1 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
5 //! Creates flows and fragments from a DOM tree via a bottom-up, incremental traversal of the DOM.
6 //!
7 //! Each step of the traversal considers the node and existing flow, if there is one. If a node is
8 //! not dirty and an existing flow exists, then the traversal reuses that flow. Otherwise, it
9 //! proceeds to construct either a flow or a `ConstructionItem`. A construction item is a piece of
10 //! intermediate data that goes with a DOM node and hasn't found its "home" yet-maybe it's a box,
11 //! maybe it's an absolute or fixed position thing that hasn't found its containing block yet.
12 //! Construction items bubble up the tree from children to parents until they find their homes.
14 #![deny(unsafe_code)]
16 use ServoArc;
17 use block::BlockFlow;
18 use context::{LayoutContext, with_thread_local_font_context};
19 use data::{LayoutDataFlags, LayoutData};
20 use flex::FlexFlow;
21 use floats::FloatKind;
22 use flow::{AbsoluteDescendants, Flow, FlowClass, GetBaseFlow, ImmutableFlowUtils};
23 use flow::{FlowFlags, MutableFlowUtils, MutableOwnedFlowUtils};
24 use flow_ref::FlowRef;
25 use fragment::{CanvasFragmentInfo, ImageFragmentInfo, InlineAbsoluteFragmentInfo, SvgFragmentInfo};
26 use fragment::{Fragment, GeneratedContentInfo, IframeFragmentInfo, FragmentFlags};
27 use fragment::{InlineAbsoluteHypotheticalFragmentInfo, TableColumnFragmentInfo};
28 use fragment::{InlineBlockFragmentInfo, SpecificFragmentInfo, UnscannedTextFragmentInfo};
29 use fragment::WhitespaceStrippingResult;
30 use gfx::display_list::OpaqueNode;
31 use inline::{InlineFlow, InlineFragmentNodeInfo, InlineFragmentNodeFlags};
32 use linked_list::prepend_from;
33 use list_item::{ListItemFlow, ListStyleTypeContent};
34 use multicol::{MulticolColumnFlow, MulticolFlow};
35 use parallel;
36 use script_layout_interface::{LayoutElementType, LayoutNodeType, is_image_data};
37 use script_layout_interface::wrapper_traits::{PseudoElementType, ThreadSafeLayoutElement, ThreadSafeLayoutNode};
38 use servo_config::opts;
39 use servo_url::ServoUrl;
40 use std::collections::LinkedList;
41 use std::marker::PhantomData;
42 use std::mem;
43 use std::sync::Arc;
44 use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
45 use style::computed_values::caption_side::T as CaptionSide;
46 use style::computed_values::display::T as Display;
47 use style::computed_values::empty_cells::T as EmptyCells;
48 use style::computed_values::float::T as Float;
49 use style::computed_values::list_style_position::T as ListStylePosition;
50 use style::computed_values::position::T as Position;
51 use style::context::SharedStyleContext;
52 use style::dom::TElement;
53 use style::logical_geometry::Direction;
54 use style::properties::ComputedValues;
55 use style::properties::longhands::list_style_image;
56 use style::selector_parser::{PseudoElement, RestyleDamage};
57 use style::servo::restyle_damage::ServoRestyleDamage;
58 use style::values::Either;
59 use style::values::computed::counters::ContentItem;
60 use table::TableFlow;
61 use table_caption::TableCaptionFlow;
62 use table_cell::TableCellFlow;
63 use table_colgroup::TableColGroupFlow;
64 use table_row::TableRowFlow;
65 use table_rowgroup::TableRowGroupFlow;
66 use table_wrapper::TableWrapperFlow;
67 use text::TextRunScanner;
68 use traversal::PostorderNodeMutTraversal;
69 use wrapper::{LayoutNodeLayoutData, TextContent, ThreadSafeLayoutNodeHelpers};
71 /// The results of flow construction for a DOM node.
72 #[derive(Clone)]
73 pub enum ConstructionResult {
74     /// This node contributes nothing at all (`display: none`). Alternately, this is what newly
75     /// created nodes have their `ConstructionResult` set to.
76     None,
78     /// This node contributed a flow at the proper position in the tree.
79     /// Nothing more needs to be done for this node. It has bubbled up fixed
80     /// and absolute descendant flows that have a containing block above it.
81     Flow(FlowRef, AbsoluteDescendants),
83     /// This node contributed some object or objects that will be needed to construct a proper flow
84     /// later up the tree, but these objects have not yet found their home.
85     ConstructionItem(ConstructionItem),
86 }
88 impl ConstructionResult {
get(&mut self) -> ConstructionResult89     pub fn get(&mut self) -> ConstructionResult {
90         // FIXME(pcwalton): Stop doing this with inline fragments. Cloning fragments is very
91         // inefficient!
92         (*self).clone()
93     }
debug_id(&self) -> usize95     pub fn debug_id(&self) -> usize {
96         match *self {
97             ConstructionResult::None => 0,
98             ConstructionResult::ConstructionItem(_) => 0,
99             ConstructionResult::Flow(ref flow_ref, _) => flow_ref.base().debug_id(),
100         }
101     }
102 }
104 /// Represents the output of flow construction for a DOM node that has not yet resulted in a
105 /// complete flow. Construction items bubble up the tree until they find a `Flow` to be attached
106 /// to.
107 #[derive(Clone)]
108 pub enum ConstructionItem {
109     /// Inline fragments and associated {ib} splits that have not yet found flows.
110     InlineFragments(InlineFragmentsConstructionResult),
111     /// Potentially ignorable whitespace.
112     ///
113     /// FIXME(emilio): How could whitespace have any PseudoElementType other
114     /// than Normal?
115     Whitespace(OpaqueNode, PseudoElementType, ServoArc<ComputedValues>, RestyleDamage),
116     /// TableColumn Fragment
117     TableColumnFragment(Fragment),
118 }
120 /// Represents inline fragments and {ib} splits that are bubbling up from an inline.
121 #[derive(Clone)]
122 pub struct InlineFragmentsConstructionResult {
123     /// Any {ib} splits that we're bubbling up.
124     pub splits: LinkedList<InlineBlockSplit>,
126     /// Any fragments that succeed the {ib} splits.
127     pub fragments: IntermediateInlineFragments,
128 }
130 /// Represents an {ib} split that has not yet found the containing block that it belongs to. This
131 /// is somewhat tricky. An example may be helpful. For this DOM fragment:
132 ///
133 /// ```html
134 ///     <span>
135 ///     A
136 ///     <div>B</div>
137 ///     C
138 ///     </span>
139 /// ```
140 ///
141 /// The resulting `ConstructionItem` for the outer `span` will be:
142 ///
143 /// ```rust,ignore
144 ///     ConstructionItem::InlineFragments(
145 ///         InlineFragmentsConstructionResult {
146 ///             splits: linked_list![
147 ///                 InlineBlockSplit {
148 ///                     predecessors: IntermediateInlineFragments {
149 ///                         fragments: linked_list![A],
150 ///                         absolute_descendents: AbsoluteDescendents {
151 ///                             descendant_links: vec![]
152 ///                         },
153 ///                     },
154 ///                     flow: B,
155 ///                 }
156 ///             ],
157 ///             fragments: linked_list![C],
158 ///         },
159 ///     )
160 /// ```
161 #[derive(Clone)]
162 pub struct InlineBlockSplit {
163     /// The inline fragments that precede the flow.
164     pub predecessors: IntermediateInlineFragments,
166     /// The flow that caused this {ib} split.
167     pub flow: FlowRef,
168 }
170 impl InlineBlockSplit {
171     /// Flushes the given accumulator to the new split and makes a new accumulator to hold any
172     /// subsequent fragments.
new<ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode: ThreadSafeLayoutNode>( fragment_accumulator: &mut InlineFragmentsAccumulator, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode, style_context: &SharedStyleContext, flow: FlowRef, ) -> InlineBlockSplit173     fn new<ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode: ThreadSafeLayoutNode>(
174         fragment_accumulator: &mut InlineFragmentsAccumulator,
175         node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode,
176         style_context: &SharedStyleContext,
177         flow: FlowRef,
178     ) -> InlineBlockSplit {
179         fragment_accumulator.enclosing_node.as_mut().expect(
180             "enclosing_node is None; Are {ib} splits being generated outside of an inline node?"
181         ).flags.remove(InlineFragmentNodeFlags::LAST_FRAGMENT_OF_ELEMENT);
183         let split = InlineBlockSplit {
184             predecessors: mem::replace(
185                 fragment_accumulator,
186                 InlineFragmentsAccumulator::from_inline_node(
187                     node,
188                     style_context,
189                 )).to_intermediate_inline_fragments::<ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode>(style_context),
190             flow: flow,
191         };
193         fragment_accumulator.enclosing_node.as_mut().unwrap().flags.remove(
194             InlineFragmentNodeFlags::FIRST_FRAGMENT_OF_ELEMENT);
196         split
197     }
198 }
200 /// Holds inline fragments and absolute descendants.
201 #[derive(Clone)]
202 pub struct IntermediateInlineFragments {
203     /// The list of fragments.
204     pub fragments: LinkedList<Fragment>,
206     /// The list of absolute descendants of those inline fragments.
207     pub absolute_descendants: AbsoluteDescendants,
208 }
210 impl IntermediateInlineFragments {
new() -> IntermediateInlineFragments211     fn new() -> IntermediateInlineFragments {
212         IntermediateInlineFragments {
213             fragments: LinkedList::new(),
214             absolute_descendants: AbsoluteDescendants::new(),
215         }
216     }
is_empty(&self) -> bool218     fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
219         self.fragments.is_empty() && self.absolute_descendants.is_empty()
220     }
push_all(&mut self, mut other: IntermediateInlineFragments)222     fn push_all(&mut self, mut other: IntermediateInlineFragments) {
223         self.fragments.append(&mut other.fragments);
224         self.absolute_descendants.push_descendants(other.absolute_descendants);
225     }
226 }
228 /// Holds inline fragments that we're gathering for children of an inline node.
229 struct InlineFragmentsAccumulator {
230     /// The list of fragments.
231     fragments: IntermediateInlineFragments,
233     /// Information about the inline box directly enclosing the fragments being gathered, if any.
234     ///
235     /// `inline::InlineFragmentNodeInfo` also stores flags indicating whether a fragment is the
236     /// first and/or last of the corresponding inline box. This `InlineFragmentsAccumulator` may
237     /// represent only one side of an {ib} split, so we store these flags as if it represented only
238     /// one fragment. `to_intermediate_inline_fragments` later splits this hypothetical fragment
239     /// into pieces, leaving the `FIRST_FRAGMENT_OF_ELEMENT` and `LAST_FRAGMENT_OF_ELEMENT` flags,
240     /// if present, on the first and last fragments of the output.
241     enclosing_node: Option<InlineFragmentNodeInfo>,
243     /// Restyle damage to use for fragments created in this node.
244     restyle_damage: RestyleDamage,
246     /// Bidi control characters to insert before and after these fragments.
