2(*                                                                        *)
3(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
4(*                                                                        *)
5(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
6(*                                                                        *)
7(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
8(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
9(*                                                                        *)
10(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
11(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
12(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
13(*                                                                        *)
16(** {0 Representation of types and declarations} *)
18(** [Types] defines the representation of types and declarations (that is, the
19    content of module signatures).
21    CMI files are made of marshalled types.
24(** Asttypes exposes basic definitions shared both by Parsetree and Types. *)
25open Asttypes
27(** Type expressions for the core language.
29    The [type_desc] variant defines all the possible type expressions one can
30    find in OCaml. [type_expr] wraps this with some annotations.
32    The [level] field tracks the level of polymorphism associated to a type,
33    guiding the generalization algorithm.
34    Put shortly, when referring to a type in a given environment, both the type
35    and the environment have a level. If the type has an higher level, then it
36    can be considered fully polymorphic (type variables will be printed as
37    ['a]), otherwise it'll be weakly polymorphic, or non generalized (type
38    variables printed as ['_a]).
39    See [http://okmij.org/ftp/ML/generalization.html] for more information.
41    Note about [type_declaration]: one should not make the confusion between
42    [type_expr] and [type_declaration].
44    [type_declaration] refers specifically to the [type] construct in OCaml
45    language, where you create and name a new type or type alias.
47    [type_expr] is used when you refer to existing types, e.g. when annotating
48    the expected type of a value.
50    Also, as the type system of OCaml is generative, a [type_declaration] can
51    have the side-effect of introducing a new type constructor, different from
52    all other known types.
53    Whereas [type_expr] is a pure construct which allows referring to existing
54    types.
56    Note on mutability: TBD.
57 *)
58type type_expr =
59  { mutable desc: type_desc;
60    mutable level: int;
61    id: int }
63and type_desc =
64  | Tvar of string option
65  (** [Tvar (Some "a")] ==> ['a] or ['_a]
66      [Tvar None]       ==> [_] *)
68  | Tarrow of arg_label * type_expr * type_expr * commutable
69  (** [Tarrow (Nolabel,      e1, e2, c)] ==> [e1    -> e2]
70      [Tarrow (Labelled "l", e1, e2, c)] ==> [l:e1  -> e2]
71      [Tarrow (Optional "l", e1, e2, c)] ==> [?l:e1 -> e2]
73      See [commutable] for the last argument. *)
75  | Ttuple of type_expr list
76  (** [Ttuple [t1;...;tn]] ==> [(t1 * ... * tn)] *)
78  | Tconstr of Path.t * type_expr list * abbrev_memo ref
79  (** [Tconstr (`A.B.t', [t1;...;tn], _)] ==> [(t1,...,tn) A.B.t]
80      The last parameter keep tracks of known expansions, see [abbrev_memo]. *)
82  | Tobject of type_expr * (Path.t * type_expr list) option ref
83  (** [Tobject (`f1:t1;...;fn: tn', `None')] ==> [< f1: t1; ...; fn: tn >]
84      f1, fn are represented as a linked list of types using Tfield and Tnil
85      constructors.
87      [Tobject (_, `Some (`A.ct', [t1;...;tn]')] ==> [(t1, ..., tn) A.ct].
88      where A.ct is the type of some class.
90      There are also special cases for so-called "class-types", cf. [Typeclass]
91      and [Ctype.set_object_name]:
93        [Tobject (Tfield(_,_,...(Tfield(_,_,rv)...),
94                         Some(`A.#ct`, [rv;t1;...;tn])]
95             ==> [(t1, ..., tn) #A.ct]
96        [Tobject (_, Some(`A.#ct`, [Tnil;t1;...;tn])] ==> [(t1, ..., tn) A.ct]
98      where [rv] is the hidden row variable.
99  *)
101  | Tfield of string * field_kind * type_expr * type_expr
102  (** [Tfield ("foo", Fpresent, t, ts)] ==> [<...; foo : t; ts>] *)
104  | Tnil
105  (** [Tnil] ==> [<...; >] *)
107  | Tlink of type_expr
108  (** Indirection used by unification engine. *)
110  | Tsubst of type_expr         (* for copying *)
111  (** [Tsubst] is used temporarily to store information in low-level
112      functions manipulating representation of types, such as
113      instantiation or copy.
