1# Do not edit this file - Generated by Perlito6 9.0
2use v5;
3use utf8;
4use strict;
5use warnings;
6no warnings ('redefine', 'once', 'void', 'uninitialized', 'misc', 'recursion');
7use Perlito6::Perl5::Runtime;
8use Perlito6::Perl5::Prelude;
9our $MATCH = Perlito6::Match->new();
11package GLOBAL;
12    sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "GLOBAL" }
14    # use v6
16    {
17    package Perlito6::Go::LexicalBlock;
18        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Perlito6::Go::LexicalBlock" }
19        sub block { $_[0]->{block} };
20        sub needs_return { $_[0]->{needs_return} };
21        sub top_level { $_[0]->{top_level} };
22        sub emit_go {
23            my $self = $_[0];
24            if (!(((defined $self->{block} ? $self->{block} : ($self->{block} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))))) {
25                return scalar ('')
26            };
27            ((my  $str) = '');
28            (my  $Hash_decl_seen = bless {}, 'HASH');
29            for my $decl1 ( @{(defined $self->{block} ? $self->{block} : ($self->{block} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))} ) {
30                ((my  $decl) = $decl1);
31                if (((Main::isa($decl, 'Bind') && Main::isa(($decl->parameters()), 'Decl')) && ((($decl->parameters())->decl() eq 'my')))) {
32                    ($decl = $decl->parameters())
33                };
34                if ((Main::isa($decl, 'Decl') && (($decl->decl() eq 'my')))) {
35                    ((my  $var_name) = (($decl)->var())->emit_go());
36                    if (!(($Hash_decl_seen->{$var_name}))) {
37                        ($str = ($str . $decl->emit_go_init()));
38                        ($Hash_decl_seen->{$var_name} = 1)
39                    }
40                }
41            };
42            (my  $last_statement);
43            if ($self->{needs_return}) {
44                ($last_statement = pop( @{(defined $self->{block} ? $self->{block} : ($self->{block} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))} ))
45            };
46            for my $decl ( @{(defined $self->{block} ? $self->{block} : ($self->{block} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))} ) {
47                if ((!(((Main::isa($decl, 'Decl') && (($decl->decl() eq 'my'))))))) {
48                    ($str = ($str . ($decl)->emit_go() . chr(59)))
49                }
50            };
51            if (($self->{needs_return} && $last_statement)) {
52                if (Main::isa($last_statement, 'If')) {
53                    ((my  $cond) = $last_statement->cond());
54                    ((my  $body) = $last_statement->body());
55                    ((my  $otherwise) = $last_statement->otherwise());
56                    if ((Main::isa($cond, 'Apply') && ($cond->code() eq 'prefix:<' . chr(33) . '>'))) {
57                        ($cond = ($cond->arguments())->[0]);
58                        ($body = $last_statement->otherwise());
59                        ($otherwise = $last_statement->body())
60                    };
61                    if ((Main::isa($cond, 'Var') && ($cond->sigil() eq chr(64)))) {
62                        ($cond = Apply->new(('code' => 'prefix:<' . chr(64) . '>'), ('arguments' => do {
63    (my  $List_a = bless [], 'ARRAY');
64    (my  $List_v = bless [], 'ARRAY');
65    push( @{$List_a}, $cond );
66    $List_a
68                    };
69                    ($body = Perlito6::Go::LexicalBlock->new(('block' => $body), ('needs_return' => 1), ('top_level' => $self->{top_level})));
70                    ($otherwise = Perlito6::Go::LexicalBlock->new(('block' => $otherwise), ('needs_return' => 1), ('top_level' => $self->{top_level})));
71                    ($str = ($str . 'if tobool( ' . Call::emit_go_call($cond, 'Bool') . ' ) ' . chr(123) . ' ' . $body->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(125) . ' else ' . chr(123) . ' ' . $otherwise->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(125)))
72                }
73                else {
74                    if ((Main::isa($last_statement, 'Return') || Main::isa($last_statement, 'For'))) {
75                        ($str = ($str . $last_statement->emit_go()))
76                    }
77                    else {
78                        ($last_statement = Return->new(('result' => $last_statement)));
79                        if ($self->{top_level}) {
80                            ($str = ($str . $last_statement->emit_go()))
81                        }
82                        else {
83                            ($str = ($str . $last_statement->emit_go_simple()))
84                        }
85                    }
86                }
87            };
88            return scalar ($str)
89        }
90    }
93    {
94    package CompUnit;
95        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "CompUnit" }
96        sub attributes { $_[0]->{attributes} };
97        sub methods { $_[0]->{methods} };
98        sub emit_go {
99            my $self = $_[0];
100            ((my  $class_name) = Main::to_go_namespace($self->{name}));
101            ((my  $str) = (chr(47) . chr(47) . ' instances of class ' . $self->{name} . (chr(10)) . 'type ' . $class_name . ' struct ' . chr(123) . (chr(10))));
102            for my $decl ( @{((Main::values(((defined $self->{attributes} ? $self->{attributes} : ($self->{attributes} = bless({}, 'HASH')))), )))} ) {
103                if ((Main::isa($decl, 'Decl') && (($decl->decl() eq 'has')))) {
104                    ($str = ($str . '  ' . 'v_' . ($decl->var())->name() . ' *Any' . chr(59) . (chr(10))))
105                }
106            };
107            ($str = ($str . chr(125) . (chr(10))));
108            ($str = ($str . chr(47) . chr(47) . ' methods in class ' . $self->{name} . (chr(10)) . 'var Method_' . $class_name . ' struct ' . chr(123) . (chr(10))));
109            for my $decl ( @{((Main::values(((defined $self->{methods} ? $self->{methods} : ($self->{methods} = bless({}, 'HASH')))), )))} ) {
110                if (Main::isa($decl, 'Method')) {
