1;;; 8.ms
2;;; Copyright 1984-2017 Cisco Systems, Inc.
4;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
8;;; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14;;; limitations under the License.
16(mat define-syntax
17   (begin (define-syntax foo
18            (syntax-rules ()
19              [(foo a b) (list a b)]))
20          #t)
21   (error? (expand '(foo)))
22   (error? (expand '(foo . a)))
23   (error? (expand '(foo a)))
24   (error? (expand '(foo a . b)))
25   (equal? (foo 3 4) '(3 4))
26;;   (equal? (expand-once '(foo 3 4)) '(list 3 4))
27   (equal? (foo 3 4) '(3 4))
28   (error? (expand '(foo a b . c)))
29   (error? (expand '(foo a b c)))
30   (begin (define-syntax foo
31            (syntax-rules (bar)
32              [(foo) '()]
33              [(foo (bar x)) x]
34              [(foo x) (cons x '())]
35              [(foo x y ...) (cons x (foo y ...))]))
36          #t)
37   (equivalent-expansion? (expand '(foo)) ''())
38   (equivalent-expansion? (expand '(foo (bar a))) 'a)
39   (equal? (foo 'a) '(a))
40;;   (equal? (expand-once '(foo a b c)) '(cons a (foo b c)))
41   (equal? (foo 'a 'b 'c) '(a b c))
42   (equal? (foo 'a 'b (bar 'c)) '(a b . c))
43   (equal? (foo 'a 'b 'c 'd) '(a b c d))
44   (equal? (foo 'a 'b 'c (bar 'd)) '(a b c . d))
45   (begin (define-syntax foo
46            (lambda (x)
47              (syntax-case x ()
48                [(_ ((x v) ...) e1 e2 ...)
49                 (andmap symbol? '(x ...))
50                 (syntax ((lambda (x ...) e1 e2 ...) v ...))]
51                [(_ ((lambda (x ...) e1 e2 ...) v ...))
52                 (= (length '(x ...)) (length '(v ...)))
53                 (syntax (foo ((x v) ...) e1 e2 ...))])))
54          #t)
55   (equal? (foo ((a 3) (b 4)) (cons a b)) '(3 . 4))
56   (error? (expand '(foo ((1 b) (c d)) e f g)))
57   (error? (expand '(foo ((lambda (a c) e f g) b))))
58   (error? (define-syntax foo (syntax-rules (...) [(foo ...) 0])))
59  ; no longer an error:
60   #;(error? (define-syntax foo (syntax-rules () [(foo x ... y) 0])))
61   (error? (define-syntax foo (syntax-rules () [(foo x . ...) 0])))
62   (error? (define-syntax foo (syntax-rules () [(foo (...)) 0])))
63   (error? (define-syntax foo (syntax-rules () [(foo x x) 0])))
64   (begin (define-syntax foo (syntax-rules () [(foo foo) 0])) #t)
65   (begin (define-syntax foo
66            (lambda (x)
67              (syntax-case x ()
68                [(_ keys)
69                 (with-syntax ([x `,(syntax keys)]) (syntax x))])))
70          (equivalent-expansion? (expand '(foo (a b c))) '(a b c)))
71   (begin (define-syntax foo ; test exponential "with" time problem
72            (lambda (x)
73              (syntax-case x ()
74                [(_)
75                 (with-syntax
76                   ([a1 1] [b1 2] [c1 3] [d1 4] [e1 5] [f1 6] [g1 7] [h1 8]
77                    [a2 1] [b2 2] [c2 3] [d2 4] [e2 5] [f2 6] [g2 7] [h2 8]
78                    [a3 1] [b3 2] [c3 3] [d3 4] [e3 5] [f3 6] [g3 7] [h3 8]
79                    [a4 1] [b4 2] [c4 3] [d4 4] [e4 5] [f4 6] [g4 7] [h4 8]
80                    [a5 1] [b5 2] [c5 3] [d5 4] [e5 5] [f5 6] [g5 7] [h5 8]
81                    [a6 1] [b6 2] [c6 3] [d6 4] [e6 5] [f6 6] [g6 7] [h6 8]
82                    [a7 1] [b7 2] [c7 3] [d7 4] [e7 5] [f7 6] [g7 7] [h7 8]
83                    [a8 1] [b8 2] [c8 3] [d8 4] [e8 5] [f8 6] [g8 7] [h8 8])
84                   (syntax (list a1 b2 c3 d4 e5 f6 g7 h8)))])))
85          (equal? (foo) '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
86   (eqv? (let ()
87           (let-syntax () (define x 3) (define y 4))
88           (define z (lambda () (+ x y)))
89           (z))
90         7)
91   (eqv? (let ()
92           (let-syntax ((a (syntax-rules ()
93                             ((_ x v) (define x v))))
94                        (b (syntax-rules ()
95                             ((_ x v) (define-syntax x
96                                        (syntax-rules ()
97                                          ((_) v)))))))
98             (a x 3)
99             (b y 4))
100           (define z (lambda () (+ x (y))))
101           (z))
102         7)
103  (eqv?
104    (let-syntax ((a (eval '(lambda (x) (let ((x x)) (syntax 3))))))
105      (a))
106    3)
107  (error?
108    (begin
109      (define-syntax x (let ((a 3)) (identifier-syntax (define a 4))))
110      x))
111  (error?
112    (begin
113      (define-syntax x (let ((a 3)) (identifier-syntax (set! a 4))))
114      x))
115  (error?
116    (begin
117      (define-syntax x
118        (let ((a 3))
119          (identifier-syntax
120            (fluid-let-syntax ((a (identifier-syntax 4)))
121              3))))
122      x))
123  ;; transformers expressions can reference local keywords
124  (eqv?
125    (let-syntax ((a (lambda (x) (syntax (lambda (y) (syntax 3))))))
126      (let-syntax ((b a))
127        b))
128    3)
129  (eqv?
130    (let-syntax ((a (lambda (x) (syntax (lambda (y) (syntax 3))))))
131      (letrec-syntax ((b a))
132        b))
133    3)
134  (eqv?
135    (let-syntax ((a (lambda (x) (syntax (lambda (y) (syntax 3))))))
136      (fluid-let-syntax ((b a))
137        b))
138    3)
139  (eqv?
140    (let-syntax ((a (lambda (x) (syntax (lambda (y) (syntax 3))))))
141      (let ()
142        (define-syntax b a)
143        b))
144    3)
145  (let-syntax ((a (lambda (x) #'(lambda (x) #'3))))
146    (define-syntax top-level-b a)
147    (eqv? top-level-b 3))
148  ;; transformers expressions cannot reference local variables
149  (error?
150    (let ((a (lambda (x) x)))
151      (let-syntax ((b a))
152        b)))
153  (error?
154    (let ((a (lambda (x) x)))
155      (letrec-syntax ((b a))
156        b)))
157  (error?
158    (let ((a (lambda (x) x)))
159      (fluid-let-syntax ((b a))
160        b)))
161  (error?
162    (let ((a (lambda (x) x)))
163      (let ()
164        (define-syntax b a)
165        b)))
166  ;; transformers expressions cannot reference pattern variables
167  (error?
168    (let-syntax ([foo
169                  (lambda (x)
170                    (syntax-case x ()
171                      [(_ z ...)
172                       (let-syntax ([bar (lambda (y) #'(z ...))])
173                         (bar))]))])
174      (foo + 8 9 10)))
175  ;; but can expand into syntax forms containing pattern variable references
176  (equal?
177    (let-syntax ([foo
178                  (lambda (x)
179                    (syntax-case x ()
180                      [(_ z ...)
181                       (let-syntax ([bar (lambda (y) #'#'(z (... ...)))])
182                         (bar))]))])
183      (foo + 8 9 10))
184    27)
186  (procedure? (eval (expand '(rec f (lambda (x) x)))))
187 ; make sure we're using the right environment for evaluating transformers
188  (eq? (let ()
189         (define x 3)
190         (let-syntax ((x (identifier-syntax (identifier-syntax 4))))
191           (define-syntax a x))
192         a)
193       4)
194 ; make sure local-syntax bindings aren't visible outside their scope
195  (equal?
196    (let ([a 14])
197      (module (x y)
198        (let-syntax ((a (identifier-syntax 3)))
199          (define x a))
200        (define y a))
201      (cons x y))
202    '(3 . 14))
203  (begin
204    (define $ds-a 14)
205    (module ($ds-x $ds-y)
206      (letrec-syntax ((a (identifier-syntax 3)))
207        (define $ds-x a))
208      (define $ds-y $ds-a))
209    (equal? (cons $ds-x $ds-y) '(3 . 14)))
210 ; make sure both introduced references and defines are scoped the same
211  (eq? (let ()
212         (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax (begin (define x 3) x)))
213         (let () a))
214       3)
216  (begin
217    (define $a 'aaa)
218    (define $x 'xxx)
219    (define-syntax $introduce-module
220      (identifier-syntax
221        (begin (module $a ($x) (define $x 73))
222               (import $a)
223               (eq? $x 73))))
224    $introduce-module)
225  (eq? $a 'aaa) ; make sure introduced module binding isn't visible
226  (eq? $x 'xxx) ; make sure introduced and imported variable isn't visible
227  (eq? (top-level-value '$a) 'aaa)
228  (eq? (top-level-value '$x) 'xxx)
229  (begin
230    (define-syntax $dsmat-foo1
231      (lambda (x)
232        (syntax-case x ()
233          ((_ name arg ...)
234           (with-syntax (($... (syntax (... ...))))
235             (syntax
236               (begin
237                 (define $dsmat-y 10)
238                 (define-syntax name
239                   (lambda (z)
240                     (syntax-case z ()
241                       ((_ a $...)
242                        (syntax (list
243                                  $dsmat-y
244                                  a $...)))))))))))))
245    #t)
246  (begin ($dsmat-foo1 $dsmat-bar) #t)
247  (error? ($dsmat-bar $dsmat-y))
248  (begin (define $dsmat-y 77) #t)
249  (equal? ($dsmat-bar $dsmat-y) '(10 77))
250  (error? ; misplaced ellipsis
251    (with-syntax ([x 3]) #'#(... (x))))
252  (equal?
253    (let ()
254      (define b)
255      (define d)
256      (define-syntax a
257        (lambda (x)
258          (syntax-case x (b c)
259            [(_ b) "b"]
260            [(_ c) "c"]
261            [(_ bar) (free-identifier=? #'bar #'d) "d"]
262            [(_ bar) (free-identifier=? #'bar #'e) "e"]
263            [(_ bar bee)
264             (bound-identifier=? #'bar #'bee)
265             (symbol->string (datum bar))]
266            [_ "nope"])))
267      (list (a b) (a c) (a d) (a e) (a b b) (a c c) (a f)))
268    '("b" "c" "d" "e" "b" "c" "nope"))
269  (equal?
270    (let ()
271      (define-syntax letrec
272        (lambda (x)
273          (syntax-case x ()
274            [(_ ((i v) ...) e1 e2 ...)
275             (with-syntax ([(t ...) (generate-temporaries #'(i ...))])
276               #'(let ([i #f] ...)
277                   (let ([t v] ...)
278                     (set! i t)
279                     ...
280                     (let () e1 e2 ...))))])))
281      (list
282        (letrec ([f (lambda (x)
283                      (if (zero? x) 'odd (g (- x 1))))]
284                 [g (lambda (x) (if (zero? x) 'even (f (- x 1))))])
285          (and (eq? (g 10) 'even)
286               (eq? (g 13) 'odd)
287               (eq? (f 13) 'even)))
288        (letrec ([v 0] [k (call/cc (lambda (x) x))])
289          (set! v (+ v 1))
290          (k (lambda (x) v)))))
291    '(#t 1))
292  (equal?
293    (let ()
294      (define-syntax main ; Anton's example
295        (lambda (stx)
296          (let ((make-swap
297                 (lambda (x y)
298                   (with-syntax ((x x) (y y) ((t) (generate-temporaries '(*))))
299                     (syntax
300                       (let ((t1 x))
301                         (set! x y)
302                         (set! y t1)))))))
303            (syntax-case stx ()
304              ((_)
305               (with-syntax ((swap (make-swap (syntax s) (syntax t))))
306                 (syntax
307                   (let ((s 1) (t 2))
308                     swap
309                     (list s t)))))))))
310      (main))
311    '(2 1))
312 ; make sure second definition of marked id works like set!
313  (begin
314    (define $ds-b '())
315    (define-syntax $ds-a
316      (lambda (x)
317        #'(begin
318            (define q 33)
319            (define (f) q)
320            (set! $ds-b (cons (f) $ds-b))
321            (define q 55)
322            (set! $ds-b (cons (f) $ds-b))
323            (set! $ds-b (cons q $ds-b))
324            #t)))
325    #t)
326  $ds-a
327  (equal? $ds-b '(55 55 33))
329 ; check underscore as wildcard
330  (equal?
331    (let ()
332      (define-syntax a
333        (lambda (x)
334          (syntax-case x ()
335            [(_ id e)
336             #'(let ()
337                 (define-syntax id
338                   (lambda (x)
339                     (syntax-case x ()
340                       [(_ q _) #'(list q '_)])))
341                 e)])))
342      (a xxx (xxx (cons (xxx 3 (/ 1 0)) 4) (/ 1 0))))
343    '(((3 _) . 4) _))
345  (equal?
346    (let ([b 1] [c 2] [d 3] [e 4] [f 5] [g 6])
347      (define-syntax a
348        (syntax-rules ()
349          [(_ x _ y _ z _)
350           (list x y 'z '_)]))
351      (a b c d e f g))
352    '(1 3 f _))
353 ; test syntax-rules fender
354  (eqv?
355    (let ()
356      (define-syntax k
357        (syntax-rules ()
358          [(_ a b) (identifier? #'a) (let ((a (+ b 1))) (* a b))]))
359      (let ([x 4]) (k x (+ x 3))))
360    88)
361  ; test for mishandling of underscore introduced by syntax-rules
362  (equal?
363    (let ([_ 3])
364      (define-syntax a (lambda (x) (syntax-case x (_) [(k _) 4] [(k x) #'(* x x)])))
365      (list (a _)))
366    '(4))
367  (equal?
368    (let ([_ 3])
369      (define-syntax a (syntax-rules (_) [(k _) 4] [(k x) (* x x)]))
370      (list (a _)))
371    '(4))
374(mat r6rs:syntax-rules
375  (equal?
376    (let ([b 1] [c 2] [d 3] [e 4] [f 5] [g 6])
377      (import (rnrs))
378      (define-syntax a
379        (syntax-rules ()
380          [(_ x _ y _ z _)
381           (list x y 'z '_)]))
382      (a b c d e f g))
383    '(1 3 f _))
384  (equal?
385    (let ()
386      (import (rnrs))
387      (define-syntax a
388        (syntax-rules (b)
389          [(_ b) "yup"]
390          [(_ c) (list c)]))
391      (list (a b) (a 3)))
392    '("yup" (3)))
393 ; test syntax-rules fender
394  (error?
395    (let ()
396      (import (rnrs))
397      (define-syntax k
398        (syntax-rules ()
399          [(_ a b) (identifier? #'a) (let ((a (+ b 1))) (* a b))]))
400      (let ([x 4]) (k x (+ x 3)))))
401  (error?
402    (let ()
403      (import (rnrs))
404      (syntax-rules (_))))
405  (error? (syntax-rules (_)))
406  (error?
407    (let ()
408      (import (rnrs))
409      (syntax-rules (...))))
410  (error? (syntax-rules (...)))
411  ; test for mishandling of underscore introduced by syntax-rules
412  (equal?
413    (let ()
414      (import (rnrs))
415      (let ([_ 3])
416        (define-syntax a (syntax-rules (_) [(k _) 4] [(k x) (* x x)]))
417        (list (a _))))
418    '(4))
421(mat definition-not-permitted
422 ; top level
423  (error? ; definition not permitted
424    (let-syntax ((frob (lambda (x) #'(void))))
425      (define frob 15)))
426  (error? ; definition not permitted
427    (let-syntax ((frob (lambda (x) #'(void))))
428      (define-syntax frob (identifier-syntax 15))))
429  (error? ; definition not permitted
430    (let-syntax ((frob (lambda (x) #'(void))))
431      (module frob (x) (define x 15))))
432  (error? ; definition not permitted
433    (let-syntax ((frob (lambda (x) #'(void))))
434      (alias frob cons)))
435 ; top level module body
436  (error? ; definition not permitted
437    (module (frob)
438      (let-syntax ((frob (lambda (x) #'(void))))
439        (define frob -15))))
440  (error? ; definition not permitted
441    (module (frob)
442      (let-syntax ((frob (lambda (x) #'(void))))
443        (define-syntax frob (identifier-syntax -15)))))
444  (error? ; definition not permitted
445    (module (frob)
446      (let-syntax ((frob (lambda (x) #'(void))))
447        (module frob (x) (define x -15)))))
448  (error? ; definition not permitted
449    (module (frob)
450      (let-syntax ((frob (lambda (x) #'(void))))
451        (alias frob cons))))
452 ; body
453  (error? ; definition not permitted
454    (let ()
455      (let-syntax ((frob (lambda (x) #'(void))))
456        (define frob 'xxx))
457      frob))
458  (error? ; definition not permitted
459    (let ()
460      (let-syntax ((frob (lambda (x) #'(void))))
461        (define-syntax frob (identifier-syntax 'xxx)))
462      frob))
463  (error? ; definition not permitted
464    (let ()
465      (let-syntax ((frob (lambda (x) #'(void))))
466        (module frob (x) (define x 'xxx)))
467      (import frob)
468      x))
469  (error? ; definition not permitted
470    (let ()
471      (let-syntax ((frob (lambda (x) #'(void))))
472        (alias frob cons))
473      (cons 3 4)))
476(mat invalid-bindings
477  (error? (let-syntax ([x '(global)]) x))
478  (error? (letrec-syntax ([x '(global)]) x))
479  (error? (fluid-let-syntax ([x '(global)]) x))
480  (error? (begin (define-syntax x '(global)) x))
481  (error? (let () (define-syntax x '(global)) x))
482  (error? (let () (let-syntax ([x '(global)]) x)))
483  (error? (let () (letrec-syntax ([x '(global)]) x)))
484  (error? (let-syntax ([x '(lexical . #\a)]) x))
485  (error? (letrec-syntax ([x '(lexical . #\a)]) x))
486  (error? (fluid-let-syntax ([x '(lexical . #\a)]) x))
487  (error? (begin (define-syntax x '(lexical . #\a)) x))
488  (error? (let () (define-syntax x '(lexical . #\a)) x))
489  (error? (let () (let-syntax ([x '(lexical . #\a)]) x)))
490  (error? (let () (letrec-syntax ([x '(lexical . #\a)]) x)))
491  (error? (let-syntax ([x '(macro . cond)]) x))
492  (error? (letrec-syntax ([x '(macro . cond)]) x))
493  (error? (fluid-let-syntax ([x '(macro . cond)]) x))
494  (error? (begin (define-syntax x '(macro . cond)) x))
495  (error? (let () (define-syntax x '(macro . cond)) x))
496  (error? (let () (let-syntax ([x '(macro . cond)]) x)))
497  (error? (let () (letrec-syntax ([x '(macro . cond)]) x)))
500(mat generalized-pattern
501  (begin
502    (define-syntax gp$a (syntax-rules () [(_ x ... y) (list y x ...)]))
503    #t)
504  (error? gp$a)
505  (error? (gp$a))
506  (error? (gp$a . b))
507  (equal? (gp$a 1 2 3 4 5) '(5 1 2 3 4))
508  (equal? (gp$a 1) '(1))
509  (equal? (gp$a 1 2) '(2 1))
510  (begin
511    (define-syntax gp$b
512      (lambda (x)
513        (syntax-case x ()
514          [(_ x ... y) #'(list y x ...)])))
515    #t)
516  (error? gp$b)
517  (error? (gp$b))
518  (error? (gp$b . b))
519  (equal? (gp$b 1 2 3 4 5) '(5 1 2 3 4))
520  (equal? (gp$b 1) '(1))
521  (equal? (gp$b 1 2) '(2 1))
522  (begin
523    (define-syntax gp$c
524      (syntax-rules ()
525        [(_ x ... y z . w) '((x ...) y z w)]))
526    #t)
527  (error? (gp$c))
528  (error? (gp$c 1))
529  (equal? (gp$c 1 2) '(() 1 2 ()))
530  (equal? (gp$c 1 2 3 4 5) '((1 2 3) 4 5 ()))
531  (equal? (gp$c 1 2 . 3) '(() 1 2 3))
532  (equal? (gp$c 1 2 3 4 5 . 6) '((1 2 3) 4 5 6))
533  (begin
534    (define-syntax gp$d
535      (syntax-rules (foo)
536        [(_ x ... (y z) . #(foo w1 w2)) '((x ...) y z w1 w2)]))
537    #t)
538  (error? (gp$d 1 2 . #(foo 6 7)))
539  (error? (gp$d 1 2))
540  (error? (gp$d 1 2 (3 4)))
541  (equal? (gp$d (4 5) . #(foo 6 7)) '(() 4 5 6 7))
542  (equal? (gp$d 1 (4 5) . #(foo 6 7)) '((1) 4 5 6 7))
543  (equal? (gp$d 1 2 3 (4 5) . #(foo 6 7)) '((1 2 3) 4 5 6 7))
544  (begin
545    (define-syntax gp$e
546      (syntax-rules (rats)
547        [(_ x ... . rats) '(x ...)]))
548    #t)
549  (error? (gp$e))
550  (error? (gp$e 1))
551  (error? (gp$e 1 2))
552  (error? (gp$e rats))
553  (equal? (gp$e . rats) '())
554  (equal? (gp$e 1 . rats) '(1))
555  (equal? (gp$e 1 2 3 4 5 . rats) '(1 2 3 4 5))
556  (begin
557    (define-syntax gp$f
558      (syntax-rules (rats)
559        [(_ (x ... y) ...) '(x ... ... y ...)]))
560    #t)
561  (equal? (gp$f) '())
562  (equal? (gp$f (1 2 3 4 5) (6 7 8)) '(1 2 3 4 6 7 5 8))
563  (error?
564    (define-syntax gp$g
565      (syntax-rules ()
566        [(_ x ... y ...) '(x ... y ...)])))
567  (begin
568    (define-syntax gp$h
569      (syntax-rules (rats)
570        [(_ #(x ... y) ...) '(x ... ... y ...)]))
571    #t)
572  (error? (gp$h (1 2 3)))
573  (error? (gp$h . 4))
574  (equal? (gp$h) '())
575  (equal? (gp$h #(1 2 3 4 5) #(6 7 8)) '(1 2 3 4 6 7 5 8))
578(mat define-integrable
579  (begin
580    (define-syntax define-integrable
581      (lambda (x)
582        (define make-residual-name
583          (lambda (name)
584            (datum->syntax name
585              (string->symbol
586                (string-append "residual-"
587                  (symbol->string (syntax->datum name)))))))
588        (syntax-case x (lambda)
589          ((_ name (lambda formals form1 form2 ...))
590           (identifier? (syntax name))
591           (with-syntax ((xname (make-residual-name (syntax name))))
592             (syntax
593               (begin
594                 (define-syntax name
595                   (lambda (x)
596                     (syntax-case x ()
597                       (_ (identifier? x) (syntax xname))
598                       ((_ arg (... ...))
599                        (syntax
600                          ((fluid-let-syntax
601                             ((name (identifier-syntax xname)))
602                             (lambda formals form1 form2 ...))
603                           arg (... ...)))))))
604                 (define xname
605                   (fluid-let-syntax ((name (identifier-syntax xname)))
606                     (lambda formals form1 form2 ...))))))))))
607    #t)
608  (let ()
609    (define-integrable even? (lambda (x) (if (= x 0) #t (odd? (- x 1)))))
610    (define-integrable odd? (lambda (x) (if (= x 0) #f (even? (- x 1)))))
611    (and (even? 20) (not (odd? 20))))
612  (begin
613    (define-syntax define-integrable
614      (lambda (x)
615        (syntax-case x (lambda)
616          [(_ name (lambda formals form1 form2 ...))
617           (identifier? #'name)
618           #'(begin
619               (define-syntax name
620                 (lambda (x)
621                   (syntax-case x ()
622                     [_ (identifier? x) #'xname]
623                     [(_ arg (... ...))
624                      #'((fluid-let-syntax ([name (identifier-syntax xname)])
625                           (lambda formals form1 form2 ...))
626                          arg
627                          (... ...))])))
628               (define xname
629                 (fluid-let-syntax ([name (identifier-syntax xname)])
630                   (lambda formals form1 form2 ...))))])))
631    #t)
632  (let ()
633    (define-integrable even? (lambda (x) (if (= x 0) #t (odd? (- x 1)))))
634    (define-integrable odd? (lambda (x) (if (= x 0) #f (even? (- x 1)))))
635    (and (even? 20) (not (odd? 20))))
636  (begin
637    (define-integrable $di-foo
638      (lambda (x) (if (list? x) (map $di-foo x) (list x))))
639    (define-integrable $di-bar
640      (lambda (x) (if (vector? x) (vector-map $di-bar x) (vector ($di-foo x)))))
641    (equal?
642      (list ($di-bar '#(a b c)) ($di-bar '(1 2 3)))
643      '(#(#((a)) #((b)) #((c))) #(((1) (2) (3))))))
646(mat identifier-syntax
647  (eqv?
648    (let ([x 0])
649      (define-syntax frob
650        (identifier-syntax
651          [id (begin (set! x (+ x 1)) x)]
652          [(set! id v) (set! x v)]))
653      (let ([n (+ frob frob frob)])
654        (set! frob 15)
655        (+ n frob)))
656    22)
657  (begin
658    (module (($is-frob x))
659      (define x 'initial-x)
660      (define-syntax $is-frob
661        (make-variable-transformer
662          (lambda (z)
663            (syntax-case z (set!)
664              [(set! id e)
665               (identifier? #'id)
666               #'(set! x e)]
667              [id (identifier? #'id) #'(vector x)]
668              [(_ a b c ...) #'(set! x (list (cons a b) c ...))])))))
669    (equal? $is-frob '#(initial-x)))
670  (error? ; invalid syntax
671    ($is-frob))
672  (error? ; invalid syntax
673    ($is-frob 3))
674  (error? ; invalid syntax
675    (set! $is-frob))
676  (error? ; invalid syntax
677    (set! $is-frob 3 4))
678  (equal?
679    (begin
680      ($is-frob 3 4)
681      $is-frob)
682    '#(((3 . 4))))
683  (equal?
684    (begin
685      ($is-frob 3 4 5 6 7)
686      $is-frob)
687    '#(((3 . 4) 5 6 7)))
688  (equal?
689    (let ()
690      (set! $is-frob 55)
691      $is-frob)
692    '#(55))
693  (equal?
694    (let ()
695      ($is-frob 'q 'p 'doll)
696      $is-frob)
697    '#(((q . p) doll)))
698  (equal?
699    (let ([z (void)])
700      (set! $is-frob 44)
701      (let ([set! (lambda args (set! z args))])
702        (set! $is-frob 15)
703        (list z $is-frob)))
704    '((#(44) 15) #(44)))
707(mat with-syntax
708   (begin (define-syntax foo
709            (lambda (x)
710              (syntax-case x ()
711                [(_ x ...)
712                 (with-syntax ([n (length (syntax (x ...)))])
713                   (syntax (list n 'x ...)))])))
714          #t)
715   (equal? (foo 3 2 1) '(3 3 2 1))
716   (equal? (foo 3 2 1) '(3 3 2 1))
717   (begin (define-syntax foo
718            (lambda (x)
719              (syntax-case x ()
720                [(_ (x ...) ...)
721                 (with-syntax
722                   (((len ...) (map length (syntax ((x ...) ...))))
723                    (((z ...) ...) (map reverse (syntax ((x ...) ...)))))
724                   (syntax '((len z ...) ...)))])))
725          #t)
726   (equal? (foo) '())
727   (equal? (foo (a b) (c d e)) '((2 b a) (3 e d c)))
728   (error? (expand '(foo . a)))
729   (error? (expand '(foo a)))
730   (error? (expand '(foo (a b . c) (d e f))))
731   (error? (expand '(foo (a b c) . d)))
732   (begin (define-syntax foo
733            (lambda (x)
734              (syntax-case x ()
735                [(_ x ...)
736                 (with-syntax ([(y1 y2 ...) (syntax (x ...))])
737                   (with-syntax ([(z1 z2) (syntax y1)])
738                     (syntax '(z2 z1))))])))
739          #t)
740   (equal? (foo (a b) (c d) (e f)) '(b a))
741   (error? (expand '(foo)))       ;oops: "car: incorrect list structure"
742   (error? (expand '(foo a b c))) ;oops: "cadr: incorrect list structure"
743   (error? (define-syntax foo
744             (lambda (x)
745               (syntax-case x ()
746                 [(_) (with-syntax ([(x x) '(1 2)]) 0)]))))
747   (error? (define-syntax foo
748             (lambda (x)
749               (syntax-case x ()
750                 [(_) (with-syntax ([x 1] [x 2]) 0)]))))
751   (equal? (with-syntax ((x 3)) #'#&x) '#&3)
752   (equal? (with-syntax ((x 3)) #'#(x)) '#(3))
753   (equal? (list (with-syntax () (define x 3) x) 4) '(3 4))
754   (equal? (list (with-syntax ([q 3]) (define x #'q) x) 4) '(3 4))
755   (equal? (list (with-syntax ([q 3] [r 5]) (define x #'q) (cons x #'r)) 4) '((3 . 5) 4))
756 )
758(mat generate-temporaries
759  (error? (generate-temporaries))
760  (error? (generate-temporaries '(a b c) '(d e f)))
761  (error? (generate-temporaries '(a b . c)))
762  (error? (generate-temporaries (let ([x (list 'a 'b 'c)]) (set-cdr! (cddr x) (cdr x)) x)))
763  (andmap identifier? (generate-temporaries '(a b c)))
764  (= (length (generate-temporaries '(a b c))) 3)
765  (andmap identifier? (generate-temporaries #'(a b c)))
766  (= (length (generate-temporaries #'(a b c))) 3)
767  (andmap identifier? (generate-temporaries (cons 'q #'(1 2 3))))
768  (= (length (generate-temporaries (cons 'q #'(1 2 3)))) 4)
769 ; make sure generate-temporaries isn't confused by annotations
770  (begin
771    (let ((op (open-output-file "testfile.ss" 'replace)))
772      (pretty-print
773        '(begin
774           (define-syntax $gt-a
775             (lambda (x)
776               (syntax-case x ()
777                 [(_ x)
778                  (with-syntax ([(t1 t2 t3) (generate-temporaries #'(1 1 1))])
779                    #'(define x (let ([t1 17] [t2 53] [t3 -10]) (cons* t2 t3 t1))))])))
780           ($gt-a $gt-x))
781        op)
782        (close-output-port op)
783        (compile-file "testfile.ss"))
784    #t)
785  (begin
786    (load "testfile.so")
787    #t)
788  (equal? $gt-x '(53 -10 . 17))
791(mat syntax->list
792  (error? (syntax->list #'a))
793  (error? (syntax->list #'(a b . e)))
794  (eq? (syntax->list #'()) '())
795  (andmap bound-identifier=? (syntax->list #'(a b c)) (list #'a #'b #'c))
796  (not (pair? (car (syntax->list #'((a . b))))))
797 ; just for comparison
798  (pair? (car (syntax->datum #'((a . b)))))
801(mat syntax->vector
802  (error? (syntax->vector #'a))
803  (error? (syntax->vector #'(a b . e)))
804  (eq? (syntax->vector #'#()) '#())
805  (andmap bound-identifier=? (vector->list (syntax->vector #'#(a b c))) (list #'a #'b #'c))
806  (not (pair? (vector-ref (syntax->vector #'#((a . b))) 0)))
807 ; just for comparison
808  (pair? (vector-ref (syntax->datum #'#((a . b))) 0))
811(mat syntax-errors
812  (begin
813    (define $do-one
814      (lambda (x)
815        (collect (collect-maximum-generation)) ; close ports left open by load/compile-file w/mat's error handler
816        (let ((op (open-output-file "testfile.ss" 'replace)))
817          (fprintf op "   ~%     ")
818          (if (string? x)
819              (fprintf op "~a~%" x)
820              (parameterize ((pretty-initial-indent 5))
821                (pretty-print x op)))
822          (close-output-port op))
823        (load "testfile.ss")))
824    #t)
826 ; fix "missing definition for exports" error to be like duplicate-id-error
827 ; as is, no character position information is given
828  (error? ($do-one '(module (y) (define x 3))))
830 ; get no character position information for this
831  (error? ($do-one '(let () (define x 3) (define-syntax x (identifier-syntax 4)) x)))
833 ; these should possibly give position of invalid/duplicate id, not whole form
834  (error? ($do-one '(let () (module (x) (define x 3) (define-syntax x (identifier-syntax 4))) x)))
836  (error? ($do-one '(module (x) (define x 3) (define-syntax x (identifier-syntax 4)))))
838  (error? ($do-one '(letrec ((3 4)) 5)))
840  (error? ($do-one '(letrec-syntax ((3 4)) 5)))
842 ; these should be okay:
843  (error? ($do-one
844            '(module (x)
845               (module (x) (define a 1) (define a 2) (define x 3) (define x 4)))))
847  (error? ($do-one '(a . b)))
849  (error? ($do-one '(module (x) (define x 3) (define x 4))))
851  (error? ($do-one '(module (x) (module (x) (define x 3) (define x 4)))))
853  (error? ($do-one '(letrec ((x 3) (x 4)) x)))
855  (error? ($do-one '(letrec-syntax ((x 3) (x 4)) x)))
857  (error? ($do-one '(let () (module (x) (define x 3) (define x 4)) x)))
859  (error? ($do-one '(let () (define x 3) (define x 4) x)))
861  (error? ($do-one '(cond (a . b))))
863  (error? ($do-one '(syntax-case (list 'a 'b) (a) ((_ b b) (syntax b)))))
865  (error? ($do-one '(syntax-case (list 'a 'b) (a) ((_ a ...) 3 4 5))))
867  (error? ($do-one '(syntax-case (list 'a 'b) (a ...) ((_ a ...) 3))))
869  (error? ($do-one '(syntax a b)))
871  (error? ($do-one '(if a b c d)))
873  (error? ($do-one '(letrec ((x 3) (y 4) . (z 5)) (list x y z))))
875  (error? ($do-one '(let () ($primitive 4 car))))
877  (error? ($do-one '(syntax-case x)))
879  (error? ($do-one '(quote a b)))
881  (error? ($do-one '(fluid-let-syntax)))
883  (error? ($do-one '(letrec-syntax () . 3)))
885  (error? ($do-one '(lambda (x x) x)))
887  (error? ($do-one '(lambda (x y) . z)))
889  (error? ($do-one '(lambda (3) 3)))
891  (error? ($do-one '(let ((x 4)) (set! x 3 5) x)))
893  (error? ($do-one '(set! x 3 5)))
895  (error? ($do-one '(let () (import . x) 3)))
897  (error? ($do-one '(import . x)))
899  (error? ($do-one '(let () (import (just scheme cons)))))
901  (error? ($do-one '(import (just scheme cons))))
903  (error? ($do-one '(module ((a . b)) c)))
905  (error? ($do-one '(module (a . b) c)))
907  (error? ($do-one '(define x y z)))
909  (error? ($do-one '(define-syntax x y z)))
911  (error? ($do-one '(case-lambda (()))))
913  (error? ($do-one '(import m-not-defined)))
915  (error? ($do-one '(let () (import m-not-defined) 3)))
917  (error? ($do-one '(module () (import m-not-defined))))
919  (error? ($do-one '(lambda (x) (define x 3))))
921  (begin
922    (define-syntax muck (lambda (x) 'x))
923    #t)
925  (error? ($do-one '(muck)))
927  (error? ($do-one '(eval-when (compile load foo) bar)))
929  (error? ($do-one '(let ((x 3) (y . 4)) (+ x y))))
931  (error? ($do-one '(begin
932                        (define-syntax $a
933                          (lambda (x)
934                            (syntax-case x ()
935                              ((_ a b c)
936                               (syntax-case #'(a b c) ()
937                                 [(_ x y z) (quote (x y z))])))))
938                        ($a 1 2 3))))
939 ; [
940  (error? ($do-one "'(a b (c d])")) ; )
942  (error? ($do-one '(let ()
943                      (define-syntax a
944                        (lambda (x)
945                          (syntax-case x ()
946                            [a (datum->syntax #'a '(if 1))])))
947                      a)))
949  (error? ($do-one '(let ()
950                      (define-syntax a
951                        (syntax-rules ()
952                          [(_ m i)
953                           (module m (i)
954                             (import m1))]))
955                      (module m1 (xxx) (define xxx 155))
956                      (a m2 xxx)
957                      (let () (import m2) xxx))))
959  (error? ($do-one '(let ()
960                      (define-syntax a
961                        (lambda (q)
962                          #'(let ()
963                              (define x 5)
964                              (define-syntax x
965                                (identifier-syntax 5))
966                              x)))
967                      a)))
969  (error? ; attempt to assign immutable variable cons
970    ($do-one '(begin
971                (set! cons list)
972                (cons 1 2 3))))
974  (error? ; attempt to assign immutable variable x
975    ($do-one
976       '(begin
977          (library ($selib1) (export (rename (a $selib1-a)))
978            (import (rnrs))
979            (define x 0)
980            (define-syntax a
981              (syntax-rules ()
982                [(_ n) (begin (set! x (+ x n)) x)])))
983          (import ($selib1))
984          ($selib1-a 17))))
986  (error? ; attempt to assign immutable variable x
987    ($do-one
988       '(begin
989          (library ($selib1) (export (rename (a $selib1-a)))
990            (import (rnrs))
991            (define x 0)
992            (define-syntax a
993              (syntax-rules ()
994                [(_) (begin (set! x (+ x 1)) x)])))
995          (import ($selib1))
996          ($selib1-a))))
998  (error?
999    (mat/cf
1000      (begin
1001        (define-syntax err-test
1002          (syntax-rules ()
1003            [(_ a b c) (list 'a 'b 'c)]))
1004        (err-test "wrong # args"))))
1006  (error? ($do-one '(let () 3 (module foo ()) 4)))
1007  (error? ($do-one '(let () 3 (module ()) 4)))
1008  (error? ($do-one '(let () 3 (import scheme) 4)))
1009  (error? ($do-one '(let () 3 (import-only scheme) 4)))
1010  (error? ($do-one '(let () 3 (module . foo) 4)))
1011  (error? ($do-one '(let () 3 (module) 4)))
1012  (error? ($do-one '(let () 3 (import . scheme) 4)))
1013  (error? ($do-one '(let () 3 (import-only . scheme) 4)))
1015  (error? ($do-one '(let () (define-syntax foo (syntax-rules () [(_ e) (if e)])) (foo 17))))
1017  (error? ($do-one
1018            `(let ()
1019               (define-syntax spam
1020                 (lambda (x)
1021                   #`(assert (let-syntax ([q '#,(lambda (x) #f)]) q))))
1022               spam)))
1023  (error? ($do-one
1024            '(let ()
1025               (define-syntax spam
1026                 (lambda (x)
1027                   #`(let-values ([(a b) (let-syntax ([q '#,(lambda (x) 3)]) q)])
1028                       (list a b))))
1029               spam)))
1030  (error? ($do-one
1031            '(let ()
1032               (define-syntax spam
1033                 (lambda (x)
1034                   #'(let ()
1035                       (define x 0)
1036                       (define y 1)
1037                       (define-property x y sort)
1038                       (let-values ([(a b c) (values x y)])
1039                         (list a b)))))
1040               spam)))
1041 )
1043; this is identical to the preceding except that $do-one calls compile-file instead
1044; of load.
1045(mat syntax-errors2
1046  (begin
1047    (define $do-one
1048      (lambda (x)
1049        (collect (collect-maximum-generation)) ; close ports left open by load/compile-file w/mat's error handler
1050        (let ((op (open-output-file "testfile.ss" 'replace)))
1051          (fprintf op "   ~%     ")
1052          (if (string? x)
1053              (fprintf op "~a~%" x)
1054              (parameterize ((pretty-initial-indent 5))
1055                (pretty-print x op)))
1056          (close-output-port op))
1057        (compile-file "testfile.ss")
1058        (load "testfile.so")))
1059    #t)
1061 ; fix "missing definition for exports" error to be like duplicate-id-error
1062 ; as is, no character position information is given
1063  (error? ($do-one '(module (y) (define x 3))))
1065 ; get no character position information for this
1066  (error? ($do-one '(let () (define x 3) (define-syntax x (identifier-syntax 4)) x)))
1068 ; these should possibly give position of invalid/duplicate id, not whole form
1069  (error? ($do-one '(let () (module (x) (define x 3) (define-syntax x (identifier-syntax 4))) x)))
1071  (error? ($do-one '(module (x) (define x 3) (define-syntax x (identifier-syntax 4)))))
1073  (error? ($do-one '(letrec ((3 4)) 5)))
1075  (error? ($do-one '(letrec-syntax ((3 4)) 5)))
1077 ; these should be okay:
1078  (error? ($do-one
1079            '(module (x)
1080               (module (x) (define a 1) (define a 2) (define x 3) (define x 4)))))
1082  (error? ($do-one '(a . b)))
1084  (error? ($do-one '(module (x) (define x 3) (define x 4))))
1086  (error? ($do-one '(module (x) (module (x) (define x 3) (define x 4)))))
1088  (error? ($do-one '(letrec ((x 3) (x 4)) x)))
1090  (error? ($do-one '(letrec-syntax ((x 3) (x 4)) x)))
1092  (error? ($do-one '(let () (module (x) (define x 3) (define x 4)) x)))
1094  (error? ($do-one '(let () (define x 3) (define x 4) x)))
1096  (error? ($do-one '(cond (a . b))))
1098  (error? ($do-one '(syntax-case (list 'a 'b) (a) ((_ b b) (syntax b)))))
1100  (error? ($do-one '(syntax-case (list 'a 'b) (a) ((_ a ...) 3 4 5))))
1102  (error? ($do-one '(syntax-case (list 'a 'b) (a ...) ((_ a ...) 3))))
1104  (error? ($do-one '(syntax a b)))
1106  (error? ($do-one '(if a b c d)))
1108  (error? ($do-one '(letrec ((x 3) (y 4) . (z 5)) (list x y z))))
1110  (error? ($do-one '(let () ($primitive 4 car))))
1112  (error? ($do-one '(syntax-case x)))
1114  (error? ($do-one '(quote a b)))
1116  (error? ($do-one '(fluid-let-syntax)))
1118  (error? ($do-one '(letrec-syntax () . 3)))
1120  (error? ($do-one '(lambda (x x) x)))
1122  (error? ($do-one '(lambda (x y) . z)))
1124  (error? ($do-one '(lambda (3) 3)))
1126  (error? ($do-one '(let ((x 4)) (set! x 3 5) x)))
1128  (error? ($do-one '(set! x 3 5)))
1130  (error? ($do-one '(let () (import . x) 3)))
1132  (error? ($do-one '(import . x)))
1134  (error? ($do-one '(let () (import (just scheme cons)))))
1136  (error? ($do-one '(import (just scheme cons))))
1138  (error? ($do-one '(module ((a . b)) c)))
1140  (error? ($do-one '(module (a . b) c)))
1142  (error? ($do-one '(define x y z)))
1144  (error? ($do-one '(define-syntax x y z)))
1146  (error? ($do-one '(case-lambda (()))))
1148  (error? ($do-one '(import m-not-defined)))
1150  (error? ($do-one '(let () (import m-not-defined) 3)))
1152  (error? ($do-one '(module () (import m-not-defined))))
1154  (error? ($do-one '(lambda (x) (define x 3))))
1156  (begin
1157    (define-syntax muck (lambda (x) 'x))
1158    #t)
1160  (error? ($do-one '(muck)))
1162  (error? ($do-one '(eval-when (compile load foo) bar)))
1164  (error? ($do-one '(let ((x 3) (y . 4)) (+ x y))))
1166  (error? ($do-one '(begin
1167                        (define-syntax $a
1168                          (lambda (x)
1169                            (syntax-case x ()
1170                              ((_ a b c)
1171                               (syntax-case #'(a b c) ()
1172                                 [(_ x y z) (quote (x y z))])))))
1173                        ($a 1 2 3))))
1174 ; [
1175  (error? ($do-one "'(a b (c d])")) ; )
1177  (error? ($do-one '(let ()
1178                      (define-syntax a
1179                        (lambda (x)
1180                          (syntax-case x ()
1181                            [a (datum->syntax #'a '(if 1))])))
1182                      a)))
1184  (error? ($do-one '(let ()
1185                      (define-syntax a
1186                        (syntax-rules ()
1187                          [(_ m i)
1188                           (module m (i)
1189                             (import m1))]))
1190                      (module m1 (xxx) (define xxx 155))
1191                      (a m2 xxx)
1192                      (let () (import m2) xxx))))
1194  (error? ($do-one '(let ()
1195                      (define-syntax a
1196                        (lambda (q)
1197                          #'(let ()
1198                              (define x 5)
1199                              (define-syntax x
1200                                (identifier-syntax 5))
1201                              x)))
1202                      a)))
1204  (error? ; ris #f: attempt to assign immutable variable cons
1205          ; ris #t: incorrect number of arguments to cons
1206    ($do-one '(begin
1207                (set! cons list)
1208                (set! cons #%cons)
1209                (cons 1 2 3))))
1211  (error? ; attempt to assign immutable variable x
1212    ($do-one
1213       '(begin
1214          (library ($selib1) (export (rename (a $selib1-a)))
1215            (import (rnrs))
1216            (define x 0)
1217            (define-syntax a
1218              (syntax-rules ()
1219                [(_ n) (begin (set! x (+ x n)) x)])))
1220          (import ($selib1))
1221          ($selib1-a 17))))
1223  (error? ; attempt to assign immutable variable x
1224    ($do-one
1225       '(begin
1226          (library ($selib1) (export (rename (a $selib1-a)))
1227            (import (rnrs))
1228            (define x 0)
1229            (define-syntax a
1230              (syntax-rules ()
1231                [(_) (begin (set! x (+ x 1)) x)])))
1232          (import ($selib1))
1233          ($selib1-a))))
1235  (error?
1236    (mat/cf
1237      (begin
1238        (define-syntax err-test
1239          (syntax-rules ()
1240            [(_ a b c) (list 'a 'b 'c)]))
1241        (err-test "wrong # args"))))
1243  (error? ($do-one '(let () 3 (module foo ()) 4)))
1244  (error? ($do-one '(let () 3 (module ()) 4)))
1245  (error? ($do-one '(let () 3 (import scheme) 4)))
1246  (error? ($do-one '(let () 3 (import-only scheme) 4)))
1247  (error? ($do-one '(let () 3 (module . foo) 4)))
1248  (error? ($do-one '(let () 3 (module) 4)))
1249  (error? ($do-one '(let () 3 (import . scheme) 4)))
1250  (error? ($do-one '(let () 3 (import-only . scheme) 4)))
1252  (error? ($do-one '(let () (define-syntax foo (syntax-rules () [(_ e) (if e)])) (foo 17))))
1254  ; make sure we don't get complaints from fasl writer due to procedures in the source
1255  ; information residualzied for the production of errors
1256  (error? ($do-one
1257            `(let ()
1258               (define-syntax spam
1259                 (lambda (x)
1260                   #`(assert (let-syntax ([q '#,(lambda (x) #f)]) q))))
1261               spam)))
1262  (error? ($do-one
1263            '(let ()
1264               (define-syntax spam
1265                 (lambda (x)
1266                   #`(let-values ([(a b) (let-syntax ([q '#,(lambda (x) 3)]) q)])
1267                       (list a b))))
1268               spam)))
1269  (error? ($do-one
1270            '(let ()
1271               (define-syntax spam
1272                 (lambda (x)
1273                   #'(let ()
1274                       (define x 0)
1275                       (define y 1)
1276                       (define-property x y sort)
1277                       (let-values ([(a b c) (values x y)])
1278                         (list a b)))))
1279               spam)))
1280 )
1282(mat define-structure
1283   (begin
1284     (define-structure ($tree left node right))
1285     #t)
1286   ($tree? (make-$tree 3 4 5))
1287   (let ((tr (make-$tree 'a 'b 'c)))
1288      (and (eq? ($tree-left tr) 'a)
1289           (eq? ($tree-node tr) 'b)
1290           (eq? ($tree-right tr) 'c)))
1291   (begin
1292     (define-structure (pare kar kdr)
1293        ((original-kar kar) (original-kdr kdr)))
1294     #t)
1295   (andmap procedure?
1296           (list make-pare
1297                 pare?
1298                 pare-kar
1299                 pare-kdr
1300                 pare-original-kar
1301                 pare-original-kdr
1302                 set-pare-kar!
1303                 set-pare-kdr!
1304                 set-pare-original-kar!
1305                 set-pare-original-kdr!))
1306   (pare? (make-pare 3 4))
1307   (eq? (pare-kar (make-pare 'a 'b)) 'a)
1308   (eq? (pare-kdr (make-pare 'a 'b)) 'b)
1309   (eq? (pare-original-kar (make-pare 'a 'b)) 'a)
1310   (eq? (pare-original-kdr (make-pare 'a 'b)) 'b)
1311   (let ((p (make-pare 'a 'b)))
1312      (set-pare-kar! p 'c)
1313      (set-pare-kdr! p 'd)
1314      (and (eq? (pare-kar p) 'c)
1315           (eq? (pare-kdr p) 'd)
1316           (eq? (pare-original-kar p) 'a)
1317           (eq? (pare-original-kdr p) 'b)))
1318 )
1320(mat module1
1321  (begin
1322    (module $foo ($a) (define $a 4) (define $b 5))
1323    (import $foo)
1324    (eq? $a 4))
1325  (error?
1326    (begin
1327      (module $foo ($a) (define $a 4) (define $b 5))
1328      (import $foo)
1329      $b))
1330  (eq? (let ()
1331         (module $foo ($a) (define $a 4) (define $b 5))
1332         (import $foo)
1333         $a)
1334       4)
1335  (error?
1336    (let ()
1337      (module $foo ($a) (define $a 4) (define $b 5))
1338      (import $foo)
1339      $b))
1340  (begin
1341    (module $foo ($a)
1342      (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax 4))
1343      (define-syntax $b (identifier-syntax 5)))
1344    (import $foo)
1345    (eq? $a 4))
1346  (error?
1347    (begin
1348      (module $foo ($a)
1349        (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax 4))
1350        (define-syntax $b (identifier-syntax 5)))
1351      (import $foo)
1352      $b))
1353  (eq? (let ()
1354         (module $foo ($a)
1355           (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax 4))
1356           (define-syntax $b (identifier-syntax 5)))
1357         (import $foo)
1358         $a)
1359       4)
1360  (error?
1361    (let ()
1362      (module $foo ($a)
1363        (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax 4))
1364        (define-syntax $b (identifier-syntax 5)))
1365      (import $foo)
1366      $b))
1367  (begin
1368    (module $foo (($a $b))
1369      (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax $b))
1370      (define $b 400))
1371    (import $foo)
1372    (eq? $a 400))
1373  (error?
1374    (begin
1375      (module $foo ($a)
1376        (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax $b))
1377        (define $b 400))
1378      (import $foo)
1379      $a))
1380  (eq? (let ()
1381         (module $foo (($a $b))
1382           (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax $b))
1383           (define $b 400))
1384         (import $foo)
1385         $a)
1386       400)
1387  (eq? (let ()
1388         (module $foo ($a)
1389           (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax $b))
1390           (define $b 400))
1391         (import $foo)
1392         $a)
1393       400)
1394  (begin
1395    (define-syntax anonymous-module
1396      (syntax-rules ()
1397        ((_ (exp ...) def ...)
1398         (begin
1399           (module $tmp (exp ...) def ...)
1400           (import $tmp)))))
1401    (anonymous-module ($x) (define $x 3))
1402    (eq? $x 3))
1403  (eq? (let () (anonymous-module ($x) (define $x 3)) $x) 3)
1404  (begin
1405    (define $y (lambda () $x))
1406    (anonymous-module ($x) (define $x 3))
1407    (eq? ($y) 3))
1408  (eq? (let ()
1409         (define $y (lambda () $x))
1410         (anonymous-module ($x) (define $x 3))
1411         ($y))
1412       3)
1413  (begin
1414    (anonymous-module (ok)
1415      (define $y 4)
1416      (define ok (lambda () $y)))
1417    (define $y (lambda () (ok)))
1418    (eq? ($y) 4))
1419 ; was an error before change to treat top-level begin like a <body>
1420  (begin
1421    (define $y (lambda () (rats)))
1422    (anonymous-module (rats)
1423      (define $y 4)
1424      (define rats (lambda () $y)))
1425    (eqv? ($y) 4))
1426  (eq? (let ()
1427         (define $y (lambda () ($x)))
1428         (anonymous-module ($x)
1429           (define $y 4)
1430           (define $x (lambda () $y)))
1431         ($y))
1432       4)
1433  (begin
1434    (anonymous-module ($a)
1435      (anonymous-module ($a)
1436        (define $a 3)))
1437    (eq? $a 3))
1438  (begin
1439    (anonymous-module ($a)
1440      (anonymous-module (($a $b))
1441        (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax $b))
1442        (define $b 77)))
1443    (eq? $a 77))
1444  (begin
1445    (define-syntax defconst
1446      (syntax-rules ()
1447        ((_ $x e)
1448         (anonymous-module (($x t))
1449           (define-syntax $x (identifier-syntax t))
1450           (define t e)))))
1451    (defconst $a 3)
1452    (eq? $a 3))
1453  (error? (set! $a 4))
1454  (begin
1455    (module $qq ($q) (defconst $q 53))
1456    (eq? (let () (import $qq) $q) 53))
1457  (error? (let () (import $qq) (set! $q 4)))
1458  (begin (import $qq) (eq? $q 53))
1459  (error? (set! $q 4))
1460 ; repeat last set of tests for built-in anonymous modules
1461  (begin
1462    (module ($x) (define $x 3))
1463    (eq? $x 3))
1464  (eq? (let () (module ($x) (define $x 3)) $x) 3)
1465  (begin
1466    (define $y (lambda () $x))
1467    (module ($x) (define $x 3))
1468    (eq? ($y) 3))
1469  (eq? (let ()
1470         (define $y (lambda () $x))
1471         (module ($x) (define $x 3))
1472         ($y))
1473       3)
1474  (begin
1475    (module (ok)
1476      (define $y 4)
1477      (define ok (lambda () $y)))
1478    (define $y (lambda () (ok)))
1479    (eq? ($y) 4))
1480 ; was an error before change to treat top-level begin like a <body>
1481  (begin
1482    (define $y (lambda () (mice)))
1483    (module (mice)
1484      (define $y 4)
1485      (define mice (lambda () $y)))
1486    (eqv? ($y) 4))
1487  (eq? (let ()
1488         (define $y (lambda () ($x)))
1489         (module ($x)
1490           (define $y 4)
1491           (define $x (lambda () $y)))
1492         ($y))
1493       4)
1494  (begin
1495    (module ($a)
1496      (module ($a)
1497        (define $a 3)))
1498    (eq? $a 3))
1499  (begin
1500    (module ($a)
1501      (module (($a $b))
1502        (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax $b))
1503        (define $b 77)))
1504    (eq? $a 77))
1505  (begin
1506    (define-syntax defconst
1507      (syntax-rules ()
1508        ((_ $x e)
1509         (module (($x t))
1510           (define-syntax $x (identifier-syntax t))
1511           (define t e)))))
1512    (defconst $a 3)
1513    (eq? $a 3))
1514  (error? (set! $a 4))
1515  (begin
1516    (module $qq ($q) (defconst $q 53))
1517    (eq? (let () (import $qq) $q) 53))
1518  (error? (let () (import $qq) (set! $q 4)))
1519  (begin (import $qq) (eq? $q 53))
1520  (error? (set! $q 4))
1521  (begin
1522    (module $prom ((del make-$prom) frc)
1523      (define-syntax del
1524        (syntax-rules ()
1525          ((_ exp) (make-$prom (lambda () exp)))))
1526      (define frc (lambda ($prom) ($prom)))
1527      (define make-$prom
1528        (lambda (th)
1529          (let ([val #f] [forced? #f])
1530            (lambda ()
1531              (if forced?
1532                  val
1533                  (let ([e (th)]) (set! forced? #t) (set! val e) e)))))))
1534    (module $tofu ($lazy-let)
1535      (import $prom)
1536      (define-syntax $lazy-let
1537        (lambda (form)
1538          (syntax-case form ()
1539            [(_ ((v e) ...) e1 e2 ...)
1540             #'(let ([v (del e)] ...)
1541                 (let-syntax ((v (identifier-syntax (frc v))) ...)
1542                   e1 e2 ...))]))))
1543    (module $test ($a)
1544      (import $tofu)
1545      (define-syntax push!
1546        (syntax-rules ()
1547          ((_ $x ls) (set! ls (cons $x ls)))))
1548      (define $a
1549        (lambda ()
1550          (let ((ls '()))
1551            (let ((w ($lazy-let (($x (begin (push! '$x ls) '$x))
1552                                 ($y (begin (push! '$y ls) '$y))
1553                                 ($z (begin (push! '$z ls) '$z)))
1554                       (if $x (list $x $y) $z))))
1555              (append w ls))))))
1556    (equal? (let () (import $test) ($a)) '($x $y $y $x)))
1557  (begin (import $test) (equal? ($a) '($x $y $y $x)))
1558  (error? (let () (module () (define $a 3) (define-syntax $a list)) 5))
1559  (eqv?
1560    (let ()
1561      (module $a ($x) (define $x 3) (set! $x (+ $x 1)))
1562      (import $a)
1563      $x)
1564    4)
1565  (eq? (let ()
1566         (module $foo ($a)
1567           (module $a ($b)
1568             (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax $b))
1569             (define-syntax $b (identifier-syntax $c))
1570             (define $c 7)))
1571         (import $foo)
1572         (import $a)
1573         $b)
1574       7)
1575  (eq? (let ()
1576         (module $foo ($a) (module $a ($x) (define $x 3)))
1577         (import $foo)
1578         (import $a)
1579         $x)
1580       3)
1581  (begin
1582    (module $foo ($a) (module $a ($x) (define $x 3)))
1583    (import $foo)
1584    (import $a)
1585    (eq? $x 3))
1586  (error?
