1error[E0599]: no method named `as_dyn_error` found for reference `&std::string::String` in the current scope
2   --> $DIR/source-enum-not-error.rs:7:9
3    |
47   |           source: String,
5    |           ^^^^^^ method not found in `&std::string::String`
6    |
7    = note: the method `as_dyn_error` exists but the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
8            `std::string::String: std::error::Error`
9            which is required by `std::string::String: thiserror::aserror::AsDynError`
10            `&std::string::String: std::error::Error`
11            which is required by `&std::string::String: thiserror::aserror::AsDynError`
12            `str: std::marker::Sized`
13            which is required by `str: thiserror::aserror::AsDynError`
14            `str: std::error::Error`
15            which is required by `str: thiserror::aserror::AsDynError`