1 //! Implements threads.
3 use std::cell::RefCell;
4 use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
5 use std::convert::TryFrom;
6 use std::num::TryFromIntError;
7 use std::time::{Duration, Instant, SystemTime};
9 use log::trace;
11 use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
12 use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
13 use rustc_index::vec::{Idx, IndexVec};
15 use crate::sync::SynchronizationState;
16 use crate::*;
18 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
19 pub enum SchedulingAction {
20     /// Execute step on the active thread.
21     ExecuteStep,
22     /// Execute a timeout callback.
23     ExecuteTimeoutCallback,
24     /// Execute destructors of the active thread.
25     ExecuteDtors,
26     /// Stop the program.
27     Stop,
28 }
30 /// Timeout callbacks can be created by synchronization primitives to tell the
31 /// scheduler that they should be called once some period of time passes.
32 type TimeoutCallback<'mir, 'tcx> =
33     Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, Evaluator<'mir, 'tcx>>) -> InterpResult<'tcx> + 'tcx>;
35 /// A thread identifier.
36 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
37 pub struct ThreadId(u32);
39 /// The main thread. When it terminates, the whole application terminates.
40 const MAIN_THREAD: ThreadId = ThreadId(0);
42 impl ThreadId {
to_u32(self) -> u3243     pub fn to_u32(self) -> u32 {
44         self.0
45     }
46 }
48 impl Idx for ThreadId {
new(idx: usize) -> Self49     fn new(idx: usize) -> Self {
50         ThreadId(u32::try_from(idx).unwrap())
51     }
index(self) -> usize53     fn index(self) -> usize {
54         usize::try_from(self.0).unwrap()
55     }
56 }
58 impl TryFrom<u64> for ThreadId {
59     type Error = TryFromIntError;
try_from(id: u64) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>60     fn try_from(id: u64) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
61         u32::try_from(id).map(|id_u32| Self(id_u32))
62     }
63 }
65 impl From<u32> for ThreadId {
from(id: u32) -> Self66     fn from(id: u32) -> Self {
67         Self(id)
68     }
69 }
71 impl ThreadId {
to_u32_scalar<'tcx>(&self) -> Scalar<Tag>72     pub fn to_u32_scalar<'tcx>(&self) -> Scalar<Tag> {
73         Scalar::from_u32(u32::try_from(self.0).unwrap())
74     }
75 }
77 /// The state of a thread.
78 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
79 pub enum ThreadState {
80     /// The thread is enabled and can be executed.
81     Enabled,
82     /// The thread tried to join the specified thread and is blocked until that
83     /// thread terminates.
84     BlockedOnJoin(ThreadId),
85     /// The thread is blocked on some synchronization primitive. It is the
86     /// responsibility of the synchronization primitives to track threads that
87     /// are blocked by them.
88     BlockedOnSync,
89     /// The thread has terminated its execution. We do not delete terminated
90     /// threads (FIXME: why?).
91     Terminated,
92 }
94 /// The join status of a thread.
95 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
96 enum ThreadJoinStatus {
97     /// The thread can be joined.
98     Joinable,
99     /// A thread is detached if its join handle was destroyed and no other
100     /// thread can join it.
101     Detached,
102     /// The thread was already joined by some thread and cannot be joined again.
103     Joined,
104 }
106 /// A thread.
107 pub struct Thread<'mir, 'tcx> {
108     state: ThreadState,
110     /// Name of the thread.
111     thread_name: Option<Vec<u8>>,
113     /// The virtual call stack.
114     stack: Vec<Frame<'mir, 'tcx, Tag, FrameData<'tcx>>>,
116     /// The join status.
117     join_status: ThreadJoinStatus,
119     /// The temporary used for storing the argument of
120     /// the call to `miri_start_panic` (the panic payload) when unwinding.
121     /// This is pointer-sized, and matches the `Payload` type in `src/libpanic_unwind/miri.rs`.
122     pub(crate) panic_payload: Option<Scalar<Tag>>,
124     /// Last OS error location in memory. It is a 32-bit integer.
