1 use std::{
2     collections::HashSet,
3     path::{Path, PathBuf},
4 };
6 use xshell::{cmd, pushd, pushenv, read_file};
8 #[test]
check_code_formatting()9 fn check_code_formatting() {
10     let _dir = pushd(sourcegen::project_root()).unwrap();
11     let _e = pushenv("RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN", "stable");
13     let out = cmd!("rustfmt --version").read().unwrap();
14     if !out.contains("stable") {
15         panic!(
16             "Failed to run rustfmt from toolchain 'stable'. \
17                  Please run `rustup component add rustfmt --toolchain stable` to install it.",
18         )
19     }
21     let res = cmd!("cargo fmt -- --check").run();
22     if res.is_err() {
23         let _ = cmd!("cargo fmt").run();
24     }
25     res.unwrap()
26 }
28 #[test]
check_lsp_extensions_docs()29 fn check_lsp_extensions_docs() {
30     let expected_hash = {
31         let lsp_ext_rs =
32             read_file(sourcegen::project_root().join("crates/rust-analyzer/src/lsp_ext.rs"))
33                 .unwrap();
34         stable_hash(lsp_ext_rs.as_str())
35     };
37     let actual_hash = {
38         let lsp_extensions_md =
39             read_file(sourcegen::project_root().join("docs/dev/lsp-extensions.md")).unwrap();
40         let text = lsp_extensions_md
41             .lines()
42             .find_map(|line| line.strip_prefix("lsp_ext.rs hash:"))
43             .unwrap()
44             .trim();
45         u64::from_str_radix(text, 16).unwrap()
46     };
48     if actual_hash != expected_hash {
49         panic!(
50             "
51 lsp_ext.rs was changed without touching lsp-extensions.md.
53 Expected hash: {:x}
54 Actual hash:   {:x}
56 Please adjust docs/dev/lsp-extensions.md.
57 ",
58             expected_hash, actual_hash
59         )
60     }
61 }
63 #[test]
files_are_tidy()64 fn files_are_tidy() {
65     let files = sourcegen::list_files(&sourcegen::project_root().join("crates"));
67     let mut tidy_docs = TidyDocs::default();
68     let mut tidy_marks = TidyMarks::default();
69     for path in files {
70         let extension = path.extension().unwrap_or_default().to_str().unwrap_or_default();
71         match extension {
72             "rs" => {
73                 let text = read_file(&path).unwrap();
74                 check_todo(&path, &text);
75                 check_dbg(&path, &text);
76                 check_test_attrs(&path, &text);
77                 check_trailing_ws(&path, &text);
78                 deny_clippy(&path, &text);
79                 tidy_docs.visit(&path, &text);
80                 tidy_marks.visit(&path, &text);
81             }
82             "toml" => {
83                 let text = read_file(&path).unwrap();
84                 check_cargo_toml(&path, text);
85             }
86             _ => (),
87         }
88     }
90     tidy_docs.finish();
91     tidy_marks.finish();
92 }
check_cargo_toml(path: &Path, text: String)94 fn check_cargo_toml(path: &Path, text: String) {
95     let mut section = None;
96     for (line_no, text) in text.lines().enumerate() {
97         let text = text.trim();
98         if text.starts_with('[') {
99             if !text.ends_with(']') {
100                 panic!(
101                     "\nplease don't add comments or trailing whitespace in section lines.\n\
102                         {}:{}\n",
103                     path.display(),
104                     line_no + 1
105                 )
106             }
107             section = Some(text);
108             continue;
109         }
110         let text: String = text.split_whitespace().collect();
111         if !text.contains("path=") {
112             continue;
113         }
114         match section {
115             Some(s) if s.contains("dev-dependencies") => {
116                 if text.contains("version") {
117                     panic!(
118                         "\ncargo internal dev-dependencies should not have a version.\n\
119                         {}:{}\n",
120                         path.display(),
121                         line_no + 1
122                     );
123                 }
124             }
125             Some(s) if s.contains("dependencies") => {
126                 if !text.contains("version") {
127                     panic!(
128                         "\ncargo internal dependencies should have a version.\n\
129                         {}:{}\n",
130                         path.display(),
131                         line_no + 1
132                     );
133                 }
134             }
135             _ => {}
136         }
137     }
138 }
140 #[test]
check_merge_commits()141 fn check_merge_commits() {
142     let stdout = cmd!("git rev-list --merges --invert-grep --author 'bors\\[bot\\]' HEAD~19..")
