1 /*
2 	This file is part of solidity.
4 	solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 	(at your option) any later version.
9 	solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 	GNU General Public License for more details.
14 	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 	along with solidity.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16 */
17 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
19 #include <libsolidity/formal/SymbolicTypes.h>
21 #include <libsolidity/formal/EncodingContext.h>
23 #include <libsolidity/ast/TypeProvider.h>
24 #include <libsolidity/ast/Types.h>
25 #include <libsolutil/CommonData.h>
26 #include <memory>
27 #include <vector>
29 using namespace std;
30 using namespace solidity::util;
31 using namespace solidity::smtutil;
33 namespace solidity::frontend::smt
34 {
smtSort(frontend::Type const & _type)36 SortPointer smtSort(frontend::Type const& _type)
37 {
38 	switch (smtKind(_type))
39 	{
40 	case Kind::Int:
41 		if (auto const* intType = dynamic_cast<IntegerType const*>(&_type))
42 			return SortProvider::intSort(intType->isSigned());
43 		if (auto const* fixedType = dynamic_cast<FixedPointType const*>(&_type))
44 			return SortProvider::intSort(fixedType->isSigned());
45 		return SortProvider::uintSort;
46 	case Kind::Bool:
47 		return SortProvider::boolSort;
48 	case Kind::Function:
49 	{
50 		auto fType = dynamic_cast<frontend::FunctionType const*>(&_type);
51 		solAssert(fType, "");
52 		vector<SortPointer> parameterSorts = smtSort(fType->parameterTypes());
53 		auto returnTypes = fType->returnParameterTypes();
54 		SortPointer returnSort;
55 		// TODO change this when we support tuples.
56 		if (returnTypes.size() == 0)
57 			// We cannot declare functions without a return sort, so we use the smallest.
58 			returnSort = SortProvider::boolSort;
59 		else if (returnTypes.size() > 1)
60 			// Abstract sort.
61 			returnSort = SortProvider::uintSort;
62 		else
63 			returnSort = smtSort(*returnTypes.front());
64 		return make_shared<FunctionSort>(parameterSorts, returnSort);
65 	}
66 	case Kind::Array:
67 	{
68 		shared_ptr<ArraySort> array;
69 		if (isMapping(_type))
70 		{
71 			auto mapType = dynamic_cast<frontend::MappingType const*>(&_type);
72 			solAssert(mapType, "");
73 			array = make_shared<ArraySort>(smtSortAbstractFunction(*mapType->keyType()), smtSortAbstractFunction(*mapType->valueType()));
74 		}
75 		else if (isStringLiteral(_type))
76 		{
77 			auto stringLitType = dynamic_cast<frontend::StringLiteralType const*>(&_type);
78 			solAssert(stringLitType, "");
79 			array = make_shared<ArraySort>(SortProvider::uintSort, SortProvider::uintSort);
80 		}
81 		else
82 		{
83 			frontend::ArrayType const* arrayType = nullptr;
84 			if (auto const* arr = dynamic_cast<frontend::ArrayType const*>(&_type))
85 				arrayType = arr;
86 			else if (auto const* slice = dynamic_cast<frontend::ArraySliceType const*>(&_type))
87 				arrayType = &slice->arrayType();
88 			else
89 				solAssert(false, "");
91 			solAssert(arrayType, "");
92 			array = make_shared<ArraySort>(SortProvider::uintSort, smtSortAbstractFunction(*arrayType->baseType()));
93 		}
95 		string tupleName;
96 		auto sliceArrayType = dynamic_cast<ArraySliceType const*>(&_type);
97 		ArrayType const* arrayType = sliceArrayType ? &sliceArrayType->arrayType() : dynamic_cast<ArrayType const*>(&_type);
98 		if (
99 			(arrayType && (arrayType->isString() || arrayType->isByteArray())) ||
100 			_type.category() == frontend::Type::Category::StringLiteral
101 		)
102 			tupleName = "bytes";
103 		else if (arrayType)
104 		{
105 			auto baseType = arrayType->baseType();
106 			// Solidity allows implicit conversion also when assigning arrays.
107 			// So if the base type potentially has a size, that size cannot go
108 			// in the tuple's name.
