1 (*
2  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
3  * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
4  * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
5  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
6  *
7  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
8  * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
9  * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
10  * under the License.
11  *
12  * The Initial Developer of this code is John Hansen.
13  * Portions created by John Hansen are Copyright (C) 2009 John Hansen.
14  * All Rights Reserved.
15  *
16  *)
17 unit uRICComp;
19 interface
21 uses
22   Classes, Contnrs, uNBCCommon, uRIC, Parser10;
24 type
25   TImgPoint = IMG_PT;
26   TImgRect = IMG_RECT;
27   TImgCanvas = TObject;
29   TRICOps = class(TObjectList)
30   public
31     constructor Create;
32     destructor Destroy; override;
33 //    procedure Draw(aPoint : TImgPoint; Vars : TRICVariables;  Options : Cardinal; aCanvas : TImgCanvas);
34   end;
36   TRICOpBase = class
37   protected
38     fOwner : TRICOps;
39     fOpSize : Word;
40     fOpCode : Word;
GetOpSizenull41     function GetOpSize : Word; virtual;
42   public
43     constructor Create(aOwner : TRICOps); virtual;
44     destructor Destroy; override;
45     procedure SaveToStream(aStream : TStream); virtual;
46     procedure LoadFromStream(aStream : TStream); virtual;
SaveAsDataArraynull47     function SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string; virtual;
48 //    procedure Draw(aPoint : TImgPoint; Vars : TRICVariables;  Options : Cardinal; aCanvas : TImgCanvas); virtual; abstract;
49     property OpSize : Word read GetOpSize write fOpSize;
50     property OpCode : Word read fOpCode write fOpCode;
51   end;
53   TRICDescription = class(TRICOpBase)
54   protected
55     fOptions : Word;
56     fWidth : Word;
57     fHeight : Word;
58   public
59     constructor Create(aOwner : TRICOps); override;
60     procedure SaveToStream(aStream : TStream); override;
61     procedure LoadFromStream(aStream : TStream); override;
SaveAsDataArraynull62     function SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string; override;
63 //    procedure Draw(aPoint : TImgPoint; Vars : TRICVariables;  Options : Cardinal; aCanvas : TImgCanvas); override;
64     property Options : Word read fOptions write fOptions;
65     property Width : Word read fWidth write fWidth;
66     property Height : Word read fHeight write fHeight;
67   end;
69   TByteObject = class
70   private
71     fValue: Byte;
72   public
73     property Value : Byte read fValue write fValue;
74   end;
76   TRICSprite = class(TRICOpBase)
77   protected
78     fDataAddr: Word;
79     fRowBytes: Word;
80     fRows: Word;
81     fBytes : TObjectList;
GetByteCountnull82     function GetByteCount: Integer;
GetBytenull83     function GetByte(Index: Integer): Byte;
84     procedure SetByte(Index: Integer; const Value: Byte);
GetOpSizenull85     function GetOpSize : Word; override;
BytesToWritenull86     function BytesToWrite : Integer;
GetByteValuenull87     function GetByteValue(const idx : integer) : Byte;
88   public
89     constructor Create(aOwner : TRICOps); override;
90     destructor Destroy; override;
91     procedure SaveToStream(aStream : TStream); override;
92     procedure LoadFromStream(aStream : TStream); override;
SaveAsDataArraynull93     function SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string; override;
94 //    procedure Draw(aPoint : TImgPoint; Vars : TRICVariables;  Options : Cardinal; aCanvas : TImgCanvas); override;
95     procedure Add(aValue : Byte);
96     property DataAddr : Word read fDataAddr write fDataAddr;
97     property Rows : Word read fRows write fRows;
98     property RowBytes : Word read fRowBytes write fRowBytes;
99     property ByteCount : Integer read GetByteCount;
100     property Bytes[Index : Integer] : Byte read GetByte write SetByte;
101     procedure AddBytes(val : string);
CountBytesnull102     class function CountBytes(val : string) : Word;
103   end;
105   TMapElement = class
106   private
107     fRange: Word;
108     fDomain: Word;
109   public
110     property Domain : Word read fDomain write fDomain;
111     property Range : Word read fRange write fRange;
112   end;
114   TRICVarMap = class(TRICOpBase)
115   private
116   protected
117     fDataAddr: Word;
118     fMapElements : TObjectList;
GetMapCountnull119     function GetMapCount: Word;
GetMapElementnull120     function GetMapElement(Index: Integer): TMapElement;
121     procedure SetMapElement(Index: Integer; const Value: TMapElement);
122   public
123     constructor Create(aOwner : TRICOps); override;
124     destructor Destroy; override;
125     procedure SaveToStream(aStream : TStream); override;
126     procedure LoadFromStream(aStream : TStream); override;
SaveAsDataArraynull127     function SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string; override;
128 //    procedure Draw(aPoint : TImgPoint; Vars : TRICVariables;  Options : Cardinal; aCanvas : TImgCanvas); override;
129     procedure AddMap(aMapElement : PIOV_MAPELT);
Addnull130     function Add : TMapElement;
131     property DataAddr : Word read fDataAddr write fDataAddr;
132     property MapCount : Word read GetMapCount;
133     property MapElements[Index : Integer] : TMapElement read GetMapElement write SetMapElement;
134   end;
136   TRICCopyBits = class(TRICOpBase)
137   protected
138     fCopyOptions : Word;
139     fDataAddr : Word;
140     fDestPoint: TImgPoint;
141     fSrcRect: TImgRect;
142   public
143     constructor Create(aOwner : TRICOps); override;
144     procedure SaveToStream(aStream : TStream); override;
145     procedure LoadFromStream(aStream : TStream); override;
SaveAsDataArraynull146     function SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string; override;
147 //    procedure Draw(aPoint : TImgPoint; Vars : TRICVariables;  Options : Cardinal; aCanvas : TImgCanvas); override;
148     property CopyOptions : Word read fCopyOptions write fCopyOptions;
149     property DataAddr : Word read fDataAddr write fDataAddr;
150     property SrcRect : TImgRect read fSrcRect write fSrcRect;
151     property DestPoint : TImgPoint read fDestPoint write fDestPoint;
152   end;
154   TRICPixel = class(TRICOpBase)
155   protected
156     fCopyOptions : Word;
157     fPoint: TImgPoint;
158     fValue: Word;
159   public
160     constructor Create(aOwner : TRICOps); override;
161     procedure SaveToStream(aStream : TStream); override;
162     procedure LoadFromStream(aStream : TStream); override;
SaveAsDataArraynull163     function SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string; override;
164 //    procedure Draw(aPoint : TImgPoint; Vars : TRICVariables;  Options : Cardinal; aCanvas : TImgCanvas); override;
165     property CopyOptions : Word read fCopyOptions write fCopyOptions;
166     property Point : TImgPoint read fPoint write fPoint;
167     property Value : Word read fValue write fValue;
168   end;
170   TRICLine = class(TRICOpBase)
171   protected
172     fCopyOptions : Word;
173     fPoint1: TImgPoint;
174     fPoint2: TImgPoint;
175   public
176     constructor Create(aOwner : TRICOps); override;
177     procedure SaveToStream(aStream : TStream); override;
178     procedure LoadFromStream(aStream : TStream); override;
SaveAsDataArraynull179     function SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string; override;
180 //    procedure Draw(aPoint : TImgPoint; Vars : TRICVariables;  Options : Cardinal; aCanvas : TImgCanvas); override;
181     property CopyOptions : Word read fCopyOptions write fCopyOptions;
182     property Point1 : TImgPoint read fPoint1 write fPoint1;
183     property Point2 : TImgPoint read fPoint2 write fPoint2;
184   end;
186   TRICRect = class(TRICOpBase)
187   protected
188     fCopyOptions : Word;
189     fPoint: TImgPoint;
190     fHeight: SmallInt;
191     fWidth: SmallInt;
192   public
193     constructor Create(aOwner : TRICOps); override;
194     procedure SaveToStream(aStream : TStream); override;
195     procedure LoadFromStream(aStream : TStream); override;
SaveAsDataArraynull196     function SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string; override;
197 //    procedure Draw(aPoint : TImgPoint; Vars : TRICVariables;  Options : Cardinal; aCanvas : TImgCanvas); override;
198     property CopyOptions : Word read fCopyOptions write fCopyOptions;
199     property Point : TImgPoint read fPoint write fPoint;
200     property Width : SmallInt read fWidth write fWidth;
201     property Height : SmallInt read fHeight write fHeight;
202   end;
204   TRICCircle = class(TRICOpBase)
205   protected
206     fCopyOptions : Word;
207     fPoint: TImgPoint;
208     fRadius: Word;
209   public
210     constructor Create(aOwner : TRICOps); override;
211     procedure SaveToStream(aStream : TStream); override;
212     procedure LoadFromStream(aStream : TStream); override;
SaveAsDataArraynull213     function SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string; override;
214 //    procedure Draw(aPoint : TImgPoint; Vars : TRICVariables;  Options : Cardinal; aCanvas : TImgCanvas); override;
215     property CopyOptions : Word read fCopyOptions write fCopyOptions;
216     property Point : TImgPoint read fPoint write fPoint;
217     property Radius : Word read fRadius write fRadius;
218   end;
220   TRICNumBox = class(TRICOpBase)
221   protected
222     fCopyOptions : Word;
223     fPoint: TImgPoint;
224     fValue: Word;
225   public
226     constructor Create(aOwner : TRICOps); override;
227     procedure SaveToStream(aStream : TStream); override;
228     procedure LoadFromStream(aStream : TStream); override;
SaveAsDataArraynull229     function SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string; override;
230 //    procedure Draw(aPoint : TImgPoint; Vars : TRICVariables;  Options : Cardinal; aCanvas : TImgCanvas); override;
231     property CopyOptions : Word read fCopyOptions write fCopyOptions;
232     property Point : TImgPoint read fPoint write fPoint;
233     property Value : Word read fValue write fValue;
234   end;
236   TRICEllipse = class(TRICOpBase)
237   protected
238     fCopyOptions : Word;
239     fPoint: TImgPoint;
240     fRadius1: Word;
241     fRadius2: Word;
242   public
243     constructor Create(aOwner : TRICOps); override;
244     procedure SaveToStream(aStream : TStream); override;
245     procedure LoadFromStream(aStream : TStream); override;
SaveAsDataArraynull246     function SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string; override;
247 //    procedure Draw(aPoint : TImgPoint; Vars : TRICVariables;  Options : Cardinal; aCanvas : TImgCanvas); override;
248     property CopyOptions : Word read fCopyOptions write fCopyOptions;
249     property Point : TImgPoint read fPoint write fPoint;
250     property Radius1 : Word read fRadius1 write fRadius1;
251     property Radius2 : Word read fRadius2 write fRadius2;
252   end;
254   TPolyPoint = class
255   private
256     fX: SmallInt;
257     fY: SmallInt;
258   public
259     property X : SmallInt read fX write fX;
260     property Y : SmallInt read fY write fY;
261   end;
263   TRICPolygon = class(TRICOpBase)
264   private
265   protected
266     fCopyOptions : Word;
267     fPolyPoints : TObjectList;
GetCountnull268     function GetCount: Word;
GetPolyPointnull269     function GetPolyPoint(Index: Integer): TPolyPoint;
270     procedure SetPolyPoint(Index: Integer; const Value: TPolyPoint);
271   public
272     constructor Create(aOwner : TRICOps); override;
273     destructor Destroy; override;
274     procedure SaveToStream(aStream : TStream); override;
275     procedure LoadFromStream(aStream : TStream); override;
SaveAsDataArraynull276     function SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string; override;
277 //    procedure Draw(aPoint : TImgPoint; Vars : TRICVariables;  Options : Cardinal; aCanvas : TImgCanvas); override;
278     procedure AddPoint(aPolyPoint : PIMG_PT);
Addnull279     function Add : TPolyPoint;
280     property Count : Word read GetCount;
281     property PolyPoints[Index : Integer] : TPolyPoint read GetPolyPoint write SetPolyPoint;
282     property CopyOptions : Word read fCopyOptions write fCopyOptions;
283   end;
285   TRICComp = class
286   private
287     endofallsource : boolean;
288     fBadProgram : boolean;
289     fBytesRead : integer;
290     fProgErrorCount : integer;
291     fOptimize: boolean;
292     fCurFile: string;
293     fEnhancedFirmware: boolean;
294     fMessages: TStrings;
295     fOnCompMSg: TOnCompilerMessage;
296     fCalc : TExpParser;
297     fMaxErrors: word;
298     fFirmwareVersion: word;
299     procedure InternalParseStream;
300     procedure ReportProblem(const lineNo: integer; const fName,
301       msg: string; err: boolean);
302     procedure Init;
303     procedure GetChar;
304     procedure GetCharX;
305     procedure IncLineNumber;
306     procedure Next;
307     procedure SkipWhite;
308     procedure SkipLine;
309     procedure SkipCommentBlock;
310     procedure GetHexNum;
311     procedure GetName;
312     procedure GetNum;
313     procedure Expected(s: string);
314     procedure AbortMsg(s: string);
IsAlphanull315     function IsAlpha(c: char): boolean;
IsWhitenull316     function IsWhite(c: char): boolean;
IsAlNumnull317     function IsAlNum(c: char): boolean;
IsDigitnull318     function IsDigit(c: char): boolean;
IsHexnull319     function IsHex(c: char): boolean;
320     procedure GetOp;
321     procedure ScriptCommands;
322     procedure Scan;
323     procedure CheckBytesRead(const oldBytesRead: integer);
324     procedure MatchString(x: string);
325     procedure Semi;
326     procedure Statement;
327     procedure DoDesc;
328     procedure DoSprite;
329     procedure DoCircle;
330     procedure DoCopyBits;
331     procedure DoLine;
332     procedure DoNumBox;
333     procedure DoPixel;
334     procedure DoRect;
335     procedure DoVarMap;
336     procedure DoEllipse;
337     procedure DoPolygon;
338     procedure DoFontOut;
339     procedure CloseParen;
340     procedure CheckNumeric;
ProcessArgnull341     function ProcessArg: SmallInt;
ProcessWordArgnull342     function ProcessWordArg: Word;
ValueToIntnull343     function ValueToInt: integer;
ValueToSmallIntnull344     function ValueToSmallInt: SmallInt;
ValueToWordnull345     function ValueToWord: Word;
StringToIntnull346     function StringToInt(const val: string): integer;
347     procedure OpenParen;
348     procedure GetString;
349     procedure CheckStringConst;
350     procedure CheckFirmwareVersion(const MinVer : word; const msg : string);
351   protected
352     fMS : TMemoryStream;
353     fOperations : TRICOps;
354     fCurrentLine : string;
355     fTempChar : Char;
356     fParenDepth : integer;
