2    Copyright (c) 2000
3        Cambridge University Technical Services Limited
5    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    Lesser General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
20structure InitialiseCore = struct
21local open MotifTypes XmTypes MotifCore in
22val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNaccelerator XmRString ;
23val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNacceleratorText XmRXmString ;
24val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNaccelerators XmRAcceleratorTable ;
25val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNadjustLast XmRBool ;
26val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNadjustMargin XmRBool ;
27val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNalignment XmRAlignment ;
28val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNallowOverlap XmRBool ;
29val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNallowResize XmRBool ;
30val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNallowShellResize XmRBool ;
31val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNancestorSensitive XmRBool ;
32val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNapplyLabelString XmRXmString ;
33val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNargc XmRInt ;
34val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNargv XmRStringTable ;
35val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNarmColor XmRPixel ;
36val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNarmPixmap XmRPixmap ;
37val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNarrowDirection XmRArrowDirection ;
38val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNautoShowCursorPosition XmRBool ;
39val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNautoUnmanage XmRBool ;
40val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNautomaticSelection XmRBool ;
41val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNbackground XmRPixel ;
42val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNbackgroundPixmap XmRPixmap ;
43val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNbaseHeight XmRInt ;
44val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNbaseWidth XmRInt ;
45val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNblinkRate XmRInt ;
46val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNborderColor XmRPixel ;
47val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNborderPixmap XmRPixmap ;
48val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNborderWidth XmRDimension ;
49val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNbottomAttachment XmRAttachment ;
50val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNbottomOffset XmRInt ;
51val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNbottomPosition XmRInt ;
52val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNbottomShadowColor XmRPixel ;
53val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNbottomShadowPixmap XmRPixmap ;
54val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNbottomWidget XmRWidget ;
55val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNbuttonAcceleratorText XmRXmStringTable ;
56val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNbuttonAccelerators XmRStringTable ;
57val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNbuttonCount XmRInt ;
58val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNbuttonFontList XmRFontList ;
59val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNbuttonMnemonicCharSets XmRXmStringTable ;
60val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNbuttonMnemonics XmRKeySymTable ;
61val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNbuttonSet XmRInt ;
62val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNbuttonType XmRButtonTypeTable ;
63val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNbuttons XmRXmStringTable ;
64val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNcancelButton XmRWidget ;
65val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNcancelLabelString XmRXmString ;
66val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNcascadePixmap XmRPixmap ;
67val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNchildren XmRWidgetList ;
68val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNclipWindow XmRWidget ;
69val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNcolormap XmRColormap ;
70val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNcolumns XmRShort ;
71val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNcommand XmRXmString ;
72val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNcommandWindow XmRWidget ;
73val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNcommandWindowLocation XmRCommandWindowLocation ;
74val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNcursorPosition XmRInt ;
75val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNcursorPositionVisible XmRBool ;
76val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNdecimalPoints XmRShort ;
77val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNdefaultButton XmRWidget ;
78val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNdefaultButtonShadowThickness XmRDimension ;
79val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNdefaultButtonType XmRDefaultButtonType ;
80val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNdefaultFontList XmRFontList ;
81val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNdefaultPosition XmRBool ;
82val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNdeleteResponse XmRDeleteResponse ;
83val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNdepth XmRInt ;
84val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNdialogStyle XmRDialogStyle ;
85val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNdialogTitle XmRXmString ;
86val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNdialogType XmRDialogType ;
87val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNdirListItemCount XmRInt ;
88val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNdirListItems XmRXmStringTable ;
89val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNdirListLabelString XmRXmString ;
90val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNdirMask XmRXmString ;
91val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNdirSpec XmRXmString ;
92val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNdirectory XmRXmString ;
93val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNdirectoryValid XmRBool ;
94val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNdoubleClickInterval XmRInt ;
95val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNeditMode XmREditMode ;
96val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNeditable XmRBool ;
97val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNentryAlignment XmRAlignment ;
98val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNentryBorder XmRDimension ;
99val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNfileListItemCount XmRInt ;
100val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNfileListItems XmRXmStringTable ;
101val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNfileListLabelString XmRXmString ;
102val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNfileTypeMask XmRFileTypeMask ;
103val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNfillOnArm XmRBool ;
104val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNfillOnSelect XmRBool ;
105val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNfilterLabelString XmRXmString ;
106val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNfontList XmRFontList ;
107val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNforeground XmRPixel ;
108val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNfractionBase XmRInt ;
109val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNgeometry XmRString ;
110val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNheight XmRDimension ;
111val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNheightInc XmRInt ;
112val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNhelpLabelString XmRXmString ;
113val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNhighlightColor XmRPixel ;
114val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNhighlightOnEnter XmRBool ;
115val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNhighlightPixmap XmRPixmap ;
116val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNhighlightThickness XmRDimension ;
117val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNhistoryItemCount XmRInt ;
118val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNhistoryItems XmRXmStringTable ;
119val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNhistoryMaxItems XmRInt ;