143         .read()
144         .unwrap();
145     if !stdout.is_empty() {
146         panic!(
147             "
148 Merge commits are not allowed in the history.
150 When updating a pull-request, please rebase your feature branch
151 on top of master by running `git rebase master`. If rebase fails,
152 you can re-apply your changes like this:
154   # Just look around to see the current state.
155   $ git status
156   $ git log
158   # Abort in-progress rebase and merges, if any.
159   $ git rebase --abort
160   $ git merge --abort
162   # Make the branch point to the latest commit from master,
163   # while maintaining your local changes uncommited.
164   $ git reset --soft origin/master
166   # Commit all changes in a single batch.
167   $ git commit -am'My changes'
169   # Verify that everything looks alright.
170   $ git status
171   $ git log
173   # Push the changes. We did a rebase, so we need `--force` option.
174   # `--force-with-lease` is a more safe (Rusty) version of `--force`.
175   $ git push --force-with-lease
177   # Verify that both local and remote branch point to the same commit.
178   $ git log
180 And don't fear to mess something up during a rebase -- you can
181 always restore the previous state using `git ref-log`:
183 https://github.blog/2015-06-08-how-to-undo-almost-anything-with-git/#redo-after-undo-local
184 "
185         );
186     }
187 }
deny_clippy(path: &Path, text: &str)189 fn deny_clippy(path: &Path, text: &str) {
190     let ignore = &[
191         // The documentation in string literals may contain anything for its own purposes
192         "ide_db/src/helpers/generated_lints.rs",
193         // The tests test clippy lint hovers
194         "ide/src/hover/tests.rs",
195         // The tests test clippy lint completions
196         "ide_completion/src/tests/attribute.rs",
197     ];
198     if ignore.iter().any(|p| path.ends_with(p)) {
199         return;
200     }
202     if text.contains("\u{61}llow(clippy") {
203         panic!(
204             "\n\nallowing lints is forbidden: {}.
205 rust-analyzer intentionally doesn't check clippy on CI.
206 You can allow lint globally via `xtask clippy`.
207 See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/5537 for discussion.
209 ",
210             path.display()
211         )
212     }
213 }
215 #[test]
check_licenses()216 fn check_licenses() {
217     let expected = "
218 0BSD OR MIT OR Apache-2.0
219 Apache-2.0
220 Apache-2.0 OR BSL-1.0
221 Apache-2.0 OR MIT
222 Apache-2.0/MIT
223 BSD-3-Clause
224 CC0-1.0 OR Artistic-2.0
225 ISC
226 MIT
227 MIT / Apache-2.0
228 MIT OR Apache-2.0
229 MIT OR Apache-2.0 OR Zlib
230 MIT OR Zlib OR Apache-2.0
231 MIT/Apache-2.0
232 Unlicense OR MIT
233 Unlicense/MIT
234 Zlib OR Apache-2.0 OR MIT
235 "
236     .lines()
237     .filter(|it| !it.is_empty())
238     .collect::<Vec<_>>();
240     let meta = cmd!("cargo metadata --format-version 1").read().unwrap();
241     let mut licenses = meta
242         .split(|c| c == ',' || c == '{' || c == '}')
243         .filter(|it| it.contains(r#""license""#))
244         .map(|it| it.trim())
245         .map(|it| it[r#""license":"#.len()..].trim_matches('"'))
246         .collect::<Vec<_>>();
247     licenses.sort_unstable();
248     licenses.dedup();
249     if licenses != expected {
250         let mut diff = String::new();
252         diff.push_str("New Licenses:\n");
253         for &l in licenses.iter() {
254             if !expected.contains(&l) {
255                 diff += &format!("  {}\n", l)
256             }
257         }
259         diff.push_str("\nMissing Licenses:\n");
260         for &l in expected.iter() {
261             if !licenses.contains(&l) {
262                 diff += &format!("  {}\n", l)
263             }
264         }
266         panic!("different set of licenses!\n{}", diff);
267     }
268     assert_eq!(licenses, expected);
269 }
check_todo(path: &Path, text: &str)271 fn check_todo(path: &Path, text: &str) {
272     let need_todo = &[
273         // This file itself obviously needs to use todo (<- like this!).