111                    ($str = ($str . '  ' . 'f_' . $decl->name() . ' func (*' . $class_name . ', Capture) *Any' . chr(59) . (chr(10))))
112                }
113            };
114            for my $decl ( @{((Main::values(((defined $self->{attributes} ? $self->{attributes} : ($self->{attributes} = bless({}, 'HASH')))), )))} ) {
115                if ((Main::isa($decl, 'Decl') && (($decl->decl() eq 'has')))) {
116                    ($str = ($str . '  ' . 'f_' . ($decl->var())->name() . ' func (*' . $class_name . ', Capture) *Any' . chr(59) . (chr(10))))
117                }
118            };
119            ($str = ($str . chr(125) . (chr(10))));
120            ($str = ($str . chr(47) . chr(47) . ' namespace ' . $self->{name} . (chr(10)) . 'var Namespace_' . $class_name . ' struct ' . chr(123) . (chr(10))));
121            for my $decl ( @{(defined $self->{body} ? $self->{body} : ($self->{body} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))} ) {
122                if (Main::isa($decl, 'Sub')) {
123                    ($str = ($str . '  ' . 'f_' . $decl->name() . ' Function' . chr(59) . (chr(10))))
124                }
125            };
126            ($str = ($str . chr(125) . (chr(10))));
127            ($str = ($str . 'var Run_' . $class_name . ' func ()' . chr(59) . (chr(10))));
128            ($str = ($str . chr(47) . chr(47) . ' method wrappers for ' . $self->{name} . (chr(10))));
129            for my $decl ( @{((Main::values(((defined $self->{methods} ? $self->{methods} : ($self->{methods} = bless({}, 'HASH')))), )))} ) {
130                if (Main::isa($decl, 'Method')) {
131                    ($str = ($str . 'func (v_self *' . $class_name . ') f_' . $decl->name() . ' (v Capture) *Any ' . chr(123) . (chr(10)) . '  return Method_' . $class_name . '.f_' . $decl->name() . '(v_self, v)' . chr(59) . (chr(10)) . chr(125) . (chr(10))))
132                }
133            };
134            for my $decl ( @{((Main::values(((defined $self->{attributes} ? $self->{attributes} : ($self->{attributes} = bless({}, 'HASH')))), )))} ) {
135                if ((Main::isa($decl, 'Decl') && (($decl->decl() eq 'has')))) {
136                    ($str = ($str . 'func (v_self *' . $class_name . ') f_' . ($decl->var())->name() . ' (v Capture) *Any ' . chr(123) . (chr(10)) . '  return Method_' . $class_name . '.f_' . ($decl->var())->name() . '(v_self, v)' . chr(59) . (chr(10)) . chr(125) . (chr(10))))
137                }
138            };
139            if (!((((defined $self->{methods} ? $self->{methods} : ($self->{methods} = bless({}, 'HASH'))))->{'isa'}))) {
140                ($str = ($str . 'func (v_self *' . $class_name . ') f_isa (v Capture) *Any ' . chr(123) . ' ' . 'return toBool( ' . chr(34) . $self->{name} . chr(34) . ' ' . chr(61) . chr(61) . ' tostr( v.p[0] ) ) ' . chr(125) . (chr(10))))
141            };
142            if (!((((defined $self->{methods} ? $self->{methods} : ($self->{methods} = bless({}, 'HASH'))))->{'perl'}))) {
143                ($str = ($str . 'func (v_self *' . $class_name . ') f_perl (v Capture) *Any ' . chr(123) . ' ' . 'return toStr( ' . chr(34) . '::' . $self->{name} . '(' . chr(34) . ' '));
144                ((my  $sep) = '');
145                for my $decl ( @{((Main::values(((defined $self->{attributes} ? $self->{attributes} : ($self->{attributes} = bless({}, 'HASH')))), )))} ) {
146                    if ((Main::isa($decl, 'Decl') && (($decl->decl() eq 'has')))) {
147                        ($str = ($str . $sep . '+ ' . chr(34) . ($decl->var())->name() . ' ' . chr(61) . '> ' . chr(34) . '+ tostr((*(*v_self).f_' . ($decl->var())->name() . '(Capture' . chr(123) . chr(125) . ')).(perl_er).f_perl(Capture' . chr(123) . chr(125) . ')) '));
148                        ($sep = '+ ' . chr(34) . ', ' . chr(34) . ' ')
149                    }
150                };
151                ($str = ($str . '+ ' . chr(34) . ')' . chr(34) . ' ) ' . chr(125) . (chr(10))))
152            };
153            if (((!((((defined $self->{methods} ? $self->{methods} : ($self->{methods} = bless({}, 'HASH'))))->{'Bool'}))) && (!((((defined $self->{attributes} ? $self->{attributes} : ($self->{attributes} = bless({}, 'HASH'))))->{'Bool'}))))) {
154                ($str = ($str . 'func (v_self *' . $class_name . ') f_Bool (v Capture) *Any ' . chr(123) . ' ' . 'return b_true() ' . chr(125) . (chr(10))))
155            };
156            ($str = ($str . chr(47) . chr(47) . ' prototype of ' . $self->{name} . (chr(10)) . 'var Proto_' . $class_name . ' *Any' . chr(59) . (chr(10))));
157            ($str = ($str . 'func Init_' . $class_name . '() ' . chr(123) . (chr(10))));
158            ($str = ($str . '  this_namespace :' . chr(61) . ' ' . chr(38) . 'Namespace_' . $class_name . chr(59) . (chr(10)) . '  this_namespace ' . chr(61) . ' this_namespace' . chr(59) . (chr(10))));
159            ($str = ($str . '  Proto_' . $class_name . ' ' . chr(61) . ' ' . 'func() *Any ' . chr(123) . ' ' . 'var m ' . chr(61) . ' new(' . $class_name . ')' . chr(59) . ' ' . 'var m1 Any ' . chr(61) . ' m' . chr(59) . ' ' . 'return ' . chr(38) . 'm1' . chr(59) . ' ' . chr(125) . '()' . chr(59) . (chr(10))));
160            (my  $Hash_decl_seen = bless {}, 'HASH');
161            for my $decl1 ( @{(defined $self->{body} ? $self->{body} : ($self->{body} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))} ) {
162                ((my  $decl) = $decl1);
163                if (((Main::isa($decl, 'Bind') && Main::isa(($decl->parameters()), 'Decl')) && ((($decl->parameters())->decl() eq 'my')))) {
164                    ($decl = $decl->parameters())
165                };
166                if ((Main::isa($decl, 'Decl') && (($decl->decl() eq 'my')))) {
167                    ((my  $var_name) = (($decl)->var())->emit_go());
168                    if (!(($Hash_decl_seen->{$var_name}))) {
169                        ($str = ($str . $decl->emit_go_init()));
170                        ($Hash_decl_seen->{$var_name} = 1)
171                    }
172                }
173            };
174            for my $decl ( @{(defined $self->{body} ? $self->{body} : ($self->{body} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))} ) {
