1{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, CPP, BangPatterns, RankNTypes #-}
2#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ == 700
3-- This is needed as a workaround for an old bug in GHC 7.0.1 (Trac #4498)
4{-# LANGUAGE MonoPatBinds #-}
6#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 703
7{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-}
9{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
10-- | Copyright : (c) 2010 - 2011 Simon Meier
11-- License     : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
13-- Maintainer  : Simon Meier <iridcode@gmail.com>
14-- Stability   : unstable, private
15-- Portability : GHC
17-- *Warning:* this module is internal. If you find that you need it then please
18-- contact the maintainers and explain what you are trying to do and discuss
19-- what you would need in the public API. It is important that you do this as
20-- the module may not be exposed at all in future releases.
22-- Core types and functions for the 'Builder' monoid and its generalization,
23-- the 'Put' monad.
25-- The design of the 'Builder' monoid is optimized such that
27--   1. buffers of arbitrary size can be filled as efficiently as possible and
29--   2. sequencing of 'Builder's is as cheap as possible.
31-- We achieve (1) by completely handing over control over writing to the buffer
32-- to the 'BuildStep' implementing the 'Builder'. This 'BuildStep' is just told
33-- the start and the end of the buffer (represented as a 'BufferRange'). Then,
34-- the 'BuildStep' can write to as big a prefix of this 'BufferRange' in any
35-- way it desires. If the 'BuildStep' is done, the 'BufferRange' is full, or a
36-- long sequence of bytes should be inserted directly, then the 'BuildStep'
37-- signals this to its caller using a 'BuildSignal'.
39-- We achieve (2) by requiring that every 'Builder' is implemented by a
40-- 'BuildStep' that takes a continuation 'BuildStep', which it calls with the
41-- updated 'BufferRange' after it is done. Therefore, only two pointers have
42-- to be passed in a function call to implement concatenation of 'Builder's.
43-- Moreover, many 'Builder's are completely inlined, which enables the compiler
44-- to sequence them without a function call and with no boxing at all.
46-- This design gives the implementation of a 'Builder' full access to the 'IO'
47-- monad. Therefore, utmost care has to be taken to not overwrite anything
48-- outside the given 'BufferRange's. Moreover, further care has to be taken to
49-- ensure that 'Builder's and 'Put's are referentially transparent. See the
50-- comments of the 'builder' and 'put' functions for further information.
51-- Note that there are /no safety belts/ at all, when implementing a 'Builder'
52-- using an 'IO' action: you are writing code that might enable the next
53-- buffer-overflow attack on a Haskell server!
55module Data.ByteString.Builder.Internal (
56  -- * Buffer management
57    Buffer(..)
58  , BufferRange(..)
59  , newBuffer
60  , bufferSize
61  , byteStringFromBuffer
63  , ChunkIOStream(..)
64  , buildStepToCIOS
65  , ciosUnitToLazyByteString
66  , ciosToLazyByteString
68  -- * Build signals and steps
69  , BuildSignal
70  , BuildStep
71  , finalBuildStep
73  , done
74  , bufferFull
75  , insertChunk
77  , fillWithBuildStep
79  -- * The Builder monoid
80  , Builder
81  , builder
82  , runBuilder
83  , runBuilderWith
85  -- ** Primitive combinators
86  , empty
87  , append
88  , flush
89  , ensureFree
90  -- , sizedChunksInsert
92  , byteStringCopy
93  , byteStringInsert
94  , byteStringThreshold
96  , lazyByteStringCopy
97  , lazyByteStringInsert
98  , lazyByteStringThreshold
100  , shortByteString
102  , maximalCopySize
103  , byteString
104  , lazyByteString
106  -- ** Execution
107  , toLazyByteStringWith
108  , AllocationStrategy
109  , safeStrategy
110  , untrimmedStrategy
111  , customStrategy
112  , L.smallChunkSize
113  , L.defaultChunkSize
114  , L.chunkOverhead
116  -- * The Put monad
117  , Put
118  , put
119  , runPut
121  -- ** Execution
122  , putToLazyByteString
123  , putToLazyByteStringWith
124  , hPut
126  -- ** Conversion to and from Builders
127  , putBuilder
128  , fromPut
130  -- -- ** Lifting IO actions
131  -- , putLiftIO
133) where
135import           Control.Arrow (second)
137#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
138import           Data.Semigroup (Semigroup((<>)))
140#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0))
141import           Data.Monoid
142import           Control.Applicative (Applicative(..),(<$>))
145import qualified Data.ByteString               as S
146import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal      as S
147import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal as L
148import qualified Data.ByteString.Short.Internal as Sh
150#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 611
151import qualified GHC.IO.Buffer as IO (Buffer(..), newByteBuffer)
152import           GHC.IO.Handle.Internals (wantWritableHandle, flushWriteBuffer)
153import           GHC.IO.Handle.Types (Handle__, haByteBuffer, haBufferMode)
154import           System.IO (hFlush, BufferMode(..))
155import           Data.IORef
157import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
159import           System.IO (Handle)
161#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
162#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
163import           Foreign
165import           Foreign hiding (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr)
167import           Foreign.ForeignPtr.Unsafe (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr)
168import           System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeDupablePerformIO)
170import           Foreign
171import           GHC.IO (unsafeDupablePerformIO)
175-- Buffers
177-- | A range of bytes in a buffer represented by the pointer to the first byte
178-- of the range and the pointer to the first byte /after/ the range.
179data BufferRange = BufferRange {-# UNPACK #-} !(Ptr Word8)  -- First byte of range
180                               {-# UNPACK #-} !(Ptr Word8)  -- First byte /after/ range
182-- | A 'Buffer' together with the 'BufferRange' of free bytes. The filled
183-- space starts at offset 0 and ends at the first free byte.
184data Buffer = Buffer {-# UNPACK #-} !(ForeignPtr Word8)
185                     {-# UNPACK #-} !BufferRange
188-- | Combined size of the filled and free space in the buffer.