120val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNhistoryVisibleItemCount XmRInt ;
121val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNhorizontalScrollBar XmRWidget ;
122val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNhorizontalSpacing XmRDimension ;
123val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNiconMask XmRPixmap ;
124val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNiconName XmRString ;
125val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNiconNameEncoding XmRAtom ;
126val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNiconPixmap XmRPixmap ;
127val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNiconWindow XmRPixmap ;
128val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNiconX XmRInt ;
129val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNiconY XmRInt ;
130val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNiconic XmRBool ;
131val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNincrement XmRInt ;
132val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNindicatorOn XmRBool ;
133val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNindicatorSize XmRDimension ;
134val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNindicatorType XmRIndicatorType ;
135val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNinitialDelay XmRInt ;
136val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNinitialResourcesPersistent XmRBool ;
137val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNinitialState XmRInitialState ;
138val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNinput XmRBool ;
139val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNisAligned XmRBool ;
140val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNisHomogeneous XmRBool ;
141val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNitemCount XmRInt ;
142val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNitems XmRXmStringTable ;
143val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNkeyboardFocusPolicy XmRKeyboardFocusPolicy ;
144val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNlabelFontList XmRFontList ;
145val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap XmRPixmap ;
146val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNlabelPixmap XmRPixmap ;
147val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNlabelString XmRXmString ;
148val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNlabelType XmRLabelType ;
149val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNleftAttachment XmRAttachment ;
150val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNleftOffset XmRInt ;
151val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNleftPosition XmRInt ;
152val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNleftWidget XmRWidget ;
153val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNlistItemCount XmRInt ;
154val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNlistItems XmRXmStringTable ;
155val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNlistLabelString XmRXmString ;
156val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNlistMarginHeight XmRDimension ;
157val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNlistMarginWidth XmRDimension ;
158val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNlistSizePolicy XmRVisualPolicy ;
159val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNlistSpacing XmRDimension ;
160val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNlistUpdated XmRBool ;
161val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNlistVisibleItemCount XmRInt ;
162val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmainWindowMarginHeight XmRDimension ;
163val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmainWindowMarginWidth XmRDimension ;
164val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmappedWhenManaged XmRBool ;
165val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmappingDelay XmRInt ;
166val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmargin XmRDimension ;
167val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmarginBottom XmRDimension ;
168val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmarginHeight XmRDimension ;
169val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmarginLeft XmRDimension ;
170val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmarginRight XmRDimension ;
171val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmarginTop XmRDimension ;
172val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmarginWidth XmRDimension ;
173val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmaxAspectX XmRInt ;
174val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmaxAspectY XmRInt ;
175val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmaxHeight XmRInt ;
176val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmaxLength XmRInt ;
177val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmaxWidth XmRInt ;
178val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmaximum XmRInt ;
179val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmenuAccelerator XmRString ;
180val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmenuBar XmRWidget ;
181val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmenuCursor XmRCursor ;
182val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmenuHelpWidget XmRWidget ;
183val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmenuHistory XmRWidget ;
184val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmenuPost XmRString ;
185val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmessageAlignment XmRAlignment ;
186val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmessageString XmRXmString ;
187val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmessageWindow XmRWidget ;
188val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNminAspectX XmRInt ;
189val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNminAspectY XmRInt ;
190val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNminHeight XmRInt ;
191val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNminWidth XmRInt ;
192val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNminimizeButtons XmRBool ;
193val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNminimum XmRInt ;
194val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmnemonic XmRKeySym ;
195val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmnemonicCharSet XmRString ;
196val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmultiClick XmRMultiClick ;
197val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmustMatch XmRBool ;
198val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmwmDecorations XmRInt ;
199val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmwmFunctions XmRInt ;
200val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmwmInputMode XmRInt ;
201val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNmwmMenu XmRString ;
202val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNnavigationType XmRNavigationType ;
203val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNnoMatchString XmRXmString ;
204val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNnoResize XmRBool ;
205val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNnumChildren XmRCardinal ;
206val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNnumColumns XmRShort ;
207val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNokLabelString XmRXmString ;
208val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNoptionLabel XmRXmString ;
209val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNoptionMnemonic XmRKeySym ;
210val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNorientation XmROrientation ;
211val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNoverrideRedirect XmRBool ;
212val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNpacking XmRPacking ;
213val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNpageIncrement XmRInt ;
214val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNpaneMaximum XmRDimension ;
215val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNpaneMinimum XmRDimension ;
216val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNpattern XmRXmString ;
217val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNpendingDelete XmRBool ;
218val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNpopupEnabled XmRBool ;
219val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNpostFromButton XmRInt ;
220val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNprocessingDirection XmRProcessingDirection ;
221val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNpromptString XmRXmString ;
222val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNpushButtonEnabled XmRBool ;
