1import argparse
2import ast
3import os
4import sys
5from collections import OrderedDict
6from distutils.spawn import find_executable
8import config
9import wpttest
10import formatters
13def abs_path(path):
14    return os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path))
17def url_or_path(path):
18    import urlparse
20    parsed = urlparse.urlparse(path)
21    if len(parsed.scheme) > 2:
22        return path
23    else:
24        return abs_path(path)
27def require_arg(kwargs, name, value_func=None):
28    if value_func is None:
29        value_func = lambda x: x is not None
31    if name not in kwargs or not value_func(kwargs[name]):
32        print >> sys.stderr, "Missing required argument %s" % name
33        sys.exit(1)
36def create_parser(product_choices=None):
37    from mozlog import commandline
39    import products
41    if product_choices is None:
42        config_data = config.load()
43        product_choices = products.products_enabled(config_data)
45    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Runner for web-platform-tests tests.""",
46                                     usage="""%(prog)s [OPTION]... [TEST]...
48TEST is either the full path to a test file to run, or the URL of a test excluding
49scheme host and port.""")
50    parser.add_argument("--manifest-update", action="store_true", default=None,
51                        help="Regenerate the test manifest.")
52    parser.add_argument("--no-manifest-update", action="store_false", dest="manifest_update",
53                        help="Prevent regeneration of the test manifest.")
54    parser.add_argument("--manifest-download", action="store_true", default=None,
55                        help="Attempt to download a preexisting manifest when updating.")
57    parser.add_argument("--timeout-multiplier", action="store", type=float, default=None,
58                        help="Multiplier relative to standard test timeout to use")
59    parser.add_argument("--run-by-dir", type=int, nargs="?", default=False,
60                        help="Split run into groups by directories. With a parameter,"
61                        "limit the depth of splits e.g. --run-by-dir=1 to split by top-level"
62                        "directory")
63    parser.add_argument("--processes", action="store", type=int, default=None,
64                        help="Number of simultaneous processes to use")
66    parser.add_argument("--no-capture-stdio", action="store_true", default=False,
67                        help="Don't capture stdio and write to logging")
69    mode_group = parser.add_argument_group("Mode")
70    mode_group.add_argument("--list-test-groups", action="store_true",
71                            default=False,
72                            help="List the top level directories containing tests that will run.")
73    mode_group.add_argument("--list-disabled", action="store_true",
74                            default=False,
75                            help="List the tests that are disabled on the current platform")
76    mode_group.add_argument("--list-tests", action="store_true",
77                            default=False,
78                            help="List all tests that will run")
79    mode_group.add_argument("--verify", action="store_true",
80                            default=False,
81                            help="Run a stability check on the selected tests")
82    mode_group.add_argument("--verify-log-full", action="store_true",
83                            default=False,
84                            help="Output per-iteration test results when running verify")
86    test_selection_group = parser.add_argument_group("Test Selection")
87    test_selection_group.add_argument("--test-types", action="store",
88                                      nargs="*", default=wpttest.enabled_tests,
89                                      choices=wpttest.enabled_tests,
90                                      help="Test types to run")
91    test_selection_group.add_argument("--include", action="append",
92                                      help="URL prefix to include")
93    test_selection_group.add_argument("--exclude", action="append",
94                                      help="URL prefix to exclude")
95    test_selection_group.add_argument("--include-manifest", type=abs_path,
96                                      help="Path to manifest listing tests to include")
97    test_selection_group.add_argument("--skip-timeout", action="store_true",
98                                      help="Skip tests that are expected to time out")
99    test_selection_group.add_argument("--tag", action="append", dest="tags",
100                                      help="Labels applied to tests to include in the run. "
101                                           "Labels starting dir: are equivalent to top-level directories.")
