1 // ignore-windows: File handling is not implemented yet
2 // compile-flags: -Zmiri-disable-isolation
4 #![feature(rustc_private)]
6 extern crate libc;
8 use std::fs::{
9     File, create_dir, OpenOptions, read_dir, remove_dir, remove_dir_all, remove_file, rename,
10 };
11 use std::ffi::CString;
12 use std::io::{Read, Write, Error, ErrorKind, Result, Seek, SeekFrom};
13 use std::path::{PathBuf, Path};
main()16 fn main() {
17     test_file();
18     test_file_clone();
19     test_file_create_new();
20     test_seek();
21     test_metadata();
22     test_file_set_len();
23     test_file_sync();
24     test_symlink();
25     test_errors();
26     test_rename();
27     test_directory();
28     test_dup_stdout_stderr();
29 }
tmp() -> PathBuf31 fn tmp() -> PathBuf {
32     std::env::var("MIRI_TEMP")
33         .map(|tmp| {
34             // MIRI_TEMP is set outside of our emulated
35             // program, so it may have path separators that don't
36             // correspond to our target platform. We normalize them here
37             // before constructing a `PathBuf`
39             #[cfg(windows)]
40             return PathBuf::from(tmp.replace("/", "\\"));
42             #[cfg(not(windows))]
43             return PathBuf::from(tmp.replace("\\", "/"));
44         }).unwrap_or_else(|_| std::env::temp_dir())
45 }
47 /// Prepare: compute filename and make sure the file does not exist.
48 fn prepare(filename: &str) -> PathBuf {
49     let path = tmp().join(filename);
50     // Clean the paths for robustness.
51     remove_file(&path).ok();
52     path
53 }
55 /// Prepare directory: compute directory name and make sure it does not exist.
56 fn prepare_dir(dirname: &str) -> PathBuf {
57     let path = tmp().join(&dirname);
58     // Clean the directory for robustness.
59     remove_dir_all(&path).ok();
60     path
61 }
63 /// Prepare like above, and also write some initial content to the file.
64 fn prepare_with_content(filename: &str, content: &[u8]) -> PathBuf {
65     let path = prepare(filename);
66     let mut file = File::create(&path).unwrap();
67     file.write(content).unwrap();
68     path
69 }
71 fn test_file() {
72     let bytes = b"Hello, World!\n";
73     let path = prepare("miri_test_fs_file.txt");
75     // Test creating, writing and closing a file (closing is tested when `file` is dropped).
76     let mut file = File::create(&path).unwrap();
77     // Writing 0 bytes should not change the file contents.
78     file.write(&mut []).unwrap();
79     assert_eq!(file.metadata().unwrap().len(), 0);
81     file.write(bytes).unwrap();
82     assert_eq!(file.metadata().unwrap().len(), bytes.len() as u64);
83     // Test opening, reading and closing a file.
84     let mut file = File::open(&path).unwrap();
85     let mut contents = Vec::new();
86     // Reading 0 bytes should not move the file pointer.
87     file.read(&mut []).unwrap();
88     // Reading until EOF should get the whole text.
89     file.read_to_end(&mut contents).unwrap();
90     assert_eq!(bytes, contents.as_slice());
92     // Removing file should succeed.
93     remove_file(&path).unwrap();
94 }
96 fn test_file_clone() {
97     let bytes = b"Hello, World!\n";
98     let path = prepare_with_content("miri_test_fs_file_clone.txt", bytes);
100     // Cloning a file should be successful.
101     let file = File::open(&path).unwrap();
102     let mut cloned = file.try_clone().unwrap();
103     // Reading from a cloned file should get the same text.
104     let mut contents = Vec::new();
105     cloned.read_to_end(&mut contents).unwrap();
106     assert_eq!(bytes, contents.as_slice());
108     // Removing file should succeed.
109     remove_file(&path).unwrap();
110 }
112 fn test_file_create_new() {
113     let path = prepare("miri_test_fs_file_create_new.txt");
115     // Creating a new file that doesn't yet exist should succeed.
116     OpenOptions::new().write(true).create_new(true).open(&path).unwrap();
117     // Creating a new file that already exists should fail.
118     assert_eq!(ErrorKind::AlreadyExists, OpenOptions::new().write(true).create_new(true).open(&path).unwrap_err().kind());
119     // Optionally creating a new file that already exists should succeed.
120     OpenOptions::new().write(true).create(true).open(&path).unwrap();
122     // Clean up
123     remove_file(&path).unwrap();
124 }
126 fn test_seek() {
127     let bytes = b"Hello, entire World!\n";
128     let path = prepare_with_content("miri_test_fs_seek.txt", bytes);
130     let mut file = File::open(&path).unwrap();
131     let mut contents = Vec::new();
132     file.read_to_end(&mut contents).unwrap();
133     assert_eq!(bytes, contents.as_slice());
134     // Test that seeking to the beginning and reading until EOF gets the text again.
135     file.seek(SeekFrom::Start(0)).unwrap();
136     let mut contents = Vec::new();
137     file.read_to_end(&mut contents).unwrap();
138     assert_eq!(bytes, contents.as_slice());
139     // Test seeking relative to the end of the file.