125     pub(crate) last_error: Option<MPlaceTy<'tcx, Tag>>,
126 }
128 impl<'mir, 'tcx> Thread<'mir, 'tcx> {
129     /// Check if the thread is done executing (no more stack frames). If yes,
130     /// change the state to terminated and return `true`.
check_terminated(&mut self) -> bool131     fn check_terminated(&mut self) -> bool {
132         if self.state == ThreadState::Enabled {
133             if self.stack.is_empty() {
134                 self.state = ThreadState::Terminated;
135                 return true;
136             }
137         }
138         false
139     }
141     /// Get the name of the current thread, or `<unnamed>` if it was not set.
thread_name(&self) -> &[u8]142     fn thread_name(&self) -> &[u8] {
143         if let Some(ref thread_name) = self.thread_name { thread_name } else { b"<unnamed>" }
144     }
145 }
147 impl<'mir, 'tcx> std::fmt::Debug for Thread<'mir, 'tcx> {
fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result148     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
149         write!(
150             f,
151             "{}({:?}, {:?})",
152             String::from_utf8_lossy(self.thread_name()),
153             self.state,
154             self.join_status
155         )
156     }
157 }
159 impl<'mir, 'tcx> Default for Thread<'mir, 'tcx> {
default() -> Self160     fn default() -> Self {
161         Self {
162             state: ThreadState::Enabled,
163             thread_name: None,
164             stack: Vec::new(),
165             join_status: ThreadJoinStatus::Joinable,
166             panic_payload: None,
167             last_error: None,
168         }
169     }
170 }
172 /// A specific moment in time.
173 #[derive(Debug)]
174 pub enum Time {
175     Monotonic(Instant),
176     RealTime(SystemTime),
177 }
179 impl Time {
180     /// How long do we have to wait from now until the specified time?
get_wait_time(&self) -> Duration181     fn get_wait_time(&self) -> Duration {
182         match self {
183             Time::Monotonic(instant) => instant.saturating_duration_since(Instant::now()),
184             Time::RealTime(time) =>
185                 time.duration_since(SystemTime::now()).unwrap_or(Duration::new(0, 0)),
186         }
187     }
188 }
190 /// Callbacks are used to implement timeouts. For example, waiting on a
191 /// conditional variable with a timeout creates a callback that is called after
192 /// the specified time and unblocks the thread. If another thread signals on the
193 /// conditional variable, the signal handler deletes the callback.
194 struct TimeoutCallbackInfo<'mir, 'tcx> {
195     /// The callback should be called no earlier than this time.
196     call_time: Time,
197     /// The called function.
198     callback: TimeoutCallback<'mir, 'tcx>,
199 }
201 impl<'mir, 'tcx> std::fmt::Debug for TimeoutCallbackInfo<'mir, 'tcx> {
fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result202     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
203         write!(f, "TimeoutCallback({:?})", self.call_time)
204     }
205 }
207 /// A set of threads.
208 #[derive(Debug)]
209 pub struct ThreadManager<'mir, 'tcx> {
210     /// Identifier of the currently active thread.
211     active_thread: ThreadId,
212     /// Threads used in the program.
213     ///
214     /// Note that this vector also contains terminated threads.
215     threads: IndexVec<ThreadId, Thread<'mir, 'tcx>>,
216     /// This field is pub(crate) because the synchronization primitives
217     /// (`crate::sync`) need a way to access it.
218     pub(crate) sync: SynchronizationState,
219     /// A mapping from a thread-local static to an allocation id of a thread
220     /// specific allocation.
221     thread_local_alloc_ids: RefCell<FxHashMap<(DefId, ThreadId), Pointer<Tag>>>,
222     /// A flag that indicates that we should change the active thread.
223     yield_active_thread: bool,
224     /// Callbacks that are called once the specified time passes.
225     timeout_callbacks: FxHashMap<ThreadId, TimeoutCallbackInfo<'mir, 'tcx>>,
226 }
228 impl<'mir, 'tcx> Default for ThreadManager<'mir, 'tcx> {
default() -> Self229     fn default() -> Self {
230         let mut threads = IndexVec::new();
231         // Create the main thread and add it to the list of threads.
