2    Title:      Real32 structure.
3    Author:     David Matthews
4    Copyright   David Matthews 2018
6    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
10    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    Lesser General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
21    This structure implements 32-bit real values, at least on X86.  On other
22    platforms it is whatever "float" is.
23    N.B.  This uses the X87 floating point instructions on X86/32.  The precision
24    on the X87 is set to 64-bits which is correct for the Real.real operations
25    but involves an extra stage of rounding for Real32.real.  That means that
26    the results may not be strictly accurate.
29structure Real32: REAL where type real = Real32.real =
31    open Real32 (* Inherit the type and the built-in functions. *)
32    open IEEEReal
34    fun fromLarge IEEEReal.TO_NEAREST = fromRealRound
35    |   fromLarge IEEEReal.TO_ZERO = fromRealTrunc
36    |   fromLarge IEEEReal.TO_POSINF = fromRealCeil
37    |   fromLarge IEEEReal.TO_NEGINF = fromRealFloor
39    (* Defined to use the current rounding mode. *)
40    val fromInt = fromReal o Real.fromInt (* TODO *)
41    and fromLargeInt = fromReal o Real.fromLargeInt
43    val zero = fromInt 0 and one = fromInt 1 and four = fromInt 4
45    local
46        (* The General call is now only used to get constants. *)
47        val doFloatFloat : int*unit->real = RunCall.rtsCallFull2 "PolyRealGeneral"
48        and doFloatInt  : int*unit->int = RunCall.rtsCallFull2 "PolyRealGeneral"
49        fun callFloat n x = doFloatFloat(n, x)
50        and callFloatToInt n x = doFloatInt(n, x)
51    in
52        val radix : int = callFloatToInt 30 ()
53        val precision : int = callFloatToInt 31 ()
54        val maxFinite : real = callFloat 32 ()
55        val minNormalPos : real = callFloat 33 ()
56        val minPos : real = callFloat 34()
57    end
59    val posInf : real = one/zero;
60    val negInf : real = ~one/zero;
62    infix 4 == != ?=;
64    val op != : real * real -> bool = not o op ==
66    local
67    in
68        (* isNan can be defined in terms of unordered. *)
69        fun isNan x = unordered(x, x)
71        (* NAN values do not match and infinities when multiplied by 0 produce NAN. *)
72        fun isFinite x = x * zero == zero
74        val copySign : (real * real) -> real = rtsCallFastFF_F "PolyRealFCopySign"
76        (* Get the sign bit by copying the sign onto a finite value and then
77           testing.  This works for non-finite values and zeros. *)
78        fun signBit r = copySign(one, r) < zero
80        (* If we assume that all functions produce normalised results where
81           possible, the only subnormal values will be those smaller than
82           minNormalPos. *)
83        fun isNormal x = isFinite x andalso abs x >= minNormalPos
85        fun class x =
86            if isFinite x then if x == zero then ZERO
87               else if abs x >= minNormalPos then NORMAL
88               else SUBNORMAL
89            else if isNan x then NAN
90               else (* not finite and not Nan *) INF
92        fun sign x =
93            if isNan x then raise General.Domain
94            else if x == zero then 0 else if x < zero then ~1 else 1
95    end
97    fun sameSign (x, y) = signBit x = signBit y
99    (* Returns the minimum.  In the case where one is a NaN it returns the
100       other. In that case the comparison will be false. *)
101    fun min (a: real, b: real): real = if a < b orelse isNan b then a else b
102    (* Similarly for max. *)
103    fun max (a: real, b: real): real = if a > b orelse isNan b then a else b
105    fun checkFloat x =
106        if isFinite x then x
107        else if isNan x then raise General.Div else raise General.Overflow
109    (* On certain platforms e.g. mips, toLarge does not preserve
110       the sign on nans.  We deal with the non-finite cases here. *)
112    (* Use the Real versions for the moment. *)
113    fun toManExp r =
114        if not (isFinite r) orelse r == zero
115            (* Nan, infinities and +/-0 all return r in the mantissa.
