1"""Parse (absolute and relative) URLs.
3urlparse module is based upon the following RFC specifications.
5RFC 3986 (STD66): "Uniform Resource Identifiers" by T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding
6and L.  Masinter, January 2005.
8RFC 2732 : "Format for Literal IPv6 Addresses in URL's by R.Hinden, B.Carpenter
9and L.Masinter, December 1999.
11RFC 2396:  "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI)": Generic Syntax by T.
12Berners-Lee, R. Fielding, and L. Masinter, August 1998.
14RFC 2368: "The mailto URL scheme", by P.Hoffman , L Masinter, J. Zawinski, July 1998.
16RFC 1808: "Relative Uniform Resource Locators", by R. Fielding, UC Irvine, June
19RFC 1738: "Uniform Resource Locators (URL)" by T. Berners-Lee, L. Masinter, M.
20McCahill, December 1994
22RFC 3986 is considered the current standard and any future changes to
23urlparse module should conform with it.  The urlparse module is
24currently not entirely compliant with this RFC due to defacto
25scenarios for parsing, and for backward compatibility purposes, some
26parsing quirks from older RFCs are retained. The testcases in
27test_urlparse.py provides a good indicator of parsing behavior.
30import re
31import sys
32import types
33import collections
34import warnings
36__all__ = ["urlparse", "urlunparse", "urljoin", "urldefrag",
37           "urlsplit", "urlunsplit", "urlencode", "parse_qs",
38           "parse_qsl", "quote", "quote_plus", "quote_from_bytes",
39           "unquote", "unquote_plus", "unquote_to_bytes",
40           "DefragResult", "ParseResult", "SplitResult",
41           "DefragResultBytes", "ParseResultBytes", "SplitResultBytes"]
43# A classification of schemes.
44# The empty string classifies URLs with no scheme specified,
45# being the default value returned by “urlsplit” and “urlparse”.
47uses_relative = ['', 'ftp', 'http', 'gopher', 'nntp', 'imap',
48                 'wais', 'file', 'https', 'shttp', 'mms',
49                 'prospero', 'rtsp', 'rtspu', 'sftp',
50                 'svn', 'svn+ssh', 'ws', 'wss']
52uses_netloc = ['', 'ftp', 'http', 'gopher', 'nntp', 'telnet',
53               'imap', 'wais', 'file', 'mms', 'https', 'shttp',
54               'snews', 'prospero', 'rtsp', 'rtspu', 'rsync',
55               'svn', 'svn+ssh', 'sftp', 'nfs', 'git', 'git+ssh',
56               'ws', 'wss']
58uses_params = ['', 'ftp', 'hdl', 'prospero', 'http', 'imap',
59               'https', 'shttp', 'rtsp', 'rtspu', 'sip', 'sips',
60               'mms', 'sftp', 'tel']
62# These are not actually used anymore, but should stay for backwards
63# compatibility.  (They are undocumented, but have a public-looking name.)
65non_hierarchical = ['gopher', 'hdl', 'mailto', 'news',
66                    'telnet', 'wais', 'imap', 'snews', 'sip', 'sips']
68uses_query = ['', 'http', 'wais', 'imap', 'https', 'shttp', 'mms',
69              'gopher', 'rtsp', 'rtspu', 'sip', 'sips']
71uses_fragment = ['', 'ftp', 'hdl', 'http', 'gopher', 'news',
72                 'nntp', 'wais', 'https', 'shttp', 'snews',
73                 'file', 'prospero']
75# Characters valid in scheme names
76scheme_chars = ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
78                '0123456789'
79                '+-.')
81# Unsafe bytes to be removed per WHATWG spec
82_UNSAFE_URL_BYTES_TO_REMOVE = ['\t', '\r', '\n']
84# XXX: Consider replacing with functools.lru_cache
86_parse_cache = {}
88def clear_cache():
89    """Clear the parse cache and the quoters cache."""