175                if ((Main::isa($decl, 'Decl') && (($decl->decl() eq 'has')))) {
176                    ($str = ($str . '  ' . chr(47) . chr(47) . ' accessor ' . ($decl->var())->name() . (chr(10)) . '  Method_' . $class_name . '.f_' . ($decl->var())->name() . ' ' . chr(61) . ' func (v_self *' . $class_name . ', v Capture) *Any ' . chr(123) . (chr(10))));
177                    ($str = ($str . '    ' . 'if v_self.v_' . ($decl->var())->name() . ' ' . chr(61) . chr(61) . ' nil ' . chr(123) . (chr(10)) . '      ' . (Decl->new(('decl' => 'my'), ('type' => undef()), ('var' => Var->new(('sigil' => ($decl->var())->sigil()), ('twigil' => ''), ('namespace' => ''), ('name' => 'tmp')))))->emit_go_init() . '      ' . 'v_self.v_' . ($decl->var())->name() . ' ' . chr(61) . ' ' . (Var->new(('sigil' => ($decl->var())->sigil()), ('twigil' => ''), ('namespace' => ''), ('name' => 'tmp')))->emit_go() . chr(59) . (chr(10)) . '    ' . chr(125) . (chr(10))));
178                    ($str = ($str . '    ' . 'if *v_self.v_' . ($decl->var())->name() . ' ' . chr(61) . chr(61) . ' nil ' . chr(123) . (chr(10)) . '      ' . (Decl->new(('decl' => 'my'), ('type' => undef()), ('var' => Var->new(('sigil' => ($decl->var())->sigil()), ('twigil' => ''), ('namespace' => ''), ('name' => 'tmp')))))->emit_go_init() . '      ' . 'v_self.v_' . ($decl->var())->name() . ' ' . chr(61) . ' ' . (Var->new(('sigil' => ($decl->var())->sigil()), ('twigil' => ''), ('namespace' => ''), ('name' => 'tmp')))->emit_go() . chr(59) . (chr(10)) . '    ' . chr(125) . (chr(10))));
179                    ($str = ($str . '    ' . 'return v_self.v_' . ($decl->var())->name() . (chr(10)) . '  ' . chr(125) . chr(59) . (chr(10))))
180                };
181                if (Main::isa($decl, 'Method')) {
182                    ((my  $sig) = $decl->sig());
183                    ((my  $block) = Perlito6::Go::LexicalBlock->new(('block' => $decl->block()), ('needs_return' => 1), ('top_level' => 1)));
184                    ($str = ($str . '  ' . chr(47) . chr(47) . ' method ' . $decl->name() . (chr(10)) . '  Method_' . $class_name . '.f_' . $decl->name() . ' ' . chr(61) . ' func (self *' . $class_name . ', v Capture) *Any ' . chr(123) . (chr(10))));
185                    ($str = ($str . '    var self1 Any ' . chr(61) . ' self' . chr(59) . (chr(10)) . '    var ' . ($sig->invocant())->emit_go() . ' *Any ' . chr(61) . ' ' . chr(38) . 'self1' . chr(59) . (chr(10)) . '    ' . ($sig->invocant())->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(61) . ' ' . ($sig->invocant())->emit_go() . chr(59) . (chr(10)) . '    ' . $sig->emit_go_bind() . (chr(10))));
186                    ($str = ($str . '    p :' . chr(61) . ' make(chan *Any)' . chr(59) . ' go func () ' . chr(123) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '        ' . $block->emit_go() . chr(59) . ' p <- nil ' . chr(125) . '()' . chr(59) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '    return <-p' . chr(59) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '  ' . chr(125) . chr(59) . (chr(10))))
187                };
188                if (Main::isa($decl, 'Sub')) {
189                    ((my  $sig) = $decl->sig());
190                    ((my  $block) = Perlito6::Go::LexicalBlock->new(('block' => $decl->block()), ('needs_return' => 1), ('top_level' => 1)));
191                    ($str = ($str . '  ' . chr(47) . chr(47) . ' sub ' . $decl->name() . (chr(10)) . '  Namespace_' . $class_name . '.f_' . $decl->name() . ' ' . chr(61) . ' Function( func (v Capture) *Any ' . chr(123) . (chr(10))));
192                    ($str = ($str . '    ' . $sig->emit_go_bind() . (chr(10)) . '    p :' . chr(61) . ' make(chan *Any)' . chr(59) . ' go func () ' . chr(123) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '        ' . $block->emit_go() . chr(59) . ' p <- nil ' . chr(125) . '()' . chr(59) . ' ' . (chr(10))));
193                    ($str = ($str . '    return <-p' . chr(59) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '  ' . chr(125) . ' )' . chr(59) . (chr(10))))
194                }
195            };
196            ($str = ($str . '  ' . chr(47) . chr(47) . ' main runtime block of ' . $self->{name} . (chr(10)) . '  Run_' . $class_name . ' ' . chr(61) . ' func () ' . chr(123) . (chr(10))));
197            for my $decl ( @{(defined $self->{body} ? $self->{body} : ($self->{body} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))} ) {
198                if ((((!(((Main::isa($decl, 'Decl') && (((($decl->decl() eq 'has')) || (($decl->decl() eq 'my')))))))) && (!((Main::isa($decl, 'Method'))))) && (!((Main::isa($decl, 'Sub')))))) {
199                    ($str = ($str . '    ' . ($decl)->emit_go() . chr(59) . (chr(10))))
200                }
201            };
202            ($str = ($str . '  ' . chr(125) . (chr(10))));
203            ($str = ($str . chr(125) . (chr(10))));
204            return scalar ($str)
205        };
206        sub emit_go_program {
207            my $comp_units = $_[0];
208            ((my  $str) = '');
209            (my  $Hash_unit_seen = bless {}, 'HASH');
210            (my  $List_tmp_comp_unit = bless [], 'ARRAY');
211            for my $comp_unit ( @{(($comp_units))} ) {
212                ((my  $name) = $comp_unit->name());
213                if ($Hash_unit_seen->{$name}) {
214                    for my $stmt ( @{(($comp_unit->body()))} ) {
215                        push( @{($Hash_unit_seen->{$name})->body()}, $stmt )
216                    }
217                }
218                else {
219                    ($Hash_unit_seen->{$name} = $comp_unit);
220                    push( @{$List_tmp_comp_unit}, $comp_unit )
221                }
222            };
223            ($comp_units = $List_tmp_comp_unit);
224            for my $comp_unit ( @{(($comp_units))} ) {
225                for my $stmt ( @{(($comp_unit->body()))} ) {
226                    if (Main::isa($stmt, 'Method')) {
227                        (($comp_unit->methods())->{$stmt->name()} = $stmt)
228                    };
229                    if ((Main::isa($stmt, 'Decl') && (($stmt->decl() eq 'has')))) {
230                        (($comp_unit->attributes())->{($stmt->var())->name()} = $stmt)