116               We include 0 to preserve its sign. *)
117        then {man=r, exp=0}
118        else
119        let
120            val {man, exp} = Real.toManExp(toLarge r)
121        in
122            {man = fromRealRound man, exp = exp }
123        end
125    and fromManExp {man, exp} =
126        if not (isFinite man) orelse man == zero
127        (* Nan, infinities and +/-0 in the mantissa all return
128           their argument. *)
129        then man
130        else fromRealRound(Real.fromManExp{man=toLarge man, exp=exp})
132    fun compare (r1, r2) =
133        if r1 == r2 then General.EQUAL
134        else if r1 < r2 then General.LESS
135        else if r1 > r2 then General.GREATER
136        else raise Unordered
138    fun compareReal (r1, r2) =
139        if r1 == r2 then EQUAL
140        else if r1 < r2 then LESS
141        else if r1 > r2 then GREATER
142        else UNORDERED
144    fun op ?= (x, y) = unordered(x, y) orelse x == y
146    (* Although these may be built in in some architectures it's
147       probably not worth treating them specially at the moment. *)
148    fun *+ (x: real, y: real, z: real): real = x*y+z
149    and *- (x: real, y: real, z: real): real = x*y-z
151    val realFloor = rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealFFloor"
152    and realCeil  = rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealFCeil"
153    and realTrunc  = rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealFTrunc"
154    and realRound  = rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealFRound"
156    val rem = rtsCallFastFF_F "PolyRealFRem"
158    (* Split a real into whole and fractional parts. The fractional part must have
159       the same sign as the number even if it is zero. *)
160    fun split r =
161    let
162        val whole = realTrunc r
163        val frac = r - whole
164    in
165        { whole = whole,
166          frac =
167            if not (isFinite r)
168            then if isNan r then r else (* Infinity *) if r < zero then ~zero else zero
169            else if frac == zero then if signBit r then ~zero else zero
170            else frac }
171    end
173    (* Get the fractional part of a real. *)
174    fun realMod r = #frac(split r)
176    val nextAfter = rtsCallFastFF_F "PolyRealFNextAfter"
178    fun toLargeInt mode r = Real.toLargeInt mode (toLarge r)
180    local
181        (* These are defined to raise Domain rather than Overflow on Nans. *)
182        fun checkNan x = if isNan x then raise Domain else x
183        (* If int is fixed we use the hardware conversions otherwise we convert
184           it to real and use the real to arbitrary conversions. *)
185    in
186        val floor   =
187            if Bootstrap.intIsArbitraryPrecision
188            then LargeInt.toInt o toLargeInt IEEEReal.TO_NEGINF else FixedInt.toInt o floorFix o checkNan
189        and ceil    =
190            if Bootstrap.intIsArbitraryPrecision
191            then LargeInt.toInt o toLargeInt IEEEReal.TO_POSINF else FixedInt.toInt o ceilFix o checkNan
192        and trunc   =
193            if Bootstrap.intIsArbitraryPrecision
194            then LargeInt.toInt o toLargeInt IEEEReal.TO_ZERO else FixedInt.toInt o truncFix o checkNan
195        and round   =
196            if Bootstrap.intIsArbitraryPrecision
197            then LargeInt.toInt o toLargeInt IEEEReal.TO_NEAREST else FixedInt.toInt o roundFix o checkNan
199        fun toInt IEEEReal.TO_NEGINF = floor
200         |  toInt IEEEReal.TO_POSINF = ceil
201         |  toInt IEEEReal.TO_ZERO = trunc
202         |  toInt IEEEReal.TO_NEAREST = round
203    end
205    (* The order of evaluation here is important.  See Test175. *)
206    fun fmt fm =
207        let val doFmt = Real.fmt fm in fn r => doFmt (toLarge r) end
209    val toString = Real.toString o toLarge
211    (* Scan input source for a valid number.  The format is the same as
212       for double precision.  Convert it using the current rounding mode. *)
213    fun scan getc src =
214        case Real.scan getc src of
215            NONE => NONE
216        |   SOME (r, a) => SOME(fromReal r, a)
218    val fromString = StringCvt.scanString scan
220    (* toDecimal: It's particularly important to handle the nan case
221       here because toLarge loses the sign bit on some architectures. *)
222    fun toDecimal r =
223    let
224        val sign = signBit r
225        val kind = class r
226    in
227        case kind of
228            ZERO => { class = ZERO, sign = sign, digits=[], exp = 0 }
229          | INF  => { class = INF, sign = sign, digits=[], exp = 0 }
230          | NAN => { class = NAN, sign = sign, digits=[], exp = 0 }
231          | _ => (* NORMAL/SUBNORMAL *) Real.toDecimal(toLarge r)
232    end
234    (* Convert from decimal.  This is defined to use TO_NEAREST.
