1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
12 #include <algorithm>  // std::max
14 #include "common_types.h"  // NOLINT(build/include)
15 #include "common_video/include/video_bitrate_allocator.h"
16 #include "common_video/libyuv/include/webrtc_libyuv.h"
17 #include "modules/video_coding/codecs/vp8/temporal_layers.h"
18 #include "modules/video_coding/encoded_frame.h"
19 #include "modules/video_coding/include/video_codec_interface.h"
20 #include "modules/video_coding/utility/default_video_bitrate_allocator.h"
21 #include "modules/video_coding/utility/quality_scaler.h"
22 #include "modules/video_coding/video_coding_impl.h"
23 #include "rtc_base/checks.h"
24 #include "rtc_base/logging.h"
25 #include "system_wrappers/include/clock.h"
27 namespace webrtc {
28 namespace vcm {
VideoSender(Clock * clock,EncodedImageCallback * post_encode_callback)30 VideoSender::VideoSender(Clock* clock,
31                          EncodedImageCallback* post_encode_callback)
32     : _encoder(nullptr),
33       _mediaOpt(clock),
34       _encodedFrameCallback(post_encode_callback, &_mediaOpt),
35       post_encode_callback_(post_encode_callback),
36       _codecDataBase(&_encodedFrameCallback),
37       frame_dropper_enabled_(true),
38       current_codec_(),
39       encoder_params_({BitrateAllocation(), 0, 0, 0}),
40       encoder_has_internal_source_(false),
41       next_frame_types_(1, kVideoFrameDelta) {
42   _mediaOpt.Reset();
43   // Allow VideoSender to be created on one thread but used on another, post
44   // construction. This is currently how this class is being used by at least
45   // one external project (diffractor).
46   sequenced_checker_.Detach();
47 }
~VideoSender()49 VideoSender::~VideoSender() {}
51 // Register the send codec to be used.
RegisterSendCodec(const VideoCodec * sendCodec,uint32_t numberOfCores,uint32_t maxPayloadSize)52 int32_t VideoSender::RegisterSendCodec(const VideoCodec* sendCodec,
53                                        uint32_t numberOfCores,
54                                        uint32_t maxPayloadSize) {
55   RTC_DCHECK(sequenced_checker_.CalledSequentially());
56   rtc::CritScope lock(&encoder_crit_);
57   if (sendCodec == nullptr) {
58     return VCM_PARAMETER_ERROR;
59   }
61   bool ret =
62       _codecDataBase.SetSendCodec(sendCodec, numberOfCores, maxPayloadSize);
64   // Update encoder regardless of result to make sure that we're not holding on
65   // to a deleted instance.
66   _encoder = _codecDataBase.GetEncoder();
67   // Cache the current codec here so they can be fetched from this thread
68   // without requiring the _sendCritSect lock.
69   current_codec_ = *sendCodec;
71   if (!ret) {
72     RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to initialize set encoder with payload name '"
73                       << sendCodec->plName << "'.";
74     return VCM_CODEC_ERROR;
75   }
77   // SetSendCodec succeeded, _encoder should be set.
78   RTC_DCHECK(_encoder);
80   int numLayers;
81   if (sendCodec->codecType == kVideoCodecVP8) {
82     numLayers = sendCodec->VP8().numberOfTemporalLayers;
83   } else if (sendCodec->codecType == kVideoCodecVP9) {
84     numLayers = sendCodec->VP9().numberOfTemporalLayers;
85   } else if (sendCodec->codecType == kVideoCodecGeneric &&
86              sendCodec->numberOfSimulcastStreams > 0) {
87     // This is mainly for unit testing, disabling frame dropping.
88     // TODO(sprang): Add a better way to disable frame dropping.
89     numLayers = sendCodec->simulcastStream[0].numberOfTemporalLayers;
90   } else {
91     numLayers = 1;
92   }
94   // If we have screensharing and we have layers, we disable frame dropper.
95   bool disable_frame_dropper =
96       numLayers > 1 && sendCodec->mode == kScreensharing;
97   if (disable_frame_dropper) {
98     _mediaOpt.EnableFrameDropper(false);
99   } else if (frame_dropper_enabled_) {
100     _mediaOpt.EnableFrameDropper(true);
101   }
103   {
104     rtc::CritScope cs(&params_crit_);
105     next_frame_types_.clear();
106     next_frame_types_.resize(VCM_MAX(sendCodec->numberOfSimulcastStreams, 1),
107                              kVideoFrameKey);
108     // Cache InternalSource() to have this available from IntraFrameRequest()
109     // without having to acquire encoder_crit_ (avoid blocking on encoder use).
