1# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
3# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
5# Screen reader started/stopped
6screenReaderStarted = Screen reader started
7screenReaderStopped = Screen reader stopped
9# Roles
10menubar        =       menu bar
11scrollbar      =       scroll bar
12grip           =       grip
13alert          =       alert
14menupopup      =       menu popup
15document       =       document
16pane           =       pane
17dialog         =       dialog
18separator      =       separator
19toolbar        =       toolbar
20statusbar      =       status bar
21table          =       table
22columnheader   =       column header
23rowheader      =       row header
24column         =       column
25row            =       row
26cell           =       cell
27link           =       link
28list           =       list
29listitem       =       list item
30outline        =       outline
31outlineitem    =       outline item
32pagetab        =       tab
33propertypage   =       property page
34graphic        =       graphic
35switch         =       switch
36pushbutton     =       button
37checkbutton    =       check button
38radiobutton    =       radio button
39combobox       =       combo box
40progressbar    =       progress bar
41slider         =       slider
42spinbutton     =       spin button
43diagram        =       diagram
44animation      =       animation
45equation       =       equation
46buttonmenu     =       button menu
47whitespace     =       white space
48pagetablist    =       tab list
49canvas         =       canvas
50checkmenuitem  =       check menu item
51label          =       label
52passwordtext   =       password text
53radiomenuitem  =       radio menu item
54textcontainer  =       text container
55togglebutton   =       toggle button
56treetable      =       tree table
57header         =       header
58footer         =       footer
59paragraph      =       paragraph
60entry          =       entry
61caption        =       caption
62heading        =       heading
63section        =       section
64form           =       form
65comboboxlist   =       combo box list
66comboboxoption =       combo box option
67imagemap       =       image map
68listboxoption  =       option
69listbox        =       list box
70flatequation   =       flat equation
71gridcell       =       gridcell
72note           =       note
73figure         =       figure
74definitionlist =       definition list
75term           =       term
76definition     =       definition
78mathmltable              = math table
79mathmlcell               = cell
80mathmlenclosed           = enclosed
81mathmlfraction           = fraction
82mathmlfractionwithoutbar = fraction without bar
83mathmlroot               = root
84mathmlscripted           = scripted
85mathmlsquareroot         = square root
87# More sophisticated roles which are not actual numeric roles
88textarea       =       text area
90base           =       base
91close-fence    =       closing fence
92denominator    =       denominator
93numerator      =       numerator
94open-fence     =       opening fence
95overscript     =       overscript
96presubscript   =       presubscript
97presuperscript =       presuperscript
98root-index     =       root index
99subscript      =       subscript
100superscript    =       superscript
101underscript    =       underscript
103# Text input types
104textInputType_date   =       date
105textInputType_email  =       e-mail
106textInputType_search =       search
107textInputType_tel    =       telephone
108textInputType_url    =       URL
110# More sophisticated object descriptions
111headingLevel   =       heading level %S
113# more sophisticated list announcement
114listStart      =       First item
115listEnd        =       Last item
116# LOCALIZATION NOTE (listItemsCount): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
117# See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals
118listItemsCount =       1 item;#1 items
120# LOCALIZATION NOTE: # %1$S is the position of the item n the set.
121# %2$S is the total number of such items in the set.
122# An expanded example would read "2 of 5".
123objItemOfN      =       %1$S of %2$S
125# Landmark announcements
126banner         =       banner
127complementary  =       complementary
128contentinfo    =       content info
129main           =       main
130navigation     =       navigation
131search         =       search
133# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tblColumnInfo): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
134# Number of columns within the table.
135# See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals
136tblColumnInfo = with 1 column;with #1 columns
137# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tblRowInfo): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
138# Number of rows within the table or grid.
139# See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals
140tblRowInfo = and 1 row;and #1 rows
142# table or grid cell information
143columnInfo = Column %S
144rowInfo = Row %S
145spansColumns = spans %S columns
146spansRows = spans %S rows
148# Invoked actions
149jumpAction     =      jumped
150pressAction    =      pressed
151checkAction    =      checked
152uncheckAction  =      unchecked
153onAction       =      on
154offAction      =      off
155selectAction   =      selected
156unselectAction =      unselected
157openAction     =      opened
158closeAction    =      closed
159switchAction   =      switched
160clickAction    =      clicked
161collapseAction =      collapsed
162expandAction   =      expanded
163activateAction =      activated
164cycleAction    =      cycled
166# Live regions
167# 'hidden' will be spoken when something disappears in a live region.
168hidden         =      hidden
170# Tab states
171tabLoading     =      loading
172tabLoaded      =      loaded
173tabNew         =      new tab
174tabLoadStopped =      loading stopped
175tabReload      =      reloading
177# Object states
178stateChecked     =    checked
179stateOn          =    on
180stateNotChecked  =    not checked
181stateOff         =    off
182statePressed     =    pressed
183# No string for a not pressed toggle button
184stateExpanded    =    expanded
185stateCollapsed   =    collapsed
186stateUnavailable =    unavailable
187stateReadonly    =    readonly
188stateRequired    =    required
189stateTraversed   =    visited
190stateHasPopup    =    has pop up
191stateSelected    =    selected
193# App modes
194editingMode    =      editing
195navigationMode =      navigating
197# Quick navigation modes
198quicknav_Simple      = Default
199quicknav_Anchor      = Anchors
200quicknav_Button      = Buttons
201quicknav_Combobox    = Combo boxes
202quicknav_Landmark    = Landmarks
203quicknav_Entry       = Entries
204quicknav_FormElement = Form elements
205quicknav_Graphic     = Images
206quicknav_Heading     = Headings
207quicknav_ListItem    = List items
208quicknav_Link        = Links
209quicknav_List        = Lists
210quicknav_PageTab     = Page tabs
211quicknav_RadioButton = Radio buttons
212quicknav_Separator   = Separators
213quicknav_Table       = Tables
214quicknav_Checkbox    = Check boxes
216# MathML menclose notations.
