1;; Expects parameters to be set before invocation.
2;; Calls `exit' when done.
4#lang racket/base
6(require racket/path
7         racket/file
8         racket/port
9         racket/match
10         racket/system
11         racket/list
12         racket/string
13         compiler/cm
14         compiler/compilation-path
15         compiler/cross
16         planet/planet-archives
17         planet/private/planet-shared
18         (only-in planet/resolver resolve-planet-path)
19         setup/cross-system
20         setup/variant
22         "option.rkt"
23         compiler/compiler
24         (prefix-in compiler:option: compiler/option)
25         launcher/launcher
26         compiler/module-suffix
28         "unpack.rkt"
29         "getinfo.rkt"
30         "dirs.rkt"
31         "matching-platform.rkt"
32         "main-collects.rkt"
33         "path-to-relative.rkt"
34         "path-relativize.rkt"
35         "private/omitted-paths.rkt"
36         "parallel-build.rkt"
37         "private/cc-struct.rkt"
38         "link.rkt"
39         "private/dylib.rkt"
40         "private/elf.rkt"
41         "private/pkg-deps.rkt"
42         "collection-name.rkt"
43         "private/format-error.rkt"
44         "private/encode-relative.rkt"
45         "private/time.rkt"
46         compiler/private/dep
47         (only-in pkg/lib pkg-directory
48                  pkg-single-collection))
50(define-namespace-anchor anchor)
52;; Although we use `#:bootstrap?' mode for reading an "info.rkt" file,
53;; which disables the use of compiled bytecode, also use whatever
54;; namespace, .zo-use, and compilation configuration was in place for
55;; loading setup (just in case), instead of whatever is in place for
56;; the collections that setup is processing:
57(define make-getinfo
58  (let ([ns (namespace-anchor->empty-namespace anchor)]
59        [compile (current-compile)]
60        [loader (current-load/use-compiled)]
61        [paths (use-compiled-file-paths)])
62    (lambda (info-ns)
63      (lambda (path)
64        (parameterize ([current-namespace ns]
65                       [current-compile compile]
66                       [current-load/use-compiled loader]
67                       [use-compiled-file-paths paths])
68          (get-info/full path
69                         #:namespace info-ns
70                         #:bootstrap? #t))))))
72(provide setup-core)
74(define (setup-core)
76  (define name-str (setup-program-name))
77  (define name-sym (string->symbol name-str))
78  (define main-collects-dir (simple-form-path (find-collects-dir)))
79  (define main-collects-dirs (for/hash ([p (in-list (get-main-collects-search-dirs))])
80                               (values (simple-form-path p) #t)))
81  (define main-links-files (for/hash ([p (in-list (get-links-search-files))])
82                             (values (simple-form-path p) #t)))
84  (define mode-dir
85    (let ([compiled-dir (let ([l (or (setup-compiled-file-paths)
86                                     (use-compiled-file-paths))])
87                          (if (pair? l)
88                              (car l)
89                              "compiled"))])
90      (if (compile-mode)
91          (build-path compiled-dir (compile-mode))
92          (build-path compiled-dir))))
94  (unless (make-user)
95    (current-library-collection-paths
96     (for/list ([p (current-library-collection-paths)]
97                #:when (hash-ref main-collects-dirs p #f))
98       p)))
100  (current-library-collection-paths
101   (if (member #f (current-library-collection-links))
102       ;; Normal case, include current library collection paths:
103       (map simple-form-path (current-library-collection-paths))
104       ;; No `#f' in links list means that we don't look at
105       ;; the current library collection paths:
106       null))
108  (define (setup-fprintf p task s . args)
109    (let ([task (if task (string-append task ": ") "")])
110      (apply fprintf p
111             (string-append name-str ": " task s
112                            (if timestamp-output?
113                                (format " @ ~a" (current-process-milliseconds))
114                                "")
115                            "\n")
116             args)
117      (flush-output p)))
119  (define (setup-printf task s . args)
120    (apply setup-fprintf (current-output-port) task s args))
122  (define (exn->string x) (if (exn? x) (exn-message x) (format "~s" x)))
124  ;; auto-curried list-of
125  (define list-of
126    (case-lambda [(pred) (lambda (x) (and (list? x) (andmap pred x)))]
127                 [(pred x) ((list-of pred) x)]))
129  (define (relative-path-string? x) (and (path-string? x) (relative-path? x)))
131  (define (call-info info flag mk-default test)
132    (let ([v (info flag mk-default)]) (test v) v))
134  (define path->relative-string/console-bin
135    (make-path->relative-string
136     (list (cons find-console-bin-dir "<console-bin>/"))))
137  (define path->relative-string/gui-bin
138    (make-path->relative-string
139     (list (cons find-gui-bin-dir "<gui-bin>/"))))
141  (define path->relative-string/lib
142    (make-path->relative-string
143     (list (cons find-lib-dir "<lib>/"))))
145  (define path->relative-string/share
146    (make-path->relative-string
147     (list (cons find-share-dir "<share>/"))))
149  (define path->relative-string/man
150    (make-path->relative-string
151     (list (cons find-man-dir "<man>/"))))
153  (define-values (path->main-lib-relative
154                  main-lib-relative->path)
155    (make-relativize find-lib-dir
156                     'lib
157                     'path->main-lib-relative
158                     'main-lib-relative->path))
160  ;; For checking and debugging memory leaks; set `PLT_SETUP_DMS_ARGS`
161  ;; to an S-expression list and use `-j 1` to run a non-parallel setup:
162  (define post-collection-dms-args
163    (let ([v (getenv "PLT_SETUP_DMS_ARGS")])
164      (and v (read (open-input-string v)))))
166  ;; Also help to check for leaks: set `PLT_SETUP_LIMIT_CACHE` to
167  ;; avoid caching compile-file information across different collections:
168  (define limit-cross-collection-cache?
169    (getenv "PLT_SETUP_LIMIT_CACHE"))
171  ;; In non-parallel mode, forcing a GC after each collection or
172  ;; document is a relatively good time-to-space tradeoff, so do that
173  ;; unless `PLT_SETUP_NO_FORCE_GC` is set:
174  (define gc-after-each-sequential?
175    (not (getenv "PLT_SETUP_NO_FORCE_GC")))
177  ;; Option to show CPU time since startup on each status line:
178  (define timestamp-output?
179    (and (getenv "PLT_SETUP_SHOW_TIMESTAMPS") #t))
181  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
182  ;;                   Errors                      ;;
183  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
185  (define errors null)
186  (define exit-code 0)
187  (define original-thread (current-thread))
188  (define (append-error cc desc exn out err type)
189    (set! errors (cons (list cc desc exn out err type) errors))
190    (when (fail-fast)
191      (break-thread original-thread)))
192  (define (handle-error cc desc exn out err type)
193    (define long? #t) ; possibly better: (define long? (verbose))
194    (cond
195     [(exn? exn)
196      (format-error exn #:long? long?)]
197     [(and (pair? exn) (string? (car exn)) (string? (cdr exn)))
198      (eprintf "~a\n" ((if long? car cdr) exn))])
199    (append-error cc desc exn out err type))
200  (define (record-error cc desc go fail-k)
201    (with-handlers ([exn:fail?
202                     (lambda (x)
203                       (handle-error cc desc x "" "" "error")
204                       (fail-k))])
205      (go)))
206  (define-syntax begin-record-error
207    (syntax-rules ()
208      [(_ cc desc body ...) (record-error cc desc (lambda () body ...) void)]))
209  (define (show-errors port)
210    (for ([e (reverse errors)])
211      (match-let ([(list cc desc x out err type) e])
212        (setup-fprintf port type "during ~a for ~a" desc (cond
213                                                          [(cc? cc) (cc-name cc)]
214                                                          [(path? cc)
215                                                           (path->relative-string/setup cc #:cache pkg-path-cache)]
216                                                          [else cc]))
217        (let ([msg (cond
218                    [(exn? x)
219                     (format-error x #:long? #f #:to-string? #t #:cache pkg-path-cache)]
220                    [(not x)
221                     ;; No error; just output
222                     #f]
223                    [else
224                     ;; `x` is a pair of strings, long and short forms of the error:
225                     (cdr x)])])
226          (when x
227            (for ([str (in-list (regexp-split #rx"\n" msg))])
228              (setup-fprintf port #f "  ~a" str))))
229        (unless (zero? (string-length out)) (eprintf "STDOUT:\n~a=====\n" out))
230        (unless (zero? (string-length err)) (eprintf "STDERR:\n~a=====\n" err)))))
232  (define (done)
233    (unless (null? errors)
234      (setup-printf #f (add-time "--- summary of errors ---"))
235      (show-errors (current-error-port))
236      (when (pause-on-errors)
237        (eprintf "INSTALLATION FAILED.\nPress Enter to continue...\n")
238        (read-line))
239      (set! exit-code 1))
240    (manage-prevous-and-next)
241    (exit exit-code))
243  (define (manage-prevous-and-next)
244    (define prev (previous-error-in-file))
245    (when (and prev (file-exists? prev))
246      (setup-printf #f (add-time "--- previous errors ---"))
247      (setup-printf #f "errors were~a reported by a previous process"
248                    (if (zero? exit-code) "" " also"))
249      (set! exit-code 1))
250    (define next (next-error-out-file))
251    (when next
252      (cond
253        [(zero? exit-code)
254         (delete-directory/files next #:must-exist? #f)]
255        [else
256         (call-with-output-file*
257          next
258          #:exists 'truncate/replace
259          (lambda (o) (fprintf o "Errors reported\n")))
260         (set! exit-code 0)])))
262  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
263  ;;               Archive Unpacking               ;;
264  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
266  (define make-docs?
267    (and (make-docs)
268         ;; Double-check that `setup/scribble' is present:
269         (let ([p (collection-file-path "scribble.rkt" "setup")])
270           (or (file-exists? p)
271               (file-exists? (get-compilation-bytecode-file p))))))
273  (define (pkg->collections pkg)
274    (define dir (pkg-directory pkg))
275    (cond
276     [dir
277      (define collect (pkg-single-collection dir #:name pkg))
278      (if collect
279          (list (list collect))
280          (for/list ([d (directory-list dir)]
281                     #:when (and (directory-exists? (build-path dir d))
282                                 (collection-name-element? (path->string d))))
283            (list d)))]
284     [else
285      (error 'pkd->collections
286             (string-append "package not found\n"
287                            "  package: ~a")
288             pkg)]))
290  (define x-specific-collections
291    (append* (specific-collections)
292             (apply append
293                    (map pkg->collections
294                         (specific-packages)))
295             (if (and (make-doc-index)
296                      make-docs?)
297                 (append
298                  (if (not (avoid-main-installation))
299                      '(("scribblings/main"))
300                      null)
301                  (if (make-user)
302                      '(("scribblings/main/user"))
303                      null))
304                 null)
305             (for/list ([x (in-list (archives))])
306               (unpack x
307                       (build-path main-collects-dir 'up)
308                       (lambda (s) (setup-printf #f "~a" s))
309                       (current-target-directory-getter)
310                       (force-unpacks)
311                       (current-target-plt-directory-getter)))))
313  ;; specific-planet-dir ::=
314  ;;    - (list path[directory] string[owner] string[package-name] (listof string[extra package path]) Nat[maj] Nat[min]), or
315  ;;    - (list string[owner] string[package-name] string[maj as string] string[min as string])
316  ;; x-specific-planet-dir ::= (listof specific-planet-dir)
317  (define x-specific-planet-dirs
318    (if (make-planet) (specific-planet-dirs) null))
320  (define no-specific-collections?
