1# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
5'''jarmaker.py provides a python class to package up chrome content by
6processing jar.mn files.
8See the documentation for jar.mn on MDC for further details on the format.
11from __future__ import absolute_import
13import sys
14import os
15import errno
16import re
17import logging
18from time import localtime
19from MozZipFile import ZipFile
20from cStringIO import StringIO
21from collections import defaultdict
23from mozbuild.preprocessor import Preprocessor
24from mozbuild.action.buildlist import addEntriesToListFile
25from mozpack.files import FileFinder
26import mozpack.path as mozpath
27if sys.platform == 'win32':
28    from ctypes import windll, WinError
29    CreateHardLink = windll.kernel32.CreateHardLinkA
31__all__ = ['JarMaker']
34class ZipEntry(object):
35    '''Helper class for jar output.
37      This class defines a simple file-like object for a zipfile.ZipEntry
38      so that we can consecutively write to it and then close it.
39      This methods hooks into ZipFile.writestr on close().
40      '''
42    def __init__(self, name, zipfile):
43        self._zipfile = zipfile
44        self._name = name
45        self._inner = StringIO()
47    def write(self, content):
48        '''Append the given content to this zip entry'''
50        self._inner.write(content)
51        return
53    def close(self):
54        '''The close method writes the content back to the zip file.'''
56        self._zipfile.writestr(self._name, self._inner.getvalue())
59def getModTime(aPath):
60    if not os.path.isfile(aPath):
61        return 0
62    mtime = os.stat(aPath).st_mtime
63    return localtime(mtime)
66class JarManifestEntry(object):
67    def __init__(self, output, source, is_locale=False, preprocess=False):
68        self.output = output
69        self.source = source
70        self.is_locale = is_locale
71        self.preprocess = preprocess
74class JarInfo(object):
75    def __init__(self, base_or_jarinfo, name=None):
76        if name is None:
77            assert isinstance(base_or_jarinfo, JarInfo)
78            self.base = base_or_jarinfo.base
79            self.name = base_or_jarinfo.name
80        else:
81            assert not isinstance(base_or_jarinfo, JarInfo)
82            self.base = base_or_jarinfo or ''
83            self.name = name
84            # For compatibility with existing jar.mn files, if there is no
85            # base, the jar name is under chrome/
86            if not self.base:
87                self.name = mozpath.join('chrome', self.name)
88        self.relativesrcdir = None
89        self.chrome_manifests = []
90        self.entries = []
93class DeprecatedJarManifest(Exception): pass
96class JarManifestParser(object):
98    ignore = re.compile('\s*(\#.*)?$')
99    jarline = re.compile('''
100        (?:
101            (?:\[(?P<base>[\w\d.\-\_\\\/{}@]+)\]\s*)? # optional [base/path]
102            (?P<jarfile>[\w\d.\-\_\\\/{}]+).jar\:    # filename.jar:
103        |
104            (?:\s*(\#.*)?)                           # comment
105        )\s*$                                        # whitespaces
106        ''', re.VERBOSE)
107    relsrcline = re.compile('relativesrcdir\s+(?P<relativesrcdir>.+?):')
108    regline = re.compile('\%\s+(.*)$')
109    entryre = '(?P<optPreprocess>\*)?(?P<optOverwrite>\+?)\s+'
110    entryline = re.compile(entryre
111                           + '(?P<output>[\w\d.\-\_\\\/\+\@]+)\s*(\((?P<locale>\%?)(?P<source>[\w\d.\-\_\\\/\@\*]+)\))?\s*$'
112                           )
114    def __init__(self):
115        self._current_jar = None
116        self._jars = []
118    def write(self, line):
119        # A Preprocessor instance feeds the parser through calls to this method.
121        # Ignore comments and empty lines
122        if self.ignore.match(line):
123            return
125        # A jar manifest file can declare several different sections, each of
126        # which applies to a given "jar file". Each of those sections starts
127        # with "<name>.jar:", in which case the path is assumed relative to
128        # a "chrome" directory, or "[<base/path>] <subpath/name>.jar:", where
129        # a base directory is given (usually pointing at the root of the
130        # application or addon) and the jar path is given relative to the base
131        # directory.
