     begin
2875       if IsAddOp(Token) then
2876         ClearReg  // handle + and - unary operators
2877       else
2878         Term;
2879       while IsAddop(Token) do begin
2880         PushPrim;
2881         case Token of
2882           '+': Add;
2883           '-': Subtract;
2884         end;
2885       end;
2886       optExp := OptimizeExpression(prev);
2887     end;
2888   finally
2889     fExpStr := oldExpStr + optExp + Value;
2890   end;
2891 end;
OptimizeExpressionnull2893 function TNXCComp.OptimizeExpression(const idx: integer) : string;
2894 begin
2895   fLastExpressionOptimizedToConst := False;
2896   System.Delete(fExpStr, Length(fExpStr), 1);
2897   Result := fExpStr;
2898   if (OptimizeLevel >= 1) and (NBCSource.Count > (idx+1)) and
2899      not fExpStrHasVars then
2900   begin
2901     // 2009-03-18 JCH: I do not recall why I added the check for
2902     // + and - as the first character of an expression
2903     // I haven't been able to detect any harm in removing this check but
2904     // it could be something very obscure that will come up again
above.null2906     // 2009-04-09 JCH: See my comment in the Expression function above.
2907     // The commented-out code was preventing a bug that had far too many
2908     // lines of code being removed if an expression ended in +nnn or -nnn.
2910     if (fExpStr <> '') {and not (fExpStr[1] in ['+', '-'])} then
2911     begin
2912       fCalc.SilentExpression := fExpStr;
2913       if not fCalc.ParserError then
2914       begin
2915         if StatementType = stFloat then
2916           fExpStr := NBCFloatToStr(fCalc.Value)
2917         else
2918           fExpStr := IntToStr(Trunc(fCalc.Value));
2919         Result := fExpStr;
2920         // in theory, we can replace all the lines between idx and
2921         // NBCSource.Count with one line
2922         while NBCSource.Count > idx do
2923           NBCSource.Delete(NBCSource.Count-1);
2924         LoadConst(fExpStr);
2925         fExpStr := '';
2926         fLastExpressionOptimizedToConst := True;
2927       end;
2928     end;
2929   end;
2930 end;
2932 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
2933 { Parse and Translate a String Expression }
2935 procedure TNXCComp.StringConcatAssignment(const Name: string);
2936 begin
2937   if Look = '=' then
2938   begin
2939     Next; // move to '='
2940     Next; // move to next token
2941     StringExpression(Name, True);
2942     StoreString(Name);
2943   end
2944   else
2945     AbortMsg(sInvalidStringAssign);
2946 end;
TNXCComp.GetDecoratedIdentnull2948 function TNXCComp.GetDecoratedIdent(const val : string) : string;
2949 var
2950   i : integer;
2951 begin
2952   Result := val;
2953   if not AlreadyDecorated(val) then
2954   begin
2955     case WhatIs(val) of
2956       stParam :
2957         Result := ApplyDecoration(fCurrentThreadName, val, 0);
2958       stLocal : begin
2959         // apply decoration at greatest nesting level and iterate
2960         // until we find the right value.
2961         for i := fNestingLevel downto 0 do
2962         begin
2963           Result := ApplyDecoration(fCurrentThreadName, val, i);
2964           if IsLocal(Result) then
2965             break;
2966         end;
2967       end;
2968     else
2969       Result := val;
2970     end;
2971   end;
2972 end;
TNXCComp.GetDecoratedValuenull2974 function TNXCComp.GetDecoratedValue : string;
2975 begin
2976   Result := GetDecoratedIdent(Value);
2977 end;
TNXCComp.StringExpressionnull2979 function TNXCComp.StringExpression(const Name : string; bAdd : boolean) : boolean;
2980 var
2981   asmStr, val, aval, tmpStr : string;
2982   dt : char;
2983   AHV : TArrayHelperVar;
2984 begin
2985   Result := False;
2986   SkipWhite;
2987   fCCSet := False;
2988   asmStr := '';
2989   if Look = TOK_OPENPAREN then
2990   begin
callnull2991     // a function call that returns a string
2992     val := Value;
2993     if DataType(val) = TOK_PROCEDURE then
2994     begin
2995       if FunctionReturnType(val) = TOK_STRINGDEF then
2996         DoCall(val)
2997       else
2998         Expected(sStringReturnValue);
2999     end
3000     else
3001     begin
3002       Next; // move to TOK_OPENPAREN
alnull3003       StringFunction(val);
3004     end;
3005     tmpStr := StrRetValName;
3006     if bAdd then
3007       asmStr := Format('strcat %s, %s, ', [StrBufName, GetDecoratedIdent(Name)])
3008     else
3009       asmStr := Format('strcat %s, ', [StrBufName]);
3010   end
3011   else if Look = '[' then
3012   begin
3013     val := Value;
3014     Next;
3015     fArrayIndexStack.Clear;
3016     Result := DoNewArrayIndex(DataType(val), val, StrRetValName);
3017     tmpStr := StrRetValName;
3018     if bAdd then
3019       asmStr := Format('strcat %s, %s, ', [StrBufName, GetDecoratedIdent(Name)])
3020     else
3021       asmStr := Format('strcat %s, ', [StrBufName]);
3022   end
3023   else if Value = 'asm' then
3024   begin
3025     // asm
3026     Next;
3027     dt := #0;
3028     DoAsm(dt);
3029     fSemiColonRequired := True;
3030     if dt <> TOK_STRINGDEF then
3031       Expected(sStringReturnValue)
3032     else
3033     begin
3034       tmpStr := StrRetValName;
3035       if bAdd then
3036         asmStr := Format('strcat %s, %s, ', [StrBufName, GetDecoratedIdent(Name)])
3037       else
3038         asmStr := Format('strcat %s, ', [StrBufName]);
3039     end;
3040   end
3041   else
3042   begin
3043     CheckString;
3044     tmpStr := GetDecoratedValue;
3045     if bAdd then
3046       asmStr := Format('strcat %s, %s, ', [StrBufName, GetDecoratedIdent(Name)])
3047     else
3048       asmStr := Format('strcat %s, ', [StrBufName]);
3049     Next;
3050   end;
3051   // in all cases we may want to recurse
3052   if Token = '+' then
3053   begin
3054     // we are overloading the + for string concatenation
3055     // we need to store the value from this string expression into
3056     // a temporary variable so that it is not overwritten by
3057     // recursing into subsequent string expressions
3058     AHV := fArrayHelpers.GetHelper(fCurrentThreadName, '', TOK_ARRAYBYTEDEF);
3059     try
3060       aval := AHV.Name;
3061       if fGlobals.IndexOfName(aval) = -1 then
3062         AddEntry(aval, TOK_ARRAYBYTEDEF, '', '');
3063       // move result of string expression to newly allocated temporary variable
3064       EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [aval, tmpStr]));
3065       Next; // skip past the +
3066       asmStr := asmStr + StrCatHelper(aval + ', ', '+');
3067 {
3068       while Token = '+' do begin
3069         Next; // skip past +
3070         CheckString;
3071         asmStr := asmStr + ', ' + GetDecoratedValue;
3072         Next;
3073       end;
3074 }
3075     finally
3076       fArrayHelpers.ReleaseHelper(AHV);
3077     end;
3078   end
3079   else
3080   begin
3081     // no string concatenation
3082     asmStr := asmStr + tmpStr; // add in the variable from this string expression
3083   end;
3084   if asmStr <> '' then
3085     EmitLn(asmStr);
3086 end;
3088 procedure TNXCComp.EqualArrayOrUDT(const lhs : string);
3089 var
3090   rhs : string;
3091 begin
3092   Next; // two equal signs of equality comparison
3093   MatchString('=');
3094   CheckIdent;
3095   rhs := Value;
3096   Next;
3097   CmpHelper('EQ', lhs, GetDecoratedIdent(rhs));
3098   StoreZeroFlag;
3099 end;
3101 procedure TNXCComp.LessArrayOrUDT(const lhs : string);
3102 var
3103   rhs : string;
3104 begin
3105   Next;
3106   case Token of
3107     '=' : begin
3108       Next;
3109       CheckIdent;
3110       rhs := Value;
3111       Next;
3112       CmpHelper('LTEQ', lhs, GetDecoratedIdent(rhs));
3113     end;
3114     '>' : begin
3115       Next;
3116       CheckIdent;
3117       rhs := Value;
3118       Next;
3119       CmpHelper('NEQ', lhs, GetDecoratedIdent(rhs));
3120     end;
3121   else
3122     CheckIdent;
3123     rhs := Value;
3124     Next;
3125     CmpHelper('LT', lhs, GetDecoratedIdent(rhs));
3126   end;
3127   StoreZeroFlag;
3128 end;
3130 procedure TNXCComp.GreaterArrayOrUDT(const lhs: string);
3131 var
3132   rhs : string;
3133 begin
3134   Next;
3135   case Token of
3136     '=' : begin
3137       Next;
3138       CheckIdent;
3139       rhs := Value;
3140       Next;
3141       CmpHelper('GTEQ', lhs, GetDecoratedIdent(rhs));
3142     end;
3143   else
3144     CheckIdent;
3145     rhs := Value;
3146     Next;
3147     CmpHelper('GT', lhs, GetDecoratedIdent(rhs));
3148   end;
3149   StoreZeroFlag;
3150 end;
3152 procedure TNXCComp.NEqualArrayOrUDT(const lhs: string);
3153 var
3154   rhs : string;
3155 begin
3156   Next;
3157   if Token = '=' then
3158   begin
3159     Next;
3160     CheckIdent;
3161     rhs := Value;
3162     Next;
3163     CmpHelper('NEQ', lhs, GetDecoratedIdent(rhs));
3164     StoreZeroFlag;
3165   end
3166   else
3167     Expected('"!="');
3168 end;
3170 procedure TNXCComp.EqualString;
3171 begin
3172   Next; // two equal signs of equality comparison
3173   MatchString('=');
3174   StringExpression('');
3175   CmpHelper('EQ', StrTmpBufName, StrBufName);
3176   StoreZeroFlag;
3177 end;
3179 procedure TNXCComp.LessString;
3180 begin
3181   Next;
3182   case Token of
3183     '=' : begin
3184       Next;
3185       StringExpression('');
3186       CmpHelper('LTEQ', StrTmpBufName, StrBufName);
3187     end;
3188     '>' : begin
3189       Next;
3190       StringExpression('');
3191       CmpHelper('NEQ', StrTmpBufName, StrBufName);
3192     end;
3193   else
3194     StringExpression('');
3195     CmpHelper('LT', StrTmpBufName, StrBufName);
3196   end;
3197   StoreZeroFlag;
3198 end;
3200 procedure TNXCComp.GreaterString;
3201 begin
3202   Next;
3203   case Token of
3204     '=' : begin
3205       Next;
3206       StringExpression('');
3207       CmpHelper('GTEQ', StrTmpBufName, StrBufName);
3208     end;
3209   else
3210     StringExpression('');
3211     CmpHelper('GT', StrTmpBufName, StrBufName);
3212   end;
3213   StoreZeroFlag;
3214 end;
3216 procedure TNXCComp.NEqualString;
3217 begin
3218   Next;
3219   if Token = '=' then
3220   begin
3221     Next;
3222     StringExpression('');
3223     CmpHelper('NEQ', StrTmpBufName, StrBufName);
3224     StoreZeroFlag;
3225   end
3226   else
3227     Expected('"!="');
3228 end;
3230 procedure TNXCComp.StringRelation;
3231 var
3232   valLeftOnStack : boolean;
3233 begin
3234 (*
3235   The Expression function handles ++, --, +, -, ~, and ! unary operators
3236   for numeric expressions.  Do I need to handle these operators for
3237   string expressions (on both lhs and rhs)?
3238 *)
3239   valLeftOnStack := StringExpression('');
3240   if IsRelop(Token) then begin
3241     // copy to temp string buffer
3242     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [StrTmpBufName, StrBufName]));
3243     case Token of
3244       '=': EqualString;
3245       '<': LessString;
3246       '>': GreaterString;
3247       '!': NEqualString;
3248     end;
3249   end
3250   else
3251   begin
3252     if not valLeftOnStack then
3253       LoadConst('1'); // a string expression is "true"
3254   end;
3255 end;
3257 procedure TNXCComp.ArrayOrUDTRelation;
3258 var
3259   lhs : string;
3260 begin
3261 (*
3262   The Expression function handles ++, --, +, -, ~, and ! unary operators
3263   for numeric expressions.  Do I need to handle these operators for
3264   array/UDT expressions (on both lhs and rhs)?
3265 *)
3266   // only variables are allowed here - no expressions
3267   CheckIdent;
3268   lhs := GetDecoratedIdent(Value);
3269   Next;
3270   if IsRelop(Token) then begin
3271     case Token of
3272       '=': EqualArrayOrUDT(lhs);
3273       '<': LessArrayOrUDT(lhs);
3274       '>': GreaterArrayOrUDT(lhs);
3275       '!': NEqualArrayOrUDT(lhs);
3276     end;
3277   end
3278   else
3279   begin
3280     // is the left hand side an array, udt or a scalar?
3281     if IsArrayType(fLHSDataType) or IsUDT(fLHSDataType) then
3282     begin
3283       // do something clever
3284       fUDTOnStack := lhs;
3285     end
3286     else
3287       LoadConst('1'); // an array or UDT expression is "true"
3288   end;
3289 end;
3291 procedure TNXCComp.NumericRelation;
3292 var
3293   savedToken, savedLook : Char;
3294 begin
3295   NumericRelationLTGT;
3296   while ((Token = '=') and (Look = '=')) or // C/C++ equal
3297         ((Token = '!') and (Look = '=')) or // C/C++ not equal
3298         ((Token = '<') and (Look = '>')) do // pascal not equal
3299   begin
3300     savedToken := Token;
3301     savedLook  := Look;
3302     PushPrim;
3303     Next;
3304     Next;
3305     NumericRelationLTGT;
3306     if (savedToken = '=') and (savedLook = '=') then
3307       PopCmpEqual
3308     else
3309       PopCmpNEqual;
3310     StoreZeroFlag;
3311   end;
3312 end;
3314 procedure TNXCComp.NumericRelationLTGT;
3315 var
3316   savedToken, savedLook : Char;
3317 begin
3318   NumericShiftLeftRight;
3319   while (not ((Token = '<') and (Look = '>'))) and // not <> (pascal not equal)
3320         (((Token = '<') and (Look = '='))   or // <=
3321          ((Token = '<') and (Look <> '<'))  or // < (not left shift)
3322          ((Token = '>') and (Look = '='))   or // >=
3323          ((Token = '>') and (Look <> '>'))) do // > (not right shift)
3324   begin
3325     savedToken := Token;
3326     savedLook  := Look;
3327     PushPrim;
3328     if (Look = '=') then // handle <= and >= case
3329       Next;
3330     Next;
3331     NumericShiftLeftRight;
3332     if      (savedToken = '<') and (savedLook = '=')  then // <=
3333       PopCmpLessOrEqual
3334     else if (savedToken = '<') and (savedLook <> '<') then // <
3335       PopCmpLess
3336     else if (savedToken = '>') and (savedLook = '=')  then // >=
3337       PopCmpGreaterOrEqual
3338     else                                                   // >
3339       PopCmpGreater;
3340     StoreZeroFlag;
3341   end;
3342 end;
3344 procedure TNXCComp.NumericShiftLeftRight;
3345 var
3346   savedToken, savedLook : Char;
3347 begin
3348   Expression;
3349   while ((Token = '<') and (Look = '<')) or  // <<
3350         ((Token = '>') and (Look = '>')) do  // >>
3351   begin
3352     savedToken := Token;
3353     savedLook  := Look;
3354     PushPrim;
3355     Next;
3356     Next;
3357     Expression;
3358     if (savedToken = '<') and (savedLook = '<')  then
3359       PopLeftShift
3360     else
3361       PopRightShift;
3362   end;
3363 end;
3365 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
3366 { Parse and Translate a Relation }
3368 procedure TNXCComp.Relation;
3369 var
3370   dt : char;
3371 begin
3372   // would it be better to check for unary operators before branching by
3373   // relation type???
3374   if ValueIsStringType(dt) then
3375   begin
3376     if (Look <> '[') or (dt in [TOK_ARRAYSTRING..TOK_ARRAYSTRING4]) then
3377     begin
3378       StringRelation;
3379     end
3380     else
3381       NumericRelation;
3382   end
3383   else if (Token = TOK_IDENTIFIER) and
3384           (ValueIsArrayType or ValueIsUserDefinedType) then
3385   begin
3386     if Look = '[' then
3387     begin
3388 {
3389       dt := RemoveArrayDimension(DataType(Value));
3390       if IsArrayType(dt) then
3391         AbortMsg(sInvalidArrayExpr)
3392       else
3393 }
3394         NumericRelation;
3395     end
3396     else
3397     begin
3398       ArrayOrUDTRelation;
3399     end;
3400   end
3401   else
3402   begin
3403     NumericRelation;
3404   end;
3405 end;
3407 procedure TNXCComp.StoreZeroFlag;
3408 begin
3409   // 2009-10-13 JCH
3410   // we can't afford to store the zero flag sometimes to the signed register
3411   // and other times to the unsigned register or, worse, to the float register
3412   // so we always reset the statement type before we store the flag.
3413   ResetStatementType;
3414   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [RegisterName, ZeroFlag]));
3415 end;
3417 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
3418 { Parse and Translate a Boolean Term }
3420 procedure TNXCComp.BoolTerm;
3421 var
3422   L : string;
3423 begin
3424   L := NewLabel;
3425   // 2010-05-27 JCH new code for BoolTerm
3426   BitOr;
3427   while (Token = '&') and (Look = '&') do
3428   begin
3429     // move to the second '&'
3430     Next;
3431     // move past the second '&'
3432     Next;
3433     // convert D0 to boolean value if necessary
3434     if not fCCSet then
3435     begin
3436       SetZeroCC;
3437       StoreZeroFlag;
3438     end;
3439     BranchFalse(L);
3440     PushPrim;
3441     BitOr;
3442     if not fCCSet then
3443     begin
3444       // convert D0 to boolean value if necessary
3445       SetZeroCC;
3446       StoreZeroFlag;
3447     end;
3448     PopAnd;
3449   end;
3450   PostLabel(L);
3451 end;
3453 procedure TNXCComp.BitOr;
3454 begin
3455   BitXor;
3456   while (Token = '|') and (Look <> '|') do
3457   begin
3458     Next;
3459     PushPrim;
3460     BitXor;
3461     PopOr;
3462   end;
3463 end;
3465 procedure TNXCComp.BitXor;
3466 begin
3467   BitAnd;
3468   while (Token = '^') do
3469   begin
3470     Next;
3471     PushPrim;
3472     BitAnd;
3473     PopXor;
3474   end;
3475 end;
3477 procedure TNXCComp.BitAnd;
3478 begin
3479   Relation;
3480   while (Token = '&') and (Look <> '&') do
3481   begin
3482     Next;
3483     PushPrim;
3484     Relation;
3485     PopAnd;
3486   end;
3487 end;
3489 procedure TNXCComp.CommaExpression;
3490 begin
3491   BoolExpression;
3492   if fNoCommaOperator then Exit;
3493   // handle comma?
3494   if Token = TOK_COMMA then
3495   begin
3496     Next; // skip past the comma
3497     CommaExpression;
3498   end;
3499 end;
3501 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
3502 { Parse and Translate a Boolean Expression }
3504 procedure TNXCComp.BoolExpression;
3505 var
3506   L1, L2 : string;
3507 begin
3508   fCCSet := False;
3509   BoolSubExpression;
3510   while Token = '?' do begin
3511     // we are parsing a ?: expression
3512     Next;
3513     L1 := NewLabel;
3514     L2 := NewLabel;
3515     BranchFalse(L1);
3516     CommaExpression;
3517     Branch(L2);
3518     MatchString(':');
3519     PostLabel(L1);
3520     CommaExpression;
3521     PostLabel(L2);
3522   end;
3523 //  ResetStatementType;
3524 end;
3526 // BoolTerm || BoolTerm
3527 procedure TNXCComp.BoolSubExpression;
3528 var
3529   L : string;
3530 //  bLogicalOr : boolean;
3531 begin
3532   L := NewLabel;
3533   BoolTerm;
3534   while (Token = '|') and (Look = '|') do begin
3535     // advance to second '|'
3536     Next;
3537     // advance past the second '|'
3538     Next;
3539     // convert D0 to boolean value if necessary
3540     if not fCCSet then
3541     begin
3542       SetZeroCC;
3543       StoreZeroFlag;
3544     end;
3545     BranchTrue(L);
3546     PushPrim;
3547     BoolTerm;
3548     if not fCCSet then
3549     begin
3550       // convert D0 to boolean value if necessary
3551       SetZeroCC;
3552       StoreZeroFlag;
3553     end;
3554     PopOr;
3555   end;
3556   PostLabel(L);
3557 end;
GetParamNamenull3559 function TNXCComp.GetParamName(procname: string; idx: integer): string;
3560 var
3561   i : integer;
3562 begin
3563   Result := '';
3564   i := fFuncParams.IndexOf(procname, idx);
3565   if i <> -1 then
3566     Result := ApplyDecoration(procname, fFuncParams[i].Name, 0);
3567 end;
3569 function DataTypeToParamType(ptype : char) : TFuncParamType;
3570 begin
3571   case ptype of
3581     TOK_MUTEXDEF : Result := fptMutex;
3582   else
3583     Result := fptUBYTE;
3584   end;
3585 end;
3587 procedure TNXCComp.AddFunctionParameter(pname, varname, tname: string; idx: integer;
3588   ptype : char; bIsConst, bIsRef, bIsArray : boolean; aDim : integer;
3589   bHasDefault : boolean; defValue : string);
3590 begin
3591   // if this function is not an inline function then we will automagically
3592   // convert any Const not Ref parameter into a Const Ref parameter
3593   if bIsConst and not bIsRef and not AmInlining then
3594     bIsRef := True; // convert to const ref type
3595 (*
3596   // add a check here for a parameter that is const but not reference
3597   // when we are not inlining
3598   if bIsConst and not bIsRef and not AmInlining and (ptype in NonAggregateTypes) then
3599     ReportProblem(linenumber, CurrentFile, sConstNotInline, false);
3600 //    AbortMsg(sConstNotInline);
3601 *)
3602   with fFuncParams.Add do
3603   begin
3604     ProcName       := pname;
3605     Name           := varname;
3606     ParamType      := DataTypeToParamType(ptype);
3607     ParamTypeName  := tname;
3608     ParamIndex     := idx;
3609     IsArray        := bIsArray;
3610     IsConstant     := bIsConst;
3611     IsReference    := bIsRef;
3612     ArrayDimension := aDim;
3613     FuncIsInline   := AmInlining;
3614     HasDefault     := bHasDefault;
3615     DefaultValue   := defValue;
3616   end;
3617 end;
FunctionParameterCountnull3619 function TNXCComp.FunctionParameterCount(const name : string) : integer;
3620 begin
3621   Result := fFuncParams.ParamCount(name);
3622 end;
FunctionRequiredParameterCountnull3624 function TNXCComp.FunctionRequiredParameterCount(const name : string) : integer;
3625 begin
3626   Result := fFuncParams.RequiredParamCount(name);
3627 end;
FunctionParameterTypenull3629 function TNXCComp.FunctionParameterType(const name: string;
3630   idx: integer): char;
3631 var
3632   i : integer;
3633 begin
3634   Result := #0;
3635   i := fFuncParams.IndexOf(name, idx);
3636   if i <> -1 then
3637     Result := fFuncParams[i].ParameterDataType;
3638 end;
FunctionParameterTypeNamenull3640 function TNXCComp.FunctionParameterTypeName(const name: string;
3641   idx: integer): string;
3642 var
3643   i : integer;
3644 begin
3645   Result := '';
3646   i := fFuncParams.IndexOf(name, idx);
3647   if i <> -1 then
3648     Result := fFuncParams[i].ParamTypeName;
3649 end;
FunctionParameterIsConstantnull3651 function TNXCComp.FunctionParameterIsConstant(const name: string;
3652   idx: integer): boolean;
3653 var
3654   i : integer;
3655 begin
3656   Result := False;
3657   i := fFuncParams.IndexOf(name, idx);
3658   if i <> -1 then
3659     Result := fFuncParams[i].IsConstant;
3660 end;
FunctionParameterHasDefaultnull3662 function TNXCComp.FunctionParameterHasDefault(const name: string;
3663   idx: integer): boolean;
3664 var
3665   i : integer;
3666 begin
3667   Result := False;
3668   i := fFuncParams.IndexOf(name, idx);
3669   if i <> -1 then
3670     Result := fFuncParams[i].HasDefault;
3671 end;
FunctionParameterDefaultValuenull3673 function TNXCComp.FunctionParameterDefaultValue(const name: string;
3674   idx: integer): string;
3675 var
3676   i : integer;
3677 begin
3678   Result := '';
3679   i := fFuncParams.IndexOf(name, idx);
3680   if i <> -1 then
3681     Result := fFuncParams[i].DefaultValue;
3682 end;
GetFunctionParamnull3684 function TNXCComp.GetFunctionParam(const procname : string; idx : integer) : TFunctionParameter;
3685 var
3686   i : integer;
3687 begin
3688   Result := nil;
3689   i := fFuncParams.IndexOf(procname, idx);
3690   if i <> -1 then
3691     Result := fFuncParams[i];
3692 end;
AdvanceToNextParamnull3694 function TNXCComp.AdvanceToNextParam : string;
3695 begin
3696   Result := '';
3697   Next;
3698   while not ((Token in [TOK_CLOSEPAREN, TOK_COMMA]) or endofallsource) do
3699   begin
3700     Result := Result + Value;
3701     Next;
3702   end;
3703   Result := Trim(Result);
3704 end;
3706 procedure TNXCComp.DoCall(procname : string);
3707 var
3708   protocount, protoreqcount, acount, idx, i : integer;
3709   dt, rdt, pdt, oldLHSDT : char;
3710   parname, parvalue, junk, oldLHSName : string;
3711   bError : boolean;
3712   fp : TFunctionParameter;
3713   fInputs : TStrings;
3714   bFunctionIsInline, bSafeCall : boolean;
3715   inlineFunc : TInlineFunction;
3716 begin
3717   fNoCommaOperator := True;
3718   try
3719     fUDTOnStack := ''; // by default there is no UDT/Array on the return stack
3720     if fFunctionNameCallStack.IndexOf(procname) = -1 then
3721     begin
3722       fFunctionNameCallStack.Add(procname);
3723       try
3724         // is procname the same as the current thread name
3725         // (i.e., is this a recursive function call)?
3726         if procname = fCurrentThreadName then
3727           AbortMsg(sRecursiveNotAllowed);
3728         // is procname an inline function?