357     fIncludeDirs: TStrings;
GetOpCountnull358     function GetOpCount: Integer;
359     procedure SyncObjectListToStream;
360     procedure SyncStreamToObjectList;
GetAsTextnull361     function GetAsText: string;
362     procedure SetAsText(const Value: string);
GetOperationnull363     function GetOperation(Index: integer): TRICOpBase;
364     procedure Clear;
365   public
366     constructor Create; virtual;
367     destructor Destroy; override;
368     property  CompilerMessages : TStrings read fMessages;
369     procedure LoadFromStream(aStream : TStream);
370     procedure LoadFromFile(const aFilename : string);
371     procedure SaveToStream(aStream : TStream);
372     procedure SaveToFile(const aFilename : string);
373 //    procedure Draw(aPoint : TImgPoint; Vars : TRICVariables;  Options : Cardinal; aCanvas : TImgCanvas);
374     procedure Parse(const aFilename : string); overload;
375     procedure Parse(aStream : TStream); overload;
376     procedure Parse(aStrings : TStrings); overload;
SaveAsDataArraynull377     function SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName : TLangName; varname : string) : string;
378     property RICOps : TRICOps read fOperations;
379     property Operations[Index : integer] : TRICOpBase read GetOperation;
380     property OperationCount : Integer read GetOpCount;
381     property AsText : string read GetAsText write SetAsText;
382     property CurrentFile : string read fCurFile write fCurFile;
383     property Optimize : boolean read fOptimize write fOptimize;
384     property EnhancedFirmware : boolean read fEnhancedFirmware write fEnhancedFirmware;
385     property FirmwareVersion : word read fFirmwareVersion write fFirmwareVersion;
386     property MaxErrors : word read fMaxErrors write fMaxErrors;
387     property OnCompilerMessage : TOnCompilerMessage read fOnCompMSg write fOnCompMsg;
388     property IncludeDirs : TStrings read fIncludeDirs;
RICToTextnull389     class function RICToText(aStream : TStream; const aFilename : string = '') : string; overload;
RICToTextnull390     class function RICToText(const aFilename : string) : string; overload;
RICToDataArraynull391     class function RICToDataArray(const aFilename, aVarName : string; const aLangName : TLangName) : string;
392   end;
394 implementation
396 uses
397   SysUtils, Math, uCommonUtils, uLocalizedStrings,
398   {$IFNDEF FPC}
399   Graphics, JPEG, pngimage, GIFImage
400   {$ELSE}
401   FPImage, FPCanvas,
402   FPReadBMP, {FPReadGIF, }FPReadJpeg,
403   FPReadPCX, FPReadPNG, FPReadPNM,
404   FPReadTGA, {FPReadTiff, }FPReadXPM
405   {$ENDIF};
407 type
408   TRGBColor = record
409     red   : Byte;
410     green : Byte;
411     blue  : Byte;
412   end;
414   THSBColor = record
415     Hue        : Double;
416     Saturation : Double;
417     Brightness : Double;
418   end;
RGB2HSBnull420 function RGB2HSB( rgb:TRGBColor ) : THSBColor;
421 var
422   minRGB : Double;
423   maxRGB : Double;
424   delta  : Double;
425   h      : Double;
426   s      : Double;
427   b      : Double;
428 begin
429   h      := 0.0;
430   minRGB := Min( Min( rgb.Red,rgb.Green ),rgb.Blue );
431   maxRGB := Max( Max( rgb.Red,rgb.Green ),rgb.Blue );
432   delta  := maxRGB - minRGB;
433   b      := maxRGB ;
435   if maxRGB <> 0.0 then
436     s := 255.0 * delta / maxRGB
437   else
438     s := 0.0;
440   if s <> 0.0 then
441   begin
442     if rgb.Red = maxRGB then
443       h := (rgb.Green - rgb.Blue) / delta
444     else if rgb.Green = minRGB then
445       h := 2.0 + (rgb.Blue - rgb.Red) / delta
446     else if rgb.Blue = maxRGB then
447       h := 4.0 + (rgb.Red - rgb.Green) / delta
448   end
449   else
450     h := -1.0;
452   h := h * 60;
453   if h < 0.0 then
454     h := h + 360.0;
456   with result do
457   begin
458     Hue        := h;
459     Saturation := s * 100 / 255;
460     Brightness := b * 100 / 255;
461   end;
462 end;
465 procedure ImportImage(op : TRICSprite; const fname : string;
466   threshold, width, height : integer);
467 var
468   pic : TPicture;
469   img : TBitmap;
470   w, h, nw, nh, x, y, c : Integer;
471   rgb : TRGBColor;
472   hsb : THSBColor;
473   row : string;
474 begin
475   img := TBitmap.Create;
476   try
477     pic := TPicture.Create;
478     try
479       pic.LoadFromFile(fname);
480       w := pic.Graphic.Width;
481       h := pic.Graphic.Height;
482       img.Width  := w;
483       img.Height := h;
484       img.Canvas.Draw( 0,0, pic.Graphic );
485     finally
486       pic.Free;
487     end;
488     // now generate the pixel bytes for the NXT sprite
489     nw := Min(width, w);
490     nh := Min(height, h);
491     op.Rows := nh;
492     x := nw div 8;
493     if (nw mod 8) <> 0 then
494       inc(x);
495     op.RowBytes := x;
496     for y := 0 to nh-1 do begin
497       row := '';
498       for x := 0 to nw-1 do begin
499         c := img.Canvas.Pixels[ x,y ];
500         rgb.red   := Byte( ( c and $00FF0000 ) shr 16 );
501         rgb.green := Byte( ( c and $0000FF00 ) shr  8 );
502         rgb.blue  := Byte(   c and $000000FF          );
503         hsb := RGB2HSB( rgb );
504         if ( hsb.Brightness > threshold ) then
505           row := row + '0'
506         else
507           row := row + '1';
508       end;
509       op.AddBytes(row);
510     end;
511   finally
512     img.Free;
513   end;
514 end;
515 {$ELSE}
516 procedure ImportImage(op : TRICSprite; const fname : string;
517   threshold, width, height : integer);
518 var
519   img : TFPMemoryImage;
520   w, h, nw, nh, x, y : Integer;
521   c : TFPColor;
522   rgb : TRGBColor;
523   hsb : THSBColor;
524   row : string;
525 begin
526   img := TFPMemoryImage.Create(0, 0);
527   try
528     img.LoadFromFile(fname);
529     w := img.Width;
530     h := img.Height;
531     // now generate the pixel bytes for the NXT sprite
532     nw := Min(width, w);
533     nh := Min(height, h);
534     op.Rows := nh;
535     x := nw div 8;
536     if (nw mod 8) <> 0 then
537       inc(x);
538     op.RowBytes := x;
539     for y := 0 to nh-1 do begin
540       row := '';
541       for x := 0 to nw-1 do begin
542         c := img.Colors[ x,y ];
543         rgb.red   := c.red;
544         rgb.green := c.green;
545         rgb.blue  := c.blue;
546         hsb := RGB2HSB( rgb );
547         if ( hsb.Brightness > threshold ) then
548           row := row + '0'
549         else
550           row := row + '1';
551       end;
552       op.AddBytes(row);
553     end;
554   finally
555     img.Free;
556   end;
557 end;
558 {$ENDIF}
560 const
561   TAB = ^I;
562   CR  = ^M;
563   LF  = ^J;
564   TOK_NUM			        = 'N';
565   TOK_HEX			        = 'H';
566   TOK_STRINGLIT       = 'G';
567   TOK_OPENPAREN       = '(';
568   TOK_CLOSEPAREN      = ')';
569   TOK_COMMA           = ',';
570   TOK_IDENTIFIER		  = 'x';
571   TOK_DESC		        = 'd';
572   TOK_SPRITE	        = 's';
573   TOK_COPYBITS        = 'c';
574   TOK_VARMAP          = 'v';
575   TOK_IMPORT          = 'i';
576   TOK_LINE            = 'l';
577   TOK_RECT            = 'r';
578   TOK_PIXEL		        = 'p';
579   TOK_CIRCLE	        = 'C';
580   TOK_NUMBOX	        = 'n';
581   TOK_ARG             = 'a';
582   TOK_MAPARG          = 'm';
583   TOK_F               = 'f';
584   TOK_ELLIPSE         = 'e';
585   TOK_POLYGON         = 'P';
586   TOK_FONTOUT         = 'F';
587   TOK_BLOCK_COMMENT   = #01;
588   TOK_LINE_COMMENT    = #02;
590 var
591   Look: char = LF;              { Lookahead Character }
592   Token: char;             { Encoded Token       }
593   Value: string;           { Unencoded Token     }
595 var
596   slevel : integer = 1;
597   linenumber : integer;	// current source line number
598   totallines : integer = 0;
600 const
601   NKW  = 16;
602   NKW1 = 17;
604 const
605   KWlist: array[1..NKW] of string =
606               ('desc', 'sprite', 'varmap', 'import',
607                'copybits', 'line', 'rect', 'pixel',
608                'circle', 'numbox', 'maparg', 'arg', 'f',
609                'ellipse', 'polygon', 'fontout');
611 const
612   KWcode: array[1..NKW1+1] of Char =
618      #0);
620 type
621   SymTab = array[1..NKW] of string;
622   TabPtr = ^SymTab;
PixelsToBytesnull624 function PixelsToBytes(p : word) : word;
625 begin
626   Result := Word(p div 8);
627   if (p mod 8) <> 0 then
628     Inc(Result);
629 end;
631 procedure WriteImgPointToStream(aStream : TStream; pt : TImgPoint; bLittleEndian : Boolean = True);
632 begin
633   WriteSmallIntToStream(aStream, pt.X, bLittleEndian);
634   WriteSmallIntToStream(aStream, pt.Y, bLittleEndian);
635 end;
637 procedure WriteImgRectToStream(aStream : TStream; R : TImgRect; bLittleEndian : Boolean = True);
638 begin
639   WriteImgPointToStream(aStream, R.Pt, bLittleEndian);
640   WriteSmallIntToStream(aStream, R.Width, bLittleEndian);
641   WriteSmallIntToStream(aStream, R.Height, bLittleEndian);
642 end;
644 procedure ReadImgPointFromStream(aStream : TStream; var pt : TImgPoint; bLittleEndian : Boolean = True);
645 begin
646   ReadSmallIntFromStream(aStream, pt.X, bLittleEndian);
647   ReadSmallIntFromStream(aStream, pt.Y, bLittleEndian);
648 end;
650 procedure ReadImgRectFromStream(aStream : TStream; var R : TImgRect; bLittleEndian : Boolean = True);
651 begin
652   ReadImgPointFromStream(aStream, R.Pt, bLittleEndian);
653   ReadSmallIntFromStream(aStream, R.Width, bLittleEndian);
654   ReadSmallIntFromStream(aStream, R.Height, bLittleEndian);
655 end;
RICOpCodeToStrnull657 function RICOpCodeToStr(const Op : Word; const Options : Word = 0) : string;
658 begin
659   case Op of
660     IMG_DESCRIPTION_ID : begin
661       if Options = $8001 then
662         Result := 'fontout'
663       else
664         Result := 'desc';
665     end;
666     IMG_SPRITE_ID      : Result := 'sprite';
667     IMG_VARMAP_ID      : Result := 'varmap';
668     IMG_COPYBITS_ID    : Result := 'copybits';
669     IMG_PIXEL_ID       : Result := 'pixel';
670     IMG_LINE_ID        : Result := 'line';
671     IMG_RECTANGLE_ID   : Result := 'rect';
672     IMG_CIRCLE_ID      : Result := 'circle';
673     IMG_NUMBOX_ID      : Result := 'numbox';
674     IMG_ELLIPSE_ID     : Result := 'ellipse';
675     IMG_POLYGON_ID     : Result := 'polygon';
676   else
677     Result := 'unknown';
678   end;
679 end;
SpriteByteToHexStringnull681 function SpriteByteToHexString(const B : Byte) : string;
682 begin
683   Result := IntToHex(B, 2);
684 end;
SpriteByteToBinaryStringnull686 function SpriteByteToBinaryString(const B : Byte) : string;
687 begin
688   Result := '';
689   if (B and $80) <> 0 then Result := Result + '1'
690                       else Result := Result + '0';
691   if (B and $40) <> 0 then Result := Result + '1'
692                       else Result := Result + '0';
693   if (B and $20) <> 0 then Result := Result + '1'
694                       else Result := Result + '0';
695   if (B and $10) <> 0 then Result := Result + '1'
696                       else Result := Result + '0';
697   if (B and $08) <> 0 then Result := Result + '1'
698                       else Result := Result + '0';
699   if (B and $04) <> 0 then Result := Result + '1'
700                       else Result := Result + '0';
701   if (B and $02) <> 0 then Result := Result + '1'
702                       else Result := Result + '0';
703   if (B and $01) <> 0 then Result := Result + '1'
704                       else Result := Result + '0';
705 end;
RICValueToStrnull707 function RICValueToStr(const val : integer; const aLangName : TLangName = lnRICScript) : string;
708 var
709   fmtStr : string;
710 begin
711   if aLangName in [lnNBC, lnNXC] then
712   begin
713     Result := Format('0x%2.2x, 0x%2.2x', [Lo(val), Hi(val)]);
714   end
715   else
716   begin
717     if IMG_SYMB_USEARGS(val) = 0 then
718     begin
719       Result := Format('%d', [val]);
720     end
721     else
722     begin
723       if IMG_SYMB_MAP(val) = 0 then
724       begin
725         if aLangName = lnRICSCript then
726           fmtStr := 'arg(%d)'
727         else
728           fmtStr := 'RICArg(%d)';
729         Result := Format(fmtStr, [IMG_SYMB_ARG(val)]);
730       end
731       else
732       begin
733         if aLangName = lnRICSCript then
734           fmtStr := 'maparg(%d, %d)'
735         else
736           fmtStr := 'RICMapArg(%d, %d)';
737         Result := Format(fmtStr, [IMG_SYMB_MAP(val), IMG_SYMB_ARG(val)]);
738       end;
739     end;
740   end;
741 end;
RICPointToStrnull743 function RICPointToStr(const val : TImgPoint; const aLangName : TLangName) : string;
744 var
745   fmtStr : string;
746 begin
747   if aLangName in [lnNBC, lnNXC, lnNXCHeader] then
748   begin
749     if aLangName in [lnNBC, lnNXC] then
750       fmtStr := '%s, %s'
751     else
752       fmtStr := 'RICImgPoint(%s, %s)';
753     Result := Format(fmtStr,
754       [RICValueToStr(val.X, aLangName), RICValueToStr(val.Y, aLangName)]);
755   end
756   else
757     Result := '';
758 end;
RICRectToStrnull760 function RICRectToStr(const val : TImgRect; const aLangName : TLangName) : string;
761 var
762   fmtStr : string;
763 begin
764   if aLangName in [lnNBC, lnNXC, lnNXCHeader] then
765   begin
766     if aLangName in [lnNBC, lnNXC] then
767       fmtStr := '%s, %s, %s'
768     else
769       fmtStr := 'RICImgRect(%s, %s, %s)';
770     Result := Format(fmtStr,
771       [RICPointToStr(val.Pt, aLangName),
772        RICValueToStr(val.Width, aLangName),
773        RICValueToStr(val.Height, aLangName)]);
774   end
775   else
776     Result := '';
777 end;
ImgRectnull779 function ImgRect(X, Y, Width, Height: SmallInt): TImgRect;
780 begin
781   Result.Pt.X := X;
782   Result.Pt.Y := Y;
783   Result.Width := Width;
784   Result.Height := Height;
785 end;
ImgPointnull787 function ImgPoint(X, Y: SmallInt): TImgPoint;
788 begin
789   Result.X := X;
790   Result.Y := Y;
791 end;
RICToTextnull794 function RICToText(aMS : TMemoryStream; ops : TRICOps; const Filename : string) : string;
795 var
796   OpSize, i, j : integer;
797   tmpCmd, tmpRow : string;
798   DataSize : Cardinal;
799   pImage : PIMG_OP_UNION;
801   pL : PIMG_OP_LINE;
802   pR : PIMG_OP_RECT;
803   pC : PIMG_OP_CIRCLE;
808   pPX : PIMG_OP_PIXEL;
811   pB : PByte;
813   pImgPt : PIMG_PT;
814   theText : TStringList;
815   opDescr : TRICDescription;
816   opSprite : TRICSprite;
817   opVM : TRICVarMap;
818   opCB : TRICCopyBits;
819   opPixel : TRICPixel;
820   opLine : TRICLine;
821   opRect : TRICRect;
822   opCircle : TRICCircle;
823   opNumBox : TRICNumBox;
824   opEllipse : TRICEllipse;
825   opPolygon : TRICPolygon;
826 begin
827   ops.Clear;
828   Result := '';
829   theText := TStringList.Create;
830   try
831     DataSize := Cardinal(aMS.Size);
832     aMS.Position := 0;
833     pImage := aMS.Memory;
834     if Filename <> '' then
835       theText.Add(Format('// %s', [ExtractFileName(Filename)]));
836     // Run through the op codes.
