1 {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
3 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
4 License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/NPL-1_1Final.html
7 Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
8 WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
9 the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
11 The Original Code is: mwGenericLex.pas, released April, 2001.
13 The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Martin Waldenburg
14 (Martin.Waldenburg@T-Online.de).
15 Portions created by Martin Waldenburg are Copyright (C) 2001 Martin Waldenburg.
16 All Rights Reserved.
18 Contributor(s): _____________________________________.
21 Last Modified: mm/dd/yyyy
22 Current Version: 0.9
24 Notes: This program is a fast generic scriptable lexical analyser.
26 Modification history:
28 Known Issues:
29 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
30 {$A+,B-,C-,D-,E-,I+,J-,O+,Q-,R-,S-,V-}
31 unit mwGenericLex;
35 {$ENDIF}
37 interface
39 uses
40   Classes;
42 const
43   piAtEnd = High(Word);
44   piZero = High(Word) - 1;
45   piUnknown = High(Word) - 2;
46   piSymbol = 0;
47   piSpace = 1;
48   piLineEnd = 2;
49   piInnerLineEnd = 3;
50   piIdent = 4;
51   piKeyWord = 5;
52   piString = 6;
53   piComment = 7;
54   piNumber = 8;
55   piAssembler = 9;
56   piBadString = 10;
57   piDirective = 11;
58   piChar = 12;
59   piBadChar = 13;
63 type
64   TAny = class;
65   TmwGenLex = class;
67   TmwLexInitProc = procedure(Lex: TmwGenLex);
68   TmwLexInitMethod = procedure(Lex: TmwGenLex) of object;
70   TmwCharClass = set of Char;
71   PmwChars = ^TmwChars;
72   TmwChars = record
73     Chars: TmwCharClass;
74   end;
76   TAnyKind = (
77     pkAny,
78     pkChar,
79     pkCharClass,
80     pkInnerLineEnd,
81     pkKey,
82     pkLineEnd,
83     pkTillChars,
84     pkTillKey
85     );
87   TAnyStatus = (
88     psMultiLine,
89     psNegative,
90     psProcessingNeeded,
91     psRegress
92     );
94   TAnyStorage = packed record
95     Count: Byte;
96     Kind: TAnyKind;
97     Status: set of TAnyStatus;
98     Min: Byte;
99     Id: Word;
100     ExId: Word;
101     Max: Word;
102   end;
104   PmwOptionsList = ^TmwOptionsList;
105   TmwOptionsList = array[0..0] of TAny;
107   TAny = class(TPersistent)
108   private
109     fOptionsList: PmwOptionsList;
110     fToRegress: TAny;
111     FKey: string;
112     FFollow: TAny;
GetNodesnull113     function GetNodes(Index: Byte): TAny;
GetMultiLinenull114     function GetMultiLine: Boolean;
GetNegativenull115     function GetNegative: Boolean;
GetProcessingNeedednull116     function GetProcessingNeeded: Boolean;
117     procedure SetMultiLine(const Value: Boolean);
118     procedure SetNegative(const Value: Boolean);
119     procedure SetProcessingNeeded(const Value: Boolean);
120     procedure SetKey(const Value: string);
121     procedure SetCharClass(const Value: TmwCharClass);
GetCharClassnull122     function GetCharClass: TmwCharClass;
GetRegressnull123     function GetRegress: Boolean;
124     procedure SetRegress(const Value: Boolean);
125   protected
126     Storage: TAnyStorage;
127     ToRestore: TAny;
128   public
129     constructor Create(AParent: TAny); virtual;
130     destructor Destroy; override;
AddOptionnull131     function AddOption(const Value: TAny): Integer;
IndexOfnull132     function IndexOf(const Any: TAny): Integer;
133     property CharClass: TmwCharClass read GetCharClass write SetCharClass;
134     property Count: Byte read Storage.Count;
135     property Options[Index: Byte]: TAny read GetNodes; default;
136     property ToRegress: TAny read fToRegress write FToRegress;
