1import io
2import itertools
3import shlex
4import string
5import unittest
6from unittest import mock
9# The original test data set was from shellwords, by Hartmut Goebel.
11data = r"""x|x|
12foo bar|foo|bar|
13 foo bar|foo|bar|
14 foo bar |foo|bar|
15foo   bar    bla     fasel|foo|bar|bla|fasel|
16x y  z              xxxx|x|y|z|xxxx|
17\x bar|\|x|bar|
18\ x bar|\|x|bar|
19\ bar|\|bar|
20foo \x bar|foo|\|x|bar|
21foo \ x bar|foo|\|x|bar|
22foo \ bar|foo|\|bar|
23foo "bar" bla|foo|"bar"|bla|
24"foo" "bar" "bla"|"foo"|"bar"|"bla"|
25"foo" bar "bla"|"foo"|bar|"bla"|
26"foo" bar bla|"foo"|bar|bla|
27foo 'bar' bla|foo|'bar'|bla|
28'foo' 'bar' 'bla'|'foo'|'bar'|'bla'|
29'foo' bar 'bla'|'foo'|bar|'bla'|
30'foo' bar bla|'foo'|bar|bla|
31blurb foo"bar"bar"fasel" baz|blurb|foo"bar"bar"fasel"|baz|
32blurb foo'bar'bar'fasel' baz|blurb|foo'bar'bar'fasel'|baz|
35foo "" bar|foo|""|bar|
36foo '' bar|foo|''|bar|
37foo "" "" "" bar|foo|""|""|""|bar|
38foo '' '' '' bar|foo|''|''|''|bar|
41"foo\ bar"|"foo\ bar"|
42"foo\\ bar"|"foo\\ bar"|
43"foo\\ bar\"|"foo\\ bar\"|
44"foo\\" bar\""|"foo\\"|bar|\|""|
45"foo\\ bar\" dfadf"|"foo\\ bar\"|dfadf"|
46"foo\\\ bar\" dfadf"|"foo\\\ bar\"|dfadf"|
47"foo\\\x bar\" dfadf"|"foo\\\x bar\"|dfadf"|
48"foo\x bar\" dfadf"|"foo\x bar\"|dfadf"|
50'foo\ bar'|'foo\ bar'|
51'foo\\ bar'|'foo\\ bar'|
52"foo\\\x bar\" df'a\ 'df'|"foo\\\x bar\"|df'a|\|'df'|
56"foo\ "|"foo\ "|
57foo\ xx|foo|\|xx|
58foo\ x\x|foo|\|x|\|x|
59foo\ x\x\""|foo|\|x|\|x|\|""|
60"foo\ x\x"|"foo\ x\x"|
61"foo\ x\x\\"|"foo\ x\x\\"|
62"foo\ x\x\\""foobar"|"foo\ x\x\\"|"foobar"|
63"foo\ x\x\\"\''"foobar"|"foo\ x\x\\"|\|''|"foobar"|
64"foo\ x\x\\"\'"fo'obar"|"foo\ x\x\\"|\|'"fo'|obar"|
65"foo\ x\x\\"\'"fo'obar" 'don'\''t'|"foo\ x\x\\"|\|'"fo'|obar"|'don'|\|''|t'|
66'foo\ bar'|'foo\ bar'|
67'foo\\ bar'|'foo\\ bar'|
68foo\ bar|foo|\|bar|
70:-) ;-)|:|-|)|;|-|)|
74posix_data = r"""x|x|
75foo bar|foo|bar|
76 foo bar|foo|bar|
77 foo bar |foo|bar|
78foo   bar    bla     fasel|foo|bar|bla|fasel|
79x y  z              xxxx|x|y|z|xxxx|
80\x bar|x|bar|
81\ x bar| x|bar|
82\ bar| bar|
83foo \x bar|foo|x|bar|
84foo \ x bar|foo| x|bar|
85foo \ bar|foo| bar|
86foo "bar" bla|foo|bar|bla|
87"foo" "bar" "bla"|foo|bar|bla|
88"foo" bar "bla"|foo|bar|bla|
89"foo" bar bla|foo|bar|bla|
90foo 'bar' bla|foo|bar|bla|
91'foo' 'bar' 'bla'|foo|bar|bla|
92'foo' bar 'bla'|foo|bar|bla|
93'foo' bar bla|foo|bar|bla|
94blurb foo"bar"bar"fasel" baz|blurb|foobarbarfasel|baz|
95blurb foo'bar'bar'fasel' baz|blurb|foobarbarfasel|baz|
98foo "" bar|foo||bar|
99foo '' bar|foo||bar|
100foo "" "" "" bar|foo||||bar|
101foo '' '' '' bar|foo||||bar|
104"foo\ bar"|foo\ bar|
105"foo\\ bar"|foo\ bar|
106"foo\\ bar\""|foo\ bar"|
107"foo\\" bar\"|foo\|bar"|
108"foo\\ bar\" dfadf"|foo\ bar" dfadf|
109"foo\\\ bar\" dfadf"|foo\\ bar" dfadf|
110"foo\\\x bar\" dfadf"|foo\\x bar" dfadf|
111"foo\x bar\" dfadf"|foo\x bar" dfadf|
113'foo\ bar'|foo\ bar|
114'foo\\ bar'|foo\\ bar|
115"foo\\\x bar\" df'a\ 'df"|foo\\x bar" df'a\ 'df|
119"foo\ "|foo\ |
120foo\ xx|foo xx|
121foo\ x\x|foo xx|
122foo\ x\x\"|foo xx"|
123"foo\ x\x"|foo\ x\x|
124"foo\ x\x\\"|foo\ x\x\|
125"foo\ x\x\\""foobar"|foo\ x\x\foobar|
126"foo\ x\x\\"\'"foobar"|foo\ x\x\'foobar|
127"foo\ x\x\\"\'"fo'obar"|foo\ x\x\'fo'obar|
128"foo\ x\x\\"\'"fo'obar" 'don'\''t'|foo\ x\x\'fo'obar|don't|
129"foo\ x\x\\"\'"fo'obar" 'don'\''t' \\|foo\ x\x\'fo'obar|don't|\|
130'foo\ bar'|foo\ bar|
131'foo\\ bar'|foo\\ bar|
132foo\ bar|foo bar|
134:-) ;-)|:-)|;-)|
138class ShlexTest(unittest.TestCase):
139    def setUp(self):
140        self.data = [x.split("|")[:-1]