90    _parse_cache.clear()
91    _safe_quoters.clear()
94# Helpers for bytes handling
95# For 3.2, we deliberately require applications that
96# handle improperly quoted URLs to do their own
97# decoding and encoding. If valid use cases are
98# presented, we may relax this by using latin-1
99# decoding internally for 3.3
100_implicit_encoding = 'ascii'
101_implicit_errors = 'strict'
103def _noop(obj):
104    return obj
106def _encode_result(obj, encoding=_implicit_encoding,
107                        errors=_implicit_errors):
108    return obj.encode(encoding, errors)
110def _decode_args(args, encoding=_implicit_encoding,
111                       errors=_implicit_errors):
112    return tuple(x.decode(encoding, errors) if x else '' for x in args)
114def _coerce_args(*args):
115    # Invokes decode if necessary to create str args
116    # and returns the coerced inputs along with
117    # an appropriate result coercion function
118    #   - noop for str inputs
119    #   - encoding function otherwise
120    str_input = isinstance(args[0], str)
121    for arg in args[1:]:
122        # We special-case the empty string to support the
123        # "scheme=''" default argument to some functions
124        if arg and isinstance(arg, str) != str_input:
125            raise TypeError("Cannot mix str and non-str arguments")
126    if str_input:
127        return args + (_noop,)
128    return _decode_args(args) + (_encode_result,)
130# Result objects are more helpful than simple tuples
131class _ResultMixinStr(object):
132    """Standard approach to encoding parsed results from str to bytes"""
133    __slots__ = ()
135    def encode(self, encoding='ascii', errors='strict'):
136        return self._encoded_counterpart(*(x.encode(encoding, errors) for x in self))
139class _ResultMixinBytes(object):
140    """Standard approach to decoding parsed results from bytes to str"""
141    __slots__ = ()
143    def decode(self, encoding='ascii', errors='strict'):
144        return self._decoded_counterpart(*(x.decode(encoding, errors) for x in self))
147class _NetlocResultMixinBase(object):
148    """Shared methods for the parsed result objects containing a netloc element"""
149    __slots__ = ()
151    @property
152    def username(self):
153        return self._userinfo[0]
155    @property
156    def password(self):
157        return self._userinfo[1]
159    @property
160    def hostname(self):
161        hostname = self._hostinfo[0]
162        if not hostname:
163            return None
164        # Scoped IPv6 address may have zone info, which must not be lowercased
165        # like http://[fe80::822a:a8ff:fe49:470c%tESt]:1234/keys
166        separator = '%' if isinstance(hostname, str) else b'%'
167        hostname, percent, zone = hostname.partition(separator)
168        return hostname.lower() + percent + zone
170    @property
171    def port(self):
172        port = self._hostinfo[1]
173        if port is not None:
174            try:
175                port = int(port, 10)
176            except ValueError:
177                message = f'Port could not be cast to integer value as {port!r}'
178                raise ValueError(message) from None
179            if not ( 0 <= port <= 65535):
180                raise ValueError("Port out of range 0-65535")
181        return port
183    __class_getitem__ = classmethod(types.GenericAlias)
186class _NetlocResultMixinStr(_NetlocResultMixinBase, _ResultMixinStr):
187    __slots__ = ()
189    @property
190    def _userinfo(self):
191        netloc = self.netloc
192        userinfo, have_info, hostinfo = netloc.rpartition('@')
193        if have_info:
194            username, have_password, password = userinfo.partition(':')
195            if not have_password:
196                password = None
197        else:
198            username = password = None
199        return username, password
201    @property
202    def _hostinfo(self):
203        netloc = self.netloc
204        _, _, hostinfo = netloc.rpartition('@')
205        _, have_open_br, bracketed = hostinfo.partition('[')
206        if have_open_br:
207            hostname, _, port = bracketed.partition(']')
208            _, _, port = port.partition(':')
209        else:
210            hostname, _, port = hostinfo.partition(':')
211        if not port:
212            port = None
213        return hostname, port
216class _NetlocResultMixinBytes(_NetlocResultMixinBase, _ResultMixinBytes):
217    __slots__ = ()
219    @property
220    def _userinfo(self):
221        netloc = self.netloc
222        userinfo, have_info, hostinfo = netloc.rpartition(b'@')
223        if have_info:
224            username, have_password, password = userinfo.partition(b':')
225            if not have_password:
226                password = None
227        else:
228            username = password = None
229        return username, password
231    @property
232    def _hostinfo(self):
233        netloc = self.netloc
234        _, _, hostinfo = netloc.rpartition(b'@')
235        _, have_open_br, bracketed = hostinfo.partition(b'[')
236        if have_open_br:
237            hostname, _, port = bracketed.partition(b']')
238            _, _, port = port.partition(b':')
239        else:
240            hostname, _, port = hostinfo.partition(b':')
241        if not port:
242            port = None
243        return hostname, port
246from collections import namedtuple
248_DefragResultBase = namedtuple('DefragResult', 'url fragment')
249_SplitResultBase = namedtuple(
250    'SplitResult', 'scheme netloc path query fragment')
251_ParseResultBase = namedtuple(
252    'ParseResult', 'scheme netloc path params query fragment')
254_DefragResultBase.__doc__ = """
255DefragResult(url, fragment)
257A 2-tuple that contains the url without fragment identifier and the fragment
258identifier as a separate argument.
261_DefragResultBase.url.__doc__ = """The URL with no fragment identifier."""
263_DefragResultBase.fragment.__doc__ = """
264Fragment identifier separated from URL, that allows indirect identification of a
265secondary resource by reference to a primary resource and additional identifying
269_SplitResultBase.__doc__ = """
270SplitResult(scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment)
272A 5-tuple that contains the different components of a URL. Similar to
273ParseResult, but does not split params.
276_SplitResultBase.scheme.__doc__ = """Specifies URL scheme for the request."""
278_SplitResultBase.netloc.__doc__ = """
279Network location where the request is made to.
282_SplitResultBase.path.__doc__ = """
283The hierarchical path, such as the path to a file to download.
286_SplitResultBase.query.__doc__ = """
287The query component, that contains non-hierarchical data, that along with data
288in path component, identifies a resource in the scope of URI's scheme and
289network location.
292_SplitResultBase.fragment.__doc__ = """
293Fragment identifier, that allows indirect identification of a secondary resource
294by reference to a primary resource and additional identifying information.