837     while DataSize >= SizeOf(IMG_OP_CORE) do
838     begin
839       // Setup to look at an opcode, make sure it looks reasonable.
840       OpSize := pImage^.Core.OpSize + SizeOf(Word);
841       if (OpSize and $01) <> 0 then
842         Break; // Odd sizes not allowed.
843       case pImage^.Core.OpCode of
844         IMG_DESCRIPTION_ID : begin
845           if OpSize >= SizeOf(IMG_OP_DESCRIPTION) then
846           begin
847             // write out the Description opcode
848             pD := @(pImage^.Desc);
849             if pD^.Options = $8001 then
850             begin
851               theText.Add(Format('%s(%d, %d);',
852                 [RICOpCodeToStr(pD^.OpCode, pD^.Options), pD^.Width, pD^.Height]));
853             end
854             else
855             begin
856               theText.Add(Format('%s(%d, %d, %d);',
857                 [RICOpCodeToStr(pD^.OpCode), pD^.Options, pD^.Width, pD^.Height]));
858             end;
859             // add to the operations list
860             opDescr := TRICDescription.Create(ops);
861             with opDescr do begin
862               OpCode  := pD^.OpCode;
863               OpSize  := pD^.OpSize;
864               Options := pD^.Options;
865               Width   := pD^.Width;
866               Height  := pD^.Height;
867             end;
868           end;
869         end;
870         IMG_SPRITE_ID : begin
871           if OpSize >= SizeOf(IMG_OP_SPRITE) then
872           begin
873             // write the sprite to the file.
874             pSP := @(pImage^.Sprite);
875             // add to the operations list
876             opSprite := TRICSprite.Create(ops);
877             with opSprite do begin
878               OpCode   := pSP^.OpCode;
879               OpSize   := pSP^.OpSize;
880               DataAddr := pSP^.DataAddr;
881               Rows     := pSP^.Rows;
882               RowBytes := pSP^.RowBytes;
883             end;
884             tmpCmd := Format('%s(%d', [RICOpCodeToStr(pSP^.OpCode), pSP^.DataAddr]);
885             pB := @(pSP^.Bytes[0]);
886             for j := 0 to pSP^.Rows - 1 do begin
887               tmpRow := '0x';
888               for i := 0 to pSP^.RowBytes - 1 do begin
889                 // pB points at the current byte
890                 tmpRow := tmpRow + SpriteByteToHexString(pB^);
891                 opSprite.Add(pb^);
892                 inc(pB);
893               end;
894               tmpCmd := tmpCmd + ', ' + tmpRow;
895             end;
896             tmpCmd := tmpCmd + ');';
897             theText.Add(tmpCmd);
898             // set the OpSize value last since adding bytes tries to change the OpSize value
899             opSprite.OpSize := pSP^.OpSize;
900           end;
901         end;
902         IMG_VARMAP_ID : begin
903           if OpSize >= SizeOf(IMG_OP_VARMAP) then
904           begin
905             // write the varmap to the file.
906             pVM := @(pImage^.VarMap);
907             // add to the operations list
908             opVM := TRICVarMap.Create(ops);
909             with opVM do begin
910               OpCode   := pVM^.OpCode;
911               OpSize   := pVM^.OpSize;
912               DataAddr := pVM^.DataAddr;
913             end;
914             tmpCmd := Format('%s(%d', [RICOpCodeToStr(pVM^.OpCode), pVM^.DataAddr]);
915             pMAP := @(pVM^.MapElt[0]);
916             for j := 0 to pVM^.MapCount - 1 do begin
917               tmpCmd := tmpCmd + Format(', f(%d)=%d', [pMAP^.Domain, pMAP^.Range]);
918               opVM.AddMap(pMAP);
919               inc(pMAP);
920             end;
921             tmpCmd := tmpCmd + ');';
922             theText.Add(tmpCmd);
923             // set the OpSize value last since adding map elements tries to change the OpSize value
924             opVM.OpSize := pVM^.OpSize;
925           end;
926         end;
927         IMG_COPYBITS_ID : begin
928           if OpSize >= SizeOf(IMG_OP_COPYBITS) then
929           begin
930             // write the CopyBits opcode to the file
931             pCB := @(pImage^.CopyBits);
932             // add to the operations list
933             opCB := TRICCopyBits.Create(ops);
934             with opCB do begin
935               OpCode      := pCB^.OpCode;
936               OpSize      := pCB^.OpSize;
937               CopyOptions := pCB^.CopyOptions;
938               DataAddr    := pCB^.DataAddr;
939               SrcRect     := ImgRect(pCB^.Src.Pt.X, pCB^.Src.Pt.Y, pCB^.Src.Width, pCB^.Src.Height);
940               DestPoint   := ImgPoint(pCB^.Dst.X, pCB^.Dst.Y);
941             end;
942             theText.Add(Format('%s(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);',
943               [RICOpCodeToStr(pCB^.OpCode),
944                RICValueToStr(pCB^.CopyOptions), RICValueToStr(pCB^.DataAddr),
945                RICValueToStr(pCB^.Src.Pt.X), RICValueToStr(pCB^.Src.Pt.Y),
946                RICValueToStr(pCB^.Src.Width), RICValueToStr(pCB^.Src.Height),
947                RICValueToStr(pCB^.Dst.X), RICValueToStr(pCB^.Dst.Y)]));
948           end;
949         end;
950         IMG_PIXEL_ID : begin
951           if OpSize >= SizeOf(IMG_OP_PIXEL) then begin
952             pPX := @(pImage^.Pixel);
953             // add to the operations list
954             opPixel := TRICPixel.Create(ops);
955             with opPixel do begin
956               OpCode      := pPX^.OpCode;
957               OpSize      := pPX^.OpSize;
958               CopyOptions := pPX^.CopyOptions;
959               Point       := ImgPoint(pPX^.Pt.X, pPX^.Pt.Y);
960               Value       := pPX^.Value;
961             end;
962             theText.Add(Format('%s(%s, %s, %s, %s);',
963               [RICOpCodeToStr(pPX^.OpCode), RICValueToStr(pPX^.CopyOptions),
964                RICValueToStr(pPX^.Pt.X), RICValueToStr(pPX^.Pt.Y),
965                RICValueToStr(pPX^.Value)]));
966           end;
967         end;
968         IMG_LINE_ID : begin
969           if OpSize >= SizeOf(IMG_OP_LINE) then begin
970             pL := @(pImage^.Line);
971             // add to the operations list
972             opLine := TRICLine.Create(ops);
973             with opLine do begin
974               OpCode      := pL^.OpCode;
975               OpSize      := pL^.OpSize;
976               CopyOptions := pL^.CopyOptions;
977               Point1      := ImgPoint(pL^.Pt1.X, pL^.Pt1.Y);
978               Point2      := ImgPoint(pL^.Pt2.X, pL^.Pt2.Y);
979             end;
980             theText.Add(Format('%s(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s);',
981               [RICOpCodeToStr(pL^.OpCode), RICValueToStr(pL^.CopyOptions),
982                RICValueToStr(pL^.Pt1.X), RICValueToStr(pL^.Pt1.Y),
983                RICValueToStr(pL^.Pt2.X), RICValueToStr(pL^.Pt2.Y)]));
984           end;
985         end;
986         IMG_RECTANGLE_ID : begin
987           if OpSize >= SizeOf(IMG_OP_RECT) then begin
988             pR := @(pImage^.Rect);
989             // add to the operations list
990             opRect := TRICRect.Create(ops);
991             with opRect do begin
992               OpCode      := pR^.OpCode;
993               OpSize      := pR^.OpSize;
994               CopyOptions := pR^.CopyOptions;
995               Point       := ImgPoint(pR^.Pt.X, pR^.Pt.Y);
996               Width       := pR^.Width;
997               Height      := pR^.Height;
998             end;
999             theText.Add(Format('%s(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s);',
1000               [RICOpCodeToStr(pR^.OpCode), RICValueToStr(pR^.CopyOptions),
1001                RICValueToStr(pR^.Pt.X), RICValueToStr(pR^.Pt.Y),
1002                RICValueToStr(pR^.Width), RICValueToStr(pR^.Height)]));
1003           end;
1004         end;
1005         IMG_CIRCLE_ID : begin
1006           if OpSize >= SizeOf(IMG_OP_CIRCLE) then begin
1007             pC := @(pImage^.Circle);
1008             // add to the operations list
1009             opCircle := TRICCircle.Create(ops);
1010             with opCircle do begin
1011               OpCode      := pC^.OpCode;
1012               OpSize      := pC^.OpSize;
1013               CopyOptions := pC^.CopyOptions;
1014               Point       := ImgPoint(pC^.Pt.X, pC^.Pt.Y);
1015               Radius      := pC^.Radius;
1016             end;
1017             theText.Add(Format('%s(%s, %s, %s, %s);',
1018               [RICOpCodeToStr(pC^.OpCode), RICValueToStr(pC^.CopyOptions),
1019                RICValueToStr(pC^.Pt.X), RICValueToStr(pC^.Pt.Y),
1020                RICValueToStr(pC^.Radius)]));
1021           end;
1022         end;
1023         IMG_NUMBOX_ID : begin
1024           if OpSize >= SizeOf(IMG_OP_NUMBOX) then begin
1025             pNB := @(pImage^.NumBox);
1026             // add to the operations list
1027             opNumBox := TRICNumBox.Create(ops);
1028             with opNumBox do begin
1029               OpCode      := pNB^.OpCode;
1030               OpSize      := pNB^.OpSize;
1031               CopyOptions := pNB^.CopyOptions;
1032               Point       := ImgPoint(pNB^.Pt.X, pNB^.Pt.Y);
1033               Value       := pNB^.Value;
1034             end;
1035             theText.Add(Format('%s(%s, %s, %s, %s);',
1036               [RICOpCodeToStr(pNB^.OpCode), RICValueToStr(pNB^.CopyOptions),
1037                RICValueToStr(pNB^.Pt.X), RICValueToStr(pNB^.Pt.Y),
1038                RICValueToStr(pNB^.Value)]));
1039           end;
1040         end;
1041         IMG_ELLIPSE_ID : begin
1042           if OpSize >= SizeOf(IMG_OP_ELLIPSE) then begin
1043             pE := @(pImage^.Ellipse);
1044             // add to the operations list
1045             opEllipse := TRICEllipse.Create(ops);
1046             with opEllipse do begin
1047               OpCode      := pE^.OpCode;
1048               OpSize      := pE^.OpSize;
1049               CopyOptions := pE^.CopyOptions;
1050               Point       := ImgPoint(pE^.Pt.X, pE^.Pt.Y);
1051               Radius1     := pE^.Radius1;
1052               Radius2     := pE^.Radius2;
1053             end;
1054             theText.Add(Format('%s(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s);',
1055               [RICOpCodeToStr(pE^.OpCode), RICValueToStr(pE^.CopyOptions),
1056                RICValueToStr(pE^.Pt.X), RICValueToStr(pE^.Pt.Y),
1057                RICValueToStr(pE^.Radius1), RICValueToStr(pE^.Radius2)]));
1058           end;
1059         end;
1060         IMG_POLYGON_ID : begin
1061           if OpSize >= SizeOf(IMG_OP_POLYGON) then
1062           begin
1063             pP := @(pImage^.Polygon);
1064             // add to the operations list
1065             opPolygon := TRICPolygon.Create(ops);
1066             with opPolygon do begin
1067               OpCode   := pP^.OpCode;
1068               OpSize   := pP^.OpSize;
1069               CopyOptions := pP^.CopyOptions;
1070             end;
1071             tmpCmd := Format('%s(%s', [RICOpCodeToStr(pP^.OpCode), RICValueToStr(pP^.CopyOptions)]);
1072             pImgPt := @(pP^.Points[0]);
1073             for j := 0 to pP^.Count - 1 do begin
1074               tmpCmd := tmpCmd + Format(', (%d, %d)', [pImgPt^.X, pImgPt^.Y]);
1075               opPolygon.AddPoint(pImgPt);
1076               inc(pImgPt);
1077             end;
1078             tmpCmd := tmpCmd + ');';
1079             theText.Add(tmpCmd);
1080             // set the OpSize value last since adding polygon points tries to change the OpSize value
1081             opPolygon.OpSize := pP^.OpSize;
1082           end;
1083         end;
1084       else
1085         //Unrecognized opcode so quit
1086         Break;
1087       end;
1088       dec(DataSize, OpSize);
1089       pImage := PIMG_OP_UNION(PChar(pImage) + OpSize);
1090     end;
1091     Result := theText.Text;
1092   finally
1093     theText.Free;
1094   end;
1095 end;
1097 { TRICComp }
1099 constructor TRICComp.Create;
1100 begin
1101   inherited;
1102   fIncludeDirs := TStringList.Create;
1103   fMessages   := TStringList.Create;
1104   fMS         := TMemoryStream.Create;
1105   fOperations := TRICOps.Create;
1106   fCurFile    := '';
1107   fOptimize   := False;
1108   fMaxErrors  := 0;
