1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
3# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
5# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
6# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
7"""Generic config parsing and dumping, the way I remember it from scripts
8gone by.
10The config should be built from script-level defaults, overlaid by
11config-file defaults, overlaid by command line options.
13  (For buildbot-analogues that would be factory-level defaults,
14   builder-level defaults, and build request/scheduler settings.)
16The config should then be locked (set to read-only, to prevent runtime
17alterations).  Afterwards we should dump the config to a file that is
18uploaded with the build, and can be used to debug or replicate the build
19at a later time.
23* check_required_settings or something -- run at init, assert that
24  these settings are set.
27from copy import deepcopy
28from optparse import OptionParser, Option, OptionGroup
29import os
30import sys
31import urllib2
32import socket
33import time
35    import simplejson as json
36except ImportError:
37    import json
39from mozharness.base.log import DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL
42# optparse {{{1
43class ExtendedOptionParser(OptionParser):
44    """OptionParser, but with ExtendOption as the option_class.
45    """
46    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
47        kwargs['option_class'] = ExtendOption
48        OptionParser.__init__(self, **kwargs)
51class ExtendOption(Option):
52    """from http://docs.python.org/library/optparse.html?highlight=optparse#adding-new-actions"""
53    ACTIONS = Option.ACTIONS + ("extend",)
54    STORE_ACTIONS = Option.STORE_ACTIONS + ("extend",)
55    TYPED_ACTIONS = Option.TYPED_ACTIONS + ("extend",)
58    def take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser):
59        if action == "extend":
60            lvalue = value.split(",")
61            values.ensure_value(dest, []).extend(lvalue)
62        else:
63            Option.take_action(
64                self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser)
67def make_immutable(item):
68    if isinstance(item, list) or isinstance(item, tuple):
69        result = LockedTuple(item)
70    elif isinstance(item, dict):
71        result = ReadOnlyDict(item)
72        result.lock()
73    else:
74        result = item
75    return result
78class LockedTuple(tuple):
79    def __new__(cls, items):
80        return tuple.__new__(cls, (make_immutable(x) for x in items))
82    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
83        return [deepcopy(elem, memo) for elem in self]
86# ReadOnlyDict {{{1
87class ReadOnlyDict(dict):
88    def __init__(self, dictionary):
89        self._lock = False
90        self.update(dictionary.copy())
92    def _check_lock(self):
93        assert not self._lock, "ReadOnlyDict is locked!"
95    def lock(self):
96        for (k, v) in self.items():
97            self[k] = make_immutable(v)
98        self._lock = True
100    def __setitem__(self, *args):
101        self._check_lock()
102        return dict.__setitem__(self, *args)
104    def __delitem__(self, *args):
105        self._check_lock()
106        return dict.__delitem__(self, *args)
108    def clear(self, *args):
109        self._check_lock()
110        return dict.clear(self, *args)
112    def pop(self, *args):
113        self._check_lock()
114        return dict.pop(self, *args)
116    def popitem(self, *args):
117        self._check_lock()
118        return dict.popitem(self, *args)
120    def setdefault(self, *args):
121        self._check_lock()
122        return dict.setdefault(self, *args)
124    def update(self, *args):
125        self._check_lock()
126        dict.update(self, *args)
128    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
129        cls = self.__class__
130        result = cls.__new__(cls)
131        memo[id(self)] = result
132        for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
133            setattr(result, k, deepcopy(v, memo))
134        result._lock = False
135        for k, v in self.items():
136            result[k] = deepcopy(v, memo)
137        return result
140DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(
141    os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))),
142    "configs",
146# parse_config_file {{{1
147def parse_config_file(file_name, quiet=False, search_path=None,
148                      config_dict_name="config"):
149    """Read a config file and return a dictionary.
