1/* ReXX */
2  /* Take a measure of REXX clauses-per-second (CPS)                 */
3  /* Mike Cowlishaw (mfc@ibm.com).  Multi-platform.                  */
4  /* 1.0 17 Jan 89 Original version                                  */
5  /* 2.0  3 Jun 89 Remove attempt to simulate commands               */
6  /* 2.1  7 Oct 89 Remove use of not symbols, and correct commentary */
7  /* 2.2 31 Mar 00 Allow measures/iterations/tracevar to be passed on*/
8  /*               command line. mhes                                */
9  rexxcps=2.2    /* REXXCPS version; quotable only if code unchanged */
11  /* This measure of REXX execution speed is based on an analysis of */
12  /* the dynamic mix of clauses found in a (subjectively chosen)     */
13  /* collection of REXX programs (including commands, macros, and    */
14  /* personal programs).  Approximately 2,500,000 lines of trace     */
15  /* output were analysed, and the program below recreates the       */
16  /* dynamic mix of constructs found in that analysis.               */
17  /* In view of the dramatic differences between systems in their    */
18  /* efficiency of issuing commands, the timed loop does not issue   */
19  /* commands (an 'RC=expression; PARSE' sequence is used instead).  */
20  /* This program therefore measures the performance of a REXX       */
21  /* implementation, exclusive of command execution overhead.        */
22  /* Elapsed (user-perceived) time is used, rather than any form of  */
23  /* virtual time.                                                   */
25  Parse Arg averaging count tracevar
26  if averaging = '' Then averaging = 10  /* Averaging-over count */
27  if count = '' Then count = 30  /* Repetition count */
28  if tracevar = '' then tracevar = 'Off' /* Trace setting (for development use) */
29  signal on novalue
30  parse source  source  1 system .
31  parse version version
34  say '----- REXXCPS' rexxcps '-- Measuring REXX clauses/second -----'
35  say ' REXX version is:' version
36  say '       System is:' system
37  say '       Averaging:' averaging 'measures of' count 'iterations'
39  /* ----- Calibrate for the empty do-loop (average of 5) ----- */
40  empty=0
41  do i=1 to averaging
42    call time 'R'
43    do count; end
44    empty=time('R')+empty
45    end
46  empty=empty/averaging
48  noterm=(system='CMS'); if pos('O',tracevar)=1 then noterm=0
49  if noterm then do
50     say 'Calibration (empty DO):' empty 'secs (average of' averaging')'
51     say 'Spooling trace NOTERM'
53     end
55  /* Now the true timer loop .. average timing again */
56  full=0
57  do i=1 to averaging
58    trace value tracevar
59    call time 'R'
60    do count;
61      /* -----  This is first of the 1000 clauses ----- */
62      flag=0; p0='b'
63      do loop=1 to 14
64        /* This is the "block" comment in loop */
65        key1='Key Bee'
66        acompound.key1.loop=substr(1234"5678",6,2)
67        if flag=acompound.key1.loop then say 'Failed1'
68        do j=1.1 to 2.2 by 1.1   /* executed 28 times */
69          if j>acompound.key1.loop then say 'Failed2'
70          if 17<length(j)-1        then say 'Failed3'
71          if j='foobar'            then say 'Failed4'
72          if substr(1234,1,1)=9    then say 'Failed5'
73          if word(key1,1)='?'      then say 'Failed6'
74          if j<5 then do   /* This path taken */
75            acompound.key1.loop=acompound.key1.loop+1
76            if j=2 then leave
77            end
78          iterate
79          end /* j */
80        avar.=1.0''loop
81        select
82          when flag='string' then say 'FailedS1'
83          when avar.flag.2=0 then say 'FailedS2'
84          when flag=5+99.7   then say 'FailedS3'
85          when flag          then avar.1.2=avar.1.2*1.1
86          when flag==0       then flag=0
87          end
88        if 1 then flag=1
89        select
90          when flag=='ring'  then say 'FailedT1'
91          when avar.flag.3=0 then say 'FailedT2'
92          when flag          then avar.1.2=avar.1.2*1.1
93          when flag==0       then flag=1
94          end
95        parse value 'Foo Bar' with v1 +5 v2 .
96        trace value trace(); address value address()
97        call subroutine 'with' 2 'args', '(This is the second)'1''1
98        rc='This is an awfully boring program'; parse var rc p1 (p0) p5
99        rc='is an awfully boring program This'; parse var rc p2 (p0) p6
100        rc='an awfully boring program This is'; parse var rc p3 (p0) p7
101        rc='awfully boring program This is an'; parse var rc p4 (p0) p8
102        end loop
103      /* -----  This is last of the 1000 clauses ----- */
104      end
105    full=time('R')+full
106    trace off
107    end
108  full=full/averaging
109  if noterm then do
111     say 'Spooling now back on TERM'
112     end
114  /* Now display the statistics */
115  looptime=(full-empty)/count
117  /* Developer's statistics: */
118  if left(tracevar,1)='O' then nop; else do
119    say
120    say 'Total (full DO):' full-empty 'secs (average of' averaging ,
121      'measures of' count 'iterations)'
122    say 'Time for one iteration (1000 clauses) was:' looptime 'seconds'
123    end
124  /* And finally, the Result... */
126  if looptime = 0 Then do
127     say '     The granularity of the system clock appears to be too coarse to'
128     say '     obtain an effective result.  Re-run this progam and increase the'
129     say '     number of iterations or the repeat count.'
130     end
131  else do
132     say
133     say'     Performance:' format(1000/looptime,,0) 'REXX clauses per second'
134     say
135     end
137  exit
140  /* Target routine for the timed CALL - called 14 times */
141  subroutine:
142    parse upper arg a1 a2 a3 ., a4
143    parse var a3 b1 b2 b3 .
144    do 1; rc=a1 a2 a3; parse var rc c1 c2 c3; end
145    return
147  novalue: if noterm then 'CP SP CON STOP TERM'
148    say 'novalue triggered'
149  /* -- end of program -- */