231                    }
232                }
233            };
234            for my $comp_unit ( @{(($comp_units))} ) {
235                ($str = ($str . $comp_unit->emit_go()))
236            };
237            if (!(($Hash_unit_seen->{('Perlito6::Grammar')}))) {
238                ($str = ($str . ('type Perlito__Grammar struct' . chr(123) . chr(125) . chr(10))))
239            };
240            ($str = ($str . (chr(47) . chr(47) . ' interfaces for all methods' . chr(10))));
241            ((my  $Hash_meth_seen = bless {}, 'HASH') = do {
242    (my  $Hash_a = bless {}, 'HASH');
243    ($Hash_a->{'join'} = 1);
244    ($Hash_a->{'perl'} = 1);
245    ($Hash_a->{'scalar'} = 1);
246    ($Hash_a->{'isa'} = 1);
247    ($Hash_a->{'values'} = 1);
248    ($Hash_a->{'keys'} = 1);
249    ($Hash_a->{'exists'} = 1);
250    ($Hash_a->{'bind'} = 1);
251    ($Hash_a->{'int'} = 1);
252    ($Hash_a->{'num'} = 1);
253    ($Hash_a->{'str'} = 1);
254    ($Hash_a->{'Str'} = 1);
255    ($Hash_a->{'bool'} = 1);
256    ($Hash_a->{'Bool'} = 1);
257    ($Hash_a->{'array'} = 1);
258    ($Hash_a->{'hash'} = 1);
259    ($Hash_a->{'push'} = 1);
260    ($Hash_a->{'pop'} = 1);
261    ($Hash_a->{'shift'} = 1);
262    ($Hash_a->{'lookup'} = 1);
263    ($Hash_a->{'index'} = 1);
264    ($Hash_a->{'function'} = 1);
265    $Hash_a
267            for my $comp_unit ( @{(($comp_units))} ) {
268                for my $stmt ( @{(($comp_unit->body()))} ) {
269                    if ((Main::isa($stmt, 'Method') && !(($Hash_meth_seen->{$stmt->name()})))) {
270                        ((my  $meth) = $stmt->name());
271                        ($str = ($str . ('type ') . $meth . ('_er interface ' . chr(123) . ' f_') . $meth . (' (Capture) *Any ' . chr(125) . chr(10))));
272                        ($Hash_meth_seen->{$meth} = 1)
273                    };
274                    if (((Main::isa($stmt, 'Decl') && (($stmt->decl() eq 'has'))) && !(($Hash_meth_seen->{($stmt->var())->name()})))) {
275                        ((my  $meth) = ($stmt->var())->name());
276                        ($str = ($str . ('type ') . $meth . ('_er interface ' . chr(123) . ' f_') . $meth . (' (Capture) *Any ' . chr(125) . chr(10))));
277                        ($Hash_meth_seen->{$meth} = 1)
278                    }
279                }
280            };
281            ($str = ($str . (chr(10)) . ('func main () ' . chr(123) . chr(10)) . ('  Init_Perlito__Match()' . chr(59) . chr(10))));
282            for my $comp_unit ( @{(($comp_units))} ) {
283                ($str = ($str . ('  Init_') . Main::to_go_namespace($comp_unit->name()) . ('()' . chr(59) . chr(10))))
284            };
285            ($str = ($str . ('  Init_Prelude()' . chr(59) . chr(10))));
286            for my $comp_unit ( @{(($comp_units))} ) {
287                ($str = ($str . ('  Run_') . Main::to_go_namespace($comp_unit->name()) . ('()' . chr(59) . chr(10))))
288            };
289            ($str = ($str . chr(125) . (chr(10))));
290            return scalar ($str)
291        }
292    }
295    {
296    package Val::Int;
297        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Val::Int" }
298        sub emit_go {
299            my $self = $_[0];
300            ('toInt(' . $self->{int} . ')')
301        }
302    }
305    {
306    package Val::Bit;
307        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Val::Bit" }
308        sub emit_go {
309            my $self = $_[0];
310            ($self->{bit} ? 'b_true()' : 'b_false()')
311        }
312    }
315    {
316    package Val::Num;
317        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Val::Num" }
318        sub emit_go {
319            my $self = $_[0];
320            ('toNum(' . $self->{num} . ')')
321        }
322    }
325    {
326    package Val::Buf;
327        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Val::Buf" }
328        sub emit_go {
329            my $self = $_[0];
330            ('toStr(' . chr(34) . $self->{buf} . chr(34) . ')')
331        }
332    }
335    {
336    package Lit::Array;
337        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Lit::Array" }
338        sub emit_go {
339            my $self = $_[0];
340            ((my  $ast) = $self->expand_interpolation());
341            return scalar ($ast->emit_go())
342        }
343    }
346    {
347    package Lit::Hash;
348        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Lit::Hash" }
349        sub emit_go {
350            my $self = $_[0];
351            ((my  $ast) = $self->expand_interpolation());
352            return scalar ($ast->emit_go())
353        }
354    }
357    {
358    package Index;
359        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Index" }
360        sub emit_go {
361            my $self = $_[0];
362            ('(*(*' . $self->{obj}->emit_go() . ').(array_er).f_array(Capture' . chr(123) . chr(125) . '))' . '.(index_er).f_index( Capture' . chr(123) . ' p : []*Any' . chr(123) . ' ' . $self->{index_exp}->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(125) . chr(125) . ' )')
363        }
364    }
367    {
368    package Lookup;
369        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Lookup" }
370        sub emit_go {
371            my $self = $_[0];
372            ('(*(*' . $self->{obj}->emit_go() . ').(hash_er).f_hash(Capture' . chr(123) . chr(125) . '))' . '.(lookup_er).f_lookup( Capture' . chr(123) . ' p : []*Any' . chr(123) . ' ' . $self->{index_exp}->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(125) . chr(125) . ' )')
373        }
374    }
377    {
378    package Var;
379        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Var" }
380        sub emit_go {
381            my $self = $_[0];
382            ((my  $table) = do {
383    (my  $Hash_a = bless {}, 'HASH');
384    ($Hash_a->{chr(36)} = 'v_');
385    ($Hash_a->{chr(64)} = 'List_');
386    ($Hash_a->{chr(37)} = 'Hash_');
387    ($Hash_a->{chr(38)} = 'Code_');
388    $Hash_a
390            ((my  $ns) = '');
391            if ($self->{namespace}) {
392                ($ns = (Main::to_go_namespace($self->{namespace}) . '.'))
