1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
6 /*
7 ** File:        append.c
8 ** Description: Testing File writes where PR_APPEND was used on open
9 **
10 ** append attempts to verify that a file opened with PR_APPEND
11 ** will always append to the end of file, regardless where the
12 ** current file pointer is positioned. To do this, PR_Seek() is
13 ** called before each write with the position set to beginning of
14 ** file. Subsequent writes should always append.
15 ** The file is read back, summing the integer data written to the
16 ** file. If the expected result is equal, the test passes.
17 **
18 ** See BugSplat: 4090
19 */
20 #include "plgetopt.h"
21 #include "nspr.h"
23 #include <stdio.h>
24 #include <stdlib.h>
26 PRIntn  debug = 0;
27 PRIntn  verbose = 0;
28 PRBool  failedAlready = PR_FALSE;
29 const PRInt32 addedBytes = 1000;
30 const PRInt32   buf = 1; /* constant written to fd, addedBytes times */
31 PRInt32         inBuf;   /* read it back into here */
main(int argc,char ** argv)33 int main(int argc, char **argv)
34 {
35     PRStatus    rc;
36     PRInt32     rv;
37     PRFileDesc  *fd;
38     PRIntn      i;
39     PRInt32     sum = 0;
41     {   /* Get command line options */
42         PLOptStatus os;
43         PLOptState *opt = PL_CreateOptState(argc, argv, "vd");
45 	    while (PL_OPT_EOL != (os = PL_GetNextOpt(opt)))
46         {
47 		    if (PL_OPT_BAD == os) continue;
48             switch (opt->option)
49             {
50             case 'd':  /* debug */
51                 debug = 1;
52                 break;
53             case 'v':  /* verbose */
54                 verbose = 1;
55                 break;
56              default:
57                 break;
58             }
59         }
60 	    PL_DestroyOptState(opt);
61     } /* end block "Get command line options" */
62 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
63     fd = PR_Open( "/tmp/nsprAppend", (PR_APPEND | PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_TRUNCATE | PR_WRONLY), 0666 );
64     if ( NULL == fd )  {
65         if (debug) printf("PR_Open() failed for writing: %d\n", PR_GetError());
66         failedAlready = PR_TRUE;
67         goto Finished;
68     }
70     for ( i = 0; i < addedBytes ; i++ ) {
71         rv = PR_Write( fd, &buf, sizeof(buf));
72         if ( sizeof(buf) != rv )  {
73             if (debug) printf("PR_Write() failed: %d\n", PR_GetError());
74             failedAlready = PR_TRUE;
75             goto Finished;
76         }
77         rv = PR_Seek( fd, 0 , PR_SEEK_SET );
78         if ( -1 == rv )  {
79             if (debug) printf("PR_Seek() failed: %d\n", PR_GetError());
80             failedAlready = PR_TRUE;
81             goto Finished;
82         }
83     }
84     rc = PR_Close( fd );
85     if ( PR_FAILURE == rc ) {
86         if (debug) printf("PR_Close() failed after writing: %d\n", PR_GetError());
87         failedAlready = PR_TRUE;
88         goto Finished;
89     }
90 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
91     fd = PR_Open( "/tmp/nsprAppend", PR_RDONLY, 0 );
92     if ( NULL == fd )  {
93         if (debug) printf("PR_Open() failed for reading: %d\n", PR_GetError());
94         failedAlready = PR_TRUE;
95         goto Finished;
96     }
98     for ( i = 0; i < addedBytes ; i++ ) {
99         rv = PR_Read( fd, &inBuf, sizeof(inBuf));
100         if ( sizeof(inBuf) != rv)  {
101             if (debug) printf("PR_Write() failed: %d\n", PR_GetError());
102             failedAlready = PR_TRUE;
103             goto Finished;
104         }
105         sum += inBuf;
106     }
108     rc = PR_Close( fd );
109     if ( PR_FAILURE == rc ) {
110         if (debug) printf("PR_Close() failed after reading: %d\n", PR_GetError());
111         failedAlready = PR_TRUE;
112         goto Finished;
113     }
114     if ( sum != addedBytes )  {
115         if (debug) printf("Uh Oh! addedBytes: %d. Sum: %d\n", addedBytes, sum);
116         failedAlready = PR_TRUE;
117         goto Finished;
118     }
120 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
121 Finished:
122     if (debug || verbose) printf("%s\n", (failedAlready)? "FAILED" : "PASSED" );
123     return( (failedAlready)? 1 : 0 );
124 }  /* main() */
126 /* append.c */