132        if self._current_jar is None:
133            m = self.jarline.match(line)
134            if not m:
135                raise RuntimeError(line)
136            if m.group('jarfile'):
137                self._current_jar = JarInfo(m.group('base'),
138                                            m.group('jarfile'))
139                self._jars.append(self._current_jar)
140            return
142        # Within each section, there can be three different types of entries:
144        # - indications of the relative source directory we pretend to be in
145        # when considering localization files, in the following form;
146        # "relativesrcdir <path>:"
147        m = self.relsrcline.match(line)
148        if m:
149            if self._current_jar.chrome_manifests or self._current_jar.entries:
150                self._current_jar = JarInfo(self._current_jar)
151                self._jars.append(self._current_jar)
152            self._current_jar.relativesrcdir = m.group('relativesrcdir')
153            return
155        # - chrome manifest entries, prefixed with "%".
156        m = self.regline.match(line)
157        if m:
158            rline = ' '.join(m.group(1).split())
159            if rline not in self._current_jar.chrome_manifests:
160                self._current_jar.chrome_manifests.append(rline)
161            return
163        # - entries indicating files to be part of the given jar. They are
164        # formed thusly:
165        #   "<dest_path>"
166        # or
167        #   "<dest_path> (<source_path>)"
168        # The <dest_path> is where the file(s) will be put in the chrome jar.
169        # The <source_path> is where the file(s) can be found in the source
170        # directory. The <source_path> may start with a "%" for files part
171        # of a localization directory, in which case the "%" counts as the
172        # locale.
173        # Each entry can be prefixed with "*" for preprocessing.
174        m = self.entryline.match(line)
175        if m:
176            if m.group('optOverwrite'):
177                raise DeprecatedJarManifest(
178                    'The "+" prefix is not supported anymore')
179            self._current_jar.entries.append(JarManifestEntry(
180                m.group('output'),
181                m.group('source') or mozpath.basename(m.group('output')),
182                is_locale=bool(m.group('locale')),
183                preprocess=bool(m.group('optPreprocess')),
184            ))
185            return
187        self._current_jar = None
188        self.write(line)
190    def __iter__(self):
191        return iter(self._jars)
194class JarMaker(object):
195    '''JarMaker reads jar.mn files and process those into jar files or
196      flat directories, along with chrome.manifest files.
197      '''
199    def __init__(self, outputFormat='flat', useJarfileManifest=True,
200        useChromeManifest=False):
202        self.outputFormat = outputFormat
203        self.useJarfileManifest = useJarfileManifest
204        self.useChromeManifest = useChromeManifest
205        self.pp = Preprocessor()
206        self.topsourcedir = None
207        self.sourcedirs = []
208        self.localedirs = None
209        self.l10nbase = None
210        self.l10nmerge = None
211        self.relativesrcdir = None
212        self.rootManifestAppId = None
213        self._seen_output = set()
215    def getCommandLineParser(self):
216        '''Get a optparse.OptionParser for jarmaker.
218        This OptionParser has the options for jarmaker as well as
219        the options for the inner PreProcessor.
220        '''
222        # HACK, we need to unescape the string variables we get,
223        # the perl versions didn't grok strings right
225        p = self.pp.getCommandLineParser(unescapeDefines=True)
226        p.add_option('-f', type='choice', default='jar',
227            choices=('jar', 'flat', 'symlink'),
228            help='fileformat used for output',
229            metavar='[jar, flat, symlink]',
230            )
231        p.add_option('-v', action='store_true', dest='verbose',
232                     help='verbose output')
233        p.add_option('-q', action='store_false', dest='verbose',
234                     help='verbose output')
235        p.add_option('-e', action='store_true',
236                     help='create chrome.manifest instead of jarfile.manifest'
237                     )
238        p.add_option('-s', type='string', action='append', default=[],
239                     help='source directory')
240        p.add_option('-t', type='string', help='top source directory')
241        p.add_option('-c', '--l10n-src', type='string', action='append'
242                     , help='localization directory')
243        p.add_option('--l10n-base', type='string', action='store',
244                     help='base directory to be used for localization (requires relativesrcdir)'
245                     )
246        p.add_option('--locale-mergedir', type='string', action='store'
247                     ,
248                     help='base directory to be used for l10n-merge (requires l10n-base and relativesrcdir)'
249                     )
250        p.add_option('--relativesrcdir', type='string',
251                     help='relativesrcdir to be used for localization')
252        p.add_option('-d', type='string', help='base directory')
253        p.add_option('--root-manifest-entry-appid', type='string',
254                     help='add an app id specific root chrome manifest entry.'