189{-# INLINE bufferSize #-}
190bufferSize :: Buffer -> Int
191bufferSize (Buffer fpbuf (BufferRange _ ope)) =
192    ope `minusPtr` unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fpbuf
194-- | Allocate a new buffer of the given size.
195{-# INLINE newBuffer #-}
196newBuffer :: Int -> IO Buffer
197newBuffer size = do
198    fpbuf <- S.mallocByteString size
199    let pbuf = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fpbuf
200    return $! Buffer fpbuf (BufferRange pbuf (pbuf `plusPtr` size))
202-- | Convert the filled part of a 'Buffer' to a strict 'S.ByteString'.
203{-# INLINE byteStringFromBuffer #-}
204byteStringFromBuffer :: Buffer -> S.ByteString
205byteStringFromBuffer (Buffer fpbuf (BufferRange op _)) =
206    S.PS fpbuf 0 (op `minusPtr` unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fpbuf)
208-- | Prepend the filled part of a 'Buffer' to a lazy 'L.ByteString'
209-- trimming it if necessary.
210{-# INLINE trimmedChunkFromBuffer #-}
211trimmedChunkFromBuffer :: AllocationStrategy -> Buffer
212                       -> L.ByteString -> L.ByteString
213trimmedChunkFromBuffer (AllocationStrategy _ _ trim) buf k
214  | S.null bs                           = k
215  | trim (S.length bs) (bufferSize buf) = L.Chunk (S.copy bs) k
216  | otherwise                           = L.Chunk bs          k
217  where
218    bs = byteStringFromBuffer buf
221-- Chunked IO Stream
224-- | A stream of chunks that are constructed in the 'IO' monad.
226-- This datatype serves as the common interface for the buffer-by-buffer
227-- execution of a 'BuildStep' by 'buildStepToCIOS'. Typical users of this
228-- interface are 'ciosToLazyByteString' or iteratee-style libraries like
229-- @enumerator@.
230data ChunkIOStream a =
231       Finished Buffer a
232       -- ^ The partially filled last buffer together with the result.
233     | Yield1 S.ByteString (IO (ChunkIOStream a))
234       -- ^ Yield a /non-empty/ strict 'S.ByteString'.
236-- | A smart constructor for yielding one chunk that ignores the chunk if
237-- it is empty.
238{-# INLINE yield1 #-}
239yield1 :: S.ByteString -> IO (ChunkIOStream a) -> IO (ChunkIOStream a)
240yield1 bs cios | S.null bs = cios
241               | otherwise = return $ Yield1 bs cios
243-- | Convert a @'ChunkIOStream' ()@ to a lazy 'L.ByteString' using
244-- 'unsafeDupablePerformIO'.
245{-# INLINE ciosUnitToLazyByteString #-}
246ciosUnitToLazyByteString :: AllocationStrategy
247                         -> L.ByteString -> ChunkIOStream () -> L.ByteString
248ciosUnitToLazyByteString strategy k = go
249  where
250    go (Finished buf _) = trimmedChunkFromBuffer strategy buf k
251    go (Yield1 bs io)   = L.Chunk bs $ unsafeDupablePerformIO (go <$> io)
253-- | Convert a 'ChunkIOStream' to a lazy tuple of the result and the written
254-- 'L.ByteString' using 'unsafeDupablePerformIO'.
255{-# INLINE ciosToLazyByteString #-}
256ciosToLazyByteString :: AllocationStrategy
257                     -> (a -> (b, L.ByteString))
258                     -> ChunkIOStream a
259                     -> (b, L.ByteString)
260ciosToLazyByteString strategy k =
261    go
262  where
263    go (Finished buf x) =
264        second (trimmedChunkFromBuffer strategy buf) $ k x
265    go (Yield1 bs io)   = second (L.Chunk bs) $ unsafeDupablePerformIO (go <$> io)
268-- Build signals
271-- | 'BuildStep's may be called *multiple times* and they must not rise an
272-- async. exception.
273type BuildStep a = BufferRange -> IO (BuildSignal a)
275-- | 'BuildSignal's abstract signals to the caller of a 'BuildStep'. There are
276-- three signals: 'done', 'bufferFull', or 'insertChunks signals
277data BuildSignal a =
278    Done {-# UNPACK #-} !(Ptr Word8) a
279  | BufferFull
280      {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
281      {-# UNPACK #-} !(Ptr Word8)
282                     (BuildStep a)
283  | InsertChunk
284      {-# UNPACK #-} !(Ptr Word8)
285                     S.ByteString
286                     (BuildStep a)
288-- | Signal that the current 'BuildStep' is done and has computed a value.
289{-# INLINE done #-}
290done :: Ptr Word8      -- ^ Next free byte in current 'BufferRange'
291     -> a              -- ^ Computed value
292     -> BuildSignal a
293done = Done
295-- | Signal that the current buffer is full.
296{-# INLINE bufferFull #-}
297bufferFull :: Int
298           -- ^ Minimal size of next 'BufferRange'.
299           -> Ptr Word8
300           -- ^ Next free byte in current 'BufferRange'.
301           -> BuildStep a
302           -- ^ 'BuildStep' to run on the next 'BufferRange'. This 'BuildStep'
303           -- may assume that it is called with a 'BufferRange' of at least the
304           -- required minimal size; i.e., the caller of this 'BuildStep' must
305           -- guarantee this.
306           -> BuildSignal a
307bufferFull = BufferFull
310-- | Signal that a 'S.ByteString' chunk should be inserted directly.
311{-# INLINE insertChunk #-}
312insertChunk :: Ptr Word8
313            -- ^ Next free byte in current 'BufferRange'
314            -> S.ByteString
315            -- ^ Chunk to insert.
316            -> BuildStep a
317            -- ^ 'BuildStep' to run on next 'BufferRange'
318            -> BuildSignal a
319insertChunk op bs = InsertChunk op bs
322-- | Fill a 'BufferRange' using a 'BuildStep'.