321    (and (null? x-specific-collections)
322         (null? x-specific-planet-dirs)
323         (not (make-only))))
325  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
326  ;;              Find Collections                 ;;
327  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
329  (define pkg-path-cache (make-hash))
331  (define info-ns (make-base-namespace))
332  (define getinfo (make-getinfo info-ns))
334  (define info-failures (make-hash))
335  (define (getinfo/log-failure path)
336    (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (exn)
337                                 (if (hash-ref info-failures path #f)
338                                     #f
339                                     (begin
340                                       (hash-set! info-failures path #t)
341                                       (handle-error path "load of info.rkt" exn "" "" "error")
342                                       #f)))])
343      (getinfo path)))
345  (define (make-cc* collection parent path omit-root info-root
346                    info-path info-path-mode shadowing-policy
347                    main?)
348    (define info
349      (or (getinfo/log-failure path)
350          (lambda (flag mk-default) (mk-default))))
351    (define name
352      (call-info
353       info 'name (lambda () #f)
354       (lambda (x)
355         (when (and x (not (string? x)))
356           (error name-sym
357                  "'name' result from collection ~e is not a string: ~e"
358                  path x)))))
359    (define path-name (path->relative-string/setup path #:cache pkg-path-cache))
360    (when (info 'compile-subcollections (lambda () #f))
361      (setup-printf "WARNING"
362                    "ignoring `compile-subcollections' entry in info ~a"
363                    path-name))
364    (make-cc collection path
365             (if name
366                 (format "~a (~a)" path-name name)
367                 path-name)
368             info
369             parent
370             omit-root
371             info-root info-path info-path-mode
372             shadowing-policy
373             main?))
375  (define ((warning-handler v) exn)
376    (setup-printf "WARNING" "~a" (exn->string exn))
377    v)
379  ;; Maps a collection name to a list of `cc's:
380  (define collection-ccs-table (make-hash))
382  ;; collection-cc! : listof-path .... -> cc
383  (define (collection-cc! collection-p
384                          #:parent [parent-cc #f]
385                          #:path [dir (apply collection-path collection-p)]
386                          #:omit-root [omit-root #f]
387                          #:info-root [info-root #f]
388                          #:info-path [info-path #f]
389                          #:info-path-mode [info-path-mode 'relative]
390                          #:main? [main? #f])
391    (unless (directory-exists? dir)
392      (error name-sym "directory: ~e does not exist for collection: ~s"
393             dir
394             (string-join (map path->string collection-p) "/")))
395    (unless info-root
396      (error name-sym "cannot find info root for collection: ~s and path: ~e"
397             (string-join (map path->string collection-p) "/")
398             dir))
399    (define new-cc
400      (make-cc* collection-p
401                parent-cc
402                dir
403                (if (eq? omit-root 'dir)
404                    dir
405                    omit-root) ; #f => `omitted-paths' can reconstruct it
406                info-root
407                (or info-path
408                    (build-path info-root "info-domain" "compiled" "cache.rktd"))
409                info-path-mode
410                ;; by convention, all collections have "version" 1 0. This
411                ;; forces them to conflict with each other.
412                (list (cons 'lib (map path->string collection-p)) 1 0)
413                main?))
414    (when new-cc
415      (hash-update! collection-ccs-table
416                    collection-p
417                    (lambda (lst) (cons new-cc lst))
418                    null))
419    new-cc)
421  ;; collection->ccs : listof-path -> listof-cc
422  (define (collection->ccs collection-p)
423    (hash-ref collection-ccs-table collection-p null))
425  ;; planet-spec->planet-list : (list string string nat nat) -> (list path string string (listof string) nat nat) | #f
426  ;; converts a planet package spec into the information needed to create a cc structure
427  (define (planet-spec->planet-list spec)
428    (match spec
429      [(list owner pkg-name maj-str min-str)
430       (define maj
431         (or (string->number maj-str)
432             (error name-sym "bad major version for PLaneT package: ~e" maj-str)))
433       (define min
434         (or (string->number min-str)
435             (error name-sym "bad minor version for PLaneT package: ~e" min-str)))
436       (or (lookup-package-by-keys owner pkg-name maj min min)
437           (error name-sym "not an installed PLaneT package: (~e ~e ~e ~e)"
438                  owner pkg-name maj min))]
439      [_ spec]))
441  (define (planet-cc! path #:omit-root [omit-root path] owner pkg-file extra-path maj min)
442    (unless (path? path)
443      (error 'planet-cc! "non-path when building package ~e" pkg-file))
444    (and (directory-exists? path)
445         (make-cc* #f
446                   #f
447                   path
448                   omit-root
449                   #f ; don't need info-root; absolute paths in cache.rktd will be ok
450                   (get-planet-cache-path)
451                   'abs
452                   (list `(planet ,owner ,pkg-file ,@extra-path) maj min)
453                   #f)))
455  ;; planet-cc->sub-cc : cc (listof bytes [encoded path]) -> cc
456  ;; builds a compilation job for the given subdirectory of the given cc this
457  ;; is an awful hack
458  (define (planet-cc->sub-cc cc subdir)
459    (match-let ([(list (list 'planet owner pkg-file extra-path ...) maj min)
460                 (cc-shadowing-policy cc)])
461      (planet-cc! (apply build-path (cc-path cc) (map bytes->path subdir))
462                  #:omit-root (cc-omit-root cc)
463                  owner
464                  pkg-file
465                  (append extra-path subdir)
466                  maj
467                  min)))
469  (define (skip-collection-directory? collection)
470    ;; Skiping ".git" or ".svn" makes it cleaner to use a git of subversion
471    ;; checkout as a collection directory
472    (regexp-match? #rx"[.](git|svn)$" (path->bytes collection)))
474  ;; Add in all non-planet collections, first from
475  ;; `current-library-collection-paths':
476  (for ([cp (current-library-collection-paths)]
477        #:when (directory-exists? cp)
478        [collection (directory-list cp)]
479        #:unless (skip-collection-directory? collection)
480        #:when (directory-exists? (build-path cp collection)))
481    (collection-cc! (list collection)
482                    #:info-root cp
483                    #:path (build-path cp collection)
484                    #:main? (hash-ref main-collects-dirs cp #f)))
485  ;; Now from `current-library-collection-links' for installation-wide
486  ;; links:
487  (let ()
488    (define info-root (find-share-dir))
489    (define info-path (build-path info-root "info-cache.rktd"))
490    (define (cc! col #:path path)
491      (collection-cc! col
492                      #:path path
493                      #:info-root info-root
494                      #:info-path info-path
495                      #:info-path-mode 'abs-in-relative
496                      #:omit-root 'dir
497                      #:main? #t))
498    (for ([inst-links (in-list (current-library-collection-links))]
499          #:when (and (path? inst-links)
500                      (hash-ref main-links-files (simple-form-path inst-links) #f)))
501      (for ([c+p (in-list (links #:file inst-links #:with-path? #t))])
502        (cc! (list (string->path (car c+p)))
503             #:path (cdr c+p)))
504      (for ([cp (in-list (links #:root? #t #:file inst-links))]
505            #:when (directory-exists? cp)
506            [collection (directory-list cp)]
507            #:unless (skip-collection-directory? collection)
508            #:when (directory-exists? (build-path cp collection)))
509        (cc! (list collection)
510             #:path (build-path cp collection)))))
511  ;; Now from `current-library-collection-links' for user-specific
512  ;; links:
513  (when (make-user)
514    (define info-root (find-user-share-dir))
515    (define info-path (build-path info-root "info-cache.rktd"))
516    (define (cc! col #:path path)
517      (collection-cc! col
518                      #:path path
519                      #:info-root info-root
520                      #:info-path info-path
521                      #:info-path-mode 'abs-in-relative
522                      #:omit-root 'dir))
523    ;; A links spec in `current-library-collection-links' counts as
524    ;; user-specific when it's not in `make-links-files':
525    (for ([inst-links (in-list (current-library-collection-links))]
526          #:unless (and (path? inst-links)
527                        (hash-ref main-links-files (simple-form-path inst-links) #f)))
528      (cond
529       [(not inst-links) ; covered by `current-library-collection-paths'
530        (void)]
531       [(path? inst-links)
532        (for ([c+p (in-list (links #:file inst-links #:with-path? #t))])
533          (cc! (list (string->path (car c+p)))
534               #:path (cdr c+p)))
535        (for ([cp (in-list (links #:file inst-links #:root? #t))]
536              #:when (directory-exists? cp)
537              [collection (directory-list cp)]
538              #:unless (skip-collection-directory? collection)
539              #:when (directory-exists? (build-path cp collection)))
540          (cc! (list collection) #:path (build-path cp collection)))]
541       [else ; must be a hash table that simulates a links file:
542        (for* ([(coll-sym dir-list) (in-hash inst-links)]
543               [dir (in-list dir-list)])
544          (cond
545            [coll-sym
546             ;; A single collection
547             (cc! (map string->path (string-split (symbol->string coll-sym) "/")) #:path dir)]
548           [(directory-exists? dir)
549            ;; A directory that holds collections:
550            (for ([collection (directory-list dir)]
551                  #:unless (skip-collection-directory? collection)
552                  #:when (directory-exists? (build-path dir collection)))
553              (cc! (list collection) #:path (build-path dir collection)))]))])))
555  ;; `all-collections' lists all top-level collections (not from Planet):
556  (define all-collections
557    (apply append (hash-map collection-ccs-table (lambda (k v) v))))
559  ;; Close over sub-collections
560  (define (collection-closure collections-to-compile make-subs)
561    (define (get-subs cc)
562      (define info (cc-info cc))
563      (define ccp (cc-path cc))
564      ;; note: omit can be 'all, if this happens then this collection
565      ;; should not have been included, but we might jump in if a
566      ;; command-line argument specified a coll/subcoll
567      (define omit (omitted-paths ccp getinfo/log-failure (cc-omit-root cc)))
568      (define subs (if (eq? 'all omit)
569                     '()
570                     (filter (lambda (p)
571                               (and (directory-exists? (build-path ccp p))
572                                    (not (member p omit))))
573                             (directory-list ccp))))
574      (filter values (make-subs cc subs)))
575    (filter values
576            (let loop ([l collections-to-compile])
577              (append-map (lambda (cc) (cons cc (loop (get-subs cc)))) l))))
579  (define (collection-tree-map collections-to-compile has-module-suffix?)
580    (define (build-collection-tree cc)
581      (define (make-child-cc parent-cc name)
582        (collection-cc! (append (cc-collection parent-cc) (list name))
583                        #:parent parent-cc
584                        #:path (build-path (cc-path parent-cc) name)
585                        #:info-root (cc-info-root cc)
586                        #:info-path (cc-info-path cc)
587                        #:info-path-mode (cc-info-path-mode cc)
588                        #:omit-root (cc-omit-root cc)
589                        #:main? (cc-main? cc)))
590      (define info (cc-info cc))
591      (define ccp  (cc-path cc))
592      ;; note: omit can be 'all, if this happens then this collection
593      ;; should not have been included, but we might jump in if a
594      ;; command-line argument specified a coll/subcoll
595      (define omit (let ([omit (omitted-paths ccp getinfo/log-failure (cc-omit-root cc))])
596                     (if (eq? omit 'all)
597                         'all
598                         (append
599                          (if make-docs?
