1# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
5# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
6# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
7# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
8# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
9# documentation on web development on the web.
10# LOCALIZATION NOTE (browserConsole.title): shown as the
11# title when opening the browser console popup
12browserConsole.title=Browser Console
13# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timestampFormat): %1$02S = hours (24-hour clock),
14# %2$02S = minutes, %3$02S = seconds, %4$03S = milliseconds.
16helperFuncUnsupportedTypeError=Can’t call pprint on this type of object.
17# LOCALIZATION NOTE (NetworkPanel.durationMS): this string is used to
18# show the duration between two network events (e.g request and response
19# header or response header and response body). Parameters: %S is the duration.
22ConsoleAPIDisabled=The Web Console logging API (console.log, console.info, console.warn, console.error) has been disabled by a script on this page.
24# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webConsoleXhrIndicator): the indicator displayed before
25# a URL in the Web Console that was requested using an XMLHttpRequest.
26# Should probably be the same as &btnConsoleXhr; in webConsole.dtd
29# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webConsoleMixedContentWarning): the message displayed
30# after a URL in the Web Console that has been flagged for Mixed Content (i.e.
31# http content in an https page).
32webConsoleMixedContentWarning=Mixed Content
34# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webConsoleMoreInfoLabel): the more info tag displayed
35# after security related web console messages.
36webConsoleMoreInfoLabel=Learn More
38# LOCALIZATION NOTE (scratchpad.linkText): the text used in the right hand
39# side of the Web Console command line when JavaScript is being entered, to
40# indicate how to jump into scratchpad mode.
41scratchpad.linkText=Shift+RETURN - Open in Scratchpad
43# LOCALIZATION NOTE (reflow.*): the console displays reflow activity.
44# We can get 2 kind of lines: with JS link or without JS link. It looks like
45# that:
46# reflow: 12ms
47# reflow: 12ms function foobar, file.js line 42
48# The 2nd line, from "function" to the end of the line, is a link to the
49# JavaScript debugger.
50reflow.messageWithNoLink=reflow: %Sms
51reflow.messageWithLink=reflow: %Sms\u0020
52reflow.messageLinkText=function %1$S, %2$S line %3$S
54# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stacktrace.anonymousFunction): this string is used to
55# display JavaScript functions that have no given name - they are said to be
56# anonymous. Test console.trace() in the webconsole.
59# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stacktrace.asyncStack): this string is used to
60# indicate that a given stack frame has an async parent.
61# %S is the "Async Cause" of the frame.
62stacktrace.asyncStack=(Async: %S)
64# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timerStarted): this string is used to display the result
65# of the console.time() call. Parameters: %S is the name of the timer.
66timerStarted=%S: timer started
68# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeEnd): this string is used to display the result of
69# the console.timeEnd() call. Parameters: %1$S is the name of the timer, %2$S
70# is the number of milliseconds.
71timeEnd=%1$S: %2$Sms
73# LOCALIZATION NOTE (consoleCleared): this string is displayed when receiving a
74# call to console.clear() to let the user know the previous messages of the
75# console have been removed programmatically.
76consoleCleared=Console was cleared.
78# LOCALIZATION NOTE (noCounterLabel): this string is used to display
79# count-messages with no label provided.
80noCounterLabel=<no label>
82# LOCALIZATION NOTE (noGroupLabel): this string is used to display
83# console.group messages with no label provided.
84noGroupLabel=<no group label>
86# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Autocomplete.blank): this string is used when inputnode
87# string containing anchor doesn't matches to any property in the content.
88Autocomplete.blank=  <- no result
90maxTimersExceeded=The maximum allowed number of timers in this page was exceeded.
91timerAlreadyExists=Timer “%S” already exists.
92timerDoesntExist=Timer “%S” doesn’t exist.
93timerJSError=Failed to process the timer name.
95# LOCALIZATION NOTE (maxCountersExceeded): Error message shown when the maximum
96# number of console.count()-counters was exceeded.
97maxCountersExceeded=The maximum allowed number of counters in this page was exceeded.
99# LOCALIZATION NOTE (longStringEllipsis): the string displayed after a long
100# string. This string is clickable such that the rest of the string is
101# retrieved from the server.
104# LOCALIZATION NOTE (longStringTooLong): the string displayed after the user
105# tries to expand a long string.