217# See developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/MathML/Element/menclose#attr-notation
218notation-longdiv            = long division
219notation-actuarial          = actuarial
220notation-phasorangle        = phasor angle
221notation-radical            = radical
222notation-box                = box
223notation-roundedbox         = rounded box
224notation-circle             = circle
225notation-left               = left
226notation-right              = right
227notation-top                = top
228notation-bottom             = bottom
229notation-updiagonalstrike   = up diagonal strike
230notation-downdiagonalstrike = down diagonal strike
231notation-verticalstrike     = vertical strike
232notation-horizontalstrike   = horizontal strike
233notation-updiagonalarrow    = up diagonal arrow
234notation-madruwb            = madruwb
236# Shortened role names for braille
237menubarAbbr        =       menu bar
238scrollbarAbbr      =       scroll bar
239gripAbbr           =       grip
240alertAbbr          =       alert
241menupopupAbbr      =       menu popup
242documentAbbr       =       document
243paneAbbr           =       pane
244dialogAbbr         =       dialog
245separatorAbbr      =       separator
246toolbarAbbr        =       toolbar
247statusbarAbbr      =       status bar
248tableAbbr          =       tbl
249columnheaderAbbr   =       column header
250rowheaderAbbr      =       row header
251columnAbbr         =       column
252rowAbbr            =       row
253cellAbbr           =       cell
254linkAbbr           =       lnk
255listAbbr           =       list
256listitemAbbr       =       list item
257outlineAbbr        =       outline
258outlineitemAbbr    =       outline item
259pagetabAbbr        =       tab
260propertypageAbbr   =       property page
261graphicAbbr        =       graphic
262pushbuttonAbbr     =       btn
263checkbuttonAbbr    =       check button
264radiobuttonAbbr    =       radio button
265comboboxAbbr       =       combo box
266progressbarAbbr    =       progress bar
267sliderAbbr         =       slider
268spinbuttonAbbr     =       spin button
269diagramAbbr        =       diagram
270animationAbbr      =       animation
271equationAbbr       =       equation
272buttonmenuAbbr     =       button menu
273whitespaceAbbr     =       white space
274pagetablistAbbr    =       tab list
275canvasAbbr         =       canvas
276checkmenuitemAbbr  =       check menu item
277labelAbbr          =       label
278passwordtextAbbr   =       passwdtxt
279radiomenuitemAbbr  =       radio menu item
280textcontainerAbbr  =       text container
281togglebuttonAbbr   =       toggle button
282treetableAbbr      =       tree table
283headerAbbr         =       header
284footerAbbr         =       footer
285paragraphAbbr      =       paragraph
286entryAbbr          =       entry
287captionAbbr        =       caption
288headingAbbr        =       heading
289sectionAbbr        =       section
290formAbbr           =       form
291comboboxlistAbbr   =       combo box list
292comboboxoptionAbbr =       combo box option
293imagemapAbbr       =       imgmap
294listboxoptionAbbr  =       option
295listboxAbbr        =       list box
296flatequationAbbr   =       flat equation
297gridcellAbbr       =       gridcell
298noteAbbr           =       note
299figureAbbr         =       fig
300definitionlistAbbr =       definition list
301termAbbr           =       term
302definitionAbbr     =       definition
303textareaAbbr       =       txtarea
305# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tblColumnInfoAbbr): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
306# Number of columns within the table.
307# See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals
308tblColumnInfoAbbr = #1c;#1c
309# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tblRowInfoAbbr): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
310# Number of rows within the table or grid.
311# See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals
312tblRowInfoAbbr = #1r;#1r
313cellInfoAbbr = c%Sr%S
315stateCheckedAbbr = (x)
316stateUncheckedAbbr = ( )
317statePressedAbbr = (x)
318stateUnpressedAbbr = ( )
320mathmlenclosedAbbr           = enclosed
321mathmltableAbbr              = tbl
322mathmlcellAbbr               = cell
323mathmlfractionAbbr           = frac
324mathmlfractionwithoutbarAbbr = frac no bar
325mathmlrootAbbr               = root
326mathmlscriptedAbbr           = scripted
327mathmlsquarerootAbbr         = sqrt
329baseAbbr           = base
330close-fenceAbbr    = close
331denominatorAbbr    = den
332numeratorAbbr      = num
333open-fenceAbbr     = open
334overscriptAbbr     = over
335presubscriptAbbr   = presub
336presuperscriptAbbr = presup
337root-indexAbbr     = index
338subscriptAbbr      = sub
339superscriptAbbr    = sup
340underscriptAbbr    = under
342notation-longdivAbbr            = longdiv
343notation-actuarialAbbr          = act
344notation-phasorangleAbbr        = phasang
345notation-radicalAbbr            = rad
346notation-boxAbbr                = box
347notation-roundedboxAbbr         = rndbox
348notation-circleAbbr             = circ
349notation-leftAbbr               = lft
350notation-rightAbbr              = rght
351notation-topAbbr                = top
352notation-bottomAbbr             = bot
353notation-updiagonalstrikeAbbr   = updiagstrike
354notation-downdiagonalstrikeAbbr = dwndiagstrike
355notation-verticalstrikeAbbr     = vstrike
356notation-horizontalstrikeAbbr   = hstrike
357notation-updiagonalarrowAbbr    = updiagarrow
358notation-madruwbAbbr            = madruwb