323{-# INLINE fillWithBuildStep #-}
325    :: BuildStep a
326    -- ^ Build step to use for filling the 'BufferRange'.
327    -> (Ptr Word8 -> a -> IO b)
328    -- ^ Handling the 'done' signal
329    -> (Ptr Word8 -> Int -> BuildStep a -> IO b)
330    -- ^ Handling the 'bufferFull' signal
331    -> (Ptr Word8 -> S.ByteString -> BuildStep a -> IO b)
332    -- ^ Handling the 'insertChunk' signal
333    -> BufferRange
334    -- ^ Buffer range to fill.
335    -> IO b
336    -- ^ Value computed while filling this 'BufferRange'.
337fillWithBuildStep step fDone fFull fChunk !br = do
338    signal <- step br
339    case signal of
340        Done op x                      -> fDone op x
341        BufferFull minSize op nextStep -> fFull op minSize nextStep
342        InsertChunk op bs nextStep     -> fChunk op bs nextStep
346-- The 'Builder' monoid
349-- | 'Builder's denote sequences of bytes.
350-- They are 'Monoid's where
351--   'mempty' is the zero-length sequence and
352--   'mappend' is concatenation, which runs in /O(1)/.
353newtype Builder = Builder (forall r. BuildStep r -> BuildStep r)
355-- | Construct a 'Builder'. In contrast to 'BuildStep's, 'Builder's are
356-- referentially transparent.
357{-# INLINE builder #-}
358builder :: (forall r. BuildStep r -> BuildStep r)
359        -- ^ A function that fills a 'BufferRange', calls the continuation with
360        -- the updated 'BufferRange' once its done, and signals its caller how
361        -- to proceed using 'done', 'bufferFull', or 'insertChunk'.
362        --
363        -- This function must be referentially transparent; i.e., calling it
364        -- multiple times with equally sized 'BufferRange's must result in the
365        -- same sequence of bytes being written. If you need mutable state,
366        -- then you must allocate it anew upon each call of this function.
367        -- Moroever, this function must call the continuation once its done.
368        -- Otherwise, concatenation of 'Builder's does not work. Finally, this
369        -- function must write to all bytes that it claims it has written.
370        -- Otherwise, the resulting 'Builder' is not guaranteed to be
371        -- referentially transparent and sensitive data might leak.
372        -> Builder
373builder = Builder
375-- | The final build step that returns the 'done' signal.
376finalBuildStep :: BuildStep ()
377finalBuildStep !(BufferRange op _) = return $ Done op ()
379-- | Run a 'Builder' with the 'finalBuildStep'.
380{-# INLINE runBuilder #-}
381runBuilder :: Builder      -- ^ 'Builder' to run
382           -> BuildStep () -- ^ 'BuildStep' that writes the byte stream of this
383                           -- 'Builder' and signals 'done' upon completion.
384runBuilder b = runBuilderWith b finalBuildStep
386-- | Run a 'Builder'.
387{-# INLINE runBuilderWith #-}
388runBuilderWith :: Builder      -- ^ 'Builder' to run
389               -> BuildStep a -- ^ Continuation 'BuildStep'
390               -> BuildStep a
391runBuilderWith (Builder b) = b
393-- | The 'Builder' denoting a zero-length sequence of bytes. This function is
394-- only exported for use in rewriting rules. Use 'mempty' otherwise.
395{-# INLINE[1] empty #-}
396empty :: Builder
397empty = Builder (\cont -> (\range -> cont range))
398-- This eta expansion (hopefully) allows GHC to worker-wrapper the
399-- 'BufferRange' in the 'empty' base case of loops (since
400-- worker-wrapper requires (TODO: verify this) that all paths match
401-- against the wrapped argument.
403-- | Concatenate two 'Builder's. This function is only exported for use in rewriting
404-- rules. Use 'mappend' otherwise.
405{-# INLINE[1] append #-}
406append :: Builder -> Builder -> Builder
407append (Builder b1) (Builder b2) = Builder $ b1 . b2
409#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
410instance Semigroup Builder where
411  {-# INLINE (<>) #-}
412  (<>) = append
415instance Monoid Builder where
416  {-# INLINE mempty #-}
417  mempty = empty
418  {-# INLINE mappend #-}
419#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
420  mappend = (<>)
422  mappend = append
424  {-# INLINE mconcat #-}
425  mconcat = foldr mappend mempty
427-- | Flush the current buffer. This introduces a chunk boundary.
428{-# INLINE flush #-}
429flush :: Builder
430flush = builder step
431  where
432    step k !(BufferRange op _) = return $ insertChunk op S.empty k
436-- Put
439-- | A 'Put' action denotes a computation of a value that writes a stream of
440-- bytes as a side-effect. 'Put's are strict in their side-effect; i.e., the
441-- stream of bytes will always be written before the computed value is
442-- returned.
444-- 'Put's are a generalization of 'Builder's. The typical use case is the
445-- implementation of an encoding that might fail (e.g., an interface to the
446-- 'zlib' compression library or the conversion from Base64 encoded data to
447-- 8-bit data). For a 'Builder', the only way to handle and report such a
448-- failure is ignore it or call 'error'.  In contrast, 'Put' actions are
449-- expressive enough to allow reportng and handling such a failure in a pure
450-- fashion.
452-- @'Put' ()@ actions are isomorphic to 'Builder's. The functions 'putBuilder'
453-- and 'fromPut' convert between these two types. Where possible, you should
454-- use 'Builder's, as sequencing them is slightly cheaper than sequencing
455-- 'Put's because they do not carry around a computed value.
456newtype Put a = Put { unPut :: forall r. (a -> BuildStep r) -> BuildStep r }
458-- | Construct a 'Put' action. In contrast to 'BuildStep's, 'Put's are
459-- referentially transparent in the sense that sequencing the same 'Put'
460-- multiple times yields every time the same value with the same side-effect.
