1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
3 // Copyright (c) 2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
4 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 // found in the LICENSE file.
7 #include <fstream>
9 #include "base/file_path.h"
10 #include "base/logging.h"
12 // These includes are just for the *Hack functions, and should be removed
13 // when those functions are removed.
14 #include "base/string_piece.h"
15 #include "base/string_util.h"
16 #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h"
19 const FilePath::CharType FilePath::kSeparators[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("\\/");
21 const FilePath::CharType FilePath::kSeparators[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("/");
24 const FilePath::CharType FilePath::kCurrentDirectory[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".");
25 const FilePath::CharType FilePath::kParentDirectory[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("..");
27 const FilePath::CharType FilePath::kExtensionSeparator = FILE_PATH_LITERAL('.');
29 namespace {
31 // If this FilePath contains a drive letter specification, returns the
32 // position of the last character of the drive letter specification,
33 // otherwise returns npos.  This can only be true on Windows, when a pathname
34 // begins with a letter followed by a colon.  On other platforms, this always
35 // returns npos.
FindDriveLetter(const FilePath::StringType & path)36 FilePath::StringType::size_type FindDriveLetter(
37     const FilePath::StringType& path) {
39   // This is dependent on an ASCII-based character set, but that's a
40   // reasonable assumption.  iswalpha can be too inclusive here.
41   if (path.length() >= 2 && path[1] == L':' &&
42       ((path[0] >= L'A' && path[0] <= L'Z') ||
43        (path[0] >= L'a' && path[0] <= L'z'))) {
44     return 1;
45   }
47   return FilePath::StringType::npos;
48 }
IsPathAbsolute(const FilePath::StringType & path)50 bool IsPathAbsolute(const FilePath::StringType& path) {
52   FilePath::StringType::size_type letter = FindDriveLetter(path);
53   if (letter != FilePath::StringType::npos) {
54     // Look for a separator right after the drive specification.
55     return path.length() > letter + 1 &&
56            FilePath::IsSeparator(path[letter + 1]);
57   }
58   // Look for a pair of leading separators.
59   return path.length() > 1 && FilePath::IsSeparator(path[0]) &&
60          FilePath::IsSeparator(path[1]);
62   // Look for a separator in the first position.
63   return path.length() > 0 && FilePath::IsSeparator(path[0]);
65 }
67 }  // namespace
IsSeparator(CharType character)69 bool FilePath::IsSeparator(CharType character) {
70   for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kSeparators) - 1; ++i) {
71     if (character == kSeparators[i]) {
72       return true;
73     }
74   }
76   return false;
77 }
79 // libgen's dirname and basename aren't guaranteed to be thread-safe and aren't
80 // guaranteed to not modify their input strings, and in fact are implemented
81 // differently in this regard on different platforms.  Don't use them, but
82 // adhere to their behavior.
DirName() const83 FilePath FilePath::DirName() const {
84   FilePath new_path(path_);
85   new_path.StripTrailingSeparatorsInternal();
87   // The drive letter, if any, always needs to remain in the output.  If there
88   // is no drive letter, as will always be the case on platforms which do not
89   // support drive letters, letter will be npos, or -1, so the comparisons and
90   // resizes below using letter will still be valid.
91   StringType::size_type letter = FindDriveLetter(new_path.path_);
93   StringType::size_type last_separator = new_path.path_.find_last_of(
94       kSeparators, StringType::npos, arraysize(kSeparators) - 1);
95   if (last_separator == StringType::npos) {
96     // path_ is in the current directory.
97     new_path.path_.resize(letter + 1);
98   } else if (last_separator == letter + 1) {
99     // path_ is in the root directory.
100     new_path.path_.resize(letter + 2);
101   } else if (last_separator == letter + 2 &&
102              IsSeparator(new_path.path_[letter + 1])) {
103     // path_ is in "//" (possibly with a drive letter); leave the double
104     // separator intact indicating alternate root.
105     new_path.path_.resize(letter + 3);
106   } else if (last_separator != 0) {
107     // path_ is somewhere else, trim the basename.