150    """
151    file_path = None
152    if os.path.exists(file_name):
153        file_path = file_name
154    else:
155        if not search_path:
156            search_path = ['.', DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH]
157        for path in search_path:
158            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, file_name)):
159                file_path = os.path.join(path, file_name)
160                break
161        else:
162            raise IOError("Can't find %s in %s!" % (file_name, search_path))
163    if file_name.endswith('.py'):
164        global_dict = {}
165        local_dict = {}
166        execfile(file_path, global_dict, local_dict)
167        config = local_dict[config_dict_name]
168    elif file_name.endswith('.json'):
169        fh = open(file_path)
170        config = {}
171        json_config = json.load(fh)
172        config = dict(json_config)
173        fh.close()
174    else:
175        raise RuntimeError(
176            "Unknown config file type %s! (config files must end in .json or .py)" % file_name)
177    # TODO return file_path
178    return config
181def download_config_file(url, file_name):
182    n = 0
183    attempts = 5
184    sleeptime = 60
185    max_sleeptime = 5 * 60
186    while True:
187        if n >= attempts:
188            print "Failed to download from url %s after %d attempts, quiting..." % (url, attempts)
189            raise SystemError(-1)
190        try:
191            contents = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=30).read()
192            break
193        except urllib2.URLError, e:
194            print "Error downloading from url %s: %s" % (url, str(e))
195        except socket.timeout, e:
196            print "Time out accessing %s: %s" % (url, str(e))
197        except socket.error, e:
198            print "Socket error when accessing %s: %s" % (url, str(e))
199        print "Sleeping %d seconds before retrying" % sleeptime
200        time.sleep(sleeptime)
201        sleeptime = sleeptime * 2
202        if sleeptime > max_sleeptime:
203            sleeptime = max_sleeptime
204        n += 1
206    try:
207        f = open(file_name, 'w')
208        f.write(contents)
209        f.close()
210    except IOError, e:
211        print "Error writing downloaded contents to file %s: %s" % (file_name, str(e))
212        raise SystemError(-1)
215# BaseConfig {{{1
216class BaseConfig(object):
217    """Basic config setting/getting.
218    """
219    def __init__(self, config=None, initial_config_file=None, config_options=None,
220                 all_actions=None, default_actions=None,
221                 volatile_config=None, option_args=None,
222                 require_config_file=False,
223                 append_env_variables_from_configs=False,
224                 usage="usage: %prog [options]"):
225        self._config = {}
226        self.all_cfg_files_and_dicts = []
227        self.actions = []
228        self.config_lock = False
229        self.require_config_file = require_config_file
230        # It allows to append env variables from multiple config files
231        self.append_env_variables_from_configs = append_env_variables_from_configs
233        if all_actions:
234            self.all_actions = all_actions[:]
235        else:
236            self.all_actions = ['clobber', 'build']
237        if default_actions:
238            self.default_actions = default_actions[:]
239        else:
240            self.default_actions = self.all_actions[:]
241        if volatile_config is None:
242            self.volatile_config = {
243                'actions': None,
244                'add_actions': None,
245                'no_actions': None,
246            }
247        else:
248            self.volatile_config = deepcopy(volatile_config)
250        if config:
251            self.set_config(config)
252        if initial_config_file:
253            initial_config = parse_config_file(initial_config_file)
254            self.all_cfg_files_and_dicts.append(
255                (initial_config_file, initial_config)
256            )
257            self.set_config(initial_config)
258            # Since initial_config_file is only set when running unit tests,
259            # if no option_args have been specified, then the parser will
260            # parse sys.argv which in this case would be the command line
261            # options specified to run the tests, e.g. nosetests -v. Clearly,
262            # the options passed to nosetests (such as -v) should not be
263            # interpreted by mozharness as mozharness options, so we specify
264            # a dummy command line with no options, so that the parser does
265            # not add anything from the test invocation command line
266            # arguments to the mozharness options.