103    debugging_group = parser.add_argument_group("Debugging")
104    debugging_group.add_argument('--debugger', const="__default__", nargs="?",
105                                 help="run under a debugger, e.g. gdb or valgrind")
106    debugging_group.add_argument('--debugger-args', help="arguments to the debugger")
107    debugging_group.add_argument("--rerun", action="store", type=int, default=1,
108                                 help="Number of times to re run each test without restarts")
109    debugging_group.add_argument("--repeat", action="store", type=int, default=1,
110                                 help="Number of times to run the tests, restarting between each run")
111    debugging_group.add_argument("--repeat-until-unexpected", action="store_true", default=None,
112                                 help="Run tests in a loop until one returns an unexpected result")
113    debugging_group.add_argument('--pause-after-test', action="store_true", default=None,
114                                 help="Halt the test runner after each test (this happens by default if only a single test is run)")
115    debugging_group.add_argument('--no-pause-after-test', dest="pause_after_test", action="store_false",
116                                 help="Don't halt the test runner irrespective of the number of tests run")
118    debugging_group.add_argument('--pause-on-unexpected', action="store_true",
119                                 help="Halt the test runner when an unexpected result is encountered")
120    debugging_group.add_argument('--no-restart-on-unexpected', dest="restart_on_unexpected",
121                                 default=True, action="store_false",
122                                 help="Don't restart on an unexpected result")
124    debugging_group.add_argument("--symbols-path", action="store", type=url_or_path,
125                                 help="Path or url to symbols file used to analyse crash minidumps.")
126    debugging_group.add_argument("--stackwalk-binary", action="store", type=abs_path,
127                                 help="Path to stackwalker program used to analyse minidumps.")
129    debugging_group.add_argument("--pdb", action="store_true",
130                                 help="Drop into pdb on python exception")
132    config_group = parser.add_argument_group("Configuration")
133    config_group.add_argument("--binary", action="store",
134                              type=abs_path, help="Binary to run tests against")
135    config_group.add_argument('--binary-arg',
136                              default=[], action="append", dest="binary_args",
137                              help="Extra argument for the binary")
138    config_group.add_argument("--webdriver-binary", action="store", metavar="BINARY",
139                              type=abs_path, help="WebDriver server binary to use")
140    config_group.add_argument('--webdriver-arg',
141                              default=[], action="append", dest="webdriver_args",
142                              help="Extra argument for the WebDriver binary")
144    config_group.add_argument("--metadata", action="store", type=abs_path, dest="metadata_root",
145                              help="Path to root directory containing test metadata"),
146    config_group.add_argument("--tests", action="store", type=abs_path, dest="tests_root",
147                              help="Path to root directory containing test files"),
148    config_group.add_argument("--run-info", action="store", type=abs_path,
149                              help="Path to directory containing extra json files to add to run info")
150    config_group.add_argument("--product", action="store", choices=product_choices,
151                              default=None, help="Browser against which to run tests")
152    config_group.add_argument("--config", action="store", type=abs_path, dest="config",
153                              help="Path to config file")
154    config_group.add_argument("--install-fonts", action="store_true",
155                              default=None,
156                              help="Allow the wptrunner to install fonts on your system")
157    config_group.add_argument("--font-dir", action="store", type=abs_path, dest="font_dir",
158                              help="Path to local font installation directory", default=None)
160    build_type = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
161    build_type.add_argument("--debug-build", dest="debug", action="store_true",
162                            default=None,