3729         idx := fInlineFunctions.IndexOfName(procname);
3730         bFunctionIsInline := idx <> -1;
3731         if bFunctionIsInline then
3732         begin
3733           inlineFunc := fInlineFunctions[idx];
3734           if inlineFunc.Parameters.Count = 0 then
3735             inlineFunc.Parameters := fFuncParams;
3736           inlineFunc.CurrentCaller := fCurrentThreadName;
3737         end
3738         else
3739           inlineFunc := nil;
3740         fInputs := TStringList.Create;
3741         try
3742           acount := 0;
3743           protocount := FunctionParameterCount(procname);
3744           protoreqcount := FunctionRequiredParameterCount(procname);
3745           Next;
3746           bError := Value <> TOK_OPENPAREN;
3747           if not bError then
3748             OpenParen
3749           else
3750             Expected('"("');
3751           if bFunctionIsInline and
3752              (inlineFunc.Callers.IndexOf(fCurrentThreadName) = -1) then
3753           begin
3754             inlineFunc.Callers.Add(fCurrentThreadName);
3755             // first call in this thread to this inline function
3756             // output all parameters and local variables with decoration
3757             EmitInlineParametersAndLocals(inlineFunc);
3758             // make sure the very first call to this inline function
3759             // by this thread doesn't get optimized out
3760             fExpStr := '__DO_NOT_OPTIMIZE!@#$%_';
3761           end;
3762           bSafeCall := GlobalUsesSafeCall(procname);
3763           // acquire the mutex
3764           if not bFunctionIsInline and (SafeCalls or bSafeCall) then
3765           begin
3766             EmitLnNoTab('#pragma safecalling');
3767             EmitLn(Format('acquire __%s_mutex', [procname]));
3768           end;
3769           while not bError and (Token <> TOK_CLOSEPAREN) do begin
3770             if acount >= protocount then
3771             begin
3772               AbortMsg(sTooManyArgs);
3773               bError := True;
3774             end;
3775             fp := GetFunctionParam(procname, acount);
3776             if Assigned(fp) then
3777             begin
3778               dt := FunctionParameterType(procname, acount);
3779               parname := GetParamName(procname, acount);
3780               if bFunctionIsInline then
3781                 parname := InlineName(fCurrentThreadName, parname);
3782               // now process the current parameter
3783               oldLHSDT := fLHSDataType;
3784               oldLHSName := fLHSName;
3785               fLHSDataType := dt;
3786               fLHSName     := parname;
3787               try
3788                 // reference types cannot take expressions
3789                 if fp.IsVarReference then
3790                 begin
3791                   CheckIdent;
3792                   parvalue := GetDecoratedValue;
3793                   pdt := DataType(parvalue);
3794                   if fp.IsArray then
3795                   begin
3796                     if not IsArrayType(pdt, True) then
3797                       Expected(sArrayDatatype);
3798                   end;
3799                   fInputs.AddObject(parvalue, fp);
3800                   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [parname, parvalue]));
3801                   junk := AdvanceToNextParam;
3802                   if junk <> '' then
3803                     AbortMsg(sExpNotSupported)
3804                   else
3805                     CheckTypeCompatibility(fp, pdt, parvalue);
3806                 end
3807     // beginning of addition for handling expressions for UDT and array parameters
3808                 else if fp.IsArray or (fp.ParamType = fptUDT) then
3809                 begin
3810                   fInputs.AddObject('', fp);
3811                   if IsArrayType(dt) then
3812                   begin
3813                     DoArrayAssignValue(parname, '', dt);
3814                   end
3815                   else if dt = TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE then
3816                   begin
3817                     GetAndStoreUDT(parname);
3818                   end;
3819                 end
3820     // end of addition for handling expressions for UDT and array parameters
3821     // beginning of previously commented out block
3822                 else if fp.IsConstant and not fp.IsReference then
3823                 begin
3824                   // must be a number (or constant expression) or a string literal
3825                   if dt = TOK_STRINGDEF then
3826                   begin
3827                     parvalue := Value;
3828                     CheckStringConst;
3829                     fp.ConstantValue := parvalue;
3830                     fInputs.AddObject(parvalue, fp);
3831                     if bFunctionIsInline then
3832                     begin
3833                       i := inlineFunc.Parameters.IndexOf(inlineFunc.Name, acount);
3834                       if i <> -1 then
3835                       begin
3836                         inlineFunc.Parameters[i].Assign(fp);
3837                       end;
3838                     end;
3839                     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [parname, parvalue]));
3840                     Next;
3841                   end
3842                   else if dt <> #0 then
3843                   begin
3844                     // collect tokens to TOK_CLOSEPAREN or TOK_COMMA
3845                     parvalue := Value;
3846                     SkipWhite; // skip any whitespace just in case
3847                     while not (Look in [TOK_CLOSEPAREN, TOK_COMMA]) or endofallsource do begin
3848                       Next;
3849                       parvalue := parvalue + Value;
3850                     end;
3851                     Next;
3852                     fCalc.SilentExpression := GetValueOf(parvalue);
3853                     if not fCalc.ParserError then
3854                     begin
3855                       parvalue := NBCFloatToStr(fCalc.Value);
3856                       fCalc.SetVariable(parname, fCalc.Value);
3857                       fp.ConstantValue := parvalue;
3858                       fInputs.AddObject(parvalue, fp);
3859                       if bFunctionIsInline then
3860                       begin
3861                         i := inlineFunc.Parameters.IndexOf(inlineFunc.Name, acount);
3862                         if i <> -1 then
3863                         begin
3864                           inlineFunc.Parameters[i].Assign(fp);
3865                         end;
3866                       end;
3867                       EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [parname, parvalue]));
3868                     end
3869                     else
3870                     begin
3871                       if IsParamConst(parvalue) then
3872                       begin
3873                         fp.ConstantValue := ApplyDecoration(fCurrentThreadName, parvalue, 0);
3874     //                    fp.ConstantValue := parvalue;
3875                         fInputs.AddObject(parvalue, fp);
3876                         if bFunctionIsInline then
3877                         begin
3878                           i := inlineFunc.Parameters.IndexOf(inlineFunc.Name, acount);
3879                           if i <> -1 then
3880                           begin
3881                             inlineFunc.Parameters[i].Assign(fp);
3882                           end;
3883                         end;
3884                       end
3885                       else
3886                       begin
3887                         fInputs.AddObject('', fp);
3888                         Expected(sConstOrConstExpr);
3889                       end;
3890                     end;
3891                   end;
3892                 end
3893     // end of previously commented out block
3894                 else
3895                 begin
3896                   fInputs.AddObject('', fp);
3897                   // pass in True to make it so that no checks are performed
3898                   // in Store and StoreString
3899                   DoAssignValue(parname, dt, False);
3900                 end;
3901               finally
3902                 fLHSDataType := oldLHSDT;
3903                 fLHSName     := oldLHSName;
3904               end;
3905             end;
3906             inc(acount);
3907             Scan;
3908             if acount < protoreqcount then
3909             begin
3910               MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
3911               Scan;
3912             end
3913             else begin
3914               // we are now supposed to either have a comma or a close paren
3915               // depending on the value of acount compared to protocount
3916               if (acount < protocount) and not (Token in [TOK_COMMA, TOK_CLOSEPAREN]) then
3917               begin
3918                 MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
3919                 Scan;
3920               end
3921               else
3922               begin
3923                 if Token = TOK_COMMA then begin
3924                   Next;
3925                   Scan;
3926                 end;
3927               end;
3928             end;
3929           end;
3930           if Value = TOK_CLOSEPAREN then
3931           begin
3932             CloseParen;
namenull3934             // look up the decorated function name given the procname
3935             // and the types of all the parameters passed into the function
3936             // if we find a function with the right name and parameters
3937             // then keep going.  Otherwise report an error
3938             // if the number of parameters provided is less than the function's
3939             // defined number of parameters
3941             if protoreqcount > acount then
3942               AbortMsg(sTooFewParams);
3943             while acount < protocount do
3944             begin
3945               // use default values for all the arguments not provided
3946               fp := GetFunctionParam(procname, acount);
3947               if Assigned(fp) then
3948               begin
3949                 parname := GetParamName(procname, acount);
3950                 if bFunctionIsInline then
3951                   parname := InlineName(fCurrentThreadName, parname);
3952                 parvalue := FunctionParameterDefaultValue(procname, acount);
3953                 EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [parname, parvalue]));
3954               end;
3955               inc(acount);
3956             end;
3958             if bFunctionIsInline then
3959               inlineFunc.Emit(NBCSource)
3960             else
3961               EmitLn('call '+procname);
3962             fCCSet := False;
3963             for i := 0 to fInputs.Count - 1 do begin
3964               fp := TFunctionParameter(fInputs.Objects[i]);
3965               if fp.IsVarReference then begin
3966                 // must copy out the non-const references
3967                 parname := GetParamName(procname, i);
3968                 if bFunctionIsInline then
3969                   parname := InlineName(fCurrentThreadName, parname);
3970                 EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [fInputs[i], parname]));
3971               end;
3972             end;
3973             rdt := FunctionReturnType(procname);
3974             if rdt = TOK_STRINGDEF then
3975             begin
3976               // copy value from subroutine to register
3977               if bFunctionIsInline then
3978                 EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [StrRetValName, StrBufName(InlineName(fCurrentThreadName, procname))]))
3979               else
3980                 EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [StrRetValName, StrBufName(procname)]));
3981             end
3982             else if IsUDT(rdt) or IsArrayType(rdt) then
3983             begin
3984               // tell the compiler that a UDT/Array is on stack
3985               if bFunctionIsInline then
3986                 fUDTOnStack := Format('__result_%s', [InlineName(fCurrentThreadName, procname)])
3987               else
3988                 fUDTOnStack := Format('__result_%s', [procname]);
3989             end
3990             else if rdt in NonAggregateTypes then
3991             begin
3992               // copy value from subroutine to register
3993               if rdt = TOK_FLOATDEF then
3994                 StatementType := stFloat
3995               else if not (rdt in UnsignedIntegerTypes) then
3996                 StatementType := stSigned
3997               else
3998                 StatementType := stUnsigned;
3999               if bFunctionIsInline then
4000                 EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [RegisterName, RegisterName(InlineName(fCurrentThreadName, procname))]))
4001               else
4002                 EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [RegisterName, RegisterName(procname)]));
4003             end;
4004             // release the mutex
4005             if not bFunctionIsInline and (SafeCalls or bSafeCall) then
4006               EmitLn(Format('release __%s_mutex', [procname]));
4007           end
4008           else
4009             Expected('")"');
4010         finally
4011           fInputs.Free;
4012         end;
4013       finally
4014         fFunctionNameCallStack.Delete(fFunctionNameCallStack.Count - 1);
4015       end;
4016     end
4017     else
4018     begin
4019       AbortMsg(sNestedCallsError);
4020     end;
4021   finally
4022     fNoCommaOperator := False;
4023   end;
4024 end;
4026 procedure TNXCComp.StoreArray(const name, idx, val : string);
4027 begin
4028   // move RHS to array[idx] or set array = to RHS
4029   if idx = '' then
4030     EmitLn(Format('arrbuild %0:s, %s', [GetDecoratedIdent(name), val]))
4031   else
4032     EmitLn(Format('replace %0:s, %0:s, %s, %s', [GetDecoratedIdent(name), idx, val]));
4033 end;
RemoveArrayDimensionnull4035 function TNXCComp.RemoveArrayDimension(dt: char): char;
4036 begin
4037   Result := dt;
4038   if IsArrayType(dt) then
4039   begin
4040     case dt of
4041       TOK_ARRAYFLOAT     : Result := TOK_FLOATDEF;
4042       TOK_ARRAYSTRING    : Result := TOK_STRINGDEF;
4043       TOK_ARRAYUDT       : Result := TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE;
4044       TOK_ARRAYCHARDEF   : Result := TOK_CHARDEF;
4046       TOK_ARRAYLONGDEF   : Result := TOK_LONGDEF;
4047       TOK_ARRAYBYTEDEF   : Result := TOK_BYTEDEF;
4050     else
4051       Result := Char(Ord(dt)-1);
4052     end;
4053   end
4054   else if dt = TOK_STRINGDEF then
4055     Result := TOK_BYTEDEF;
4056 end;
AddArrayDimensionnull4058 function TNXCComp.AddArrayDimension(dt: char): char;
4059 begin
4060   case dt of
4061     TOK_FLOATDEF        : Result := TOK_ARRAYFLOAT;
4062     TOK_STRINGDEF       : Result := TOK_ARRAYSTRING;
4064     TOK_CHARDEF         : Result := TOK_ARRAYCHARDEF;
4065     TOK_SHORTDEF        : Result := TOK_ARRAYSHORTDEF;
4066     TOK_LONGDEF         : Result := TOK_ARRAYLONGDEF;
4067     TOK_BYTEDEF         : Result := TOK_ARRAYBYTEDEF;
4068     TOK_USHORTDEF       : Result := TOK_ARRAYUSHORTDEF;
4069     TOK_ULONGDEF        : Result := TOK_ARRAYULONGDEF;
4070   else
4071     if IsArrayType(dt) then
4072     begin
4073       Result := Char(Ord(dt)+1);
4074 //      if ArrayBaseType(Result) <> ArrayBaseType(dt) then
4075 //        AbortMsg(sInvalidArrayDim);
4076     end
4077     else
4078       Result := dt;
4079   end;
4080 end;
4082 procedure TNXCComp.ArrayAssignment(const name : string; dt : char; bIndexed : boolean);
4083 var
4084   tmp, aval, udType, tmpUDTName : string;
4085   oldType : char;
4086   AHV : TArrayHelperVar;
4087 begin
4088   tmp := '';
4089   if bIndexed then
4090   begin
4091     Next;
4092     oldType := fLHSDataType;
4093     try
4094       fLHSDataType := TOK_LONGDEF;
4095       CommaExpression;
4096     finally
4097       fLHSDataType := oldType;
4098     end;
4099     MatchString(']');
4100     push;
4101     tmp := tos;
4102     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [tmp, RegisterName]));
4103     dt := RemoveArrayDimension(dt);
4104     fLHSDataType := RemoveArrayDimension(fLHSDataType);
4105   end;
4106   // check for additional levels of indexing
4107   if (Token = '[') and (IsArrayType(dt) or (dt = TOK_STRINGDEF)) then
4108   begin
4109     udType := '';
4110     if IsUDT(ArrayBaseType(dt)) then
4111       udType := GetUDTType(name);
4112     // get a temporary thread-safe variable of the right type
4113     AHV := fArrayHelpers.GetHelper(fCurrentThreadName, udType, dt);
4114     try
4115       aval := AHV.Name;
4116       if fGlobals.IndexOfName(aval) = -1 then
4117         AddEntry(aval, dt, udType, '');
4118       // set the variable to the specified element from previous array
4119       EmitLn(Format('index %s, %s, %s',[aval, GetDecoratedIdent(name), tmp]));
4120       // pass its name into the call to ArrayAssignment
4121       ArrayAssignment(aval, dt, True);
4122       // store temporary thread-safe variable back into previous array
4123       StoreArray(name, tmp, aval);
4124     finally
4125       fArrayHelpers.ReleaseHelper(AHV);
4126     end;
4127   end
4128   else if (Token = '.') and IsUDT(dt) then // check for struct member notation
4129   begin
4130     // set the variable to the specified element from previous array
4131     udType := '';
4132     if IsUDT(ArrayBaseType(dt)) then
4133       udType := GetUDTType(name);
4134     // get a temporary thread-safe variable of the right type
4135     AHV := fArrayHelpers.GetHelper(fCurrentThreadName, udType, dt);
4136     try
4137       aval := AHV.Name;
4138       if fGlobals.IndexOfName(aval) = -1 then
4139         AddEntry(aval, dt, udType, '');
4140       // set the variable to the specified element from previous array
4141       EmitLn(Format('index %s, %s, %s',[aval, GetDecoratedIdent(name), tmp]));
4142       // process dots
4143       tmpUDTName := aval;
4144       tmpUDTName := tmpUDTName + Value; // add the dot
4145       Next;
4146       tmpUDTName := tmpUDTName + Value; // add everything else
4147       // set value to full udt name
4148       Value := tmpUDTName;
4149       // recurse to the Assignment procedure
4150       Assignment;
4151       // store temporary thread-safe variable back into previous array
4152       StoreArray(name, tmp, aval);
4153     finally
4154       fArrayHelpers.ReleaseHelper(AHV);
4155     end;
4156   end
4157   else if Token in ['+', '-', '/', '*', '%', '&', '|', '^', '>', '<'] then
4158   begin
4159     if (dt in NonAggregateTypes) and bIndexed then
4160     begin
4161       // get the indexed value
4162       if dt = TOK_FLOATDEF then
4163         StatementType := stFloat
4164       else if not (dt in UnsignedIntegerTypes) then
4165         StatementType := stSigned
4166       else
4167         StatementType := stUnsigned;
4168       push;
4169       aval := tos;
4170       EmitLn(Format('index %s, %s, %s',[aval, GetDecoratedIdent(name), tmp]));
4171       MathAssignment(aval);
4172       StoreArray(name, tmp, aval);
4173       pop;
4174     end
4175     // 2011-02-11 - Added code to handle math assignment for arrays of UDTs
4176     else if IsUDT(dt) and bIndexed then
4177     begin
4178       // dt is not non-aggregated
4179       // set the variable to the specified element from previous array
4180       udType := '';
4181       if IsUDT(ArrayBaseType(dt)) then
4182         udType := GetUDTType(name);
4183       // get a temporary thread-safe variable of the right type
4184       AHV := fArrayHelpers.GetHelper(fCurrentThreadName, udType, dt);
4185       try
4186         aval := AHV.Name;
4187         if fGlobals.IndexOfName(aval) = -1 then
4188           AddEntry(aval, dt, udType, '');
4189         // set the variable to the specified element from previous array
4190         EmitLn(Format('index %s, %s, %s',[aval, GetDecoratedIdent(name), tmp]));
4191         MathAssignment(aval);
4192         // store temporary thread-safe variable back into previous array
4193         StoreArray(name, tmp, aval);
4194       finally
4195         fArrayHelpers.ReleaseHelper(AHV);
4196       end;
4197     end
4198     // 2011-02-11 - End of new code for arrays of UDTs
4199     else
4200     begin
4201       MathAssignment(name);
4202     end;
4203   end
4204   else
4205   begin
4206     MatchString('=');
4207     DoArrayAssignValue(name, tmp, dt);
4208   end;
4209   if bIndexed then
4210     pop;
4211 end;
4213 procedure TNXCComp.CheckDataType(dt: char);
4214 var
4215   rhsDT : char;
4216 begin
4217   rhsDT := DataType(Value);
4218   if Look = '[' then
4219     rhsDT := RemoveArrayDimension(rhsDT);
4220   if (IsArrayType(rhsDT) <> IsArrayType(dt)) or
4221      (GetArrayDimension(rhsDT) <> GetArrayDimension(dt)) then
4222     AbortMsg(sDatatypesNotCompatible);
4223 end;
4225 procedure TNXCComp.DoArrayAssignValue(const aName, idx: string; dt: char);
4226 var
4227   oldType : Char;
4228   oldName, udType : string;
4229   AHV : TArrayHelperVar;
4230 begin
4231   if dt = TOK_STRINGDEF then
4232   begin
4233     // name of array variable is of type string
4234     StringExpression(aName);
4235     StoreArray(aName, idx, StrBufName);
4236   end
4237   else if (Token = TOK_IDENTIFIER) and IsUDT(DataType(Value)) {dt = TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE} then
4238   begin
4239     CheckIdent;
4240     CheckDataType(dt);
4241     StoreArray(aName, idx, GetDecoratedValue);
4242     Next;
4243   end
4244   else if IsArrayType(dt) then
4245   begin
4246     // lhs is an array.  That means we can only have a factor on the rhs.
4247     if idx = '' then
4248     begin
4249       if Token = '!' then begin
4250         Next;
4251         NumericFactor;
4252         if fUDTOnStack <> '' then
4253         begin
4254           Store(aName);
4255           fUDTOnStack := '';
4256         end;
4257         EmitLn(Format('not %0:s, %0:s', [GetDecoratedIdent(aName)]));
4258       end
4259       else begin
4260         NumericFactor;
4261         if fUDTOnStack <> '' then
4262         begin
4263           Store(aName);
4264           fUDTOnStack := '';
4265         end;
4266       end;
4267     end
4268     else
4269     begin
4270       if Look = '[' then
4271       begin
4272         oldType := fLHSDataType;
4273         oldName := fLHSName;
4274         try
4275           udType := '';
4276           if IsUDT(ArrayBaseType(dt)) then
4277             udType := GetUDTType(aName);
4278           AHV := fArrayHelpers.GetHelper(fCurrentThreadName, udType, dt);
4279           try
4280             fLHSDataType := dt;
4281             fLHSName     := AHV.Name;
4282             if fGlobals.IndexOfName(fLHSName) = -1 then
4283               AddEntry(fLHSName, dt, udType, '');
4284             NumericFactor;
4285             if fUDTOnStack <> '' then
4286             begin
4287               Store(fLHSName);
4288               fUDTOnStack := '';
4289             end;
4290             StoreArray(aName, idx, fLHSName);
4291           finally
4292             fArrayHelpers.ReleaseHelper(AHV);
4293           end;
4294         finally
4295           fLHSDataType := oldType;
4296           fLHSName     := oldName;
4297         end;
4298       end
4299       else
4300       begin
4301         CheckIdent;
4302         CheckDataType(dt);
4303         StoreArray(aName, idx, GetDecoratedValue);
4304         Next;
4305       end;
4306     end;
4307   end
4308   else
4309   begin
4310     // since this is an assignment statement we do not allow comma operators
4311     // due to the = operator having a higher precedence than the , operator.
4312     BoolExpression;
4313     StoreArray(aName, idx, RegisterName);
4314   end;
4315 end;
4317 procedure TNXCComp.MathAssignment(const name : string);
4318 var
4319   savedtoken : char;
4320 //  oldType : char;
4321 begin
4322   fProcessingMathAssignment := True;
4323   try
4324     // Look has to be '=', '+', or '-' or it's all messed up
4325     if Look = '=' then
4326     begin
4327       savedtoken := Token;
4328       Next; // move to '='
4329       Next; // move to next token
4330   (*
4331       // 2009-06-24 JCH - to make such things as += work with scalars on the RHS
4332       // and arrays or UDTs on the left I wrapped the boolexpression in
4333       // try/finally which sets/resets the LHS data type
4334       // !!! THIS MIGHT BREAK SOMETHING !!!
4335       oldType := fLHSDataType;
4336       try
4337         fLHSDataType := TOK_LONGDEF;
4338         BoolExpression;
4339       finally
4340         fLHSDataType := oldType;
4341       end;
4342   *)
4343       // 2010-05-05 JCH - to make += work with non-scalars on the RHS I undid the
4344       // above change.  Testing seems to prove that scalars on the RHS still
4345       // work correctly.
4346       BoolExpression;
4347       // end of 2010-05-05 changes
4348       case savedtoken of
4349         '+' : StoreAdd(name);
4350         '-' : StoreSub(name);
4351         '*' : StoreMul(name);
4352         '/' : StoreDiv(name);
4353         '%' : StoreMod(name);
4354         '&' : StoreAnd(name);
4355         '|' : StoreOr(name);
4356         '^' : StoreXor(name);
4357       end;
4358     end
4359     else if (Token = '+') and (Look = '+') then
4360     begin
4361       Next; // move to second +
4362       Next;
4363   //    Semi;
4364       StoreInc(name, 1);
4365     end
4366     else if (Token = '-') and (Look = '-') then
4367     begin
4368       Next; // move to second -
4369       Next;
4370   //    Semi;
4371       StoreDec(name, 1);
4372     end
4373     else if (Token = '+') and (Look = '-') then
4374     begin
4375       Next; // move to -
4376       if Look = '=' then
4377       begin
4378         Next; // move to '='
4379         Next; // move to next token
4380         BoolExpression;
4381         StoreSign(name);
4382       end
4383       else
4384         AbortMsg(sInvalidAssignment);
4385     end
4386     else if (Token = '|') and (Look = '|') then
4387     begin
4388       Next; // move to second |
4389       if Look = '=' then
4390       begin
4391         Next; // move to '='
4392         Next; // move to next token
4393         BoolExpression;
4394         StoreAbs(name);
4395       end
4396       else
4397         AbortMsg(sInvalidAssignment);
4398     end
4399     else if ((Token = '>') and (Look = '>')) or ((Token = '<') and (Look = '<')) then
4400     begin
4401       savedtoken := Token;
4402       Next; // move to second > or <
4403       if Look = '=' then
4404       begin
4405         Next; // move to '='
4406         Next; // move to next token
4407         BoolExpression;
4408         StoreShift(savedtoken='>', name);
4409       end
4410       else
4411         AbortMsg(sInvalidAssignment);
4412     end
4413     else
4414       AbortMsg(sInvalidAssignment);
4415   finally
4416     fProcessingMathAssignment := False;
4417   end;
4418 end;
4420 procedure TNXCComp.DoLabel;
4421 var
4422   lbl : string;
4423 begin
4424   lbl := Value;
4425   Next; // the colon
4426   if not IsGlobal(lbl) then
4427   begin
4428     AddEntry(lbl, TOK_LABEL, '', '');
4429     PostLabel(lbl);
4430   end
4431   else
4432     Duplicate(lbl);
4433   fSemiColonRequired := False;
4434   Next;
4435 end;
4437 procedure TNXCComp.DoStart;
4438 var
4439   taskname : string;
4440 begin
4441   Next;
4442   taskname := Value;
4443   CheckTask(taskname);
4444   Next;
4445   EmitLn(Format('start %s', [taskname]));
4446 end;
4448 procedure TNXCComp.DoStopTask;
4449 var
4450   taskname : string;
4451 begin
4452   Next;
4453   taskname := Value;
4454   CheckTask(taskname);
4455   Next;
4456   EmitLn(Format('stopthread %s', [taskname]));
4457 end;
4459 procedure TNXCComp.DoSetPriority;
4460 var
4461   taskname : string;
4462 begin
4463   // priority task, value
4464   Next;
4465   taskname := Value;
4466   CheckTask(taskname);
4467   Next;
4468   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
4469   CheckNumeric;
4470   EmitLn(Format('priority %s, %s', [taskname, Value]));
4471   Next;
4472 end;
4474 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
4475 { Parse and Translate an Assignment Statement }
4477 procedure TNXCComp.Assignment;
4478 var
4479   Name: string;
4480   dt : char;
4481 begin
4482   if IncrementOrDecrement then
4483   begin
4484     DoPreIncOrDec(false);
4485   end
4486   else
4487   begin
4488     if not IsParam(Value) and
4489        not IsLocal(Value) and
4490        not IsGlobal(Value) and
4491        not IsAPIFunc(Value) and
4492        not IsAPIStrFunc(Value) then
4493       Undefined(Value);
4494     Name := Value;
4495     dt := DataType(Name);
4496     if dt = TOK_PROCEDURE then begin
4497       DoCall(Name);
4498     end
4499     else if dt = TOK_TASK then begin
4500       AbortMsg(sInvalidUseOfTaskName);
4501       SkipLine;
4502       Next;
4503     end
4504     else if dt = TOK_APIFUNC then begin
4505       Next;
4506       DoCallAPIFunc(Name); // functions should set register
4507     end
4508     else if dt = TOK_APISTRFUNC then begin
4509       Next;
amenull4510       StringFunction(Name); // functions should set register
4511     end
4512     else begin
4513       Next;
4514       fLHSDataType := dt;
4515       fLHSName     := Name;
4516       try
4517         CheckNotConstant(Name);
4518         if (Token = '[') or IsArrayType(dt) then
4519         begin
4520           ArrayAssignment(Name, dt, Token = '[');
4521         end
4522         else if dt = TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE then
4523         begin
4524           UDTAssignment(Name);
4525         end
4526         else if Token in ['+', '-', '/', '*', '%', '&', '|', '^', '>', '<'] then
4527         begin
4528           if (Token = '+') and (Look = '=')and (dt = TOK_STRINGDEF)  then
4529             StringConcatAssignment(Name)
4530           else
4531             MathAssignment(Name);
4532         end
4533         else if Token = '=' then
4534         begin
4535           MatchString('=');
4536           DoAssignValue(Name, dt);
4537         end
4538         else
4539         begin
4540           // just an identifier but not assignment operator
4541           // put it on the stack
4542           LoadVar(Name);
4543         end;
4544       finally
4545         fLHSDataType := TOK_LONGDEF;
4546         fLHSName     := '';
4547       end;
4548     end;
4549   end;
4550 end;
4552 procedure TNXCComp.DoAssignValue(const aName: string; dt: char; bNoChecks : boolean);
4553 begin
4554   if dt = TOK_STRINGDEF then
4555   begin
4556     StringExpression(aName);
4557     StoreString(aName, bNoChecks);
4558   end
4559   else
4560   begin
4561     // no comma expression here since the assignment operator has a
4562     // higher precedence than the comma operator
4563     BoolExpression;
4564     Store(aName, bNoChecks);
4565   end;
4566 end;
4568 {---------------------------------------------------------------}
4569 { Recognize and Translate an IF Construct }
4571 procedure TNXCComp.DoIf(const lend, lstart : string);
4572 var
4573   L1, L2: string;
4574 begin
4575   Next;
4576   OpenParen;
4577   CommaExpression;
4578   CloseParen;
4579   L1 := NewLabel;
4580   L2 := L1;
4581   BranchFalse(L1);
4582   Block(lend, lstart);
4583   CheckSemicolon;
4584   fSemiColonRequired := Token = TOK_ELSE;
4585   if Token = TOK_ELSE then
4586   begin
4587     Next;
4588     L2 := NewLabel;
4589     Branch(L2);
4590     PostLabel(L1);
4591     Block(lend, lstart);
4592   end;
4593   PostLabel(L2);
4594 end;
4597 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
4598 { Parse and Translate a WHILE Statement }
4600 procedure TNXCComp.DoWhile;
4601 var
4602   L1, L2: string;
4603 begin
4604   Next;
4605   OpenParen;
4606   L1 := NewLabel;
4607   L2 := NewLabel;
4608   PostLabel(L1);
4609   CommaExpression;
4610   CloseParen;
4611   BranchFalse(L2);
4612   Block(L2, L1);
4613   Branch(L1);
4614   PostLabel(L2);
4615 end;
4617 procedure TNXCComp.DoDoWhile;
4618 var
4619   L1, L2: string;
4620 begin
4621   Next;
4622   L1 := NewLabel;
4623   L2 := NewLabel;
4624   PostLabel(L1);
4625   Block(L2, L1);
4626   MatchString('while');
4627   OpenParen;
4628   CommaExpression;
4629   CloseParen;
4630   BranchFalse(L2);
4631   Branch(L1);
4632   PostLabel(L2);
4633 end;
4635 procedure TNXCComp.DoRepeat;
4636 var
4637   L1, L2: string;
4638   svar : string;
4639 begin
4640   Next;
4641   OpenParen;
4642   L1 := NewLabel;
4643   L2 := NewLabel;
4644   CommaExpression;
4645   CloseParen;
4646   push;
4647   svar := tos;
4648   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[svar, RegisterName]));
4649   PostLabel(L1);
4650   StoreDec(svar);
4651   EmitLn('brtst LT,' + L2 + ', ' + svar);
4652   Block(L2, L1);
4653   Branch(L1);
4654   PostLabel(L2);
4655   pop;
4656 end;
StringToBoolnull4658 function StringToBool(const aValue : string) : boolean;
4659 begin
4660   Result := aValue = 'TRUE';
4661 end;
4663 procedure TNXCComp.DoSwitch(const lstart : string);
4664 var
4665   L2 : string;
4666   idx : integer;
4667   bSwitchIsString : boolean;
4668   dt : char;
4669 begin
4670   Next;
4671   OpenParen;
4672   bSwitchIsString := ValueIsStringType(dt);
4673   if bSwitchIsString then
4674     StringExpression('')
4675   else
4676     CommaExpression;
4677   CloseParen;
4678   L2 := NewLabel;
4679   idx := SwitchFixupIndex;
4680   inc(fSwitchDepth);
4681   try
4682     ClearSwitchFixups;
4683     SwitchFixups.Add(Format('%d_Type=%s', [fSwitchDepth, IntToStr(Ord(bSwitchIsString))]));
4684     SwitchRegisterNames.Add(Format('%d=%s', [fSwitchDepth, RegisterName]));
4685     Block(L2, lstart);
4686     PostLabel(L2);
4687     FixupSwitch(idx, L2);
4688   finally
4689     dec(fSwitchDepth);
4690   end;
4691 end;
GetCaseConstantnull4693 function TNXCComp.GetCaseConstant: string;
4694 begin
4695   Result := '';
4696   // collect tokens up to ':' (this allows for constant expressions)
4697   while (Token <> ':') and not endofallsource do
4698   begin
4699     Result := Result + Value;
4700     Next;
4701   end;
4702   // convert true|false to TRUE|FALSE
4703   if (Result = 'true') or (Result = 'false') then
4704     Result := UpperCase(Result);
4705   if IsLocal(Result) then
4706     Result := GetDecoratedIdent(Result);
4707   Result := CheckConstant(Result);
4708 end;
4710 procedure TNXCComp.DoSwitchCase;
4711 var
4712   L1 : string;
4713   caseval, stackval, tmp : string;
4714 begin
4715   caseval := '';
4716   if fSwitchDepth > 0 then
4717   begin
4718     Next; // move past 'case'
4719     caseval := GetCaseConstant;
4720     MatchString(':'); // token should be ':' at this point
4721     L1 := NewLabel;
4722     PostLabel(L1);
4723     if SwitchIsString then
4724       stackval := StrBufName
4725     else
4726       stackval := SwitchRegisterName;
4727     tmp := Format('%d_Cases=%s', [fSwitchDepth, caseval]);
4728     if SwitchFixups.IndexOf(tmp) <> -1 then
4729       AbortMsg(sCaseDuplicateNotAllowed)
4730     else
4731     begin
4732       SwitchFixups.Add(tmp);
4733       SwitchFixups.Add(Format('%d=brcmp EQ, %s, %s, %s', [fSwitchDepth, L1, caseval, stackval]));
4734     end;
4735     fSemiColonRequired := False;
4736   end
4737   else
4738     AbortMsg(sCaseInvalid);
4739 end;
4741 procedure TNXCComp.DoSwitchDefault;
4742 var
4743   L1 : string;
4744 begin
4745   if fSwitchDepth > 0 then
4746   begin
4747     Next; // move past 'default'
4748     MatchString(':');
4749     L1 := NewLabel;
4750     PostLabel(L1);
4751     SwitchFixups.Add(Format('%d=jmp %s', [fSwitchDepth, L1]));
4752     fSemiColonRequired := False;
4753   end
4754   else
4755     AbortMsg(sDefaultInvalid);
4756 end;
4758 procedure TNXCComp.ClearSwitchFixups;
4759 var
4760   i : integer;
4761   tmpType, tmpCases, tmpDepth, name : string;
4762 begin
4763 // remove all fixups with depth == fSwitchDepth
4764   tmpDepth := IntTostr(fSwitchDepth);
4765   tmpType  := Format('%d_Type', [fSwitchDepth]);
4766   tmpCases := Format('%d_Cases', [fSwitchDepth]);
4767   for i := SwitchFixups.Count - 1 downto 0 do
4768   begin
4769     name := SwitchFixups.Names[i];
4770     if (name = tmpDepth) or (name = tmpType) or (name = tmpCases) then
4771       SwitchFixups.Delete(i);
4772   end;
4773   for i := SwitchRegisterNames.Count - 1 downto 0 do
4774   begin
4775     if SwitchRegisterNames.Names[i] = tmpDepth then
4776       SwitchRegisterNames.Delete(i);
4777   end;
4778 end;
SwitchIsStringnull4780 function TNXCComp.SwitchIsString: Boolean;
4781 var
4782   i : integer;
4783   tmpType : string;
4784 begin
4785   Result := False;
4786   tmpType := Format('%d_Type', [fSwitchDepth]);
4787   for i := 0 to SwitchFixups.Count - 1 do
4788   begin
4789     if SwitchFixups.Names[i] = tmpType then
4790     begin
4791       Result := Boolean(StrToIntDef(SwitchFixups.ValueFromIndex[i], 0));
4792       Break;
4793     end;
4794   end;
4795 end;
SwitchRegisterNamenull4797 function TNXCComp.SwitchRegisterName: string;
4798 var
4799   i : integer;
4800 begin
4801   Result := RegisterName;
4802   for i := 0 to SwitchRegisterNames.Count - 1 do
4803   begin
4804     if SwitchRegisterNames.Names[i] = IntToStr(fSwitchDepth) then
4805     begin
4806       Result := SwitchRegisterNames.ValueFromIndex[i];
4807       break;
4808     end;
4809   end;
4810 end;
4812 procedure TNXCComp.FixupSwitch(idx : integer; lbl : string);
4813 var
4814   i : integer;
4815   cnt : integer;
4816   tmpDepth : string;
4817 begin
4818   // always add a jump to the end of the switch in case
4819   // there aren't any default labels in the switch
4820   tmpDepth := IntToStr(fSwitchDepth);
4821   SwitchFixups.Add(Format('%d=jmp %s', [fSwitchDepth, lbl]));
4822   cnt := 0;
4823   for i := 0 to SwitchFixups.Count - 1 do
4824   begin
4825     if SwitchFixups.Names[i] = tmpDepth then
4826     begin
4827       NBCSource.Insert(idx+cnt, SwitchFixups.ValueFromIndex[i]);
4828       inc(cnt);
4829     end;
4830   end;
4831 end;
SwitchFixupIndexnull4833 function TNXCComp.SwitchFixupIndex: integer;
4834 begin
4835   Result := NBCSource.Count;
4836 end;
ReplaceTokensnull4838 function TNXCComp.ReplaceTokens(const line: string) : string;
4839 begin
4840   Result := line; // line is already trimmed
4841   if Length(Result) = 0 then Exit;
4842   Result := Replace(Result, '__RETURN__', Format(#13#10'mov %s,', [SignedRegisterName]));
4843   Result := Replace(Result, '__RETURNS__', Format(#13#10'mov %s,', [SignedRegisterName]));
4844   if Pos('__RETURNU__', Result) > 0 then
4845   begin
4846     Result := Replace(Result, '__RETURNU__', Format(#13#10'mov %s,', [UnsignedRegisterName]));
4847     if StatementType <> stUnsigned then
4848       StatementType := stUnsigned;
4849   end;
4850   if Pos('__RETURNF__', Result) > 0 then
4851   begin
4852     Result := Replace(Result, '__RETURNF__', Format(#13#10'mov %s,', [FloatRegisterName]));
4853     if StatementType <> stFloat then
4854       StatementType := stFloat;
4855   end;
4856   Result := Replace(Result, '__TMPBYTE__', TempSignedByteName);
4857   Result := Replace(Result, '__TMPWORD__', TempSignedWordName);
4858   Result := Replace(Result, '__TMPLONG__', TempSignedLongName);
4859   Result := Replace(Result, '__TMPULONG__', TempUnsignedLongName);
4860   Result := Replace(Result, '__TMPFLOAT__', TempFloatName);
4861   Result := Replace(Result, '__RETVAL__', SignedRegisterName);
4862   if Pos('__FLTRETVAL__', Result) > 0 then
4863   begin
4864     Result := Replace(Result, '__FLTRETVAL__', FloatRegisterName);
4865     if StatementType <> stFloat then
4866       StatementType := stFloat;
4867   end;
4868   if Pos('__URETVAL__', Result) > 0 then
4869   begin
4870     Result := Replace(Result, '__URETVAL__', UnsignedRegisterName);
4871     if StatementType <> stUnsigned then
4872       StatementType := stUnsigned;
4873   end;
4874   Result := Replace(Result, '__STRRETVAL__', StrRetValName);
4875   Result := Replace(Result, '__STRBUFFER__', StrBufName);
4876   Result := Replace(Result, '__STRTMPBUFFER__', StrTmpBufName);
4877   Result := Replace(Result, '__GENRETVAL__', RegisterName);
4878   Result := Replace(Result, 'true', 'TRUE');
4879   Result := Replace(Result, 'false', 'FALSE');
4880   Result := Replace(Result, 'asminclude', '#include');
4881 end;
DecorateVariablesnull4883 function TNXCComp.DecorateVariables(const asmStr: string): string;
4884 var
4885   Lex : TGenLexer;
4886   len : integer;
4887   bPartOfStruct, bPastFirstKeyword : boolean;
4889   procedure AddToResult;
4890   begin
4891     if (Lex.Id = piIdent) or (bPastFirstKeyword and (Lex.Id = piKeyWord)) then
4892     begin
4893       // is this a local variable or a parameter?