109 			if (auto tupleSort = dynamic_pointer_cast<TupleSort>(array->range))
110 				tupleName = tupleSort->name;
111 			else if (
112 				baseType->category() == frontend::Type::Category::Integer ||
113 				baseType->category() == frontend::Type::Category::FixedPoint
114 			)
115 				tupleName = "uint";
116 			else if (baseType->category() == frontend::Type::Category::FixedBytes)
117 				tupleName = "fixedbytes";
118 			else
119 				tupleName = arrayType->baseType()->toString(true);
121 			tupleName += "_array";
122 		}
123 		else
124 			tupleName = _type.toString(true);
126 		tupleName += "_tuple";
128 		return make_shared<TupleSort>(
129 			tupleName,
130 			vector<string>{tupleName + "_accessor_array", tupleName + "_accessor_length"},
131 			vector<SortPointer>{array, SortProvider::uintSort}
132 		);
133 	}
134 	case Kind::Tuple:
135 	{
136 		vector<string> members;
137 		auto const& tupleName = _type.toString(true);
138 		vector<SortPointer> sorts;
140 		if (auto const* tupleType = dynamic_cast<frontend::TupleType const*>(&_type))
141 		{
142 			auto const& components = tupleType->components();
143 			for (unsigned i = 0; i < components.size(); ++i)
144 				members.emplace_back(tupleName + "_accessor_" + to_string(i));
145 			sorts = smtSortAbstractFunction(tupleType->components());
146 		}
147 		else if (auto const* structType = dynamic_cast<frontend::StructType const*>(&_type))
148 		{
149 			solAssert(!structType->recursive(), "");
150 			auto const& structMembers = structType->structDefinition().members();
151 			for (auto member: structMembers)
152 				members.emplace_back(tupleName + "_accessor_" + member->name());
153 			sorts = smtSortAbstractFunction(applyMap(
154 				structMembers,
155 				[](auto var) { return var->type(); }
156 			));
157 		}
158 		else
159 			solAssert(false, "");
161 		return make_shared<TupleSort>(tupleName, members, sorts);
162 	}
163 	default:
164 		// Abstract case.
165 		return SortProvider::uintSort;
166 	}
167 }
smtSort(vector<frontend::Type const * > const & _types)169 vector<SortPointer> smtSort(vector<frontend::Type const*> const& _types)
170 {
171 	vector<SortPointer> sorts;
172 	for (auto const& type: _types)
173 		sorts.push_back(smtSort(*type));
174 	return sorts;
175 }
smtSortAbstractFunction(frontend::Type const & _type)177 SortPointer smtSortAbstractFunction(frontend::Type const& _type)
178 {
179 	if (isFunction(_type))
180 		return SortProvider::uintSort;
181 	return smtSort(_type);
182 }
smtSortAbstractFunction(vector<frontend::Type const * > const & _types)184 vector<SortPointer> smtSortAbstractFunction(vector<frontend::Type const*> const& _types)
185 {
186 	vector<SortPointer> sorts;
187 	for (auto const& type: _types)
188 		if (type)
189 			sorts.push_back(smtSortAbstractFunction(*type));
190 		else
191 			sorts.push_back(SortProvider::uintSort);
192 	return sorts;
193 }
smtKind(frontend::Type const & _type)195 Kind smtKind(frontend::Type const& _type)
196 {
197 	if (isNumber(_type))
198 		return Kind::Int;
199 	else if (isBool(_type))
200 		return Kind::Bool;
201 	else if (isFunction(_type))
202 		return Kind::Function;
203 	else if (isMapping(_type) || isArray(_type))
204 		return Kind::Array;
205 	else if (isTuple(_type) || isNonRecursiveStruct(_type))
206 		return Kind::Tuple;
207 	// Abstract case.