247     bidi_control_chars: Option<(&'static str, &'static str)>,
248 }
250 impl InlineFragmentsAccumulator {
new() -> InlineFragmentsAccumulator251     fn new() -> InlineFragmentsAccumulator {
252         InlineFragmentsAccumulator {
253             fragments: IntermediateInlineFragments::new(),
254             enclosing_node: None,
255             bidi_control_chars: None,
256             restyle_damage: RestyleDamage::empty(),
257         }
258     }
from_inline_node<N>(node: &N, style_context: &SharedStyleContext) -> InlineFragmentsAccumulator where N: ThreadSafeLayoutNode260     fn from_inline_node<N>(node: &N, style_context: &SharedStyleContext) -> InlineFragmentsAccumulator
261             where N: ThreadSafeLayoutNode {
262         InlineFragmentsAccumulator {
263             fragments: IntermediateInlineFragments::new(),
264             enclosing_node: Some(InlineFragmentNodeInfo {
265                 address: node.opaque(),
266                 pseudo: node.get_pseudo_element_type(),
267                 style: node.style(style_context),
268                 selected_style: node.selected_style(),
269                 flags: InlineFragmentNodeFlags::FIRST_FRAGMENT_OF_ELEMENT |
270                        InlineFragmentNodeFlags::LAST_FRAGMENT_OF_ELEMENT,
271             }),
272             bidi_control_chars: None,
273             restyle_damage: node.restyle_damage(),
274         }
275     }
push(&mut self, fragment: Fragment)277     fn push(&mut self, fragment: Fragment) {
278         self.fragments.fragments.push_back(fragment)
279     }
push_all(&mut self, mut fragments: IntermediateInlineFragments)281     fn push_all(&mut self, mut fragments: IntermediateInlineFragments) {
282         self.fragments.fragments.append(&mut fragments.fragments);
283         self.fragments.absolute_descendants.push_descendants(fragments.absolute_descendants);
284     }
to_intermediate_inline_fragments<N>( self, context: &SharedStyleContext, ) -> IntermediateInlineFragments where N: ThreadSafeLayoutNode,286     fn to_intermediate_inline_fragments<N>(
287         self,
288         context: &SharedStyleContext,
289     ) -> IntermediateInlineFragments
290     where
291         N: ThreadSafeLayoutNode,
292     {
293         let InlineFragmentsAccumulator {
294             mut fragments,
295             enclosing_node,
296             bidi_control_chars,
297             restyle_damage,
298         } = self;
299         if let Some(mut enclosing_node) = enclosing_node {
300             let fragment_count = fragments.fragments.len();
301             for (index, fragment) in fragments.fragments.iter_mut().enumerate() {
302                 let mut enclosing_node = enclosing_node.clone();
303                 if index != 0 {
304                     enclosing_node.flags.remove(InlineFragmentNodeFlags::FIRST_FRAGMENT_OF_ELEMENT)
305                 }
306                 if index != fragment_count - 1 {
307                     enclosing_node.flags.remove(InlineFragmentNodeFlags::LAST_FRAGMENT_OF_ELEMENT)
308                 }
309                 fragment.add_inline_context_style(enclosing_node);
310             }
312             // Control characters are later discarded in transform_text, so they don't affect the
313             // is_first/is_last styles above.
314             enclosing_node.flags.remove(InlineFragmentNodeFlags::FIRST_FRAGMENT_OF_ELEMENT |
315                                         InlineFragmentNodeFlags::LAST_FRAGMENT_OF_ELEMENT);
317             if let Some((start, end)) = bidi_control_chars {
318                 fragments.fragments.push_front(
319                     control_chars_to_fragment::<N::ConcreteElement>(
320                         &enclosing_node,
321                         context,
322                         start,
323                         restyle_damage,
324                     )
325                 );
326                 fragments.fragments.push_back(
327                     control_chars_to_fragment::<N::ConcreteElement>(
328                         &enclosing_node,
329                         context,
330                         end,
331                         restyle_damage,
332                     )
333                 );
334             }
335         }
336         fragments
337     }
338 }
340 /// An object that knows how to create flows.
341 pub struct FlowConstructor<'a, N: ThreadSafeLayoutNode> {
342     /// The layout context.
343     pub layout_context: &'a LayoutContext<'a>,
344     /// Satisfy the compiler about the unused parameters, which we use to improve the ergonomics of
345     /// the ensuing impl {} by removing the need to parameterize all the methods individually.
346     phantom2: PhantomData<N>,
347 }
349 impl<'a, ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode: ThreadSafeLayoutNode>
350   FlowConstructor<'a, ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode> {
351     /// Creates a new flow constructor.
new(layout_context: &'a LayoutContext<'a>) -> Self352     pub fn new(layout_context: &'a LayoutContext<'a>) -> Self {
353         FlowConstructor {
354             layout_context: layout_context,
355             phantom2: PhantomData,
356         }
357     }
359     #[inline]
style_context(&self) -> &SharedStyleContext360     fn style_context(&self) -> &SharedStyleContext {
361         self.layout_context.shared_context()
362     }
364     #[inline]
set_flow_construction_result(&self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode, result: ConstructionResult)365     fn set_flow_construction_result(&self,
366                                     node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode,
367                                     result: ConstructionResult) {
368         node.set_flow_construction_result(result);
369     }
371     /// Builds the fragment for the given block or subclass thereof.
build_fragment_for_block(&self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode) -> Fragment372     fn build_fragment_for_block(&self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode) -> Fragment {
373         let specific_fragment_info = match node.type_id() {
374             Some(LayoutNodeType::Element(LayoutElementType::HTMLIFrameElement)) => {
375                 SpecificFragmentInfo::Iframe(IframeFragmentInfo::new(node))
376             }
377             Some(LayoutNodeType::Element(LayoutElementType::HTMLImageElement)) => {
378                 let image_info = Box::new(ImageFragmentInfo::new(
379                     node.image_url(), node, &self.layout_context
380                 ));
381                 SpecificFragmentInfo::Image(image_info)
382             }
383             Some(LayoutNodeType::Element(LayoutElementType::HTMLObjectElement)) => {
384                 let image_info = Box::new(ImageFragmentInfo::new(
385                     node.object_data(), node, &self.layout_context
386                  ));
387                 SpecificFragmentInfo::Image(image_info)
388             }
389             Some(LayoutNodeType::Element(LayoutElementType::HTMLTableElement)) => {
390                 SpecificFragmentInfo::TableWrapper
391             }
392             Some(LayoutNodeType::Element(LayoutElementType::HTMLTableColElement)) => {
393                 SpecificFragmentInfo::TableColumn(TableColumnFragmentInfo::new(node))
394             }
395             Some(LayoutNodeType::Element(LayoutElementType::HTMLTableCellElement)) => {
396                 SpecificFragmentInfo::TableCell
397             }
398             Some(LayoutNodeType::Element(LayoutElementType::HTMLTableRowElement)) |
399             Some(LayoutNodeType::Element(LayoutElementType::HTMLTableSectionElement)) => {
400                 SpecificFragmentInfo::TableRow
401             }
402             Some(LayoutNodeType::Element(LayoutElementType::HTMLCanvasElement)) => {
403                 let data = node.canvas_data().unwrap();
404                 SpecificFragmentInfo::Canvas(Box::new(CanvasFragmentInfo::new(data)))
405             }
406             Some(LayoutNodeType::Element(LayoutElementType::SVGSVGElement)) => {
407                 let data = node.svg_data().unwrap();
408                 SpecificFragmentInfo::Svg(Box::new(SvgFragmentInfo::new(data)))
409             }
410             _ => {
411                 // This includes pseudo-elements.
412                 SpecificFragmentInfo::Generic
413             }
414         };
416         Fragment::new(node, specific_fragment_info, self.layout_context)
417     }
419     /// Creates an inline flow from a set of inline fragments, then adds it as a child of the given
420     /// flow or pushes it onto the given flow list.
421     ///
422     /// `#[inline(always)]` because this is performance critical and LLVM will not inline it
423     /// otherwise.
424     #[inline(always)]
flush_inline_fragments_to_flow( &mut self, fragment_accumulator: InlineFragmentsAccumulator, flow: &mut FlowRef, absolute_descendants: &mut AbsoluteDescendants, legalizer: &mut Legalizer, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode, )425     fn flush_inline_fragments_to_flow(
426         &mut self,
427         fragment_accumulator: InlineFragmentsAccumulator,
428         flow: &mut FlowRef,
429         absolute_descendants: &mut AbsoluteDescendants,
430         legalizer: &mut Legalizer,
431         node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode,
432     ) {
433         let mut fragments =
434             fragment_accumulator.to_intermediate_inline_fragments::<ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode>(
435                 self.style_context(),
436             );
437         if fragments.is_empty() {
438             return
439         };
441         strip_ignorable_whitespace_from_start(&mut fragments.fragments);
442         strip_ignorable_whitespace_from_end(&mut fragments.fragments);
443         if fragments.fragments.is_empty() {
444             absolute_descendants.push_descendants(fragments.absolute_descendants);
445             return
446         }
448         // Build a list of all the inline-block fragments before fragments is moved.
449         let mut inline_block_flows = vec!();
450         for fragment in &fragments.fragments {
451             match fragment.specific {
452                 SpecificFragmentInfo::InlineBlock(ref info) => {
453                     inline_block_flows.push(info.flow_ref.clone())
454                 }
455                 SpecificFragmentInfo::InlineAbsoluteHypothetical(ref info) => {
456                     inline_block_flows.push(info.flow_ref.clone())
457                 }
458                 SpecificFragmentInfo::InlineAbsolute(ref info) => {
459                     inline_block_flows.push(info.flow_ref.clone())
460                 }
461                 _ => {}
462             }
463         }
465         // We must scan for runs before computing minimum ascent and descent because scanning
466         // for runs might collapse so much whitespace away that only hypothetical fragments
467         // remain. In that case the inline flow will compute its ascent and descent to be zero.
468         let scanned_fragments =
469             with_thread_local_font_context(self.layout_context, |font_context| {
470                 TextRunScanner::new().scan_for_runs(font_context,
471                                                     mem::replace(&mut fragments.fragments, LinkedList::new()))
472             });
473         let mut inline_flow_ref =
474             FlowRef::new(Arc::new(InlineFlow::from_fragments(scanned_fragments,
475                                                 node.style(self.style_context()).writing_mode)));
477         // Add all the inline-block fragments as children of the inline flow.
478         for inline_block_flow in &inline_block_flows {
479             inline_flow_ref.add_new_child(inline_block_flow.clone());
480         }
482         // Set up absolute descendants as necessary.
483         //
484         // The inline flow itself may need to become the containing block for absolute descendants
485         // in order to handle cases like:
486         //
487         //      <div>
488         //          <span style="position: relative">
489         //              <span style="position: absolute; ..."></span>
490         //          </span>
491         //      </div>
492         //
493         // See the comment above `flow::AbsoluteDescendantInfo` for more information.
494         inline_flow_ref.take_applicable_absolute_descendants(&mut fragments.absolute_descendants);
495         absolute_descendants.push_descendants(fragments.absolute_descendants);
497         {
498             // FIXME(#6503): Use Arc::get_mut().unwrap() here.
499             let inline_flow = FlowRef::deref_mut(&mut inline_flow_ref).as_mut_inline();
500             inline_flow.minimum_line_metrics =
501                 with_thread_local_font_context(self.layout_context, |font_context| {
502                     inline_flow.minimum_line_metrics(font_context, &node.style(self.style_context()))
503                 });
504         }
506         inline_flow_ref.finish();
507         legalizer.add_child::<ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode::ConcreteElement>(
508             self.style_context(),
509             flow,
510             inline_flow_ref,
511         )
512     }
build_block_flow_using_construction_result_of_child( &mut self, flow: &mut FlowRef, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode, kid: ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode, inline_fragment_accumulator: &mut InlineFragmentsAccumulator, abs_descendants: &mut AbsoluteDescendants, legalizer: &mut Legalizer)514     fn build_block_flow_using_construction_result_of_child(
515             &mut self,
516             flow: &mut FlowRef,
517             node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode,
518             kid: ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode,
519             inline_fragment_accumulator: &mut InlineFragmentsAccumulator,
520             abs_descendants: &mut AbsoluteDescendants,
521             legalizer: &mut Legalizer) {
522         match kid.get_construction_result() {
523             ConstructionResult::None => {}
524             ConstructionResult::Flow(kid_flow, kid_abs_descendants) => {
525                 // If kid_flow is TableCaptionFlow, kid_flow should be added under
526                 // TableWrapperFlow.
527                 if flow.is_table() && kid_flow.is_table_caption() {
528                     let construction_result =
529                         ConstructionResult::Flow(kid_flow, AbsoluteDescendants::new());
530                     self.set_flow_construction_result(&kid, construction_result)
531                 } else {
532                     if !kid_flow.base().flags.contains(FlowFlags::IS_ABSOLUTELY_POSITIONED) {
533                         // Flush any inline fragments that we were gathering up. This allows us to
534                         // handle {ib} splits.
535                         let old_inline_fragment_accumulator =
536                             mem::replace(inline_fragment_accumulator,
537                                          InlineFragmentsAccumulator::new());
538                         self.flush_inline_fragments_to_flow(old_inline_fragment_accumulator,
539                                                             flow,
540                                                             abs_descendants,
541                                                             legalizer,
542                                                             node);
543                     }
544                     legalizer.add_child::<ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode::ConcreteElement>(
545                         self.style_context(),
546                         flow,
547                         kid_flow,
548                     )
549                 }
550                 abs_descendants.push_descendants(kid_abs_descendants);
551             }
552             ConstructionResult::ConstructionItem(ConstructionItem::InlineFragments(
553                     InlineFragmentsConstructionResult {
554                         splits,
555                         fragments: successor_fragments,
556                     })) => {
557                 // Add any {ib} splits.
558                 for split in splits {
559                     // Pull apart the {ib} split object and push its predecessor fragments
560                     // onto the list.