255                     )
256        return p
258    def finalizeJar(self, jardir, jarbase, jarname, chromebasepath, register, doZip=True):
259        '''Helper method to write out the chrome registration entries to
260         jarfile.manifest or chrome.manifest, or both.
262        The actual file processing is done in updateManifest.
263        '''
265        # rewrite the manifest, if entries given
266        if not register:
267            return
269        chromeManifest = os.path.join(jardir, jarbase, 'chrome.manifest')
271        if self.useJarfileManifest:
272            self.updateManifest(os.path.join(jardir, jarbase,
273                                             jarname + '.manifest'),
274                                chromebasepath.format(''), register)
275            if jarname != 'chrome':
276                addEntriesToListFile(chromeManifest,
277                                     ['manifest {0}.manifest'.format(jarname)])
278        if self.useChromeManifest:
279            chromebase = os.path.dirname(jarname) + '/'
280            self.updateManifest(chromeManifest,
281                                chromebasepath.format(chromebase), register)
283        # If requested, add a root chrome manifest entry (assumed to be in the parent directory
284        # of chromeManifest) with the application specific id. In cases where we're building
285        # lang packs, the root manifest must know about application sub directories.
287        if self.rootManifestAppId:
288            rootChromeManifest = \
289                os.path.join(os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(chromeManifest)),
290                             '..', 'chrome.manifest')
291            rootChromeManifest = os.path.normpath(rootChromeManifest)
292            chromeDir = \
293                os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(chromeManifest)))
294            logging.info("adding '%s' entry to root chrome manifest appid=%s"
295                          % (chromeDir, self.rootManifestAppId))
296            addEntriesToListFile(rootChromeManifest,
297                                 ['manifest %s/chrome.manifest application=%s'
298                                  % (chromeDir,
299                                 self.rootManifestAppId)])
301    def updateManifest(self, manifestPath, chromebasepath, register):
302        '''updateManifest replaces the % in the chrome registration entries
303        with the given chrome base path, and updates the given manifest file.
304        '''
305        myregister = dict.fromkeys(map(lambda s: s.replace('%',
306            chromebasepath), register))
307        addEntriesToListFile(manifestPath, myregister.iterkeys())
309    def makeJar(self, infile, jardir):
310        '''makeJar is the main entry point to JarMaker.
312        It takes the input file, the output directory, the source dirs and the
313        top source dir as argument, and optionally the l10n dirs.
314        '''
316        # making paths absolute, guess srcdir if file and add to sourcedirs
317        _normpath = lambda p: os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(p))
318        self.topsourcedir = _normpath(self.topsourcedir)
319        self.sourcedirs = [_normpath(p) for p in self.sourcedirs]
320        if self.localedirs:
321            self.localedirs = [_normpath(p) for p in self.localedirs]
322        elif self.relativesrcdir:
323            self.localedirs = \
324                self.generateLocaleDirs(self.relativesrcdir)
325        if isinstance(infile, basestring):
326            logging.info('processing ' + infile)
327            self.sourcedirs.append(_normpath(os.path.dirname(infile)))
328        pp = self.pp.clone()
329        pp.out = JarManifestParser()
330        pp.do_include(infile)
332        for info in pp.out:
333            self.processJarSection(info, jardir)
335    def generateLocaleDirs(self, relativesrcdir):
336        if os.path.basename(relativesrcdir) == 'locales':
337            # strip locales
338            l10nrelsrcdir = os.path.dirname(relativesrcdir)
339        else:
340            l10nrelsrcdir = relativesrcdir
341        locdirs = []
343        # generate locales dirs, merge, l10nbase, en-US
344        if self.l10nmerge:
345            locdirs.append(os.path.join(self.l10nmerge, l10nrelsrcdir))
346        if self.l10nbase:
347            locdirs.append(os.path.join(self.l10nbase, l10nrelsrcdir))
348        if self.l10nmerge or not self.l10nbase:
349            # add en-US if we merge, or if it's not l10n
350            locdirs.append(os.path.join(self.topsourcedir,
351                           relativesrcdir, 'en-US'))
352        return locdirs
354    def processJarSection(self, jarinfo, jardir):
355        '''Internal method called by makeJar to actually process a section
356        of a jar.mn file.