274         "tests/tidy.rs",
275         // Some of our assists generate `todo!()`.
276         "handlers/add_turbo_fish.rs",
277         "handlers/generate_function.rs",
278         "handlers/add_missing_match_arms.rs",
279         "handlers/replace_derive_with_manual_impl.rs",
280         // To support generating `todo!()` in assists, we have `expr_todo()` in
281         // `ast::make`.
282         "ast/make.rs",
283         // The documentation in string literals may contain anything for its own purposes
284         "ide_db/src/helpers/generated_lints.rs",
285         "ide_assists/src/utils/gen_trait_fn_body.rs",
286         "ide_assists/src/tests/generated.rs",
287         // The tests for missing fields
288         "ide_diagnostics/src/handlers/missing_fields.rs",
289     ];
290     if need_todo.iter().any(|p| path.ends_with(p)) {
291         return;
292     }
293     if text.contains("TODO") || text.contains("TOOD") || text.contains("todo!") {
294         // Generated by an assist
295         if text.contains("${0:todo!()}") {
296             return;
297         }
299         panic!(
300             "\nTODO markers or todo! macros should not be committed to the master branch,\n\
301              use FIXME instead\n\
302              {}\n",
303             path.display(),
304         )
305     }
306 }
check_dbg(path: &Path, text: &str)308 fn check_dbg(path: &Path, text: &str) {
309     let need_dbg = &[
310         // This file itself obviously needs to use dbg.
311         "slow-tests/tidy.rs",
312         // Assists to remove `dbg!()`
313         "handlers/remove_dbg.rs",
314         // We have .dbg postfix
315         "ide_completion/src/completions/postfix.rs",
316         "ide_completion/src/completions/keyword.rs",
317         "ide_completion/src/tests/proc_macros.rs",
318         // The documentation in string literals may contain anything for its own purposes
319         "ide_completion/src/lib.rs",
320         "ide_db/src/helpers/generated_lints.rs",
321         // test for doc test for remove_dbg
322         "src/tests/generated.rs",
323     ];
324     if need_dbg.iter().any(|p| path.ends_with(p)) {
325         return;
326     }
327     if text.contains("dbg!") {
328         panic!(
329             "\ndbg! macros should not be committed to the master branch,\n\
330              {}\n",
331             path.display(),
332         )
333     }
334 }
check_test_attrs(path: &Path, text: &str)336 fn check_test_attrs(path: &Path, text: &str) {
337     let ignore_rule =
338         "https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/master/docs/dev/style.md#ignore";
339     let need_ignore: &[&str] = &[
340         // This file.
341         "slow-tests/tidy.rs",
342         // Special case to run `#[ignore]` tests.
343         "ide/src/runnables.rs",
344         // A legit test which needs to be ignored, as it takes too long to run
345         // :(
346         "hir_def/src/nameres/collector.rs",
347         // Long sourcegen test to generate lint completions.
348         "ide_db/src/tests/sourcegen_lints.rs",
349         // Obviously needs ignore.
350         "ide_assists/src/handlers/toggle_ignore.rs",
351         // See above.
352         "ide_assists/src/tests/generated.rs",
353     ];
354     if text.contains("#[ignore") && !need_ignore.iter().any(|p| path.ends_with(p)) {
355         panic!("\ndon't `#[ignore]` tests, see:\n\n    {}\n\n   {}\n", ignore_rule, path.display(),)
356     }
358     let panic_rule =
359         "https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/master/docs/dev/style.md#should_panic";
360     let need_panic: &[&str] = &[
361         // This file.
362         "slow-tests/tidy.rs",
363         "test_utils/src/fixture.rs",
364     ];
365     if text.contains("#[should_panic") && !need_panic.iter().any(|p| path.ends_with(p)) {
366         panic!(
367             "\ndon't add `#[should_panic]` tests, see:\n\n    {}\n\n   {}\n",
368             panic_rule,
369             path.display(),
370         )
371     }
372 }
check_trailing_ws(path: &Path, text: &str)374 fn check_trailing_ws(path: &Path, text: &str) {
375     if is_exclude_dir(path, &["test_data"]) {
376         return;
377     }
378     for (line_number, line) in text.lines().enumerate() {
379         if line.chars().last().map(char::is_whitespace) == Some(true) {
380             panic!("Trailing whitespace in {} at line {}", path.display(), line_number + 1)
381         }
382     }
383 }
385 #[derive(Default)]
386 struct TidyDocs {
387     missing_docs: Vec<String>,
388     contains_fixme: Vec<PathBuf>,
389 }
391 impl TidyDocs {
visit(&mut self, path: &Path, text: &str)392     fn visit(&mut self, path: &Path, text: &str) {
393         // Tests and diagnostic fixes don't need module level comments.