297_ParseResultBase.__doc__ = """
298ParseResult(scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment)
300A 6-tuple that contains components of a parsed URL.
303_ParseResultBase.scheme.__doc__ = _SplitResultBase.scheme.__doc__
304_ParseResultBase.netloc.__doc__ = _SplitResultBase.netloc.__doc__
305_ParseResultBase.path.__doc__ = _SplitResultBase.path.__doc__
306_ParseResultBase.params.__doc__ = """
307Parameters for last path element used to dereference the URI in order to provide
308access to perform some operation on the resource.
311_ParseResultBase.query.__doc__ = _SplitResultBase.query.__doc__
312_ParseResultBase.fragment.__doc__ = _SplitResultBase.fragment.__doc__
315# For backwards compatibility, alias _NetlocResultMixinStr
316# ResultBase is no longer part of the documented API, but it is
317# retained since deprecating it isn't worth the hassle
318ResultBase = _NetlocResultMixinStr
320# Structured result objects for string data
321class DefragResult(_DefragResultBase, _ResultMixinStr):
322    __slots__ = ()
323    def geturl(self):
324        if self.fragment:
325            return self.url + '#' + self.fragment
326        else:
327            return self.url
329class SplitResult(_SplitResultBase, _NetlocResultMixinStr):
330    __slots__ = ()
331    def geturl(self):
332        return urlunsplit(self)
334class ParseResult(_ParseResultBase, _NetlocResultMixinStr):
335    __slots__ = ()
336    def geturl(self):
337        return urlunparse(self)
339# Structured result objects for bytes data
340class DefragResultBytes(_DefragResultBase, _ResultMixinBytes):
341    __slots__ = ()
342    def geturl(self):
343        if self.fragment:
344            return self.url + b'#' + self.fragment
345        else:
346            return self.url
348class SplitResultBytes(_SplitResultBase, _NetlocResultMixinBytes):
349    __slots__ = ()
350    def geturl(self):
351        return urlunsplit(self)
353class ParseResultBytes(_ParseResultBase, _NetlocResultMixinBytes):
354    __slots__ = ()
355    def geturl(self):
356        return urlunparse(self)
358# Set up the encode/decode result pairs
359def _fix_result_transcoding():
360    _result_pairs = (
361        (DefragResult, DefragResultBytes),
362        (SplitResult, SplitResultBytes),
363        (ParseResult, ParseResultBytes),
364    )
365    for _decoded, _encoded in _result_pairs:
366        _decoded._encoded_counterpart = _encoded
367        _encoded._decoded_counterpart = _decoded
370del _fix_result_transcoding
372def urlparse(url, scheme='', allow_fragments=True):
373    """Parse a URL into 6 components:
374    <scheme>://<netloc>/<path>;<params>?<query>#<fragment>
376    The result is a named 6-tuple with fields corresponding to the
377    above. It is either a ParseResult or ParseResultBytes object,
378    depending on the type of the url parameter.
380    The username, password, hostname, and port sub-components of netloc
381    can also be accessed as attributes of the returned object.
383    The scheme argument provides the default value of the scheme
384    component when no scheme is found in url.
386    If allow_fragments is False, no attempt is made to separate the
387    fragment component from the previous component, which can be either
388    path or query.
390    Note that % escapes are not expanded.
391    """
392    url, scheme, _coerce_result = _coerce_args(url, scheme)
393    splitresult = urlsplit(url, scheme, allow_fragments)
394    scheme, netloc, url, query, fragment = splitresult
395    if scheme in uses_params and ';' in url:
396        url, params = _splitparams(url)
397    else:
398        params = ''
399    result = ParseResult(scheme, netloc, url, params, query, fragment)
400    return _coerce_result(result)
402def _splitparams(url):
403    if '/'  in url:
404        i = url.find(';', url.rfind('/'))
405        if i < 0:
406            return url, ''
407    else:
408        i = url.find(';')
409    return url[:i], url[i+1:]
411def _splitnetloc(url, start=0):
412    delim = len(url)   # position of end of domain part of url, default is end
413    for c in '/?#':    # look for delimiters; the order is NOT important
414        wdelim = url.find(c, start)        # find first of this delim
415        if wdelim >= 0:                    # if found
416            delim = min(delim, wdelim)     # use earliest delim position
417    return url[start:delim], url[delim:]   # return (domain, rest)
419def _checknetloc(netloc):
420    if not netloc or netloc.isascii():
421        return
422    # looking for characters like \u2100 that expand to 'a/c'
423    # IDNA uses NFKC equivalence, so normalize for this check
424    import unicodedata
425    n = netloc.replace('@', '')   # ignore characters already included
426    n = n.replace(':', '')        # but not the surrounding text
427    n = n.replace('#', '')
428    n = n.replace('?', '')
429    netloc2 = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', n)
430    if n == netloc2:
431        return
432    for c in '/?#@:':
433        if c in netloc2:
434            raise ValueError("netloc '" + netloc + "' contains invalid " +
435                             "characters under NFKC normalization")
437def urlsplit(url, scheme='', allow_fragments=True):
438    """Parse a URL into 5 components:
439    <scheme>://<netloc>/<path>?<query>#<fragment>
441    The result is a named 5-tuple with fields corresponding to the
442    above. It is either a SplitResult or SplitResultBytes object,
443    depending on the type of the url parameter.