141                     for x in data.splitlines()]
142        self.posix_data = [x.split("|")[:-1]
143                           for x in posix_data.splitlines()]
144        for item in self.data:
145            item[0] = item[0].replace(r"\n", "\n")
146        for item in self.posix_data:
147            item[0] = item[0].replace(r"\n", "\n")
149    def splitTest(self, data, comments):
150        for i in range(len(data)):
151            l = shlex.split(data[i][0], comments=comments)
152            self.assertEqual(l, data[i][1:],
153                             "%s: %s != %s" %
154                             (data[i][0], l, data[i][1:]))
156    def oldSplit(self, s):
157        ret = []
158        lex = shlex.shlex(io.StringIO(s))
159        tok = lex.get_token()
160        while tok:
161            ret.append(tok)
162            tok = lex.get_token()
163        return ret
165    @mock.patch('sys.stdin', io.StringIO())
166    def testSplitNoneDeprecation(self):
167        with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
168            shlex.split(None)
170    def testSplitPosix(self):
171        """Test data splitting with posix parser"""
172        self.splitTest(self.posix_data, comments=True)
174    def testCompat(self):
175        """Test compatibility interface"""
176        for i in range(len(self.data)):
177            l = self.oldSplit(self.data[i][0])
178            self.assertEqual(l, self.data[i][1:],
179                             "%s: %s != %s" %
180                             (self.data[i][0], l, self.data[i][1:]))
182    def testSyntaxSplitAmpersandAndPipe(self):
183        """Test handling of syntax splitting of &, |"""
184        # Could take these forms: &&, &, |&, ;&, ;;&
185        # of course, the same applies to | and ||
186        # these should all parse to the same output
187        for delimiter in ('&&', '&', '|&', ';&', ';;&',
188                          '||', '|', '&|', ';|', ';;|'):
189            src = ['echo hi %s echo bye' % delimiter,
190                   'echo hi%secho bye' % delimiter]
191            ref = ['echo', 'hi', delimiter, 'echo', 'bye']
192            for ss, ws in itertools.product(src, (False, True)):
193                s = shlex.shlex(ss, punctuation_chars=True)
194                s.whitespace_split = ws
195                result = list(s)
196                self.assertEqual(ref, result,
197                                 "While splitting '%s' [ws=%s]" % (ss, ws))
199    def testSyntaxSplitSemicolon(self):
200        """Test handling of syntax splitting of ;"""
201        # Could take these forms: ;, ;;, ;&, ;;&
202        # these should all parse to the same output
203        for delimiter in (';', ';;', ';&', ';;&'):
204            src = ['echo hi %s echo bye' % delimiter,
205                   'echo hi%s echo bye' % delimiter,
206                   'echo hi%secho bye' % delimiter]
207            ref = ['echo', 'hi', delimiter, 'echo', 'bye']
208            for ss, ws in itertools.product(src, (False, True)):
209                s = shlex.shlex(ss, punctuation_chars=True)
210                s.whitespace_split = ws
211                result = list(s)
212                self.assertEqual(ref, result,
213                                 "While splitting '%s' [ws=%s]" % (ss, ws))
215    def testSyntaxSplitRedirect(self):
216        """Test handling of syntax splitting of >"""
217        # of course, the same applies to <, |
218        # these should all parse to the same output
219        for delimiter in ('<', '|'):
220            src = ['echo hi %s out' % delimiter,