1587    (begin
1588      (module $foo ($a)
1589        (module $a ($b)
1590          (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax $b))
1591          (define-syntax $b (identifier-syntax $c))
1592          (define $c 7)))
1593      (import $foo)
1594      (import $a)
1595      $b))
1596  (begin
1597    (module $foo ($a)
1598      (module $a (($b $c))
1599        (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax $b))
1600        (define-syntax $b (identifier-syntax $c))
1601        (define $c 7)))
1602    (import $foo)
1603    (import $a)
1604    (eq? $b 7))
1605  (error?
1606    (begin
1607      (module $foo ($a)
1608        (module $a (($b $c))
1609          (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax $c))
1610          (define-syntax $b (identifier-syntax $a))
1611          (define $c 7)))
1612      (import $foo)
1613      (import $a)
1614      (eq? $b 7)))
1615  (error?
1616   (begin
1617    (module $foo ($a)
1618      (module $a (($b $a))
1619        (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax $c))
1620        (define-syntax $b (identifier-syntax $a))
1621        (define $c 7)))
1622    (import $foo)
1623    (import $a)
1624    (eq? $b 7)))
1625  (begin
1626    (module $foo ($a)
1627      (module $a (($b ($a $c)))
1628        (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax $c))
1629        (define-syntax $b (identifier-syntax $a))
1630        (define $c 7)))
1631    (import $foo)
1632    (import $a)
1633    (eq? $b 7))
1634  (begin
1635    (module $foo ($a)
1636      (module $a (($b $a $c))
1637        (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax $c))
1638        (define-syntax $b (identifier-syntax $a))
1639        (define $c 7)))
1640    (import $foo)
1641    (import $a)
1642    (eq? $b 7))
1643  (begin
1644    (module $foo ($a)
1645      (module $a (($b $a))
1646        (module (($a $c))
1647          (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax $c))
1648          (define $c 7))
1649        (define-syntax $b (identifier-syntax $a))))
1650    (import $foo)
1651    (import $a)
1652    (eq? $b 7))
1653  (error?
1654    (begin
1655      (module $foo ($a)
1656        (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax $b))
1657        (define-syntax $b (identifier-syntax 4)))
1658      (import $foo)
1659      $a))
1660  (eq? (let ()
1661         (module $foo ($a)
1662           (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax $b))
1663           (define-syntax $b (identifier-syntax $c))
1664           (define $c 7))
1665         (import $foo)
1666         $a)
1667       7)
1668  (eq? (let ()
1669         (module $foo ($y)
1670           (module $x ($y)
1671             (define-syntax $y (identifier-syntax $z))
1672             (define $z 4))
1673           (import $x))
1674         (import $foo)
1675         $y)
1676       4)
1677  (eq? (let ()
1678         (module $foo ($y)
1679           (module $x (($y $z))
1680             (define-syntax $y (identifier-syntax $z))
1681             (define $z 4))
1682           (import $x))
1683         (import $foo)
1684         $y)
1685       4)
1686  (error?
1687    (begin
1688      (module $foo ($y)
1689        (module $x ($y)
1690          (define-syntax $y (identifier-syntax $z))
1691          (define $z 4))
1692        (import $x))
1693      (import $foo)
1694      $y))
1695  (begin
1696    (module $foo ($y)
1697      (module $x (($y $z))
1698        (define-syntax $y (identifier-syntax $z))
1699        (define $z 4))
1700      (import $x))
1701    (import $foo)
1702    (eq? $y 4))
1703  (eq? (let ()
1704         (module $foo ($y)
1705           (module $x ($y $z)
1706             (define-syntax $y (identifier-syntax $z))
1707             (define $z 4))
1708           (import $x))
1709         (import $foo)
1710         $y)
1711       4)
1712  (error?
1713    (begin
1714      (module $foo ($y)
1715        (module $x ($y $z)
1716          (define-syntax $y (identifier-syntax $z))
1717          (define $z 44))
1718        (import $x))
1719      (import $foo)
1720      (eq? $y 44)))
1721  (begin
1722    (module $foo ($y)
1723      (module $x (($y $z) $z)
1724        (define-syntax $y (identifier-syntax $z))
1725        (define $z 44))
1726      (import $x))
1727    (import $foo)
1728    (eq? $y 44))
1729  (begin
1730    (module $foo (($y $z))
1731      (module $x ($y $z)
1732        (define-syntax $y (identifier-syntax $z))
1733        (define $z 44))
1734      (import $x))
1735    (import $foo)
1736    (eq? $y 44))
1737  (error?
1738    (let ()
1739      (module $foo (($y $z))
1740        (module (($y $z))
1741          (define-syntax $y (identifier-syntax $z))
1742          (define $z 4)))
1743      (import $foo)
1744      $y))
1745  (error? ; undefined export $y
1746    (let ()
1747      (module $foo (($y $z))
1748        (define-syntax $y (identifier-syntax $z))
1749        (module ($y))
1750        (define $z 4))
1751      (import $foo)
1752      $y))
1753  (error? ; undefined export $z
1754    (let ()
1755      (module $foo ($y)
1756        (module (($y $z))
1757          (define-syntax $y (identifier-syntax $z)))
1758        (define $z 4))
1759      (import $foo)
1760      $y))
1761 ; following demonstrates "recursive" modules
1762  (equal?
1763    (let ()
1764      (module $one ($e)
1765        (define $e (lambda ($x) (or (zero? $x) ($o (- $x 1))))))
1766      (module $two ($o)
1767        (define $o (lambda ($x) (not ($e $x)))))
1768      (import $one)
1769      (import $two)
1770      (map (lambda ($x) (list ($o $x) ($e $x))) '(0 1 2 3 4 5)))
1771    '((#f #t) (#t #f) (#f #t) (#t #f) (#f #t) (#t #f)))
1772 ; "recursive" modules don't work at top level ...
1773  (error?
1774    (begin
1775      (module $one ($e)
1776        (define $e (lambda ($x) (or (zero? $x) ($o (- $x 1))))))
1777      (module $two ($o)
1778        (define $o (lambda ($x) (not ($e $x)))))
1779      (import $one)
1780      (import $two)
1781      (map (lambda ($x) ($o $x)) '(0 1 2 3 4 5))))
1782 ; ... unless encapsulated within a top-level module
1783  (begin
1784    (module ($e $o)
1785      (module $one ($e)
1786        (define $e (lambda ($x) (or (zero? $x) ($o (- $x 1))))))
1787      (module $two ($o)
1788        (define $o (lambda ($x) (not ($e $x)))))
1789      (import $one)
1790      (import $two))
1791    (equal?
1792      (map (lambda ($x) (list ($o $x) ($e $x))) '(0 1 2 3 4 5))
1793      '((#f #t) (#t #f) (#f #t) (#t #f) (#f #t) (#t #f))))
1794 ; the following set of tests, as with many others above, highlights the
1795 ; difference between the flexibility of local and rigidness of global
1796 ; export rules.  for the global, we need to explicitly list the implicit
1797 ; exports; for the global, we do not.
1798  (eq? (let ()
1799         (module $a ($alpha)
1800           (define-syntax $alpha (identifier-syntax $x))
1801           (module $b ($x) (define $x 3))
1802           (import $b))
1803         (import $a)
1804         $alpha)
1805       3)
1806  (error?
1807    (begin
1808      (module $a ($alpha)
1809        (define-syntax $alpha (identifier-syntax $x))
1810        (module $b ($x) (define $x 3))
1811        (import $b))
1812      (import $a)
1813      $alpha))
1814  (begin
1815    (module $a (($alpha $x))
1816      (define-syntax $alpha (identifier-syntax $x))
1817      (module $b ($x) (define $x 3))
1818      (import $b))
1819    (import $a)
1820    (eq? $alpha 3))
1821  (equal?
1822    (let ()
1823      (define $x "current outer value of $x")
1824      (let ()
1825        (module $a ($alpha)
1826          (define-syntax $alpha (identifier-syntax $x))
1827          (module $b ($y) (define $y 445) (define $x 3))
1828          (import $b))
1829        (import $a)
1830        $alpha))
1831    "current outer value of $x")
1832  (begin
1833    (define $x "current outer value of $x")
1834    (module $a ($alpha)
1835      (define-syntax $alpha (identifier-syntax $x))
1836      (module $b ($y) (define $y 445) (define $x 3))
1837      (import $b))
1838    (import $a)
1839    (equal? $alpha "current outer value of $x"))
1840  (begin
1841    (define-syntax $beta
1842      (syntax-rules ()
1843        ((_ x y)
1844         (begin
1845           (module x ($beta-a) (define $beta-a 666))
1846           (import x)
1847           (define-syntax y (identifier-syntax $beta-a))))))
1848    (eqv? (let () ($beta q t) t) 666))
1849  (error? (let () ($beta q t) $beta-a))
1850  (begin
1851    (define-syntax $gamma
1852      (syntax-rules ()
1853        ((_ x y)
1854         (begin
1855           (module x ($aaa) (define $aaa 666))
1856           (define y (lambda () (import x) $aaa))))))
1857    (eq? (let () ($gamma q t) (t)) 666))
1858  (error? (let () ($gamma q t) (import q) $aaa))
1859  (begin ($gamma $q $t) #t)
1860  (eqv? ($t) 666)
1861  (error? (let () (import $q) $aaa))
1862  (error? (begin (import $q) (eq? $aaa 666)))
1863  (error?
1864    (begin
1865      (define-syntax a
1866        (lambda (x)
1867          (syntax-case x ()
1868            ((_ e) #'(define x e)))))
1869      (a 3)))
1870  (error?
1871    (begin
1872      (define-syntax a
1873        (lambda (x)
1874          (syntax-case x ()
1875            ((_ e) #'(define-syntax x e)))))
1876      (a (identifier-syntax 4))))
1877  (error?
1878    (begin
1879      (define-syntax a
1880          (lambda (x)
1881            (syntax-case x ()
1882              ((_ i e) #'(module x (i) (define i e))))))
1883      (a b 'c)))
1884  (error? ; defnie not defined
1885    (module (y) (import-only (rnrs)) (defnie x 3) (define y 4)))
1888(mat module2
1889  (begin
1890    (define-syntax $define-structure
1891      (lambda (x)
1892        (define construct-name
1893          (lambda (template-identifier . args)
1894            (datum->syntax
1895              template-identifier
1896              (string->symbol
1897                (apply string-append
1898                       (map (lambda (x)
1899                              (if (string? x)
1900                                  x
1901                                  (symbol->string (syntax->datum x))))
1902                            args))))))
1903        (syntax-case x ()
1904          ((_ (name id1 ...))
1905           (andmap identifier? (syntax (name id1 ...)))
1906           (with-syntax
1907             ((constructor (construct-name (syntax name) "make-" (syntax name)))
1908              (predicate (construct-name (syntax name) (syntax name) "?"))
1909              ((access ...)
1910               (map (lambda (x) (construct-name x (syntax name) "-" x))
1911                    (syntax (id1 ...))))
1912              ((assign ...)
1913               (map (lambda (x)
1914                      (construct-name x "set-" (syntax name) "-" x "!"))
1915                    (syntax (id1 ...))))
1916              (structure-length
1917               (+ (length (syntax (id1 ...))) 1))
1918              ((index ...)
1919               (let f ((i 1) (ids (syntax (id1 ...))))
1920                  (if (null? ids)
1921                      '()
1922                      (cons i (f (+ i 1) (cdr ids)))))))
1923             (syntax (begin
1924                       (module name (constructor access ...)
1925                         (define constructor
1926                           (lambda (id1 ...)
1927                             (vector 'name id1 ... )))
1928                         (define access
1929                           (lambda (x)
1930                             (vector-ref x index)))
1931                         ...)
1932                       (import name))))))))
1933    (module $foo ($foos build-$foos)
1934      ($define-structure ($foos x))
1935      (define (build-$foos) (make-$foos 3)))
1936    (let ()
1937      (import $foo)
1938      (import $foos)
1939      (define x (build-$foos))
1940      (define y (make-$foos 4))
1941      (equal? (list ($foos-x x) ($foos-x y)) '(3 4))))
1942  (begin
1943    (import $foo)
1944    (import $foos)
1945    (define $x (build-$foos))
1946    (define $y (make-$foos 4))
1947    (equal? (list ($foos-x $x) ($foos-x $y)) '(3 4)))
1948  (let ()
1949    (define-syntax $define-structure
1950      (lambda (x)
1951        (define construct-name
1952          (lambda (template-identifier . args)
1953            (datum->syntax
1954              template-identifier
1955              (string->symbol
1956                (apply string-append
1957                       (map (lambda (x)
1958                              (if (string? x)
1959                                  x
1960                                  (symbol->string (syntax->datum x))))
1961                            args))))))
1962        (syntax-case x ()
1963          ((_ (name id1 ...))
1964           (andmap identifier? (syntax (name id1 ...)))
1965           (with-syntax
1966             ((constructor (construct-name (syntax name) "make-" (syntax name)))
1967              (predicate (construct-name (syntax name) (syntax name) "?"))
1968              ((access ...)
1969               (map (lambda (x) (construct-name x (syntax name) "-" x))
1970                    (syntax (id1 ...))))
1971              ((assign ...)
1972               (map (lambda (x)
1973                      (construct-name x "set-" (syntax name) "-" x "!"))
1974                    (syntax (id1 ...))))
1975              (structure-length
1976               (+ (length (syntax (id1 ...))) 1))
1977              ((index ...)
1978               (let f ((i 1) (ids (syntax (id1 ...))))
1979                  (if (null? ids)
1980                      '()
1981                      (cons i (f (+ i 1) (cdr ids)))))))
1982             (syntax (begin
1983                       (module name (constructor access ...)
1984                         (define constructor
1985                           (lambda (id1 ...)
1986                             (vector 'name id1 ... )))
1987                         (define access
1988                           (lambda (x)
1989                             (vector-ref x index)))
1990                         ...)
1991                       (import name))))))))
1992    (module $foo ($foos build-$foos)
1993      ($define-structure ($foos x))
1994      (define (build-$foos) (make-$foos 3)))
1995    (import $foo)
1996    (import $foos)
1997    (let ()
1998      (define x (build-$foos))
1999      (define y (make-$foos 4))
2000      (equal? (list ($foos-x x) ($foos-x y)) '(3 4))))
2001 )
2003(mat module3
2004  (equal? (let ()
2005            (module foo (thing) (define thing #f))
2006            (define set (lambda (x) (import foo) (set! thing x)))
2007            (define get (lambda () (import foo) thing))
2008            (let ([before (get)])
2009              (set 37)
2010              (list before (get))))
2011          '(#f 37))
2012  (eqv? (let ()
2013          (module foo (thing) (define thing #f))
2014          (define get (lambda () (import foo) thing))
2015          (import foo)
2016          (set! thing 37)
2017          (get))
2018        37)
2019  (eqv? (let ()
2020          (define x 45)
2021          (define-syntax def (identifier-syntax (define x 123)))
2022          (define-syntax fof (identifier-syntax (let () def x)))
2023          fof)
2024        45)
2025  (eqv? (let ()
2026          (define x 45)
2027          (define-syntax def (identifier-syntax (define x 123)))
2028          (define-syntax fof (identifier-syntax (let () def x)))
2029          (let () fof))
2030        45)
2031  (eqv? (let ()
2032          (define x 45)
2033          (define-syntax fof (identifier-syntax (let () (define x 123) x)))
2034          (let () fof))
2035        123)
2036  (eqv? (let ()
2037          (define x 45)
2038          (define-syntax def
2039            (identifier-syntax
2040              (begin (define x 123) (set! x (+ x x)))))
2041          (define-syntax fof (identifier-syntax (let () def x)))
2042          (let () fof))
2043        45)
2044  (eqv? (let ()
2045          (define x 45)
2046          (define-syntax def
2047            (syntax-rules ()
2048              ((_ id) (define id 123))))
2049          (define-syntax fof (identifier-syntax (let () (def x) x)))
2050          (let () fof))
2051        123)
2052  (eqv? (let ()
2053          (define x 45)
2054          (define-syntax fof
2055            (identifier-syntax
2056              (let ()
2057                (define-syntax def (identifier-syntax (define x 123)))
2058                def
2059                x)))
2060          (let () fof))
2061        45)
2062  (eqv? (let ()
2063          (define x 45)
2064          (define-syntax def (identifier-syntax (define x 123)))
2065          (define-syntax ref (identifier-syntax x))
2066          (let () def ref))
2067        45)
2068  (eqv? (let ()
2069          (define x 45)
2070          (define-syntax fof
2071            (identifier-syntax
2072              (let ()
2073                (define-syntax def
2074                  (lambda (x)
2075                    (syntax-case x ()
2076                      [id
2077                       (identifier? #'id)
2078                       (with-syntax ([var (datum->syntax #'id 'x)])
2079                         #'(define var 123))])))
2080                def
2081                x)))
2082          (let () fof))
2083        123)
2084  (eqv? (let ()
2085          (define x 45)
2086          (define-syntax zorpon (identifier-syntax define))
2087          (define-syntax fof (identifier-syntax (let () (zorpon x 123) x)))
2088          (let () fof))
2089        123)
2090  (eqv? (let ()
2091          (define x 45)
2092          (define-syntax def (identifier-syntax (zorpon x 123)))
2093          (define-syntax fof (identifier-syntax (let () def x)))
2094          (let () (fluid-let-syntax ((zorpon (identifier-syntax define))) fof)))
2095        45)
2096  (equal? (let ()
2097            (module foo (x) (define x 3))
2098            (define-syntax blah
2099              (lambda (x)
2100                (syntax-case x ()
2101                  [id
2102                   (identifier? #'id)
2103                   (with-syntax ([output
2104                                  (datum->syntax #'id
2105                                    '(let () (import foo) x))])
2106                     #'output)])))
2107            (cons blah (let () blah)))
2108        '(3 . 3))
2109  (equal? (let ()
2110            (module foo (x) (define x 3))
2111            (module bar (x) (define x 5))
2112            (define-syntax get
2113              (lambda (x)
2114                (syntax-case x ()
2115                  [(_ mod)
2116                   (identifier? #'mod)
2117                   (with-syntax ([var (datum->syntax #'mod 'x)])
2118                     #'(let () (import mod) var))])))
2119            (cons (get bar) (let () (get foo))))
2120          '(5 . 3))
2121  (equal? (let ()
2122            (module foo (x) (define x 3))
2123            (module bar (x) (define x 5))
2124            (define-syntax get
2125              (syntax-rules ()
2126                ((_ mod id) (let () (import mod) id))))
2127            (cons (get bar x) (let () (get foo x))))
2128          '(5 . 3))
2129  (equal? (let ((x 1))
2130            (module foo (x) (define x 3))
2131            (module bar (x) (define x 5))
2132            (define-syntax get-x
2133              (syntax-rules ()
2134                ((_ mod) (let () (import mod) x))))
2135            (cons (get-x bar) (let () (get-x foo))))
2136          '(1 . 1))
2139(mat module4
2140  (equal?
2141    (let ()
2142      (define-syntax import*
2143        (lambda (x)
2144          (syntax-case x ()
2145            [(_ mid) #'(import mid)]
2146            [(_ mid s1 s2 ...)
2147             (with-syntax ((((id ...) d ...)
2148                            (let f ((ls #'(s1 s2 ...)))
2149                              (if (null? ls)
2150                                  '(())
2151                                  (let ((rest (f (cdr ls))))
2152                                    (syntax-case (car ls) (as)
2153                                      [(as id1 id2)
2154                                       (cons (cons #'id2 (car rest))
2155                                             (cons #'(define-syntax id2
2156                                                       (identifier-syntax id1))
2157                                                   (cdr rest)))]
2158                                      [id (identifier? #'id)
2159                                       (cons (cons #'id (car rest))
2160                                             (cdr rest))]))))))
2161               #'(module (id ...) (import mid) d ...))])))
2162      (module m1 (x y) (define x 'x) (define y 'y))
2163      (list (let () (import* m1) (cons x y))
2164            (let () (import* m1 x y) (cons x y))
2165            (let () (import* m1 x) (define y 'yy) (cons x y))
2166            (let ((x 'outer)) (import* m1 (as x xx) y) (list* x xx y))))
2167    '((x . y) (x . y) (x . yy) (outer x . y)))
2170(mat module5
2171  (begin
2172    (module $zip (a b c)
2173      (define a 1)
2174      (define b 123)
2175      (define-syntax c (identifier-syntax (list a b))))
2176    (equal? (let () (import $zip) (list a b c))
2177            '(1 123 (1 123))))
2178  (eq? (let () (import-only $zip) a) 1)
2179  (error? (let () (import-only $zip) (list a b c)))
2180  (error? (let ((z list)) (import-only $zip) (z a b c)))
2181  (equal?
2182    (let ()
2183      (module bar (q r s)
2184        (import $zip)
2185        (define q (lambda () a))
2186        (define-syntax r (identifier-syntax b))
2187        (define s (lambda () c)))
2188      (list
2189        (let () (import bar) (q))
2190        (let () (import bar) r)
2191        (let () (import bar) (s))
2192        (let () (module (r) (import bar)) r)))
2193    '(1 123 (1 123) 123))
2194  (error?
2195    (let ()
2196      (module bar (q r s)
2197        (import $zip)
2198        (define q (lambda () a))
2199        (define-syntax r (identifier-syntax b))
2200        (define s (lambda () c)))
2201      (let ((q "outer")) (module (r) (import bar)) (q))))
2202  (begin
2203    (module $zoom (m1 x)
2204      (define x "this is x")
2205      (module m1 (x (z y))
2206        (define x "this is m1's x")
2207        (define y "this is m1's y")
2208        (define-syntax z (identifier-syntax y))))
2209    (equal? (let () (import $zoom) (let ((q x)) (import m1) (list q x z)))
2210            '("this is x" "this is m1's x" "this is m1's y")))
2211  (error? (let () (import $zoom) (define q x) (import m1) (list q x z)))
2212 ; check that we get the right x even though x (et al.) have
2213 ; multiple properties in the implementation.
2214  (begin
2215    (module $foo (x a b c)
2216      (define x "this is foo's X")
2217      (define a "this is foo's A")
2218      (define b "this is foo's B")
2219      (define c "this is foo's C"))
2220    (equal?
2221      (list (let () (import $foo) (list x a))
2222            (let () (import $foo) (list b c)))
2223      '(("this is foo's X" "this is foo's A")
2224        ("this is foo's B" "this is foo's C"))))
2225  (error? (let () (import $foo) (import $zip) #t))
2228(mat module6
2229  (begin
2230    (define-syntax $from1
2231      (syntax-rules ()
2232        ((_ m id)
2233         (let () (import-only m) id))))
2234    (define-syntax $from2
2235      (syntax-rules ()
2236        ((_ m id)
2237         (let () (module (id) (import m)) id))))
2238    (define-syntax $from3
2239      (syntax-rules ()
2240        [(_ m id)
2241         (let ([z (cons 1 2)])
2242           (let ([id z])
2243             (import m)
2244             (let ([t id])
2245               (if (eq? t z) (errorf 'from "~s undefined" 'id) t))))]))
2246    (module $frappe (wire (whip egg))
2247      (define wire 3)
2248      (define-syntax whip (identifier-syntax egg))
2249      (define egg 'whites))
2250    (equal?
2251      (list (cons ($from1 $frappe wire) ($from1 $frappe whip))
2252            (cons ($from2 $frappe wire) ($from2 $frappe whip))
2253            (cons ($from3 $frappe wire) ($from3 $frappe whip)))
2254      '((3 . whites) (3 . whites) (3 . whites))))
2255  (equal?
2256    (let ()
2257      (module q (m from)
2258        (module m (f) (define f "this is f"))
2259        (define-syntax from
2260          (syntax-rules () [(_ m id) (let () (import-only m) id)])))
2261      (let () (import-only q) (from m f)))
2262    "this is f")
2263  (begin
2264    (module $q (m from)
2265      (module m (f) (define f "this is f"))
2266      (define-syntax from
2267        (syntax-rules () [(_ m id) (let () (import-only m) id)])))
2268    (equal? (let () (import-only $q) (from m f)) "this is f"))
2269  (eqv? (let ()
2270          (module p ((d m) f)
2271            (define-syntax d
2272              (syntax-rules ()
2273                ((_ e) (m (lambda () e)))))
2274            (define m (lambda (x) x))
2275            (define f (lambda (th) (th))))
2276          (let () (import-only p) (f (d 2))))
2277        2)
2278  (begin
2279    (module $p ((d m) f)
2280      (define-syntax d
2281        (syntax-rules ()
2282          ((_ e) (m (lambda () e)))))
2283      (define m (lambda (x) x))
2284      (define f (lambda (th) (th))))
2285    (eqv? (let () (import-only $p) (f (d 2))) 2))
2286  (error? (let () (import-only $p) (f (d cons))))
2289(mat module7
2290  (begin (module ($x) (define $x 3) (set! $x (+ $x $x)))
2291    (eq? $x 6))
2292  (eq? (let () (module ($x) (define $x 3) (set! $x (+ $x $x))) $x) 6)
2295(mat module8
2296  (begin
2297    (module $m ($a $b)
2298      (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax 3))
2299      (define-syntax $b (identifier-syntax $a)))
2300    (eq? (let ()
2301           (import $m)
2302           (fluid-let-syntax (($a (identifier-syntax 4))) $b))
2303         4))
2304  (eq? (let ()
2305         (import $m)
2306         (fluid-let-syntax (($a (identifier-syntax 4))) $a))
2307       4)
2308  (begin
2309    (import $m)
2310    (eq? (fluid-let-syntax (($a (identifier-syntax 4))) $b) 4))
2311  (begin
2312    (define-syntax $a
2313      (syntax-rules ()
2314        ((_ m y z)
2315         (begin
2316           (module m ($crazy-x) (define $crazy-x 3731))
2317           (import m)
2318           (define y (lambda () $crazy-x))
2319           (define-syntax z (identifier-syntax $crazy-x))))))
2320    #t)
2321  (begin
2322    ($a $crazy-p $crazy-q $crazy-r)
2323    (eq? $crazy-r 3731))
2324  (error? $crazy-x)
2325  (eq? ($crazy-q) 3731)
2326  (eq? $crazy-r 3731)
2327  (begin
2328    (define-syntax $a1
2329      (syntax-rules ()
2330        ((_ m y)
2331         (module m
2332           ($flash-x y)
2333           (define $flash-x "flash")
2334           (define y (lambda () $flash-x))))))
2335    #t)
2336  (begin ($a1 $flash-p $flash-q) #t)
2337  (begin (import $flash-p) (procedure? $flash-q))
2338  (error? $flash-x)
2339  (equal? ($flash-q) "flash")
2340  (begin
2341    (define-syntax $c
2342      (syntax-rules ()
2343        ((_ y)
2344         (begin
2345           (define-syntax $blast-x (identifier-syntax "blast"))
2346           (define-syntax y (identifier-syntax $blast-x))))))
2347    #t)
2348  (begin ($c $blast-y) (equal? $blast-y "blast"))
2349  (equal? $blast-y "blast")
2350  (error? $blast-x)
2351  (begin
2352    (define-syntax $b
2353      (syntax-rules ()
2354        ((_ y) (begin
2355                 (define $crud-x "crud")
2356                 (define y (lambda () $crud-x))))))
2357    #t)
2358  (begin ($b $crud-y) (procedure? $crud-y))
2359  (equal? ($crud-y) "crud")
2360  (error? $crud-x)
2361  (begin
2362    (define-syntax $b2
2363      (syntax-rules ()
2364        ((_ x y)
2365         (begin
2366           (define-syntax x
2367             (identifier-syntax
2368               (begin
2369                 (define $idiot-x "idiot")
2370                 $idiot-x)))
2371           (define y (lambda () $idiot-x))))))
2372    #t)
2373  (begin ($b2 $idiot-q $idiot-p) (procedure? $idiot-p))
2374  (equal? (let () $idiot-q) "idiot")
2375  (begin $idiot-q #t)
2376  (error? ($idiot-p))
2377 ; the following should probably generate an error, but doesn't due to
2378 ; our change in wraps (we apply only the most recent substitution)
2379 ; (error?
2380 ;   (begin
2381 ;     (define-syntax a
2382 ;       (lambda (?)
2383 ;         (with-syntax ((xx ((lambda (x) #'x) 4)))
2384 ;           #'(module (x) (define xx 3)))))
2385 ;     a))
2386  (eq? (let ((junk #f))
2387         (module (a) (import scheme)
2388            (define-syntax a
2389              (lambda (x)
2390                (syntax-case x (foo car)
2391                  ((_ foo car bar-lit cons-lit)
2392                   (and (free-identifier=? #'bar-lit #'bar)
2393                        (free-identifier=? #'cons-lit #'cons))
2394                   #''yup)))))
2395         (module () (import scheme)
2396           (set! junk (a foo car bar cons)))
2397         junk)
2398       'yup)
2399  (error? (let ((junk #f))
2400            (module (a) (import scheme)
2401               (define-syntax a
2402                 (lambda (x)
2403                   (syntax-case x (foo car)
2404                     ((_ foo car bar-lit cons-lit)
2405                      (and (free-identifier=? #'bar-lit #'bar)
2406                           (free-identifier=? #'cons-lit #'cons))
2407                      #''yup)))))
2408            (module () (import scheme)
2409              (define car 3)
2410              (set! junk (a foo car bar cons)))
2411            junk))
2414(mat module9
2415  (eq? (let () (import-only r5rs) (cond (else 0))) 0)
2416  (eq? (let () (import-only r5rs-syntax) (cond (else 0))) 0)
2417  (eq? (let () (import-only ieee) (cond (else 0))) 0)
2418  (eq? (let () (import-only scheme) (cond (else 0))) 0)
2419  (eq? (let () (import-only $system) (cond (else 0))) 0)
2420  (eq? (eval '(cond (else 0)) (scheme-report-environment 5)) 0)
2421  (eq? (eval '(cond (else 0)) (null-environment 5)) 0)
2422  (eq? (eval '(cond (else 0)) (interaction-environment)) 0)
2423  (eq? (eval '(cond (else 0)) (ieee-environment)) 0)
2424  (equal?
2425    (let ()
2426      (import-only scheme)
2427      (define-record foo ((immutable a)))
2428      (foo-a (make-foo 3)))
2429    3)
2430  (equal? (let ()
2431            (module foo (a b)
2432              (define-syntax a
2433                (syntax-rules (b)
2434                  ((_ b) "yup")
2435                  ((_ c) (list c))))
2436              (define-syntax b
2437                (lambda (x)
2438                  (syntax-error x "misplaced aux keyword"))))
2439            (let ()
2440              (import-only foo)
2441              (a (a b))))
2442          '("yup"))
2443  (equal? (let ()
2444            (import-only scheme)
2445            `(a b ,(+ 3 4) ,@(list 'd 'e)))
2446          '(a b 7 d e))
2447 ; assuming internal-defines-as-letrec* defaults to #t
2448  (internal-defines-as-letrec*)
2449 ; following tests assume it's set to #f
2450  (begin (internal-defines-as-letrec* #f) (not (internal-defines-as-letrec*)))
2451  (error? ; cookie undefined
2452    (begin
2453      (module ($b)
2454        (module (($b getvar))
2455          (define getvar (lambda () "it worked"))
2456          (module (($b cookie tmp))
2457            (define cookie "secret")
2458            (define tmp cookie)
2459            (define-syntax $b
2460              (identifier-syntax
2461                (if (eq? tmp cookie) (begin (set! tmp (getvar)) tmp) tmp))))))
2462      (string=? $b "it worked")))
2463  (begin (internal-defines-as-letrec* #t) (internal-defines-as-letrec*))
2464  (begin
2465    (module ($b)
2466      (module (($b getvar))
2467        (define getvar (lambda () "it worked"))
2468        (module (($b cookie tmp))
2469          (define tmp)
2470          (define cookie "secret")
2471          (define-syntax $b
2472            (identifier-syntax
2473              (if (eq? tmp cookie) (begin (set! tmp (getvar)) tmp) tmp)))
2474          (set! tmp cookie))))
2475    (string=? $b "it worked"))
2476  (begin
2477    (module $foo ($b)
2478      (module bar (($b getvar))
2479        (module baz (($b cookie tmp))
2480          (define cookie "secret")
2481          (define tmp)
2482          (define-syntax $b
2483            (identifier-syntax
2484              (if (eq? tmp cookie) (begin (set! tmp (getvar)) tmp) tmp)))
2485          (set! tmp cookie))
2486        (define getvar (lambda () "this also worked"))
2487        (import baz))
2488      (import bar))
2489    (import $foo)
2490    (string=? $b "this also worked"))
2493(mat module10
2494  (begin ; make sure we the right binding is exported
2495    (module ($module10-foo)
2496      (define $module10-foo "okay")
2497      (module () (define $module10-foo 'oh-oh)))
2498    #t)
2499  (equal? $module10-foo "okay")
2500  (begin
2501    (module ($module10-bar)
2502      (module () (define $module10-bar 'oh-oh))
2503      (define $module10-bar "fine"))
2504    #t)
2505  (equal? $module10-bar "fine")
2506  (begin
2507    (module ($module10-qwerty)
2508      (module ($module10-qwerty)
2509        (define $module10-qwerty "dandy")))
2510    #t)
2511  (equal? $module10-qwerty "dandy")
2512  (let ()
2513    (module (foo)
2514      (define foo "okay")
2515      (module () (define foo 'oh-oh)))
2516    (equal? foo "okay"))
2517  (let ()
2518    (module (bar)
2519      (module () (define bar 'oh-oh))
2520      (define bar "fine"))
2521    (equal? bar "fine"))
2522  (let ()
2523    (module (qwerty)
2524      (module (qwerty)
2525        (define qwerty "dandy")))
2526    (equal? qwerty "dandy"))
2529(mat module11
2530  (error? ; identifier out of context
2531    (module (x y)
2532      (define x 3)
2533      (define-syntax y (lambda (z) x))))
2534  (error? ; identifier out of context
2535    (let ()
2536      (module (x y)
2537        (define x 3)
2538        (define-syntax y (lambda (z) x)))
2539      y))
2542(mat with-implicit
2543  (error? ; invalid syntax
2544    (with-implicit))
2545  (error? ; invalid syntax
2546    (with-implicit foo (bar ...) e1 e2))
2547  (error? ; invalid syntax
2548    (with-implicit (a b c)))
2549  (error? ; invalid syntax
2550    (with-implicit (a b c) . d))
2551  (error? ; invalid syntax
2552    (with-implicit (a b c) d . e))
2553  (error? ; invalid syntax
2554    (with-implicit (1 2 3) d e))
2555  (error? ; invalid syntax
2556    (with-implicit (a 2 c) d e))
2557  (error? ; 15 is not an identifier
2558    (with-syntax ([a 15])
2559      (with-implicit (a b c) d e)))
2560  (eqv?
2561    (let ((borf 'borf-outer))
2562      (define-syntax frob
2563        (lambda (x)
2564          (syntax-case x ()
2565            [k (with-implicit (k borf) #'borf)])))
2566      frob)
2567    'borf-outer)
2568  (equal?
2569    (let ([borf 'borf-outer])
2570      (define-syntax frob
2571        (lambda (x)
2572          (syntax-case x ()
2573            [(k e)
2574             (with-implicit (k borf)
2575               #'(let () (define borf 'borf-inner) e))])))
2576      (list borf (frob (list borf))))
2577    '(borf-outer (borf-inner)))
2578  (equal?
2579    (let ()
2580      (define-syntax for
2581        (lambda (x)
2582          (syntax-case x ()
2583            [(k (e0 e1 e2) b1 b2 ...)
2584             (with-implicit (k break continue)
2585               #'(call/cc
2586                   (lambda (break)
2587                     e0
2588                     (let f ()
2589                       (when e1
2590                         (call/cc (lambda (continue) b1 b2 ...))
2591                         e2
2592                         (f))))))])))
2593      (define ls-in)
2594      (define ls-out)
2595      (for ((begin (set! ls-in '(a b c d e f g h i j)) (set! ls-out '()))
2596            (not (null? ls-in))
2597            (set! ls-in (cdr ls-in)))
2598        (when (memq (car ls-in) '(c e)) (continue))
2599        (set! ls-out (cons (car ls-in) ls-out))
2600        (when (memq (car ls-in) '(g j)) (break)))
2601      ls-out)
2602    '(g f d b a))
2605(mat datum
2606  (error? (datum))
2607  (error? (datum a b c))
2608  (error? (datum . b))
2609  (equal? (datum (a b c)) '(a b c))
2610  (equal?
2611    (let ()
2612      (define-syntax ralph
2613        (lambda (x)
2614          (syntax-case x ()
2615            [(k a b)
2616             (fixnum? (datum a))
2617             (with-syntax ([q (datum->syntax #'k (make-list (datum a) 15))])
2618               #'(cons b 'q))]
2619            [(_ a b) #'(cons 'a 'b)])))
2620      (list (ralph 3 4) (ralph 3.0 4.0)))
2621    '((4 15 15 15) (3.0 . 4.0)))
2624(mat alias
2625  (error? ; invalid syntax
2626    (alias x "y"))
2627  (error? ; invalid syntax
2628    (alias 3 x))
2629  (eq? (let ((x 2)) (alias y x) y) 2)
2630  (equal?
2631    (let ((x "x"))
2632      (define-syntax fool
2633        (let ()
2634          (alias y x)
2635          (lambda (z) #'y)))
2636      fool)
2637    "x")
2638  (equal?
2639    (let ()
2640      (define x "x")
2641      (alias y x)
2642      y)
2643    "x")
2644  (begin
2645    (module (($alias-blue blue))
2646      (define blue "bleu")
2647      (alias $alias-blue blue))
2648    (equal? $alias-blue "bleu"))
2649  (begin
2650    (define $alias-blot "blot")
2651    (equal? (let () (alias y $alias-blot) y) "blot"))
2652  (begin
2653    (define $alias-f (let () (alias x $alias-blarg) (lambda () x)))
2654    (procedure? $alias-f))
2655  (error? ; $alias-blarg not bound
2656    ($alias-f))
2657  (begin
2658    (define $alias-blarg "blarg")
2659    (equal? ($alias-f) "blarg"))
2660  (begin
2661    (define-syntax $alias-blarg (lambda (x) "bloog"))
2662    (equal? ($alias-f) "blarg"))
2663  (begin
2664    (define $alias-g (let () (alias x lambda) (x () "g")))
2665    (equal? ($alias-g) "g"))
2666  (begin
2667    (define $alias-x 3)
2668    (alias $alias-y $alias-x)
2669    (eq? $alias-y 3))
2670  (eq? (let ()
2671         (define $alias-x 4)
2672         (alias $alias-y $alias-x)
2673         $alias-y)
2674       4)
2675 ; the following is no longer an error: binding for label is exported
2676 ; if the alias's identifier is exported
2677  (begin
2678    (module ($alias-y)
2679      (define $alias-x 5)
2680      (alias $alias-y $alias-x))
2681    (eq? $alias-y 5))
2682  (begin
2683    (module ($alias-y55)
2684      (define $alias-x55 5)
2685      (alias $alias-y55 $alias-x55)
2686      (alias $alias-z55 $alias-x55))
2687    (eq? $alias-y 5))
2688  (error? $alias-x55)
2689  (error? $alias-z55)
2690  (begin
2691    (module (($alias-y $alias-x))
2692      (define $alias-x 6)
2693      (alias $alias-y $alias-x))
2694    (eq? $alias-y 6))
2695  (begin
2696    (module ($alias-y)
2697      (module (($alias-y $alias-x))
2698        (define $alias-x 66)
2699        (alias $alias-y $alias-x)))
2700    (eq? $alias-y 66))
2701  (eq? (let ()
2702         (module (($alias-y $alias-x))
2703           (define $alias-x 7)
2704           (alias $alias-y $alias-x))
2705         $alias-y)
2706       7)
2707  (eq? (let ((x 8))
2708         (module (y) (alias y x))
2709         y)
2710       8)
2711  (error? ; read-only environment
2712    (eval '(alias x cons) (scheme-environment)))
2713  (error? ; read-only environment
2714    (eval
2715      '(begin
2716         (import scheme)
2717         (alias $alias-cons cons)
2718         (set! $alias-cons 3))
2719      (copy-environment (interaction-environment))))
2720  (error? ; read-only environment
2721    (eval
2722      '(begin
2723         (import scheme)
2724         (set! cons 3))
2725      (copy-environment (interaction-environment))))
2726  (begin
2727    (module (($i-foo foo))
2728      (define-record foo ())
2729      (alias $i-foo foo))
2730    (define-record $i-bar $i-foo (x))
2731    ($i-bar? (make-$i-bar 3)))
2732  (begin
2733    (module ($i-foo)
2734      (module m (foo) (define-record foo ()))
2735      (module g2 (($i-foo g3))
2736        (module g2 ((g3 foo))
2737          (import m)
2738          (alias g3 foo))
2739        (import g2)
2740        (alias $i-foo g3))
2741      (import g2))
2742    (define-record $i-bar $i-foo (x))
2743    ($i-bar? (make-$i-bar 3)))
2744  (begin
2745    (module $alias-m ($alias:car) (import scheme) (alias $alias:car car))
2746    (import $alias-m)
2747    (eqv? ($alias:car '(2.3 4.5 6.7)) 2.3))
2748  (begin
2749    (library ($alias-a)
2750      (export x)
2751      (import (chezscheme))
2752      (define y 17)
2753      (alias x y))
2754    #t)
2755  (eqv? (let () (import ($alias-a)) x) 17)
2756  (error? ; attempt to create an alias to unbound identifier y
2757    (library ($alias-b)
2758      (export x)
2759      (import (chezscheme))
2760      (alias x y)))
2761  (error? ; attempt to create an alias to unbound identifier y
2762    (library ($alias-c)
2763      (export y)
2764      (import (chezscheme))
2765      (alias x y)
2766      (define y 17)))
2767  (begin
2768    (with-output-to-file "testfile-alias-d.ss"
2769      (lambda ()
2770        (pretty-print
2771          '(library (testfile-alias-d)
2772             (export x)
2773             (import (chezscheme))
2774             (alias x y)
2775             (define y 17))))
2776      'replace)
2777    #t)
2778  (error? ; attempt to create an alias to unbound identifier y
2779    (compile-file "testfile-alias-d"))
2780  (error? ; attempt to create an alias to unbound identifier y
2781    (load "testfile-alias-d.ss"))
2782  (error? ; attempt to create an alias to unbound identifier y
2783    (library ($alias-b)
2784      (export x)
2785      (import (chezscheme))
2786      (let () (alias x y) 'hello)))
2787  (eqv?
2788    (let ()
2789      (import-only (chezscheme))
2790      (define y 17)
2791      (alias x y)
2792      x)
2793    17)
2794  (error? ; attempt to create an alias to unbound identifier y
2795    (let ()
2796      (import-only (chezscheme))
2797      (alias x y)
2798      7))
2799  (error? ; attempt to create an alias to unbound identifier y
2800    (let ()
2801      (import-only (chezscheme))
2802      (alias x y)
2803      (define y 3)
2804      7))
2805  (begin
2806    (with-output-to-file "testfile-alias-e.ss"
2807      (lambda ()
2808        (pretty-print
2809          '(let ()
2810             (import-only (chezscheme))
2811             (alias x y)
2812             (define y 3)
2813             7)))
2814      'replace)
2815    #t)
2816  (error? ; attempt to create an alias to unbound identifier y
2817    (compile-file "testfile-alias-e"))
2818  (error? ; attempt to create an alias to unbound identifier y
2819    (load "testfile-alias-e.ss"))
2822(mat extended-import
2823  (begin
2824    (module $notscheme (cons car cdr)
2825      (define cons)
2826      (define car)
2827      (define-syntax cdr (identifier-syntax $cdr)))
2828    #t)
2829  (equivalent-expansion?
2830    (parameterize ([#%$suppress-primitive-inlining #f])
2831      (expand '
2832        (let ()
2833          (import $notscheme)
2834          (let ()
2835            (import scheme)
2836            (cons car cdr)))))
2837    (if (= (optimize-level) 3)
2838        '(#3%cons #3%car #3%cdr)
2839        '(#2%cons #2%car #2%cdr)))
2840  (equivalent-expansion?
2841    (parameterize ([#%$suppress-primitive-inlining #f])
2842      (expand '
2843        (let ()
2844          (import $notscheme)
2845          (let ()
2846            (import (only scheme car cdr))
2847            (cons car cdr)))))
2848    (if (= (optimize-level) 3)
2849        '((#3%$top-level-value 'cons) #3%car #3%cdr)
2850        '((#2%$top-level-value 'cons) #2%car #2%cdr)))
2851  (equivalent-expansion?
2852    (parameterize ([#%$suppress-primitive-inlining #f])
2853      (expand '
2854        (let ()
2855          (import $notscheme)
2856          (let ()
2857            (import (except scheme car cdr))
2858            (cons car cdr)))))
2859    (if (= (optimize-level) 3)
2860        '(#3%cons (#3%$top-level-value 'car) $cdr)
2861        '(#2%cons (#2%$top-level-value 'car) $cdr)))
2862  (equivalent-expansion?
2863    (parameterize ([#%$suppress-primitive-inlining #f])
2864      (expand '
2865        (let ()
2866          (import $notscheme)
2867          (let ()
2868            (import (only (except scheme cdr) car))
2869            (cons car cdr)))))
2870    (if (= (optimize-level) 3)
2871        '((#3%$top-level-value 'cons) #3%car $cdr)
2872        '((#2%$top-level-value 'cons) #2%car $cdr)))
2873  (equivalent-expansion?
2874    (parameterize ([#%$suppress-primitive-inlining #f])
2875      (expand '
2876        (let ()
2877          (import $notscheme)
2878          (let ()
2879            (import (add-prefix (only scheme car cdr) scheme:))
2880            (cons scheme:car cdr)))))
2881    (if (= (optimize-level) 3)
2882        '((#3%$top-level-value 'cons) #3%car $cdr)
2883        '((#2%$top-level-value 'cons) #2%car $cdr)))
2884  (equivalent-expansion?
2885    (parameterize ([#%$suppress-primitive-inlining #f])
2886      (expand '
2887        (let ()
2888          (import $notscheme)
2889          (let ()
2890            (import (drop-prefix (only scheme car cdr cons) c))
2891            (ons ar dr)))))
2892    (if (= (optimize-level) 3)
2893        '(#3%cons #3%car #3%cdr)
2894        '(#2%cons #2%car #2%cdr)))
2895  (equivalent-expansion?
2896    (parameterize ([#%$suppress-primitive-inlining #f])
2897      (expand '
2898        (let ()
2899          (import $notscheme)
2900          (let ()
2901            (import (rename scheme [car xar] [cdr xdr]))
2902            (cons xar cdr)))))
2903    (if (= (optimize-level) 3)
2904        '(#3%cons #3%car $cdr)
2905        '(#2%cons #2%car $cdr)))
2906  (equivalent-expansion?
2907    (parameterize ([#%$suppress-primitive-inlining #f])
2908      (expand '
2909        (let ()
2910          (import $notscheme)
2911          (let ()
2912            (import (alias scheme [car xar] [cdr xdr]))
2913            (cons xar cdr)))))
2914    (if (= (optimize-level) 3)
2915        '(#3%cons #3%car #3%cdr)
2916        '(#2%cons #2%car #2%cdr)))
2917  ; no glob support yet
2918  #;(equivalent-expansion?
2919      (parameterize ([#%$suppress-primitive-inlining #f])
2920        (expand '
2921          (let ()
2922            (import $notscheme)
2923            (let ()
2924              (import (glob scheme c*r))
2925              (cons car cdr)))))
2926    '(cons #2%car #2%cdr))
2927  (begin
2928    (module ($i-foo)
2929      (module m (foo) (define foo 45))
2930      (import (add-prefix m $i-)))
2931    (eq? $i-foo 45))
2932  (begin
2933    (library ($s) (export $spam)
2934      (import (scheme))
2935      (module m (spam) (define spam 3))
2936      (import (prefix m $)))
2937    (import ($s))
2938    (eqv? $spam 3))
2939  (begin
2940    (module ($i-foo)
2941      (module m (m:$i-foo) (define m:$i-foo 57))
2942      (import (drop-prefix m m:)))
2943    (eq? $i-foo 57))
2944  (begin
2945    (module ($i-foo)
2946      (module m (bar) (define bar 63))
2947      (import (rename m (bar $i-foo))))
2948    (eq? $i-foo 63))
2949  (begin
2950    (module ($i-foo)
2951      (module m (bar) (define bar 75))
2952      (import (alias m (bar $i-foo))))
2953    (eq? $i-foo 75))
2954  (begin
2955    (module ($i-x $i-y)
2956      (module m ($i-x $i-y) (define $i-x "x") (define $i-y "y"))
2957      (import (rename m ($i-y $i-x) ($i-x $i-y))))
2958    (equal? (list $i-x $i-y) '("y" "x")))
2959  (error? ; duplicate identifiers $i-x and $i-y
2960    (begin
2961      (module ($i-x $i-y)
2962        (module m ($i-x $i-y) (define $i-x "x") (define $i-y "y"))
2963        (import (alias m ($i-x $i-y) ($i-y $i-x))))
2964      (equal? (list $i-x $i-y) '("y" "x"))))
2965  (error? ; duplicate identifiers $i-x and $i-y
2966    (let ()
2967      (module ($i-x $i-y)
2968        (module m ($i-x $i-y) (define $i-x "x") (define $i-y "y"))
2969        (import (alias m ($i-x $i-y) ($i-y $i-x))))
2970      (equal? (list $i-x $i-y) '("y" "x"))))
2971  (begin
2972    (module ($i-foo)
2973      (module m (foo) (define-record foo ()))
2974      (import (rename m (foo $i-foo))))
2975    (define-record $i-bar $i-foo (x))
2976    ($i-bar? (make-$i-bar 3)))
2977  (let ()
2978    (module ($i-foo)
2979      (module m (foo) (define-record foo ()))
2980      (import (rename m (foo $i-foo))))
2981    (define-record $i-bar $i-foo (x))
2982    ($i-bar? (make-$i-bar 3)))
2983  (begin
2984    (module ($i-foo)
2985      (module m (foo) (module foo ($i-x) (define $i-x 14)))
2986      (import (rename m (foo $i-foo))))
2987    (import $i-foo)
2988    (eq? $i-x 14))
2989  (let ()
2990    (module ($i-foo)
2991      (module m (foo) (module foo ($i-x) (define $i-x 14)))
2992      (import (rename m (foo $i-foo))))
2993    (import $i-foo)
2994    (eq? $i-x 14))
2995  (error? ; y not visible
2996    (begin
2997      (module m (x y) (define x 3) (define y 4))
2998      (let ((x 5) (y 6)) (import-only (only m x)) y)))
2999  (error? ; y not visible
3000    (begin
3001      (module m (x y) (define x 3) (define y 4))
3002      (let ((x 5) (y 6))
3003       ; equivalent of (import-only (only m x)):
3004        (begin
3005          (module g0 (x) (import-only m))
3006          (import-only g0))
3007        y)))
3008  (begin ; keep with next
3009    (define $i-grotto-x 7)
3010    (define $i-grotto-y 8)
3011    (define $i-grotto-z 9)
3012    (equal? (list $i-grotto-x $i-grotto-y $i-grotto-z) '(7 8 9)))
3013  (begin ; keep with preceding
3014    (module $i-grotto ($i-grotto-x $i-grotto-y $i-grotto-z)
3015      (define $i-grotto-x 3)
3016      (define $i-grotto-y 4)
3017      (define $i-grotto-z 5))
3018    (import (only $i-grotto $i-grotto-x))
3019    (equal? (list $i-grotto-x $i-grotto-y $i-grotto-z) '(3 8 9)))
3020  (begin
3021    (import (rename (only scheme car) [car $i-car-from-scheme]))
3022    (eq? ($i-car-from-scheme '(a b c)) 'a))
3023  (begin
3024    (import (only (add-prefix scheme $i-scheme:) $i-scheme:list))
3025    (equal? ($i-scheme:list 3 4 5) '(3 4 5)))
3026  (begin
3027    (import (add-prefix (only scheme list) $i-scheme:))
3028    (equal? ($i-scheme:list 3 4 5) '(3 4 5)))
3031(mat import ; check import semantics changes May 05
3032  (begin
3033    (define $imp-x 0)
3034    (module $imp-m ($imp-x) (define $imp-x 3))
3035    (define-syntax $imp-from (syntax-rules () [(_ $imp-m $imp-x) (let () (import $imp-m) $imp-x)]))
3036    (define-syntax $imp-from-m (syntax-rules () [(_ $imp-x) (let () (import $imp-m) $imp-x)]))
3037    (define-syntax $imp-x-from (syntax-rules () [(_ $imp-m) (let () (import $imp-m) $imp-x)]))
3038    (define-syntax $imp-x-from-m (syntax-rules () [(_) (let () (import $imp-m) $imp-x)]))
3039    (define-syntax $imp-module*
3040      (syntax-rules ()
3041        [(_ (x ...) d ...)
3042         (begin (module t (x ...) d ...) (import t))]))
3043    (define-syntax $imp-import*
3044      (syntax-rules () [(_ m) (import m)]))
3045    #t)
3046  (eqv? ($imp-from $imp-m $imp-x) 3)
3047  (eqv? ($imp-from-m $imp-x) 0)
3048  (eqv? ($imp-x-from $imp-m) 0)
3049  (eqv? ($imp-x-from-m) 3)
3050  (eqv? (let () ($imp-from $imp-m $imp-x)) 3)
3051  (eqv? (let () ($imp-from-m $imp-x)) 0)
3052  (eqv? (let () ($imp-x-from $imp-m)) 0)
3053  (eqv? (let () ($imp-x-from-m)) 3)
3054  (eqv? (let () (module $imp-m ($imp-x) (define $imp-x 4)) ($imp-from $imp-m $imp-x)) 4)
3055  (eqv? (let () (module $imp-m ($imp-x) (define $imp-x 4)) ($imp-from-m $imp-x)) 0)
3056  (eqv? (let () (module $imp-m ($imp-x) (define $imp-x 4)) ($imp-x-from $imp-m)) 0)
3057  (eqv? (let () (module $imp-m ($imp-x) (define $imp-x 4)) ($imp-x-from-m)) 3)
3058  (eqv? (let () (module m (x) (define x 4)) ($imp-import* m) x) 4)
3059  (eqv? (let () ($imp-module* (x) (define y 5) (define x (lambda () y))) (x)) 5)
3060  (equal?
3061    (let ()
3062      (define-syntax module*
3063        (syntax-rules ()
3064          [(_ (x ...) d ...)
3065           (begin (module t (x ...) d ...) (import t))]))
3066      (define-syntax import* (syntax-rules () [(_ m) (import m)]))
3067      (define x 0)
3068      (module m (x) (define x 3))
3069      (define-syntax from (syntax-rules () [(_ m x) (let () (import m) x)]))
3070      (define-syntax from-m (syntax-rules () [(_ x) (let () (import m) x)]))
3071      (define-syntax x-from (syntax-rules () [(_ m) (let () (import m) x)]))
3072      (define-syntax x-from-m (syntax-rules () [(_) (let () (import m) x)]))
3073      (module* (a) (define b 'bee) (define a (lambda () b)))
3074      (list
3075        (let () (module m (x) (define x 4)) (from m x))
3076        (let () (module m (x) (define x 4)) (from-m x))
3077        (let () (module m (x) (define x 4)) (x-from m))
3078        (let () (module m (x) (define x 4)) (x-from-m))
3079        (let () (import* m) x)
3080        (a)))
3081    '(4 0 0 3 3 bee))
3082  (equal?
3083    (let ()
3084      (define-syntax alpha
3085        (syntax-rules ()
3086          [(_ m v e)
3087           (let ()
3088             (module m (v x)
3089               (define x 'introduced)
3090               (define v 'supplied))
3091             (list e (let () (import m) (list v x))))]))
3092      (let () (alpha q x (let () (import q) x))))
3093    '(supplied (supplied introduced)))
3094  (begin
3095    (module $imp-list ($imp-null? $imp-car $imp-cdr $imp-cons)
3096      (import (add-prefix (only scheme null? car cdr cons) $imp-)))
3097    (define-syntax $imp-a
3098      (syntax-rules ()
3099        ((_ x) (define-syntax x
3100                 (lambda (q)
3101                   (import (only $imp-list $imp-car))
3102                   #'$imp-car)))))
3103    ($imp-a $imp-foo)
3104    (eqv? $imp-foo #%car))
3105  (eqv?
3106    (let ()
3107      (module rat (fink dog) (define fink 'lestein) (define dog 'cat))
3108      (define-syntax a
3109        (syntax-rules ()
3110          ((_ x) (define-syntax x
3111                   (lambda (q)
3112                     (import (only rat fink))
3113                     #'fink)))))
3114      (a foo)
3115      foo)
3116    'lestein)
3117  (eqv?
3118    (let ()
3119      (module rat (fink dog) (define fink 'lestein) (define dog 'cat))
3120      (define-syntax a
3121        (syntax-rules ()
3122          ((_ x) (define-syntax x
3123                   (lambda (q)
3124                     (import (add-prefix rat r:))
3125                     #'r:fink)))))
3126      (a foo)
3127      foo)
3128    'lestein)
3129  (eqv?
3130    (let ()
3131      (module rat (fink dog) (define fink 'lestein) (define dog 'cat))
3132      (define-syntax a
3133        (syntax-rules ()
3134          ((_ x) (define-syntax x
3135                   (lambda (q)
3136                     (import (except rat dog))
3137                     #'fink)))))
3138      (a foo)
3139      foo)
3140    'lestein)
3141  (eqv?
3142    (let ()
3143      (module m (x) (define x 'x1))
3144      (define-syntax a
3145        (lambda (q)
3146          #'(let ([x 'x2])
3147              (module n (x) (import m))
3148              (let () (import n) x))))
3149      a)
3150    'x1)
3151  (eqv?
3152    (let ()
3153      (module m (x) (define x 'x1))
3154      (define-syntax a
3155        (lambda (q)
3156          #'(let ([x 'x2])
3157              (import m)
3158              x)))
3159      a)
3160    'x1)
3161  (error? ; duplicate definition for x
3162    (let ()
3163      (module m (x) (define x 'x1))
3164      (define-syntax a
3165        (lambda (q)
3166          #'(let ()
3167              (define x 'x2)
3168              (import m)
3169              x)))
3170      a))
3171  (error? ; duplicate definition for x
3172    (let ()
3173      (module m (x) (define x 'x1))
3174      (define-syntax a
3175        (lambda (q)
3176          #'(let ()
3177              (import m)
3178              (define x 'x2)
3179              x)))
3180      a))
3181  (equal?