393            };
394            ((($self->{twigil} eq '.')) ? (('(*v_self).(' . $self->{name} . '_er).f_' . $self->{name} . '(Capture' . chr(123) . chr(125) . ')')) : (((($self->{name} eq chr(47))) ? ('v_MATCH') : (($table->{$self->{sigil}} . $ns . $self->{name})))))
395        };
396        sub plain_name {
397            my $self = $_[0];
398            if ($self->{namespace}) {
399                return scalar (($self->{namespace} . '.' . $self->{name}))
400            };
401            return scalar ($self->{name})
402        }
403    }
406    {
407    package Bind;
408        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Bind" }
409        sub parameters { $_[0]->{parameters} };
410        sub arguments { $_[0]->{arguments} };
411        sub emit_go {
412            my $self = $_[0];
413            if (Main::isa($self->{parameters}, 'Call')) {
414                return scalar (('func () *Any ' . chr(123) . ' ' . 'var tmp ' . chr(61) . ' ' . Call::emit_go_call($self->{parameters}->invocant(), $self->{parameters}->method()) . chr(59) . ' ' . '*tmp ' . chr(61) . ' *( ' . $self->{arguments}->emit_go() . ' )' . chr(59) . ' ' . 'return tmp' . chr(59) . ' ' . chr(125) . '()'))
415            };
416            ('*' . $self->{parameters}->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(61) . ' *(' . $self->{arguments}->emit_go() . ')')
417        }
418    }
421    {
422    package Proto;
423        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Proto" }
424        sub emit_go {
425            my $self = $_[0];
426            Main::to_go_namespace($self->{name})
427        }
428    }
431    {
432    package Call;
433        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Call" }
434        sub emit_go {
435            my $self = $_[0];
436            ((my  $invocant) = $self->{invocant}->emit_go());
437            if (Main::isa(($self->{invocant}), 'Proto')) {
438                if (($self->{invocant}->name() eq 'self')) {
439                    ($invocant = 'v_self')
440                }
441                else {
442                    ($invocant = ('Proto_' . $invocant))
443                }
444            };
445            ((my  $meth) = $self->{method});
446            if (($meth eq 'postcircumfix:<( )>')) {
447                if (($self->{hyper})) {
448                    ($meth = '')
449                }
450                else {
451                    return scalar (('((*' . $invocant . ').(function_er).f_function( Capture' . chr(123) . ' p : []*Any' . chr(123) . ' ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ' ' . chr(125) . ' ' . chr(125) . ' ))'))
452                }
453            };
454            if (($self->{hyper})) {
455                return scalar (('func (a_ *Any) *Any ' . chr(123) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '  var out ' . chr(61) . ' a_array()' . chr(59) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '  var i ' . chr(61) . ' (*(*a_).(array_er).f_array(Capture' . chr(123) . chr(125) . ')).(*Array)' . chr(59) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '  for pos :' . chr(61) . ' 0' . chr(59) . ' pos <' . chr(61) . ' i.n' . chr(59) . ' pos++ ' . chr(123) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '    (*out).(push_er).f_push( Capture' . chr(123) . 'p: []*Any' . chr(123) . ' (*i.v[pos]).(' . $meth . '_er).f_' . $meth . '(Capture' . chr(123) . ' p : []*Any' . chr(123) . chr(125) . '  ' . chr(125) . ') ' . chr(125) . chr(125) . ' )' . (chr(10)) . '  ' . chr(125) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '  return out' . chr(59) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . chr(125) . '(' . $invocant . ')'))
456            };
457            return scalar (('(*' . $invocant . ').(' . $meth . '_er).f_' . $meth . '( Capture' . chr(123) . ' p : []*Any' . chr(123) . ' ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ' ' . chr(125) . ' ' . chr(125) . ' )'))
458        };
459        sub emit_go_call {
460            my $invocant = $_[0];
461            my $meth_name = $_[1];
462            ((my  $invocant1) = $invocant->emit_go());
463            if (Main::isa(($invocant), 'Proto')) {
464                ($invocant1 = ('Proto_' . $invocant1))
465            };
466            ((my  $meth) = $meth_name);
467            return scalar (('(*' . $invocant1 . ').(' . $meth . '_er).f_' . $meth . '(Capture' . chr(123) . chr(125) . ')'))
468        }
469    }
472    {
473    package Apply;
474        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Apply" }
475        sub emit_go {
476            my $self = $_[0];
477            ((my  $code) = $self->{code});
478            if (Main::isa($code, 'Str')) {
480            }
481            else {
482                return scalar (('(' . $self->{code}->emit_go() . ')->(' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ')'))
483            };
484            if (($code eq 'self')) {
485                return scalar ('v_self')
486            };
487            if (($code eq 'False')) {
488                return scalar ('b_false()')
489            };
490            if (($code eq 'True')) {
491                return scalar ('b_true()')
492            };
493            if (($code eq 'make')) {
494                return scalar (('func () *Any ' . chr(123) . ' ' . 'tmp :' . chr(61) . ' ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . chr(59) . ' ' . '*(*v_MATCH).(capture_er).f_capture(Capture' . chr(123) . chr(125) . ') ' . chr(61) . ' *tmp' . chr(59) . ' ' . 'return tmp' . chr(59) . ' ' . chr(125) . '()'))
495            };
496            if (($code eq 'go')) {
497                return scalar (('go func () ' . chr(123) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '        ' . (Perlito6::Go::LexicalBlock->new(('block' => ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[0])->block()), ('needs_return' => 0), ('top_level' => 1)))->emit_go() . (chr(10)) . '    ' . chr(125) . '()'))
498            };
499            if (($code eq 'say')) {
500                return scalar (('f_print( Capture' . chr(123) . ' p : []*Any' . chr(123) . ' ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ', toStr(' . chr(34) . chr(92) . 'n' . chr(34) . ') ' . chr(125) . ' ' . chr(125) . ' )'))
501            };
502            if (($code eq 'print')) {
503                return scalar (('f_print( Capture' . chr(123) . ' p : []*Any' . chr(123) . ' ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ' ' . chr(125) . ' ' . chr(125) . ' )'))
504            };
505            if (($code eq 'warn')) {
506                return scalar (('f_print_stderr( Capture' . chr(123) . ' p : []*Any' . chr(123) . ' ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ', toStr(' . chr(34) . chr(92) . 'n' . chr(34) . ') ' . chr(125) . ' ' . chr(125) . ' )'))
507            };
508            if (($code eq 'die')) {