110     encoder_has_internal_source_ = _encoder->InternalSource();
111   }
113   RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << " max bitrate " << sendCodec->maxBitrate
114                       << " start bitrate " << sendCodec->startBitrate
115                       << " max frame rate " << sendCodec->maxFramerate
116                       << " max payload size " << maxPayloadSize;
117   _mediaOpt.SetEncodingData(sendCodec->maxBitrate * 1000,
118                             sendCodec->startBitrate * 1000,
119                             sendCodec->maxFramerate);
120   return VCM_OK;
121 }
123 // Register an external decoder object.
124 // This can not be used together with external decoder callbacks.
RegisterExternalEncoder(VideoEncoder * externalEncoder,uint8_t payloadType,bool internalSource)125 void VideoSender::RegisterExternalEncoder(VideoEncoder* externalEncoder,
126                                           uint8_t payloadType,
127                                           bool internalSource /*= false*/) {
128   RTC_DCHECK(sequenced_checker_.CalledSequentially());
130   rtc::CritScope lock(&encoder_crit_);
132   if (externalEncoder == nullptr) {
133     bool wasSendCodec = false;
134     RTC_CHECK(
135         _codecDataBase.DeregisterExternalEncoder(payloadType, &wasSendCodec));
136     if (wasSendCodec) {
137       // Make sure the VCM doesn't use the de-registered codec
138       rtc::CritScope params_lock(&params_crit_);
139       _encoder = nullptr;
140       encoder_has_internal_source_ = false;
141     }
142     return;
143   }
144   _codecDataBase.RegisterExternalEncoder(externalEncoder, payloadType,
145                                          internalSource);
146 }
148 // Get encode bitrate
Bitrate(unsigned int * bitrate) const149 int VideoSender::Bitrate(unsigned int* bitrate) const {
150   RTC_DCHECK(sequenced_checker_.CalledSequentially());
151   // Since we're running on the thread that's the only thread known to modify
152   // the value of _encoder, we don't need to grab the lock here.
154   if (!_encoder)
155     return VCM_UNINITIALIZED;
156   *bitrate = _encoder->GetEncoderParameters().target_bitrate.get_sum_bps();
157   return 0;
158 }
160 // Get encode frame rate
FrameRate(unsigned int * framerate) const161 int VideoSender::FrameRate(unsigned int* framerate) const {
162   RTC_DCHECK(sequenced_checker_.CalledSequentially());
163   // Since we're running on the thread that's the only thread known to modify
164   // the value of _encoder, we don't need to grab the lock here.
166   if (!_encoder)
167     return VCM_UNINITIALIZED;
169   *framerate = _encoder->GetEncoderParameters().input_frame_rate;
170   return 0;
171 }
UpdateEncoderParameters(const EncoderParameters & params,VideoBitrateAllocator * bitrate_allocator,uint32_t target_bitrate_bps)173 EncoderParameters VideoSender::UpdateEncoderParameters(
174     const EncoderParameters& params,
175     VideoBitrateAllocator* bitrate_allocator,
176     uint32_t target_bitrate_bps) {
177   uint32_t video_target_rate_bps = _mediaOpt.SetTargetRates(target_bitrate_bps);
178   uint32_t input_frame_rate = _mediaOpt.InputFrameRate();
179   if (input_frame_rate == 0 || input_frame_rate > current_codec_.maxFramerate)
180     input_frame_rate = current_codec_.maxFramerate;
182   BitrateAllocation bitrate_allocation;
183   // Only call allocators if bitrate > 0 (ie, not suspended), otherwise they
184   // might cap the bitrate to the min bitrate configured.