3182    (let ()
3183      (import scheme)
3184      (import scheme)
3185      car)
3186    car)
3187  (error? ; "duplicate definition for car
3188    (let ()
3189      (import scheme)
3190      (import (rename scheme (cdr car)))
3191      car))
3192  (error? ; duplicate definition for car
3193    (let ()
3194      (module (car) (define car 'edsel))
3195      (import scheme)
3196      car))
3197  (error? ; duplicate definition for car
3198    (let ()
3199      (define-syntax a
3200        (lambda (q)
3201          #'(let ()
3202              (module (car) (define car 'edsel))
3203              (import scheme)
3204              car)))
3205      a))
3206  (equal?
3207    (let ()
3208      (define-syntax a
3209        (lambda (q)
3210          #'(let ()
3211              (import scheme)
3212              (import scheme)
3213              car)))
3214      a)
3215    car)
3216  (error? ; duplicate definition for x
3217    (let ()
3218      (define-syntax a
3219        (lambda (q)
3220          #'(let ()
3221              (define x 5)
3222              (define-syntax x (identifier-syntax 5))
3223              x)))
3224      a))
3225  (error? ; missing definition for export(s) (xxx).
3226    (let ()
3227      (define-syntax a
3228        (syntax-rules ()
3229          [(_ m i) (module m (i) (import m1))]))
3230      (module m1 (xxx) (define xxx 155))
3231      (a m2 xxx)
3232      (let () (import m2) xxx)))
3233  (equal?
3234    (parameterize ([#%$suppress-primitive-inlining #f] [run-cp0 (lambda (cp0 x) (cp0 x))])
3235      (expand/optimize
3236        '(let-syntax ([a (lambda (x) #'(let () (import scheme) car))])
3237           a)))
3238    (if (= (optimize-level) 3) '#3%car '#2%car))
3239  (equal?
3240    (parameterize ([#%$suppress-primitive-inlining #f] [run-cp0 (lambda (cp0 x) (cp0 x))])
3241      (expand/optimize
3242        '(let-syntax ([a (syntax-rules ()
3243                           [(_ x)
3244                            (define-syntax x
3245                              (lambda (q)
3246                                (import scheme)
3247                                #'car))])])
3248           (a foo)
3249           foo)))
3250    (if (= (optimize-level) 3) '#3%car '#2%car))
3251  (error? ; read-only environment
3252    (eval '(import (rnrs)) (scheme-environment)))
3253  (error? ; invalid context for import
3254    (let ([x (import)]) x))
3255 ; check 10/27/2010 change to make sense of multiple modules/libraries
3256 ; within the same import-only form
3257  (equal?
3258    (let ()
3259      (module m1 (x) (define x box))
3260      (module m2 (y) (define y 772))
3261      (let ()
3262        (import-only m1 m2)
3263        (x y)))
3264    '#&772)
3265  (equal?
3266    (let ()
3267      (module m1 (x) (define x box))
3268      (module m2 (y) (define y 772))
3269      (let ()
3270        (import m1 m2)
3271        (x y)))
3272    '#&772)
3273  (error? ; unbound identifier list
3274    (let ()
3275      (module m1 (x) (define x 29))
3276      (module m2 (y) (define y 772))
3277      (let ()
3278        (import-only m1 m2)
3279        (list x y))))
3280  (equal?
3281    (let ()
3282      (module m1 (x) (define x 29))
3283      (module m2 (y) (define y 772))
3284      (let ()
3285        (import m1 m2)
3286        (list x y)))
3287    '(29 772))
3288  (equal?
3289    (let ()
3290      (module m1 (x) (define x 29))
3291      (module m2 (y) (define y 772))
3292      (let ()
3293        (import-only scheme m1 m2)
3294        (list x y)))
3295    '(29 772))
3296  (equal?
3297    (let ()
3298      (module m1 (x) (define x 29))
3299      (module m2 (y) (define y 772))
3300      (let ()
3301        (import scheme m1 m2)
3302        (list x y)))
3303    '(29 772))
3304  (equal?
3305    (let ()
3306      (module m1 (x) (define x 29))
3307      (module m2 (y) (define y 772))
3308      (let ()
3309        (import-only (scheme) m1 m2)
3310        (list x y)))
3311    '(29 772))
3312  (equal?
3313    (let ()
3314      (module m1 (x) (define x 29))
3315      (module m2 (y) (define y 772))
3316      (let ()
3317        (import (scheme) m1 m2)
3318        (list x y)))
3319    '(29 772))
3320  (equal?
3321    (let ()
3322      (module m1 (x) (define x 29))
3323      (module m2 (y) (define y 772))
3324      (let ()
3325        (import-only m1 m2 (scheme))
3326        (list x y)))
3327    '(29 772))
3328  (equal?
3329    (let ()
3330      (module m1 (x) (define x 29))
3331      (module m2 (y) (define y 772))
3332      (let ()
3333        (import m1 m2 (scheme))
3334        (list x y)))
3335    '(29 772))
3336  (begin
3337    (library ($io A) (export p) (import (rnrs)) (define p 17))
3338    (library ($io B) (export q) (import (rnrs)) (define q (lambda (x) (cons 'q x))))
3339    (library ($io C) (export r) (import (chezscheme) ($io B))
3340      (import-only ($io A) (only (rnrs) define *))
3341      (define r (* p 2)))
3342    #t)
3343  (equal?
3344    (let ()
3345      (import-only ($io B) ($io C))
3346      (q r))
3347    '(q . 34))
3348  (error? ; unbound identifier p
3349    (let ()
3350      (import ($io A))
3351      (import-only ($io B) ($io C))
3352      (q p)))
3353  (begin
3354    (library ($io A) (export p) (import (rnrs)) (define p 17))
3355    (library ($io B) (export q) (import (rnrs)) (define q (lambda (x) (cons 'q x))))
3356    (library ($io C) (export r) (import (chezscheme) ($io B))
3357      (import ($io A) (only (rnrs) define *))
3358      (define r (* p 2)))
3359    #t)
3360  (equal?
3361    (let ()
3362      (import ($io B) ($io C))
3363      (q r))
3364    '(q . 34))
3365  (equal?
3366    (let ()
3367      (import ($io A))
3368      (import ($io B) ($io C))
3369      (q p))
3370    '(q . 17))
3371  (error? ; unbound identifier p
3372    (begin
3373      (library ($io A) (export p) (import (rnrs)) (define p 17))
3374      (library ($io B) (export q) (import (rnrs)) (define q (lambda (x) (cons 'q x))))
3375      (library ($io C) (export r) (import (chezscheme) ($io A))
3376        (import-only ($io B) (only (rnrs) define *))
3377        (define r (* p 2)))))
3378  (begin
3379    (library ($io A) (export p) (import (rnrs)) (define p 17))
3380    (library ($io B) (export q) (import (rnrs)) (define q (lambda (x) (cons 'q x))))
3381    (library ($io C) (export r) (import (chezscheme) ($io A))
3382      (import ($io B) (only (rnrs) define *))
3383      (define r (* p 2)))
3384    #t)
3385  (error? ; unbound identifier *
3386    (begin
3387      (library ($io A) (export p) (import (rnrs)) (define p 17))
3388      (library ($io B) (export q) (import (rnrs)) (define q (lambda (x) (cons 'q x))))
3389      (library ($io C) (export r) (import (chezscheme) ($io A))
3390        (import-only ($io B) (only (rnrs) define))
3391        (define r (* p 2)))))
3392  (begin
3393    (library ($io A) (export p) (import (rnrs)) (define p 17))
3394    (library ($io B) (export q) (import (rnrs)) (define q (lambda (x) (cons 'q x))))
3395    (library ($io C) (export r) (import (chezscheme) ($io A))
3396      (import ($io B) (only (rnrs) define))
3397      (define r (* p 2)))
3398    #t)
3399 ; check for let-like semantics for import w/multiple subforms
3400  (eq?
3401    (let ()
3402      (module A (B) (module B (x) (define x 'a-b)))
3403      (module B (x) (define x 'b))
3404      (let ()
3405        (import A B)
3406        x))
3407    'b)
3408  (eq?
3409    (let ()
3410      (module A (B) (module B (x) (define x 'a-b)))
3411      (module B (x) (define x 'b))
3412      (let ()
3413        (import-only A B)
3414        x))
3415    'b)
3418(mat export ; test stand-alone export form
3419  (error? ; export outside module or library
3420    (export))
3421  (error? ; export outside module or library
3422    (export cons))
3423  (error? ; export outside module or library
3424    (top-level-program
3425      (import (chezscheme))
3426      (export)))
3427  (let ()
3428    (export)
3429    #t)
3430  (error? ; nonempty export outside module or library
3431    (let ()
3432      (export cons)
3433      #t))
3434  (begin
3435    (module ()
3436      (define $ex-x 3)
3437      (export (rename ($ex-x $ex-y) ($ex-y $ex-x)))
3438      (define $ex-y 4))
3439    #t)
3440  (equal?
3441    (cons $ex-x $ex-y)
3442    '(4 . 3))
3443  (begin
3444    (library ($ex-A) (export) (import (chezscheme))
3445      (define $ex-x 7)
3446      (export (rename ($ex-x $ex-y) ($ex-y $ex-x)))
3447      (define $ex-y 9))
3448    #t)
3449  (equal?
3450    (let ()
3451      (import ($ex-A))
3452      (cons $ex-x $ex-y))
3453    '(9 . 7))
3454  (begin
3455    (import ($ex-A))
3456    #t)
3457  (equal?
3458    (cons $ex-x $ex-y)
3459    '(9 . 7))
3460  (equal?
3461    (let ()
3462      (module ()
3463        (define $ex-x 3)
3464        (export (rename ($ex-x $ex-y) ($ex-y $ex-x)))
3465        (define $ex-y 4))
3466      (cons $ex-x $ex-y))
3467    '(4 . 3))
3468  (begin
3469    (module $ex-m (x x)
3470      (define x 5)
3471      (export x))
3472    #t)
3473  (eqv? (let () (import $ex-m) x) 5)
3474  (eqv?
3475    (let ()
3476      (module (x x)
3477        (define x 5)
3478        (export x))
3479      x)
3480    5)
3481  (eqv?
3482    (let ()
3483      (module (x)
3484        (define x 5)
3485        (export x))
3486      x)
3487    5)
3488  (error? ; duplicate export
3489    (module (x)
3490      (define x 15)
3491      (define y 117)
3492      (export (rename (y x)))))
3493  (begin
3494   ; okay to export id twice as long as it has the same binding
3495    (library ($ex-B) (export x x) (import (chezscheme))
3496      (define x 25)
3497      (export x))
3498    #t)
3499  (eqv? (let () (import ($ex-B)) x) 25)
3500  (begin
3501   ; okay to export id twice as long as it has the same binding
3502    (library ($ex-B) (export x (rename (x x))) (import (chezscheme))
3503      (define x 25)
3504      (export x))
3505    #t)
3506  (eqv? (let () (import ($ex-B)) x) 25)
3507  (begin
3508   ; okay to export id twice as long as it has the same binding
3509    (library ($ex-B) (export x (rename (y x))) (import (chezscheme))
3510      (define x 25)
3511      (alias y x)
3512      (export x))
3513    #t)
3514  (eqv? (let () (import ($ex-B)) x) 25)
3515  (begin
3516    (library ($ex-B) (export x) (import (chezscheme))
3517      (define x 35)
3518      (export x))
3519    #t)
3520  (eqv? (let () (import ($ex-B)) x) 35)
3521  (begin
3522    (import ($ex-B))
3523    (eqv? x 35))
3524  (error? ; duplicate export
3525    (library ($ex-C) (export x) (import (chezscheme))
3526      (define x 5)
3527      (define y 17)
3528      (export (rename (y x)))))
3529  (equal?
3530    (let ()
3531      (module f ((a x y))
3532        (import (chezscheme))
3533        (define x 3)
3534        (define y 4)
3535        (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax (cons x y)))
3536        (export a))
3537      (import f)
3538      a)
3539    '(3 . 4))
3540  (equal?
3541    (let ()
3542      (module m ()
3543        (define x 3)
3544        (module m1 (x y)
3545          (define x 4)
3546          (define-syntax y (identifier-syntax x))
3547          (indirect-export y x))
3548        (export (import m1)))
3549      (let ()
3550        (import m)
3551        (list x y)))
3552    '(4 4))
3553  (equal?
3554    (let ()
3555      (module m ()
3556        (define x 3)
3557        (module m1 (x y)
3558          (define x 4)
3559          (define-syntax y (identifier-syntax x))
3560          (indirect-export y x))
3561        (export (import (only m1 y)) x))
3562      (let ()
3563        (import m)
3564        (list x y)))
3565    '(3 4))
3566  (begin
3567    (define-syntax $ex-export1
3568      (syntax-rules ()
3569        [(_ (m id ...)) (export (import (only m id ...)))]
3570        [(_ id) (export id)]))
3571    (define-syntax $ex-export
3572      (syntax-rules ()
3573        [(_ frob ...) (begin ($ex-export1 frob) ...)]))
3574    #t)
3575  (begin
3576    (module $ex-mm ()
3577      ($ex-export)
3578      (define x 3)
3579      (module m1 ()
3580        ($ex-export x y)
3581        (define x 4)
3582        (define-syntax y (identifier-syntax x))
3583        (indirect-export y x))
3584      ($ex-export (m1 y) x))
3585    #t)
3586  (equal?
3587    (let ()
3588      (import $ex-mm)
3589      (list x y))
3590    '(3 4))
3591  (equal?
3592    (let ()
3593      (module m ()
3594        ($ex-export)
3595        (define x 3)
3596        (module m1 ()
3597          ($ex-export x y)
3598          (define x 4)
3599          (define-syntax y (identifier-syntax x))
3600          (indirect-export y x))
3601        ($ex-export (m1 y) x))
3602      (let ()
3603        (import m)
3604        (list x y)))
3605    '(3 4))
3606  (begin
3607    (with-output-to-file "testfile-ex1a.ss"
3608      (lambda ()
3609        (pretty-print
3610          '(library (testfile-ex1a)
3611             (export q)
3612             (import (chezscheme))
3613             (define-syntax q (identifier-syntax 17)))))
3614      'replace)
3615    (with-output-to-file "testfile-ex1b.ss"
3616      (lambda ()
3617        (pretty-print
3618          '(library (testfile-ex1b)
3619             (export)
3620             (import (chezscheme))
3621             (define x 22)
3622             (export x (import (testfile-ex1a))))))
3623      'replace)
3624    (for-each separate-compile '(ex1a ex1b))
3625    #t)
3626  (equal?
3627    (let () (import (testfile-ex1b)) (list x q))
3628    '(22 17))
3629  (begin
3630    (with-output-to-file "testfile-ex2a.ss"
3631      (lambda ()
3632        (pretty-print
3633          '(library (testfile-ex2a)
3634             (export q)
3635             (import (chezscheme))
3636             (define-syntax q (identifier-syntax 17)))))
3637      'replace)
3638    (with-output-to-file "testfile-ex2b.ss"
3639      (lambda ()
3640        (pretty-print
3641          '(library (testfile-ex2b)
3642             (export)
3643             (import (chezscheme))
3644             (define x 22)
3645             (export (rename (x q)) (import (prefix (rename (testfile-ex2a) (q que)) pi))))))
3646      'replace)
3647    (for-each separate-compile '(ex2a ex2b))
3648    #t)
3649  (equal?
3650    (let () (import (testfile-ex2b)) (list q pique))
3651    '(22 17))
3652  (begin
3653    (with-output-to-file "testfile-ex3a.ss"
3654      (lambda ()
3655        (pretty-print
3656          '(library (testfile-ex3a)
3657             (export q)
3658             (import (chezscheme))
3659             (implicit-exports #f)
3660             (indirect-export a x)
3661             (define x 17)
3662             (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax (* x 2)))
3663             (indirect-export q a)
3664             (define-syntax q (identifier-syntax (+ a 1))))))
3665      'replace)
3666    (with-output-to-file "testfile-ex3b.ss"
3667      (lambda ()
3668        (pretty-print
3669          '(library (testfile-ex3b)
3670             (export)
3671             (import (chezscheme))
3672             (define x 22)
3673             (export (rename (x q)) (import (prefix (rename (testfile-ex3a) (q que)) pi))))))
3674      'replace)
3675    (for-each separate-compile '(ex3a ex3b))
3676    #t)
3677  (equal?
3678    (let () (import (testfile-ex3b)) (list q pique))
3679    '(22 35))
3680  (begin
3681    (with-output-to-file "testfile-ex4a.ss"
3682      (lambda ()
3683        (pretty-print
3684          '(library (testfile-ex4a)
3685             (export q)
3686             (import (chezscheme))
3687             (implicit-exports #f)
3688             (define x 17)
3689             (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax (* x 2)))
3690             (define-syntax q (identifier-syntax (+ a 1))))))
3691      'replace)
3692    (with-output-to-file "testfile-ex4b.ss"
3693      (lambda ()
3694        (pretty-print
3695          '(library (testfile-ex4b)
3696             (export)
3697             (import (chezscheme))
3698             (define x 22)
3699             (export (rename (x q)) (import (prefix (rename (testfile-ex4a) (q que)) pi))))))
3700      'replace)
3701    (for-each separate-compile '(ex4a ex4b))
3702    #t)
3703  (error? ; attempt to reference unexported identifier a
3704    (let () (import (testfile-ex4b)) (list q pique)))
3707(define eval-test
3708  (lambda (expr)
3709    (eval expr)
3710    #t))
3711(define load-test
3712  (lambda (expr)
3713    (with-output-to-file "testfile.ss"
3714      (lambda () (pretty-print expr))
3715      'replace)
3716    (load "testfile.ss")
3717    #t))
3718(define compile-test
3719  (lambda (expr)
3720    (with-output-to-file "testfile.ss"
3721      (lambda () (pretty-print expr))
3722      'replace)
3723    (compile-file "testfile.ss")
3724    (load "testfile.so")
3725    #t))
3727(define-syntax errmat
3728  (lambda (x)
3729    (syntax-case x ()
3730      [(_ name expr ...)
3731       (let ([make-name (lambda (x) (datum->syntax #'name (string->symbol (format "~s-~s" x (datum name)))))])
3732         #`(begin
3733             (mat #,(make-name 'eval) (error? (eval-test 'expr)) ...)
3734             (mat #,(make-name 'load) (error? (load-test 'expr)) ...)
3735             (mat #,(make-name 'compile) (error? (compile-test 'expr)) ...)))])))
3737(errmat export-errors
3738 ; attempt to export multiple bindings for x
3739  (module A ()
3740    (define x 5)
3741    (define y 6)
3742    (export (rename (y x)) x))
3743 ; attempt to export multiple bindings for x
3744  (module ()
3745    (module A ()
3746      (define x 5)
3747      (define y 6)
3748      (export (rename (y x)) x)))
3749 ; attempt to export multiple bindings for x
3750  (let ()
3751    (module A ()
3752      (define x 5)
3753      (define y 6)
3754      (export (rename (y x)) x))
3755    0)
3756 ; attempt to export multiple bindings for x
3757  (library (A) (export) (import (chezscheme))
3758    (define x 5)
3759    (define y 6)
3760    (export (rename (y x)) x))
3761 ; attempt to export multiple bindings for x
3762  (module A ()
3763    (define x 5)
3764    (define y 6)
3765    (export x (rename (y x))))
3766 ; attempt to export multiple bindings for x
3767  (module ()
3768    (module A ()
3769      (define x 5)
3770      (define y 6)
3771      (export x (rename (y x)))))
3772 ; attempt to export multiple bindings for x
3773  (let ()
3774    (module A ()
3775      (define x 5)
3776      (define y 6)
3777      (export x (rename (y x))))
3778    0)
3779 ; attempt to export multiple bindings for x
3780  (library (A) (export) (import (chezscheme))
3781    (define x 5)
3782    (define y 6)
3783    (export x (rename (y x))))
3784 ; attempt to export multiple bindings for x
3785  (module A ()
3786    (define x 5)
3787    (module B (x) (define x 6))
3788    (export x (import B)))
3789 ; attempt to export multiple bindings for x
3790  (module ()
3791    (module A ()
3792      (define x 5)
3793      (module B (x) (define x 6))
3794      (export x (import B))))
3795 ; attempt to export multiple bindings for x
3796  (let ()
3797    (module A ()
3798      (define x 5)
3799      (module B (x) (define x 6))
3800      (export x (import B)))
3801    0)
3802 ; attempt to export multiple bindings for x
3803  (library (A) (export) (import (chezscheme))
3804    (define x 5)
3805    (module B (x) (define x 6))
3806    (export x (import B)))
3807 ; attempt to export multiple bindings for x
3808  (module A ()
3809    (define x 5)
3810    (module B (x) (define x 6))
3811    (export (import B) x))
3812 ; attempt to export multiple bindings for x
3813  (module ()
3814    (module A ()
3815      (define x 5)
3816      (module B (x) (define x 6))
3817      (export (import B) x)))
3818 ; attempt to export multiple bindings for x
3819  (let ()
3820    (module A ()
3821      (define x 5)
3822      (module B (x) (define x 6))
3823      (export (import B) x))
3824    0)
3825 ; attempt to export multiple bindings for x
3826  (library (A) (export) (import (chezscheme))
3827    (define x 5)
3828    (module B (x) (define x 6))
3829    (export (import B) x))
3830 ; attempt to export multiple bindings for x
3831  (module A ()
3832    (module B (x) (define x 6))
3833    (module C (x) (define x 7))
3834    (export (import C) (import B)))
3835 ; attempt to export multiple bindings for x
3836  (module ()
3837    (module A ()
3838      (module B (x) (define x 6))
3839      (module C (x) (define x 7))
3840      (export (import C) (import B))))
3841 ; attempt to export multiple bindings for x
3842  (let ()
3843    (module A ()
3844      (module B (x) (define x 6))
3845      (module C (x) (define x 7))
3846      (export (import C) (import B)))
3847    0)
3848 ; attempt to export multiple bindings for x
3849  (library (A) (export) (import (chezscheme))
3850    (module B (x) (define x 6))
3851    (module C (x) (define x 7))
3852    (export (import C) (import B)))
3853 ; missing import y
3854  (module A ()
3855    (module B (x) (define x 6))
3856    (export (import (only B y))))
3857 ; missing import y
3858  (module ()
3859    (module A ()
3860      (module B (x) (define x 6))
3861      (export (import (only B y)))))
3862 ; missing import y
3863  (let ()
3864    (module A ()
3865      (module B (x) (define x 6))
3866      (export (import (only B y))))
3867    0)
3868 ; missing import y
3869  (library (A) (export) (import (chezscheme))
3870    (module B (x) (define x 6))
3871    (export (import (only B y))))
3872 ; missing import y
3873  (module A ()
3874    (module B (x) (define x 6))
3875    (export (import (rename B (y z)))))
3876 ; missing import y
3877  (module ()
3878    (module A ()
3879      (module B (x) (define x 6))
3880      (export (import (rename B (y z))))))
3881 ; missing import y
3882  (let ()
3883    (module A ()
3884      (module B (x) (define x 6))
3885      (export (import (rename B (y z)))))
3886    0)
3887 ; missing import y
3888  (library (A) (export) (import (chezscheme))
3889    (module B (x) (define x 6))
3890    (export (import (rename B (y z)))))
3891 ; library (rename B y z) not found
3892  (module A ()
3893    (module B (x) (define x 6))
3894    (export (import (rename B y z))))
3895 ; library (rename B y z) not found
3896  (module ()
3897    (module A ()
3898      (module B (x) (define x 6))
3899      (export (import (rename B y z)))))
3900 ; library (rename B y z) not found
3901  (let ()
3902    (module A ()
3903      (module B (x) (define x 6))
3904      (export (import (rename B y z))))
3905    0)
3906 ; library (rename B y z) not found
3907  (library (A) (export) (import (chezscheme))
3908    (module B (x) (define x 6))
3909    (export (import (rename B y z))))
3910 ; missing expected prefix foo: x
3911  (module A ()
3912    (module B (x) (define foo:y 5) (define x 6))
3913    (export (import (drop-prefix B foo:))))
3914 ; missing expected prefix foo: x
3915  (module ()
3916    (module A ()
3917      (module B (x) (define foo:y 5) (define x 6))
3918      (export (import (drop-prefix B foo:)))))
3919 ; missing expected prefix foo: x
3920  (let ()
3921    (module A ()
3922      (module B (x) (define foo:y 5) (define x 6))
3923      (export (import (drop-prefix B foo:))))
3924    0)
3925 ; missing expected prefix foo: x
3926  (library (A) (export) (import (chezscheme))
3927    (module B (x) (define foo:y 5) (define x 6))
3928    (export (import (drop-prefix B foo:))))
3931(mat indirect-export ; test stand-alone indirect-export form
3932  (error? ; invalid indirect-export syntax
3933    (module $ie-f (($ie-a x))
3934      (import (chezscheme))
3935      (define x '$ie-x)
3936      (indirect-export ($ie-a y z))
3937      (define y '$ie-y)
3938      (define-syntax $ie-a (identifier-syntax (list x y z)))
3939      (define z '$ie-z)))
3940  (error? ; export z undefined
3941    (module $ie-f (($ie-a x))
3942      (import (chezscheme))
3943      (define x '$ie-x)
3944      (indirect-export $ie-a y z)
3945      (define y '$ie-y)
3946      (define-syntax $ie-a (identifier-syntax (list x y z)))))
3947  (begin
3948    (module $ie-f ($ie-a)
3949      (import (chezscheme))
3950      (define-syntax $ie-a (identifier-syntax (list z)))
3951      (define z '$ie-z))
3952    #t)
3953  (error? ; attempt to reference unexported identifier z
3954    (let () (import $ie-f) $ie-a))
3955  (begin
3956    (module $ie-f (($ie-a z))
3957      (import (chezscheme))
3958      (define-syntax $ie-a (identifier-syntax (list z)))
3959      (define z '$ie-z))
3960    #t)
3961  (equal?
3962    (let () (import $ie-f) $ie-a)
3963    '($ie-z))
3964  (begin
3965    (module $ie-f ($ie-a)
3966      (import (chezscheme))
3967      (indirect-export $ie-a z)
3968      (define-syntax $ie-a (identifier-syntax (list z)))
3969      (define z '$ie-z))
3970    #t)
3971  (equal?
3972    (let () (import $ie-f) $ie-a)
3973    '($ie-z))
3974  (begin
3975    (module $ie-f ()
3976      (import (chezscheme))
3977      (export $ie-a)
3978      (indirect-export $ie-a z)
3979      (define-syntax $ie-a (identifier-syntax (list z)))
3980      (define z '$ie-z))
3981    #t)
3982  (equal?
3983    (let () (import $ie-f) $ie-a)
3984    '($ie-z))
3985  (begin
3986    (module $ie-f ()
3987      (import (chezscheme))
3988      (indirect-export $ie-a z)
3989      (export $ie-a)
3990      (define-syntax $ie-a (identifier-syntax (list z)))
3991      (define z '$ie-z))
3992    #t)
3993  (equal?
3994    (let () (import $ie-f) $ie-a)
3995    '($ie-z))
3996  (begin
3997    (module $ie-f (($ie-a x))
3998      (import (chezscheme))
3999      (define x '$ie-x)
4000      (indirect-export $ie-a z)
4001      (define y '$ie-y)
4002      (define-syntax $ie-a (identifier-syntax (list x y z)))
4003      (define z '$ie-z)
4004      (indirect-export $ie-a y))
4005    #t)
4006  (equal?
4007    (let () (import $ie-f) $ie-a)
4008    '($ie-x $ie-y $ie-z))
4009  (begin
4010    (module $ie-g ()
4011      (define x 3)
4012      (define y 4)
4013      (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax (list x y)))
4014      (alias b a)
4015      (export a b)
4016      (indirect-export a x)
4017      (indirect-export b y))
4018    #t)
4019  (equal?
4020    (let () (import $ie-g) a)
4021    '(3 4))
4022  (begin
4023    (module $ie-h ((cons x))
4024      (define-property cons car #'x)
4025      (define x 3))
4026    #t)
4027  (eqv?
4028    (let ()
4029      (define-syntax ref-prop
4030        (lambda (x)
4031          (lambda (r)
4032            (syntax-case x ()
4033              [(_ id key) (r #'id #'key)]))))
4034      (import $ie-h)
4035      (ref-prop cons car))
4036    3)
4037  (begin
4038    (module $ie-h (cons)
4039      (define-property cons car #'x)
4040      (define x 3))
4041    #t)
4042  (error? ; unexported identifier x
4043    (let ()
4044      (define-syntax ref-prop
4045        (lambda (x)
4046          (lambda (r)
4047            (syntax-case x ()
4048              [(_ id key) (r #'id #'key)]))))
4049      (import $ie-h)
4050      (ref-prop cons car)))
4051  (begin
4052    (module $ie-h (cons)
4053      (implicit-exports #t)
4054      (define-property cons car #'x)
4055      (define x 3))
4056    #t)
4057  (eqv?
4058    (let ()
4059      (define-syntax ref-prop
4060        (lambda (x)
4061          (lambda (r)
4062            (syntax-case x ()
4063              [(_ id key) (r #'id #'key)]))))
4064      (import $ie-h)
4065      (ref-prop cons car))
4066    3)
4067  (error? ; undefine export x
4068    (library ($ie-i)
4069      (export a)
4070      (import (chezscheme))
4071      (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax x))
4072      (indirect-export a x)))
4075(mat implicit-exports ; test stand-alone implicit-exports form
4076  (error? ; invalid syntax
4077    (implicit-exports))
4078  (error? ; invalid syntax
4079    (+ (implicit-exports) 3))
4080  (error? ; invalid syntax
4081    (+ (implicit-exports yes!) 3))
4082  (error? ; invalid syntax
4083    (+ (implicit-exports no way!) 3))
4084  (error? ; outside of module or library
4085    (implicit-exports #t))
4086  (error? ; invalid context for definition
4087    (+ (implicit-exports #f) 3))
4088  (begin
4089    (module $ie-A (a) (import (chezscheme))
4090      (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax x))
4091      (define x 3))
4092    #t)
4093  (error? ; unexported identifier x
4094    (let () (import $ie-A) a))
4095  (begin
4096    (module $ie-A (a) (import (chezscheme))
4097      (implicit-exports #t)
4098      (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax x))
4099      (define x 3))
4100    #t)
4101  (eqv?
4102    (let () (import $ie-A) a)
4103    3)
4104  (begin
4105    (module $ie-A (a) (import (chezscheme))
4106      (implicit-exports #f)
4107      (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax x))
4108      (define x 3))
4109    #t)
4110  (error? ; unexported identifier x
4111    (let () (import $ie-A) a))
4112  (begin
4113    (library ($ie-A) (export a) (import (chezscheme))
4114      (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax x))
4115      (define x 3))
4116    #t)
4117  (eqv?
4118    (let () (import ($ie-A)) a)
4119    3)
4120  (begin
4121    (library ($ie-A) (export a) (import (chezscheme))
4122      (implicit-exports #f)
4123      (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax x))
4124      (define x 3))
4125    #t)
4126  (error? ; unexported identifier x
4127    (let () (import ($ie-A)) a))
4128  (begin
4129    (library ($ie-A) (export a) (import (chezscheme))
4130      (implicit-exports #t)
4131      (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax x))
4132      (define x 3))
4133    #t)
4134  (eqv?
4135    (let () (import ($ie-A)) a)
4136    3)
4137  (begin
4138    (module $ie-A (a) (import (chezscheme))
4139      (module (a)
4140        (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax x))
4141        (define x 3)))
4142    #t)
4143  (error? ; unexported identifier x
4144    (let () (import $ie-A) a))
4145  (begin
4146    (module $ie-A (a) (import (chezscheme))
4147      (module ((a x))
4148        (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax x))
4149        (define x 3)))
4150    #t)
4151  (eqv?
4152    (let () (import $ie-A) a)
4153    3)
4154  (begin
4155    (module $ie-A (a) (import (chezscheme))
4156      (module (a)
4157        (implicit-exports #f)
4158        (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax x))
4159        (define x 3)))
4160    #t)
4161  (error? ; unexported identifier x
4162    (let () (import $ie-A) a))
4163  (begin
4164    (module $ie-A (a) (import (chezscheme))
4165      (module (a)
4166        (implicit-exports #t)
4167        (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax x))
4168        (define x 3)))
4169    #t)
4170  (eqv?
4171    (let () (import $ie-A) a)
4172    3)
4173  (begin
4174    (module $ie-B (a) (import (chezscheme))
4175      (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax x))
4176      (module (x) (module (x (a x)) (define a 4) (define x 3))))
4177    #t)
4178  (error? ; unexported identifier x
4179    (let () (import $ie-B) a))
4180  (begin
4181    (module $ie-B (a) (import (chezscheme))
4182      (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax x))
4183      (indirect-export a x)
4184      (module (x) (module (x (a x)) (define a 4) (define x 3))))
4185    #t)
4186  (eqv?
4187    (let () (import $ie-B) a)
4188    3)
4189  (begin
4190    (module $ie-C (a) (import (chezscheme))
4191      (module ((b x))
4192        (define-syntax b (identifier-syntax x))
4193        (define x 3))
4194      (alias a b))
4195    #t)
4196  (eqv?
4197    (let () (import $ie-C) a)
4198    3)
4199  (begin
4200    (module $ie-C (a) (import (chezscheme))
4201      (module (b)
4202        (define-syntax b (identifier-syntax x))
4203        (define x 3))
4204      (alias a b))
4205    #t)
4206  (error? ; unexported identifier x
4207    (let () (import $ie-C) a))
4208  (begin
4209    (module $ie-C (a) (import (chezscheme))
4210      (module (b)
4211        (indirect-export b x)
4212        (define-syntax b (identifier-syntax x))
4213        (define x 3))
4214      (alias a b))
4215    #t)
4216  (eqv?
4217    (let () (import $ie-C) a)
4218    3)
4219  (begin
4220    (module $ie-D (a)
4221      (module (a (b x))
4222        (define-syntax b (identifier-syntax (list x)))
4223        (module (a x)
4224          (module (b x)
4225            (define-syntax b (identifier-syntax x))
4226            (define x 3))
4227          (alias a b))))
4228    #t)
4229  (error? ; unexported identifier x
4230    (let () (import $ie-D) a))
4231  (begin
4232    (module $ie-E (a)
4233      (import (chezscheme))
4234      (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax x))
4235      (alias b a)
4236      (indirect-export b x)
4237      (define x 77))
4238    #t)
4239 ; this works because the indirect export of x for b
4240 ; counts as an indrect export of x for a.  perhaps it
4241 ; shouldn't work.
4242  (eqv?
4243    (let () (import $ie-E) a)
4244    77)
4245 ; perhaps this shouldn't work either:
4246  (eqv?
4247    (let ()
4248      (define b 3)
4249      (alias a b)
4250      (fluid-let-syntax ([b (identifier-syntax 4)])
4251        a))
4252    4)
4253  (begin
4254    (module $ie-F (a)
4255      (import (chezscheme))
4256      (module (a)
4257        (implicit-exports #f)
4258        (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax x)))
4259      (implicit-exports #t)
4260      (define x 77))
4261    #t)
4262  (eqv?
4263    (let () (import $ie-F) a)
4264    77)
4265  (begin
4266    (module $ie-G (a)
4267      (implicit-exports #t)
4268      (module M1 (x)
4269        (define x 5))
4270      (module M2 ((a x))
4271        (implicit-exports #t)
4272        (import M1)
4273        (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax x)))
4274      (import M2))
4275    #t)
4276  (eqv?
4277    (let () (import $ie-G) a)
4278    5)
4279  (begin
4280    (module $ie-H (a)
4281      (implicit-exports #t)
4282      (module M1 (x)
4283        (define x 5))
4284      (module M2 (a)
4285        (implicit-exports #t)
4286        (define-syntax a (let () (import M1) (identifier-syntax x))))
4287      (import M2))
4288    #t)
4289  (eqv?
4290    (let () (import $ie-H) a)
4291    5)
4292  (begin
4293    (module $ie-I (a)
4294      (define x 5)
4295      (indirect-export a x)
4296      (module M2 (a)
4297        (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax x)))
4298      (import M2))
4299    #t)
4300  (eqv?
4301    (let () (import $ie-I) a)
4302    5)
4303  (begin
4304    (module $ie-J (m)
4305      (implicit-exports #t)
4306      (module m (e)
4307        (define f 44)
4308        (define-syntax e (identifier-syntax f))))
4309    #t)
4310  (error? ; unexported identifier f
4311    (let ()
4312      (import $ie-J)
4313      (import m)
4314      e))
4317(mat marked-top-level-ids
4318  (begin
4319    (define-syntax $a
4320      (syntax-rules ()
4321        ((_ x e)
4322         (begin
4323           (module ($y-marked) (define $y-marked e))
4324           (define x (lambda () $y-marked))))))
4325    ($a $one 1)
4326    ($a $two 2)
4327    (equal? (list ($one) ($two)) '(1 2)))
4328  (not (top-level-bound? '$y-marked))
4329  (begin
4330    (define-syntax $a
4331      (syntax-rules ()
4332        ((_ x e)
4333         (begin
4334           (define $y-marked e)
4335           (define x (lambda () $y-marked))))))
4336    ($a $one 1)
4337    ($a $two 2)
4338    ($a $three 3)
4339    (equal? (list ($one) ($two) ($three)) '(1 2 3)))
4340  (not (top-level-bound? '$y-marked))
4341  (not (top-level-bound? '$y-marked))
4342  (begin
4343    (define-syntax $a
4344      (syntax-rules ()
4345        ((_ x e)
4346         (begin
4347           (define $y-marked e)
4348           (define-syntax x (identifier-syntax $y-marked))))))
4349    ($a $one 1)
4350    ($a $two 2)
4351    ($a $three 3)
4352    ($a $four 4)
4353    (equal? (list $one $two $three $four) '(1 2 3 4)))
4354  (begin ; once more, with feeling
4355    (define-syntax $a
4356      (syntax-rules ()
4357        ((_ x e)
4358         (begin
4359           (define $y-marked e)
4360           (define-syntax x (identifier-syntax $y-marked))))))
4361    ($a $one 1)
4362    ($a $two 2)
4363    ($a $three 3)
4364    ($a $four 4)
4365    (equal? (list $one $two $three $four) '(1 2 3 4)))
4366  (begin
4367    (module $foo ($a) (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax 3)))
4368    (import $foo)
4369    (eq? $a 3))
4370  (begin ; keep with preceding mat
4371    (define-syntax $a (identifier-syntax 4))
4372    (eq? $a 4))
4373 )
4375(mat top-level-begin
4376 ; mats to test change to body-like semantics for begin
4377  (begin
4378    (define ($foofrah expr ans)
4379      (with-output-to-file "testfile.ss"
4380        (lambda () (pretty-print expr))
4381        'replace)
4382      (let* ([ss.out (with-output-to-string (lambda () (load "testfile.ss")))]
4383             [cf.out (with-output-to-string (lambda () (compile-file "testfile.ss")))]
4384             [so.out (with-output-to-string (lambda () (load "testfile.so")))])
4385        (let ([actual
4386               (list
4387                 ss.out
4388                 (substring cf.out
4389                   (string-length "compiling testfile.ss with output to testfile.so\n")
4390                   (string-length cf.out))
4391                 so.out)])
4392          (unless (equal? actual ans)
4393            (pretty-print actual)
4394            (errorf #f "unexpected actual value ~s instead of ~s" actual ans))))
4395      #t)
4396    #t)
4397  ($foofrah
4398    '(begin
4399       (define-record-type (a make-a a?) (fields type mapper))
4400       (define-syntax define-descendant
4401         (lambda (x)
4402           (syntax-case x ()
4403             [(_ parent-id maker type name pred arg ...)
4404              (with-syntax ([(getter ...) (generate-temporaries #'(arg ...))])
4405                #'(define-record-type (name maker pred)
4406                    (parent parent-id)
4407                    (fields (immutable arg getter) ...)
4408                    (protocol
4409                      (lambda (n)
4410                        (lambda (arg ...)
4411                          (letrec ([rec ((n 'type (lambda (receiver) (receiver (getter rec) ...))) arg ...)])
4412                            rec))))))])))
4413       (define-descendant a make-a subname x x? y z)
4414       (write ((a-mapper (make-a 3 4)) list)))
4415    '("(3 4)" "" "(3 4)"))
4416  ($foofrah
4417    '(begin
4418       (eval-when (compile load eval) (write 1))
4419       (eval-when (compile load eval) (write 2) (write 3))
4420       (newline))
4421    '("123\n" "123" "123\n"))
4422  ($foofrah
4423    '(begin
4424       (define (f) (import foo) x1)
4425       (module foo (x1) (define x1 'x1))
4426       (pretty-print (f)))
4427    '("x1\n" "" "x1\n"))
4428  ($foofrah
4429    '(begin
4430       (define x2 'x2)
4431       (module (y2) (define y2 x2))
4432       (pretty-print y2)) ;=> x2
4433    '("x2\n" "" "x2\n"))
4434  ($foofrah
4435    '(begin
4436       (define x3 'x3)
4437       (module foo (y2) (define y2 x3))
4438       (import foo)
4439       (pretty-print y2)) ;=> x3
4440    '("x3\n" "" "x3\n"))
4441  ($foofrah
4442    '(eval-when (compile load)
4443       (eval-when (compile load eval) (define x4 "x4"))
4444       (define-syntax a4 (lambda (q) x4))
4445       (display a4))
4446    '("" "x4" "x4"))
4447  ($foofrah
4448    '(eval-when (compile load eval)
4449       (define x5 "x5")
4450       (display x5))
4451    '("x5" "x5" "x5"))
4452  (begin
4453    (define x5 "x5")
4454    ($foofrah ; keep with preceding test
4455      '(begin
4456         (define x5 "x5new")
4457         (define-syntax a5 (lambda (q) x5))
4458         (printf "~a ~a\n" a5 x5))
4459      '("x5 x5new\n" "" "x5new x5new\n")))
4460  ($foofrah
4461    '(begin
4462       (define x6 a6)
4463       (define-syntax a6 (identifier-syntax 'cool))
4464       (pretty-print x6))
4465    '("cool\n" "" "cool\n"))
4466  (error? ; variable a7 is not bound
4467    (eval '(begin
4468             (define x7 a7)
4469             (define-syntax a7 (identifier-syntax 'cool))
4470             (define a7 'the-real-deal))))
4471  ($foofrah
4472    '(begin
4473       (define x8 'not-cool)
4474       (define (f8) x8)
4475       (define x8 'just-right)
4476       (pretty-print (f8))) ;=> just-right
4477    '("just-right\n" "" "just-right\n"))
4478  ($foofrah
4479    '(begin
4480       (define x9 'not-cool)
4481       (define-syntax a9 (identifier-syntax x9))
4482       (define x9 'just-right)
4483       (pretty-print a9)) ;=> just-right
4484    '("just-right\n" "" "just-right\n"))
4485  ($foofrah
4486    '(begin
4487       (define x10 a10)
4488       (module m10 (x y)
4489         (define-syntax x (identifier-syntax 'm10-x))
4490         (define y a10)
4491         (define-syntax a10 (identifier-syntax 'm10-y)))
4492       (library (l10) (export x y) (import (rnrs))
4493         (define-syntax x (identifier-syntax 'l10-x))
4494         (define y a10)
4495         (define-syntax a10 (identifier-syntax 'l10-y)))
4496       (define-syntax a10 (identifier-syntax 'outer-x10))
4497       (import (rename m10 (y yy)) (rename (l10) (x xx)))
4498       (pretty-print (list x y xx yy)))
4499    '("(m10-x l10-y l10-x m10-y)\n" "" "(m10-x l10-y l10-x m10-y)\n"))
4500  ($foofrah
4501    '(begin
4502       (define-syntax a
4503         (syntax-rules ()
4504           [(a q) (begin (define (q) x) (define x 4))]))
4505       (a zz)
4506       (pretty-print (zz)))
4507    '("4\n" "" "4\n"))
4508  ($foofrah
4509    '(begin
4510       (eval-when (compile load eval)
4511         (module const (get put)
4512           (define ht (make-eq-hashtable))
4513           (define get (lambda (name) (hashtable-ref ht name 0)))
4514           (define put (lambda (name value) (hashtable-set! ht name value)))))
4515       (define-syntax dc
4516         (syntax-rules ()
4517           [(_ id e) (let () (import const) (put 'id e))]))
4518       (define-syntax con
4519         (syntax-rules ()
4520           [(_ id) (let () (import const) (get 'id))]))
4521       (dc spam 13)
4522       (dc b (list (con spam) 's))
4523       (pretty-print (list (con spam) (con b) (con c))))
4524    '("(13 (13 s) 0)\n" "" "(13 (13 s) 0)\n"))
4525  (begin (define const) (define dc) (define con) #t)
4526  ($foofrah
4527    '(begin
4528       (eval-when (compile load eval)
4529         (module const (get put)
4530           (define ht (make-eq-hashtable))
4531           (define get (lambda (name) (hashtable-ref ht name 0)))
4532           (define put (lambda (name value) (hashtable-set! ht name value)))))
4533       (define-syntax dc
4534         (syntax-rules ()
4535           [(_ id e) (let () (import const) (put 'id e))]))
4536       (define-syntax con
4537         (syntax-rules ()
4538           [(_ id) (let () (import const) (get 'id))]))
4539       (eval-when (compile load eval)
4540         (dc spam 13)
4541         (dc b (list (con spam) 's)))
4542       (eval-when (compile load eval)
4543         (pretty-print (list (con spam) (con b) (con c)))))
4544    '("(13 (13 s) 0)\n" "(13 (13 s) 0)\n" "(13 (13 s) 0)\n"))
4545  (begin (define const) (define dc) (define con) #t)
4546  ($foofrah
4547    '(begin
4548       (eval-when (compile load eval)
4549         (module const (get put)
4550           (define ht (make-eq-hashtable))
4551           (define get (lambda (name) (hashtable-ref ht name 0)))
4552           (define put (lambda (name value) (hashtable-set! ht name value)))))
4553       (define-syntax dc
4554         (syntax-rules ()
4555           [(_ id e) (eval-when (compile load eval) (let () (import const) (put 'id e)))]))
4556       (define-syntax con
4557         (syntax-rules ()
4558           [(_ id) (eval-when (compile load eval) (let () (import const) (get 'id)))]))
4559       (dc spam 13)
4560       (dc b (list (con spam) 's))
4561       (eval-when (compile load eval)
4562         (pretty-print (list (con spam) (con b) (con c)))))
4563    '("(13 (13 s) 0)\n" "(13 (13 s) 0)\n" "(13 (13 s) 0)\n"))
4564  (begin (define const) (define dc) (define con) #t)
4565  ($foofrah
4566    '(begin
4567       (eval-when (compile eval)
4568         (module const (get put)
4569           (define ht (make-eq-hashtable))
4570           (define get (lambda (name) (hashtable-ref ht name 0)))
4571           (define put (lambda (name value) (hashtable-set! ht name value)))))
4572       (define-syntax dc
4573         (syntax-rules ()
4574           [(_ id e) (eval-when (compile eval) (let () (import const) (put 'id e)))]))
4575       (define-syntax con
4576         (syntax-rules ()
4577           [(_ id) (eval-when (compile eval) (let () (import const) (get 'id)))]))
4578       (dc spam 13)
4579       (dc b (list (con spam) 's))
4580       (eval-when (compile eval)
4581         (pretty-print (list (con spam) (con b) (con c)))))
4582    '("(13 (13 s) 0)\n" "(13 (13 s) 0)\n" ""))
4583  (begin (define const) (define dc) (define con) #t)
4584  ($foofrah
4585    '(begin
4586       (define-syntax a
4587         (identifier-syntax
4588           (begin
4589             (eval-when (compile eval)
4590               (module const (get put)
4591                 (define ht (make-eq-hashtable))
4592                 (define get (lambda (name) (hashtable-ref ht name 0)))
4593                 (define put (lambda (name value) (hashtable-set! ht name value)))))
4594             (define-syntax dc
4595               (syntax-rules ()
4596                 [(_ id e) (eval-when (compile eval) (let () (import const) (put 'id e)))]))
4597             (define-syntax con
4598               (syntax-rules ()
4599                 [(_ id) (eval-when (compile eval) (let () (import const) (get 'id)))]))
4600             (dc spam 13)
4601             (dc b (list (con spam) 's))
4602             (eval-when (compile eval)
4603               (pretty-print (list (con spam) (con b) (con c)))))))
4604       a)
4605    '("(13 (13 s) 0)\n" "(13 (13 s) 0)\n" ""))
4606  (begin (define const) (define dc) (define con) #t)
4607  (begin
4608    (with-output-to-file "testfile-lib-c.ss"
4609      (lambda ()
4610        (pretty-print
4611          '(library (testfile-lib-c)
4612             (export y)
4613             (import (chezscheme) (testfile-lib-a))
4614             (define y (lambda () x))
4615             (printf "invoke c\n"))))
4616      'replace)
4617    (with-output-to-file "testfile-test-ac.ss"
4618      (lambda ()
4619        (pretty-print
4620          '(begin
4621             (library (testfile-lib-a)
4622               (export x)
4623               (import (chezscheme))
4624               (define x (lambda () 1))
4625               (printf "invoke a\n"))
4626             (import (testfile-lib-c) (chezscheme))
4627             (pretty-print (eq? (y) y)))))
4628      'replace)
4629    #t)
4630  (let ([cf '(lambda (x)
4631               (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
4632                 (compile-file x)))])
4633    (separate-compile cf 'test-ac)
4634    #t)
4635  (equal?
4636    (separate-eval '(load "testfile-test-ac.so"))
4637    "invoke a\ninvoke c\n#f\n")
4638 ; make sure no local-label bindings make it into compiled wraps
4639  (begin
4640    (with-output-to-file "testfile.ss"
4641      (lambda ()
4642        (pretty-print
4643          '(let-syntax ([a (lambda (x) 0)])
4644             (define-syntax $foo (lambda (x) #'cons)))))
4645      'replace)
4646    (compile-file "testfile")
4647    (load "testfile.so")
4648    #t)
4649  (equal? $foo cons)
4650  (begin
4651    (with-output-to-file "testfile.ss"
4652      (lambda ()
4653        (pretty-print
4654          '(begin
4655             (define-syntax $foo-a (lambda (x) 0))
4656             (define-syntax $foo (lambda (x) #'cons)))))
4657      'replace)
4658    (compile-file "testfile")
4659    (load "testfile.so")
4660    #t)
4661  (equal? $foo cons)
4665(mat top-level-begin-NOT
4666 ; these mats test a behavior we have at this point decided against,
4667 ; in which a syntax object for an identifier imported from a library
4668 ; via an import is inserted outside the scope of the local import
4669 ; in a compiled file, thus forcing an implicit import of the library
4670 ; when the compiled file is loaded.  possibly, the library should be
4671 ; imported when a reference is actually attempted, but we shouldn't
4672 ; import eagerly on the off chance that a syntax object will be used
4673 ; in this manner, because the import will usually be unnecessary.
4674  (begin
4675    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlb-a1.ss"
4676      (lambda ()
4677        (pretty-print
4678          '(library (testfile-tlb-a1)
4679             (export tlb-a1-rats)
4680             (import (rnrs))
4681             (define-syntax tlb-a1-rats (identifier-syntax 17)))))
4682      'replace)
4683    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlb-a2.ss"
4684      (lambda ()
4685        (pretty-print
4686          '(define-syntax tlb-a2-foo
4687             (let ()
4688               (import (testfile-tlb-a1))
4689               (lambda (x) #'(cons tlb-a1-rats 2))))))
4690      'replace)
4691    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlb-a3.ss"
4692      (lambda ()
4693        (pretty-print
4694          '(let-syntax ([silly (lambda (x)
4695                                 (import (testfile-tlb-a1))
4696                                 (syntax-case x ()
4697                                   [(_ id) #'(define-syntax id (identifier-syntax (cons tlb-a1-rats 3)))]))])
4698             (silly tlb-a3-fluffy))))
4699      'replace)
4700    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlb-a4.ss"
4701      (lambda ()
4702        (pretty-print
4703          '(module (tlb-a4-pie)
4704             (import (testfile-tlb-a1))
4705             (define-syntax tlb-a4-pie
4706               (lambda (x) #'(cons tlb-a1-rats 4))))))
4707      'replace)
4708    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlb-a5.ss"
4709      (lambda ()
4710        (pretty-print
4711          '(meta define tlb-a5-spam
4712             (let () (import (testfile-tlb-a1)) #'(cons tlb-a1-rats 5)))))
4713      'replace)
4714    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlb-a6a.ss"
4715      (lambda ()
4716        (pretty-print
4717          '(library (testfile-tlb-a6a)
4718             (export tlb-a6-fop)
4719             (import (rnrs) (testfile-tlb-a1))
4720             (define tlb-a6-fop #'(cons tlb-a1-rats 6)))))
4721      'replace)
4722    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlb-a6b.ss"
4723      (lambda ()
4724        (pretty-print
4725          '(library (testfile-tlb-a6b)
4726             (export tlb-a6-alpha)
4727             (import (rnrs) (testfile-tlb-a6a))
4728             (define-syntax tlb-a6-alpha (lambda (x) tlb-a6-fop)))))
4729      'replace)
4730    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlb-a6c.ss"
4731      (lambda ()
4732        (pretty-print '(import (rnrs) (testfile-tlb-a6b)))
4733        (pretty-print '(write tlb-a6-alpha)))
4734      'replace)
4735    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlb-a7.ss"
4736      (lambda ()
4737        (pretty-print
4738          '(define-property spam spam (let () (import (testfile-tlb-a1)) #'(cons tlb-a1-rats 7)))))
4739      'replace)
4740    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlb-a8.ss"
4741      (lambda ()
4742        (pretty-print
4743          '(define tlb-a8-spam (let () (import (testfile-tlb-a1)) #'(cons tlb-a1-rats 8)))))
4744      'replace)
4745    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlb-a9.ss"
4746      (lambda ()
4747        (pretty-print
4748          '(let ()
4749             (import (testfile-tlb-a1))
4750             (set! tlb-a9-spam #'(cons tlb-a1-rats 9)))))
4751      'replace)
4752    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlb-a10.ss"
4753      (lambda ()
4754        (pretty-print '(import (scheme) (testfile-tlb-a1)))
4755        (pretty-print '(define-top-level-value 'tlb-a10-spam #'(cons tlb-a1-rats 10))))
4756      'replace)
4757    (let ([cf (lambda (what)
4758                `(lambda (x)
4759                   (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
4760                     (,what x))))])
4761      (separate-compile (cf 'compile-file) 'tlb-a2)
4762      (separate-compile (cf 'compile-file) 'tlb-a3)
4763      (separate-compile (cf 'compile-file) 'tlb-a4)
4764      (separate-compile (cf 'compile-file) 'tlb-a5)
4765      (separate-compile (cf 'compile-library) 'tlb-a6b)
4766      (separate-compile (cf 'compile-program) 'tlb-a6c)
4767      (separate-compile (cf 'compile-file) 'tlb-a7)
4768      (separate-compile (cf 'compile-file) 'tlb-a8)
4769      (separate-compile (cf 'compile-file) 'tlb-a9)
4770      (separate-compile (cf 'compile-program) 'tlb-a10))
4771    #t)
4772  (equal?
4773    (separate-eval '(visit "testfile-tlb-a2.so") '(pretty-print tlb-a2-foo))
4774    "(17 . 2)\n")
4775  (equal?
4776    (separate-eval '(visit "testfile-tlb-a3.so") '(pretty-print tlb-a3-fluffy))
4777    "(17 . 3)\n")
4778  (equal?
4779    (separate-eval '(visit "testfile-tlb-a4.so") '(pretty-print tlb-a4-pie))
4780    "(17 . 4)\n")
4781  (equal?
4782    (separate-eval '(visit "testfile-tlb-a5.so") '(pretty-print (let-syntax ([a (lambda (x) tlb-a5-spam)]) a)))
4783    "(17 . 5)\n")
4784  (equal?
4785    (separate-eval '(revisit "testfile-tlb-a6c.so"))
4786    "(17 . 6)")
4787  (equal?
4788    (separate-eval '(visit "testfile-tlb-a7.so") '(pretty-print (let-syntax ([a (lambda (x) (lambda (r) (r #'spam #'spam)))]) a)))
4789    "(17 . 7)\n")
4790  (equal?
4791    (separate-eval '(revisit "testfile-tlb-a8.so") '(pretty-print (let-syntax ([a (lambda (x) tlb-a8-spam)]) a)))
4792    "(17 . 8)\n")
4793  (equal?
4794    (separate-eval '(revisit "testfile-tlb-a9.so") '(pretty-print (let-syntax ([a (lambda (x) tlb-a9-spam)]) a)))
4795    "(17 . 9)\n")
4796 ; don't really want to fix this one:
4797  (equal?
4798    (separate-eval '(load-program "testfile-tlb-a10.so") '(pretty-print (let-syntax ([a (lambda (x) tlb-a10-spam)]) a)))
4799    "(17 . 10)\n")
4800  (begin
4801    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlb-bQ.ss"
4802      (lambda ()
4803        (pretty-print
4804          '(library (testfile-tlb-bQ)
4805             (export tlb-bq)
4806             (import (rnrs))
4807             (define-syntax tlb-bq (identifier-syntax 17)))))
4808      'replace)
4809    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlb-bA.ss"
4810      (lambda ()
4811        (pretty-print
4812          '(library (testfile-tlb-bA)
4813             (export tlb-bset-a! tlb-bget-a)
4814             (import (rnrs))
4815             (define a #f)
4816             (define tlb-bset-a! (lambda (x) (set! a x)))
4817             (define tlb-bget-a (lambda () a)))))
4818      'replace)
4819    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlb-bP.ss"
4820      (lambda ()
4821        (pretty-print '(import (rnrs) (rnrs eval) (testfile-tlb-bQ) (testfile-tlb-bA)))
4822        (pretty-print '(tlb-bset-a! #'tlb-bq))
4823        (pretty-print
4824          '(eval
4825             '(let ()
4826                (define-syntax alpha (lambda (x) (tlb-bget-a)))
4827                (write (cons alpha 'B)))
4828             (environment '(rnrs) '(testfile-tlb-bA) '(testfile-tlb-bQ)))))
4829      'replace)
4830    (let ([cf (lambda (what)
4831                `(lambda (x)
4832                   (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
4833                     (,what x))))])
4834      (separate-compile (cf 'compile-program) 'tlb-bP))
4835    #t)
4836  (equal?