509                return scalar (('f_die( Capture' . chr(123) . ' p : []*Any' . chr(123) . ' ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ' ' . chr(125) . ' ' . chr(125) . ' )'))
510            };
511            if (($code eq 'defined')) {
512                return scalar (('f_defined( Capture' . chr(123) . ' p : []*Any' . chr(123) . ' ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ' ' . chr(125) . ' ' . chr(125) . ' )'))
513            };
514            if (($code eq 'pop')) {
515                return scalar (('f_pop( Capture' . chr(123) . ' p : []*Any' . chr(123) . ' ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ' ' . chr(125) . ' ' . chr(125) . ' )'))
516            };
517            if (($code eq 'push')) {
518                return scalar (('f_push( Capture' . chr(123) . ' p : []*Any' . chr(123) . ' ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ' ' . chr(125) . ' ' . chr(125) . ' )'))
519            };
520            if (($code eq 'shift')) {
521                return scalar (('f_shift( Capture' . chr(123) . ' p : []*Any' . chr(123) . ' ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ' ' . chr(125) . ' ' . chr(125) . ' )'))
522            };
523            if (($code eq 'index')) {
524                return scalar (('f_index( Capture' . chr(123) . ' p : []*Any' . chr(123) . ' ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ' ' . chr(125) . ' ' . chr(125) . ' )'))
525            };
526            if (($code eq 'substr')) {
527                return scalar (('f_substr( Capture' . chr(123) . ' p : []*Any' . chr(123) . ' ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ' ' . chr(125) . ' ' . chr(125) . ' )'))
528            };
529            if (($code eq 'scalar')) {
530                return scalar (('f_scalar( Capture' . chr(123) . ' p : []*Any' . chr(123) . ' ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ' ' . chr(125) . ' ' . chr(125) . ' )'))
531            };
532            if (($code eq 'Int')) {
533                return scalar (('toInt(' . 'toint(' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[0])->emit_go() . ')' . ')'))
534            };
535            if (($code eq 'Num')) {
536                return scalar (('toNum(' . 'tonum(' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[0])->emit_go() . ')' . ')'))
537            };
538            if (($code eq 'exists')) {
539                ((my  $arg) = (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[0]);
540                if (Main::isa($arg, 'Lookup')) {
541                    return scalar (('(*' . ($arg->obj())->emit_go() . ')' . '.(exists_er).f_exists(Capture' . chr(123) . ' p : []*Any' . chr(123) . ' ' . ($arg->index_exp())->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(125) . ' ' . chr(125) . ' )'))
542                }
543            };
544            if (($code eq 'prefix:<' . chr(126) . '>')) {
545                return scalar (Call::emit_go_call((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[0], 'Str'))
546            };
547            if (($code eq 'prefix:<' . chr(33) . '>')) {
548                return scalar (('toBool(' . chr(33) . 'tobool(' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[0])->emit_go() . '))'))
549            };
550            if (($code eq 'prefix:<' . chr(63) . '>')) {
551                return scalar (Call::emit_go_call((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[0], 'Bool'))
552            };
553            if (($code eq 'prefix:<' . chr(36) . '>')) {
554                return scalar (('f_scalar( Capture' . chr(123) . ' p : []*Any' . chr(123) . ' ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ' ' . chr(125) . ' ' . chr(125) . ' )'))
555            };
556            if (($code eq 'prefix:<' . chr(64) . '>')) {
557                return scalar (Call::emit_go_call((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[0], 'array'))
558            };
559            if (($code eq 'prefix:<' . chr(37) . '>')) {
560                return scalar (Call::emit_go_call((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[0], 'hash'))
561            };
562            if (($code eq 'infix:<' . chr(126) . '>')) {
563                return scalar (('toStr( ' . 'tostr(' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[0])->emit_go() . ') + ' . 'tostr(' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[1])->emit_go() . ') ' . ')'))
564            };
565            if (($code eq 'infix:<+>')) {
566                return scalar (('f_add( ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ')'))
567            };
568            if (($code eq 'infix:<->')) {
569                return scalar (('f_sub( ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ')'))
570            };
571            if (($code eq 'infix:<*>')) {
572                return scalar (('f_mul( ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ')'))
573            };
574            if (($code eq 'infix:<' . chr(47) . '>')) {
575                return scalar (('f_div( ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ')'))
576            };
577            if (($code eq 'infix:<>>')) {
578                return scalar (('f_greater( ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ')'))
579            };
580            if (($code eq 'infix:<<>')) {
581                return scalar (('f_smaller( ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ')'))
582            };
583            if (($code eq 'infix:<>' . chr(61) . '>')) {
584                return scalar (('toBool( ' . 'toint(' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[0])->emit_go() . ') >' . chr(61) . ' ' . 'toint(' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[1])->emit_go() . ') ' . ')'))
585            };
586            if (($code eq 'infix:<<' . chr(61) . '>')) {
587                return scalar (('toBool( ' . 'toint(' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[0])->emit_go() . ') <' . chr(61) . ' ' . 'toint(' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[1])->emit_go() . ') ' . ')'))
588            };
589            if (($code eq 'infix:<' . chr(38) . chr(38) . '>')) {
590                return scalar (('f_and( ' . 'func () *Any ' . chr(123) . ' return ' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[0])->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(125) . ', ' . 'func () *Any ' . chr(123) . ' return ' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[1])->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(125) . ' ' . ')'))
591            };
592            if (($code eq 'infix:<' . chr(124) . chr(124) . '>')) {
593                return scalar (('f_or( ' . 'func () *Any ' . chr(123) . ' return ' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[0])->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(125) . ', ' . 'func () *Any ' . chr(123) . ' return ' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[1])->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(125) . ' ' . ')'))
594            };
