1(module seqcontract mzscheme
2  (require mzlib/class)
3  (provide (protect es-contract-mixin lock-contract-mixin))
5  (require-for-syntax syntax/stx
6                      syntax/boundmap)
8  (define-syntax (sequence-contract-mixin stx)
9    (syntax-case stx (state-machine)
10      [(_ (state-machine
11           [name exp (method-name aritiess states ...) ...] ...)
12          clauses ...)
13       (and (andmap identifier? (syntax->list (syntax (name ...))))
14            (andmap (lambda (x) (andmap identifier? (syntax->list x)))
15                    (syntax->list (syntax ((method-name ...) ...))))
16            (andmap (lambda (xs)
17                      (andmap (lambda (x) (andmap identifier? (syntax->list x)))
18                              (syntax->list xs)))
19                    (syntax->list (syntax (((states ...) ...) ...)))))
20       (let ()
21         (define state-names (syntax->list (syntax (name ...))))
22         (define predicate-names (generate-temporaries (syntax (name ...))))
24         (define state-name->predicate-name
25           (let ([mapping (make-bound-identifier-mapping)])
26             (for-each (lambda (state-name predicate-name)
27                         (bound-identifier-mapping-put! mapping state-name predicate-name))
28                       state-names
29                       predicate-names)
30             (lambda (state-name)
31               (bound-identifier-mapping-get mapping state-name))))
33         (define-struct state-desc (method-name arities predicate-name state-name result-predicates) (make-inspector))
35         ;; -> mapping[state-name-symbol -o> state-desc]
36         (define (build-table)
37           (let ([mapping (new-mapping)])
38             (for-each
39              (lambda (state-name-stx predicate-name-stx method-names aritiess state-namess)
40                (for-each
41                 (lambda (method-name arities state-names-stx)
42                   (extend-mapping/at-end
43                    mapping
44                    method-name
45                    (make-state-desc method-name
46                                     arities
47                                     predicate-name-stx
48                                     state-name-stx
49                                     (syntax->list state-names-stx))))
50                 (syntax->list method-names)
51                 (syntax->list aritiess)
52                 (syntax->list state-namess)))
53              (syntax->list (syntax (name ...)))
54              predicate-names
55              (syntax->list (syntax ((method-name ...) ...)))
56              (syntax->list (syntax ((aritiess ...) ...)))
57              (syntax->list (syntax (((states ...) ...) ...))))
58             mapping))
60         (define (build-overriding-method mapping state-descs)
61           (with-syntax ([method-name (state-desc-method-name (car state-descs))]
62                         [super-method-name (build-super-name (state-desc-method-name (car state-descs)))]
63                         [(predicate-name ...) (map state-desc-predicate-name state-descs)]
64                         [(predicate-result-name ...)
65                          (generate-temporaries
66                           (map state-desc-predicate-name state-descs))]
67                         [(state-name ...) (map state-desc-state-name state-descs)]
68                         [((result-predicate-state ...) ...)
69                          (map state-desc-result-predicates state-descs)]
70                         [((result-predicate-name ...) ...)
71                          (map
72                           (lambda (state-desc)
73                             (map state-name->predicate-name
74                                  (state-desc-result-predicates state-desc)))
75                           state-descs)])
76             (with-syntax ([(cases ...)
77                            (map (lambda (arity)
78                                   (with-syntax ([formals arity])
79                                     (with-syntax ([call (if (identifier? arity)
80                                                             (syntax (super-method-name . formals))
81                                                             (with-syntax ([(x ...) arity])
82                                                               (syntax (super-method-name x ...))))]
83                                                   [args-as-list
84                                                    (if (identifier? arity)
85                                                        arity
86                                                        (with-syntax ([(x ...) arity])
87                                                          (syntax (list x ...))))])
88                                       (syntax
89                                        [formals
90                                         (let ([predicate-result-name (predicate-name)] ...)
91                                           (cond
92                                             [predicate-result-name
93                                              call
95                                              ;; Doesn't do post-condition checking,
96                                              ;; since it isn't thread safe
97                                              #;
98                                              (begin0
99                                                call
100                                                (unless (or (result-predicate-name) ...)