208 	return Kind::Int;
209 }
isSupportedType(frontend::Type const & _type)211 bool isSupportedType(frontend::Type const& _type)
212 {
213 	return isNumber(_type) ||
214 		isBool(_type) ||
215 		isMapping(_type) ||
216 		isArray(_type) ||
217 		isTuple(_type) ||
218 		isNonRecursiveStruct(_type);
219 }
isSupportedTypeDeclaration(frontend::Type const & _type)221 bool isSupportedTypeDeclaration(frontend::Type const& _type)
222 {
223 	return isSupportedType(_type) ||
224 		isFunction(_type);
225 }
newSymbolicVariable(frontend::Type const & _type,std::string const & _uniqueName,EncodingContext & _context)227 pair<bool, shared_ptr<SymbolicVariable>> newSymbolicVariable(
228 	frontend::Type const& _type,
229 	std::string const& _uniqueName,
230 	EncodingContext& _context
231 )
232 {
233 	bool abstract = false;
234 	shared_ptr<SymbolicVariable> var;
235 	frontend::Type const* type = &_type;
237 	if (auto userType = dynamic_cast<UserDefinedValueType const*>(type))
238 		return newSymbolicVariable(userType->underlyingType(), _uniqueName, _context);
240 	if (!isSupportedTypeDeclaration(_type))
241 	{
242 		abstract = true;
243 		var = make_shared<SymbolicIntVariable>(frontend::TypeProvider::uint256(), type, _uniqueName, _context);
244 	}
245 	else if (isBool(_type))
246 		var = make_shared<SymbolicBoolVariable>(type, _uniqueName, _context);
247 	else if (isFunction(_type))
248 	{
249 		auto const& fType = dynamic_cast<FunctionType const*>(type);
250 		auto const& paramsIn = fType->parameterTypes();
251 		auto const& paramsOut = fType->returnParameterTypes();
252 		auto findFunctionParam = [&](auto&& params) {
253 			return find_if(
254 				begin(params),
255 				end(params),
256 				[&](frontend::Type const* _paramType) { return _paramType->category() == frontend::Type::Category::Function; }
257 			);
258 		};
259 		if (
260 			findFunctionParam(paramsIn) != end(paramsIn) ||
261 			findFunctionParam(paramsOut) != end(paramsOut)
262 		)
263 		{
264 			abstract = true;
265 			var = make_shared<SymbolicIntVariable>(TypeProvider::uint256(), type, _uniqueName, _context);
266 		}
267 		else
268 			var = make_shared<SymbolicFunctionVariable>(type, _uniqueName, _context);
269 	}
270 	else if (isInteger(_type))
271 		var = make_shared<SymbolicIntVariable>(type, type, _uniqueName, _context);
272 	else if (isFixedPoint(_type))
273 		var = make_shared<SymbolicIntVariable>(type, type, _uniqueName, _context);
274 	else if (isFixedBytes(_type))
275 	{
276 		auto fixedBytesType = dynamic_cast<frontend::FixedBytesType const*>(type);
277 		solAssert(fixedBytesType, "");
278 		var = make_shared<SymbolicFixedBytesVariable>(type, fixedBytesType->numBytes(), _uniqueName, _context);
279 	}
280 	else if (isAddress(_type) || isContract(_type))
281 		var = make_shared<SymbolicAddressVariable>(_uniqueName, _context);
282 	else if (isEnum(_type))
283 		var = make_shared<SymbolicEnumVariable>(type, _uniqueName, _context);
284 	else if (isRational(_type))
285 	{
286 		auto rational = dynamic_cast<frontend::RationalNumberType const*>(&_type);
287 		solAssert(rational, "");
288 		if (rational->isFractional())
289 			var = make_shared<SymbolicIntVariable>(frontend::TypeProvider::uint256(), type, _uniqueName, _context);
290 		else
291 			var = make_shared<SymbolicIntVariable>(type, type, _uniqueName, _context);
292 	}
293 	else if (isMapping(_type) || isArray(_type))
294 		var = make_shared<SymbolicArrayVariable>(type, type, _uniqueName, _context);
295 	else if (isTuple(_type))
296 		var = make_shared<SymbolicTupleVariable>(type, _uniqueName, _context);
297 	else if (isStringLiteral(_type))
298 	{
299 		auto stringType = TypeProvider::stringMemory();
300 		var = make_shared<SymbolicArrayVariable>(stringType, type, _uniqueName, _context);
301 	}