4894       if bPartOfStruct then
4895         Result := Result + Lex.Token
4896       else
4897         Result := Result + GetDecoratedIdent(Lex.Token);
4898     end
4899     else
4900       Result := Result + Lex.Token;
4901     if not bPartOfStruct then
4902       bPartOfStruct := Lex.Token = '.'
4903     else
4904       bPartOfStruct := (Lex.Token = '.') or (Lex.Id in [piIdent]);
4905   end;
4906 begin
4907   Result := '';
4908   len := Length(asmStr);
4909   if len > 0 then
4910   begin
4911     Lex := TNBCLexer.CreateLexer;
4912     try
4913       bPartOfStruct := False;
4914       bPastFirstKeyword := False;
4915       Lex.SetStartData(@asmStr[1], len);
4916       while not Lex.AtEnd do
4917       begin
4918         AddToResult;
4919         if not bPastFirstKeyword and (Lex.Id = piKeyWord) then
4920           bPastFirstKeyword := True;
4921         Lex.Next;
4922       end;
4923       if Lex.Id <> piUnknown then
4924         AddToResult;
4925     finally
4926       Lex.Free;
4927     end;
4928   end;
4929 end;
4931 procedure TNXCComp.DoAsm(var dt : char);
4932 var
4933   asmStr : string;
4934   nestLevel : integer;
4935 begin
4936 // gather everything within asm block and output it
4937   fProcessingAsmBlock := True;
4938   try
4939     EmitPoundLine;
4940     MatchString(TOK_BEGIN);
4941     if Value <> TOK_END then
4942     begin
4943       asmStr := Value + ' ' + Look;
4944       repeat
4945         nestLevel := 0;
4946         repeat
4947           GetCharX;
4948           if Look = TOK_BEGIN then
4949             inc(nestLevel);
4950           if (Look <> TOK_END) or (nestLevel > 0) then
4951             asmStr := asmStr + Look;
4952           if Look = TOK_END then
4953             dec(nestLevel);
4954         until ((nestLevel < 0) and (Look = TOK_END)) or (Look = LF) or endofallsource;
4955         if Pos('__STRRETVAL__', asmStr) > 0 then
4956           dt := TOK_STRINGDEF
4957         else if Pos('__FLTRETVAL__', asmStr) > 0 then
4958           dt := TOK_FLOATDEF
4959         else
4960           dt := TOK_LONGDEF;
4961         asmStr := ReplaceTokens(Trim(asmStr));
4962         asmStr := DecorateVariables(asmStr);
4963         if (asmStr <> '') or (Look <> TOK_END) then
4964           EmitAsmLines(asmStr);
4965         asmStr := '';
4966       until (Look = TOK_END) or endofallsource;
4967       GetChar; // get the end token
4968       fSemiColonRequired := False;
4969     end;
4970     Next;
4971   finally
4972     fProcessingAsmBlock := False;
4973   end;
4974 end;
4976 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
4977 { Parse and Translate a FOR Statement }
4979 procedure TNXCComp.DoFor;
4980 var
4981   L1, L2, L3, L4: string;
4982 begin
4983   Next;
4984   OpenParen;
4985   Scan;
4986   L1 := NewLabel;
4987   L2 := NewLabel;
4988   L3 := NewLabel;
4989   L4 := NewLabel;
4990   inc(fNestingLevel);
4991   try
4993                  TOK_BYTEDEF, TOK_STRINGDEF, TOK_FLOATDEF] then
4994     begin
4995       DoLocals(fCurrentThreadName);
4996     end
4997     else
4998     begin
4999       if Token <> TOK_SEMICOLON then
5000       begin
5001         fNoCommaOperator := True;
5002         try
5003           Assignment;
5004           while Token = TOK_COMMA do
5005           begin
5006             Next;
5007             Assignment;
5008           end;
5009         finally
5010           fNoCommaOperator := False;
5011         end;
5012       end;
5013       Semi;
5014     end;
5015     PostLabel(L1);
5016     if Token <> TOK_SEMICOLON then
5017       CommaExpression
5018     else
5019       LoadConst('1');
5020     Semi;
5021     BranchFalse(L2);
5022     Branch(L3);
5023     PostLabel(L4);
5024     if Token <> TOK_CLOSEPAREN then
5025     begin
5026       fNoCommaOperator := True;
5027       try
5028         Assignment;
5029         while Token = TOK_COMMA do
5030         begin
5031           Next;
5032           Assignment;
5033         end;
5034       finally
5035         fNoCommaOperator := False;
5036       end;
5037     end;
5038     CloseParen;
5039     Branch(L1);
5040     PostLabel(L3);
5041     Block(L2, L4);
5042     Branch(L4);
5043     PostLabel(L2);
5044   finally
5045     DecrementNestingLevel;
5046   end;
5047 end;
5049 function IndexOfAPICommand(const name : string) : integer;
5050 begin
5051   for Result := Low(APIList) to High(APIList) do
5052   begin
5053     if APIList[Result] = name then
5054       Exit;
5055   end;
5056   Result := -1;
5057 end;
5059 procedure TNXCComp.DoAPICommands(const lend, lstart : string);
5060 var
5061   idx : integer;
5062 begin
5063   idx := IndexOfAPICommand(Value);
5064   case idx of
5065     API_BREAK    : DoBreakContinue(idx, lend);
5066     API_CONTINUE : DoBreakContinue(idx, lstart);
5067     API_RETURN   : DoReturn;
5068     API_ONFWD,
5069     API_ONREV    : DoOnFwdRev;
5070     API_ONFWDEX,
5071     API_ONREVEX  : DoOnFwdRevEx;
5072     API_ONFWDREG,
5073     API_ONREVREG : DoOnFwdRevReg;
5075     API_ONREVREGEX : DoOnFwdRevRegEx;
5077     API_ONREVREGPID : DoOnFwdRevRegPID;
5080     API_OFF,
5081     API_COAST,
5082     API_FLOAT    : DoStopMotors;
5083     API_OFFEX,
5084     API_COASTEX  : DoStopMotorsEx;
5086     API_ONREVSYNC : DoOnFwdRevSync;
5088     API_ONREVSYNCEX : DoOnFwdRevSyncEx;
5090     API_ONREVSYNCPID : DoOnFwdRevSyncPID;
5096     API_RESETALLTACHOCOUNTS : DoResetCounters;
5100     API_ROTATEMOTOREXPID : DoRotateMotors(idx);
5101 {
5103     API_SETSENSORMODE : DoSetSensorTypeMode(idx);
5109     API_RESETSENSOR : DoClearSetResetSensor;
5110 }
5111     API_PRECEDES,
5112     API_FOLLOWS : DoPrecedesFollows;
5113     API_ACQUIRE,
5114     API_RELEASE : DoAcquireRelease;
5115     API_EXITTO : DoExitTo;
5116     API_SETINPUT,
5117     API_SETOUTPUT : DoSetInputOutput(idx);
5118     API_STOP : DoStop;
5119     API_GOTO : DoGoto;
5120   else
5121     AbortMsg(sUnknownAPICommand);
5122   end;
5123 end;
5125 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
5126 { Parse and Translate a Single Statement }
5128 procedure TNXCComp.Statement(const lend, lstart : string);
5129 var
5130   dt : Char;
5131 begin
5132   fUDTOnStack := ''; // a UDT can't remain on the stack across a statement boundary
5133   ResetStatementType;
5134   fSemiColonRequired := True;
5135   if Token = TOK_BEGIN then
5136     Block(lend, lstart)
5137   else
5138   begin
5139     ProcessDirectives;
5140     case Token of
5141       TOK_IF:         DoIf(lend, lstart);
5142       TOK_WHILE:      DoWhile;
5143       TOK_FOR:        DoFor;
5144       TOK_DO:         DoDoWhile;
5145       TOK_REPEAT:     DoRepeat;
5146       TOK_SWITCH:     DoSwitch(lstart);
5147       TOK_CASE:       DoSwitchCase;
5148       TOK_DEFAULT:    DoSwitchDefault;
5149       TOK_START:      DoStart;
5150       TOK_STOP:       DoStopTask;
5151       TOK_PRIORITY:   DoSetPriority;
5152       TOK_ASM: begin
5153         Next;
5154         dt := #0;
5155         DoAsm(dt);
5156       end;
5157       TOK_API:        DoAPICommands(lend, lstart);
5158       TOK_IDENTIFIER: begin
5159         if Look = ':' then
5160           DoLabel
5161         else
5162           Assignment;
5163       end;
5164       TOK_HEX, TOK_NUM, '+', '-': begin
5165         CommaExpression;
5166       end;
5167       TOK_CLOSEPAREN : CloseParen;
5168       TOK_SEMICOLON : ;// do nothing
5169       TOK_END : fSemiColonRequired := False;
5170     end;
5171     EmitPoundLine;
5172   end;
5173 end;
5176 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
5177 { Parse and Translate a Block of Statements }
TNXCComp.Blocknull5179 function TNXCComp.Block(const lend, lstart : string) : boolean;
5180 begin
5181   Result := Value = TOK_BEGIN;
5182   if Result then
5183   begin
5184     Next;
5185     inc(fNestingLevel);
5186     try
5187       BlockStatements(lend, lstart);
5188     finally
5189       DecrementNestingLevel;
5190     end;
5191     MatchString(TOK_END);
5192     fSemiColonRequired := False;
5193     Scan;
5194   end
5195   else
5196   begin
5197     Scan;
5198     CommaStatement(lend, lstart);
5199   end;
5200 end;
5202 procedure TNXCComp.CheckBytesRead(const oldBytesRead: integer);
5203 begin
5204   if fBytesRead = oldBytesRead then
5205   begin
5206     AbortMsg(sParserError);
5207     SkipLine;
5208     Next;
5209   end;
5210 end;
5212 procedure TNXCComp.BlockStatements(const lend, lstart: string);
5213 var
5214   oldBytesRead : integer;
5215 begin
5216   Scan;
5217   while not (Token in [TOK_END, TOK_ELSE]) and not endofallsource do
5218   begin
5219     oldBytesRead := fBytesRead;
5220     DoLocals(fCurrentThreadName);
5221     CommaStatement(lend, lstart);
5222     CheckSemicolon;
5223     CheckBytesRead(oldBytesRead);
5224   end;
5225 end;
5227 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
5228 { Allocate Storage for a Variable }
5230 procedure TNXCComp.AllocLocal(const sub, tname : string; dt : char; bConst : boolean);
5231 var
5232   savedval : string;
5233   ival, aval, lenexpr, varName : string;
5234   bIsArray, bDone, bOpen : boolean;
5235   idx, dimensions : integer;
5236   V : TVariable;
5237 begin
5238   Next;
5239   Scan;
5240   // it is possible that the user has declared a variable using the "long int" or "short int" syntax.
5241   // we want to support that syntax.
5242   if Token = TOK_SHORTDEF then begin
5244       Next;
5245   end;
5246   if Token <> TOK_IDENTIFIER then
5247     Expected(sVariableName);
5248   savedval := Value;
5249   ival := '';
5250   Next;
5251   aval := '';
5252   lenexpr := '';
5253   bIsArray := False;
5254   if (Token = '[') {and (Look = ']') }then begin
5255     // declaring an array
5256     bDone := False;
5257     bOpen := False;
5258     while not bDone {Token in ['[', ']']} do
5259     begin
5260       lenexpr := lenexpr + Value;
5261       if Token in ['[', ']'] then
5262         aval := aval + Token;
5263       if bOpen and (Token = ']') then
5264         bOpen := False
5265       else if not bOpen and (Token = '[') then
5266         bOpen := True
5267       else if (bOpen and (Token = '[')) or
5268               (not bOpen and (Token = ']')) then
5269         AbortMsg(sInvalidArrayDeclaration);
5270       Next;
5271       if not bOpen and (Token <> '[') then
5272         bDone := True;
5273     end;
5274     dimensions := Length(aval) div 2; // number of array dimensions
5275     dt := ArrayOfType(dt, dimensions);
5276     bIsArray := True;
5277   end;
5278   if bIsArray and bConst then
5279     AbortMsg(sConstLocArrNotSupported);
5280   varName := ApplyDecoration(sub, savedval, fNestingLevel);
5281   idx := AddLocal(varName, dt, tname, bConst, lenexpr);
5282   if (Token = TOK_COMMA) or (Token = TOK_SEMICOLON) then
5283   begin
5284     if bConst then
5285       Expected(sConstInitialization);
5286     // no need to allocate if we've already emitted this name&type
5287     if fEmittedLocals.IndexOf(varName+tname) = -1 then
5288       Allocate(varName, aval, ival, tname, dt);
5289     if bIsArray and (lenexpr <> '') then
5290       InitializeArray(varName, aval, ival, tname, dt, lenexpr);
5291   end
5292   else if Token = '=' then
5293   begin
5294     // move past the '=' sign
5295     fLHSDataType := dt;
5296     fLHSName     := savedval;
5297     try
5298       Next;
5299       ival := '';
5300       if fEmittedLocals.IndexOf(varName+tname) = -1 then
5301         Allocate(varName, aval, ival, tname, dt);
5302       if bIsArray then begin
5303         ival := GetInitialValue(dt);
5304         DoLocalArrayInit(varName, ival, dt);
5305   //    if not bIsArray then
5306   //      DoArrayAssignValue(savedval, '', dt)
5307       end
5308       else if dt = TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE then
5309       begin
5310         GetAndStoreUDT(savedval);
5311       end
5312       else
5313       begin
5314         DoAssignValue(savedval, dt);
5315         if fLastExpressionOptimizedToConst and (idx <> -1) then
5316         begin
5317           V := fLocals[idx];
5318           if V.IsConstant then
5319             V.Value := fLastLoadedConst;
5320         end;
5321       end;
5322     finally
5323       fLHSDataType := TOK_LONGDEF;
5324       fLHSName     := '';
5325     end;
5326   end
5327   else
5328     Next;
5329   fEmittedLocals.Add(varName+tname);
5330 end;
GetInitialValuenull5332 function TNXCComp.GetInitialValue(dt : char): string;
5333 var
5334   nestLevel, i : integer;
5335   tmpExpr : string;
5336   procedure UpdateResultWithValueForArrayTypes;
5337   begin
5338     if tmpExpr <> '' then
5339     begin
5340       if ArrayBaseType(dt) = TOK_STRINGDEF then
5341       begin
5342         Result := Result + tmpExpr + Value;
5343         tmpExpr := '';
5344       end
5345       else
5346       begin
5347         fCalc.SilentExpression := tmpExpr;
5348         if not fCalc.ParserError then
5349         begin
5350           if ArrayBaseType(dt) = TOK_FLOATDEF then
5351           begin
5352             tmpExpr := NBCFloatToStr(fCalc.Value);
5353           end
5354           else
5355             tmpExpr := IntToStr(Trunc(fCalc.Value))
5356         end
5357         else
5358           AbortMsg(sInvalidConstExpr);
5359         Result := Result + tmpExpr + Value;
5360         tmpExpr := '';
5361       end;
5362     end
5363     else
5364       Result := Result + Value;
5365   end;
5366 begin
5367   Result := '';
5368   // handle string variables differently
5369   if dt = TOK_STRINGDEF then
5370   begin
5371     if Token = TOK_IDENTIFIER then
5372     begin
5373       // try to resolve this as a constant string into a string literal
5374       i := fConstStringMap.IndexOfName(Value);
5375       if i <> -1 then
5376       begin
5377         Token := TOK_STRINGLIT;
5378         Value := fConstStringMap.ValueFromIndex[i];
5379       end;
5380     end;
5381     Result := Value;
5382     if Token <> TOK_STRINGLIT then
5383       AbortMsg(sInvalidStringInit);
5384     Next;
5385   end
5386   else if IsArrayType(dt) or IsUDT(dt) then
5387   begin
5388     // array and struct initialization could involve nested {} pairs
5389     if Token <> TOK_BEGIN then
5390       AbortMsg(sInvalidArrayInit);
5391     nestLevel := 1;
5392     while ((Token <> TOK_END) or (nestLevel > 0)) and not endofallsource do
5393     begin
5394       if Token = TOK_BEGIN then
5395       begin
5396         tmpExpr := '';
5397         UpdateResultWithValueForArrayTypes;
5398       end
5399       else if Token in [TOK_END, TOK_COMMA] then
5400       begin
5401         UpdateResultWithValueForArrayTypes;
5402       end
5403       else
5404       begin
5405         tmpExpr := tmpExpr + Value;
5406       end;
5407       Next;
5408       if Token = TOK_BEGIN then
5409         inc(nestLevel)
5410       else if Token = TOK_END then
5411         dec(nestLevel);
5412     end;
5413     if Token = TOK_END then
5414     begin
5415       UpdateResultWithValueForArrayTypes;
5416       Next;
5417     end
5418     else
5419       AbortMsg(sInvalidArrayInit);
5420   end
5421   else
5422   begin
5423     if dt = TOK_MUTEXDEF then
5424       AbortMsg(sInitNotAllowed);
5425     // not a string, not an array, not a mutex.  Must be a scalar type or user-defined type
5426     while not (Token in [TOK_COMMA, TOK_SEMICOLON]) and not endofallsource do
5427     begin
5428       Result := Result + Value;
5429       Next;
5430     end;
5431     Result := Trim(Result);
5432     if dt in NonAggregateTypes then
5433     begin
5434       // evaluate so that constants and expressions are handled properly
5435       if Result = 'false' then
5436         Result := '0'
5437       else if Result = 'true' then
5438         Result := '1'
5439       else
5440       begin
5441         fCalc.SilentExpression := Result;
5442         if not fCalc.ParserError then
5443         begin
5444           if dt = TOK_FLOATDEF then
5445             Result := NBCFloatToStr(fCalc.Value)
5446           else
5447             Result := IntToStr(Trunc(fCalc.Value));
5448         end
5449         else
5450           AbortMsg(sInvalidConstExpr);
5451       end;
5452     end;
5453   end;
5454 end;
5456 procedure TNXCComp.AllocGlobal(const tname : string; dt : char; bInline, bSafeCall, bConst : boolean);
5457 var
5458   savedval, ival, aval, lenexpr : string;
5459   dimensions, idx : integer;
5460   bArray : boolean;
5461 begin
5462   Next;
5463   Scan;
5464   // it is possible that the user has declared a variable using the "long int" or "short int" syntax.
5465   // we want to support that syntax.
5466   if Token = TOK_SHORTDEF then begin
5468     begin
5469       Next;
5470       Scan;
5471     end;
5472   end;
5473   if Token <> TOK_IDENTIFIER then Expected(sVariableName);
5474   // optional initial value
5475   savedval := Value;
5476   ival := '';
5477   Next;
5478   // it is possible that we are looking at a function declaration
5479   // rather than a variable declaration.