461{-# INLINE put #-}
462put :: (forall r. (a -> BuildStep r) -> BuildStep r)
463       -- ^ A function that fills a 'BufferRange', calls the continuation with
464       -- the updated 'BufferRange' and its computed value once its done, and
465       -- signals its caller how to proceed using 'done', 'bufferFull', or
466       -- 'insertChunk' signals.
467       --
468    -- This function must be referentially transparent; i.e., calling it
469    -- multiple times with equally sized 'BufferRange's must result in the
470    -- same sequence of bytes being written and the same value being
471    -- computed. If you need mutable state, then you must allocate it anew
472    -- upon each call of this function. Moroever, this function must call
473    -- the continuation once its done. Otherwise, monadic sequencing of
474    -- 'Put's does not work. Finally, this function must write to all bytes
475    -- that it claims it has written. Otherwise, the resulting 'Put' is
476    -- not guaranteed to be referentially transparent and sensitive data
477    -- might leak.
478       -> Put a
479put = Put
481-- | Run a 'Put'.
482{-# INLINE runPut #-}
483runPut :: Put a       -- ^ Put to run
484       -> BuildStep a -- ^ 'BuildStep' that first writes the byte stream of
485                      -- this 'Put' and then yields the computed value using
486                      -- the 'done' signal.
487runPut (Put p) = p $ \x (BufferRange op _) -> return $ Done op x
489instance Functor Put where
490  fmap f p = Put $ \k -> unPut p (\x -> k (f x))
491  {-# INLINE fmap #-}
493-- | Synonym for '<*' from 'Applicative'; used in rewriting rules.
494{-# INLINE[1] ap_l #-}
495ap_l :: Put a -> Put b -> Put a
496ap_l (Put a) (Put b) = Put $ \k -> a (\a' -> b (\_ -> k a'))
498-- | Synonym for '*>' from 'Applicative' and '>>' from 'Monad'; used in
499-- rewriting rules.
500{-# INLINE[1] ap_r #-}
501ap_r :: Put a -> Put b -> Put b
502ap_r (Put a) (Put b) = Put $ \k -> a (\_ -> b k)
504instance Applicative Put where
505  {-# INLINE pure #-}
506  pure x = Put $ \k -> k x
507  {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
508  Put f <*> Put a = Put $ \k -> f (\f' -> a (\a' -> k (f' a')))
509  {-# INLINE (<*) #-}
510  (<*) = ap_l
511  {-# INLINE (*>) #-}
512  (*>) = ap_r
514instance Monad Put where
515  {-# INLINE return #-}
516  return = pure
517  {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
518  Put m >>= f = Put $ \k -> m (\m' -> unPut (f m') k)
519  {-# INLINE (>>) #-}
520  (>>) = (*>)
522-- Conversion between Put and Builder
525-- | Run a 'Builder' as a side-effect of a @'Put' ()@ action.
526{-# INLINE[1] putBuilder #-}
527putBuilder :: Builder -> Put ()
528putBuilder (Builder b) = Put $ \k -> b (k ())
530-- | Convert a @'Put' ()@ action to a 'Builder'.
531{-# INLINE fromPut #-}
532fromPut :: Put () -> Builder
533fromPut (Put p) = Builder $ \k -> p (\_ -> k)
535-- We rewrite consecutive uses of 'putBuilder' such that the append of the
536-- involved 'Builder's is used. This can significantly improve performance,
537-- when the bound-checks of the concatenated builders are fused.
539-- ap_l rules
540{-# RULES
542"ap_l/putBuilder" forall b1 b2.
543       ap_l (putBuilder b1) (putBuilder b2)
544     = putBuilder (append b1 b2)
546"ap_l/putBuilder/assoc_r" forall b1 b2 (p :: Put a).
547       ap_l (putBuilder b1) (ap_l (putBuilder b2) p)
548     = ap_l (putBuilder (append b1 b2)) p
550"ap_l/putBuilder/assoc_l" forall (p :: Put a) b1 b2.
551       ap_l (ap_l p (putBuilder b1)) (putBuilder b2)
552     = ap_l p (putBuilder (append b1 b2))
553 #-}
555-- ap_r rules
556{-# RULES
558"ap_r/putBuilder" forall b1 b2.
559       ap_r (putBuilder b1) (putBuilder b2)
560     = putBuilder (append b1 b2)
562"ap_r/putBuilder/assoc_r" forall b1 b2 (p :: Put a).
563       ap_r (putBuilder b1) (ap_r (putBuilder b2) p)
564     = ap_r (putBuilder (append b1 b2)) p
566"ap_r/putBuilder/assoc_l" forall (p :: Put a) b1 b2.
567       ap_r (ap_r p (putBuilder b1)) (putBuilder b2)
568     = ap_r p (putBuilder (append b1 b2))
570 #-}
572-- combined ap_l/ap_r rules
573{-# RULES
575"ap_l/ap_r/putBuilder/assoc_r" forall b1 b2 (p :: Put a).
576       ap_l (putBuilder b1) (ap_r (putBuilder b2) p)
577     = ap_l (putBuilder (append b1 b2)) p
579"ap_r/ap_l/putBuilder/assoc_r" forall b1 b2 (p :: Put a).
580       ap_r (putBuilder b1) (ap_l (putBuilder b2) p)
581     = ap_l (putBuilder (append b1 b2)) p
583"ap_l/ap_r/putBuilder/assoc_l" forall (p :: Put a) b1 b2.
584       ap_l (ap_r p (putBuilder b1)) (putBuilder b2)
585     = ap_r p (putBuilder (append b1 b2))
587"ap_r/ap_l/putBuilder/assoc_l" forall (p :: Put a) b1 b2.
588       ap_r (ap_l p (putBuilder b1)) (putBuilder b2)
589     = ap_r p (putBuilder (append b1 b2))
591 #-}
594-- Lifting IO actions
598-- | Lift an 'IO' action to a 'Put' action.