595            if (($code eq 'infix:<eq>')) {
596                return scalar (('toBool(' . 'tostr(' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[0])->emit_go() . ') ' . chr(61) . chr(61) . ' ' . 'tostr(' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[1])->emit_go() . ')' . ')'))
597            };
598            if (($code eq 'infix:<ne>')) {
599                return scalar (('toBool(' . 'tostr(' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[0])->emit_go() . ') ' . chr(33) . chr(61) . ' ' . 'tostr(' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[1])->emit_go() . ')' . ')'))
600            };
601            if (($code eq 'infix:<' . chr(61) . chr(61) . '>')) {
602                return scalar (('toBool(' . 'toint(' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[0])->emit_go() . ') ' . chr(61) . chr(61) . ' ' . 'toint(' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[1])->emit_go() . ') ' . ')'))
603            };
604            if (($code eq 'infix:<' . chr(33) . chr(61) . '>')) {
605                return scalar (('toBool(' . 'toint(' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[0])->emit_go() . ') ' . chr(33) . chr(61) . ' ' . 'toint(' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[1])->emit_go() . ') ' . ')'))
606            };
607            if (($code eq 'ternary:<' . chr(63) . chr(63) . ' ' . chr(33) . chr(33) . '>')) {
608                return scalar (('func () *Any ' . chr(123) . ' ' . 'if tobool( ' . Call::emit_go_call((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[0], 'Bool') . ' ) ' . chr(123) . ' return ' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[1])->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(125) . chr(59) . ' ' . 'return ' . ((defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))->[2])->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(125) . '()'))
609            };
610            ($code = ('f_' . $self->{code}));
611            if ($self->{namespace}) {
612                ($code = ('Namespace_' . Main::to_go_namespace($self->{namespace}) . '.' . $code))
613            }
614            else {
615                ($code = ('this_namespace.' . $code))
616            };
617            ($code . '( Capture' . chr(123) . ' p : []*Any' . chr(123) . ' ' . Main::join(([ map { $_->emit_go() } @{( (defined $self->{arguments} ? $self->{arguments} : ($self->{arguments} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))) )} ]), ', ') . ' ' . chr(125) . ' ' . chr(125) . ' )')
618        }
619    }
622    {
623    package Return;
624        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Return" }
625        sub emit_go {
626            my $self = $_[0];
627            if (Main::isa(($self->{result}), 'Bind')) {
628                ((my  $tmp) = ($self->{result})->parameters());
629                return scalar (('(func () ' . chr(123) . ' ' . ($self->{result})->emit_go() . chr(59) . ' ' . 'p <- ' . $tmp->emit_go() . chr(59) . ' ' . 'runtime.Goexit()' . chr(59) . ' ' . chr(125) . '())'))
630            };
631            return scalar (('(func () ' . chr(123) . ' ' . 'var tmp *Any ' . chr(61) . ' ' . ($self->{result})->emit_go() . chr(59) . ' ' . 'p <- tmp' . chr(59) . ' ' . 'runtime.Goexit()' . chr(59) . ' ' . chr(125) . '())'))
632        };
633        sub emit_go_simple {
634            my $self = $_[0];
635            if (Main::isa(($self->{result}), 'Bind')) {
636                ((my  $tmp) = ($self->{result})->parameters());
637                return scalar (('return (func () *Any ' . chr(123) . ' ' . ($self->{result})->emit_go() . chr(59) . ' ' . 'return ' . $tmp->emit_go() . chr(59) . ' ' . chr(125) . '())'))
638            };
639            return scalar (('return( ' . $self->{result}->emit_go() . ')'))
640        }
641    }
644    {
645    package If;
646        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "If" }
647        sub emit_go {
648            my $self = $_[0];
649            ((my  $cond) = $self->{cond});
650            if ((Main::isa($cond, 'Apply') && ($cond->code() eq 'prefix:<' . chr(33) . '>'))) {
651                ((my  $if) = If->new(('cond' => ($cond->arguments())->[0]), ('body' => (defined $self->{otherwise} ? $self->{otherwise} : ($self->{otherwise} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))), ('otherwise' => (defined $self->{body} ? $self->{body} : ($self->{body} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY'))))));
652                return scalar ($if->emit_go())
653            };
654            if ((Main::isa($cond, 'Var') && ($cond->sigil() eq chr(64)))) {
655                ($cond = Apply->new(('code' => 'prefix:<' . chr(64) . '>'), ('arguments' => do {
656    (my  $List_a = bless [], 'ARRAY');
657    (my  $List_v = bless [], 'ARRAY');
658    push( @{$List_a}, $cond );
659    $List_a
661            };
662            ((my  $s) = ('if tobool( ' . Call::emit_go_call($cond, 'Bool') . ' ) ' . chr(123) . ' ' . (Perlito6::Go::LexicalBlock->new(('block' => (defined $self->{body} ? $self->{body} : ($self->{body} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))), ('needs_return' => 0)))->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(125)));
663            if (!(((defined $self->{otherwise} ? $self->{otherwise} : ($self->{otherwise} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))))) {
664                return scalar ($s)
665            };
666            return scalar (($s . ' else ' . chr(123) . ' ' . (Perlito6::Go::LexicalBlock->new(('block' => (defined $self->{otherwise} ? $self->{otherwise} : ($self->{otherwise} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))), ('needs_return' => 0)))->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(125)))
667        }
668    }
671    {
672    package For;
673        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "For" }
674        sub emit_go {
675            my $self = $_[0];
676            ('func (a_ *Any) ' . chr(123) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '  var i ' . chr(61) . ' (*(*a_).(array_er).f_array(Capture' . chr(123) . chr(125) . ')).(*Array)' . chr(59) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '  for pos :' . chr(61) . ' 0' . chr(59) . ' pos <' . chr(61) . ' i.n' . chr(59) . ' pos++ ' . chr(123) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '    func (' . $self->{topic}->emit_go() . ' *Any) ' . chr(123) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '      ' . (Perlito6::Go::LexicalBlock->new(('block' => (defined $self->{body} ? $self->{body} : ($self->{body} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))), ('needs_return' => 0)))->emit_go() . (chr(10)) . '    ' . chr(125) . '(i.v[pos]) ' . (chr(10)) . '  ' . chr(125) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . chr(125) . '(' . $self->{cond}->emit_go() . ')')
677        }
678    }
681    {
682    package When;
683        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "When" }