101                                                  (sequence-contract-violation
102                                                   'positive
103                                                   "expected one of states ~s after calling ~s in state ~s"
104                                                   '(result-predicate-state ...)
105                                                   'method-name
106                                                   'state-name)))
107                                              ]
108                                             ...
109                                             [else
110                                              (sequence-contract-violation
111                                               'negative
112                                               "method ~s cannot be called, except in states ~s~a"
113                                               'method-name
114                                               '(state-name ...)
115                                               (format-args args-as-list))]))]))))
116                                 (syntax->list (state-desc-arities (car state-descs))))])
117               (syntax
118                (begin
119                  (rename-super [super-method-name method-name])
120                  (define/override method-name
121                    (case-lambda cases ...)))))))
123         ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
124         ;;
125         ;; finite mapping code
126         ;;
128         (define (new-mapping) (make-hash-table))
129         (define (set-mapping mapping key-stx val)
130           (hash-table-put! mapping (syntax-e key-stx) val))
131         (define get-mapping
132           (case-lambda
133             [(mapping key-stx) (get-mapping mapping key-stx (lambda () (error 'get-mapping "ack!")))]
134             [(mapping key-stx fail)
135              (hash-table-get mapping (syntax-e key-stx) fail)]))
136         (define (extend-mapping/at-end mapping key-stx ele)
137           (set-mapping mapping key-stx
138                        (append
139                         (get-mapping mapping key-stx (lambda () null))
140                         (list ele))))
141         (define (mapping-map f mapping)
142           (hash-table-map mapping f))
144         ;;
145         ;;
146         ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
148         (define (build-super-name name)
149           (datum->syntax-object
150            name
151            (string->symbol
152             (format
153              "super-~a"
154              (syntax-object->datum name)))))
156         (define table (build-table))
157         (with-syntax ([(predicate-names ...) predicate-names]
158                       [(overriding-method ...) (mapping-map
159                                                 (lambda (k vs) (build-overriding-method table vs))
160                                                 table)])
162           (syntax
163            (lambda (%)
164              (class* % ()
165                (define/private predicate-names (lambda () exp)) ...
166                overriding-method ...
167                clauses ...)))))]))
169  (define (format-args l)
170    (cond
171      [(null? l) ""]
172      [else
173       (string-append
174        ", args "
175        (let loop ([fst (car l)]
176                   [rst (cdr l)])
177          (cond
178            [(null? rst) (format "~e" fst)]
179            [else (string-append
180                   (format "~e" fst)
181                   " "
182                   (loop (car rst) (cdr rst)))])))]))
184  (define (sequence-contract-violation dir fmt . args)
185    (apply error
186           'sequence-contract-violation
187           (string-append (format "~a: " dir) fmt)
188           args))
190  (define es-contract-mixin
191    (sequence-contract-mixin
192     (state-machine
193      [in-edit-sequence
194       (in-edit-sequence?)
195       (begin-edit-sequence [() (x) (x y)] in-edit-sequence)
196       (end-edit-sequence [()] in-edit-sequence out-of-edit-sequence)]
197      [out-of-edit-sequence
198       (not (in-edit-sequence?))
199       (begin-edit-sequence [() (x) (x y)] in-edit-sequence)])
201     (inherit in-edit-sequence?)
202     (super-new)))
206  (define (test t)
207    (send t begin-edit-sequence)
208    (send t end-edit-sequence)
209    (send t end-edit-sequence))
211  (test (new text%))
212  (test (new (es-contract-mixin text%)))
214Matthew writes:
216> Underscore tends to mean "internal". Many variants of
217> Insert(), for example, call the main _Insert() method.
219So, double check the methods to make sure that a flag check
220in an underscore method means the flag is checked in the
221non-underscore methods.
223At Sun, 29 Jun 2003 09:26:02 -0500, Robby Findler wrote:
224> Is there some kind of invariant or ordering on these
225> flags? That is, if a method only checks the flowLocked flag,
226> is that effectively the same as checking the flowLocked flag
227> or the writeLocked flag or something like that?
229Yes: readLocked => flowLocked, and flowLocked => writeLocked.