223val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNradioAlwaysOne XmRBool ;
224val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNradioBehavior XmRBool ;
225val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNrecomputeSize XmRBool ;
226val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNrefigureMode XmRBool ;
227val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNrepeatDelay XmRInt ;
228val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNresizable XmRBool ;
229val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNresizeHeight XmRBool ;
230val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNresizePolicy XmRResizePolicy ;
231val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNresizeWidth XmRBool ;
232val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNrightAttachment XmRAttachment ;
233val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNrightOffset XmRInt ;
234val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNrightPosition XmRInt ;
235val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNrightWidget XmRWidget ;
236val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNrowColumnType XmRRowColumnType ;
237val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNrows XmRShort ;
238val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNrubberPositioning XmRBool ;
239val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNsashHeight XmRDimension ;
240val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNsashIndent XmRPosition ;
241val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNsashShadowThickness XmRDimension ;
242val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNsashWidth XmRDimension ;
243val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNsaveUnder XmRBool ;
244val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNscaleHeight XmRDimension ;
245val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNscaleMultiple XmRInt ;
246val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNscaleWidth XmRDimension ;
247val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNscrollBarDisplayPolicy XmRScrollBarDisplayPolicy ;
248val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNscrollBarPlacement XmRScrollBarPlacement ;
249val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNscrollHorizontal XmRBool ;
250val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNscrollLeftSide XmRBool ;
251val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNscrollTopSide XmRBool ;
252val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNscrollVertical XmRBool ;
253val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNscrolledWindowMarginHeight XmRDimension ;
254val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNscrolledWindowMarginWidth XmRDimension ;
255val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNscrollingPolicy XmRScrollingPolicy ;
256val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNselectColor XmRPixel ;
257val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNselectInsensitivePixmap XmRPixmap ;
258val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNselectPixmap XmRPixmap ;
259val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNselectThreshold XmRInt ;
260val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNselectedItemCount XmRInt ;
261val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNselectedItems XmRXmStringTable ;
262val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNselectionArray XmRTextScanTypeTable ;
263val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNselectionArrayCount XmRInt ;
264val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNselectionLabelString XmRXmString ;
265val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNselectionPolicy XmRSelectionPolicy ;
266val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNsensitive XmRBool ;
267val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNseparatorOn XmRBool ;
268val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNseparatorType XmRShadowType ;
269val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNset XmRBool ;
270val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNshadowThickness XmRDimension ;
271val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNshadowType XmRShadowType ;
272val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNshellUnitType XmRUnitType ;
273val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNshowArrows XmRBool ;
274val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNshowAsDefault XmRDimension ;
275val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNshowSeparator XmRBool ;
276val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNshowValue XmRBool ;
277val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNskipAdjust XmRBool ;
278val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNsliderSize XmRInt ;
279val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNspacing XmRDimension ;
280val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNstringDirection XmRStringDirection ;
281val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNsubMenuId XmRWidget ;
282val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNsymbolPixmap XmRPixmap ;
283val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtextAccelerators XmRAcceleratorTable ;
284val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtextColumns XmRShort ;
285val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtextFontList XmRFontList ;
286val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtextString XmRXmString ;
287val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtextTranslations XmRTranslationTable ;
288val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtitle XmRString ;
289val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtitleEncoding XmRAtom ;
290val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtitleString XmRXmString ;
291val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtopAttachment XmRAttachment ;
292val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtopCharacter XmRInt ;
293val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtopItemPosition XmRInt ;
294val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtopOffset XmRInt ;
295val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtopPosition XmRInt ;
296val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtopShadowColor XmRPixel ;
297val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtopShadowPixmap XmRPixmap ;
298val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtopWidget XmRWidget ;
299val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtransient XmRBool ;
300val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtransientFor XmRWidget ;
301val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtranslations XmRTranslationTable ;
302val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtraversalOn XmRBool ;
303val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNtroughColor XmRPixel ;
304val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNunitType XmRUnitType ;
305val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNuseAsyncGeometry XmRBool ;
306val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNvalue XmRInt ;
307val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNverifyBell XmRBool ;
308val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNverticalScrollBar XmRWidget ;
309val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNverticalSpacing XmRDimension ;
311(* The O'Reilly book says this resource is a short - it's wrong! *)
312val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNvisibleItemCount XmRInt;
314val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNvisibleWhenOff XmRBool ;
315val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNvisual XmRVisual ;
316val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNvisualPolicy XmRVisualPolicy ;
317val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNwaitForWm XmRBool ;
318val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNwidth XmRDimension ;
319val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNwidthInc XmRInt ;
320val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNwinGravity XmRInt ;
321val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNwindowGroup XmRPixmap ;
322val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNwmTimeout XmRInt ;
323val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNwordWrap XmRBool ;
324val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNworkWindow XmRWidget ;
325val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNx XmRPosition ;
326val U = XtSetExceptionType XmNy XmRPosition ;
327end (* local *) ;
328end (* struct *) ;