232         let mut main_thread = Thread::default();
233         // The main thread can *not* be joined on.
234         main_thread.join_status = ThreadJoinStatus::Detached;
235         threads.push(main_thread);
236         Self {
237             active_thread: ThreadId::new(0),
238             threads: threads,
239             sync: SynchronizationState::default(),
240             thread_local_alloc_ids: Default::default(),
241             yield_active_thread: false,
242             timeout_callbacks: FxHashMap::default(),
243         }
244     }
245 }
247 impl<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir> ThreadManager<'mir, 'tcx> {
248     /// Check if we have an allocation for the given thread local static for the
249     /// active thread.
get_thread_local_alloc_id(&self, def_id: DefId) -> Option<Pointer<Tag>>250     fn get_thread_local_alloc_id(&self, def_id: DefId) -> Option<Pointer<Tag>> {
251         self.thread_local_alloc_ids.borrow().get(&(def_id, self.active_thread)).cloned()
252     }
254     /// Set the pointer for the allocation of the given thread local
255     /// static for the active thread.
256     ///
257     /// Panics if a thread local is initialized twice for the same thread.
set_thread_local_alloc(&self, def_id: DefId, ptr: Pointer<Tag>)258     fn set_thread_local_alloc(&self, def_id: DefId, ptr: Pointer<Tag>) {
259         self.thread_local_alloc_ids
260             .borrow_mut()
261             .try_insert((def_id, self.active_thread), ptr)
262             .unwrap();
263     }
265     /// Borrow the stack of the active thread.
active_thread_stack(&self) -> &[Frame<'mir, 'tcx, Tag, FrameData<'tcx>>]266     fn active_thread_stack(&self) -> &[Frame<'mir, 'tcx, Tag, FrameData<'tcx>>] {
267         &self.threads[self.active_thread].stack
268     }
270     /// Mutably borrow the stack of the active thread.
active_thread_stack_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<Frame<'mir, 'tcx, Tag, FrameData<'tcx>>>271     fn active_thread_stack_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<Frame<'mir, 'tcx, Tag, FrameData<'tcx>>> {
272         &mut self.threads[self.active_thread].stack
273     }
275     /// Create a new thread and returns its id.
create_thread(&mut self) -> ThreadId276     fn create_thread(&mut self) -> ThreadId {
277         let new_thread_id = ThreadId::new(self.threads.len());
278         self.threads.push(Default::default());
279         new_thread_id
280     }
282     /// Set an active thread and return the id of the thread that was active before.
set_active_thread_id(&mut self, id: ThreadId) -> ThreadId283     fn set_active_thread_id(&mut self, id: ThreadId) -> ThreadId {
284         let active_thread_id = self.active_thread;
285         self.active_thread = id;
286         assert!(self.active_thread.index() < self.threads.len());
287         active_thread_id
288     }
290     /// Get the id of the currently active thread.
get_active_thread_id(&self) -> ThreadId291     fn get_active_thread_id(&self) -> ThreadId {
292         self.active_thread
293     }
295     /// Get the total number of threads that were ever spawn by this program.
get_total_thread_count(&self) -> usize296     fn get_total_thread_count(&self) -> usize {
297         self.threads.len()
298     }
300     /// Has the given thread terminated?
has_terminated(&self, thread_id: ThreadId) -> bool301     fn has_terminated(&self, thread_id: ThreadId) -> bool {
302         self.threads[thread_id].state == ThreadState::Terminated
303     }
305     /// Have all threads terminated?
have_all_terminated(&self) -> bool306     fn have_all_terminated(&self) -> bool {
307         self.threads.iter().all(|thread| thread.state == ThreadState::Terminated)
308     }
310     /// Enable the thread for execution. The thread must be terminated.
enable_thread(&mut self, thread_id: ThreadId)311     fn enable_thread(&mut self, thread_id: ThreadId) {
312         assert!(self.has_terminated(thread_id));
313         self.threads[thread_id].state = ThreadState::Enabled;
314     }
316     /// Get a mutable borrow of the currently active thread.