4837    (separate-eval '(load-program "testfile-tlb-bP.so"))
4838    "(17 . B)")
4841(mat deferred-transformer
4842 ; don't get caught being lazy on transformer evaluation
4843  (begin
4844    (define $ratfink
4845      (let ([state 0])
4846        (lambda () (set! state (+ state 1)) (lambda (x) state))))
4847    (procedure? $ratfink))
4848  (eqv? (let-syntax ((f ($ratfink)))
4849          (let-syntax ((g ($ratfink))) g))
4850        2)
4851 )
4853(mat copy-environment
4854 ; dummy test to set up nondescript record-writer for environments
4855 ; so that error messages involving environments don't include generated
4856 ; names that may change from run to run.  the record-writer is reset at
4857 ; end of this mat.
4858  (equal?
4859    (let ([env-rtd (record-rtd (scheme-environment))])
4860      (set! *saved-record-writer* (record-writer env-rtd))
4861      (record-writer env-rtd (lambda (x p wr) (display "#<environment>" p)))
4862      (format "~s" (scheme-environment)))
4863    "#<environment>")
4864  (equal?
4865    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment))])
4866      (eval '(define x 17) e)
4867      (eval '(define-syntax a
4868               (syntax-rules ()
4869                 [(_ b c)
4870                  (begin
4871                    (define x c)
4872                    (define-syntax b (identifier-syntax x)))]))
4873            e)
4874      (eval '(a foo 33) e)
4875      (list (eval 'foo e)
4876            (eval 'x e)
4877            (top-level-value 'x e)))
4878    '(33 17 17))
4879  (equal?
4880    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment) #t)])
4881      (eval '(define x 17) e)
4882      (eval '(define-syntax a
4883               (syntax-rules ()
4884                 [(_ b c)
4885                  (begin
4886                    (define x c)
4887                    (define-syntax b (identifier-syntax x)))]))
4888            e)
4889      (eval '(a foo 33) e)
4890      (list (eval 'foo e)
4891            (eval 'x e)
4892            (top-level-value 'x e)))
4893    '(33 17 17))
4894  (error?
4895    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment) #f)])
4896      (eval '(define x 17) e)
4897      (eval '(define-syntax a
4898               (syntax-rules ()
4899                 [(_ b c)
4900                  (begin
4901                    (define x c)
4902                    (define-syntax b (identifier-syntax x)))]))
4903            e)
4904      (eval '(a foo 33) e)
4905      (list (eval 'foo e)
4906            (eval 'x e)
4907            (top-level-value 'x e))))
4908  (equal?
4909    (let* ([e1 (copy-environment (scheme-environment))]
4910           [e2 (copy-environment e1)])
4911      (define-top-level-value 'list list* e1)
4912      (list
4913        (parameterize ([optimize-level 0]) (eval '(list 1 2 3) e1))
4914        (parameterize ([optimize-level 0]) (eval '(list 1 2 3) e2))))
4915    '((1 2 . 3) (1 2 3)))
4916  (equal?
4917    (let* ([e1 (copy-environment (scheme-environment))]
4918           [e2 (copy-environment e1)])
4919      (define-top-level-value 'list list* e1)
4920      (list
4921        (parameterize ([optimize-level 0]) (eval '(list 1 2 3) e1))
4922        (parameterize ([optimize-level 0]) (eval '(list 1 2 3) e2))))
4923    '((1 2 . 3) (1 2 3)))
4924  (error?
4925    (let* ([e1 (copy-environment (scheme-environment))]
4926           [e2 (copy-environment e1)])
4927      (set-top-level-value! 'list list* e1)
4928      (list
4929        (parameterize ([optimize-level 0]) (eval '(list 1 2 3) e1))
4930        (parameterize ([optimize-level 0]) (eval '(list 1 2 3) e2)))))
4931  (equal?
4932    (let ([e1 (copy-environment (scheme-environment))])
4933      (define-top-level-value 'curly (lambda (x) (+ x 15)) e1)
4934      (let ([e2 (copy-environment e1)])
4935        (define-top-level-value 'curly (lambda (x) (- x 15)) e2)
4936        (list (eval '(curly 5) e1) (eval '(curly 5) e2))))
4937    '(20 -10))
4938  (equal?
4939    (let ([e1 (copy-environment (scheme-environment))])
4940      (set-top-level-value! 'curly (lambda (x) (+ x 15)) e1)
4941      (let ([e2 (copy-environment e1)])
4942        (set-top-level-value! 'curly (lambda (x) (- x 15)) e2)
4943        (list (eval '(curly 5) e1) (eval '(curly 5) e2))))
4944    '(20 -10))
4945  (equal?
4946    (let ([e1 (copy-environment (scheme-environment))])
4947      (define-top-level-value 'curly (lambda (x) (+ x 15)) e1)
4948      (let ([e2 (copy-environment e1)])
4949        (define-top-level-value 'curly (lambda (x) (- x 15)) e1)
4950        (list (eval '(curly 5) e1) (eval '(curly 5) e2))))
4951    '(-10 20))
4952  (equal?
4953    (let ([e1 (copy-environment (scheme-environment))])
4954      (set-top-level-value! 'curly (lambda (x) (+ x 15)) e1)
4955      (let ([e2 (copy-environment e1)])
4956        (set-top-level-value! 'curly (lambda (x) (- x 15)) e1)
4957        (list (eval '(curly 5) e1) (eval '(curly 5) e2))))
4958    '(-10 20))
4959  (equal?
4960    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment))])
4961      (eval '(define let 4) e)
4962      (define-top-level-value 'let* 6 e)
4963      (list (top-level-value 'let e)
4964            (eval '(list let*) e)))
4965    '(4 (6)))
4966  (error?
4967    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment))])
4968      (set-top-level-value! letrec 3 e)))
4969  (error?
4970    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment))])
4971      (set-top-level-value! 'letrec 3 e)))
4972  (error?
4973    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment))])
4974      (eval '(set! lambda 55) e)))
4975  (error?
4976    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment) #f)])
4977      (eval '(define cons 55) e)))
4978  (error?
4979    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment) #f)])
4980      (eval '(set! cons 55) e)))
4981  (error?
4982    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment) #f)])
4983      (define-top-level-value 'cons 3 e)))
4984  (error?
4985    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment) #f)])
4986      (set-top-level-value! 'cons 3 e)))
4987  (error?
4988    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment) #f)])
4989      (define-top-level-value 'frappule 3 e)))
4990  (error?
4991    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment) #f)])
4992      (set-top-level-value! 'irascible 3 e)))
4993  (error?
4994    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment))])
4995      (eval 'nonstandard-identifier e)))
4996  (equal?
4997    (let ([env-rtd (record-rtd (scheme-environment))])
4998      (record-writer env-rtd *saved-record-writer*)
4999      (format "~s" (scheme-environment)))
5000    "#<environment *scheme*>")
5001  (equal?
5002    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment) #t '())])
5003      (define-top-level-value 'cons list e)
5004      (list (eval '(cons 3 4) e) (top-level-bound? 'list e)))
5005    '((3 4) #f))
5006  (error?
5007    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment) #t '())])
5008      (eval '(quote 3) e)))
5009  (error?
5010    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment) #t '(scheme))])
5011      (eval '(import scheme) e)
5012      (eval '(let ((x 3)) x) e)))
5013  (error?
5014    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment) #t '(import))])
5015      (eval '(import scheme) e)
5016      (eval '(let ((x 3)) x) e)))
5017  (eqv?
5018    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment) #t '(import scheme))])
5019      (eval '(import scheme) e)
5020      (eval '(let ((x 3)) x) e))
5021    3)
5022  (error?
5023    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment) #t '(import scheme))])
5024      (eval '(import scheme) e)
5025      (set-top-level-value! 'cons 72 e)))
5026  (begin
5027    (define $copy-env-tmp1 723)
5028    (define $copy-env-tmp2 -327)
5029    (define $copy-env-env
5030      (copy-environment
5031        (interaction-environment)
5032        #t
5033        (remq 'let*
5034              (remq 'cons
5035                    (remq '$copy-env-tmp1
5036                          (environment-symbols (interaction-environment)))))))
5037    (environment? $copy-env-env))
5038  (equal?
5039    (eval '(let ((x (list 1 2))) (list x x $copy-env-tmp2)) $copy-env-env)
5040    '(#0=(1 2) #0# -327))
5041  (error? (eval 'cons $copy-env-env))
5042  (error? (eval 'let* $copy-env-env))
5043  (error? (eval '$copy-env-tmp1 $copy-env-env))
5044  (begin
5045    (eval '(define + -) $copy-env-env)
5046    (begin
5047      (equal? (top-level-value '+ $copy-env-env) -)
5048      (equal? (eval '+ $copy-env-env) -)
5049      (equal? (eval '#2%+ $copy-env-env) +)))
5050  (equal?
5051    (begin
5052      (eval '(set! cons 52) $copy-env-env)
5053      (top-level-value 'cons $copy-env-env))
5054    52)
5056 ; verify new (as of csv7.5) copy-environment semantics
5057  (begin
5058    (define $ce-e1 (copy-environment (scheme-environment) #t))
5059    (eval '(module foo (eek) (define eek -7)) $ce-e1)
5060    (eval '(import foo) $ce-e1)
5061    (eval '(define-syntax ez (identifier-syntax 'tuary)) $ce-e1)
5062    (define-top-level-value 'whence 'now $ce-e1)
5063    #t)
5064  (equal?
5065    (eval '(list cons eek whence ez) $ce-e1)
5066    `(,cons -7 now tuary))
5067  (begin
5068    (define $ce-e2 (copy-environment $ce-e1 #t))
5069    #t)
5070  (equal?
5071    (eval '(list cons eek whence ez) $ce-e2)
5072    `(,cons -7 now tuary))
5073  (equal?
5074    (begin
5075      (eval '(set! eek (* eek 3)) $ce-e1)
5076      (list (eval '(let () (import foo) eek) $ce-e1)
5077            (eval '(let () (import foo) eek) $ce-e2)
5078            (eval 'eek $ce-e1)
5079            (top-level-value 'eek $ce-e2)))
5080    '(-21 -21 -21 -21))
5081  (equal?
5082    (begin
5083      (eval '(set! eek (* eek 3)) $ce-e2)
5084      (list (eval '(let () (import foo) eek) $ce-e1)
5085            (eval '(let () (import foo) eek) $ce-e2)
5086            (eval 'eek $ce-e1)
5087            (top-level-value 'eek $ce-e2)))
5088    '(-63 -63 -63 -63))
5089  (equal?
5090    (begin
5091      (set-top-level-value! 'eek 99 $ce-e1)
5092      (list (eval '(let () (import foo) eek) $ce-e1)
5093            (eval '(let () (import foo) eek) $ce-e2)
5094            (eval 'eek $ce-e1)
5095            (top-level-value 'eek $ce-e2)))
5096    '(99 99 99 99))
5097  (equal?
5098    (begin
5099      (set-top-level-value! 'eek 'ack $ce-e2)
5100      (list (eval '(let () (import foo) eek) $ce-e1)
5101            (eval '(let () (import foo) eek) $ce-e2)
5102            (eval 'eek $ce-e1)
5103            (top-level-value 'eek $ce-e2)))
5104    '(ack ack ack ack))
5105  (equal?
5106    (begin
5107      (eval '(set! whence 'later) $ce-e1)
5108      (list (eval 'whence $ce-e1)
5109            (top-level-value 'whence $ce-e2)))
5110    '(later now))
5111  (equal?
5112    (begin
5113      (set-top-level-value! 'whence 'never $ce-e2)
5114      (list (eval 'whence $ce-e1)
5115            (top-level-value 'whence $ce-e2)))
5116    '(later never))
5117  (error? ; cannot assign immutable variable
5118    (eval '(set! cons 4) $ce-e1))
5119  (error? ; cannot assign immutable variable
5120    (eval '(set! cons 4) $ce-e2))
5121  (error? ; cannot assign immutable variable
5122    (set-top-level-value! 'cons 4 $ce-e1))
5123  (error? ; cannot assign immutable variable
5124    (set-top-level-value! 'cons 4 $ce-e2))
5125  (error? ; invalid syntax
5126    (eval '(set! foo 4) $ce-e1))
5127  (error? ; invalid syntax
5128    (eval '(set! foo 4) $ce-e2))
5129  (error? ; not a variable
5130    (set-top-level-value! 'foo 4 $ce-e1))
5131  (error? ; not a variable
5132    (set-top-level-value! 'foo 4 $ce-e2))
5133  (error? ; invalid syntax
5134    (eval '(set! ez 4) $ce-e1))
5135  (error? ; invalid syntax
5136    (eval '(set! ez 4) $ce-e2))
5137  (error? ; not a variable
5138    (set-top-level-value! 'ez 4 $ce-e1))
5139  (error? ; not a variable
5140    (set-top-level-value! 'ez 4 $ce-e2))
5141  (error? ; invalid syntax
5142    (eval '(begin (alias ard ez) (set! ard 45)) $ce-e1))
5143  (equal?
5144    (let ()
5145      (define $ce-f1 (eval '(lambda () (list cons eek whence ez)) $ce-e1))
5146      (define $ce-f2 (eval '(lambda () (list cons eek whence ez)) $ce-e2))
5147      (define $ce-f3 (eval '(lambda () (list cons (let () (import foo) eek))) $ce-e1))
5148      (define $ce-f4 (eval '(lambda () (list cons (let () (import foo) eek))) $ce-e2))
5149      (eval '(define cons 3) $ce-e1)
5150      (define-top-level-value 'eek 4 $ce-e1)
5151      (eval '(define whence 5) $ce-e1)
5152      (define-top-level-value 'ez 6 $ce-e1)
5153      (define-top-level-value 'cons 'a $ce-e2)
5154      (eval '(define eek 'b) $ce-e2)
5155      (define-top-level-value 'whence 'c $ce-e2)
5156      (eval '(define ez 'd) $ce-e2)
5157      (list
5158        ($ce-f1)
5159        ($ce-f2)
5160        ($ce-f3)
5161        ($ce-f4)
5162        (eval '(list cons eek whence ez) $ce-e1)
5163        (eval '(list cons eek whence ez) $ce-e2)
5164        (list cons (eval '(let () (import foo) eek) $ce-e1))
5165        (list cons (eval '(let () (import foo) eek) $ce-e2))))
5166    `((,cons ack 5 tuary)
5167      (,cons ack c tuary)
5168      (,cons ack)
5169      (,cons ack)
5170      (3 4 5 6)
5171      (a b c d)
5172      (,cons ack)
5173      (,cons ack)))
5174  (equal?
5175    (let ()
5176      (eval '(define foo 'not-a-module) $ce-e1)
5177      (list (eval 'foo $ce-e1)
5178            (eval '(let () (import foo) eek) $ce-e2)))
5179    '(not-a-module ack))
5180  (equal?
5181    (let ([e (copy-environment (interaction-environment) #f '(cons $ce-e1))])
5182      (list (eval 'cons e) (eval '$ce-e1 e)))
5183    (list cons $ce-e1))
5184  (let ([e1 (copy-environment (scheme-environment) #t '())])
5185    (define-top-level-value 'darth 'vader e1)
5186    (let ([e2 (copy-environment e1 #f)])
5187      (let ([e3 (copy-environment e2 #t)])
5188        (define (f) (map (lambda (e) (top-level-value 'darth e)) (list e1 e2 e3)))
5189        (and (equal? (environment-symbols e1) '(darth))
5190             (equal? (environment-symbols e2) '(darth))
5191             (equal? (environment-symbols e3) '(darth))
5192             (equal? (f) '(vader vader vader))
5193             (eq? (set-top-level-value! 'darth 'maul e1) (void))
5194             (equal? (f) '(maul vader vader))
5195             (eq? (set-top-level-value! 'darth 'poodle e3) (void))
5196             (equal? (f) '(maul vader poodle))))))
5197 )
5199(mat environment-mutable?
5200  (not (environment-mutable? (scheme-environment)))
5201  (environment-mutable? (interaction-environment))
5202  (environment-mutable? (copy-environment (scheme-environment)))
5203 )
5205(mat trace-define-syntax
5206  (equivalent-expansion?
5207    (parameterize ([trace-output-port (open-output-string)]
5208                   [print-gensym #f])
5209      (let ([x (expand
5210                 '(let ()
5211                    (trace-define-syntax frob
5212                      (syntax-rules ()
5213                       [(_ rot gut) (gut rot)]))
5214                    (frob 17 $tds-foo)))])
5215        (list x (get-output-string (trace-output-port)))))
5216    '(($tds-foo 17) "|(frob (frob 17 $tds-foo))\n|($tds-foo 17)\n"))
5219(mat meta
5220  (error? ; x out of context
5221    (let () (meta define x 3) x))
5222  (error? ; x out of context
5223    (module () (meta define x 3) x))
5224  (begin
5225    (module ($meta-z)
5226      (meta define x #'"jolly")
5227      (define-syntax y (lambda (z) x))
5228      (define $meta-z y))
5229    (equal? $meta-z "jolly"))
5230  (begin
5231    (module (mat-meta-bar)
5232      (module foo (macro-helper a b)
5233        (meta define table
5234         ; pretend this is a "big computation":
5235          (map cons '(#\a #\b #\c) '(1 2 3)))
5236        (meta define lookup
5237          (lambda (c)
5238            (cond [(assq c table) => cdr] [else #f])))
5239        (meta define macro-helper
5240          (lambda (x)
5241            (syntax-case x ()
5242              [(k c)
5243               (with-syntax ([n (lookup (datum c))])
5244                 #'(list '(k c) a n))])))
5245        (define a 'is)
5246        (define-syntax b
5247          (lambda (x) (macro-helper x))))
5248      (define mat-meta-bar
5249        (lambda ()
5250          (import foo)
5251          (define-syntax d
5252            (lambda (x) (macro-helper x)))
5253          (list a (b #\b) (d #\c)))))
5254      (equal? (mat-meta-bar) '(is ((b #\b) is 2) ((d #\c) is 3))))
5255  (error? ; lookup out-of-context (in definition of c)
5256    (begin
5257      (module (mat-meta-bar)
5258        (module foo (macro-helper a b c)
5259          (meta define table
5260           ; pretend this is a "big computation":
5261            (map cons '(#\a #\b #\c) '(1 2 3)))
5262          (meta define lookup
5263            (lambda (c)
5264              (cond [(assq c table) => cdr] [else #f])))
5265          (meta define macro-helper
5266            (lambda (x)
5267              (syntax-case x ()
5268                [(k c)
5269                 (with-syntax ([n (lookup (datum c))])
5270                   #'(list '(k c) a n))])))
5271          (define a 'is)
5272          (define-syntax b
5273            (lambda (x) (macro-helper x)))
5274          (define c
5275            (lambda (s)
5276              (map lookup (string->list s)))))
5277        (define mat-meta-bar
5278          (lambda ()
5279            (import foo)
5280            (define-syntax d
5281              (lambda (x) (macro-helper x)))
5282            (list a (b #\b) (c "aq") (d #\c)))))
5283        (equal? (mat-meta-bar) '(is ((b #\b) is 2) (1 #f) ((d #\c) is 3)))))
5284  (begin
5285    (module mat-meta-foo (macro-helper a b)
5286      (meta define table
5287       ; pretend this is a "big computation":
5288        (map cons '(#\a #\b #\c) '(1 2 3)))
5289      (meta define lookup
5290        (lambda (c)
5291          (cond [(assq c table) => cdr] [else #f])))
5292      (meta define macro-helper
5293        (lambda (x)
5294          (syntax-case x ()
5295            [(k c)
5296             (with-syntax ([n (lookup (datum c))])
5297               #'(list '(k c) a n))])))
5298      (define a 'is)
5299      (define-syntax b
5300        (lambda (x) (macro-helper x))))
5301    #t)
5302  (equal?
5303    (let ()
5304      (define mat-meta-bar1
5305        (lambda ()
5306          (import mat-meta-foo)
5307          (define-syntax d
5308            (lambda (x) (macro-helper x)))
5309          (list a (b #\b) (d #\c))))
5310      (mat-meta-bar1))
5311    '(is ((b #\b) is 2) ((d #\c) is 3)))
5312  (begin
5313    (define mat-meta-bar2
5314      (lambda ()
5315        (import mat-meta-foo)
5316        (define-syntax d
5317          (lambda (x) (macro-helper x)))
5318        (list a (b #\b) (d #\c))))
5319    (procedure? mat-meta-bar2))
5320  (equal? (mat-meta-bar2) '(is ((b #\b) is 2) ((d #\c) is 3)))
5321  (error? ; out-of-context (run-time reference to meta variable)
5322    (let ()
5323      (module foo (macro-helper a b c)
5324        (meta define table
5325         ; pretend this is a "big computation":
5326          (map cons '(#\a #\b #\c) '(1 2 3)))
5327        (meta define lookup
5328          (lambda (c)
5329            (cond [(assq c table) => cdr] [else #f])))
5330        (meta define macro-helper
5331          (lambda (x)
5332            (syntax-case x ()
5333              [(k c)
5334               (with-syntax ([n (lookup (datum c))])
5335                 #'(list '(k c) a n))])))
5336        (define a 'is)
5337        (define-syntax b
5338          (lambda (x) (macro-helper x)))
5339        (define c
5340          (lambda (s)
5341            (map lookup (string->list s)))))
5342      (define bar
5343        (lambda ()
5344          (import foo)
5345          (define-syntax d
5346            (lambda (x) (macro-helper x)))
5347          (list a (b #\b) (c "aq") (d #\c))))
5348      (bar)))
5349  (begin
5350    (module (mat-meta-q mat-meta-a)
5351      (meta define mat-meta-q 13)
5352      (define-syntax mat-meta-a
5353        (lambda (x)
5354          (set! mat-meta-q (* mat-meta-q 2))
5355          (with-syntax ((n mat-meta-q))
5356            #'(list n (- mat-meta-q 6))))))
5357    (meta define mat-meta-x (begin (set! mat-meta-q (+ mat-meta-q 4)) mat-meta-q))
5358    (meta module () (set! mat-meta-q (+ mat-meta-q 10)))
5359    (define-syntax ans
5360      (lambda (x)
5361        (with-syntax ([d (cons (quotient (+ mat-meta-q mat-meta-x) 2) mat-meta-a)])
5362          #''d)))
5363    (equal? ans '(35 54 48)))
5364  (equal?
5365    (let ()
5366      (module (mat-meta-q mat-meta-a)
5367        (meta define mat-meta-q 13)
5368        (define-syntax mat-meta-a
5369          (lambda (x)
5370            (set! mat-meta-q (* mat-meta-q 2))
5371            (with-syntax ((n mat-meta-q))
5372              #'(list n (- mat-meta-q 6))))))
5373      (meta define mat-meta-x (begin (set! mat-meta-q (+ mat-meta-q 4)) mat-meta-q))
5374      (meta module () (set! mat-meta-q (+ mat-meta-q 10)))
5375      (define-syntax ans
5376        (lambda (x)
5377          (with-syntax ([d (cons (quotient (+ mat-meta-q mat-meta-x) 2) mat-meta-a)])
5378            #''d)))
5379      ans)
5380    '(35 54 48))
5381  (begin
5382    (module (mat-meta-zeta)
5383      (meta module frobrat (boz) (define boz 3))
5384      (define-syntax rot (lambda (x) (import frobrat) boz))
5385      (define mat-meta-zeta rot))
5386    (eq? mat-meta-zeta 3))
5387  (begin
5388    (module (mat-meta-gorp)
5389      (meta define f (lambda (x) (if (= x 0) '() (cons x (f (- x 1))))))
5390      (define-syntax mat-meta-gorp
5391        (lambda (x)
5392          (syntax-case x ()
5393            [(_ n)
5394             (with-syntax ([(num ...) (f (datum n))])
5395               #'(list num ...))]))))
5396    (equal? (mat-meta-gorp 5) '(5 4 3 2 1)))
5397  (error? ; f not bound (referenced in alpha before definition complete)
5398    (module (mat-meta-gorp)
5399      (meta define f
5400        (lambda (x)
5401          (define-syntax alpha
5402            (lambda (x)
5403              (f x) ; f not bound (yet)
5404              #'()))
5405          (if (= x 0)
5406              alpha
5407              (cons x (f (- x 1))))))
5408      (define-syntax mat-meta-gorp
5409        (lambda (x)
5410          (syntax-case x ()
5411            [(_ n)
5412             (with-syntax ([(num ...) (f (datum n))])
5413               #'(list num ...))])))))
5414  (begin
5415    (define-syntax $cftest
5416      (syntax-rules ()
5417        [(_ e0 e1 e2)
5418         (begin
5419           (collect (collect-maximum-generation)) ; close ports left open by load/compile-file w/mat's error handler
5420           (let ((op (open-output-file "testfile.ss" 'replace)))
5421             (pretty-print 'e0 op)
5422             (close-output-port op))
5423           (compile-file "testfile.ss")
5424           (and e1 (begin (load "testfile.ss") e2)))]))
5425    #t)
5426  ($cftest
5427    (begin
5428      (meta define meta-$bun 3)
5429      (define meta-$burger 4))
5430    (equal? meta-$bun 3)
5431    (equal? meta-$burger 4))
5432  (error?
5433    ($cftest
5434      (meta define meta-$lettuce 3)
5435      (equal? meta-$bun 3)
5436      (equal? meta-$burger 4)))
5437 ; check to make sure meta still works if we change interaction environment
5438  (eqv?
5439    (parameterize ([interaction-environment (copy-environment (interaction-environment))])
5440      (eval '
5441        (let ()
5442          (meta define foo 3)
5443          (meta define bar (* 3 7))
5444          (define-syntax a (lambda (x) (+ foo bar)))
5445          a)))
5446    24)
5449(mat meta2
5450  (error? ; x out-of-context
5451    (begin
5452      (meta define x 3)
5453      x))
5454  (begin
5455    (meta define x 3)
5456    (define-syntax y (lambda (z) x))
5457    (eq? y 3))
5459 ; top-level module tests
5460  (error? ; x out-of-context
5461    (module m (x) (meta define x 3) (pretty-print x)))
5462  (error? ; x out-of-context
5463    (begin
5464      (module m (x) (meta define x 3))
5465      (let () (import m) x)))
5466  (begin
5467    (module m (x) (meta define x 3))
5468    (eq? (let () (import m) (define-syntax y (lambda (z) x)) y) 3))
5469  (error? ; x out-of-context
5470    (begin
5471      (module m (x) (meta define x 3))
5472      (import m)
5473      x))
5474  (begin
5475    (module mm-m (mm-x) (meta define mm-x 3))
5476    (import mm-m)
5477    (define-syntax mm-y (lambda (z) mm-x))
5478    (eq? mm-y 3))
5479  (begin
5480    (module ($meta-z)
5481      (meta define x #'"jolly")
5482      (define-syntax y (lambda (z) x))
5483      (define $meta-z y))
5484    (equal? $meta-z "jolly"))
5486 ; local tests
5487  (error? ;=> out-of-context or unbound error
5488    (let ()
5489      (module m (x) (meta define x 3) (pretty-print x))
5490      4))
5491  (error? ;=> out-of-context or unbound error
5492    (let ()
5493      (module m (x) (meta define x 3))
5494      (let () (import m) x)))
5495  (eq?
5496    (let ()
5497      (module m (x) (meta define x 3))
5498      (let () (import m) (define-syntax y (lambda (z) x)) y))
5499    3)
5500  (let ()
5501    (module ($meta-z)
5502      (meta define x #'"jolly")
5503      (define-syntax y (lambda (z) x))
5504      (define $meta-z y))
5505    (equal? $meta-z "jolly"))
5506  (error? ;=> q out-of-context
5507    (let ()
5508      (meta define p 3)
5509      (define-syntax a
5510        (lambda (x)
5511          (meta define q 4)
5512          `(,#'quote (,p ,q))))
5513      a))
5514  (equal?
5515    (let ()
5516      (meta define p 3)
5517      (define-syntax a
5518        (lambda (x)
5519          (meta define q 4)
5520          (define-syntax b (lambda (x) q))
5521          `(,#'quote (,p ,b))))
5522      a)
5523    '(3 4))
5525  (begin
5526    (define $mm-p "p")
5527    (define $mm-q "q")
5528    (define $mm-r "r")
5529    (meta module
5530      ($mm-a $mm-b $mm-c)
5531      (define t '())
5532      (define $mm-a (lambda (k v) (set! t (cons (cons k v) t)) #'(void)))
5533      (define $mm-b (lambda (k) (cdr (assq k t))))
5534      (define-syntax $mm-c
5535        (lambda (x)
5536          (syntax-case x (get put)
5537            [(_ get n) ($mm-b (datum n))]
5538            [(_ put n v) ($mm-a (datum n) #'v)])))
5539      (set! t `((1 . ,#'$mm-q) (2 . ,#'$mm-r))))
5540    ($mm-c put 7 $mm-p)
5541    (equal?
5542      (list ($mm-c get 1) ($mm-c get 2) ($mm-c get 7))
5543      '("q" "r" "p")))
5544  (equal?
5545    (let ([p "p!"] [q "q!"] [r "r!"])
5546      (meta module (a b c)
5547        (define t '())
5548        (define a (lambda (k v) (set! t (cons (cons k v) t)) #'(void)))
5549        (define b (lambda (k) (cdr (assq k t))))
5550        (define-syntax c
5551          (lambda (x)
5552            (syntax-case x (get put)
5553              [(_ get n) (b (datum n))]
5554              [(_ put n v) (a (datum n) #'v)])))
5555        (set! t `((1 . ,#'q) (2 . ,#'r))))
5556      (c put 7 p)
5557      (list (c get 1) (c get 2) (c get 7)))
5558    '("q!" "r!" "p!"))
5560 ; assuming internal-defines-as-letrec* defaults to #t
5561  (internal-defines-as-letrec*)
5562 ; following tests assume it's set to #f
5563  (begin (internal-defines-as-letrec* #f) (not (internal-defines-as-letrec*)))
5564 ; top-level module tests
5565  (error? ; undefined variable merry
5566    (module sam (frodo)
5567      (define merry 'merry)
5568      (define frodo (cons merry merry))))
5569  (error? ; undefined variable frodo
5570    (module sam (frodo)
5571      (define merry 'merry)
5572      (define frodo 'frodo)
5573      (define pippin (cons frodo frodo))))
5574  (begin (internal-defines-as-letrec* #t) (internal-defines-as-letrec*))
5575  (eq? (let ()
5576         (module (x !y ?y) (define x (call/cc values))
5577           (define y 0)
5578           (define !y (lambda (v) (set! y v)))
5579           (define ?y (lambda () y)))
5580         (!y (+ (?y) 1))
5581         (x values)
5582         (?y))
5583       1)
5584  (begin
5585    (module (x !y ?y)
5586      (define x (call/cc values))
5587      (define y 0)
5588      (define !y (lambda (v) (set! y v)))
5589      (define ?y (lambda () y)))
5590    (!y (+ (?y) 1))
5591    (x values)
5592    (eq? (?y) 1))
5593  (begin
5594    (meta define hobbits '())
5595    (module ()
5596      (meta module ()
5597        (set! hobbits (cons 'merry hobbits)))
5598      (meta module ()
5599        (set! hobbits (cons 'lobelia hobbits))
5600        (set! hobbits (cons 'frodo hobbits))
5601        (set! hobbits (cons 'bilbo hobbits)))
5602      (meta begin
5603        (set! hobbits (cons 'pippin hobbits))))
5604    (define-syntax hobbit-report
5605      (lambda (x) `(,#'quote ,(datum->syntax #'* hobbits))))
5606    (equal? hobbit-report '(pippin bilbo frodo lobelia merry)))
5607  (let ()
5608    (meta define hobbits '())
5609    (module ()
5610      (meta module ()
5611        (set! hobbits (cons 'merry hobbits)))
5612      (meta module ()
5613        (set! hobbits (cons 'lobelia hobbits))
5614        (set! hobbits (cons 'frodo hobbits))
5615        (set! hobbits (cons 'bilbo hobbits)))
5616      (meta begin
5617        (set! hobbits (cons 'pippin hobbits))))
5618    (define-syntax hobbit-report
5619      (lambda (x) `(,#'quote ,(datum->syntax #'* hobbits))))
5620    (equal? hobbit-report '(pippin bilbo frodo lobelia merry)))
5621  (begin
5622    (meta define $whatsit)
5623    (meta begin (set! $whatsit #xc7c7c7c7))
5624    (define-syntax $mm-a (lambda (x) $whatsit))
5625    (eqv? $mm-a #xc7c7c7c7))
5626  (error? ; no expr in body
5627    (let () (meta begin (void))))
5628  (error? ; invalid meta definition ((void))
5629    (meta (void)))
5630  (error? ; invalid meta definition ((void))
5631    (module () (meta (void))))
5632  (error? ; invalid meta definition ((void))
5633    (let () (meta (void))))
5634  (begin
5635    (define hobbits '())
5636    (module ()
5637      (module ()
5638        (set! hobbits (cons 'merry hobbits)))
5639      (module ()
5640        (set! hobbits (cons 'lobelia hobbits))
5641        (set! hobbits (cons 'frodo hobbits))
5642        (set! hobbits (cons 'bilbo hobbits)))
5643      (set! hobbits (cons 'pippin hobbits)))
5644    (equal? hobbits '(pippin bilbo frodo lobelia merry)))
5645  (let ()
5646    (define hobbits '())
5647    (module ()
5648      (module ()
5649        (set! hobbits (cons 'merry hobbits)))
5650      (module ()
5651        (set! hobbits (cons 'lobelia hobbits))
5652        (set! hobbits (cons 'frodo hobbits))
5653        (set! hobbits (cons 'bilbo hobbits)))
5654      (set! hobbits (cons 'pippin hobbits)))
5655    (equal? hobbits '(pippin bilbo frodo lobelia merry)))
5657 ; assuming internal-defines-as-letrec* true
5658  (internal-defines-as-letrec*)
5659  (begin
5660    (define hobbits '())
5661    (module sam (frodo)
5662      (define merry (set! hobbits (cons 'merry hobbits)))
5663      (define frodo (set! hobbits (cons 'frodo hobbits)))
5664      (define pippin (set! hobbits (cons 'pippin hobbits))))
5665    (equal? hobbits '(pippin frodo merry)))
5666  (let ()
5667    (define hobbits '())
5668    (module sam (frodo)
5669      (define merry (set! hobbits (cons 'merry hobbits)))
5670      (define frodo (set! hobbits (cons 'frodo hobbits)))
5671      (define pippin (set! hobbits (cons 'pippin hobbits))))
5672    (equal? hobbits '(pippin frodo merry)))
5673  (begin
5674    (define hobbits '())
5675    (module sam (frodo)
5676      (define merry (set! hobbits (cons 'merry hobbits)))
5677      (module (frodo)
5678        (define lobelia (set! hobbits (cons 'lobelia hobbits)))
5679        (define frodo (set! hobbits (cons 'frodo hobbits)))
5680        (define bilbo (set! hobbits (cons 'bilbo hobbits))))
5681      (define pippin (set! hobbits (cons 'pippin hobbits))))
5682    (equal? hobbits '(pippin bilbo frodo lobelia merry)))
5683  (let ()
5684    (define hobbits '())
5685    (module sam (frodo)
5686      (define merry (set! hobbits (cons 'merry hobbits)))
5687      (module (frodo)
5688        (define lobelia (set! hobbits (cons 'lobelia hobbits)))
5689        (define frodo (set! hobbits (cons 'frodo hobbits)))
5690        (define bilbo (set! hobbits (cons 'bilbo hobbits))))
5691      (define pippin (set! hobbits (cons 'pippin hobbits))))
5692    (equal? hobbits '(pippin bilbo frodo lobelia merry)))
5693  (begin
5694    (module sam (frodo)
5695      (define merry 'merry)
5696      (define frodo (cons merry merry)))
5697    (equal? (let () (import sam) frodo) '(merry . merry)))
5698  (error? ; undefined variable merry
5699    (module sam (frodo)
5700      (define frodo (cons merry merry))
5701      (define merry 'merry)))
5702  (error? ; undefined variable frodo
5703    (module sam (frodo)
5704      (define merry 'merry)
5705      (define pippin (cons frodo frodo))
5706      (define frodo 'frodo)))
5707  (begin
5708    (module sam (frodo)
5709      (define merry 'merry)
5710      (define frodo (lambda () pippin))
5711      (define pippin (cons frodo frodo)))
5712    (let () (import sam) (eq? (car (frodo)) frodo)))
5713  (let ()
5714    (module (x !y ?y)
5715      (define x (call/cc values))
5716      (define y 0)
5717      (define !y (lambda (v) (set! y v)))
5718      (define ?y (lambda () y)))
5719    (!y (+ (?y) 1))
5720    (x values)
5721    (eq? (?y) 1))
5722  (begin
5723    (module (x !y ?y)
5724      (define x (call/cc values))
5725      (define y 0)
5726      (define !y (lambda (v) (set! y v)))
5727      (define ?y (lambda () y)))
5728    (!y (+ (?y) 1))
5729    (x values)
5730    (eq? (?y) 1))
5732 ; test for proper evaluation of meta defines and inits at compile-file time,
5733 ; visit time, revisit time, and load time
5734  (begin
5735    (with-output-to-file "testfile.ss"
5736      (lambda ()
5737        (pretty-print
5738          '(meta module $mm-m (a)
5739             (define q 3)
5740             (define-syntax qinc! (identifier-syntax (set! q (+ q 1))))
5741             (define-syntax (a x) qinc! q)
5742             qinc!
5743             (set! q (* q q)))))
5744      'replace)
5745    (compile-file "testfile")
5746    #t)
5747  (eq? (let () (import $mm-m) a) 17)
5748  (eq? (let () (import $mm-m) a) 18)
5749  (begin (visit "testfile.so") #t)
5750  (eq? (let () (import $mm-m) a) 17)
5751  (eq? (let () (import $mm-m) a) 18)
5752  (begin (load "testfile.so") #t)
5753  (eq? (let () (import $mm-m) a) 17)
5754  (eq? (let () (import $mm-m) a) 18)
5755  (begin (revisit "testfile.so") #t)
5756  (eq? (let () (import $mm-m) a) 19)
5759(mat quasisyntax
5760  (error? ; invalid syntax
5761    quasisyntax)
5762  (error? ; invalid syntax
5763    (quasisyntax))
5764  (error? ; invalid syntax
5765    (quasisyntax . a))
5766  (error? ; invalid syntax
5767    (quasisyntax a b c))
5768  (error? ; misplaced
5769    (unsyntax x))
5770  (error? ; misplaced
5771    (unsyntax-splicing x))
5772  (error? ; misplaced
5773    (unsyntax x y))
5774  (error? ; misplaced
5775    (unsyntax-splicing x y))
5776  (error? ; misplaced
5777    (unsyntax))
5778  (error? ; misplaced
5779    (unsyntax-splicing))
5780  (error? ; misplaced
5781    unsyntax)
5782  (error? ; misplaced
5783    unsyntax-splicing)
5784  (begin (define-syntax qs-foo
5785           (lambda (x)
5786             (syntax-case x ()
5787               [(_ x ...)
5788                #`(list #,(length #'(x ...)) 'x ...)])))
5789         #t)
5790  (equal? (qs-foo 3 2 1) '(3 3 2 1))
5791  (equal? (qs-foo 3 2 1) '(3 3 2 1))
5792  (begin (define-syntax qs-foo
5793           (lambda (x)
5794             (syntax-case x ()
5795               [(_ x ...)
5796                (quasisyntax (list (unsyntax (length #'(x ...))) 'x ...))])))
5797         #t)
5798  (equal? (qs-foo 3 2 1) '(3 3 2 1))
5799  (equal? (qs-foo 3 2 1) '(3 3 2 1))
5800  (begin (define-syntax qs-foo
5801           (lambda (x)
5802             (syntax-case x ()
5803               [(_ x ...)
5804                #`'#`(a #,a b #,@b #,#(#,@#'(x ...)) #,@#(#,#'(x ...)))])))
5805         #t)
5806  (equal?
5807    (qs-foo 3 2 1)
5808    '(quasisyntax
5809       (a (unsyntax a) b (unsyntax-splicing b)
5810          (unsyntax #3(3 2 1)) (unsyntax-splicing #1((3 2 1))))))
5811  (begin (define-syntax qs-foo
5812           (lambda (x)
5813             (syntax-case x ()
5814               [(_ x ...)
5815                #`'(a #(#,#'(x ...) #,@#'(x ...) unsyntax unsyntax-splicing ,a ,@b) (a . #,#'(x ...)) . c)])))
5816         #t)
5817  (equal?
5818    (qs-foo 3 2 1)
5819    '(a #8((3 2 1) 3 2 1 unsyntax unsyntax-splicing ,a ,@b)
5820        (a 3 2 1)
5821        .
5822        c))
5823  (begin (define-syntax qs-foo
5824           (lambda (x)
5825             (syntax-case x ()
5826               [(_ x ...)
5827                #`'#(a (#,#'(x ...) #,@#'(x ...) unsyntax unsyntax-splicing ,a ,@b) (a . #,#'(x ...)))])))
5828         #t)
5829  (equal?
5830    (qs-foo 3 2 1)
5831    '#3(a ((3 2 1) 3 2 1 unsyntax unsyntax-splicing ,a ,@b)
5832        (a 3 2 1)))
5833 ; test zero and two+ unsyntax-splicing subforms
5834  (begin (define-syntax qs-foo
5835           (lambda (x)
5836             (syntax-case x ()
5837               [(_ x ...)
5838                #`'((unsyntax) 0 (unsyntax #'(a x ... b) #'(x ...)) c)])))
5839         #t)
5840  (equal? (qs-foo 3 2 1) '(0 (a 3 2 1 b) (3 2 1) c))
5841  (begin (define-syntax qs-foo
5842           (lambda (x)
5843             (syntax-case x ()
5844               [(_ x ...)
5845                #`'#((unsyntax) 0 (unsyntax #'(a x ... b) #'(x ...)) c)])))
5846         #t)
5847  (equal? (qs-foo 3 2 1) '#(0 (a 3 2 1 b) (3 2 1) c))
5848 ; test zero and two+ unsyntax-splicing subforms
5849  (begin (define-syntax qs-foo
5850           (lambda (x)
5851             (syntax-case x ()
5852               [(_ x ...)
5853                #`'((unsyntax-splicing) 0 (unsyntax-splicing #'(a x ... b) #'(x ...)) c)])))
5854         #t)
5855  (equal? (qs-foo 3 2 1) '(0 a 3 2 1 b 3 2 1 c))
5856  (begin (define-syntax qs-foo
5857           (lambda (x)
5858             (syntax-case x ()
5859               [(_ x ...)
5860                #`'#((unsyntax-splicing) 0 (unsyntax-splicing #'(a x ... b) #'(x ...)) c)])))
5861         #t)
5862  (equal? (qs-foo 3 2 1) '#(0 a 3 2 1 b 3 2 1 c))
5863 ; make sure out-of-place unsyntax/unsyntax-splicing keywords are left alone
5864  (begin (define-syntax qs-foo
5865           (lambda (x)
5866             (syntax-case x ()
5867               [(_ x ...) #`'unsyntax])))
5868         #t)
5869  (equal? (qs-foo 3 2 1) 'unsyntax)
5870  (begin (define-syntax qs-foo
5871           (lambda (x)
5872             (syntax-case x ()
5873               [(_ x ...) #`'unsyntax-splicing])))
5874         #t)
5875  (equal? (qs-foo 3 2 1) 'unsyntax-splicing)
5876  (begin (define-syntax qs-foo
5877           (lambda (x)
5878             (syntax-case x ()
5879               [(_ x ...)
5880                #`'(a . (unsyntax #'(x ...) #'(x ...)))])))
5881         #t)
5882  (equal? (qs-foo 3 2 1) '(a . (unsyntax (syntax (3 2 1)) (syntax (3 2 1)))))
5883  (begin (define-syntax qs-foo
5884           (lambda (x)
5885             (syntax-case x ()
5886               [(_ x ...)
5887                #`'(a . (unsyntax-splicing #'(x ...)))])))
5888         #t)
5889  (equal? (qs-foo 3 2 1) '(a . (unsyntax-splicing (syntax (3 2 1)))))
5890 ; test noninterference with quasiquote
5891  (begin (define-syntax qs-foo
5892           (lambda (x)
5893             (syntax-case x ()
5894               [(_ x1 x2 ...)
5895                #``(a ,@(reverse (list #,@#'(x2 ...))) ,#,#'x1)])))
5896         #t)
5897  (equal?
5898    (qs-foo 3 2 1)
5899    '(a 1 2 3))
5900 ; tests adpated from Andre van Tonder posts to srfi 93 discussion
5901  (equal?
5902    (let ()
5903      (define-syntax swap!
5904        (lambda (e)
5905          (syntax-case e ()
5906            [(_ a b)
5907             (let ([a #'a] [b #'b])
5908               (quasisyntax
5909                 (let ([temp (unsyntax a)])
5910                   (set! (unsyntax a) (unsyntax b))
5911                   (set! (unsyntax b) temp))))])))
5912      (let ([temp 1] [set! 2])
5913        (swap! set! temp)
5914        (cons temp set!)))
5915    '(2 . 1))
5916  (eq?
5917    (let ()
5918      (define-syntax case
5919        (lambda (x)
5920          (syntax-case x ()
5921            [(_ e c1 c2 ...)
5922             (quasisyntax
5923               (let ([t e])
5924                 (unsyntax
5925                   (let f ([c1 #'c1] [cmore #'(c2 ...)])
5926                     (if (null? cmore)
5927                         (syntax-case c1 (else)
5928                           [(else e1 e2 ...) #'(begin e1 e2 ...)]
5929                           [((k ...) e1 e2 ...)
5930                            #'(if (memv t '(k ...))
5931                                  (begin e1 e2 ...))])
5932                         (syntax-case c1 ()
5933                           [((k ...) e1 e2 ...)
5934                            (quasisyntax
5935                              (if (memv t '(k ...))
5936                                  (begin e1 e2 ...)
5937                                  (unsyntax
5938                                    (f (car cmore)
5939                                       (cdr cmore)))))]))))))])))
5940      (case 'a [(b c) 'no] [(d a) 'yes]))
5941    'yes)
5942  (eqv?
5943    (let ()
5944      (define-syntax let-in-order
5945        (lambda (form)
5946          (syntax-case form ()
5947            [(_ ((i e) ...) e0 e1 ...)
5948             (let f ([ies #'((i e) ...)] [its #'()])
5949               (syntax-case ies ()
5950                 [() (quasisyntax (let (unsyntax its) e0 e1 ...))]
5951                 [((i e) . ies)
5952                  (with-syntax ([t (car (generate-temporaries '(t)))])
5953                    (quasisyntax
5954                      (let ([t e])
5955                        (unsyntax
5956                          (f #'ies
5957                             (quasisyntax
5958                               ((i t)
5959                                 (unsyntax-splicing its))))))))]))])))
5960      (let-in-order ((x 1) (y 2)) (+ x y)))
5961    3)
5962  (equal?
5963    (let-syntax ([test-ellipses-over-unsyntax
5964                  (lambda (e)
5965                    (let ([a #'a])
5966                      (with-syntax ([(b ...) #'(1 2 3)])
5967                        (quasisyntax '((b #,a) ...)))))])
5968      (test-ellipses-over-unsyntax))
5969    '((1 a) (2 a) (3 a)))
5970  (equal?
5971    (let-syntax ([test (lambda (_)
5972                         (quasisyntax '(list #,(+ 1 2) 4)))])
5973      (test))
5974  '(list 3 4))
5975  (equal?
5976    (let-syntax ([test (lambda (_)
5977                         (let ([name #'a])
5978                           (quasisyntax '(list #,name '#,name))))])
5979      (test))
5980    '(list a 'a))
5981  (equal?
5982    (let-syntax ([test (lambda (_)
5983                         (quasisyntax
5984                           '(a #,(+ 1 2) #,@(map abs '(4 -5 6)) b)))])
5985      (test))
5986    '(a 3 4 5 6 b))
5987  (equal?
5988    (let-syntax ([test (lambda (_)
5989                         (quasisyntax
5990                           '((foo #,(- 10 3))
5991                              #,@(cdr '(5))
5992                              .
5993                              #,(car '(7)))))])
5994      (test))
5995    '((foo 7) . 7))
5996  (equal?
5997    (let-syntax ([test (lambda (_)
5998                         (quasisyntax
5999                           '#(10 5 #,(sqrt 4) #,@(map sqrt '(16 9)) 8)))])
6000      (test))
6001    '#(10 5 2 4 3 8))
6002  (eqv?
6003    (let-syntax ([test (lambda (_) (quasisyntax #,(+ 2 3)))])
6004      (test))
6005    5)
6006  (equal?
6007    (let-syntax ([test (lambda (_)
6008                         (quasisyntax
6009                           '(a (quasisyntax
6010                                 (b #,(+ 1 2) #,(foo #,(+ 1 3) d) e))
6011                               f)))])
6012      (test))
6013    '(a (quasisyntax (b #,(+ 1 2) #,(foo 4 d) e)) f))
6015  (equal?
6016    (let-syntax ([test (lambda (_)
6017                         (let ([name1 #'x] [name2 #'y])
6018                           (quasisyntax
6019                             '(a (quasisyntax (b #,#,name1 #,#'#,name2 d))
6020                                 e))))])
6021      (test))
6022    '(a (quasisyntax (b #,x #,#'y d)) e))
6023 ; Bawden's extensions:
6024  (equal?
6025    (let-syntax ([test (lambda (_)
6026                         (quasisyntax '(a (unsyntax 1 2) b)))])
6027      (test))
6028    '(a 1 2 b))
6029  (equal?
6030    (let-syntax ([test (lambda (_)
6031                         (quasisyntax
6032                           '(a (unsyntax-splicing '(1 2) '(3 4)) b)))])
6033      (test))
6034    '(a 1 2 3 4 b))
6035  (equal?
6036    (let-syntax ([test (lambda (_)
6037                         (let ([x #'(a b c)])
6038                           (quasisyntax
6039                             '(quasisyntax (#,#,x #,@#,x #,#,@x #,@#,@x)))))])
6040      (test))
6041    '(quasisyntax
6042       (#,(a b c)
6043         #,@(a b c)
6044         (unsyntax a b c)
6045         (unsyntax-splicing a b c))))
6048(mat meta-cond
6049  (begin
6050    (define $meta-cond-expr
6051      '(meta-cond
6052         [(= (optimize-level) 3) $mc-a $mc-b $mc-c]
6053         [(= (optimize-level) 2) $mc-d]
6054         [else $mc-e $mc-f]))
6055    #t)
6056  (equivalent-expansion?
6057    (parameterize ([optimize-level 3]) (expand $meta-cond-expr))
6058    '(begin $mc-a $mc-b $mc-c))
6059  (equivalent-expansion?
6060    (parameterize ([optimize-level 2]) (expand $meta-cond-expr))
6061    '$mc-d)
6062  (equivalent-expansion?
6063    (parameterize ([optimize-level 0]) (expand $meta-cond-expr))
6064    '(begin $mc-e $mc-f))
6065  (equal?
6066    (parameterize ([optimize-level 0]) ; should have no effect
6067      (with-output-to-string
6068        (lambda ()
6069          (meta-cond
6070            [(= (optimize-level) 3) (pretty-print 'level3)]
6071            [(= (optimize-level) 2) (pretty-print 'level2)]))))
6072    (case (optimize-level)
6073      [(2) "level2\n"]
6074      [(3) "level3\n"]
6075      [else ""]))
6078(mat make-compile-time-value
6079  (error? ; incorrect number of arguments
6080    (let ()
6081      (define-syntax a
6082        (lambda (x)
6083          (lambda (r)
6084            (r))))
6085      a))
6086  (error? ; not an identifier
6087    (let ()
6088      (define-syntax a
6089        (lambda (x)
6090          (lambda (r)
6091            (r #'(a)))))
6092      a))
6093  (error? ; not an identifier
6094    (let ()
6095      (define-syntax a
6096        (lambda (x)
6097          (lambda (r)
6098            (r #'(a) #'frip))))
6099      a))
6100  (error? ; not an identifier
6101    (let ()
6102      (define-syntax a
6103        (lambda (x)
6104          (lambda (r)
6105            (r #'a "frip"))))
6106      a))
6107  (error? ; incorrect number of arguments
6108    (let ()
6109      (define-syntax a
6110        (lambda (x)
6111          (lambda (r)
6112            (r #'a #'frip "extra stuff"))))
6113      a))
6114  (error? ; not a compile-time value
6115    (compile-time-value-value 17))
6116  (begin
6117    (with-output-to-file "testfile-mctv0.ss"
6118      (lambda ()
6119        (pretty-print
6120          '(library (testfile-mctv0) (export get-ctv get-property) (import (chezscheme))
6121             (define-syntax get-ctv
6122               (lambda (x)
6123                 (lambda (r)
6124                   (syntax-case x ()
6125                     [(_ q) #`'#,(datum->syntax #'* (r #'q))]))))
6126             (define-syntax get-property
6127               (lambda (x)
6128                 (lambda (r)
6129                   (syntax-case x ()
6130                     [(_ q prop) #`'#,(datum->syntax #'* (r #'q #'prop))])))))))
6131      'replace)
6132    (for-each separate-compile '(mctv0))
6133    #t)
6134  (begin
6135    (import (testfile-mctv0))
6136    #t)
6137  (compile-time-value? (make-compile-time-value 'fred))
6138  (begin
6139    (define-syntax frob (make-compile-time-value 'rabf))
6140    #t)
6141  (eq? (get-ctv frob) 'rabf)
6142  (error? ; invalid syntax
6143    frob)
6144  (error? ; invalid syntax
6145    (frob kupe))
6146  (eq?
6147    (let ()
6148      (define-syntax frob (make-compile-time-value 'shuddle))
6149      (get-ctv frob))
6150    'shuddle)
6151  (eq?
6152    (let-syntax ([frob (make-compile-time-value 'skupo)])
6153      (get-ctv frob))
6154    'skupo)
6155  (equal?
6156    (let ([frob "not the global frob ..."])
6157      (list frob (get-ctv frob)))
6158    '("not the global frob ..." #f))
6159  (eq? (get-ctv frob) 'rabf)
6160  (error? ; invalid syntax
6161    (let ()
6162      (define-syntax frob (make-compile-time-value 'shuddle))
6163      frob))
6164  (error? ; invalid syntax
6165    (let ()
6166      (define-syntax frob (make-compile-time-value 'shuddle))
6167      (frob)))
6168  (error? ; duplicate definition
6169    (module mctv-m1 (x)
6170      (define x 3)
6171      (define-syntax x (make-compile-time-value 'xxx))))
6172  (error? ; duplicate definition
6173    (module mctv-m1 (x)
6174      (define-syntax x (make-compile-time-value 'xxx))
6175      (define-syntax x (make-compile-time-value 'xxx))))
6176  (begin
6177    (module mctv-m1 (x)
6178      (define-syntax x (make-compile-time-value 'xxx)))
6179    #t)
6180  (eq? (let () (import mctv-m1) (get-ctv x)) 'xxx)
6181  (begin
6182    (library (mctv l1) (export x) (import (chezscheme) (testfile-mctv0))
6183      (define-syntax x (make-compile-time-value 'xow)))
6184    #t)
6185  (eq? (let () (import (mctv l1)) (get-ctv x)) 'xow)
6186  (eq? (compile-time-value-value (top-level-syntax 'x (environment '(mctv l1)))) 'xow)
6187  (begin
6188    (with-output-to-file "testfile-mctv1.ss"
6189      (lambda ()
6190        (pretty-print
6191          '(library (testfile-mctv1) (export x) (import (chezscheme))
6192             (define-syntax x (make-compile-time-value 'xuko1)))))
6193      'replace)
6194    (for-each separate-compile '(mctv1))
6195    #t)
6196  (eq? (let () (import (testfile-mctv1)) (get-ctv x)) 'xuko1)
6197  (compile-time-value? (top-level-syntax 'x (environment '(testfile-mctv1))))
6198  (eq? (compile-time-value-value (top-level-syntax 'x (environment '(testfile-mctv1)))) 'xuko1)
6199  (begin
6200    (with-output-to-file "testfile-mctv1a.ss"
6201      (lambda ()
6202        (pretty-print
6203          '(library (testfile-mctv1a) (export x) (import (chezscheme))
6204             (define-syntax x (make-compile-time-value 'xuko1)))))
6205      'replace)
6206    (for-each separate-compile '(mctv1a))
6207    #t)
6208  (eq? (compile-time-value-value (top-level-syntax 'x (environment '(testfile-mctv1a)))) 'xuko1)
6209  (eq? (let () (import (testfile-mctv1a)) (get-ctv x)) 'xuko1)
6210  (begin
6211    (with-output-to-file "testfile-mctv2.ss"
6212      (lambda ()
6213        (pretty-print
6214          '(module mctv-m2 (x)
6215             (define-syntax x (make-compile-time-value 'xuko2)))))
6216      'replace)
6217    (for-each separate-compile '(mctv2))
6218    (load "testfile-mctv2.so")
6219    #t)
6220  (eq? (let () (import mctv-m2) (get-ctv x)) 'xuko2)
6221  (begin
6222    (with-output-to-file "testfile-mctv3.ss"
6223      (lambda ()
6224        (pretty-print
6225          '(define-syntax mctv3-x (make-compile-time-value 'xuko3))))
6226      'replace)
6227    (for-each separate-compile '(mctv3))
6228    (load "testfile-mctv3.so")
6229    #t)
6230  (eq? (get-ctv mctv3-x) 'xuko3)
6231  (begin
6232    (with-output-to-file "testfile-mctv4.ss"
6233      (lambda ()
6234        (printf "#! /usr/bin/env scheme-script\n")
6235        (pretty-print '(import (chezscheme) (testfile-mctv0)))
6236        (pretty-print '(define spod))
6237        (pretty-print '(define qrtz))
6238        (pretty-print '(define xptz))
6239        (pretty-print '(define-syntax x (make-compile-time-value 'xuko4)))
6240        (pretty-print '(define-property x spod "shuff"))
6241        (pretty-print '(define-property x qrtz "dmnd"))
6242        (pretty-print '(printf "~s ~s ~s ~s ~s\n"
6243                         (get-property get-property spod)
6244                         (get-property x spod)
6245                         (get-property x qrtz)
6246                         (get-property x xptz)
6247                         (get-ctv x))))
6248      'replace)
6249    (for-each (lambda (x) (separate-compile 'compile-program x)) '(mctv4))
6250    #t)
6251  (equal?