445    The username, password, hostname, and port sub-components of netloc
446    can also be accessed as attributes of the returned object.
448    The scheme argument provides the default value of the scheme
449    component when no scheme is found in url.
451    If allow_fragments is False, no attempt is made to separate the
452    fragment component from the previous component, which can be either
453    path or query.
455    Note that % escapes are not expanded.
456    """
458    url, scheme, _coerce_result = _coerce_args(url, scheme)
460    for b in _UNSAFE_URL_BYTES_TO_REMOVE:
461        url = url.replace(b, "")
462        scheme = scheme.replace(b, "")
464    allow_fragments = bool(allow_fragments)
465    key = url, scheme, allow_fragments, type(url), type(scheme)
466    cached = _parse_cache.get(key, None)
467    if cached:
468        return _coerce_result(cached)
469    if len(_parse_cache) >= MAX_CACHE_SIZE: # avoid runaway growth
470        clear_cache()
471    netloc = query = fragment = ''
472    i = url.find(':')
473    if i > 0:
474        for c in url[:i]:
475            if c not in scheme_chars:
476                break
477        else:
478            scheme, url = url[:i].lower(), url[i+1:]
480    if url[:2] == '//':
481        netloc, url = _splitnetloc(url, 2)
482        if (('[' in netloc and ']' not in netloc) or
483                (']' in netloc and '[' not in netloc)):
484            raise ValueError("Invalid IPv6 URL")
485    if allow_fragments and '#' in url:
486        url, fragment = url.split('#', 1)
487    if '?' in url:
488        url, query = url.split('?', 1)
489    _checknetloc(netloc)
490    v = SplitResult(scheme, netloc, url, query, fragment)
491    _parse_cache[key] = v
492    return _coerce_result(v)
494def urlunparse(components):
495    """Put a parsed URL back together again.  This may result in a
496    slightly different, but equivalent URL, if the URL that was parsed
497    originally had redundant delimiters, e.g. a ? with an empty query
498    (the draft states that these are equivalent)."""
499    scheme, netloc, url, params, query, fragment, _coerce_result = (
500                                                  _coerce_args(*components))
501    if params:
502        url = "%s;%s" % (url, params)
503    return _coerce_result(urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, url, query, fragment)))
505def urlunsplit(components):
506    """Combine the elements of a tuple as returned by urlsplit() into a
507    complete URL as a string. The data argument can be any five-item iterable.
508    This may result in a slightly different, but equivalent URL, if the URL that
509    was parsed originally had unnecessary delimiters (for example, a ? with an
510    empty query; the RFC states that these are equivalent)."""
511    scheme, netloc, url, query, fragment, _coerce_result = (
512                                          _coerce_args(*components))
513    if netloc or (scheme and scheme in uses_netloc and url[:2] != '//'):
514        if url and url[:1] != '/': url = '/' + url
515        url = '//' + (netloc or '') + url
516    if scheme:
517        url = scheme + ':' + url
518    if query:
519        url = url + '?' + query
520    if fragment:
521        url = url + '#' + fragment
522    return _coerce_result(url)
524def urljoin(base, url, allow_fragments=True):
525    """Join a base URL and a possibly relative URL to form an absolute
526    interpretation of the latter."""
527    if not base:
528        return url
529    if not url:
530        return base
532    base, url, _coerce_result = _coerce_args(base, url)
533    bscheme, bnetloc, bpath, bparams, bquery, bfragment = \
534            urlparse(base, '', allow_fragments)
535    scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = \
536            urlparse(url, bscheme, allow_fragments)
538    if scheme != bscheme or scheme not in uses_relative:
539        return _coerce_result(url)
540    if scheme in uses_netloc:
541        if netloc:
542            return _coerce_result(urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path,
543                                              params, query, fragment)))
544        netloc = bnetloc
546    if not path and not params:
547        path = bpath
548        params = bparams
549        if not query:
550            query = bquery
551        return _coerce_result(urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path,
552                                          params, query, fragment)))
554    base_parts = bpath.split('/')
555    if base_parts[-1] != '':
556        # the last item is not a directory, so will not be taken into account
557        # in resolving the relative path
558        del base_parts[-1]
560    # for rfc3986, ignore all base path should the first character be root.
561    if path[:1] == '/':
562        segments = path.split('/')
563    else:
564        segments = base_parts + path.split('/')
565        # filter out elements that would cause redundant slashes on re-joining
566        # the resolved_path
567        segments[1:-1] = filter(None, segments[1:-1])
569    resolved_path = []
571    for seg in segments:
572        if seg == '..':
573            try:
574                resolved_path.pop()
575            except IndexError:
576                # ignore any .. segments that would otherwise cause an IndexError
577                # when popped from resolved_path if resolving for rfc3986
578                pass
579        elif seg == '.':
580            continue
581        else:
582            resolved_path.append(seg)
584    if segments[-1] in ('.', '..'):
585        # do some post-processing here. if the last segment was a relative dir,
586        # then we need to append the trailing '/'
587        resolved_path.append('')
589    return _coerce_result(urlunparse((scheme, netloc, '/'.join(
590        resolved_path) or '/', params, query, fragment)))
593def urldefrag(url):
594    """Removes any existing fragment from URL.