561                     let InlineBlockSplit {
562                         predecessors,
563                         flow: kid_flow
564                     } = split;
565                     inline_fragment_accumulator.push_all(predecessors);
567                     // Flush any inline fragments that we were gathering up.
568                     debug!("flushing {} inline box(es) to flow A",
569                            inline_fragment_accumulator.fragments.fragments.len());
570                     let old_inline_fragment_accumulator =
571                         mem::replace(inline_fragment_accumulator,
572                                      InlineFragmentsAccumulator::new());
573                     let absolute_descendants =
574                         &mut inline_fragment_accumulator.fragments.absolute_descendants;
575                     self.flush_inline_fragments_to_flow(old_inline_fragment_accumulator,
576                                                         flow,
577                                                         absolute_descendants,
578                                                         legalizer,
579                                                         node);
581                     // Push the flow generated by the {ib} split onto our list of flows.
582                     legalizer.add_child::<ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode::ConcreteElement>(
583                         self.style_context(),
584                         flow,
585                         kid_flow,
586                     )
587                 }
589                 // Add the fragments to the list we're maintaining.
590                 inline_fragment_accumulator.push_all(successor_fragments);
591             }
592             ConstructionResult::ConstructionItem(ConstructionItem::Whitespace(
593                     whitespace_node,
594                     whitespace_pseudo,
595                     whitespace_style,
596                     whitespace_damage)) => {
597                 // Add whitespace results. They will be stripped out later on when
598                 // between block elements, and retained when between inline elements.
599                 let fragment_info = SpecificFragmentInfo::UnscannedText(
600                     Box::new(UnscannedTextFragmentInfo::new(Box::<str>::from(" "), None))
601                 );
602                 let fragment = Fragment::from_opaque_node_and_style(whitespace_node,
603                                                                     whitespace_pseudo,
604                                                                     whitespace_style,
605                                                                     node.selected_style(),
606                                                                     whitespace_damage,
607                                                                     fragment_info);
608                 inline_fragment_accumulator.fragments.fragments.push_back(fragment);
609             }
610             ConstructionResult::ConstructionItem(ConstructionItem::TableColumnFragment(_)) => {
611                 // TODO: Implement anonymous table objects for missing parents
612                 // CSS 2.1 § 17.2.1, step 3-2
613             }
614         }
615     }
617     /// Constructs a block flow, beginning with the given `initial_fragments` if present and then
618     /// appending the construction results of children to the child list of the block flow. {ib}
619     /// splits and absolutely-positioned descendants are handled correctly.
build_flow_for_block_starting_with_fragments( &mut self, mut flow: FlowRef, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode, initial_fragments: IntermediateInlineFragments) -> ConstructionResult620     fn build_flow_for_block_starting_with_fragments(
621             &mut self,
622             mut flow: FlowRef,
623             node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode,
624             initial_fragments: IntermediateInlineFragments)
625             -> ConstructionResult {
626         // Gather up fragments for the inline flows we might need to create.
627         let mut inline_fragment_accumulator = InlineFragmentsAccumulator::new();
629         inline_fragment_accumulator.fragments.push_all(initial_fragments);
631         // List of absolute descendants, in tree order.
632         let mut abs_descendants = AbsoluteDescendants::new();
633         let mut legalizer = Legalizer::new();
634         if !node.is_replaced_content() {
635             for kid in node.children() {
636                 if kid.get_pseudo_element_type() != PseudoElementType::Normal {
637                     self.process(&kid);
638                 }
640                 self.build_block_flow_using_construction_result_of_child(
641                     &mut flow,
642                     node,
643                     kid,
644                     &mut inline_fragment_accumulator,
645                     &mut abs_descendants,
646                     &mut legalizer);
647             }
648         }
650         // Perform a final flush of any inline fragments that we were gathering up to handle {ib}
651         // splits, after stripping ignorable whitespace.
652         self.flush_inline_fragments_to_flow(inline_fragment_accumulator,
653                                             &mut flow,
654                                             &mut abs_descendants,
655                                             &mut legalizer,
656                                             node);
658         // The flow is done.
659         legalizer.finish(&mut flow);
660         flow.finish();
662         // Set up the absolute descendants.
663         if flow.is_absolute_containing_block() {
664             // This is the containing block for all the absolute descendants.
665             flow.set_absolute_descendants(abs_descendants);
667             abs_descendants = AbsoluteDescendants::new();
668             if flow.base().flags.contains(FlowFlags::IS_ABSOLUTELY_POSITIONED) {
669                 // This is now the only absolute flow in the subtree which hasn't yet
670                 // reached its CB.
671                 abs_descendants.push(flow.clone());
672             }
673         }
674         ConstructionResult::Flow(flow, abs_descendants)
675     }
677     /// Constructs a flow for the given block node and its children. This method creates an
678     /// initial fragment as appropriate and then dispatches to
679     /// `build_flow_for_block_starting_with_fragments`. Currently the following kinds of flows get
680     /// initial content:
681     ///
682     /// * Generated content gets the initial content specified by the `content` attribute of the
683     ///   CSS.
684     /// * `<input>` and `<textarea>` elements get their content.
685     ///
686     /// FIXME(pcwalton): It is not clear to me that there isn't a cleaner way to handle
687     /// `<textarea>`.
build_flow_for_block_like(&mut self, flow: FlowRef, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode) -> ConstructionResult688     fn build_flow_for_block_like(&mut self, flow: FlowRef, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode)
689                                  -> ConstructionResult {
690         let mut fragments = IntermediateInlineFragments::new();
691         let node_is_input_or_text_area =
692            node.type_id() == Some(LayoutNodeType::Element(LayoutElementType::HTMLInputElement)) ||
693            node.type_id() == Some(LayoutNodeType::Element(LayoutElementType::HTMLTextAreaElement));
694         if node.get_pseudo_element_type().is_replaced_content() ||
695                 node_is_input_or_text_area {
696             // A TextArea's text contents are displayed through the input text
697             // box, so don't construct them.
698             if node.type_id() == Some(LayoutNodeType::Element(LayoutElementType::HTMLTextAreaElement)) {
699                 for kid in node.children() {
700                     self.set_flow_construction_result(&kid, ConstructionResult::None)
701                 }
702             }
704             let context = self.style_context();
705             let mut style = node.style(context);
706             style = context.stylist.style_for_anonymous::<ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode::ConcreteElement>(
707                 &context.guards,
708                 &PseudoElement::ServoText,
709                 &style,
710             );
711             if node_is_input_or_text_area {
712                 style = context.stylist.style_for_anonymous::<ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode::ConcreteElement>(
713                     &context.guards,
714                     &PseudoElement::ServoInputText,
715                     &style,
716                 )
717             }
719             self.create_fragments_for_node_text_content(&mut fragments, node, &style)
720         }
721         self.build_flow_for_block_starting_with_fragments(flow, node, fragments)
722     }
724     /// Pushes fragments appropriate for the content of the given node onto the given list.
create_fragments_for_node_text_content(&self, fragments: &mut IntermediateInlineFragments, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode, style: &ServoArc<ComputedValues>)725     fn create_fragments_for_node_text_content(&self,
726                                               fragments: &mut IntermediateInlineFragments,
727                                               node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode,
728                                               style: &ServoArc<ComputedValues>) {
729         // Fast path: If there is no text content, return immediately.
730         let text_content = node.text_content();
731         if text_content.is_empty() {
732             return
733         }
735         let style = (*style).clone();
736         let selected_style = node.selected_style();
738         match text_content {
739             TextContent::Text(string) => {
740                 let info = Box::new(UnscannedTextFragmentInfo::new(string, node.selection()));
741                 let specific_fragment_info = SpecificFragmentInfo::UnscannedText(info);
742                 fragments.fragments.push_back(Fragment::from_opaque_node_and_style(
743                         node.opaque(),
744                         node.get_pseudo_element_type(),
745                         style,
746                         selected_style,
747                         node.restyle_damage(),
748                         specific_fragment_info))
749             }
750             TextContent::GeneratedContent(content_items) => {
751                 for content_item in content_items.into_iter() {
752                     let specific_fragment_info = match content_item {
753                         ContentItem::String(string) => {
754                             let info = Box::new(UnscannedTextFragmentInfo::new(string, None));
755                             SpecificFragmentInfo::UnscannedText(info)
756                         },
757                         content_item => {
758                             let content_item = Box::new(GeneratedContentInfo::ContentItem(content_item));
759                             SpecificFragmentInfo::GeneratedContent(content_item)
760                         }
761                     };
762                     fragments.fragments.push_back(Fragment::from_opaque_node_and_style(
763                             node.opaque(),
764                             node.get_pseudo_element_type(),
765                             style.clone(),
766                             selected_style.clone(),
767                             node.restyle_damage(),
768                             specific_fragment_info))
769                 }
770             }
771         }
772     }
774     /// Builds a flow for a node with `display: block`. This yields a `BlockFlow` with possibly
775     /// other `BlockFlow`s or `InlineFlow`s underneath it, depending on whether {ib} splits needed
776     /// to happen.
build_flow_for_block(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode, float_kind: Option<FloatKind>) -> ConstructionResult777     fn build_flow_for_block(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode, float_kind: Option<FloatKind>)
778                             -> ConstructionResult {
779         if node.style(self.style_context()).is_multicol() {
780             return self.build_flow_for_multicol(node, float_kind)
781         }
783         let fragment = self.build_fragment_for_block(node);
784         let flow =
785             FlowRef::new(Arc::new(BlockFlow::from_fragment_and_float_kind(fragment, float_kind)));
786         self.build_flow_for_block_like(flow, node)
787     }
789     /// Bubbles up {ib} splits.
accumulate_inline_block_splits(&mut self, splits: LinkedList<InlineBlockSplit>, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode, fragment_accumulator: &mut InlineFragmentsAccumulator, opt_inline_block_splits: &mut LinkedList<InlineBlockSplit>)790     fn accumulate_inline_block_splits(&mut self,
791                                       splits: LinkedList<InlineBlockSplit>,
792                                       node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode,
793                                       fragment_accumulator: &mut InlineFragmentsAccumulator,
794                                       opt_inline_block_splits: &mut LinkedList<InlineBlockSplit>) {
795         for split in splits {
796             let InlineBlockSplit {
797                 predecessors,
798                 flow: kid_flow
799             } = split;
800             fragment_accumulator.push_all(predecessors);
802             opt_inline_block_splits.push_back(
803                 InlineBlockSplit::new(fragment_accumulator, node, self.style_context(), kid_flow));
804         }
805     }
807     /// Concatenates the fragments of kids, adding in our own borders/padding/margins if necessary.
808     /// Returns the `InlineFragmentsConstructionResult`, if any. There will be no
809     /// `InlineFragmentsConstructionResult` if this node consisted entirely of ignorable
810     /// whitespace.
build_fragments_for_nonreplaced_inline_content(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode) -> ConstructionResult811     fn build_fragments_for_nonreplaced_inline_content(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode)
812                                                       -> ConstructionResult {
813         let mut opt_inline_block_splits: LinkedList<InlineBlockSplit> = LinkedList::new();
814         let mut fragment_accumulator = InlineFragmentsAccumulator::from_inline_node(node, self.style_context());
815         fragment_accumulator.bidi_control_chars = bidi_control_chars(&node.style(self.style_context()));
817         let mut abs_descendants = AbsoluteDescendants::new();
819         // Concatenate all the fragments of our kids, creating {ib} splits as necessary.
820         let mut is_empty = true;
821         for kid in node.children() {
822             is_empty = false;
823             if kid.get_pseudo_element_type() != PseudoElementType::Normal {
824                 self.process(&kid);
825             }
826             match kid.get_construction_result() {
827                 ConstructionResult::None => {}
828                 ConstructionResult::Flow(flow, kid_abs_descendants) => {
829                     if !flow.base().flags.contains(FlowFlags::IS_ABSOLUTELY_POSITIONED) {
830                         opt_inline_block_splits.push_back(InlineBlockSplit::new(
831                             &mut fragment_accumulator, node, self.style_context(), flow));
832                         abs_descendants.push_descendants(kid_abs_descendants);
833                     } else {
834                         // Push the absolutely-positioned kid as an inline containing block.