137   published
138     property ExId: Word read Storage.ExId write Storage.ExId;
139     property Follow: TAny read FFollow write FFollow;
140     property Id: Word read Storage.Id write Storage.Id;
141     property Max: Word read Storage.Max write Storage.Max;
142     property Min: Byte read Storage.Min write Storage.Min;
143     property Key: string read FKey write SetKey;
144     property Kind: TAnyKind read Storage.Kind write Storage.Kind;
145     property MultiLine: Boolean read GetMultiLine write SetMultiLine;
146     property Negative: Boolean read GetNegative write SetNegative;
147     property ProcessingNeeded: Boolean read GetProcessingNeeded write SetProcessingNeeded;
148     property Regress: Boolean read GetRegress write SetRegress;
149   end;
151   TLineEnd = class(TAny)
152   public
153     constructor Create(AParent: TAny); override;
154   end;
156   TAlpha = class(TAny)
157   public
158     constructor Create(AParent: TAny); override;
159   end;
161   TAlphaNumeric = class(TAny)
162   public
163     constructor Create(AParent: TAny); override;
164   end;
166 (*
167   TCharAlpha = class(TAny)
168   public
169     constructor Create(AParent: TAny); override;
170   end;
172   TCharAlphaNumeric = class(TAny)
173   public
174     constructor Create(AParent: TAny); override;
175   end;
177   TCharLower = class(TAny)
178   public
179     constructor Create(AParent: TAny); override;
180   end;
182   TCharUpper = class(TAny)
183   public
184     constructor Create(AParent: TAny); override;
185   end;
186 *)
188   TIdentifier = class(TAlpha)
189   public
190     constructor Create(AParent: TAny); override;
191   end;
193   TCRLF = class(TAny)
194   public
195     constructor Create(AParent: TAny); override;
196   end;
198   TLF = class(TAny)
199   public
200     constructor Create(AParent: TAny); override;
201   end;
203   TNotZero = class(TAny)
204   public
205     constructor Create(AParent: TAny); override;
206   end;
208   TNumeric = class(TAny)
209   public
210     constructor Create(AParent: TAny); override;
211   end;
213   TTill = class(TAny)
214   public
215     constructor Create(AParent: TAny); override;
216   end;
218   TTillChars = class(TAny)
219   public
220     constructor Create(AParent: TAny); override;
221   end;
223   TTillLineEnd = class(TAny)
224   public
225     constructor Create(AParent: TAny); override;
226   end;
228   TZero = class(TAny)
229   public
230     constructor Create(AParent: TAny); override;
231   end;
233   TmwGenLex = class(TPersistent)
234   private
235     FChain: TList;
236     FCurrent: TAny;
237     FSensitive: Boolean;
238     FInitMethod: TmwLexInitMethod;
239     FInitProc: TmwLexInitProc;
240     FRange: TAny;
241     FOrigin: PChar;
242     FProcessingNeeded: Boolean;
ApplyAnynull243     function ApplyAny: Boolean;
ApplyCharnull244     function ApplyChar: Boolean;
ApplyCharClassnull245     function ApplyCharClass: Boolean;
ApplyInnerLineEndnull246     function ApplyInnerLineEnd: Boolean;
ApplyKeynull247     function ApplyKey: Boolean;
ApplyLineEndnull248     function ApplyLineEnd: Boolean;
ApplyTillCharsnull249     function ApplyTillChars: Boolean;
ApplyTillKeynull250     function ApplyTillKey: Boolean;
GetTokennull251     function GetToken: string;
252     procedure SetInitMethod(const Value: TmwLexInitMethod);
253     procedure SetInitProc(const Value: TmwLexInitProc);
254     procedure SetInput(const Value: string);
255     procedure SetOrigin(const Value: PChar);
GetRunPosnull256     function GetRunPos: Integer;
257     procedure SetRunPos(const Value: Integer);
GetEndPosnull258     function GetEndPos: Integer;
259     procedure SetEndPos(const Value: Integer);