108     new_path.path_.resize(last_separator);
109   }
111   new_path.StripTrailingSeparatorsInternal();
112   if (!new_path.path_.length()) new_path.path_ = kCurrentDirectory;
114   return new_path;
115 }
BaseName() const117 FilePath FilePath::BaseName() const {
118   FilePath new_path(path_);
119   new_path.StripTrailingSeparatorsInternal();
121   // The drive letter, if any, is always stripped.
122   StringType::size_type letter = FindDriveLetter(new_path.path_);
123   if (letter != StringType::npos) {
124     new_path.path_.erase(0, letter + 1);
125   }
127   // Keep everything after the final separator, but if the pathname is only
128   // one character and it's a separator, leave it alone.
129   StringType::size_type last_separator = new_path.path_.find_last_of(
130       kSeparators, StringType::npos, arraysize(kSeparators) - 1);
131   if (last_separator != StringType::npos &&
132       last_separator < new_path.path_.length() - 1) {
133     new_path.path_.erase(0, last_separator + 1);
134   }
136   return new_path;
137 }
Extension() const139 FilePath::StringType FilePath::Extension() const {
140   // BaseName() calls StripTrailingSeparators, so cases like /foo.baz/// work.
141   StringType base = BaseName().value();
143   // Special case "." and ".."
144   if (base == kCurrentDirectory || base == kParentDirectory)
145     return StringType();
147   const StringType::size_type last_dot = base.rfind(kExtensionSeparator);
148   if (last_dot == StringType::npos) return StringType();
149   return StringType(base, last_dot);
150 }
RemoveExtension() const152 FilePath FilePath::RemoveExtension() const {
153   StringType ext = Extension();
154   // It's important to check Extension() since that verifies that the
155   // kExtensionSeparator actually appeared in the last path component.
156   if (ext.empty()) return FilePath(path_);
157   // Since Extension() verified that the extension is in fact in the last path
158   // component, this substr will effectively strip trailing separators.
159   const StringType::size_type last_dot = path_.rfind(kExtensionSeparator);
160   return FilePath(path_.substr(0, last_dot));
161 }
InsertBeforeExtension(const StringType & suffix) const163 FilePath FilePath::InsertBeforeExtension(const StringType& suffix) const {
164   if (suffix.empty()) return FilePath(path_);
166   if (path_.empty()) return FilePath();
168   StringType base = BaseName().value();
169   if (base.empty()) return FilePath();
170   if (*(base.end() - 1) == kExtensionSeparator) {
171     // Special case "." and ".."
172     if (base == kCurrentDirectory || base == kParentDirectory) {
173       return FilePath();
174     }
175   }
177   StringType ext = Extension();
178   StringType ret = RemoveExtension().value();
179   ret.append(suffix);
180   ret.append(ext);
181   return FilePath(ret);
182 }
ReplaceExtension(const StringType & extension) const184 FilePath FilePath::ReplaceExtension(const StringType& extension) const {
185   if (path_.empty()) return FilePath();
187   StringType base = BaseName().value();
188   if (base.empty()) return FilePath();
189   if (*(base.end() - 1) == kExtensionSeparator) {
190     // Special case "." and ".."
191     if (base == kCurrentDirectory || base == kParentDirectory) {
192       return FilePath();
193     }
194   }
196   FilePath no_ext = RemoveExtension();
197   // If the new extension is "" or ".", then just remove the current extension.
198   if (extension.empty() || extension == StringType(1, kExtensionSeparator))
199     return no_ext;
201   StringType str = no_ext.value();
202   if (extension[0] != kExtensionSeparator) str.append(1, kExtensionSeparator);
203   str.append(extension);
204   return FilePath(str);
205 }
Append(const StringType & component) const207 FilePath FilePath::Append(const StringType& component) const {
208   DCHECK(!IsPathAbsolute(component));
209   if (path_.compare(kCurrentDirectory) == 0) {
210     // Append normally doesn't do any normalization, but as a special case,
211     // when appending to kCurrentDirectory, just return a new path for the
212     // component argument.  Appending component to kCurrentDirectory would
213     // serve no purpose other than needlessly lengthening the path, and
214     // it's likely in practice to wind up with FilePath objects containing
215     // only kCurrentDirectory when calling DirName on a single relative path
216     // component.