302 	else if (isNonRecursiveStruct(_type))
303 		var = make_shared<SymbolicStructVariable>(type, _uniqueName, _context);
304 	else
305 		solAssert(false, "");
306 	return make_pair(abstract, var);
307 }
isInteger(frontend::Type const & _type)309 bool isInteger(frontend::Type const& _type)
310 {
311 	return _type.category() == frontend::Type::Category::Integer;
312 }
isFixedPoint(frontend::Type const & _type)314 bool isFixedPoint(frontend::Type const& _type)
315 {
316 	return _type.category() == frontend::Type::Category::FixedPoint;
317 }
isRational(frontend::Type const & _type)319 bool isRational(frontend::Type const& _type)
320 {
321 	return _type.category() == frontend::Type::Category::RationalNumber;
322 }
isFixedBytes(frontend::Type const & _type)324 bool isFixedBytes(frontend::Type const& _type)
325 {
326 	return _type.category() == frontend::Type::Category::FixedBytes;
327 }
isAddress(frontend::Type const & _type)329 bool isAddress(frontend::Type const& _type)
330 {
331 	return _type.category() == frontend::Type::Category::Address;
332 }
isContract(frontend::Type const & _type)334 bool isContract(frontend::Type const& _type)
335 {
336 	return _type.category() == frontend::Type::Category::Contract;
337 }
isEnum(frontend::Type const & _type)339 bool isEnum(frontend::Type const& _type)
340 {
341 	return _type.category() == frontend::Type::Category::Enum;
342 }
isNumber(frontend::Type const & _type)344 bool isNumber(frontend::Type const& _type)
345 {
346 	return isInteger(_type) ||
347 		isFixedPoint(_type) ||
348 		isRational(_type) ||
349 		isFixedBytes(_type) ||
350 		isAddress(_type) ||
351 		isContract(_type) ||
352 		isEnum(_type);
353 }
isBool(frontend::Type const & _type)355 bool isBool(frontend::Type const& _type)
356 {
357 	return _type.category() == frontend::Type::Category::Bool;
358 }
isFunction(frontend::Type const & _type)360 bool isFunction(frontend::Type const& _type)
361 {
362 	return _type.category() == frontend::Type::Category::Function;
363 }
isMapping(frontend::Type const & _type)365 bool isMapping(frontend::Type const& _type)
366 {
367 	return _type.category() == frontend::Type::Category::Mapping;
368 }
isArray(frontend::Type const & _type)370 bool isArray(frontend::Type const& _type)
371 {
372 	return _type.category() == frontend::Type::Category::Array ||
373 		_type.category() == frontend::Type::Category::StringLiteral ||
374 		_type.category() == frontend::Type::Category::ArraySlice;
375 }
isTuple(frontend::Type const & _type)377 bool isTuple(frontend::Type const& _type)
378 {
379 	return _type.category() == frontend::Type::Category::Tuple;
380 }
isStringLiteral(frontend::Type const & _type)382 bool isStringLiteral(frontend::Type const& _type)
383 {
384 	return _type.category() == frontend::Type::Category::StringLiteral;
385 }
isNonRecursiveStruct(frontend::Type const & _type)387 bool isNonRecursiveStruct(frontend::Type const& _type)
388 {
389 	auto structType = dynamic_cast<StructType const*>(&_type);
390 	return structType && !structType->recursive();
391 }
isInaccessibleDynamic(frontend::Type const & _type)393 bool isInaccessibleDynamic(frontend::Type const& _type)
394 {
395 	return _type.category() == frontend::Type::Category::InaccessibleDynamic;
396 }
minValue(frontend::IntegerType const & _type)398 smtutil::Expression minValue(frontend::IntegerType const& _type)
399 {
400 	return smtutil::Expression(_type.minValue());
401 }
minValue(frontend::Type const * _type)403 smtutil::Expression minValue(frontend::Type const* _type)
404 {
405 	solAssert(isNumber(*_type), "");
406 	if (auto const* intType = dynamic_cast<IntegerType const*>(_type))
407 		return intType->minValue();
408 	if (auto const* fixedType = dynamic_cast<FixedPointType const*>(_type))
409 		return fixedType->minIntegerValue();
410 	if (