SubNextnull260     function SubNext: Boolean;
GetLinePosnull261     function GetLinePos: Integer;
262   protected
263     fLineCount : Longint;
264     FExId: Word;
265     FId: Word;
266     Run: PChar;
267     Start: PChar;
268     TheEnd: PChar;
269     InnerLineEnd: TAny;
270     MainSelector: array[#0..#255] of TAny;
Booleannull271     Selector: array[Low(TAnyKind)..High(TAnyKind)] of function: Boolean of object;
272     procedure AddToMainSelector(Pattern: TAny);
273     procedure Clear;
Executenull274     function Execute: Boolean;
275     procedure InitMainSelector;
276     procedure InitSelector;
277     property Current: TAny read FCurrent write FCurrent;
278     property Chain: TList read FChain write FChain;
279   public
280     constructor Create;
281     destructor Destroy; override;
282     procedure Add(Pattern: TAny);
AtEndnull283     function AtEnd: Boolean;
284     procedure Next;
285     procedure SetStartData(Ptr: Pointer; aLen: Integer);
286     property EndPos: Integer read GetEndPos write SetEndPos;
287     property Id: Word read FId;
288     property ExId: Word read FExId;
289     property Input: string write SetInput;
290     property Origin: PChar read FOrigin write SetOrigin;
291     property ProcessingNeeded: Boolean read FProcessingNeeded;
292     property Range: TAny read FRange write FRange;
293     property RunPos: Integer read GetRunPos write SetRunPos;
294     property LinePos : Integer read GetLinePos;
295     property Sensitive: Boolean read FSensitive write FSensitive;
296     property Token: string read GetToken;
297     property InitProc: TmwLexInitProc read FInitProc write SetInitProc;
298     property InitMethod: TmwLexInitMethod read FInitMethod write SetInitMethod;
299   end;
301 implementation
303 uses
304   SysUtils;
306 var
307   CompTable: array[#0..#255] of Char;
309 procedure InitTables;
310 var
311   I: Char;
312 begin
313   for I := #0 to #255 do
314     CompTable[I] := AnsiUpperCase(I)[1];
315 end;
317 { TAny }
AddOptionnull319 function TAny.AddOption(const Value: TAny): Integer;
320 begin
321   Result := -1;
322   if Assigned(Value) then
323   begin
324     Result := Storage.Count;
325     inc(Storage.Count);
326     ReallocMem(fOptionsList, Storage.Count * SizeOf(TAny));
327     fOptionsList^[Result] := Value;
328   end;
329 end;
331 constructor TAny.Create(AParent: TAny);
332 begin
333   inherited Create;
334   if Assigned(AParent) then AParent.Follow := Self;
335 end;
337 destructor TAny.Destroy;
338 var
339   I: Integer;
340 begin
341   if Assigned(Follow) then Follow.Free;
342   for I := 0 to Storage.Count - 1 do
343     fOptionsList^[I].Free;
344   ReallocMem(fOptionsList, 0);
345   inherited Destroy;
346 end;
GetItnull348 function GetIt(const C): TmwCharClass;
349 begin
350   Result := TmwCharClass(C);
351 end;
TAny.GetCharClassnull353 function TAny.GetCharClass: TmwCharClass;
354 begin
355   Result := PmwChars(FKey).Chars;
356 end;
GetMultiLinenull358 function TAny.GetMultiLine: Boolean;
359 begin
360   Result := psMultiLine in Storage.Status;
361 end;
GetNegativenull363 function TAny.GetNegative: Boolean;
364 begin
365   Result := psNegative in Storage.Status;
366 end;
GetNodesnull368 function TAny.GetNodes(Index: Byte): TAny;
369 begin
370   Result := nil;
371   if Index < Storage.Count then Result := fOptionsList^[Index];
372 end;
GetProcessingNeedednull374 function TAny.GetProcessingNeeded: Boolean;
375 begin
376   Result := psProcessingNeeded in Storage.Status;
377 end;
TAny.GetRegressnull379 function TAny.GetRegress: Boolean;
380 begin
381   Result := psRegress in Storage.Status;
382 end;