163                            help="Build is a debug build (overrides any mozinfo file)")
164    build_type.add_argument("--release-build", dest="debug", action="store_false",
165                            default=None,
166                            help="Build is a release (overrides any mozinfo file)")
169    chunking_group = parser.add_argument_group("Test Chunking")
170    chunking_group.add_argument("--total-chunks", action="store", type=int, default=1,
171                                help="Total number of chunks to use")
172    chunking_group.add_argument("--this-chunk", action="store", type=int, default=1,
173                                help="Chunk number to run")
174    chunking_group.add_argument("--chunk-type", action="store", choices=["none", "equal_time", "hash", "dir_hash"],
175                                default=None, help="Chunking type to use")
177    ssl_group = parser.add_argument_group("SSL/TLS")
178    ssl_group.add_argument("--ssl-type", action="store", default=None,
179                        choices=["openssl", "pregenerated", "none"],
180                        help="Type of ssl support to enable (running without ssl may lead to spurious errors)")
182    ssl_group.add_argument("--openssl-binary", action="store",
183                        help="Path to openssl binary", default="openssl")
184    ssl_group.add_argument("--certutil-binary", action="store",
185                        help="Path to certutil binary for use with Firefox + ssl")
187    ssl_group.add_argument("--ca-cert-path", action="store", type=abs_path,
188                        help="Path to ca certificate when using pregenerated ssl certificates")
189    ssl_group.add_argument("--host-key-path", action="store", type=abs_path,
190                        help="Path to host private key when using pregenerated ssl certificates")
191    ssl_group.add_argument("--host-cert-path", action="store", type=abs_path,
192                        help="Path to host certificate when using pregenerated ssl certificates")
194    gecko_group = parser.add_argument_group("Gecko-specific")
195    gecko_group.add_argument("--prefs-root", dest="prefs_root", action="store", type=abs_path,
196                             help="Path to the folder containing browser prefs")
197    gecko_group.add_argument("--disable-e10s", dest="gecko_e10s", action="store_false", default=True,
198                             help="Run tests without electrolysis preferences")
199    gecko_group.add_argument("--stackfix-dir", dest="stackfix_dir", action="store",
200                             help="Path to directory containing assertion stack fixing scripts")
201    gecko_group.add_argument("--setpref", dest="extra_prefs", action='append',
202                             default=[], metavar="PREF=VALUE",
203                             help="Defines an extra user preference (overrides those in prefs_root)")
204    gecko_group.add_argument("--leak-check", dest="leak_check", action="store_true",
205                             help="Enable leak checking")
206    gecko_group.add_argument("--stylo-threads", action="store", type=int, default=1,
207                             help="Number of parallel threads to use for stylo")
208    gecko_group.add_argument("--reftest-internal", dest="reftest_internal", action="store_true",
209                             default=None, help="Enable reftest runner implemented inside Marionette")
210    gecko_group.add_argument("--reftest-external", dest="reftest_internal", action="store_false",
211                             help="Disable reftest runner implemented inside Marionette")
212    gecko_group.add_argument("--reftest-screenshot", dest="reftest_screenshot", action="store",
213                             choices=["always", "fail", "unexpected"], default="unexpected",
214                             help="With --reftest-internal, when to take a screenshot")
215    gecko_group.add_argument("--chaos", dest="chaos_mode_flags", action="store",
216                             nargs="?", const=0xFFFFFFFF, type=int,
217                             help="Enable chaos mode with the specified feature flag "
218                             "(see http://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/mfbt/ChaosMode.h for "
219                             "details). If no value is supplied, all features are activated")
221    servo_group = parser.add_argument_group("Servo-specific")
222    servo_group.add_argument("--user-stylesheet",
223                             default=[], action="append", dest="user_stylesheets",
224                             help="Inject a user CSS stylesheet into every test.")