221                   'echo hi%s out' % delimiter,
222                   'echo hi%sout' % delimiter]
223            ref = ['echo', 'hi', delimiter, 'out']
224            for ss, ws in itertools.product(src, (False, True)):
225                s = shlex.shlex(ss, punctuation_chars=True)
226                result = list(s)
227                self.assertEqual(ref, result,
228                                 "While splitting '%s' [ws=%s]" % (ss, ws))
230    def testSyntaxSplitParen(self):
231        """Test handling of syntax splitting of ()"""
232        # these should all parse to the same output
233        src = ['( echo hi )',
234               '(echo hi)']
235        ref = ['(', 'echo', 'hi', ')']
236        for ss, ws in itertools.product(src, (False, True)):
237            s = shlex.shlex(ss, punctuation_chars=True)
238            s.whitespace_split = ws
239            result = list(s)
240            self.assertEqual(ref, result,
241                             "While splitting '%s' [ws=%s]" % (ss, ws))
243    def testSyntaxSplitCustom(self):
244        """Test handling of syntax splitting with custom chars"""
245        ss = "~/a&&b-c --color=auto||d *.py?"
246        ref = ['~/a', '&', '&', 'b-c', '--color=auto', '||', 'd', '*.py?']
247        s = shlex.shlex(ss, punctuation_chars="|")
248        result = list(s)
249        self.assertEqual(ref, result, "While splitting '%s' [ws=False]" % ss)
250        ref = ['~/a&&b-c', '--color=auto', '||', 'd', '*.py?']
251        s = shlex.shlex(ss, punctuation_chars="|")
252        s.whitespace_split = True
253        result = list(s)
254        self.assertEqual(ref, result, "While splitting '%s' [ws=True]" % ss)
256    def testTokenTypes(self):
257        """Test that tokens are split with types as expected."""
258        for source, expected in (
259                                ('a && b || c',
260                                 [('a', 'a'), ('&&', 'c'), ('b', 'a'),
261                                  ('||', 'c'), ('c', 'a')]),
262                              ):
263            s = shlex.shlex(source, punctuation_chars=True)
264            observed = []
265            while True:
266                t = s.get_token()
267                if t == s.eof:
268                    break
269                if t[0] in s.punctuation_chars:
270                    tt = 'c'
271                else:
272                    tt = 'a'
273                observed.append((t, tt))
274            self.assertEqual(observed, expected)
276    def testPunctuationInWordChars(self):
277        """Test that any punctuation chars are removed from wordchars"""
278        s = shlex.shlex('a_b__c', punctuation_chars='_')
279        self.assertNotIn('_', s.wordchars)
280        self.assertEqual(list(s), ['a', '_', 'b', '__', 'c'])
282    def testPunctuationWithWhitespaceSplit(self):
283        """Test that with whitespace_split, behaviour is as expected"""
284        s = shlex.shlex('a  && b  ||  c', punctuation_chars='&')
285        # whitespace_split is False, so splitting will be based on
286        # punctuation_chars
287        self.assertEqual(list(s), ['a', '&&', 'b', '|', '|', 'c'])
288        s = shlex.shlex('a  && b  ||  c', punctuation_chars='&')
289        s.whitespace_split = True
290        # whitespace_split is True, so splitting will be based on
291        # white space
292        self.assertEqual(list(s), ['a', '&&', 'b', '||', 'c'])
294    def testPunctuationWithPosix(self):
295        """Test that punctuation_chars and posix behave correctly together."""