357        '''
359        # chromebasepath is used for chrome registration manifests
360        # {0} is getting replaced with chrome/ for chrome.manifest, and with
361        # an empty string for jarfile.manifest
363        chromebasepath = '{0}' + os.path.basename(jarinfo.name)
364        if self.outputFormat == 'jar':
365            chromebasepath = 'jar:' + chromebasepath + '.jar!'
366        chromebasepath += '/'
368        jarfile = os.path.join(jardir, jarinfo.base, jarinfo.name)
369        jf = None
370        if self.outputFormat == 'jar':
371            # jar
372            jarfilepath = jarfile + '.jar'
373            try:
374                os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(jarfilepath))
375            except OSError as error:
376                if error.errno != errno.EEXIST:
377                    raise
378            jf = ZipFile(jarfilepath, 'a', lock=True)
379            outHelper = self.OutputHelper_jar(jf)
380        else:
381            outHelper = getattr(self, 'OutputHelper_'
382                                + self.outputFormat)(jarfile)
384        if jarinfo.relativesrcdir:
385            self.localedirs = self.generateLocaleDirs(jarinfo.relativesrcdir)
387        for e in jarinfo.entries:
388            self._processEntryLine(e, outHelper, jf)
390        self.finalizeJar(jardir, jarinfo.base, jarinfo.name, chromebasepath,
391                         jarinfo.chrome_manifests)
392        if jf is not None:
393            jf.close()
395    def _processEntryLine(self, e, outHelper, jf):
396        out = e.output
397        src = e.source
399        # pick the right sourcedir -- l10n, topsrc or src
401        if e.is_locale:
402            # If the file is a Fluent l10n resource, we want to skip the
403            # 'en-US' fallbacking.
404            #
405            # To achieve that, we're testing if we have more than one localedir,
406            # and if the last of those has 'en-US' in it.
407            # If that's the case, we're removing the last one.
408            if (e.source.endswith('.ftl') and
409                len(self.localedirs) > 1 and
410                'en-US' in self.localedirs[-1]):
411                src_base = self.localedirs[:-1]
412            else:
413                src_base = self.localedirs
414        elif src.startswith('/'):
415            # path/in/jar/file_name.xul     (/path/in/sourcetree/file_name.xul)
416            # refers to a path relative to topsourcedir, use that as base
417            # and strip the leading '/'
418            src_base = [self.topsourcedir]
419            src = src[1:]
420        else:
421            # use srcdirs and the objdir (current working dir) for relative paths
422            src_base = self.sourcedirs + [os.getcwd()]
424        if '*' in src:
425            def _prefix(s):
426                for p in s.split('/'):
427                    if '*' not in p:
428                        yield p + '/'
429            prefix = ''.join(_prefix(src))
430            emitted = set()
431            for _srcdir in src_base:
432                finder = FileFinder(_srcdir)
433                for path, _ in finder.find(src):
434                    # If the path was already seen in one of the other source
435                    # directories, skip it. That matches the non-wildcard case
436                    # below, where we pick the first existing file.
437                    reduced_path = path[len(prefix):]
438                    if reduced_path in emitted:
439                        continue
440                    emitted.add(reduced_path)
441                    e = JarManifestEntry(
442                        mozpath.join(out, reduced_path),
443                        path,
444                        is_locale=e.is_locale,
445                        preprocess=e.preprocess,
446                    )
447                    self._processEntryLine(e, outHelper, jf)
448            return
450        # check if the source file exists
451        realsrc = None
452        for _srcdir in src_base:
453            if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(_srcdir, src)):
454                realsrc = os.path.join(_srcdir, src)
455                break
456        if realsrc is None:
457            if jf is not None:
458                jf.close()
459            raise RuntimeError('File "{0}" not found in {1}'.format(src,
460                               ', '.join(src_base)))
462        if out in self._seen_output:
463            raise RuntimeError('%s already added' % out)
464        self._seen_output.add(out)
466        if e.preprocess:
467            outf = outHelper.getOutput(out)
468            inf = open(realsrc)
469            pp = self.pp.clone()
470            if src[-4:] == '.css':
471                pp.setMarker('%')
472            pp.out = outf
473            pp.do_include(inf)
474            pp.failUnused(realsrc)
475            outf.close()
476            inf.close()
477            return
479        # copy or symlink if newer
481        if getModTime(realsrc) > outHelper.getDestModTime(e.output):
482            if self.outputFormat == 'symlink':
483                outHelper.symlink(realsrc, out)
484                return
485            outf = outHelper.getOutput(out)
487            # open in binary mode, this can be images etc
489            inf = open(realsrc, 'rb')
490            outf.write(inf.read())
491            outf.close()
492            inf.close()
494    class OutputHelper_jar(object):
495        '''Provide getDestModTime and getOutput for a given jarfile.'''