684        sub emit_go {
685            my $self = $_[0];
686            die(('TODO - When'))
687        }
688    }
691    {
692    package While;
693        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "While" }
694        sub emit_go {
695            my $self = $_[0];
696            ((my  $cond) = $self->{cond});
697            if ((Main::isa($cond, 'Var') && ($cond->sigil() eq chr(64)))) {
698                ($cond = Apply->new(('code' => 'prefix:<' . chr(64) . '>'), ('arguments' => do {
699    (my  $List_a = bless [], 'ARRAY');
700    (my  $List_v = bless [], 'ARRAY');
701    push( @{$List_a}, $cond );
702    $List_a
704            };
705            return scalar (('for ' . (($self->{init} ? ($self->{init}->emit_go() . chr(59) . ' ') : chr(59))) . 'tobool( ' . Call::emit_go_call($cond, 'Bool') . ' )' . chr(59) . ' ' . (($self->{continue} ? ($self->{continue}->emit_go() . ' ') : '')) . chr(123) . ' ' . (Perlito6::Go::LexicalBlock->new(('block' => (defined $self->{body} ? $self->{body} : ($self->{body} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))), ('needs_return' => 0)))->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(125)))
706        }
707    }
710    {
711    package Decl;
712        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Decl" }
713        sub emit_go {
714            my $self = $_[0];
715            $self->{var}->emit_go()
716        };
717        sub emit_go_init {
718            my $self = $_[0];
719            if (($self->{decl} eq 'my')) {
720                ((my  $str) = '');
721                ($str = ($str . 'var ' . ($self->{var})->emit_go() . ' *Any' . chr(59) . (chr(10))));
722                ($str = ($str . ($self->{var})->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(61) . ' ' . ($self->{var})->emit_go() . chr(59) . (chr(10))));
723                if ((($self->{var})->sigil() eq chr(37))) {
724                    ($str = ($str . ($self->{var})->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(61) . ' h_hash()' . chr(59) . (chr(10))))
725                }
726                else {
727                    if ((($self->{var})->sigil() eq chr(64))) {
728                        ($str = ($str . ($self->{var})->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(61) . ' a_array()' . chr(59) . (chr(10))))
729                    }
730                    else {
731                        ($str = ($str . ($self->{var})->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(61) . ' u_undef()' . chr(59) . (chr(10))))
732                    }
733                };
734                return scalar ($str)
735            }
736            else {
737                die(('not implemented: Decl ' . chr(39) . $self->{decl} . (chr(39))))
738            }
739        }
740    }
743    {
744    package Sig;
745        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Sig" }
746        sub emit_go {
747            my $self = $_[0];
748            ''
749        };
750        sub emit_go_bind {
751            my $self = $_[0];
752            ((my  $str) = '');
753            ((my  $i) = 0);
754            for my $decl ( @{(($self->{positional}))} ) {
755                ($str = ($str . ('  var ') . $decl->emit_go() . (' *Any' . chr(59) . chr(10)) . ('  if len(v.p) > ') . $i . (' ' . chr(123) . chr(10)) . ('    ') . $decl->emit_go() . (' ' . chr(61) . ' v.p[') . $i . (']' . chr(59) . chr(10)) . ('  ' . chr(125) . chr(10))));
756                ($str = ($str . $decl->emit_go() . ' ' . chr(61) . ' ' . $decl->emit_go() . chr(59) . ' '));
757                ($i = ($i + 1))
758            };
759            return scalar ($str)
760        }
761    }
764    {
765    package Method;
766        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Method" }
767        sub emit_go {
768            my $self = $_[0];
769            ((my  $invocant) = ($self->{sig})->invocant());
770            ('func ' . $self->{name} . '(v Capture) *Any ' . chr(123) . ' ' . '    ' . ($self->{sig})->emit_go_bind() . (chr(10)) . '    p :' . chr(61) . ' make(chan *Any)' . chr(59) . ' go func () ' . chr(123) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '        ' . (Perlito6::Go::LexicalBlock->new(('block' => (defined $self->{block} ? $self->{block} : ($self->{block} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))), ('needs_return' => 1), ('top_level' => 1)))->emit_go() . chr(59) . ' p <- nil ' . chr(125) . '()' . chr(59) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '    return <-p' . chr(59) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . ' ' . chr(125))
771        }
772    }
775    {
776    package Sub;
777        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Sub" }
778        sub emit_go {
779            my $self = $_[0];
780            if (($self->{name} eq '')) {
781                return scalar (('toFunction( func(v Capture) *Any ' . chr(123) . ' ' . '    ' . ($self->{sig})->emit_go_bind() . (chr(10)) . '    p :' . chr(61) . ' make(chan *Any)' . chr(59) . ' go func () ' . chr(123) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '        ' . (Perlito6::Go::LexicalBlock->new(('block' => (defined $self->{block} ? $self->{block} : ($self->{block} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))), ('needs_return' => 1), ('top_level' => 1)))->emit_go() . chr(59) . ' p <- nil ' . chr(125) . '()' . chr(59) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '    return <-p' . chr(59) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . chr(125) . ' ' . ')'))
782            };
783            ('func ' . $self->{name} . '(v Capture) *Any ' . chr(123) . ' ' . '    ' . ($self->{sig})->emit_go_bind() . (chr(10)) . '    p :' . chr(61) . ' make(chan *Any)' . chr(59) . ' go func () ' . chr(123) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '        ' . (Perlito6::Go::LexicalBlock->new(('block' => (defined $self->{block} ? $self->{block} : ($self->{block} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))), ('needs_return' => 1), ('top_level' => 1)))->emit_go() . chr(59) . ' p <- nil ' . chr(125) . '()' . chr(59) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . '    return <-p' . chr(59) . ' ' . (chr(10)) . ' ' . chr(125))
784        }
785    }
788    {
789    package Do;
790        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Do" }
791        sub emit_go {
792            my $self = $_[0];
793            ('(func () *Any ' . chr(123) . ' ' . (Perlito6::Go::LexicalBlock->new(('block' => (defined $self->{block} ? $self->{block} : ($self->{block} ||= bless([], 'ARRAY')))), ('needs_return' => 1)))->emit_go() . chr(59) . ' return u_undef() ' . chr(125) . ')()')
794        }
795    }
798    {
799    package Use;
800        sub new { shift; bless { @_ }, "Use" }
801        sub emit_go {
802            my $self = $_[0];
803            (chr(47) . chr(47) . ' use ' . $self->{mod} . (chr(10)))
804        }
805    }