IndexOfnull384 function TAny.IndexOf(const Any: TAny): Integer;
385 var
386   I: Integer;
387 begin
388   Result := -1;
389   for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
390     if FOptionsList[I] = Any then
391     begin
392       Result := I;
393       break;
394     end;
395 end;
397 procedure TAny.SetCharClass(const Value: TmwCharClass);
398 begin
399   SetLength(FKey, 32);
400   PmwChars(FKey).Chars := Value;
401   Storage.Kind := pkCharClass;
402 end;
404 procedure TAny.SetKey(const Value: string);
405 begin
406   FKey := Value;
407   case Storage.Kind of
408     pkTillChars: ;
409   else
410     if Length(Value) > 1 then
411       Storage.Kind := pkKey
412     else
413       if Length(Value) = 1 then
414         Storage.Kind := pkChar
415       else
416         Storage.Kind := pkAny;
417   end;
418 end;
420 procedure TAny.SetMultiLine(const Value: Boolean);
421 begin
422   case Value of
423     True: Include(Storage.Status, psMultiLine);
424     False: Exclude(Storage.Status, psMultiLine);
425   end;
426 end;
428 procedure TAny.SetNegative(const Value: Boolean);
429 begin
430   case Value of
431     True: Include(Storage.Status, psNegative);
432     False: Exclude(Storage.Status, psNegative);
433   end;
434 end;
436 procedure TAny.SetProcessingNeeded(const Value: Boolean);
437 begin
438   case Value of
439     True: Include(Storage.Status, psProcessingNeeded);
440     False: Exclude(Storage.Status, psProcessingNeeded);
441   end;
442 end;
444 procedure TAny.SetRegress(const Value: Boolean);
445 begin
446   case Value of
447     True: Include(Storage.Status, psRegress);
448     False: Exclude(Storage.Status, psRegress);
449   end;
450 end;
452 { TLineEnd }
454 constructor TLineEnd.Create(AParent: TAny);
455 var
456   Pattern, Option: TAny;
457 begin
458   inherited Create(AParent);
459   Key := #13;
460   Max := 1;
461   Option := TAny.Create(nil);
462   Option.Key := #10;
463   Option.Min := 1;
464   AddOption(Option);
465   Pattern := TAny.Create(Self);
466   Pattern.Key := #10;
467   Pattern.Max := 1;
468 end;
470 { TCRLF }
472 constructor TCRLF.Create(AParent: TAny);
473 begin
474   inherited Create(AParent);
475   Key := #13#10;
476   Min := 1;
477   Max := 1;
478 end;
480 { TLF }
482 constructor TLF.Create(AParent: TAny);
483 begin
484   inherited Create(AParent);
485   Key := #10;
486   Min := 1;
487   Max := 1;
488 end;
490 { TNotZero }
492 constructor TNotZero.Create(AParent: TAny);
493 begin
494   inherited Create(AParent);
495   Storage.Kind := pkCharClass;
496   CharClass := [#0];
497   Negative := True;
498 end;
500 { TTill }
502 constructor TTill.Create(AParent: TAny);
503 begin
504   inherited Create(AParent);
505   Storage.Kind := pkTillKey;
506 end;
508 { TTillChars }
510 constructor TTillChars.Create(AParent: TAny);
511 begin
512   inherited Create(AParent);
513   Storage.Kind := pkTillChars;
514 end;
516 { TTillLineEnd }
518 constructor TTillLineEnd.Create(AParent: TAny);
519 begin
520   inherited Create(AParent);
521   Storage.Kind := pkTillChars;
522   CharClass := [#10, #13];
523   Negative := True;
524 end;
526 { TZero }
528 constructor TZero.Create(AParent: TAny);
529 begin
530   inherited Create(AParent);
531   Key := #0;
532   Id := piZero;
533 end;
535 { TAlpha }
537 constructor TAlpha.Create(AParent: TAny);
538 begin
539   inherited Create(AParent);
540   Min := 1;
541   Id := piIdent;
542   Storage.Kind := pkCharClass;
543   CharClass := ['_', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'];
544 end;
546 { TAlphaNumeric }
548 constructor TAlphaNumeric.Create(AParent: TAny);
549 begin
550   inherited Create(AParent);
551   Min := 1;
552   Id := piIdent;
