1-- | This module implements the "Magic Do" optimization, which inlines calls to return
2-- and bind for the Eff monad, as well as some of its actions.
3module Language.PureScript.CoreImp.Optimizer.MagicDo (magicDoEffect, magicDoEff, magicDoST, inlineST) where
5import Prelude.Compat
6import Protolude (ordNub)
8import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
9import Data.Text (Text)
11import Language.PureScript.CoreImp.AST
12import Language.PureScript.CoreImp.Optimizer.Common
13import Language.PureScript.PSString (mkString)
14import qualified Language.PureScript.Constants.Prelude as C
16-- | Inline type class dictionaries for >>= and return for the Eff monad
18-- E.g.
20--  Prelude[">>="](dict)(m1)(function(x) {
21--    return ...;
22--  })
24-- becomes
26--  function __do {
27--    var x = m1();
28--    ...
29--  }
30magicDoEff :: AST -> AST
31magicDoEff = magicDo C.eff C.effDictionaries
33magicDoEffect :: AST -> AST
34magicDoEffect = magicDo C.effect C.effectDictionaries
36magicDoST :: AST -> AST
37magicDoST = magicDo C.st C.stDictionaries
39magicDo :: Text -> C.EffectDictionaries -> AST -> AST
40magicDo effectModule C.EffectDictionaries{..} = everywhereTopDown convert
41  where
42  -- The name of the function block which is added to denote a do block
43  fnName = "__do"
44  -- Desugar monomorphic calls to >>= and return for the Eff monad
45  convert :: AST -> AST
46  -- Desugar pure
47  convert (App _ (App _ pure' [val]) []) | isPure pure' = val
48  -- Desugar discard
49  convert (App _ (App _ bind [m]) [Function s1 Nothing [] (Block s2 js)]) | isDiscard bind =
50    Function s1 (Just fnName) [] $ Block s2 (App s2 m [] : map applyReturns js )
51  -- Desugar bind to wildcard
52  convert (App _ (App _ bind [m]) [Function s1 Nothing [] (Block s2 js)])
53    | isBind bind =
54    Function s1 (Just fnName) [] $ Block s2 (App s2 m [] : map applyReturns js )
55  -- Desugar bind
56  convert (App _ (App _ bind [m]) [Function s1 Nothing [arg] (Block s2 js)]) | isBind bind =
57    Function s1 (Just fnName) [] $ Block s2 (VariableIntroduction s2 arg (Just (App s2 m [])) : map applyReturns js)
58  -- Desugar untilE
59  convert (App s1 (App _ f [arg]) []) | isEffFunc edUntil f =
60    App s1 (Function s1 Nothing [] (Block s1 [ While s1 (Unary s1 Not (App s1 arg [])) (Block s1 []), Return s1 $ ObjectLiteral s1 []])) []
61  -- Desugar whileE
62  convert (App _ (App _ (App s1 f [arg1]) [arg2]) []) | isEffFunc edWhile f =
63    App s1 (Function s1 Nothing [] (Block s1 [ While s1 (App s1 arg1 []) (Block s1 [ App s1 arg2 [] ]), Return s1 $ ObjectLiteral s1 []])) []
64  -- Inline __do returns
65  convert (Return _ (App _ (Function _ (Just ident) [] body) [])) | ident == fnName = body
66  -- Inline double applications
67  convert (App _ (App s1 (Function s2 Nothing [] (Block ss body)) []) []) =
68    App s1 (Function s2 Nothing [] (Block ss (applyReturns `fmap` body))) []
69  convert other = other
70  -- Check if an expression represents a monomorphic call to >>= for the Eff monad
71  isBind (App _ fn [dict]) | isDict (effectModule, edBindDict) dict && isBindPoly fn = True
72  isBind _ = False
73  -- Check if an expression represents a call to @discard@
74  isDiscard (App _ (App _ fn [dict1]) [dict2])
75    | isDict (C.controlBind, C.discardUnitDictionary) dict1 &&
76      isDict (effectModule, edBindDict) dict2 &&
77      isDiscardPoly fn = True
78  isDiscard _ = False
79  -- Check if an expression represents a monomorphic call to pure or return for the Eff applicative
80  isPure (App _ fn [dict]) | isDict (effectModule, edApplicativeDict) dict && isPurePoly fn = True
81  isPure _ = False
82  -- Check if an expression represents the polymorphic >>= function
83  isBindPoly = isDict (C.controlBind, C.bind)
84  -- Check if an expression represents the polymorphic pure function
85  isPurePoly = isDict (C.controlApplicative, C.pure')
86  -- Check if an expression represents the polymorphic discard function
87  isDiscardPoly = isDict (C.controlBind, C.discard)
88  -- Check if an expression represents a function in the Effect module
89  isEffFunc name (Indexer _ (StringLiteral _ name') (Var _ eff)) = eff == effectModule && name == name'
90  isEffFunc _ _ = False
92  applyReturns :: AST -> AST
93  applyReturns (Return ss ret) = Return ss (App ss ret [])
94  applyReturns (Block ss jss) = Block ss (map applyReturns jss)
95  applyReturns (While ss cond js) = While ss cond (applyReturns js)
96  applyReturns (For ss v lo hi js) = For ss v lo hi (applyReturns js)
97  applyReturns (ForIn ss v xs js) = ForIn ss v xs (applyReturns js)
98  applyReturns (IfElse ss cond t f) = IfElse ss cond (applyReturns t) (applyReturns `fmap` f)
99  applyReturns other = other
101-- | Inline functions in the ST module
102inlineST :: AST -> AST
103inlineST = everywhere convertBlock
104  where
105  -- Look for runST blocks and inline the STRefs there.