497        def __init__(self, jarfile):
498            self.jarfile = jarfile
500        def getDestModTime(self, aPath):
501            try:
502                info = self.jarfile.getinfo(aPath)
503                return info.date_time
504            except:
505                return 0
507        def getOutput(self, name):
508            return ZipEntry(name, self.jarfile)
510    class OutputHelper_flat(object):
511        '''Provide getDestModTime and getOutput for a given flat
512        output directory. The helper method ensureDirFor is used by
513        the symlink subclass.
514        '''
516        def __init__(self, basepath):
517            self.basepath = basepath
519        def getDestModTime(self, aPath):
520            return getModTime(os.path.join(self.basepath, aPath))
522        def getOutput(self, name):
523            out = self.ensureDirFor(name)
525            # remove previous link or file
526            try:
527                os.remove(out)
528            except OSError as e:
529                if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
530                    raise
531            return open(out, 'wb')
533        def ensureDirFor(self, name):
534            out = os.path.join(self.basepath, name)
535            outdir = os.path.dirname(out)
536            if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
537                try:
538                    os.makedirs(outdir)
539                except OSError as error:
540                    if error.errno != errno.EEXIST:
541                        raise
542            return out
544    class OutputHelper_symlink(OutputHelper_flat):
545        '''Subclass of OutputHelper_flat that provides a helper for
546        creating a symlink including creating the parent directories.
547        '''
549        def symlink(self, src, dest):
550            out = self.ensureDirFor(dest)
552            # remove previous link or file
553            try:
554                os.remove(out)
555            except OSError as e:
556                if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
557                    raise
558            if sys.platform != 'win32':
559                os.symlink(src, out)
560            else:
561                # On Win32, use ctypes to create a hardlink
562                rv = CreateHardLink(out, src, None)
563                if rv == 0:
564                    raise WinError()
567def main(args=None):
568    args = args or sys.argv
569    jm = JarMaker()
570    p = jm.getCommandLineParser()
571    (options, args) = p.parse_args(args)
572    jm.outputFormat = options.f
573    jm.sourcedirs = options.s
574    jm.topsourcedir = options.t
575    if options.e:
576        jm.useChromeManifest = True
577        jm.useJarfileManifest = False
578    if options.l10n_base:
579        if not options.relativesrcdir:
580            p.error('relativesrcdir required when using l10n-base')
581        if options.l10n_src:
582            p.error('both l10n-src and l10n-base are not supported')
583        jm.l10nbase = options.l10n_base
584        jm.relativesrcdir = options.relativesrcdir
585        jm.l10nmerge = options.locale_mergedir
586        if jm.l10nmerge and not os.path.isdir(jm.l10nmerge):
587            logging.warning("WARNING: --locale-mergedir passed, but '%s' does not exist. "
588                "Ignore this message if the locale is complete." % jm.l10nmerge)
589    elif options.locale_mergedir:
590        p.error('l10n-base required when using locale-mergedir')
591    jm.localedirs = options.l10n_src
592    if options.root_manifest_entry_appid:
593        jm.rootManifestAppId = options.root_manifest_entry_appid
594    noise = logging.INFO
595    if options.verbose is not None:
596        noise = options.verbose and logging.DEBUG or logging.WARN
597    if sys.version_info[:2] > (2, 3):
598        logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s')
599    else:
600        logging.basicConfig()
601    logging.getLogger().setLevel(noise)
602    topsrc = options.t
603    topsrc = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(topsrc))
604    if not args:
605        infile = sys.stdin
606    else:
607        (infile, ) = args
608    jm.makeJar(infile, options.d)