5480   if Token = TOK_OPENPAREN then
5481   begin
5482     FunctionBlock(savedval, tname, dt, bInline, bSafeCall);
5483     fSemiColonRequired := False;
5484   end
5485   else
5486   begin
5487     fSemiColonRequired := True;
5488     CheckDup(savedval);
5489     if bInline then
5490       AbortMsg(sInlineInvalid);
5491     if bSafeCall then
5492       AbortMsg(sSafeCallInvalid);
5493     aval := '';
5494     lenexpr := '';
5495     bArray := False;
5496     dimensions := 0;
5497     if Token = '[' then begin
5498       aval := ProcessArrayDimensions(lenexpr);
5499       dimensions := Length(aval) div 2; // number of array dimensions
5500       dt := ArrayOfType(dt, dimensions);
5501       bArray := True;
5502     end;
5503     AddEntry(savedval, dt, tname, lenexpr, bConst);
5504     if (Token = TOK_COMMA) or (Token = TOK_SEMICOLON) then
5505     begin
5506       if bConst then
5507         Expected(sConstInitialization);
5508       Allocate(savedval, aval, ival, tname, dt);
5509     end
5510     else if Token = '=' then
5511     begin
5512       if bArray and (ArrayBaseType(dt) = TOK_STRINGDEF) then
5513         inc(dimensions);
5514       // move past the '=' sign
5515       Next;
5516       ival := GetInitialValue(dt);
5517       // lookup global and set its value
5518       idx := fGlobals.IndexOfName(savedval);
5519       if idx <> -1 then
5520       begin
5521         // do not set the value for 1 dimensional arrays since the initial
5522         // values can be set statically
5523         if dimensions <> 1 then
5524           fGlobals[idx].Value := ival;
5525       end;
5526       // the value must be a numeric constant expression if the type
5527       // is an integer type
5528       if bConst then
5529       begin
5530         if dt in NonAggregateTypes then
5531         begin
5532           if dt = TOK_FLOATDEF then
5533             fCalc.SetVariable(savedval, NBCStrToFloatDef(ival, 0))
5534           else
5535             fCalc.SetVariable(savedval, StrToInt64Def(ival, 0));
5536         end
5537         else if dt = TOK_STRINGDEF then
5538         begin
5539           // string constants - use a variable name to value map (string list)
5540           fConstStringMap.Add(savedval+'='+ival);
5541         end;
5542         // it is now okay to have const struct types since you can initialize them
5543 //        else if not bArray then
5544 //          AbortMsg(sInvalidConstExpr);
5545       end;
5546       // arrays with > 1 dimension cannot be initialized statically
5547       if dimensions > 1 then
5548         ival := '';
5549       Allocate(savedval, aval, ival, tname, dt);
5550     end
5551     else
5552       Next;
5553   end;
5554 end;
GetVariableTypenull5556 function TNXCComp.GetVariableType(vt : char; bUnsigned : boolean) : char;
5557 begin
5558   if not bUnsigned then
5559     Result := vt
5560   else
5561     case vt of
5562       TOK_LONGDEF : Result := TOK_ULONGDEF;
5563       TOK_SHORTDEF : Result := TOK_USHORTDEF;
5564       TOK_CHARDEF : Result := TOK_BYTEDEF;
5565     else
5566       if vt = TOK_FLOATDEF then
5567         AbortMsg(sNoUnsignedFloat);
5568       Result := vt;
5569     end;
5570 end;
5572 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
5573 { Parse and Translate Global Declarations }
5575 procedure TNXCComp.TopDecls;
5576 var
5577   vt : char;
5578   bUnsigned, bInline, bSafeCall, bConst : boolean;
5579   oldBytesRead : Integer;
5580   dt : char;
5581   tname : string;
5582 begin
5583   DoCompilerStatusChange(sNXCProcessGlobals);
5584   bUnsigned := False;
5585   bInline   := False;
5586   bSafeCall := False;
5587   bConst    := False;
5588   Scan;
5589   if Token = TOK_IDENTIFIER then
5590     CheckForTypedef(bUnsigned, bConst, bInline, bSafeCall);
5591   while not (Token in [TOK_TASK, TOK_PROCEDURE]) and not endofallsource do
5592   begin
5593     oldBytesRead := fBytesRead;
5594     case Token of
5595       TOK_ASM: begin
5596         Next;
5597         dt := #0;
5598         DoAsm(dt);
5599         Scan;
5600       end;
5601       TOK_DIRECTIVE : begin
5602         ProcessDirectives;
5603         Scan;
5604       end;
5605       TOK_CONST : begin
5606         Next;
5607         Scan;
5608         bConst := True;
5609       end;
5610       TOK_UNSIGNED : begin
5611         Next;
5612         Scan;
5613         bUnsigned := True;
5614       end;
5615       TOK_INLINE : begin
5616         Next;
5617         Scan;
5618         bInline := True;
5619       end;
5620       TOK_SAFECALL : begin
5621         Next;
5622         Scan;
5623         bSafeCall := True;
5624       end;
5625       TOK_TYPEDEF : begin
5626         ProcessTypedef;
5627       end;
5628       TOK_ENUM: begin
5629         ProcessEnum(true);
5630       end;
5631       TOK_STRUCT : begin
5632         ProcessStruct(False);
5633       end;
5638       TOK_STRINGDEF : begin
5639         tname := Value;
5640         vt := Token;
5641         AllocGlobal(tname, GetVariableType(vt, bUnsigned), bInline, bSafeCall, bConst);
5642         while Token = TOK_COMMA do
5643           AllocGlobal(tname, GetVariableType(vt, bUnsigned), bInline, bSafeCall, bConst);
5644         CheckSemicolon;
5645         bUnsigned := False;
5646         bInline   := False;
5647         bSafeCall := False;
5648         bConst    := False;
5649       end;
5650     else
5651       // nothing here right now
5652       Semi;
5653       Scan;
5654     end;
5655     if Token = TOK_IDENTIFIER then
5656       CheckForTypedef(bUnsigned, bConst, bInline, bSafeCall);
5657     CheckBytesRead(oldBytesRead);
5658   end;
5659   if bInLine then
5660     IncrementInlineDepth;
5661 //  fInlining := bInLine;
5662   fSafeCalling := bSafeCall;
5663 end;
AddLocalnull5665 function TNXCComp.AddLocal(name : string; dt : char; const tname : string;
5666   bConst : boolean; const lenexp : string) : integer;
5667 var
5668   l, IL : TVariable;
5669   bAmInlining : boolean;
5670 //  bIsParam, bIsLocal : boolean;
5671 begin
5672   CheckForValidDataType(dt);
5673   Result := -1;
5674   bAmInlining := AmInlining;
5675 //  bIsLocal    := IsLocal(name);
5676 //  bIsParam    := IsParam(name);
5677 //  // if we are inlining then only check IsLocal
5678 //  if (bAmInlining and bIsLocal) or
5679 //     ((not bAmInlining) and (bIsLocal or bIsParam)) then
5680   if IsParam(name) or IsLocal(name) then
5681     Duplicate(name)
5682   else
5683   begin
5684     l := fLocals.Add;
5685     l.Name       := name;
5686     l.DataType   := dt;
5687     l.IsConstant := bConst;
5688     l.TypeName   := tname;
5689     l.LenExpr    := lenexp;
5690     l.Level      := fNestingLevel;
5691     if bAmInlining and Assigned(fCurrentInlineFunction) then
5692     begin
5693       IL := fCurrentInlineFunction.LocalVariables.Add;
5694       IL.Assign(l);
5695     end;
5696     Result := l.Index;
5697   end;
5698 end;
5700 procedure TNXCComp.DoLocals(const sub : string);
5701 var
5702   bIsUnsigned, bIsConst, bDummy : boolean;
5703   dt : char;
5704   tname : string;
5705 begin
5706   fNoCommaOperator := True;
5707   try
5708     bIsUnsigned := False;
5709     bIsConst    := False;
5710     bDummy      := False;
5711     Scan;
5712     if Token = TOK_IDENTIFIER then
5713       CheckForTypedef(bIsUnsigned, bIsConst, bDummy, bDummy);
5714     while (Token in [TOK_DIRECTIVE, TOK_UNSIGNED, TOK_CONST,
5718       TOK_BYTEDEF, TOK_MUTEXDEF, TOK_FLOATDEF, TOK_STRINGDEF]) and not endofallsource do
5719     begin
5720       case Token of
5721         TOK_DIRECTIVE : begin
5722           ProcessDirectives;
5723           Scan;
5724         end;
5725         TOK_CONST : begin
5726           Next;
5727           Scan;
5728           bIsConst := True;
5729         end;
5730         TOK_UNSIGNED : begin
5731           Next;
5732           Scan;
5733           bIsUnsigned := True;
5734         end;
5735         TOK_TYPEDEF : begin
5736           ProcessTypedef;
5737         end;
5738         TOK_ENUM : begin
5739           ProcessEnum(False);
5740         end;
5741         TOK_STRUCT : begin
5742           ProcessStruct(False);
5743         end;
5748           tname := Value;
5749           dt := Token;
5750           AllocLocal(sub, tname, GetVariableType(dt, bIsUnsigned), bIsConst);
5751           while Token = TOK_COMMA do
5752             AllocLocal(sub, tname, GetVariableType(dt, bIsUnsigned), bIsConst);
5753           Semi;
5754           Scan;
5755           bIsUnsigned := False;
5756           bIsConst    := False;
5757         end;
5758       else
5759         Expected(sValidProgBlock);
5760       end;
5761       if Token = TOK_IDENTIFIER then
5762         CheckForTypedef(bIsUnsigned, bIsConst, bDummy, bDummy);
5763     end;
5764   finally
5765     fNoCommaOperator := False;
5766   end;
5767 end;
5769 const
5770   HASPROTO = 2;
5771   HASNOPROTO = 3;
FormalListnull5773 function TNXCComp.FormalList(protoexists : boolean; var procname : string) : integer;
5774 var
5775   protocount : integer;
5776   pltype : integer;
5777   pcount : integer;
5778   ptype : char;
5779   varnam : string;
5780   bIsUnsigned, bIsArray, bIsConst, bIsRef, bError : boolean;
5781   bHasDefault, bRequireDefaults : boolean;
5782   aval, tname, defValue : string;
5783   dimensions : integer;
5784   oldBytesRead : integer;
5786   procedure CheckParam1;
5787   begin
5788     AbortMsg(sBadPrototype);
5789     bError := True;
5790     if protocount >= MAXPARAMS then
5791       AbortMsg(sMaxParamCountExceeded);
5792     inc(protocount);
5793   end;
5795   procedure CheckParamHasProto;
5796   begin
5797     if not protoexists then
5798     begin
5799       Expected(sDataType);
5800       bError := True;
5801     end;
5802     if pcount >= MAXPARAMS then
5803     begin
5804       AbortMsg(sMaxParamCountExceeded);
5805       bError := True;
5806     end;
5807     if not bError then
5808     begin
5809       AddParam(ApplyDecoration(procname, varnam, 0),
5810         FunctionParameterType(procname, pcount),
5811         FunctionParameterTypeName(procname, pcount),
5812         FunctionParameterIsConstant(procname, pcount),
5813         FunctionParameterHasDefault(procname, pcount),
5814         FunctionParameterDefaultValue(procname, pcount));
5815       inc(pcount);
5816       if pcount > protocount then
5817       begin
5818         AbortMsg(sTooManyArgs);
5819         bError := True;
5820       end;
5821     end;
5822   end;
5824   procedure CheckParamHasNoProto;
5825   var
5826     fpDT : char;
5827     fpType : string;
5828     fpIsConst : boolean;
5829   begin
5830     if pcount >= MAXPARAMS then
5831     begin
5832       AbortMsg(sMaxParamCountExceeded);
5833       bError := True;
5834     end;
5835     if protoexists and not bError and (pcount >= protocount) then
5836     begin
5837       AbortMsg(sTooManyArgs);
5838       bError := True;
5839     end;
5840     if protoexists and not bError then
5841     begin
5842       // compare known type to specified type
5843       fpDT      := FunctionParameterType(procname, pcount);
5844       fpType    := FunctionParameterTypeName(procname, pcount);
5845       fpIsConst := FunctionParameterIsConstant(procname, pcount);
5846       if (fpDT <> ptype) or (fpType <> tname) or (fpIsConst <> bIsConst) then
5847       begin
5848         AbortMsg(sFuncParamDeclMismatch);
5849         bError := True;
5850       end;
5851     end;
5852     if not bError then
5853     begin
5854       AddParam(ApplyDecoration(procname, varnam, 0), ptype, tname, bIsConst, bHasDefault, defValue);
5855       if not protoexists then
5856       begin
5857         Allocate(ApplyDecoration(procname, varnam, 0), aval, '', tname, ptype);
5858         AddFunctionParameter(procname, varnam, tname, pcount, ptype, bIsConst,
5859           bIsRef, bIsArray, dimensions, bHasDefault, defValue);
5860         inc(protocount);
5861       end;
5862       inc(pcount);
5863     end;
5864   end;
5866   procedure CheckPLType;
5867   begin
5868     case pltype of
5869       1          : CheckParam1;
5870       HASPROTO   : CheckParamHasProto;
5871       HASNOPROTO : CheckParamHasNoProto;
5872     end;
5873   end;
5875   procedure ProcessTypes(const bFirstParam : boolean);
5876   var
5877     bInline, bSafeCall : boolean;
5878   begin
5879     bIsUnsigned := False;
5880     bIsArray    := False;
5881     bIsConst    := False;
5882     bIsRef      := False;
5883     ptype       := #0;
5884     if Token = TOK_CONST then begin
5885       bIsConst := True;
5886       Next;
5887       Scan;
5888       if bFirstParam then pltype := 1;
5889     end;
5890 // new code starts here
5891     tname := Value;
5892     if Token = TOK_UNSIGNED then
5893     begin
5894       bIsUnsigned := True;
5895       Next;
5896       Scan;
5897       if bFirstParam then pltype := 1;
5898       tname := tname + ' ' + Value;
5899     end;
5900     Value := tname;
5901     CheckForTypedef(bIsUnsigned, bIsConst, bInline, bSafeCall);
5902     // re-assign type name variable in case CheckForTypedef changed it.
5903     tname := Value;
5904     ptype := Token;
5905     if bFirstParam then pltype := 1;
5906     Next;
5907     Scan;
5908     if (Token <> '[') and (Token <> TOK_COMMA) and
5909        (Token <> TOK_CLOSEPAREN) and (Token <> '&') and
5910        (Token <> TOK_IDENTIFIER) then
5911     begin
5912       AbortMsg(sUnexpectedChar);
5913       bError := True;
5914     end;
5915 (*
5916     if Token = TOK_UNSIGNED then begin
5917       bIsUnsigned := True;
5918       Next;
5919       Scan;
5920       if bFirstParam then pltype := 1;
5921     end;
5924     begin
5925       ptype := Token;
5926       tname := Value;
5927       if bFirstParam then pltype := 1;
5928       Next;
5929       Scan;
5930       if (Token <> '[') and (Token <> TOK_COMMA) and
5931          (Token <> TOK_CLOSEPAREN) and (Token <> '&') and
5932          (Token <> TOK_IDENTIFIER) then
5933       begin
5934         AbortMsg(sUnexpectedChar);
5935         bError := True;
5936       end;
5937     end
5938     else if bIsUnsigned then
5939     begin
5940       AbortMsg(sMissingDataType);
5941       bError := True;
5942     end;
5943 *)
5944     if Token = '&' then
5945     begin
5946       bIsRef := True;
5947       Next;
5948       Scan;
5949     end;
5950   end;
5952   procedure CheckParamTypeAndArrays;
5953   begin
5954     if pltype = HASNOPROTO then
5955     begin
5956       ptype := GetVariableType(ptype, bIsUnsigned);
5957       if ptype = #0 then
5958         bError := True;
5959       CheckForValidDataType(ptype);
5960       if not bError then
5961       begin
5962         aval := '';
5963         dimensions := 0;
5964         if (Token = '[') and (Look = ']') then begin
5965           // declaring an array
5966           while Token in ['[', ']'] do begin
5967             aval := aval + Token;
5968             Next;
5969           end;
5970           bIsArray := True;
5971           dimensions := Length(aval) div 2; // number of array dimensions
5972           ptype := ArrayOfType(ptype, dimensions);
5973         end;
5974       end;
5975     end;
5976   end;
5978   procedure CheckForDefaultArgumentValue;
5979   begin
5980     bHasDefault := False;
5981     defValue    := '';
5982     // check for optional equal sign
5983     if Token = '=' then
5984     begin
5985       bHasDefault := True;
5986       Next;
5987       defValue := Value;
5988       if defValue = '-' then
5989       begin
5990         Next;
5991         defValue := defValue + Value;
5992       end;
5993       Next;
5994     end;
5995     if bRequireDefaults and not bHasDefault then
5996     begin
5997       AbortMsg(sDefaultParamError);
5998       bError := True;
5999     end;
6000     if bHasDefault then
6001       bRequireDefaults := True;
6002   end;
6003 begin
6004   bRequireDefaults := False;
6005   dimensions := 0;
6006   protocount := 0;
6007   pcount := 0;
6008   pltype := 0;
6009   if protoexists then
6010     protocount := FunctionParameterCount(procname);
6011   bError := False;
6012   while (Token <> TOK_CLOSEPAREN) and not endofallsource do
6013   begin
6014     oldBytesRead := fBytesRead;
6015     if bError then
6016       Break;
6017     Scan;
6018     // handle void all by itself
6019     if Token = TOK_PROCEDURE then begin
6020       Next;
6021       Scan;
6022       Continue;
6023     end;
6024     ProcessTypes(true);
6025     if Token = TOK_IDENTIFIER then
6026     begin
6027       varnam := Value;
6028       Next;
6029       Scan;
6030       if pltype = 1 then
6031         pltype := HASNOPROTO
6032       else
6033         pltype := HASPROTO;
6034     end;
6035     CheckParamTypeAndArrays;
6036     // check for optional = and default value
6037     CheckForDefaultArgumentValue;
6038     if bError then
6039       Continue;
6040     CheckPLType;
6042     // process remaining parameters
6043     while (Token = TOK_COMMA) and not endofallsource do begin
6044       if bError then
6045         Break;
6046       Next;
6047       Scan;
6048       if (pltype = 1) or (pltype = HASNOPROTO) then
6049         ProcessTypes(false);
6050       if (pltype = HASPROTO) or (pltype = HASNOPROTO) then
6051       begin
6052         if Token = TOK_IDENTIFIER then begin
6053           varnam := Value;
6054           Next;
6055           Scan;
6056         end
6057         else
6058         begin
6059           Expected(sVariableName);
6060           bError := True;
6061         end;
6062       end;
6063       CheckParamTypeAndArrays;
6064       // check for optional = and default value
6065       CheckForDefaultArgumentValue;
6066       if bError then
6067         Continue;
6068       CheckPLType;
6069     end; // while Token = TOK_COMMA
6070     CheckBytesRead(oldBytesRead);
6071   end; // while Token <> TOK_CLOSEPAREN
6072   if protoexists and (pcount < protocount) then
6073     AbortMsg(sTooFewArgs);
6074   if bError then
6075     while (Token <> TOK_CLOSEPAREN) and not endofallsource do
6076       Next; // eat tokens up to TOK_CLOSEPAREN
6077   Result := pltype;
6078 end;
6080 procedure TNXCComp.ProcedureBlock;
6081 var
6082   Name : string;
6083   protoexists, bIsSub : boolean;
6084   savedToken : char;
6085 begin
6087   begin
6088     if Token = TOK_INLINE then
6089     begin
6090       Next;
6091       IncrementInlineDepth;
6092     end;
6093     if Token = TOK_SAFECALL then
6094     begin
6095       Next;
6096       fSafeCalling := True;
6097     end;
6098     bIsSub := Token = TOK_PROCEDURE;
6099     if AmInlining and not bIsSub then
6100       AbortMsg(sInlineInvalid);
6101     if fSafeCalling and not bIsSub then
6102       AbortMsg(sSafeCallInvalid);
6103     savedToken := Token;
6104     Next;
6105     Scan;
6106     CheckIdent;
6107     Name := Value;
6108     DoCompilerStatusChange(Format(sNXCProcedure, [Name]));
6109     if bIsSub and (Name = 'main') then
6110       AbortMsg(sMainMustBeTask);
6111     protoexists := False;
6112     Next;
6114     DoCommonFuncProcDecl(protoexists, Name, '', savedToken, #0, AmInlining, fSafeCalling);
6116     if Token = TOK_BEGIN then
6117     begin
6118       Prolog(Name, bIsSub);
6119       MatchString(TOK_BEGIN);
6120       if Name = 'main' then
6121       begin
6122         InitializeGlobalArrays;
6123         InitializeGraphicOutVars;
6124       end;
6125       ClearLocals;
6126       fNestingLevel := 0;
6127       DoLocals(Name);
6128       BlockStatements();
6129       Epilog(bIsSub);
6130       // MatchString(TOK_END) must be after the epilog or process directives
6131       // can be called while still inlining
6132       MatchString(TOK_END);
6133       Scan;
6134     end
6135     else
6136     begin
6137       if protoexists then
6138         Expected(sProtoAlreadyDefined);
6139       Scan;
6140     end;
6141     ClearParams;
6142 //    DecrementInlineDepth;
6143 //    fInlining := False;
6144     fSafeCalling := False;
6145     TopDecls;
6146   end;
6147 end;
6149 procedure TNXCComp.DoCommonFuncProcDecl(var bProtoExists : boolean;
6150   var Name : string; const tname : string;
6151   const tok, dt: char;  bInline, bSafeCall : boolean);
6152 var
6153   procexists : integer;
6154   pltype : integer;
6155   bIsSub : boolean;
6156 begin
6157   bIsSub := tok = TOK_PROCEDURE;
6159 // TODO: move this code after the processing of the formal list of parameters
6160 // so that we can decorate the function name before checking for duplicates
6162   procexists := GlobalIdx(Name);
6163   if procexists <> 0 then begin
6164     if not (GS_Type[procexists] in [TOK_PROCEDURE, TOK_TASK]) then
6165       Duplicate(Name);
6166     if GS_Size[procexists] = 0 then
6167       bProtoExists := True
6168     else
6169       Duplicate(Name);
6170   end
6171   else begin
6172     // define a mutex for this function if safecall
6173     if bIsSub and (SafeCalls or bSafeCall) then
6174       EmitMutexDeclaration(Name);
6175     AddEntry(Name, tok, tname, '', False, bSafeCall);
6176     GS_ReturnType[NumGlobals] := dt;
6177     if (dt <> #0) and (IsArrayType(dt) or IsUDT(dt)) then
6178       AddEntry(Format('__result_%s', [Name]), dt, tname, '');
6179   end;
6181   OpenParen;
6182   if bIsSub then
6183     pltype := FormalList(bProtoExists, Name)
6184   else begin
6185     pltype := 0;
6186     // allow for the possibility that tasks have (void) args
6187     if Value = 'void' then
6188       Next;
6189   end;
6190   CloseParen;
6192   fCurrentThreadName := Name;
6193   fThreadNames.Add(Name);
6195   // allow for "stuff" after the close parenthesis and before either ; or {
6196   Scan;
6197   ProcessDirectives; // just in case there are any in between the ) and the {
6198   // now it has to either be a ; or a {
6199   if not (Token in [TOK_SEMICOLON, TOK_BEGIN]) then
6200     AbortMsg(sInvalidFuncDecl);
6201   if Token = TOK_SEMICOLON then
6202   begin
6203     // this is a function declaration (a prototype) - not a function definition
6204     pltype := 1;
6205     Next;
6206   end;
6207   if Token = TOK_BEGIN then
6208   begin
6209     if pltype = 1 then
6210       AbortMsg(sNotValidForPrototype);
6211     if bProtoExists then
6212       GS_Size[procexists] := 1
6213     else
6214       GS_Size[NumGlobals] := 1;
6215   end;
6216 end;
6218 procedure TNXCComp.FunctionBlock(Name, tname : string; dt: char;
6219   bInline, bSafeCall : boolean);
6220 var
6221   protoexists : boolean;
6222 begin
6223   DoCompilerStatusChange(Format(sNXCFunction, [Name]));
6224   if bInline then
6225     IncrementInlineDepth;
6226   if Name = 'main' then
6227     AbortMsg(sMainMustBeTask);
6228   protoexists := False;
6229   DoCommonFuncProcDecl(protoexists, Name, tname, TOK_PROCEDURE, dt, bInline, bSafeCall);
6230   if Token = TOK_BEGIN then
6231   begin
6232     Prolog(Name, True);
6233     MatchString(TOK_BEGIN);
6234     ClearLocals;
6235     fNestingLevel := 0;
6236     DoLocals(Name);
6237     BlockStatements();
6238     Epilog(True);
6239     // MatchString(TOK_END) must be after the epilog or process directives
6240     // can be called while still inlining
6241     MatchString(TOK_END);
6242     Scan;
6243   end
6244   else
6245   begin
6246     if protoexists then
6247       Expected(sProtoAlreadyDefined);
6248     Scan;
6249   end;
6250   ClearParams;
6251 end;
6253 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
6254 { Initialize }
6256 procedure TNXCComp.Init;
6257 begin
6258   fNoCommaOperator := False;
6259   fProcessingMathAssignment := False;
6260   fInlineDepth := 0;
6261   fLastExpressionOptimizedToConst := False;
6262   fLastLoadedConst := '';
6263   fCurrentLine := '';
6264   totallines := 1;
6265   linenumber := 1;
6266   ClearParams;
6267   fStackDepth   := 0;
6268   MaxStackDepth := 0;
6269   GetChar;
6270   Next;
6271 end;
6273 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
6274 {  Parse and Translate a Program }
6276 procedure TNXCComp.Prog;
6277 begin
6278   Header;
6279   TopDecls;
6281     ProcedureBlock;
6282   Trailer;
6283 end;
6285 { TNXCComp }
6287 constructor TNXCComp.Create;
6288 begin
6289   inherited Create;
6290   fMaxPreprocDepth := 10;
6291   fMaxErrors := 0;
6292   NumGlobals := 0;
6293   endofallsource := False;
6294   fEnhancedFirmware := False;
6295   fFirmwareVersion  := 128; // 1.28 NXT 2.0 firmware
6296   fIgnoreSystemFile := False;
6297   fWarningsOff      := False;
6298   fDD := TDataDefs.Create;
6299   fNamedTypes := TMapList.Create;
6300   fNamedTypes.CaseSensitive := True;
6301   fNamedTypes.Duplicates := dupError;
6302   fDefines := TStringList.Create;
6303   fEmittedLocals := TStringList.Create;
6304   fEmittedLocals.CaseSensitive := True;
6305   fEmittedLocals.Sorted := True;
6306   fLocals := TVariableList.Create;
6307   fParams := TVariableList.Create;
6308   fGlobals := TVariableList.Create;
6309   fFuncParams := TFunctionParameters.Create;
6310   fInlineFunctionStack := TObjectStack.Create;
6311   fInlineFunctions := TInlineFunctions.Create;
6312   fArrayHelpers := TArrayHelperVars.Create;
6313   fTmpAsmLines := TStringList.Create;
6314   fStackVarNames := TStringList.Create;
6315   fNBCSrc := TStringList.Create;
6316   fMS := TMemoryStream.Create;
6317   fMessages := TStringList.Create;
6318   fIncludeDirs := TStringList.Create;
6319   fAPIFunctions := TStringList.Create;
6320   fAPIFunctions.CaseSensitive := True;
6321   fAPIFunctions.Sorted := True;
6322   fAPIStrFunctions := TStringList.Create;
6323   fAPIStrFunctions.CaseSensitive := True;
6324   fAPIStrFunctions.Sorted := True;
6325   fThreadNames := TStringList.Create;
6326   fThreadNames.CaseSensitive := True;
6327   fThreadNames.Sorted := True;
6328   fThreadNames.Duplicates := dupIgnore;
6329   fSwitchFixups := TStringList.Create;
6330   fSwitchRegNames := TStringList.Create;
6331   fSwitchDepth := 0;
6332   fFunctionNameCallStack := TStringList.Create;
6333   fFunctionNameCallStack.CaseSensitive := True;
6334   fConstStringMap := TStringList.Create;
6335   fConstStringMap.CaseSensitive := True;
6336   fConstStringMap.Sorted := True;
6337   fArrayIndexStack := TStringList.Create;
6338   fStructDecls := TStringList.Create;
6339   fInlineStack := TObjectList.Create(false);
6340   fCalc := TNBCExpParser.Create(nil);
6341   fCalc.PascalNumberformat := False;
6342   fCalc.CaseSensitive := True;
6343   fCalc.StandardDefines := True;
6344   fCalc.ExtraDefines := True;
6345   LoadAPIFunctions;
6346   fOptimizeLevel := 0;
6347   Clear;
6348 end;
6350 destructor TNXCComp.Destroy;
6351 begin
6352   FreeAndNil(fDD);
6353   FreeAndNil(fNamedTypes);
6354   FreeAndNil(fDefines);
6355   FreeAndNil(fEmittedLocals);
6356   FreeAndNil(fLocals);
6357   FreeAndNil(fParams);
6358   FreeAndNil(fGlobals);
6359   FreeAndNil(fFuncParams);
6360   FreeAndNil(fInlineFunctionStack);
6361   FreeAndNil(fInlineFunctions);
6362   FreeAndNil(fArrayHelpers);
6363   FreeAndNil(fTmpAsmLines);
6364   FreeAndNil(fStackVarNames);
6365   FreeAndNil(fNBCSrc);
6366   FreeAndNil(fMS);
6367   FreeAndNil(fMessages);
6368   FreeAndNil(fIncludeDirs);
6369   FreeAndNil(fAPIFunctions);
6370   FreeAndNil(fAPIStrFunctions);
6371   FreeAndNil(fFunctionNameCallStack);
6372   FreeAndNil(fConstStringMap);
6373   FreeAndNil(fArrayIndexStack);
6374   FreeAndNil(fStructDecls);
6375   FreeAndNil(fThreadNames);
6376 //  FreeAndNil(fParamNames);
6377   FreeAndNil(fSwitchFixups);
6378   FreeAndNil(fSwitchRegNames);
6379   FreeAndNil(fInlineStack);
6380   FreeAndNil(fCalc);
6381   inherited;
6382 end;
6384 procedure TNXCComp.InternalParseStream;
6385 begin
6386   try
6387     DoCompilerStatusChange(sNXCCompBegin);
6388     DoCompilerStatusChange(Format(sCompileTargets, [FirmwareVersion, BoolToString(EnhancedFirmware)]));
6389     fFuncParams.Clear;
6390     fThreadNames.Clear;
6391     fConstStringMap.Clear;
6392     fGlobals.Clear;
6393     fBadProgram     := False;
6394     fBytesRead      := 0;
6395     fProgErrorCount := 0;
6396     fLastErrLine    := -99;
6397     fLastErrMsg     := '';
6398     fLHSDataType    := #0;
6399     fLHSName        := '';
6400     DoCompilerStatusChange(sNXCPreprocess);
6401     PreProcess;
6402     fMS.Position := 0;
6403     fParenDepth  := 0;
6404     DoCompilerStatusChange(sNXCInitProgram);
6405     Init;
6406     DoCompilerStatusChange(sNXCParseProg);
6407     Prog;
6408     DoCompilerStatusChange(sNXCCodeGenComplete);
6409   except
6410     on E : EAbort do
6411     begin
6412       fBadProgram := True;
6413       // end processing file due to Abort in ReportProblem
6414     end;
6415     on E : EPreprocessorException do
6416     begin
6417       fBadProgram := True;
6418       ReportProblem(E.LineNo, CurrentFile, E.Message, true);
6419     end;
6420     on E : Exception do
6421     begin
6422       fBadProgram := True;
6423       ReportProblem(linenumber, CurrentFile, E.Message, true);
6424     end;
6425   end;
6426 end;
6428 procedure TNXCComp.Parse(aStrings: TStrings);
6429 begin
6430   Clear;
6431   if not IgnoreSystemFile then
6432     LoadSystemFile(fMS);
6433   aStrings.SaveToStream(fMS);
6434   InternalParseStream;
6435 end;
6437 procedure TNXCComp.Parse(aStream: TStream);
6438 begin
6439   Clear;
6440   if not IgnoreSystemFile then
6441     LoadSystemFile(fMS);
6442   fMS.CopyFrom(aStream, 0);
6443   InternalParseStream;
6444 end;
6446 procedure TNXCComp.Parse(const aFilename: string);
6447 var
6448   Stream : TFileStream;
6449 begin
6450   Clear;
6451   if not IgnoreSystemFile then
6452     LoadSystemFile(fMS);
6453   Stream := TFileStream.Create(aFilename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
6454   try
6455     fMS.CopyFrom(Stream, 0);
6456   finally
6457     Stream.Free;
6458   end;
6459   InternalParseStream;
6460 end;
6462 procedure TNXCComp.Clear;
6463 begin
6464   fMS.Clear;
6465   NBCSource.Clear;
6466   fInlineFunctions.Clear;
6467   fArrayHelpers.Clear;
6468   fStructDecls.Clear;
6469   fMessages.Clear;
6470   fTempChar    := ' ';
6471   fLHSDataType := #0;
6472   fLHSName     := '';
6473   LCount       := 0;
6474   ClearLocals;
6475   ClearParams;
6476   ClearGlobals;
6477 end;
6479 {--------------------------------------------------------------}
6480 { Recognize and Translate a break/continue }
6482 procedure TNXCComp.DoBreakContinue(idx : integer; const lbl: string);
6483 var
6484   val : string;
6485 begin
6486   val := APIList[idx];
6487   MatchString(val);
6488 //  Semi;
6489   if lbl <> '' then
6490     Branch(lbl)
6491   else
6492     AbortMsg(Format(sInvalidBreakContinue, [val]));
6493 end;
6495 procedure TNXCComp.DoOnFwdRev;
6496 var
6497   op, arg1 : string;
6498 begin
6499   //OnFwd(ports, pwr)
6500   //OnRev(ports, pwr)
6501   op := Value;
6502   Next;
6503   OpenParen;
6504   // ports
6505   arg1 := GetDecoratedValue;
6506   Next;