114      This constructor should not appear outside of these cases. *)
116  | Tvariant of row_desc
117  (** Representation of polymorphic variants, see [row_desc]. *)
119  | Tunivar of string option
120  (** Occurrence of a type variable introduced by a
121      forall quantifier / [Tpoly]. *)
123  | Tpoly of type_expr * type_expr list
124  (** [Tpoly (ty,tyl)] ==> ['a1... 'an. ty],
125      where 'a1 ... 'an are names given to types in tyl
126      and occurences of those types in ty. *)
128  | Tpackage of Path.t * Longident.t list * type_expr list
129  (** Type of a first-class module (a.k.a package). *)
131(** [  `X | `Y ]       (row_closed = true)
132    [< `X | `Y ]       (row_closed = true)
133    [> `X | `Y ]       (row_closed = false)
134    [< `X | `Y > `X ]  (row_closed = true)
136    type t = [> `X ] as 'a      (row_more = Tvar a)
137    type t = private [> `X ]    (row_more = Tconstr (t#row, [], ref Mnil)
139    And for:
141        let f = function `X -> `X -> | `Y -> `X
143    the type of "f" will be a [Tarrow] whose lhs will (basically) be:
145        Tvariant { row_fields = [("X", _)];
146                   row_more   =
147                     Tvariant { row_fields = [("Y", _)];
148                                row_more   =
149                                  Tvariant { row_fields = [];
150                                             row_more   = _;
151                                             _ };
152                                _ };
153                   _
154                 }
157and row_desc =
158    { row_fields: (label * row_field) list;
159      row_more: type_expr;
160      row_bound: unit; (* kept for compatibility *)
161      row_closed: bool;
162      row_fixed: bool;
163      row_name: (Path.t * type_expr list) option }
165and row_field =
166    Rpresent of type_expr option
167  | Reither of bool * type_expr list * bool * row_field option ref
168        (* 1st true denotes a constant constructor *)
169        (* 2nd true denotes a tag in a pattern matching, and
170           is erased later *)
171  | Rabsent
173(** [abbrev_memo] allows one to keep track of different expansions of a type
174    alias. This is done for performance purposes.
176    For instance, when defining [type 'a pair = 'a * 'a], when one refers to an
177    ['a pair], it is just a shortcut for the ['a * 'a] type.
178    This expansion will be stored in the [abbrev_memo] of the corresponding
179    [Tconstr] node.
181    In practice, [abbrev_memo] behaves like list of expansions with a mutable
182    tail.
184    Note on marshalling: [abbrev_memo] must not appear in saved types.
185    [Btype], with [cleanup_abbrev] and [memo], takes care of tracking and
186    removing abbreviations.
188and abbrev_memo =
189  | Mnil (** No known abbrevation *)
191  | Mcons of private_flag * Path.t * type_expr * type_expr * abbrev_memo
192  (** Found one abbreviation.
193      A valid abbreviation should be at least as visible and reachable by the
194      same path.
195      The first expression is the abbreviation and the second the expansion. *)
197  | Mlink of abbrev_memo ref
198  (** Abbreviations can be found after this indirection *)
200and field_kind =
201    Fvar of field_kind option ref
202  | Fpresent
203  | Fabsent
205(** [commutable] is a flag appended to every arrow type.
207    When typing an application, if the type of the functional is
208    known, its type is instantiated with [Cok] arrows, otherwise as
209    [Clink (ref Cunknown)].
211    When the type is not known, the application will be used to infer
212    the actual type.  This is fragile in presence of labels where
213    there is no principal type.
215    Two incompatible applications relying on [Cunknown] arrows will
216    trigger an error.
218    let f g =
219      g ~a:() ~b:();
220      g ~b:() ~a:();
222    Error: This function is applied to arguments
223    in an order different from other calls.