233  |#
235  ;; need to figure out
236  ;; line-start-position and friends
237  ;; (line-start-position not valid in readlock)
239  (define lock-contract-mixin
240    (sequence-contract-mixin
241     (state-machine
242      [unlocked
243       (and (not (locked-for-write?))
244            (not (locked-for-flow?))
245            (not (locked-for-read?)))
246       (set-position [(x) (x y) (x y z) (x y z p) (x y z p q) (x y z p q r)] unlocked)
247       (set-autowrap-bitmap [(bitmap)] unlocked)
248       (print-to-dc [(dc) (dc page)] unlocked)
249       (move-position [(code?) (code? extend) (code? extend kind)] unlocked)
250       (split-snip [(pos)] unlocked)
251       (set-line-spacing [(space)] unlocked)
252       (set-max-width [(width)] unlocked)
253       (set-min-width [(width)] unlocked)
254       (set-min-height [(width)] unlocked)
255       (set-max-height [(width)] unlocked)
256       (set-tabs [(tabs) (tabs tab-width) (tabs tab-width units?)] unlocked)
257       (print [()
258               (interactive?)
259               (interactive? fit-on-page?)
260               (interactive? fit-on-page? output-mode)
261               (interactive? fit-on-page? output-mode parent)
262               (interactive? fit-on-page? output-mode parent force-ps-page-bbox?)
263               (interactive? fit-on-page? output-mode parent force-ps-page-bbox? as-eps?)]
264              unlocked)
266       (get-text [() (x) (x y) (x y z) (x y z p)] unlocked)
267       (get-flattened-text [()] unlocked)
268       (get-character [(start)] unlocked)
269       (find-wordbreak [(start end reason)] unlocked)
270       (save-file [() (filename) (filename format) (filename format show-errors?)] unlocked)
271       (write-to-file [(stream) (stream start) (stream start end)]  unlocked)
272       (find-position [(x y) (x y at-eol?) (x y at-eol? on-it?) (x y at-eol? on-it? edge-close?)] unlocked)
273       (scroll-line-location [(pos)] unlocked)
274       (num-scroll-lines [()] unlocked)
275       (find-scroll-line [(location)] unlocked)
276       (style-has-changed [(style)] unlocked)
278       (set-paragraph-margins [(para fl l r)] unlocked)
279       (set-paragraph-alignment [(para align)] unlocked)
281       (change-style [(x) (x y) (x y z) (x y z w)] unlocked)
282       (insert [(x) (x y) (x y z) (x y z p) (x y z p q)] unlocked)
283       (delete [() (start) (start end) (start end scroll-ok?)] unlocked)
284       (insert-port [(port) (port format) (port format show-errors?)] unlocked)
285       (read-from-file [(x) (x y) (x y z)] unlocked)
286       (set-style-list [(style-list)] unlocked)]
288      [write-lock
289       (and (locked-for-write?)
290            (not (locked-for-flow?))
291            (not (locked-for-read?)))
293       (set-position [(x) (x y) (x y z) (x y z p) (x y z p q)] write-lock)
294       (set-autowrap-bitmap [(bitmap)] write-lock)
295       (print-to-dc [(dc)] write-lock)
296       (move-position [(code?) (code? extend) (code? extend kind)] write-lock)
297       (split-snip [(pos)] write-lock)
298       (set-line-spacing [(space)] write-lock)
299       (set-max-width [(width)] write-lock)
300       (set-min-width [(width)] write-lock)
301       (set-min-height [(width)] write-lock)
302       (set-max-height [(width)] write-lock)
303       (set-tabs [(tabs) (tabs tab-width) (tabs tab-width units?)] write-lock)
304       (print [()
305               (interactive?)
306               (interactive? fit-on-page?)
307               (interactive? fit-on-page? output-mode)
308               (interactive? fit-on-page? output-mode parent)
309               (interactive? fit-on-page? output-mode parent force-ps-page-bbox?)]