active_thread_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Thread<'mir, 'tcx>317     fn active_thread_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Thread<'mir, 'tcx> {
318         &mut self.threads[self.active_thread]
319     }
321     /// Get a shared borrow of the currently active thread.
active_thread_ref(&self) -> &Thread<'mir, 'tcx>322     fn active_thread_ref(&self) -> &Thread<'mir, 'tcx> {
323         &self.threads[self.active_thread]
324     }
326     /// Mark the thread as detached, which means that no other thread will try
327     /// to join it and the thread is responsible for cleaning up.
detach_thread(&mut self, id: ThreadId) -> InterpResult<'tcx>328     fn detach_thread(&mut self, id: ThreadId) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
329         if self.threads[id].join_status != ThreadJoinStatus::Joinable {
330             throw_ub_format!("trying to detach thread that was already detached or joined");
331         }
332         self.threads[id].join_status = ThreadJoinStatus::Detached;
333         Ok(())
334     }
336     /// Mark that the active thread tries to join the thread with `joined_thread_id`.
join_thread( &mut self, joined_thread_id: ThreadId, data_race: Option<&mut data_race::GlobalState>, ) -> InterpResult<'tcx>337     fn join_thread(
338         &mut self,
339         joined_thread_id: ThreadId,
340         data_race: Option<&mut data_race::GlobalState>,
341     ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
342         if self.threads[joined_thread_id].join_status != ThreadJoinStatus::Joinable {
343             throw_ub_format!("trying to join a detached or already joined thread");
344         }
345         if joined_thread_id == self.active_thread {
346             throw_ub_format!("trying to join itself");
347         }
348         assert!(
349             self.threads
350                 .iter()
351                 .all(|thread| thread.state != ThreadState::BlockedOnJoin(joined_thread_id)),
352             "a joinable thread already has threads waiting for its termination"
353         );
354         // Mark the joined thread as being joined so that we detect if other
355         // threads try to join it.
356         self.threads[joined_thread_id].join_status = ThreadJoinStatus::Joined;
357         if self.threads[joined_thread_id].state != ThreadState::Terminated {
358             // The joined thread is still running, we need to wait for it.
359             self.active_thread_mut().state = ThreadState::BlockedOnJoin(joined_thread_id);
360             trace!(
361                 "{:?} blocked on {:?} when trying to join",
362                 self.active_thread,
363                 joined_thread_id
364             );
365         } else {
366             // The thread has already terminated - mark join happens-before
367             if let Some(data_race) = data_race {
368                 data_race.thread_joined(self.active_thread, joined_thread_id);
369             }
370         }
371         Ok(())
372     }
374     /// Set the name of the active thread.
set_thread_name(&mut self, new_thread_name: Vec<u8>)375     fn set_thread_name(&mut self, new_thread_name: Vec<u8>) {
376         self.active_thread_mut().thread_name = Some(new_thread_name);
377     }
379     /// Get the name of the active thread.
get_thread_name(&self) -> &[u8]380     fn get_thread_name(&self) -> &[u8] {
381         self.active_thread_ref().thread_name()
382     }
384     /// Put the thread into the blocked state.
block_thread(&mut self, thread: ThreadId)385     fn block_thread(&mut self, thread: ThreadId) {
386         let state = &mut self.threads[thread].state;
387         assert_eq!(*state, ThreadState::Enabled);
388         *state = ThreadState::BlockedOnSync;
389     }
391     /// Put the blocked thread into the enabled state.
unblock_thread(&mut self, thread: ThreadId)392     fn unblock_thread(&mut self, thread: ThreadId) {
393         let state = &mut self.threads[thread].state;
394         assert_eq!(*state, ThreadState::BlockedOnSync);
395         *state = ThreadState::Enabled;
396     }
398     /// Change the active thread to some enabled thread.
yield_active_thread(&mut self)399     fn yield_active_thread(&mut self) {
400         // We do not yield immediately, as swapping out the current stack while executing a MIR statement
401         // could lead to all sorts of confusion.
402         // We should only switch stacks between steps.
403         self.yield_active_thread = true;
404     }
406     /// Register the given `callback` to be called once the `call_time` passes.
