1 //! Implementation of the standard AArch64 ABI.
3 use crate::ir;
4 use crate::ir::types;
5 use crate::ir::types::*;
6 use crate::ir::{ArgumentExtension, StackSlot};
7 use crate::isa;
8 use crate::isa::aarch64::{self, inst::*};
9 use crate::machinst::*;
10 use crate::settings;
12 use alloc::vec::Vec;
14 use regalloc::{RealReg, Reg, RegClass, Set, SpillSlot, Writable};
16 use log::debug;
18 /// A location for an argument or return value.
19 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
20 enum ABIArg {
21     /// In a real register.
22     Reg(RealReg, ir::Type),
23     /// Arguments only: on stack, at given offset from SP at entry.
24     Stack(i64, ir::Type),
25 }
27 /// AArch64 ABI information shared between body (callee) and caller.
28 struct ABISig {
29     args: Vec<ABIArg>,
30     rets: Vec<ABIArg>,
31     stack_arg_space: i64,
32     call_conv: isa::CallConv,
33 }
35 // Spidermonkey specific ABI convention.
37 /// This is SpiderMonkey's `WasmTableCallSigReg`.
38 static BALDRDASH_SIG_REG: u8 = 10;
40 /// This is SpiderMonkey's `WasmTlsReg`.
41 static BALDRDASH_TLS_REG: u8 = 23;
43 // These two lists represent the registers the JIT may *not* use at any point in generated code.
44 //
45 // So these are callee-preserved from the JIT's point of view, and every register not in this list
46 // has to be caller-preserved by definition.
47 //
48 // Keep these lists in sync with the NonAllocatableMask set in Spidermonkey's
49 // Architecture-arm64.cpp.
51 // Indexed by physical register number.
52 #[rustfmt::skip]
53 static BALDRDASH_JIT_CALLEE_SAVED_GPR: &[bool] = &[
54     /* 0 = */ false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
55     /* 8 = */ false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
56     /* 16 = */ true /* x16 / ip1 */, true /* x17 / ip2 */, true /* x18 / TLS */, false,
57     /* 20 = */ false, false, false, false,
58     /* 24 = */ false, false, false, false,
59     // There should be 28, the pseudo stack pointer in this list, however the wasm stubs trash it
60     // gladly right now.
61     /* 28 = */ false, false, true /* x30 = FP */, false /* x31 = SP */
62 ];
64 #[rustfmt::skip]
65 static BALDRDASH_JIT_CALLEE_SAVED_FPU: &[bool] = &[
66     /* 0 = */ false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
67     /* 8 = */ false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
68     /* 16 = */ false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false,
69     /* 24 = */ false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true /* v31 / d31 */
70 ];
72 /// Try to fill a Baldrdash register, returning it if it was found.
try_fill_baldrdash_reg(call_conv: isa::CallConv, param: &ir::AbiParam) -> Option<ABIArg>73 fn try_fill_baldrdash_reg(call_conv: isa::CallConv, param: &ir::AbiParam) -> Option<ABIArg> {
74     if call_conv.extends_baldrdash() {
75         match &param.purpose {
76             &ir::ArgumentPurpose::VMContext => {
77                 // This is SpiderMonkey's `WasmTlsReg`.
78                 Some(ABIArg::Reg(
79                     xreg(BALDRDASH_TLS_REG).to_real_reg(),
80                     ir::types::I64,
81                 ))
82             }
83             &ir::ArgumentPurpose::SignatureId => {
84                 // This is SpiderMonkey's `WasmTableCallSigReg`.
85                 Some(ABIArg::Reg(
86                     xreg(BALDRDASH_SIG_REG).to_real_reg(),
87                     ir::types::I64,
88                 ))
89             }
90             _ => None,
91         }
92     } else {
93         None
94     }
95 }
97 /// Process a list of parameters or return values and allocate them to X-regs,
98 /// V-regs, and stack slots.
99 ///
100 /// Returns the list of argument locations, and the stack-space used (rounded up
101 /// to a 16-byte-aligned boundary).
compute_arg_locs(call_conv: isa::CallConv, params: &[ir::AbiParam]) -> (Vec<ABIArg>, i64)102 fn compute_arg_locs(call_conv: isa::CallConv, params: &[ir::AbiParam]) -> (Vec<ABIArg>, i64) {
103     // See AArch64 ABI (https://c9x.me/compile/bib/abi-arm64.pdf), sections 5.4.
