1# frozen_string_literal: true
2require 'uri'
3require 'stringio'
4require 'time'
6module Kernel
7  private
8  alias open_uri_original_open open # :nodoc:
9  class << self
10    alias open_uri_original_open open # :nodoc:
11  end
13  # Allows the opening of various resources including URIs.
14  #
15  # If the first argument responds to the 'open' method, 'open' is called on
16  # it with the rest of the arguments.
17  #
18  # If the first argument is a string that begins with xxx://, it is parsed by
19  # URI.parse.  If the parsed object responds to the 'open' method,
20  # 'open' is called on it with the rest of the arguments.
21  #
22  # Otherwise, the original Kernel#open is called.
23  #
24  # OpenURI::OpenRead#open provides URI::HTTP#open, URI::HTTPS#open and
25  # URI::FTP#open, Kernel#open.
26  #
27  # We can accept URIs and strings that begin with http://, https:// and
28  # ftp://. In these cases, the opened file object is extended by OpenURI::Meta.
29  def open(name, *rest, &block) # :doc:
30    if name.respond_to?(:open)
31      name.open(*rest, &block)
32    elsif name.respond_to?(:to_str) &&
33          %r{\A[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9+\-\.]*://} =~ name &&
34          (uri = URI.parse(name)).respond_to?(:open)
35      uri.open(*rest, &block)
36    else
37      open_uri_original_open(name, *rest, &block)
38    end
39  end
40  module_function :open
43module URI #:nodoc:
44  # alias for Kernel.open defined in open-uri.
45  def self.open(name, *rest, &block)
46    Kernel.open(name, *rest, &block)
47  end
50# OpenURI is an easy-to-use wrapper for Net::HTTP, Net::HTTPS and Net::FTP.
52# == Example
54# It is possible to open an http, https or ftp URL as though it were a file:
56#   open("http://www.ruby-lang.org/") {|f|
57#     f.each_line {|line| p line}
58#   }
60# The opened file has several getter methods for its meta-information, as
61# follows, since it is extended by OpenURI::Meta.
63#   open("http://www.ruby-lang.org/en") {|f|
64#     f.each_line {|line| p line}
65#     p f.base_uri         # <URI::HTTP:0x40e6ef2 URL:http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/>
66#     p f.content_type     # "text/html"
67#     p f.charset          # "iso-8859-1"
68#     p f.content_encoding # []
69#     p f.last_modified    # Thu Dec 05 02:45:02 UTC 2002
70#   }
72# Additional header fields can be specified by an optional hash argument.
74#   open("http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/",
75#     "User-Agent" => "Ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION}",
76#     "From" => "foo@bar.invalid",
77#     "Referer" => "http://www.ruby-lang.org/") {|f|
78#     # ...
79#   }
81# The environment variables such as http_proxy, https_proxy and ftp_proxy
82# are in effect by default. Here we disable proxy:
84#   open("http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/", :proxy => nil) {|f|
85#     # ...
86#   }
88# See OpenURI::OpenRead.open and Kernel#open for more on available options.
90# URI objects can be opened in a similar way.
92#   uri = URI.parse("http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/")
93#   uri.open {|f|
94#     # ...
95#   }
97# URI objects can be read directly. The returned string is also extended by
98# OpenURI::Meta.
100#   str = uri.read
101#   p str.base_uri
103# Author:: Tanaka Akira <akr@m17n.org>
105module OpenURI
106  Options = {
107    :proxy => true,
108    :proxy_http_basic_authentication => true,
109    :progress_proc => true,
110    :content_length_proc => true,
111    :http_basic_authentication => true,
112    :read_timeout => true,
113    :open_timeout => true,
114    :ssl_ca_cert => nil,
115    :ssl_verify_mode => nil,
116    :ftp_active_mode => false,
117    :redirect => true,
118    :encoding => nil,
119  }
121  def OpenURI.check_options(options) # :nodoc:
122    options.each {|k, v|
123      next unless Symbol === k
124      unless Options.include? k
125        raise ArgumentError, "unrecognized option: #{k}"
126      end
127    }
128  end
130  def OpenURI.scan_open_optional_arguments(*rest) # :nodoc:
131    if !rest.empty? && (String === rest.first || Integer === rest.first)
132      mode = rest.shift
133      if !rest.empty? && Integer === rest.first
134        perm = rest.shift
135      end
136    end
137    return mode, perm, rest
138  end
140  def OpenURI.open_uri(name, *rest) # :nodoc:
141    uri = URI::Generic === name ? name : URI.parse(name)
142    mode, _, rest = OpenURI.scan_open_optional_arguments(*rest)
143    options = rest.shift if !rest.empty? && Hash === rest.first
144    raise ArgumentError.new("extra arguments") if !rest.empty?