835                         let kid_node = flow.as_block().fragment.node;
836                         let kid_pseudo = flow.as_block().fragment.pseudo.clone();
837                         let kid_style = flow.as_block().fragment.style.clone();
838                         let kid_selected_style = flow.as_block().fragment.selected_style.clone();
839                         let kid_restyle_damage = flow.as_block().fragment.restyle_damage;
840                         let fragment_info = SpecificFragmentInfo::InlineAbsolute(
841                             InlineAbsoluteFragmentInfo::new(flow));
842                         fragment_accumulator.push(Fragment::from_opaque_node_and_style(
843                                 kid_node,
844                                 kid_pseudo,
845                                 kid_style,
846                                 kid_selected_style,
847                                 kid_restyle_damage,
848                                 fragment_info));
849                         fragment_accumulator.fragments
850                                             .absolute_descendants
851                                             .push_descendants(kid_abs_descendants);
852                     }
853                 }
854                 ConstructionResult::ConstructionItem(ConstructionItem::InlineFragments(
855                         InlineFragmentsConstructionResult {
856                             splits,
857                             fragments: successors,
858                         })) => {
859                     // Bubble up {ib} splits.
860                     self.accumulate_inline_block_splits(splits,
861                                                         node,
862                                                         &mut fragment_accumulator,
863                                                         &mut opt_inline_block_splits);
865                     // Push residual fragments.
866                     fragment_accumulator.push_all(successors);
867                 }
868                 ConstructionResult::ConstructionItem(ConstructionItem::Whitespace(
869                         whitespace_node,
870                         whitespace_pseudo,
871                         whitespace_style,
872                         whitespace_damage)) => {
873                     // Instantiate the whitespace fragment.
874                     let fragment_info = SpecificFragmentInfo::UnscannedText(
875                         Box::new(UnscannedTextFragmentInfo::new(Box::<str>::from(" "), None))
876                     );
877                     let fragment =
878                         Fragment::from_opaque_node_and_style(whitespace_node,
879                                                              whitespace_pseudo,
880                                                              whitespace_style,
881                                                              node.selected_style(),
882                                                              whitespace_damage,
883                                                              fragment_info);
884                     fragment_accumulator.fragments.fragments.push_back(fragment)
885                 }
886                 ConstructionResult::ConstructionItem(ConstructionItem::TableColumnFragment(_)) => {
887                     // TODO: Implement anonymous table objects for missing parents
888                     // CSS 2.1 § 17.2.1, step 3-2
889                 }
890             }
891         }
893         let node_style = node.style(self.style_context());
894         if is_empty && node_style.has_padding_or_border() {
895             // An empty inline box needs at least one fragment to draw its background and borders.
896             let info = SpecificFragmentInfo::UnscannedText(
897                 Box::new(UnscannedTextFragmentInfo::new(Box::<str>::from(""), None))
898             );
899             let fragment = Fragment::from_opaque_node_and_style(node.opaque(),
900                                                                 node.get_pseudo_element_type(),
901                                                                 node_style.clone(),
902                                                                 node.selected_style(),
903                                                                 node.restyle_damage(),
904                                                                 info);
905             fragment_accumulator.fragments.fragments.push_back(fragment)
906         }
908         // Finally, make a new construction result.
909         if opt_inline_block_splits.len() > 0 || !fragment_accumulator.fragments.is_empty()
910                 || abs_descendants.len() > 0 {
911             fragment_accumulator.fragments.absolute_descendants.push_descendants(abs_descendants);
913             // If the node is positioned, then it's the containing block for all absolutely-
914             // positioned descendants.
915             if node_style.get_box().position != Position::Static {
916                 fragment_accumulator.fragments
917                                     .absolute_descendants
918                                     .mark_as_having_reached_containing_block();
919             }
921             let construction_item = ConstructionItem::InlineFragments(
922                     InlineFragmentsConstructionResult {
923                 splits: opt_inline_block_splits,
924                 fragments: fragment_accumulator.to_intermediate_inline_fragments::<ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode>(
925                     self.style_context(),
926                 ),
927             });
928             ConstructionResult::ConstructionItem(construction_item)
929         } else {
930             ConstructionResult::None
931         }
932     }
934     /// Creates an `InlineFragmentsConstructionResult` for replaced content. Replaced content
935     /// doesn't render its children, so this just nukes a child's fragments and creates a
936     /// `Fragment`.
build_fragments_for_replaced_inline_content(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode) -> ConstructionResult937     fn build_fragments_for_replaced_inline_content(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode)
938                                                    -> ConstructionResult {
939         for kid in node.children() {
940             self.set_flow_construction_result(&kid, ConstructionResult::None)
941         }
943         let context = self.style_context();
944         let style = node.style(context);
945         // If this node is ignorable whitespace, bail out now.
946         if node.is_ignorable_whitespace(context) {
947             return ConstructionResult::ConstructionItem(ConstructionItem::Whitespace(
948                 node.opaque(),
949                 node.get_pseudo_element_type(),
950                 context.stylist.style_for_anonymous::<ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode::ConcreteElement>(
951                     &context.guards,
952                     &PseudoElement::ServoText,
953                     &style,
954                 ),
955                 node.restyle_damage(),
956             ))
957         }
959         // If this is generated content, then we need to initialize the accumulator with the
960         // fragment corresponding to that content. Otherwise, just initialize with the ordinary
961         // fragment that needs to be generated for this inline node.
962         let mut fragments = IntermediateInlineFragments::new();
963         match (node.get_pseudo_element_type(), node.type_id()) {
964             (_, Some(LayoutNodeType::Text)) => {
965                 let text_style = context.stylist.style_for_anonymous::<ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode::ConcreteElement>(
966                     &context.guards,
967                     &PseudoElement::ServoText,
968                     &style,
969                 );
970                 self.create_fragments_for_node_text_content(&mut fragments, node, &text_style)
971             }
972             (PseudoElementType::Normal, _) => {
973                 fragments.fragments.push_back(self.build_fragment_for_block(node));
974             }
975             (_, _) => self.create_fragments_for_node_text_content(&mut fragments, node, &style),
976         }
978         let construction_item =
979             ConstructionItem::InlineFragments(InlineFragmentsConstructionResult {
980                 splits: LinkedList::new(),
981                 fragments: fragments,
982             });
983         ConstructionResult::ConstructionItem(construction_item)
984     }
986     /// Build the fragment for an inline-block or inline-flex, based on the `display` flag
build_fragment_for_inline_block_or_inline_flex( &mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode, display: Display, ) -> ConstructionResult987     fn build_fragment_for_inline_block_or_inline_flex(
988         &mut self,
989         node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode,
990         display: Display,
991     ) -> ConstructionResult {
992         let block_flow_result = match display {
993             Display::InlineBlock => self.build_flow_for_block(node, None),
994             Display::InlineFlex => self.build_flow_for_flex(node, None),
995             _ => panic!("The flag should be inline-block or inline-flex")
996         };
997         let (block_flow, abs_descendants) = match block_flow_result {
998             ConstructionResult::Flow(block_flow, abs_descendants) => (block_flow, abs_descendants),
999             _ => unreachable!()
1000         };
1002         let context = self.style_context();
1003         let style = node.style(context);
1004         let style = context.stylist.style_for_anonymous::<ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode::ConcreteElement>(
1005             &context.guards,
1006             &PseudoElement::ServoInlineBlockWrapper,
1007             &style,
1008         );
1009         let fragment_info = SpecificFragmentInfo::InlineBlock(InlineBlockFragmentInfo::new(
1010                 block_flow));
1011         let fragment = Fragment::from_opaque_node_and_style(node.opaque(),
1012                                                             node.get_pseudo_element_type(),
1013                                                             style,
1014                                                             node.selected_style(),
1015                                                             node.restyle_damage(),
1016                                                             fragment_info);
1018         let mut fragment_accumulator = InlineFragmentsAccumulator::new();
1019         fragment_accumulator.fragments.fragments.push_back(fragment);
1020         fragment_accumulator.fragments.absolute_descendants.push_descendants(abs_descendants);
1022         let construction_item =
1023             ConstructionItem::InlineFragments(InlineFragmentsConstructionResult {
1024                 splits: LinkedList::new(),
1025                 fragments: fragment_accumulator
1026                     .to_intermediate_inline_fragments::<ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode>(context),
1027             });
1028         ConstructionResult::ConstructionItem(construction_item)
1029     }
1031     /// This is an annoying case, because the computed `display` value is `block`, but the
1032     /// hypothetical box is inline.
build_fragment_for_absolutely_positioned_inline(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode) -> ConstructionResult1033     fn build_fragment_for_absolutely_positioned_inline(&mut self,
1034                                                        node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode)
1035                                                        -> ConstructionResult {
1036         let block_flow_result = self.build_flow_for_block(node, None);
1037         let (block_flow, abs_descendants) = match block_flow_result {
1038             ConstructionResult::Flow(block_flow, abs_descendants) => (block_flow, abs_descendants),
1039             _ => unreachable!()
1040         };
1042         let fragment_info = SpecificFragmentInfo::InlineAbsoluteHypothetical(
1043             InlineAbsoluteHypotheticalFragmentInfo::new(block_flow));
1044         let style_context = self.style_context();
1045         let style = node.style(style_context);
1046         let style = style_context.stylist.style_for_anonymous::<ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode::ConcreteElement>(
1047             &style_context.guards,
1048             &PseudoElement::ServoInlineAbsolute,
1049             &style,
1050         );
1051         let fragment = Fragment::from_opaque_node_and_style(node.opaque(),
1052                                                             PseudoElementType::Normal,
1053                                                             style,
1054                                                             node.selected_style(),
1055                                                             node.restyle_damage(),
1056                                                             fragment_info);
1058         let mut fragment_accumulator = InlineFragmentsAccumulator::from_inline_node(node, self.style_context());
1059         fragment_accumulator.fragments.fragments.push_back(fragment);
1060         fragment_accumulator.fragments.absolute_descendants.push_descendants(abs_descendants);
1062         let construction_item =
1063             ConstructionItem::InlineFragments(InlineFragmentsConstructionResult {
1064                 splits: LinkedList::new(),
1065                 fragments: fragment_accumulator
1066                     .to_intermediate_inline_fragments::<ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode>(style_context),
1067             });
1068         ConstructionResult::ConstructionItem(construction_item)
1069     }
1071     /// Builds one or more fragments for a node with `display: inline`. This yields an
1072     /// `InlineFragmentsConstructionResult`.
build_fragments_for_inline(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode) -> ConstructionResult1073     fn build_fragments_for_inline(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode) -> ConstructionResult {
1074         // Is this node replaced content?
1075         if !node.is_replaced_content() {
1076             // Go to a path that concatenates our kids' fragments.
1077             self.build_fragments_for_nonreplaced_inline_content(node)
1078         } else {
1079             // Otherwise, just nuke our kids' fragments, create our fragment if any, and be done
1080             // with it.
1081             self.build_fragments_for_replaced_inline_content(node)
1082         }
1083     }
1085     /// Places any table captions found under the given table wrapper, if the value of their
1086     /// `caption-side` property is equal to the given `side`.
place_table_caption_under_table_wrapper_on_side(&mut self, table_wrapper_flow: &mut FlowRef, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode, side: CaptionSide)1087     fn place_table_caption_under_table_wrapper_on_side(&mut self,
1088                                                        table_wrapper_flow: &mut FlowRef,
1089                                                        node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode,
1090                                                        side: CaptionSide) {
1091         // Only flows that are table captions are matched here.
1092         for kid in node.children() {
1093             match kid.get_construction_result() {
1094                 ConstructionResult::Flow(kid_flow, _) => {
1095                     if kid_flow.is_table_caption() &&
1096                         kid_flow.as_block()
1097                                 .fragment
1098                                 .style()
1099                                 .get_inheritedtable()
1100                                 .caption_side == side {
1101                         table_wrapper_flow.add_new_child(kid_flow);
1102                     }
1103                 }
1104                 ConstructionResult::None | ConstructionResult::ConstructionItem(_) => {}
1105             }
1106         }
1107     }
1109     /// Builds a flow for a node with `column-count` or `column-width` non-`auto`.
1110     /// This yields a `MulticolFlow` with a single `MulticolColumnFlow` underneath it.
build_flow_for_multicol(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode, float_kind: Option<FloatKind>) -> ConstructionResult1111     fn build_flow_for_multicol(&mut self,
1112                                node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode,
1113                                float_kind: Option<FloatKind>)
1114                                -> ConstructionResult {
1115         let fragment = Fragment::new(node, SpecificFragmentInfo::Multicol, self.layout_context);
1116         let mut flow = FlowRef::new(Arc::new(MulticolFlow::from_fragment(fragment, float_kind)));
1118         let column_fragment = Fragment::new(node, SpecificFragmentInfo::MulticolColumn, self.layout_context);
1119         let column_flow = FlowRef::new(Arc::new(MulticolColumnFlow::from_fragment(column_fragment)));
1121         // First populate the column flow with its children.