104     let mut next_xreg = 0;
105     let mut next_vreg = 0;
106     let mut next_stack: u64 = 0;
107     let mut ret = vec![];
109     for param in params {
110         // Validate "purpose".
111         match &param.purpose {
112             &ir::ArgumentPurpose::VMContext
113             | &ir::ArgumentPurpose::Normal
114             | &ir::ArgumentPurpose::StackLimit
115             | &ir::ArgumentPurpose::SignatureId => {}
116             _ => panic!(
117                 "Unsupported argument purpose {:?} in signature: {:?}",
118                 param.purpose, params
119             ),
120         }
122         if in_int_reg(param.value_type) {
123             if let Some(param) = try_fill_baldrdash_reg(call_conv, param) {
124                 ret.push(param);
125             } else if next_xreg < 8 {
126                 ret.push(ABIArg::Reg(xreg(next_xreg).to_real_reg(), param.value_type));
127                 next_xreg += 1;
128             } else {
129                 ret.push(ABIArg::Stack(next_stack as i64, param.value_type));
130                 next_stack += 8;
131             }
132         } else if in_vec_reg(param.value_type) {
133             if next_vreg < 8 {
134                 ret.push(ABIArg::Reg(vreg(next_vreg).to_real_reg(), param.value_type));
135                 next_vreg += 1;
136             } else {
137                 let size: u64 = match param.value_type {
138                     F32 | F64 => 8,
139                     _ => panic!("Unsupported vector-reg argument type"),
140                 };
141                 // Align.
142                 debug_assert!(size.is_power_of_two());
143                 next_stack = (next_stack + size - 1) & !(size - 1);
144                 ret.push(ABIArg::Stack(next_stack as i64, param.value_type));
145                 next_stack += size;
146             }
147         }
148     }
150     next_stack = (next_stack + 15) & !15;
152     (ret, next_stack as i64)
153 }
155 impl ABISig {
from_func_sig(sig: &ir::Signature) -> ABISig156     fn from_func_sig(sig: &ir::Signature) -> ABISig {
157         // Compute args and retvals from signature.
158         // TODO: pass in arg-mode or ret-mode. (Does not matter
159         // for the types of arguments/return values that we support.)
160         let (args, stack_arg_space) = compute_arg_locs(sig.call_conv, &sig.params);
161         let (rets, _) = compute_arg_locs(sig.call_conv, &sig.returns);
163         // Verify that there are no return values on the stack.
164         debug_assert!(rets.iter().all(|a| match a {
165             &ABIArg::Stack(..) => false,
166             _ => true,
167         }));
169         ABISig {
170             args,
171             rets,
172             stack_arg_space,
173             call_conv: sig.call_conv,
174         }
175     }
176 }
178 /// AArch64 ABI object for a function body.
179 pub struct AArch64ABIBody {
180     /// Signature: arg and retval regs.
181     sig: ABISig,
182     /// Offsets to each stackslot.
183     stackslots: Vec<u32>,
184     /// Total stack size of all stackslots.
185     stackslots_size: u32,
186     /// Clobbered registers, from regalloc.
187     clobbered: Set<Writable<RealReg>>,
188     /// Total number of spillslots, from regalloc.
189     spillslots: Option<usize>,
190     /// Total frame size.
191     frame_size: Option<u32>,
192     /// Calling convention this function expects.
193     call_conv: isa::CallConv,
194     /// The settings controlling this function's compilation.
195     flags: settings::Flags,
196     /// Whether or not this function is a "leaf", meaning it calls no other
197     /// functions
198     is_leaf: bool,
199     /// If this function has a stack limit specified, then `Reg` is where the
200     /// stack limit will be located after the instructions specified have been
201     /// executed.
202     ///
203     /// Note that this is intended for insertion into the prologue, if
204     /// present. Also note that because the instructions here execute in the
205     /// prologue this happens after legalization/register allocation/etc so we
206     /// need to be extremely careful with each instruction. The instructions are
207     /// manually register-allocated and carefully only use caller-saved
208     /// registers and keep nothing live after this sequence of instructions.