599{-# INLINE putLiftIO #-}
600putLiftIO :: IO a -> Put a
601putLiftIO io = put $ \k br -> io >>= (`k` br)
606-- Executing a Put directly on a buffered Handle
609-- | Run a 'Put' action redirecting the produced output to a 'Handle'.
611-- The output is buffered using the 'Handle's associated buffer. If this
612-- buffer is too small to execute one step of the 'Put' action, then
613-- it is replaced with a large enough buffer.
614hPut :: forall a. Handle -> Put a -> IO a
615#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 611
616hPut h p = do
617    fillHandle 1 (runPut p)
618  where
619    fillHandle :: Int -> BuildStep a -> IO a
620    fillHandle !minFree step = do
621        next <- wantWritableHandle "hPut" h fillHandle_
622        next
623      where
624        -- | We need to return an inner IO action that is executed outside
625        -- the lock taken on the Handle for two reasons:
626        --
627        --   1. GHC.IO.Handle.Internals mentions in "Note [async]" that
628        --      we should never do any side-effecting operations before
629        --      an interuptible operation that may raise an async. exception
630        --      as long as we are inside 'wantWritableHandle' and the like.
631        --      We possibly run the interuptible 'flushWriteBuffer' right at
632        --      the start of 'fillHandle', hence entering it a second time is
633        --      not safe, as it could lead to a 'BuildStep' being run twice.
634        --
635        --      FIXME (SM): Adapt this function or at least its documentation,
636        --      as it is OK to run a 'BuildStep' twice. We dropped this
637        --      requirement in favor of being able to use
638        --      'unsafeDupablePerformIO' and the speed improvement that it
639        --      brings.
640        --
641        --   2. We use the 'S.hPut' function to also write to the handle.
642        --      This function tries to take the same lock taken by
643        --      'wantWritableHandle'. Therefore, we cannot call 'S.hPut'
644        --      inside 'wantWritableHandle'.
645        --
646        fillHandle_ :: Handle__ -> IO (IO a)
647        fillHandle_ h_ = do
648            makeSpace  =<< readIORef refBuf
649            fillBuffer =<< readIORef refBuf
650          where
651            refBuf        = haByteBuffer h_
652            freeSpace buf = IO.bufSize buf - IO.bufR buf
654            makeSpace buf
655              | IO.bufSize buf < minFree = do
656                  flushWriteBuffer h_
657                  s <- IO.bufState <$> readIORef refBuf
658                  IO.newByteBuffer minFree s >>= writeIORef refBuf
660              | freeSpace buf < minFree = flushWriteBuffer h_
661              | otherwise               =
662#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 613
663                                          return ()
665                                          -- required for ghc-6.12
666                                          flushWriteBuffer h_
669            fillBuffer buf
670              | freeSpace buf < minFree =
671                  error $ unlines
672                    [ "Data.ByteString.Builder.Internal.hPut: internal error."
673                    , "  Not enough space after flush."
674                    , "    required: " ++ show minFree
675                    , "    free: "     ++ show (freeSpace buf)
676                    ]
677              | otherwise = do
678                  let !br = BufferRange op (pBuf `plusPtr` IO.bufSize buf)
679                  res <- fillWithBuildStep step doneH fullH insertChunkH br
680                  touchForeignPtr fpBuf
681                  return res
682              where
683                fpBuf = IO.bufRaw buf
684                pBuf  = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fpBuf
685                op    = pBuf `plusPtr` IO.bufR buf
687                {-# INLINE updateBufR #-}
688                updateBufR op' = do
689                    let !off' = op' `minusPtr` pBuf
690                        !buf' = buf {IO.bufR = off'}
691                    writeIORef refBuf buf'
693                doneH op' x = do
694                    updateBufR op'
695                    -- We must flush if this Handle is set to NoBuffering.
696                    -- If it is set to LineBuffering, be conservative and
697                    -- flush anyway (we didn't check for newlines in the data).
698                    -- Flushing must happen outside this 'wantWriteableHandle'
699                    -- due to the possible async. exception.
700                    case haBufferMode h_ of
701                        BlockBuffering _      -> return $ return x
702                        _line_or_no_buffering -> return $ hFlush h >> return x
704                fullH op' minSize nextStep = do
705                    updateBufR op'
706                    return $ fillHandle minSize nextStep
707                    -- 'fillHandle' will flush the buffer (provided there is
708                    -- really less than 'minSize' space left) before executing
709                    -- the 'nextStep'.
711                insertChunkH op' bs nextStep = do
712                    updateBufR op'
713                    return $ do
714                        S.hPut h bs
715                        fillHandle 1 nextStep
717hPut h p =
718    go =<< buildStepToCIOS strategy (runPut p)
719  where
720    strategy = untrimmedStrategy L.smallChunkSize L.defaultChunkSize
722    go (Finished buf x) = S.hPut h (byteStringFromBuffer buf) >> return x
723    go (Yield1 bs io)   = S.hPut h bs >> io >>= go
726-- | Execute a 'Put' and return the computed result and the bytes
727-- written during the computation as a lazy 'L.ByteString'.
729-- This function is strict in the computed result and lazy in the writing of
730-- the bytes. For example, given
732-- @
733--infinitePut = sequence_ (repeat (putBuilder (word8 1))) >> return 0
734-- @
736-- evaluating the expression
738-- @
739--fst $ putToLazyByteString infinitePut
740-- @
742-- does not terminate, while evaluating the expression
744-- @
745--L.head $ snd $ putToLazyByteString infinitePut
746-- @
748-- does terminate and yields the value @1 :: Word8@.
750-- An illustrative example for these strictness properties is the
751-- implementation of Base64 decoding (<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64>).
753-- @
754--type DecodingState = ...
756--decodeBase64 :: 'S.ByteString' -> DecodingState -> 'Put' (Maybe DecodingState)
757--decodeBase64 = ...
758-- @
760-- The above function takes a strict 'S.ByteString' supposed to represent
761-- Base64 encoded data and the current decoding state.