267            if option_args is None:
268                option_args = ['dummy_mozharness_script_with_no_command_line_options.py']
269        if config_options is None:
270            config_options = []
271        self._create_config_parser(config_options, usage)
272        # we allow manually passing of option args for things like nosetests
273        self.parse_args(args=option_args)
275    def get_read_only_config(self):
276        return ReadOnlyDict(self._config)
278    def _create_config_parser(self, config_options, usage):
279        self.config_parser = ExtendedOptionParser(usage=usage)
280        self.config_parser.add_option(
281            "--work-dir", action="store", dest="work_dir",
282            type="string", default="build",
283            help="Specify the work_dir (subdir of base_work_dir)"
284        )
285        self.config_parser.add_option(
286            "--base-work-dir", action="store", dest="base_work_dir",
287            type="string", default=os.getcwd(),
288            help="Specify the absolute path of the parent of the working directory"
289        )
290        self.config_parser.add_option(
291            "--extra-config-path", action='extend', dest="config_paths",
292            type="string", help="Specify additional paths to search for config files.",
293        )
294        self.config_parser.add_option(
295            "-c", "--config-file", "--cfg", action="extend",
296            dest="config_files", default=[], type="string",
297            help="Specify a config file; can be repeated",
298        )
299        self.config_parser.add_option(
300            "-C", "--opt-config-file", "--opt-cfg", action="extend",
301            dest="opt_config_files", type="string", default=[],
302            help="Specify an optional config file, like --config-file but with no "
303                 "error if the file is missing; can be repeated"
304        )
305        self.config_parser.add_option(
306            "--dump-config", action="store_true",
307            dest="dump_config",
308            help="List and dump the config generated from this run to "
309                 "a JSON file."
310        )
311        self.config_parser.add_option(
312            "--dump-config-hierarchy", action="store_true",
313            dest="dump_config_hierarchy",
314            help="Like --dump-config but will list and dump which config "
315                 "files were used making up the config and specify their own "
316                 "keys/values that were not overwritten by another cfg -- "
317                 "held the highest hierarchy."
318        )
319        self.config_parser.add_option(
320            "--append-env-variables-from-configs", action="store_true",
321            dest="append_env_variables_from_configs",
322            help="Merge environment variables from config files."
323        )
325        # Logging
326        log_option_group = OptionGroup(self.config_parser, "Logging")
327        log_option_group.add_option(
328            "--log-level", action="store",
329            type="choice", dest="log_level", default=INFO,
330            choices=[DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL],
331            help="Set log level (debug|info|warning|error|critical|fatal)"
332        )
333        log_option_group.add_option(
334            "-q", "--quiet", action="store_false", dest="log_to_console",
335            default=True, help="Don't log to the console"
336        )
337        log_option_group.add_option(
338            "--append-to-log", action="store_true",
339            dest="append_to_log", default=False,
340            help="Append to the log"
341        )
342        log_option_group.add_option(
343            "--multi-log", action="store_const", const="multi",
344            dest="log_type", help="Log using MultiFileLogger"
345        )
346        log_option_group.add_option(
347            "--simple-log", action="store_const", const="simple",
348            dest="log_type", help="Log using SimpleFileLogger"
349        )
350        self.config_parser.add_option_group(log_option_group)
352        # Actions
353        action_option_group = OptionGroup(
354            self.config_parser, "Actions",
355            "Use these options to list or enable/disable actions."
356        )
357        action_option_group.add_option(
358            "--list-actions", action="store_true",
359            dest="list_actions",
360            help="List all available actions, then exit"
361        )
362        action_option_group.add_option(
363            "--add-action", action="extend",
364            dest="add_actions", metavar="ACTIONS",
365            help="Add action %s to the list of actions" % self.all_actions
366        )
367        action_option_group.add_option(
368            "--no-action", action="extend",
369            dest="no_actions", metavar="ACTIONS",
370            help="Don't perform action"
371        )
372        for action in self.all_actions:
373            action_option_group.add_option(
374                "--%s" % action, action="append_const",
375                dest="actions", const=action,
376                help="Add %s to the limited list of actions" % action
377            )
378            action_option_group.add_option(
379                "--no-%s" % action, action="append_const",
380                dest="no_actions", const=action,
381                help="Remove %s from the list of actions to perform" % action
382            )
383        self.config_parser.add_option_group(action_option_group)
384        # Child-specified options
385        # TODO error checking for overlapping options
386        if config_options:
387            for option in config_options:
388                self.config_parser.add_option(*option[0], **option[1])
390        # Initial-config-specified options
391        config_options = self._config.get('config_options', None)
392        if config_options:
393            for option in config_options:
394                self.config_parser.add_option(*option[0], **option[1])
396    def set_config(self, config, overwrite=False):
397        """This is probably doable some other way."""