6252    (with-output-to-string
6253      (lambda ()
6254        (load-program "testfile-mctv4.ss")))
6255    "#f \"shuff\" \"dmnd\" #f xuko4\n")
6256  (equal?
6257    (with-output-to-string
6258      (lambda ()
6259        (load-program "testfile-mctv4.so")))
6260    "#f \"shuff\" \"dmnd\" #f xuko4\n")
6261  (eqv?
6262    (let ()
6263      (define foo 3)
6264      (define-syntax alpha (make-compile-time-value #'foo))
6265      (define-syntax beta
6266        (lambda (x)
6267          (lambda (r)
6268            (r #'alpha))))
6269      (let ()
6270        (define foo 4)
6271        beta))
6272    3)
6273  (eqv?
6274    (let ()
6275      (define foo 3)
6276      (define-syntax alpha
6277        (lambda (x)
6278          (syntax-case x ()
6279            [(_ id) #'(define-syntax id (make-compile-time-value #'foo))])))
6280      (let ()
6281        (define foo 4)
6282        (alpha beta)
6283        (define-syntax gamma
6284          (lambda (x)
6285            (lambda (r)
6286              (r #'beta))))
6287        gamma)) ;=> 3
6288    3)
6289  #; ; decided not to have rebuild-macro-output delve into records...
6290  (eqv?
6291    (let ()
6292      (meta define-record-type rats (fields cheese))
6293      (define foo 3)
6294      (define-syntax alpha
6295        (lambda (x)
6296          (syntax-case x ()
6297            [(_ id)
6298             #`(define-syntax id
6299                 (make-compile-time-value '#,(make-rats #'foo)))])))
6300      (let ()
6301        (define foo 4)
6302        (alpha beta)
6303        (define-syntax gamma
6304          (lambda (x)
6305            (lambda (r)
6306              #`(let ()
6307                  (define foo 5)
6308                  #,(rats-cheese (r #'beta))))))
6309        gamma))
6310    3)
6311  #; ; decided not to have rebuild-macro-output delve into records...
6312  (eqv?
6313    (let ()
6314      (meta define-record-type rats (fields cheese))
6315      (define foo 3)
6316      (define-syntax alpha
6317        (lambda (x)
6318          (syntax-case x ()
6319            [(_ id)
6320             #`(module (id)
6321                 (define foo 3.5)
6322                 (define-syntax id
6323                   (make-compile-time-value '#,(make-rats #'foo))))])))
6324      (let ()
6325        (define foo 4)
6326        (alpha beta)
6327        (define-syntax gamma
6328          (lambda (x)
6329            (lambda (r)
6330              #`(let ()
6331                  (define foo 5)
6332                  #,(rats-cheese (r #'beta))))))
6333        gamma))
6334    3.5)
6335  (eqv?
6336    (let ()
6337      (meta define make-rats list)
6338      (meta define rats-cheese car)
6339      (define foo 3)
6340      (define-syntax alpha
6341        (lambda (x)
6342          (syntax-case x ()
6343            [(_ id)
6344             #`(module (id)
6345                 (define foo 3.5)
6346                 (define-syntax id
6347                   (make-compile-time-value #'#,(make-rats #'foo))))])))
6348      (let ()
6349        (define foo 4)
6350        (alpha beta)
6351        (define-syntax gamma
6352          (lambda (x)
6353            (lambda (r)
6354              #`(let ()
6355                  (define foo 5)
6356                  #,(syntax-case (r #'beta) ()
6357                      [(foo) #'foo])))))
6358        gamma))
6359    3.5)
6362(mat define-property
6363  (begin
6364    (library (dp get-property) (export get-property) (import (scheme))
6365      (define-syntax get-property
6366        (lambda (x)
6367          (lambda (r)
6368            (syntax-case x ()
6369              [(_ q prop) #`'#,(datum->syntax #'* (r #'q #'prop))])))))
6370    (import (dp get-property))
6371    #t)
6372  (begin
6373    (define-property cons frotz 'spamgle)
6374    (equal?
6375      (cons (get-property cons frotz) (get-property cons fratz))
6376      '(spamgle . #f)))
6377  (equal?
6378    (cons (get-property cons frotz) (get-property cons fratz))
6379    '(spamgle . #f))
6380  (equal?
6381    (let ()
6382      (import scheme)
6383      (cons (get-property cons frotz) (get-property cons fratz)))
6384    (if (free-identifier=? #'cons (let () (import scheme) #'cons))
6385        '(spamgle . #f)
6386        '(#f . #f)))
6387  (equal?
6388    (let ()
6389      (define-property cons fratz 'yubah)
6390      (cons (get-property cons frotz) (get-property cons fratz)))
6391    '(spamgle . yubah))
6392  (equal?
6393    (cons (get-property cons frotz) (get-property cons fratz))
6394    '(spamgle . #f))
6395 ; restore
6396  (begin
6397    (meta-cond
6398      [(free-identifier=? #'cons (let () (import scheme) #'cons))
6399       (import (only scheme cons))]
6400      [else (define cons (let () (import scheme) cons))])
6401    #t)
6402  (equal?
6403    (cons (get-property cons frotz) (get-property cons fratz))
6404    '(#f . #f))
6405  (equal?
6406    (let ()
6407      (import scheme)
6408      (cons (get-property cons frotz) (get-property cons fratz)))
6409    '(#f . #f))
6410  (equal?
6411    (let ()
6412      (import scheme)
6413      (define-property list type "procedure")
6414      (list (get-property list type) (get-property car type)))
6415    '("procedure" #f))
6416  (equal?
6417    (let ()
6418      (define list (lambda x x))
6419      (define-property list type "procedure")
6420      (list (get-property list type) (get-property car type)))
6421    '("procedure" #f))
6422  (error? ; multiple definitions for list
6423    (let ()
6424      (define-property list type "procedure")
6425      (define list (lambda x x))
6426      (list (get-property list type) (get-property car type))))
6427  (error? ; multiple definitions for list
6428    (module m (list)
6429      (define-property list type "procedure")
6430      (define list (lambda x x))
6431      (list (get-property list type) (get-property car type))))
6432  (error? ; immutable environment
6433    (eval '(define-property frot rat 3) (scheme-environment)))
6434  (error? ; immutable environment
6435    (eval '(define-property cons rat 3) (scheme-environment)))
6436  (error? ; no visible binding
6437    (eval '(let () (define-property frot cons 3) 3) (scheme-environment)))
6438  (error? ; no visible binding
6439    (eval '(let () (define-property cons rat 3) 3) (scheme-environment)))
6440  (error? ; no visible binding
6441    (library (dp err1) (export x) (import (scheme))
6442      (define-property x cons "frap")))
6443  (error? ; no visible binding
6444    (library (dp err1) (export x) (import (scheme))
6445      (define-property cons frip "frap")))
6446  (error? ; no visible binding
6447    (module (x) (import-only (scheme))
6448      (define-property x cons "frap")))
6449  (error? ; no visible binding
6450    (module (x) (import-only (scheme))
6451      (define-property cons frip "frap")))
6452  (not (get-property list type))
6453  (equal?
6454    (let ()
6455      (define type)
6456      (define-property list type "proc")
6457      (list
6458        (get-property list type)
6459        (let () (define type) (get-property list type))))
6460    '("proc" #f))
6461  (equal?
6462    (let ()
6463      (module (type iface list)
6464        (define type)
6465        (define iface)
6466        (define-property list type "a proc")
6467        (define-property list iface -1))
6468      (list
6469        (get-property list type)
6470        (get-property list iface)))
6471    '("a proc" -1))
6472  (equal?
6473    (let ()
6474      (module (type list)
6475        (define type)
6476        (define iface)
6477        (define-property list type "a proc")
6478        (define-property list iface -1))
6479      (list
6480        (get-property list type)
6481        (get-property list iface)))
6482    '("a proc" #f))
6483  (equal?
6484    (let ()
6485      (module (iface list)
6486        (define type)
6487        (define iface)
6488        (define-property list type "a proc")
6489        (define-property list iface -1))
6490      (list
6491        (get-property list type)
6492        (get-property list iface)))
6493    '(#f -1))
6494  (equal?
6495    (let ()
6496      (module (list)
6497        (define type)
6498        (define iface)
6499        (define-property list type "a proc")
6500        (define-property list iface -1))
6501      (list
6502        (get-property list type)
6503        (get-property list iface)))
6504    '(#f #f))
6505  (equal?
6506    (let ()
6507      (module (type iface)
6508        (define type)
6509        (define iface)
6510        (define-property list type "a proc")
6511        (define-property list iface -1))
6512      (list
6513        (get-property list type)
6514        (get-property list iface)))
6515    '(#f #f))
6516  (begin
6517    (define dp-out (open-output-string))
6518    (module dp-m1 (x)
6519      (import (scheme) (dp get-property))
6520      (define x 444)
6521      (define-property x frob "x-frob")
6522      (define-property x spam "x-spam")
6523      (fprintf dp-out "~s ~s ~s ~s\n"
6524        (get-property x spam)
6525        (get-property x frob)
6526        (get-property x rats)
6527        x))
6528    (equal?
6529      (get-output-string dp-out)
6530      "\"x-spam\" \"x-frob\" #f 444\n"))
6531  (equal?
6532    (let ()
6533      (import dp-m1)
6534      (list
6535        (get-property x spam)
6536        (get-property x frob)
6537        (get-property x rats)
6538        x))
6539    '("x-spam" "x-frob" #f 444))
6540  (begin
6541    (define dp-out (open-output-string))
6542    (module dp-m1 ()
6543      (import (scheme) (dp get-property))
6544      (define-property dp-out spam "dp-out-spam")
6545      (define-property dp-out frob "dp-out-frob")
6546      (fprintf dp-out "~s ~s ~s\n"
6547        (get-property dp-out spam)
6548        (get-property dp-out frob)
6549        (get-property dp-out rats)))
6550    (and
6551      (equal?
6552        (get-output-string dp-out)
6553        "\"dp-out-spam\" \"dp-out-frob\" #f\n")
6554      (not (get-property dp-out spam))
6555      (not (get-property dp-out frob))))
6556  (equal?
6557    (let ()
6558      (import dp-m1)
6559      (list
6560        (get-property x spam)
6561        (get-property x frob)
6562        (get-property x rats)))
6563    '(#f #f #f))
6564  (begin
6565    (module dp-m1 (m2 (f x y))
6566      (import (scheme) (dp get-property))
6567      (define y "yval")
6568      (define-property y a "y-a")
6569      (module m2 (x)
6570        (define x "xval")
6571        (define-property x a "x-a")
6572        (define-property y b "y-b"))
6573      (import m2)
6574      (define-property x b "x-b")
6575      (define-syntax f
6576        (identifier-syntax
6577          (list (list x (get-property x a) (get-property x b))
6578                (list y (get-property y a) (get-property y b))))))
6579    #t)
6580  (equal?
6581    (let () (import dp-m1) f)
6582    '(("xval" "x-a" "x-b") ("yval" "y-a" #f)))
6583  (equal?
6584    (let ()
6585      (import dp-m1)
6586      (import m2)
6587      (list
6588        (get-property x a)
6589        (get-property x b)
6590        (get-property x c)
6591        x))
6592    '("x-a" #f #f "xval"))
6593  (begin
6594    (library (dp l1) (export x spam frob rats) (import (scheme) (dp get-property))
6595      (define spam)
6596      (define frob)
6597      (define rats)
6598      (define x (make-parameter 444))
6599      (define-property x spam "x-spam")
6600      (define-property x frob "x-frob")
6601      (printf "~s ~s ~s ~s\n"
6602        (get-property x spam)
6603        (get-property x frob)
6604        (get-property x rats)
6605        (x)))
6606    #t)
6607  (begin (define dp-f) #t)
6608  (equal?
6609    (with-output-to-string
6610      (lambda ()
6611        (set! dp-f
6612          (eval
6613            '(lambda ()
6614               (import (dp l1))
6615               (printf "~s ~s ~s ~s\n"
6616                 (get-property x spam)
6617                 (get-property x frob)
6618                 (get-property x rats)
6619                 (x)))))))
6620    "\"x-spam\" \"x-frob\" #f 444\n")
6621  (equal?
6622    (with-output-to-string
6623      (lambda ()
6624        (dp-f)))
6625    "\"x-spam\" \"x-frob\" #f 444\n")
6626  (begin
6627    (library (dp l1) (export x spam frob rats) (import (scheme) (dp get-property))
6628      (define spam)
6629      (define frob)
6630      (define rats)
6631      (define-syntax x
6632        (identifier-syntax
6633          (list
6634            (get-property x spam)
6635            (get-property x frob)
6636            (get-property x rats))))
6637      (define-property x spam "x-spam")
6638      (define-property x frob "x-frob")
6639      (printf "~s ~s ~s ~s\n"
6640        (get-property x spam)
6641        (get-property x frob)
6642        (get-property x rats)
6643        x))
6644    #t)
6645  (begin (define dp-f) #t)
6646  (equal?
6647    (with-output-to-string
6648      (lambda ()
6649        (set! dp-f
6650          (eval
6651            '(lambda ()
6652               (import (dp l1))
6653               (printf "~s ~s ~s ~s\n"
6654                 (get-property x spam)
6655                 (get-property x frob)
6656                 (get-property x rats)
6657                 x))))))
6658    "")
6659  (equal?
6660    (with-output-to-string
6661      (lambda ()
6662        (dp-f)))
6663    "\"x-spam\" \"x-frob\" #f (\"x-spam\" \"x-frob\" #f)\n")
6664  (begin
6665    (library (dp l1) (export x qq spam frob rats) (import (scheme) (dp get-property))
6666      (define spam)
6667      (define frob)
6668      (define rats)
6669      (define qq (make-parameter 33))
6670      (define-syntax x
6671        (identifier-syntax
6672          (list
6673            (get-property x spam)
6674            (get-property x frob)
6675            (get-property x rats))))
6676      (define-property x spam "x-spam")
6677      (define-property x frob "x-frob")
6678      (printf "~s ~s ~s ~s\n"
6679        (get-property x spam)
6680        (get-property x frob)
6681        (get-property x rats)
6682        x))
6683    #t)
6684  (begin (define dp-f) #t)
6685  (equal?
6686    (with-output-to-string
6687      (lambda ()
6688        (set! dp-f
6689          (eval
6690            '(lambda ()
6691               (import (dp l1))
6692               (printf "~s ~s ~s ~s ~s\n"
6693                 (get-property x spam)
6694                 (get-property x frob)
6695                 (get-property x rats)
6696                 x (qq)))))))
6697    "\"x-spam\" \"x-frob\" #f (\"x-spam\" \"x-frob\" #f)\n")
6698  (equal?
6699    (with-output-to-string
6700      (lambda ()
6701        (dp-f)))
6702    "\"x-spam\" \"x-frob\" #f (\"x-spam\" \"x-frob\" #f) 33\n")
6703  (begin
6704    (library (dp l1) (export qq spam frob rats) (import (scheme) (dp get-property))
6705      (define spam)
6706      (define frob)
6707      (define rats)
6708      (define qq (make-parameter 77))
6709      (define x (make-parameter 444))
6710      (define-property x spam "x-spam")
6711      (define-property x frob "x-frob")
6712      (printf "~s ~s ~s ~s\n"
6713        (get-property x spam)
6714        (get-property x frob)
6715        (get-property x rats)
6716        (x)))
6717    #t)
6718  (begin (define dp-f) #t)
6719  (equal?
6720    (with-output-to-string
6721      (lambda ()
6722        (set! dp-f
6723          (eval
6724            '(lambda (x)
6725               (import (dp l1))
6726               (printf "~s ~s ~s ~s\n"
6727                 (get-property x spam)
6728                 (get-property x frob)
6729                 (get-property x rats)
6730                 (qq)))))))
6731    "\"x-spam\" \"x-frob\" #f 444\n")
6732  (equal?
6733    (with-output-to-string
6734      (lambda ()
6735        (dp-f 0)))
6736    "#f #f #f 77\n")
6737  (begin
6738    (module (dp-a)
6739      (module (dp-a)
6740        (define-syntax dp-a (identifier-syntax 3)))
6741      (define-property dp-a spam 55))
6742    (and (eqv? dp-a 3)
6743         (eqv? (get-property dp-a spam) 55)))
6744  (begin
6745    (module (dp-b)
6746      (module ((dp-b q))
6747        (define q 3)
6748        (define-syntax dp-b (identifier-syntax q)))
6749      (define-property dp-b spam 55))
6750    (and (eqv? dp-b 3)
6751         (eqv? (get-property dp-b spam) 55)))
6752  (let ()
6753    (module (dp-c)
6754      (module (dp-c)
6755        (define-syntax dp-c (identifier-syntax 3)))
6756      (define-property dp-c spam 55))
6757    (and (eqv? dp-c 3)
6758         (eqv? (get-property dp-c spam) 55)))
6759  (let ()
6760    (module (dp-c)
6761      (module ((dp-c q))
6762        (define q 3)
6763        (define-syntax dp-c (identifier-syntax q)))
6764      (define-property dp-c spam 55))
6765    (and (eqv? dp-c 3)
6766         (eqv? (get-property dp-c spam) 55)))
6767  (begin
6768    (library (dp l2) (export dp-d dp-e spam) (import (scheme))
6769      (define spam)
6770      (module (dp-d)
6771        (module (dp-d)
6772          (define-syntax dp-d (identifier-syntax 3)))
6773        (define-property dp-d spam 55))
6774      (module (dp-e)
6775        (module ((dp-e q))
6776          (define q 13)
6777          (define-syntax dp-e (identifier-syntax q)))
6778        (define-property dp-e spam 155)))
6779    (let ()
6780      (import (dp l2))
6781      (and (eqv? dp-d 3)
6782           (eqv? (get-property dp-d spam) 55)
6783           (eqv? dp-e 13)
6784           (eqv? (get-property dp-e spam) 155))))
6785  (begin
6786    (import (dp l2))
6787    (and (eqv? dp-d 3)
6788         (eqv? (get-property dp-d spam) 55)
6789         (eqv? dp-e 13)
6790         (eqv? (get-property dp-e spam) 155)))
6791  (begin
6792    (with-output-to-file "testfile-dp0.ss"
6793      (lambda ()
6794        (pretty-print '(define $dp0-x "dp0-x"))
6795        (pretty-print '(define-property $dp0-x dp0 17)))
6796      'replace)
6797    (with-output-to-file "testfile-dp1.ss"
6798      (lambda ()
6799        (pretty-print
6800          '(library (testfile-dp1)
6801             (export cons a b spud)
6802             (import (scheme))
6803             (define spud)
6804             (define a "a")
6805             (define b "b")
6806             (define-property cons spud "spud-cons")
6807             (define-property a spud "spud-a")
6808             (define-property b spud "spud-b"))))
6809      'replace)
6810    (with-output-to-file "testfile-dp2.ss"
6811      (lambda ()
6812        (pretty-print
6813          '(module dp2 (cons a b putz)
6814             (import (scheme))
6815             (define putz)
6816             (define a "a")
6817             (define b "b")
6818             (define-property cons putz "putz-cons")
6819             (define-property a putz "putz-a")
6820             (define-property b putz "putz-b"))))
6821      'replace)
6822    (for-each separate-compile '(dp0 dp1 dp2))
6823    #t)
6824  (begin (load "testfile-dp0.so") #t)
6825  (equal? $dp0-x "dp0-x")
6826  (equal? (get-property $dp0-x dp0) 17)
6827  (equal?
6828    (let ()
6829      (import (testfile-dp1))
6830      (list (cons a b) (get-property cons spud) (get-property a spud) (get-property b spud)))
6831    '(("a" . "b") "spud-cons" "spud-a" "spud-b"))
6832  (begin (load "testfile-dp2.so") #t)
6833  (equal?
6834    (let ()
6835      (import dp2)
6836      (list (cons a b) (get-property cons putz) (get-property a putz) (get-property b putz)))
6837    '(("a" . "b") "putz-cons" "putz-a" "putz-b"))
6838 ; illustrate use of define-property for storing parent record info,
6839 ; while still allowing the record name to be a variable whose value
6840 ; is the record type descriptor
6841  (equal?
6842    (let ()
6843      (module (drt)
6844        (define drt-key)
6845        (define-syntax drt
6846          (lambda (x)
6847            (define construct-name
6848              (lambda (template-identifier . args)
6849                (datum->syntax template-identifier
6850                  (string->symbol
6851                    (apply string-append
6852                      (map (lambda (x)
6853                             (if (string? x)
6854                                 x
6855                                 (symbol->string (syntax->datum x))))
6856                           args))))))
6857            (define do-drt
6858              (lambda (rname fname* prtd)
6859                (with-syntax ([rname rname]
6860                              [rtd (make-record-type-descriptor
6861                                     (syntax->datum rname) prtd #f #f #f
6862                                     (list->vector (map (lambda (fname) `(immutable ,(syntax->datum fname))) fname*)))]
6863                              [make-rname (construct-name rname "make-" rname)]
6864                              [rname? (construct-name rname rname "?")]
6865                              [(rname-fname ...)
6866                               (map (lambda (fname) (construct-name fname rname "-" fname))
6867                                    fname*)]
6868                              [(i ...) (enumerate fname*)])
6869                  #'(begin
6870                      (define rname 'rtd)
6871                      (define rcd (make-record-constructor-descriptor 'rtd #f #f))
6872                      (define-property rname drt-key 'rtd)
6873                      (define make-rname (record-constructor rcd))
6874                      (define rname? (record-predicate 'rtd))
6875                      (define rname-fname (record-accessor 'rtd i))
6876                      ...))))
6877            (syntax-case x (parent)
6878              [(_ rname fname ...)
6879               (for-all identifier? #'(rname fname ...))
6880               (do-drt #'rname #'(fname ...) #f)]
6881              [(_ rname (parent pname) fname ...)
6882               (for-all identifier? #'(rname pname fname ...))
6883               (lambda (r)
6884                 (let ([prtd (r #'pname #'drt-key)])
6885                   (unless prtd (syntax-error #'pname "unrecognized parent record typd"))
6886                   (do-drt #'rname #'(fname ...) prtd)))]))))
6887      (drt foo x y)
6888      (drt bar (parent foo) z)
6889      (let ([b (make-bar 1 2 3)])
6890        (list
6891          (record-type-descriptor? foo)
6892          (record-type-descriptor? bar)
6893          (foo? b) (bar? b)
6894          (foo-x b)
6895          (foo-y b)
6896          (bar-z b))))
6897    '(#t #t #t #t 1 2 3))
6898 ; on no!
6899  (equal?
6900    (let ()
6901      (define type-key)
6902      (define-syntax declare
6903        (syntax-rules ()
6904          [(_ type id)
6905           (identifier? #'id)
6906           (define-property id type-key #'type)]))
6907      (define-syntax type-of
6908        (lambda (x)
6909          (syntax-case x ()
6910            [(_ id)
6911             (identifier? #'id)
6912             (lambda (r)
6913               #`'#,(r #'id #'type-key))])))
6914      (let ([x 3])
6915        (define p (lambda (x) x))
6916        (declare fixnum? x)
6917        (declare procedure? p)
6918        (list (type-of x) (type-of p))))
6919    '(fixnum? procedure?))
6920 ; make sure library is visited and invoked when needed by
6921 ; top-level-xxx procedures, even when properties are defined
6922  (begin
6923    (with-output-to-file "testfile-dp3.ss"
6924      (lambda ()
6925        (pretty-print
6926          '(library (testfile-dp3) (export dp3-x frop) (import (chezscheme))
6927             (define frop)
6928             (define dp3-x 3)
6929             (define-property dp3-x frop "blob"))))
6930      'replace)
6931    (for-each separate-compile '(dp3))
6932    #t)
6933  (begin (import (testfile-dp3)) #t)
6934  (top-level-bound? 'dp3-x)
6935  (equal? (get-property dp3-x frop) "blob")
6936  (begin
6937    (with-output-to-file "testfile-dp4.ss"
6938      (lambda ()
6939        (pretty-print
6940          '(library (testfile-dp4) (export dp4-x frop) (import (chezscheme))
6941             (define frop)
6942             (define dp4-x 3)
6943             (define-property dp4-x frop "blob"))))
6944      'replace)
6945    (for-each separate-compile '(dp4))
6946    #t)
6947  (begin (import (testfile-dp4)) #t)
6948  (eqv? (top-level-value 'dp4-x) 3)
6949  (equal? (get-property dp4-x frop) "blob")
6950  (begin
6951    (with-output-to-file "testfile-dp5.ss"
6952      (lambda ()
6953        (pretty-print
6954          '(library (testfile-dp5) (export dp5-x frop) (import (chezscheme))
6955             (define frop)
6956             (define dp5-x 3)
6957             (define-property dp5-x frop "blob"))))
6958      'replace)
6959    (for-each separate-compile '(dp5))
6960    #t)
6961  (begin (import (testfile-dp5)) #t)
6962 ; same as last, but reverse order of checks
6963  (equal? (get-property dp5-x frop) "blob")
6964  (eqv? (top-level-value 'dp5-x) 3)
6965  (begin
6966    (with-output-to-file "testfile-dp6.ss"
6967      (lambda ()
6968        (pretty-print
6969          '(library (testfile-dp6) (export dp6-x frop) (import (chezscheme))
6970             (define frop)
6971             (define-syntax dp6-x (identifier-syntax 3))
6972             (define-property dp6-x frop "blob"))))
6973      'replace)
6974    (for-each separate-compile '(dp6))
6975    #t)
6976  (begin (import (testfile-dp6)) #t)
6977  (top-level-syntax? 'dp6-x)
6978  (equal? (get-property dp6-x frop) "blob")
6979  (begin
6980    (with-output-to-file "testfile-dp7.ss"
6981      (lambda ()
6982        (pretty-print
6983          '(library (testfile-dp7) (export dp7-x frop) (import (chezscheme))
6984             (define frop)
6985             (define-syntax dp7-x (identifier-syntax 3))
6986             (define-property dp7-x frop "blob"))))
6987      'replace)
6988    (for-each separate-compile '(dp7))
6989    #t)
6990  (begin (import (testfile-dp7)) #t)
6991 ; same as last, but reverse order of checks
6992  (equal? (get-property dp7-x frop) "blob")
6993  (top-level-syntax? 'dp7-x)
6994  (begin
6995    (with-output-to-file "testfile-dp8.ss"
6996      (lambda ()
6997        (pretty-print
6998          '(library (testfile-dp8) (export dp8-x frop) (import (chezscheme))
6999             (define frop)
7000             (define-syntax dp8-x (identifier-syntax 3))
7001             (define-property dp8-x frop "blob"))))
7002      'replace)
7003    (for-each separate-compile '(dp8))
7004    #t)
7005  (begin (import (testfile-dp8)) #t)
7006 ; same as last, but reverse order of checks
7007  (procedure? (top-level-syntax 'dp8-x))
7008  (equal? (get-property dp8-x frop) "blob")
7009  (begin
7010    (with-output-to-file "testfile-dp9.ss"
7011      (lambda ()
7012        (pretty-print
7013          '(library (testfile-dp9) (export dp9-x frop) (import (chezscheme))
7014             (define frop)
7015             (define-syntax dp9-x (identifier-syntax 3))
7016             (define-property dp9-x frop "blob"))))
7017      'replace)
7018    (for-each separate-compile '(dp9))
7019    #t)
7020  (begin (import (testfile-dp9)) #t)
7021  (error? ; not a variable
7022    (set-top-level-value! 'dp9-x 11))
7023  (equal? (get-property dp9-x frop) "blob")
7024  (begin
7025    (with-output-to-file "testfile-dp10.ss"
7026      (lambda ()
7027        (pretty-print
7028          '(library (testfile-dp10) (export dp10-x frop) (import (chezscheme))
7029             (define frop)
7030             (define dp10-x 3)
7031             (define-property dp10-x frop "blob"))))
7032      'replace)
7033    (for-each separate-compile '(dp10))
7034    #t)
7035  (begin (import (testfile-dp10)) #t)
7036  (error? ; immutable
7037    (set-top-level-value! 'dp10-x 11))
7038  (equal? (get-property dp10-x frop) "blob")
7039  (begin
7040    (with-output-to-file "testfile-dp11.ss"
7041      (lambda ()
7042        (pretty-print
7043          '(library (testfile-dp11) (export dp11-x frop) (import (chezscheme))
7044             (define frop)
7045             (define dp11-x 3)
7046             (define-property dp11-x frop "blob"))))
7047      'replace)
7048    (for-each separate-compile '(dp11))
7049    #t)
7050  (begin (import (testfile-dp11)) #t)
7051  (not (top-level-mutable? 'dp11-x))
7052  (equal? (get-property dp11-x frop) "blob")
7053  (equal?
7054    (syntax-case '(a b c) ()
7055      [(_ . x)
7056       (let ()
7057         (define-property x goofy 'stuff)
7058         (define-property x amazingly 'unlikely)
7059         (list (get-property x goofy)
7060               (get-property x amazingly)
7061               #'x))])
7062    '(stuff unlikely (b c)))
7063 (begin
7064   (library (docstring)
7065     (export define-docstring get-docstring)
7066     (import (chezscheme))
7067     (define check-docstring
7068       (lambda (x s)
7069         (unless (string? s)
7070           (syntax-error x "invalid docstring definition"))
7071         s))
7072     (define-syntax define-docstring
7073       (lambda (x)
7074         (syntax-case x ()
7075           [(_ id expr)
7076            #`(define-property id check-docstring
7077                (check-docstring #'#,x expr))])))
7078     (define-syntax get-docstring
7079       (lambda (x)
7080         (lambda (r)
7081           (syntax-case x ()
7082             [(_ id)
7083              (or (r #'id #'check-docstring) "no documentation available")])))))
7084   #t)
7085  (equal?
7086    (let ()
7087      (import (docstring))
7088      (define-docstring cons "cons takes three arguments")
7089      (get-docstring cons))
7090    "cons takes three arguments")
7091  (equal?
7092    (let ()
7093      (import (docstring))
7094      (define-docstring else "else is cool")
7095      (cond [else (get-docstring else)]))
7096    "else is cool")
7097  ((lambda (x ls) (and (member x ls) #t))
7098   (parameterize ([#%$suppress-primitive-inlining #f])
7099     (expand
7100       '(let ()
7101          (import scheme)
7102          (define-property cons car 3)
7103          cons)))
7104   `(#%cons #2%cons #3%cons))
7105  (begin
7106    (define dp-x #f)
7107    (define dp-y #f)
7108    (define-property dp-x dp-y "xy")
7109    (define-syntax a
7110      (lambda (z)
7111        (define-property dp-x z "xz")
7112        #'(get-property dp-x dp-y)))
7113    (equal? a "xy"))
7114  (begin
7115    (define dp-x #f)
7116    (define dp-y #f)
7117    (define-property dp-x dp-y "outer")
7118    (define-syntax a
7119      (lambda (z)
7120        (define-property dp-x dp-y "inner")
7121        #'(get-property dp-x dp-y)))
7122    (not a))
7123  (equal?
7124    (let ([x #f] [y #f])
7125      (define-property x y "xy")
7126      (define-syntax a
7127        (lambda (z)
7128          (define-property x z "xz")
7129          #'(get-property x y)))
7130      a)
7131    "xy")
7132  (eq?
7133    (let ([x #f] [y #f])
7134      (define-property x y "outer")
7135      (define-syntax a
7136        (lambda (z)
7137          (define-property x y "inner")
7138          #'(get-property x y)))
7139      a)
7140    #f)
7141  (eq?
7142    (let ([x #f])
7143      (define-syntax a
7144        (syntax-rules (x)
7145          [(_ x) 'yes]
7146          [(_ y) 'no]))
7147      (let ()
7148        (define-property x q 0)
7149        (a x)))
7150    'yes)
7151  (begin
7152    (library (dp l3) (export x)
7153      (import (chezscheme))
7154      (define x 5)
7155      (define-property x car 17))
7156    (import (dp l3))
7157    (and (eqv? x 5) (eqv? (let () (import (chezscheme)) (get-property x car)) 17)))
7158  (begin
7159    (library (dp l4) (export sort)
7160      (import (chezscheme))
7161      (define-property sort car 53))
7162    (library (dp l5) (export sort)
7163      (import (chezscheme))
7164      (define-property sort cdr 87))
7165    (import (dp l4))
7166    (import (dp l5))
7167    (and (procedure? sort)
7168         (eq? sort #%sort)
7169         (eqv? (let () (import (only (chezscheme) car)) (get-property sort car)) 53)
7170         (eqv? (let () (import (only (chezscheme) cdr)) (get-property sort cdr)) 87)))
7171  (begin
7172    (with-output-to-file "testfile-dp12.ss"
7173      (lambda ()
7174        (pretty-print
7175          '(library (testfile-dp12) (export dp12-dq) (import (chezscheme))
7176             (define-syntax dp12-dq (identifier-syntax "dq"))
7177             (define-property dp12-dq car "dqp"))))
7178      'replace)
7179    (for-each separate-compile '(dp12))
7180    #t)
7181  (begin (import (testfile-dp12)) #t)
7182  (equal? (list dp12-dq (let () (import (chezscheme)) (get-property dp12-dq car))) '("dq" "dqp"))
7183  (equal?
7184    (let ()
7185      (define x 0)
7186      (module m1 (x) (define-property x car "xcar"))
7187      (module m2 (x) (define-property x cdr "xcdr"))
7188      (let ([q1 (let () (import m1) (list x (get-property x car) (get-property x cdr)))]
7189            [q2 (let () (import m2) (list x (get-property x car) (get-property x cdr)))]
7190            [q3 (let () (import m1) (import m2) (list x (get-property x car) (get-property x cdr)))]
7191            [q4 (let () (import m2) (import m1) (list x (get-property x car) (get-property x cdr)))])
7192        (list x q1 q2 q3 q4 (get-property x car) (get-property x cdr))))
7193    '(0 (0 "xcar" #f) (0 #f "xcdr") (0 "xcar" "xcdr") (0 "xcar" "xcdr") #f #f))
7194  (equal?
7195    (let ()
7196      (define x 0)
7197      (module m1 (x) (define-property x car "xcar"))
7198      (import m1)
7199      (module m2 (x) (define-property x cdr "xcdr"))
7200      (import m2)
7201      (list x (get-property x car) (get-property x cdr)))
7202    '(0 "xcar" "xcdr"))
7203  (begin
7204    (module $dp13 (foo)
7205      (define foo 17)
7206      (module ((foo bar))
7207        (define-property foo cons #'bar)
7208        (define bar 35)))
7209    #t)
7210  (eqv?
7211    (let ()
7212      (import $dp13)
7213      (define-syntax a
7214        (lambda (x)
7215          (lambda (r)
7216            (syntax-case x ()
7217              [(_ id) (r #'id #'cons)]))))
7218      (a foo))
7219    35)
7220  (eqv?
7221    (let ()
7222      (module m (x) (define x 3) (define-property x x 4))
7223      (import m)
7224      (get-property x x))
7225    4)
7226  (eqv?
7227    (let ()
7228      (module m (x) (define x 3) (define-property x x 4))
7229      (import (alias m (x y)))
7230      (get-property x x))
7231    4)
7232  (eqv?
7233    (let ()
7234      (module m (x) (define x 3) (define-property x x 4))
7235      (import (alias m (x y)))
7236      (get-property x y))
7237    4)
7238  (eqv?
7239    (let ()
7240      (module m (x) (define x 3) (define-property x x 4))
7241      (import (alias m (x y)))
7242      (get-property y x))
7243    4)
7244  (eqv?
7245    (let ()
7246      (module m (x) (define x 3) (define-property x x 4))
7247      (import (alias m (x y)))
7248      (get-property y y))
7249    4)
7250  (eqv?
7251    (let ()
7252      (module m (x) (define x 3) (define-property x x 4))
7253      (import (rename m (x y)))
7254      (get-property y y))
7255    4)
7256  (begin
7257    (module $dp14 (x) (define x 3) (define-property x x 4))
7258    #t)
7259  (eqv?
7260    (let ()
7261      (import $dp14)
7262      (get-property x x))
7263    4)
7264  (eqv?
7265    (let ()
7266      (import (alias $dp14 (x y)))
7267      (get-property x x))
7268    4)
7269  (eqv?
7270    (let ()
7271      (import (alias $dp14 (x y)))
7272      (get-property x y))
7273    4)
7274  (eqv?
7275    (let ()
7276      (import (alias $dp14 (x y)))
7277      (get-property y x))
7278    4)
7279  (eqv?
7280    (let ()
7281      (import (alias $dp14 (x y)))
7282      (get-property y y))
7283    4)
7284  (eqv?
7285    (let ()
7286      (import (rename $dp14 (x y)))
7287      (get-property y y))
7288    4)
7289  (equal?
7290    (let ([y 14])
7291      (define k1)
7292      (define k2)
7293      (module ()
7294        (export x (rename (y x)))
7295        (define x 3)
7296        (define-property x k1 4)
7297        (define-property x k2 5)
7298        (alias y x))
7299      (list x y (get-property x k1) (get-property x k2) (get-property y k1) (get-property y k2)))
7300    '(3 14 4 5 #f #f))
7301  (error? ; attempt to export different bindings for x
7302    (let ([y 14])
7303      (define k1)
7304      (define k2)
7305      (module ()
7306        (export x (rename (y x)))
7307        (define x 3)
7308        (define-property x k1 4)
7309        (alias y x)
7310        (define-property x k2 5))
7311      (list x y (get-property x k1) (get-property y k2))))
7312  (begin
7313    (with-output-to-file "testfile-A.ss"
7314      (lambda ()
7315        (pretty-print
7316          '(library (testfile-A)
7317             (export $testfile-A-x $testfile-A-prop-id)
7318             (import (scheme))
7319             (define $testfile-A-x (cons 'a 'b))
7320             (define $testfile-A-prop-id)
7321             (define-property $testfile-A-x $testfile-A-prop-id (cons 'c 'd)))))
7322      'replace)
7323    (with-output-to-file "testfile-B.ss"
7324      (lambda ()
7325        (pretty-print
7326          '(library (testfile-B)
7327             (export)
7328             (import (scheme) (testfile-A))
7329             (export (import (testfile-A))))))
7330      'replace)
7331    (with-output-to-file "testfile-C.ss"
7332      (lambda ()
7333        (pretty-print
7334          '(library (testfile-C)
7335             (export)
7336             (import (scheme) (testfile-A) (testfile-B))
7337             (export (import (testfile-A)) (import (testfile-B))))))
7338      'replace)
7339    (for-each separate-compile '(A B C))
7340    #t)
7341  (equal?
7342    (let ()
7343      (import (testfile-C))
7344      (list $testfile-A-x (get-property $testfile-A-x $testfile-A-prop-id)))
7345    '((a . b) (c . d)))
7348(mat library1
7349  (error? (compile-library "/file/not/there"))
7350  (error? (load-library "/file/not/there"))
7351  (error? ; abc is not a string
7352    (load-library 'abc))
7353  (error? ; xxx is not a procedure
7354    (load-library "/file/not/there" 'xxx))
7355  (error? ; 3 is not a string
7356    (parameterize ([source-directories '("/tmp" ".")]) (load-library 3)))
7357  (error? ; 3 is not a string
7358    (parameterize ([source-directories '("/tmp" ".")]) (load-library 3 values)))
7359  (begin
7360    (library ($l1-a) (export $l1-x) (import (scheme))
7361      (module $l1-x (($l1-a $l1-b) $l1-c $l1-e)
7362        (define $l1-d 4)
7363        (define-syntax $l1-a (identifier-syntax (cons $l1-b $l1-y)))
7364        (define $l1-b 55)
7365        (define $l1-c (lambda () (* $l1-d $l1-y)))
7366        (define $l1-f 44)
7367        (define-syntax $l1-e (identifier-syntax $l1-f)))
7368      (define $l1-y 14))
7369    #t)
7370  (equal?
7371    (let () (import ($l1-a)) (import $l1-x) (list $l1-a ($l1-c)))
7372    '((55 . 14) 56))
7373  (begin
7374    (import ($l1-a))
7375    #t)
7376  (begin
7377    (import $l1-x)
7378    #t)
7379  (equal? $l1-a '(55 . 14))
7380  (equal? ($l1-c) 56)
7381  (error? ; unbound variable $l1-b
7382    $l1-b)
7383  (error? ; unbound variable $l1-d
7384    $l1-d)
7385  (error? ; unbound variable $l1-y
7386    $l1-y)
7387  (error? ; unexported identifier $l1-f
7388    $l1-e)
7389  (error? ; unbound variable $l1-f
7390    $l1-f)
7391  (equal?
7392    (let () (import ($l1-a)) (import $l1-x) (list $l1-a ($l1-c)))
7393    '((55 . 14) 56))
7394  (begin
7395    (library ($l1-b) (export $l1-x) (import (scheme))
7396      (module $l1-x ($l1-a $l1-c $l1-e)
7397        (define $l1-d 4)
7398        (define $l1-a (lambda () (cons $l1-b $l1-y)))
7399        (define $l1-b 55)
7400        (define $l1-c (lambda () (* $l1-d $l1-y)))
7401        (define $l1-f 44)
7402        (define $l1-e (lambda () $l1-f)))
7403      (define $l1-y 14))
7404    #t)
7405  (equal?
7406    (let () (import ($l1-b)) (import $l1-x) (vector ($l1-a) ($l1-c) ($l1-e)))
7407    '#((55 . 14) 56 44))
7408  (begin
7409    (import ($l1-b))
7410    #t)
7411  (begin
7412    (import $l1-x)
7413    #t)
7414  (equal? ($l1-a) '(55 . 14))
7415  (equal? ($l1-c) 56)
7416  (equal? ($l1-e) 44)
7417  (error? ; unbound variable $l1-b
7418    $l1-b)
7419  (error? ; unbound variable $l1-d
7420    $l1-d)
7421  (error? ; unbound variable $l1-y
7422    $l1-y)
7423  (error? ; unbound variable $l1-f
7424    $l1-f)
7425  (equal?
7426    (let () (import ($l1-b)) (import $l1-x) (vector ($l1-a) ($l1-c) ($l1-e)))
7427    '#((55 . 14) 56 44))
7428  (begin
7429    (library ($l1-c) (export (rename (q $l1-q) (a:x $l1-x)) $l1-p)
7430      (import (scheme) (rename ($l1-a) ($l1-x a:x)) (rename ($l1-b) ($l1-x b:x)))
7431      (import (drop-prefix a:x $l1-) (prefix (drop-prefix b:x $l1-) b:))
7432      (define-syntax q (identifier-syntax (list a (c) (b:a) (b:c) ($l1-p) (r))))
7433      (define $l1-p (lambda () (vector a (c) (b:a) (b:c))))
7434      (define r (lambda () (cons* a (c) (b:a) (b:c)))))
7435    #t)
7436  (equal?
7437    (let () (import ($l1-c)) $l1-q)
7438    '((55 . 14) 56 (55 . 14) 56
7439      #4((55 . 14) 56 (55 . 14) 56)
7440      ((55 . 14) 56 (55 . 14) . 56)))
7441  (equal?
7442    (let () (import ($l1-c) ($l1-a)) (import $l1-x) (list $l1-a $l1-q))
7443    '((55 . 14)
7444      ((55 . 14) 56 (55 . 14) 56
7445       #4((55 . 14) 56 (55 . 14) 56)
7446       ((55 . 14) 56 (55 . 14) . 56))))
7448  (begin
7449    (library ($l1-d) (export $l1-x $l1-getx $l1-setx!) (import (scheme))
7450      (define x 0)
7451      (define-syntax $l1-x (identifier-syntax x))
7452      (define $l1-getx (lambda () x))
7453      (define $l1-setx! (lambda (v) (set! x v))))
7454    #t)
7455  (eqv?
7456    (let () (import ($l1-d)) ($l1-setx! 'hello) ($l1-getx))
7457    'hello)
7458  (error? ; unexported identifier x
7459    (let () (import ($l1-d)) $l1-x))
7460  (error? ; unexported identifier x
7461    (expand '(let () (import ($l1-d)) $l1-x)))
7462  (error? ; immutable variable $l1-x
7463    (let () (import ($l1-d)) (set! $l1-getx void)))
7464  (error? ; immutable variable $l1-x
7465    (expand '(let () (import ($l1-d)) (set! $l1-getx void))))
7466  (begin
7467    (import ($l1-d))
7468    #t)
7469  (eqv?
7470    (begin ($l1-setx! 'hello) ($l1-getx))
7471    'hello)
7472  (error? ; unexported identifier x
7473    $l1-x)
7474  (error? ; unexported identifier x
7475    (expand '$l1-x))
7476  (error? ; immutable variable $l1-x
7477    (set! $l1-getx void))
7478  (error? ; immutable variable $l1-x
7479    (expand '(set! $l1-getx void)))
7481  (error?
7482    (library ($l1-e) (export $l1-x) (import (scheme))
7483      (define $l1-x 0)
7484      (set! $l1-x 1)))
7485  (error?
7486    (expand
7487      '(library ($l1-e) (export $l1-x) (import (scheme))
7488         (define $l1-x 0)
7489         (set! $l1-x 1))))
7491  (begin
7492    (with-output-to-file "testfile.ss"
7493      (lambda ()
7494        (pretty-print
7495          '(library ($l1-f) (export $l1-x $l1-y) (import (scheme))
7496             (define-syntax $l1-x (identifier-syntax q))
7497             (define-syntax q
7498               (begin
7499                 (printf "An expand-time greeting from $l1-f\n")
7500                 (lambda (x) 77)))
7501             (define $l1-y (lambda () (* q 2)))
7502             (printf "A run-time greeting from $l1-f\n")))
7503        (pretty-print
7504          '(library ($l1-g) (export $l1-x $l1-z $l1-w) (import (scheme) ($l1-f))
7505             (define-syntax $l1-z
7506               (begin
7507                 (printf "An expand-time greeting from $l1-g\n")
7508                 (lambda (x) ($l1-y))))
7509             (define $l1-w
7510               (begin
7511                 (printf "A run-time greeting from $l1-g\n")
7512                 (lambda (x) (cons* x $l1-x ($l1-y)))))))
7513        (pretty-print
7514          '(library ($l1-h) (export $l1-x $l1-y $l1-v) (import (scheme) ($l1-f) ($l1-g))
7515             (define $l1-v (list $l1-x ($l1-y) $l1-z ($l1-w 13)))
7516             (printf "A run-time greeting from $l1-h\n"))))
7517      'replace)
7518    (compile-file "testfile")
7519    #t)
7520 ; look, ma, no need to load...
7521  (equal?
7522    (let () (import ($l1-h)) $l1-v)
7523    '(77 154 154 (13 77 . 154)))
7524  (begin
7525    (library ($l1-h) (export $l1-x $l1-y $l1-v) (import (scheme))
7526      (define $l1-x "these aren't")
7527      (define $l1-y "the exports")
7528      (define $l1-v "you're looking for"))
7529    #t)
7530  (begin (load "testfile.so") #t)
7531  (equal?
7532    (let () (import ($l1-h)) $l1-v)
7533    '(77 154 154 (13 77 . 154)))
7535  (begin
7536    (with-output-to-file "testfile.ss"
7537      (lambda ()
7538        (pretty-print
7539          '(library ($l1-f) (export $l1-x $l1-y) (import (scheme))
7540             (define-syntax $l1-x (identifier-syntax q))
7541             (define-syntax q
7542               (begin
7543                 (printf "An expand-time greeting from $l1-f\n")
7544                 (lambda (x) 77)))
7545             (define $l1-y (lambda () (* q 2)))
7546             (printf "A run-time greeting from $l1-f\n")))
7547        (pretty-print
7548          '(library ($l1-g) (export $l1-x $l1-z $l1-w) (import (scheme) ($l1-f))
7549             (define-syntax $l1-z
7550               (begin
7551                 (printf "An expand-time greeting from $l1-g\n")
7552                 (lambda (x) ($l1-y))))
7553             (define $l1-w
7554               (begin
7555                 (printf "A run-time greeting from $l1-g\n")
7556                 (lambda (x) (cons* x $l1-z $l1-x ($l1-y)))))))
7557        (pretty-print
7558          '(library ($l1-h) (export $l1-x $l1-y $l1-v) (import (scheme) ($l1-f) ($l1-g))
7559             (define $l1-v (list $l1-x ($l1-y) $l1-z ($l1-w 13)))
7560             (printf "A run-time greeting from $l1-h\n"))))
7561      'replace)
7562    (compile-file "testfile")
7563    #t)
7564 ; look, ma, no need to load...
7565  (equal?
7566    (let () (import ($l1-h)) $l1-v)
7567    '(77 154 154 (13 154 77 . 154)))
7568  (begin
7569    (library ($l1-h) (export $l1-x $l1-y $l1-v) (import (scheme))
7570      (define $l1-x "these aren't")
7571      (define $l1-y "the exports")
7572      (define $l1-v "you're looking for"))
7573    #t)
7574  (begin (load "testfile.so") #t)
7575  (equal?
7576    (let () (import ($l1-h)) $l1-v)
7577    '(77 154 154 (13 154 77 . 154)))
7579  (error? ; unknown library ($l1-ham)
7580    (begin
7581      (library ($l1-spam) (export) (import ($l1-ham)))
7582      (library ($l1-ham) (export) (import ($l1-spam)))))
7584  (begin
7585    (with-output-to-file "testfile.ss"
7586      (lambda ()
7587        (pretty-print
7588          '(library ($l1-i) (export $l1-x $l1-y) (import (scheme))
7589             (define $l1-x 'i-am-x)
7590             (define-syntax $l1-y (identifier-syntax 'i-am-y))))
7591        (pretty-print
7592          '(library ($l1-j) (export $l1-x $l1-y)
7593             (import ($l1-i) (only (scheme) errorf))
7594             (errorf #f "this error shouldn't happen")))
7595        (pretty-print
7596          '(library ($l1-k) (export $l1-z) (import (scheme) ($l1-j))
7597             (define $l1-z (list 'i-am-z $l1-x $l1-y)))))
7598      'replace)
7599    (compile-file "testfile")
7600    #t)
7601  (equal?
7602    (let () (import ($l1-k)) $l1-z)
7603    '(i-am-z i-am-x i-am-y))
7604  (begin (load "testfile.so") #t)
7605  (equal?
7606    (let () (import ($l1-k)) $l1-z)
7607    '(i-am-z i-am-x i-am-y))
7609  (begin
7610    (library ($l1-l) (export $l1-x) (import (scheme))
7611      (define $l1-x 'i-am-$l1-l.$l1-x))
7612    #t)
7613  (eq?
7614    (let ()
7615      (import ($l1-l))
7616      (define-syntax a (lambda (x) #`'#,(datum->syntax #'* $l1-x)))
7617      a)
7618    'i-am-$l1-l.$l1-x)
7620  (begin
7621    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a1.ss"
7622      (lambda ()
7623        (pretty-print
7624          '(library (testfile-a1)
7625             (export $l1-a)
7626             (import (scheme))
7627             (define $l1-a 'a1))))
7628      'replace)
7629    (with-output-to-file "testfile-b1.ss"
7630      (lambda ()
7631        (pretty-print
7632          '(library (testfile-b1)
7633             (export $l1-a $l1-b)
7634             (import (scheme) (testfile-a1))
7635             (define $l1-b 'b1))))
7636      'replace)
7637    (with-output-to-file "testfile-c1.ss"
7638      (lambda ()
7639        (pretty-print
7640          '(library (testfile-c1)
7641             (export $l1-a $l1-b $l1-c)
7642             (import (scheme) (testfile-b1))
7643             (define ($l1-c) (list $l1-a $l1-b 'c1)))))
7644      'replace)
7645    (with-output-to-file "testfile-d1.ss"
7646      (lambda ()
7647        (pretty-print '(import (scheme) (testfile-b1)))
7648        (pretty-print '(define ($l1-d) (list $l1-a $l1-b 'd1))))
7649      'replace)
7650    (with-output-to-file "testfile-e1.ss"
7651      (lambda ()
7652        (pretty-print
7653          '(library (testfile-e1)
7654             (export $l1-e)
7655             (import (scheme) (testfile-b1))
7656             (alias $l1-e $l1-a))))
7657      'replace)
7658    (with-output-to-file "testfile-f1.ss"
7659      (lambda ()
7660        (pretty-print
7661          '(library (testfile-f1)
7662             (export $l1-f)
7663             (import (scheme))
7664             (define-syntax $l1-f (identifier-syntax "macro-f")))))
7665      'replace)
7666    (with-output-to-file "testfile-g1.ss"
7667      (lambda ()
7668        (pretty-print
7669          '(library (testfile-g1)
7670             (export $l1-f)
7671             (import (scheme) (testfile-f1)))))
7672      'replace)
7673    (with-output-to-file "testfile-h1.ss"
7674      (lambda ()
7675        (pretty-print '(import (scheme) (testfile-g1)))
7676        (pretty-print '(define ($l1-h) (list $l1-f))))
7677      'replace)
7678    (for-each separate-compile '(a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 h1))
7679    #t)
7680  (equal? (begin (load "testfile-d1.so") ($l1-d)) '(a1 b1 d1))
7681  (begin (import (testfile-c1)) #t)
7682  (equal? ($l1-c) '(a1 b1 c1))
7683  (begin (import (testfile-e1)) #t)
7684  (equal? $l1-e 'a1)
7685  (equal? (begin (load "testfile-h1.so") ($l1-h)) '("macro-f"))
7687  (begin
7688    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a2.ss"
7689      (lambda ()
7690        (pretty-print
7691          '(library (testfile-a2)
7692             (export $l1-a)
7693             (import (scheme))
7694             (define $l1-a 'a2))))
7695      'replace)
7696    (with-output-to-file "testfile-b2.ss"
7697      (lambda ()
7698        (pretty-print
7699          '(library (testfile-b2)
7700             (export $l1-a $l1-b)
7701             (import (scheme) (testfile-a2))
7702             (define $l1-b 'b2))))
7703      'replace)
7704    (with-output-to-file "testfile-c2.ss"
7705      (lambda ()
7706        (pretty-print
7707          '(library (testfile-c2)
7708             (export $l1-a $l1-b $l1-c)
7709             (import (scheme) (testfile-b2))
7710             (define ($l1-c) (list $l1-a $l1-b 'c2)))))
7711      'replace)
7712    (with-output-to-file "testfile-d2.ss"
7713      (lambda ()
7714        (pretty-print '(import (scheme) (testfile-b2)))
7715        (pretty-print '(define ($l1-d) (list $l1-a $l1-b 'd2))))
7716      'replace)
7717    (for-each separate-compile '(a2 b2 c2 d2 a2))
7718    #t)
7719  (error? ; expected different compilation instance
7720          ; program complains about b2 rather than b2 about a2
7721          ;   now that load-library reloads source when dependency changes
7722          ;   would be nice if program were reloaded from source as well
7723    (load "testfile-d2.so"))
7724  ; no longer fails now that load-library reloads source when dependency changes
7725  #;(error? ; expected different compilation instance
7726    (import (testfile-c2)))
7727  (begin
7728    (library ($l1-m) (export $l1-x) (import (scheme)) (define $l1-x 333))
7729    (library ($l1-n) (export $l1-x) (import (scheme)) (import ($l1-m)))
7730    #t)
7731  (eqv?
7732    (let () (import ($l1-n)) $l1-x)
7733    333)
7734  (begin
7735    (define-syntax $from1
7736      (syntax-rules ()
7737        ((_ m id)
7738         (let () (import-only m) id))))
7739    (define-syntax $from2
7740      (syntax-rules ()
7741        ((_ m id)
7742         (let () (module (id) (import m)) id))))
7743    (define-syntax $from3
7744      (syntax-rules ()
7745        [(_ m id)
7746         (let ([z (cons 1 2)])
7747           (let ([id z])
7748             (import m)
7749             (let ([t id])
7750               (if (eq? t z) (errorf 'from "~s undefined" 'id) t))))]))
7751    (library ($frappe) (export wire whip) (import (scheme))
7752      (define wire 3)
7753      (define-syntax whip (identifier-syntax egg))
7754      (define egg 'whites))
7755    (equal?
7756      (list (cons ($from1 ($frappe) wire) ($from1 ($frappe) whip))
7757            (cons ($from2 ($frappe) wire) ($from2 ($frappe) whip))
7758            (cons ($from3 ($frappe) wire) ($from3 ($frappe) whip)))
7759      '((3 . whites) (3 . whites) (3 . whites))))
7760  (begin
7761    (library ($q) (export m from) (import (scheme))
7762      (module m (f) (define f "this is f"))
7763      (define-syntax from
7764        (syntax-rules () [(_ m id) (let () (import-only m) id)])))
7765    (equal? (let () (import-only ($q)) (from m f)) "this is f"))
7766  (begin
7767    (library ($p) (export d f) (import (scheme))
7768      (define-syntax d
7769        (syntax-rules ()
7770          ((_ e) (m (lambda () e)))))
7771      (define m (lambda (x) x))
7772      (define f (lambda (th) (th))))
7773    (eqv? (let () (import-only ($p)) (f (d 2))) 2))
7774 ; this works for libraries because m is implicitly exported
7775  (eqv? (let () (import-only ($p)) (f (d 1/3))) 1/3)
7776  (error? ; cons undefined
7777    (let () (import-only ($p)) (f (d cons))))
7778  (error? ; invalid syntax
7779    (library (a) (export x:eval) (import (add-prefix (rnrs eval) x))))
7780  (error? ; invalid syntax
7781    (library (a) (export val) (import (drop-prefix (rnrs eval) x))))
7782  (error? ; invalid syntax
7783    (library (a) (export meaning) (import (alias (rnrs eval) [eval meaning]))))
7784  (begin
7785    (define $l1-q1)
7786    (define $l1-q2)
7787    (define-syntax $l1-qlib
7788      (syntax-rules ()
7789        [(_ name (export ex ...) (import im ...) body ...)
7790         (begin
7791           (library name (export ex ... q)
7792             (import im ... (rename (only (rnrs) cons) (cons list)))
7793             (define q list) body ...)