553   Storage.Kind := pkCharClass;
554   CharClass := ['_', '0'..'9', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'];
555 end;
557 { TNumeric }
559 constructor TNumeric.Create(AParent: TAny);
560 begin
561   inherited Create(AParent);
562   Min := 1;
563   Storage.Kind := pkCharClass;
564   CharClass := ['0'..'9'];
565 end;
567 { TIdentifier }
569 constructor TIdentifier.Create(AParent: TAny);
570 begin
571   inherited Create(AParent);
572   TAlphaNumeric.Create(Self);
573 end;
575 (*
576 { TCharAlpha }
578 constructor TCharAlpha.Create(AParent: TAny);
579 var
580   I: Char;
581 begin
582   inherited Create(AParent);
583   Storage.Kind := pkCharClass;
584   SetLength(FKey, 32);
585   for I := #0 to #255 do
586     if IsCharAlpha(I) then Include(PmwChars(FKey).Chars, I);
587 end;
589 { TCharAlphaNumeric }
591 constructor TCharAlphaNumeric.Create(AParent: TAny);
592 var
593   I: Char;
594 begin
595   inherited Create(AParent);
596   Storage.Kind := pkCharClass;
597   SetLength(FKey, 32);
598   for I := #0 to #255 do
599     if IsCharAlphaNumeric(I) then Include(PmwChars(FKey).Chars, I);
600 end;
602 { TCharLower }
604 constructor TCharLower.Create(AParent: TAny);
605 var
606   I: Char;
607 begin
608   inherited Create(AParent);
609   Storage.Kind := pkCharClass;
610   SetLength(FKey, 32);
611   for I := #0 to #255 do
612     if IsCharLower(I) then Include(PmwChars(FKey).Chars, I);
613 end;
615 { TCharUpper }
617 constructor TCharUpper.Create(AParent: TAny);
618 var
619   I: Char;
620 begin
621   inherited Create(AParent);
622   Storage.Kind := pkCharClass;
623   SetLength(FKey, 32);
624   for I := #0 to #255 do
625     if IsCharUpper(I) then Include(PmwChars(FKey).Chars, I);
626 end;
627 *)
629 { TmwGenLex }
631 procedure TmwGenLex.Add(Pattern: TAny);
632 var
633   I: Integer;
634 begin
635   FChain.Add(Pattern);
636   AddToMainSelector(Pattern);
637   for I := 0 to Pattern.Count - 1 do
638     AddToMainSelector(Pattern[Byte(I)]);
639 end;
641 procedure TmwGenLex.AddToMainSelector(Pattern: TAny);
642 var
643   I: Char;
644 begin
645   case Pattern.Kind of
646     pkAny, pkTillChars, pkTillKey:
647       raise exception.Create('pkAny, pkTillChars, pkTillKey not allowed here');
648     pkCharClass:
649       for I := #0 to #255 do
650         case Pattern.Negative of
651           True:
652             if not (I in Pattern.CharClass) then
653               MainSelector[Char(I)] := Pattern;
654           False:
655             if I in Pattern.CharClass then
656               MainSelector[I] := Pattern;
657         end;
658     pkLineEnd:
659       begin
660         MainSelector[#10] := Pattern;
661         MainSelector[#13] := Pattern;
662       end;
663   else
664     if Length(Pattern.Key) > 0 then
665       MainSelector[Pattern.Key[1]] := Pattern;
666   end;
667 end;
ApplyAnynull669 function TmwGenLex.ApplyAny: Boolean;
670 begin
671   Range := nil;
672   Result := True;
673   if Run >= TheEnd then
674   begin
675     Result := False;
676     exit;
677   end;
678   inc(Run);
679 end;
TmwGenLex.ApplyCharnull681 function TmwGenLex.ApplyChar: Boolean;
682 var
683   Temp: PChar;
684 begin
685   Range := nil;
686   Temp := Run;
687   case psNegative in Current.Storage.Status of
688     True:
689       case Sensitive of
690         True: if Current.Key <> Run^ then
691           begin
692             if Run >= TheEnd then
693             begin
694               Result := False;
695               exit;
696             end;
697             inc(Run)
698           end;
699         False: if CompTable[Current.Key[1]] <> CompTable[Run^] then
700           begin
701             if Run >= TheEnd then
702             begin