596    Returns a tuple of the defragmented URL and the fragment.  If
597    the URL contained no fragments, the second element is the
598    empty string.
599    """
600    url, _coerce_result = _coerce_args(url)
601    if '#' in url:
602        s, n, p, a, q, frag = urlparse(url)
603        defrag = urlunparse((s, n, p, a, q, ''))
604    else:
605        frag = ''
606        defrag = url
607    return _coerce_result(DefragResult(defrag, frag))
609_hexdig = '0123456789ABCDEFabcdef'
610_hextobyte = None
612def unquote_to_bytes(string):
613    """unquote_to_bytes('abc%20def') -> b'abc def'."""
614    # Note: strings are encoded as UTF-8. This is only an issue if it contains
615    # unescaped non-ASCII characters, which URIs should not.
616    if not string:
617        # Is it a string-like object?
618        string.split
619        return b''
620    if isinstance(string, str):
621        string = string.encode('utf-8')
622    bits = string.split(b'%')
623    if len(bits) == 1:
624        return string
625    res = [bits[0]]
626    append = res.append
627    # Delay the initialization of the table to not waste memory
628    # if the function is never called
629    global _hextobyte
630    if _hextobyte is None:
631        _hextobyte = {(a + b).encode(): bytes.fromhex(a + b)
632                      for a in _hexdig for b in _hexdig}
633    for item in bits[1:]:
634        try:
635            append(_hextobyte[item[:2]])
636            append(item[2:])
637        except KeyError:
638            append(b'%')
639            append(item)
640    return b''.join(res)
642_asciire = re.compile('([\x00-\x7f]+)')
644def unquote(string, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace'):
645    """Replace %xx escapes by their single-character equivalent. The optional
646    encoding and errors parameters specify how to decode percent-encoded
647    sequences into Unicode characters, as accepted by the bytes.decode()
648    method.
649    By default, percent-encoded sequences are decoded with UTF-8, and invalid
650    sequences are replaced by a placeholder character.
652    unquote('abc%20def') -> 'abc def'.
653    """
654    if isinstance(string, bytes):
655        return unquote_to_bytes(string).decode(encoding, errors)
656    if '%' not in string:
657        string.split
658        return string
659    if encoding is None:
660        encoding = 'utf-8'
661    if errors is None:
662        errors = 'replace'
663    bits = _asciire.split(string)
664    res = [bits[0]]
665    append = res.append
666    for i in range(1, len(bits), 2):
667        append(unquote_to_bytes(bits[i]).decode(encoding, errors))
668        append(bits[i + 1])
669    return ''.join(res)
672def parse_qs(qs, keep_blank_values=False, strict_parsing=False,
673             encoding='utf-8', errors='replace', max_num_fields=None, separator='&'):
674    """Parse a query given as a string argument.
676        Arguments:
678        qs: percent-encoded query string to be parsed
680        keep_blank_values: flag indicating whether blank values in
681            percent-encoded queries should be treated as blank strings.
682            A true value indicates that blanks should be retained as
683            blank strings.  The default false value indicates that
684            blank values are to be ignored and treated as if they were
685            not included.
687        strict_parsing: flag indicating what to do with parsing errors.
688            If false (the default), errors are silently ignored.
689            If true, errors raise a ValueError exception.
691        encoding and errors: specify how to decode percent-encoded sequences
692            into Unicode characters, as accepted by the bytes.decode() method.
694        max_num_fields: int. If set, then throws a ValueError if there
695            are more than n fields read by parse_qsl().
697        separator: str. The symbol to use for separating the query arguments.
698            Defaults to &.
700        Returns a dictionary.
701    """
702    parsed_result = {}
703    pairs = parse_qsl(qs, keep_blank_values, strict_parsing,
704                      encoding=encoding, errors=errors,
705                      max_num_fields=max_num_fields, separator=separator)
706    for name, value in pairs:
707        if name in parsed_result:
708            parsed_result[name].append(value)
709        else:
710            parsed_result[name] = [value]
711    return parsed_result
714def parse_qsl(qs, keep_blank_values=False, strict_parsing=False,
715              encoding='utf-8', errors='replace', max_num_fields=None, separator='&'):
716    """Parse a query given as a string argument.
718        Arguments:
720        qs: percent-encoded query string to be parsed
722        keep_blank_values: flag indicating whether blank values in
723            percent-encoded queries should be treated as blank strings.
724            A true value indicates that blanks should be retained as blank
725            strings.  The default false value indicates that blank values
726            are to be ignored and treated as if they were  not included.
728        strict_parsing: flag indicating what to do with parsing errors. If
729            false (the default), errors are silently ignored. If true,
730            errors raise a ValueError exception.
732        encoding and errors: specify how to decode percent-encoded sequences
733            into Unicode characters, as accepted by the bytes.decode() method.
735        max_num_fields: int. If set, then throws a ValueError
736            if there are more than n fields read by parse_qsl().
738        separator: str. The symbol to use for separating the query arguments.