394         if is_exclude_dir(path, &["tests", "test_data", "fixes", "grammar"]) {
395             return;
396         }
398         if is_exclude_file(path) {
399             return;
400         }
402         let first_line = match text.lines().next() {
403             Some(it) => it,
404             None => return,
405         };
407         if first_line.starts_with("//!") {
408             if first_line.contains("FIXME") {
409                 self.contains_fixme.push(path.to_path_buf());
410             }
411         } else {
412             if text.contains("// Feature:")
413                 || text.contains("// Assist:")
414                 || text.contains("// Diagnostic:")
415             {
416                 return;
417             }
418             self.missing_docs.push(path.display().to_string());
419         }
421         fn is_exclude_file(d: &Path) -> bool {
422             let file_names = ["tests.rs", "famous_defs_fixture.rs"];
424             d.file_name()
425                 .unwrap_or_default()
426                 .to_str()
427                 .map(|f_n| file_names.iter().any(|name| *name == f_n))
428                 .unwrap_or(false)
429         }
430     }
finish(self)432     fn finish(self) {
433         if !self.missing_docs.is_empty() {
434             panic!(
435                 "\nMissing docs strings\n\n\
436                  modules:\n{}\n\n",
437                 self.missing_docs.join("\n")
438             )
439         }
441         for path in self.contains_fixme {
442             panic!("FIXME doc in a fully-documented crate: {}", path.display())
443         }
444     }
445 }
is_exclude_dir(p: &Path, dirs_to_exclude: &[&str]) -> bool447 fn is_exclude_dir(p: &Path, dirs_to_exclude: &[&str]) -> bool {
448     p.strip_prefix(sourcegen::project_root())
449         .unwrap()
450         .components()
451         .rev()
452         .skip(1)
453         .filter_map(|it| it.as_os_str().to_str())
454         .any(|it| dirs_to_exclude.contains(&it))
455 }
457 #[derive(Default)]
458 struct TidyMarks {
459     hits: HashSet<String>,
460     checks: HashSet<String>,
461 }
463 impl TidyMarks {
visit(&mut self, _path: &Path, text: &str)464     fn visit(&mut self, _path: &Path, text: &str) {
465         for line in text.lines() {
466             if let Some(mark) = find_mark(line, "hit") {
467                 self.hits.insert(mark.to_string());
468             }
469             if let Some(mark) = find_mark(line, "check") {
470                 self.checks.insert(mark.to_string());
471             }
472             if let Some(mark) = find_mark(line, "check_count") {
473                 self.checks.insert(mark.to_string());
474             }
475         }
476     }
finish(self)478     fn finish(self) {
479         assert!(!self.hits.is_empty());
481         let diff: Vec<_> =
482             self.hits.symmetric_difference(&self.checks).map(|it| it.as_str()).collect();
484         if !diff.is_empty() {
485             panic!("unpaired marks: {:?}", diff)
486         }
487     }
488 }
490 #[allow(deprecated)]
stable_hash(text: &str) -> u64491 fn stable_hash(text: &str) -> u64 {
492     use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher, SipHasher};
494     let text = text.replace('\r', "");
495     let mut hasher = SipHasher::default();
496     text.hash(&mut hasher);
497     hasher.finish()
498 }
find_mark<'a>(text: &'a str, mark: &'static str) -> Option<&'a str>500 fn find_mark<'a>(text: &'a str, mark: &'static str) -> Option<&'a str> {
501     let idx = text.find(mark)?;
502     let text = text[idx + mark.len()..].strip_prefix("!(")?;
503     let idx = text.find(|c: char| !(c.is_alphanumeric() || c == '_'))?;
504     let text = &text[..idx];
505     Some(text)
506 }