398        if self._config and not overwrite:
399            self._config.update(config)
400        else:
401            self._config = config
402        return self._config
404    def get_actions(self):
405        return self.actions
407    def verify_actions(self, action_list, quiet=False):
408        for action in action_list:
409            if action not in self.all_actions:
410                if not quiet:
411                    print("Invalid action %s not in %s!" % (action,
412                                                            self.all_actions))
413                raise SystemExit(-1)
414        return action_list
416    def verify_actions_order(self, action_list):
417        try:
418            indexes = [self.all_actions.index(elt) for elt in action_list]
419            sorted_indexes = sorted(indexes)
420            for i in range(len(indexes)):
421                if indexes[i] != sorted_indexes[i]:
422                    print(("Action %s comes in different order in %s\n" +
423                           "than in %s") % (action_list[i], action_list, self.all_actions))
424                    raise SystemExit(-1)
425        except ValueError as e:
426            print("Invalid action found: " + str(e))
427            raise SystemExit(-1)
429    def list_actions(self):
430        print "Actions available:"
431        for a in self.all_actions:
432            print "    " + ("*" if a in self.default_actions else " "), a
433        raise SystemExit(0)
435    def get_cfgs_from_files(self, all_config_files, options):
436        """Returns the configuration derived from the list of configuration
437        files.  The result is represented as a list of `(filename,
438        config_dict)` tuples; they will be combined with keys in later
439        dictionaries taking precedence over earlier.
441        `all_config_files` is all files specified with `--config-file` and
442        `--opt-config-file`; `options` is the argparse options object giving
443        access to any other command-line options.
445        This function is also responsible for downloading any configuration
446        files specified by URL.  It uses ``parse_config_file`` in this module
447        to parse individual files.
449        This method can be overridden in a subclass to add extra logic to the
450        way that self.config is made up.  See
451        `mozharness.mozilla.building.buildbase.BuildingConfig` for an example.
452        """
453        config_paths = options.config_paths or ['.']
454        all_cfg_files_and_dicts = []
455        for cf in all_config_files:
456            try:
457                if '://' in cf:  # config file is an url
458                    file_name = os.path.basename(cf)
459                    file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), file_name)
460                    download_config_file(cf, file_path)
461                    all_cfg_files_and_dicts.append(
462                        (file_path, parse_config_file(file_path, search_path=["."]))
463                    )
464                else:
465                    all_cfg_files_and_dicts.append(
466                        (cf, parse_config_file(
467                            cf,
468                            search_path=config_paths + [DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH]
469                        ))
470                    )
471            except Exception:
472                if cf in options.opt_config_files:
473                    print(
474                        "WARNING: optional config file not found %s" % cf
475                    )
476                else:
477                    raise
479        if 'EXTRA_MOZHARNESS_CONFIG' in os.environ:
480            env_config = json.loads(os.environ['EXTRA_MOZHARNESS_CONFIG'])
481            all_cfg_files_and_dicts.append(("[EXTRA_MOZHARENSS_CONFIG]", env_config))
483        return all_cfg_files_and_dicts
485    def parse_args(self, args=None):
486        """Parse command line arguments in a generic way.
487        Return the parser object after adding the basic options, so
488        child objects can manipulate it.