145    options ||= {}
146    OpenURI.check_options(options)
148    if /\Arb?(?:\Z|:([^:]+))/ =~ mode
149      encoding, = $1,Encoding.find($1) if $1
150      mode = nil
151    end
152    if options.has_key? :encoding
153      if !encoding.nil?
154        raise ArgumentError, "encoding specified twice"
155      end
156      encoding = Encoding.find(options[:encoding])
157    end
159    unless mode == nil ||
160           mode == 'r' || mode == 'rb' ||
161           mode == File::RDONLY
162      raise ArgumentError.new("invalid access mode #{mode} (#{uri.class} resource is read only.)")
163    end
165    io = open_loop(uri, options)
166    io.set_encoding(encoding) if encoding
167    if block_given?
168      begin
169        yield io
170      ensure
171        if io.respond_to? :close!
172          io.close! # Tempfile
173        else
174          io.close if !io.closed?
175        end
176      end
177    else
178      io
179    end
180  end
182  def OpenURI.open_loop(uri, options) # :nodoc:
183    proxy_opts = []
184    proxy_opts << :proxy_http_basic_authentication if options.include? :proxy_http_basic_authentication
185    proxy_opts << :proxy if options.include? :proxy
186    proxy_opts.compact!
187    if 1 < proxy_opts.length
188      raise ArgumentError, "multiple proxy options specified"
189    end
190    case proxy_opts.first
191    when :proxy_http_basic_authentication
192      opt_proxy, proxy_user, proxy_pass = options.fetch(:proxy_http_basic_authentication)
193      proxy_user = proxy_user.to_str
194      proxy_pass = proxy_pass.to_str
195      if opt_proxy == true
196        raise ArgumentError.new("Invalid authenticated proxy option: #{options[:proxy_http_basic_authentication].inspect}")
197      end
198    when :proxy
199      opt_proxy = options.fetch(:proxy)
200      proxy_user = nil
201      proxy_pass = nil
202    when nil
203      opt_proxy = true
204      proxy_user = nil
205      proxy_pass = nil
206    end
207    case opt_proxy
208    when true
209      find_proxy = lambda {|u| pxy = u.find_proxy; pxy ? [pxy, nil, nil] : nil}
210    when nil, false
211      find_proxy = lambda {|u| nil}
212    when String
213      opt_proxy = URI.parse(opt_proxy)
214      find_proxy = lambda {|u| [opt_proxy, proxy_user, proxy_pass]}
215    when URI::Generic
216      find_proxy = lambda {|u| [opt_proxy, proxy_user, proxy_pass]}
217    else
218      raise ArgumentError.new("Invalid proxy option: #{opt_proxy}")
219    end
221    uri_set = {}
222    buf = nil
223    while true
224      redirect = catch(:open_uri_redirect) {
225        buf = Buffer.new
226        uri.buffer_open(buf, find_proxy.call(uri), options)
227        nil
228      }
229      if redirect
230        if redirect.relative?
231          # Although it violates RFC2616, Location: field may have relative
232          # URI.  It is converted to absolute URI using uri as a base URI.
233          redirect = uri + redirect
234        end
235        if !options.fetch(:redirect, true)
236          raise HTTPRedirect.new(buf.io.status.join(' '), buf.io, redirect)
237        end
238        unless OpenURI.redirectable?(uri, redirect)
239          raise "redirection forbidden: #{uri} -> #{redirect}"
240        end
241        if options.include? :http_basic_authentication
242          # send authentication only for the URI directly specified.