407     ///
408     /// The callback will be called with `thread` being the active thread, and
409     /// the callback may not change the active thread.
register_timeout_callback( &mut self, thread: ThreadId, call_time: Time, callback: TimeoutCallback<'mir, 'tcx>, )410     fn register_timeout_callback(
411         &mut self,
412         thread: ThreadId,
413         call_time: Time,
414         callback: TimeoutCallback<'mir, 'tcx>,
415     ) {
416         self.timeout_callbacks
417             .try_insert(thread, TimeoutCallbackInfo { call_time, callback })
418             .unwrap();
419     }
421     /// Unregister the callback for the `thread`.
unregister_timeout_callback_if_exists(&mut self, thread: ThreadId)422     fn unregister_timeout_callback_if_exists(&mut self, thread: ThreadId) {
423         self.timeout_callbacks.remove(&thread);
424     }
426     /// Get a callback that is ready to be called.
get_ready_callback(&mut self) -> Option<(ThreadId, TimeoutCallback<'mir, 'tcx>)>427     fn get_ready_callback(&mut self) -> Option<(ThreadId, TimeoutCallback<'mir, 'tcx>)> {
428         // We iterate over all threads in the order of their indices because
429         // this allows us to have a deterministic scheduler.
430         for thread in self.threads.indices() {
431             match self.timeout_callbacks.entry(thread) {
432                 Entry::Occupied(entry) =>
433                     if entry.get().call_time.get_wait_time() == Duration::new(0, 0) {
434                         return Some((thread, entry.remove().callback));
435                     },
436                 Entry::Vacant(_) => {}
437             }
438         }
439         None
440     }
442     /// Wakes up threads joining on the active one and deallocates thread-local statics.
443     /// The `AllocId` that can now be freed are returned.
thread_terminated( &mut self, mut data_race: Option<&mut data_race::GlobalState>, ) -> Vec<Pointer<Tag>>444     fn thread_terminated(
445         &mut self,
446         mut data_race: Option<&mut data_race::GlobalState>,
447     ) -> Vec<Pointer<Tag>> {
448         let mut free_tls_statics = Vec::new();
449         {
450             let mut thread_local_statics = self.thread_local_alloc_ids.borrow_mut();
451             thread_local_statics.retain(|&(_def_id, thread), &mut alloc_id| {
452                 if thread != self.active_thread {
453                     // Keep this static around.
454                     return true;
455                 }
456                 // Delete this static from the map and from memory.
457                 // We cannot free directly here as we cannot use `?` in this context.
458                 free_tls_statics.push(alloc_id);
459                 return false;
460             });
461         }
462         // Set the thread into a terminated state in the data-race detector
463         if let Some(ref mut data_race) = data_race {
464             data_race.thread_terminated();
465         }
466         // Check if we need to unblock any threads.
467         for (i, thread) in self.threads.iter_enumerated_mut() {
468             if thread.state == ThreadState::BlockedOnJoin(self.active_thread) {
469                 // The thread has terminated, mark happens-before edge to joining thread
470                 if let Some(ref mut data_race) = data_race {
471                     data_race.thread_joined(i, self.active_thread);
472                 }
473                 trace!("unblocking {:?} because {:?} terminated", i, self.active_thread);
474                 thread.state = ThreadState::Enabled;
475             }
476         }
477         return free_tls_statics;
478     }
480     /// Decide which action to take next and on which thread.
481     ///
482     /// The currently implemented scheduling policy is the one that is commonly
483     /// used in stateless model checkers such as Loom: run the active thread as
484     /// long as we can and switch only when we have to (the active thread was
485     /// blocked, terminated, or has explicitly asked to be preempted).
schedule( &mut self, data_race: &Option<data_race::GlobalState>, ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, SchedulingAction>486     fn schedule(
487         &mut self,
488         data_race: &Option<data_race::GlobalState>,
489     ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, SchedulingAction> {
490         // Check whether the thread has **just** terminated (`check_terminated`
491         // checks whether the thread has popped all its stack and if yes, sets
492         // the thread state to terminated).
493         if self.threads[self.active_thread].check_terminated() {
494             return Ok(SchedulingAction::ExecuteDtors);
495         }
496         // If we get here again and the thread is *still* terminated, there are no more dtors to run.