600                              null
601                              (list (string->path "scribblings")))
602                          omit))))
603      (define-values [dirs files]
604        (if (eq? 'all omit)
605            (values null null)
606            (partition (lambda (x) (directory-exists? (build-path ccp x)))
607                       (filter (lambda (p) (not (member p omit)))
608                               (directory-list ccp)))))
609      (define children-ccs
610        (map build-collection-tree
611             (filter-map (lambda (x) (make-child-cc cc x)) dirs)))
612      (define srcs
613        (append
614         (filter has-module-suffix? files)
615         (if (and make-docs?
616                  (not (eq? omit 'all)))
617             (filter (lambda (p) (not (member p omit)))
618                     (map (lambda (s) (if (string? s) (string->path s) s))
619                          (map car
620                               (let ([v (call-info info 'scribblings (lambda () null) void)])
621                                 ;; Ignore ill-formed 'scribblings entries at this level:
622                                 (if (list? v)
623                                     (for/list ([i (in-list v)]
624                                                #:when (and (pair? i)
625                                                            (string? (car i))))
626                                       i)
627                                     null)))))
628             null)
629         (map (lambda (s) (if (string? s) (string->path s) s))
630              (call-info info 'compile-include-files (lambda () null) void))))
631      (list cc srcs children-ccs))
632    (map build-collection-tree collections-to-compile))
634  (define (plt-collection-closure collections-to-compile)
635    (define (make-children-ccs cc children)
636      (map (lambda (child)
637             (collection-cc! (append (cc-collection cc) (list child))
638                             #:parent cc
639                             #:path (build-path (cc-path cc) child)
640                             #:info-root (cc-info-root cc)
641                             #:info-path (cc-info-path cc)
642                             #:info-path-mode (cc-info-path-mode cc)
643                             #:omit-root (cc-omit-root cc)
644                             #:main? (cc-main? cc)))
645           children))
646    (collection-closure collections-to-compile make-children-ccs))
648  (define (lookup-collection-closure collections-to-compile)
649    (define ht (make-hash))
650    (for ([cc (in-list collections-to-compile)])
651      (hash-set! ht cc #t))
652    (define (lookup-children-ccs! cc children)
653      (apply
654       append
655       (for/list ([child (in-list children)])
656         (for/list ([cc (in-list (collection->ccs (append (cc-collection cc) (list child))))]
657                    #:unless (hash-ref ht cc #f))
658           (hash-set! ht cc #t)
659           cc))))
660    (collection-closure collections-to-compile lookup-children-ccs!)
661    (for/list ([v (in-hash-keys ht)]) v))
663  (define all-collections-closure (plt-collection-closure all-collections))
665  (define (check-against-all given-ccs nothing-else-to-do?)
666    (when (and (null? given-ccs)
667               nothing-else-to-do?
668               (not (make-tidy)))
669      (setup-printf #f "nothing to do")
670      (exit 0))
671    (define (cc->name cc)
672      (string-join (map path->string (cc-collection cc)) "/"))
673    (define (cc->cc+name+id cc)
674      (list cc (cc->name cc) (file-or-directory-identity (cc-path cc))))
675    (define all-ccs+names+ids
676      (map cc->cc+name+id all-collections-closure))
677    ;; given collections
678    (define given-ccs+names+ids (map cc->cc+name+id given-ccs))
679    ;; descendants of given collections
680    (define descendants-names
681      (remove-duplicates
682       (append-map
683        (lambda (cc)
684          (map cc->name (remq cc (lookup-collection-closure (list cc)))))
685        given-ccs)))
686    ;; given collections without duplicates and without ones that are already
687    ;; descendants
688    (define given*-ccs+names+ids
689      (remove-duplicates
690       (filter (lambda (cc+name+id)
691                 (not (member (cadr cc+name+id) descendants-names)))
692               given-ccs+names+ids)
693       (lambda (x y)
694         (and (equal? (cadr x) (cadr y))
695              (equal? (cc-path (car x)) (cc-path (car y)))))))
696    ;; check that there are no bad duplicates in the given list
697    (for ([given-cc+name+id (in-list given*-ccs+names+ids)])
698      (define bad
699        (ormap (lambda (cc+name+id)
700                 (and (not (equal? (cadr cc+name+id) (cadr given-cc+name+id)))
701                      (equal? (caddr cc+name+id) (caddr given-cc+name+id))
702                      (cadr cc+name+id)))
703               all-ccs+names+ids))
704      (when bad
705        (error name-sym
706               "given collection path: \"~a\" refers to the same directory as another given collection path, \"~a\""
707               (cadr given-cc+name+id) bad)))
708    (map car given*-ccs+names+ids))
710  (define (sort-collections ccs)
711    (sort ccs string<? #:key cc-name))
713  (define (sort-collections-tree ccs)
714    (sort ccs string<? #:key (lambda (x) (cc-name (first x)))))
716  (define planet-collects
717    (if (make-planet)
718      (filter-map (lambda (spec) (apply planet-cc! spec))
719                  (if no-specific-collections?
720                    (get-all-planet-packages)
721                    (filter-map planet-spec->planet-list
722                                x-specific-planet-dirs)))
723      null))
725  (define all-top-level-plt-collects
726     (if no-specific-collections?
727         all-collections
728         (check-against-all
729          (append-map
730           (lambda (c)
731             (define sc (map (lambda (s) (if (path? s) (path->string s) s))
732                             c))
733             (define elems
734               (append-map (lambda (s) (map string->path (regexp-split #rx"/" s)))
735                           sc))
736             (define ccs (collection->ccs elems))
737             (when (null? ccs)
738               ;; let `collection-path' complain about the name, if that's the problem:
739               (with-handlers ([exn? (compose1 raise-user-error exn-message)])
740                 (apply collection-path elems))
741               ;; otherwise, it's probably a collection with nothing to compile;
742               ;; spell the name
743               (setup-printf "warning"
744                             "nothing to compile in a given collection path: \"~a\""
745                             (string-join sc "/")))
746             ccs)
747           x-specific-collections)
748          (null? planet-collects))))
750  (define top-level-plt-collects
751    (if (avoid-main-installation)
752        (filter (lambda (cc) (not (cc-main? cc)))
753                all-top-level-plt-collects)
754        all-top-level-plt-collects))
756  (define planet-dirs-to-compile
757    (sort-collections
758      (collection-closure
759        planet-collects
760        (lambda (cc subs)
761          (map (lambda (p) (planet-cc->sub-cc cc (list (path->bytes p))))
762               subs)))))
764  (define (combine-collections top-level-plt-collects)
765    (append
766     (sort-collections (lookup-collection-closure top-level-plt-collects))
767     planet-dirs-to-compile))
769  (define ccs-to-compile
770    (combine-collections top-level-plt-collects))
772  (define ccs-to-call-installers
773    (if (avoid-main-installation)
774        ;; Although we mostly avoid the main installation, we'll
775        ;; need to call main-installaiton launchers in case they
776        ;; support being called to perform only user-specific
777        ;; actions.
778        (combine-collections all-top-level-plt-collects)
779        ccs-to-compile))
781  (define ccs-to-make-launchers
782    (if (or (find-addon-tethered-console-bin-dir)
783            (find-addon-tethered-gui-bin-dir))
784        ccs-to-call-installers
785        ccs-to-compile))
787  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
788  ;;                  Clean                        ;;
789  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
791  (define (delete-file/record-dependency path dependencies)
792    (when (path-has-extension? path #".dep")
793      (define deps
794        (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (x) null)])
795          (with-input-from-file path read)))
796      (when (and (pair? deps) (list? deps))
797        (for ([s (in-list (cdddr deps))])
798          (unless (external-dep? s)
799            (define new-s (dep->path s))
800            (when (path-string? new-s) (hash-set! dependencies new-s #t))))))
801    (delete-file path))
803  (define (delete-files-in-directory path printout dependencies)
804    (for ([end-path (directory-list path)])
805      (let ([path (build-path path end-path)])
806        (cond [(directory-exists? path)
807               (void)]
808              [(file-exists? path)
809               (printout)
810               (delete-file/record-dependency path dependencies)]
811              [else (error 'delete-files-in-directory
812                           "encountered ~a, neither a file nor a directory"
813                           path)]))))
815  (define (assume-virtual-sources? cc)
816    (or ((cc-info cc) 'assume-virtual-sources (lambda () #f))
817        (let ([cc (cc-parent-cc cc)])
818          (and cc
819               (assume-virtual-sources? cc)))))
821  (define (clean-collection cc dependencies)
822    (begin-record-error cc "cleaning"
823      (define info (cc-info cc))
824      (define paths
825        (call-info
826         info
827         'clean
828         (lambda ()
829           (if (assume-virtual-sources? cc)
830               null
831               (list mode-dir
832                     (build-path mode-dir "native")
833                     (build-path mode-dir "native" (system-library-subpath)))))
834         (lambda (x)
835           (unless (list-of path-string? x)
836             (error name-sym
837                    "expected a list of path strings for 'clean, got: ~s"
838                    x)))))
839      (define printed? #f)
840      (define (print-message)
841        (unless printed?
842          (set! printed? #t)
843          (setup-printf "deleting" "in ~a"
844                        (path->relative-string/setup (cc-path cc)
845                                                     #:cache pkg-path-cache))))
846      (for ([path paths])
847        (define full-path (build-path (cc-path cc) path))
848        (when (or (file-exists? full-path) (directory-exists? full-path))
849          (let loop ([path (find-relative-path (simple-form-path (cc-path cc))
850                                               (simple-form-path full-path))])
851            (define-values [base name dir?] (split-path path))
852            (cond
853              [(path? base)
854               (loop base)]
855              [(eq? base 'relative)
856               (when (eq? name 'up)
857                 (error 'clean
858                        "attempted to clean files in ~s which is not a subdirectory of ~s"
859                        full-path
860                        (cc-path cc)))]
861              [else
862               (error 'clean
863                      "attempted to clean files in ~s which is not a subdirectory of ~s"
864                      full-path
865                      (cc-path cc))]))
866          (cond [(directory-exists? full-path)
867                 (delete-files-in-directory full-path print-message dependencies)]
868                [(file-exists? full-path)
869                 (delete-file/record-dependency full-path dependencies)
870                 (print-message)]
871                [else (void)])))))
873  (define (clean-step)
874    (setup-printf #f (add-time "--- cleaning collections ---"))
875    (define dependencies (make-hash))
876    ;; Main deletion:
877    (for ([cc ccs-to-compile]) (clean-collection cc dependencies))
878    ;; Unless specific collections were named, also delete .zos for
879    ;; referenced modules and delete info-domain cache
880    (when no-specific-collections?