739            Defaults to &.
741        Returns a list, as G-d intended.
742    """
743    qs, _coerce_result = _coerce_args(qs)
744    separator, _ = _coerce_args(separator)
746    if not separator or (not isinstance(separator, (str, bytes))):
747        raise ValueError("Separator must be of type string or bytes.")
749    # If max_num_fields is defined then check that the number of fields
750    # is less than max_num_fields. This prevents a memory exhaustion DOS
751    # attack via post bodies with many fields.
752    if max_num_fields is not None:
753        num_fields = 1 + qs.count(separator)
754        if max_num_fields < num_fields:
755            raise ValueError('Max number of fields exceeded')
757    pairs = [s1 for s1 in qs.split(separator)]
758    r = []
759    for name_value in pairs:
760        if not name_value and not strict_parsing:
761            continue
762        nv = name_value.split('=', 1)
763        if len(nv) != 2:
764            if strict_parsing:
765                raise ValueError("bad query field: %r" % (name_value,))
766            # Handle case of a control-name with no equal sign
767            if keep_blank_values:
768                nv.append('')
769            else:
770                continue
771        if len(nv[1]) or keep_blank_values:
772            name = nv[0].replace('+', ' ')
773            name = unquote(name, encoding=encoding, errors=errors)
774            name = _coerce_result(name)
775            value = nv[1].replace('+', ' ')
776            value = unquote(value, encoding=encoding, errors=errors)
777            value = _coerce_result(value)
778            r.append((name, value))
779    return r
781def unquote_plus(string, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace'):
782    """Like unquote(), but also replace plus signs by spaces, as required for
783    unquoting HTML form values.
785    unquote_plus('%7e/abc+def') -> '~/abc def'
786    """
787    string = string.replace('+', ' ')
788    return unquote(string, encoding, errors)
791                         b'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
792                         b'0123456789'
793                         b'_.-~')
795_safe_quoters = {}
797class Quoter(collections.defaultdict):
798    """A mapping from bytes (in range(0,256)) to strings.
800    String values are percent-encoded byte values, unless the key < 128, and
801    in the "safe" set (either the specified safe set, or default set).
802    """
803    # Keeps a cache internally, using defaultdict, for efficiency (lookups
804    # of cached keys don't call Python code at all).
805    def __init__(self, safe):
806        """safe: bytes object."""
807        self.safe = _ALWAYS_SAFE.union(safe)
809    def __repr__(self):
810        # Without this, will just display as a defaultdict
811        return "<%s %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, dict(self))
813    def __missing__(self, b):
814        # Handle a cache miss. Store quoted string in cache and return.
815        res = chr(b) if b in self.safe else '%{:02X}'.format(b)
816        self[b] = res
817        return res
819def quote(string, safe='/', encoding=None, errors=None):
820    """quote('abc def') -> 'abc%20def'
822    Each part of a URL, e.g. the path info, the query, etc., has a
823    different set of reserved characters that must be quoted. The
824    quote function offers a cautious (not minimal) way to quote a
825    string for most of these parts.
827    RFC 3986 Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax lists
828    the following (un)reserved characters.
830    unreserved    = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
831    reserved      = gen-delims / sub-delims
832    gen-delims    = ":" / "/" / "?" / "#" / "[" / "]" / "@"
833    sub-delims    = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
834                  / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
836    Each of the reserved characters is reserved in some component of a URL,
837    but not necessarily in all of them.
839    The quote function %-escapes all characters that are neither in the
840    unreserved chars ("always safe") nor the additional chars set via the
841    safe arg.
843    The default for the safe arg is '/'. The character is reserved, but in
844    typical usage the quote function is being called on a path where the
845    existing slash characters are to be preserved.
847    Python 3.7 updates from using RFC 2396 to RFC 3986 to quote URL strings.
848    Now, "~" is included in the set of unreserved characters.
850    string and safe may be either str or bytes objects. encoding and errors
851    must not be specified if string is a bytes object.
853    The optional encoding and errors parameters specify how to deal with
854    non-ASCII characters, as accepted by the str.encode method.
855    By default, encoding='utf-8' (characters are encoded with UTF-8), and
856    errors='strict' (unsupported characters raise a UnicodeEncodeError).
857    """
858    if isinstance(string, str):
859        if not string:
860            return string
861        if encoding is None:
862            encoding = 'utf-8'
863        if errors is None:
864            errors = 'strict'
865        string = string.encode(encoding, errors)
866    else:
867        if encoding is not None:
868            raise TypeError("quote() doesn't support 'encoding' for bytes")
869        if errors is not None:
870            raise TypeError("quote() doesn't support 'errors' for bytes")
871    return quote_from_bytes(string, safe)
873def quote_plus(string, safe='', encoding=None, errors=None):
874    """Like quote(), but also replace ' ' with '+', as required for quoting
875    HTML form values. Plus signs in the original string are escaped unless
876    they are included in safe. It also does not have safe default to '/'.
877    """
878    # Check if ' ' in string, where string may either be a str or bytes.  If
879    # there are no spaces, the regular quote will produce the right answer.