703               Result := False;
704               exit;
705             end;
706             inc(Run)
707           end;
708       end;
709     False:
710       case Sensitive of
711         True: if Current.Key = Run^ then
712           begin
713             if Run >= TheEnd then
714             begin
715               Result := False;
716               exit;
717             end;
718             inc(Run)
719           end;
720         False: if CompTable[Current.Key[1]] = CompTable[Run^] then
721           begin
722             if Run >= TheEnd then
723             begin
724               Result := False;
725               exit;
726             end;
727             inc(Run)
728           end;
729       end;
730   end;
731   Result := Run - Temp = 1;
732 end;
TmwGenLex.ApplyCharClassnull734 function TmwGenLex.ApplyCharClass: Boolean;
735 var
736   Temp: PChar;
737 begin
738   Range := nil;
739   Temp := Run;
740   case psNegative in Current.Storage.Status of
741     True:
742       if Current.Max > 0 then
743       begin
744         if not (Run^ in PmwChars(Current.FKey).Chars) then
745           if not AtEnd then inc(Run)
746       end else
747         while not (Run^ in PmwChars(Current.FKey).Chars) do
748         begin
749           if Run >= TheEnd then break;
750           inc(Run);
751         end;
752     False:
753       if Current.Max > 0 then
754       begin
755         if Run^ in PmwChars(Current.FKey).Chars then
756           if not AtEnd then inc(Run)
757       end else
758         while Run^ in PmwChars(Current.FKey).Chars do
759         begin
760           if Run >= TheEnd then break;
761           inc(Run);
762         end;
763   end;
764   Result := Run > Temp;
765 end;
TmwGenLex.ApplyInnerLineEndnull767 function TmwGenLex.ApplyInnerLineEnd: Boolean;
768 begin
769   Result := True;
770   case Run^ of
771     #13:
772       begin
773         inc(Run);
774         if Run < TheEnd then if Run^ = #10 then inc(Run);
775       end;
776     #10: inc(Run);
777   end;
778   if Result then
779     Inc(fLineCount);
780   Range := Current.ToRestore;
781 end;
TmwGenLex.ApplyKeynull783 function TmwGenLex.ApplyKey: Boolean;
784 var
785   I: Integer;
786   Temp: PChar;
787 begin
788   Range := nil;
789   Temp := Run;
790   for I := 1 to Length(Current.Key) do
791   begin
792     if Run >= TheEnd then break;
793     case Sensitive of
794       True: if Current.Key[I] = Run^ then inc(Run) else break;
795       False: if CompTable[Current.Key[I]] = CompTable[Run^] then inc(Run) else break;
796     end;
797   end;
798   Result := (Run - Temp) = Length(Current.Key);
799   if not Result then Run := Temp;
800 end;
ApplyLineEndnull802 function TmwGenLex.ApplyLineEnd: Boolean;
803 begin
804   Range := nil;
805   Result := True;
806   case Run^ of
807     #13:
808       begin
809         inc(Run);
810         if Run < TheEnd then if Run^ = #10 then inc(Run);
811       end;
812     #10: inc(Run);
813   else Result := False;
814   end;
815   if Result then
816     Inc(fLineCount);
817 end;
ApplyTillCharsnull819 function TmwGenLex.ApplyTillChars: Boolean;
820 var
821   Temp: PChar;
822 begin
823   Temp := Run;
824   Result := False;
825   while Result = False do
826   begin
827     if Run >= TheEnd then break;
828     case Run^ of
829       #10, #13:
830         case Current.Multiline of
831           True:
832             begin
833               Range := InnerLineEnd;
834               InnerLineEnd.ToRestore := Current;
835               Exit;
836             end;
837           False:
838             begin
839               Result := False;
840               break;
841             end;
842         end;
843     else