881      (unless (or (avoid-main-installation)
882                  (not (make-user)))
883        (setup-printf #f "checking dependencies")
884        (let loop ([old-dependencies dependencies])
885          (define dependencies (make-hash))
886          (define did-something? #f)
887          (hash-for-each
888           old-dependencies
889           (lambda (file _)
890             (define-values [dir name dir?] (split-path file))
891             (define zo  (build-path dir mode-dir (path-add-extension name #".zo")))
892             (define dep (build-path dir mode-dir (path-add-extension name #".dep")))
893             (when (and (file-exists? dep) (file-exists? zo))
894               (set! did-something? #t)
895               (setup-printf "deleting" "~a" (path->relative-string/setup zo #:cache pkg-path-cache))
896               (delete-file/record-dependency zo dependencies)
897               (delete-file/record-dependency dep dependencies))))
898          (when did-something? (loop dependencies))))
899      (when (make-info-domain)
900        (setup-printf #f "clearing info-domain caches")
901        (define (check-one-info-domain fn)
902          (when (file-exists? fn)
903            (with-handlers ([exn:fail:filesystem? (warning-handler (void))])
904              (with-output-to-file fn void #:exists 'truncate/replace))))
905        (for ([p (current-library-collection-paths)])
906          (unless (or (and (avoid-main-installation) (hash-ref main-collects-dirs p #f))
907                      (and (not (make-user)) (not (hash-ref main-collects-dirs p #f))))
908            (check-one-info-domain (build-path p "info-domain" "compiled" "cache.rktd"))))
909        (unless (avoid-main-installation)
910          (check-one-info-domain (build-path (find-share-dir) "info-cache.rktd")))
911        (when (make-user)
912          (check-one-info-domain (build-path (find-user-share-dir) "info-cache.rktd"))))
913      (when make-docs?
914        (setup-printf #f "deleting documentation databases")
915        (for ([d (in-list (append (if (avoid-main-installation)
916                                      null
917                                      (list (find-user-doc-dir)))
918                                  (if (make-user)
919                                      (list (find-user-doc-dir))
920                                      null)))])
921          (when d
922            (define f (build-path d "docindex.sqlite"))
923            (when (file-exists? f)
924              (delete-file f)))))))
926  (define (do-install-part part)
927    (when (if (eq? part 'post) (call-post-install) (call-install))
928      (setup-printf #f (add-time
929                        (format "--- ~ainstalling collections ---"
930                                (case part
931                                  [(pre) "pre-"]
932                                  [(general) ""]
933                                  [(post) "post-"]))))
934      (for ([cc ccs-to-call-installers])
935        (let/ec k
936          (begin-record-error cc (case part
937                                   [(pre)     "early install"]
938                                   [(general) "general install"]
939                                   [(post)    "post install"])
940            (define fn
941              (call-info (cc-info cc)
942                (case part
943                  [(pre)     'pre-install-collection]
944                  [(general) 'install-collection]
945                  [(post)    'post-install-collection])
946                (lambda () (k #f))
947                (lambda (v)
948                  (unless (relative-path-string? v)
949                    (error "result is not a relative path string: " v))
950                  (define p (build-path (cc-path cc) v))
951                  (unless (or (file-exists? p)
952                              (bytecode-file-exists? p))
953                    (error "installer file does not exist: " p)))))
954            (define installer
955              (with-handlers ([exn:fail?
956                               (lambda (exn)
957                                 (error name-sym
958                                        "error loading installer: ~a"
959                                        (exn->string exn)))])
960                (define base-installer
961                  (dynamic-require (build-path (cc-path cc) fn)
962                                   (case part
963                                     [(pre)     'pre-installer]
964                                     [(general) 'installer]
965                                     [(post)    'post-installer])))
966                (if (and (cc-main? cc)
967                         (avoid-main-installation)
968                         (not (procedure-arity-includes? base-installer 4)))
969                    #f
970                    base-installer)))
971            (when installer
972              (setup-printf (format "~ainstalling"
973                                    (case part
974                                      [(pre) "pre-"]
975                                      [(post) "post-"]
976                                      [else ""]))
977                            "~a"
978                            (cc-name cc))
979              (define dir (build-path main-collects-dir 'up))
980              (cond
981               [(procedure-arity-includes? installer 4)
982                (installer dir (cc-path cc) (not (cc-main? cc)) (and (cc-main? cc)
983                                                                     (avoid-main-installation)))]
984               [(procedure-arity-includes? installer 3)
985                (installer dir (cc-path cc) (not (cc-main? cc)))]
986               [(procedure-arity-includes? installer 2)
987                (installer dir (cc-path cc))]
988               [else
989                (installer dir)])))))))
991  (define (bytecode-file-exists? p)
992    (parameterize ([use-compiled-file-paths (list mode-dir)])
993      (define zo (get-compilation-bytecode-file	p))
994      (file-exists? zo)))
996  (define (this-platform? info)
997    (define sys
998      (call-info info
999                 'install-platform
1000                 (lambda () #rx"")
1001                 (lambda (v)
1002                   (unless (or (regexp? v)
1003                               (string? v)
1004                               (symbol? v))
1005                     (error "entry is not regexp, string, or symbol:" v)))))
1006    (matching-platform? sys #:cross? #t))
1008  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1009  ;;                  Make zo                      ;;
1010  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1012  (define (control-io print-verbose thunk)
1013    (if (make-verbose)
1014      (thunk)
1015      (let* ([oop (current-output-port)]
1016             [dir-table (make-hash)]
1017             [doing-path (lambda (path)
1018                           (unless (verbose)
1019                             (let ([path (path-only path)])
1020                               (unless (hash-ref dir-table path #f)
1021                                 (hash-set! dir-table path #t)
1022                                 (print-verbose oop path)))))])
1023        (parameterize ([current-output-port (if (verbose) (current-output-port) (open-output-nowhere))]
1024                       [compile-notify-handler doing-path])
1025          (thunk)))))
1027  (define (clean-cc cc)
1028    ;; Clean up bad .zos:
1029    (unless (assume-virtual-sources? cc)
1030      (define dir (cc-path cc))
1031      (define info (cc-info cc))
1032      (define roots
1033        ;; If there's more than one relative root, then there will
1034        ;; be multiple ways to get to a ".zo" file, and our strategy
1035        ;; below will fail. Give up on checking relative roots in
1036        ;; that case.
1037        (let ([roots (current-compiled-file-roots)])
1038          (if (1 . < . (for/sum ([r (in-list roots)])
1039                         (if (or (eq? r 'same)
1040                                 (relative-path? r))
1041                             1
1042                             0)))
1043              ;; give up on relative:
1044              (filter (lambda (p) (and (path? p) (absolute-path? p)))
1045                      roots)
1046              ;; all roots ok:
1047              roots)))
1048      ;; Try each compile-file root, but preserve the list of allowed
1049      ;; bytecode files after it's computed the first time.
1050      (for/fold ([ok-zo-files #f]) ([root (in-list roots)])
1051        (define c (cond
1052                   [(eq? root 'same) (build-path dir mode-dir)]
1053                   [(relative-path? root)
1054                    (build-path dir root mode-dir)]
1055                   [else
1056                    (reroot-path (build-path dir mode-dir) root)]))
1057        (cond
1058         [(directory-exists? c)
1059          ;; Directory for compiled files exist...
1060          (let ([ok-zo-files
1061                 (or ok-zo-files
1062                     ;; Build table of allowed ".zo" file names that can
1063                     ;; appear in a "compiled" directory:
1064                     (make-immutable-hash
1065                      (map (lambda (p)
1066                             (cons (path-add-extension p #".zo") #t))
1067                           (append (directory-list dir)
1068                                   (info 'virtual-sources (lambda () null))))))])
1069            ;; Check each file in `c` to see whether it can stay:
1070            (for ([p (directory-list c)])
1071              (when (and (regexp-match? #rx#".[.](zo|dep)$" (path-element->bytes p))
1072                         (not (hash-ref ok-zo-files (path-replace-extension p #".zo") #f)))
1073                (setup-fprintf (current-error-port) #f " deleting ~a" (build-path c p))
1074                (delete-file (build-path c p))))
1075            ok-zo-files)]
1076         [else ok-zo-files]))))
1078  (define (with-specified-mode thunk)
1079    (if (not (compile-mode))
1080      (thunk)
1081      ;; Use the indicated mode
1082      (let ([zo-compile
1083             (with-handlers ([exn:fail?
1084                              (lambda (exn)
1085                                (error name-sym
1086                                       "error loading compiler for mode ~s: ~a"
1087                                       (compile-mode)
1088                                       (exn->string exn)))])
1089               (dynamic-require `(lib "zo-compile.rkt" ,(compile-mode))
1090                                'zo-compile))]
1091            [orig-kinds (use-compiled-file-paths)]
1092            [orig-compile (current-compile)]
1093            [orig-namespace (namespace-anchor->empty-namespace anchor)])
1094        (parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-empty-namespace)]
1095                       [current-compile zo-compile]
1096                       [use-compiled-file-paths (list mode-dir)]
1097                       [current-compiler-dynamic-require-wrapper
1098                        (lambda (thunk)
1099                          (parameterize ([current-namespace orig-namespace]
1100                                         [use-compiled-file-paths orig-kinds]
1101                                         [current-compile orig-compile])
1102                            (thunk)))])
1103          (thunk)))))
1105  ;; We keep timestamp information for all files that we try to compile.
1106  ;; That's O(N) for an installation of size N, but the constant is small,
1107  ;; and it makes a do-nothing setup complete much faster. But set the
1108  ;; `PLT_SETUP_LIMIT_CACHE` environment variable to disable it.
1109  (define caching-managed-compile-zo (and (not limit-cross-collection-cache?)
1110                                          (make-caching-managed-compile-zo)))
1112  (define (compile-cc cc gcs has-module-suffix?)
1113    (parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-empty-namespace)])
1114      (begin-record-error cc "making"
1115        (setup-printf "making" "~a" (cc-name cc))
1116        (control-io
1117         (lambda (p where)
1118            (when gc-after-each-sequential?
1119              ;; trigger `(collect-garbage)` afterward, and again after next collection:
1120              (set! gcs 2))
1121            (setup-fprintf p #f " in ~a"
1122                           (path->relative-string/setup
1123                            (path->complete-path where (cc-path cc))
1124                            #:cache pkg-path-cache)))
1125         (lambda ()
1126           (define dir  (cc-path cc))
1127           (define info (cc-info cc))
1128           (compile-directory-zos dir info
1129                                  #:verbose (verbose)
1130                                  #:has-module-suffix? has-module-suffix?
1131                                  #:omit-root (cc-omit-root cc)
1132                                  #:managed-compile-zo (or caching-managed-compile-zo
1133                                                           (make-caching-managed-compile-zo))
1134                                  #:skip-path (and (avoid-main-installation) main-collects-dir)
1135                                  #:skip-doc-sources? (not make-docs?))))))
1136    (when post-collection-dms-args
1137      (collect-garbage)
1138      (apply dump-memory-stats post-collection-dms-args))
1139    (if (eq? 0 gcs)
1140        0
1141        (begin (collect-garbage) (sub1 gcs))))
1143  ;; To avoid polluting the compilation with modules that are already loaded,
1144  ;; create a fresh namespace before calling this function.