106  -- If all STRefs are used in the scope of the same runST, only using { read, write, modify }STRef then
107  -- we can be more aggressive about inlining, and actually turn STRefs into local variables.
108  convertBlock (App s1 f [arg]) | isSTFunc C.runST f =
109    let refs = ordNub . findSTRefsIn $ arg
110        usages = findAllSTUsagesIn arg
111        allUsagesAreLocalVars = all (\u -> let v = toVar u in isJust v && fromJust v `elem` refs) usages
112        localVarsDoNotEscape = all (\r -> length (r `appearingIn` arg) == length (filter (\u -> let v = toVar u in v == Just r) usages)) refs
113    in App s1 (everywhere (convert (allUsagesAreLocalVars && localVarsDoNotEscape)) arg) []
114  convertBlock other = other
115  -- Convert a block in a safe way, preserving object wrappers of references,
116  -- or in a more aggressive way, turning wrappers into local variables depending on the
117  -- agg(ressive) parameter.
118  convert agg (App s1 f [arg]) | isSTFunc C.newSTRef f =
119   Function s1 Nothing [] (Block s1 [Return s1 $ if agg then arg else ObjectLiteral s1 [(mkString C.stRefValue, arg)]])
120  convert agg (App _ (App s1 f [ref]) []) | isSTFunc C.readSTRef f =
121    if agg then ref else Indexer s1 (StringLiteral s1 C.stRefValue) ref
122  convert agg (App _ (App _ (App s1 f [arg]) [ref]) []) | isSTFunc C.writeSTRef f =
123    if agg then Assignment s1 ref arg else Assignment s1 (Indexer s1 (StringLiteral s1 C.stRefValue) ref) arg
124  convert agg (App _ (App _ (App s1 f [func]) [ref]) []) | isSTFunc C.modifySTRef f =
125    if agg then Assignment s1 ref (App s1 func [ref]) else Assignment s1 (Indexer s1 (StringLiteral s1 C.stRefValue) ref) (App s1 func [Indexer s1 (StringLiteral s1 C.stRefValue) ref])
126  convert _ other = other
127  -- Check if an expression represents a function in the ST module
128  isSTFunc name (Indexer _ (StringLiteral _ name') (Var _ st)) = st == C.st && name == name'
129  isSTFunc _ _ = False
130  -- Find all ST Refs initialized in this block
131  findSTRefsIn = everything (++) isSTRef
132    where
133    isSTRef (VariableIntroduction _ ident (Just (App _ (App _ f [_]) []))) | isSTFunc C.newSTRef f = [ident]
134    isSTRef _ = []
135  -- Find all STRefs used as arguments to readSTRef, writeSTRef, modifySTRef
136  findAllSTUsagesIn = everything (++) isSTUsage
137    where
138    isSTUsage (App _ (App _ f [ref]) []) | isSTFunc C.readSTRef f = [ref]
139    isSTUsage (App _ (App _ (App _ f [_]) [ref]) []) | isSTFunc C.writeSTRef f || isSTFunc C.modifySTRef f = [ref]
140    isSTUsage _ = []
141  -- Find all uses of a variable
142  appearingIn ref = everything (++) isVar
143    where
144    isVar e@(Var _ v) | v == ref = [e]
145    isVar _ = []
146  -- Convert a AST value to a String if it is a Var
147  toVar (Var _ v) = Just v
148  toVar _ = Nothing