7794           (let () (import name) (set! $l1-q1 q)))]))
7795    ($l1-qlib ($l1-libfoo) (export q) (import (rnrs)) (define q list))
7796    (let () (import ($l1-libfoo)) (set! $l1-q2 q))
7797    (equal? (list $l1-q1 $l1-q2) (list cons list)))
7798 ; check for existence of chezscheme library
7799  (begin
7800    (library ($l1-r1) (export $l1-x) (import (chezscheme))
7801      (define $l1-x (sort < '(1 3 2 0 5))))
7802    (library ($l1-r2) (export $l1-y) (import (chezscheme) ($l1-r1))
7803      (define $l1-y (cons $l1-x (void))))
7804    (equal? (let () (import ($l1-r2)) $l1-y) `((0 1 2 3 5) . ,(void))))
7805  (error? ; invalid context for library form
7806    (module (a) (library (a) (export) (import))))
7807  (error? ; invalid syntax for library form
7808    (module (a) (library a (import) (export x) (define x 3)) (import a) x))
7809  (error? ; invalid context for top-level-program form
7810    (module (a) (top-level-program (import))))
7811  (error? ; invalid syntax for top-level-program form
7812    (module (a) (top-level-program (display "hello"))))
7813  (error? ; invalid context for library form
7814    (lambda () (library (a) (export) (import))))
7815  (error? ; invalid syntax for library form
7816    (lambda () (library a (import) (export x) (define x 3)) (import a) x))
7817  (error? ; invalid context for top-level-program form
7818    (lambda () (top-level-program (import))))
7819  (error? ; invalid syntax for top-level-program form
7820    (lambda () (top-level-program (display "hello"))))
7821  (error? ; defnie not defined
7822    (library ($l1-s) (export y) (import (rnrs)) (defnie x 3) (define y 4)))
7824  (begin
7825    (library ($l1-s)
7826      (export m)
7827      (import (chezscheme))
7828      (module m (x set-x!)
7829        (define x 0)
7830        (define set-x! (lambda () (set! x 1)))))
7831    #t)
7832  (error? ; attempt to reference assigned hence unexported
7833    (let () (import ($l1-s)) (import m) x))
7834  (error? ; attempt to reference assigned hence unexported
7835    (let () (import ($l1-s)) (import m) (set! x 2)))
7836  (error? ; invalid version
7837    (let () (import-only (chezscheme csv7 (6))) record-field-mutator))
7838  (equal?
7839    (let () (import-only (chezscheme csv7)) record-field-mutator)
7840    csv7:record-field-mutator)
7842 ; test macros generating libraries
7843  (begin
7844    (let-syntax ([make-A (syntax-rules ()
7845                           [(_) (library (A)
7846                                  (export $library-x)
7847                                  (import (chezscheme))
7848                                  (define $library-x 3))])])
7849      (make-A))
7850    #t)
7851  (error? ; out-of-context library reference (A)
7852    (equal? (let () (import (A)) $library-x) 3))
7853  (begin
7854    (let-syntax ([make-A (lambda (x)
7855                           (syntax-case x ()
7856                             [(k) (with-implicit (k A)
7857                                    #'(library (A)
7858                                        (export $library-x)
7859                                        (import (chezscheme))
7860                                        (define $library-x 3)))]))])
7861      (make-A))
7862    #t)
7863  (error? ; unbound $library-x
7864    (equal? (let () (import (A)) $library-x) 3))
7865  (begin
7866    (let-syntax ([make-A (lambda (x)
7867                           (syntax-case x ()
7868                             [(k id ...)
7869                              (with-implicit (k A)
7870                                #'(library (A)
7871                                    (export id ...)
7872                                    (import (chezscheme))
7873                                    (define id 3)
7874                                    ...))]))])
7875      (make-A $library-x))
7876    #t)
7877  (eqv? (let () (import (A)) $library-x) 3)
7878  (let-syntax ([make-A (syntax-rules ()
7879                         [(_) (begin
7880                                (library (A)
7881                                  (export x)
7882                                  (import (chezscheme))
7883                                  (define x 3))
7884                                (let () (import (A))
7885                                  (eqv? x 3)))])])
7886    (make-A))
7887  (let-syntax ([make-A (syntax-rules ()
7888                         [(_) (begin
7889                                (library (A)
7890                                  (export x)
7891                                  (import (chezscheme))
7892                                  (define x 3))
7893                                (define-syntax q
7894                                  (syntax-rules ()
7895                                    [(_) (let ()
7896                                           (import (A))
7897                                           x)]))
7898                                (eqv? (q) 3))])])
7899    (make-A))
7901  (begin
7902    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a14.ss"
7903      (lambda ()
7904        (pretty-print
7905          '(library (testfile-a14) (export f) (import (chezscheme))
7906             (define f (lambda (n) (if (fx= n 0) 1 (fx* n (f (fx- n 1))))))
7907             (printf "invoked a\n"))))
7908      'replace)
7909    (with-output-to-file "testfile-b14.ss"
7910      (lambda ()
7911        (pretty-print
7912          '(library (testfile-b14) (export g) (import (chezscheme) (testfile-a14))
7913             (define g (lambda (n) (f n)))
7914             (printf "invoked b\n"))))
7915      'replace)
7916    (with-output-to-file "testfile-c14.ss"
7917      (lambda ()
7918        (pretty-print '(import (chezscheme) (testfile-b14)))
7919        (pretty-print '(pretty-print (g 10))))
7920      'replace)
7921    #t)
7922  (equal?
7923    (with-output-to-string
7924      (lambda () (load "testfile-c14.ss")))
7925    "invoked a\ninvoked b\n3628800\n")
7926  ; test for proper propagation and non-propagation of constants across library boundaries
7927  (begin
7928    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a15.ss"
7929      (lambda ()
7930        (pretty-print
7931          '(library (testfile-a15) (export a b c d e f g fa fb fc fd fe ff fg)
7932             (import (chezscheme))
7933             (define-record-type foo (nongenerative) (fields x))
7934             (define a '())
7935             (define b 'sym)
7936             (define c 3/4)
7937             (define d '(x . y))
7938             (define e (record-type-descriptor foo))
7939             (define f (make-foo 3))
7940             (define g "hello!")
7941             (define fa (lambda () a))
7942             (define fb (lambda () b))
7943             (define fc (lambda () c))
7944             (define fd (lambda () d))
7945             (define fe (lambda () e))
7946             (define ff (lambda () f))
7947             (define fg (lambda () g)))))
7948      'replace)
7949    (with-output-to-file "testfile-b15.ss"
7950      (lambda ()
7951        (pretty-print
7952          '(library (testfile-b15) (export a b c d e f g fa fb fc fd fe ff fg)
7953             (import (chezscheme) (prefix (testfile-a15) %))
7954             (define a %a)
7955             (define b %b)
7956             (define c %c)
7957             (define d %d)
7958             (define e %e)
7959             (define f %f)
7960             (define g %g)
7961             (define fa (lambda () (%fa)))
7962             (define fb (lambda () (%fb)))
7963             (define fc (lambda () (%fc)))
7964             (define fd (lambda () (%fd)))
7965             (define fe (lambda () (%fe)))
7966             (define ff (lambda () (%ff)))
7967             (define fg (lambda () (%fg))))))
7968      'replace)
7969    (with-output-to-file "testfile-c15.ss"
7970      (lambda ()
7971        (pretty-print '(define $c15-ls1
7972                         (let ()
7973                           (import (testfile-a15))
7974                           (list a b c d e f g (fa) (fb) (fc) (fd) (fe) (ff) (fg)))))
7975        (pretty-print '(define $c15-ls2
7976                         (let ()
7977                           (import (testfile-b15))
7978                           (list a b c d e f g (fa) (fb) (fc) (fd) (fe) (ff) (fg)))))
7979        (pretty-print '(pretty-print (map eq? $c15-ls1 $c15-ls2)))
7980        (pretty-print '(pretty-print (map eqv? $c15-ls1 $c15-ls2)))
7981        (pretty-print '(pretty-print (map equal? $c15-ls1 $c15-ls2))))
7982      'replace)
7983    (for-each separate-compile '(a15 b15 c15))
7984    #t)
7985  ((lambda (x ls) (and (member x ls) #t))
7986    (with-output-to-string
7987      (lambda () (load "testfile-c15.so")))
7988    '("(#t #t #f #t #t #t #t #t #t #f #t #t #t #t)\n(#t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t)\n(#t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t)\n"
7989      "(#t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t)\n(#t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t)\n(#t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t #t)\n"))
7990  (begin
7991    (library ($l3) (export f) (import (chezscheme)) (define (f x) x))
7992    #t)
7993  (equal?
7994    (let () (import ($l3)) (f (f 3)))
7995    3)
7996  (begin
7997    ;; (export import-spec ...) empty case
7998    (library ($empty) (export) (import (chezscheme)) (export (import)))
7999    #t)
8000  (begin
8001    (library ($l4-A) (export a) (import (chezscheme)) (define a 1))
8002    (library ($l4-B) (export b) (import (chezscheme)) (define b 2))
8003    #t)
8004  (equal? '(1 2) (let () (import ($l4-A) ($l4-B)) (list a b)))
8005  (begin
8006    ;; (export import-spec ...) multiple imports case
8007    (library ($l4-C) (export) (import (chezscheme)) (export (import ($l4-A) ($l4-B))))
8008    (equal? '(1 2) (let () (import ($l4-C)) (list a b))))
8009 )
8011(mat library2
8012  ; test to make sure that libraries needed by the transformers of local
8013  ; macros are invoked immediately and not required as run-time requirements.
8014  (begin
8015    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a3.ss"
8016      (lambda ()
8017        (pretty-print
8018          '(library (testfile-a3) (export q) (import (rnrs) (only (scheme) putprop)) (define q 3) (putprop 'testfile-a3 'invoke #t))))
8019      'replace)
8020    (with-output-to-file "testfile-b3.ss"
8021      (lambda ()
8022        (pretty-print
8023          '(library (testfile-b3) (export x) (import (testfile-a3) (rnrs) (only (scheme) putprop))
8024             (define x (let () (define-syntax p (lambda (x) (putprop 'testfile-b3 'visit #t) q)) p)))))
8025      'replace)
8026    (for-each separate-compile '(a3 b3))
8027    #t)
8028  (equal?
8029    (let ()
8030      (import (testfile-b3))
8031      (list x (getprop 'testfile-a3 'invoke #f) (getprop 'testfile-b3 'visit #f)))
8032    '(3 #f #f))
8033  (begin
8034    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a4.ss"
8035      (lambda ()
8036        (pretty-print
8037          '(library (testfile-a4) (export q) (import (rnrs) (only (scheme) putprop))
8038             (define q (lambda (x) (if (= x 0) 1 (* x (q (- x 1))))))
8039             (putprop 'testfile-a4 'invoke #t))))
8040      'replace)
8041    (with-output-to-file "testfile-b4.ss"
8042      (lambda ()
8043        (pretty-print
8044          '(library (testfile-b4) (export x) (import (testfile-a4) (rnrs) (only (scheme) putprop))
8045             (define x (let () (define-syntax p (lambda (x) (putprop 'testfile-b4 'visit #t) (q 3))) (list p (q 4)))))))
8046      'replace)
8047    (for-each separate-compile '(a4 b4))
8048    #t)
8049  (equal?
8050    (let ()
8051      (import (testfile-b4))
8052      (list x (getprop 'testfile-a4 'invoke #f) (getprop 'testfile-b4 'visit #f)))
8053    '((6 24) #t #f))
8054  (begin
8055    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a5.ss"
8056      (lambda ()
8057        (pretty-print
8058          '(library (testfile-a5) (export q) (import (rnrs) (only (scheme) putprop)) (define q 3) (putprop 'testfile-a5 'invoke #t))))
8059      'replace)
8060    (with-output-to-file "testfile-b5.ss"
8061      (lambda ()
8062        (pretty-print
8063          '(library (testfile-b5) (export x) (import (testfile-a5) (rnrs) (only (scheme) putprop))
8064             (define x (let-syntax ([p (lambda (x) (putprop 'testfile-b5 'visit #t) q)]) p)))))
8065      'replace)
8066    (for-each separate-compile '(a5 b5))
8067    #t)
8068  (equal?
8069    (let ()
8070      (import (testfile-b5))
8071      (list x (getprop 'testfile-a5 'invoke #f) (getprop 'testfile-b5 'visit #f)))
8072    '(3 #f #f))
8073  (begin
8074    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a6.ss"
8075      (lambda ()
8076        (pretty-print
8077          '(library (testfile-a6) (export q) (import (rnrs) (only (scheme) putprop)) (define q 3) (putprop 'testfile-a6 'invoke #t))))
8078      'replace)
8079    (with-output-to-file "testfile-b6.ss"
8080      (lambda ()
8081        (pretty-print
8082          '(library (testfile-b6) (export x) (import (testfile-a6) (rnrs) (only (scheme) putprop))
8083             (let-syntax ([p (lambda (x) (putprop 'testfile-b6 'visit #t) q)]) (define x p)))))
8084      'replace)
8085    (for-each separate-compile '(a6 b6))
8086    #t)
8087  (equal?
8088    (let ()
8089      (import (testfile-b6))
8090      (list x (getprop 'testfile-a6 'invoke #f) (getprop 'testfile-b6 'visit #f)))
8091    '(3 #f #f))
8093 ; test cyclic dependency check
8094 ; this mat and next four are connected
8095  (begin
8096    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a7.ss"
8097      (lambda ()
8098        (pretty-print
8099          '(library (testfile-a7) (export x) (import (rnrs) (testfile-b7)) (define x y))))
8100      'replace)
8101    (with-output-to-file "testfile-b7.ss"
8102      (lambda ()
8103        (pretty-print
8104          '(library (testfile-b7) (export y) (import (rnrs) (testfile-a7)) (define y x))))
8105      'replace)
8106    #t)
8107  (error? ; possible cyclic dependency
8108    (let () (import (testfile-a7) (testfile-b7)) (list x y)))
8109  (error? ; possible cyclic dependency
8110    (let () (import (testfile-b7) (testfile-a7)) (list x y)))
8111 ; make sure errors didn't leave libraries in a state where they can't be redefined
8112  (begin
8113    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a7.ss"
8114      (lambda ()
8115        (pretty-print
8116          '(library (testfile-a7) (export x) (import (rnrs) (testfile-b7)) (define x y))))
8117      'replace)
8118    (with-output-to-file "testfile-b7.ss"
8119      (lambda ()
8120        (pretty-print
8121          '(library (testfile-b7) (export y) (import (rnrs)) (define y 17))))
8122      'replace)
8123    #t)
8124  (equal?
8125    (let () (import (testfile-a7) (testfile-b7)) (list x y))
8126    '(17 17))
8128 ; import cycles
8129  (error? ; cyclic dependency on import
8130    (library ($l2-lib1) (export) (import ($l2-lib1))))
8131  (begin ; make sure we can redefine after cyclic import error
8132    (library ($l2-lib1) (export a) (import (rnrs)) (define a "a"))
8133    #t)
8134  (equal? (let () (import ($l2-lib1)) a) "a")
8136  (begin
8137    (delete-file "testfile-a8.so")
8138    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a8.ss"
8139      (lambda ()
8140        (pretty-print
8141          '(library (testfile-a8) (export a) (import (testfile-a8)))))
8142      'replace)
8143     #t)
8144  (error? ; cyclic dependency on import
8145    (import (testfile-a8)))
8146  (begin ; make sure we can redefine after cyclic import error
8147    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a8.ss"
8148      (lambda ()
8149        (pretty-print
8150          '(library (testfile-a8) (export cons) (import (rnrs)))))
8151      'replace)
8152    #t)
8153  (equal? (let () (import (testfile-a8)) cons) (let () (import (rnrs)) cons))
8155  (begin
8156    (delete-file "testfile.a9.so")
8157    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a9.ss"
8158      (lambda ()
8159        (pretty-print
8160          '(library (testfile-a9) (export a) (import (testfile-a9)))))
8161      'replace)
8162    #t)
8163  (error? ; cyclic dependency on import
8164    (compile-file "testfile-a9"))
8165  (begin ; make sure we can redefine after cyclic import error
8166    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a9.ss"
8167      (lambda ()
8168        (pretty-print
8169          '(library (testfile-a9) (export cons) (import (rnrs)))))
8170      'replace)
8171    (compile-file "testfile-a9")
8172    (load "testfile-a9.so")
8173    #t)
8174  (equal? (let () (import (testfile-a9)) cons) (let () (import (rnrs)) cons))
8176  (begin
8177    (delete-file "testfile-a10.so")
8178    (delete-file "testfile-b10.so")
8179    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a10.ss"
8180      (lambda ()
8181        (pretty-print
8182          '(library (testfile-a10) (export a) (import (testfile-b10)))))
8183      'replace)
8184    (with-output-to-file "testfile-b10.ss"
8185      (lambda ()
8186        (pretty-print
8187          '(library (testfile-b10) (export a) (import (testfile-a10)))))
8188      'replace)
8189    #t)
8190  (error? ; cyclic dependency on import (indirect)
8191    (import (testfile-a10)))
8192  (begin ; make sure we can redefine after cyclic import error
8193    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a10.ss"
8194      (lambda ()
8195        (pretty-print
8196          '(library (testfile-a10) (export a) (import (testfile-b10)))))
8197      'replace)
8198    (with-output-to-file "testfile-b10.ss"
8199      (lambda ()
8200        (pretty-print
8201          '(library (testfile-b10) (export a) (import (rnrs)) (define a "eh?"))))
8202      'replace)
8203    #t)
8204  (equal? (let () (import (testfile-a10)) a) "eh?")
8206 ; invoke cycles
8207  (begin
8208    (library ($l2-lib2) (export a)
8209      (import (rnrs) (rnrs eval))
8210      (define a (eval 'a (environment '($l2-lib2)))))
8211    #t)
8212  (error? ; cyclic dependency on invoke
8213    (let () (import ($l2-lib2)) a))
8215  (begin
8216    (delete-file "testfile-a11.so")
8217    (delete-file "testfile-b11.so")
8218    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a11.ss"
8219      (lambda ()
8220        (pretty-print
8221          '(library (testfile-a11) (export a) (import (testfile-b11)))))
8222      'replace)
8223    (with-output-to-file "testfile-b11.ss"
8224      (lambda ()
8225        (pretty-print
8226          '(library (testfile-b11) (export a)
8227             (import (rnrs) (rnrs eval))
8228             (define a (eval 'a (environment '(testfile-a11)))))))
8229      'replace)
8230    #t)
8231  (error? ; cyclic dependency on invoke (indirect)
8232    (let () (import (testfile-a11)) a))
8234 ; visit cycles
8235  (begin
8236    (delete-file "testfile-a12.so")
8237    (remprop 'chewie 'ratface)
8238    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a12.ss"
8239      (lambda ()
8240        (pretty-print
8241          '(library (testfile-a12) (export a)
8242             (import (rnrs) (rnrs eval) (only (scheme) getprop))
8243             (define-syntax a
8244               (if (getprop 'chewie 'ratface #f)
8245                   (eval 'a (environment '(testfile-a12)))
8246                   (lambda (x) 3))))))
8247      'replace)
8248    (separate-compile 'a12)
8249    (putprop 'chewie 'ratface #t)
8250    #t)
8251  (error? ; cyclic dependency on visit
8252    (let () (import (testfile-a12)) a))
8253  (begin
8254    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a13.ss"
8255      (lambda ()
8256        (pretty-print
8257          '(library (testfile-a13) (export a)
8258             (import (rename (rnrs) (cons a))))))
8259      'replace)
8260    (separate-compile 'a13)
8261    #t)
8262  (equal? (let () (import (testfile-a13)) (a 3 4)) '(3 . 4))
8263  (error? (library (foo) (export a (rename b a)) (import (rnrs)) (define a 3) (define b 4)))
8264  (error? (library (foo) (export a (rename (b a))) (import (rnrs)) (define a 3) (define b 4)))
8265  (error? (library (foo) (exports a) (import (rnrs)) (define a 3)))
8266  (error? (library (foo) (export a) (imports (rnrs)) (define a 3)))
8268  (error? ; misplaced library form
8269    (let ()
8270      (library (foo)
8271        (export)
8272        (import (scheme))
8273        (library (bar) (export) (import)))))
8274  (error? ; misplaced library form
8275    (let () (library (foo) (export) (import))))
8276  (error? ; misplaced library form
8277    (+ (library (bar) (export) (import)) 3))
8279 ; make sure library is visited when needed
8280  (begin
8281    (with-output-to-file "testfile-f2.ss"
8282      (lambda ()
8283        (pretty-print
8284          '(library (testfile-f2) (export f2-x) (import (rnrs) (rnrs mutable-pairs))
8285             (define-syntax define-mutable
8286               (syntax-rules ()
8287                 [(_ x e)
8288                  (begin
8289                    (define t (list e))
8290                    (define-syntax x
8291                      (identifier-syntax
8292                        [_ (car t)]
8293                        [(set! _ new) (set-car! t new)])))]))
8294             (define-mutable f2-x 772))))
8295      'replace)
8296    (for-each separate-compile '(f2))
8297    #t)
8298  (begin
8299    (define (f2-x-whack! v)
8300      (import (testfile-f2))
8301      (set! f2-x v))
8302    (f2-x-whack! 29)
8303    #t)
8304  (eqv? (let () (import (testfile-f2)) f2-x) 29)
8305  (not (top-level-bound? 'f2-x))
8306 ; make sure #'x doesn't force library to be visited if x is an exported
8307 ; keyword or invoked if x is an exported variable
8308  (begin
8309    (with-output-to-file "testfile-g2.ss"
8310      (lambda ()
8311        (pretty-print
8312          '(library (testfile-g2) (export hit-a hit-x) (import (chezscheme))
8313             (define hit-a (make-parameter #f))
8314             (define hit-x (make-parameter #f)))))
8315      'replace)
8316    (with-output-to-file "testfile-h2.ss"
8317      (lambda ()
8318        (pretty-print
8319          '(library (testfile-h2) (export x a) (import (rnrs) (testfile-g2))
8320             (define-syntax a (begin (hit-a #t) (lambda (x) 73)))
8321             (define x (begin (hit-x #t) (list (hit-x) 97))))))
8322      'replace)
8323    (for-each separate-compile '(g2 h2))
8324    #t)
8325  (let () (import (testfile-g2)) (and (not (hit-a)) (not (hit-x))))
8326  (let () (import (testfile-g2) (testfile-h2)) (let ([q #'a]) (and (identifier? q) (not (hit-a)) (not (hit-x)))))
8327  (let () (import (testfile-g2) (testfile-h2)) (let ([q #'x]) (and (identifier? q) (not (hit-a)) (not (hit-x)))))
8328  (let () (import (testfile-g2) (testfile-h2)) (and (eqv? a 73) (hit-a) (not (hit-x))))
8329  (let () (import (testfile-g2) (testfile-h2)) (and (equal? x '(#t 97)) (hit-a) (hit-x)))
8332(mat library3
8333 ; test several-deep invoke-dependency chain
8334  (begin
8335    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a3-0.ss"
8336      (lambda ()
8337        (pretty-print
8338          '(library (testfile-a3-0)
8339             (export x0)
8340             (import (rnrs))
8341             (define x0 7))))
8342      'replace)
8343    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a3-1.ss"
8344      (lambda ()
8345        (pretty-print
8346          '(library (testfile-a3-1)
8347             (export x1)
8348             (import (rnrs) (testfile-a3-0))
8349             (define x1 (+ x0 1)))))
8350      'replace)
8351    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a3-2.ss"
8352      (lambda ()
8353        (pretty-print
8354          '(library (testfile-a3-2)
8355             (export x2)
8356             (import (rnrs) (testfile-a3-1))
8357             (define x2 (+ x1 2)))))
8358      'replace)
8359    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a3-3.ss"
8360      (lambda ()
8361        (pretty-print
8362          '(library (testfile-a3-3)
8363             (export x3)
8364             (import (rnrs) (testfile-a3-2))
8365             (define x3 (+ x2 3)))))
8366      'replace)
8367    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a3-4.ss"
8368      (lambda ()
8369        (pretty-print '(import (rnrs) (testfile-a3-3)))
8370        (pretty-print '(write (+ x3 4))))
8371      'replace)
8372    (separate-compile 'compile-library 'a3-0)
8373    (separate-compile 'compile-library 'a3-1)
8374    (separate-compile 'compile-library 'a3-2)
8375    (separate-compile 'compile-library 'a3-3)
8376    (separate-compile 'compile-program 'a3-4)
8377    #t)
8378  (equal?
8379    (with-output-to-string
8380      (lambda () (load-program "testfile-a3-4.so")))
8381    "17")
8382  (eqv? (let () (import (testfile-a3-3)) x3) 13)
8383 ; try begin containing library and top-level program
8384  (begin
8385    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a3-5.ss"
8386      (lambda ()
8387        (pretty-print
8388          '(begin
8389             (library (a3-5 foo)
8390               (export x)
8391               (import (rnrs))
8392               (define x "hello"))
8393             (top-level-program
8394               (import (rnrs) (a3-5 foo))
8395               (display x)))))
8396      'replace)
8397    (separate-compile 'a3-5)
8398    #t)
8399  (equal?
8400    (with-output-to-string
8401      (lambda () (load "testfile-a3-5.so")))
8402    "hello")
8403  (equal?
8404    (with-output-to-string
8405      (lambda () (load "testfile-a3-5.ss")))
8406    "hello")
8407 ; try begin containing two libraries
8408  (begin
8409    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a3-6.ss"
8410      (lambda ()
8411        (pretty-print
8412          '(begin
8413             (library (a3-6 foo)
8414               (export a x)
8415               (import (rnrs))
8416               (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax "boo"))
8417               (define x "hello"))
8418             (library (a3-6 bar)
8419               (export y)
8420               (import (rnrs) (a3-6 foo))
8421               (define y (cons a x)))
8422             (let () (import (a3-6 bar)) (write y)))))
8423      'replace)
8424    (separate-compile 'a3-6)
8425    #t)
8426  (equal?
8427    (with-output-to-string
8428      (lambda () (load "testfile-a3-6.so")))
8429    "(\"boo\" . \"hello\")")
8430  (equal?
8431    (let ()
8432      (import (a3-6 bar))
8433      y)
8434    '("boo" . "hello"))
8435  (equal?
8436    (let ()
8437      (import (a3-6 foo))
8438      (cons x a))
8439    '("hello" . "boo"))
8440 ; import a library in subset-mode system, then outsied of subset-mode system
8441  (begin
8442    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a3-7.ss"
8443      (lambda ()
8444        (pretty-print
8445          '(library (testfile-a3-7)
8446             (export x)
8447             (import (rnrs))
8448             (define x "hello"))))
8449      'replace)
8450    #t)
8451  (equal?
8452    (parameterize ([subset-mode 'system]) (eval '(let () (import (testfile-a3-7)) x)))
8453    "hello")
8454  (equal?
8455    (let () (import (testfile-a3-7)) x)
8456    "hello")
8458  (begin
8459    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a3-8.ss"
8460      (lambda ()
8461        (pretty-print '(printf "outside (testfile-a3-8)\n"))
8462        (pretty-print
8463          '(library (testfile-a3-8)
8464             (export a3-8-x)
8465             (import (rnrs))
8466             (define a3-8-x 5)
8467             (error #f "library should not be invoked"))))
8468      'replace)
8469    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a3-9.ss"
8470      (lambda ()
8471        (pretty-print
8472          '(let ()
8473             (import (scheme) (testfile-a3-8))
8474             (printf "inside testfile-a3-9\n"))))
8475      'replace)
8476    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a3-10.ss"
8477      (lambda ()
8478        (pretty-print '(import (scheme) (testfile-a3-8)))
8479        (pretty-print '(printf "inside testfile-a3-10\n")))
8480      'replace)
8481    (separate-compile 'a3-8)
8482    (separate-compile 'a3-9)
8483    (separate-compile 'a3-10)
8484    #t)
8485  (equal?
8486    (with-output-to-string (lambda () (load "testfile-a3-9.so")))
8487    "inside testfile-a3-9\n")
8488  (equal?
8489    (with-output-to-string (lambda () (load "testfile-a3-10.so")))
8490    "inside testfile-a3-10\n")
8493(mat library4
8494  ; test reloading of libraries if dependencies have changed
8495  ; when compile-imported-libraries is true.
8496  ; first test with compile-imported-libraries true:
8497  (begin
8498    (define ($reset-l4-1)
8499      (for-each delete-file '("testfile-l4-a1.so" "testfile-l4-b1.so" "testfile-l4-c1.so"))
8500      (with-output-to-file "testfile-l4-a1.ss"
8501        (lambda ()
8502          (pretty-print
8503            '(library (testfile-l4-a1) (export x) (import (chezscheme) (testfile-l4-b1) (testfile-l4-c1))
8504               (include "testfile-l4-d1.ss")
8505               (define a 'a-object)
8506               (define x (list a b c d)))))
8507        'replace)
8508      (with-output-to-file "testfile-l4-b1.ss"
8509        (lambda ()
8510          (pretty-print
8511            '(library (testfile-l4-b1) (export b) (import (chezscheme))
8512               (define b (list 'b-object)))))
8513        'replace)
8514      (with-output-to-file "testfile-l4-c1.ss"
8515        (lambda ()
8516          (pretty-print
8517            '(library (testfile-l4-c1) (export c) (import (chezscheme))
8518               (define-syntax c (lambda (x) #''c-object)))))
8519        'replace)
8520      (with-output-to-file "testfile-l4-d1.ss"
8521        (lambda ()
8522          (pretty-print
8523            '(define-syntax d (lambda (x) #''d-object))))
8524        'replace)
8525      (with-output-to-file "testfile-l4-p1.ss"
8526        (lambda ()
8527          (pretty-print
8528            '(import (testfile-l4-a1) (chezscheme)))
8529          (pretty-print
8530            '(pretty-print x)))
8531        'replace)
8532      (let ([s (separate-eval
8533                 '(compile-imported-libraries #t)
8534                 '(compile-file-message #f)
8535                 '(load-program "testfile-l4-p1.ss"))])
8536        (unless (equal? s "(a-object (b-object) c-object d-object)\n")
8537          (errorf #f "unexpected separate-eval return value ~s" s)))
8538      ; ensure different file times for followup updates
8539      (sleep (make-time 'time-duration 0 (if (embedded?) 3 1)))
8540      #t)
8541    #t)
8542  ($reset-l4-1)
8543  (equal?
8544    (begin
8545      (with-output-to-file "testfile-l4-a1.ss"
8546        (lambda ()
8547          (pretty-print
8548            '(library (testfile-l4-a1) (export x) (import (chezscheme) (testfile-l4-b1) (testfile-l4-c1))
8549               (include "testfile-l4-d1.ss")
8550               (define a 'newa-object)
8551               (define x (list a b c d)))))
8552        'replace)
8553      (separate-eval
8554        '(compile-imported-libraries #t)
8555        '(compile-file-message #f)
8556        '(load-program "testfile-l4-p1.ss")))
8557    "(newa-object (b-object) c-object d-object)\n")
8558  ($reset-l4-1)
8559  (equal?
8560    (begin
8561      (with-output-to-file "testfile-l4-b1.ss"
8562        (lambda ()
8563          (pretty-print
8564            '(library (testfile-l4-b1) (export b) (import (chezscheme))
8565               (define b (list 'newb-object)))))
8566        'replace)
8567      (separate-eval
8568        '(compile-imported-libraries #t)
8569        '(compile-file-message #f)
8570        '(load-program "testfile-l4-p1.ss")))
8571    "(a-object (newb-object) c-object d-object)\n")
8572  ($reset-l4-1)
8573  (equal?
8574    (begin
8575      (with-output-to-file "testfile-l4-c1.ss"
8576        (lambda ()
8577          (pretty-print
8578            '(library (testfile-l4-c1) (export c) (import (chezscheme))
8579               (define-syntax c (lambda (x) #''newc-object)))))
8580        'replace)
8581      (separate-eval
8582        '(compile-imported-libraries #t)
8583        '(compile-file-message #f)
8584        '(load-program "testfile-l4-p1.ss")))
8585    "(a-object (b-object) newc-object d-object)\n")
8586  ($reset-l4-1)
8587  (equal?
8588    (begin
8589      (with-output-to-file "testfile-l4-d1.ss"
8590        (lambda ()
8591          (pretty-print
8592            '(define-syntax d (lambda (x) #''newd-object))))
8593        'replace)
8594      (separate-eval
8595        '(compile-imported-libraries #t)
8596        '(compile-file-message #f)
8597        '(load-program "testfile-l4-p1.ss")))
8598    "(a-object (b-object) c-object newd-object)\n")
8599  ; now with compile-imported-libraries false
8600  ($reset-l4-1)
8601  (equal?
8602    (begin
8603      (with-output-to-file "testfile-l4-a1.ss"
8604        (lambda ()
8605          (pretty-print
8606            '(library (testfile-l4-a1) (export x) (import (chezscheme) (testfile-l4-b1) (testfile-l4-c1))
8607               (include "testfile-l4-d1.ss")
8608               (define a 'newera-object)
8609               (define x (list a b c d)))))
8610        'replace)
8611      (separate-eval
8612        '(compile-imported-libraries #f)
8613        '(compile-file-message #t)
8614        '(load-program "testfile-l4-p1.ss")))
8615    "(newera-object (b-object) c-object d-object)\n")
8616  ($reset-l4-1)
8617  (equal?
8618    (begin
8619      (with-output-to-file "testfile-l4-b1.ss"
8620        (lambda ()
8621          (pretty-print
8622            '(library (testfile-l4-b1) (export b) (import (chezscheme))
8623               (define b (list 'newerb-object)))))
8624        'replace)
8625      (separate-eval
8626        '(compile-imported-libraries #f)
8627        '(compile-file-message #t)
8628        '(load-program "testfile-l4-p1.ss")))
8629    "(a-object (newerb-object) c-object d-object)\n")
8630  ($reset-l4-1)
8631  (equal?
8632    (begin
8633      (with-output-to-file "testfile-l4-c1.ss"
8634        (lambda ()
8635          (pretty-print
8636            '(library (testfile-l4-c1) (export c) (import (chezscheme))
8637               (define-syntax c (lambda (x) #''newerc-object)))))
8638        'replace)
8639      (separate-eval
8640        '(compile-imported-libraries #f)
8641        '(compile-file-message #t)
8642        '(load-program "testfile-l4-p1.ss")))
8643    "(a-object (b-object) newerc-object d-object)\n")
8644  ($reset-l4-1)
8645  (equal?
8646    (begin
8647      (with-output-to-file "testfile-l4-d1.ss"
8648        (lambda ()
8649          (pretty-print
8650            '(define-syntax d (lambda (x) #''newerd-object))))
8651        'replace)
8652      (separate-eval
8653        '(compile-imported-libraries #f)
8654        '(compile-file-message #t)
8655        '(load-program "testfile-l4-p1.ss")))
8656    "(a-object (b-object) c-object newerd-object)\n")
8659(mat library5
8660  ; test for proper runtime library dependencies
8661  (begin
8662    (with-output-to-file "testfile-l5-a1.ss"
8663      (lambda ()
8664        (pretty-print
8665          '(library (testfile-l5-a1) (export a) (import (chezscheme))
8666             (define a (cons 3 4)))))
8667      'replace)
8668    (with-output-to-file "testfile-l5-b1.ss"
8669      (lambda ()
8670        (pretty-print
8671          '(library (testfile-l5-b1) (export a b c) (import (chezscheme) (testfile-l5-a1))
8672             (define-syntax b (identifier-syntax (vector a)))
8673             (define c (cons 5 6)))))
8674      'replace)
8675    (with-output-to-file "testfile-l5-c1.ss"
8676      (lambda ()
8677        (for-each pretty-print
8678          `((import (chezscheme) (testfile-l5-b1))
8679            (set-car! a 55)
8680            (pretty-print (list a b)))))
8681      'replace)
8682    (equal?
8683      (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
8684        (compile-program "testfile-l5-c1"))
8685      '((testfile-l5-a1))))
8686  ; delete testfile-l5-b1.{ss,so} to make sure they aren't surreptitiously loaded
8687  (begin
8688    (delete-file "testfile-l5-b1.ss")
8689    (delete-file "testfile-l5-b1.so")
8690    (and (not (file-exists? "testfile-l5-b1.ss"))
8691         (not (file-exists? "testfile-l5-b1.so"))))
8692  (equal?
8693    (separate-eval '(load-program "testfile-l5-c1.so"))
8694    "((55 . 4) #((55 . 4)))\n")
8697(mat library6
8698  ; test for proper handling of visit library dependencies
8699  (begin
8700    (with-output-to-file "testfile-l6-a1.ss"
8701      (lambda ()
8702        (pretty-print
8703          '(library (testfile-l6-a1) (export a) (import (chezscheme))
8704             (define a (cons 3 4)))))
8705      'replace)
8706    (with-output-to-file "testfile-l6-b1.ss"
8707      (lambda ()
8708        (pretty-print
8709          '(library (testfile-l6-b1) (export b-x b-y) (import (chezscheme) (testfile-l6-a1))
8710             (define-syntax b-x (lambda (x) (car a)))
8711             (define b-y (cons 5 6)))))
8712      'replace)
8713    (with-output-to-file "testfile-l6-c1.ss"
8714      (lambda ()
8715        (pretty-print
8716          '(library (testfile-l6-c1) (export c) (import (chezscheme) (testfile-l6-b1))
8717             (meta define c
8718               (lambda (x)
8719                 #`(cons (* #,x #,(car b-y)) (* #,x #,(cdr b-y))))))))
8720      'replace)
8721    (with-output-to-file "testfile-l6-prog1.ss"
8722      (lambda ()
8723        (pretty-print '(eval-when (visit) (printf "visiting testfile-l6-prog1\n")))
8724        (pretty-print '(define-syntax M
8725                         (lambda (x)
8726                           (import (testfile-l6-c1))
8727                           (syntax-case x ()
8728                             [(_ f d) #`(f #,(c (datum d)))]))))
8729        (pretty-print '(eval-when (revisit) (printf "revisiting testfile-l6-prog1\n")))
8730        (pretty-print '(pretty-print (M vector 2))))
8731      'replace)
8732    (separate-compile
8733      '(lambda (x)
8734         (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
8735           (compile-file x)))
8736      "testfile-l6-prog1")
8737    #t)
8739  (begin
8740    (delete-file "testfile-l6-a1.so")
8741    (delete-file "testfile-l6-a1.ss")
8742    (and (not (file-exists? "testfile-l6-a1.so"))
8743         (not (file-exists? "testfile-l6-a1.ss"))))
8745  (equal?
8746    (separate-eval '(revisit "testfile-l6-prog1.so"))
8747    "revisiting testfile-l6-prog1\n#((10 . 12))\n")
8750(mat library7
8751  (begin
8752    (mkfile "testfile-l7-a1.ss"
8753      '(library (testfile-l7-a1) (export a-macro a) (import (chezscheme)) (define-syntax a-macro (identifier-syntax 'aaa)) (define (a x) (+ x (* x x)))))
8754    (mkfile "testfile-l7-b1.ss"
8755      '(library (testfile-l7-b1) (export b) (import (chezscheme) (testfile-l7-a1)) (define (b x) (cons 'b a-macro))))
8756    (mkfile "testfile-l7-c1.ss"
8757      '(library (testfile-l7-c1) (export c) (import (chezscheme) (testfile-l7-a1)) (define (c x) (cons 'c (a x)))))
8758    (mkfile "testfile-l7-d1.ss"
8759      '(library (testfile-l7-d1) (export d) (import (chezscheme) (testfile-l7-a1)) (define (d x) (list 'd a-macro (a x)))))
8760    (separate-compile
8761      '(lambda (x) (for-each compile-library x))
8762      '(list "testfile-l7-a1" "testfile-l7-b1" "testfile-l7-c1" "testfile-l7-d1"))
8763    #t)
8764  (equal?
8765    (separate-eval
8766      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-b1)) (b 7))
8767      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-c1)) (c 7))
8768      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-d1)) (d 7)))
8769    "(b . aaa)\n(c . 56)\n(d aaa 56)\n")
8770  (begin
8771    (separate-compile
8772      '(lambda (x) (for-each compile-library x))
8773      '(list "testfile-l7-a1" "testfile-l7-b1" "testfile-l7-c1"))
8774    #t)
8775  (equal?
8776    (separate-eval
8777      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-b1)) (b 7))
8778      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-c1)) (c 7))
8779      ; this should reload from source, since dependency is out-of-date
8780      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-d1)) (d 7)))
8781    "(b . aaa)\n(c . 56)\n(d aaa 56)\n")
8782  (equal?
8783    (separate-eval
8784      ; this should reload from source, since dependency is out-of-date
8785      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-d1)) (d 7))
8786      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-c1)) (c 7))
8787      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-b1)) (b 7)))
8788    "(d aaa 56)\n(c . 56)\n(b . aaa)\n")
8789  (error? ; expected different compilation instance
8790    (separate-eval
8791      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-b1)) (b 7))
8792      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-c1)) (c 7))
8793      '(load-library "testfile-l7-d1.so")
8794      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-d1)) (d 7))))
8795  (error? ; expected different compilation instance
8796    (separate-eval
8797      '(load-library "testfile-l7-d1.so")
8798      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-d1)) (d 7))))
8799  (equal?
8800    (separate-eval
8801      '(load-library "testfile-l7-b1.ss")
8802      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-b1)) (b 7))
8803      ; this should reload from source, since dependency is out-of-date
8804      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-c1)) (c 7))
8805      ; this should reload from source, since dependency is out-of-date
8806      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-d1)) (d 7)))
8807    "(b . aaa)\n(c . 56)\n(d aaa 56)\n")
8808  (error? ; expected different compilation instance
8809    (separate-eval
8810      '(load-library "testfile-l7-b1.ss")
8811      '(load-library "testfile-l7-c1.ss")
8812      '(load-library "testfile-l7-d1.so")
8813      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-d1)) (d 7))))
8814  (begin
8815    (delete-file "testfile-l7-a1.so")
8816    #t)
8817  (equal?
8818    (separate-eval
8819      '(parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t]) (compile-library "testfile-l7-b1.ss"))
8820      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-b1)) (b 7))
8821      ; this should reload from source, since dependency is out-of-date
8822      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-c1)) (c 7))
8823      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-d1)) (d 7)))
8824    "compiling testfile-l7-b1.ss with output to testfile-l7-b1.so\ncompiling testfile-l7-a1.ss with output to testfile-l7-a1.so\n(b . aaa)\n(c . 56)\n(d aaa 56)\n")
8825  (begin
8826    (delete-file "testfile-l7-a1.so")
8827    #t)
8828  (error? ; expected different compilation instance
8829    (separate-eval
8830      '(parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t]) (compile-library "testfile-l7-b1.ss"))
8831      '(load-library "testfile-l7-c1.so")
8832      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-c1)) (c 7))))
8833  (equal?
8834    (separate-eval
8835      '(library (testfile-l7-a1) (export a-macro a) (import (chezscheme)) (define-syntax a-macro (identifier-syntax 'aaa2)) (define (a x) (* x 11)))
8836      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-b1)) (b 7))
8837      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-c1)) (c 7))
8838      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-d1)) (d 7)))
8839    "(b . aaa2)\n(c . 77)\n(d aaa2 77)\n")
8840  (error? ; expected different compilation instance
8841    (separate-eval
8842      '(library (testfile-l7-a1) (export a-macro a) (import (chezscheme)) (define-syntax a-macro (identifier-syntax 'aaa2)) (define (a x) (* x 11)))
8843      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-b1)) (b 7))
8844      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-c1)) (c 7))
8845      '(load-library "testfile-l7-d1.so")
8846      '(let () (import (testfile-l7-d1)) (d 7))))
8849(mat library-regression
8850  ; test that failing invoke code does not result in cyclic dependency problem on re-run
8851  (equal?
8852    (separate-eval
8853      '(begin
8854         (library (invoke-fail)
8855           (export x)
8856           (import (chezscheme))
8857           (define x #f)
8858           (error #f "failed to load library (invoke-fail)"))
8859         (guard (e [else
8860                     (guard (e2 [else
8861                                  (display-condition e) (newline)
8862                                  (display-condition e2) (newline)])
8863                       (eval 'x (environment '(chezscheme) '(invoke-fail))))])
8864           (eval 'x (environment '(chezscheme) '(invoke-fail))))))
8865    "Exception: failed to load library (invoke-fail)\nException: failed to load library (invoke-fail)\n")
8867  ; test that true cyclic dependency will always report the same thing
8868  (equal?
8869    (separate-eval
8870      '(begin
8871         (library (invoke-cyclic)
8872           (export x y)
8873           (import (chezscheme))
8874           (define x #f)
8875           (define y (eval '(if x 5 10) (environment '(chezscheme) '(invoke-cyclic)))))
8876         (guard (e [else
8877                     (guard (e2 [else
8878                                  (display-condition e) (newline)
8879                                  (display-condition e2) (newline)])
8880                       (eval 'x (environment '(chezscheme) '(invoke-cyclic))))])
8881           (eval 'x  (environment '(chezscheme) '(invoke-cyclic))))))
8882    "Exception: cyclic dependency involving invocation of library (invoke-cyclic)\nException: cyclic dependency involving invocation of library (invoke-cyclic)\n")
8884  (begin
8885    ; library to help make it easier to cause a failure in the visit-code that
8886    ; does not lead to failure during compilation of the file.
8887    (with-output-to-file "testfile-lr-l1.ss"
8888      (lambda ()
8889        (pretty-print
8890          '(library (testfile-lr-l1)
8891             (export make-it-fail)
8892             (import (chezscheme))
8893             (define make-it-fail (make-parameter #f (lambda (x) (and x #t)))))))
8894      'replace)
8895    ; simple test to define one macro and potentially to raise an error when
8896    ; defining the second one.
8897    (with-output-to-file "testfile-lr-l2.ss"
8898      (lambda ()
8899        (pretty-print
8900          '(library (testfile-lr-l2)
8901             (export M1 M2)
8902             (import (chezscheme) (testfile-lr-l1))
8903             (define-syntax M1
8904               (identifier-syntax #f))
8906             (define-syntax M2
8907               (if (make-it-fail)
8908                   (error 'M2 "user requested failure with (make-it-fail) parameter")
8909                   (lambda (x)
8910                     (syntax-case x ()
8911                       [(_ expr) #'expr])))))))
8912      'replace)
8913    ; more complete test that attempts to create the various types of things
8914    ; that can be defined in visit code so that we can verify things are being
8915    ; properly reset.
8916    (with-output-to-file "testfile-lr-l3.ss"
8917      (lambda ()
8918        (pretty-print
8919          '(library (testfile-lr-l3)
8920             (export a b c d e f g h)
8921             (import (chezscheme) (testfile-lr-l1))
8923             (module a (x) (define x 5))
8924             (alias b cons)
8925             (define-syntax c (make-compile-time-value 5))
8926             (define d 5)
8927             (meta define e 5)
8928             (define-syntax f (identifier-syntax #f))
8929             (define $g (make-parameter #f))
8930             (define-syntax g
8931               (make-variable-transformer
8932                 (lambda (x)
8933                   (syntax-case x ()
8934                     [(set! _ v) #'($g v)]
8935                     [_ #'($g)]
8936                     [(_ e* ...) #'(($g) e* ...)]))))
8937             (define-property f g 10)
8938             (define-syntax h
8939               (if (make-it-fail)
8940                   (error 'h "user requested failure with (make-it-fail) parameter")
8941                   (lambda (x)
8942                     (syntax-case x ()
8943                       [(_ expr) #'expr])))))))
8944      'replace)
8945    (separate-compile
8946      '(lambda (x)
8947         (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
8948           (for-each compile-library x)))
8949      '(list "testfile-lr-l1" "testfile-lr-l2" "testfile-lr-l3"))
8950    #t)
8952  (equal?
8953    (separate-eval
8954      '(begin
8955         (import (testfile-lr-l2) (testfile-lr-l1))
8956         (make-it-fail #t)
8957         (guard (e [else
8958                     (guard (e2
8959                              [else
8960                                (display-condition e) (newline)
8961                                (display-condition e2) (newline)])
8962                       (eval 'M1 (environment '(testfile-lr-l2))))])
8963           (eval 'M1 (environment '(testfile-lr-l2))))))
8964    "Exception in M2: user requested failure with (make-it-fail) parameter\nException in M2: user requested failure with (make-it-fail) parameter\n")
8966  ; module is defined as part of import code, run time bindings are setup as part of invoke code
8967  (equal?
8968    (separate-eval
8969      '(begin
8970         (import (testfile-lr-l3) (testfile-lr-l1))
8971         (make-it-fail #t)
8972         (import a)
8973         x))
8974    "5\n")
8976  ; alias is part of module binding ribcage, set up by import code
8977  (equal?
8978    (separate-eval
8979      '(begin
8980         (import (testfile-lr-l3) (testfile-lr-l1))
8981         (make-it-fail #t)
8982         (b 'a 'b)))
8983    "(a . b)\n")
8985  ; compile-time-value is set in visit code, should show same error each time it is referenced
8986  (equal?
8987    (separate-eval
8988      '(begin
8989         (library (lookup)
8990           (export lookup)
8991           (import (chezscheme))
8992           (define-syntax lookup
8993             (lambda (x)
8994               (syntax-case x ()
8995                 [(_ id) (lambda (rho) #`'#,(rho #'id))]
8996                 [(_ id key) (lambda (rho) #`'#,(rho #'id #'key))]))))
8997         (import (testfile-lr-l3) (testfile-lr-l1))
8998         (make-it-fail #t)
8999         (guard (e [else
9000                     (guard (e2
9001                              [else
9002                                (display-condition e) (newline)
9003                                (display-condition e2) (newline)])
9004                       (eval '(lookup c) (environment '(testfile-lr-l3) '(lookup))))])
9005           (eval '(lookup c) (environment '(testfile-lr-l3) '(lookup))))))
9006    "Exception in h: user requested failure with (make-it-fail) parameter\nException in h: user requested failure with (make-it-fail) parameter\n")
9008  ; defines are set up as part of invoke code
9009  (equal?
9010    (separate-eval
9011      '(begin
9012         (import (testfile-lr-l3) (testfile-lr-l1))
9013         (make-it-fail #t)
9014         d))
9015    "5\n")
9017  ; meta defines are set up as part of visit code
9018  (equal?
9019    (separate-eval
9020      '(begin
9021         (import (testfile-lr-l3) (testfile-lr-l1))
9022         (make-it-fail #t)
9023         (guard (e [else
9024                     (guard (e2
9025                              [else
9026                                (display-condition e) (newline)
9027                                (display-condition e2) (newline)])
9028                       (eval '(let ()
9029                                (define-syntax get-e
9030                                  (lambda (x)
9031                                    (syntax-case x ()
9032                                      [(_) #`'#,e])))
9033                                (get-e))
9034                         (environment '(chezscheme) '(testfile-lr-l3))))])
9035           (eval '(let ()
9036                    (define-syntax get-e
9037                      (lambda (x)
9038                        (syntax-case x ()
9039                          [(_) #`'#,e])))
9040                    (get-e))
9041             (environment '(chezscheme) '(testfile-lr-l3))))))
9042    "Exception in h: user requested failure with (make-it-fail) parameter\nException in h: user requested failure with (make-it-fail) parameter\n")
9044  ; macros are set up as part of visit code
9045  (equal?
9046    (separate-eval
9047      '(begin
9048         (import (testfile-lr-l3) (testfile-lr-l1))
9049         (make-it-fail #t)
9050         (guard (e [else
9051                     (guard (e2
9052                              [else
9053                                (display-condition e) (newline)
9054                                (display-condition e2) (newline)])
9055                       (eval 'f (environment '(testfile-lr-l3))))])
9056           (eval 'f (environment '(testfile-lr-l3))))))
9057    "Exception in h: user requested failure with (make-it-fail) parameter\nException in h: user requested failure with (make-it-fail) parameter\n")
9059  ; variable transformer macros are set up as part of visit code
9060  (equal?
9061    (separate-eval
9062      '(begin
9063         (import (testfile-lr-l3) (testfile-lr-l1))
9064         (make-it-fail #t)
9065         (guard (e [else
9066                     (guard (e2
9067                              [else
9068                                (display-condition e) (newline)
9069                                (display-condition e2) (newline)])
9070                       (eval 'g (environment '(testfile-lr-l3))))])
9071           (eval 'g (environment '(testfile-lr-l3))))))
9072    "Exception in h: user requested failure with (make-it-fail) parameter\nException in h: user requested failure with (make-it-fail) parameter\n")
9074  ; properties are setup as part of visit code.
9075  (equal?
9076    (separate-eval
9077      '(begin
9078         (library (lookup)
9079           (export lookup)
9080           (import (chezscheme))
9081           (define-syntax lookup
9082             (lambda (x)
9083               (syntax-case x ()
9084                 [(_ id) (lambda (rho) #`'#,(rho #'id))]
9085                 [(_ id key) (lambda (rho) #`'#,(rho #'id #'key))]))))
9086         (import (testfile-lr-l3) (testfile-lr-l1))
9087         (make-it-fail #t)
9088         (guard (e [else
9089                     (guard (e2
9090                              [else
9091                                (display-condition e) (newline)
9092                                (display-condition e2) (newline)])
9093                       (eval '(lookup f g) (environment '(testfile-lr-l3) '(lookup))))])
9094           (eval '(lookup f g) (environment '(testfile-lr-l3) '(lookup))))))
9095    "Exception in h: user requested failure with (make-it-fail) parameter\nException in h: user requested failure with (make-it-fail) parameter\n")
9097  ;; re-arm import code if it complains about a library that is not visible
9098  (begin
9099    (with-output-to-file "testfile-lr-l4.ss"
9100      (lambda ()
9101        (pretty-print
9102         '(library (testfile-lr-l4)
9103            (export x)
9104            (import (chezscheme))
9105            (define x 123))))
9106      'replace)
9107    (with-output-to-file "testfile-lr-p4.ss"
9108      (lambda ()
9109        (for-each pretty-print
9110         '((import (testfile-lr-l4) (scheme))
9111           (define (run args)
9112             (guard (c [#t (display-condition c) (newline)])
9113               (pretty-print (top-level-value (car args) (environment (cdr args))))))
9114           (when (> x 0) ;; reference export
9115             (let ([args (map string->symbol (command-line-arguments))])
9116               (if (= (length args) 2)
9117                   (begin
9118                     (run args)
9119                     (run args))
9120                   (error #f "expected 2 args")))))))
9121      'replace)
9122    (separate-eval
9123     '(parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t] [generate-wpo-files #t])
9124        (compile-program "testfile-lr-p4.ss")
9125        (compile-whole-program "testfile-lr-p4.wpo" "testfile-lr-p4-visible" #t)
9126        (compile-whole-program "testfile-lr-p4.wpo" "testfile-lr-p4-not-visible" #f)))
9127    (equal?
9128     (separate-eval
9129      '(parameterize ([command-line-arguments '("x" "testfile-lr-l4")])
9130         (load-program "testfile-lr-p4-visible")
9131         (load-program "testfile-lr-p4-not-visible")))
9132     (string-append
9133      "123\n"
9134      "123\n"
9135      "Exception in environment: attempt to import invisible library (testfile-lr-l4)\n"
9136      "Exception in environment: attempt to import invisible library (testfile-lr-l4)\n"))))
9138(mat invoke-library
9139  (error? ; invalid library reference
9140     (invoke-library '(testfile-il1 (<= 3))))
9141  (error? ; invalid library reference
9142     (invoke-library '(testfile-il1 (what?))))
9143  (error? ; invalid library reference
9144     (invoke-library '()))
9145  (error? ; invalid library reference
9146     (invoke-library 'hello))
9147  (error? ; invalid library reference
9148     (invoke-library '(3 2 1)))
9149  (begin
9150    (mkfile "testfile-il1.ss"
9151      '(library (testfile-il1 (2)) (export a) (import (chezscheme)) (define a 3) (printf "invoked (testfile-il1)\n")))
9152    #t)
9153  (equal?
9154    (separate-eval
9155      '(let () (import (testfile-il1)) a))
9156    "invoked (testfile-il1)\n3\n")
9157  (equal?
9158    (separate-eval
9159      '(invoke-library '(testfile-il1)))
9160    "invoked (testfile-il1)\n")
9161  (equal?
9162    (separate-eval
9163      '(invoke-library '(testfile-il1))
9164      '(printf "hello\n")
9165      '(let () (import (testfile-il1)) a))
9166    "invoked (testfile-il1)\nhello\n3\n")
9167  (equal?
9168    (separate-eval
9169      '(let () (import (testfile-il1)) a)
9170      '(printf "hello\n")
9171      '(invoke-library '(testfile-il1)))
9172    "invoked (testfile-il1)\n3\nhello\n")
9173  (begin
9174    (separate-eval '(compile-library "testfile-il1"))
9175    #t)
9176  (delete-file "testfile-il1.ss")
9177  (equal?
9178    (separate-eval
9179      '(let () (import (testfile-il1)) a))
9180    "invoked (testfile-il1)\n3\n")
9181  (equal?
9182    (separate-eval
9183      '(invoke-library '(testfile-il1)))
9184    "invoked (testfile-il1)\n")
9185  (equal?
9186    (separate-eval
9187      '(invoke-library '(testfile-il1))
9188      '(printf "hello\n")
9189      '(let () (import (testfile-il1)) a))
9190    "invoked (testfile-il1)\nhello\n3\n")
9191  (equal?
9192    (separate-eval
9193      '(let () (import (testfile-il1)) a)
9194      '(printf "hello\n")
9195      '(invoke-library '(testfile-il1)))
9196    "invoked (testfile-il1)\n3\nhello\n")
9197  (error? ; version mismatch
9198    (separate-eval '(invoke-library '(testfile-il1 (3)))))
9199  (error? ; version mismatch
9200    (separate-eval
9201      '(invoke-library '(testfile-il1 ((>= 3))))))
9202  (equal?
9203    (separate-eval
9204      '(invoke-library '(testfile-il1 ((>= 2)))))
9205    "invoked (testfile-il1)\n")
9206  (equal?