497         if self.threads[MAIN_THREAD].state == ThreadState::Terminated {
498             // The main thread terminated; stop the program.
499             // We do *not* run TLS dtors of remaining threads, which seems to match rustc behavior.
500             return Ok(SchedulingAction::Stop);
501         }
502         // This thread and the program can keep going.
503         if self.threads[self.active_thread].state == ThreadState::Enabled
504             && !self.yield_active_thread
505         {
506             // The currently active thread is still enabled, just continue with it.
507             return Ok(SchedulingAction::ExecuteStep);
508         }
509         // The active thread yielded. Let's see if there are any timeouts to take care of. We do
510         // this *before* running any other thread, to ensure that timeouts "in the past" fire before
511         // any other thread can take an action. This ensures that for `pthread_cond_timedwait`, "an
512         // error is returned if [...] the absolute time specified by abstime has already been passed
513         // at the time of the call".
514         // <https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/pthread_cond_timedwait.html>
515         let potential_sleep_time =
516             self.timeout_callbacks.values().map(|info| info.call_time.get_wait_time()).min();
517         if potential_sleep_time == Some(Duration::new(0, 0)) {
518             return Ok(SchedulingAction::ExecuteTimeoutCallback);
519         }
520         // No callbacks scheduled, pick a regular thread to execute.
521         // We need to pick a new thread for execution.
522         for (id, thread) in self.threads.iter_enumerated() {
523             if thread.state == ThreadState::Enabled {
524                 if !self.yield_active_thread || id != self.active_thread {
525                     self.active_thread = id;
526                     if let Some(data_race) = data_race {
527                         data_race.thread_set_active(self.active_thread);
528                     }
529                     break;
530                 }
531             }
532         }
533         self.yield_active_thread = false;
534         if self.threads[self.active_thread].state == ThreadState::Enabled {
535             return Ok(SchedulingAction::ExecuteStep);
536         }
537         // We have not found a thread to execute.
538         if self.threads.iter().all(|thread| thread.state == ThreadState::Terminated) {
539             unreachable!("all threads terminated without the main thread terminating?!");
540         } else if let Some(sleep_time) = potential_sleep_time {
541             // All threads are currently blocked, but we have unexecuted
542             // timeout_callbacks, which may unblock some of the threads. Hence,
543             // sleep until the first callback.
544             std::thread::sleep(sleep_time);
545             Ok(SchedulingAction::ExecuteTimeoutCallback)
546         } else {
547             throw_machine_stop!(TerminationInfo::Deadlock);
548         }
549     }
550 }
552 // Public interface to thread management.
553 impl<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir> EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> for crate::MiriEvalContext<'mir, 'tcx> {}
554 pub trait EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>: crate::MiriEvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> {
555     /// Get a thread-specific allocation id for the given thread-local static.
556     /// If needed, allocate a new one.
get_or_create_thread_local_alloc( &mut self, def_id: DefId, ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Pointer<Tag>>557     fn get_or_create_thread_local_alloc(
558         &mut self,
559         def_id: DefId,
560     ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Pointer<Tag>> {
561         let this = self.eval_context_mut();
562         let tcx = this.tcx;
563         if let Some(old_alloc) = this.machine.threads.get_thread_local_alloc_id(def_id) {
564             // We already have a thread-specific allocation id for this
565             // thread-local static.
566             Ok(old_alloc)
567         } else {
568             // We need to allocate a thread-specific allocation id for this
569             // thread-local static.
570             // First, we compute the initial value for this static.
571             if tcx.is_foreign_item(def_id) {
572                 throw_unsup_format!("foreign thread-local statics are not supported");
573             }
574             let allocation = tcx.eval_static_initializer(def_id)?;
575             // Create a fresh allocation with this content.