226    sauce_group = parser.add_argument_group("Sauce Labs-specific")
227    sauce_group.add_argument("--sauce-browser", dest="sauce_browser",
228                             help="Sauce Labs browser name")
229    sauce_group.add_argument("--sauce-platform", dest="sauce_platform",
230                             help="Sauce Labs OS platform")
231    sauce_group.add_argument("--sauce-version", dest="sauce_version",
232                             help="Sauce Labs browser version")
233    sauce_group.add_argument("--sauce-build", dest="sauce_build",
234                             help="Sauce Labs build identifier")
235    sauce_group.add_argument("--sauce-tags", dest="sauce_tags", nargs="*",
236                             help="Sauce Labs identifying tag", default=[])
237    sauce_group.add_argument("--sauce-tunnel-id", dest="sauce_tunnel_id",
238                             help="Sauce Connect tunnel identifier")
239    sauce_group.add_argument("--sauce-user", dest="sauce_user",
240                             help="Sauce Labs user name")
241    sauce_group.add_argument("--sauce-key", dest="sauce_key",
242                             default=os.environ.get("SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY"),
243                             help="Sauce Labs access key")
244    sauce_group.add_argument("--sauce-connect-binary",
245                             dest="sauce_connect_binary",
246                             help="Path to Sauce Connect binary")
248    parser.add_argument("test_list", nargs="*",
249                        help="List of URLs for tests to run, or paths including tests to run. "
250                             "(equivalent to --include)")
252    commandline.log_formatters["wptreport"] = (formatters.WptreportFormatter, "wptreport format")
254    commandline.add_logging_group(parser)
255    return parser
258def set_from_config(kwargs):
259    if kwargs["config"] is None:
260        config_path = config.path()
261    else:
262        config_path = kwargs["config"]
264    kwargs["config_path"] = config_path
266    kwargs["config"] = config.read(kwargs["config_path"])
268    keys = {"paths": [("prefs", "prefs_root", True),
269                      ("run_info", "run_info", True)],
270            "web-platform-tests": [("remote_url", "remote_url", False),
271                                   ("branch", "branch", False),
272                                   ("sync_path", "sync_path", True)],
273            "SSL": [("openssl_binary", "openssl_binary", True),
274                    ("certutil_binary", "certutil_binary", True),
275                    ("ca_cert_path", "ca_cert_path", True),
276                    ("host_cert_path", "host_cert_path", True),
277                    ("host_key_path", "host_key_path", True)]}
279    for section, values in keys.iteritems():
280        for config_value, kw_value, is_path in values:
281            if kw_value in kwargs and kwargs[kw_value] is None:
282                if not is_path:
283                    new_value = kwargs["config"].get(section, config.ConfigDict({})).get(config_value)
284                else:
285                    new_value = kwargs["config"].get(section, config.ConfigDict({})).get_path(config_value)
286                kwargs[kw_value] = new_value
288    kwargs["test_paths"] = get_test_paths(kwargs["config"])
290    if kwargs["tests_root"]:
291        if "/" not in kwargs["test_paths"]:
292            kwargs["test_paths"]["/"] = {}
293        kwargs["test_paths"]["/"]["tests_path"] = kwargs["tests_root"]
295    if kwargs["metadata_root"]:
296        if "/" not in kwargs["test_paths"]:
297            kwargs["test_paths"]["/"] = {}
298        kwargs["test_paths"]["/"]["metadata_path"] = kwargs["metadata_root"]
300    kwargs["suite_name"] = kwargs["config"].get("web-platform-tests", {}).get("name", "web-platform-tests")
303def get_test_paths(config):
304    # Set up test_paths
305    test_paths = OrderedDict()
307    for section in config.iterkeys():
308        if section.startswith("manifest:"):
309            manifest_opts = config.get(section)
310            url_base = manifest_opts.get("url_base", "/")
311            test_paths[url_base] = {
312                "tests_path": manifest_opts.get_path("tests"),
313                "metadata_path": manifest_opts.get_path("metadata")}
315    return test_paths
318def exe_path(name):
319    if name is None:
320        return
322    path = find_executable(name)
323    if path and os.access(path, os.X_OK):
324        return path
325    else:
326        return None
329def check_args(kwargs):
330    set_from_config(kwargs)
332    for test_paths in kwargs["test_paths"].itervalues():
333        if not ("tests_path" in test_paths and
334                "metadata_path" in test_paths):
335            print "Fatal: must specify both a test path and metadata path"
336            sys.exit(1)