185   if (target_bitrate_bps > 0) {
186     if (bitrate_allocator) {
187       bitrate_allocation = bitrate_allocator->GetAllocation(
188           video_target_rate_bps, input_frame_rate);
189     } else {
190       DefaultVideoBitrateAllocator default_allocator(current_codec_);
191       bitrate_allocation = default_allocator.GetAllocation(
192           video_target_rate_bps, input_frame_rate);
193     }
194   }
195   EncoderParameters new_encoder_params = {bitrate_allocation, params.loss_rate,
196                                           params.rtt, input_frame_rate};
197   return new_encoder_params;
198 }
UpdateChannelParemeters(VideoBitrateAllocator * bitrate_allocator,VideoBitrateAllocationObserver * bitrate_updated_callback)200 void VideoSender::UpdateChannelParemeters(
201     VideoBitrateAllocator* bitrate_allocator,
202     VideoBitrateAllocationObserver* bitrate_updated_callback) {
203   BitrateAllocation target_rate;
204   {
205     rtc::CritScope cs(&params_crit_);
206     encoder_params_ =
207         UpdateEncoderParameters(encoder_params_, bitrate_allocator,
208                                 encoder_params_.target_bitrate.get_sum_bps());
209     target_rate = encoder_params_.target_bitrate;
210   }
211   if (bitrate_updated_callback && target_rate.get_sum_bps() > 0)
212     bitrate_updated_callback->OnBitrateAllocationUpdated(target_rate);
213 }
SetChannelParameters(uint32_t target_bitrate_bps,uint8_t loss_rate,int64_t rtt,VideoBitrateAllocator * bitrate_allocator,VideoBitrateAllocationObserver * bitrate_updated_callback)215 int32_t VideoSender::SetChannelParameters(
216     uint32_t target_bitrate_bps,
217     uint8_t loss_rate,
218     int64_t rtt,
219     VideoBitrateAllocator* bitrate_allocator,
220     VideoBitrateAllocationObserver* bitrate_updated_callback) {
221   EncoderParameters encoder_params;
222   encoder_params.loss_rate = loss_rate;
223   encoder_params.rtt = rtt;
224   encoder_params = UpdateEncoderParameters(encoder_params, bitrate_allocator,
225                                            target_bitrate_bps);
226   if (bitrate_updated_callback && target_bitrate_bps > 0) {
227     bitrate_updated_callback->OnBitrateAllocationUpdated(
228         encoder_params.target_bitrate);
229   }
231   bool encoder_has_internal_source;
232   {
233     rtc::CritScope cs(&params_crit_);
234     encoder_params_ = encoder_params;
235     encoder_has_internal_source = encoder_has_internal_source_;
236   }
238   // For encoders with internal sources, we need to tell the encoder directly,
239   // instead of waiting for an AddVideoFrame that will never come (internal
240   // source encoders don't get input frames).
241   if (encoder_has_internal_source) {
242     rtc::CritScope cs(&encoder_crit_);
243     if (_encoder) {
244       SetEncoderParameters(encoder_params, encoder_has_internal_source);
245     }
246   }
248   return VCM_OK;
249 }
SetEncoderParameters(EncoderParameters params,bool has_internal_source)251 void VideoSender::SetEncoderParameters(EncoderParameters params,
252                                        bool has_internal_source) {
253   // |target_bitrate == 0 | means that the network is down or the send pacer is
254   // full. We currently only report this if the encoder has an internal source.
255   // If the encoder does not have an internal source, higher levels are expected
256   // to not call AddVideoFrame. We do this since its unclear how current
257   // encoder implementations behave when given a zero target bitrate.
258   // TODO(perkj): Make sure all known encoder implementations handle zero
259   // target bitrate and remove this check.
260   if (!has_internal_source && params.target_bitrate.get_sum_bps() == 0)
261     return;
263   if (params.input_frame_rate == 0) {
264     // No frame rate estimate available, use default.
265     params.input_frame_rate = current_codec_.maxFramerate;
266   }
267   if (_encoder != nullptr)
268     _encoder->SetEncoderParameters(params);
269 }
271 // Deprecated:
272 // TODO(perkj): Remove once no projects call this method. It currently do
273 // nothing.
RegisterProtectionCallback(VCMProtectionCallback * protection_callback)274 int32_t VideoSender::RegisterProtectionCallback(
275     VCMProtectionCallback* protection_callback) {
276   // Deprecated:
277   // TODO(perkj): Remove once no projects call this method. It currently do
278   // nothing.
279   return VCM_OK;
280 }
282 // Add one raw video frame to the encoder, blocking.