243          options = options.dup
244          options.delete :http_basic_authentication
245        end
246        uri = redirect
247        raise "HTTP redirection loop: #{uri}" if uri_set.include? uri.to_s
248        uri_set[uri.to_s] = true
249      else
250        break
251      end
252    end
253    io = buf.io
254    io.base_uri = uri
255    io
256  end
258  def OpenURI.redirectable?(uri1, uri2) # :nodoc:
259    # This test is intended to forbid a redirection from http://... to
260    # file:///etc/passwd, file:///dev/zero, etc.  CVE-2011-1521
261    # https to http redirect is also forbidden intentionally.
262    # It avoids sending secure cookie or referer by non-secure HTTP protocol.
263    # (RFC 2109 4.3.1, RFC 2965 3.3, RFC 2616 15.1.3)
264    # However this is ad hoc.  It should be extensible/configurable.
265    uri1.scheme.downcase == uri2.scheme.downcase ||
266    (/\A(?:http|ftp)\z/i =~ uri1.scheme && /\A(?:https?|ftp)\z/i =~ uri2.scheme)
267  end
269  def OpenURI.open_http(buf, target, proxy, options) # :nodoc:
270    if proxy
271      proxy_uri, proxy_user, proxy_pass = proxy
272      raise "Non-HTTP proxy URI: #{proxy_uri}" if proxy_uri.class != URI::HTTP
273    end
275    if target.userinfo
276      raise ArgumentError, "userinfo not supported.  [RFC3986]"
277    end
279    header = {}
280    options.each {|k, v| header[k] = v if String === k }
282    require 'net/http'
283    klass = Net::HTTP
284    if URI::HTTP === target
285      # HTTP or HTTPS
286      if proxy
287        unless proxy_user && proxy_pass
288          proxy_user, proxy_pass = proxy_uri.userinfo.split(':') if proxy_uri.userinfo
289        end
290        if proxy_user && proxy_pass
291          klass = Net::HTTP::Proxy(proxy_uri.hostname, proxy_uri.port, proxy_user, proxy_pass)
292        else
293          klass = Net::HTTP::Proxy(proxy_uri.hostname, proxy_uri.port)
294        end
295      end
296      target_host = target.hostname
297      target_port = target.port
298      request_uri = target.request_uri
299    else
300      # FTP over HTTP proxy
301      target_host = proxy_uri.hostname
302      target_port = proxy_uri.port
303      request_uri = target.to_s
304      if proxy_user && proxy_pass
305        header["Proxy-Authorization"] =
306                        'Basic ' + ["#{proxy_user}:#{proxy_pass}"].pack('m0')
307      end
308    end
310    http = proxy ? klass.new(target_host, target_port) : klass.new(target_host, target_port, nil)
311    if target.class == URI::HTTPS
312      require 'net/https'
313      http.use_ssl = true
314      http.verify_mode = options[:ssl_verify_mode] || OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
315      store = OpenSSL::X509::Store.new
316      if options[:ssl_ca_cert]
317        Array(options[:ssl_ca_cert]).each do |cert|
318          if File.directory? cert
319            store.add_path cert
320          else
321            store.add_file cert
322          end
323        end
324      else
325        store.set_default_paths
326      end
327      http.cert_store = store
328    end
329    if options.include? :read_timeout
330      http.read_timeout = options[:read_timeout]
331    end
332    if options.include? :open_timeout
333      http.open_timeout = options[:open_timeout]
334    end
336    resp = nil
337    http.start {
338      req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(request_uri, header)
339      if options.include? :http_basic_authentication
340        user, pass = options[:http_basic_authentication]
341        req.basic_auth user, pass
342      end
343      http.request(req) {|response|
344        resp = response
345        if options[:content_length_proc] && Net::HTTPSuccess === resp
346          if resp.key?('Content-Length')
347            options[:content_length_proc].call(resp['Content-Length'].to_i)
348          else
349            options[:content_length_proc].call(nil)
350          end
351        end
352        resp.read_body {|str|
353          buf << str
354          if options[:progress_proc] && Net::HTTPSuccess === resp
355            options[:progress_proc].call(buf.size)
356          end
357          str.clear
358        }
359      }
360    }
361    io = buf.io
362    io.rewind
363    io.status = [resp.code, resp.message]
364    resp.each_name {|name| buf.io.meta_add_field2 name, resp.get_fields(name) }
365    case resp
366    when Net::HTTPSuccess
367    when Net::HTTPMovedPermanently, # 301
368         Net::HTTPFound, # 302
369         Net::HTTPSeeOther, # 303
370         Net::HTTPTemporaryRedirect # 307
371      begin
372        loc_uri = URI.parse(resp['location'])
373      rescue URI::InvalidURIError
374        raise OpenURI::HTTPError.new(io.status.join(' ') + ' (Invalid Location URI)', io)
375      end
376      throw :open_uri_redirect, loc_uri
377    else
378      raise OpenURI::HTTPError.new(io.status.join(' '), io)
379    end
380  end
382  class HTTPError < StandardError
383    def initialize(message, io)
384      super(message)
385      @io = io
386    end
387    attr_reader :io
388  end
390  # Raised on redirection,
391  # only occurs when +redirect+ option for HTTP is +false+.