224    This is only allowed when the real type is known.
226and commutable =
227    Cok
228  | Cunknown
229  | Clink of commutable ref
231module TypeOps : sig
232  type t = type_expr
233  val compare : t -> t -> int
234  val equal : t -> t -> bool
235  val hash : t -> int
238(* Maps of methods and instance variables *)
240module Meths : Map.S with type key = string
241module Vars  : Map.S with type key = string
243(* Value descriptions *)
245type value_description =
246  { val_type: type_expr;                (* Type of the value *)
247    val_kind: value_kind;
248    val_loc: Location.t;
249    val_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
250   }
252and value_kind =
253    Val_reg                             (* Regular value *)
254  | Val_prim of Primitive.description   (* Primitive *)
255  | Val_ivar of mutable_flag * string   (* Instance variable (mutable ?) *)
256  | Val_self of (Ident.t * type_expr) Meths.t ref *
257                (Ident.t * mutable_flag * virtual_flag * type_expr) Vars.t ref *
258                string * type_expr
259                                        (* Self *)
260  | Val_anc of (string * Ident.t) list * string
261                                        (* Ancestor *)
262  | Val_unbound                         (* Unbound variable *)
264(* Variance *)
266module Variance : sig
267  type t
268  type f = May_pos | May_neg | May_weak | Inj | Pos | Neg | Inv
269  val null : t                          (* no occurence *)
270  val full : t                          (* strictly invariant *)
271  val covariant : t                     (* strictly covariant *)
272  val may_inv : t                       (* maybe invariant *)
273  val union  : t -> t -> t
274  val inter  : t -> t -> t
275  val subset : t -> t -> bool
276  val set : f -> bool -> t -> t
277  val mem : f -> t -> bool
278  val conjugate : t -> t                (* exchange positive and negative *)
279  val get_upper : t -> bool * bool                  (* may_pos, may_neg   *)
280  val get_lower : t -> bool * bool * bool * bool    (* pos, neg, inv, inj *)
283(* Type definitions *)
285type type_declaration =
286  { type_params: type_expr list;
287    type_arity: int;
288    type_kind: type_kind;
289    type_private: private_flag;
290    type_manifest: type_expr option;
291    type_variance: Variance.t list;
292    (* covariant, contravariant, weakly contravariant, injective *)
293    type_newtype_level: (int * int) option;
294    (* definition level * expansion level *)
295    type_loc: Location.t;
296    type_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
297    type_immediate: bool; (* true iff type should not be a pointer *)
298    type_unboxed: unboxed_status;
299  }
301and type_kind =
302    Type_abstract
303  | Type_record of label_declaration list  * record_representation
304  | Type_variant of constructor_declaration list
305  | Type_open
307and record_representation =
308    Record_regular                      (* All fields are boxed / tagged *)
309  | Record_float                        (* All fields are floats *)
310  | Record_unboxed of bool    (* Unboxed single-field record, inlined or not *)
311  | Record_inlined of int               (* Inlined record *)
312  | Record_extension                    (* Inlined record under extension *)
314and label_declaration =
315  {
316    ld_id: Ident.t;
317    ld_mutable: mutable_flag;
318    ld_type: type_expr;
319    ld_loc: Location.t;
320    ld_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
321  }
323and constructor_declaration =
324  {
325    cd_id: Ident.t;
326    cd_args: constructor_arguments;
327    cd_res: type_expr option;
328    cd_loc: Location.t;
329    cd_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
330  }
332and constructor_arguments =
333  | Cstr_tuple of type_expr list
334  | Cstr_record of label_declaration list
336and unboxed_status = private
337  (* This type must be private in order to ensure perfect sharing of the
338     four possible values. Otherwise, ocamlc.byte and ocamlc.opt produce
339     different executables. *)
340  {
341    unboxed: bool;
342    default: bool; (* True for unannotated unboxable types. *)
343  }
345val unboxed_false_default_false : unboxed_status
346val unboxed_false_default_true : unboxed_status
347val unboxed_true_default_false : unboxed_status
348val unboxed_true_default_true : unboxed_status
350type extension_constructor =
351    {
352      ext_type_path: Path.t;
353      ext_type_params: type_expr list;
354      ext_args: constructor_arguments;
355      ext_ret_type: type_expr option;
356      ext_private: private_flag;
357      ext_loc: Location.t;
358      ext_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
359    }
361and type_transparence =
362    Type_public      (* unrestricted expansion *)
363  | Type_new         (* "new" type *)