1145  ;; To avoid keeping modules in memory across collections, pass
1146  ;; `make-base-namespace' as `get-namespace', otherwise use
1147  ;; `current-namespace' for `get-namespace'.
1148  (define (iterate-cct thunk cct)
1149    (let loop ([cct cct])
1150      (map (lambda (x) (thunk (first x)) (loop (third x))) cct)))
1152  (define (make-zo-step)
1153    (define (partition-cct name cct)
1154      (partition (lambda (x) (not (regexp-match? name (cc-name (car x))))) cct))
1155    (define (move-to where names cct)
1156      (for/fold ([cct cct]) ([name (in-list (reverse names))])
1157        (define-values [diff same] (partition-cct name cct))
1158        (case where
1159          [(beginning) (append same diff)]
1160          [(end) (append diff same)])))
1161    (define has-module-suffix?
1162      (let ([rx (get-module-suffix-regexp
1163                 #:mode (cond
1164                         [(make-user) 'preferred]
1165                         [else 'no-user])
1166                 #:group 'libs
1167                 #:namespace info-ns)])
1168        (lambda (p) (regexp-match? rx p))))
1169    (setup-printf #f (add-time "--- compiling collections ---"))
1170    (if ((parallel-workers) . > . 1)
1171      (begin
1172        (when (or no-specific-collections?
1173                  (member "racket" x-specific-collections))
1174          (for/fold ([gcs 0]) ([cc (in-list (collection->ccs (list (string->path "racket"))))])
1175            (when (and (cc-main? cc)
1176                       (member (cc-info-root cc)
1177                               (current-library-collection-paths)))
1178              (compile-cc cc 0 has-module-suffix?))))
1179        (with-specified-mode
1180          (lambda ()
1181            (define cct
1182              (move-to 'beginning (list #rx"/compiler$" #rx"/raco$" #rx"/racket$" #rx"<pkgs>/images/")
1183                       (move-to 'end (list #rx"<pkgs>/drracket")
1184                                (sort-collections-tree
1185                                 (collection-tree-map top-level-plt-collects
1186                                                      has-module-suffix?)))))
1187            (iterate-cct clean-cc cct)
1188            (parallel-compile (parallel-workers) setup-fprintf handle-error cct
1189                              #:use-places? (parallel-use-places)
1190                              #:options (append
1191                                         (if (not (current-compile-target-machine))
1192                                             '(compile-any)
1193                                             '())
1194                                         (if (managed-recompile-only)
1195                                             '(recompile-only)
1196                                             '())))
1197            (for/fold ([gcs 0]) ([cc planet-dirs-to-compile])
1198              (compile-cc cc gcs has-module-suffix?)))))
1199      (with-specified-mode
1200        (lambda ()
1201          (for ([cc ccs-to-compile])
1202            (clean-cc cc))
1203          (for/fold ([gcs 0]) ([cc ccs-to-compile])
1204            (compile-cc cc gcs has-module-suffix?))))))
1206  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1207  ;;               Info-Domain Cache               ;;
1208  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1210  (define (make-info-domain-step)
1211    (setup-printf #f (add-time "--- updating info-domain tables ---"))
1212    ;; Each ht maps a collection root dir to an info-domain table. Even when
1213    ;; `collections-to-compile' is a subset of all collections, we only care
1214    ;; about those collections that exist in the same root as the ones in
1215    ;; `collections-to-compile'.
1216    (define ht (make-hash))
1217    (define ht-orig (make-hash))
1218    (define roots (make-hash))
1219    (define (get-info-ht info-root info-path info-path-mode)
1220      (define-values (path->info-relative info-relative->path)
1221        (apply values
1222               (hash-ref roots
1223                         info-root
1224                         (lambda ()
1225                           (define-values [p-> ->p]
1226                             (if info-root
1227                                 (make-relativize (lambda () info-root)
1228                                                  'info
1229                                                  'path->info-relative
1230                                                  'info-relative->path)
1231                                 (values #f #f)))
1232                           (hash-set! roots info-root (list p-> ->p))
1233                           (list p-> ->p)))))
1234      (hash-ref ht info-path
1235                (lambda ()
1236                  ;; No table for this root, yet. Build one.
1237                  (define l
1238                    (let ([p info-path])
1239                      (if (file-exists? p)
1240                          (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (warning-handler null)])
1241                            (with-input-from-file p read))
1242                          null)))
1243                  ;; Convert list to hash table. Include only well-formed
1244                  ;; list elements, and only elements whose corresponding
1245                  ;; collection exists.
1246                  (define t (make-hash))
1247                  (define all-ok? #f)
1248                  (when (list? l)
1249                    (set! all-ok? #t)
1250                    (for ([i l])
1251                      (match i
1252                        [(list (and a (or (? bytes?)
1253                                          (list (or 'info 'lib) (? bytes?) ...)
1254                                          (list 'rel (or 'up (? bytes?)) ...)))
1255                               (list (? symbol? b) ...) c (? integer? d) (? integer? e))
1256                         (define p
1257                           (cond
1258                            [(bytes? a) (bytes->path a)]
1259                            [(and (pair? a) (eq? 'rel (car a)))
1260                             (decode-relative-path a)]
1261                            [else a]))
1262                         (define (normalize-relative-encoding a p)
1263                           (if (and (bytes? a) (relative-path? p))
1264                               ;; Convert to encoded form, since new entries will
1265                               ;; use encoding to avoid path-convention problems
1266                               ;; with cross-compilation:
1267                               (encode-relative-path p)
1268                               a))
1269                         ;; Check that the path is suitably absolute or relative:
1270                         (define dir
1271                           (case info-path-mode
1272                             [(relative abs-in-relative)
1273                              (or (and (list? p)
1274                                       (if (eq? (car p) 'info)
1275                                           (info-relative->path p)
1276                                           (main-lib-relative->path p)))
1277                                   ;; `c' must be `(lib ...)'
1278                                  (and (or (relative-path? p)
1279                                           ;; Keep a complete path only if it could not be
1280                                           ;; made relative:
1281                                           (and (complete-path? p)
1282                                                (complete-path?
1283                                                 (find-relative-path info-root
1284                                                                     p
1285                                                                     #:more-than-root? #t))))
1286                                       (list? c)
1287                                       (pair? c)
1288                                       (eq? 'lib (car c))
1289                                       (pair? (cdr c))
1290                                       (andmap string? (cdr c))
1291                                       (let ([p (simplify-path (path->complete-path p info-root))])
1292                                         (and
1293                                          ;; path must match some cc:
1294                                          (for/or ([cc (in-list all-collections-closure)])
1295                                            (equal? p (cc-path cc)))
1296                                          p))))]
1297                             [(abs)
1298                              (and (complete-path? p)
1299                                   (match c
1300                                     [(list 'planet (? string? a) (? string? pk))
1301                                      ;; Check that the package is installed and maps to `p`:
1302                                      (and (get-installed-package a pk d e)
1303                                           (let ([bp (resolve-planet-path
1304                                                      `(planet "bogus.rkt" (,a ,pk ,d ,e)))])
1305                                             (and (path? bp)
1306                                                  (let-values ([(base name dir?) (split-path bp)])
1307                                                    (and (path? base)
1308                                                         (equal? (path->directory-path p)
1309                                                                 (path->directory-path base)))))))]
1310                                     [_
1311                                      #t])
1312                                   p)]))
1313                         (if (and dir
1314                                  (let ([omit-root
1315                                         (if (path? p)
1316                                             ;; absolute path => need a root for checking omits;
1317                                             ;; for a collection path of length N, go up N-1 dirs:
1318                                             (simplify-path (apply build-path p (for/list ([i (cddr c)]) 'up)) #f)
1319                                             ;; relative path => no root needed for checking omits:
1320                                             #f)])
1321                                    (and (directory-exists? dir)
1322                                         (not (eq? 'all (omitted-paths dir getinfo/log-failure omit-root)))))
1323                                  (or (file-exists? (build-path dir "info.rkt"))
1324                                      (file-exists? (build-path dir "info.ss"))))
1325                             (hash-set! t (normalize-relative-encoding a p) (list b c d e))
1326                             (begin (when (verbose) (printf " drop entry: ~s\n" i))
1327                                    (set! all-ok? #f)))]
1328                        [_ (when (verbose) (printf " bad entry: ~s\n" i))
1329                           (set! all-ok? #f)])))
1330                  ;; Record the table loaded for this collection root in the
1331                  ;; all-roots table:
1332                  (hash-set! ht info-path t)
1333                  ;; If anything in the "cache.rktd" file was bad, then claim
1334                  ;; that the old table was empty, so that we definitely write
1335                  ;; the new table.
1336                  (hash-set! ht-orig info-path
1337                             (and all-ok? (hash-copy t)))
1338                  t)))
1339    ;; process all collections:
1340    (for ([cc ccs-to-compile])
1341      (define domain
1342        (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (x) (lambda () null))])
1343          (parameterize ([current-namespace info-ns])
1344            (dynamic-require (build-path (cc-path cc) "info.rkt")
1345                             '#%info-domain))))
1346      ;; Get the table for this cc's info-domain cache:
1347      (define t (get-info-ht (cc-info-root cc)
1348                             (cc-info-path cc)
1349                             (cc-info-path-mode cc)))
1350      (define-values (path->info-relative info-relative->path)
1351        ;; Look up value that was forced by by `get-info-ht':
1352        (apply values (hash-ref roots (cc-info-root cc))))
1353      ;; Add this collection's info to the table, replacing any information
1354      ;; already there, if the collection has an "info.ss" file:
1355      (when (or (file-exists? (build-path (cc-path cc) "info.rkt"))
1356                (file-exists? (build-path (cc-path cc) "info.ss")))
1357        (hash-set! t
1358                   (case (cc-info-path-mode cc)
1359                     [(relative)
1360                       ;; Use relative path:
1361                      (path->info-relative (apply build-path
1362                                                  (cc-info-root cc)
1363                                                  (cc-collection cc)))]
1364                     [(abs-in-relative)
1365                      ;; Try relative to `lib':
1366                      (let ([p (path->main-lib-relative (cc-path cc))])
1367                        (if (path? p)
1368                            ;; Fall back to relative (with ".."s) to info root:
1369                            (let ([rp (find-relative-path (cc-info-root cc)
1370                                                          p
1371                                                          #:more-than-root? #t)])
1372                              (if (relative-path? rp)
1373                                  (encode-relative-path rp)
1374                                  (path->bytes rp)))
1375                            p))]
1376                     [else (path->bytes (cc-path cc))])
1377                   (cons (domain) (cc-shadowing-policy cc)))))
1378    ;; In "tidy" mode, make sure we check each "cache.rktd":
1379    (when (or (make-tidy)
1380              no-specific-collections?)