844       Temp := Run;
845       Result := ApplyCharClass;
846       if Result = False then inc(Run);
847     end;
848   end;
849   if Result then
850   begin
851     Range := nil;
852     if psNegative in Current.Storage.Status then Run := Temp;
853   end else
854     case Current.Multiline of
855       True: Range := Current;
856       False:
857         begin
858           Range := nil;
859           Run := Temp;
860         end;
861     end;
862 end;
TmwGenLex.ApplyTillKeynull864 function TmwGenLex.ApplyTillKey: Boolean;
865 var
866   Temp: PChar;
867 begin
868   Temp := Run;
869   Result := False;
870   while Result = False do
871   begin
872     if Run >= TheEnd then break;
873     case Run^ of
874       #10, #13:
875         case Current.Multiline of
876           True:
877             begin
878               Range := InnerLineEnd;
879               InnerLineEnd.ToRestore := Current;
880               Exit;
881             end;
882           False:
883             begin
884               Result := False;
885               break;
886             end;
887         end;
888     else
889       if Run^ = Current.Key[1] then
890       begin
891         Result := ApplyKey;
892         if Result = False then inc(Run);
893       end else inc(Run)
894     end;
895   end;
896   if Result then
897   begin
898     Range := nil;
899     if psNegative in Current.Storage.Status then Run := Run - Length(Current.Key);
900   end else
901     case Current.Multiline of
902       True: Range := Current;
903       False:
904         begin
905           Range := nil;
906           Run := Temp;
907         end;
908     end;
909 end;
AtEndnull911 function TmwGenLex.AtEnd: Boolean;
912 begin
913   Result := Run >= TheEnd;
914 end;
916 procedure TmwGenLex.Clear;
917 var
918   I: Integer;
919 begin
920   for I := 0 to fChain.Count - 1 do
921     if Assigned(fChain[I]) then TObject(fChain[I]).Free;
922   fChain.Clear;
923 end;
925 constructor TmwGenLex.Create;
926 begin
927   inherited Create;
928   fLineCount := 0;
929   InnerLineEnd := TAny.Create(nil);
930   InnerLineEnd.Kind := pkInnerLineEnd;
931   InnerLineEnd.Id := piInnerLineEnd;
932   InitSelector;
933   FChain := TList.Create;
934   InitMainSelector;
935   FId := piUnknown;
936   FExId := piUnknown;
937 end;
939 destructor TmwGenLex.Destroy;
940 begin
941   InnerLineEnd.Free;
942   Clear;
943   FChain.Free;
944   inherited Destroy;
945 end;
Executenull947 function TmwGenLex.Execute: Boolean;
948 var
949   I: Integer;
950   Temp: PChar;
951 begin
952   Temp := Run;
953   Result := True;
954   if (Current.Max = 0) and (Current.Min = 0) then Selector[Current.Kind] else
955   begin
956     for I := 0 to Current.Min - 1 do Result := Selector[Current.Kind];
957     if not Result then Run := Temp;
958     for I := Current.Min to Current.Max - 1 do Selector[Current.Kind];
959   end;
960 end;
GetEndPosnull962 function TmwGenLex.GetEndPos: Integer;
963 begin
964   Result := TheEnd - FOrigin;
965 end;
GetLinePosnull967 function TmwGenLex.GetLinePos: Integer;
968 begin
969   Result := fLineCount;
970 end;
GetRunPosnull972 function TmwGenLex.GetRunPos: Integer;
973 begin
974   Result := Run - FOrigin;
975 end;
TmwGenLex.GetTokennull977 function TmwGenLex.GetToken: string;
978 begin
979   SetLength(Result, Run - Start);
980   Move(Start^, Result[1], Run - Start);
981 end;
983 procedure TmwGenLex.InitMainSelector;
984 var
985   I: Char;
986   Default: TAny;
987 begin
988   Default := TAny.Create(nil);
989   Default.Key := #0;
990   Default.Id := piZero;
991   FChain.Add(Default);
992   MainSelector[#0] := Default;
993   Default := TAny.Create(nil);
994   FChain.Add(Default);