392  class HTTPRedirect < HTTPError
393    def initialize(message, io, uri)
394      super(message, io)
395      @uri = uri
396    end
397    attr_reader :uri
398  end
400  class Buffer # :nodoc: all
401    def initialize
402      @io = StringIO.new
403      @size = 0
404    end
405    attr_reader :size
407    StringMax = 10240
408    def <<(str)
409      @io << str
410      @size += str.length
411      if StringIO === @io && StringMax < @size
412        require 'tempfile'
413        io = Tempfile.new('open-uri')
414        io.binmode
415        Meta.init io, @io if Meta === @io
416        io << @io.string
417        @io = io
418      end
419    end
421    def io
422      Meta.init @io unless Meta === @io
423      @io
424    end
425  end
427  # Mixin for holding meta-information.
428  module Meta
429    def Meta.init(obj, src=nil) # :nodoc:
430      obj.extend Meta
431      obj.instance_eval {
432        @base_uri = nil
433        @meta = {} # name to string.  legacy.
434        @metas = {} # name to array of strings.
435      }
436      if src
437        obj.status = src.status
438        obj.base_uri = src.base_uri
439        src.metas.each {|name, values|
440          obj.meta_add_field2(name, values)
441        }
442      end
443    end
445    # returns an Array that consists of status code and message.
446    attr_accessor :status
448    # returns a URI that is the base of relative URIs in the data.
449    # It may differ from the URI supplied by a user due to redirection.
450    attr_accessor :base_uri
452    # returns a Hash that represents header fields.
453    # The Hash keys are downcased for canonicalization.
454    # The Hash values are a field body.
455    # If there are multiple field with same field name,
456    # the field values are concatenated with a comma.
457    attr_reader :meta
459    # returns a Hash that represents header fields.
460    # The Hash keys are downcased for canonicalization.
461    # The Hash value are an array of field values.
462    attr_reader :metas
464    def meta_setup_encoding # :nodoc:
465      charset = self.charset
466      enc = nil
467      if charset
468        begin
469          enc = Encoding.find(charset)
470        rescue ArgumentError
471        end
472      end
473      enc = Encoding::ASCII_8BIT unless enc
474      if self.respond_to? :force_encoding
475        self.force_encoding(enc)
476      elsif self.respond_to? :string
477        self.string.force_encoding(enc)
478      else # Tempfile
479        self.set_encoding enc
480      end
481    end
483    def meta_add_field2(name, values) # :nodoc:
484      name = name.downcase
485      @metas[name] = values
486      @meta[name] = values.join(', ')
487      meta_setup_encoding if name == 'content-type'
488    end
490    def meta_add_field(name, value) # :nodoc:
491      meta_add_field2(name, [value])
492    end
494    # returns a Time that represents the Last-Modified field.