106longStringTooLong=The string you are trying to view is too long to be displayed by the Web Console.
108# LOCALIZATION NOTE (connectionTimeout): message displayed when the Remote Web
109# Console fails to connect to the server due to a timeout.
110connectionTimeout=Connection timeout. Check the Error Console on both ends for potential error messages. Reopen the Web Console to try again.
112# LOCALIZATION NOTE (propertiesFilterPlaceholder): this is the text that
113# appears in the filter text box for the properties view container.
114propertiesFilterPlaceholder=Filter properties
116# LOCALIZATION NOTE (emptyPropertiesList): the text that is displayed in the
117# properties pane when there are no properties to display.
118emptyPropertiesList=No properties to display
120# LOCALIZATION NOTE (messageRepeats.tooltip2): the tooltip text that is displayed
121# when you hover the red bubble that shows how many times a message is repeated
122# in the web console output.
123# This is a semi-colon list of plural forms.
124# See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals
125# #1 number of message repeats
126# example: 3 repeats
127messageRepeats.tooltip2=#1 repeat;#1 repeats
129# LOCALIZATION NOTE (openNodeInInspector): the text that is displayed in a
130# tooltip when hovering over the inspector icon next to a DOM Node in the console
131# output
132openNodeInInspector=Click to select the node in the inspector
134# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cdFunctionInvalidArgument): the text that is displayed when
135# cd() is invoked with an invalid argument.
136cdFunctionInvalidArgument=Cannot cd() to the given window. Invalid argument.
138# LOCALIZATION NOTE (selfxss.msg): the text that is displayed when
139# a new user of the developer tools pastes code into the console
140# %1 is the text of selfxss.okstring
141selfxss.msg=Scam Warning: Take care when pasting things you don’t understand. This could allow attackers to steal your identity or take control of your computer. Please type ‘%S’ below (no need to press enter) to allow pasting.
143# LOCALIZATION NOTE (selfxss.okstring): the string to be typed
144# in by a new user of the developer tools when they receive the sefxss.msg prompt.
145# Please avoid using non-keyboard characters here
146selfxss.okstring=allow pasting
148# LOCALIZATION NOTE (messageToggleDetails): the text that is displayed when
149# you hover the arrow for expanding/collapsing the message details. For
150# console.error() and other messages we show the stacktrace.
151messageToggleDetails=Show/hide message details.
153# LOCALIZATION NOTE (groupToggle): the text that is displayed when
154# you hover the arrow for expanding/collapsing the messages of a group.
155groupToggle=Show/hide group.
157# LOCALIZATION NOTE (emptySlotLabel): the text is displayed when an Array
158# with empty slots is printed to the console.
159# This is a semi-colon list of plural forms.
160# See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals
161# #1 number of empty slots
162# example: 1 empty slot
163# example: 5 empty slots
164emptySlotLabel=#1 empty slot;#1 empty slots
166# LOCALIZATION NOTE (table.index, table.iterationIndex, table.key, table.value):
167# the column header displayed in the console table widget.
169table.iterationIndex=(iteration index)
173# LOCALIZATION NOTE (severity.error, severity.warn, severity.info, severity.log):
174# tooltip for icons next to console output
180# LOCALIZATION NOTE (level.error, level.warn, level.info, level.log, level.debug):
181# tooltip for icons next to console output
188# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.find.key)
189# Key shortcut used to focus the search box on upper right of the console
192# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.close.key)
193# Key shortcut used to close the Browser console (doesn't work in regular web console)
196# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.clear.key*)
197# Key shortcut used to clear the console output
201# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.menu.copyURL.label)
202# Label used for a context-menu item displayed for network message logs. Clicking on it
203# copies the URL displayed in the message to the clipboard.
204webconsole.menu.copyURL.label=Copy Link Location
207# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.menu.openURL.label)
208# Label used for a context-menu item displayed for network message logs. Clicking on it
209# opens the URL displayed in a new browser tab.
210webconsole.menu.openURL.label=Open URL in New Tab
213# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.menu.openInNetworkPanel.label)
214# Label used for a context-menu item displayed for network message logs. Clicking on it
215# opens the network message in the Network panel
216webconsole.menu.openInNetworkPanel.label=Open in Network Panel
219# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.menu.openInVarView.label)
220# Label used for a context-menu item displayed for object/variable logs. Clicking on it
221# opens the webconsole variable view for the logged variable.