310              write-lock)
312       (get-text [() (x) (x y) (x y z) (x y z p)] write-lock)
313       (get-flattened-text [()] write-lock)
314       (get-character [(start)] write-lock)
315       (find-wordbreak [(start end reason)] write-lock)
316       (save-file [() (filename) (filename format) (filename format show-errors?)] write-lock)
317       (write-to-file [(stream) (stream start end)]  write-lock)
318       (find-position [(x y) (x y at-eol? on-it? edge-close?)] write-lock)
319       (scroll-line-location [(pos)] write-lock)
320       (num-scroll-lines [()] write-lock)
321       (find-scroll-line [(location)] write-lock)
322       (style-has-changed [(style)] write-lock)]
324      [flow-lock
325       (and (locked-for-flow?)
326            (not (locked-for-read?)))
328       (get-text [() (x) (x y) (x y z) (x y z p)] flow-lock)
329       (get-flattened-text [()] flow-lock)
330       (get-character [(start)] flow-lock)
331       (find-wordbreak [(start end reason)] flow-lock)
332       (save-file [() (filename) (filename format) (filename format show-errors?)] flow-lock)
333       (write-to-file [(stream) (stream start end)]  flow-lock)
334       (find-position [(x y) (x y at-eol? on-it? edge-close?)] flow-lock)
335       (scroll-line-location [(pos)] flow-lock)
336       (num-scroll-lines [()] flow-lock)
337       (find-scroll-line [(location)] flow-lock)
338       (style-has-changed [(style)] flow-lock)]
340      [read-lock
341       (locked-for-read?)])
343     (inherit locked-for-flow?
344              locked-for-write?
345              locked-for-read?)
346     (super-new))))
348  #|
349     ;; flowLocked in wx_mpriv
350     set-position ; _SetPosition
351     CheckRecalc  (only if graphicMaybeInvalid aka locations-computed?)
352     set-autowrap-bitmap ; SetAutowrapBitmap
353     Redraw
354     BeginPrint
355     EndPrint
356     HasPrintPage
357     print-to-dc ; PrintToDC
359     ;; flowlocked in wx_media.cxx
360     move-position ; MovePosition
361     split-snip ; SplitSnip
362     set-line-spacing ; SetLineSpacing
363     set-max-width ; SetMaxWidth
364     set-min-width ; SetMinWidth
365     set-min-height ; SetMinHeight
366     set-max-height ; SetMaxHeight
367     set-tabs ; SetTabs
368     resized ; Resized ;; uses the flag, but not to abort
370     ;; methods that consider
371     ;; the readLocked variable,
372     ;; at the C level; they just
373     ;; return if it is set.
374     get-text ; GetText
375     get-character ; GetCharacter
376     find-wordbreak ; FindWorkbreak
377     save-file ; SaveFile
378     write-to-file ; WriteToFile
379     _FindPositionInSnip
380     find-position ; FindPosition
381     scroll-line-location ; ScrollLineLocation
382     num-scroll-lines ; NumScrollLines
383     find-scroll-line ; FindScrollLine
384     style-has-changed ; StyleHasChanged ;; maybe need to expand this to include style lists?
386     FindFirstVisiblePosition ;; LineStartPosition?
387     FindLastVisiblePosition
388     CheckRecalc
390     ;; methods that consider the writeLocked variable,
391     ;; at the C level
392     _ChangeStyle
393     _Insert
394     _Delete
395     insert-port ; InsertPort
396     read-from-file ; ReadFromFile
397     set-style-list ; SetStyleList
398     ; Recounted
399     ReallyCanEdit -- only when op != wxEDIT_COPY
401     ;; in wx_mpbrd.cxx
402     insert ; Insert
403     delete ; Delete
404     erase ; Erase
405     delete ; Delete ;; -- with arg
406     remove ; Remove
407     move-to ; MoveTo
408     move ; Move, also with arg
409     change-style ; _ChangeStyle
410     set-before ;SetBefore
411     set-after ;SetAfter
412     ;ReallyCanEdit -- only when op != wxEDIT_COPY
413     ;Refresh has weird code checking writeLocked -- what does < 0 mean?
414     do-paste ; DoPaste
415     paste ; Paste
416     insert-port ; InsertPort
417     insert-file ; InsertFile
418     read-from-file ; ReadFromFile
419     ; BeginEditSequence ;; -- weird flag check
420     ; EndEditSequence ;; -- weird flag check, like BeginEditSequence
422  |#