495    def last_modified
496      if vs = @metas['last-modified']
497        v = vs.join(', ')
498        Time.httpdate(v)
499      else
500        nil
501      end
502    end
504    # :stopdoc:
505    RE_LWS = /[\r\n\t ]+/n
506    RE_TOKEN = %r{[^\x00- ()<>@,;:\\"/\[\]?={}\x7f]+}n
507    RE_QUOTED_STRING = %r{"(?:[\r\n\t !#-\[\]-~\x80-\xff]|\\[\x00-\x7f])*"}n
508    RE_PARAMETERS = %r{(?:;#{RE_LWS}?#{RE_TOKEN}#{RE_LWS}?=#{RE_LWS}?(?:#{RE_TOKEN}|#{RE_QUOTED_STRING})#{RE_LWS}?)*}n
509    # :startdoc:
511    def content_type_parse # :nodoc:
512      vs = @metas['content-type']
513      # The last (?:;#{RE_LWS}?)? matches extra ";" which violates RFC2045.
514      if vs && %r{\A#{RE_LWS}?(#{RE_TOKEN})#{RE_LWS}?/(#{RE_TOKEN})#{RE_LWS}?(#{RE_PARAMETERS})(?:;#{RE_LWS}?)?\z}no =~ vs.join(', ')
515        type = $1.downcase
516        subtype = $2.downcase
517        parameters = []
518        $3.scan(/;#{RE_LWS}?(#{RE_TOKEN})#{RE_LWS}?=#{RE_LWS}?(?:(#{RE_TOKEN})|(#{RE_QUOTED_STRING}))/no) {|att, val, qval|
519          if qval
520            val = qval[1...-1].gsub(/[\r\n\t !#-\[\]-~\x80-\xff]+|(\\[\x00-\x7f])/n) { $1 ? $1[1,1] : $& }
521          end
522          parameters << [att.downcase, val]
523        }
524        ["#{type}/#{subtype}", *parameters]
525      else
526        nil
527      end
528    end
530    # returns "type/subtype" which is MIME Content-Type.
531    # It is downcased for canonicalization.
532    # Content-Type parameters are stripped.
533    def content_type
534      type, *_ = content_type_parse
535      type || 'application/octet-stream'
536    end
538    # returns a charset parameter in Content-Type field.
539    # It is downcased for canonicalization.
540    #
541    # If charset parameter is not given but a block is given,
542    # the block is called and its result is returned.
543    # It can be used to guess charset.
544    #
545    # If charset parameter and block is not given,
546    # nil is returned except text type in HTTP.
547    # In that case, "iso-8859-1" is returned as defined by RFC2616 3.7.1.
548    def charset
549      type, *parameters = content_type_parse
550      if pair = parameters.assoc('charset')
551        pair.last.downcase
552      elsif block_given?
553        yield
554      elsif type && %r{\Atext/} =~ type &&
555            @base_uri && /\Ahttp\z/i =~ @base_uri.scheme
556        "iso-8859-1" # RFC2616 3.7.1
557      else
558        nil
559      end
560    end
562    # Returns a list of encodings in Content-Encoding field as an array of
563    # strings.
564    #
565    # The encodings are downcased for canonicalization.
566    def content_encoding
567      vs = @metas['content-encoding']
568      if vs && %r{\A#{RE_LWS}?#{RE_TOKEN}#{RE_LWS}?(?:,#{RE_LWS}?#{RE_TOKEN}#{RE_LWS}?)*}o =~ (v = vs.join(', '))
569        v.scan(RE_TOKEN).map {|content_coding| content_coding.downcase}
570      else
571        []
572      end
573    end
574  end
576  # Mixin for HTTP and FTP URIs.
577  module OpenRead
578    # OpenURI::OpenRead#open provides `open' for URI::HTTP and URI::FTP.
579    #
580    # OpenURI::OpenRead#open takes optional 3 arguments as:
581    #
582    #   OpenURI::OpenRead#open([mode [, perm]] [, options]) [{|io| ... }]
583    #
584    # OpenURI::OpenRead#open returns an IO-like object if block is not given.
585    # Otherwise it yields the IO object and return the value of the block.
586    # The IO object is extended with OpenURI::Meta.
587    #
588    # +mode+ and +perm+ are the same as Kernel#open.
589    #
590    # However, +mode+ must be read mode because OpenURI::OpenRead#open doesn't
591    # support write mode (yet).
592    # Also +perm+ is ignored because it is meaningful only for file creation.