1122         let construction_result = self.build_flow_for_block_like(column_flow, node);
1124         let mut abs_descendants = AbsoluteDescendants::new();
1126         if let ConstructionResult::Flow(column_flow, column_abs_descendants) = construction_result {
1127             flow.add_new_child(column_flow);
1128             abs_descendants.push_descendants(column_abs_descendants);
1129         }
1131         // The flow is done.
1132         flow.finish();
1133         if flow.is_absolute_containing_block() {
1134             // This is the containing block for all the absolute descendants.
1135             flow.set_absolute_descendants(abs_descendants);
1137             abs_descendants = AbsoluteDescendants::new();
1139             if flow.base().flags.contains(FlowFlags::IS_ABSOLUTELY_POSITIONED) {
1140                 // This is now the only absolute flow in the subtree which hasn't yet
1141                 // reached its containing block.
1142                 abs_descendants.push(flow.clone());
1143             }
1144         }
1146         ConstructionResult::Flow(flow, abs_descendants)
1147     }
1149     /// Builds a flow for a node with `display: table`. This yields a `TableWrapperFlow` with
1150     /// possibly other `TableCaptionFlow`s or `TableFlow`s underneath it.
build_flow_for_table(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode, float_value: Float) -> ConstructionResult1151     fn build_flow_for_table(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode, float_value: Float)
1152                             -> ConstructionResult {
1153         let mut legalizer = Legalizer::new();
1155         let table_style;
1156         let wrapper_style;
1157         {
1158             let context = self.style_context();
1159             table_style = node.style(context);
1160             wrapper_style = context.stylist.style_for_anonymous::<ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode::ConcreteElement>(
1161                 &context.guards,
1162                 &PseudoElement::ServoTableWrapper,
1163                 &table_style,
1164             );
1165         }
1166         let wrapper_fragment =
1167             Fragment::from_opaque_node_and_style(node.opaque(),
1168                                                  PseudoElementType::Normal,
1169                                                  wrapper_style,
1170                                                  node.selected_style(),
1171                                                  node.restyle_damage(),
1172                                                  SpecificFragmentInfo::TableWrapper);
1173         let wrapper_float_kind = FloatKind::from_property(float_value);
1174         let mut wrapper_flow =
1175             FlowRef::new(Arc::new(TableWrapperFlow::from_fragment_and_float_kind(wrapper_fragment,
1176                                                                     wrapper_float_kind)));
1178         let table_fragment = Fragment::new(node, SpecificFragmentInfo::Table, self.layout_context);
1179         let table_flow = FlowRef::new(Arc::new(TableFlow::from_fragment(table_fragment)));
1181         // First populate the table flow with its children.
1182         let construction_result = self.build_flow_for_block_like(table_flow, node);
1184         let mut abs_descendants = AbsoluteDescendants::new();
1186         // The order of the caption and the table are not necessarily the same order as in the DOM
1187         // tree. All caption blocks are placed before or after the table flow, depending on the
1188         // value of `caption-side`.
1189         self.place_table_caption_under_table_wrapper_on_side(&mut wrapper_flow,
1190                                                              node,
1191                                                              CaptionSide::Top);
1193         if let ConstructionResult::Flow(table_flow, table_abs_descendants) = construction_result {
1194             legalizer.add_child::<ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode::ConcreteElement>(
1195                 self.style_context(),
1196                 &mut wrapper_flow,
1197                 table_flow,
1198             );
1199             abs_descendants.push_descendants(table_abs_descendants);
1200         }
1202         // If the value of `caption-side` is `bottom`, place it now.
1203         self.place_table_caption_under_table_wrapper_on_side(&mut wrapper_flow,
1204                                                              node,
1205                                                              CaptionSide::Bottom);
1207         // The flow is done.
1208         legalizer.finish(&mut wrapper_flow);
1209         wrapper_flow.finish();
1211         if wrapper_flow.is_absolute_containing_block() {
1212             // This is the containing block for all the absolute descendants.
1213             wrapper_flow.set_absolute_descendants(abs_descendants);
1215             abs_descendants = AbsoluteDescendants::new();
1217             if wrapper_flow.base().flags.contains(FlowFlags::IS_ABSOLUTELY_POSITIONED) {
1218                 // This is now the only absolute flow in the subtree which hasn't yet
1219                 // reached its containing block.
1220                 abs_descendants.push(wrapper_flow.clone());
1221             }
1222         }
1224         ConstructionResult::Flow(wrapper_flow, abs_descendants)
1225     }
1227     /// Builds a flow for a node with `display: table-caption`. This yields a `TableCaptionFlow`
1228     /// with possibly other `BlockFlow`s or `InlineFlow`s underneath it.
build_flow_for_table_caption(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode) -> ConstructionResult1229     fn build_flow_for_table_caption(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode) -> ConstructionResult {
1230         let fragment = self.build_fragment_for_block(node);
1231         let flow = FlowRef::new(Arc::new(TableCaptionFlow::from_fragment(fragment)));
1232         self.build_flow_for_block_like(flow, node)
1233     }
1235     /// Builds a flow for a node with `display: table-row-group`. This yields a `TableRowGroupFlow`
1236     /// with possibly other `TableRowFlow`s underneath it.
build_flow_for_table_rowgroup(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode) -> ConstructionResult1237     fn build_flow_for_table_rowgroup(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode)
1238                                      -> ConstructionResult {
1239         let fragment = Fragment::new(node, SpecificFragmentInfo::TableRow, self.layout_context);
1240         let flow = FlowRef::new(Arc::new(TableRowGroupFlow::from_fragment(fragment)));
1241         self.build_flow_for_block_like(flow, node)
1242     }
1244     /// Builds a flow for a node with `display: table-row`. This yields a `TableRowFlow` with
1245     /// possibly other `TableCellFlow`s underneath it.
build_flow_for_table_row(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode) -> ConstructionResult1246     fn build_flow_for_table_row(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode) -> ConstructionResult {
1247         let fragment = Fragment::new(node, SpecificFragmentInfo::TableRow, self.layout_context);
1248         let flow = FlowRef::new(Arc::new(TableRowFlow::from_fragment(fragment)));
1249         self.build_flow_for_block_like(flow, node)
1250     }
1252     /// Builds a flow for a node with `display: table-cell`. This yields a `TableCellFlow` with
1253     /// possibly other `BlockFlow`s or `InlineFlow`s underneath it.
build_flow_for_table_cell(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode) -> ConstructionResult1254     fn build_flow_for_table_cell(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode) -> ConstructionResult {
1255         let fragment = Fragment::new(node, SpecificFragmentInfo::TableCell, self.layout_context);
1257         // Determine if the table cell should be hidden. Per CSS 2.1 §, this will be true
1258         // if the cell has any in-flow elements (even empty ones!) and has `empty-cells` set to
1259         // `hide`.
1260         let hide = node.style(self.style_context()).get_inheritedtable().empty_cells == EmptyCells::Hide &&
1261             node.children().all(|kid| {
1262                 let position = kid.style(self.style_context()).get_box().position;
1263                 !kid.is_content() ||
1264                 position == Position::Absolute ||
1265                 position == Position::Fixed
1266             });
1268         let flow = FlowRef::new(Arc::new(
1269             TableCellFlow::from_node_fragment_and_visibility_flag(node, fragment, !hide)));
1270         self.build_flow_for_block_like(flow, node)
1271     }
1273     /// Builds a flow for a node with `display: list-item`. This yields a `ListItemFlow` with
1274     /// possibly other `BlockFlow`s or `InlineFlow`s underneath it.
build_flow_for_list_item(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode, flotation: Float) -> ConstructionResult1275     fn build_flow_for_list_item(&mut self,
1276                                 node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode,
1277                                 flotation: Float)
1278                                 -> ConstructionResult {
1279         let flotation = FloatKind::from_property(flotation);
1280         let marker_fragments = match node.style(self.style_context()).get_list().list_style_image {
1281             list_style_image::computed_value::T(Either::First(ref url_value)) => {
1282                 let image_info = Box::new(ImageFragmentInfo::new(
1283                     url_value.url().map(|u| u.clone()), node, &self.layout_context
1284                 ));
1285                 vec![Fragment::new(node, SpecificFragmentInfo::Image(image_info), self.layout_context)]
1286             }
1287             list_style_image::computed_value::T(Either::Second(_none)) => {
1288                 match ListStyleTypeContent::from_list_style_type(node.style(self.style_context())
1289                                                                      .get_list()
1290                                                                      .list_style_type) {
1291                     ListStyleTypeContent::None => Vec::new(),
1292                     ListStyleTypeContent::StaticText(ch) => {
1293                         let text = format!("{}\u{a0}", ch);
1294                         let mut unscanned_marker_fragments = LinkedList::new();
1295                         unscanned_marker_fragments.push_back(Fragment::new(
1296                             node,
1297                             SpecificFragmentInfo::UnscannedText(
1298                                 Box::new(UnscannedTextFragmentInfo::new(Box::<str>::from(text), None))
1299                             ),
1300                             self.layout_context));
1301                         let marker_fragments =
1302                             with_thread_local_font_context(self.layout_context, |mut font_context| {
1303                                 TextRunScanner::new().scan_for_runs(&mut font_context,
1304                                                                     unscanned_marker_fragments)
1305                             });
1306                         marker_fragments.fragments
1307                     }
1308                     ListStyleTypeContent::GeneratedContent(info) => {
1309                         vec![Fragment::new(node, SpecificFragmentInfo::GeneratedContent(info), self.layout_context)]
1310                     }
1311                 }
1312             }
1313         };
1315         // If the list marker is outside, it becomes the special "outside fragment" that list item
1316         // flows have. If it's inside, it's just a plain old fragment. Note that this means that
1317         // we adopt Gecko's behavior rather than WebKit's when the marker causes an {ib} split,
1318         // which has caused some malaise (Bugzilla #36854) but CSS 2.1 § 12.5.1 lets me do it, so
1319         // there.
1320         let mut initial_fragments = IntermediateInlineFragments::new();
1321         let main_fragment = self.build_fragment_for_block(node);
1322         let flow = match node.style(self.style_context()).get_list().list_style_position {
1323             ListStylePosition::Outside => {
1324                 Arc::new(ListItemFlow::from_fragments_and_flotation(
1325                     main_fragment, marker_fragments, flotation))
1326             }
1327             ListStylePosition::Inside => {
1328                 for marker_fragment in marker_fragments {
1329                     initial_fragments.fragments.push_back(marker_fragment)
1330                 }
1331                 Arc::new(ListItemFlow::from_fragments_and_flotation(
1332                     main_fragment, vec![], flotation))
1333             }
1334         };
1336         self.build_flow_for_block_starting_with_fragments(FlowRef::new(flow), node, initial_fragments)
1337     }
1339     /// Creates a fragment for a node with `display: table-column`.
build_fragments_for_table_column(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode) -> ConstructionResult1340     fn build_fragments_for_table_column(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode)
1341                                         -> ConstructionResult {
1342         // CSS 2.1 § 17.2.1. Treat all child fragments of a `table-column` as `display: none`.
1343         for kid in node.children() {
1344             self.set_flow_construction_result(&kid, ConstructionResult::None)
1345         }
1347         let specific = SpecificFragmentInfo::TableColumn(TableColumnFragmentInfo::new(node));
1348         let construction_item = ConstructionItem::TableColumnFragment(Fragment::new(node,
1349                                                                                     specific,
1350                                                                                     self.layout_context));
1351         ConstructionResult::ConstructionItem(construction_item)
1352     }
1354     /// Builds a flow for a node with `display: table-column-group`.
1355     /// This yields a `TableColGroupFlow`.
build_flow_for_table_colgroup(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode) -> ConstructionResult1356     fn build_flow_for_table_colgroup(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode)
1357                                      -> ConstructionResult {
1358         let fragment =
1359             Fragment::new(node,
1360                           SpecificFragmentInfo::TableColumn(TableColumnFragmentInfo::new(node)),
1361                           self.layout_context);
1362         let mut col_fragments = vec!();
1363         for kid in node.children() {
1364             // CSS 2.1 § 17.2.1. Treat all non-column child fragments of `table-column-group`
1365             // as `display: none`.