576             let new_alloc =
577                 this.memory.allocate_with(allocation.clone(), MiriMemoryKind::Tls.into());
578             this.machine.threads.set_thread_local_alloc(def_id, new_alloc);
579             Ok(new_alloc)
580         }
581     }
583     #[inline]
create_thread(&mut self) -> ThreadId584     fn create_thread(&mut self) -> ThreadId {
585         let this = self.eval_context_mut();
586         let id = this.machine.threads.create_thread();
587         if let Some(data_race) = &mut this.memory.extra.data_race {
588             data_race.thread_created(id);
589         }
590         id
591     }
593     #[inline]
detach_thread(&mut self, thread_id: ThreadId) -> InterpResult<'tcx>594     fn detach_thread(&mut self, thread_id: ThreadId) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
595         let this = self.eval_context_mut();
596         this.machine.threads.detach_thread(thread_id)
597     }
599     #[inline]
join_thread(&mut self, joined_thread_id: ThreadId) -> InterpResult<'tcx>600     fn join_thread(&mut self, joined_thread_id: ThreadId) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
601         let this = self.eval_context_mut();
602         this.machine.threads.join_thread(joined_thread_id, this.memory.extra.data_race.as_mut())?;
603         Ok(())
604     }
606     #[inline]
set_active_thread(&mut self, thread_id: ThreadId) -> ThreadId607     fn set_active_thread(&mut self, thread_id: ThreadId) -> ThreadId {
608         let this = self.eval_context_mut();
609         if let Some(data_race) = &this.memory.extra.data_race {
610             data_race.thread_set_active(thread_id);
611         }
612         this.machine.threads.set_active_thread_id(thread_id)
613     }
615     #[inline]
get_active_thread(&self) -> ThreadId616     fn get_active_thread(&self) -> ThreadId {
617         let this = self.eval_context_ref();
618         this.machine.threads.get_active_thread_id()
619     }
621     #[inline]
active_thread_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Thread<'mir, 'tcx>622     fn active_thread_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Thread<'mir, 'tcx> {
623         let this = self.eval_context_mut();
624         this.machine.threads.active_thread_mut()
625     }
627     #[inline]
active_thread_ref(&self) -> &Thread<'mir, 'tcx>628     fn active_thread_ref(&self) -> &Thread<'mir, 'tcx> {
629         let this = self.eval_context_ref();
630         this.machine.threads.active_thread_ref()
631     }
633     #[inline]
get_total_thread_count(&self) -> usize634     fn get_total_thread_count(&self) -> usize {
635         let this = self.eval_context_ref();
636         this.machine.threads.get_total_thread_count()
637     }
639     #[inline]
has_terminated(&self, thread_id: ThreadId) -> bool640     fn has_terminated(&self, thread_id: ThreadId) -> bool {
641         let this = self.eval_context_ref();
642         this.machine.threads.has_terminated(thread_id)
643     }
645     #[inline]
have_all_terminated(&self) -> bool646     fn have_all_terminated(&self) -> bool {
647         let this = self.eval_context_ref();
648         this.machine.threads.have_all_terminated()
649     }
651     #[inline]
enable_thread(&mut self, thread_id: ThreadId)652     fn enable_thread(&mut self, thread_id: ThreadId) {
653         let this = self.eval_context_mut();
654         this.machine.threads.enable_thread(thread_id);
655     }
657     #[inline]
active_thread_stack(&self) -> &[Frame<'mir, 'tcx, Tag, FrameData<'tcx>>]658     fn active_thread_stack(&self) -> &[Frame<'mir, 'tcx, Tag, FrameData<'tcx>>] {
659         let this = self.eval_context_ref();
660         this.machine.threads.active_thread_stack()
661     }
663     #[inline]
active_thread_stack_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<Frame<'mir, 'tcx, Tag, FrameData<'tcx>>>664     fn active_thread_stack_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<Frame<'mir, 'tcx, Tag, FrameData<'tcx>>> {
665         let this = self.eval_context_mut();
666         this.machine.threads.active_thread_stack_mut()
667     }
669     #[inline]
set_active_thread_name(&mut self, new_thread_name: Vec<u8>)670     fn set_active_thread_name(&mut self, new_thread_name: Vec<u8>) {
671         let this = self.eval_context_mut();
672         if let Some(data_race) = &mut this.memory.extra.data_race {
673             if let Ok(string) = String::from_utf8(new_thread_name.clone()) {