222webconsole.menu.openInVarView.label=Open in Variables View
225# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.menu.storeAsGlobalVar.label)
226# Label used for a context-menu item displayed for object/variable logs. Clicking on it
227# creates a new global variable pointing to the logged variable.
228webconsole.menu.storeAsGlobalVar.label=Store as global variable
231# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.menu.copyMessage.label)
232# Label used for a context-menu item displayed for any log. Clicking on it will copy the
233# content of the log (or the user selection, if any).
234webconsole.menu.copyMessage.label=Copy message
237# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.menu.copyObject.label)
238# Label used for a context-menu item displayed for object/variable log. Clicking on it
239# will copy the object/variable.
240webconsole.menu.copyObject.label=Copy object
243# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.menu.selectAll.label)
244# Label used for a context-menu item that will select all the content of the webconsole
245# output.
246webconsole.menu.selectAll.label=Select all
249# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.menu.openInSidebar.label)
250# Label used for a context-menu item displayed for object/variable logs. Clicking on it
251# opens the webconsole sidebar for the logged variable.
252webconsole.menu.openInSidebar.label=Open in sidebar
255# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.clearButton.tooltip)
256# Label used for the tooltip on the clear logs button in the console top toolbar bar.
257# Clicking on it will clear the content of the console.
258webconsole.clearButton.tooltip=Clear the Web Console output
260# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.toggleFilterButton.tooltip)
261# Label used for the tooltip on the toggle filter bar button in the console top
262# toolbar bar. Clicking on it will toggle the visibility of an additional bar which
263# contains filter buttons.
264webconsole.toggleFilterButton.tooltip=Toggle filter bar
266# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.filterInput.placeholder)
267# Label used for for the placeholder on the filter input, in the console top toolbar.
268webconsole.filterInput.placeholder=Filter output
270# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.errorsFilterButton.label)
271# Label used as the text of the "Errors" button in the additional filter toolbar.
272# It shows or hides error messages, either inserted in the page using
273# console.error() or as a result of a javascript error..
276# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.warningsFilterButton.label)
277# Label used as the text of the "Warnings" button in the additional filter toolbar.
278# It shows or hides warning messages, inserted in the page using console.warn().
281# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.logsFilterButton.label)
282# Label used as the text of the "Logs" button in the additional filter toolbar.
283# It shows or hides log messages, inserted in the page using console.log().
286# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.infoFilterButton.label)
287# Label used as the text of the "Info" button in the additional filter toolbar.
288# It shows or hides info messages, inserted in the page using console.info().
291# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.debugFilterButton.label)
292# Label used as the text of the "Debug" button in the additional filter toolbar.
293# It shows or hides debug messages, inserted in the page using console.debug().
296# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.cssFilterButton.label)
297# Label used as the text of the "CSS" button in the additional filter toolbar.
298# It shows or hides CSS warning messages, inserted in the page by the browser
299# when there are CSS errors in the page.
302# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.xhrFilterButton.label)
303# Label used as the text of the "XHR" button in the additional filter toolbar.
304# It shows or hides messages displayed when the page makes an XMLHttpRequest or
305# a fetch call.
308# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.requestsFilterButton.label)
309# Label used as the text of the "Requests" button in the additional filter toolbar.
310# It shows or hides messages displayed when the page makes a network call, for example
311# when an image or a scripts is requested.
314# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.filteredMessages.label)
315# Text of the "filtered messages" bar, shown when console messages are hidden
316# because the user has set non-default filters in the filter bar.
317# This is a semi-colon list of plural forms.
318# See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals
319# example: 345 items hidden by filters.
320webconsole.filteredMessages.label=#1 item hidden by filters;#1 items hidden by filters
322# Label used as the text of the "Reset filters" button in the "filtered messages" bar.
323# It resets the default filters of the console to their original values.
324webconsole.resetFiltersButton.label=Reset filters
326# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.enablePersistentLogs.label)
327webconsole.enablePersistentLogs.label=Persist Logs
328# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.enablePersistentLogs.tooltip)
329webconsole.enablePersistentLogs.tooltip=If you enable this option the output will not be cleared each time you navigate to a new page
331# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.navigated): this string is used in the console when the
332# current inspected page is navigated to a new location.
333# Parameters: %S is the new URL.
334webconsole.navigated=Navigated to %S