880    if ((isinstance(string, str) and ' ' not in string) or
881        (isinstance(string, bytes) and b' ' not in string)):
882        return quote(string, safe, encoding, errors)
883    if isinstance(safe, str):
884        space = ' '
885    else:
886        space = b' '
887    string = quote(string, safe + space, encoding, errors)
888    return string.replace(' ', '+')
890def quote_from_bytes(bs, safe='/'):
891    """Like quote(), but accepts a bytes object rather than a str, and does
892    not perform string-to-bytes encoding.  It always returns an ASCII string.
893    quote_from_bytes(b'abc def\x3f') -> 'abc%20def%3f'
894    """
895    if not isinstance(bs, (bytes, bytearray)):
896        raise TypeError("quote_from_bytes() expected bytes")
897    if not bs:
898        return ''
899    if isinstance(safe, str):
900        # Normalize 'safe' by converting to bytes and removing non-ASCII chars
901        safe = safe.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
902    else:
903        safe = bytes([c for c in safe if c < 128])
904    if not bs.rstrip(_ALWAYS_SAFE_BYTES + safe):
905        return bs.decode()
906    try:
907        quoter = _safe_quoters[safe]
908    except KeyError:
909        _safe_quoters[safe] = quoter = Quoter(safe).__getitem__
910    return ''.join([quoter(char) for char in bs])
912def urlencode(query, doseq=False, safe='', encoding=None, errors=None,
913              quote_via=quote_plus):
914    """Encode a dict or sequence of two-element tuples into a URL query string.
916    If any values in the query arg are sequences and doseq is true, each
917    sequence element is converted to a separate parameter.
919    If the query arg is a sequence of two-element tuples, the order of the
920    parameters in the output will match the order of parameters in the
921    input.
923    The components of a query arg may each be either a string or a bytes type.
925    The safe, encoding, and errors parameters are passed down to the function
926    specified by quote_via (encoding and errors only if a component is a str).
927    """
929    if hasattr(query, "items"):
930        query = query.items()
931    else:
932        # It's a bother at times that strings and string-like objects are
933        # sequences.
934        try:
935            # non-sequence items should not work with len()
936            # non-empty strings will fail this
937            if len(query) and not isinstance(query[0], tuple):
938                raise TypeError
939            # Zero-length sequences of all types will get here and succeed,
940            # but that's a minor nit.  Since the original implementation
941            # allowed empty dicts that type of behavior probably should be
942            # preserved for consistency
943        except TypeError:
944            ty, va, tb = sys.exc_info()
945            raise TypeError("not a valid non-string sequence "
946                            "or mapping object").with_traceback(tb)
948    l = []
949    if not doseq:
950        for k, v in query:
951            if isinstance(k, bytes):
952                k = quote_via(k, safe)
953            else:
954                k = quote_via(str(k), safe, encoding, errors)
956            if isinstance(v, bytes):
957                v = quote_via(v, safe)
958            else:
959                v = quote_via(str(v), safe, encoding, errors)
960            l.append(k + '=' + v)
961    else:
962        for k, v in query:
963            if isinstance(k, bytes):
964                k = quote_via(k, safe)
965            else:
966                k = quote_via(str(k), safe, encoding, errors)
968            if isinstance(v, bytes):
969                v = quote_via(v, safe)
970                l.append(k + '=' + v)
971            elif isinstance(v, str):
972                v = quote_via(v, safe, encoding, errors)
973                l.append(k + '=' + v)
974            else:
975                try:
976                    # Is this a sufficient test for sequence-ness?
977                    x = len(v)
978                except TypeError:
979                    # not a sequence
980                    v = quote_via(str(v), safe, encoding, errors)
981                    l.append(k + '=' + v)
982                else:
983                    # loop over the sequence
984                    for elt in v:
985                        if isinstance(elt, bytes):
986                            elt = quote_via(elt, safe)
987                        else:
988                            elt = quote_via(str(elt), safe, encoding, errors)
989                        l.append(k + '=' + elt)
990    return '&'.join(l)
993def to_bytes(url):
994    warnings.warn("urllib.parse.to_bytes() is deprecated as of 3.8",
995                  DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
996    return _to_bytes(url)
999def _to_bytes(url):
1000    """to_bytes(u"URL") --> 'URL'."""
1001    # Most URL schemes require ASCII. If that changes, the conversion
1002    # can be relaxed.
1003    # XXX get rid of to_bytes()
1004    if isinstance(url, str):
1005        try:
1006            url = url.encode("ASCII").decode()
1007        except UnicodeError:
1008            raise UnicodeError("URL " + repr(url) +
1009                               " contains non-ASCII characters")
1010    return url
1013def unwrap(url):
1014    """Transform a string like '<URL:scheme://host/path>' into 'scheme://host/path'.
1016    The string is returned unchanged if it's not a wrapped URL.
1017    """
1018    url = str(url).strip()
1019    if url[:1] == '<' and url[-1:] == '>':
1020        url = url[1:-1].strip()
1021    if url[:4] == 'URL:':
1022        url = url[4:].strip()
1023    return url
1026def splittype(url):
1027    warnings.warn("urllib.parse.splittype() is deprecated as of 3.8, "
1028                  "use urllib.parse.urlparse() instead",
1029                  DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
1030    return _splittype(url)
1033_typeprog = None
1034def _splittype(url):
1035    """splittype('type:opaquestring') --> 'type', 'opaquestring'."""