209     stack_limit: Option<(Reg, Vec<Inst>)>,
210 }
in_int_reg(ty: ir::Type) -> bool212 fn in_int_reg(ty: ir::Type) -> bool {
213     match ty {
214         types::I8 | types::I16 | types::I32 | types::I64 => true,
215         types::B1 | types::B8 | types::B16 | types::B32 | types::B64 => true,
216         _ => false,
217     }
218 }
in_vec_reg(ty: ir::Type) -> bool220 fn in_vec_reg(ty: ir::Type) -> bool {
221     match ty {
222         types::F32 | types::F64 => true,
223         _ => false,
224     }
225 }
227 /// Generates the instructions necessary for the `gv` to be materialized into a
228 /// register.
229 ///
230 /// This function will return a register that will contain the result of
231 /// evaluating `gv`. It will also return any instructions necessary to calculate
232 /// the value of the register.
233 ///
234 /// Note that global values are typically lowered to instructions via the
235 /// standard legalization pass. Unfortunately though prologue generation happens
236 /// so late in the pipeline that we can't use these legalization passes to
237 /// generate the instructions for `gv`. As a result we duplicate some lowering
238 /// of `gv` here and support only some global values. This is similar to what
239 /// the x86 backend does for now, and hopefully this can be somewhat cleaned up
240 /// in the future too!
241 ///
242 /// Also note that this function will make use of `writable_spilltmp_reg()` as a
243 /// temporary register to store values in if necessary. Currently after we write
244 /// to this register there's guaranteed to be no spilled values between where
245 /// it's used, because we're not participating in register allocation anyway!
gen_stack_limit(f: &ir::Function, abi: &ABISig, gv: ir::GlobalValue) -> (Reg, Vec<Inst>)246 fn gen_stack_limit(f: &ir::Function, abi: &ABISig, gv: ir::GlobalValue) -> (Reg, Vec<Inst>) {
247     let mut insts = Vec::new();
248     let reg = generate_gv(f, abi, gv, &mut insts);
249     return (reg, insts);
251     fn generate_gv(
252         f: &ir::Function,
253         abi: &ABISig,
254         gv: ir::GlobalValue,
255         insts: &mut Vec<Inst>,
256     ) -> Reg {
257         match f.global_values[gv] {
258             // Return the direct register the vmcontext is in
259             ir::GlobalValueData::VMContext => {
260                 get_special_purpose_param_register(f, abi, ir::ArgumentPurpose::VMContext)
261                     .expect("no vmcontext parameter found")
262             }
263             // Load our base value into a register, then load from that register
264             // in to a temporary register.
265             ir::GlobalValueData::Load {
266                 base,
267                 offset,
268                 global_type: _,
269                 readonly: _,
270             } => {
271                 let base = generate_gv(f, abi, base, insts);
272                 let into_reg = writable_spilltmp_reg();
273                 let mem = if let Some(offset) =
274                     UImm12Scaled::maybe_from_i64(offset.into(), ir::types::I8)
275                 {
276                     MemArg::UnsignedOffset(base, offset)
277                 } else {
278                     let offset: i64 = offset.into();
279                     insts.extend(Inst::load_constant(into_reg, offset as u64));
280                     MemArg::RegReg(base, into_reg.to_reg())
281                 };
282                 insts.push(Inst::ULoad64 {
283                     rd: into_reg,
284                     mem,
285                     srcloc: None,
286                 });
287                 return into_reg.to_reg();
288             }
289             ref other => panic!("global value for stack limit not supported: {}", other),
290         }
291     }
292 }
get_special_purpose_param_register( f: &ir::Function, abi: &ABISig, purpose: ir::ArgumentPurpose, ) -> Option<Reg>294 fn get_special_purpose_param_register(
295     f: &ir::Function,
296     abi: &ABISig,
297     purpose: ir::ArgumentPurpose,
298 ) -> Option<Reg> {
299     let idx = f.signature.special_param_index(purpose)?;
300     match abi.args[idx] {
301         ABIArg::Reg(reg, _) => Some(reg.to_reg()),
302         ABIArg::Stack(..) => None,
303     }
304 }
306 impl AArch64ABIBody {
307     /// Create a new body ABI instance.
new(f: &ir::Function, flags: settings::Flags) -> Self308     pub fn new(f: &ir::Function, flags: settings::Flags) -> Self {
309         debug!("AArch64 ABI: func signature {:?}", f.signature);
311         let sig = ABISig::from_func_sig(&f.signature);
313         let call_conv = f.signature.call_conv;
314         // Only these calling conventions are supported.