995   for I := #1 to #255 do
996     MainSelector[I] := Default;
997 end;
999 procedure TmwGenLex.InitSelector;
1000 begin
1001   Selector[pkAny] := ApplyAny;
1002   Selector[pkChar] := ApplyChar;
1003   Selector[pkCharClass] := ApplyCharClass;
1004   Selector[pkInnerLineEnd] := ApplyInnerLineEnd;
1005   Selector[pkKey] := ApplyKey;
1006   Selector[pkLineEnd] := ApplyLineEnd;
1007   Selector[pkTillChars] := ApplyTillChars;
1008   Selector[pkTillKey] := ApplyTillKey;
1009 end;
1011 procedure TmwGenLex.Next;
1012 var
1013   Succeed: Boolean;
1014   TempRun: PChar;
1015 begin
1016   Start := Run;
1017   if Range <> nil then Current := Range else
1018     Current := MainSelector[Run^];
1019   while Current <> nil do
1020   begin
1021     case Current.Regress of
1022       True:
1023         begin
1024           TempRun := Run;
1025           Succeed := SubNext;
1026           if Succeed then
1027           begin
1028             Current := Current.ToRegress;
1029             Succeed := SubNext
1030           end;
1031           if Succeed then
1032           begin
1033             FId := Current.Id;
1034             FExId := Current.ExId;
1035             Current := Current.Follow;
1036           end else
1037           begin
1038             Run := TempRun;
1039             Current:= nil;
1040           end;
1041         end;
1042       False:
1043         begin
1044           Succeed := SubNext;
1045           if Succeed then
1046           begin
1047             FId := Current.Id;
1048             FExId := Current.ExId;
1049             Current := Current.Follow;
1050           end;
1051         end;
1052     end;
1053   end;
1054 end;
1056 procedure TmwGenLex.SetEndPos(const Value: Integer);
1057 begin
1058   TheEnd := FOrigin + Value;
1059 end;
1061 procedure TmwGenLex.SetInitMethod(const Value: TmwLexInitMethod);
1062 begin
1063   if Assigned(Value) then
1064   begin
1065     Clear;
1066     FInitMethod := Value;
1067     InitMainSelector;
1068     Value(Self);
1069   end;
1070 end;
1072 procedure TmwGenLex.SetInitProc(const Value: TmwLexInitProc);
1073 begin
1074   if Assigned(Value) then
1075   begin
1076     Clear;
1077     FInitProc := Value;
1078     InitMainSelector;
1079     Value(Self);
1080   end;
1081 end;
1083 procedure TmwGenLex.SetInput(const Value: string);
1084 begin
1085   FOrigin := PChar(Value);
1086   Run := FOrigin;
1087   TheEnd := FOrigin + Length(Value);
1088 end;
1090 procedure TmwGenLex.SetOrigin(const Value: PChar);
1091 begin
1092   FOrigin := Value;
1093   Run := FOrigin;
1094   Start := Value;
1095   TheEnd := FOrigin;
1096   fLineCount := 0;
1097   FId := piUnknown;
1098   FExId := piUnknown;
1099 end;
1101 procedure TmwGenLex.SetRunPos(const Value: Integer);
1102 begin
1103   Run := FOrigin + Value;
1104   Start := Run;
1105 end;
1107 procedure TmwGenLex.SetStartData(Ptr: Pointer; aLen: Integer);
1108 begin
1109   Origin := Ptr;
1110   TheEnd := PChar(Ptr) + aLen;
1111 end;
SubNextnull1113 function TmwGenLex.SubNext: Boolean;
1114 var
1115   I: Integer;
1116   Temp: TAny;
1117 begin
1118   Result := Execute;
1119   if not Result then
1120     if Current.Count = 0 then Current := nil else
1121       for I := 0 to Current.Count - 1 do
1122       begin
1123         Temp := Current;
1124         Current := Current[Byte(I)];
1125         Result := Execute;
1126         if Result then break else
1127         begin
1128           Current := Temp;
1129           if I = Current.Count - 1 then
1130           begin
1131             Current := nil;
1132             break;
1133           end;
1134         end;
1135       end;
1136 end;
1138 initialization
1139   InitTables;
1141 end.