1109   fCalc := TExpParser.Create(nil);
1110   fCalc.CaseSensitive := True;
1111   fFirmwareVersion  := 128; // 1.28 NXT 2.0 firmware
1112 end;
1114 destructor TRICComp.Destroy;
1115 begin
1116   FreeAndNil(fIncludeDirs);
1117   FreeAndNil(fMessages);
1118   FreeAndNil(fMS);
1119   FreeAndNil(fOperations);
1120   FreeAndNil(fCalc);
1121   inherited;
1122 end;
1124 {
1125 procedure TRICComp.Draw(aPoint: TImgPoint; Vars: TRICVariables;
1126   Options: Cardinal; aCanvas: TImgCanvas);
1127 begin
1128   fOperations.Draw(aPoint, Vars, Options, aCanvas);
1129 end;
1130 }
TRICComp.GetAsTextnull1132 function TRICComp.GetAsText: string;
1133 begin
1134   // make sure the stream matches the contents of fOperations
1135   SyncStreamToObjectList;
1136   Result := uRICComp.RICToText(fMS, fOperations, fCurFile);
1137 end;
GetOperationnull1139 function TRICComp.GetOperation(Index: integer): TRICOpBase;
1140 begin
1141   Result := TRICOpBase(fOperations[Index]);
1142 end;
TRICComp.GetOpCountnull1144 function TRICComp.GetOpCount: Integer;
1145 begin
1146   Result := fOperations.Count;
1147 end;
1149 procedure TRICComp.LoadFromFile(const aFilename: string);
1150 var
1151   Stream: TStream;
1152 begin
1153   fCurFile := aFilename;
1154   Stream := TFileStream.Create(aFilename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
1155   try
1156     LoadFromStream(Stream);
1157   finally
1158     Stream.Free;
1159   end;
1160 end;
1162 procedure TRICComp.LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream);
1163 begin
1164   fMS.LoadFromStream(aStream);
1165   SyncObjectListToStream;
1166 end;
TRICComp.RICToTextnull1168 class function TRICComp.RICToText(aStream: TStream; const aFilename : string): string;
1169 begin
1170   with TRICComp.Create do
1171   try
1172     fCurFile := aFilename;
1173     LoadFromStream(aStream);
1174     Result := AsText;
1175   finally
1176     Free;
1177   end;
1178 end;
TRICComp.RICToTextnull1180 class function TRICComp.RICToText(const aFilename: string): string;
1181 begin
1182   with TRICComp.Create do
1183   try
1184     LoadFromFile(aFilename);
1185     Result := AsText;
1186   finally
1187     Free;
1188   end;
1189 end;
1191 procedure TRICComp.SaveToFile(const aFilename: string);
1192 var
1193   Stream: TStream;
1194 begin
1195   Stream := TFileStream.Create(aFilename, fmCreate);
1196   try
1197     SaveToStream(Stream);
1198   finally
1199     Stream.Free;
1200   end;
1201 end;
1203 procedure TRICComp.SaveToStream(aStream: TStream);
1204 begin
1205   SyncStreamToObjectlist;
1206   aStream.CopyFrom(fMS, 0);
1207 end;
1209 procedure TRICComp.SetAsText(const Value: string);
1210 var
1211   SL : TStringList;
1212 begin
1213   Clear;
1214   // compile text to RIC
1215   SL := TStringList.Create;
1216   try
1217     SL.Text := Value;
1218     SL.SaveToStream(fMS);
1219     InternalParseStream;
1220   finally
1221     SL.Free;
1222   end;
1223 end;
1225 procedure TRICComp.ReportProblem(const lineNo: integer; const fName,
1226   msg: string; err : boolean);
1227 var
1228   tmp, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4 : string;
1229   stop : boolean;
1230 begin
1231   if lineNo = -1 then
1232   begin
1233     tmp := msg;
1234     fMessages.Add(tmp);
1235   end
1236   else
1237   begin
1238     if err then
1239       tmp1 := Format('# Error: %s', [msg])
1240     else
1241       tmp1 := Format('# Warning: %s', [msg]);
1242     fMessages.Add(tmp1);
1243     tmp2 := Format('File "%s" ; line %d', [fName, lineNo]);
1244     fMessages.Add(tmp2);
1245     tmp3 := Format('#   %s', [fCurrentLine]);
1246     fMessages.Add(tmp3);
1247     tmp4 := '#----------------------------------------------------------';
1248     fMessages.Add(tmp4);
1249     tmp := tmp1+#13#10+tmp2+#13#10+tmp3+#13#10+tmp4;
1250   end;
1251   fBadProgram := err;
1252   if err then
1253     inc(fProgErrorCount);
1254   stop := (MaxErrors > 0) and (fProgErrorCount >= MaxErrors);
1255 //  stop := false;
1256   if assigned(fOnCompMsg) then
1257     fOnCompMsg(tmp, stop);
1258   if stop then
1259     Abort;
1260 end;
1262 procedure TRICComp.IncLineNumber;
1263 begin
1264   linenumber := linenumber + 1;
1265   inc(totallines);
1266 end;
1268 procedure TRICComp.GetCharX;
1269 var
1270   bytesread : integer;
1271 begin
1272   bytesread := fMS.Read(Look, 1);
1273   inc(fBytesRead, bytesread);
1274   fCurrentLine := fCurrentLine + Look;
1275   if Look = LF then
1276   begin
1277     IncLineNumber;
1278     fCurrentLine := '';
1279   end;
1280   if bytesread < 1 then
1281     endofallsource := True;
1282   if endofallsource and (slevel > 1) then begin
1283     // close file pointer
1284     linenumber := 0;
1285     dec(slevel);
1286     Look := LF;
1287     endofallsource := False;
1288   end;
1289 end;
1291 procedure TRICComp.GetChar;
1292 begin
1293   if fTempChar <> ' ' then begin
1294     Look := fTempChar;
1295     fCurrentLine := fCurrentLine + Look;
1296     fTempChar := ' ';
1297   end
1298   else begin
1299     GetCharX;
1300     if Look = '/' then begin
1301       fMS.Read(fTempChar, 1);
1302       if fTempChar = '*' then begin
1303         Look := TOK_BLOCK_COMMENT;
1304         fTempChar := ' ';
1305       end
1306       else if fTempChar = '/' then begin
1307         Look := TOK_LINE_COMMENT;
1308         fTempChar := ' ';
1309       end;
1310     end;
1311   end;
1312 end;
IsWhitenull1314 function TRICComp.IsWhite(c: char): boolean;
1315 begin
1316   Result := c in [' ', TAB, CR, LF, TOK_BLOCK_COMMENT, TOK_LINE_COMMENT];
1317 end;
TRICComp.IsAlphanull1319 function TRICComp.IsAlpha(c: char): boolean;
1320 begin
1321   Result := c in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_'];
1322 end;
IsDigitnull1324 function TRICComp.IsDigit(c: char): boolean;
1325 begin
1326   Result := c in ['0'..'9'];
1327 end;
TRICComp.IsHexnull1329 function TRICComp.IsHex(c: char): boolean;
1330 begin
1331   Result := IsDigit(c) or (c in ['a'..'f', 'A'..'F']);
1332 end;
TRICComp.IsAlNumnull1334 function TRICComp.IsAlNum(c: char): boolean;
1335 begin
1336   Result := IsAlpha(c) or IsDigit(c) or (c = '.');
1337 end;
1339 procedure TRICComp.SkipCommentBlock;
1340 begin
1341   repeat
1342     repeat
1343       GetCharX;
1344     until (Look = '*') or endofallsource;
1345     GetCharX;
1346   until (Look = '/') or endofallsource;
1347   GetChar;
1348 end;
1350 procedure TRICComp.SkipLine;
1351 begin
1352   repeat
1353     GetCharX;
1354   until (Look = LF) or endofallsource;
1355   GetChar;
1356 end;
1358 procedure TRICComp.SkipWhite;
1359 begin
1360   while IsWhite(Look) and not endofallsource do begin
1361     case Look of
1362       TOK_LINE_COMMENT : SkipLine;
1363       TOK_BLOCK_COMMENT : SkipCommentBlock;
1364     else
1365       GetChar;
1366     end;
1367   end;
1368 end;
1370 procedure TRICComp.AbortMsg(s: string);
1371 begin
1372   ReportProblem(linenumber, CurrentFile, s, True);
1373 end;
1375 procedure TRICComp.Expected(s: string);
1376 begin
1377   AbortMsg(Format(sExpectedString, [s]));
1378 end;
1380 procedure TRICComp.GetName;
1381 begin
1382   SkipWhite;
1383   if not IsAlpha(Look) then Expected(sIdentifier);
1384   Token := TOK_IDENTIFIER;
1385   Value := '';
1386   repeat
1387     Value := Value + Look;
1388     GetChar;
1389   until not IsAlNum(Look);
1390 end;
1392 procedure TRICComp.GetNum;
1393 var
1394   savedLook : char;
1395 begin
1396   SkipWhite;
1397   if not IsDigit(Look) then Expected(sNumber);
1398   savedLook := Look;
1399   GetChar;
1400   if Look in ['x', 'X'] then
1401   begin
1402     GetHexNum;
1403   end
1404   else
1405   begin
1406     Token := TOK_NUM;
1407     Value := savedLook;
1408     if not IsDigit(Look) then Exit;
1409     repeat
1410       Value := Value + Look;
1411       GetChar;
1412     until not IsDigit(Look);
1413   end;
1414 end;
1416 procedure TRICComp.GetHexNum;
1417 begin
1418   SkipWhite;
1419   GetChar(); // skip the $ (or 'x')
1420   if not IsHex(Look) then Expected(sHexNumber);
1421   Token := TOK_HEX;
1422   Value := '0x';
1423   repeat
1424     Value := Value + Look;
1425     GetChar;
1426   until not IsHex(Look);
1427 end;
1429 procedure TRICComp.GetOp;
1430 begin
1431   SkipWhite;
1432   Token := Look;
1433   Value := Look;
1434   GetChar;
1435 end;
1437 procedure TRICComp.GetString;
1438 begin
1439   SkipWhite;
1440   GetChar; // skip the "
1441   Token := TOK_STRINGLIT;
1442   if Look = '"' then
1443   begin
1444     // empty string
1445     Value := '''''';
1446     GetChar;
1447   end
1448   else
1449   begin
1450     Value := '''' + Look;
1451     repeat
1452       GetCharX;
1453       if (Look <> LF) and (Look <> '"') then
1454       begin
1455         if Look = '''' then
1456           Value := Value + '"'
1457         else
1458           Value := Value + Look;
1459       end;
1460     until (Look = '"') or (Look = LF) or endofallsource;
1461     Value := Value + '''';
1462     if Look <> '"' then Expected(sStringLiteral);
1463     GetChar;
1464   end;
1465 end;
1467 procedure TRICComp.Next;
1468 begin
1469   SkipWhite;
1470   if Look = '"' then GetString
1471   else if IsAlpha(Look) then GetName
1472   else if IsDigit(Look) then GetNum
1473   else if Look = '$' then GetHexNum
1474   else GetOp;
1475 end;
1478 procedure TRICComp.Init;
1479 begin
1480   fCurrentLine := '';
1481   totallines := 1;
1482   linenumber := 1;
1483   GetChar;
1484   Next;
1485   while (Token = #0) and not endofallsource do
1486     Next;
1487 end;
Lookupnull1489 function Lookup(T: TabPtr; s: string; n: integer): integer;
1490 var
1491   i: integer;
1492   found: Boolean;
1493 begin
1494   found := false;
1495   i := n;
1496   while (i > 0) and not found do
1497      if s = T^[i] then
1498         found := true
1499      else
1500         dec(i);
1501   Result := i;
1502 end;
1504 procedure TRICComp.Scan;
1505 var
1506   idx : integer;
1507 begin
1508   if Token = TOK_IDENTIFIER then
1509   begin
1510     idx := Lookup(Addr(KWlist), Value, NKW);
1511     if idx <> 0 then
1512       Token := KWcode[idx + 1];
1513   end;
1514 end;
1516 procedure TRICComp.CheckBytesRead(const oldBytesRead: integer);
1517 begin
1518   if fBytesRead = oldBytesRead then
1519   begin
1520     AbortMsg(sParserError);
1521     SkipLine;
1522     Next;
1523   end;
1524 end;
1526 procedure TRICComp.MatchString(x: string);
1527 begin
1528   if Value <> x then Expected('''' + x + '''');
1529   Next;
1530 end;
1532 procedure TRICComp.CheckNumeric;
1533 begin
1534   if not (Token in [TOK_NUM, TOK_HEX]) then Expected(sNumber);
1535 end;
1537 procedure TRICComp.CheckStringConst;
1538 begin
1539   if (Token <> TOK_STRINGLIT) then
1540     Expected(sStringLiteral);
1541 end;
1543 procedure TRICComp.Semi;
1544 begin
1545   MatchString(';');
1546 end;
1548 procedure TRICComp.OpenParen;
1549 begin
1550   MatchString(TOK_OPENPAREN);
1551   inc(fParenDepth);
1552 end;
1554 procedure TRICComp.CloseParen;
1555 begin
1556   dec(fParenDepth);
1557   if fParenDepth < 0 then
1558     AbortMsg(sUnmatchedCloseParen);
1559   MatchString(TOK_CLOSEPAREN);
1560 end;
TRICComp.StringToIntnull1562 function TRICComp.StringToInt(const val : string) : integer;
1563 begin
1564   Result := 0;
1565   fCalc.SilentExpression := val;
1566   if not fCalc.ParserError then
1567     Result := Integer(Trunc(fCalc.Value))
1568   else
1569     AbortMsg(sInvalidConstExpr);
1570 end;
TRICComp.ValueToIntnull1572 function TRICComp.ValueToInt : integer;
1573 begin
1574   Result := StringToInt(Value);
1575 end;
TRICComp.ValueToSmallIntnull1577 function TRICComp.ValueToSmallInt : SmallInt;
1578 begin
1579   Result := SmallInt(ValueToInt);
1580 end;
ValueToWordnull1582 function TRICComp.ValueToWord : Word;
1583 begin
1584   Result := Word(ValueToInt);
1585 end;
ProcessWordArgnull1587 function TRICComp.ProcessWordArg : Word;
1588 begin
1589   Result := Word(ProcessArg);
1590 end;
TRICComp.ProcessArgnull1592 function TRICComp.ProcessArg : SmallInt;
1593 var
1594   mapidx : SmallInt;
1595 begin
1596   Result := 0;
1597   {
1598    arg can be a simple numeric value: 0x12, 32, or $f
1599    or a parameterized argument: arg(0x12), arg(32), arg($f)
1600    or a parameterized & mapped argument: maparg(0x1, 0x12), maparg(1, 23), etc...