762-- It writes the decoded bytes as the side-effect of the 'Put' and returns the
763-- new decoding state, if the decoding of all data in the 'S.ByteString' was
764-- successful. The checking if the strict 'S.ByteString' represents Base64
765-- encoded data and the actual decoding are fused. This makes the common case,
766-- where all data represents Base64 encoded data, more efficient. It also
767-- implies that all data must be decoded before the final decoding
768-- state can be returned. 'Put's are intended for implementing such fused
769-- checking and decoding/encoding, which is reflected in their strictness
770-- properties.
771{-# NOINLINE putToLazyByteString #-}
773    :: Put a              -- ^ 'Put' to execute
774    -> (a, L.ByteString)  -- ^ Result and lazy 'L.ByteString'
775                          -- written as its side-effect
776putToLazyByteString = putToLazyByteStringWith
777    (safeStrategy L.smallChunkSize L.defaultChunkSize) (\x -> (x, L.Empty))
780-- | Execute a 'Put' with a buffer-allocation strategy and a continuation. For
781-- example, 'putToLazyByteString' is implemented as follows.
783-- @
784--putToLazyByteString = 'putToLazyByteStringWith'
785--    ('safeStrategy' 'L.smallChunkSize' 'L.defaultChunkSize') (\x -> (x, L.empty))
786-- @
788{-# INLINE putToLazyByteStringWith #-}
790    :: AllocationStrategy
791       -- ^ Buffer allocation strategy to use
792    -> (a -> (b, L.ByteString))
793       -- ^ Continuation to use for computing the final result and the tail of
794       -- its side-effect (the written bytes).
795    -> Put a
796       -- ^ 'Put' to execute
797    -> (b, L.ByteString)
798       -- ^ Resulting lazy 'L.ByteString'
799putToLazyByteStringWith strategy k p =
800    ciosToLazyByteString strategy k $ unsafeDupablePerformIO $
801        buildStepToCIOS strategy (runPut p)
806-- ByteString insertion / controlling chunk boundaries
809-- Raw memory
812-- | Ensure that there are at least 'n' free bytes for the following 'Builder'.
813{-# INLINE ensureFree #-}
814ensureFree :: Int -> Builder
815ensureFree minFree =
816    builder step
817  where
818    step k br@(BufferRange op ope)
819      | ope `minusPtr` op < minFree = return $ bufferFull minFree op k
820      | otherwise                   = k br
822-- | Copy the bytes from a 'BufferRange' into the output stream.
823wrappedBytesCopyStep :: BufferRange  -- ^ Input 'BufferRange'.
824                     -> BuildStep a -> BuildStep a
825wrappedBytesCopyStep !(BufferRange ip0 ipe) k =
826    go ip0
827  where
828    go !ip !(BufferRange op ope)
829      | inpRemaining <= outRemaining = do
830          copyBytes op ip inpRemaining
831          let !br' = BufferRange (op `plusPtr` inpRemaining) ope
832          k br'
833      | otherwise = do
834          copyBytes op ip outRemaining
835          let !ip' = ip `plusPtr` outRemaining
836          return $ bufferFull 1 ope (go ip')
837      where
838        outRemaining = ope `minusPtr` op
839        inpRemaining = ipe `minusPtr` ip
842-- Strict ByteStrings
846-- | Construct a 'Builder' that copies the strict 'S.ByteString's, if it is
847-- smaller than the treshold, and inserts it directly otherwise.
849-- For example, @byteStringThreshold 1024@ copies strict 'S.ByteString's whose size
850-- is less or equal to 1kb, and inserts them directly otherwise. This implies
851-- that the average chunk-size of the generated lazy 'L.ByteString' may be as
852-- low as 513 bytes, as there could always be just a single byte between the
853-- directly inserted 1025 byte, strict 'S.ByteString's.
855{-# INLINE byteStringThreshold #-}
856byteStringThreshold :: Int -> S.ByteString -> Builder
857byteStringThreshold maxCopySize =
858    \bs -> builder $ step bs
859  where
860    step !bs@(S.PS _ _ len) !k br@(BufferRange !op _)
861      | len <= maxCopySize = byteStringCopyStep bs k br
862      | otherwise          = return $ insertChunk op bs k
864-- | Construct a 'Builder' that copies the strict 'S.ByteString'.
866-- Use this function to create 'Builder's from smallish (@<= 4kb@)
867-- 'S.ByteString's or if you need to guarantee that the 'S.ByteString' is not
868-- shared with the chunks generated by the 'Builder'.
870{-# INLINE byteStringCopy #-}
871byteStringCopy :: S.ByteString -> Builder
872byteStringCopy = \bs -> builder $ byteStringCopyStep bs
874{-# INLINE byteStringCopyStep #-}
875byteStringCopyStep :: S.ByteString -> BuildStep a -> BuildStep a
876byteStringCopyStep (S.PS ifp ioff isize) !k0 br0@(BufferRange op ope)
877    -- Ensure that the common case is not recursive and therefore yields
878    -- better code.
879    | op' <= ope = do copyBytes op ip isize
880                      touchForeignPtr ifp
881                      k0 (BufferRange op' ope)
882    | otherwise  = do wrappedBytesCopyStep (BufferRange ip ipe) k br0
883  where
884    op'  = op `plusPtr` isize
885    ip   = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr ifp `plusPtr` ioff
886    ipe  = ip `plusPtr` isize
887    k br = do touchForeignPtr ifp  -- input consumed: OK to release here
888              k0 br
890-- | Construct a 'Builder' that always inserts the strict 'S.ByteString'
891-- directly as a chunk.
893-- This implies flushing the output buffer, even if it contains just
894-- a single byte. You should therefore use 'byteStringInsert' only for large
895-- (@> 8kb@) 'S.ByteString's. Otherwise, the generated chunks are too
896-- fragmented to be processed efficiently afterwards.