337        for key, path in test_paths.iteritems():
338            name = key.split("_", 1)[0]
340            if not os.path.exists(path):
341                print "Fatal: %s path %s does not exist" % (name, path)
342                sys.exit(1)
344            if not os.path.isdir(path):
345                print "Fatal: %s path %s is not a directory" % (name, path)
346                sys.exit(1)
348    if kwargs["product"] is None:
349        kwargs["product"] = "firefox"
351    if "sauce" in kwargs["product"]:
352        kwargs["pause_after_test"] = False
354    if kwargs["test_list"]:
355        if kwargs["include"] is not None:
356            kwargs["include"].extend(kwargs["test_list"])
357        else:
358            kwargs["include"] = kwargs["test_list"]
360    if kwargs["run_info"] is None:
361        kwargs["run_info"] = kwargs["config_path"]
363    if kwargs["this_chunk"] > 1:
364        require_arg(kwargs, "total_chunks", lambda x: x >= kwargs["this_chunk"])
366    if kwargs["chunk_type"] is None:
367        if kwargs["total_chunks"] > 1:
368            kwargs["chunk_type"] = "dir_hash"
369        else:
370            kwargs["chunk_type"] = "none"
372    if kwargs["processes"] is None:
373        kwargs["processes"] = 1
375    if kwargs["debugger"] is not None:
376        import mozdebug
377        if kwargs["debugger"] == "__default__":
378            kwargs["debugger"] = mozdebug.get_default_debugger_name()
379        debug_info = mozdebug.get_debugger_info(kwargs["debugger"],
380                                                kwargs["debugger_args"])
381        if debug_info and debug_info.interactive:
382            if kwargs["processes"] != 1:
383                kwargs["processes"] = 1
384            kwargs["no_capture_stdio"] = True
385        kwargs["debug_info"] = debug_info
386    else:
387        kwargs["debug_info"] = None
389    if kwargs["binary"] is not None:
390        if not os.path.exists(kwargs["binary"]):
391            print >> sys.stderr, "Binary path %s does not exist" % kwargs["binary"]
392            sys.exit(1)
394    if kwargs["ssl_type"] is None:
395        if None not in (kwargs["ca_cert_path"], kwargs["host_cert_path"], kwargs["host_key_path"]):
396            kwargs["ssl_type"] = "pregenerated"
397        elif exe_path(kwargs["openssl_binary"]) is not None:
398            kwargs["ssl_type"] = "openssl"
399        else:
400            kwargs["ssl_type"] = "none"
402    if kwargs["ssl_type"] == "pregenerated":
403        require_arg(kwargs, "ca_cert_path", lambda x:os.path.exists(x))
404        require_arg(kwargs, "host_cert_path", lambda x:os.path.exists(x))
405        require_arg(kwargs, "host_key_path", lambda x:os.path.exists(x))
407    elif kwargs["ssl_type"] == "openssl":
408        path = exe_path(kwargs["openssl_binary"])
409        if path is None:
410            print >> sys.stderr, "openssl-binary argument missing or not a valid executable"
411            sys.exit(1)
412        kwargs["openssl_binary"] = path
414    if kwargs["ssl_type"] != "none" and kwargs["product"] == "firefox" and kwargs["certutil_binary"]:
415        path = exe_path(kwargs["certutil_binary"])
416        if path is None:
417            print >> sys.stderr, "certutil-binary argument missing or not a valid executable"
418            sys.exit(1)
419        kwargs["certutil_binary"] = path
421    if kwargs['extra_prefs']:
422        missing = any('=' not in prefarg for prefarg in kwargs['extra_prefs'])
423        if missing:
424            print >> sys.stderr, "Preferences via --setpref must be in key=value format"
425            sys.exit(1)
426        kwargs['extra_prefs'] = [tuple(prefarg.split('=', 1)) for prefarg in
427                                 kwargs['extra_prefs']]
429    if kwargs["reftest_internal"] is None:
430        # Default to the internal reftest implementation on Linux and OSX
431        kwargs["reftest_internal"] = sys.platform.startswith("linux") or sys.platform.startswith("darwin")
433    return kwargs
436def check_args_update(kwargs):
437    set_from_config(kwargs)
439    if kwargs["product"] is None:
440        kwargs["product"] = "firefox"
441    if kwargs["patch"] is None:
442        kwargs["patch"] = kwargs["sync"]
444    for item in kwargs["run_log"]:
445        if os.path.isdir(item):
446            print >> sys.stderr, "Log file %s is a directory" % item
447            sys.exit(1)
449    return kwargs
452def create_parser_update(product_choices=None):
453    from mozlog.structured import commandline
455    import products
457    if product_choices is None:
458        config_data = config.load()
459        product_choices = products.products_enabled(config_data)
461    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("web-platform-tests-update",
462                                     description="Update script for web-platform-tests tests.")