1381      (for ([c (in-list (current-library-collection-paths))])
1382        (when (and (directory-exists? c)
1383                   (not (and (avoid-main-installation)
1384                             (hash-ref main-collects-dirs c #f))))
1385          (define info-path (build-path c "info-domain" "compiled" "cache.rktd"))
1386          (when (file-exists? info-path)
1387            (get-info-ht c info-path 'relative))))
1388      (unless (avoid-main-installation)
1389        (define info-root (find-share-dir))
1390        (define info-path (build-path info-root "info-cache.rktd"))
1391        (when (file-exists? info-path)
1392          (get-info-ht info-root info-path 'abs-in-relative)))
1393      (when (make-user)
1394        (define info-root (find-user-share-dir))
1395        (define info-path (build-path info-root "info-cache.rktd"))
1396        (when (file-exists? info-path)
1397          (get-info-ht info-root info-path 'abs-in-relative))
1398        (define planet-info-path (get-planet-cache-path))
1399        (when (file-exists? planet-info-path)
1400          (get-info-ht #f planet-info-path 'abs))))
1401    ;; Write out each collection-root-specific table to a "cache.rktd" file:
1402    (hash-for-each ht
1403      (lambda (info-path ht)
1404        (unless (equal? ht (hash-ref ht-orig info-path))
1405          (define-values [base name dir?] (split-path info-path))
1406          (make-directory* base)
1407          (define p info-path)
1408          (setup-printf "updating" "~a" (path->relative-string/setup
1409                                         p
1410                                         #:cache pkg-path-cache))
1411          (when (verbose)
1412            (define ht0 (hash-ref ht-orig info-path))
1413            (when ht0
1414              (for ([(k v) (in-hash ht)])
1415                (define v2 (hash-ref ht0 k #f))
1416                (unless (equal? v v2)
1417                  (printf " ~s -> ~s\n   instead of ~s\n" k v v2)))
1418              (for ([(k v) (in-hash ht0)])
1419                (unless (hash-ref ht k #f)
1420                  (printf " ~s removed\n" k)))))
1421          (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (warning-handler (void))])
1422            (with-output-to-file p #:exists 'truncate/replace
1423              (lambda ()
1424                (write (hash-map ht cons))
1425                (newline)))))))
1426    ;; Flush cached state in the current namespace:
1427    (reset-relevant-directories-state!))
1429  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1430  ;;                       Docs                    ;;
1431  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1433  (define (scr:call name . xs)
1434    (parameterize ([current-namespace
1435                    (namespace-anchor->empty-namespace anchor)])
1436      (apply (dynamic-require 'setup/scribble name) xs)))
1438  (define (set-doc:verbose)
1439    (scr:call 'verbose (verbose)))
1441  (define (doc:setup-scribblings latex-dest auto-start-doc?)
1442    (scr:call 'setup-scribblings
1443              (parallel-workers)
1444              (parallel-use-places)
1445              name-str
1446              (if no-specific-collections? #f (map cc-path ccs-to-compile))
1447              latex-dest auto-start-doc? (make-user) (force-user-docs)
1448              (make-tidy) (avoid-main-installation) (sync-docs-only)
1449              (lambda (what go alt) (record-error what "building docs" go alt))
1450              setup-printf
1451              gc-after-each-sequential?))
1453  (define (make-docs-step)
1454    (setup-printf #f (add-time "--- building documentation ---"))
1455    (set-doc:verbose)
1456    (with-handlers ([exn:fail?
1457                     (lambda (exn)
1458                       (set! exit-code 1)
1459                       (setup-printf #f "docs failure: ~a" (exn->string exn)))])
1460      (define auto-start-doc?
1461        (or (and (not (null? (archives)))
1462                 (archive-implies-reindex))
1463            (make-doc-index)))
1464      (doc:setup-scribblings #f auto-start-doc?)))
1466  (define (doc-pdf-dest-step)
1467    (setup-printf #f (add-time "--- building PDF documentation (via pdflatex) ---"))
1468    (define dest-dir (path->complete-path (doc-pdf-dest)))
1469    (unless (directory-exists? dest-dir)
1470      (make-directory dest-dir))
1471    (define tmp-dir
1472      (build-path (find-system-path 'temp-dir)
1473                  (format "pltpdfdoc~a" (current-seconds))))
1474    (dynamic-wind
1475      void
1476      (lambda ()
1477        (make-directory tmp-dir)
1478        (set-doc:verbose)
1479        (doc:setup-scribblings tmp-dir #f)
1480        (parameterize ([current-directory tmp-dir])
1481          (for ([f (directory-list)]
1482                #:when (path-has-extension? f #".tex"))
1483            (define pdf (scr:call 'run-pdflatex f
1484                                  (lambda (fmt . xs)
1485                                    (apply setup-printf #f fmt xs))))
1486            (define target (build-path dest-dir pdf))
1487            (when (file-exists? target) (delete-file target))
1488            (copy-file pdf target))))
1489      (lambda ()
1490        (when (directory-exists? tmp-dir)
1491          (delete-directory/files tmp-dir)))))
1493  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1494  ;;                  Make Launchers               ;;
1495  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1497  (define (make-launchers-step)
1498    (setup-printf #f (add-time "--- creating launchers ---"))
1499    (define (name-list l)
1500      (unless (list-of relative-path-string? l)
1501        (error "result is not a list of relative path strings:" l)))
1502    (define (flags-list l)
1503      (unless (list-of (list-of string?) l)
1504        (error "result is not a list of strings:" l)))
1505    (define ((or-f f) x) (when x (f x)))
1506    (define created-launchers (make-hash))
1507    (for ([cc ccs-to-make-launchers])
1508      (begin-record-error cc "launcher setup"
1509        (define info (cc-info cc))
1510        (define (make-launcher kind
1511                               launcher-names
1512                               launcher-libraries
1513                               launcher-flags
1514                               program-launcher-path
1515                               make-launcher
1516                               up-to-date?)
1517          (define mzlns
1518            (call-info info launcher-names (lambda () null) name-list))
1519          (define mzlls
1520            (call-info info launcher-libraries (lambda () #f) (or-f name-list)))
1521          (define mzlfs
1522            (call-info info launcher-flags (lambda () #f) (or-f flags-list)))
1523          (cond
1524            [(null? mzlns) (void)]
1525            [(not (or mzlls mzlfs))
1526             (unless (null? mzlns)
1527               (setup-printf
1528                "WARNING"
1529                "~s launcher name list ~s has no matching library/flags lists"
1530                kind mzlns))]
1531            [(and (or (not mzlls) (= (length mzlns) (length mzlls)))
1532                  (or (not mzlfs) (= (length mzlns) (length mzlfs))))
1533             (for ([mzln (in-list mzlns)]
1534                   [mzll (in-list (or mzlls (map (lambda (_) #f) mzlns)))]
1535                   [mzlf (in-list (or mzlfs (map (lambda (_) #f) mzlns)))])
1536               (define p (program-launcher-path mzln #:user? (not (cc-main? cc))))
1537               (define addon-p (and (if (eq? kind 'gui)
1538                                        (find-addon-tethered-gui-bin-dir)
1539                                        (find-addon-tethered-console-bin-dir))
1540                                    (program-launcher-path mzln #:user? #t #:tethered? #t)))
1541               (define config-p (and (cc-main? cc)
1542                                     (if (eq? kind 'gui)
1543                                         (find-config-tethered-gui-bin-dir)
1544                                         (find-config-tethered-console-bin-dir))
1545                                     (program-launcher-path mzln #:user? #f #:tethered? #t)))
1546               (define receipt-path
1547                 (build-path (if (cc-main? cc)
1548                                 (find-lib-dir)
1549                                 (find-user-lib-dir))
1550                             "launchers.rktd"))
1551               (define (prep-dir p)
1552                 (define dir (path-only p))
1553                 (make-directory* dir))
1554               (define skip-non-addon? (and (cc-main? cc)
1555                                            (avoid-main-installation)))
1556               (define skip-untethered-main? (and (cc-main? cc)
1557                                                  (or
1558                                                   ;; Don't create untethered if we're creating tethered
1559                                                   config-p
1560                                                   ;; If the executable already exists in a search
1561                                                   ;; directory other than the one for `p`, no need
1562                                                   ;; to write `p` after all
1563                                                   (for/or ([dir (in-list (if (and (eq? kind 'gui)
1564                                                                                   (not (script-variant?
1565                                                                                         (current-launcher-variant))))
1566                                                                              (get-gui-bin-extra-search-dirs)
1567                                                                              (get-console-bin-extra-search-dirs)))])
1568                                                     (define-values (base name dir?) (split-path p))
1569                                                     (define p2 (build-path dir name))
1570                                                     (or (file-exists? p2)
1571                                                         (directory-exists? p2))))))
1572               (unless skip-non-addon?
1573                 (prep-dir receipt-path)
1574                 (unless skip-untethered-main?
1575                   (prep-dir p))
1576                 (when config-p
1577                   (prep-dir config-p)))
1578               (when addon-p
1579                 (prep-dir addon-p))
1580               (hash-set! created-launchers
1581                          (record-launcher receipt-path mzln kind (current-launcher-variant)
1582                                           (cc-collection cc) (cc-path cc))
1583                          #t)
1584               (define (create p user? tethered?)
1585                 (define aux
1586                   (append
1587                    `((exe-name . ,mzln)
1588                      (relative? . ,(and (cc-main? cc)
1589                                         (not tethered?)
1590                                         (not (get-absolute-installation?))))
1591                      (install-mode . ,(if tethered?
1592                                           (if user? 'addon-tethered 'config-tethered)
1593                                           (if (cc-main? cc) 'main 'user)))
1594                      ,@(build-aux-from-path
1595                         (build-path (cc-path cc)
1596                                     (path-replace-extension (or mzll mzln) #""))))))
1597                 (unless (up-to-date? p aux)
1598                   (setup-printf
1599                    "launcher"
1600                    "~a~a"
1601                    (case kind
1602                      [(gui)     (path->relative-string/gui-bin p)]
1603                      [(console) (path->relative-string/console-bin p)]
1604                      [else (error 'make-launcher "internal error (~s)" kind)])
1605                    (let ([v (current-launcher-variant)])
1606                      (if (eq? v (cross-system-type 'gc)) "" (format " [~a]" v))))
1607                   (make-launcher
1608                    #:tether-mode (if tethered?
1609                                      (if user?
1610                                          'addon
1611                                          'config)
1612                                      #f)
1613                    (append
1614                     (or mzlf
1615                         (if (cc-collection cc)
1616                             (list "-l-" (string-append
1617                                          (string-append*
1618                                           (map (lambda (s) (format "~a/" s))
1619                                                (cc-collection cc)))
1620                                          mzll))
1621                             (list "-t-" (path->string (build-path (cc-path cc) mzll))))))
1622                    p
1623                    aux)))
1624               (unless skip-non-addon?
1625                 (unless skip-untethered-main?
1626                   (create p (not (cc-main? cc)) #f))
1627                 (when config-p
1628                   (create config-p #f #t)))
1629               (when addon-p
1630                 (create addon-p #t #t)))]
1631            [else
1632             (define fault
1633               (if (or (not mzlls) (= (length mzlns) (length mzlls))) 'f 'l))
1634             (setup-printf
1635              "WARNING"
1636              "~s launcher name list ~s doesn't match ~a list; ~s"
1637              kind mzlns
1638              (if (eq? 'l fault) "library" "flags")
1639              (if (eq? fault 'l) mzlls mzlfs))]))
1640        (for ([variant (available-gracket-variants)])
1641          (parameterize ([current-launcher-variant variant])
1642            (make-launcher 'gui
1643                           'gracket-launcher-names
1644                           'gracket-launcher-libraries
1645                           'gracket-launcher-flags
1646                           gracket-program-launcher-path
1647                           make-gracket-launcher
1648                           gracket-launcher-up-to-date?)