296        # see Issue #29132
297        s = shlex.shlex('f >"abc"', posix=True, punctuation_chars=True)
298        self.assertEqual(list(s), ['f', '>', 'abc'])
299        s = shlex.shlex('f >\\"abc\\"', posix=True, punctuation_chars=True)
300        self.assertEqual(list(s), ['f', '>', '"abc"'])
302    def testEmptyStringHandling(self):
303        """Test that parsing of empty strings is correctly handled."""
304        # see Issue #21999
305        expected = ['', ')', 'abc']
306        for punct in (False, True):
307            s = shlex.shlex("'')abc", posix=True, punctuation_chars=punct)
308            slist = list(s)
309            self.assertEqual(slist, expected)
310        expected = ["''", ')', 'abc']
311        s = shlex.shlex("'')abc", punctuation_chars=True)
312        self.assertEqual(list(s), expected)
314    def testUnicodeHandling(self):
315        """Test punctuation_chars and whitespace_split handle unicode."""
316        ss = "\u2119\u01b4\u2602\u210c\u00f8\u1f24"
317        # Should be parsed as one complete token (whitespace_split=True).
318        ref = ['\u2119\u01b4\u2602\u210c\u00f8\u1f24']
319        s = shlex.shlex(ss, punctuation_chars=True)
320        s.whitespace_split = True
321        self.assertEqual(list(s), ref)
322        # Without whitespace_split, uses wordchars and splits on all.
323        ref = ['\u2119', '\u01b4', '\u2602', '\u210c', '\u00f8', '\u1f24']
324        s = shlex.shlex(ss, punctuation_chars=True)
325        self.assertEqual(list(s), ref)
327    def testQuote(self):
328        safeunquoted = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '@%_-+=:,./'
329        unicode_sample = '\xe9\xe0\xdf'  # e + acute accent, a + grave, sharp s
330        unsafe = '"`$\\!' + unicode_sample
332        self.assertEqual(shlex.quote(''), "''")
333        self.assertEqual(shlex.quote(safeunquoted), safeunquoted)
334        self.assertEqual(shlex.quote('test file name'), "'test file name'")
335        for u in unsafe:
336            self.assertEqual(shlex.quote('test%sname' % u),
337                             "'test%sname'" % u)
338        for u in unsafe:
339            self.assertEqual(shlex.quote("test%s'name'" % u),
340                             "'test%s'\"'\"'name'\"'\"''" % u)
342    def testJoin(self):
343        for split_command, command in [
344            (['a ', 'b'], "'a ' b"),
345            (['a', ' b'], "a ' b'"),
346            (['a', ' ', 'b'], "a ' ' b"),
347            (['"a', 'b"'], '\'"a\' \'b"\''),
348        ]:
349            with self.subTest(command=command):
350                joined = shlex.join(split_command)
351                self.assertEqual(joined, command)
353    def testJoinRoundtrip(self):
354        all_data = self.data + self.posix_data
355        for command, *split_command in all_data:
356            with self.subTest(command=command):
357                joined = shlex.join(split_command)
358                resplit = shlex.split(joined)
359                self.assertEqual(split_command, resplit)
361    def testPunctuationCharsReadOnly(self):
362        punctuation_chars = "/|$%^"
363        shlex_instance = shlex.shlex(punctuation_chars=punctuation_chars)
364        self.assertEqual(shlex_instance.punctuation_chars, punctuation_chars)
365        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
366            shlex_instance.punctuation_chars = False
369# Allow this test to be used with old shlex.py
370if not getattr(shlex, "split", None):
371    for methname in dir(ShlexTest):
372        if methname.startswith("test") and methname != "testCompat":
373            delattr(ShlexTest, methname)
375if __name__ == "__main__":
376    unittest.main()