3(*                                                                  *)
4(*  sql7.sd7      Sql command line tool                             *)
5(*  Copyright (C) 2014, 2017  Thomas Mertes                         *)
6(*                                                                  *)
7(*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or   *)
8(*  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as  *)
9(*  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of  *)
10(*  the License, or (at your option) any later version.             *)
11(*                                                                  *)
12(*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
13(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  *)
15(*  GNU General Public License for more details.                    *)
16(*                                                                  *)
17(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public       *)
18(*  License along with this program; if not, write to the           *)
19(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
20(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
21(*                                                                  *)
25$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
26  include "keybd.s7i";
27  include "console.s7i";
28  include "osfiles.s7i";
29  include "editline.s7i";
30  include "sql_base.s7i";
31  include "utf8.s7i";
34const proc: writeHelp is func
35  begin
36    writeln("usage: sql7 driver dbName user [password [sqlFile]]");
37    writeln;
38    writeln("The following drivers are supported: ");
39    writeln("  Driver     Shortcut  Database");
40    writeln("  MYSQL      MY        MySql/MariaDb");
41    writeln("  SQLITE     LITE      SQLLite");
42    writeln("  POSTGRESQL POST      PostgreSQL");
43    writeln("  ORACLE     OCI       Oracle");
44    writeln("  ODBC                 Odbc");
45    writeln("  FIREBIRD   FIRE      Firebird/Interbase");
46    writeln("  DB2                  Db2");
47    writeln("  SQL_SERVER SQLSRV    SQL Server");
48    writeln;
49    writeln("The database name (dbName) can be specified with or without host name:");
50    writeln("  myDb");
51    writeln("  www.example.org/myDb");
52    writeln("");
53    writeln;
54    writeln("Sql7 accepts SQL commands of the connected database.");
55    writeln("Commands to exit sql7: exit, quit");
56    writeln;
57  end func;
60const func boolean: failed (in proc: statement) is func
61  result
62    var boolean: failed is FALSE;
63  begin
64    block
65      statement;
66    exception
67      catch RANGE_ERROR:
68        failed := TRUE;
69      catch FILE_ERROR:
70        failed := TRUE;
71      catch DATABASE_ERROR:
72        failed := TRUE;
73    end block;
74  end func;
77const proc: displayResult (in sqlStatement: statement) is func
78  local
79    const integer: width is 20;
80    var integer: index is 0;
81  begin
82    for index range 1 to columnCount(statement) do
83      write(columnName(statement, index) rpad width <& " ");
84    end for;
85    writeln;
86    writeln(("-" mult width & " ") mult columnCount(statement));
87    while fetch(statement) do
88      for index range 1 to columnCount(statement) do
89        if failed(write(noCtrlChars(column(statement, index, string)[1 len width])            rpad width <& " ")) and
90           failed(write(            column(statement, index, integer)                         lpad width <& " ")) and
91           failed(write(            column(statement, index, bigInteger)                      lpad width <& " ")) and
92           failed(write(            column(statement, index, bigRational)                     lpad width <& " ")) and
93           failed(write(            column(statement, index, float)       sci width - 7 exp 2 lpad width <& " ")) and
94           failed(write(strDateTime(column(statement, index, time))                           rpad width <& " ")) and
95           failed(write(            column(statement, index, duration)                        rpad width <& " ")) and
96           failed(write(            column(statement, index, boolean)                         lpad width <& " ")) then
97          write("*" mult width <& " ");
98        end if;
99      end for;
100      writeln;
101    end while;
102  end func;
105const proc: doExecute (in database: currDb, in var string: command) is func
106  local
107    var sqlStatement: statement is sqlStatement.value;
108    var boolean: failed is FALSE;
109  begin
110    if endsWith(command, ";") then
111      command := command[.. pred(length(command))];
112    end if;
113    block
114      statement := prepare(currDb, command);
115      execute(statement);
116    exception
117      catch DATABASE_ERROR:
118        writeln;
119        writeln(command);
120        writeln(" *** Database error: " <& errMessage(DATABASE_ERROR));
121        writeln;
122        failed := TRUE;
123      otherwise:
124        writeln;
125        writeln(command);
126        writeln(" *** Error occurred");
127        writeln;