6507   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6508   // pwr
6509   BoolExpression;
6510   CloseParen;
6511   EmitLn(Format('%s(%s, %s)',[op, arg1, RegisterName]));
6512 end;
6514 procedure TNXCComp.DoOnFwdRevEx;
6515 var
6516   op, arg1, arg3 : string;
6517 begin
6518   //OnFwdEx(ports, pwr, reset)
6519   //OnRevEx(ports, pwr, reset)
6520   op := Value;
6521   Next;
6522   OpenParen;
6523   // ports
6524   arg1 := GetDecoratedValue;
6525   Next;
6526   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6527   // pwr
6528   BoolExpression;
6529   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6530   // reset
6531   CheckNumeric;
6532   arg3 := Value;
6533   Next;
6534   CloseParen;
6535   EmitLn(Format('%s(%s, %s, %s)',[op, arg1, RegisterName, arg3]));
6536 end;
6538 procedure TNXCComp.DoOnFwdRevReg;
6539 var
6540   op, arg1, svar : string;
6541 begin
6542   //OnFwdReg(ports, pwr, regmode)
6543   //OnRevReg(ports, pwr, regmode)
6544   op := Value;
6545   Next;
6546   OpenParen;
6547   // ports
6548   arg1 := GetDecoratedValue;
6549   Next;
6550   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6551   // pwr
6552   BoolExpression;
6553   push;
6554   svar := tos;
6555   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[svar, RegisterName]));
6556   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6557   // regmode
6558   BoolExpression;
6559   CloseParen;
6560   EmitLn(Format('%s(%s, %s, %s)',[op, arg1, svar, RegisterName]));
6561   pop;
6562 end;
6564 procedure TNXCComp.DoOnFwdRevRegEx;
6565 var
6566   op, arg1, svar, arg4 : string;
6567 begin
6568   //OnFwdRegEx(ports, pwr, regmode, reset)
6569   //OnRevRegEx(ports, pwr, regmode, reset)
6570   op := Value;
6571   Next;
6572   OpenParen;
6573   // ports
6574   arg1 := GetDecoratedValue;
6575   Next;
6576   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6577   // pwr
6578   BoolExpression;
6579   push;
6580   svar := tos;
6581   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[svar, RegisterName]));
6582   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6583   // regmode
6584   BoolExpression;
6585   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6586   // reset
6587   CheckNumeric;
6588   arg4 := Value;
6589   Next;
6590   CloseParen;
6591   EmitLn(Format('%s(%s, %s, %s, %s)',[op, arg1, svar, RegisterName, arg4]));
6592   pop;
6593 end;
6595 procedure TNXCComp.DoOnFwdRevSync;
6596 var
6597   op, ports, pwr : string;
6598 begin
6599   //OnFwdSync(ports, pwr, turnpct)
6600   //OnRevSync(ports, pwr, turnpct)
6601   op := Value;
6602   Next;
6603   OpenParen;
6604   // ports
6605   ports := GetDecoratedValue;
6606   Next;
6607   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6608   // pwr
6609   BoolExpression;
6610   push;
6611   pwr := tos;
6612   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[pwr, RegisterName]));
6613   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6614   // turnpct
6615   BoolExpression;
6616   CloseParen;
6617   EmitLn(Format('%s(%s, %s, %s)',[op, ports, pwr, RegisterName]));
6618   pop;
6619 end;
6621 procedure TNXCComp.DoOnFwdRevSyncEx;
6622 var
6623   op, ports, pwr, arg4 : string;
6624 begin
6625   //OnFwdSyncEx(ports, pwr, turnpct, reset)
6626   //OnRevSyncEx(ports, pwr, turnpct, reset)
6627   op := Value;
6628   Next;
6629   OpenParen;
6630   // ports
6631   ports := GetDecoratedValue;
6632   Next;
6633   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6634   // pwr
6635   BoolExpression;
6636   push;
6637   pwr := tos;
6638   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[pwr, RegisterName]));
6639   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6640   // turnpct
6641   BoolExpression;
6642   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6643   // reset
6644   CheckNumeric;
6645   arg4 := Value;
6646   Next;
6647   CloseParen;
6648   EmitLn(Format('%s(%s, %s, %s, %s)',[op, ports, pwr, RegisterName, arg4]));
6649   pop;
6650 end;
6652 procedure TNXCComp.DoOnFwdRevRegPID;
6653 var
6654   op, arg1, svar, regvar, pvar, ivar : string;
6655 begin
6656   //OnFwdRegPID(ports, pwr, regmode, p, i, d)
6657   //OnRevRegPID(ports, pwr, regmode, p, i, d)
6658   op := Value;
6659   Next;
6660   OpenParen;
6661   // ports
6662   arg1 := GetDecoratedValue;
6663   Next;
6664   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6665   // pwr
6666   BoolExpression;
6667   push;
6668   svar := tos;
6669   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[svar, RegisterName]));
6670   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6671   // regmode
6672   BoolExpression;
6673   push;
6674   regvar := tos;
6675   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[regvar, RegisterName]));
6676   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6677   // p
6678   BoolExpression;
6679   push;
6680   pvar := tos;
6681   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[pvar, RegisterName]));
6682   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6683   // i
6684   BoolExpression;
6685   push;
6686   ivar := tos;
6687   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[ivar, RegisterName]));
6688   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6689   // d
6690   BoolExpression;
6691   CloseParen;
6692   EmitLn(Format('%s(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)',[op, arg1, svar, regvar, pvar, ivar, RegisterName]));
6693   pop;
6694   pop;
6695   pop;
6696   pop;
6697 end;
6699 procedure TNXCComp.DoOnFwdRevRegExPID;
6700 var
6701   op, arg1, svar, arg4, regvar, pvar, ivar : string;
6702 begin
6703   //OnFwdRegExPID(ports, pwr, regmode, reset, p, i, d)
6704   //OnRevRegExPID(ports, pwr, regmode, reset, p, i, d)
6705   op := Value;
6706   Next;
6707   OpenParen;
6708   // ports
6709   arg1 := GetDecoratedValue;
6710   Next;
6711   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6712   // pwr
6713   BoolExpression;
6714   push;
6715   svar := tos;
6716   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[svar, RegisterName]));
6717   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6718   // regmode
6719   BoolExpression;
6720   push;
6721   regvar := tos;
6722   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[regvar, RegisterName]));
6723   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6724   // reset
6725   CheckNumeric;
6726   arg4 := Value;
6727   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6728   // p
6729   BoolExpression;
6730   push;
6731   pvar := tos;
6732   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[pvar, RegisterName]));
6733   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6734   // i
6735   BoolExpression;
6736   push;
6737   ivar := tos;
6738   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[ivar, RegisterName]));
6739   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6740   // d
6741   BoolExpression;
6742   CloseParen;
6743   EmitLn(Format('%s(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)',[op, arg1, svar, regvar, arg4, pvar, ivar, RegisterName]));
6744   pop;
6745   pop;
6746   pop;
6747   pop;
6748 end;
6750 procedure TNXCComp.DoOnFwdRevSyncPID;
6751 var
6752   op, ports, pwr, turnvar, pvar, ivar : string;
6753 begin
6754   //OnFwdSyncPID(ports, pwr, turnpct, p, i, d)
6755   //OnRevSyncPID(ports, pwr, turnpct, p, i, d)
6756   op := Value;
6757   Next;
6758   OpenParen;
6759   // ports
6760   ports := GetDecoratedValue;
6761   Next;
6762   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6763   // pwr
6764   BoolExpression;
6765   push;
6766   pwr := tos;
6767   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[pwr, RegisterName]));
6768   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6769   // turnpct
6770   BoolExpression;
6771   push;
6772   turnvar := tos;
6773   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[turnvar, RegisterName]));
6774   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6775   // p
6776   BoolExpression;
6777   push;
6778   pvar := tos;
6779   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[pvar, RegisterName]));
6780   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6781   // i
6782   BoolExpression;
6783   push;
6784   ivar := tos;
6785   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[ivar, RegisterName]));
6786   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6787   // d
6788   BoolExpression;
6789   CloseParen;
6790   EmitLn(Format('%s(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)',[op, ports, pwr, turnvar, pvar, ivar, RegisterName]));
6791   pop;
6792   pop;
6793   pop;
6794   pop;
6795 end;
6797 procedure TNXCComp.DoOnFwdRevSyncExPID;
6798 var
6799   op, ports, pwr, arg4, turnvar, pvar, ivar : string;
6800 begin
6801   //OnFwdSyncExPID(ports, pwr, turnpct, reset, p, i, d)
6802   //OnRevSyncExPID(ports, pwr, turnpct, reset, p, i, d)
6803   op := Value;
6804   Next;
6805   OpenParen;
6806   // ports
6807   ports := GetDecoratedValue;
6808   Next;
6809   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6810   // pwr
6811   BoolExpression;
6812   push;
6813   pwr := tos;
6814   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[pwr, RegisterName]));
6815   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6816   // turnpct
6817   BoolExpression;
6818   push;
6819   turnvar := tos;
6820   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[turnvar, RegisterName]));
6821   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6822   // reset
6823   CheckNumeric;
6824   arg4 := Value;
6825   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6826   // p
6827   BoolExpression;
6828   push;
6829   pvar := tos;
6830   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[pvar, RegisterName]));
6831   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6832   // i
6833   BoolExpression;
6834   push;
6835   ivar := tos;
6836   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[ivar, RegisterName]));
6837   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6838   // d
6839   BoolExpression;
6840   CloseParen;
6841   EmitLn(Format('%s(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)',[op, ports, pwr, turnvar, arg4, pvar, ivar, RegisterName]));
6842   pop;
6843   pop;
6844   pop;
6845   pop;
6846 end;
6848 procedure TNXCComp.DoRotateMotors(idx: integer);
6849 var
6850   op, ports, pwr, angle, turnpct, bsync, bstop, p, i : string;
6851 begin
6852   //RotateMotor(ports, pwr, angle)
6853   //RotateMotorEx(ports, pwr, angle, turnpct, bSync, bStop)
6854   //RotateMotorPID(ports, pwr, angle, p, i, d)
6855   //RotateMotorExPID(ports, pwr, angle, turnpct, bSync, bStop, p, i, d)
6856   op := Value;
6857   Next;
6858   OpenParen;
6859   // ports
6860   ports := GetDecoratedValue;
6861   Next;
6862   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6863   // power
6864   BoolExpression;
6865   push;
6866   pwr := tos;
6867   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[pwr, RegisterName]));
6868   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6869   // angle
6870   BoolExpression;
6871   if idx = API_ROTATEMOTOR then
6872   begin
6873     // RotateMotor
6874     CloseParen;
6875     EmitLn(Format('%s(%s, %s, %s)', [op, ports, pwr, RegisterName]))
6876   end
6877   else if idx = API_ROTATEMOTORPID then
6878   begin
6879     // RotateMotorPID
6880     push;
6881     angle := tos;
6882     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[angle, RegisterName]));
6883     MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6884     // P
6885     BoolExpression;
6886     push;
6887     p := tos;
6888     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[p, RegisterName]));
6889     MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6890     // I
6891     BoolExpression;
6892     push;
6893     i := tos;
6894     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[i, RegisterName]));
6895     MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6896     // D
6897     BoolExpression;
6898     CloseParen;
6899     EmitLn(Format('%s(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', [op, ports, pwr, angle, p, i, RegisterName]));
6900     pop;
6901     pop;
6902     pop;
6903   end
6904   else
6905   begin
6906     // RotateMotorEx or RotateMotorExPID
6907     push;
6908     angle := tos;
6909     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[angle, RegisterName]));
6910     MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6911     // turn pct
6912     BoolExpression;
6913     push;
6914     turnpct := tos;
6915     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[turnpct, RegisterName]));
6916     MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6917     // bsync
6918     BoolExpression;
6919     push;
6920     bsync := tos;
6921     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[bsync, RegisterName]));
6922     MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6923     // bStop
6924     BoolExpression;
6925     if idx = API_ROTATEMOTOREX then
6926     begin
6927       CloseParen;
6928       EmitLn(Format('%s(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', [op, ports, pwr, angle, turnpct, bsync, RegisterName]));
6929     end
6930     else
6931     begin
6932       // RotateMotorExPID
6933       push;
6934       bstop := tos;
6935       EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[bstop, RegisterName]));
6936       MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6937       // P
6938       BoolExpression;
6939       push;
6940       p := tos;
6941       EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[p, RegisterName]));
6942       MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6943       // I
6944       BoolExpression;
6945       push;
6946       i := tos;
6947       EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[i, RegisterName]));
6948       MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
6949       // D
6950       BoolExpression;
6951       CloseParen;
6952       EmitLn(Format('%s(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', [op, ports, pwr, angle, turnpct, bsync, bstop, p, i, RegisterName]));
6953       pop;
6954       pop;
6955       pop;
6956     end;
6957     pop;
6958     pop;
6959     pop;
6960   end;
6961   pop;
6962 end;
6964 procedure TNXCComp.DoAcquireRelease;
6965 var
6966   op, val : string;
6967 begin
6968  // Acquire(mutex);
6969  // Release(mutex);
6970   op := LowerCase(Value);
6971   Next;
6972   OpenParen;
6973   // mutex
6974   val := GetDecoratedValue;
6975   CheckIdent;
6976   CheckGlobal(val); // mutex must be a global variable
6977   if DataType(val) <> TOK_MUTEXDEF then
6978     Expected(sMutexType);
6979   Next;
6980   CloseParen;
6981   EmitLn(op + ' ' + val);
6982 end;
6984 procedure TNXCComp.DoPrecedesFollows;
6985 var
6986   op, val : string;
6987 begin
6988   // Precedes(x, y, z, ...);
6989   // Follows(x, y, z);
6990   op := LowerCase(Value);
6991   Next;
6992   OpenParen;
6993   val := Value;
6994   CheckIdent;
6995   CheckGlobal(val); // task names must be global
6996   if DataType(val) <> TOK_TASK then
6997     Expected(sTaskName);
6998   Next;
6999   while Value = TOK_COMMA do
7000   begin
7001     val := val + Value; // the comma
7002     Next;
7003     CheckIdent;
7004     CheckGlobal(Value);
7005     val := val + ' ' + Value; // the next value
7006     Next;
7007   end;
7008   CloseParen;
7009   EmitLn(op + ' ' + val);
7010 end;
7012 procedure TNXCComp.DoExitTo;
7013 var
7014   op, val : string;
7015 begin
7016   // ExitTo(task);
7017   op := LowerCase(Value);
7018   Next;
7019   OpenParen;
7020   // task
7021   val := Value;
7022   CheckIdent;
7023   CheckGlobal(val); // must be global name
7024   if DataType(val) <> TOK_TASK then
7025     Expected(sTaskName);
7026   Next;
7027   CloseParen;
7028   EmitLn(op + ' ' + val);
7029 end;
7031 procedure TNXCComp.DoStop;
7032 begin
7033   // Stop(stop?);
7034   Next;
7035   OpenParen;
7036   // stop?
7037   BoolExpression;
7038   CloseParen;
7039   EmitLn(Format('stop %s',[RegisterName]));
7040 end;
7042 procedure TNXCComp.DoGoto;
7043 begin
7044   // goto labelName;
7045   Next;
7046   // labelName
7047   CheckIdent;
7048   Branch(Value);
7049 //  EmitLn(Format('jmp %s',[Value]));
7050   Next;
7051 end;
7053 procedure TNXCComp.DoSetInputOutput(const idx: integer);
7054 var
7055   port, pchk, field, val, asmstr : string;
7056   i, cnt, iport : integer;
7057 begin
7058   // SetInput(port, field, value)
7059   // SetOutput(ports, field, value [, field, value, ...])
7060   Next;
7061   OpenParen;
7062   // port
7063   port := GetDecoratedValue;
7064   Next;
7065   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
7066   // field
7067   CheckNumeric;
7068   field := Value;
7069   Next;
7070   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
7071   // value
7072   BoolExpression;
7073   if idx = API_SETINPUT then
7074   begin
7075     // SetInput
7076     CloseParen;
7077     EmitLn(Format('setin %s, %s, %s', [RegisterName, port, field]));
7078   end
7079   else
7080   begin
7081     // setout can take additional optional field/value pairs
7082     cnt := 0;
7083     pchk := port;
7084     if idx = API_SETOUTPUT then
7085     begin
7086       iport := StrToIntDef(port, 0);
7087       case iport of
7088         OUT_AB  : port := '__OUT_AB';
7089         OUT_AC  : port := '__OUT_AC';
7090         OUT_BC  : port := '__OUT_BC';
7091         OUT_ABC : port := '__OUT_ABC';
7092       end;
7093     end;
7094     asmstr := Format('setout %s, %s', [port, field]);
7095     while (Token = TOK_COMMA) and not endofallsource do
7096     begin
7097       inc(cnt);
7098       push;
7099       val := tos;
7100       EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s',[val, RegisterName]));
7101       Next;
7102       // field
7103       CheckNumeric;
7104       field := Value;
7105       Next;
7106       MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
7107       // value
7108       BoolExpression;
7109       asmstr := asmstr + Format(', %s, %s', [val, field]);
7110     end;
7111     CloseParen;
7112     asmstr := asmstr + Format(', %s', [RegisterName]);
7113     EmitLn(Format('compif EQ, isconst(%s), FALSE', [pchk]));
7114     EmitLn(asmstr);
7115     EmitLn('compelse');
7116     EmitLn(Format('compchk LT, %s, 0x07', [pchk]));
7117     EmitLn(Format('compchk GTEQ, %s, 0x00', [pchk]));
7118     EmitLn(asmstr);
7119     EmitLn('compend');
7120     for i := 0 to cnt - 1 do
7121       pop;
7122   end;
7123 end;
7125 procedure TNXCComp.DoReturn;
7126 var
7127   rdt : char;
7128   idx : integer;
7129   bFuncStyle : boolean;
7130 begin
7131   // return
7132   idx := GlobalIdx(fCurrentThreadName);
7133   if GS_Type[idx] <> TOK_PROCEDURE then
7134     AbortMsg(sReturnInvalid);
7135   rdt := FunctionReturnType(fCurrentThreadName);
7136   Next;
7137   // leave return value on "stack"
7138   if rdt = TOK_STRINGDEF then
7139   begin
7140     bFuncStyle := Token = TOK_OPENPAREN;
7141     if bFuncStyle then
7142       Next;
7143     StringExpression('');
7144     if bFuncStyle then
7145       Next;
7146   end
7147   else if IsUDT(rdt) or IsArrayType(rdt) then
7148   begin
7149     // currently this code only supports returning a variable for UDTs or Arrays
7150     // TODO : add support for an array or UDT expression
7151     bFuncStyle := Token = TOK_OPENPAREN;
7152     if bFuncStyle then
7153       Next;
7154     fLHSDataType := rdt;
7155     fLHSName := Format('__result_%s',[fCurrentThreadName]);
7156     try
7157       NumericFactor;
7158     finally
7159       fLHSDataType := TOK_LONGDEF;
7160       fLHSName := '';
7161     end;
7162 {
7163     // 2008-12-14 JCH - needed the decorated value rather than just Value
7164     EmitLn(Format('mov __result_%s, %s',[fCurrentThreadName, GetDecoratedValue]));
7165     // 2008-12-14 JCH The next line fixes a bug where parser gets out
7166     // of sync with the end of the return statement
7167     Next; // move to the ')' or ';'
7168 }
7169     if bFuncStyle then
7170       Next;
7171   end
7172   else if rdt <> #0 then
7173   begin
7174     CommaExpression;
7175     MoveToCorrectRegister(rdt);
7176   end;
7177 //  Semi;
7178   EmitLn('return');
7179 end;
7181 procedure TNXCComp.DoResetCounters;
7182 var
7183   op, arg1 : string;
7184 begin
7185   // ResetTachoCount(ports)
7186   // ResetBlockTachoCount(ports)
7187   // ResetRotationCount(ports)
7188   // ResetAllTachoCounts(ports)
7189   op := Value;
7190   Next;
7191   OpenParen;
7192   // ports
7193   arg1 := GetDecoratedValue;
7194   Next;
7195   CloseParen;
7196   EmitLn(op + TOK_OPENPAREN + arg1 + TOK_CLOSEPAREN);
7197 end;
7199 procedure TNXCComp.DoStopMotors;
7200 var
7201   op, arg1 : string;
7202 begin
7203   // Off(ports)
7204   // Coast(ports)
7205   // Float(ports)
7206   op := Value;
7207   Next;
7208   OpenParen;
7209   // ports
7210   arg1 := GetDecoratedValue;
7211   Next;
7212   CloseParen;
7213   EmitLn(op + TOK_OPENPAREN + arg1 + TOK_CLOSEPAREN);
7214 end;
7216 procedure TNXCComp.DoStopMotorsEx;
7217 var
7218   op, arg1, arg2 : string;
7219 begin
7220   // OffEx(ports, reset)
7221   // CoastEx(ports, reset)
7222   op := Value;
7223   Next;
7224   OpenParen;
7225   // ports
7226   arg1 := GetDecoratedValue;
7227   Next;
7228   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
7229   // reset
7230   CheckNumeric;
7231   arg2 := Value;
7232   Next;
7233   CloseParen;
7234   EmitLn(Format('%s(%s, %s)', [op, arg1, arg2]));
7235 end;
7237 procedure TNXCComp.PreProcess;
7238 var
7239   P : TLangPreprocessor;
7240   i, idx : integer;
7241   tmpFile, tmpMsg : string;
7242 begin
7243   P := TLangPreprocessor.Create(GetPreProcLexerClass, ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)), lnNXC, MaxPreprocessorDepth);
7244   try
7245     P.OnPreprocessorStatusChange := HandlePreprocStatusChange;
7246     P.AddPoundLineToMultiLineMacros := True;
7247     P.Defines.AddDefines(Defines);
7248     if EnhancedFirmware then
7249       P.Defines.Define('__ENHANCED_FIRMWARE');
7250     P.Defines.AddEntry('__FIRMWARE_VERSION', IntToStr(FirmwareVersion));
7251     P.AddIncludeDirs(IncludeDirs);
7252     if not IgnoreSystemFile then
7253     begin
7254       P.SkipIncludeFile('NBCCommon.h');
7255       P.SkipIncludeFile('NXCDefs.h');
7256     end;
7257     P.Preprocess(CurrentFile, fMS);
7258     for i := 0 to P.Warnings.Count - 1 do
7259     begin
7260       tmpMsg := P.Warnings.ValueFromIndex[i];
7261       idx := Pos('|', tmpMsg);
7262       tmpFile := Copy(tmpMsg, 1, idx-1);
7263       Delete(tmpMsg, 1, idx);
7264       ReportProblem(StrToIntDef(P.Warnings.Names[i], 0), tmpFile, tmpMsg, false);
7265     end;
7266   finally
7267     P.Free;
7268   end;
7269 end;
7271 procedure TNXCComp.ProcessDirectives(bScan : boolean);
7272 begin
7273   while Token = TOK_DIRECTIVE do
7274   begin
7275     // look for #line statements
7276     if LowerCase(Value) = '#line' then
7277     begin
7278       SkipDirectiveLine;
7279       HandlePoundLine;
7280       Next(False);
7281     end
7282     else
7283     begin
7284       SkipDirectiveLine;
7285       Next(False);
7286     end;
7287     EmitPoundLine;
7288     EmitLnNoTab(Trim(fDirLine));
7289 //    EmitLn(Trim(fDirLine));
7290     if bScan then
7291       Scan;
7292   end;
7293 end;
7295 procedure TNXCComp.HandlePoundLine;
7296 var
7297   i : integer;
7298   tmpLine, tmpFile : string;
7299 begin
7300   i := Pos('#line ', fDirLine);
7301   if i = 1 then
7302   begin
7303     // this is a special preprocessor line
7304     tmpLine := Trim(fDirLine);
7305     Delete(tmpLine, 1, 6);
7306     i := Pos(' ', tmpLine);
7307     linenumber{[slevel]} := StrToIntDef(Copy(tmpLine, 1, i - 1), linenumber{[slevel]});
7308     IncLineNumber;
7309     Delete(tmpLine, 1, i);
7310     tmpFile      := Replace(tmpLine, '"', '');
7311     CurrentFile  := tmpFile;
7312   end;
7313 end;
7315 procedure TNXCComp.IncLineNumber;
7316 begin
7317   linenumber := linenumber + 1;
7318   inc(totallines);
7319 end;
APIFuncNameToIDnull7321 function TNXCComp.APIFuncNameToID(procname: string): integer;
7322 begin
7323   Result := StrToIntDef(fAPIFunctions.Values[procname], -1);
7324 end;
APIStrFuncNameToIDnull7326 function TNXCComp.APIStrFuncNameToID(procname: string): integer;
7327 begin
7328   Result := StrToIntDef(fAPIStrFunctions.Values[procname], -1);
7329 end;
IsAPIFuncnull7331 function TNXCComp.IsAPIFunc(procname: string): boolean;
7332 begin
7333   Result := fAPIFunctions.IndexOfName(procname) <> -1;
7334 end;
IsAPIStrFuncnull7336 function TNXCComp.IsAPIStrFunc(procname: string): boolean;
7337 begin
7338   Result := fAPIStrFunctions.IndexOfName(procname) <> -1;
7339 end;
7341 procedure TNXCComp.AddAPIFunction(const name: string; id: integer);
7342 begin
7343   fAPIFunctions.Add(name + '=' + IntToStr(id));
7344 end;
7346 procedure TNXCComp.AddAPIStringFunction(const name: string; id: integer);
7347 begin
7348   fAPIStrFunctions.Add(name + '=' + IntToStr(id));
7349 end;
tosnull7351 function TNXCComp.tos : string;
7352 begin
7353   Result := fStackVarNames[fStackVarNames.Count - 1];
7354   // set statement type based on type on top of stack
7355   if Pos('__float_stack_', Result) <> 0 then
7356     StatementType := stFloat
7357   else if (Pos('__signed_stack_', Result) <> 0) and (StatementType <> stFloat) then
7358     StatementType := stSigned;
7359 {
7360   if fStatementType = stFloat then
7361     Result := Format('__float_stack_%3.3d%s', [fStackDepth, fCurrentThreadName])
7362   else if fStatementType = stUnsigned then
7363     Result := Format('__unsigned_stack_%3.3d%s', [fStackDepth, fCurrentThreadName])
7364   else
7365     Result := Format('__signed_stack_%3.3d%s', [fStackDepth, fCurrentThreadName]);
7366 }
7367 end;
TempSignedByteNamenull7369 function TNXCComp.TempSignedByteName: string;
7370 begin
7371   Result := Format('__tmpsbyte%s', [fCurrentThreadName]);
7372 end;
TempSignedWordNamenull7374 function TNXCComp.TempSignedWordName: string;
7375 begin
7376   Result := Format('__tmpsword%s', [fCurrentThreadName]);
7377 end;
TempSignedLongNamenull7379 function TNXCComp.TempSignedLongName: string;
7380 begin
7381   Result := Format('__tmpslong%s', [fCurrentThreadName]);
7382 end;
TempUnsignedLongNamenull7384 function TNXCComp.TempUnsignedLongName: string;
7385 begin
7386   Result := Format('__tmplong%s', [fCurrentThreadName]);
7387 end;
TempFloatNamenull7389 function TNXCComp.TempFloatName: string;
7390 begin
7391   Result := Format('__tmpfloat%s', [fCurrentThreadName]);
7392 end;
RegisterNameByStatementTypenull7394 function TNXCComp.RegisterNameByStatementType(st : TStatementType; name : string = '') : string;
7395 begin
7396   if fUDTOnStack <> '' then
7397   begin
7398     Result := fUDTOnStack;
7399     fUDTOnStack := ''; // once it has been used it is removed from the stack
7400   end
7401   else
7402   begin
7403     if st = stFloat then
7404       Result := FloatRegisterName(name)
7405     else if st = stUnsigned then
7406       Result := UnsignedRegisterName(name)
7407     else
7408     Result := SignedRegisterName(name);
7409   end;
7410 end;
RegisterNamenull7412 function TNXCComp.RegisterName(name : string): string;
7413 begin
7414   if fUDTOnStack <> '' then
7415   begin
7416     Result := fUDTOnStack;
7417     fUDTOnStack := ''; // once it has been used it is removed from the stack
7418   end
7419   else
7420   begin
7421     if fStatementType = stFloat then
7422       Result := FloatRegisterName(name)
7423     else if fStatementType = stUnsigned then
7424       Result := UnsignedRegisterName(name)
7425     else
7426     Result := SignedRegisterName(name);
7427   end;
7428 end;
SignedRegisterNamenull7430 function TNXCComp.SignedRegisterName(name: string): string;
7431 begin
7432   if name = '' then
7433     name := fCurrentThreadName;
7434   Result := Format('__D0%s',[name]);
7435 end;
UnsignedRegisterNamenull7437 function TNXCComp.UnsignedRegisterName(name: string): string;
7438 begin
7439   if name = '' then
7440     name := fCurrentThreadName;
7441   Result := Format('__DU0%s',[name]);
7442 end;
FloatRegisterNamenull7444 function TNXCComp.FloatRegisterName(name: string): string;
7445 begin
7446   if name = '' then
7447     name := fCurrentThreadName;
7448   Result := Format('__DF0%s',[name]);
7449 end;
ZeroFlagnull7451 function TNXCComp.ZeroFlag: string;
7452 begin
7453   Result := Format('__zf%s', [fCurrentThreadName]);
7454 end;
StrTmpBufNamenull7456 function TNXCComp.StrTmpBufName(name : string): string;
7457 begin
7458   if name = '' then
7459     name := fCurrentThreadName;
7460   Result := Format('__strtmpbuf%s', [name]);
7461 end;
StrBufNamenull7463 function TNXCComp.StrBufName(name : string): string;
7464 begin
7465   if name = '' then
7466     name := fCurrentThreadName;
7467   Result := Format('__strbuf%s', [name]);
7468 end;
StrRetValNamenull7470 function TNXCComp.StrRetValName(name : string): string;
7471 begin
7472   if name = '' then
7473     name := fCurrentThreadName;
7474   Result := Format('__strretval%s', [name]);
7475 end;
7477 procedure TNXCComp.EmitRegisters;
7478 var
7479   j, k, idx, LastRegIdx : integer;
7480   f : TInlineFunction;
7481   H : TArrayHelperVar;
7482   dt : Char;
7483   name, tname : string;
7484   function EmitFmt(const idx : integer) : string;
7485   begin
7486     Result := REGVARS_ARRAY[idx] + ' ' + REGVARTYPES_ARRAY[idx];
7487   end;
7488 begin
7489   LastRegIdx := High(REGVARS_ARRAY);
7490   if FirmwareVersion < MIN_FW_VER2X then
7491     dec(LastRegIdx, 2);
7492   for j := 0 to fArrayHelpers.Count - 1 do
7493   begin
7494     H  := fArrayHelpers[j];
7495     dt := H.DataType;
7496     name  := H.Name;
7497     tname := GlobalTypeName(name);
7498     AllocateHelper(name, DataTypeToArrayDimensions(dt), '', tname, dt);
7499   end;
7500   for j := 0 to fThreadNames.Count - 1 do
7501   begin
7502     name := fThreadNames[j];
7503     if fInlineFunctions.IndexOfName(name) = -1 then
7504     begin
7505       for idx := Low(REGVARS_ARRAY) to LastRegIdx do
7506         EmitLn(Format(EmitFmt(idx), [name]));
7507       dt := FunctionReturnType(name);
7508       if IsUDT(dt) or IsArrayType(dt) then
7509       begin
7510         tname := GlobalTypeName(name);
7511         AllocateHelper(Format('__result_%s', [name]), DataTypeToArrayDimensions(dt), '', tname, dt);
7512       end;
7513     end;
7514   end;
7515   for j := 0 to fInlineFunctions.Count - 1 do
7516   begin
7517     f := fInlineFunctions[j];
7518     for k := 0 to f.Callers.Count - 1 do
7519     begin
7520       name := InlineName(f.Callers[k], f.Name);