898{-# INLINE byteStringInsert #-}
899byteStringInsert :: S.ByteString -> Builder
900byteStringInsert =
901    \bs -> builder $ \k (BufferRange op _) -> return $ insertChunk op bs k
903-- Short bytestrings
906-- | Construct a 'Builder' that copies the 'SH.ShortByteString'.
908{-# INLINE shortByteString #-}
909shortByteString :: Sh.ShortByteString -> Builder
910shortByteString = \sbs -> builder $ shortByteStringCopyStep sbs
912-- | Copy the bytes from a 'SH.ShortByteString' into the output stream.
913{-# INLINE shortByteStringCopyStep #-}
914shortByteStringCopyStep :: Sh.ShortByteString  -- ^ Input 'SH.ShortByteString'.
915                        -> BuildStep a -> BuildStep a
916shortByteStringCopyStep !sbs k =
917    go 0 (Sh.length sbs)
918  where
919    go !ip !ipe !(BufferRange op ope)
920      | inpRemaining <= outRemaining = do
921          Sh.copyToPtr sbs ip op inpRemaining
922          let !br' = BufferRange (op `plusPtr` inpRemaining) ope
923          k br'
924      | otherwise = do
925          Sh.copyToPtr sbs ip op outRemaining
926          let !ip' = ip + outRemaining
927          return $ bufferFull 1 ope (go ip' ipe)
928      where
929        outRemaining = ope `minusPtr` op
930        inpRemaining = ipe - ip
933-- Lazy bytestrings
936-- | Construct a 'Builder' that uses the thresholding strategy of 'byteStringThreshold'
937-- for each chunk of the lazy 'L.ByteString'.
939{-# INLINE lazyByteStringThreshold #-}
940lazyByteStringThreshold :: Int -> L.ByteString -> Builder
941lazyByteStringThreshold maxCopySize =
942    L.foldrChunks (\bs b -> byteStringThreshold maxCopySize bs `mappend` b) mempty
943    -- TODO: We could do better here. Currently, Large, Small, Large, leads to
944    -- an unnecessary copy of the 'Small' chunk.
946-- | Construct a 'Builder' that copies the lazy 'L.ByteString'.
948{-# INLINE lazyByteStringCopy #-}
949lazyByteStringCopy :: L.ByteString -> Builder
950lazyByteStringCopy =
951    L.foldrChunks (\bs b -> byteStringCopy bs `mappend` b) mempty
953-- | Construct a 'Builder' that inserts all chunks of the lazy 'L.ByteString'
954-- directly.
956{-# INLINE lazyByteStringInsert #-}
957lazyByteStringInsert :: L.ByteString -> Builder
958lazyByteStringInsert =
959    L.foldrChunks (\bs b -> byteStringInsert bs `mappend` b) mempty
961-- | Create a 'Builder' denoting the same sequence of bytes as a strict
962-- 'S.ByteString'.
963-- The 'Builder' inserts large 'S.ByteString's directly, but copies small ones
964-- to ensure that the generated chunks are large on average.
966{-# INLINE byteString #-}
967byteString :: S.ByteString -> Builder
968byteString = byteStringThreshold maximalCopySize
970-- | Create a 'Builder' denoting the same sequence of bytes as a lazy
971-- 'S.ByteString'.
972-- The 'Builder' inserts large chunks of the lazy 'L.ByteString' directly,
973-- but copies small ones to ensure that the generated chunks are large on
974-- average.
976{-# INLINE lazyByteString #-}
977lazyByteString :: L.ByteString -> Builder
978lazyByteString = lazyByteStringThreshold maximalCopySize
979-- FIXME: also insert the small chunk for [large,small,large] directly.
980-- Perhaps it makes even sense to concatenate the small chunks in
981-- [large,small,small,small,large] and insert them directly afterwards to avoid
982-- unnecessary buffer spilling. Hmm, but that uncontrollably increases latency
983-- => no good!
985-- | The maximal size of a 'S.ByteString' that is copied.
986-- @2 * 'L.smallChunkSize'@ to guarantee that on average a chunk is of
987-- 'L.smallChunkSize'.
988maximalCopySize :: Int
989maximalCopySize = 2 * L.smallChunkSize
992-- Builder execution
995-- | A buffer allocation strategy for executing 'Builder's.
997-- The strategy
999-- > 'AllocationStrategy' firstBufSize bufSize trim
1001-- states that the first buffer is of size @firstBufSize@, all following buffers
1002-- are of size @bufSize@, and a buffer of size @n@ filled with @k@ bytes should
1003-- be trimmed iff @trim k n@ is 'True'.
1004data AllocationStrategy = AllocationStrategy
1005         (Maybe (Buffer, Int) -> IO Buffer)
1006         {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
1007         (Int -> Int -> Bool)
1009-- | Create a custom allocation strategy. See the code for 'safeStrategy' and
1010-- 'untrimmedStrategy' for examples.
1011{-# INLINE customStrategy #-}
1013  :: (Maybe (Buffer, Int) -> IO Buffer)
1014     -- ^ Buffer allocation function. If 'Nothing' is given, then a new first
1015     -- buffer should be allocated. If @'Just' (oldBuf, minSize)@ is given,
1016     -- then a buffer with minimal size 'minSize' must be returned. The
1017     -- strategy may reuse the 'oldBuffer', if it can guarantee that this
1018     -- referentially transparent and 'oldBuffer' is large enough.
1019  -> Int
1020     -- ^ Default buffer size.
1021  -> (Int -> Int -> Bool)
1022     -- ^ A predicate @trim used allocated@ returning 'True', if the buffer
1023     -- should be trimmed before it is returned.
1024  -> AllocationStrategy
1025customStrategy = AllocationStrategy
1027-- | Sanitize a buffer size; i.e., make it at least the size of an 'Int'.
1028{-# INLINE sanitize #-}
1029sanitize :: Int -> Int
1030sanitize = max (sizeOf (undefined :: Int))
1032-- | Use this strategy for generating lazy 'L.ByteString's whose chunks are
1033-- discarded right after they are generated. For example, if you just generate
1034-- them to write them to a network socket.