128        failed := TRUE;
129    end block;
130    if not failed then
131      if columnCount(statement) <> 0 then
132        displayResult(statement);
133      else
134        writeln;
135        writeln("Success.");
136        writeln;
137      end if;
138    end if;
139  end func;
142const func string: getSqlStatement (inout file: inFile) is func
143  result
144    var string: sqlStatement is "";
145  local
146    var char: ch is ' ';
147    var char: delimiter is ' ';
148  begin
149    ch := getc(inFile);
150    while ch <> ';' and ch <> EOF do
151      if ch = ''' or ch = '"' then
152        delimiter := ch;
153        sqlStatement &:= delimiter;
154        ch := getc(inFile);
155        while ch <> delimiter and ch <> EOF do
156          sqlStatement &:= ch;
157          ch := getc(inFile);
158        end while;
159        if ch = delimiter then
160          sqlStatement &:= delimiter;
161          ch := getc(inFile);
162        end if;
163      elsif ch = '/' then
164        ch := getc(inFile);
165        if ch <> '*' or ch = EOF then
166          sqlStatement &:= '/';
167        else
168          ch := getc(inFile);
169          repeat
170            while ch <> '*' and ch <> EOF do
171              ch := getc(inFile);
172            end while;
173            ch := getc(inFile);
174          until ch = '/' or ch = EOF;
175          ch := getc(inFile);
176        end if;
177      elsif ch = '-' then
178        ch := getc(inFile);
179        if ch <> '-' or ch = EOF then
180          sqlStatement &:= '-';
181        else
182          ch := getc(inFile);
183          while ch <> '\n' and ch <> EOF do
184            ch := getc(inFile);
185          end while;
186        end if;
187      else
188        sqlStatement &:= ch;
189        ch := getc(inFile);
190      end if;
191    end while;
192    inFile.bufferChar := ch;
193  end func;
196const proc: main is func
197  local
198    var string: fileName is "";
199    var file: sqlFile is STD_NULL;
200    var string: driverName is "";
201    var dbCategory: driver is NO_DB;
202    var string: password is "";
203    var database: currDb is database.value;
204    var string: command is "";
205  begin
206    OUT := STD_CONSOLE;
207    IN := openEditLine(KEYBOARD, OUT);
208    if length(argv(PROGRAM)) = 5 then
209      fileName := convDosPath(argv(PROGRAM)[5]);
210      sqlFile := openUtf8(fileName, "r");
211    end if;
212    if sqlFile = STD_NULL then
213      writeln("Sql7 - Sql command line tool");
214      writeln("Copyright (C) 2014 Thomas Mertes");
215      writeln("This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO");
216      writeln("warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.");
217      writeln("Sql7 is written in the Seed7 programming language");
218      writeln("Homepage: http://seed7.sourceforge.net");
219      writeln;
220    end if;
221    if length(argv(PROGRAM)) = 0 then
222      writeln("Use  sql7 -?  to get more information about sql7.");
223      writeln;
224    elsif length(argv(PROGRAM)) = 1 and argv(PROGRAM)[1] = "-?" then
225      writeHelp;
226    elsif length(argv(PROGRAM)) not in {3, 4, 5} then
227      writeln("usage: sql7 driver dbName user [password [sqlfile]]");
228    elsif length(argv(PROGRAM)) = 5 and sqlFile = STD_NULL then
229      writeln(" *** Cannot open " <& fileName);
230    else
231      driverName := argv(PROGRAM)[1];
232      driver := dbCategory(driverName);
233      if driver = NO_DB then
234        writeln("*** " <& literal(driverName) <& " is not a valid database driver.");
235      else
236        if length(argv(PROGRAM)) = 3 then
237          write("Password: ");
238          flush(OUT);
239          password := readPassword(IN);
240        else
241          password := argv(PROGRAM)[4];
242        end if;
243        block
244          currDb := openDatabase(driver, argv(PROGRAM)[2], argv(PROGRAM)[3], password);
245        exception
246          catch DATABASE_ERROR:
247            writeln(" *** Database error: " <& errMessage(DATABASE_ERROR));
248          otherwise:
249            writeln(" *** Cannot open " <& argv(PROGRAM)[2]);
250        end block;
251        if currDb <> database.value then
252          if sqlFile <> STD_NULL then
253            while hasNext(sqlFile) do
254              command := getSqlStatement(sqlFile);
255              command := trim(command);
256              if command <> "" then
257                # writeln(literal(command));
258                doExecute(currDb, command);
259              end if;
260            end while;
261            close(sqlFile);
262          else
263            write("Sql7? ");
264            readln(command);
265            while lower(command) <> "exit" and lower(command) <> "quit" do
266              if command <> "" then
267                doExecute(currDb, command);
268              end if;
269              write("Sql7? ");
270              readln(command);
271            end while;
272          end if;
273          close(currDb);
274        end if;
275      end if;
276    end if;
277  end func;