364  | Type_private     (* private type *)
366(* Type expressions for the class language *)
368module Concr : Set.S with type elt = string
370type class_type =
371    Cty_constr of Path.t * type_expr list * class_type
372  | Cty_signature of class_signature
373  | Cty_arrow of arg_label * type_expr * class_type
375and class_signature =
376  { csig_self: type_expr;
377    csig_vars:
378      (Asttypes.mutable_flag * Asttypes.virtual_flag * type_expr) Vars.t;
379    csig_concr: Concr.t;
380    csig_inher: (Path.t * type_expr list) list }
382type class_declaration =
383  { cty_params: type_expr list;
384    mutable cty_type: class_type;
385    cty_path: Path.t;
386    cty_new: type_expr option;
387    cty_variance: Variance.t list;
388    cty_loc: Location.t;
389    cty_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
390  }
392type class_type_declaration =
393  { clty_params: type_expr list;
394    clty_type: class_type;
395    clty_path: Path.t;
396    clty_variance: Variance.t list;
397    clty_loc: Location.t;
398    clty_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
399  }
401(* Type expressions for the module language *)
403type module_type =
404    Mty_ident of Path.t
405  | Mty_signature of signature
406  | Mty_functor of Ident.t * module_type option * module_type
407  | Mty_alias of alias_presence * Path.t
409and alias_presence =
410  | Mta_present
411  | Mta_absent
413and signature = signature_item list
415and signature_item =
416    Sig_value of Ident.t * value_description
417  | Sig_type of Ident.t * type_declaration * rec_status
418  | Sig_typext of Ident.t * extension_constructor * ext_status
419  | Sig_module of Ident.t * module_declaration * rec_status
420  | Sig_modtype of Ident.t * modtype_declaration
421  | Sig_class of Ident.t * class_declaration * rec_status
422  | Sig_class_type of Ident.t * class_type_declaration * rec_status
424and module_declaration =
425  {
426    md_type: module_type;
427    md_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
428    md_loc: Location.t;
429  }
431and modtype_declaration =
432  {
433    mtd_type: module_type option;  (* None: abstract *)
434    mtd_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
435    mtd_loc: Location.t;
436  }
438and rec_status =
439    Trec_not                   (* first in a nonrecursive group *)
440  | Trec_first                 (* first in a recursive group *)
441  | Trec_next                  (* not first in a recursive/nonrecursive group *)
443and ext_status =
444    Text_first                     (* first constructor in an extension *)
445  | Text_next                      (* not first constructor in an extension *)
446  | Text_exception
449(* Constructor and record label descriptions inserted held in typing
450   environments *)
452type constructor_description =
453  { cstr_name: string;                  (* Constructor name *)
454    cstr_res: type_expr;                (* Type of the result *)
455    cstr_existentials: type_expr list;  (* list of existentials *)
456    cstr_args: type_expr list;          (* Type of the arguments *)
457    cstr_arity: int;                    (* Number of arguments *)
458    cstr_tag: constructor_tag;          (* Tag for heap blocks *)
459    cstr_consts: int;                   (* Number of constant constructors *)
460    cstr_nonconsts: int;                (* Number of non-const constructors *)
461    cstr_normal: int;                   (* Number of non generalized constrs *)
462    cstr_generalized: bool;             (* Constrained return type? *)
463    cstr_private: private_flag;         (* Read-only constructor? *)
464    cstr_loc: Location.t;
465    cstr_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
466    cstr_inlined: type_declaration option;
467   }
469and constructor_tag =
470    Cstr_constant of int                (* Constant constructor (an int) *)
471  | Cstr_block of int                   (* Regular constructor (a block) *)
472  | Cstr_unboxed                        (* Constructor of an unboxed type *)
473  | Cstr_extension of Path.t * bool     (* Extension constructor
474                                           true if a constant false if a block*)
476type label_description =
477  { lbl_name: string;                   (* Short name *)
478    lbl_res: type_expr;                 (* Type of the result *)
479    lbl_arg: type_expr;                 (* Type of the argument *)
480    lbl_mut: mutable_flag;              (* Is this a mutable field? *)
481    lbl_pos: int;                       (* Position in block *)
482    lbl_all: label_description array;   (* All the labels in this type *)
483    lbl_repres: record_representation;  (* Representation for this record *)
484    lbl_private: private_flag;          (* Read-only field? *)
485    lbl_loc: Location.t;
486    lbl_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
487  }