140     file.seek(SeekFrom::End(-1)).unwrap();
141     let mut contents = Vec::new();
142     file.read_to_end(&mut contents).unwrap();
143     assert_eq!(&bytes[bytes.len() - 1..], contents.as_slice());
144     // Test seeking relative to the current position.
145     file.seek(SeekFrom::Start(5)).unwrap();
146     file.seek(SeekFrom::Current(-3)).unwrap();
147     let mut contents = Vec::new();
148     file.read_to_end(&mut contents).unwrap();
149     assert_eq!(&bytes[2..], contents.as_slice());
151     // Removing file should succeed.
152     remove_file(&path).unwrap();
153 }
155 fn check_metadata(bytes: &[u8], path: &Path) -> Result<()> {
156     // Test that the file metadata is correct.
157     let metadata = path.metadata()?;
158     // `path` should point to a file.
159     assert!(metadata.is_file());
160     // The size of the file must be equal to the number of written bytes.
161     assert_eq!(bytes.len() as u64, metadata.len());
162     Ok(())
163 }
165 fn test_metadata() {
166     let bytes = b"Hello, meta-World!\n";
167     let path = prepare_with_content("miri_test_fs_metadata.txt", bytes);
169     // Test that metadata of an absolute path is correct.
170     check_metadata(bytes, &path).unwrap();
171     // Test that metadata of a relative path is correct.
172     std::env::set_current_dir(path.parent().unwrap()).unwrap();
173     check_metadata(bytes, Path::new(path.file_name().unwrap())).unwrap();
175     // Removing file should succeed.
176     remove_file(&path).unwrap();
177 }
179 fn test_file_set_len() {
180     let bytes = b"Hello, World!\n";
181     let path = prepare_with_content("miri_test_fs_set_len.txt", bytes);
183     // Test extending the file
184     let mut file = OpenOptions::new().read(true).write(true).open(&path).unwrap();
185     let bytes_extended = b"Hello, World!\n\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00";
186     file.set_len(20).unwrap();
187     let mut contents = Vec::new();
188     file.read_to_end(&mut contents).unwrap();
189     assert_eq!(bytes_extended, contents.as_slice());
191     // Test truncating the file
192     file.seek(SeekFrom::Start(0)).unwrap();
193     file.set_len(10).unwrap();
194     let mut contents = Vec::new();
195     file.read_to_end(&mut contents).unwrap();
196     assert_eq!(&bytes[..10], contents.as_slice());
198     // Can't use set_len on a file not opened for writing
199     let file = OpenOptions::new().read(true).open(&path).unwrap();
200     assert_eq!(ErrorKind::InvalidInput, file.set_len(14).unwrap_err().kind());
202     remove_file(&path).unwrap();
203 }
205 fn test_file_sync() {
206     let bytes = b"Hello, World!\n";
207     let path = prepare_with_content("miri_test_fs_sync.txt", bytes);
209     // Test that we can call sync_data and sync_all (can't readily test effects of this operation)
210     let file = OpenOptions::new().write(true).open(&path).unwrap();
211     file.sync_data().unwrap();
212     file.sync_all().unwrap();
214     // Test that we can call sync_data and sync_all on a file opened for reading.
215     let file = File::open(&path).unwrap();
216     file.sync_data().unwrap();
217     file.sync_all().unwrap();
219     remove_file(&path).unwrap();
220 }
222 fn test_symlink() {
223     let bytes = b"Hello, World!\n";
224     let path = prepare_with_content("miri_test_fs_link_target.txt", bytes);
225     let symlink_path = prepare("miri_test_fs_symlink.txt");
227     // Creating a symbolic link should succeed.
228     #[cfg(unix)]
229     std::os::unix::fs::symlink(&path, &symlink_path).unwrap();
230     #[cfg(windows)]
231     std::os::windows::fs::symlink_file(&path, &symlink_path).unwrap();
232     // Test that the symbolic link has the same contents as the file.
233     let mut symlink_file = File::open(&symlink_path).unwrap();
234     let mut contents = Vec::new();
235     symlink_file.read_to_end(&mut contents).unwrap();
236     assert_eq!(bytes, contents.as_slice());
239     #[cfg(unix)]
240     {
241         use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
243         let expected_path = path.as_os_str().as_bytes();
245         // Test that the expected string gets written to a buffer of proper
246         // length, and that a trailing null byte is not written.
247         let symlink_c_str = CString::new(symlink_path.as_os_str().as_bytes()).unwrap();
248         let symlink_c_ptr = symlink_c_str.as_ptr();
250         // Make the buf one byte larger than it needs to be,
251         // and check that the last byte is not overwritten.
252         let mut large_buf = vec![0xFF; expected_path.len() + 1];
253         let res = unsafe { libc::readlink(symlink_c_ptr, large_buf.as_mut_ptr().cast(), large_buf.len()) };
254         // Check that the resovled path was properly written into the buf.