674                 data_race.thread_set_name(this.machine.threads.active_thread, string);
675             }
676         }
677         this.machine.threads.set_thread_name(new_thread_name);
678     }
680     #[inline]
get_active_thread_name<'c>(&'c self) -> &'c [u8] where 'mir: 'c,681     fn get_active_thread_name<'c>(&'c self) -> &'c [u8]
682     where
683         'mir: 'c,
684     {
685         let this = self.eval_context_ref();
686         this.machine.threads.get_thread_name()
687     }
689     #[inline]
block_thread(&mut self, thread: ThreadId)690     fn block_thread(&mut self, thread: ThreadId) {
691         let this = self.eval_context_mut();
692         this.machine.threads.block_thread(thread);
693     }
695     #[inline]
unblock_thread(&mut self, thread: ThreadId)696     fn unblock_thread(&mut self, thread: ThreadId) {
697         let this = self.eval_context_mut();
698         this.machine.threads.unblock_thread(thread);
699     }
701     #[inline]
yield_active_thread(&mut self)702     fn yield_active_thread(&mut self) {
703         let this = self.eval_context_mut();
704         this.machine.threads.yield_active_thread();
705     }
707     #[inline]
register_timeout_callback( &mut self, thread: ThreadId, call_time: Time, callback: TimeoutCallback<'mir, 'tcx>, )708     fn register_timeout_callback(
709         &mut self,
710         thread: ThreadId,
711         call_time: Time,
712         callback: TimeoutCallback<'mir, 'tcx>,
713     ) {
714         let this = self.eval_context_mut();
715         this.machine.threads.register_timeout_callback(thread, call_time, callback);
716     }
718     #[inline]
unregister_timeout_callback_if_exists(&mut self, thread: ThreadId)719     fn unregister_timeout_callback_if_exists(&mut self, thread: ThreadId) {
720         let this = self.eval_context_mut();
721         this.machine.threads.unregister_timeout_callback_if_exists(thread);
722     }
724     /// Execute a timeout callback on the callback's thread.
725     #[inline]
run_timeout_callback(&mut self) -> InterpResult<'tcx>726     fn run_timeout_callback(&mut self) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
727         let this = self.eval_context_mut();
728         let (thread, callback) =
729             if let Some((thread, callback)) = this.machine.threads.get_ready_callback() {
730                 (thread, callback)
731             } else {
732                 // get_ready_callback can return None if the computer's clock
733                 // was shifted after calling the scheduler and before the call
734                 // to get_ready_callback (see issue
735                 // https://github.com/rust-lang/miri/issues/1763). In this case,
736                 // just do nothing, which effectively just returns to the
737                 // scheduler.
738                 return Ok(());
739             };
740         // This back-and-forth with `set_active_thread` is here because of two
741         // design decisions:
742         // 1. Make the caller and not the callback responsible for changing
743         //    thread.
744         // 2. Make the scheduler the only place that can change the active
745         //    thread.
746         let old_thread = this.set_active_thread(thread);
747         callback(this)?;
748         this.set_active_thread(old_thread);
749         Ok(())
750     }
752     /// Decide which action to take next and on which thread.
753     #[inline]
schedule(&mut self) -> InterpResult<'tcx, SchedulingAction>754     fn schedule(&mut self) -> InterpResult<'tcx, SchedulingAction> {
755         let this = self.eval_context_mut();
756         let data_race = &this.memory.extra.data_race;
757         this.machine.threads.schedule(data_race)
758     }
760     /// Handles thread termination of the active thread: wakes up threads joining on this one,
761     /// and deallocated thread-local statics.
762     ///
763     /// This is called from `tls.rs` after handling the TLS dtors.
764     #[inline]
thread_terminated(&mut self) -> InterpResult<'tcx>765     fn thread_terminated(&mut self) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
766         let this = self.eval_context_mut();
767         for ptr in this.machine.threads.thread_terminated(this.memory.extra.data_race.as_mut()) {
768             this.memory.deallocate(ptr.into(), None, MiriMemoryKind::Tls.into())?;
769         }
770         Ok(())
771     }
772 }