1649            (make-launcher 'gui
1650                           'mred-launcher-names
1651                           'mred-launcher-libraries
1652                           'mred-launcher-flags
1653                           mred-program-launcher-path
1654                           make-mred-launcher
1655                           mred-launcher-up-to-date?)))
1656        (for ([variant (available-racket-variants)])
1657          (parameterize ([current-launcher-variant variant])
1658            (make-launcher 'console
1659                           'racket-launcher-names
1660                           'racket-launcher-libraries
1661                           'racket-launcher-flags
1662                           racket-program-launcher-path
1663                           make-racket-launcher
1664                           racket-launcher-up-to-date?)
1665            (make-launcher 'console
1666                           'mzscheme-launcher-names
1667                           'mzscheme-launcher-libraries
1668                           'mzscheme-launcher-flags
1669                           mzscheme-program-launcher-path
1670                           make-mzscheme-launcher
1671                           mzscheme-launcher-up-to-date?)))))
1672    (when (or no-specific-collections?
1673              (make-tidy))
1674      (unless (avoid-main-installation)
1675        (tidy-launchers #f
1676                        (find-lib-dir)
1677                        created-launchers
1678                        ccs-to-compile))
1679      (when (make-user)
1680        (tidy-launchers #t
1681                        (find-user-lib-dir)
1682                        created-launchers
1683                        ccs-to-compile))))
1685  (define (read-receipt-hash receipt-path)
1686    (if (file-exists? receipt-path)
1687        (with-handlers ([exn:fail?
1688                         (lambda (exn)
1689                           (setup-printf
1690                            "WARNING"
1691                            "error reading receipts ~s: ~a"
1692                            receipt-path
1693                            (exn-message exn))
1694                           #hash())])
1695          (call-with-input-file*
1696           receipt-path
1697           (lambda (i)
1698             (define ht (read i))
1699             (if (hash? ht)
1700                 ht
1701                 (error "content is not a hash table")))))
1702        #hash()))
1704  (define (write-receipt-hash receipt-path ht)
1705    (call-with-output-file*
1706     #:exists 'truncate/replace
1707     receipt-path
1708     (lambda (o) (write ht o) (newline o))))
1710  (define (record-launcher receipt-path name kind variant coll coll-path)
1711    (let ([ht (read-receipt-hash receipt-path)])
1712      (define exe-key (vector kind
1713                              variant
1714                              name))
1715      (define exe-val (map path->string coll))
1716      (unless (equal? (hash-ref ht exe-key #f)
1717                      exe-val)
1718        (let ([ht (hash-set ht exe-key exe-val)])
1719          (write-receipt-hash receipt-path ht)))
1720      exe-key))
1722  (define (tidy-launchers user? lib-dir created ccs-to-compile)
1723    (define receipt-path (build-path lib-dir "launchers.rktd"))
1724    (define ht (read-receipt-hash receipt-path))
1725    (define ht2 (for/fold ([ht (hash)]) ([(k v) (in-hash ht)])
1726                  (define coll-path (and (pair? v)
1727                                         (list? v)
1728                                         (andmap path-string? v)
1729                                         (apply collection-path v #:fail (lambda (s) #f))))
1730                  (cond
1731                   [(hash-ref created k #f)
1732                    ;; just created it, so keep it
1733                    (hash-set ht k v)]
1734                   [(and coll-path
1735                         ;; If we set up this collection, then the launcher
1736                         ;; must be in the created list if it's to be kept:
1737                         (let ([coll (map string->path v)])
1738                           (not
1739                            (for/or ([cc (in-list ccs-to-compile)])
1740                              (equal? coll (cc-collection cc))))))
1741                    ;; keep the launcher
1742                    (hash-set ht k v)]
1743                   [else
1744                    ;; remove the launcher
1745                    (define kind (vector-ref k 0))
1746                    (define variant (vector-ref k 1))
1747                    (define name (vector-ref k 2))
1748                    (parameterize ([current-launcher-variant variant])
1749                      (define (get-path user? tethered?)
1750                        ((if (eq? kind 'gui)
1751                             gracket-program-launcher-path
1752                             racket-program-launcher-path)
1753                         name
1754                         #:user? user?
1755                         #:tethered? tethered?))
1756                      (define exe-path (get-path user? #f))
1757                      (define config-exe-path (and (not user?) (get-path #f #t)))
1758                      (define addon-exe-path (get-path #t #t))
1759                      (define is-dir?
1760                        (if (eq? kind 'gui)
1761                            (gracket-launcher-is-actually-directory?)
1762                            (racket-launcher-is-actually-directory?)))
1763                      (define (delete exe-path)
1764                        (define rel-exe-path
1765                          ((if (eq? kind 'gui)
1766                               path->relative-string/gui-bin
1767                               path->relative-string/console-bin)
1768                           exe-path))
1769                        (cond
1770                         [(and (not is-dir?) (file-exists? exe-path))
1771                          (setup-printf "deleting" "launcher ~a" rel-exe-path)
1772                          (delete-file exe-path)]
1773                         [(and is-dir? (directory-exists? exe-path))
1774                          (setup-printf "deleting" "launcher ~a" rel-exe-path)
1775                          (delete-directory/files exe-path)]))
1776                      (delete exe-path)
1777                      (when config-exe-path (delete config-exe-path))
1778                      (when addon-exe-path (delete addon-exe-path))
1779                      ;; Clean up any associated .desktop file and icon file:
1780                      (when (eq? 'unix (cross-system-type))
1781                        (let ([desktop (installed-executable-path->desktop-path
1782                                        exe-path
1783                                        user?)])
1784                          (when (file-exists? desktop)
1785                            (setup-printf "deleting" "desktop file ~a"
1786                                          (path->relative-string/share desktop))
1787                            (delete-file desktop))
1788                          (for ([ext (in-list '(#"ico" #"png"))])
1789                            (define icon (installed-desktop-path->icon-path desktop
1790                                                                            user?
1791                                                                            ext))
1792                            (when (file-exists? icon)
1793                              (setup-printf "deleting" "icon file ~a"
1794                                            (path->relative-string/share icon))
1795                              (delete-file icon))))))
1796                    ht])))
1797    (unless (equal? ht ht2)
1798      (setup-printf "updating" "launcher list")
1799      (write-receipt-hash receipt-path ht2)))
1801  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1802  ;;       Foreign Libraries and Man Pages         ;;
1803  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1805  (define (make-copy/move-step what
1806                               whats
1807                               what/title
1808                               copy-tag
1809                               move-tag
1810                               find-target-dir
1811                               get-extra-search-dirs
1812                               find-user-target-dir
1813                               path->relative-string/*
1814                               receipt-file
1815                               receipt-at-dest?
1816                               check-entry
1817                               build-dest-path
1818                               this-platform?
1819                               fixup-lib
1820                               copy-user-lib)
1821    (define (make-libs-step)
1822      (setup-printf #f (add-time (format "--- installing ~a ---" whats)))
1823      (define installed-libs (make-hash))
1824      (define dests (make-hash))
1825      (for ([cc ccs-to-compile])
1826        (begin-record-error cc what/title
1827                            (define info (cc-info cc))
1828                            (define copy-libs
1829                              (call-info info copy-tag (lambda () null) check-entry))
1830                            (define move-libs
1831                              (call-info info move-tag (lambda () null) check-entry))
1833                            (unless (or (and (null? copy-libs)
1834                                             (null? move-libs))
1835                                        (not (this-platform? info)))
1836                              (define dir (if (cc-main? cc)
1837                                              (find-target-dir)
1838                                              (find-user-target-dir)))
1839                              (define r-dir (if receipt-at-dest?
1840                                                dir
1841                                                (if (cc-main? cc)
1842                                                    (find-lib-dir)
1843                                                    (find-user-lib-dir))))
1844                              (define receipt-path (build-path r-dir receipt-file))
1845                              (make-directory* dir)
1846                              (make-directory* r-dir)
1848                              (define (copy-lib lib moving?)
1849                                (define src (path->complete-path lib (cc-path cc)))
1850                                (define lib-name (file-name-from-path lib))
1851                                (cond
1852                                  [(and (cc-main? cc)
1853                                        (for/or ([s-dir (in-list (get-extra-search-dirs))])
1854                                          (let ([p (build-dest-path s-dir lib-name)])
1855                                            (and (or (file-exists? p)
1856                                                     (directory-exists? p))
1857                                                 (or (and moving?
1858                                                          (not (file-exists? src))
1859                                                          (not (directory-exists? src)))
1860                                                     (same-content? src p))))))
1861                                   ;; already exists in one of the search directories, so
1862                                   ;; don't copy/move to this one
1863                                   #f]
1864                                  [else
1865                                   (define dest (build-dest-path dir lib-name))
1866                                   (define already? (or (and moving?
1867                                                             (not (file-exists? src))
1868                                                             (not (directory-exists? src))
1869                                                             (or (file-exists? dest)
1870                                                                 (directory-exists? dest)))
1871                                                        (same-content? src dest)))
1872                                   (unless already?
1873                                     (setup-printf "installing" (string-append what " ~a")
1874                                                   (path->relative-string/* dest)))
1875                                   (hash-set!
1876                                    installed-libs
1877                                    (record-lib receipt-path lib-name (cc-collection cc) (cc-path cc))
1878                                    #t)
1879                                   (unless already?
1880                                     (hash-set! dests dest #t)
1881                                     (delete-directory/files/hard dest)
1882                                     (make-parent-directory* dest)
1883                                     (if (file-exists? src)
1884                                         (if (cc-main? cc)
1885                                             (copy-file src dest)
1886                                             (copy-user-lib src dest))
1887                                         (copy-directory/files src dest)))
1888                                   src]))
1890                              (for ([lib (in-list copy-libs)])
1891                                (copy-lib lib #f))
1893                              (for ([lib (in-list move-libs)])
1894                                (define src (copy-lib lib #t))
1895                                (when src
1896                                  (delete-directory/files src #:must-exist? #f))))))
1897      (when (or no-specific-collections?
1898                (make-tidy))
1899        (unless (avoid-main-installation)
1900          (tidy-libs #f
1901                     (find-target-dir)
1902                     (if receipt-at-dest?
1903                         (find-target-dir)
1904                         (find-lib-dir))
1905                     installed-libs
1906                     ccs-to-compile))
1907        (when (make-user)
1908          (tidy-libs #t
1909                     (find-user-target-dir)
1910                     (if receipt-at-dest?
1911                         (find-user-target-dir)
1912                         (find-user-lib-dir))
1913                     installed-libs
1914                     ccs-to-compile)))
1915      (for-each fixup-lib (hash-keys dests)))
1917    (define (same-content? a b)
1918      (cond
1919       [(file-exists? a)
1920        (cond
1921         [(file-exists? b)
1922          (call-with-input-file*
1923           a
1924           (lambda (a)
1925             (call-with-input-file*
1926              b
1927              (lambda (b)
1928                (define as (make-bytes 4096))
1929                (define bs (make-bytes 4096))
1930                (let loop ()
1931                  (define an (read-bytes! as a))
1932                  (define bn (read-bytes! bs b))
1933                  (and (equal? an bn)
1934                       (equal? as bs)
1935                       (or (eof-object? an)
1936                           (loop))))))))]
1937         [else #f])]
1938       [(directory-exists? a)
1939        (cond
1940         [(directory-exists? b)
1941          (define (path<? a b) (bytes<? (path->bytes a) (path->bytes b)))
1942          (define al (sort (directory-list a) path<?))