255         assert_eq!(&large_buf[..(large_buf.len() - 1)], expected_path);
256         assert_eq!(large_buf.last(), Some(&0xFF));
257         assert_eq!(res, large_buf.len() as isize - 1);
259         // Test that the resolved path is truncated if the provided buffer
260         // is too small.
261         let mut small_buf = [0u8; 2];
262         let res = unsafe { libc::readlink(symlink_c_ptr, small_buf.as_mut_ptr().cast(), small_buf.len()) };
263         assert_eq!(small_buf, &expected_path[..small_buf.len()]);
264         assert_eq!(res, small_buf.len() as isize);
266         // Test that we report a proper error for a missing path.
267         let bad_path = CString::new("MIRI_MISSING_FILE_NAME").unwrap();
268         let res = unsafe { libc::readlink(bad_path.as_ptr(), small_buf.as_mut_ptr().cast(), small_buf.len()) };
269         assert_eq!(res, -1);
270         assert_eq!(Error::last_os_error().kind(), ErrorKind::NotFound);
271     }
274     // Test that metadata of a symbolic link is correct.
275     check_metadata(bytes, &symlink_path).unwrap();
276     // Test that the metadata of a symbolic link is correct when not following it.
277     assert!(symlink_path.symlink_metadata().unwrap().file_type().is_symlink());
278     // Removing symbolic link should succeed.
279     remove_file(&symlink_path).unwrap();
281     // Removing file should succeed.
282     remove_file(&path).unwrap();
283 }
285 fn test_errors() {
286     let bytes = b"Hello, World!\n";
287     let path = prepare("miri_test_fs_errors.txt");
289     // The following tests also check that the `__errno_location()` shim is working properly.
290     // Opening a non-existing file should fail with a "not found" error.
291     assert_eq!(ErrorKind::NotFound, File::open(&path).unwrap_err().kind());
292     // Removing a non-existing file should fail with a "not found" error.
293     assert_eq!(ErrorKind::NotFound, remove_file(&path).unwrap_err().kind());
294     // Reading the metadata of a non-existing file should fail with a "not found" error.
295     assert_eq!(ErrorKind::NotFound, check_metadata(bytes, &path).unwrap_err().kind());
296 }
298 fn test_rename() {
299     // Renaming a file should succeed.
300     let path1 = prepare("miri_test_fs_rename_source.txt");
301     let path2 = prepare("miri_test_fs_rename_destination.txt");
303     let file = File::create(&path1).unwrap();
304     drop(file);
306     // Renaming should succeed
307     rename(&path1, &path2).unwrap();
308     // Check that the old file path isn't present
309     assert_eq!(ErrorKind::NotFound, path1.metadata().unwrap_err().kind());
310     // Check that the file has moved successfully
311     assert!(path2.metadata().unwrap().is_file());
313     // Renaming a nonexistent file should fail
314     assert_eq!(ErrorKind::NotFound, rename(&path1, &path2).unwrap_err().kind());
316     remove_file(&path2).unwrap();
317 }
319 fn test_directory() {
320     let dir_path = prepare_dir("miri_test_fs_dir");
321     // Creating a directory should succeed.
322     create_dir(&dir_path).unwrap();
323     // Test that the metadata of a directory is correct.
324     assert!(dir_path.metadata().unwrap().is_dir());
325     // Creating a directory when it already exists should fail.
326     assert_eq!(ErrorKind::AlreadyExists, create_dir(&dir_path).unwrap_err().kind());
328     // Create some files inside the directory
329     let path_1 = dir_path.join("test_file_1");
330     drop(File::create(&path_1).unwrap());
331     let path_2 = dir_path.join("test_file_2");
332     drop(File::create(&path_2).unwrap());
333     // Test that the files are present inside the directory
334     let dir_iter = read_dir(&dir_path).unwrap();
335     let mut file_names = dir_iter.map(|e| e.unwrap().file_name()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
336     file_names.sort_unstable();
337     assert_eq!(file_names, vec!["test_file_1", "test_file_2"]);
338     // Clean up the files in the directory
339     remove_file(&path_1).unwrap();
340     remove_file(&path_2).unwrap();
341     // Now there should be nothing left in the directory.
342     let dir_iter = read_dir(&dir_path).unwrap();
343     let file_names = dir_iter.map(|e| e.unwrap().file_name()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
344     assert!(file_names.is_empty());
346     // Deleting the directory should succeed.
347     remove_dir(&dir_path).unwrap();
348     // Reading the metadata of a non-existent directory should fail with a "not found" error.
349     assert_eq!(ErrorKind::NotFound, check_metadata(&[], &dir_path).unwrap_err().kind());
350 }
352 fn test_dup_stdout_stderr() {
353     let bytes = b"hello dup fd\n";
354     unsafe {
355         let new_stdout = libc::fcntl(1, libc::F_DUPFD, 0);
356         let new_stderr = libc::fcntl(2, libc::F_DUPFD, 0);
357         libc::write(new_stdout, bytes.as_ptr() as *const libc::c_void, bytes.len());
358         libc::write(new_stderr, bytes.as_ptr() as *const libc::c_void, bytes.len());
359     }
360 }