593    #
594    # +options+ must be a hash.
595    #
596    # Each option with a string key specifies an extra header field for HTTP.
597    # I.e., it is ignored for FTP without HTTP proxy.
598    #
599    # The hash may include other options, where keys are symbols:
600    #
601    # [:proxy]
602    #  Synopsis:
603    #    :proxy => "http://proxy.foo.com:8000/"
604    #    :proxy => URI.parse("http://proxy.foo.com:8000/")
605    #    :proxy => true
606    #    :proxy => false
607    #    :proxy => nil
608    #
609    #  If :proxy option is specified, the value should be String, URI,
610    #  boolean or nil.
611    #
612    #  When String or URI is given, it is treated as proxy URI.
613    #
614    #  When true is given or the option itself is not specified,
615    #  environment variable `scheme_proxy' is examined.
616    #  `scheme' is replaced by `http', `https' or `ftp'.
617    #
618    #  When false or nil is given, the environment variables are ignored and
619    #  connection will be made to a server directly.
620    #
621    # [:proxy_http_basic_authentication]
622    #  Synopsis:
623    #    :proxy_http_basic_authentication =>
624    #      ["http://proxy.foo.com:8000/", "proxy-user", "proxy-password"]
625    #    :proxy_http_basic_authentication =>
626    #      [URI.parse("http://proxy.foo.com:8000/"),
627    #       "proxy-user", "proxy-password"]
628    #
629    #  If :proxy option is specified, the value should be an Array with 3
630    #  elements.  It should contain a proxy URI, a proxy user name and a proxy
631    #  password.  The proxy URI should be a String, an URI or nil.  The proxy
632    #  user name and password should be a String.
633    #
634    #  If nil is given for the proxy URI, this option is just ignored.
635    #
636    #  If :proxy and :proxy_http_basic_authentication is specified,
637    #  ArgumentError is raised.
638    #
639    # [:http_basic_authentication]
640    #  Synopsis:
641    #    :http_basic_authentication=>[user, password]
642    #
643    #  If :http_basic_authentication is specified,
644    #  the value should be an array which contains 2 strings:
645    #  username and password.
646    #  It is used for HTTP Basic authentication defined by RFC 2617.
647    #
648    # [:content_length_proc]
649    #  Synopsis:
650    #    :content_length_proc => lambda {|content_length| ... }
651    #
652    #  If :content_length_proc option is specified, the option value procedure
653    #  is called before actual transfer is started.
654    #  It takes one argument, which is expected content length in bytes.
655    #
656    #  If two or more transfers are performed by HTTP redirection, the
657    #  procedure is called only once for the last transfer.
658    #
659    #  When expected content length is unknown, the procedure is called with
660    #  nil.  This happens when the HTTP response has no Content-Length header.
661    #
662    # [:progress_proc]
663    #  Synopsis:
664    #    :progress_proc => lambda {|size| ...}
665    #
666    #  If :progress_proc option is specified, the proc is called with one
667    #  argument each time when `open' gets content fragment from network.
668    #  The argument +size+ is the accumulated transferred size in bytes.
669    #
670    #  If two or more transfer is done by HTTP redirection, the procedure
671    #  is called only one for a last transfer.
672    #
673    #  :progress_proc and :content_length_proc are intended to be used for
674    #  progress bar.
675    #  For example, it can be implemented as follows using Ruby/ProgressBar.
676    #
677    #    pbar = nil
678    #    open("http://...",
679    #      :content_length_proc => lambda {|t|
680    #        if t && 0 < t
681    #          pbar = ProgressBar.new("...", t)
682    #          pbar.file_transfer_mode
683    #        end
684    #      },
685    #      :progress_proc => lambda {|s|
686    #        pbar.set s if pbar
687    #      }) {|f| ... }
688    #
689    # [:read_timeout]
690    #  Synopsis:
691    #    :read_timeout=>nil     (no timeout)
692    #    :read_timeout=>10      (10 second)
693    #
694    #  :read_timeout option specifies a timeout of read for http connections.
695    #
696    # [:open_timeout]
697    #  Synopsis:
698    #    :open_timeout=>nil     (no timeout)
699    #    :open_timeout=>10      (10 second)
700    #
701    #  :open_timeout option specifies a timeout of open for http connections.