463    parser.add_argument("--product", action="store", choices=product_choices,
464                        default=None, help="Browser for which metadata is being updated")
465    parser.add_argument("--config", action="store", type=abs_path, help="Path to config file")
466    parser.add_argument("--metadata", action="store", type=abs_path, dest="metadata_root",
467                        help="Path to the folder containing test metadata"),
468    parser.add_argument("--tests", action="store", type=abs_path, dest="tests_root",
469                        help="Path to web-platform-tests"),
470    parser.add_argument("--sync-path", action="store", type=abs_path,
471                        help="Path to store git checkout of web-platform-tests during update"),
472    parser.add_argument("--remote_url", action="store",
473                        help="URL of web-platfrom-tests repository to sync against"),
474    parser.add_argument("--branch", action="store", type=abs_path,
475                        help="Remote branch to sync against")
476    parser.add_argument("--rev", action="store", help="Revision to sync to")
477    parser.add_argument("--patch", action="store_true", dest="patch", default=None,
478                        help="Create a VCS commit containing the changes.")
479    parser.add_argument("--no-patch", action="store_false", dest="patch",
480                        help="Don't create a VCS commit containing the changes.")
481    parser.add_argument("--sync", dest="sync", action="store_true", default=False,
482                        help="Sync the tests with the latest from upstream (implies --patch)")
483    parser.add_argument("--ignore-existing", action="store_true",
484                        help="When updating test results only consider results from the logfiles provided, not existing expectations.")
485    parser.add_argument("--stability", nargs="?", action="store", const="unstable", default=None,
486        help=("Reason for disabling tests. When updating test results, disable tests that have "
487              "inconsistent results across many runs with the given reason."))
488    parser.add_argument("--continue", action="store_true", help="Continue a previously started run of the update script")
489    parser.add_argument("--abort", action="store_true", help="Clear state from a previous incomplete run of the update script")
490    parser.add_argument("--exclude", action="store", nargs="*",
491                        help="List of glob-style paths to exclude when syncing tests")
492    parser.add_argument("--include", action="store", nargs="*",
493                        help="List of glob-style paths to include which would otherwise be excluded when syncing tests")
494    # Should make this required iff run=logfile
495    parser.add_argument("run_log", nargs="*", type=abs_path,
496                        help="Log file from run of tests")
497    commandline.add_logging_group(parser)
498    return parser
501def create_parser_reduce(product_choices=None):
502    parser = create_parser(product_choices)
503    parser.add_argument("target", action="store", help="Test id that is unstable")
504    return parser
507def parse_args():
508    parser = create_parser()
509    rv = vars(parser.parse_args())
510    check_args(rv)
511    return rv
514def parse_args_update():
515    parser = create_parser_update()
516    rv = vars(parser.parse_args())
517    check_args_update(rv)
518    return rv
521def parse_args_reduce():
522    parser = create_parser_reduce()
523    rv = vars(parser.parse_args())
524    check_args(rv)
525    return rv