1601   }
1602   case Token of
1603     TOK_ARG : begin
1604       // arg(value)
1605       Next;
1606       MatchString(TOK_OPENPAREN);
1607       CheckNumeric;
1608       Result := ValueToSmallInt;
1609       if (Result < 0) or
1610          (EnhancedFirmware and (Result > $ff)) or
1611          (not EnhancedFirmware and (Result > $f))then
1612         AbortMsg(Format(sInvalidArgument, [Result]));
1613       Result := Result or USEARGS_MASK;
1614       Next;
1615       // leave it pointing at the close paren
1616     end;
1617     TOK_MAPARG : begin
1618       // maparg(value, value)
1619       Next;
1620       MatchString(TOK_OPENPAREN);
1621       CheckNumeric;
1622       mapidx := ValueToSmallInt;
1623       if (mapidx < 0) or (mapidx > $a) then
1624         AbortMsg(Format(sInvalidVarMapIndex, [mapidx]));
1625       Next;
1626       MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1627       Result := ValueToSmallInt;
1628       if (Result < 0) or
1629          (EnhancedFirmware and (Result > $ff)) or
1630          (not EnhancedFirmware and (Result > $f))then
1631         AbortMsg(Format(sInvalidArgument, [Result]));
1632       Result := Result or SmallInt((mapidx and $f) shl 8);
1633       Result := Result or USEARGS_MASK;
1634       Next;
1635       // leave it pointing at the close paren
1636     end;
1637     TOK_NUM, TOK_HEX : begin
1638       Result := ValueToSmallInt;
1639     end;
1640   else
1641     AbortMsg(sInvalidCommandArgument);
1642   end;
1643 end;
1645 procedure TRICComp.DoDesc;
1646 var
1647   op : TRICDescription;
1648 begin
1649   // add a description opcode
1650   op := TRICDescription.Create(RICOps);
1651   // parse and set its values
1652   // desc(options, width, height);
1653   Next;
1654   OpenParen;
1655   CheckNumeric;
1656   op.Options := ValueToWord;
1657   Next;
1658   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1659   CheckNumeric;
1660   op.Width := ValueToWord;
1661   Next;
1662   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1663   CheckNumeric;
1664   op.Height := ValueToWord;
1665   Next;
1666   CloseParen;
1667 end;
1669 procedure TRICComp.DoSprite;
1670 var
1671   op : TRICSprite;
1672   sl : TStringList;
1673   i : integer;
1674   bFileFound : boolean;
1675   fname, usePath : string;
1676   thresh, width, height : integer;
1677 const
1679   DEF_SPRITE_IMPORT_WIDTH     = 100;
1681 begin
1682   // add a sprite opcode
1683   op := TRICSprite.Create(RICOps);
1684   // parse and set its values
1685   // sprite(addr, row1, row2, ..., rowN);
1686   // sprite(addr, import("filename.ext"[, threshold]));
1687   // sprite(addr, import("filename.ext"[, threshold, width, height]));
1688   Next;
1689   OpenParen;
1690   CheckNumeric;
1691   op.DataAddr := ValueToWord;
1692   Next;
1693   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1694   scan;
1695   if Token = TOK_IMPORT then begin
1696     // support "import" keyword
1698     width  := DEF_SPRITE_IMPORT_WIDTH;
1699     height := DEF_SPRITE_IMPORT_HEIGHT;
1700     Next;
1701     OpenParen;
1702     CheckStringConst;
1703     fname := Value;
1704     Next;
1705     if Token = TOK_COMMA then begin
1706       MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1707       // optional threshold value
1708       CheckNumeric;
1709       thresh := StrToIntDef(Value, thresh);
1710       Next;
1711       if Token = TOK_COMMA then begin
1712         MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1713         // optional width & height
1714         CheckNumeric;
1715         width := StrToIntDef(Value, width);
1716         Next;
1717         MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1718         CheckNumeric;
1719         height := StrToIntDef(Value, height);
1720         Next;
1721       end;
1722     end;
1723     CloseParen;
1724     CloseParen;
1725     // build sprite bytes using fname and thresh
1726     // find sprite file
1727     fName := StripQuotes(fName);
1728     usePath := '';
1729     bFileFound := FileExists(fname);
1730     if not bFileFound then
1731     begin
1732       for i := 0 to IncludeDirs.Count - 1 do
1733       begin
1734         usePath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(IncludeDirs[i]);
1735         bFileFound := FileExists(usePath+fname);
1736         if bFileFound then Break;
1737       end;
1738     end;
1739     if bFileFound then
1740     begin
1741       ImportImage(op, usePath+fname, thresh, width, height);
1742     end
1743     else
1744       AbortMsg(Format(sUnableToFindImage, [fname]));
1745   end
1746   else
1747   begin
1748     sl := TStringList.Create;
1749     try
1750       while (Token <> TOK_CLOSEPAREN) and not endofallsource do
1751       begin
1752         sl.Add(Value + '=' + IntToStr(linenumber));
1753         Next;
1754         if Token = TOK_COMMA then
1755           MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1756       end;
1757       CloseParen;
1758       // process strings in sl
1759       // calculate rows and rowbytes
1760       op.Rows := Word(sl.Count);
1761       if sl.count = 0 then
1762       begin
1763         op.RowBytes := 0;
1764         AbortMsg(sSpriteLengthError);
1765       end
1766       else
1767         op.RowBytes := op.CountBytes(sl.Names[0]);
1768       for i := 0 to sl.Count - 1 do
1769       begin
1770         // add bytes to Sprite for each line in sl
1771         try
1772           op.AddBytes(sl.Names[i]);
1773         except
1774           on E : Exception do
1775             AbortMsg(E.Message);
1776         end;
1777       end;
1778     finally
1779       sl.Free;
1780     end;
1781   end;
1782   if ((op.Rows*op.RowBytes) mod 2) = 1 then
1783     op.Add(0); // padding byte
1784 end;
1786 procedure TRICComp.DoVarMap;
1787 var
1788   op : TRICVarMap;
1789   ME : TMapElement;
1790 begin
1791   // add a varmap opcode
1792   op := TRICVarMap.Create(RICOps);
1793   // parse and set its values
1794   // varmap(addr, func1, func2, ..., funcN);
1795   // where funcN is f(xval)=yval
1796   Next;
1797   OpenParen;
1798   CheckNumeric;
1799   op.DataAddr := ValueToWord;
1800   Next;
1801   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1802   while (Token <> TOK_CLOSEPAREN) and not endofallsource do
1803   begin
1804     // f(x)=y
1805     Scan;
1806     if Token <> TOK_F then
1807       AbortMsg(sInvalidMapSyntax);
1808     Next; // advance to open parenthesis
1809     OpenParen; // advance to x value
1810     ME := op.Add;
1811     CheckNumeric;
1812     ME.Domain := ValueToWord;
1813     Next; // advance to close parenthesis
1814     CloseParen; // advance to equal sign
1815     MatchString('=');
1816 //    Next; // advance to y value
1817     CheckNumeric;
1818     ME.Range := ValueToWord;
1819     Next; // advance to comma or close paren
1820     if Token = TOK_COMMA then
1821       MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1822   end;
1823   CloseParen;
1824   if op.MapCount < 2 then
1825     AbortMsg(sVarMapCountError);
1826 end;
1828 procedure TRICComp.DoCopyBits;
1829 var
1830   op : TRICCopyBits;
1831   SR : TImgRect;
1832   DP : TImgPoint;
1833 begin
1834   // add a copybits opcode
1835   op := TRICCopyBits.Create(RICOps);
1836   // parse and set its values
1837   // copybits(options, dataaddr, srcx, srcy, srcw, srch, destx, desty);
1838   Next;
1839   OpenParen;
1840   Scan;
1841   op.CopyOptions := ProcessWordArg;
1842   Next;
1843   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1844   Scan;
1845   op.DataAddr := ProcessWordArg;
1846   Next;
1847   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1848   Scan;
1849   SR.Pt.X := ProcessArg;
1850   Next;
1851   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1852   Scan;
1853   SR.Pt.Y := ProcessArg;
1854   Next;
1855   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1856   Scan;
1857   SR.Width := ProcessArg;
1858   Next;
1859   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1860   Scan;
1861   SR.Height := ProcessArg;
1862   Next;
1863   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1864   Scan;
1865   op.SrcRect := SR;
1866   DP.X := ProcessArg;
1867   Next;
1868   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1869   Scan;
1870   DP.Y := ProcessArg;
1871   Next;
1872   CloseParen;
1873   op.DestPoint := DP;
1874 end;
1876 procedure TRICComp.DoLine;
1877 var
1878   op : TRICLine;
1879   P1, P2 : TImgPoint;
1880 begin
1881   // add a line opcode
1882   op := TRICLine.Create(RICOps);
1883   // parse and set its values
1884   // line(options, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y);
1885   Next;
1886   OpenParen;
1887   Scan;
1888   op.CopyOptions := ProcessWordArg;
1889   Next;
1890   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1891   Scan;
1892   P1.X := ProcessArg;
1893   Next;
1894   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1895   Scan;
1896   P1.Y := ProcessArg;
1897   Next;
1898   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1899   Scan;
1900   P2.X := ProcessArg;
1901   Next;
1902   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1903   Scan;
1904   P2.Y := ProcessArg;
1905   Next;
1906   CloseParen;
1907   op.Point1 := P1;
1908   op.Point2 := P2;
1909 end;
1911 procedure TRICComp.DoRect;
1912 var
1913   op : TRICRect;
1914   P : TImgPoint;
1915 begin
1916   // add a rect opcode
1917   op := TRICRect.Create(RICOps);
1918   // parse and set its values
1919   // rect(options, x, y, w, h);
1920   Next;
1921   OpenParen;
1922   Scan;
1923   op.CopyOptions := ProcessWordArg;
1924   Next;
1925   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1926   Scan;
1927   P.X := ProcessArg;
1928   Next;
1929   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1930   Scan;
1931   P.Y := ProcessArg;
1932   Next;
1933   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1934   Scan;
1935   op.Point := P;
1936   op.Width := ProcessArg;
1937   Next;
1938   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1939   Scan;
1940   op.Height := ProcessArg;
1941   Next;
1942   CloseParen;
1943 end;
1945 procedure TRICComp.DoPixel;
1946 var
1947   op : TRICPixel;
1948   P : TImgPoint;
1949 begin
1950   // add a pixel opcode
1951   op := TRICPixel.Create(RICOps);
1952   // parse and set its values
1953   // pixel(options, x, y, value);
1954   Next;
1955   OpenParen;
1956   Scan;
1957   op.CopyOptions := ProcessWordArg;
1958   Next;
1959   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1960   Scan;
1961   P.X := ProcessArg;
1962   Next;
1963   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1964   Scan;
1965   P.Y := ProcessArg;
1966   Next;
1967   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1968   Scan;
1969   op.Point := P;
1970   op.Value := ProcessWordArg;
1971   Next;
1972   CloseParen;
1973 end;
1975 procedure TRICComp.DoCircle;
1976 var
1977   op : TRICCircle;
1978   P : TImgPoint;
1979 begin
1980   // add a circle opcode
1981   op := TRICCircle.Create(RICOps);
1982   // parse and set its values
1983   // circle(options, x, y, radius);
1984   Next;
1985   OpenParen;
1986   Scan;
1987   op.CopyOptions := ProcessWordArg;
1988   Next;
1989   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1990   Scan;
1991   P.X := ProcessArg;
1992   Next;
1993   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1994   Scan;
1995   P.Y := ProcessArg;
1996   Next;
1997   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
1998   Scan;
1999   op.Point := P;
2000   op.Radius := ProcessWordArg;
2001   Next;
2002   CloseParen;
2003 end;
2005 procedure TRICComp.DoEllipse;
2006 var
2007   op : TRICEllipse;
2008   P : TImgPoint;
2009 begin
2010   CheckFirmwareVersion(127, sEllipseRequires127);
2011   // add an ellipse opcode
2012   op := TRICEllipse.Create(RICOps);
2013   // parse and set its values
2014   // ellipse(options, x, y, radius1, radius2);
2015   Next;
2016   OpenParen;
2017   Scan;
2018   op.CopyOptions := ProcessWordArg;
2019   Next;
2020   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
2021   Scan;
2022   P.X := ProcessArg;
2023   Next;
2024   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
2025   Scan;
2026   P.Y := ProcessArg;
2027   Next;
2028   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
2029   Scan;
2030   op.Point := P;