1366             if let ConstructionResult::ConstructionItem(ConstructionItem::TableColumnFragment(fragment)) =
1367                 kid.get_construction_result() {
1368                 col_fragments.push(fragment)
1369             }
1370         }
1371         if col_fragments.is_empty() {
1372             debug!("add SpecificFragmentInfo::TableColumn for empty colgroup");
1373             let specific = SpecificFragmentInfo::TableColumn(TableColumnFragmentInfo::new(node));
1374             col_fragments.push(Fragment::new(node, specific, self.layout_context));
1375         }
1376         let mut flow = FlowRef::new(Arc::new(TableColGroupFlow::from_fragments(fragment, col_fragments)));
1377         flow.finish();
1379         ConstructionResult::Flow(flow, AbsoluteDescendants::new())
1380     }
1382     /// Builds a flow for a node with 'display: flex'.
build_flow_for_flex(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode, float_kind: Option<FloatKind>) -> ConstructionResult1383     fn build_flow_for_flex(&mut self,
1384                            node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode,
1385                            float_kind: Option<FloatKind>)
1386                            -> ConstructionResult {
1387         let fragment = self.build_fragment_for_block(node);
1388         let flow = FlowRef::new(Arc::new(FlexFlow::from_fragment(fragment, float_kind)));
1389         self.build_flow_for_block_like(flow, node)
1390     }
1392     /// Attempts to perform incremental repair to account for recent changes to this node. This
1393     /// can fail and return false, indicating that flows will need to be reconstructed.
1394     ///
1395     /// TODO(pcwalton): Add some more fast paths, like toggling `display: none`, adding block kids
1396     /// to block parents with no {ib} splits, adding out-of-flow kids, etc.
repair_if_possible(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode) -> bool1397     pub fn repair_if_possible(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode) -> bool {
1398         // We can skip reconstructing the flow if we don't have to reconstruct and none of our kids
1399         // did either.
1400         //
1401         // We visit the kids first and reset their HAS_NEWLY_CONSTRUCTED_FLOW flags after checking
1402         // them.  NOTE: Make sure not to bail out early before resetting all the flags!
1403         let mut need_to_reconstruct = false;
1405         // If the node has display: none, it's possible that we haven't even
1406         // styled the children once, so we need to bailout early here.
1407         if node.style(self.style_context()).get_box().clone_display() == Display::None {
1408             return false;
1409         }
1411         for kid in node.children() {
1412             if kid.flags().contains(LayoutDataFlags::HAS_NEWLY_CONSTRUCTED_FLOW) {
1413                 kid.remove_flags(LayoutDataFlags::HAS_NEWLY_CONSTRUCTED_FLOW);
1414                 need_to_reconstruct = true
1415             }
1416         }
1418         if need_to_reconstruct {
1419             return false
1420         }
1422         if node.restyle_damage().contains(ServoRestyleDamage::RECONSTRUCT_FLOW) {
1423             return false
1424         }
1426         let mut set_has_newly_constructed_flow_flag = false;
1427         let result = {
1428             let style = node.style(self.style_context());
1430             if style.can_be_fragmented() || style.is_multicol() {
1431                 return false
1432             }
1434             let damage = node.restyle_damage();
1435             let mut data = node.mutate_layout_data().unwrap();
1437             match *node.construction_result_mut(&mut *data) {
1438                 ConstructionResult::None => true,
1439                 ConstructionResult::Flow(ref mut flow, _) => {
1440                     // The node's flow is of the same type and has the same set of children and can
1441                     // therefore be repaired by simply propagating damage and style to the flow.
1442                     if !flow.is_block_flow() {
1443                         return false
1444                     }
1446                     let flow = FlowRef::deref_mut(flow);
1447                     flow.mut_base().restyle_damage.insert(damage);
1448                     flow.repair_style_and_bubble_inline_sizes(&style);
1449                     true
1450                 }
1451                 ConstructionResult::ConstructionItem(ConstructionItem::InlineFragments(
1452                         ref mut inline_fragments_construction_result)) => {
1453                     if !inline_fragments_construction_result.splits.is_empty() {
1454                         return false
1455                     }
1457                     for fragment in inline_fragments_construction_result.fragments
1458                                                                         .fragments
1459                                                                         .iter_mut() {
1460                         // Only mutate the styles of fragments that represent the dirty node (including
1461                         // pseudo-element).
1462                         if fragment.node != node.opaque() {
1463                             continue
1464                         }
1465                         if fragment.pseudo != node.get_pseudo_element_type() {
1466                             continue
1467                         }
1469                         match fragment.specific {
1470                             SpecificFragmentInfo::InlineBlock(ref mut inline_block_fragment) => {
1471                                 let flow_ref = FlowRef::deref_mut(&mut inline_block_fragment.flow_ref);
1472                                 flow_ref.mut_base().restyle_damage.insert(damage);
1473                                 // FIXME(pcwalton): Fragment restyle damage too?
1474                                 flow_ref.repair_style_and_bubble_inline_sizes(&style);
1475                             }
1476                             SpecificFragmentInfo::InlineAbsoluteHypothetical(
1477                                     ref mut inline_absolute_hypothetical_fragment) => {
1478                                 let flow_ref = FlowRef::deref_mut(
1479                                     &mut inline_absolute_hypothetical_fragment.flow_ref);
1480                                 flow_ref.mut_base().restyle_damage.insert(damage);
1481                                 // FIXME(pcwalton): Fragment restyle damage too?
1482                                 flow_ref.repair_style_and_bubble_inline_sizes(&style);
1483                             }
1484                             SpecificFragmentInfo::InlineAbsolute(ref mut inline_absolute_fragment) => {
1485                                 let flow_ref = FlowRef::deref_mut(
1486                                     &mut inline_absolute_fragment.flow_ref);
1487                                 flow_ref.mut_base().restyle_damage.insert(damage);
1488                                 // FIXME(pcwalton): Fragment restyle damage too?
1489                                 flow_ref.repair_style_and_bubble_inline_sizes(&style);
1490                             }
1491                             SpecificFragmentInfo::ScannedText(_) => {
1492                                 // Text fragments in ConstructionResult haven't been scanned yet
1493                                 unreachable!()
1494                             }
1495                             SpecificFragmentInfo::GeneratedContent(_) |
1496                             SpecificFragmentInfo::UnscannedText(_) => {
1497                                 // We can't repair this unscanned text; we need to update the
1498                                 // scanned text fragments.
1499                                 //
1500                                 // TODO: Add code to find and repair the ScannedText fragments?
1501                                 return false
1502                             }
1503                             _ => {
1504                                 fragment.repair_style(&style);
1505                                 set_has_newly_constructed_flow_flag = true;
1506                             }
1507                         }
1508                     }
1509                     true
1510                 }
1511                 ConstructionResult::ConstructionItem(_) => {
1512                     false
1513                 }
1514             }
1515         };
1516         if set_has_newly_constructed_flow_flag {
1517             node.insert_flags(LayoutDataFlags::HAS_NEWLY_CONSTRUCTED_FLOW);
1518         }
1519         return result;
1520     }
1521 }
1523 impl<'a, ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode> PostorderNodeMutTraversal<ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode>
1524                                        for FlowConstructor<'a, ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode>
1525                                        where ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode: ThreadSafeLayoutNode {
1526     // Construct Flow based on 'display', 'position', and 'float' values.
1527     //
1528     // CSS 2.1 Section 9.7
1529     //
1530     // TODO: This should actually consult the table in that section to get the
1531     // final computed value for 'display'.
process(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode)1532     fn process(&mut self, node: &ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode) {
1533         node.insert_flags(LayoutDataFlags::HAS_NEWLY_CONSTRUCTED_FLOW);
1535         let style = node.style(self.style_context());
1537         // Bail out if this node has an ancestor with display: none.
1538         if style.is_in_display_none_subtree() {
1539             self.set_flow_construction_result(node, ConstructionResult::None);
1540             return;
1541         }
1543         // Get the `display` property for this node, and determine whether this node is floated.
1544         let (display, float, positioning) = match node.type_id() {
1545             None => {
1546                 // Pseudo-element.
1547                 (style.get_box().display, style.get_box().float, style.get_box().position)
1548             }
1549             Some(LayoutNodeType::Element(_)) => {
1550                 let original_display = style.get_box().original_display;
1551                 // FIXME(emilio, #19771): This munged_display business is pretty
1552                 // wrong. After we fix this we should be able to unify the
1553                 // pseudo-element path too.
1554                 let munged_display = match original_display {
1555                     Display::Inline | Display::InlineBlock => original_display,
1556                     _ => style.get_box().display,
1557                 };
1558                 (munged_display, style.get_box().float, style.get_box().position)
1559             }
1560             Some(LayoutNodeType::Text) =>
1561                 (Display::Inline, Float::None, Position::Static),
1562         };
1564         debug!("building flow for node: {:?} {:?} {:?} {:?}", display, float, positioning, node.type_id());
1566         // Switch on display and floatedness.
1567         match (display, float, positioning) {
1568             // `display: none` contributes no flow construction result.
1569             (Display::None, _, _) => {
1570                 self.set_flow_construction_result(node, ConstructionResult::None);
1571             }
1573             // Table items contribute table flow construction results.
1574             (Display::Table, float_value, _) => {
1575                 let construction_result = self.build_flow_for_table(node, float_value);
1576                 self.set_flow_construction_result(node, construction_result)
1577             }
1579             // Absolutely positioned elements will have computed value of
1580             // `float` as 'none' and `display` as per the table.
1581             // Only match here for block items. If an item is absolutely
1582             // positioned, but inline we shouldn't try to construct a block
1583             // flow here - instead, let it match the inline case
1584             // below.
1585             (Display::Block, _, Position::Absolute) |
1586             (Display::Block, _, Position::Fixed) => {
1587                 let construction_result = self.build_flow_for_block(node, None);
1588                 self.set_flow_construction_result(node, construction_result)
1589             }
1591             // List items contribute their own special flows.
1592             (Display::ListItem, float_value, _) => {
1593                 let construction_result = self.build_flow_for_list_item(node, float_value);
1594                 self.set_flow_construction_result(node, construction_result)
1595             }
1597             // Inline items that are absolutely-positioned contribute inline fragment construction
1598             // results with a hypothetical fragment.
1599             (Display::Inline, _, Position::Absolute) |
1600             (Display::InlineBlock, _, Position::Absolute) => {
1601                 let construction_result =
1602                     self.build_fragment_for_absolutely_positioned_inline(node);
1603                 self.set_flow_construction_result(node, construction_result)
1604             }
1606             // Inline items contribute inline fragment construction results.
1607             //
1608             // FIXME(pcwalton, #3307): This is not sufficient to handle floated generated content.
1609             (Display::Inline, Float::None, _) => {
1610                 let construction_result = self.build_fragments_for_inline(node);
1611                 self.set_flow_construction_result(node, construction_result)
1612             }
1614             // Inline-block items contribute inline fragment construction results.
1615             (Display::InlineBlock, Float::None, _) => {
1616                 let construction_result = self.build_fragment_for_inline_block_or_inline_flex(node,
1617                                                                                               Display::InlineBlock);
1618                 self.set_flow_construction_result(node, construction_result)
1619             }
1621             // Table items contribute table flow construction results.
1622             (Display::TableCaption, _, _) => {
1623                 let construction_result = self.build_flow_for_table_caption(node);
1624                 self.set_flow_construction_result(node, construction_result)
1625             }
1627             // Table items contribute table flow construction results.
1628             (Display::TableColumnGroup, _, _) => {
1629                 let construction_result = self.build_flow_for_table_colgroup(node);
1630                 self.set_flow_construction_result(node, construction_result)
1631             }
1633             // Table items contribute table flow construction results.
1634             (Display::TableColumn, _, _) => {
1635                 let construction_result = self.build_fragments_for_table_column(node);
1636                 self.set_flow_construction_result(node, construction_result)
1637             }
1639             // Table items contribute table flow construction results.
1640             (Display::TableRowGroup, _, _) |
1641             (Display::TableHeaderGroup, _, _) |
1642             (Display::TableFooterGroup, _, _) => {
1643                 let construction_result = self.build_flow_for_table_rowgroup(node);
1644                 self.set_flow_construction_result(node, construction_result)
1645             }
1647             // Table items contribute table flow construction results.
1648             (Display::TableRow, _, _) => {
1649                 let construction_result = self.build_flow_for_table_row(node);
1650                 self.set_flow_construction_result(node, construction_result)
1651             }
1653             // Table items contribute table flow construction results.
1654             (Display::TableCell, _, _) => {
1655                 let construction_result = self.build_flow_for_table_cell(node);
1656                 self.set_flow_construction_result(node, construction_result)
1657             }
1659             // Flex items contribute flex flow construction results.