217     return FilePath(component);
218   }
220   FilePath new_path(path_);
221   new_path.StripTrailingSeparatorsInternal();
223   // Don't append a separator if the path is empty (indicating the current
224   // directory) or if the path component is empty (indicating nothing to
225   // append).
226   if (component.length() > 0 && new_path.path_.length() > 0) {
227     // Don't append a separator if the path still ends with a trailing
228     // separator after stripping (indicating the root directory).
229     if (!IsSeparator(new_path.path_[new_path.path_.length() - 1])) {
230       // Don't append a separator if the path is just a drive letter.
231       if (FindDriveLetter(new_path.path_) + 1 != new_path.path_.length()) {
232         new_path.path_.append(1, kSeparators[0]);
233       }
234     }
235   }
237   new_path.path_.append(component);
238   return new_path;
239 }
Append(const FilePath & component) const241 FilePath FilePath::Append(const FilePath& component) const {
242   return Append(component.value());
243 }
AppendASCII(const std::string & component) const245 FilePath FilePath::AppendASCII(const std::string& component) const {
246   DCHECK(IsStringASCII(component));
247 #if defined(OS_WIN)
248   return Append(ASCIIToWide(component));
249 #elif defined(OS_POSIX)
250   return Append(component);
251 #endif
252 }
IsAbsolute() const254 bool FilePath::IsAbsolute() const { return IsPathAbsolute(path_); }
256 #if defined(OS_POSIX)
257 // See file_path.h for a discussion of the encoding of paths on POSIX
258 // platforms.  These *Hack() functions are not quite correct, but they're
259 // only temporary while we fix the remainder of the code.
260 // Remember to remove the #includes at the top when you remove these.
262 // static
FromWStringHack(const std::wstring & wstring)263 FilePath FilePath::FromWStringHack(const std::wstring& wstring) {
264   return FilePath(base::SysWideToNativeMB(wstring));
265 }
ToWStringHack() const266 std::wstring FilePath::ToWStringHack() const {
267   return base::SysNativeMBToWide(path_);
268 }
269 #elif defined(OS_WIN)
270 // static
FromWStringHack(const std::wstring & wstring)271 FilePath FilePath::FromWStringHack(const std::wstring& wstring) {
272   return FilePath(wstring);
273 }
ToWStringHack() const274 std::wstring FilePath::ToWStringHack() const { return path_; }
275 #endif
OpenInputStream(std::ifstream & stream) const277 void FilePath::OpenInputStream(std::ifstream& stream) const {
278   stream.open(
279 #ifndef __MINGW32__
280       path_.c_str(),
281 #else
282       base::SysWideToNativeMB(path_).c_str(),
283 #endif
284       std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
285 }
StripTrailingSeparators() const287 FilePath FilePath::StripTrailingSeparators() const {
288   FilePath new_path(path_);
289   new_path.StripTrailingSeparatorsInternal();
291   return new_path;
292 }
StripTrailingSeparatorsInternal()294 void FilePath::StripTrailingSeparatorsInternal() {
295   // If there is no drive letter, start will be 1, which will prevent stripping
296   // the leading separator if there is only one separator.  If there is a drive
297   // letter, start will be set appropriately to prevent stripping the first
298   // separator following the drive letter, if a separator immediately follows
299   // the drive letter.
300   StringType::size_type start = FindDriveLetter(path_) + 2;
302   StringType::size_type last_stripped = StringType::npos;
303   for (StringType::size_type pos = path_.length();
304        pos > start && IsSeparator(path_[pos - 1]); --pos) {
305     // If the string only has two separators and they're at the beginning,
306     // don't strip them, unless the string began with more than two separators.
307     if (pos != start + 1 || last_stripped == start + 2 ||
308         !IsSeparator(path_[start - 1])) {
309       path_.resize(pos - 1);
310       last_stripped = pos;
311     }
312   }
313 }