2031   op.Radius1 := ProcessWordArg;
2032   Next;
2033   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
2034   Scan;
2035   op.Radius2 := ProcessWordArg;
2036   Next;
2037   CloseParen;
2038 end;
2040 procedure TRICComp.DoPolygon;
2041 var
2042   op : TRICPolygon;
2043   PP : TPolyPoint;
2044 begin
2045   CheckFirmwareVersion(127, sPolygonRequires127);
2046   // add a polygon opcode
2047   op := TRICPolygon.Create(RICOps);
2048   // parse and set its values
2049   // polygon(options, coord1, coord2, ..., coordN);
2050   // where coordN is (xval, yval)
2051   Next;
2052   OpenParen;
2053   Scan;
2054   op.CopyOptions := ProcessWordArg;
2055   Next;
2056   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
2057   while (Token <> TOK_CLOSEPAREN) and not endofallsource do
2058   begin
2059     // (x, y)
2060     OpenParen; // advance to x value
2061     PP := op.Add;
2062     Scan;
2063     PP.X := ProcessWordArg;
2064     Next; // advance to comma
2065     MatchString(',');
2066     Scan;
2067     PP.Y := ProcessWordArg;
2068     Next;
2069     CloseParen; // advance to close paren or comma
2070     if Token = TOK_COMMA then
2071       MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
2072   end;
2073   CloseParen;
2074   if op.Count < 3 then
2075     AbortMsg(sPolygonCountError);
2076 end;
2078 procedure TRICComp.DoNumBox;
2079 var
2080   op : TRICNumBox;
2081   P : TImgPoint;
2082 begin
2083   // add a numbox opcode
2084   op := TRICNumBox.Create(RICOps);
2085   // parse and set its values
2086   // numbox(options, x, y, value);
2087   Next;
2088   OpenParen;
2089   Scan;
2090   op.CopyOptions := ProcessWordArg;
2091   Next;
2092   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
2093   Scan;
2094   P.X := ProcessArg;
2095   Next;
2096   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
2097   Scan;
2098   P.Y := ProcessArg;
2099   Next;
2100   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
2101   Scan;
2102   op.Point := P;
2103   op.Value := ProcessWordArg;
2104   Next;
2105   CloseParen;
2106 end;
2108 procedure TRICComp.Statement;
2109 begin
2110   case Token of
2111     TOK_DESC:       DoDesc;
2112     TOK_SPRITE:     DoSprite;
2113     TOK_VARMAP:     DoVarMap;
2114     TOK_COPYBITS:   DoCopyBits;
2115     TOK_LINE:       DoLine;
2116     TOK_RECT:       DoRect;
2117     TOK_PIXEL:      DoPixel;
2118     TOK_CIRCLE:     DoCircle;
2119     TOK_NUMBOX:     DoNumBox;
2120     TOK_ELLIPSE:    DoEllipse;
2121     TOK_POLYGON:    DoPolygon;
2122     TOK_FONTOUT:    DoFontOut;
2123     TOK_CLOSEPAREN : CloseParen;
2124     ';' : ;// do nothing
2125   end;
2126 end;
2128 procedure TRICComp.ScriptCommands;
2129 var
2130   oldBytesRead : integer;
2131 begin
2132   Scan;
2133   while not endofallsource do
2134   begin
2135     oldBytesRead := fBytesRead;
2136     Statement;
2137     Semi;
2138     Scan;
2139     CheckBytesRead(oldBytesRead);
2140   end;
2141 end;
2143 procedure TRICComp.InternalParseStream;
2144 begin
2145   try
2146     fBadProgram     := False;
2147     fBytesRead      := 0;
2148     fProgErrorCount := 0;
2149     fMS.Position    := 0;
2150     fParenDepth     := 0;
2151     Init;
2152     ScriptCommands;
2153   except
2154     on E : EAbort do
2155     begin
2156       fBadProgram := True;
2157       // end processing file due to Abort in ReportProblem
2158     end;
2159     on E : Exception do
2160     begin
2161       fBadProgram := True;
2162       ReportProblem(linenumber, CurrentFile, E.Message, true);
2163     end;
2164   end;
2165 end;
2167 procedure TRICComp.SyncObjectListToStream;
2168 begin
2169   uRICComp.RICToText(fMS, fOperations, fCurFile);
2170 end;
2172 procedure TRICComp.SyncStreamToObjectList;
2173 var
2174   i : integer;
2175 begin
2176   fMS.Clear;
2177   for i := 0 to fOperations.Count - 1 do
2178     TRICOpBase(fOperations[i]).SaveToStream(fMS);
2179 end;
2181 procedure TRICComp.Parse(aStream: TStream);
2182 begin
2183   Clear;
2184   fMS.CopyFrom(aStream, 0);
2185   InternalParseStream;
2186 end;
2188 procedure TRICComp.Parse(aStrings: TStrings);
2189 begin
2190   Clear;
2191   aStrings.SaveToStream(fMS);
2192   InternalParseStream;
2193 end;
2195 procedure TRICComp.Parse(const aFilename: string);
2196 var
2197   Stream : TFileStream;
2198 begin
2199   Clear;
2200   Stream := TFileStream.Create(aFilename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
2201   try
2202     fMS.CopyFrom(Stream, 0);
2203   finally
2204     Stream.Free;
2205   end;
2206   InternalParseStream;
2207 end;
2209 procedure TRICComp.Clear;
2210 begin
2211   fMS.Clear;
2212   fMessages.Clear;
2213   fTempChar := ' ';
2214 end;
TRICComp.SaveAsDataArraynull2216 function TRICComp.SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName; varname : string): string;
2217 var
2218   tmp : string;
2219   i : integer;
2220 begin
2221   if varname = '' then
2222     varname := ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(CurrentFile),'')
2223   else
2224     varname := Format(varname, [ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(CurrentFile),'')]);
2225   if aLangName in [lnNXC, lnNXCHeader] then
2226   begin
2227     Result := 'byte ' + varname + '[] = {'#13#10;
2228     for i := 0 to fOperations.Count - 1 do
2229     begin
2230       Result := Result + TRICOpBase(fOperations[i]).SaveAsDataArray(aLangName);
2231       if i < fOperations.Count - 1 then
2232         Result := Result + ', ';
2233       Result := Result + #13#10;
2234     end;
2235     Result := Result + '};';
2236   end
2237   else if aLangName = lnNBC then
2238   begin
2239     tmp := '';
2240     for i := 0 to fOperations.Count - 1 do
2241     begin
2242       tmp := tmp + TRICOpBase(fOperations[i]).SaveAsDataArray(aLangName);
2243       if i < fOperations.Count - 1 then
2244         tmp := tmp + ', ';
2245     end;
2246     Result := 'dseg segment'#13#10 +
2247               ' ' + varname + ' byte[] ' + tmp + #13#10 +
2248               'dseg ends';
2249   end
2250   else
2251     Result := '// unable to import "' + ExtractFileName(CurrentFile) + '"';
2252 end;
TRICComp.RICToDataArraynull2254 class function TRICComp.RICToDataArray(const aFilename, aVarName : string;
2255   const aLangName: TLangName): string;
2256 begin
2257   with TRICComp.Create do
2258   try
2259     LoadFromFile(aFilename);
2260     Result := SaveAsDataArray(aLangName, aVarName);
2261   finally
2262     Free;
2263   end;
2264 end;
2266 procedure TRICComp.CheckFirmwareVersion(const MinVer : word; const msg : string);
2267 begin
2268   if FirmwareVersion < MinVer then
2269     AbortMsg(msg);
2270 end;
2272 procedure TRICComp.DoFontOut;
2273 var
2274   op : TRICDescription;
2275 begin
2276   // add a description opcode
2277   op := TRICDescription.Create(RICOps);
2278   // parse and set its values
2279   // fontout(width, height);
2280   op.Options := $8001;
2281   Next;
2282   OpenParen;
2283   CheckNumeric;
2284   op.Width := ValueToWord;
2285   Next;
2286   MatchString(TOK_COMMA);
2287   CheckNumeric;
2288   op.Height := ValueToWord;
2289   Next;
2290   CloseParen;
2291 end;
2293 { TRICDescription }
2295 constructor TRICDescription.Create(aOwner : TRICOps);
2296 begin
2297   inherited Create(aOwner);
2298   fOpCode := IMG_DESCRIPTION_ID;
2299   fOpSize := SizeOf(IMG_OP_DESCRIPTION) - 2;
2300 end;
2302 {
2303 procedure TRICDescription.Draw(aPoint: TImgPoint; Vars: TRICVariables;
2304   Options: Cardinal; aCanvas: TImgCanvas);
2305 begin
2306   // The description opcode is a NO-OP when it comes to drawing
2307 end;
2308 }
2310 procedure TRICDescription.LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream);
2311 var
2312   w : word;
2313 begin
2314   inherited;
2315   w := 0;
2316   // read options, width, height from stream
2317   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, w); Options := w;
2318   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, w); Width   := w;
2319   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, w); Height  := w;
2320 end;
TRICDescription.SaveAsDataArraynull2322 function TRICDescription.SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string;
2323 begin
2324   if aLangName in [lnNBC, lnNXC] then
2325   begin
2326     Result := inherited SaveAsDataArray(aLangName);
2327     Result := Result + Format(', %s, %s, %s',
2328       [RICValueToStr(Options, aLangName),
2329        RICValueToStr(Width, aLangName),
2330        RICValueToStr(Height, aLangName)]);
2331   end
2332   else if aLangName = lnNXCHeader then
2333     Result := Format('RICOpDescription(%d, %d, %d)', [Options, Width, Height])
2334   else
2335     Result := '';
2336 end;
2338 procedure TRICDescription.SaveToStream(aStream: TStream);
2339 begin
2340   inherited;
2341   // write options, width, height to stream
2342   WriteWordToStream(aStream, Options);
2343   WriteWordToStream(aStream, Width);
2344   WriteWordToStream(aStream, Height);
2345 end;
2347 { TRICSprite }
2349 procedure TRICSprite.Add(aValue: Byte);
2350 var
2351   O : TByteObject;
2352 begin
2353   O := TByteObject.Create;
2354   fBytes.Add(O);
2355   O.Value := aValue;
2356   inc(fOpSize, 1);
2357 end;
Pownull2359 function Pow(k: Integer): Integer;
2360 var
2361   j, Count: Integer;
2362 begin
2363   if k > 0 then j := 2
2364     else j := 1;
2365   for Count := 1 to k - 1 do
2366     j := j * 2;
2367   Result := j;
2368 end;
BinToDecnull2370 function BinToDec(Str: string): Integer;
2371 var
2372   Len, Res, i: Integer;
2373 begin
2374   Len:=Length(Str);
2375   Res:=0;
2376   for i:=1 to Len do
2377     if (Str[i]='0')or(Str[i]='1') then
2378       Res:=Res+Pow(Len-i)*StrToInt(Str[i])
2379     else
2380       raise Exception.CreateFmt(sStringNotBinary, [Str]);
2381   Result := Res;
2382 end;
IsHexStringnull2384 function IsHexString(const val : string) : boolean;
2385 begin
2386   Result := Pos('0x', val) = 1;
2387 end;
2389 procedure TRICSprite.AddBytes(val: string);
2390 var
2391   bHex : boolean;
2392   b : Byte;
2393   tmp : string;
2394 begin
2395   // parse string and add bytes as needed to sprite
2396   // each row must be either a hex string with an even number of hex digits
2397   // or a string containing only 1s and 0s where each character is a bit
2398   bHex := IsHexString(val);
2399   if bHex then
2400     System.Delete(val, 1, 2);
2401   if bHex and ((Length(val) mod 2) <> 0) then
2402     raise Exception.CreateFmt(sInvalidHexLength, [Length(val)]);
2403   while Length(val) > 0 do
2404   begin
2405     if bHex then
2406     begin
2407       tmp := Copy(val, 1, 2);
2408       System.Delete(val, 1, 2);
2409       b := Byte(StrToInt('$'+tmp));
2410     end
2411     else
2412     begin
2413       tmp := Copy(val, 1, 8);
2414       System.Delete(val, 1, 8);
2415       if Length(tmp) < 8 then
2416         tmp := tmp + StringOfChar('0', 8-Length(tmp));
2417       b := Byte(BinToDec(tmp));
2418     end;
2419     Add(b);
2420   end;
2421 end;
BytesToWritenull2423 function TRICSprite.BytesToWrite: Integer;
2424 begin
2425   Result := Rows*RowBytes;
2426   if (Result mod 2) = 1 then
2427     Inc(Result);
2428 end;
TRICSprite.CountBytesnull2430 class function TRICSprite.CountBytes(val: string): Word;
2431 var
2432   bHex : boolean;
2433   len : Word;
2434 begin
2435   // we count bytes based on the length of the string and
2436   // whether it is hex or not.
2437   bHex := IsHexString(val);
2438   if bHex then
2439     System.Delete(val, 1, 2);
2440   len := Word(Length(val));
2441   if bHex then
2442     Result := Word(len div 2)
2443   else
2444   begin
2445     Result := Word(len div 8);
2446     if (len mod 8) <> 0 then
2447       inc(Result);
2448   end;
2449 end;
2451 constructor TRICSprite.Create(aOwner : TRICOps);
2452 begin
2453   inherited Create(aOwner);
2454   fBytes := TObjectList.Create;
2455   fOpCode := IMG_SPRITE_ID;
2456   fOpSize := SizeOf(IMG_OP_SPRITE) - 4; // remove sizeof(fOpCode) + 2 bytes
2457 end;
2459 destructor TRICSprite.Destroy;
2460 begin
2461   FreeAndNil(fBytes);
2462   inherited;
2463 end;
2465 {
2466 procedure TRICSprite.Draw(aPoint: TImgPoint; Vars: TRICVariables;
2467   Options: Cardinal; aCanvas: TImgCanvas);
2468 begin
2469   // drawing a sprite just copies the sprite into a data address
2470   // so that a future CopyBits opcode can access it.