1660             (Display::Flex, float_value, _) => {
1661                 let float_kind = FloatKind::from_property(float_value);
1662                 let construction_result = self.build_flow_for_flex(node, float_kind);
1663                 self.set_flow_construction_result(node, construction_result)
1664             }
1666             (Display::InlineFlex, _, _) => {
1667                 let construction_result = self.build_fragment_for_inline_block_or_inline_flex(node,
1668                                                                                               Display::InlineFlex);
1669                 self.set_flow_construction_result(node, construction_result)
1670             }
1672             // Block flows that are not floated contribute block flow construction results.
1673             //
1674             // TODO(pcwalton): Make this only trigger for blocks and handle the other `display`
1675             // properties separately.
1677             (_, float_value, _) => {
1678                 let float_kind = FloatKind::from_property(float_value);
1679                 let construction_result = self.build_flow_for_block(node, float_kind);
1680                 self.set_flow_construction_result(node, construction_result)
1681             }
1682         }
1683     }
1684 }
1686 /// A utility trait with some useful methods for node queries.
1687 trait NodeUtils {
1688     /// Returns true if this node doesn't render its kids and false otherwise.
is_replaced_content(&self) -> bool1689     fn is_replaced_content(&self) -> bool;
construction_result_mut(self, layout_data: &mut LayoutData) -> &mut ConstructionResult1691     fn construction_result_mut(self, layout_data: &mut LayoutData) -> &mut ConstructionResult;
1693     /// Sets the construction result of a flow.
set_flow_construction_result(self, result: ConstructionResult)1694     fn set_flow_construction_result(self, result: ConstructionResult);
1696     /// Returns the construction result for this node.
get_construction_result(self) -> ConstructionResult1697     fn get_construction_result(self) -> ConstructionResult;
1698 }
1700 impl<ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode> NodeUtils for ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode
1701                                              where ConcreteThreadSafeLayoutNode: ThreadSafeLayoutNode {
is_replaced_content(&self) -> bool1702     fn is_replaced_content(&self) -> bool {
1703         match self.type_id() {
1704             Some(LayoutNodeType::Text) |
1705             Some(LayoutNodeType::Element(LayoutElementType::HTMLImageElement)) |
1706             Some(LayoutNodeType::Element(LayoutElementType::HTMLIFrameElement)) |
1707             Some(LayoutNodeType::Element(LayoutElementType::HTMLCanvasElement)) |
1708             Some(LayoutNodeType::Element(LayoutElementType::SVGSVGElement)) => true,
1709             Some(LayoutNodeType::Element(LayoutElementType::HTMLObjectElement)) => self.has_object_data(),
1710             Some(LayoutNodeType::Element(_)) => false,
1711             None => self.get_pseudo_element_type().is_replaced_content(),
1712         }
1713     }
construction_result_mut(self, data: &mut LayoutData) -> &mut ConstructionResult1715     fn construction_result_mut(self, data: &mut LayoutData) -> &mut ConstructionResult {
1716         match self.get_pseudo_element_type() {
1717             PseudoElementType::Before => &mut data.before_flow_construction_result,
1718             PseudoElementType::After => &mut data.after_flow_construction_result,
1719             PseudoElementType::DetailsSummary => &mut data.details_summary_flow_construction_result,
1720             PseudoElementType::DetailsContent => &mut data.details_content_flow_construction_result,
1721             PseudoElementType::Normal    => &mut data.flow_construction_result,
1722         }
1723     }
1725     #[inline(always)]
set_flow_construction_result(self, result: ConstructionResult)1726     fn set_flow_construction_result(self, result: ConstructionResult) {
1727         let mut layout_data = self.mutate_layout_data().unwrap();
1728         let dst = self.construction_result_mut(&mut *layout_data);
1729         *dst = result;
1730     }
1732     #[inline(always)]
get_construction_result(self) -> ConstructionResult1733     fn get_construction_result(self) -> ConstructionResult {
1734         let mut layout_data = self.mutate_layout_data().unwrap();
1735         self.construction_result_mut(&mut *layout_data).get()
1736     }
1737 }
1739 /// Methods for interacting with HTMLObjectElement nodes
1740 trait ObjectElement {
1741     /// Returns true if this node has object data that is correct uri.
has_object_data(&self) -> bool1742     fn has_object_data(&self) -> bool;
1744     /// Returns the "data" attribute value parsed as a URL
object_data(&self) -> Option<ServoUrl>1745     fn object_data(&self) -> Option<ServoUrl>;
1746 }
1748 impl<N> ObjectElement for N  where N: ThreadSafeLayoutNode {
has_object_data(&self) -> bool1749     fn has_object_data(&self) -> bool {
1750         let elem = self.as_element().unwrap();
1751         let type_and_data = (
1752             elem.get_attr(&ns!(), &local_name!("type")),
1753             elem.get_attr(&ns!(), &local_name!("data")),
1754         );
1755         match type_and_data {
1756             (None, Some(uri)) => is_image_data(uri),
1757             _ => false
1758         }
1759     }
object_data(&self) -> Option<ServoUrl>1761     fn object_data(&self) -> Option<ServoUrl> {
1762         let elem = self.as_element().unwrap();
1763         let type_and_data = (
1764             elem.get_attr(&ns!(), &local_name!("type")),
1765             elem.get_attr(&ns!(), &local_name!("data")),
1766         );
1767         match type_and_data {
1768             (None, Some(uri)) if is_image_data(uri) => ServoUrl::parse(uri).ok(),
1769             _ => None
1770         }
1771     }
1772 }
1774 // This must not be public because only the layout constructor can call these
1775 // methods.
1776 trait FlowConstructionUtils {
1777     /// Adds a new flow as a child of this flow. Removes the flow from the given leaf set if
1778     /// it's present.
add_new_child(&mut self, new_child: FlowRef)1779     fn add_new_child(&mut self, new_child: FlowRef);
1781     /// Finishes a flow. Once a flow is finished, no more child flows or boxes may be added to it.
1782     /// This will normally run the bubble-inline-sizes (minimum and preferred -- i.e. intrinsic --
1783     /// inline-size) calculation, unless the global `bubble_inline-sizes_separately` flag is on.
1784     ///
1785     /// All flows must be finished at some point, or they will not have their intrinsic inline-
1786     /// sizes properly computed. (This is not, however, a memory safety problem.)
finish(&mut self)1787     fn finish(&mut self);
1788 }
1790 impl FlowConstructionUtils for FlowRef {
1791     /// Adds a new flow as a child of this flow. Fails if this flow is marked as a leaf.
add_new_child(&mut self, mut new_child: FlowRef)1792     fn add_new_child(&mut self, mut new_child: FlowRef) {
1793         {
1794             let kid_base = FlowRef::deref_mut(&mut new_child).mut_base();
1795             kid_base.parallel.parent = parallel::mut_owned_flow_to_unsafe_flow(self);
1796         }
1798         let base = FlowRef::deref_mut(self).mut_base();
1799         base.children.push_back(new_child);
1800         let _ = base.parallel.children_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
1801     }
1803     /// Finishes a flow. Once a flow is finished, no more child flows or fragments may be added to
1804     /// it. This will normally run the bubble-inline-sizes (minimum and preferred -- i.e. intrinsic
1805     /// -- inline-size) calculation, unless the global `bubble_inline-sizes_separately` flag is on.
1806     ///
1807     /// All flows must be finished at some point, or they will not have their intrinsic inline-sizes
1808     /// properly computed. (This is not, however, a memory safety problem.)
finish(&mut self)1809     fn finish(&mut self) {
1810         if !opts::get().bubble_inline_sizes_separately {
1811             FlowRef::deref_mut(self).bubble_inline_sizes();
1812             FlowRef::deref_mut(self).mut_base().restyle_damage.remove(ServoRestyleDamage::BUBBLE_ISIZES);
1813         }
1814     }
1815 }
1817 /// Strips ignorable whitespace from the start of a list of fragments.
strip_ignorable_whitespace_from_start(this: &mut LinkedList<Fragment>)1818 pub fn strip_ignorable_whitespace_from_start(this: &mut LinkedList<Fragment>) {
1819     if this.is_empty() {
1820         return   // Fast path.
1821     }
1823     let mut leading_fragments_consisting_of_solely_bidi_control_characters = LinkedList::new();
1824     while !this.is_empty() {
1825         match this.front_mut().as_mut().unwrap().strip_leading_whitespace_if_necessary() {
1826             WhitespaceStrippingResult::RetainFragment => break,
1827             WhitespaceStrippingResult::FragmentContainedOnlyBidiControlCharacters => {
1828                 leading_fragments_consisting_of_solely_bidi_control_characters.push_back(
1829                     this.pop_front().unwrap())
1830             }
1831             WhitespaceStrippingResult::FragmentContainedOnlyWhitespace => {
1832                 let removed_fragment = this.pop_front().unwrap();
1833                 if let Some(ref mut remaining_fragment) = this.front_mut() {
1834                     remaining_fragment.meld_with_prev_inline_fragment(&removed_fragment);
1835                 }
1836             }
1837         }
1838     }
1839     prepend_from(this, &mut leading_fragments_consisting_of_solely_bidi_control_characters);
1840 }
1842 /// Strips ignorable whitespace from the end of a list of fragments.
strip_ignorable_whitespace_from_end(this: &mut LinkedList<Fragment>)1843 pub fn strip_ignorable_whitespace_from_end(this: &mut LinkedList<Fragment>) {
1844     if this.is_empty() {
1845         return
1846     }
1848     let mut trailing_fragments_consisting_of_solely_bidi_control_characters = LinkedList::new();
1849     while !this.is_empty() {
1850         match this.back_mut().as_mut().unwrap().strip_trailing_whitespace_if_necessary() {
1851             WhitespaceStrippingResult::RetainFragment => break,
1852             WhitespaceStrippingResult::FragmentContainedOnlyBidiControlCharacters => {
1853                 trailing_fragments_consisting_of_solely_bidi_control_characters.push_front(
1854                     this.pop_back().unwrap())
1855             }
1856             WhitespaceStrippingResult::FragmentContainedOnlyWhitespace => {
1857                 let removed_fragment = this.pop_back().unwrap();
1858                 if let Some(ref mut remaining_fragment) = this.back_mut() {
1859                     remaining_fragment.meld_with_next_inline_fragment(&removed_fragment);
1860                 }
1861             }
1862         }
1863     }
1864     this.append(&mut trailing_fragments_consisting_of_solely_bidi_control_characters);
1865 }
1867 /// If the 'unicode-bidi' property has a value other than 'normal', return the bidi control codes
1868 /// to inject before and after the text content of the element.
bidi_control_chars(style: &ServoArc<ComputedValues>) -> Option<(&'static str, &'static str)>1869 fn bidi_control_chars(style: &ServoArc<ComputedValues>) -> Option<(&'static str, &'static str)> {
1870     use style::computed_values::direction::T::*;
1871     use style::computed_values::unicode_bidi::T::*;
1873     let unicode_bidi = style.get_text().unicode_bidi;
1874     let direction = style.get_inheritedbox().direction;
1876     // See the table in http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-writing-modes/#unicode-bidi
1877     match (unicode_bidi, direction) {
1878         (Normal, _)             => None,
1879         (Embed, Ltr)            => Some(("\u{202A}", "\u{202C}")),
1880         (Embed, Rtl)            => Some(("\u{202B}", "\u{202C}")),
1881         (Isolate, Ltr)          => Some(("\u{2066}", "\u{2069}")),
1882         (Isolate, Rtl)          => Some(("\u{2067}", "\u{2069}")),
1883         (BidiOverride, Ltr)     => Some(("\u{202D}", "\u{202C}")),
1884         (BidiOverride, Rtl)     => Some(("\u{202E}", "\u{202C}")),
1885         (IsolateOverride, Ltr)  => Some(("\u{2068}\u{202D}", "\u{202C}\u{2069}")),
1886         (IsolateOverride, Rtl)  => Some(("\u{2068}\u{202E}", "\u{202C}\u{2069}")),
1887         (Plaintext, _)          => Some(("\u{2068}", "\u{2069}")),
1888     }
1889 }
control_chars_to_fragment<E>( node: &InlineFragmentNodeInfo, context: &SharedStyleContext, text: &str, restyle_damage: RestyleDamage, ) -> Fragment where E: TElement,1891 fn control_chars_to_fragment<E>(
1892     node: &InlineFragmentNodeInfo,
1893     context: &SharedStyleContext,
1894     text: &str,
1895     restyle_damage: RestyleDamage,
1896 ) -> Fragment
1897 where
1898     E: TElement,
1899 {
1900     let info = SpecificFragmentInfo::UnscannedText(
1901         Box::new(UnscannedTextFragmentInfo::new(Box::<str>::from(text), None))
1902     );
1903     let text_style = context.stylist.style_for_anonymous::<E>(
1904         &context.guards,
1905         &PseudoElement::ServoText,
1906         &node.style,
1907     );
1909     Fragment::from_opaque_node_and_style(node.address,
1910                                          node.pseudo,
1911                                          text_style,
1912                                          node.selected_style.clone(),
1913                                          restyle_damage,
1914                                          info)
1915 }
1917 /// Convenience methods for computed CSS values
1918 trait ComputedValueUtils {
1919     /// Returns true if this node has non-zero padding or border.
has_padding_or_border(&self) -> bool1920     fn has_padding_or_border(&self) -> bool;
1921 }
1923 impl ComputedValueUtils for ComputedValues {
has_padding_or_border(&self) -> bool1924     fn has_padding_or_border(&self) -> bool {
1925         let padding = self.get_padding();
1926         let border = self.get_border();
1928         !padding.padding_top.is_definitely_zero() ||
1929            !padding.padding_right.is_definitely_zero() ||
1930            !padding.padding_bottom.is_definitely_zero() ||
1931            !padding.padding_left.is_definitely_zero() ||
1932            border.border_top_width.px() != 0. ||
1933            border.border_right_width.px() != 0. ||
1934            border.border_bottom_width.px() != 0. ||
1935            border.border_left_width.px() != 0.
