1# Constant Evaluation
3Constant evaluation is the process of computing values at compile time. For a
4specific item (constant/static/array length) this happens after the MIR for the
5item is borrow-checked and optimized. In many cases trying to const evaluate an
6item will trigger the computation of its MIR for the first time.
8Prominent examples are:
10* The initializer of a `static`
11* Array length
12    * needs to be known to reserve stack or heap space
13* Enum variant discriminants
14    * needs to be known to prevent two variants from having the same
15      discriminant
16* Patterns
17    * need to be known to check for overlapping patterns
19Additionally constant evaluation can be used to reduce the workload or binary
20size at runtime by precomputing complex operations at compiletime and only
21storing the result.
23Constant evaluation can be done by calling the `const_eval_*` functions of `TyCtxt`.
24They're the wrappers of the `const_eval` query.
26The `const_eval_*` functions use a [`ParamEnv`](./param_env.html) of environment
27in which the constant is evaluated (e.g. the function within which the constant is used)
28and a [`GlobalId`]. The `GlobalId` is made up of an `Instance` referring to a constant
29or static or of an `Instance` of a function and an index into the function's `Promoted` table.
31Constant evaluation returns a [`EvalToConstValueResult`] with either the error, or a
32representation of the constant. `static` initializers are always represented as
33[`miri`](./miri.html) virtual memory allocations (via [`ConstValue::ByRef`]).
34Other constants get represented as [`ConstValue::Scalar`]
35or [`ConstValue::Slice`] if possible. This means that the `const_eval_*`
36functions cannot be used to create miri-pointers to the evaluated constant.
37If you need the value of a constant inside Miri, you need to directly work with
40[`GlobalId`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/mir/interpret/struct.GlobalId.html
41[`ConstValue::Scalar`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/mir/interpret/value/enum.ConstValue.html#variant.Scalar
42[`ConstValue::Slice`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/mir/interpret/value/enum.ConstValue.html#variant.Slice
43[`ConstValue::ByRef`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/mir/interpret/value/enum.ConstValue.html#variant.ByRef
44[`EvalToConstValueResult`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_middle/mir/interpret/error/type.EvalToConstValueResult.html
45[`const_to_op`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/nightly-rustc/rustc_const_eval/interpret/struct.InterpCx.html#method.const_to_op