1943          (define bl (sort (directory-list b) path<?))
1944          (and (equal? al bl)
1945               (andmap same-content?
1946                       (map (lambda (f) (build-path a f)) al)
1947                       (map (lambda (f) (build-path b f)) bl)))]
1948         [else #f])]
1949       [else #f]))
1951    (define (record-lib receipt-path name coll coll-path)
1952      (let ([ht (read-receipt-hash receipt-path)])
1953        (define lib-key (path-element->bytes name))
1954        (define lib-val (map path->string coll))
1955        (unless (equal? (hash-ref ht lib-key #f)
1956                        lib-val)
1957          (let ([ht (hash-set ht lib-key lib-val)])
1958            (write-receipt-hash receipt-path ht)))
1959        lib-key))
1961    (define (tidy-libs user? target-dir receipt-dir installed-libs ccs-to-compile)
1962      (clean-previous-delete-failures receipt-dir path->relative-string/*)
1963      (define receipt-path (build-path receipt-dir receipt-file))
1964      (define ht (read-receipt-hash receipt-path))
1965      (define ht2 (for/fold ([ht (hash)]) ([(k v) (in-hash ht)])
1966                    (define coll-path (and (pair? v)
1967                                           (list? v)
1968                                           (andmap path-string? v)
1969                                           (apply collection-path v #:fail (lambda (s) #f))))
1970                    (cond
1971                     [(hash-ref installed-libs k #f)
1972                      ;; just installed it, so keep it
1973                      (hash-set ht k v)]
1974                     [(and coll-path
1975                           ;; If we set up this collection, then the lib
1976                           ;; must be in the installed list if it's to be kept:
1977                           (let ([coll (map string->path v)])
1978                             (not
1979                              (for/or ([cc (in-list ccs-to-compile)])
1980                                (equal? coll (cc-collection cc))))))
1981                      ;; keep the lib
1982                      (hash-set ht k v)]
1983                     [else
1984                      ;; remove the lib
1985                      (define lib-path (build-dest-path target-dir (bytes->path-element k)))
1986                      (when (or (file-exists? lib-path)
1987                                (directory-exists? lib-path))
1988                        (setup-printf "deleting" (string-append what " ~a")
1989                                      (path->relative-string/* lib-path))
1990                        (delete-directory/files/hard lib-path))
1991                      ht])))
1992      (unless (equal? ht ht2)
1993        (setup-printf "updating" (format "~a list" what))
1994        (write-receipt-hash receipt-path ht2)))
1996    make-libs-step)
1998  (define make-foreign-libs-step
1999    (make-copy/move-step "foreign library"
2000                         "foreign libraries"
2001                         "foreign library setup"
2002                         'copy-foreign-libs
2003                         'move-foreign-libs
2004                         find-lib-dir
2005                         get-cross-lib-extra-search-dirs
2006                         find-user-lib-dir
2007                         path->relative-string/lib
2008                         "libs.rktd" #t
2009                         (lambda (l)
2010                           (unless (list-of relative-path-string? l)
2011                             (error "entry is not a list of relative path strings:" l)))
2012                         build-path
2013                         this-platform?
2014                         (case (cross-system-type)
2015                           [(macosx)
2016                            adjust-dylib-path/install]
2017                           [else void])
2018                         (case (cross-system-type)
2019                           [(unix)
2020                            copy-file/install-elf-rpath]
2021                           [else copy-file])))
2023  (define make-shares-step
2024    (make-copy/move-step "shared file"
2025                         "shared files"
2026                         "share files setup"
2027                         'copy-shared-files
2028                         'move-shared-files
2029                         find-share-dir
2030                         get-share-extra-search-dirs
2031                         find-user-share-dir
2032                         path->relative-string/share
2033                         "shares.rktd" #t
2034                         (lambda (l)
2035                           (unless (list-of relative-path-string? l)
2036                             (error "entry is not a list of relative path strings:" l)))
2037                         build-path
2038                         this-platform?
2039                         void
2040                         copy-file))
2042  (define make-mans-step
2043    (make-copy/move-step "man page"
2044                         "man pages"
2045                         "man page setup"
2046                         'copy-man-pages
2047                         'move-man-pages
2048                         find-man-dir
2049                         get-man-extra-search-dirs
2050                         find-user-man-dir
2051                         path->relative-string/man
2052                         "mans.rktd" #f
2053                         (lambda (l)
2054                           (unless (list-of (lambda (p)
2055                                              (and (relative-path-string? p)
2056                                                   (filename-extension p)))
2057                                            l)
2058                             (error
2059                              "entry is not a list of relative path strings,each with a non-empty extension:"
2060                              l)))
2061                         (lambda (d n)
2062                           (build-path d
2063                                       (bytes->path-element (bytes-append #"man" (filename-extension n)))
2064                                       n))
2065                         (lambda (info) #t)
2066                         void
2067                         copy-file))
2069  (define setup-delete-prefix #"raco-setup-delete-")
2071  (define (delete-directory/files/hard dest)
2072    (cond
2073     [(and (eq? 'windows (system-type))
2074           (file-exists? dest))
2075      ;; To handle DLLs that may be opened, try moving and then
2076      ;; deleting. The delete may well fail, but at least the
2077      ;; file will be out of the way for another try.
2078      (define-values (base name dir?) (split-path dest))
2079      (define delete-dest (build-path base
2080                                      (bytes->path-element
2081                                       (bytes-append
2082                                        setup-delete-prefix
2083                                        (path-element->bytes name)))))
2084      (rename-file-or-directory dest delete-dest #t)
2085      (try-delete-file delete-dest)]
2086     [else
2087      (delete-directory/files dest #:must-exist? #f)]))
2089  (define (try-delete-file f)
2090    (with-handlers ([exn:fail:filesystem?
2091                     (lambda (exn)
2092                       (setup-printf
2093                        "WARNING"
2094                        "error deleteing file: ~a"
2095                        (exn-message exn)))])
2096      (delete-file f)))
2098  (define (clean-previous-delete-failures lib-dir path->relative-string/*)
2099    (when (and (eq? 'windows (system-type))
2100	       (directory-exists? lib-dir))
2101      (for ([f (in-list (directory-list lib-dir))])
2102        (define bstr (path-element->bytes f))
2103        (when (equal? (subbytes bstr 0 (min (bytes-length setup-delete-prefix)
2104                                            (bytes-length bstr)))
2105                      setup-delete-prefix)
2106          (define p (build-path lib-dir f))
2107          (setup-printf "deleting" (path->relative-string/* p))
2108          (try-delete-file (build-path lib-dir f))))))
2110  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2111  ;;       Package-dependency checking         ;;
2112  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2114  (define (do-check-package-dependencies)
2115    (setup-printf #f (add-time (format "--- checking package dependencies ---")))
2116    (unless (check-package-dependencies (map cc-path ccs-to-compile)
2117                                        (map cc-collection ccs-to-compile)
2118                                        (map cc-main? ccs-to-compile)
2119                                        ;; If "test" or "scribblings" is this collection's name,
2120                                        ;; then it's build-mode code, otherwise it's test mode:
2121                                        (let ([tests-path (string->path "tests")]
2122                                              [scribblings-path (string->path "scribblings")])
2123                                          (for/list ([cc (in-list ccs-to-compile)])
2124                                            (and (cc-collection cc) ; #f for a PLaneT package
2125                                                 (if (or (member tests-path (cc-collection cc))
2126                                                         (member scribblings-path (cc-collection cc)))
2127                                                     'build
2128                                                     'run))))
2129                                        setup-printf setup-fprintf
2130                                        (lambda (exn)
2131                                          (set! exit-code 1)
2132                                          (setup-printf #f "check failure: ~a" (exn->string exn)))
2133                                        (check-unused-dependencies)
2134                                        (fix-dependencies)
2135                                        (verbose)
2136                                        (not no-specific-collections?)
2137                                        (always-check-dependencies))
2138      (set! exit-code 1)))
2140  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2141  ;; setup Body                     ;;
2142  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2144  (setup-printf "version" "~a" (version))
2145  (setup-printf "platform" "~a [~a]" (cross-system-library-subpath #f) (cross-system-type 'gc))
2146  (setup-printf "target machine" "~a" (or (current-compile-target-machine)
2147                                          (and (cross-multi-compile? (current-compiled-file-roots))
2148                                               (cross-system-type 'target-machine))
2149                                          'any))
2150  (when (cross-installation?)
2151    (setup-printf "cross-installation" "yes"))
2152  (setup-printf "installation name" "~a" (get-installation-name))
2153  (setup-printf "variants" "~a" (string-join (map symbol->string (available-mzscheme-variants)) ", "))
2154  (setup-printf "main collects" "~a" main-collects-dir)
2155  (setup-printf "collects paths" (if (null? (current-library-collection-paths)) " empty!" ""))
2156  (for ([p (current-library-collection-paths)])
2157    (setup-printf #f "  ~a" p))
2158  (setup-printf "main pkgs" "~a" (find-pkgs-dir))
2159  (setup-printf "pkgs paths" "")
2160  (for ([p (get-pkgs-search-dirs)])
2161    (setup-printf #f "  ~a" p))
2162  (setup-printf #f "  ~a" (find-user-pkgs-dir))
2163  (setup-printf "links files" "")
2164  (for ([p (get-links-search-files)])
2165    (setup-printf #f "  ~a" p))
2166  (when (use-user-specific-search-paths)
2167    (setup-printf #f "  ~a" (find-user-links-file)))
2168  (let ([roots (current-compiled-file-roots)])
2169    (unless (or (equal? roots '(same))
2170                (equal? roots (build-path 'same)))
2171      (setup-printf "compiled-file roots" "")
2172      (for ([p roots])
2173        (setup-printf #f "  ~a" p))))
2174  (setup-printf "main docs" "~a" (find-doc-dir))
2176  (when (and (not (null? (archives))) no-specific-collections?)
2177    (done))
2179  (when (make-info-domain) (make-info-domain-step))
2181  (when (clean) (clean-step))
2182  (when (make-zo)
2183    (compiler:option:verbose (compiler-verbose))
2184    (compiler:option:compile-subcollections #f))
2186  (do-install-part 'pre)
2188  (when (make-foreign-libs)
2189    (make-foreign-libs-step)
2190    (make-shares-step))
2192  (when (make-zo) (make-zo-step))
2194  (when (make-launchers) (make-launchers-step))
2195  (when (make-launchers)
2196    (unless (eq? 'windows (cross-system-type))
2197      (make-mans-step)))
2199  (when make-docs?
2200    (make-docs-step))
2201  (when (doc-pdf-dest) (doc-pdf-dest-step))
2203  (do-install-part 'general)
2204  (do-install-part 'post)
2206  (when (and (check-dependencies)
2207             (or no-specific-collections?
2208                 (always-check-dependencies)))
2209    (do-check-package-dependencies))
2211  (done))