489        """
490        self.command_line = ' '.join(sys.argv)
491        if args is None:
492            args = sys.argv[1:]
493        (options, args) = self.config_parser.parse_args(args)
495        defaults = self.config_parser.defaults.copy()
497        if not options.config_files:
498            if self.require_config_file:
499                if options.list_actions:
500                    self.list_actions()
501                print("Required config file not set! (use --config-file option)")
502                raise SystemExit(-1)
504        # this is what get_cfgs_from_files returns. It will represent each
505        # config file name and its assoctiated dict
506        # eg ('builds/branch_specifics.py', {'foo': 'bar'})
507        # let's store this to self for things like --interpret-config-files
508        self.all_cfg_files_and_dicts.extend(self.get_cfgs_from_files(
509            # append opt_config to allow them to overwrite previous configs
510            options.config_files + options.opt_config_files, options=options
511        ))
512        config = {}
513        if (self.append_env_variables_from_configs
514                or options.append_env_variables_from_configs):
515            # We only append values from various configs for the 'env' entry
516            # For everything else we follow the standard behaviour
517            for i, (c_file, c_dict) in enumerate(self.all_cfg_files_and_dicts):
518                for v in c_dict.keys():
519                    if v == 'env' and v in config:
520                        config[v].update(c_dict[v])
521                    else:
522                        config[v] = c_dict[v]
523        else:
524            for i, (c_file, c_dict) in enumerate(self.all_cfg_files_and_dicts):
525                config.update(c_dict)
526        # assign or update self._config depending on if it exists or not
527        #    NOTE self._config will be passed to ReadOnlyConfig's init -- a
528        #    dict subclass with immutable locking capabilities -- and serve
529        #    as the keys/values that make up that instance. Ultimately,
530        #    this becomes self.config during BaseScript's init
531        self.set_config(config)
533        for key in defaults.keys():
534            value = getattr(options, key)
535            if value is None:
536                continue
537            # Don't override config_file defaults with config_parser defaults
538            if key in defaults and value == defaults[key] and key in self._config:
539                continue
540            self._config[key] = value
542        # The idea behind the volatile_config is we don't want to save this
543        # info over multiple runs.  This defaults to the action-specific
544        # config options, but can be anything.
545        for key in self.volatile_config.keys():
546            if self._config.get(key) is not None:
547                self.volatile_config[key] = self._config[key]
548                del(self._config[key])
550        self.update_actions()
551        if options.list_actions:
552            self.list_actions()
554        # Keep? This is for saving the volatile config in the dump_config
555        self._config['volatile_config'] = self.volatile_config
557        self.options = options
558        self.args = args
559        return (self.options, self.args)
561    def update_actions(self):
562        """ Update actions after reading in config.
564        Seems a little complex, but the logic goes:
566        First, if default_actions is specified in the config, set our
567        default actions even if the script specifies other default actions.
569        Without any other action-specific options, run with default actions.
571        If we specify --ACTION or --only-ACTION once or multiple times,
572        we want to override the default_actions list with the one(s) we list.
574        Otherwise, if we specify --add-action ACTION, we want to add an
575        action to the list.
577        Finally, if we specify --no-ACTION, remove that from the list of
578        actions to perform.
579        """
580        if self._config.get('default_actions'):
581            default_actions = self.verify_actions(self._config['default_actions'])
582            self.default_actions = default_actions
583        self.verify_actions_order(self.default_actions)
584        self.actions = self.default_actions[:]
585        if self.volatile_config['actions']:
586            actions = self.verify_actions(self.volatile_config['actions'])
587            self.actions = actions
588        elif self.volatile_config['add_actions']:
589            actions = self.verify_actions(self.volatile_config['add_actions'])
590            self.actions.extend(actions)
591        if self.volatile_config['no_actions']:
592            actions = self.verify_actions(self.volatile_config['no_actions'])
593            for action in actions:
594                if action in self.actions:
595                    self.actions.remove(action)
598# __main__ {{{1
599if __name__ == '__main__':
600    pass