7521       for idx := Low(REGVARS_ARRAY) to LastRegIdx do
7522         EmitLn(Format(EmitFmt(idx), [name]));
7523       dt := FunctionReturnType(f.Name);
7524       if IsUDT(dt) or IsArrayType(dt) then
7525       begin
7526         tname := GlobalTypeName(f.Name);
7527         AllocateHelper(Format('__result_%s', [name]), DataTypeToArrayDimensions(dt), '', tname, dt);
7528       end;
7529     end;
7530   end;
7531 end;
7533 procedure TNXCComp.EmitStackVariables;
7534 var
7535   i, j, k : integer;
7536   f : TInlineFunction;
7537   name : string;
7538 begin
7539   for j := 0 to fThreadNames.Count - 1 do
7540   begin
7541     name := fThreadNames[j];
7542     if fInlineFunctions.IndexOfName(name) = -1 then
7543     begin
7544       for i := 1 to MaxStackDepth do begin
7545         EmitLn(Format('__signed_stack_%3.3d%s slong', [i, name]));
7546       end;
7547       for i := 1 to MaxStackDepth do begin
7548         EmitLn(Format('__unsigned_stack_%3.3d%s long', [i, name]));
7549       end;
7550       if FirmwareVersion >= MIN_FW_VER2X then
7551       begin
7552         for i := 1 to MaxStackDepth do begin
7553           EmitLn(Format('__float_stack_%3.3d%s float', [i, name]));
7554         end;
7555       end;
7556     end;
7557   end;
7558   for j := 0 to fInlineFunctions.Count - 1 do
7559   begin
7560     f := fInlineFunctions[j];
7561     for k := 0 to f.Callers.Count - 1 do
7562     begin
7563       name := InlineName(f.Callers[k], f.Name);
7564       for i := 1 to MaxStackDepth do begin
7565         EmitLn(Format('__signed_stack_%3.3d%s slong', [i, name]));
7566       end;
7567       for i := 1 to MaxStackDepth do begin
7568         EmitLn(Format('__unsigned_stack_%3.3d%s long', [i, name]));
7569       end;
7570       if FirmwareVersion >= MIN_FW_VER2X then
7571       begin
7572         for i := 1 to MaxStackDepth do begin
7573           EmitLn(Format('__float_stack_%3.3d%s float', [i, name]));
7574         end;
7575       end;
7576     end;
7577   end;
7578 end;
7580 const
7581   APISF_NUMTOSTR   = 0;
7582   APISF_STRCAT     = 1;
7583   APISF_SUBSTR     = 2;
7584   APISF_FLATTEN    = 3;
7586   APISF_FORMATNUM  = 5;
7588 procedure TNXCComp.StringFunction(const Name : string);
7589 var
7590   id : integer;
7591   op : string;
7592 begin
7593   id := APIStrFuncNameToID(Name);
7594   case id of
7596       OpenParen;
7597       BoolExpression;
7598       CloseParen;
7599       if id = APISF_NUMTOSTR then
7600         op := 'numtostr'
7601       else
7602         op := 'flatten';
7603       EmitLn(Format('%s %s, %s', [op, StrRetValName, RegisterName]));
7604     end;
7605     APISF_STRCAT : DoStrCat;
7606     APISF_SUBSTR : DoSubString;
7607     APISF_STRREPLACE : DoStrReplace;
7608     APISF_FORMATNUM : DoFormatNum;
7609   else
7610     AbortMsg(Format(sNotAnAPIStrFunc, [Name]));
7611   end;
7612 end;
7614 procedure TNXCComp.DoStrReplace;
7615 var
7616   str, strnew, idx : string;
7617 begin
7618   // StrReplace(string, idx, strnew)
7619   OpenParen;
7620   // string
7621   StringExpression('');
7622   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [StrTmpBufName, StrBufName]));
7623   str := StrTmpBufName;
7624   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
7625   // idx
7626   BoolExpression;
7627   push;
7628   idx := tos;
7629   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [idx, RegisterName]));
7630   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
7631   // strnew
7632   StringExpression('');
7633   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [StrRetValName, StrBufName]));
7634   strnew := StrRetValName;
7635   CloseParen;
7636   // strip the null from the replacement string so that it doesn't embed a null
7637   // in the middle of the output string
7638   EmitLn(Format('strtoarr %s, %s', [StrBufName, strnew]));
7639   EmitLn(Format('strreplace %s, %s, %s, %s', [StrRetValName, str, idx, StrBufName]));
7640   pop;
7641 end;
7643 procedure TNXCComp.DoStrCat;
7644 var
7645   asmStr : string;
7646 begin
7647   // StrCat(str1, str2, ..., strN)
7648   OpenParen;
7649   asmstr := Format('strcat %s, ', [StrRetValName]) + StrCatHelper('', ',');
7650   CloseParen;
7651   EmitLn(asmStr);
7652 end;
TNXCComp.StrCatHelpernull7654 function TNXCComp.StrCatHelper(const oldasmstr : string; recurseToken : Char) : string;
7655 var
7656   AHV : TArrayHelperVar;
7657   aval : string;
7658 begin
7659   StringExpression('');
7660   AHV := fArrayHelpers.GetHelper(fCurrentThreadName, '', TOK_ARRAYBYTEDEF);
7661   try
7662     aval := AHV.Name;
7663     if fGlobals.IndexOfName(aval) = -1 then
7664       AddEntry(aval, TOK_ARRAYBYTEDEF, '', '');
7665     // move result of string expression to newly allocated temporary variable
7666     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [aval, StrBufName]));
7667     if Token = recurseToken then
7668     begin
7669        Next; // skip past the recurse token (comma or + depending on the context)
7670        Result := oldasmstr + StrCatHelper(aval + ', ', ',');
7671     end
7672     else
7673        Result := oldasmstr + aval;
7674   finally
7675     fArrayHelpers.ReleaseHelper(AHV);
7676   end;
7677 end;
7679 procedure TNXCComp.DoSubString;
7680 var
7681   str, idx : string;
7682 begin
7683   // SubStr(string, idx, len)
7684   OpenParen;
7685   // string
7686   StringExpression('');
7687   str := StrBufName;
7688   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
7689   // idx
7690   BoolExpression;
7691   push;
7692   idx := tos;
7693   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [idx, RegisterName]));
7694   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
7695   // len
7696   BoolExpression;
7697   CloseParen;
7698   EmitLn(Format('strsubset %s, %s, %s, %s', [StrRetValName, str, idx, RegisterName]));
7699   pop;
7700 end;
7702 const
7703   APIF_ABS              = 0;
7704   APIF_SIGN             = 1;
7705   APIF_RANDOM           = 2;
7706   APIF_GETINPUT         = 3;
7707   APIF_GETOUTPUT        = 4;
7708   APIF_RESETSCREEN      = 7;
7709   APIF_TEXTOUT          = 8;
7710   APIF_NUMOUT           = 9;
7711   APIF_PLAYTONEEX       = 12;
7712   APIF_PLAYFILEEX       = 13;
7713   APIF_BUTTONPRESSED    = 18;
7714   APIF_BUTTONCOUNT      = 19;
7715   APIF_READBUTTONEX     = 20;
7716   APIF_DRAWPOINT        = 22;
7717   APIF_DRAWLINE         = 23;
7718   APIF_DRAWCIRCLE       = 24;
7719   APIF_DRAWRECT         = 25;
7720   APIF_DRAWGRAPHIC      = 26;
7721   APIF_DRAWGRAPHICEX    = 27;
7722   APIF_STRTONUM         = 31;
7723   APIF_STRLEN           = 32;
7724   APIF_STRINDEX         = 33;
7725   APIF_ASM              = 34;
7726   APIF_DRAWGRAPHICAR    = 35;
7728   APIF_DRAWPOLY         = 37;
7729   APIF_DRAWELLIPSE      = 38;
7730   APIF_FONTTEXTOUT      = 39;
7731   APIF_FONTNUMOUT       = 40;
7732 //  APIF_SIZEOF           = 41;
7734 procedure TNXCComp.DoCallAPIFunc(procname: string);
7735 var
7736   arg, parg, op, asmStr : string;
7737   id : integer;
7738   dt : char;
7739 begin
7740   fCCSet := False;
7741   ResetStatementType;
7742   id := APIFuncNameToID(procname);
7743   case id of
7744     APIF_ASM : begin
7745       dt := #0;
7746       DoAsm(dt);
7747       fSemiColonRequired := True;
7748     end;
7749     APIF_RANDOM : begin
7750       OpenParen;
7751       if Value = TOK_CLOSEPAREN then
7752       begin
7753         CloseParen;
7754         EmitLn(Format('SignedRandom(%0:s)', [RegisterName]));
7755       end
7756       else
7757       begin
7758         BoolExpression;
7759         CloseParen;
7760         EmitLn(Format('Random(%0:s, %0:s)', [RegisterName]));
7761       end;
7762     end;
7763     APIF_ABS, APIF_SIGN :
7764     begin
7765       OpenParen;
7766       BoolExpression;
7767       CloseParen;
7768       case id of
7769         APIF_ABS : asmStr := 'abs %0:s, %0:s';
7770         APIF_SIGN : asmStr := 'sign %0:s, %0:s';
7771       end;
7772       EmitLn(Format(asmStr, [RegisterName]));
7773     end;
7775     begin
7776       // GetInput(port, field)
7777       // GetOutput(port, field)
7778       OpenParen;
7779       // port
7780       parg := GetDecoratedValue;
7781       Next;
7782       MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
7783       // field
7784       CheckNumeric;
7785       arg := Value;
7786       Next;
7787       CloseParen;
7788       case id of
7789         APIF_GETINPUT  : op := 'getin';
7790         APIF_GETOUTPUT : op := 'getout';
7791       end;
7792       EmitLn(Format('%s %s, %s, %s', [op, RegisterName, parg, arg]));
7793     end;
7794     APIF_RESETSCREEN : DoResetScreen;
7795     APIF_TEXTOUT, APIF_NUMOUT : DoTextNumOut(id);
7796     APIF_PLAYTONEEX : DoPlayToneEx;
7797     APIF_PLAYFILEEX : DoPlayFileEx;
7799     APIF_DRAWPOINT : DoDrawPoint;
7800     APIF_DRAWLINE, APIF_DRAWRECT : DoDrawLineRect(id);
7801     APIF_DRAWCIRCLE : DoDrawCircle;
7805     APIF_DRAWGRAPHICAREX : DoDrawGraphic(id);
7806     APIF_STRTONUM : DoStrToNum;
7807     APIF_STRLEN : DoStrLen;
7808     APIF_STRINDEX : DoStrIndex;
7809     APIF_DRAWPOLY : DoDrawPoly;
7810     APIF_DRAWELLIPSE : DoDrawEllipse;
7812 //    APIF_SIZEOF : DoSizeOf;
7813   else
7814     AbortMsg(Format(sNotAnAPIFunc, [procname]));
7815   end;
7816 end;
7818 (*
7819 procedure TNXCComp.DoSizeOf;
7820 var
7821   val : integer;
7822   arg, savedval : string;
7823   savedtok : Char;
7824 begin
7825   // sizeof(var or type)
7826   OpenParen;
7827   Scan;
7828   arg := '';
7829   savedtok := #0;
7830   while Token <> TOK_CLOSEPAREN do begin
7831     // unsigned and const do not change the type size so skip them
7832     if not (Token in [TOK_CONST, TOK_UNSIGNED]) then
7833     begin
7834       savedval := Value;
7835       savedtok := Token;
7836       arg := arg + Value + ' ';
7837       if Token = TOK_IDENTIFIER then
7838         Break;
7839     end;
7840     Next;
7841     Scan;
7842   end;
7843   arg := Trim(arg);
7844   if savedtok := TOK_IDENTIFIER then
7845   begin
7846     // first look up the type from the variable name
7847   end
7848   else
7849   begin
7850     // get type from type name
7851   end;
7853   //?????????
7854   CloseParen;
7855   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [RegisterName, IntToStr(val)]));
7856 end;
7857 *)
7859 procedure TNXCComp.DoStrIndex;
7860 var
7861   arg : string;
7862 begin
7863   // StrIndex(string, idx)
7864   OpenParen;
7865   // string
7866   StringExpression('');
7867   arg := StrBufName;
7868   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
7869   // idx
7870   BoolExpression;
7871   CloseParen;
7872   EmitLn(Format('strindex %0:s, %s, %0:s',[RegisterName, arg]));
7873 end;
7875 procedure TNXCComp.DoStrLen;
7876 var
7877   arg : string;
7878 begin
7879   // StrLen(string)
7880   OpenParen;
7881   // string
7882   StringExpression('');
7883   arg := StrBufName;
7884   CloseParen;
7885   EmitLn(Format('strlen %s, %s', [RegisterName, arg]));
7886 end;
7888 procedure TNXCComp.DoStrToNum;
7889 var
7890   arg : string;
7891 begin
7892   // StrToNum(string)
7893   OpenParen;
7894   // string
7895   StringExpression('');
7896   arg := StrBufName;
7897   CloseParen;
7898   push;
7899   EmitLn(Format('strtonum %0:s, %s, %s, NA, NA', [RegisterName, tos, arg]));
7900   pop;
7901 end;
7903 procedure TNXCComp.DoResetScreen;
7904 begin
7905   OpenParen;
7906   CloseParen;
7907   EmitLn('acquire __SSMArgsMutex');
7908   EmitLn('set __SSMArgs.ScreenMode, 0');
7909   EmitLn('syscall SetScreenMode, __SSMArgs');
7910   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, __SSMArgs.Result', [RegisterName]));
7911   EmitLn('release __SSMArgsMutex');
7912 end;
7914 procedure TNXCComp.DoTextNumOut(idx: integer);
7915 var
7916   x, y, txt, val : string;
7917   bCls : boolean;
7918 begin
7919   //TextOut(x,y,txt,options=false)
7920   //NumOut(x,y,num,options=false)
7921   OpenParen;
7922   // arg1 = x
7923   BoolExpression;
7924   push;
7925   x := tos;
7926   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [x, RegisterName]));
7927   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
7928   // arg2 = y
7929   BoolExpression;
7930   push;
7931   y := tos;
7932   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [y, RegisterName]));
7933   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
7934   if idx = APIF_NUMOUT then
7935   begin
7936     BoolExpression;
7937     bCls := Token = TOK_COMMA;
7938     if bCls then
7939     begin
7940       push;
7941       val := tos;
7942       EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [val, RegisterName]));
7943       MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
7944       // arg4 = cls
7945       BoolExpression;
7946     end;
7947     CloseParen;
7948     EmitLn('acquire __TextOutMutex');
7949     EmitLn('mov __TextOutArgs.Location.X, ' + x);
7950     EmitLn('mov __TextOutArgs.Location.Y, ' + y);
7951     if bCls then
7952     begin
7953       EmitLn('mov __TextOutArgs.Options, ' + RegisterName);
7954       EmitLn(Format('numtostr __TextOutArgs.Text, %s',[val]));
7955     end
7956     else
7957     begin
7958       EmitLn('set __TextOutArgs.Options, 0');
7959       EmitLn(Format('numtostr __TextOutArgs.Text, %s',[RegisterName]));
7960     end;
7961     EmitLn('syscall DrawText, __TextOutArgs');
7962     ResetStatementType;
7963     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, __TextOutArgs.Result',[RegisterName]));
7964     EmitLn('release __TextOutMutex');
7965     if bCls then
7966       pop;
7967   end
7968   else
7969   begin
7970     StringExpression('');
7971     txt := StrBufName;
7972     bCls := Token = TOK_COMMA;
7973     if bCls then
7974     begin
7975       MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
7976       // arg4 = cls
7977       BoolExpression;
7978     end;
7979     CloseParen;
7980     EmitLn('acquire __TextOutMutex');
7981     EmitLn('mov __TextOutArgs.Location.X, ' + x);
7982     EmitLn('mov __TextOutArgs.Location.Y, ' + y);
7983     if bCls then
7984       EmitLn('mov __TextOutArgs.Options, ' + RegisterName)
7985     else
7986       EmitLn('set __TextOutArgs.Options, 0');
7987     EmitLn('mov __TextOutArgs.Text, ' + txt);
7988     EmitLn('syscall DrawText, __TextOutArgs');
7989     ResetStatementType;
7990     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, __TextOutArgs.Result',[RegisterName]));
7991     EmitLn('release __TextOutMutex');
7992   end;
7993   pop;
7994   pop;
7995 end;
7997 procedure TNXCComp.DoFontTextNumOut(idx: integer);
7998 var
7999   x, y, fntname, txt, val : string;
8000   bCls : boolean;
8001 begin
8002   //FontTextOut(x,y,file,txt,options=false)
8003   //FontNumOut(x,y,file,num,options=false)
8004   OpenParen;
8005   // arg1 = x
8006   BoolExpression;
8007   push;
8008   x := tos;
8009   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [x, RegisterName]));
8010   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8011   // arg2 = y
8012   BoolExpression;
8013   push;
8014   y := tos;
8015   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [y, RegisterName]));
8016   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8017   // arg3 = file
8018   StringExpression('');
8019   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [StrTmpBufName, StrBufName]));
8020   fntname := StrTmpBufName;
8021   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8022   if idx = APIF_FONTNUMOUT then
8023   begin
8024     BoolExpression;
8025     bCls := Token = TOK_COMMA;
8026     if bCls then
8027     begin
8028       push;
8029       val := tos;
8030       EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [val, RegisterName]));
8031       MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8032       // arg4 = cls
8033       BoolExpression;
8034     end;
8035     CloseParen;
8036     EmitLn('acquire __FontOutMutex');
8037     EmitLn('mov __FontOutArgs.Location.X, ' + x);
8038     EmitLn('mov __FontOutArgs.Location.Y, ' + y);
8039     EmitLn('mov __FontOutArgs.Filename, ' + fntname);
8040     if bCls then
8041     begin
8042       EmitLn('mov __FontOutArgs.Options, ' + RegisterName);
8043       EmitLn(Format('numtostr __FontOutArgs.Text, %s',[val]));
8044     end
8045     else
8046     begin
8047       EmitLn('set __FontOutArgs.Options, 0');
8048       EmitLn(Format('numtostr __FontOutArgs.Text, %s',[RegisterName]));
8049     end;
8050     EmitLn('syscall DrawFont, __FontOutArgs');
8051     ResetStatementType;
8052     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, __FontOutArgs.Result',[RegisterName]));
8053     EmitLn('release __FontOutMutex');
8054     if bCls then
8055       pop;
8056   end
8057   else
8058   begin
8059     StringExpression('');
8060     txt := StrBufName;
8061     bCls := Token = TOK_COMMA;
8062     if bCls then
8063     begin
8064       MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8065       // arg4 = cls
8066       BoolExpression;
8067     end;
8068     CloseParen;
8069     EmitLn('acquire __FontOutMutex');
8070     EmitLn('mov __FontOutArgs.Location.X, ' + x);
8071     EmitLn('mov __FontOutArgs.Location.Y, ' + y);
8072     EmitLn('mov __FontOutArgs.Filename, ' + fntname);
8073     if bCls then
8074       EmitLn('mov __FontOutArgs.Options, ' + RegisterName)
8075     else
8076       EmitLn('set __FontOutArgs.Options, 0');
8077     EmitLn('mov __FontOutArgs.Text, ' + txt);
8078     EmitLn('syscall DrawFont, __FontOutArgs');
8079     ResetStatementType;
8080     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, __FontOutArgs.Result',[RegisterName]));
8081     EmitLn('release __FontOutMutex');
8082   end;
8083   pop;
8084   pop;
8085 end;
8087 procedure TNXCComp.DoDrawPoint;
8088 var
8089   x, y : string;
8090   bCls : boolean;
8091 begin
8092   //PointOut(x,y,cls=false)
8093   OpenParen;
8094   // arg1 = x
8095   BoolExpression;
8096   push;
8097   x := tos;
8098   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [x, RegisterName]));
8099   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8100   // arg2 = y
8101   BoolExpression;
8102   bCls := Token = TOK_COMMA;
8103   if bCls then
8104   begin
8105     push;
8106     y := tos;
8107     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [y, RegisterName]));
8108     MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8109     // arg3 = cls
8110     BoolExpression;
8111   end;
8112   CloseParen;
8113   EmitLn('acquire __PointOutMutex');
8114   EmitLn('mov __PointOutArgs.Location.X, ' + x);
8115   if bCls then begin
8116     EmitLn('mov __PointOutArgs.Location.Y, ' + y);
8117     EmitLn('mov __PointOutArgs.Options, ' + RegisterName);
8118   end
8119   else begin
8120     EmitLn('mov __PointOutArgs.Location.Y, ' + RegisterName);
8121     EmitLn('set __PointOutArgs.Options, 0');
8122   end;
8123   EmitLn('syscall DrawPoint, __PointOutArgs');
8124   ResetStatementType;
8125   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, __PointOutArgs.Result',[RegisterName]));
8126   EmitLn('release __PointOutMutex');
8127   pop;
8128   if bCls then
8129     pop;
8130 end;
8132 procedure TNXCComp.DoDrawPoly;
8133 var
8134   pts : string;
8135   bCls : boolean;
8136 begin
8137   //PolyOut(points,options=false)
8138   OpenParen;
8139   // arg1 = points
8140   pts := GetDecoratedValue;
8141   Next;
8142   bCls := Token = TOK_COMMA;
8143   if bCls then
8144   begin
8145     MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8146     // arg2 = cls
8147     BoolExpression;
8148   end;
8149   CloseParen;
8150   EmitLn('acquire __PolyOutMutex');
8151   EmitLn('mov __PolyOutArgs.Points, ' + pts);
8152   if bCls then begin
8153     EmitLn('mov __PolyOutArgs.Options, ' + RegisterName);
8154   end
8155   else begin
8156     EmitLn('set __PolyOutArgs.Options, 0');
8157   end;
8158   EmitLn('syscall DrawPolygon, __PolyOutArgs');
8159   ResetStatementType;
8160   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, __PolyOutArgs.Result',[RegisterName]));
8161   EmitLn('release __PolyOutMutex');
8162 end;
8164 procedure TNXCComp.DoDrawLineRect(idx : integer);
8165 var
8166   x, y, x2, y2 : string;
8167   bCls : boolean;
8168 begin
8169   //LineOut(x1,y1,x2,y2,cls=false)
8170   //RectOut(x1,y1,width,height,cls=false)
8171   OpenParen;
8172   // arg1 = x
8173   BoolExpression;
8174   push;
8175   x := tos;
8176   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [x, RegisterName]));
8177   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8178   // arg2 = y
8179   BoolExpression;
8180   push;
8181   y := tos;
8182   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [y, RegisterName]));
8183   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8184   // arg3 = x2
8185   BoolExpression;
8186   push;
8187   x2 := tos;
8188   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [x2, RegisterName]));
8189   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8190   // arg4 = y2
8191   BoolExpression;
8192   bCls := Token = TOK_COMMA;
8193   if bCls then
8194   begin
8195     push;
8196     y2 := tos;
8197     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [y2, RegisterName]));
8198     MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8199     // arg5 = cls
8200     BoolExpression;
8201   end;
8202   CloseParen;
8203   if idx = APIF_DRAWRECT then
8204   begin
8205     EmitLn('acquire __RectOutMutex');
8206     EmitLn('mov __RectOutArgs.Location.X, ' + x);
8207     EmitLn('mov __RectOutArgs.Location.Y, ' + y);
8208     EmitLn('mov __RectOutArgs.Size.Width, ' + x2);
8209     if bCls then begin
8210       EmitLn('mov __RectOutArgs.Size.Height, ' + y2);
8211       EmitLn('mov __RectOutArgs.Options, ' + RegisterName);
8212     end
8213     else begin
8214       EmitLn('mov __RectOutArgs.Size.Height, ' + RegisterName);
8215       EmitLn('set __RectOutArgs.Options, 0');
8216     end;
8217     EmitLn('syscall DrawRect, __RectOutArgs');
8218     ResetStatementType;
8219     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, __RectOutArgs.Result',[RegisterName]));
8220     EmitLn('release __RectOutMutex');
8221   end
8222   else
8223   begin
8224     EmitLn('acquire __LineOutMutex');
8225     EmitLn('mov __LineOutArgs.StartLoc.X, ' + x);
8226     EmitLn('mov __LineOutArgs.StartLoc.Y, ' + y);
8227     EmitLn('mov __LineOutArgs.EndLoc.X, ' + x2);
8228     if bCls then begin
8229       EmitLn('mov __LineOutArgs.EndLoc.Y, ' + y2);
8230       EmitLn('mov __LineOutArgs.Options, ' + RegisterName);
8231     end
8232     else begin
8233       EmitLn('mov __LineOutArgs.EndLoc.Y, ' + RegisterName);
8234       EmitLn('set __LineOutArgs.Options, 0');
8235     end;
8236     EmitLn('syscall DrawLine, __LineOutArgs');
8237     ResetStatementType;
8238     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, __LineOutArgs.Result',[RegisterName]));
8239     EmitLn('release __LineOutMutex');
8240   end;
8241   pop;
8242   pop;
8243   pop;
8244   if bCls then
8245     pop;
8246 end;
8248 procedure TNXCComp.DoDrawCircle;
8249 var
8250   x, y, radius : string;
8251   bCls : boolean;
8252 begin
8253   //CircleOut(x1,y1,radius,cls=false)
8254   OpenParen;
8255   // arg1 = x
8256   BoolExpression;
8257   push;
8258   x := tos;
8259   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [x, RegisterName]));
8260   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8261   // arg2 = y
8262   BoolExpression;
8263   push;
8264   y := tos;
8265   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [y, RegisterName]));
8266   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8267   // arg3 = radius
8268   BoolExpression;
8269   bCls := Token = TOK_COMMA;
8270   if bCls then
8271   begin
8272     push;
8273     radius := tos;
8274     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [radius, RegisterName]));
8275     MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8276     // arg4 = cls
8277     BoolExpression;
8278   end;
8279   CloseParen;
8280   EmitLn('acquire __CircleOutMutex');
8281   EmitLn('mov __CircleOutArgs.Center.X, ' + x);
8282   EmitLn('mov __CircleOutArgs.Center.Y, ' + y);
8283   if bCls then begin
8284     EmitLn('mov __CircleOutArgs.Size, ' + radius);
8285     EmitLn('mov __CircleOutArgs.Options, ' + RegisterName);
8286   end
8287   else begin
8288     EmitLn('mov __CircleOutArgs.Size, ' + RegisterName);
8289     EmitLn('set __CircleOutArgs.Options, 0');
8290   end;
8291   EmitLn('syscall DrawCircle, __CircleOutArgs');
8292   ResetStatementType;
8293   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, __CircleOutArgs.Result',[RegisterName]));
8294   EmitLn('release __CircleOutMutex');
8295   pop;
8296   pop;
8297   if bCls then
8298     pop;
8299 end;
8301 procedure TNXCComp.DoDrawEllipse;
8302 var
8303   x, y, radiusX, radiusY : string;
8304   bCls : boolean;
8305 begin
8306   //EllipseOut(x,y,radiusX,radiusY,cls=false)
8307   OpenParen;
8308   // arg1 = x
8309   BoolExpression;
8310   push;
8311   x := tos;
8312   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [x, RegisterName]));
8313   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8314   // arg2 = y
8315   BoolExpression;
8316   push;
8317   y := tos;
8318   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [y, RegisterName]));
8319   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8320   // arg3 = radiusX
8321   BoolExpression;
8322   push;
8323   radiusX := tos;
8324   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [radiusX, RegisterName]));
8325   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8326   // arg4 = radiusY
8327   BoolExpression;
8328   bCls := Token = TOK_COMMA;
8329   if bCls then
8330   begin
8331     push;
8332     radiusY := tos;
8333     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [radiusY, RegisterName]));
8334     MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8335     // arg5 = cls
8336     BoolExpression;
8337   end;
8338   CloseParen;
8339   EmitLn('acquire __EllipseOutMutex');
8340   EmitLn('mov __EllipseOutArgs.Center.X, ' + x);
8341   EmitLn('mov __EllipseOutArgs.Center.Y, ' + y);
8342   EmitLn('mov __EllipseOutArgs.SizeX, ' + radiusX);
8343   if bCls then begin
8344     EmitLn('mov __EllipseOutArgs.SizeY, ' + radiusY);
8345     EmitLn('mov __EllipseOutArgs.Options, ' + RegisterName);
8346   end
8347   else begin
8348     EmitLn('mov __EllipseOutArgs.SizeY, ' + RegisterName);
8349     EmitLn('set __EllipseOutArgs.Options, 0');
8350   end;
8351   EmitLn('syscall DrawEllipse, __EllipseOutArgs');
8352   ResetStatementType;
8353   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, __EllipseOutArgs.Result',[RegisterName]));
8354   EmitLn('release __EllipseOutMutex');
8355   pop;
8356   pop;
8357   pop;
8358   if bCls then
8359     pop;
8360 end;
8362 procedure TNXCComp.DoDrawGraphic(idx : integer);
8363 var
8364   x, y, fname, vars : string;
8365   bCls : boolean;
8366 begin
8367   //GraphicOut(x,y,fname,options=0)
8368   //GraphicOutEx(x,y,fname,vars,options=0)
8369   //GraphicArrayOut(x,y,data,options=0)
8370   //GraphicArrayOutEx(x,y,data,vars,options=0)
8371   OpenParen;
8372   // arg1 = x
8373   BoolExpression;
8374   push;
8375   x := tos;
8376   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [x, RegisterName]));
8377   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8378   // arg2 = y
8379   BoolExpression;
8380   push;
8381   y := tos;
8382   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [y, RegisterName]));
8383   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8384   // arg3 = fname|data
8386   begin
8387     StringExpression('');
8388     fname := StrBufName;
8389   end
8390   else
8391   begin
8392     fname := GetDecoratedValue;
8393     if DataType(Value) <> TOK_ARRAYBYTEDEF then
8394       Expected(sByteArrayType);
8395     Next;
8396   end;
8398   begin
8399     MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8400     // arg4 = vars
8401     vars := GetDecoratedValue;
8402     Next;
8403   end;
8404   bCls := Token = TOK_COMMA;
8405   if bCls then
8406   begin
8407     MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8408     // arg4 = cls
8409     BoolExpression;
8410   end;
8411   CloseParen;
8412   EmitLn('acquire __GraphicOutMutex');
8414   begin
8415     EmitLn('mov __GraphicOutArgs.Location.X, ' + x);
8416     EmitLn('mov __GraphicOutArgs.Location.Y, ' + y);
8417     if bCls then begin
8418       EmitLn('mov __GraphicOutArgs.Options, ' + RegisterName);
8419     end
8420     else begin
8421       EmitLn('mov __GraphicOutArgs.Options, 0');
8422     end;
8423     EmitLn('mov __GraphicOutArgs.Filename, ' + fname);
8424     if idx = APIF_DRAWGRAPHICEX then
8425       EmitLn('mov __GraphicOutArgs.Variables, ' + vars)
8426     else
8427       EmitLn('mov __GraphicOutArgs.Variables, __GraphicOutEmptyVars');
8428     EmitLn('syscall DrawGraphic, __GraphicOutArgs');
8429     ResetStatementType;
8430     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, __GraphicOutArgs.Result',[RegisterName]));
8431   end
8432   else
8433   begin
8434     EmitLn('mov __GraphicArrayOutArgs.Location.X, ' + x);
8435     EmitLn('mov __GraphicArrayOutArgs.Location.Y, ' + y);
8436     if bCls then begin
8437       EmitLn('mov __GraphicArrayOutArgs.Options, ' + RegisterName);
8438     end
8439     else begin
8440       EmitLn('set __GraphicArrayOutArgs.Options, 0');
8441     end;
8442     EmitLn('mov __GraphicArrayOutArgs.Data, ' + fname);
8443     if idx = APIF_DRAWGRAPHICAREX then
8444       EmitLn('mov __GraphicArrayOutArgs.Variables, ' + vars)
8445     else
8446       EmitLn('mov __GraphicArrayOutArgs.Variables, __GraphicOutEmptyVars');
8447     EmitLn('syscall DrawGraphicArray, __GraphicArrayOutArgs');
8448     ResetStatementType;
8449     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, __GraphicArrayOutArgs.Result',[RegisterName]));
8450   end;
8451   EmitLn('release __GraphicOutMutex');
8452   pop;
8453   pop;
8454 end;
8456 procedure TNXCComp.DoPlayToneEx;
8457 var
8458   freq, dur, vol : string;
8459 begin
8460   //PlayToneEx(freq, dur, vol, loop)
8461   OpenParen;
8462   // arg1 == Frequency
8463   BoolExpression;
8464   push;
8465   freq := tos;
8466   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [freq, RegisterName]));
8467   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8468   // arg2 == Duration
8469   BoolExpression;
8470   push;
8471   dur := tos;
8472   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [dur, RegisterName]));
8473   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8474   // arg3 == Volume
8475   BoolExpression;
8476   push;
8477   vol := tos;
8478   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [vol, RegisterName]));
8479   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8480   // arg4 == loop?