2471 end;
2472 }
GetBytenull2474 function TRICSprite.GetByte(Index: Integer): Byte;
2475 begin
2476   Result := TByteObject(fBytes[Index]).Value;
2477 end;
TRICSprite.GetByteCountnull2479 function TRICSprite.GetByteCount: Integer;
2480 begin
2481   Result := fBytes.Count;
2482 end;
TRICSprite.GetByteValuenull2484 function TRICSprite.GetByteValue(const idx: integer): Byte;
2485 begin
2486   if idx < ByteCount then
2487     Result := Bytes[idx]
2488   else
2489     Result := 0;
2490 end;
TRICSprite.GetOpSizenull2492 function TRICSprite.GetOpSize: Word;
2493 begin
2494   Result := fOpSize;
2495   if (Result mod 2) = 1 then
2496     Inc(Result);
2497 end;
2499 procedure TRICSprite.LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream);
2500 var
2501   da, r, rb : Word;
2502   B : Byte;
2503   BytesToRead, i : integer;
2504 begin
2505   inherited;
2506   da := 0;
2507   r  := 0;
2508   rb := 0;
2509   B  := 0;
2510   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, da);
2511   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, r);
2512   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, rb);
2513   DataAddr := da;
2514   Rows     := r;
2515   RowBytes := rb;
2516   // read bytes from stream
2517   BytesToRead := Rows*RowBytes;
2518   if (BytesToRead mod 2) = 1 then
2519     Inc(BytesToRead);
2520   for i := 0 to BytesToRead - 1 do
2521   begin
2522     aStream.Read(B, 1);
2523     Add(B);
2524   end;
2525 end;
TRICSprite.SaveAsDataArraynull2527 function TRICSprite.SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string;
OutputBytesnull2529   function OutputBytes(bIsNXCHeader : boolean) : string;
2530   var
2531     i, cnt : integer;
2532     B : Byte;
2533   begin
2534     if bIsNXCHeader then
2535       Result := 'RICSpriteData('
2536     else
2537       Result := '';
2538     cnt := BytesToWrite - 1;
2539     for i := 0 to cnt do
2540     begin
2541       B := GetByteValue(i);
2542       Result := Result + Format('0x%2.2x', [B]);
2543       if i < cnt then
2544       begin
2545         Result := Result + ', ';
2546         if bIsNXCHeader and ((i mod 8) = 0) and (i > 0) then
2547           Result := Result + #13#10'    ';
2548       end;
2549     end;
2550     if bIsNXCHeader then
2551       Result := Result + ')';
2552   end;
2553 begin
2554   if aLangName in [lnNBC, lnNXC] then
2555   begin
2556     Result := inherited SaveAsDataArray(aLangName);
2557     Result := Result + Format(', %s, %s, %s, %s',
2558       [RICValueToStr(DataAddr, aLangName),
2559        RICValueToStr(Rows, aLangName),
2560        RICValueToStr(RowBytes, aLangName),
2561        OutputBytes(false)]);
2562   end
2563   else if aLangName = lnNXCHeader then
2564   begin
2565     Result := Format('RICOpSprite(%d, %d, %d,'#13#10'  %s)',
2566       [DataAddr, Rows, RowBytes, OutputBytes(true)]);
2567   end
2568   else
2569     Result := '';
2570 end;
2572 procedure TRICSprite.SaveToStream(aStream: TStream);
2573 var
2574   B : Byte;
2575   i : integer;
2576 begin
2577   inherited;
2578   WriteWordToStream(aStream, DataAddr);
2579   WriteWordToStream(aStream, Rows);
2580   WriteWordToStream(aStream, RowBytes);
2581   // now write out all the bytes in the Bytes array
2582   for i := 0 to BytesToWrite - 1 do
2583   begin
2584     B := GetByteValue(i);
2585     aStream.Write(B, 1);
2586   end;
2587 end;
2589 procedure TRICSprite.SetByte(Index: Integer; const Value: Byte);
2590 begin
2591   TByteObject(fBytes[Index]).Value := Value;
2592 end;
2594 { TRICOpBase }
2596 constructor TRICOpBase.Create(aOwner : TRICOps);
2597 begin
2598   inherited Create;
2599   fOwner := aOwner;
2600   fOwner.Add(Self);
2601   fOpCode := 0;
2602   fOpSize := 0;
2603 end;
2605 destructor TRICOpBase.Destroy;
2606 begin
2607   inherited;
2608 end;
TRICOpBase.GetOpSizenull2610 function TRICOpBase.GetOpSize: Word;
2611 begin
2612   Result := fOpSize;
2613 end;
2615 procedure TRICOpBase.LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream);
2616 var
2617   w : word;
2618 begin
2619   // read size and opcode from stream
2620   w := 0;
2621   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, w); OpSize := w;
2622   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, w); OpCode := w;
2623 end;
TRICOpBase.SaveAsDataArraynull2625 function TRICOpBase.SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string;
2626 begin
2627   if aLangName in [lnNBC, lnNXC] then
2628     Result := Format('%s, %s',
2629       [RICValueToStr(OpSize, aLangName), RICValueToStr(OpCode, aLangName)])
2630   else
2631     Result := '';
2632 end;
2634 procedure TRICOpBase.SaveToStream(aStream: TStream);
2635 begin
2636   // write size and opcode to stream
2637   WriteWordToStream(aStream, OpSize);
2638   WriteWordToStream(aStream, OpCode);
2639 end;
2641 { TRICVarMap }
Addnull2643 function TRICVarMap.Add: TMapElement;
2644 begin
2645   Result := TMapElement.Create;
2646   fMapElements.Add(Result);
2647   inc(fOpSize, 4);
2648 end;
2650 procedure TRICVarMap.AddMap(aMapElement: PIOV_MAPELT);
2651 var
2652   ME : TMapElement;
2653 begin
2654   ME := TMapElement.Create;
2655   fMapElements.Add(ME);
2656   ME.Domain := aMapElement^.Domain;
2657   ME.Range  := aMapElement^.Range;
2658   inc(fOpSize, 4);
2659 end;
2661 constructor TRICVarMap.Create(aOwner : TRICOps);
2662 begin
2663   inherited Create(aOwner);
2664   fMapElements := TObjectList.Create;
2665   fOpCode := IMG_VARMAP_ID;
2666   fOpSize := SizeOf(IMG_OP_VARMAP) - 10;
2667 end;
2669 destructor TRICVarMap.Destroy;
2670 begin
2671   FreeAndNil(fMapElements);
2672   inherited;
2673 end;
2675 {
2676 procedure TRICVarMap.Draw(aPoint: TImgPoint; Vars: TRICVariables;
2677   Options: Cardinal; aCanvas: TImgCanvas);
2678 begin
2679   // copy varmap to specified address
2680 end;
2681 }
TRICVarMap.GetMapCountnull2683 function TRICVarMap.GetMapCount: Word;
2684 begin
2685   Result := Word(fMapElements.Count);
2686 end;
GetMapElementnull2688 function TRICVarMap.GetMapElement(Index: Integer): TMapElement;
2689 begin
2690   Result := TMapElement(fMapElements[Index]);
2691 end;
2693 procedure TRICVarMap.LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream);
2694 var
2695   da, mc, d, r : word;
2696   i : integer;
2697   ME : TMapElement;
2698 begin
2699   inherited;
2700   da := 0;
2701   mc := 0;
2702   d  := 0;
2703   r  := 0;
2704   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, da);
2705   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, mc);
2706   DataAddr := da;
2707   for i := 0 to mc - 1 do
2708   begin
2709     // read map elements from stream
2710     ReadWordFromStream(aStream, d);
2711     ReadWordFromStream(aStream, r);
2712     ME := Add;
2713     ME.Domain := d;
2714     ME.Range  := r;
2715   end;
2716 end;
TRICVarMap.SaveAsDataArraynull2718 function TRICVarMap.SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string;
OutputBytesnull2719   function OutputBytes(bIsNXCHeader : boolean) : string;
2720   var
2721     i, cnt : integer;
2722     ME : TMapElement;
2723   begin
2724     if bIsNXCHeader then
2725       Result := 'RICMapFunction('
2726     else
2727       Result := '';
2728     cnt := MapCount - 1;
2729     for i := 0 to cnt do
2730     begin
2731       ME := Self.MapElements[i];
2732       if bIsNXCHeader then
2733         Result := Result + Format('RICMapElement(%d, %d)', [ME.Domain, ME.Range])
2734       else
2735         Result := Result + Format('%s, %s', [RICValueToStr(ME.Domain, lnNBC), RICValueToStr(ME.Range, lnNBC)]);
2736       if i < cnt then
2737       begin
2738         Result := Result + ', ';
2739         if bIsNXCHeader {and ((i mod 4) = 0) and (i > 0)} then
2740           Result := Result + #13#10'    ';
2741       end;
2742     end;
2743     if bIsNXCHeader then
2744       Result := Result + ')';
2745   end;
2746 begin
2747   if aLangName in [lnNBC, lnNXC] then
2748   begin
2749     Result := inherited SaveAsDataArray(aLangName);
2750     Result := Result + Format(', %s, %s, %s',
2751       [RICValueToStr(DataAddr, aLangName),
2752        RICValueToStr(MapCount, aLangName),
2753        OutputBytes(false)]);
2754   end
2755   else if aLangName = lnNXCHeader then
2756     Result := Format('RICOpVarMap(%d, %d,'#13#10'  %s)',
2757       [DataAddr,
2758        MapCount,
2759        OutputBytes(true)])
2760   else
2761     Result := '';
2762 end;
2764 procedure TRICVarMap.SaveToStream(aStream: TStream);
2765 var
2766   i : integer;
2767   ME : TMapElement;
2768 begin
2769   inherited;
2770   WriteWordToStream(aStream, DataAddr);
2771   WriteWordToStream(aStream, MapCount);
2772   // now write out all the elements in the MapElement array
2773   for i := 0 to MapCount - 1 do
2774   begin
2775     ME := Self.MapElements[i];
2776     WriteWordToStream(aStream, ME.Domain);
2777     WriteWordToStream(aStream, ME.Range);
2778   end;
2779 end;
2781 procedure TRICVarMap.SetMapElement(Index: Integer;
2782   const Value: TMapElement);
2783 begin
2784   TMapElement(fMapElements[Index]).Domain := Value.Domain;
2785   TMapElement(fMapElements[Index]).Range  := Value.Range;
2786 end;
2788 { TRICCopyBits }
2790 constructor TRICCopyBits.Create(aOwner : TRICOps);
2791 begin
2792   inherited Create(aOwner);
2793   fOpCode := IMG_COPYBITS_ID;
2794   fOpSize := SizeOf(IMG_OP_COPYBITS) - 2;
2795 end;
2797 {
2798 procedure TRICCopyBits.Draw(aPoint: TImgPoint; Vars: TRICVariables;
2799   Options: Cardinal; aCanvas: TImgCanvas);
2800 begin
2801 // draw bits from specified image
2802 end;
2803 }
2805 procedure TRICCopyBits.LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream);
2806 var
2807   co, da : Word;
2808   r : TImgRect;
2809   p : TImgPoint;
2810 begin
2811   inherited;
2812   // read CopyOptions, DataAddr, SrcRect, DestPoint from stream
2813   co := 0;
2814   da := 0;
2815   r.Pt.X := 0;
2816   r.Pt.Y := 0;
2817   r.Width := 0;
2818   r.Height := 0;
2819   p.X := 0;
2820   p.Y := 0;
2821   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, co);
2822   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, da);
2823   ReadImgRectFromStream(aStream, r);
2824   ReadImgPointFromStream(aStream, p);
2825   CopyOptions := co;
2826   DataAddr    := da;
2827   SrcRect     := r;
2828   DestPoint   := p;
2829 end;
TRICCopyBits.SaveAsDataArraynull2831 function TRICCopyBits.SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string;
2832 begin
2833   if aLangName in [lnNBC, lnNXC] then
2834   begin
2835     Result := inherited SaveAsDataArray(aLangName);
2836     Result := Result + Format(', %s, %s, %s, %s',
2837       [RICValueToStr(CopyOptions, aLangName),
2838        RICValueToStr(DataAddr, aLangName),
2839        RICRectToStr(SrcRect, aLangName),
2840        RICPointToStr(DestPoint, aLangName)]);
2841   end
2842   else if aLangName = lnNXCHeader then
2843     Result := Format('RICOpCopyBits(%s, %s, %s, %s)',
2844       [RICValueToStr(CopyOptions, aLangName),
2845        RICValueToStr(DataAddr, aLangName),
2846        RICRectToStr(SrcRect, aLangName),
2847        RICPointToStr(DestPoint, aLangName)])
2848   else
2849     Result := '';
2850 end;
2852 procedure TRICCopyBits.SaveToStream(aStream: TStream);
2853 begin
2854   inherited;
2855   // write CopyOptions, DataAddr, SrcRect, DestPoint to stream
2856   WriteWordToStream(aStream, CopyOptions);
2857   WriteWordToStream(aStream, DataAddr);
2858   WriteImgRectToStream(aStream, SrcRect);
2859   WriteImgPointToStream(aStream, DestPoint);
2860 end;
2862 { TRICPixel }
2864 constructor TRICPixel.Create(aOwner : TRICOps);
2865 begin
2866   inherited Create(aOwner);
2867   fOpCode := IMG_PIXEL_ID;
2868   fOpSize := SizeOf(IMG_OP_PIXEL) - 2;
2869   // the standard NXT firmware has a bug in it which needs to be
2870   // worked around
2871 end;
2873 {
2874 procedure TRICPixel.Draw(aPoint: TImgPoint; Vars: TRICVariables;
2875   Options: Cardinal; aCanvas: TImgCanvas);
2876 begin
2877   // draw this pixel to the specified canvas
2878   // resolve all the values as required
2879 end;
2880 }
2882 procedure TRICPixel.LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream);
2883 var
2884   p : TImgPoint;
2885   co, v : Word;
2886 begin
2887   inherited;
2888   // read point from stream
2889   co := 0;
2890   v  := 0;
2891   p.X := 0;
2892   p.Y := 0;
2893   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, co);
2894   ReadImgPointFromStream(aStream, p);
2895   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, v);
2896   CopyOptions := co;
2897   Point       := p;
2898   Value       := v;
2899 end;
SaveAsDataArraynull2901 function TRICPixel.SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string;
2902 begin
2903   if aLangName in [lnNBC, lnNXC] then
2904   begin
2905     Result := inherited SaveAsDataArray(aLangName);
2906     Result := Result + Format(', %s, %s, %s',
2907       [RICValueToStr(CopyOptions, aLangName),
2908        RICPointToStr(Point, aLangName),
2909        RICValueToStr(Value, aLangName)]);
2910   end
2911   else if aLangName = lnNXCHeader then
2912     Result := Format('RICOpPixel(%s, %s, %s)',
2913       [RICValueToStr(CopyOptions, aLangName),
2914        RICPointToStr(Point, aLangName),
2915        RICValueToStr(Value, aLangName)])
2916   else
2917     Result := '';
2918 end;
2920 procedure TRICPixel.SaveToStream(aStream: TStream);
2921 begin
2922   inherited;
2923   WriteWordToStream(aStream, CopyOptions);
2924   WriteImgPointToStream(aStream, Point);
2925   WriteWordToStream(aStream, Value);
2926 end;
2928 { TRICLine }
2930 constructor TRICLine.Create(aOwner : TRICOps);
2931 begin
2932   inherited Create(aOwner);
2933   fOpCode := IMG_LINE_ID;
2934   fOpSize := SizeOf(IMG_OP_LINE) - 2;
2935 end;
2937 {
2938 procedure TRICLine.Draw(aPoint: TImgPoint; Vars: TRICVariables;
2939   Options: Cardinal; aCanvas: TImgCanvas);
2940 begin
2941 // draw line as specified
2942 end;
2943 }
2945 procedure TRICLine.LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream);
2946 var