702    #
703    # [:ssl_ca_cert]
704    #  Synopsis:
705    #    :ssl_ca_cert=>filename or an Array of filenames
706    #
707    #  :ssl_ca_cert is used to specify CA certificate for SSL.
708    #  If it is given, default certificates are not used.
709    #
710    # [:ssl_verify_mode]
711    #  Synopsis:
712    #    :ssl_verify_mode=>mode
713    #
714    #  :ssl_verify_mode is used to specify openssl verify mode.
715    #
716    # [:ftp_active_mode]
717    #  Synopsis:
718    #    :ftp_active_mode=>bool
719    #
720    #  <tt>:ftp_active_mode => true</tt> is used to make ftp active mode.
721    #  Ruby 1.9 uses passive mode by default.
722    #  Note that the active mode is default in Ruby 1.8 or prior.
723    #
724    # [:redirect]
725    #  Synopsis:
726    #    :redirect=>bool
727    #
728    #  +:redirect+ is true by default.  <tt>:redirect => false</tt> is used to
729    #  disable all HTTP redirects.
730    #
731    #  OpenURI::HTTPRedirect exception raised on redirection.
732    #  Using +true+ also means that redirections between http and ftp are
733    #  permitted.
734    #
735    def open(*rest, &block)
736      OpenURI.open_uri(self, *rest, &block)
737    end
739    # OpenURI::OpenRead#read([options]) reads a content referenced by self and
740    # returns the content as string.
741    # The string is extended with OpenURI::Meta.
742    # The argument +options+ is same as OpenURI::OpenRead#open.
743    def read(options={})
744      self.open(options) {|f|
745        str = f.read
746        Meta.init str, f
747        str
748      }
749    end
750  end
753module URI
754  class HTTP
755    def buffer_open(buf, proxy, options) # :nodoc:
756      OpenURI.open_http(buf, self, proxy, options)
757    end
759    include OpenURI::OpenRead
760  end
762  class FTP
763    def buffer_open(buf, proxy, options) # :nodoc:
764      if proxy
765        OpenURI.open_http(buf, self, proxy, options)
766        return
767      end
768      require 'net/ftp'
770      path = self.path
771      path = path.sub(%r{\A/}, '%2F') # re-encode the beginning slash because uri library decodes it.
772      directories = path.split(%r{/}, -1)
773      directories.each {|d|
774        d.gsub!(/%([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])/) { [$1].pack("H2") }
775      }
776      unless filename = directories.pop
777        raise ArgumentError, "no filename: #{self.inspect}"
778      end
779      directories.each {|d|
780        if /[\r\n]/ =~ d
781          raise ArgumentError, "invalid directory: #{d.inspect}"
782        end
783      }
784      if /[\r\n]/ =~ filename
785        raise ArgumentError, "invalid filename: #{filename.inspect}"
786      end
787      typecode = self.typecode
788      if typecode && /\A[aid]\z/ !~ typecode
789        raise ArgumentError, "invalid typecode: #{typecode.inspect}"
790      end
792      # The access sequence is defined by RFC 1738
793      ftp = Net::FTP.new
794      ftp.connect(self.hostname, self.port)
795      ftp.passive = !options[:ftp_active_mode]
796      # todo: extract user/passwd from .netrc.
797      user = 'anonymous'
798      passwd = nil
799      user, passwd = self.userinfo.split(/:/) if self.userinfo
800      ftp.login(user, passwd)
801      directories.each {|cwd|
802        ftp.voidcmd("CWD #{cwd}")
803      }
804      if typecode
805        # xxx: typecode D is not handled.
806        ftp.voidcmd("TYPE #{typecode.upcase}")
807      end
808      if options[:content_length_proc]
809        options[:content_length_proc].call(ftp.size(filename))
810      end
811      ftp.retrbinary("RETR #{filename}", 4096) { |str|
812        buf << str
813        options[:progress_proc].call(buf.size) if options[:progress_proc]
814      }
815      ftp.close
816      buf.io.rewind
817    end
819    include OpenURI::OpenRead
820  end