8481   BoolExpression;
8482   CloseParen;
8483   EmitLn('acquire __SPTArgsMutex');
8484   EmitLn('mov __SPTArgs.Frequency, ' + freq);
8485   EmitLn('mov __SPTArgs.Duration, ' + dur);
8486   EmitLn('mov __SPTArgs.Volume, ' + vol);
8487   EmitLn(Format('mov __SPTArgs.Loop, %s',[RegisterName]));
8488   EmitLn('syscall SoundPlayTone, __SPTArgs');
8489   ResetStatementType;
8490   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, __SPTArgs.Result',[RegisterName]));
8491   EmitLn('release __SPTArgsMutex');
8492   pop;
8493   pop;
8494   pop;
8495 end;
8497 procedure TNXCComp.DoPlayFileEx;
8498 var
8499   fname, vol : string;
8500 begin
8501   //PlayFileEx(file, vol, loop?)
8502   OpenParen;
8503   // arg1 == Filename
8504   StringExpression('');
8505   fname := StrBufName;
8506   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8507   // arg2 == Volume
8508   BoolExpression;
8509   push;
8510   vol := tos;
8511   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [vol, RegisterName]));
8512   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8513   // arg3 == loop?
8514   BoolExpression;
8515   CloseParen;
8516   EmitLn('acquire __SPFArgsMutex');
8517   EmitLn('mov __SPFArgs.Filename, ' + fname);
8518   EmitLn('mov __SPFArgs.Volume, ' + vol);
8519   EmitLn(Format('mov __SPFArgs.Loop, %s', [RegisterName]));
8520   EmitLn('syscall SoundPlayFile, __SPFArgs');
8521   ResetStatementType;
8522   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, __SPFArgs.Result', [RegisterName]));
8523   EmitLn('release __SPFArgsMutex');
8524   pop;
8525 end;
8527 procedure TNXCComp.DoReadButton(idx: integer);
8528 var
8529   btn, pressed, count : string;
8530 begin
8531   // ButtonPressed(btn, reset)
8532   // ButtonCount(btn, reset)
8533   // ReadButtonEx(btn, reset, pressed, count)
8534   OpenParen;
8535   // arg1 = button index
8536   BoolExpression;
8537   push;
8538   btn := tos;
8539   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [btn, RegisterName]));
8540   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8541   // arg2 = reset?
8542   BoolExpression;
8543   if idx = APIF_READBUTTONEX then
8544   begin
8545     // two output args
8546     MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8547     // pressed
8548     pressed := GetDecoratedValue;
8549     CheckIdent;
8550     CheckTable(Value);
8551     Next;
8552     MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
8553     // count
8554     count := GetDecoratedValue;
8555     CheckIdent;
8556     CheckTable(Value);
8557     Next;
8558   end;
8559   CloseParen;
8560   EmitLn('acquire __RBtnMutex');
8561   EmitLn('mov __RBtnArgs.Index, ' + btn);
8562   EmitLn(Format('mov __RBtnArgs.Reset, %s', [RegisterName]));
8563   EmitLn('syscall ReadButton, __RBtnArgs');
8564   ResetStatementType;
8565   if idx = APIF_BUTTONCOUNT then
8566     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, __RBtnArgs.Count',[RegisterName]))
8567   else if idx = APIF_BUTTONPRESSED then
8568     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, __RBtnArgs.Pressed',[RegisterName]))
8569   else
8570   begin
8571     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, __RBtnArgs.Pressed', [pressed]));
8572     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, __RBtnArgs.Count', [count]));
8573     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, __RBtnArgs.Result', [RegisterName]));
8574   end;
8575   EmitLn('release __RBtnMutex');
8576   pop;
8577 end;
8579 procedure TNXCComp.LoadAPIFunctions;
8580 begin
APIF_ASMnull8581   AddAPIFunction('asm', APIF_ASM);
APIF_ABSnull8582   AddAPIFunction('abs', APIF_ABS);
APIF_SIGNnull8583   AddAPIFunction('sign', APIF_SIGN);
APIF_RANDOMnull8584   AddAPIFunction('Random', APIF_RANDOM);
APIF_GETINPUTnull8585   AddAPIFunction('GetInput', APIF_GETINPUT);
APIF_GETOUTPUTnull8586   AddAPIFunction('GetOutput', APIF_GETOUTPUT);
APIF_RESETSCREENnull8587   AddAPIFunction('ResetScreen', APIF_RESETSCREEN);
APIF_TEXTOUTnull8588   AddAPIFunction('TextOut', APIF_TEXTOUT);
APIF_NUMOUTnull8589   AddAPIFunction('NumOut', APIF_NUMOUT);
APIF_PLAYTONEEXnull8590   AddAPIFunction('PlayToneEx', APIF_PLAYTONEEX);
APIF_PLAYFILEEXnull8591   AddAPIFunction('PlayFileEx', APIF_PLAYFILEEX);
APIF_BUTTONCOUNTnull8593   AddAPIFunction('ButtonCount', APIF_BUTTONCOUNT);
APIF_DRAWPOINTnull8595   AddAPIFunction('PointOut', APIF_DRAWPOINT);
APIF_DRAWLINEnull8596   AddAPIFunction('LineOut', APIF_DRAWLINE);
APIF_DRAWCIRCLEnull8597   AddAPIFunction('CircleOut', APIF_DRAWCIRCLE);
APIF_DRAWRECTnull8598   AddAPIFunction('RectOut', APIF_DRAWRECT);
APIF_DRAWGRAPHICnull8599   AddAPIFunction('GraphicOut', APIF_DRAWGRAPHIC);
APIF_STRTONUMnull8601   AddAPIFunction('StrToNum', APIF_STRTONUM);
APIF_STRLENnull8602   AddAPIFunction('StrLen', APIF_STRLEN);
APIF_STRINDEXnull8603   AddAPIFunction('StrIndex', APIF_STRINDEX);
APISF_NUMTOSTRnull8604   AddAPIStringFunction('NumToStr', APISF_NUMTOSTR);
APISF_STRCATnull8605   AddAPIStringFunction('StrCat', APISF_STRCAT);
APISF_SUBSTRnull8606   AddAPIStringFunction('SubStr', APISF_SUBSTR);
APISF_FLATTENnull8607   AddAPIStringFunction('Flatten', APISF_FLATTEN);
APISF_STRREPLACEnull8608   AddAPIStringFunction('StrReplace', APISF_STRREPLACE);
APISF_FORMATNUMnull8609   AddAPIStringFunction('FormatNum', APISF_FORMATNUM);
APIF_DRAWPOLYnull8612   AddAPIFunction('PolyOut', APIF_DRAWPOLY);
APIF_DRAWELLIPSEnull8613   AddAPIFunction('EllipseOut', APIF_DRAWELLIPSE);
APIF_FONTNUMOUTnull8615   AddAPIFunction('FontNumOut', APIF_FONTNUMOUT);
APIF_SIZEOFnull8616 //  AddAPIFunction('sizeof', APIF_SIZEOF);
8617 end;
TNXCComp.GetNBCSrcnull8619 function TNXCComp.GetNBCSrc: TStrings;
8620 begin
thennull8621   if AmInlining and Assigned(fCurrentInlineFunction) then
8622     Result := fCurrentInlineFunction.Code
8623   else
8624     Result := fNBCSrc;
8625 end;
8627 {
8628 procedure TNXCComp.EmitInlineFunction(const idx: integer);
8629 begin
8630   if (idx >= 0) and (idx < fInlineFunctions.Count) then
8631   begin
8632     fInlineFunctions.Items[idx].Emit(NBCSource);
8633   end;
8634 end;
8635 }
8637 procedure TNXCComp.SetDefines(const Value: TStrings);
8638 begin
8639   fDefines.Assign(Value);
8640 end;
8642 procedure TNXCComp.CheckTypeCompatibility(fp: TFunctionParameter; dt: char; const name : string);
8643 var
8644   expectedBase, providedBase : char;
8645 begin
8646   if GetArrayDimension(fp.ParameterDataType) <> GetArrayDimension(dt) then
8647     AbortMsg(sDatatypesNotCompatible)
8648   else
8649   begin
8650     expectedBase := ArrayBaseType(fp.ParameterDataType);
8651     providedBase := ArrayBaseType(dt);
8652     if (expectedBase in NonAggregateTypes) then
8653     begin
8654       if not (providedBase in NonAggregateTypes) then
8655         Expected(sNumericType)
8656       else begin
8657         // if parameter type name is a named type then type names must match
8658         if (fNamedTypes.IndexOf(fp.ParamTypeName) <> -1) and
8659            (fp.ParamTypeName <> DataTypeName(name)) then
8660           AbortMsg(sUDTNotEqual);
8661       end;
8662     end
8663     else if (expectedBase = TOK_STRINGDEF) and (providedBase <> TOK_STRINGDEF) then
8664       Expected(sStringVarType)
8665     else if expectedBase = TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE then
8666     begin
8667       if providedBase <> TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE then
8668         Expected(sStructType)
8669       else begin
8670         // struct types must be the same
8671         if fp.ParamTypeName <> GetUDTType(name) then
8672           AbortMsg(sUDTNotEqual);
8673       end;
8674     end
8675     else if (expectedBase = TOK_MUTEXDEF) and (providedBase <> TOK_MUTEXDEF) then
8676       Expected(sMutexType);
8677   end;
8678 end;
8680 procedure TNXCComp.CheckNotConstant(const aName: string);
8681 begin
8682   // is this thing constant?
8683   if (IsParam(aName) and IsParamConst(aName)) or
8684      (IsLocal(aName) and IsLocalConst(aName)) or
8685      (IsGlobal(aName) and IsGlobalConst(aName)) then
8686     AbortMsg(sConstNotAllowed);
8687 end;
TNXCComp.IsStringLiteralnull8689 function TNXCComp.IsStringLiteral(const aName: string) : boolean;
8690 begin
8691   Result := (Pos('"', aName) = 1) and (LastDelimiter('"', aName) = Length(aName));
8692 end;
TNXCComp.IsCharLiteralnull8694 function TNXCComp.IsCharLiteral(const aName: string) : boolean;
8695 begin
8696   Result := (Pos('''', aName) = 1) and (LastDelimiter('''', aName) = Length(aName));
8697 end;
TNXCComp.CheckConstantnull8699 function TNXCComp.CheckConstant(const aName: string) : string;
8700 var
8701   bIsConst : boolean;
8702   idx : integer;
8703   V : TVariable;
8704 begin
8705   // is this thing constant?
8706   Result := aName;
8707   if IsParam(aName) then
8708   begin
8709     bIsConst := IsParamConst(aName);
8710   end
8711   else if IsLocal(aName) then
8712   begin
8713     idx := LocalIdx(aName);
8714     if idx <> -1 then
8715     begin
8716       V := fLocals[idx];
8717       bIsConst := V.IsConstant;
8718       if bIsConst then
8719         Result := V.Value;
8720     end
8721     else
8722       bIsConst := False;
8723   end
8724   else if IsGlobal(aName) then
8725   begin
8726     idx := fGlobals.IndexOfName(aName);
8727     if idx <> -1 then
8728     begin
8729       V := fGlobals[idx];
8730       bIsConst := V.IsConstant;
8731       if bIsConst then
8732         Result := V.Value;
8733     end
8734     else
8735       bIsConst := False;
8736   end
8737   else if IsStringLiteral(aName) or IsCharLiteral(aName) then
8738   begin
8739     bIsConst := True;
8740   end
8741   else
8742   begin
8743     // perhaps it is a constant expression that can be evaluated?
8744     fCalc.SilentExpression := aName;
8745     bIsConst := not fCalc.ParserError;
8746     if bIsConst then
8747       Result := NBCFloatToStr(fCalc.Value);
8748   end;
8749   if not bIsConst then
8750     AbortMsg(sConstRequired);
8751 end;
TNXCComp.IncrementOrDecrementnull8753 function TNXCComp.IncrementOrDecrement: boolean;
8754 begin
8755   Result := ((Token = '+') and (Look = '+')) or
8756             ((Token = '-') and (Look = '-'));
8757 end;
8759 procedure TNXCComp.DoPreIncOrDec(bPutOnStack : boolean);
8760 var
8761   bInc : boolean;
8762 begin
8763   bInc := Token = '+';
8764   Next;
8765   Next;
8766   CheckIdent;
8767   // identifier must be an integer type
8768   if not (DataType(Value) in NonAggregateTypes) then
8769     Expected(sNumericType);
8770   if bInc then
8771     StoreInc(Value, 1)
8772   else
8773     StoreDec(Value, 1);
8774   if bPutOnStack then
8775     LoadVar(Value);
8776   Next;
8777 end;
GetPreProcLexerClassnull8779 function TNXCComp.GetPreProcLexerClass: TGenLexerClass;
8780 begin
8781   Result := TNXCLexer;
8782 end;
8784 (*
InlineDecorationnull8785 function TNXCComp.InlineDecoration: string;
8786 begin
8787 //  if fInlining then
8788 //    Result := '%%CALLER%%_'
8789 //  else
8790     Result := '';
8791 end;
8792 *)
8794 procedure TNXCComp.AddTypeNameAlias(const lbl, args: string);
8795 begin
8796   // add a named type alias
8797   if fNamedTypes.IndexOf(lbl) = -1 then
8798     fNamedTypes.AddEntry(lbl, args)
8799   else
8800     Duplicate(lbl);
8801 end;
TNXCComp.TranslateTypeNamenull8803 function TNXCComp.TranslateTypeName(const name: string): string;
8804 var
8805   idx : integer;
8806   tname : string;
8807 begin
8808   Result := name;
8809   idx := fNamedTypes.IndexOf(name);
8810   if idx <> -1 then
8811   begin
8812     tname := fNamedTypes.MapValue[idx];
8813     if tname <> name then
8814       Result := TranslateTypeName(tname)
8815     else
8816       Result := tname;
8817   end;
8818 end;
8820 procedure TNXCComp.ProcessEnum(bGlobal : boolean);
8821 var
8822   bNewType : boolean;
8823   sTypeName, varName, eName : string;
8824   iEnumVal, idx : integer;
8825   dt : Char;
8826   V : TVariable;
8827 begin
8828   // enums in NXC are unsigned bytes by default
8829   dt        := TOK_BYTEDEF;
8830   iEnumVal  := 0;
8831   bNewType  := False;
8832   sTypeName := '';
8833   // enum [tag] { enumerators } [declarator];
8834   // eat until semi-colon
8835   Next;
8836   Scan; // skip past the "enum" keyword
8837   // optional type name
8838   if Token = TOK_IDENTIFIER then
8839   begin
8840     bNewType := True;
8841     sTypeName := Value;
8842     Next;
8843     Scan;
8844   end;
8845   MatchString(TOK_BEGIN);
8846   Scan;
8847   // process enumerators
8848   while Token <> TOK_END do begin
8849     // name [= val] ,
8850     CheckIdent;
8851     eName := Value;
8852     Next;
8853     if Token = '=' then begin
8854       Next; // skip past the equal sign to the value
8855       CheckNumeric;
8856       iEnumVal := StrToIntDef(Value, 0);
8857       Next; // skip past the value to comma or }
8858     end;
8859     dt := ValueToDataType(iEnumVal);
8860     V := nil;
8861     if bGlobal then
8862     begin
8863       idx := AddEntry(eName, dt, sTypeName, '', True);
8864       if idx <> -1 then
8865         V := fGlobals[idx];
8866       Allocate(eName, '', IntToStr(iEnumVal), sTypeName, dt);
8867     end
8868     else
8869     begin
8870       eName := ApplyDecoration(fCurrentThreadName, eName, fNestingLevel);
8871       idx := AddLocal(eName, dt, sTypeName, True, '');
8872       if idx <> -1 then
8873         V := fLocals[idx];
8874       // no need to allocate if we've already emitted this name&type
8875       if fEmittedLocals.IndexOf(eName+sTypeName) = -1 then
8876         Allocate(eName, '', IntToStr(iEnumVal), sTypeName, dt);
8877     end;
8878     if Assigned(V) then
8879       V.Value := IntToStr(iEnumVal);
8880     inc(iEnumVal);
8881     if Token <> TOK_END then
8882     begin
8883       Next;
8884       Scan;
8885     end;
8886   end;
8887   // should be at TOK_END
8888   MatchString(TOK_END);
8889   if bNewType then
8890     AddTypeNameAlias(sTypeName, DataTypeToTypeName(dt));
8891   // optional type name
8892   if Token = TOK_IDENTIFIER then
8893   begin
8894     // declare a variable of this type (only valid if bNewType is true
8895     if not bNewType then
8896       AbortMsg(sInvalidEnumDecl);
8897     varName := Value;
8898     if bGlobal then
8899     begin
8900       AddEntry(varName, dt, sTypeName, '', False);
8901       Allocate(varName, '', '', sTypeName, dt);
8902     end
8903     else
8904     begin
8905       varName := ApplyDecoration(fCurrentThreadName, varName, fNestingLevel);
8906       AddLocal(varName, dt, sTypeName, False, '');
8907       // no need to allocate if we've already emitted this name&type
8908       if fEmittedLocals.IndexOf(varName+sTypeName) = -1 then
8909         Allocate(varName, '', '', sTypeName, dt);
8910     end;
8911     Next;
8912     Scan; // move past identifier
8913   end;
8914   Semi; // required semicolon
8915   Scan;
8916 end;
8918 procedure TNXCComp.ProcessTypedef;
8919 var
8920   basetype, newtype : string;
8921   i, lb, ln : integer;
8922 begin
8923   // typedef basetype newtype;
8924   // or
8925   // typedef struct {...} newtype;
8926   // base type can be multiple tokens (e.g., unsigned int)
8927   Next;
8928   Scan;
8929   if Token = TOK_STRUCT then
8930   begin
8931     ProcessStruct(True);
8932   end
8933   else
8934   begin
8935     basetype := '';
8936     while Token <> TOK_SEMICOLON do
8937     begin
8938       newtype := Value;
8939       if Look <> TOK_SEMICOLON then
8940         basetype := basetype + ' ' + Value;
8941       Next;
8942     end;
8943     i := Pos(newtype, basetype);
8944     lb := Length(basetype);
8945     ln := Length(newtype);
8946     if i = lb - ln + 1 then
8947       System.Delete(basetype, lb - ln + 1, MaxInt);
8948     basetype := Trim(basetype);
8949     AddTypeNameAlias(newtype, basetype);
8950     Semi;
8951     Scan;
8952   end;
8953 end;
8955 procedure TNXCComp.LocalEmitLnNoTab(SL : TStrings; const line : string);
8956 begin
8957   SL.Add(line);
8958 end;
8960 procedure TNXCComp.LocalEmitLn(SL : TStrings; const line : string);
8961 begin
8962   SL.Add(#9+line);
8963 end;
8965 procedure TNXCComp.ProcessStruct(bTypeDef : boolean);
8966 var
8967   sname, mtype, aval, mname, mtypename, tmp : string;
8968   DE : TDataspaceEntry;
8969   dt : TDSType;
8970   SL : TStringList;
8971   i : integer;
8972   procedure AddMemberToCurrentStructure;
8973   begin
8974     // add a member to the current structure definition
8975     if mtype = 'string' then
8976     begin
8977       mtype := 'byte';
8978       aval := '[]' + aval;
8979     end;
8980     dt := NXCStrToType(mtype, True);
8981     if dt = dsCluster then
8982       LocalEmitLn(SL, Format('%s %s%s', [mname, mtype, aval]))
8983     else
8984       LocalEmitLn(SL, Format('%s %s%s', [mname, TypeToStr(dt), aval]));
8985     DE := fCurrentStruct.SubEntries.Add;
8986     HandleVarDecl(DataDefinitions, fNamedTypes, True, DE, mname, mtype+aval, @NXCStrToType);
8987     aval := '';
8988   end;
8989 begin
8990   // struct name {...};
8991   // or
8992   // struct {...} name; (and bTypeDef is true)
8993   Next;
8994   SL := TStringList.Create;
8995   try
8996     // create a new structure definition
8997     fCurrentStruct := DataDefinitions.Add;
8998     fCurrentStruct.DataType := dsCluster;
8999     if not bTypeDef then
9000     begin
9001       sname := Value;
9002       AddTypeNameAlias(sname, sname);
9003       fCurrentStruct.Identifier := sname;
9004       fCurrentStruct.TypeName   := sname;
9005       Next; // skip past the type name
9006     end;
9007     if Token = TOK_IDENTIFIER then begin
9008       // invalid at this location
9009       Expected(TOK_BEGIN);
9010       Next;
9011     end;
9012     MatchString(TOK_BEGIN);
9013     while (Token <> TOK_END) and not endofallsource do
9014     begin
9015       // process a member declaration
9016       // format is multi-part typename membername [];
9017       // e.g., unsigned int membername
9018       // or    int membername
9019       Scan;
9020       mtypename := Value;
9021       if Token = TOK_UNSIGNED then
9022       begin
9023         Next;
9024         Scan;
9025         mtypename := mtypename + ' ' + Value;
9026       end;
9027       // make sure we translate typedefs
9028       mtype := TranslateTypeName(mtypename);
9029       Next;
9030       mname := Value;
9031       Next;
9032       aval := '';
9033       while Token <> TOK_SEMICOLON do begin
9034         if Token = '[' then begin
9035           aval := ProcessArrayDimensions(tmp);
9036         end;
9037         if Token = ',' then begin
9038           AddMemberToCurrentStructure;
9039           Next;
9040           mname := Value;
9041           Next;
9042         end;
9043         if not (Token in [TOK_SEMICOLON, '[', ',']) then
9044         begin
9045           AbortMsg(sUnexpectedChar);
9046           Next;
9047         end;
9048       end;
9049       Semi;
9050       AddMemberToCurrentStructure;
9051     end;
9052     Next; // skip past the '}' (aka TOK_END)
9053     if bTypeDef then
9054     begin
9055       sname := Value;
9056       AddTypeNameAlias(sname, sname);
9057       fCurrentStruct.Identifier := sname;
9058       fCurrentStruct.TypeName   := sname;
9059       Next; // skip past the type name
9060     end;
9061     // all struct declarations will be emitted to a special stringlist
9062     // and then output at the start of the NBC code
9063     LocalEmitLnNoTab(fStructDecls, 'dseg segment');
9064     LocalEmitLn(fStructDecls, sname+' struct');
9065     for i := 0 to SL.Count - 1 do
9066       LocalEmitLnNoTab(fStructDecls, SL[i]);
9067     LocalEmitLn(fStructDecls, sname+' ends');
9068     LocalEmitLnNoTab(fStructDecls, 'dseg ends');
9069   finally
9070     SL.Free;
9071   end;
9072   Semi; // skip past the ';'
9073   Scan;
9074 end;
9076 procedure TNXCComp.CheckForTypedef(var bUnsigned, bConst, bInline, bSafeCall : boolean);
9077 var
9078   i : integer;
9079   tmpName : string;
9080 begin
9081   tmpName := TranslateTypeName(Value);
9082   if Value <> tmpName then
9083   begin
9084     Token := TOK_IDENTIFIER;
9085     Value := tmpName;
9086     // only need to check if Value
9087     i := Pos('unsigned ', Value);
9088     if i > 0 then
9089     begin
9090       System.Delete(Value, i, 9);
9091       bUnsigned := True;
9092     end;
9093     i := Pos('const ', Value);
9094     if i > 0 then
9095     begin
9096       System.Delete(Value, i, 6);
9097       bConst := True;
9098     end;
9099     i := Pos('inline ', Value);
9100     if i > 0 then
9101     begin
9102       System.Delete(Value, i, 7);
9103       bInline := True;
9104     end;
9105     i := Pos('safecall ', Value);
9106     if i > 0 then
9107     begin
9108       System.Delete(Value, i, 9);
9109       bSafeCall := True;
9110     end;
9111     Value := Trim(Value);
9112   end;
9113   Scan;
9114 end;
IsUserDefinedTypenull9116 function TNXCComp.IsUserDefinedType(const name: string): boolean;
9117 begin
9118   Result := DataDefinitions.IndexOfName(name) <> -1;
9119 end;
TNXCComp.RootOfnull9121 function TNXCComp.RootOf(const name: string): string;
9122 var
9123   p : integer;
9124 begin
9125   p := Pos('.', name);
9126   if p > 0 then
9127     Result := Copy(name, 1, p-1)
9128   else
9129     Result := name;
9130 end;
TNXCComp.DataTypeOfDataspaceEntrynull9132 function TNXCComp.DataTypeOfDataspaceEntry(DE: TDataspaceEntry): char;
9133 var
9134   dim : integer;
9135   bt : char;
9136   tmpDE : TDataspaceEntry;
9137 begin
9138   Result := #0;
9139   if not Assigned(DE) then Exit;
9140   case DE.DataType of
9141     dsUByte : Result := TOK_BYTEDEF;
9142     dsSByte : Result := TOK_CHARDEF;
9143     dsUWord : Result := TOK_USHORTDEF;
9144     dsSWord : Result := TOK_SHORTDEF;
9145     dsULong : Result := TOK_ULONGDEF;
9146     dsSLong : Result := TOK_LONGDEF;
9147     dsCluster : Result := TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE;
9148     dsMutex : Result := TOK_MUTEXDEF;
9149     dsFloat : Result := TOK_FLOATDEF;
9150     dsArray : begin
9151       // count dimensions and find base type
9152       dim := 1;
9153       tmpDE := DE.SubEntries[0];
9154       while tmpDE.DataType = dsArray do
9155       begin
9156         inc(dim);
9157         tmpDE := tmpDE.SubEntries[0];
9158       end;
9159       bt := DataTypeOfDataspaceEntry(tmpDE);
9160       Result := ArrayOfType(bt, dim);
9161 // 2010-05-13 JCH - the code below was causing problems with byte array
9162 // types not being seen as compatible with parameters of that type
9163 // and not being allowed to use ++ or += since they were seen as a string type
9164       // temporarily treat byte[] as string
9165       if Result = TOK_ARRAYBYTEDEF then
9166         Result := TOK_STRINGDEF;
9167     end;
9168   else
9169     Result := #0;
9170   end;
9171 end;
9173 procedure TNXCComp.UDTAssignment(const name: string);
9174 //var
9175 //  tmp, aval : string;
9176 begin
9177   if Token in ['+', '-', '/', '*', '%', '&', '|', '^'] then
9178   begin
9179     MathAssignment(name);
9180 //    StoreUDT(name, tmp, aval);
9181   end
9182   else
9183   begin
9184     MatchString('=');
9185     GetAndStoreUDT(name);
9186   end;
9187 end;
9189 procedure TNXCComp.GetAndStoreUDT(const name: string);
9190 begin
9191   NotNumericFactor;
9192   if fUDTOnStack <> '' then
9193   begin
9194     Store(name);
9195     fUDTOnStack := '';
9196   end;
9197 end;
GetUDTTypenull9199 function TNXCComp.GetUDTType(n: string): string;