235       We need to handle NaNs specially because fromRealRound loses
236       the sign on a NaN. *)
237    local
238        val posNan = abs(zero / zero)
239        val negNan = ~posNan
240    in
241        fun fromDecimal { class = INF, sign=true, ...} = SOME negInf
242        |   fromDecimal { class = INF, sign=false, ...} = SOME posInf
243        |   fromDecimal { class = NAN, sign=true, ... } = SOME negNan
244        |   fromDecimal { class = NAN, sign=false, ... } = SOME posNan
245        |   fromDecimal arg = Option.map fromRealRound (Real.fromDecimal arg)
246    end
248    structure Math =
249    struct
250        type real = real
252        val sqrt  = rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealFSqrt"
253        and sin   = rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealFSin"
254        and cos   = rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealFCos"
255        and atan  = rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealFArctan"
256        and exp   = rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealFExp"
257        and ln    = rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealFLog"
258        and tan   = rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealFTan"
259        and asin  = rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealFArcSin"
260        and acos  = rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealFArcCos"
261        and log10 = rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealFLog10"
262        and sinh  = rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealFSinh"
263        and cosh  = rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealFCosh"
264        and tanh  = rtsCallFastF_F "PolyRealFTanh"
266        val atan2 = rtsCallFastFF_F "PolyRealFAtan2"
267        val pow = rtsCallFastFF_F "PolyRealFPow"
269        (* Derived values. *)
270        val e = exp one
271        val pi = four * atan one
272    end
275    (* Converter for literal constants.  Copied from Real. *)
276    local
277        fun convReal (s: string) : real =
278        let
279            (* Set the rounding mode to TO_NEAREST whatever the current
280               rounding mode.  Otherwise the result of compiling a piece of
281               code with a literal constant could depend on what the rounding
282               mode was set to. We should always support TO_NEAREST. *)
283            val oldRounding = IEEEReal.getRoundingMode()
284            val () = IEEEReal.setRoundingMode IEEEReal.TO_NEAREST
285            val scanResult = StringCvt.scanString scan s
286            val () = IEEEReal.setRoundingMode oldRounding
287        in
288            case scanResult of
289                NONE => raise RunCall.Conversion "Invalid real constant"
290              | SOME res => res
291        end
292    in
293        (* Install this as a conversion function for real literals. *)
294        val (): unit = RunCall.addOverload convReal "convReal"
295    end
300val () = RunCall.addOverload Real32.>= ">="
301and () = RunCall.addOverload Real32.<= "<="
302and () = RunCall.addOverload Real32.>  ">"
303and () = RunCall.addOverload Real32.<  "<"
304and () = RunCall.addOverload Real32.+ "+"
305and () = RunCall.addOverload Real32.- "-"
306and () = RunCall.addOverload Real32.* "*"
307and () = RunCall.addOverload Real32.~ "~"
308and () = RunCall.addOverload Real32.abs "abs"
309and () = RunCall.addOverload Real32./ "/";
312(* Install print function. *)
314    fun print_real _ _ (r: Real32.real) =
315        PolyML.PrettyString(Real32.fmt (StringCvt.GEN(SOME 10)) r)
317    val () = PolyML.addPrettyPrinter print_real;