2947   p1, p2 : TImgPoint;
2948   co : Word;
2949 begin
2950   inherited;
2951   co := 0;
2952   p1.X := 0;
2953   p1.Y := 0;
2954   p2.X := 0;
2955   p2.Y := 0;
2956   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, co);
2957   ReadImgPointFromStream(aStream, p1);
2958   ReadImgPointFromStream(aStream, p2);
2959   CopyOptions := co;
2960   Point1      := p1;
2961   Point2      := p2;
2962 end;
SaveAsDataArraynull2964 function TRICLine.SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string;
2965 begin
2966   if aLangName in [lnNBC, lnNXC] then
2967   begin
2968     Result := inherited SaveAsDataArray(aLangName);
2969     Result := Result + Format(', %s, %s, %s',
2970       [RICValueToStr(CopyOptions, aLangName),
2971        RICPointToStr(Point1, aLangName),
2972        RICPointToStr(Point2, aLangName)]);
2973   end
2974   else if aLangName = lnNXCHeader then
2975     Result := Format('RICOpLine(%s, %s, %s)',
2976       [RICValueToStr(CopyOptions, aLangName),
2977        RICPointToStr(Point1, aLangName),
2978        RICPointToStr(Point2, aLangName)])
2979   else
2980     Result := '';
2981 end;
2983 procedure TRICLine.SaveToStream(aStream: TStream);
2984 begin
2985   inherited;
2986   WriteWordToStream(aStream, CopyOptions);
2987   WriteImgPointToStream(aStream, Point1);
2988   WriteImgPointToStream(aStream, Point2);
2989 end;
2991 { TRICRect }
2993 constructor TRICRect.Create(aOwner : TRICOps);
2994 begin
2995   inherited Create(aOwner);
2996   fOpCode := IMG_RECTANGLE_ID;
2997   fOpSize := SizeOf(IMG_OP_RECT) - 2;
2998 end;
3000 {
3001 procedure TRICRect.Draw(aPoint: TImgPoint; Vars: TRICVariables;
3002   Options: Cardinal; aCanvas: TImgCanvas);
3003 begin
3004 // draw rectangle as specified
3005 end;
3006 }
3008 procedure TRICRect.LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream);
3009 var
3010   p : TImgPoint;
3011   w, h : SmallInt;
3012   co : Word;
3013 begin
3014   inherited;
3015   co := 0;
3016   w  := 0;
3017   h  := 0;
3018   p.X := 0;
3019   p.Y := 0;
3020   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, co);
3021   ReadImgPointFromStream(aStream, p);
3022   ReadSmallIntFromStream(aStream, w);
3023   ReadSmallIntFromStream(aStream, h);
3024   CopyOptions := co;
3025   Point       := p;
3026   Width       := w;
3027   Height      := h;
3028 end;
SaveAsDataArraynull3030 function TRICRect.SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string;
3031 begin
3032   if aLangName in [lnNBC, lnNXC] then
3033   begin
3034     Result := inherited SaveAsDataArray(aLangName);
3035     Result := Result + Format(', %s, %s, %s, %s',
3036       [RICValueToStr(CopyOptions, aLangName),
3037        RICPointToStr(Point, aLangName),
3038        RICValueToStr(Width, aLangName),
3039        RICValueToStr(Height, aLangName)]);
3040   end
3041   else if aLangName = lnNXCHeader then
3042     Result := Format('RICOpRect(%s, %s, %s, %s)',
3043       [RICValueToStr(CopyOptions, aLangName),
3044        RICPointToStr(Point, aLangName),
3045        RICValueToStr(Width, aLangName),
3046        RICValueToStr(Height, aLangName)])
3047   else
3048     Result := '';
3049 end;
3051 procedure TRICRect.SaveToStream(aStream: TStream);
3052 begin
3053   inherited;
3054   WriteWordToStream(aStream, CopyOptions);
3055   WriteImgPointToStream(aStream, Point);
3056   WriteSmallIntToStream(aStream, Width);
3057   WriteSmallIntToStream(aStream, Height);
3058 end;
3060 { TRICCircle }
3062 constructor TRICCircle.Create(aOwner : TRICOps);
3063 begin
3064   inherited Create(aOwner);
3065   fOpCode := IMG_CIRCLE_ID;
3066   fOpSize := SizeOf(IMG_OP_CIRCLE) - 2;
3067 end;
3069 {
3070 procedure TRICCircle.Draw(aPoint: TImgPoint; Vars: TRICVariables;
3071   Options: Cardinal; aCanvas: TImgCanvas);
3072 begin
3073 // draw circle as specified
3074 end;
3075 }
3077 procedure TRICCircle.LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream);
3078 var
3079   p : TImgPoint;
3080   r, co : Word;
3081 begin
3082   inherited;
3083   co := 0;
3084   r  := 0;
3085   p.X := 0;
3086   p.Y := 0;
3087   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, co);
3088   ReadImgPointFromStream(aStream, p);
3089   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, r);
3090   CopyOptions := co;
3091   Point       := p;
3092   Radius      := r;
3093 end;
SaveAsDataArraynull3095 function TRICCircle.SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string;
3096 begin
3097   if aLangName in [lnNBC, lnNXC] then
3098   begin
3099     Result := inherited SaveAsDataArray(aLangName);
3100     Result := Result + Format(', %s, %s, %s',
3101       [RICValueToStr(CopyOptions, aLangName),
3102        RICPointToStr(Point, aLangName),
3103        RICValueToStr(Radius, aLangName)]);
3104   end
3105   else if aLangName = lnNXCHeader then
3106     Result := Format('RICOpCircle(%s, %s, %s)',
3107       [RICValueToStr(CopyOptions, aLangName),
3108        RICPointToStr(Point, aLangName),
3109        RICValueToStr(Radius, aLangName)])
3110   else
3111     Result := '';
3112 end;
3114 procedure TRICCircle.SaveToStream(aStream: TStream);
3115 begin
3116   inherited;
3117   WriteWordToStream(aStream, CopyOptions);
3118   WriteImgPointToStream(aStream, Point);
3119   WriteWordToStream(aStream, Radius);
3120 end;
3122 { TRICNumBox }
3124 constructor TRICNumBox.Create(aOwner : TRICOps);
3125 begin
3126   inherited Create(aOwner);
3127   fOpCode := IMG_NUMBOX_ID;
3128   fOpSize := SizeOf(IMG_OP_NUMBOX) - 2;
3129 end;
3131 {
3132 procedure TRICNumBox.Draw(aPoint: TImgPoint; Vars: TRICVariables;
3133   Options: Cardinal; aCanvas: TImgCanvas);
3134 begin
3135 // draw numbox as specified
3136 end;
3137 }
3139 procedure TRICNumBox.LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream);
3140 var
3141   p : TImgPoint;
3142   v, co : Word;
3143 begin
3144   inherited;
3145   co := 0;
3146   v  := 0;
3147   p.X := 0;
3148   p.Y := 0;
3149   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, co);
3150   ReadImgPointFromStream(aStream, p);
3151   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, v);
3152   CopyOptions := co;
3153   Point       := p;
3154   Value       := v;
3155 end;
SaveAsDataArraynull3157 function TRICNumBox.SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string;
3158 begin
3159   if aLangName in [lnNBC, lnNXC] then
3160   begin
3161     Result := inherited SaveAsDataArray(aLangName);
3162     Result := Result + Format(', %s, %s, %s',
3163       [RICValueToStr(CopyOptions, aLangName),
3164        RICPointToStr(Point, aLangName),
3165        RICValueToStr(Value, aLangName)]);
3166   end
3167   else if aLangName = lnNXCHeader then
3168     Result := Format('RICOpNumBox(%s, %s, %s)',
3169       [RICValueToStr(CopyOptions, aLangName),
3170        RICPointToStr(Point, aLangName),
3171        RICValueToStr(Value, aLangName)])
3172   else
3173     Result := '';
3174 end;
3176 procedure TRICNumBox.SaveToStream(aStream: TStream);
3177 begin
3178   inherited;
3179   WriteWordToStream(aStream, CopyOptions);
3180   WriteImgPointToStream(aStream, Point);
3181   WriteWordToStream(aStream, Value);
3182 end;
3184 { TRICEllipse }
3186 constructor TRICEllipse.Create(aOwner: TRICOps);
3187 begin
3188   inherited Create(aOwner);
3189   fOpCode := IMG_ELLIPSE_ID;
3190   fOpSize := SizeOf(IMG_OP_ELLIPSE) - 2;
3191 end;
3193 {
3194 procedure TRICEllipse.Draw(aPoint: TImgPoint; Vars: TRICVariables;
3195   Options: Cardinal; aCanvas: TImgCanvas);
3196 begin
3197 // draw ellipse as specified
3198 end;
3199 }
3201 procedure TRICEllipse.LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream);
3202 var
3203   p : TImgPoint;
3204   r1, r2, co : Word;
3205 begin
3206   inherited;
3207   co := 0;
3208   r1 := 0;
3209   r2 := 0;
3210   p.X := 0;
3211   p.Y := 0;
3212   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, co);
3213   ReadImgPointFromStream(aStream, p);
3214   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, r1);
3215   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, r2);
3216   CopyOptions := co;
3217   Point       := p;
3218   Radius1     := r1;
3219   Radius2     := r2;
3220 end;
TRICEllipse.SaveAsDataArraynull3222 function TRICEllipse.SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string;
3223 begin
3224   if aLangName in [lnNBC, lnNXC] then
3225   begin
3226     Result := inherited SaveAsDataArray(aLangName);
3227     Result := Result + Format(', %s, %s, %s, %s',
3228       [RICValueToStr(CopyOptions, aLangName),
3229        RICPointToStr(Point, aLangName),
3230        RICValueToStr(Radius1, aLangName),
3231        RICValueToStr(Radius2, aLangName)]);
3232   end
3233   else if aLangName = lnNXCHeader then
3234     Result := Format('RICOpEllipse(%s, %s, %s, %s)',
3235       [RICValueToStr(CopyOptions, aLangName),
3236        RICPointToStr(Point, aLangName),
3237        RICValueToStr(Radius1, aLangName),
3238        RICValueToStr(Radius2, aLangName)])
3239   else
3240     Result := '';
3241 end;
3243 procedure TRICEllipse.SaveToStream(aStream: TStream);
3244 begin
3245   inherited;
3246   WriteWordToStream(aStream, CopyOptions);
3247   WriteImgPointToStream(aStream, Point);
3248   WriteWordToStream(aStream, Radius1);
3249   WriteWordToStream(aStream, Radius2);
3250 end;
3252 { TRICPolygon }
Addnull3254 function TRICPolygon.Add: TPolyPoint;
3255 begin
3256   Result := TPolyPoint.Create;
3257   fPolyPoints.Add(Result);
3258   inc(fOpSize, 4);
3259 end;
3261 procedure TRICPolygon.AddPoint(aPolyPoint: PIMG_PT);
3262 var
3263   PP : TPolyPoint;
3264 begin
3265   PP := TPolyPoint.Create;
3266   fPolyPoints.Add(PP);
3267   PP.X := aPolyPoint^.X;
3268   PP.Y := aPolyPoint^.Y;
3269   inc(fOpSize, 4);
3270 end;
3272 constructor TRICPolygon.Create(aOwner: TRICOps);
3273 begin
3274   inherited Create(aOwner);
3275   fPolyPoints := TObjectList.Create;
3276   fOpCode := IMG_POLYGON_ID;
3277   fOpSize := SizeOf(IMG_OP_POLYGON) - 14; // remove 2 + 3*4
3278 end;
3280 destructor TRICPolygon.Destroy;
3281 begin
3282   FreeAndNil(fPolyPoints);
3283   inherited;
3284 end;
TRICPolygon.GetCountnull3286 function TRICPolygon.GetCount: Word;
3287 begin
3288   Result := Word(fPolyPoints.Count);
3289 end;
GetPolyPointnull3291 function TRICPolygon.GetPolyPoint(Index: Integer): TPolyPoint;
3292 begin
3293   Result := TPolyPoint(fPolyPoints[Index]);
3294 end;
3296 procedure TRICPolygon.LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream);
3297 var
3298   co, mc, x, y : word;
3299   i : integer;
3300   PP : TPolyPoint;
3301 begin
3302   inherited;
3303   co := 0;
3304   mc := 0;
3305   x  := 0;
3306   y  := 0;
3307   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, co);
3308   ReadWordFromStream(aStream, mc);
3309   CopyOptions := co;
3310   for i := 0 to mc - 1 do
3311   begin
3312     // read polygon points from stream
3313     ReadWordFromStream(aStream, x);
3314     ReadWordFromStream(aStream, y);
3315     PP := Add;
3316     PP.X := x;
3317     PP.Y := y;
3318   end;
3319 end;
TRICPolygon.SaveAsDataArraynull3321 function TRICPolygon.SaveAsDataArray(const aLangName: TLangName): string;
OutputBytesnull3322   function OutputBytes(bIsNXCHeader : boolean) : string;
3323   var
3324     i, cnt : integer;
3325     PP : TPolyPoint;
3326   begin
3327     if bIsNXCHeader then
3328       Result := 'RICPolygonPoints('
3329     else
3330       Result := '';
3331     cnt := Count - 1;
3332     for i := 0 to cnt do
3333     begin
3334       PP := PolyPoints[i];
3335       if bIsNXCHeader then
3336         Result := Result + Format('RICImgPoint(%s, %s)',
3337           [RICValueToStr(PP.X, aLangName), RICValueToStr(PP.Y, aLangName)])
3338       else
3339         Result := Result + Format('%s, %s',
3340           [RICValueToStr(PP.X, lnNBC), RICValueToStr(PP.Y, lnNBC)]);
3341       if i < cnt then
3342       begin
3343         Result := Result + ', ';
3344         if bIsNXCHeader {and ((i mod 4) = 0) and (i > 0)} then
3345           Result := Result + #13#10'    ';
3346       end;
3347     end;
3348     if bIsNXCHeader then
3349       Result := Result + ')';
3350   end;
3351 begin
3352   if aLangName in [lnNBC, lnNXC] then
3353   begin
3354     Result := inherited SaveAsDataArray(aLangName);
3355     Result := Result + Format(', %s, %s',
3356       [RICValueToStr(Count, aLangName),
3357        OutputBytes(false)]);
3358   end
3359   else if aLangName = lnNXCHeader then
3360     Result := Format('RICOpPolygon(%d,'#13#10'  %s)',
3361       [Count,
3362        OutputBytes(true)])
3363   else
3364     Result := '';
3365 end;
3367 procedure TRICPolygon.SaveToStream(aStream: TStream);
3368 var
3369   i : integer;
3370   PP : TPolyPoint;
3371 begin
3372   inherited;
3373   WriteWordToStream(aStream, CopyOptions);
3374   WriteWordToStream(aStream, Count);
3375   // now write out all the points in the PolyPoints array
3376   for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
3377   begin
3378     PP := PolyPoints[i];
3379     WriteWordToStream(aStream, PP.X);
3380     WriteWordToStream(aStream, PP.Y);
3381   end;
3382 end;
3384 procedure TRICPolygon.SetPolyPoint(Index: Integer; const Value: TPolyPoint);
3385 begin
3386   TPolyPoint(fPolyPoints[Index]).X := Value.X;
3387   TPolyPoint(fPolyPoints[Index]).Y := Value.Y;
3388 end;
3390 { TRICOps }
3392 constructor TRICOps.Create;
3393 begin
3394   inherited Create;
3395 end;
3397 destructor TRICOps.Destroy;
3398 begin
3400   inherited;
3401 end;
3403 {
3404 procedure TRICOps.Draw(aPoint: TImgPoint; Vars: TRICVariables;
3405   Options: Cardinal; aCanvas: TImgCanvas);
3406 var
3407   i : integer;
3408 begin
3409   for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
3410     TRICOpBase(Items[i]).Draw(aPoint, Vars, Options, aCanvas);
3411 end;
3412 }
3414 (*
3415 {$IFNDEF FPC}
3416 initialization
3417   TPicture.RegisterFileFormat('BMP', 'Bitmap', TBitmap);
3419 finalization
3420   TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TBitmap);
3421 {$ENDIF}
3422 *)
3424 end.