1936     }
1937 }
1939 /// Maintains a stack of anonymous boxes needed to ensure that the flow tree is *legal*. The tree
1940 /// is legal if it follows the rules in CSS 2.1 § 17.2.1.
1941 ///
1942 /// As an example, the legalizer makes sure that table row flows contain only table cells. If the
1943 /// flow constructor attempts to place, say, a block flow directly underneath the table row, the
1944 /// legalizer generates an anonymous table cell in between to hold the block.
1945 ///
1946 /// Generally, the flow constructor should use `Legalizer::add_child()` instead of calling
1947 /// `Flow::add_new_child()` directly. This ensures that the flow tree remains legal at all times
1948 /// and centralizes the anonymous flow generation logic in one place.
1949 struct Legalizer {
1950     /// A stack of anonymous flows that have yet to be finalized (i.e. that still could acquire new
1951     /// children).
1952     stack: Vec<FlowRef>,
1953 }
1955 impl Legalizer {
1956     /// Creates a new legalizer.
new() -> Legalizer1957     fn new() -> Legalizer {
1958         Legalizer {
1959             stack: vec![],
1960         }
1961     }
1963     /// Makes the `child` flow a new child of `parent`. Anonymous flows are automatically inserted
1964     /// to keep the tree legal.
add_child<E>( &mut self, context: &SharedStyleContext, parent: &mut FlowRef, mut child: FlowRef, ) where E: TElement,1965     fn add_child<E>(
1966         &mut self,
1967         context: &SharedStyleContext,
1968         parent: &mut FlowRef,
1969         mut child: FlowRef,
1970     )
1971     where
1972         E: TElement,
1973     {
1974         while !self.stack.is_empty() {
1975             if self.try_to_add_child::<E>(context, parent, &mut child) {
1976                 return
1977             }
1978             self.flush_top_of_stack(parent)
1979         }
1981         while !self.try_to_add_child::<E>(context, parent, &mut child) {
1982             self.push_next_anonymous_flow::<E>(context, parent)
1983         }
1984     }
1986     /// Flushes all flows we've been gathering up.
finish(mut self, parent: &mut FlowRef)1987     fn finish(mut self, parent: &mut FlowRef) {
1988         while !self.stack.is_empty() {
1989             self.flush_top_of_stack(parent)
1990         }
1991     }
1993     /// Attempts to make `child` a child of `parent`. On success, this returns true. If this would
1994     /// make the tree illegal, this method does nothing and returns false.
1995     ///
1996     /// This method attempts to create anonymous blocks in between `parent` and `child` if and only
1997     /// if those blocks will only ever have `child` as their sole child. At present, this is only
1998     /// true for anonymous block children of flex flows.
try_to_add_child<E>( &mut self, context: &SharedStyleContext, parent: &mut FlowRef, child: &mut FlowRef, ) -> bool where E: TElement,1999     fn try_to_add_child<E>(
2000         &mut self,
2001         context: &SharedStyleContext,
2002         parent: &mut FlowRef,
2003         child: &mut FlowRef,
2004     ) -> bool
2005     where
2006         E: TElement,
2007     {
2008         let parent = self.stack.last_mut().unwrap_or(parent);
2009         let (parent_class, child_class) = (parent.class(), child.class());
2010         match (parent_class, child_class) {
2011             (FlowClass::TableWrapper, FlowClass::Table) |
2012             (FlowClass::Table, FlowClass::TableColGroup) |
2013             (FlowClass::Table, FlowClass::TableRowGroup) |
2014             (FlowClass::Table, FlowClass::TableRow) |
2015             (FlowClass::Table, FlowClass::TableCaption) |
2016             (FlowClass::TableRowGroup, FlowClass::TableRow) |
2017             (FlowClass::TableRow, FlowClass::TableCell) => {
2018                 parent.add_new_child((*child).clone());
2019                 true
2020             }
2022             (FlowClass::TableWrapper, _) |
2023             (FlowClass::Table, _) |
2024             (FlowClass::TableRowGroup, _) |
2025             (FlowClass::TableRow, _) |
2026             (_, FlowClass::Table) |
2027             (_, FlowClass::TableColGroup) |
2028             (_, FlowClass::TableRowGroup) |
2029             (_, FlowClass::TableRow) |
2030             (_, FlowClass::TableCaption) |
2031             (_, FlowClass::TableCell) => {
2032                 false
2033             }
2035             (FlowClass::Flex, FlowClass::Inline) => {
2036                 FlowRef::deref_mut(child).mut_base().flags.insert(FlowFlags::MARGINS_CANNOT_COLLAPSE);
2037                 let mut block_wrapper = Legalizer::create_anonymous_flow::<E, _>(
2038                     context,
2039                     parent,
2040                     &[PseudoElement::ServoAnonymousBlock],
2041                     SpecificFragmentInfo::Generic,
2042                     BlockFlow::from_fragment,
2043                 );
2045                 {
2046                     let flag = if parent.as_flex().main_mode() == Direction::Inline {
2047                         FragmentFlags::IS_INLINE_FLEX_ITEM
2048                     } else {
2049                         FragmentFlags::IS_BLOCK_FLEX_ITEM
2050                     };
2051                     let block = FlowRef::deref_mut(&mut block_wrapper).as_mut_block();
2052                     block.base.flags.insert(FlowFlags::MARGINS_CANNOT_COLLAPSE);
2053                     block.fragment.flags.insert(flag);
2054                 }
2055                 block_wrapper.add_new_child((*child).clone());
2056                 block_wrapper.finish();
2057                 parent.add_new_child(block_wrapper);
2058                 true
2059             }
2061             (FlowClass::Flex, _) => {
2062                 {
2063                     let flag = if parent.as_flex().main_mode() == Direction::Inline {
2064                         FragmentFlags::IS_INLINE_FLEX_ITEM
2065                     } else {
2066                         FragmentFlags::IS_BLOCK_FLEX_ITEM
2067                     };
2068                     let block = FlowRef::deref_mut(child).as_mut_block();
2069                     block.base.flags.insert(FlowFlags::MARGINS_CANNOT_COLLAPSE);
2070                     block.fragment.flags.insert(flag);
2071                 }
2072                 parent.add_new_child((*child).clone());
2073                 true
2074             }
2076             _ => {
2077                 parent.add_new_child((*child).clone());
2078                 true
2079             }
2080         }
2081     }
2083     /// Finalizes the flow on the top of the stack.
flush_top_of_stack(&mut self, parent: &mut FlowRef)2084     fn flush_top_of_stack(&mut self, parent: &mut FlowRef) {
2085         let mut child = self.stack.pop().expect("flush_top_of_stack(): stack empty");
2086         child.finish();
2087         self.stack.last_mut().unwrap_or(parent).add_new_child(child)
2088     }
2090     /// Adds the anonymous flow that would be necessary to make an illegal child of `parent` legal
2091     /// to the stack.
push_next_anonymous_flow<E>( &mut self, context: &SharedStyleContext, parent: &FlowRef, ) where E: TElement,2092     fn push_next_anonymous_flow<E>(
2093         &mut self,
2094         context: &SharedStyleContext,
2095         parent: &FlowRef,
2096     )
2097     where
2098         E: TElement,
2099     {
2100         let parent_class = self.stack.last().unwrap_or(parent).class();
2101         match parent_class {
2102             FlowClass::TableRow => {
2103                 self.push_new_anonymous_flow::<E, _>(
2104                     context,
2105                     parent,
2106                     &[PseudoElement::ServoAnonymousTableCell],
2107                     SpecificFragmentInfo::TableCell,
2108                     TableCellFlow::from_fragment,
2109                 )
2110             }
2111             FlowClass::Table | FlowClass::TableRowGroup => {
2112                 self.push_new_anonymous_flow::<E, _>(
2113                     context,
2114                     parent,
2115                     &[PseudoElement::ServoAnonymousTableRow],
2116                     SpecificFragmentInfo::TableRow,
2117                     TableRowFlow::from_fragment,
2118                 )
2119             }
2120             FlowClass::TableWrapper => {
2121                 self.push_new_anonymous_flow::<E, _>(
2122                     context,
2123                     parent,
2124                     &[PseudoElement::ServoAnonymousTable],
2125                     SpecificFragmentInfo::Table,
2126                     TableFlow::from_fragment,
2127                 )
2128             }
2129             _ => {
2130                 self.push_new_anonymous_flow::<E, _>(
2131                     context,
2132                     parent,
2133                     &[PseudoElement::ServoTableWrapper,
2134                     PseudoElement::ServoAnonymousTableWrapper],
2135                     SpecificFragmentInfo::TableWrapper,
2136                     TableWrapperFlow::from_fragment,
2137                 )
2138             }
2139         }
2140     }
2142     /// Creates an anonymous flow and pushes it onto the stack.
push_new_anonymous_flow<E, F>( &mut self, context: &SharedStyleContext, reference: &FlowRef, pseudos: &[PseudoElement], specific_fragment_info: SpecificFragmentInfo, constructor: extern "Rust" fn(Fragment) -> F, ) where E: TElement, F: Flow,2143     fn push_new_anonymous_flow<E, F>(
2144         &mut self,
2145         context: &SharedStyleContext,
2146         reference: &FlowRef,
2147         pseudos: &[PseudoElement],
2148         specific_fragment_info: SpecificFragmentInfo,
2149         constructor: extern "Rust" fn(Fragment) -> F,
2150     )
2151     where
2152         E: TElement,
2153         F: Flow,
2154     {
2155         let new_flow = Self::create_anonymous_flow::<E, _>(
2156             context,
2157             reference,
2158             pseudos,
2159             specific_fragment_info,
2160             constructor,
2161         );
2162         self.stack.push(new_flow)
2163     }
2165     /// Creates a new anonymous flow. The new flow is identical to `reference` except with all
2166     /// styles applying to every pseudo-element in `pseudos` applied.
2167     ///
2168     /// This method invokes the supplied constructor function on the given specific fragment info
2169     /// in order to actually generate the flow.
create_anonymous_flow<E, F>( context: &SharedStyleContext, reference: &FlowRef, pseudos: &[PseudoElement], specific_fragment_info: SpecificFragmentInfo, constructor: extern "Rust" fn(Fragment) -> F, ) -> FlowRef where E: TElement, F: Flow,2170     fn create_anonymous_flow<E, F>(
2171         context: &SharedStyleContext,
2172         reference: &FlowRef,
2173         pseudos: &[PseudoElement],
2174         specific_fragment_info: SpecificFragmentInfo,
2175         constructor: extern "Rust" fn(Fragment) -> F,
2176     ) -> FlowRef
2177     where
2178         E: TElement,
2179         F: Flow,
2180     {
2181         let reference_block = reference.as_block();
2182         let mut new_style = reference_block.fragment.style.clone();
2183         for pseudo in pseudos {
2184             new_style = context.stylist.style_for_anonymous::<E>(
2185                 &context.guards,
2186                 pseudo,
2187                 &new_style,
2188             );
2189         }
2190         let fragment =
2191             reference_block.fragment.create_similar_anonymous_fragment(
2192                 new_style,
2193                 specific_fragment_info,
2194             );
2195         FlowRef::new(Arc::new(constructor(fragment)))
2196     }
2197 }