1035{-# INLINE untrimmedStrategy #-}
1036untrimmedStrategy :: Int -- ^ Size of the first buffer
1037                  -> Int -- ^ Size of successive buffers
1038                  -> AllocationStrategy
1039                  -- ^ An allocation strategy that does not trim any of the
1040                  -- filled buffers before converting it to a chunk
1041untrimmedStrategy firstSize bufSize =
1042    AllocationStrategy nextBuffer (sanitize bufSize) (\_ _ -> False)
1043  where
1044    {-# INLINE nextBuffer #-}
1045    nextBuffer Nothing             = newBuffer $ sanitize firstSize
1046    nextBuffer (Just (_, minSize)) = newBuffer minSize
1049-- | Use this strategy for generating lazy 'L.ByteString's whose chunks are
1050-- likely to survive one garbage collection. This strategy trims buffers
1051-- that are filled less than half in order to avoid spilling too much memory.
1052{-# INLINE safeStrategy #-}
1053safeStrategy :: Int  -- ^ Size of first buffer
1054             -> Int  -- ^ Size of successive buffers
1055             -> AllocationStrategy
1056             -- ^ An allocation strategy that guarantees that at least half
1057             -- of the allocated memory is used for live data
1058safeStrategy firstSize bufSize =
1059    AllocationStrategy nextBuffer (sanitize bufSize) trim
1060  where
1061    trim used size                 = 2 * used < size
1062    {-# INLINE nextBuffer #-}
1063    nextBuffer Nothing             = newBuffer $ sanitize firstSize
1064    nextBuffer (Just (_, minSize)) = newBuffer minSize
1066-- | /Heavy inlining./ Execute a 'Builder' with custom execution parameters.
1068-- This function is inlined despite its heavy code-size to allow fusing with
1069-- the allocation strategy. For example, the default 'Builder' execution
1070-- function 'toLazyByteString' is defined as follows.
1072-- @
1073-- {-\# NOINLINE toLazyByteString \#-}
1074-- toLazyByteString =
1075--   toLazyByteStringWith ('safeStrategy' 'L.smallChunkSize' 'L.defaultChunkSize') L.empty
1076-- @
1078-- where @L.empty@ is the zero-length lazy 'L.ByteString'.
1080-- In most cases, the parameters used by 'toLazyByteString' give good
1081-- performance. A sub-performing case of 'toLazyByteString' is executing short
1082-- (<128 bytes) 'Builder's. In this case, the allocation overhead for the first
1083-- 4kb buffer and the trimming cost dominate the cost of executing the
1084-- 'Builder'. You can avoid this problem using
1086-- >toLazyByteStringWith (safeStrategy 128 smallChunkSize) L.empty
1088-- This reduces the allocation and trimming overhead, as all generated
1089-- 'L.ByteString's fit into the first buffer and there is no trimming
1090-- required, if more than 64 bytes and less than 128 bytes are written.
1092{-# INLINE toLazyByteStringWith #-}
1094    :: AllocationStrategy
1095       -- ^ Buffer allocation strategy to use
1096    -> L.ByteString
1097       -- ^ Lazy 'L.ByteString' to use as the tail of the generated lazy
1098       -- 'L.ByteString'
1099    -> Builder
1100       -- ^ 'Builder' to execute
1101    -> L.ByteString
1102       -- ^ Resulting lazy 'L.ByteString'
1103toLazyByteStringWith strategy k b =
1104    ciosUnitToLazyByteString strategy k $ unsafeDupablePerformIO $
1105        buildStepToCIOS strategy (runBuilder b)
1107-- | Convert a 'BuildStep' to a 'ChunkIOStream' stream by executing it on
1108-- 'Buffer's allocated according to the given 'AllocationStrategy'.
1109{-# INLINE buildStepToCIOS #-}
1111    :: AllocationStrategy          -- ^ Buffer allocation strategy to use
1112    -> BuildStep a                 -- ^ 'BuildStep' to execute
1113    -> IO (ChunkIOStream a)
1114buildStepToCIOS !(AllocationStrategy nextBuffer bufSize trim) =
1115    \step -> nextBuffer Nothing >>= fill step
1116  where
1117    fill !step !buf@(Buffer fpbuf br@(BufferRange _ pe)) = do
1118        res <- fillWithBuildStep step doneH fullH insertChunkH br
1119        touchForeignPtr fpbuf
1120        return res
1121      where
1122        pbuf = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fpbuf
1124        doneH op' x = return $
1125            Finished (Buffer fpbuf (BufferRange op' pe)) x
1127        fullH op' minSize nextStep =
1128            wrapChunk op' $ const $
1129                nextBuffer (Just (buf, max minSize bufSize)) >>= fill nextStep
1131        insertChunkH op' bs nextStep =
1132            wrapChunk op' $ \isEmpty -> yield1 bs $
1133                -- Checking for empty case avoids allocating 'n-1' empty
1134                -- buffers for 'n' insertChunkH right after each other.
1135                if isEmpty
1136                  then fill nextStep buf
1137                  else do buf' <- nextBuffer (Just (buf, bufSize))
1138                          fill nextStep buf'
1140        -- Wrap and yield a chunk, trimming it if necesary
1141        {-# INLINE wrapChunk #-}
1142        wrapChunk !op' mkCIOS
1143          | chunkSize == 0      = mkCIOS True
1144          | trim chunkSize size = do
1145              bs <- S.create chunkSize $ \pbuf' ->
1146                        copyBytes pbuf' pbuf chunkSize
1147              -- FIXME: We could reuse the trimmed buffer here.
1148              return $ Yield1 bs (mkCIOS False)
1149          | otherwise            =
1150              return $ Yield1 (S.PS fpbuf 0 chunkSize) (mkCIOS False)
1151          where
1152            chunkSize = op' `minusPtr` pbuf
1153            size      = pe  `minusPtr` pbuf