9207    (separate-eval
9208      '(invoke-library '(testfile-il1 (2))))
9209    "invoked (testfile-il1)\n")
9212(mat cross-library-optimization
9213  (begin
9214    (with-output-to-file "testfile-clo-1a.ss"
9215      (lambda ()
9216        (pretty-print
9217          '(library (testfile-clo-1a)
9218             (export f)
9219             (import (chezscheme))
9220             (define f (lambda (s) (format "~s!\n" s))))))
9221      'replace)
9222    (with-output-to-file "testfile-clo-1b.ss"
9223      (lambda ()
9224        (pretty-print
9225          '(import (chezscheme) (testfile-clo-1a)))
9226        (pretty-print
9227          '(display-string (f 'hello))))
9228      'replace)
9229    #t)
9230  (eqv? (compile-library "testfile-clo-1a") (void))
9231  ; in this case, can't propage f because of the embedded string constant,
9232  ; so program depends on library at run time
9233  (equal? (compile-program "testfile-clo-1b") '((testfile-clo-1a)))
9234  (equal?
9235    (with-output-to-string
9236      (lambda () (load-program "testfile-clo-1b.so")))
9237    "hello!\n")
9238  (begin
9239    (with-output-to-file "testfile-clo-2a.ss"
9240      (lambda ()
9241        (pretty-print
9242          '(library (testfile-clo-2a)
9243             (export f)
9244             (import (chezscheme))
9245             (define f (lambda (s) (symbol->string s))))))
9246      'replace)
9247    (with-output-to-file "testfile-clo-2b.ss"
9248      (lambda ()
9249        (pretty-print
9250          '(import (chezscheme) (testfile-clo-2a)))
9251        (pretty-print
9252          '(display-string (f 'hello))))
9253      'replace)
9254    #t)
9255  (eqv? (compile-library "testfile-clo-2a") (void))
9256  ; in this case, nothing stopping propagation of f,
9257  ; so program doesn't necessarily depend on library at run time
9258  (and (member
9259         (compile-program "testfile-clo-2b")
9260         '(() ((testfile-clo-2a))))
9261       #t)
9262  (equal?
9263    (with-output-to-string
9264      (lambda () (load-program "testfile-clo-2b.so")))
9265    "hello")
9266  ; testing internal consistency for library w/externally visible side effect, which we don't guarantee
9267  ; will happen if all runtime references are optimized away
9268  (begin
9269    (with-output-to-file "testfile-clo-3a.ss"
9270      (lambda ()
9271        (pretty-print
9272          '(library (testfile-clo-3a)
9273             (export g h)
9274             (import (chezscheme))
9275             (define (f) (putprop 'spam 'canned #t))
9276             (define (g) (getprop 'spam 'canned #f))
9277             (define (h) (remprop 'spam 'canned))
9278             (f))))
9279      'replace)
9280    (with-output-to-file "testfile-clo-3b.ss"
9281      (lambda ()
9282        (pretty-print
9283          '(import (chezscheme) (testfile-clo-3a)))
9284        (pretty-print
9285          '(write (g))))
9286      'replace)
9287    #t)
9288  (equal?
9289    (let ([libs (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t]) (compile-program "testfile-clo-3b"))])
9290      (cond
9291        ; if compiled program depends on the library, the externally visible side effect (putprop) will be done
9292        [(equal? libs '((testfile-clo-3a)))
9293         (cons
9294           (equal? (with-output-to-string (lambda () (load-program "testfile-clo-3b.so"))) "#t")
9295           (let () (import (testfile-clo-3a)) (g)))]
9296        ; otherwise not
9297        [(equal? libs '())
9298         (cons
9299           (equal? (with-output-to-string (lambda () (load-program "testfile-clo-3b.so"))) "#f")
9300           (not (let () (import (testfile-clo-3a)) (g))))]
9301        [else 'oops]))
9302    '(#t . #t))
9303  (equal? (let () (import (testfile-clo-3a)) (h)) (void))
9304  (not (let () (import (testfile-clo-3a)) (g)))
9306  ; testing support of procedures with improper formals
9307  (begin
9308    (with-output-to-file "testfile-clo-4a.ss"
9309      (lambda ()
9310        (pretty-print
9311         '(library (testfile-clo-4a)
9312            (export f g)
9313            (import (chezscheme))
9314            (define (f a . rest)
9315              (apply list a rest))
9316            (define g
9317              (case-lambda
9318                [(a) "foo"]
9319                [(a . rest) (apply list a rest)])))))
9320      'replace)
9321    #t)
9322  (begin
9323    (load-library "testfile-clo-4a.ss"
9324                  (lambda (x) (parameterize ([optimize-level 2] [enable-cp0 #t] [#%$suppress-primitive-inlining #f] [current-eval compile])
9325                                (eval x))))
9326    #t)
9327  (or
9328   (and (compile-profile) #t) ; => testfile-clo-4a was compiled with profiling, so not quite the same as below
9329   (equivalent-expansion?
9330    (parameterize ([optimize-level 2] [enable-cp0 #t] [#%$suppress-primitive-inlining #f])
9331      (expand/optimize
9332       '(lambda (x y z)
9333          (import (testfile-clo-4a))
9334          (list
9335           (f x y z)
9336           (g x y z)))))
9337    '(begin
9338       (#3%$invoke-library '(testfile-clo-4a) '() 'testfile-clo-4a)
9339       (lambda (x y z)
9340         (#2%list (#2%list x y z)
9341                  ((#3%$top-level-value 'g) x y z))))))
9344(mat lots-of-libraries
9345  (begin
9346    (define (lol-mklibname n) (string->symbol (format "testfile-lol-~d" n)))
9347    (define (lol-mkvarname n) (string->symbol (format "n~d" n)))
9348    (define lol-fiblib
9349      (lambda (n)
9350        (let fiblib ([n n])
9351          (if (fx= n 1)
9352              `((library (testfile-lol-1) (export n1) (import (chezscheme)) (define n1 1))
9353                (library (testfile-lol-0) (export n0) (import (chezscheme)) (define n0 0)))
9354              (cons
9355                `(library (,(lol-mklibname n))
9356                   (export ,(lol-mkvarname n))
9357                   (import (chezscheme) (,(lol-mklibname (fx- n 1))) (,(lol-mklibname (fx- n 2))))
9358                   (define ,(lol-mkvarname n) (+ ,(lol-mkvarname (fx- n 1)) ,(lol-mkvarname (fx- n 2)))))
9359                (fiblib (fx- n 1)))))))
9360    #t)
9361  (eqv?
9362    (let ([n 10])
9363      (eval `(begin ,@(reverse (lol-fiblib n)) (let () (import (,(lol-mklibname n))) ,(lol-mkvarname n)))))
9364    55)
9365  (begin
9366    (define lol-n 100)
9367    (do ([lib* (lol-fiblib lol-n) (cdr lib*)] [n lol-n (fx- n 1)])
9368        ((null? lib*))
9369      (with-output-to-file (format "~s.ss" (lol-mklibname n))
9370        (lambda () (pretty-print (car lib*)))
9371        'replace))
9372    (with-output-to-file "testfile-lol-prog.ss"
9373      (lambda ()
9374        (for-each pretty-print
9375          `((import (chezscheme) (,(lol-mklibname lol-n)))
9376            (pretty-print ,(lol-mkvarname lol-n)))))
9377      'replace)
9378    (define $lol-watchdog
9379      (let ([t (current-time 'time-utc)])
9380        (let ([time-n 3])
9381          (separate-eval
9382            `(parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
9383               (compile-library ,(format "~a.ss" (lol-mklibname time-n)))))
9384          (do ([n 0 (+ n 1)]) ((> n time-n)) (delete-file (format "~a.so" (lol-mklibname n)))))
9385        (let ([t (time-difference (current-time 'time-utc) t)])
9386          (let ([t-reasonable
9387                  (let ([ns (* (+ (* (time-second t) (expt 10 9)) (time-nanosecond t)) lol-n)])
9388                    (make-time 'time-duration (remainder ns (expt 10 9)) (quotient ns (expt 10 9))))])
9389            `(let ([t (current-time 'time-utc)])
9390               (timer-interrupt-handler
9391                 (let ([t-reasonable (make-time 'time-duration ,(time-nanosecond t-reasonable) ,(time-second t-reasonable))])
9392                   (lambda ()
9393                     (unless (time<=? (time-difference (current-time 'time-utc) t) t-reasonable)
9394                       (errorf #f "unreasonable time elapsed"))
9395                     (set-timer 10000))))
9396               ((timer-interrupt-handler)))))))
9397    #t)
9398  (string?
9399    (separate-compile
9400      `(lambda (x)
9401         ,$lol-watchdog
9402         (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
9403           (compile-program x)))
9404      'lol-prog))
9405  (equal?
9406    (separate-eval `(begin ,$lol-watchdog (load-program "testfile-lol-prog.so")))
9407    (format "~d\n"
9408      (let fib ([i 1] [n1 1] [n0 0])
9409        (if (fx= i lol-n)
9410            n1
9411            (fib (+ i 1) (+ n1 n0) n1)))))
9412  ; test rebuild
9413  (string?
9414    (separate-compile
9415      `(lambda (x)
9416         ,$lol-watchdog
9417         (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
9418           (compile-program x)))
9419      'lol-prog))
9420  ; test maybe rebuild
9421  (string?
9422    (separate-compile
9423      `(lambda (x)
9424         ,$lol-watchdog
9425         (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
9426           (maybe-compile-program x)))
9427      'lol-prog))
9430(mat import-dependencies
9431  (begin
9432    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a.ss"
9433      (lambda ()
9434        (pretty-print
9435          '(library (testfile-a) (export a x) (import (chezscheme))
9436             (define-syntax a (begin (printf "ct\n") (identifier-syntax 3)))
9437             (define x (begin (printf "rt\n") 4)))))
9438      'replace)
9439    (separate-compile 'compile-library 'a)
9440    #t)
9441  (begin
9442    (with-output-to-file "testfile-m1.ss"
9443      (lambda ()
9444        (pretty-print
9445          '(module (q1)
9446             (import (testfile-a))
9447             (define-syntax q1 (identifier-syntax a)))))
9448      'replace)
9449    (separate-compile 'compile-file 'm1)
9450    #t)
9451  (equal?
9452    (separate-eval '(load "testfile-m1.so") 'q1)
9453    "ct\n3\n")
9454  (begin
9455    (with-output-to-file "testfile-m2.ss"
9456      (lambda ()
9457        (pretty-print
9458          '(module (q2)
9459             (import (testfile-a))
9460             (define-syntax q2 (identifier-syntax x)))))
9461      'replace)
9462    (separate-compile 'compile-file 'm2)
9463    #t)
9464  (equal?
9465    (separate-eval '(load "testfile-m2.so") 'q2)
9466    "rt\n4\n")
9467  (begin
9468    (sleep (make-time 'time-duration 1000000 1))
9469    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a.ss"
9470      (lambda ()
9471        (pretty-print
9472          '(library (testfile-a) (export a x) (import (chezscheme))
9473             (define-syntax a (begin (printf "ct\n") (identifier-syntax 33)))
9474             (define x (begin (printf "rt\n") 44)))))
9475      'replace)
9476    (separate-compile 'compile-library 'a)
9477    (separate-compile 'maybe-compile-file 'm1)
9478    (separate-compile 'maybe-compile-file 'm2)
9479    #t)
9480  (equal?
9481    (separate-eval '(load "testfile-m1.so") 'q1)
9482    "ct\n33\n")
9483  (equal?
9484    (separate-eval '(load "testfile-m2.so") 'q2)
9485    "rt\n44\n")
9486  ; --------
9487  (begin
9488    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a.ss"
9489      (lambda ()
9490        (pretty-print
9491          '(library (testfile-a) (export a x) (import (chezscheme))
9492             (define-syntax a (begin (printf "ct\n") (identifier-syntax 3)))
9493             (define x (begin (printf "rt\n") 4)))))
9494      'replace)
9495    (separate-compile 'compile-library 'a)
9496    #t)
9497  (begin
9498    (with-output-to-file "testfile-m3.ss"
9499      (lambda ()
9500        (pretty-print
9501          '(define-syntax q3 (let () (import (testfile-a)) (identifier-syntax a)))))
9502      'replace)
9503    (separate-compile 'compile-file 'm3)
9504    #t)
9505  (equal?
9506    (separate-eval '(load "testfile-m3.so") 'q3)
9507    "ct\n3\n")
9508  (begin
9509    (with-output-to-file "testfile-m4.ss"
9510      (lambda ()
9511        (pretty-print
9512          '(define-syntax q4 (let () (import (testfile-a)) (identifier-syntax x)))))
9513      'replace)
9514    (separate-compile 'compile-file 'm4)
9515    #t)
9516  (equal?
9517    (separate-eval '(load "testfile-m4.so") 'q4)
9518    "rt\n4\n")
9519  (begin
9520    (sleep (make-time 'time-duration 1000000 1))
9521    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a.ss"
9522      (lambda ()
9523        (pretty-print
9524          '(library (testfile-a) (export a x) (import (chezscheme))
9525             (define-syntax a (begin (printf "ct\n") (identifier-syntax 33)))
9526             (define x (begin (printf "rt\n") 44)))))
9527      'replace)
9528    (separate-compile 'compile-library 'a)
9529    (separate-compile 'maybe-compile-file 'm3)
9530    (separate-compile 'maybe-compile-file 'm4)
9531    #t)
9532  (equal?
9533    (separate-eval '(load "testfile-m3.so") 'q3)
9534    "ct\n33\n")
9535  (equal?
9536    (separate-eval '(load "testfile-m4.so") 'q4)
9537    "rt\n44\n")
9538  ; --------
9539  (begin
9540    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a.ss"
9541      (lambda ()
9542        (pretty-print
9543          '(library (testfile-a) (export a x) (import (chezscheme))
9544             (define-syntax a (begin (printf "ct\n") (identifier-syntax 3)))
9545             (define x (begin (printf "rt\n") 4)))))
9546      'replace)
9547    (separate-compile 'compile-library 'a)
9548    #t)
9549  (begin
9550    (with-output-to-file "testfile-m5.ss"
9551      (lambda ()
9552        (pretty-print
9553          '(define-property q5 q5 (let () (import (testfile-a)) #'a))))
9554      'replace)
9555    (separate-compile 'compile-file 'm5)
9556    #t)
9557  (equal?
9558    (separate-eval
9559      '(load "testfile-m5.so")
9560      '(let ()
9561         (define-syntax ref-prop
9562           (lambda (x)
9563             (lambda (r)
9564               (syntax-case x ()
9565                 [(_ id key) (r #'id #'key)]))))
9566         (ref-prop q5 q5)))
9567    "ct\n3\n")
9568  (begin
9569    (with-output-to-file "testfile-m6.ss"
9570      (lambda ()
9571        (pretty-print
9572          '(define-property q6 q6 (let () (import (testfile-a)) #'x))))
9573      'replace)
9574    (separate-compile 'compile-file 'm6)
9575    #t)
9576  (equal?
9577    (separate-eval '(load "testfile-m6.so")
9578      '(let ()
9579         (define-syntax ref-prop
9580           (lambda (x)
9581             (lambda (r)
9582               (syntax-case x ()
9583                 [(_ id key) (r #'id #'key)]))))
9584         (ref-prop q6 q6)))
9585    "rt\n4\n")
9586  (begin
9587    (sleep (make-time 'time-duration 1000000 1))
9588    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a.ss"
9589      (lambda ()
9590        (pretty-print
9591          '(library (testfile-a) (export a x) (import (chezscheme))
9592             (define-syntax a (begin (printf "ct\n") (identifier-syntax 33)))
9593             (define x (begin (printf "rt\n") 44)))))
9594      'replace)
9595    (separate-compile 'compile-library 'a)
9596    (separate-compile 'maybe-compile-file 'm5)
9597    (separate-compile 'maybe-compile-file 'm6)
9598    #t)
9599  (equal?
9600    (separate-eval
9601      '(load "testfile-m5.so")
9602      '(let ()
9603         (define-syntax ref-prop
9604           (lambda (x)
9605             (lambda (r)
9606               (syntax-case x ()
9607                 [(_ id key) (r #'id #'key)]))))
9608         (ref-prop q5 q5)))
9609    "ct\n33\n")
9610  (equal?
9611    (separate-eval '(load "testfile-m6.so")
9612      '(let ()
9613         (define-syntax ref-prop
9614           (lambda (x)
9615             (lambda (r)
9616               (syntax-case x ()
9617                 [(_ id key) (r #'id #'key)]))))
9618         (ref-prop q6 q6)))
9619    "rt\n44\n")
9620  ; --------
9621  (begin
9622    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a.ss"
9623      (lambda ()
9624        (pretty-print
9625          '(library (testfile-a) (export a x) (import (chezscheme))
9626             (define-syntax a (begin (printf "ct\n") (identifier-syntax 3)))
9627             (define x (begin (printf "rt\n") 4)))))
9628      'replace)
9629    (separate-compile 'compile-library 'a)
9630    #t)
9631  (begin
9632    (with-output-to-file "testfile-m7.ss"
9633      (lambda ()
9634        (pretty-print
9635          '(meta define q7 (let () (import (testfile-a)) #'a))))
9636      'replace)
9637    (separate-compile 'compile-file 'm7)
9638    #t)
9639  (equal?
9640    (separate-eval
9641      '(load "testfile-m7.so")
9642      '(let ()
9643         (define-syntax qq (lambda (x) q7))
9644         qq))
9645    "ct\n3\n")
9646  (begin
9647    (with-output-to-file "testfile-m8.ss"
9648      (lambda ()
9649        (pretty-print
9650          '(meta define q8 (let () (import (testfile-a)) #'x))))
9651      'replace)
9652    (separate-compile 'compile-file 'm8)
9653    #t)
9654  (equal?
9655    (separate-eval
9656      '(load "testfile-m8.so")
9657      '(let ()
9658         (define-syntax qq (lambda (x) q8))
9659         qq))
9660    "rt\n4\n")
9661  (begin
9662    (sleep (make-time 'time-duration 1000000 1))
9663    (with-output-to-file "testfile-a.ss"
9664      (lambda ()
9665        (pretty-print
9666          '(library (testfile-a) (export a x) (import (chezscheme))
9667             (define-syntax a (begin (printf "ct\n") (identifier-syntax 33)))
9668             (define x (begin (printf "rt\n") 44)))))
9669      'replace)
9670    (separate-compile 'compile-library 'a)
9671    (separate-compile 'maybe-compile-file 'm7)
9672    (separate-compile 'maybe-compile-file 'm8)
9673    #t)
9674  (equal?
9675    (separate-eval
9676      '(load "testfile-m7.so")
9677      '(let ()
9678         (define-syntax qq (lambda (x) q7))
9679         qq))
9680    "ct\n33\n")
9681  (equal?
9682    (separate-eval
9683      '(load "testfile-m8.so")
9684      '(let ()
9685         (define-syntax qq (lambda (x) q8))
9686         qq))
9687    "rt\n44\n")
9690(mat eval-when-library
9691  (begin
9692    (with-output-to-file "testfile-ewl1.ss"
9693      (lambda ()
9694        (pretty-print
9695          '(eval-when ()
9696             (library (testfile-ewl1)
9697               (export x)
9698               (import (rnrs))
9699               (define-syntax x (identifier-syntax 23))))))
9700      'replace)
9701    (with-output-to-file "testfile-ewl2.ss"
9702      (lambda ()
9703        (pretty-print
9704          '(eval-when (eval)
9705             (library (testfile-ewl2)
9706               (export x)
9707               (import (rnrs))
9708               (define-syntax x (identifier-syntax 23))))))
9709      'replace)
9710    (with-output-to-file "testfile-ewl3.ss"
9711      (lambda ()
9712        (pretty-print
9713          '(eval-when (load)
9714             (library (testfile-ewl3)
9715               (export x)
9716               (import (rnrs))
9717               (define-syntax x (identifier-syntax 23))))))
9718      'replace)
9719    (with-output-to-file "testfile-ewl4.ss"
9720      (lambda ()
9721        (pretty-print
9722          '(eval-when (visit)
9723             (library (testfile-ewl4)
9724               (export x)
9725               (import (rnrs))
9726               (define-syntax x (identifier-syntax 23))))))
9727      'replace)
9728    (with-output-to-file "testfile-ewl5.ss"
9729      (lambda ()
9730        (pretty-print
9731          '(eval-when (revisit)
9732             (library (testfile-ewl5)
9733               (export x)
9734               (import (rnrs))
9735               (define-syntax x (identifier-syntax 23))))))
9736      'replace)
9737    (with-output-to-file "testfile-ewl6.ss"
9738      (lambda ()
9739        (pretty-print
9740          '(eval-when (compile)
9741             (library (testfile-ewl6)
9742               (export x)
9743               (import (rnrs))
9744               (define-syntax x (identifier-syntax 23))))))
9745      'replace)
9746    (for-each
9747      delete-file
9748      '("testfile-ewl1.so" "testfile-ewl2.so" "testfile-ewl3.so" "testfile-ewl4.so"
9749         "testfile-ewl5.so" "testfile-ewl6.so"))
9750    #t)
9751 ; loading testfile-ewlx.ss did not define library (testfile-ewlx)
9752  (error? (let ([x 55]) (import (testfile-ewl1)) x))
9753  (error? (let ([x 55]) (import (testfile-ewl3)) x))
9754  (error? (let ([x 55]) (import (testfile-ewl4)) x))
9755  (error? (let ([x 55]) (import (testfile-ewl5)) x))
9756  (error? (let ([x 55]) (import (testfile-ewl6)) x))
9757  (begin
9758    (for-each separate-compile '(ewl1 ewl2 ewl3 ewl4 ewl5 ewl6))
9759    (for-each load-library
9760      '("testfile-ewl1.so" "testfile-ewl2.so" "testfile-ewl3.so" "testfile-ewl4.so"
9761         "testfile-ewl5.so" "testfile-ewl6.so"))
9762    #t)
9763 ; loading testfile-ewlx.so did not define library (testfile-ewlx)
9764 ; actually "testfile-ewlx.ss did not ..." (ss rather than so)
9765 ;   now that load-library reloads source when dependency changes
9766  (error? (let ([x 55]) (import (testfile-ewl1)) x))
9767  (error? (let ([x 55]) (import (testfile-ewl2)) x))
9768  (error? (let ([x 55]) (import (testfile-ewl6)) x))
9769  (begin
9770    (load-library "testfile-ewl2.ss")
9771    (compile-library "testfile-ewl6")
9772    #t)
9773  (eqv? (let ([x 55]) (import (testfile-ewl2)) x) 23)
9774  (eqv? (let ([x 55]) (import (testfile-ewl3)) x) 23)
9775  (eqv? (let ([x 55]) (import (testfile-ewl4)) x) 23)
9776  (eqv? (let ([x 55]) (import (testfile-ewl5)) x) 23)
9777  (eqv? (let ([x 55]) (import (testfile-ewl6)) x) 23)
9780(mat library-directories
9781  (error? ; invalid argument
9782    (library-directories '("a" . hello)))
9783  (error? ; invalid argument
9784    (library-directories '("a" . ("src" . "obj"))))
9785  (error? ; invalid argument
9786    (library-directories '("a" . (("src")))))
9787  (error? ; invalid argument
9788    (library-directories '("a" . (("src" "obj")))))
9789  (error? ; invalid argument
9790    (library-directories '("a" . ((("src" "obj"))))))
9791  (let ([x (library-directories)])
9792    (and (list? x)
9793         (andmap (lambda (x) (and (pair? x) (string? (car x)) (string? (cdr x)))) x)))
9794  (if (windows?)
9795      (parameterize ([library-directories "a1;boo;c:/;dxxy"])
9796        (equal? (library-directories) '(("a1" . "a1") ("boo" . "boo") ("c:/" . "c:/") ("dxxy" . "dxxy"))))
9797      (parameterize ([library-directories "a1:boo:c;/:dxxy"])
9798        (equal? (library-directories) '(("a1" . "a1") ("boo" . "boo") ("c;/" . "c;/") ("dxxy" . "dxxy")))))
9799  (if (windows?)
9800      (parameterize ([library-directories "a1;boo;;boo-obj;c:/;;dxxy"])
9801        (equal? (library-directories) '(("a1" . "a1") ("boo" . "boo-obj") ("c:/" . "dxxy"))))
9802      (parameterize ([library-directories "a1:boo::boo-obj:c;/::dxxy"])
9803        (equal? (library-directories) '(("a1" . "a1") ("boo" . "boo-obj") ("c;/" . "dxxy")))))
9804  (let ([default (library-directories)])
9805    (if (windows?)
9806        (parameterize ([library-directories "a1;boo;c:/;dxxy;"])
9807          (equal? (library-directories) `(,@'(("a1" . "a1") ("boo" . "boo") ("c:/" . "c:/") ("dxxy" . "dxxy")) ,@default)))
9808        (parameterize ([library-directories "a1:boo:c;/:dxxy:"])
9809          (equal? (library-directories) `(,@'(("a1" . "a1") ("boo" . "boo") ("c;/" . "c;/") ("dxxy" . "dxxy")) ,@default)))))
9810  (begin
9811    (with-output-to-file "testfile-ld1.ss"
9812      (lambda ()
9813        (pretty-print
9814          `(library (,(string->symbol (cd)) testfile-ld1)
9815             (export x)
9816             (import (rnrs))
9817             (define-syntax x (identifier-syntax 23)))))
9818      'replace)
9819    #t)
9820  (error? ; library not found
9821    (parameterize ([library-directories '()])
9822      (eval `(lambda () (import (testfile-ld1)) x))))
9823  (eqv?
9824    ((parameterize ([library-directories '()])
9825       (eval `(lambda () (import (,(string->symbol (cd)) testfile-ld1)) x))))
9826    23)
9829(mat library-extensions
9830  (error? ; invalid argument
9831    (library-extensions '.a1.sls))
9832  (error? ; invalid argument
9833    (library-extensions '((".foo"))))
9834  (error? ; invalid argument
9835    (library-extensions '((".foo" ".bar"))))
9836  (error? ; invalid argument
9837    (library-extensions '(((".junk")))))
9838  (let ([x (library-extensions)])
9839    (and (list? x)
9840         (andmap (lambda (x) (and (pair? x) (string? (car x)) (string? (cdr x)))) x)))
9841  (if (windows?)
9842      (parameterize ([library-extensions ".a1.sls;.boo;.crud;.junk"])
9843        (equal? (library-extensions) '((".a1.sls" . ".a1.so") (".boo" . ".so") (".crud" . ".so") (".junk" . ".so"))))
9844      (parameterize ([library-extensions ".a1.sls:.boo:.crud:.junk"])
9845        (equal? (library-extensions) '((".a1.sls" . ".a1.so") (".boo" . ".so") (".crud" . ".so") (".junk" . ".so")))))
9846  (let ([default (library-extensions)])
9847    (if (windows?)
9848        (parameterize ([library-extensions ".a1.sls;.boo;.crud;.junk;"])
9849          (equal? (library-extensions) `(,@'((".a1.sls" . ".a1.so") (".boo" . ".so") (".crud" . ".so") (".junk" . ".so")) ,@default)))
9850        (parameterize ([library-extensions ".a1.sls:.boo:.crud:.junk:"])
9851          (equal? (library-extensions) `(,@'((".a1.sls" . ".a1.so") (".boo" . ".so") (".crud" . ".so") (".junk" . ".so")) ,@default)))))
9852  (let ([default (library-extensions)])
9853    (if (windows?)
9854        (parameterize ([library-extensions ".a1.sls;.boo;;.booso;.crud;;.junk;"])
9855          (equal? (library-extensions) `(,@'((".a1.sls" . ".a1.so") (".boo" . ".booso") (".crud" . ".junk")) ,@default)))
9856        (parameterize ([library-extensions ".a1.sls:.boo::.booso:.crud::.junk:"])
9857          (equal? (library-extensions) `(,@'((".a1.sls" . ".a1.so") (".boo" . ".booso") (".crud" . ".junk")) ,@default)))))
9860(mat library-search-handler
9861  (procedure? (library-search-handler))
9862  (eq? (library-search-handler) default-library-search-handler)
9863  (error? (default-library-search-handler "not-symbol" '(lib) '() '()))
9864  (error? (default-library-search-handler 'import 'bad-library-name '() '()))
9865  (error? (default-library-search-handler 'import '(lib) '(("invalid" "path" "list")) '()))
9866  (error? (default-library-search-handler 'import '(lib) '(("foo" . "bar")) '(("bad") ("extensions"))))
9867  (error?
9868   (parameterize ([library-search-handler
9869                   (lambda (who path dir* all-ext*)
9870                     (values '(bad source path) #f #f))])
9871     (eval '(import (foo)))))
9872  (error?
9873   (parameterize ([library-search-handler
9874                   (lambda (who path dir* all-ext*)
9875                     (values #f '(bad object path) #f))])
9876     (eval '(import (foo)))))
9877  (error?
9878   (parameterize ([library-search-handler
9879                   (lambda (who path dir* all-ext*)
9880                     (values #f #f #t))])
9881     (eval '(import (foo)))))
9882  (begin
9883    (mkdir "lsh-testdir")
9884    (mkdir "lsh-testdir/src1")
9885    (mkdir "lsh-testdir/src2")
9886    (mkdir "lsh-testdir/obj")
9887    #t)
9888  (begin
9889    (with-output-to-file "lsh-testdir/src1/lib.ss"
9890      (lambda ()
9891        (pretty-print
9892         '(library (lib) (export a) (import (scheme))
9893            (define a "src1 provided this a"))))
9894      'replace)
9895    (with-output-to-file "lsh-testdir/src2/lib.ss"
9896      (lambda ()
9897        (pretty-print
9898         '(library (lib) (export a) (import (scheme))
9899            (define a "a from src2"))))
9900      'replace)
9901    (with-output-to-file "lsh-testdir/src2/foo.ss"
9902      (lambda ()
9903        (pretty-print
9904         '(library (foo) (export a) (import (scheme) (lib)))))
9905      'replace)
9906    (parameterize ([generate-wpo-files #t]
9907                   [compile-imported-libraries #t]
9908                   [library-directories '(("src2" . "obj"))])
9909      (compile-file "lsh-testdir/src2/lib.ss" "lsh-testdir/obj/lib.so")
9910      (compile-file "lsh-testdir/src2/foo.ss" "lsh-testdir/obj/foo.so"))
9911    #t)
9912  (equal?
9913   "a from src2\n"
9914   (separate-eval
9915    '(cd "lsh-testdir")
9916    '(library-extensions '((".ss" . ".so")))
9917    '(library-directories '(("src2" . "obj") ("src1" . "obj")))
9918    '(library-search-handler
9919      (lambda (who path dir* all-ext*)
9920        (let-values ([(src-path obj-path obj-exists?)
9921                      (default-library-search-handler who path dir* all-ext*)])
9922          (assert (equal? src-path "src2/lib.ss"))
9923          (assert (equal? obj-path "obj/lib.so"))
9924          (assert obj-exists?)
9925          (values src-path obj-path obj-exists?))))
9926    '(printf "~a\n" (let () (import (lib)) a))))
9927  (equal?
9928   "src1 provided this a\n"
9929   (separate-eval
9930    '(cd "lsh-testdir")
9931    '(library-extensions '((".ss" . ".so")))
9932    '(library-directories '(("src2" . "obj") ("src1" . "obj")))
9933    '(library-search-handler
9934      (lambda (who path dir* all-ext*)
9935        (assert (eq? who 'import))
9936        (assert (equal? path '(lib)))
9937        (assert (equal? dir* (library-directories)))
9938        (assert (equal? all-ext* (library-extensions)))
9939        ;; switcheroo
9940        (values "src1/lib.ss" #f #f)))
9941    '(printf "~a\n" (let () (import (lib)) a))))
9942  (equal?
9943   (string-append
9944    "compiling src1/lib.ss with output to obj/lib-compiled.so\n"
9945    "src1 provided this a\n")
9946   (separate-eval
9947    '(cd "lsh-testdir")
9948    '(compile-imported-libraries #t)
9949    '(library-search-handler
9950      (lambda (who path dir* all-ext*)
9951        (values "src1/lib.ss" "obj/lib-compiled.so" #f)))
9952    '(printf "~a\n" (let () (import (lib)) a))))
9953  ;; the default library-search-handler finds obj/lib.wpo
9954  ;; so no libraries are needed at run time
9955  (equal?
9956    "()\n"
9957   (separate-eval
9958    '(cd "lsh-testdir")
9959    '(library-extensions '((".ss" . ".so")))
9960    '(library-directories '(("src1" . "obj") ("src2" . "obj")))
9961    '(compile-whole-library "obj/foo.wpo" "foo.library")))
9962  (equal?
9963   "((lib))\n"
9964   (separate-eval
9965    '(cd "lsh-testdir")
9966    '(library-extensions '((".ss" . ".so")))
9967    '(library-directories '(("src1" . "obj") ("src2" . "obj")))
9968    '(define (check who path dir*)
9969       (assert (eq? who 'compile-whole-library))
9970       (assert (equal? path '(lib)))
9971       (assert (equal? dir* (library-directories))))
9972    '(library-search-handler
9973      (lambda (who path dir* all-ext*)
9974        (check who path dir*)
9975        (assert (equal? all-ext* '((".ss" . ".wpo"))))
9976        ;; default search finds the wpo file, but ...
9977        (let-values ([(src-path obj-path obj-exists?)
9978                      (default-library-search-handler who path dir* all-ext*)])
9979          ;; user reordered library-directories since compiling the wpo file
9980          (assert (equal? src-path "src1/lib.ss"))
9981          (assert (equal? obj-path "obj/lib.wpo"))
9982          (assert obj-exists?))
9983        ;; ... we install a new handler that returns the object file instead
9984        (library-search-handler
9985         (lambda (who path dir* all-ext*)
9986           (check who path dir*)
9987           (assert (equal? all-ext* (library-extensions)))
9988           (values #f "obj/lib.so" #t)))
9989        ;; ... and report no .wpo file found so we fall back to the
9990        ;; library-search-handler just installed
9991        (values #f #f #f)))
9992    '(compile-whole-library "obj/foo.wpo" "foo.library")))
9993  (begin
9994    (rm-rf "lsh-testdir")
9995    #t)
9998(mat compile-imported-libraries
9999  (not (compile-imported-libraries))
10000  (begin
10001    (mkdir "testdir")
10002    #t)
10003  (begin
10004    (define $cil '())
10005    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil1.sls"
10006      (lambda ()
10007        (pretty-print '(eval-when (compile) (set! $cil (cons 'cil1 $cil))))
10008        (pretty-print
10009          '(library (testdir cil1) (export a) (import (rnrs))
10010             (define x 57388321)
10011             (define-syntax a (lambda (q) #'x)))))
10012      'replace)
10013    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil2.sls"
10014      (lambda ()
10015        (pretty-print '(eval-when (compile) (set! $cil (cons 'cil2 $cil))))
10016        (pretty-print
10017          '(library (testdir cil2) (export a b f get-y) (import (rnrs) (testdir cil1))
10018             (define y #f)
10019             (define get-y (lambda () y))
10020             (define b (lambda () (list a)))
10021             (define f (lambda (v) (set! y v))))))
10022      'replace)
10023    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil"
10024      (lambda ()
10025        (display "#! /usr/bin/env scheme-script\n")
10026        (pretty-print '(import (rnrs) (testdir cil2)))
10027        (pretty-print '(f (cons (b) a))))
10028      'replace)
10029    #t)
10030  (equal?
10031    (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t]
10032                   [compile-file-message #f]
10033                   [compile-library-handler
10034                    (lambda args
10035                      (printf "hello!\n")
10036                      (flush-output-port)
10037                      (apply compile-library args)
10038                      (printf "goodbye.\n")
10039                      (flush-output-port))])
10040      (with-output-to-string
10041        (lambda ()
10042          (load-program "testdir/cil"))))
10043    "hello!\nhello!\ngoodbye.\ngoodbye.\n")
10044  (file-exists? "testdir/cil1.so")
10045  (file-exists? "testdir/cil2.so")
10046  (equal? $cil '(cil1 cil2))
10047  (equal? (let () (import (testdir cil2)) (get-y)) '((57388321) . 57388321))
10048  (equal? (let () (import (testdir cil2)) (f 772) (get-y)) 772)
10049  (eq?
10050    (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
10051      (load-program "testdir/cil"))
10052    (void))
10053  (equal? (let () (import (testdir cil2)) (get-y)) '((57388321) . 57388321))
10054  (equal? $cil '(cil1 cil2))
10055  (begin
10056    (rm-rf "testdir")
10057    #t)
10058 ; once again with extension .ss, to see if position in library-extensions list matters
10059  (begin
10060    (mkdir "testdir")
10061    #t)
10062  (begin
10063    (define $cil '())
10064    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil3.ss"
10065      (lambda ()
10066        (pretty-print '(eval-when (compile) (set! $cil (cons 'cil3 $cil))))
10067        (pretty-print
10068          '(library (testdir cil3) (export a) (import (rnrs))
10069             (define x 57388321)
10070             (define-syntax a (lambda (q) #'x)))))
10071      'replace)
10072    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil4.ss"
10073      (lambda ()
10074        (pretty-print '(eval-when (compile) (set! $cil (cons 'cil4 $cil))))
10075        (pretty-print
10076          '(library (testdir cil4) (export a b f get-y) (import (rnrs) (testdir cil3))
10077             (define y #f)
10078             (define get-y (lambda () y))
10079             (define b (lambda () (list a)))
10080             (define f (lambda (v) (set! y v))))))
10081      'replace)
10082    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil"
10083      (lambda ()
10084        (display "#! /usr/bin/env scheme-script\n")
10085        (pretty-print '(import (rnrs) (testdir cil4)))
10086        (pretty-print '(f (cons (b) a))))
10087      'replace)
10088    #t)
10089  (eq?
10090    (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
10091      (load-program "testdir/cil"))
10092    (void))
10093  (file-exists? "testdir/cil3.so")
10094  (file-exists? "testdir/cil4.so")
10095  (equal? $cil '(cil3 cil4))
10096  (equal? (let () (import (testdir cil4)) (get-y)) '((57388321) . 57388321))
10097  (equal? (let () (import (testdir cil4)) (f 772) (get-y)) 772)
10098  (eq?
10099    (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
10100      (load-program "testdir/cil"))
10101    (void))
10102  (equal? (let () (import (testdir cil4)) (get-y)) '((57388321) . 57388321))
10103  (equal? $cil '(cil3 cil4))
10104  (begin
10105    (rm-rf "testdir")
10106    (rm-rf "objdir")
10107    #t)
10108 ; try again with different library-directories and library-extensions
10109  (begin
10110    (mkdir "testdir")
10111    #t)
10112  (begin
10113    (define $cil '())
10114    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil5.ss"
10115      (lambda ()
10116        (pretty-print '(eval-when (compile) (set! $cil (cons 'cil5 $cil))))
10117        (pretty-print
10118          '(library (testdir cil5) (export a) (import (rnrs))
10119             (define x 57388321)
10120             (define-syntax a (lambda (q) #'x)))))
10121      'replace)
10122    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil6.sls"
10123      (lambda ()
10124        (pretty-print '(eval-when (compile) (set! $cil (cons 'cil6 $cil))))
10125        (pretty-print
10126          '(library (testdir cil6) (export a b f get-y) (import (rnrs) (testdir cil5))
10127             (define y #f)
10128             (define get-y (lambda () y))
10129             (define b (lambda () (list a)))
10130             (define f (lambda (v) (set! y v))))))
10131      'replace)
10132    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil"
10133      (lambda ()
10134        (display "#! /usr/bin/env scheme-script\n")
10135        (pretty-print '(import (rnrs) (testdir cil6)))
10136        (pretty-print '(f (cons (b) a))))
10137      'replace)
10138    #t)
10139  (eq?
10140    (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t]
10141                   [library-directories '(("." . "objdir"))]
10142                   [library-extensions '((".sls" . ".bar") (".ss" . ".foo"))])
10143      (load-program "testdir/cil"))
10144    (void))
10145  (file-exists? "objdir/testdir/cil5.foo")
10146  (file-exists? "objdir/testdir/cil6.bar")
10147  (equal? $cil '(cil5 cil6))
10148  (equal? (let () (import (testdir cil6)) (get-y)) '((57388321) . 57388321))
10149  (equal? (let () (import (testdir cil6)) (f 772) (get-y)) 772)
10150  (eq?
10151    (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t]
10152                   [library-directories '(("." . "objdir"))]
10153                   [library-extensions '((".sls" . ".bar") (".ss" . ".foo"))])
10154      (load-program "testdir/cil"))
10155    (void))
10156  (equal? (let () (import (testdir cil6)) (get-y)) '((57388321) . 57388321))
10157  (equal? $cil '(cil5 cil6))
10158  (begin
10159    (rm-rf "testdir")
10160    (rm-rf "objdir")
10161    #t)
10162 ; what if we compile explicitly first?
10163  (begin
10164    (mkdir "testdir")
10165    #t)
10166  (begin
10167    (define $cil '())
10168    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil7.sls"
10169      (lambda ()
10170        (pretty-print '(eval-when (compile) (set! $cil (cons 'cil7 $cil))))
10171        (pretty-print
10172          '(library (testdir cil7) (export a) (import (rnrs))
10173             (define x 57388321)
10174             (define-syntax a (lambda (q) #'x)))))
10175      'replace)
10176    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil8.sls"
10177      (lambda ()
10178        (pretty-print '(eval-when (compile) (set! $cil (cons 'cil8 $cil))))
10179        (pretty-print
10180          '(library (testdir cil8) (export a b f get-y) (import (rnrs) (testdir cil7))
10181             (define y #f)
10182             (define get-y (lambda () y))
10183             (define b (lambda () (list a)))
10184             (define f (lambda (v) (set! y v))))))
10185      'replace)
10186    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil"
10187      (lambda ()
10188        (display "#! /usr/bin/env scheme-script\n")
10189        (pretty-print '(import (rnrs) (testdir cil8)))
10190        (pretty-print '(f (cons (b) a))))
10191      'replace)
10192    (compile-library "testdir/cil7.sls")
10193    (compile-library "testdir/cil8.sls")
10194    #t)
10195  (file-exists? "testdir/cil7.so")
10196  (file-exists? "testdir/cil8.so")
10197  (equal? $cil '(cil8 cil7))
10198  (eq?
10199    (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
10200      (load-program "testdir/cil"))
10201    (void))
10202  (equal? $cil '(cil8 cil7))
10203  (equal? (let () (import (testdir cil8)) (get-y)) '((57388321) . 57388321))
10204  (begin
10205    (rm-rf "testdir")
10206    #t)
10207 ; what if we compile ahead of time, and put .so in library extensions?
10208  (begin
10209    (mkdir "testdir")
10210    #t)
10211  (begin
10212    (define $cil '())
10213    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil9.sls"
10214      (lambda ()
10215        (pretty-print '(eval-when (compile) (set! $cil (cons 'cil9 $cil))))
10216        (pretty-print
10217          '(library (testdir cil9) (export a) (import (rnrs))
10218             (define x 57388321)
10219             (define-syntax a (lambda (q) #'x)))))
10220      'replace)
10221    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil10.sls"
10222      (lambda ()
10223        (pretty-print '(eval-when (compile) (set! $cil (cons 'cil10 $cil))))
10224        (pretty-print
10225          '(library (testdir cil10) (export a b f get-y) (import (rnrs) (testdir cil9))
10226             (define y #f)
10227             (define get-y (lambda () y))
10228             (define b (lambda () (list a)))
10229             (define f (lambda (v) (set! y v))))))
10230      'replace)
10231    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil"
10232      (lambda ()
10233        (display "#! /usr/bin/env scheme-script\n")
10234        (pretty-print '(import (rnrs) (testdir cil10)))
10235        (pretty-print '(f (cons (b) a))))
10236      'replace)
10237    (compile-library "testdir/cil9.sls")
10238    (compile-library "testdir/cil10.sls")
10239    #t)
10240  (file-exists? "testdir/cil9.so")
10241  (file-exists? "testdir/cil10.so")
10242  (equal? $cil '(cil10 cil9))
10243  (eq?
10244    (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t]
10245                   [library-extensions (cons ".so" (library-extensions))])
10246      (load-program "testdir/cil"))
10247    (void))
10248  (equal? $cil '(cil10 cil9))
10249  (equal? (let () (import (testdir cil10)) (get-y)) '((57388321) . 57388321))
10250  (begin
10251    (rm-rf "testdir")
10252    #t)
10253 ; separate compilation
10254  (begin
10255    (mkdir "testdir")
10256    #t)
10257  (begin
10258    (define $cil '())
10259    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil11.sls"
10260      (lambda ()
10261        (pretty-print '(eval-when (compile) (set! $cil (cons 'cil11 $cil))))
10262        (pretty-print
10263          '(library (testdir cil11) (export a) (import (rnrs))
10264             (define x 57388321)
10265             (define-syntax a (lambda (q) #'x)))))
10266      'replace)
10267    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil12.sls"
10268      (lambda ()
10269        (pretty-print '(eval-when (compile) (set! $cil (cons 'cil12 $cil))))
10270        (pretty-print
10271          '(library (testdir cil12) (export a b f get-y) (import (rnrs) (testdir cil11))
10272             (define y #f)
10273             (define get-y (lambda () y))
10274             (define b (lambda () (list a)))
10275             (define f (lambda (v) (set! y v))))))
10276      'replace)
10277    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil.ss"
10278      (lambda ()
10279        (display "#! /usr/bin/env scheme-script\n")
10280        (pretty-print '(import (rnrs) (testdir cil12)))
10281        (pretty-print '(f (cons (b) a))))
10282      'replace)
10283    #t)
10284  (begin
10285    (separate-compile
10286      '(lambda (x)
10287         (set! $cil '())
10288         (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
10289           (compile-program x)))
10290      "testdir/cil")
10291    #t)
10292  (file-exists? "testdir/cil.so")
10293  (file-exists? "testdir/cil11.so")
10294  (file-exists? "testdir/cil12.so")
10295  (equal? $cil '())
10296  (equal? (let () (import (testdir cil11)) a) 57388321)
10297  (eq?
10298    (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
10299      (load-program "testdir/cil.so"))
10300    (void))
10301  (equal? (let () (import (testdir cil12)) (get-y)) '((57388321) . 57388321))
10302  (equal? $cil '())
10303  (begin
10304    (rm-rf "testdir")
10305    #t)
10306 ; test auto recompilation if dependency is recompiled
10307  (begin
10308    (mkdir "testdir")
10309    #t)
10310  (begin
10311    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil13.sls"
10312      (lambda ()
10313        (pretty-print
10314          '(library (testdir cil13) (export a x) (import (rnrs))
10315             (define x 73)
10316             (define-syntax a (lambda (q) #'(+ x 6))))))
10317      'replace)
10318    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil14.sls"
10319      (lambda ()
10320        (pretty-print
10321          '(library (testdir cil14) (export a b f get-y) (import (rnrs) (testdir cil13))
10322             (define y #f)
10323             (define get-y (lambda () y))
10324             (define b (lambda () (list a x)))
10325             (define f (lambda (v) (set! y v))))))
10326      'replace)
10327    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil-a.ss"
10328      (lambda ()
10329        (display "#! /usr/bin/env scheme-script\n")
10330        (pretty-print '(import (rnrs) (testdir cil14)))
10331        (pretty-print '(f (cons (b) a)))
10332        (pretty-print '(display (get-y))))
10333      'replace)
10334    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil15.sls"
10335      (lambda ()
10336        (pretty-print
10337          '(library (testdir cil15) (export a x) (import (rnrs))
10338             (define x 73)
10339             (define-syntax a (lambda (q) #'(+ x 6))))))
10340      'replace)
10341    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil16.sls"
10342      (lambda ()
10343        (pretty-print
10344          '(library (testdir cil16) (export a b f get-y) (import (rnrs) (testdir cil15))
10345             (define y #f)
10346             (define get-y (lambda () y))
10347             (define b (lambda () (list a x)))
10348             (define f (lambda (v) (set! y v))))))
10349      'replace)
10350    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil-b.ss"
10351      (lambda ()
10352        (display "#! /usr/bin/env scheme-script\n")
10353        (pretty-print '(import (rnrs) (testdir cil16)))
10354        (pretty-print '(f (cons (b) a)))
10355        (pretty-print '(display (get-y))))
10356      'replace)
10357    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil17.sls"
10358      (lambda ()
10359        (pretty-print
10360          '(library (testdir cil17) (export a x) (import (rnrs))
10361             (define x 73)
10362             (define-syntax a (lambda (q) #'(+ x 6))))))
10363      'replace)
10364    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil18.sls"
10365      (lambda ()
10366        (pretty-print
10367          '(library (testdir cil18) (export a b f get-y) (import (rnrs) (testdir cil17))
10368             (define y #f)
10369             (define get-y (lambda () y))
10370             (define b (lambda () (list a x)))
10371             (define f (lambda (v) (set! y v))))))
10372      'replace)
10373    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil-c.ss"
10374      (lambda ()
10375        (display "#! /usr/bin/env scheme-script\n")
10376        (pretty-print '(import (rnrs) (testdir cil18)))
10377        (pretty-print '(f (cons (b) a)))
10378        (pretty-print '(display (get-y))))
10379      'replace)
10380    #t)
10381 ; compile 'em all in a separate process
10382  (begin
10383    (separate-compile
10384      '(lambda (x)
10385         (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
10386           (compile-program x)))
10387      "testdir/cil-a")
10388    (separate-compile
10389      '(lambda (x)
10390         (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
10391           (compile-program x)))
10392      "testdir/cil-b")
10393    (separate-compile
10394      '(lambda (x)
10395         (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
10396           (compile-program x)))
10397      "testdir/cil-c")
10398    #t)
10399  (file-exists? "testdir/cil-a.so")
10400  (file-exists? "testdir/cil13.so")
10401  (file-exists? "testdir/cil14.so")
10402  (file-exists? "testdir/cil-b.so")
10403  (file-exists? "testdir/cil15.so")
10404  (file-exists? "testdir/cil16.so")
10405  (file-exists? "testdir/cil-c.so")
10406  (file-exists? "testdir/cil13.so")
10407  (file-exists? "testdir/cil14.so")
10408 ; can't test programs' output here, since we don't want
10409 ; to load the libraries until after the next step
10410 ; now delete object file or modify source file and recompile
10411  (begin
10412   ; ensure a different time stamp
10413    (delete-file "testdir/cil13.so")
10414    (separate-compile
10415      '(lambda (x)
10416         (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
10417           (compile-program x)))
10418      "testdir/cil-a")
10419    (sleep (make-time 'time-duration 0 1))
10420    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil15.sls"
10421      (lambda ()
10422        (pretty-print
10423          '(library (testdir cil15) (export a x) (import (rnrs))
10424             (define x -73)
10425             (define-syntax a (lambda (q) #'(+ x 6))))))
10426      'replace)
10427    (separate-compile
10428      '(lambda (x)
10429         (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
10430           (compile-program x)))
10431      "testdir/cil-b")
10432    (delete-file "testdir/cil17.so")
10433    (separate-compile
10434      '(lambda (x)
10435         (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #f]) ; #f here rather than #t should cause failure
10436           (compile-program x)))
10437      "testdir/cil-c")
10438    #t)
10439  (file-exists? "testdir/cil-a.so")
10440  (file-exists? "testdir/cil13.so")
10441  (file-exists? "testdir/cil14.so")
10442  (file-exists? "testdir/cil-b.so")
10443  (file-exists? "testdir/cil15.so")
10444  (file-exists? "testdir/cil16.so")
10445  ; testdir/cil-c.so exists now that load-library reloads source when dependency changes
10446  (file-exists? "testdir/cil-c.so")
10447  (file-exists? "testdir/cil13.so")
10448  (file-exists? "testdir/cil14.so")
10449  (file-exists? "testdir/cil-a.so")
10450  (file-exists? "testdir/cil13.so")
10451  (file-exists? "testdir/cil14.so")
10452 ; now test programs' output
10453  (equal?
10454    (with-output-to-string
10455      (lambda () (load-program "testdir/cil-a.so")))
10456    "((79 73) . 79)")
10457  (equal?
10458    (with-output-to-string
10459      (lambda () (load-program "testdir/cil-b.so")))
10460    "((-67 -73) . -67)")
10461  (begin
10462    (rm-rf "testdir")
10463    #t)
10464  ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
10465  (begin
10466    (mkdir "testdir")
10467    #t)
10468  (begin
10469    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil19A.ss"
10470      (lambda ()
10471        (pretty-print
10472          '(library (testdir cil19A)
10473             (export x)
10474             (import (chezscheme))
10475             (define x (make-parameter 13)))))
10476      'replace)
10477    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil19B.ss"
10478      (lambda ()
10479        (pretty-print
10480          '(library (testdir cil19B)
10481             (export y)
10482             (import (chezscheme))
10483            ; importing from within RHS to make sure RHS imports are tracked
10484             (define y (make-parameter (let () (import (testdir cil19A)) (+ (x) 5)))))))
10485      'replace)
10486    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil19C.ss"
10487      (lambda ()
10488        (pretty-print
10489          '(import (chezscheme) (testdir cil19B)))
10490        (pretty-print
10491          '(pretty-print (y))))
10492      'replace)
10493    #t)
10494  (equal?
10495    (separate-eval
10496      '(compile-imported-libraries #t)
10497      '(load-program "testdir/cil19C.ss"))
10498    "compiling testdir/cil19B.ss with output to testdir/cil19B.so\ncompiling testdir/cil19A.ss with output to testdir/cil19A.so\n18\n")
10499  (file-exists? "testdir/cil19A.so")
10500  (file-exists? "testdir/cil19B.so")
10501  (equal?
10502    (separate-eval
10503      '(compile-imported-libraries #t)
10504      '(load-program "testdir/cil19C.ss"))
10505    "18\n")
10506 ; now add an include file
10507  (begin
10508    (sleep (make-time 'time-duration 0 1))
10509    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil19A1.ss"
10510      (lambda ()
10511        (pretty-print
10512          '(define x (make-parameter 19))))
10513      'replace)
10514    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil19A.ss"
10515      (lambda ()
10516        (pretty-print
10517          '(library (testdir cil19A)
10518             (export x)
10519             (import (chezscheme))
10520             (include "cil19A1.ss"))))
10521      'replace)
10522    #t)
10523  (equal?
10524    (separate-eval
10525      '(compile-imported-libraries #t)
10526      '(load-program "testdir/cil19C.ss"))
10527    "compiling testdir/cil19A.ss with output to testdir/cil19A.so\ncompiling testdir/cil19B.ss with output to testdir/cil19B.so\n24\n")
10528  (equal?
10529    (separate-eval
10530      '(compile-imported-libraries #t)
10531      '(load-program "testdir/cil19C.ss"))
10532    "24\n")
10533 ; now change first include file to include a second
10534  (begin
10535    (sleep (make-time 'time-duration 0 1))
10536    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil19A2.ss"
10537      (lambda ()
10538        (pretty-print
10539          '(define x (make-parameter 23))))
10540      'replace)
10541    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil19A1.ss"
10542      (lambda ()
10543        (pretty-print
10544          '(include "cil19A2.ss")))
10545      'replace)
10546    #t)
10547  ; load w/compile-imported-libraries #f---should get old result
10548  ; not longer now that load-library reloads source when dependency changes
10549  (equal?
10550    (separate-eval
10551      '(compile-imported-libraries #f)
10552      '(load-program "testdir/cil19C.ss"))
10553    "28\n"
10554    #;"24\n")
10555  ; should get new result with compile-imported-libraries #t
10556  (equal?
10557    (separate-eval
10558      '(compile-imported-libraries #t)
10559      '(load-program "testdir/cil19C.ss"))
10560    "compiling testdir/cil19A.ss with output to testdir/cil19A.so\ncompiling testdir/cil19B.ss with output to testdir/cil19B.so\n28\n")
10561  (equal?
10562    (separate-eval
10563      '(compile-imported-libraries #t)
10564      '(load-program "testdir/cil19C.ss"))
10565    "28\n")
10566 ; now change second include file
10567  (begin
10568    (sleep (make-time 'time-duration 0 1))
10569    (with-output-to-file "testdir/cil19A2.ss"
10570      (lambda ()
10571        (pretty-print
10572          '(define x (make-parameter 31))))
10573      'replace)
10574    #t)
10575  (equal?
10576    (separate-eval
10577      '(compile-imported-libraries #t)
10578      '(load-program "testdir/cil19C.ss"))
10579    "compiling testdir/cil19A.ss with output to testdir/cil19A.so\ncompiling testdir/cil19B.ss with output to testdir/cil19B.so\n36\n")
10580  (equal?
10581    (separate-eval
10582      '(compile-imported-libraries #t)
10583      '(load-program "testdir/cil19C.ss"))
10584    "36\n")
10585  (begin
10586    (rm-rf "testdir")
10587    #t)
10590(mat import-notify
10591  (eq? (import-notify 'yes) (void))
10592  (eq? (import-notify) #t)
10593  (begin
10594    (with-output-to-file "testfile-imno1.ss"
10595      (lambda ()
10596        (pretty-print
10597          '(library (testfile-imno1) (export x) (import (rnrs))
10598             (define x -73))))
10599      'replace)
10600    (with-output-to-file "testfile-imno2.ss"
10601      (lambda ()
10602        (pretty-print
10603          '(library (testfile-imno2) (export y) (import (rnrs) (testfile-imno1))
10604             (define y (+ x x)))))
10605      'replace)
10606    (separate-compile 'imno1)
10607    #t)
10608  (equal?
10609    (parameterize ([source-directories '(".")]
10610                   [library-directories '(".")]
10611                   [console-output-port (open-output-string)])
10612      (eval '(lambda () (import (testfile-imno2)) y))
10613      (get-output-string (console-output-port)))
10614    "import: did not find source file \"testfile-imno2.chezscheme.sls\"\nimport: found source file \"testfile-imno2.ss\"\nimport: did not find corresponding object file \"testfile-imno2.so\"\nimport: loading source file \"testfile-imno2.ss\"\nimport: did not find source file \"testfile-imno1.chezscheme.sls\"\nimport: found source file \"testfile-imno1.ss\"\nimport: found corresponding object file \"testfile-imno1.so\"\nimport: object file is not older\nimport: visiting object file \"testfile-imno1.so\"\nattempting to 'revisit' previously 'visited' \"testfile-imno1.so\" for library (testfile-imno1) run-time info\n")
10615  (eq? (import-notify #f) (void))
10618(mat rnrs-libraries
10619  (equal?
10620    (let ([cons void])
10621      (let () (import (rnrs base)) (cons 3 4)))
10622    '(3 . 4))
10625(mat top-level-program
10626  (equal?
10627    (with-output-to-string
10628      (lambda ()
10629        (eval '(top-level-program (import (scheme))
10630                 (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax (cons x y)))
10631                 (define x 55)
10632                 (printf "x = ~s\n" x)
10633                 (define y 'yyy)
10634                 (printf "(a x y) = ~s\n" (list a x y))))))
10635    "x = 55\n(a x y) = ((55 . yyy) 55 yyy)\n")
10636  (equal?