411 		dynamic_cast<AddressType const*>(_type) ||
412 		dynamic_cast<ContractType const*>(_type) ||
413 		dynamic_cast<EnumType const*>(_type) ||
414 		dynamic_cast<FixedBytesType const*>(_type)
415 	)
416 		return 0;
417 	solAssert(false, "");
418 }
maxValue(frontend::IntegerType const & _type)420 smtutil::Expression maxValue(frontend::IntegerType const& _type)
421 {
422 	return smtutil::Expression(_type.maxValue());
423 }
maxValue(frontend::Type const * _type)425 smtutil::Expression maxValue(frontend::Type const* _type)
426 {
427 	solAssert(isNumber(*_type), "");
428 	if (auto const* intType = dynamic_cast<IntegerType const*>(_type))
429 		return intType->maxValue();
430 	if (auto const* fixedType = dynamic_cast<FixedPointType const*>(_type))
431 		return fixedType->maxIntegerValue();
432 	if (
433 		dynamic_cast<AddressType const*>(_type) ||
434 		dynamic_cast<ContractType const*>(_type)
435 	)
436 		return TypeProvider::uint(160)->maxValue();
437 	if (auto const* enumType = dynamic_cast<EnumType const*>(_type))
438 		return enumType->numberOfMembers() - 1;
439 	if (auto const* bytesType = dynamic_cast<FixedBytesType const*>(_type))
440 		return TypeProvider::uint(bytesType->numBytes() * 8)->maxValue();
441 	solAssert(false, "");
442 }
setSymbolicZeroValue(SymbolicVariable const & _variable,EncodingContext & _context)444 void setSymbolicZeroValue(SymbolicVariable const& _variable, EncodingContext& _context)
445 {
446 	setSymbolicZeroValue(_variable.currentValue(), _variable.type(), _context);
447 }
setSymbolicZeroValue(smtutil::Expression _expr,frontend::Type const * _type,EncodingContext & _context)449 void setSymbolicZeroValue(smtutil::Expression _expr, frontend::Type const* _type, EncodingContext& _context)
450 {
451 	solAssert(_type, "");
452 	_context.addAssertion(_expr == zeroValue(_type));
453 }
zeroValue(frontend::Type const * _type)455 smtutil::Expression zeroValue(frontend::Type const* _type)
456 {
457 	solAssert(_type, "");
458 	if (isSupportedType(*_type))
459 	{
460 		if (isNumber(*_type))
461 			return 0;
462 		if (isBool(*_type))
463 			return smtutil::Expression(false);
464 		if (isArray(*_type) || isMapping(*_type))
465 		{
466 			auto tupleSort = dynamic_pointer_cast<TupleSort>(smtSort(*_type));
467 			solAssert(tupleSort, "");
468 			auto sortSort = make_shared<SortSort>(tupleSort->components.front());
470 			std::optional<smtutil::Expression> zeroArray;
471 			auto length = bigint(0);
472 			if (auto arrayType = dynamic_cast<ArrayType const*>(_type))
473 			{
474 				zeroArray = smtutil::Expression::const_array(smtutil::Expression(sortSort), zeroValue(arrayType->baseType()));
475 				if (!arrayType->isDynamicallySized())
476 					length = bigint(arrayType->length());
477 			}
478 			else if (auto mappingType = dynamic_cast<MappingType const*>(_type))
479 				zeroArray = smtutil::Expression::const_array(smtutil::Expression(sortSort), zeroValue(mappingType->valueType()));
480 			else
481 				solAssert(false, "");
483 			solAssert(zeroArray, "");
484 			return smtutil::Expression::tuple_constructor(
485 				smtutil::Expression(std::make_shared<SortSort>(tupleSort), tupleSort->name),
486 				vector<smtutil::Expression>{*zeroArray, length}
487 			);
489 		}
490 		if (isNonRecursiveStruct(*_type))
491 		{
492 			auto const* structType = dynamic_cast<StructType const*>(_type);
493 			auto structSort = dynamic_pointer_cast<TupleSort>(smtSort(*_type));
494 			return smtutil::Expression::tuple_constructor(
495 				smtutil::Expression(make_shared<SortSort>(structSort), structSort->name),
496 				applyMap(
497 					structType->structDefinition().members(),
498 					[](auto var) { return zeroValue(var->type()); }
499 				)
500 			);
501 		}
502 		solAssert(false, "");
503 	}
504 	// Unsupported types are abstracted as Int.