1036    global _typeprog
1037    if _typeprog is None:
1038        _typeprog = re.compile('([^/:]+):(.*)', re.DOTALL)
1040    match = _typeprog.match(url)
1041    if match:
1042        scheme, data = match.groups()
1043        return scheme.lower(), data
1044    return None, url
1047def splithost(url):
1048    warnings.warn("urllib.parse.splithost() is deprecated as of 3.8, "
1049                  "use urllib.parse.urlparse() instead",
1050                  DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
1051    return _splithost(url)
1054_hostprog = None
1055def _splithost(url):
1056    """splithost('//host[:port]/path') --> 'host[:port]', '/path'."""
1057    global _hostprog
1058    if _hostprog is None:
1059        _hostprog = re.compile('//([^/#?]*)(.*)', re.DOTALL)
1061    match = _hostprog.match(url)
1062    if match:
1063        host_port, path = match.groups()
1064        if path and path[0] != '/':
1065            path = '/' + path
1066        return host_port, path
1067    return None, url
1070def splituser(host):
1071    warnings.warn("urllib.parse.splituser() is deprecated as of 3.8, "
1072                  "use urllib.parse.urlparse() instead",
1073                  DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
1074    return _splituser(host)
1077def _splituser(host):
1078    """splituser('user[:passwd]@host[:port]') --> 'user[:passwd]', 'host[:port]'."""
1079    user, delim, host = host.rpartition('@')
1080    return (user if delim else None), host
1083def splitpasswd(user):
1084    warnings.warn("urllib.parse.splitpasswd() is deprecated as of 3.8, "
1085                  "use urllib.parse.urlparse() instead",
1086                  DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
1087    return _splitpasswd(user)
1090def _splitpasswd(user):
1091    """splitpasswd('user:passwd') -> 'user', 'passwd'."""
1092    user, delim, passwd = user.partition(':')
1093    return user, (passwd if delim else None)
1096def splitport(host):
1097    warnings.warn("urllib.parse.splitport() is deprecated as of 3.8, "
1098                  "use urllib.parse.urlparse() instead",
1099                  DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
1100    return _splitport(host)
1103# splittag('/path#tag') --> '/path', 'tag'
1104_portprog = None
1105def _splitport(host):
1106    """splitport('host:port') --> 'host', 'port'."""
1107    global _portprog
1108    if _portprog is None:
1109        _portprog = re.compile('(.*):([0-9]*)', re.DOTALL)
1111    match = _portprog.fullmatch(host)
1112    if match:
1113        host, port = match.groups()
1114        if port:
1115            return host, port
1116    return host, None
1119def splitnport(host, defport=-1):
1120    warnings.warn("urllib.parse.splitnport() is deprecated as of 3.8, "
1121                  "use urllib.parse.urlparse() instead",
1122                  DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
1123    return _splitnport(host, defport)
1126def _splitnport(host, defport=-1):
1127    """Split host and port, returning numeric port.
1128    Return given default port if no ':' found; defaults to -1.
1129    Return numerical port if a valid number are found after ':'.
1130    Return None if ':' but not a valid number."""
1131    host, delim, port = host.rpartition(':')
1132    if not delim:
1133        host = port
1134    elif port:
1135        try:
1136            nport = int(port)
1137        except ValueError:
1138            nport = None
1139        return host, nport
1140    return host, defport
1143def splitquery(url):
1144    warnings.warn("urllib.parse.splitquery() is deprecated as of 3.8, "
1145                  "use urllib.parse.urlparse() instead",
1146                  DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
1147    return _splitquery(url)
1150def _splitquery(url):
1151    """splitquery('/path?query') --> '/path', 'query'."""
1152    path, delim, query = url.rpartition('?')
1153    if delim:
1154        return path, query
1155    return url, None
1158def splittag(url):
1159    warnings.warn("urllib.parse.splittag() is deprecated as of 3.8, "
1160                  "use urllib.parse.urlparse() instead",
1161                  DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
1162    return _splittag(url)
1165def _splittag(url):
1166    """splittag('/path#tag') --> '/path', 'tag'."""
1167    path, delim, tag = url.rpartition('#')
1168    if delim:
1169        return path, tag
1170    return url, None
1173def splitattr(url):
1174    warnings.warn("urllib.parse.splitattr() is deprecated as of 3.8, "
1175                  "use urllib.parse.urlparse() instead",
1176                  DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
1177    return _splitattr(url)
1180def _splitattr(url):
1181    """splitattr('/path;attr1=value1;attr2=value2;...') ->
1182        '/path', ['attr1=value1', 'attr2=value2', ...]."""
1183    words = url.split(';')
1184    return words[0], words[1:]
1187def splitvalue(attr):
1188    warnings.warn("urllib.parse.splitvalue() is deprecated as of 3.8, "
1189                  "use urllib.parse.parse_qsl() instead",
1190                  DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
1191    return _splitvalue(attr)
1194def _splitvalue(attr):
1195    """splitvalue('attr=value') --> 'attr', 'value'."""
1196    attr, delim, value = attr.partition('=')
1197    return attr, (value if delim else None)