10637    (with-output-to-string
10638      (lambda ()
10639        (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlp1.ss"
10640          (lambda ()
10641            (pretty-print
10642              '(library (testfile-tlp1) (export $tlp-x $tlp-y) (import (scheme))
10643                 (define-syntax $tlp-y
10644                   (begin
10645                     (printf "visiting tlp1\n")
10646                     (identifier-syntax (cons ($tlp-x) (z)))))
10647                 (define z (make-parameter 'zzz))
10648                 (define $tlp-x (make-parameter 'xxx))
10649                 (printf "invoking tlp1\n"))))
10650          'replace)
10651        (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlp.ss"
10652          (lambda ()
10653            (pretty-print
10654              '(top-level-program (import (testfile-tlp1) (rnrs) (only (scheme) list printf))
10655                 (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax (cons x y)))
10656                 (define x ($tlp-x))
10657                 (printf "x = ~s\n" x)
10658                 (define y $tlp-y)
10659                 (printf "(a x y) = ~s\n" (list a x y)))))
10660          'replace)
10661       ; compile in same Scheme process
10662        (compile-file "testfile-tlp1")
10663        (compile-file "testfile-tlp")))
10664    "compiling testfile-tlp1.ss with output to testfile-tlp1.so\nvisiting tlp1\ncompiling testfile-tlp.ss with output to testfile-tlp.so\n")
10665  (equal?
10666    (with-output-to-string
10667      (lambda () (load "testfile-tlp.so")))
10668    "invoking tlp1\nx = xxx\n(a x y) = ((xxx xxx . zzz) xxx (xxx . zzz))\n")
10669  (begin
10670    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlp2.ss"
10671      (lambda ()
10672        (pretty-print
10673          '(library (testfile-tlp2) (export $tlp-x $tlp-y) (import (scheme))
10674             (define-syntax $tlp-y
10675               (begin
10676                 (printf "visiting tlp2\n")
10677                 (identifier-syntax (cons ($tlp-x) z))))
10678             (define z 'zzz)
10679             (define $tlp-x (make-parameter 'xxx))
10680             (printf "invoking tlp2\n"))))
10681      'replace)
10682    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlp.ss"
10683      (lambda ()
10684        (pretty-print
10685          '(top-level-program (import (testfile-tlp2) (rnrs) (only (scheme) list printf))
10686             (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax (cons x y)))
10687             (define x ($tlp-x))
10688             (printf "x = ~s\n" x)
10689             (define y $tlp-y)
10690             (printf "(a x y) = ~s\n" (list a x y)))))
10691      'replace)
10692    (for-each separate-compile '(tlp2 tlp))
10693    #t)
10694  (equal?
10695    (with-output-to-string
10696      (lambda () (load "testfile-tlp.so")))
10697    "invoking tlp2\nx = xxx\n(a x y) = ((xxx xxx . zzz) xxx (xxx . zzz))\n")
10698  (begin
10699    (with-output-to-file "testfile.ss"
10700      (lambda ()
10701        (for-each pretty-print
10702          '((import (rnrs))
10703            (define x 0)
10704            (define (inc v) (set! x (+ x v)) x)
10705            (if (inc 3)))))
10706      'replace)
10707    #t)
10708  (error? ; invalid syntax (if (inc 3)) at [not near] line 4, char 1
10709    (load-program "testfile.ss"))
10710  (equal?
10711    (with-output-to-string
10712      (lambda ()
10713        (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlp1.ss"
10714          (lambda ()
10715            (pretty-print
10716              '(library (testfile-tlp1) (export $tlp-x $tlp-y) (import (scheme))
10717                 (define-syntax $tlp-y
10718                   (begin
10719                     (printf "visiting tlp1\n")
10720                     (identifier-syntax (cons ($tlp-x) (z)))))
10721                 (define z (make-parameter 'zzz))
10722                 (define $tlp-x (make-parameter 'xxx))
10723                 (printf "invoking tlp1\n"))))
10724          'replace)
10725        (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlp.ss"
10726          (lambda ()
10727            (for-each pretty-print
10728              '((import (testfile-tlp1) (rnrs) (only (scheme) list printf))
10729                (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax (cons x y)))
10730                (define x ($tlp-x))
10731                (printf "x = ~s\n" x)
10732                (define y $tlp-y)
10733                (printf "(a x y) = ~s\n" (list a x y)))))
10734          'replace)
10735       ; compile in same Scheme process
10736        (compile-library "testfile-tlp1")
10737        (compile-program "testfile-tlp")))
10738    "compiling testfile-tlp1.ss with output to testfile-tlp1.so\nvisiting tlp1\ncompiling testfile-tlp.ss with output to testfile-tlp.so\n")
10739  (equal?
10740    (with-output-to-string
10741      (lambda ()
10742        (load-library "testfile-tlp1.so")))
10743    "")
10744  (equal?
10745    (with-output-to-string
10746      (lambda ()
10747        (load-program "testfile-tlp.so")))
10748    "invoking tlp1\nx = xxx\n(a x y) = ((xxx xxx . zzz) xxx (xxx . zzz))\n")
10749 ; load again from source
10750  (equal?
10751    (with-output-to-string
10752      (lambda ()
10753        (load-library "testfile-tlp1.ss")))
10754    "visiting tlp1\n")
10755  (error? ; wrong version of testfile-tlp1
10756    (load-program "testfile-tlp.so"))
10757  (equal?
10758    (with-output-to-string
10759      (lambda ()
10760        (load-program "testfile-tlp.ss")))
10761    "invoking tlp1\nx = xxx\n(a x y) = ((xxx xxx . zzz) xxx (xxx . zzz))\n")
10762  (begin
10763    (delete-file "testfile-tlp1.so")
10764    (delete-file "testfile-tlp.so")
10765    #t)
10766  (begin
10767    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlp1.ss"
10768      (lambda ()
10769        (parameterize ([print-vector-length #t])
10770          (pretty-print
10771            '(library (testfile-tlp1) (export $tlp-z) (import (chezscheme))
10772               (define $tlp-z '#3(1 2))))))
10773      'replace)
10774    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlp.ss"
10775      (lambda ()
10776        (parameterize ([print-vector-length #t])
10777          (for-each pretty-print
10778            '((import (testfile-tlp1) (chezscheme))
10779              (pretty-print (equal? $tlp-z '#3(1 2)))))))
10780      'replace)
10781    #t)
10782  (error? ; nonstandard vector-length syntax
10783    (compile-library "testfile-tlp1"))
10784  (error? ; nonstandard vector-length syntax
10785    (compile-program "testfile-tlp"))
10786  (error? ; nonstandard vector-length syntax
10787    (load-library "testfile-tlp1.ss"))
10788  (error? ; nonstandard vector-length syntax
10789    (load-program "testfile-tlp.ss"))
10790  (begin
10791    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlp1.ss"
10792      (lambda ()
10793        (display "#!chezscheme\n")
10794        (parameterize ([print-vector-length #t])
10795          (pretty-print
10796            '(library (testfile-tlp1) (export $tlp-z) (import (chezscheme))
10797               (define $tlp-z '#3(1 2))))))
10798      'replace)
10799    (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlp.ss"
10800      (lambda ()
10801        (display "#!chezscheme\n")
10802        (parameterize ([print-vector-length #t])
10803          (for-each pretty-print
10804            '((import (testfile-tlp1) (chezscheme))
10805              (pretty-print (equal? $tlp-z '#3(1 2)))))))
10806      'replace)
10807    #t)
10808  (equal?
10809    (begin
10810      (compile-library "testfile-tlp1")
10811      (compile-program "testfile-tlp")
10812      (with-output-to-string
10813        (lambda ()
10814          (load-library "testfile-tlp1.so")
10815          (load-program "testfile-tlp.so"))))
10816    "#t\n")
10817  (equal?
10818    (with-output-to-string
10819      (lambda ()
10820        (load-library "testfile-tlp1.ss")
10821        (load-program "testfile-tlp.ss")))
10822    "#t\n")
10823 ; test to make sure compiled top-level-program doesn't try to
10824 ; load libraries upon which it should not depend
10825  (equal?
10826    (begin
10827      (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlp3.ss"
10828        (lambda ()
10829          (pretty-print
10830            '(library (testfile-tlp3)
10831               (export t1-x)
10832               (import (chezscheme))
10833               (define t1-x 332211))))
10834        'replace)
10835      (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlp4.ss"
10836        (lambda ()
10837          (pretty-print
10838            '(library (testfile-tlp4)
10839               (export t2-q)
10840               (import (chezscheme) (testfile-tlp3))
10841               (define-syntax t2-q (lambda (x) t1-x)))))
10842        'replace)
10843      (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlp5.ss"
10844        (lambda ()
10845          (pretty-print '(import (chezscheme) (testfile-tlp4)))
10846          (pretty-print '(pretty-print t2-q)))
10847        'replace)
10848      (separate-compile 'compile-library 'tlp3)
10849      (separate-compile 'compile-library 'tlp4)
10850      (separate-compile 'compile-program 'tlp5)
10851      (delete-file "testfile-tlp3.ss")
10852      (delete-file "testfile-tlp4.ss")
10853      (delete-file "testfile-tlp3.so")
10854      (delete-file "testfile-tlp4.so")
10855      (printf "loading testfile-tlp5.so\n")
10856      (with-output-to-string
10857        (lambda ()
10858          (load-program "testfile-tlp5.so"))))
10859    "332211\n")
10860 ; check dependencies returned by compile-program
10861  (equal?
10862    (let ()
10863      (define dep8)
10864      (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlp6.ss"
10865        (lambda ()
10866          (pretty-print
10867            '(library (testfile-tlp6)
10868               (export t1-x)
10869               (import (chezscheme))
10870               (define t1-x 332211))))
10871        'replace)
10872      (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlp7.ss"
10873        (lambda ()
10874          (pretty-print
10875            '(library (testfile-tlp7)
10876               (export t2-q)
10877               (import (chezscheme) (testfile-tlp6))
10878               (define-syntax t2-q (lambda (x) t1-x)))))
10879        'replace)
10880      (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlp8.ss"
10881        (lambda ()
10882          (pretty-print '(import (chezscheme) (testfile-tlp7)))
10883          (pretty-print '(pretty-print t2-q)))
10884        'replace)
10885      (compile-library "testfile-tlp6")
10886      (compile-library "testfile-tlp7")
10887      (set! dep8 (compile-program "testfile-tlp8"))
10888      (printf "loading testfile-tlp8.so\n")
10889      (list
10890        (with-output-to-string
10891          (lambda ()
10892            (load-program "testfile-tlp8.so")))
10893        dep8))
10894    '("332211\n" ()))
10895 ; version of the above where program does depend on something
10896  (equal?
10897    (let ()
10898      (define dep8)
10899      (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlp9.ss"
10900        (lambda ()
10901          (pretty-print
10902            '(library (testfile-tlp9)
10903               (export t1-x)
10904               (import (chezscheme))
10905               (define t1-x (make-parameter 332211)))))
10906        'replace)
10907      (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlp10.ss"
10908        (lambda ()
10909          (pretty-print
10910            '(library (testfile-tlp10)
10911               (export t2-q)
10912               (import (chezscheme) (testfile-tlp9))
10913               (define-syntax t2-q (identifier-syntax (t1-x))))))
10914        'replace)
10915      (with-output-to-file "testfile-tlp11.ss"
10916        (lambda ()
10917          (pretty-print '(import (chezscheme) (testfile-tlp10)))
10918          (pretty-print '(pretty-print t2-q)))
10919        'replace)
10920     ; if we don't let the compilation happen implicitly, the filename
10921     ; for (testfile-tlp9) doesn't get set
10922      (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
10923        (set! dep8 (compile-program "testfile-tlp11")))
10924      (printf "loading testfile-tlp11.so\n")
10925      (list
10926        (with-output-to-string
10927          (lambda ()
10928            (load-program "testfile-tlp11.so")))
10929        dep8))
10930    '("332211\n" ((testfile-tlp9))))
10931  (equal? (library-object-filename '(testfile-tlp9)) "testfile-tlp9.so")
10932 ; make sure internal module bindings are properly set up before
10933 ; the body forms are processed
10934  (begin
10935    (top-level-program
10936      (import (chezscheme))
10937      (module ((a x))
10938        (define x 3)
10939        (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax x))
10940        (putprop 'tlp-spam 'tlp 7))
10941      a
10942      (putprop 'tlp-spam 'spam a))
10943    (and (eqv? (getprop 'tlp-spam 'spam) 3)
10944         (eqv? (getprop 'tlp-spam 'tlp) 7)
10945         (remprop 'tlp-spam 'spam)
10946         (remprop 'tlp-spam 'tlp)
10947         #t))
10948  ; make sure we ignore return value(s) of interleaved init expressions
10949  (equal?
10950   (with-output-to-string
10951     (lambda ()
10952       ; prevent cp0 from fixing the problem
10953       (parameterize ([run-cp0 (lambda (f x) x)])
10954         (eval '(top-level-program (import (scheme))
10955                  (define (f) (printf "hello\n") (values 1 2 3))
10956                  (f)
10957                  (define x 'world)
10958                  (pretty-print x))))))
10959   "hello\nworld\n")
10962(mat library-meta
10963  (begin
10964    (with-output-to-file "testfile-lm-a1.ss"
10965      (lambda ()
10966        (pretty-print
10967          '(library (testfile-lm-a1)
10968             (export a)
10969             (import (chezscheme))
10970             (meta define a #'17))))
10971      'replace)
10972    (with-output-to-file "testfile-lm-a2.ss"
10973      (lambda ()
10974        (pretty-print
10975          '(library (testfile-lm-a2)
10976             (export b)
10977             (import (chezscheme) (testfile-lm-a1))
10978             (define-syntax b (lambda (q) a)))))
10979      'replace)
10980    (for-each separate-compile '(lm-a1 lm-a2))
10981    #t)
10982  (equal?
10983    (let ()
10984      (import (testfile-lm-a2))
10985      b)
10986    17)
10987  (error? ; attempt to assign unbound variable
10988    (let ()
10989      (import (testfile-lm-a1))
10990      (define-syntax b (lambda (q) (set! a (+ a 1)) a))))
10991  ; test $visit-library
10992  (begin
10993    (with-output-to-file "testfile-lm-b1.ss"
10994      (lambda ()
10995        (pretty-print
10996          '(library (testfile-lm-b1)
10997             (export a)
10998             (import (chezscheme))
10999             (meta define a #'17))))
11000      'replace)
11001    (with-output-to-file "testfile-lm-b2.ss"
11002      (lambda ()
11003        (pretty-print '(import (testfile-lm-b1)))
11004        (pretty-print '(define-syntax b (lambda (q) a))))
11005      'replace)
11006    (for-each separate-compile '(lm-b1 lm-b2))
11007    #t)
11008  (equal?
11009    (with-output-to-string
11010      (lambda ()
11011        (parameterize ([trace-output-port (current-output-port)])
11012          (load "testfile-lm-b2.so"))))
11013    "")
11014  (eqv? b 17)
11017(mat library-introspection
11018  (error? (library-exports 'foo))
11019  (error? (library-exports '(1 2 3)))
11020  (error? (library-exports '(probably not a valid loaded library)))
11021  (error? (library-exports '(probably not a valid loaded library (2 3))))
11022  (error? (library-exports '(rnrs (six))))
11023  (error? (library-exports '(rnrs (1))))
11024  (error? (library-version 'foo))
11025  (error? (library-version '(1 2 3)))
11026  (error? (library-version '(probably not a valid loaded library)))
11027  (error? (library-version '(probably not a valid loaded library ((>= 0)))))
11028  (error? (library-version '(rnrs (3 . 4))))
11029  (error? (library-version '(rnrs (1))))
11030  (error? (library-requirements 'foo))
11031  (error? (library-requirements '(1 2 3)))
11032  (error? (library-requirements '(probably not a valid loaded library)))
11033  (error? (library-requirements '(probably not a valid loaded library (1))))
11034  (error? (library-requirements '(rnrs (3.0))))
11035  (error? (library-requirements '(rnrs (1))))
11036  (error? (library-object-filename 'foo))
11037  (error? (library-object-filename '(1 2 3)))
11038  (error? (library-object-filename '(probably not a valid loaded library)))
11039  (error? (library-object-filename '(probably not a valid loaded library (2 3))))
11040  (error? (library-object-filename '(rnrs (six))))
11041  (error? (library-object-filename '(rnrs (1))))
11043  (error? (library-requirements 'foo (library-requirements-options)))
11044  (error? (library-requirements '(1 2 3) (library-requirements-options)))
11045  (error? (library-requirements '(probably not a valid loaded library) (library-requirements-options)))
11046  (error? (library-requirements '(probably not a valid loaded library (1)) (library-requirements-options)))
11047  (error? (library-requirements '(rnrs (3.0)) (library-requirements-options)))
11048  (error? (library-requirements '(rnrs (1)) (library-requirements-options)))
11050  (enum-set? (library-requirements-options))
11051  (error? (library-requirements-options . a))
11052  (error? (library-requirements-options spam))
11053  (error? (library-requirements-options import spam))
11055  (error? (library-requirements '(chezscheme) 'import))
11056  (error? (library-requirements '(chezscheme) '(import)))
11057  (error? (library-requirements '(chezscheme) '()))
11059  (begin
11060    (define set-equal?
11061      (lambda (s1 s2)
11062        (and (= (length s1) (length s2))
11063             (andmap (lambda (x) (member x s2)) s1)
11064             #t)))
11065    #t)
11066  (list? (library-list))
11067  (andmap list? (library-list))
11068  (andmap (lambda (x) (andmap symbol? x)) (library-list))
11069  (begin
11070    (library (null) (export) (import))
11071    #t)
11072  (let ([ls (library-list)])
11073    (and
11074      (member '(rnrs) ls)
11075      (member '(rnrs strings) ls)
11076      (member '(rnrs io ports) ls)
11077      (member '(chezscheme) ls)
11078      (member '(scheme) ls)
11079      (member '(null) ls))
11080      #t)
11081  (null? (library-exports '(null)))
11082  (set-equal?
11083    (library-exports '(rnrs mutable-pairs))
11084    '(set-car! set-cdr!))
11085  (equal? (sort string<? (map symbol->string (library-exports '(scheme))))
11086          (sort string<? (map symbol->string (library-exports '(chezscheme)))))
11087  (equal? (library-version '(rnrs)) '(6))
11088  (equal? (library-version '(rnrs (6))) '(6))
11089  (equal? (library-version '(rnrs (or (6) (7)))) '(6))
11090  (equal? (library-version '(rnrs (or (6) (7)))) '(6))
11091  (equal? (library-version '(scheme)) '())
11092  (equal? (library-requirements '(scheme)) '())
11093  (equal? (library-requirements '(scheme) (library-requirements-options)) '())
11094  (equal? (library-requirements '(scheme) (library-requirements-options import)) '())
11095  (equal? (library-requirements '(scheme ())) '())
11096  (equal? (library-requirements '(rnrs)) '())
11097  (equal? (library-requirements '(null)) '())
11098  (not (library-object-filename '(rnrs)))
11099  (not (library-object-filename '(rnrs (6))))
11100  (not (library-object-filename '(rnrs (or (6) (7)))))
11101  (not (library-object-filename '(rnrs (or (6) (7)))))
11102  (not (library-object-filename '(scheme)))
11103  (begin
11104    (library (li1 (3 4 5))
11105      (export x y)
11106      (import (chezscheme))
11107      (define-syntax x (lambda (x) 3))
11108      (define y (+ x 1)))
11109    (library (li2 (7 2))
11110      (export x z w)
11111      (import (rnrs) (li1 (3)))
11112      (define z (+ x y))
11113      (define-syntax w (lambda (q) (* y 2))))
11114    (library (li2a (7 2))
11115      (export x z w)
11116      (import (rnrs) (li1 (3)))
11117      (define z (+ x x))
11118      (define-syntax w (lambda (q) (* y 2))))
11119    #t)
11120  (and (member '(li1) (library-list))
11121       (member '(li2) (library-list))
11122       (member '(li2a) (library-list))
11123       #t)
11124  (equal? (library-version '(li1)) '(3 4 5))
11125  (equal? (library-version '(li2)) '(7 2))
11126  (equal? (library-version '(li2 ((>= 5)))) '(7 2))
11127  (equal? (library-version '(li2 (7 (>= 1)))) '(7 2))
11128  (error? (library-version '(li2 (6))))
11129  (set-equal? (library-exports '(li1)) '(x y))
11130  (set-equal? (library-exports '(li2)) '(x z w))
11131  (set-equal? (library-exports '(li2 ((>= 5)))) '(x z w))
11132  (set-equal? (library-exports '(li2 (7 (>= 1)))) '(x z w))
11133  (error? (library-exports '(li2 (6))))
11134  (not (library-object-filename '(li1)))
11135  (not (library-object-filename '(li2)))
11136  (not (library-object-filename '(li2 ((>= 5)))))
11137  (not (library-object-filename '(li2 (7 (>= 1)))))
11138  (error? (library-exports '(li2 (6))))
11139  (set-equal?
11140    (library-requirements '(li1))
11141    '((chezscheme)))
11142  (set-equal?
11143    (library-requirements '(li2 ((>= 7))))
11144    '((rnrs (6)) (li1 (3 4 5))))
11145  (set-equal?
11146    (library-requirements '(li2))
11147    '((rnrs (6)) (li1 (3 4 5))))
11148  (set-equal?
11149    (library-requirements '(li2) (library-requirements-options import))
11150    '((rnrs (6)) (li1 (3 4 5))))
11151  (set-equal?
11152    (library-requirements '(li2) (library-requirements-options visit@visit))
11153    '())
11154  (set-equal?
11155    (library-requirements '(li2) (library-requirements-options invoke@visit))
11156    '((li1 (3 4 5))))
11157  (set-equal?
11158    (library-requirements '(li2) (library-requirements-options invoke))
11159    '((li1 (3 4 5))))
11160  (error? (library-requirements '(li2 (6))))
11161  (set-equal?
11162    (library-requirements '(li2a))
11163    '((rnrs (6)) (li1 (3 4 5))))
11164  (set-equal?
11165    (library-requirements '(li2a) (library-requirements-options import))
11166    '((rnrs (6)) (li1 (3 4 5))))
11167  (set-equal?
11168    (library-requirements '(li2a) (library-requirements-options visit@visit))
11169    '())
11170  (set-equal?
11171    (library-requirements '(li2a) (library-requirements-options invoke@visit))
11172    '((li1 (3 4 5))))
11173  (set-equal?
11174    (library-requirements '(li2a) (library-requirements-options invoke))
11175    '())
11176  (equal?
11177    (let ()
11178      (import (li1) (li2))
11179      (list x y z w))
11180    '(3 4 7 8))
11181 ; make sure requirements haven't changed just because we used the exports
11182  (set-equal?
11183    (library-requirements '(li1))
11184    '((chezscheme)))
11185  (set-equal?
11186    (library-requirements '(li2))
11187    '((rnrs (6)) (li1 (3 4 5))))
11188  (begin
11189    (define-syntax $li-a
11190      (syntax-rules ()
11191        [(_ name a p)
11192         (begin
11193           (library name (export a y) (import (rnrs))
11194             (define-syntax a (identifier-syntax (cons y 1)))
11195             (define y 'hello))
11196           (define p (lambda () (import name) y)))]))
11197    ($li-a ($li-spam) q $li-get-y)
11198    #t)
11199  (eq? ($li-get-y) 'hello)
11200  (equal? (let () (import ($li-spam)) q) '(hello . 1))
11201  (eqv? (let ([y 75]) (import ($li-spam)) y) 75)
11202  (begin
11203    (with-output-to-file "testfile-li3.ss"
11204      (lambda ()
11205        (pretty-print
11206          '(library (testfile-li3)
11207             (export x)
11208             (import (rnrs))
11209             (define x 3))))
11210      'replace)
11211    (with-output-to-file "testfile-li4.ss"
11212      (lambda ()
11213        (pretty-print
11214          '(library (testfile-li4)
11215             (export x)
11216             (import (rnrs))
11217             (define x 3))))
11218      'replace)
11219    (with-output-to-file "testfile-li5.ss"
11220      (lambda ()
11221        (pretty-print
11222          '(library (testfile-li5)
11223             (export x)
11224             (import (rnrs))
11225             (define x 3))))
11226      'replace)
11227    (separate-compile 'li5)
11228    #t)
11229  (equal?
11230    (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #t])
11231      (eval '(let () (import (testfile-li3)) x))
11232      (library-object-filename '(testfile-li3)))
11233    "testfile-li3.so")
11234  (equal?
11235    (parameterize ([compile-imported-libraries #f])
11236      (eval '(let () (import (testfile-li4)) x))
11237      (library-object-filename '(testfile-li4)))
11238    #f)
11239  (equal?
11240    (begin
11241      (eval '(let () (import (testfile-li5)) x))
11242      (library-object-filename '(testfile-li5)))
11243    "testfile-li5.so")
11244  (equal?
11245    (begin
11246      (load-library "testfile-li3.ss")
11247      (library-object-filename '(testfile-li3)))
11248    #f)
11249  (equal?
11250    (begin
11251      (load-library "testfile-li3.so")
11252      (library-object-filename '(testfile-li3)))
11253    "testfile-li3.so")
11256(mat rnrs-eval
11257  (begin
11258    (define $eval-e1 (environment '(rnrs)))
11259    (environment? $eval-e1))
11260  (error? ; variable environment not bound
11261    (r6rs:eval 'environment $eval-e1))
11262  (error? ; variable eval not bound
11263    (r6rs:eval 'eval $eval-e1))
11264  (eq? (r6rs:eval 'cons $eval-e1) cons)
11265  (error? ; invalid context for definition
11266    (r6rs:eval '(define x 4) $eval-e1))
11267  (error? ; invalid context for definition
11268    (r6rs:eval '(define foo 4) $eval-e1))
11269  (error? ; cannot assign cons
11270    (r6rs:eval '(set! cons 4) $eval-e1))
11271  (error? ; cannot assign foo
11272    (r6rs:eval '(set! foo 4) $eval-e1))
11273  (begin
11274    (with-output-to-file "testfile-eval1.ss"
11275      (lambda ()
11276        (pretty-print
11277          '(library (testfile-eval1)
11278             (export canned spam list define quote set!)
11279             (import (rnrs))
11280             (define-syntax canned
11281               (begin
11282                 (display "testfile-eval1 visit")
11283                 (newline)
11284                 (identifier-syntax tuna)))
11285             (define spam (lambda () (cons 'not canned)))
11286             (define tuna 'yummy)
11287             (display "testfile-eval1 invoke")
11288             (newline))))
11289      'replace)
11290    #t)
11291  (equal?
11292    (r6rs:eval
11293      '(list canned (spam))
11294      (environment '(testfile-eval1)))
11295    '(yummy (not . yummy)))
11296  (error? ; cons is not bound
11297    (r6rs:eval
11298      '(cons canned (spam))
11299      (environment '(testfile-eval1))))
11300  (error? ; invalid context for definition
11301    (r6rs:eval
11302      '(define foo 3)
11303      (environment '(testfile-eval1))))
11304  (error? ; cannot assign
11305    (r6rs:eval
11306      '(set! spam 3)
11307      (environment '(testfile-eval1))))
11308  (error? ; cannot assign
11309    (r6rs:eval
11310      '(set! foo 3)
11311      (environment '(testfile-eval1))))
11312  (error? ; invalid definition in immutable environment
11313    (let ([env (environment '(testfile-eval1))])
11314      (eval `(define cons ',vector) env)))
11315  (equal?
11316    (let ([env (copy-environment (environment '(testfile-eval1)))])
11317      (eval `(define cons ',vector) env)
11318      (r6rs:eval '(cons canned (spam)) env))
11319    '#(yummy (not . yummy)))
11320  (eq?
11321    (r6rs:eval '(let () (import (scheme)) compile)
11322      (environment '(only (scheme) let import)))
11323    compile)
11326(mat top-level-syntax-functions
11327  (error? (top-level-syntax "hello"))
11328  (error? (top-level-syntax))
11329  (error? (top-level-syntax 'hello 'hello))
11330  (error? (top-level-syntax (scheme-environment) (scheme-environment)))
11331  (error? (top-level-syntax? "hello"))
11332  (error? (top-level-syntax?))
11333  (error? (top-level-syntax? 'hello 'hello))
11334  (error? (top-level-syntax? (scheme-environment) (scheme-environment)))
11335  (error? (define-top-level-syntax "hello" "hello"))
11336  (error? (define-top-level-syntax))
11337  (error? (define-top-level-syntax 15))
11338  (error? (define-top-level-syntax 'hello 'hello 'hello))
11339  (error? (define-top-level-syntax (scheme-environment) (scheme-environment) (scheme-environment)))
11340  (error?
11341    (let ([e (scheme-environment)])
11342      (define-top-level-syntax 'p (lambda (x) "hello") e)))
11343  (error?
11344    (let ([e (copy-environment (scheme-environment) #f)])
11345      (define-top-level-syntax 'p void e)))
11346  (error?
11347    (let ([e (scheme-environment)])
11348      (top-level-syntax 'p e)))
11349  (and (top-level-syntax 'hopenotdefined) #t)
11350  (and (top-level-syntax 'cons) #t)
11351  (and (top-level-syntax 'scheme) #t)
11352  (error? (top-level-syntax 'cond (environment)))
11353  (top-level-syntax? 'hopenotdefined)
11354  (top-level-syntax? 'cons)
11355  (top-level-syntax? 'scheme)
11356  (not (top-level-syntax? 'cond (environment)))
11358  (top-level-syntax? 'cond)
11359  (procedure? (top-level-syntax 'cond))
11361  (begin
11362    (define-top-level-syntax '$tls-foo (syntax-rules () [(_ x) (x x)]))
11363    #t)
11364  (equal? ($tls-foo list) `(,list))
11366  (equal?
11367    (parameterize ([interaction-environment
11368                    (copy-environment (scheme-environment) #t)])
11369      (let ([t (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (* x y)])])
11370        (eval `(define-syntax cons ',t))
11371        (eval '(cons 3 4))))
11372    12)
11373  (equal?
11374    (let ([e (environment '(only (scheme) cond))])
11375      (list
11376        (top-level-syntax? 'cond e)
11377        (eq? (top-level-syntax 'cond e) (top-level-syntax 'cond (scheme-environment)))
11378        (top-level-syntax? 'cdr e)))
11379    '(#t #t #f))
11380  (equal?
11381    (let ([e (copy-environment (environment) #t)])
11382      (let ([t1 (lambda (x) 17)] [t2 (syntax-rules () [(_ x y) (list y x)])])
11383        (define-top-level-syntax 'p t1 e)
11384        (define-top-level-syntax 'q t2 e)
11385        (list
11386          (top-level-syntax? 'p e)
11387          (top-level-syntax? 'q e)
11388          (top-level-syntax? 'r e)
11389          (eq? (top-level-syntax 'p e) t1)
11390          (eq? (top-level-syntax 'q e) t2)
11391          ((top-level-syntax 'p e) 'p)
11392          (eval '(q 3 4) e)
11393          (eval 'p e))))
11394    '(#t #t #t #t #t 17 (4 3) 17))
11395 )
11397(mat annotations
11398  (source-file-descriptor?
11399    (make-source-file-descriptor #f ; anything is allowed as a path
11400      (open-bytevector-input-port (string->utf8 "hello"))))
11401  (error? ; 17 is not a binary-input port
11402    (make-source-file-descriptor "foo" 17))
11403  (error? ; #<input port stdin> is not a binary-input port
11404    (make-source-file-descriptor "foo" (open-string-input-port "oops")))
11405  (error? ; #<binary input port> does not supoprt port-position and set-port-position!
11406    (make-source-file-descriptor "foo"
11407      (make-custom-binary-input-port "foo" (lambda (bv s c) 0) #f #f #f)
11408      #t))
11409  (begin
11410    (define str "(ugh (if \x3b2;))")
11411    (define bv (string->utf8 str))
11412    (define ip (open-bytevector-input-port bv))
11413    (define sfd (make-source-file-descriptor "foo" ip #t))
11414    #t)
11415  (not (= (bytevector-length bv) (string-length str)))
11416  (error? ; sfd is not an sfd
11417    (make-source-object 'sfd 2 3))
11418  (error? ; two is not an exact integer
11419    (make-source-object sfd 'two 3))
11420  (error? ; three is not an exact integer
11421    (make-source-object sfd 2 'three))
11422  (error? ; bfp 3 is not between 0 and efp 2
11423    (make-source-object sfd 3 2))
11424  (error? ; bfp -7 not between 0 and efp -3
11425    (make-source-object sfd -7 -3))
11426  (error? ; bfp -7 is not between 0 and efp 3
11427    (make-source-object sfd -7 3))
11428  (error? ; bfp -7 is not between 0 and efp 3
11429    (make-source-object sfd -7 3 2 1))
11430  (error? ; one is not an exact integer
11431    (make-source-object sfd 1 2 'one 1))
11432  (error? ; one is not an exact integer
11433    (make-source-object sfd 1 2 1 'one))
11434  (error? ; zero is not an exact positive integer
11435    (make-source-object sfd 1 2 0 1))
11436  (error? ; zero is not an exact positive integer
11437    (make-source-object sfd 1 2 1 0))
11438  (error? ; bfp 3 is not between 0 and efp 2
11439    (make-source-object sfd 3 2 1 1))
11440  (begin
11441    (define source (make-source-object sfd 2 3))
11442    (define source-at-line-two (make-source-object sfd 3 5 2 1))
11443    #t)
11444  (error? ; source is not a source object
11445    (make-annotation #f 'source #f))
11446  (begin
11447    (define a (make-annotation '(if 3) source '(if I were a rich man)))
11448    (define a-at-line-two (make-annotation '(if 3) source-at-line-two '(if I were a rich man)))
11449    (define x (datum->syntax #'* a))
11450    #t)
11451  (source-file-descriptor? sfd)
11452  (not (source-file-descriptor? source))
11453  (source-object? source)
11454  (source-object? source-at-line-two)
11455  (not (source-object? sfd))
11456  (not (source-object? a))
11457  (annotation? a)
11458  (not (annotation? source))
11459  (error? ; #<source> is not an sfd
11460    (source-file-descriptor-path source))
11461  (error? ; #<annotation> is not an sfd
11462    (source-file-descriptor-checksum a))
11463  (error? ; #<sfd> is not a source object
11464    (source-object-sfd sfd))
11465  (error? ; #<annotation> is not a source object
11466    (source-object-bfp a))
11467  (error? ; 3 is not a source object
11468    (source-object-efp 3))
11469  (error? ; 3 is not a source object
11470    (source-object-line 3))
11471  (error? ; 3 is not a source object
11472    (source-object-column 3))
11473  (error? ; 3 is not an annotation
11474    (annotation-expression 3))
11475  (error? ; #<source> is not an annotation
11476    (annotation-stripped source))
11477  (error? ; #<sfd> is not an annotation
11478    (annotation-source sfd))
11479  (error? ; #<source> is not an annotation
11480    (annotation-option-set source))
11481  (error? ; invalid syntax
11482    (annotation-options . debug))
11483  (error? ; invalid syntax
11484    (annotation-options 3 profile))
11485  (error? ; invalid option
11486    (annotation-options fig))
11487  (error? ; invalid option
11488    (annotation-options debug fig))
11489  (error? ; invalid option
11490    (annotation-options fig profile))
11491  (equal?
11492    (source-file-descriptor-path sfd)
11493    "foo")
11494  (number? (source-file-descriptor-checksum sfd))
11495  (eq? (source-object-sfd source) sfd)
11496  (eq? (source-object-bfp source) 2)
11497  (eq? (source-object-efp source) 3)
11498  (eq? (source-object-line source) #f)
11499  (eq? (source-object-column source) #f)
11500  (eq? (source-object-sfd source) sfd)
11501  (eq? (source-object-bfp source-at-line-two) 3)
11502  (eq? (source-object-efp source-at-line-two) 5)
11503  (eq? (source-object-line source-at-line-two) 2)
11504  (eq? (source-object-column source-at-line-two) 1)
11505  (equal? (annotation-expression a) '(if 3))
11506  (eq? (annotation-source a) source)
11507  (equal? (annotation-stripped a) '(if I were a rich man))
11508  (enum-set=? (annotation-option-set a) (annotation-options debug profile))
11509  (enum-set=?
11510    (annotation-option-set (make-annotation '(if 3) source '(if I were a rich man) (annotation-options)))
11511    (annotation-options))
11512  (enum-set=?
11513    (annotation-option-set (make-annotation '(if 3) source '(if I were a rich man) (annotation-options debug)))
11514    (annotation-options debug))
11515  (enum-set=?
11516    (annotation-option-set (make-annotation '(if 3) source '(if I were a rich man) (annotation-options profile)))
11517    (annotation-options profile))
11518  (enum-set=?
11519    (annotation-option-set (make-annotation '(if 3) source '(if I were a rich man) (annotation-options debug profile)))
11520    (annotation-options debug profile))
11521  (enum-set=?
11522    (annotation-option-set (make-annotation '(if 3) source '(if I were a rich man) (annotation-options profile debug)))
11523    (annotation-options debug profile))
11524  (eq? (syntax->annotation x) a)
11525  (not (syntax->annotation #'(a b c)))
11526  (not (syntax->annotation '(a b c)))
11527  (not (syntax->annotation #f))
11528  (error? ; invalid syntax (if I were a rich man) at char 2 of foo
11529    (expand a))
11530  (error? ; invalid syntax (if I were a rich man) at line 2, char 1 of foo
11531    (expand a-at-line-two))
11532  (error? ; invalid syntax (if I were a rich man) at char 2 of foo
11533    (eval a))
11534  (error? ; invalid syntax (if I were a rich man) at char 2, char 1 of foo
11535    (eval a-at-line-two))
11536  (error? ; invalid syntax (if I were a rich man) at char 2 of foo
11537    (eval '(let () (define-syntax foo (lambda (z) (datum->syntax #'* a))) foo)))
11538  (error? ; invalid syntax (if I were a rich man) at line 2, char 1 of foo
11539    (eval '(let () (define-syntax foo (lambda (z) (datum->syntax #'* a-at-line-two))) foo)))
11540  (error? ; invalid syntax (if I were a rich man) at char 2 of foo
11541    (eval '(let () (define-syntax foo (lambda (z) (datum->syntax #'* (make-annotation '(if 3) source '(if I were a rich man) (annotation-options debug profile))))) foo)))
11542  (error? ; invalid syntax (if I were a rich man) at line 2, char 1 of foo
11543    (eval '(let () (define-syntax foo (lambda (z) (datum->syntax #'* (make-annotation '(if 3) source-at-line-two '(if I were a rich man) (annotation-options debug profile))))) foo)))
11544  (error? ; invalid syntax (if I were a rich man) at char 2 of foo
11545    (eval '(let () (define-syntax foo (lambda (z) (datum->syntax #'* (make-annotation '(if 3) source '(if I were a rich man) (annotation-options debug))))) foo)))
11546  (error? ; invalid syntax (if I were a rich man)
11547    (eval '(let () (define-syntax foo (lambda (z) (datum->syntax #'* (make-annotation '(if 3) source '(if I were a rich man) (annotation-options profile))))) foo)))
11548  (error? ; invalid syntax (if I were a rich man)
11549    (eval '(let () (define-syntax foo (lambda (z) (datum->syntax #'* (make-annotation '(if 3) source '(if I were a rich man) (annotation-options))))) foo)))
11550  (error? ; invalid argument count in call (f) at char 2 of foo
11551    (eval '(let () (define-syntax foo (lambda (z) (datum->syntax #'* `(let ([f (lambda (x) x)]) ,(make-annotation '(f) source '(f) (annotation-options debug profile)))))) foo)))
11552  (error? ; invalid argument count in call (f) at line 2, char 1 of foo
11553    (eval '(let () (define-syntax foo (lambda (z) (datum->syntax #'* `(let ([f (lambda (x) x)]) ,(make-annotation '(f) source-at-line-two '(f) (annotation-options debug profile)))))) foo)))
11554  (error? ; invalid argument count in call (f) at char 2 of foo
11555    (eval '(let () (define-syntax foo (lambda (z) (datum->syntax #'* `(let ([f (lambda (x) x)]) ,(make-annotation '(f) source '(f) (annotation-options debug)))))) foo)))
11556  (error? ; invalid argument count in call (f)
11557    (eval '(let () (define-syntax foo (lambda (z) (datum->syntax #'* `(let ([f (lambda (x) x)]) ,(make-annotation '(f) source '(f) (annotation-options profile)))))) foo)))
11558  (error? ; invalid argument count in call (f)
11559    (eval '(let () (define-syntax foo (lambda (z) (datum->syntax #'* `(let ([f (lambda (x) x)]) ,(make-annotation '(f) source '(f) (annotation-options)))))) foo)))
11560  (begin
11561    (profile-clear)
11562    #t)
11563  (begin
11564    (define foo
11565      (parameterize ([compile-profile #t] [current-eval compile])
11566        (eval '(lambda ()
11567                 (define-syntax foo
11568                   (lambda (z)
11569                     (datum->syntax #'*
11570                       (make-annotation
11571                         `(,(make-annotation '+ (make-source-object sfd 2 3) '+ (annotation-options debug profile))
11572                            ,(make-annotation '3 (make-source-object sfd 4 5) '3 (annotation-options))
11573                            ,(make-annotation '44 (make-source-object sfd 8 10) '44 (annotation-options debug)))
11574                         (make-source-object sfd 1 11)
11575                         '(+ 3 44)
11576                         (annotation-options profile)))))
11577                 foo))))
11578    #t)
11579  (equal? (foo) 47)
11580  (equal?
11581    (let ([ls (profile-dump-list)])
11582      (vector
11583        (find (lambda (x) (equal? (list-head (cdr x) 3) '("foo" 1 11))) ls)
11584        (find (lambda (x) (equal? (list-head (cdr x) 3) '("foo" 2 3))) ls)
11585        (find (lambda (x) (equal? (list-head (cdr x) 3) '("foo" 4 5))) ls)
11586        (find (lambda (x) (equal? (list-head (cdr x) 3) '("foo" 8 10))) ls)))
11587    '#((1 "foo" 1 11 #f #f)
11588       (1 "foo" 2 3 #f #f)
11589       #f
11590       #f))
11591  (begin
11592    (profile-clear)
11593    #t)
11594  (begin
11595    (define ip (transcoded-port ip (native-transcoder)))
11596    (define-values (x fp) (get-datum/annotations ip sfd 0))
11597    #t)
11598  (error? ; #<sfd> is not a textual input port
11599    (get-datum/annotations sfd sfd 0))
11600  (error? ; #<input port> is not an sfd
11601    (get-datum/annotations ip ip 0))
11602  (error? ; #<sfd> is not a valid file position
11603    (get-datum/annotations ip sfd sfd))
11604  (error? ; -5 is not a valid file position
11605    (get-datum/annotations ip sfd -5))
11606  (error? ; 5.0 is not a valid file position
11607    (get-datum/annotations ip sfd 5.0))
11608  (eqv? fp (string-length str))
11609  (annotation? x)
11610  (equal? (annotation-stripped x) (with-input-from-string str read))
11611  (equal?
11612    (let f ([x x])
11613      (and (annotation? x)
11614           (let ([x (annotation-expression x)])
11615             (if (list? x)
11616                 (map f x)
11617                 x))))
11618    (with-input-from-string str read))
11619  (begin
11620    (define source (annotation-source x))
11621    #t)
11622  (source-object? source)
11623  (eq? (source-object-sfd source) sfd)
11624  (eqv? (source-object-bfp source) 0)
11625  (eqv? (source-object-efp source) (string-length str))
11626  (source-file-descriptor?
11627    (source-file-descriptor 'spam 0))
11628  (error? ; not an exact nonnegative integer
11629    (source-file-descriptor "spam" -1))
11630  (error? ; not an exact nonnegative integer
11631    (source-file-descriptor "spam" 1.0))
11632  (source-file-descriptor? (source-file-descriptor "spam" #x34534a5))
11633  (source-file-descriptor? (source-file-descriptor "spam" #x20333333333339999999997834443333337))
11634  (equal?
11635    (source-file-descriptor-path (source-file-descriptor "spam" #x20333333333339999999997834443333337))
11636    "spam")
11637  (equal?
11638    (source-file-descriptor-checksum (source-file-descriptor "spam" #x20333333333339999999997834443333337))
11639    #x20333333333339999999997834443333337)
11640  (error? ; not an sfd
11641    (locate-source "spam" 17))
11642  (error? ; not an exact nonnegative integer
11643    (locate-source sfd -1))
11644  (error? ; not an exact nonnegative integer
11645    (locate-source sfd 'a))
11646  (let-values ([() (locate-source sfd 7)]) #t)
11647  (let-values ([() (locate-source (source-file-descriptor 'something-else 0) 7)]) #t)
11648  (begin
11649    (with-output-to-file "testfile.ss"
11650      (lambda ()
11651        (printf "; bogus exports\n")
11652        (printf "(module (a 3)\n")
11653        (printf "  (define a 3))\n"))
11654      'replace)
11655    #t)
11656  (equal?
11657    (guard (c [(syntax-violation? c)
11658               (let* ([form (syntax-violation-form c)]
11659                      [annotation (syntax->annotation form)]
11660                      [source (annotation-source annotation)])
11661                 (cons
11662                   (call-with-values (lambda () (locate-source (source-object-sfd source) (source-object-bfp source))) vector)
11663                   (call-with-values (lambda () (locate-source (source-object-sfd source) (source-object-efp source))) vector)))])
11664      (load "testfile.ss"))
11665    '(#("testfile.ss" 2 12) . #("testfile.ss" 2 13)))
11666  (equal?
11667    (let ([sfd (source-file-descriptor (source-file-descriptor-path sfd) (source-file-descriptor-checksum sfd) )])
11668      (let ([source (make-source-object sfd 2 3)])
11669        (guard (c [(syntax-violation? c)
11670                   (let* ([form (syntax-violation-form c)]
11671                          [annotation (syntax->annotation form)]
11672                          [source (annotation-source annotation)])
11673                     (cons
11674                       (call-with-values (lambda () (locate-source (source-object-sfd source) (source-object-bfp source))) vector)
11675                       (call-with-values (lambda () (locate-source (source-object-sfd source) (source-object-efp source))) vector)))])
11676          (load "testfile.ss"))))
11677    '(#("testfile.ss" 2 12) . #("testfile.ss" 2 13)))
11679  (error? ; not a source object
11680   (locate-source-object-source "spam" #t #t))
11681  (error?
11682   (current-locate-source-object-source 7))
11683  (error?
11684   (current-locate-source-object-source "string"))
11685  (error? ; not a source object
11686   ((current-locate-source-object-source) "spam" #t #t))
11687  (error? ; invalid syntax (if I were a rich man) at line 200, char 17 of foo
11688   (parameterize ([current-locate-source-object-source
11689                   (lambda (src start? cache?)
11690                     (values (source-file-descriptor-path (source-object-sfd src)) 200 17))])
11691     (expand a)))
11692 )
11694(mat annotations-via-recorded-lines
11695  (error?
11696   (current-make-source-object 7))
11697  (error?
11698   (current-make-source-object "string"))
11699  (begin
11700    (define sfd-with-lines
11701      (let ((op (open-output-file "testfile.ss" 'replace)))
11702        (display "apple\n  banana\ncoconut" op)
11703        (close-port op)
11704        (let* ([ip (open-file-input-port "testfile.ss")]
11705               [sfd (make-source-file-descriptor "testfile.ss" ip)])
11706          (close-port ip)
11707          sfd)))
11708    (define input-string-with-lines "Apple\n  Banana\nCoconut\nMore")
11709    (define input-port-with-lines (open-string-input-port input-string-with-lines))
11710    (define input-port-with-line-pos 0)
11711    (define (make-make-source-object/get-lines expected-sfd)
11712      (lambda (sfd bfp efp)
11713        (if (eq? sfd expected-sfd)
11714            ;; Gather line and column now:
11715            (let-values ([(path line col) (locate-source sfd bfp #t)])
11716              (make-source-object sfd bfp efp line col))
11717            (error 'recording-make-source-object "reading some other file?"))))
11718    (define (read-with-lines)
11719      (parameterize ([current-make-source-object (make-make-source-object/get-lines sfd-with-lines)])
11720        (let-values ([(v pos) (get-datum/annotations input-port-with-lines sfd-with-lines input-port-with-line-pos)])
11721          (set! input-port-with-line-pos pos)
11722          v)))
11723    #t)
11724  (begin
11725    (define line-one (read-with-lines))
11726    (annotation? line-one))
11727  (equal? (annotation-stripped line-one) 'Apple)
11728  (equal? (source-object-bfp (annotation-source line-one)) 0)
11729  (equal? (source-object-line (annotation-source line-one)) 1)
11730  (equal? (source-object-column (annotation-source line-one)) 1)
11731  (begin
11732    (define line-two (read-with-lines))
11733    (annotation? line-two))
11734  (equal? (source-object-bfp (annotation-source line-two)) 8)
11735  (equal? (source-object-line (annotation-source line-two)) 2)
11736  (equal? (source-object-column (annotation-source line-two)) 3)
11737  (begin
11738    (define line-three (read-with-lines))
11739    (annotation? line-three))
11740  (equal? (source-object-bfp (annotation-source line-three)) 15)
11741  (equal? (source-object-line (annotation-source line-three)) 3)
11742  (equal? (source-object-column (annotation-source line-three)) 1)
11743  (annotation? (read-with-lines)) ; 'More
11744  (eof-object? (read-with-lines))
11746  ;; Make sure lines are calculated right with input that is longer than
11747  ;; the file buffer size:
11748  (begin
11749    (define input-string-with-lines (string-append
11750                                     "\""
11751                                     (make-string (* 2 (file-buffer-size)) #\a)
11752                                     "\""
11753                                     "\nend"))
11755    (define input-port-with-lines (open-string-input-port input-string-with-lines))
11756    (define sfd-with-lines
11757      (let ((op (open-output-file "testfile.ss" 'replace)))
11758        (display input-string-with-lines op)
11759        (close-port op)
11760        (let* ([ip (open-file-input-port "testfile.ss")]
11761               [sfd (make-source-file-descriptor "testfile.ss" ip)])
11762          (close-port ip)
11763          sfd)))
11764    (define input-port-with-line-pos 0)
11765    (define (read-with-lines)
11766      (parameterize ([current-make-source-object (make-make-source-object/get-lines sfd-with-lines)])
11767        (let-values ([(v pos) (get-datum/annotations input-port-with-lines sfd-with-lines input-port-with-line-pos)])
11768          (set! input-port-with-line-pos pos)
11769          v)))
11770    (define line-one (read-with-lines))
11771    (annotation? line-one))
11772  (string? (annotation-stripped line-one))
11773  (begin
11774    (define line-two (read-with-lines))
11775    (annotation? line-two))
11776  (equal? (source-object-line (annotation-source line-two)) 2)
11777  (equal? (source-object-column (annotation-source line-two)) 1)
11778  )
11780(mat locate-source-caching
11781  (begin
11782   (define (make-expr n)
11783     `(let ()
11784        ,@(let loop ([i n])
11785            (if (zero? i)
11786                '(#t)
11787                (cons
11788                 `(let-values ([(x y z) (values 1 2 3)]) x)
11789                 (loop (sub1 i)))))))
11791   (define (time-expr n)
11792     (with-output-to-file "testfile.ss"
11793       (lambda ()
11794         (pretty-print (make-expr n)))
11795       'truncate)
11796     (collect)
11797     (parameterize ([collect-request-handler void])
11798       (let ([start (current-time)])
11799         (load "testfile.ss" expand)
11800         (let ([delta (time-difference (current-time) start)])
11801           (+ (* #e1e9 (time-second delta))
11802              (time-nanosecond delta))))))
11804   (let loop ([tries 3])
11805     (when (zero? tries)
11806       (error 'source-cache-test "loading lots of `let-values` forms seems to take too long"))
11807     (let ([t1000 (time-expr 1000)] [t10000 (time-expr 10000)])
11808       (or (> (* 20 t1000) t10000)
11809         (begin
11810           (printf "t1000 = ~s, t10000 = ~s, t10000 / t1000 = ~s\n" t1000 t10000 (inexact (/ t10000 t1000)))
11811           (loop (sub1 tries)))))))
11813  (begin
11814    (define sfd-to-cache
11815      (let ((op (open-output-file "testfile.ss" 'replace)))
11816        (display "apple\n  banana\ncoconut" op)
11817        (close-port op)
11818        (let* ([ip (open-file-input-port "testfile.ss")]
11819               [sfd (make-source-file-descriptor "testfile.ss" ip)])
11820          (close-port ip)
11821          sfd)))
11823    (equal? (call-with-values
11824             (lambda () (locate-source sfd-to-cache 8 #t))
11825             (case-lambda
11826              [(name line col) (list line col)]))
11827            '(2 3)))
11829  (begin
11830    (let ((op (open-output-file "testfile.ss" 'replace)))
11831      (display "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6789" op)
11832      (close-port op))
11833    ;; Cache may report the old source line,
11834    ;; or uncached should report no line:
11835    (equal? (call-with-values
11836             (lambda () (locate-source sfd-to-cache 8 #t))
11837             (case-lambda
11838              [() '(2 3)] ; report no line same as expected cache
11839              [(name line col) (list line col)]))
11840            '(2 3)))
11842  ;; An uncached lookup defniitely reports no line:
11843  (equal? (call-with-values
11844            (lambda () (locate-source sfd-to-cache 8 #f))
11845            (lambda () 'none))
11846          'none)
11848  (begin
11849    (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
11850    ;; After collecting the maximum generation, the
11851    ;; cached information shoould definitely be gone:
11852    (equal? (call-with-values
11853             (lambda () (locate-source sfd-to-cache 8 #t))
11854             (lambda () 'gone))
11855            'gone))
11856  )
11858(mat include
11859  (error? ; invalid syntax
11860    (expand '(include spam)))
11861  (error? ; invalid syntax
11862    (parameterize ([source-directories '("../s" "../c")])
11863      (expand '(include spam))))
11864 )
11866(mat extend-syntax
11867   (begin (extend-syntax (foo)
11868             [(foo a b) (list a b)])
11869          #t)
11870   (equal? (foo 3 4) '(3 4))
11871   (begin (extend-syntax (foo bar)
11872             [(foo) '()]
11873             [(foo (bar x)) x]
11874             [(foo x) (cons x '())]
11875             [(foo x y ...) (cons x (foo y ...))])
11876          #t)
11877   (equal? (foo 'a 'b 'c 'd) '(a b c d))
11878   (equal? (foo 'a 'b 'c (bar 'd)) '(a b c . d))
11879   (begin (extend-syntax (foo)
11880             [(foo ((x v) ...) e1 e2 ...)
11881              (andmap symbol? '(x ...))
11882              ((lambda (x ...) e1 e2 ...) v ...)]
11883             [(foo ((lambda (x ...) e1 e2 ...) v ...))
11884              (= (length '(x ...)) (length '(v ...)))
11885               (foo ((x v) ...) e1 e2 ...)])
11886          #t)
11887   (equal? (foo ((a 3) (b 4)) (cons a b)) '(3 . 4))
11888   (error? (extend-syntax (foo ...) [(foo ...) 0]))
11889   (error? (extend-syntax (foo) [(foo x ... y) 0]))
11890   (error? (extend-syntax (foo) [(foo x . ...) 0]))
11891   (error? (extend-syntax (foo) [(foo (...)) 0]))
11892   (error? (extend-syntax (foo) [(foo x x) 0]))
11893   (begin (extend-syntax (foo) [(foo foo) 0]) #t)
11894   (begin (extend-syntax (foo) [(foo keys) (with ([x `,'keys]) 'x)])
11895          (equal? (foo (a b c)) '(a b c)))
11896   (begin (extend-syntax (foo) [(foo x y) '`(x ,@y)])
11897          (equal? (foo a b) '`(a ,@b)))
11898   (begin (extend-syntax (foo) ; test exponential "with" time problem
11899             [(foo)
11900              (with ([a1 1] [b1 2] [c1 3] [d1 4] [e1 5] [f1 6] [g1 7] [h1 8]
11901                     [a2 1] [b2 2] [c2 3] [d2 4] [e2 5] [f2 6] [g2 7] [h2 8]
11902                     [a3 1] [b3 2] [c3 3] [d3 4] [e3 5] [f3 6] [g3 7] [h3 8]
11903                     [a4 1] [b4 2] [c4 3] [d4 4] [e4 5] [f4 6] [g4 7] [h4 8]
11904                     [a5 1] [b5 2] [c5 3] [d5 4] [e5 5] [f5 6] [g5 7] [h5 8]
11905                     [a6 1] [b6 2] [c6 3] [d6 4] [e6 5] [f6 6] [g6 7] [h6 8]
11906                     [a7 1] [b7 2] [c7 3] [d7 4] [e7 5] [f7 6] [g7 7] [h7 8]
11907                     [a8 1] [b8 2] [c8 3] [d8 4] [e8 5] [f8 6] [g8 7] [h8 8])
11908                 '(a1 b2 c3 d4 e5 f6 g7 h8))])
11909      (equal? (foo) '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
11910   (equal? (letrec* ((x 3) (y (+ x 2))) (list x y)) '(3 5))
11911 )
11913(mat with
11914   (begin (extend-syntax (foo)
11915             [(foo x ...)
11916              (with ([n (length '(x ...))])
11917                 (list n 'x ...))])
11918          #t)
11919   (equal? (foo 3 2 1) '(3 3 2 1))
11920   (begin (extend-syntax (foo)
11921             [(foo (x ...) ...)
11922              (list (with ([(y ...)
11923                            '(x ... (with ([n (length '(x ...))]) n))])
11924                       (with ([(z ...) (reverse '(y ...))])
11925                          (list 'z ...)))
11926                    ...)])
11927          #t)
11928   (equal? (foo) '())
11929   (equal? (foo (a b) (c d e)) '((2 b a) (3 e d c)))
11930   (begin (extend-syntax (foo)
11931             [(foo x ...)
11932              (with ([(y1 y2 ...) '(x ...)])
11933                 (with ([(z1 z2) 'y1])
11934                    '(z2 z1)))])
11935          #t)
11936   (equal? (foo (a b) (c d) (e f)) '(b a))
11937 )