505 	return 0;
506 }
isSigned(frontend::Type const * _type)508 bool isSigned(frontend::Type const* _type)
509 {
510 	solAssert(smt::isNumber(*_type), "");
511 	bool isSigned = false;
512 	if (auto const* numberType = dynamic_cast<RationalNumberType const*>(_type))
513 		isSigned |= numberType->isNegative();
514 	else if (auto const* intType = dynamic_cast<IntegerType const*>(_type))
515 		isSigned |= intType->isSigned();
516 	else if (auto const* fixedType = dynamic_cast<FixedPointType const*>(_type))
517 		isSigned |= fixedType->isSigned();
518 	else if (
519 		dynamic_cast<AddressType const*>(_type) ||
520 		dynamic_cast<ContractType const*>(_type) ||
521 		dynamic_cast<EnumType const*>(_type) ||
522 		dynamic_cast<FixedBytesType const*>(_type)
523 	)
524 		return false;
525 	else
526 		solAssert(false, "");
528 	return isSigned;
529 }
typeBvSizeAndSignedness(frontend::Type const * _type)531 pair<unsigned, bool> typeBvSizeAndSignedness(frontend::Type const* _type)
532 {
533 	if (auto const* intType = dynamic_cast<IntegerType const*>(_type))
534 		return {intType->numBits(), intType->isSigned()};
535 	else if (auto const* fixedType = dynamic_cast<FixedPointType const*>(_type))
536 		return {fixedType->numBits(), fixedType->isSigned()};
537 	else if (auto const* fixedBytesType = dynamic_cast<FixedBytesType const*>(_type))
538 		return {fixedBytesType->numBytes() * 8, false};
539 	else
540 		solAssert(false, "");
541 }
setSymbolicUnknownValue(SymbolicVariable const & _variable,EncodingContext & _context)543 void setSymbolicUnknownValue(SymbolicVariable const& _variable, EncodingContext& _context)
544 {
545 	setSymbolicUnknownValue(_variable.currentValue(), _variable.type(), _context);
546 }
setSymbolicUnknownValue(smtutil::Expression _expr,frontend::Type const * _type,EncodingContext & _context)548 void setSymbolicUnknownValue(smtutil::Expression _expr, frontend::Type const* _type, EncodingContext& _context)
549 {
550 	_context.addAssertion(symbolicUnknownConstraints(_expr, _type));
551 }
symbolicUnknownConstraints(smtutil::Expression _expr,frontend::Type const * _type)553 smtutil::Expression symbolicUnknownConstraints(smtutil::Expression _expr, frontend::Type const* _type)
554 {
555 	solAssert(_type, "");
556 	if (isEnum(*_type) || isInteger(*_type) || isAddress(*_type) || isFixedBytes(*_type))
557 		return _expr >= minValue(_type) && _expr <= maxValue(_type);
558 	else if (
559 		auto arrayType = dynamic_cast<ArrayType const*>(_type);
560 		arrayType && !arrayType->isDynamicallySized()
561 	)
562 		return smtutil::Expression::tuple_get(_expr, 1) == arrayType->length();
563 	else if (isArray(*_type) || isMapping(*_type))
564 		/// Length cannot be negative.
565 		return smtutil::Expression::tuple_get(_expr, 1) >= 0;
567 	return smtutil::Expression(true);
568 }
symbolicTypeConversion(frontend::Type const * _from,frontend::Type const * _to)570 optional<smtutil::Expression> symbolicTypeConversion(frontend::Type const* _from, frontend::Type const* _to)
571 {
572 	if (_to && _from)
573 		// StringLiterals are encoded as SMT arrays in the generic case,
574 		// but they can also be compared/assigned to fixed bytes, in which
575 		// case they'd need to be encoded as numbers.
576 		if (auto strType = dynamic_cast<StringLiteralType const*>(_from))
577 			if (auto fixedBytesType = dynamic_cast<FixedBytesType const*>(_to))
578 			{
579 				if (strType->value().empty())
580 					return smtutil::Expression(size_t(0));
581 				auto bytesVec = util::asBytes(strType->value());
582 				bytesVec.resize(fixedBytesType->numBytes(), 0);
583 				return smtutil::Expression(u256(toHex(bytesVec, util::HexPrefix::Add)));
584 			}
586 	return std::nullopt;
587 }
589 }