AddVideoFrame(const VideoFrame & videoFrame,const CodecSpecificInfo * codecSpecificInfo)283 int32_t VideoSender::AddVideoFrame(const VideoFrame& videoFrame,
284                                    const CodecSpecificInfo* codecSpecificInfo) {
285   EncoderParameters encoder_params;
286   std::vector<FrameType> next_frame_types;
287   bool encoder_has_internal_source = false;
288   {
289     rtc::CritScope lock(&params_crit_);
290     encoder_params = encoder_params_;
291     next_frame_types = next_frame_types_;
292     encoder_has_internal_source = encoder_has_internal_source_;
293   }
294   rtc::CritScope lock(&encoder_crit_);
295   if (_encoder == nullptr)
296     return VCM_UNINITIALIZED;
297   SetEncoderParameters(encoder_params, encoder_has_internal_source);
298   if (_mediaOpt.DropFrame()) {
299     RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Drop Frame "
300                         << "target bitrate "
301                         << encoder_params.target_bitrate.get_sum_bps()
302                         << " loss rate " << encoder_params.loss_rate << " rtt "
303                         << encoder_params.rtt << " input frame rate "
304                         << encoder_params.input_frame_rate;
305     post_encode_callback_->OnDroppedFrame(
306         EncodedImageCallback::DropReason::kDroppedByMediaOptimizations);
307     return VCM_OK;
308   }
309   // TODO(pbos): Make sure setting send codec is synchronized with video
310   // processing so frame size always matches.
311   if (!_codecDataBase.MatchesCurrentResolution(videoFrame.width(),
312                                                videoFrame.height())) {
314         << "Incoming frame doesn't match set resolution. Dropping.";
315     return VCM_PARAMETER_ERROR;
316   }
317   VideoFrame converted_frame = videoFrame;
318   const VideoFrameBuffer::Type buffer_type =
319       converted_frame.video_frame_buffer()->type();
320   const bool is_buffer_type_supported =
321       buffer_type == VideoFrameBuffer::Type::kI420 ||
322       (buffer_type == VideoFrameBuffer::Type::kNative &&
323        _encoder->SupportsNativeHandle());
324   if (!is_buffer_type_supported) {
325     // This module only supports software encoding.
326     // TODO(pbos): Offload conversion from the encoder thread.
327     rtc::scoped_refptr<I420BufferInterface> converted_buffer(
328         converted_frame.video_frame_buffer()->ToI420());
330     if (!converted_buffer) {
331       RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Frame conversion failed, dropping frame.";
332       return VCM_PARAMETER_ERROR;
333     }
334     converted_frame = VideoFrame(converted_buffer,
335                                  converted_frame.timestamp(),
336                                  converted_frame.render_time_ms(),
337                                  converted_frame.rotation());
338   }
339   int32_t ret =
340       _encoder->Encode(converted_frame, codecSpecificInfo, next_frame_types);
341   if (ret < 0) {
342     RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to encode frame. Error code: " << ret;
343     return ret;
344   }
346   {
347     rtc::CritScope lock(&params_crit_);
348     // Change all keyframe requests to encode delta frames the next time.
349     for (size_t i = 0; i < next_frame_types_.size(); ++i) {
350       // Check for equality (same requested as before encoding) to not
351       // accidentally drop a keyframe request while encoding.
352       if (next_frame_types[i] == next_frame_types_[i])
353         next_frame_types_[i] = kVideoFrameDelta;
354     }
355   }
356   return VCM_OK;
357 }
IntraFrameRequest(size_t stream_index)359 int32_t VideoSender::IntraFrameRequest(size_t stream_index) {
360   {
361     rtc::CritScope lock(&params_crit_);
362     if (stream_index >= next_frame_types_.size()) {
363       return -1;
364     }
365     next_frame_types_[stream_index] = kVideoFrameKey;
366     if (!encoder_has_internal_source_)
367       return VCM_OK;
368   }
369   // TODO(pbos): Remove when InternalSource() is gone. Both locks have to be
370   // held here for internal consistency, since _encoder could be removed while
371   // not holding encoder_crit_. Checks have to be performed again since
372   // params_crit_ was dropped to not cause lock-order inversions with
373   // encoder_crit_.
374   rtc::CritScope lock(&encoder_crit_);
375   rtc::CritScope params_lock(&params_crit_);
376   if (stream_index >= next_frame_types_.size())
377     return -1;
378   if (_encoder != nullptr && _encoder->InternalSource()) {
379     // Try to request the frame if we have an external encoder with
380     // internal source since AddVideoFrame never will be called.
381     if (_encoder->RequestFrame(next_frame_types_) == WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK) {
382       // Try to remove just-performed keyframe request, if stream still exists.
383       next_frame_types_[stream_index] = kVideoFrameDelta;
384     }
385   }
386   return VCM_OK;
387 }
EnableFrameDropper(bool enable)389 int32_t VideoSender::EnableFrameDropper(bool enable) {
390   rtc::CritScope lock(&encoder_crit_);
391   frame_dropper_enabled_ = enable;
392   _mediaOpt.EnableFrameDropper(enable);
393   return VCM_OK;
394 }
396 }  // namespace vcm
397 }  // namespace webrtc