9200 var
9201   i : integer;
9202   root_type, root_name : string;
9203   DE : TDataspaceEntry;
9204   fp : TFunctionParameter;
9205 begin
9206   Result := '';
9207   n := StripInline(n);
9208   case WhatIs(n) of
9209     stParam : begin
9210       i := ParamIdx(n);
9211       if i <> -1 then
9212       begin
9213         if ArrayBaseType(fParams[i].DataType) = TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE then
9214         begin
9215           root_name := RootOf(n);
9216           if root_name <> n then
9217           begin
9218             root_type := fParams[i].TypeName;
9219             System.Delete(n, 1, Length(root_name)+1);
9220             n := root_type + '.' + n;
9221             DE := DataDefinitions.FindEntryByFullName(n);
9222             if Assigned(DE) then
9223               Result := DE.TypeName;
9224           end
9225           else
9226             Result := fParams[i].TypeName;
9227         end;
9228       end
9229       else
9230       begin
9231         // i = -1
9232         for i := 0 to fFuncParams.Count - 1 do
9233         begin
9234           fp := fFuncParams[i];
9235           if n = ApplyDecoration(fp.ProcName, fp.Name, 0) then
9236           begin
9237             Result := fp.ParamTypeName;
9238             Break;
9239           end;
9240         end;
9241       end;
9242     end;
9243     stLocal : begin
9244       i := LocalIdx(n);
9245       if (i <> -1) and (ArrayBaseType(fLocals[i].DataType) = TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE) then
9246 //      if i = -1 then
9247       begin
9248         // maybe this is a member of a struct which might itself be a user defined type
9249         root_name := RootOf(n);
9250         if root_name <> n then
9251         begin
9252 //          i := LocalIdx(root_name);
9253 //          i := fLocals.IndexOfName(root_name);
9254 //          if (i <> -1) and (ArrayBaseType(fLocals[i].DataType) = TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE) then
9255 //          begin
9256             root_type := fLocals[i].TypeName;
9257             System.Delete(n, 1, Length(root_name)+1);
9258             n := root_type + '.' + n;
9259             DE := DataDefinitions.FindEntryByFullName(n);
9260             if Assigned(DE) then
9261               Result := DE.TypeName;
9262 //          end;
9263         end
9264         else
9265           Result := fLocals[i].TypeName;
9266       end;
9267 //      else if ArrayBaseType(fLocals[i].DataType) = TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE then
9268 //        Result := fLocals[i].TypeName;
9269     end;
9270     stGlobal : begin
9271       i := fGlobals.IndexOfName(n);
9272       if i = -1 then
9273       begin
9274         // maybe this is a member of a struct which might itself be a user defined type
9275         root_name := RootOf(n);
9276         if root_name <> n then
9277         begin
9278           i := fGlobals.IndexOfName(root_name);
9279           if (i <> -1) and (ArrayBaseType(fGlobals[i].DataType) = TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE) then
9280           begin
9281             root_type := fGlobals[i].TypeName;
9282             System.Delete(n, 1, Length(root_name)+1);
9283             n := root_type + '.' + n;
9284             DE := DataDefinitions.FindEntryByFullName(n);
9285             if Assigned(DE) then
9286               Result := DE.TypeName;
9287           end;
9288         end;
9289       end
9290       else if ArrayBaseType(fGlobals[i].DataType) = TOK_USERDEFINEDTYPE then
9291         Result := fGlobals[i].TypeName;
9292     end;
9293   else
9294     Result := '';
9295     AbortMsg(sUnknownUDT);
9296   end;
9297 end;
9299 procedure TNXCComp.InitializeArray(const Name, aVal, Val, tname: string;
9300   dt: char; lenexpr: string);
9301 var
9302   tmpVal, expr, tmpType, codeStr : string;
9303   idx, n, dim : integer;
9304 begin
9305   if (lenexpr = '') or
9306      (lenexpr = '[]') or
9307      (lenexpr = '[][]') or
9308      (lenexpr = '[][][]') then
9309     Exit;
9310   tmpType := tname;
9311   if tmpType = 'string' then
9312     tmpType := 'byte[]';
9313   // grab the first array expression from lenexpr
9314   idx := Pos('[', lenexpr);
9315   n := Pos(']', lenexpr);
9316   expr := Copy(lenexpr, idx+1, n-idx-1);
9317   System.Delete(lenexpr, idx, n-idx+1);
9318   // now check dimensions
9319   dim := GetArrayDimension(dt);
9320   if dim = 1 then
9321   begin
9322     if ArrayBaseType(dt) in NonAggregateTypes then
9323       tmpVal := '0'
9324     else
9325     begin
9326       // create a variable to be used for initializing the array
9327       dec(dim);
9328       tmpVal := Format('__%s_%d', [Name, dim]);
9329       EmitLn('dseg segment');
9330       AllocateHelper(tmpVal, '', '', tmpType, dt);
9331       EmitLn('dseg ends');
9332     end;
9333     if expr = '' then
9334       expr := '1';
9335     codeStr := Format('arrinit %s, %s, %s', [Name, tmpVal, expr]);
9336     EmitLn(codeStr);
9337   end
9338   else
9339   begin
9340     // recurse if needed
9341     dt := RemoveArrayDimension(dt);
9342     // define a variable at this new level
9343     tmpVal := Format('__%s_%d', [Name, dim]);
9344     EmitLn('dseg segment');
9345     AllocateHelper(tmpVal, DataTypeToArrayDimensions(dt), '', tmpType, dt);
9346     EmitLn('dseg ends');
9347     InitializeArray(tmpVal, aVal, Val, tname, dt, lenexpr);
9348     if expr = '' then
9349       expr := '1';
9350     codeStr := Format('arrinit %s, %s, %s', [Name, tmpVal, expr]);
9351     EmitLn(codeStr);
9352   end;
9353 end;
9355 procedure TNXCComp.LoadSystemFile(S : TStream);
9356 var
9357   tmp : string;
9358 begin
9359   // load fMS with the contents of NBCCommon.h followed by NXCDefs.h
9360   tmp := '#line 0 "NXCDefs.h"'#13#10;
9361   S.Write(PChar(tmp)^, Length(tmp));
9363   S.Write(nbc_common_data, High(nbc_common_data)+1);
9364   S.Write(nxc_defs_data, High(nxc_defs_data)+1);
9365 //  tmp := Format('#line 0 "%s"'#13#10, [CurrentFile]);
9366   tmp := '#reset'#13#10;
9367   S.Write(PChar(tmp)^, Length(tmp));
9368 end;
9370 procedure TNXCComp.CheckSemicolon;
9371 begin
9372   if fSemiColonRequired then
9373   begin
9374     Semi;
9375     Scan;
9376   end;
9377 end;
9379 procedure TNXCComp.CloseParen;
9380 begin
9381   dec(fParenDepth);
9382   if fParenDepth < 0 then
9383     AbortMsg(sUnmatchedCloseParen);
9384   MatchString(TOK_CLOSEPAREN);
9385 end;
9387 procedure TNXCComp.OpenParen;
9388 begin
9389   MatchString(TOK_OPENPAREN);
9390   inc(fParenDepth);
9391 end;
9393 procedure TNXCComp.InitializeGraphicOutVars;
9394 begin
9395   if IgnoreSystemFile then
9396     Exit; // do not intialization if we are not including the standard headers
9397   if not EnhancedFirmware then
9398     EmitLn('arrinit __GraphicOutEmptyVars, 0, 256')
9399   else
9400     EmitLn('arrinit __GraphicOutEmptyVars, 0, 16');
9401 end;
9403 procedure TNXCComp.EmitMutexDeclaration(const name: string);
9404 begin
9405   EmitLn('dseg segment');
9406   EmitLn(Format('  __%s_mutex mutex', [name]));
9407   EmitLn('dseg ends');
9408 end;
9410 procedure TNXCComp.EmitInlineParametersAndLocals(func: TInlineFunction);
9411 var
9412   i : integer;
9413   p : TFunctionParameter;
9414   v : TVariable;
9415   varname, tname : string;
9416   dt : char;
9417   bConst : boolean;
9418 begin
9419   for i := 0 to FunctionParameterCount(func.Name) - 1 do
9420   begin
9421     p := GetFunctionParam(func.Name, i);
9422     if Assigned(p) then
9423     begin
9424       varname := InlineName(fCurrentThreadName, ApplyDecoration(p.ProcName, p.Name, 0));
9425       tname   := p.ParamTypeName;
9426       dt      := p.ParameterDataType;
9427       bConst  := p.IsConstant;
9428       if AmInlining then
9429       begin
9430         // call AddLocal instead
9431         if not IsLocal(varname) then
9432           AddLocal(varname, dt, tname, bConst, '');
9433       end
9434       else
9435       begin
9436         // allocate this parameter
9437         Allocate(varname, DataTypeToArrayDimensions(dt), '', tname, dt);
9438       end;
9439     end;
9440   end;
9441   for i := 0 to func.LocalVariables.Count - 1 do
9442   begin
9443     v := func.LocalVariables[i];
9444     varname := InlineName(fCurrentThreadName, v.Name);
9445     tname   := v.TypeName;
9446     dt      := v.DataType;
9447     bConst  := v.IsConstant;
9448     if AmInlining then
9449     begin
9450       // call AddLocal instead
9451       if not IsLocal(varname) then
9452         AddLocal(varname, dt, tname, bConst, '');
9453     end
9454     else
9455     begin
9456       // allocate this variable
9457       Allocate(varname, DataTypeToArrayDimensions(dt), '', tname, dt);
9458     end;
9459   end;
9460 end;
TypesAreCompatiblenull9462 function TNXCComp.TypesAreCompatible(lhs, rhs: char): boolean;
9463 var
9464   lDim, rDim : integer;
9465   lBase, rBase : Char;
9466 begin
9467   Result := ((lhs <> TOK_MUTEXDEF) and (rhs <> TOK_MUTEXDEF)) and
9468             ((lhs = rhs) or
9471              ((lhs in [Chr(Ord(TOK_ARRAYBYTEDEF)+1), TOK_ARRAYSTRING]) and
9472               (rhs in [Chr(Ord(TOK_ARRAYBYTEDEF)+1), TOK_ARRAYSTRING])) or
9473              ((lhs in [Chr(Ord(TOK_ARRAYBYTEDEF)+2), Chr(Ord(TOK_ARRAYSTRING)+1)]) and
9474               (rhs in [Chr(Ord(TOK_ARRAYBYTEDEF)+2), Chr(Ord(TOK_ARRAYSTRING)+1)])) or
9475              ((lhs in [Chr(Ord(TOK_ARRAYBYTEDEF)+3), Chr(Ord(TOK_ARRAYSTRING)+2)]) and
9476               (rhs in [Chr(Ord(TOK_ARRAYBYTEDEF)+3), Chr(Ord(TOK_ARRAYSTRING)+2)]))
9477             );
9478   if not Result then
9479   begin
9480     if IsArrayType(lhs) or IsArrayType(rhs) then
9481     begin
9482       // dimension counts have to match and base types have to be compatible
9483       lDim := GetArrayDimension(lhs);
9484       rDim := GetArrayDimension(rhs);
9485       Result := lDim = rDim;
9486       if Result then
9487       begin
9488         // also base type compatible
9489         lBase := ArrayBaseType(lhs);
9490         rBase := ArrayBaseType(rhs);
9491         Result := ((lBase in NonAggregateTypes) and (rBase in NonAggregateTypes)) or (lBase = rBase);
9492       end;
9493     end
9494     else
9495     begin
9496       // neither is an array
9497       Result := (lhs in NonAggregateTypes) and (rhs in NonAggregateTypes);
9498     end;
9499   end;
9500 end;
9502 procedure TNXCComp.DoFormatNum;
9503 var
9504   str : string;
9505 begin
9506   // FormatNum(string, value)
9507   OpenParen;
9508   // string
9509   StringExpression('');
9510   str := StrBufName;
9511   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
9512   // value
9513   BoolExpression;
9514   CloseParen;
9515   EmitLn(Format('fmtnum %s, %s, %s', [StrRetValName, str, RegisterName]));
9516 end;
9518 procedure TNXCComp.DecrementNestingLevel;
9519 var
9520   i : integer;
9521 begin
9522   dec(fNestingLevel);
9523   // clear any locals defined below the current level
9524   // since they have just gone out of scope
9525   for i := fLocals.Count - 1 downto 0 do
9526   begin
9527     if fLocals[i].Level > fNestingLevel then
9528       fLocals.Delete(i);
9529   end;
9530 end;
9532 procedure TNXCComp.CheckEnhancedFirmware;
9533 begin
9534   if not EnhancedFirmware then
9535     AbortMsg(sEnhancedFirmwareReqd);
9536 end;
9538 procedure TNXCComp.InitializeGlobalArrays;
9539 begin
9540   // all this routine does is emit a call to the global array
9541   // initialization subroutine
9542   EmitLn('call __initialize_global_data');
9543 end;
9545 procedure TNXCComp.EmitGlobalDataInitSubroutine;
9546 var
9547   i : integer;
9548   V : TVariable;
9549   aval : string;
9550 begin
9551   EmitLnNoTab('subroutine __initialize_global_data');
9552   for i := 0 to fGlobals.Count - 1 do
9553   begin
9554     V := fGlobals[i];
9555     if IsArrayType(V.DataType) then
9556     begin
9557       if (V.LenExpr <> '') and (V.Value = '') then
9558       begin
9559         // generate code to initialize this array.
9560         aval := DataTypeToArrayDimensions(V.DataType);
9561         InitializeArray(V.Name, aval, '', V.TypeName, V.DataType, V.LenExpr);
9562       end
9563       else if V.Value <> '' then
9564       begin
9565         DoLocalArrayInit(V.Name, V.Value, V.DataType);
9566       end;
9567     end
9568     // possibly also initialize struct types containing arrays...
9569   end;
9570   EmitLn('return');
9571   EmitLnNoTab('ends');
9572 end;
StripBracesnull9574 function StripBraces(str : string) : string;
9575 begin
9576   Result := Copy(str, 2, Length(str)-2);
9577 end;
9579 procedure TNXCComp.DoLocalArrayInit(const aName, ival: string; dt: char);
9580 var
9581   asmstr, {src, }tmp : string;
9582 //  i : integer;
9583 begin
9584   // generate an arrbuild asm statement for this array given the initial values
9585   asmstr := Format('arrbuild %s', [aName]);
9586   tmp := StripBraces(ival);
9587   asmstr := asmstr + ', ' + tmp;
9588   EmitLn(asmstr);
9589 end;
TNXCComp.DoNewArrayIndexnull9591 function TNXCComp.DoNewArrayIndex(theArrayDT : Char; theArray, aLHSName : string) : boolean;
9592 var
9593   AHV : TArrayHelperVar;
9594   tmp, udType, aval, tmpUDTName, oldExpStr : string;
9595   tmpDT : char;
9596 begin
9597   Result := False;
9598   // grab the index as an expression and put it on the stack
9599   Next;
9600   tmpDT := fLHSDataType;
9601   oldExpStr := fExpStr;
9602   try
9603     fLHSDataType := TOK_LONGDEF;
9604     CommaExpression;
9605   finally
9606     fLHSDataType := tmpDT;
9607     fExpStr      := oldExpStr;
9608   end;
9609   if Value <> ']' then
9610     Expected(''']''');
9611   push;
9612   tmp := tos;
9613   EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [tmp, RegisterName]));
9614   fArrayIndexStack.Add(tmp);
9615   theArrayDT := RemoveArrayDimension(theArrayDT);
9617   // check for additional levels of indexing
9618   if (Look = '[') and (IsArrayType(theArrayDT) or (theArrayDT = TOK_STRINGDEF)) then
9619   begin
9620     Next; // move to '['
9621     udType := '';
9622     if IsUDT(ArrayBaseType(theArrayDT)) then
9623       udType := GetUDTType(theArray);
9624     // get a temporary thread-safe variable of the right type
9625     AHV := fArrayHelpers.GetHelper(fCurrentThreadName, udType, theArrayDT);
9626     try
9627       aval := AHV.Name;
9628       if fGlobals.IndexOfName(aval) = -1 then
9629         AddEntry(aval, theArrayDT, udType, '');
9630       // set the variable to the specified element from previous array
9631       EmitLn(Format('index %s, %s, %s',[aval, GetDecoratedIdent(theArray), tmp]));
9632       // pass its name into the call to DoNewArrayIndex
9633       Result := DoNewArrayIndex(theArrayDT, aval, aLHSName);
9634     finally
9635       fArrayHelpers.ReleaseHelper(AHV);
9636     end;
9637   end
9638   else
9639   begin
9640     // no more indexing
9641     udType := '';
9642     if IsUDT(ArrayBaseType(theArrayDT)) then
9643       udType := GetUDTType(theArray);
9644     // get a temporary thread-safe variable of the right type
9645     AHV := fArrayHelpers.GetHelper(fCurrentThreadName, udType, theArrayDT);
9646     try
9647       aval := AHV.Name;
9648       if fGlobals.IndexOfName(aval) = -1 then
9649         AddEntry(aval, theArrayDT, udType, '');
9650       // set the variable to the specified element from previous array
9651       EmitLn(Format('index %s, %s, %s',[aval, GetDecoratedIdent(theArray), tmp]));
9652       // check for struct member notation
9653       if (Look = '.') and IsUDT(theArrayDT) then
9654       begin
9655         Next; // move to the dot
9656         // process dots
9657         tmpUDTName := aval;
9658         tmpUDTName := tmpUDTName + Value; // add the dot
9659         Next;
9660         tmpUDTName := tmpUDTName + Value; // add everything else
9661         // set value to full udt name
9662         Value := tmpUDTName;
9663       end
9664       else
9665       begin
9666         // set value to temporary array name
9667         Value := aval;
9668       end;
9669       Token := TOK_IDENTIFIER;
9670       tmpDT := DataType(Value);
9671       if (tmpDT in NonAggregateTypes) and (aLHSName = '') then
9672       begin
9673         Result := True; // i.e., loaded a value on the stack
9674         LoadVar(Value);
9675         Next; // move to the next token
9676       end
9677       else if aLHSName <> '' then
9678       begin
9679         if tmpDT = TOK_STRINGDEF then
9680           EmitLn(Format('strcat %s, %s', [aLHSName, GetDecoratedValue]))
9681         else if tmpDT in NonAggregateTypes then
9682         begin
9683           Result := True; // loaded a value onto the stack
9684           LoadVar(Value);
9685         end
9686         else if not IsArrayType(DataType(StripInline(aLHSName))) then
9687           EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [GetDecoratedIdent(aLHSName), GetDecoratedValue]))
9688         else
9689         begin
9690           Result := True; // sort of loaded a value onto the stack
9691           fUDTOnStack := Value;
9692         end;
9693         Next; // move to the next token
9694       end
9695       else
9696       begin
9697         // recurse to the NumericRelation procedure
9698         Result := True; // a numeric relation always puts a value on the stack
9699         NumericRelation;
9700       end;
9701     finally
9702       fArrayHelpers.ReleaseHelper(AHV);
9703     end;
9704   end;
9705   pop;
9706 end;
9708 procedure TNXCComp.SetStatementType(const Value: TStatementType);
9709 begin
9710   fStatementType := Value;
9711   if (Value = stFloat) and (FirmwareVersion < MIN_FW_VER2X) then
9712     AbortMsg(sFloatNotSupported);
9713 end;
9715 procedure TNXCComp.ResetStatementType;
9716 begin
9717   StatementType := stSigned;
9718 end;
9720 procedure TNXCComp.EmitNXCRequiredStructs;
9721 var
9722   SL : TStringList;
9723 begin
9724   SL := TStringList.Create;
9725   try
9726     SL.Text :=
9727       'TNXCSoundPlayFile struct'#13#10 +
9728       ' Result sbyte'#13#10 +
9729       ' Filename byte[]'#13#10 +
9730       ' Loop byte'#13#10 +
9731       ' Volume byte'#13#10 +
9732       'TNXCSoundPlayFile ends'#13#10 +
9733       'TNXCSoundPlayTone struct'#13#10 +
9734       ' Result sbyte'#13#10 +
9735       ' Frequency	word'#13#10 +
9736       ' Duration word'#13#10 +
9737       ' Loop byte'#13#10 +
9738       ' Volume byte'#13#10 +
9739       'TNXCSoundPlayTone ends'#13#10 +
9740       'TNXCSetScreenMode struct'#13#10 +
9741       ' Result sbyte'#13#10 +
9742       ' ScreenMode dword'#13#10 +
9743       'TNXCSetScreenMode ends';
9744     NBCSource.AddStrings(SL);
9745     NBCSource.Add('');
9746   finally
9747     SL.Free;
9748   end;
9749 end;
9751 procedure TNXCComp.CheckForMain;
9752 var
9753   i : integer;
9754   V : TVariable;
9755 begin
9756   for i := 0 to fGlobals.Count - 1 do
9757   begin
9758     V := fGlobals[i];
9759     if (V.DataType = TOK_TASK) and (V.Name = 'main') then
9760       Exit;
9761   end;
9762   // if we get here we know that main does not exist
9763   AbortMsg(sMainTaskNotFound);
9764 end;
9766 procedure TNXCComp.DoCompilerStatusChange(const Status: string; const bDone : boolean);
9767 begin
9768   if Assigned(fOnCompilerStatusChange) then
9769     fOnCompilerStatusChange(Self, Status, bDone);
9770 end;
AmInliningnull9772 function TNXCComp.AmInlining: boolean;
9773 begin
9774 //  Result := fInlineStack.Count > 0;
9775   Result := fInlineDepth > 0;
9776 end;
9778 procedure TNXCComp.DecrementInlineDepth;
9779 begin
9780   // remove the
9781   dec(fInlineDepth);
9782 end;
9784 procedure TNXCComp.IncrementInlineDepth;
9785 begin
9786   inc(fInlineDepth);
9787 //  fInlineStack.Add(TStringList.Create);
9788 end;
9790 procedure TNXCComp.HandleSpecialNames;
9791 begin
9792   if Value = '__TMPBYTE__' then
9793     Value := TempSignedByteName
9794   else if Value = '__TMPWORD__' then
9795     Value := TempSignedWordName
9796   else if Value = '__TMPLONG__' then
9797     Value := TempSignedLongName
9798   else if Value = '__TMPULONG__' then
9799     Value := TempUnsignedLongName
9800   else if Value = '__TMPFLOAT__' then
9801     Value := TempFloatName
9802   else if Value = '__RETVAL__' then
9803     Value := SignedRegisterName
9804   else if Value = '__FLTRETVAL__' then
9805     Value := FloatRegisterName
9806   else if Value = '__STRRETVAL__' then
9807     Value := StrRetValName
9808   else if Value = '__GENRETVAL__' then
9809     Value := RegisterName
9810   else if Value = 'false' then
9811   begin
9812     Value := '0';
9813     Token := TOK_NUM;
9814   end
9815   else if Value = 'true' then
9816   begin
9817     Value := '1';
9818     Token := TOK_NUM;
9819   end;
9820 end;
TNXCComp.GetValueOfnull9822 function TNXCComp.GetValueOf(const name: string): string;
9823 begin
9824   Result := name;
9825   if IsLocalConst(name) then
9826   begin
9827     Result := LocalConstantValue(name);
9828   end
9829 {
9830   else if IsParamConst(name) then
9831   begin
9832     Result := ParamConstantValue(name);
9833   end;
9834 }
9835 end;
9837 procedure TNXCComp.MoveToCorrectRegister(dt: char);
9838 var
9839   cReg : string;
9840   rst : TStatementType;
9841 begin
9842   if dt in UnsignedIntegerTypes then begin
9843     creg := UnsignedRegisterName;
9844     rst  := stUnsigned;
9845   end
9846   else if dt = TOK_FLOATDEF then begin
9847     creg := FloatRegisterName;
9848     rst  := stFloat;
9849   end
9850   else begin
9851     creg := SignedRegisterName;
9852     rst  := stSigned;
9853   end;
9854   if rst <> StatementType then
9855     EmitLn(Format('mov %s, %s', [creg, RegisterName]));
9856 end;
9858 procedure TNXCComp.CheckForValidDataType(dt: char);
9859 begin
9860   // valid data types
9864                  TOK_PROCEDURE, TOK_TASK, TOK_LABEL]) then
9865     AbortMsg(sUnknownDatatype);
9866 end;
9868 procedure TNXCComp.HandlePreprocStatusChange(Sender: TObject;
9869   const StatusMsg: string);
9870 begin
9871   DoCompilerStatusChange(StatusMsg);
9872 end;
9874 procedure TNXCComp.SetCurFile(const Value: string);
9875 begin
9876   if CurrentFile <> Value then
9877   begin
9878     fCurFile := Value;
9879     DoCompilerStatusChange(Format(sCurrentFile, [Value]));
9880   end;
9881 end;
ProcessArrayDimensionsnull9883 function TNXCComp.ProcessArrayDimensions(var lenexpr : string) : string;
9884 var
9885   bDone, bOpen : boolean;
9886 begin
9887   lenexpr := '';
9888   Result := '';
9889   // declaring an array
9890   bDone := False;
9891   bOpen := False;
9892   while not bDone do
9893   begin
9894     lenexpr := lenexpr + Value;
9895     if Token in ['[', ']'] then
9896       Result := Result + Token;
9897     if bOpen and (Token = ']') then
9898       bOpen := False
9899     else if not bOpen and (Token = '[') then
9900       bOpen := True
9901     else if (bOpen and (Token = '[')) or
9902             (not bOpen and (Token = ']')) then
9903       AbortMsg(sInvalidArrayDeclaration);
9904     Next;
9905     if not bOpen and (Token <> '[') then
9906       bDone := True;
9907   end;
9908 end;
9910 procedure TNXCComp.CommaStatement(const lend, lstart: string);
9911 begin
9912   Statement(lend, lstart);
9913   if fNoCommaOperator then Exit;
9914   // handle comma?
9915   if Token = TOK_COMMA then
9916   begin
9917     Next; // skip past the comma
9918     CommaStatement(lend, lstart);
9919   end;
9920 end;
9922 end.