315         debug_assert!(
316             call_conv == isa::CallConv::SystemV
317                 || call_conv == isa::CallConv::Fast
318                 || call_conv == isa::CallConv::Cold
319                 || call_conv.extends_baldrdash(),
320             "Unsupported calling convention: {:?}",
321             call_conv
322         );
324         // Compute stackslot locations and total stackslot size.
325         let mut stack_offset: u32 = 0;
326         let mut stackslots = vec![];
327         for (stackslot, data) in f.stack_slots.iter() {
328             let off = stack_offset;
329             stack_offset += data.size;
330             stack_offset = (stack_offset + 7) & !7;
331             debug_assert_eq!(stackslot.as_u32() as usize, stackslots.len());
332             stackslots.push(off);
333         }
335         // Figure out what instructions, if any, will be needed to check the
336         // stack limit. This can either be specified as a special-purpose
337         // argument or as a global value which often calculates the stack limit
338         // from the arguments.
339         let stack_limit =
340             get_special_purpose_param_register(f, &sig, ir::ArgumentPurpose::StackLimit)
341                 .map(|reg| (reg, Vec::new()))
342                 .or_else(|| f.stack_limit.map(|gv| gen_stack_limit(f, &sig, gv)));
344         Self {
345             sig,
346             stackslots,
347             stackslots_size: stack_offset,
348             clobbered: Set::empty(),
349             spillslots: None,
350             frame_size: None,
351             call_conv,
352             flags,
353             is_leaf: f.is_leaf(),
354             stack_limit,
355         }
356     }
358     /// Returns the size of a function call frame (including return address and FP) for this
359     /// function's body.
frame_size(&self) -> i64360     fn frame_size(&self) -> i64 {
361         if self.call_conv.extends_baldrdash() {
362             let num_words = self.flags.baldrdash_prologue_words() as i64;
363             debug_assert!(num_words > 0, "baldrdash must set baldrdash_prologue_words");
364             debug_assert_eq!(num_words % 2, 0, "stack must be 16-aligned");
365             num_words * 8
366         } else {
367             16 // frame pointer + return address.
368         }
369     }
371     /// Inserts instructions necessary for checking the stack limit into the
372     /// prologue.
373     ///
374     /// This function will generate instructions necessary for perform a stack
375     /// check at the header of a function. The stack check is intended to trap
376     /// if the stack pointer goes below a particular threshold, preventing stack
377     /// overflow in wasm or other code. The `stack_limit` argument here is the
378     /// register which holds the threshold below which we're supposed to trap.
379     /// This function is known to allocate `stack_size` bytes and we'll push
380     /// instructions onto `insts`.
381     ///
382     /// Note that the instructions generated here are special because this is
383     /// happening so late in the pipeline (e.g. after register allocation). This
384     /// means that we need to do manual register allocation here and also be
385     /// careful to not clobber any callee-saved or argument registers. For now
386     /// this routine makes do with the `writable_spilltmp_reg` as one temporary
387     /// register, and a second register of `x16` which is caller-saved. This
388     /// should be fine for us since no spills should happen in this sequence of
389     /// instructions, so our register won't get accidentally clobbered.
390     ///
391     /// No values can be live after the prologue, but in this case that's ok
392     /// because we just need to perform a stack check before progressing with
393     /// the rest of the function.
insert_stack_check(&self, stack_limit: Reg, stack_size: u32, insts: &mut Vec<Inst>)394     fn insert_stack_check(&self, stack_limit: Reg, stack_size: u32, insts: &mut Vec<Inst>) {
395         // With no explicit stack allocated we can just emit the simple check of
396         // the stack registers against the stack limit register, and trap if
397         // it's out of bounds.
398         if stack_size == 0 {
399             return push_check(stack_limit, insts);
400         }
402         // Note that the 32k stack size here is pretty special. See the
403         // documentation in x86/abi.rs for why this is here. The general idea is
404         // that we're protecting against overflow in the addition that happens
405         // below.
406         if stack_size >= 32 * 1024 {
407             push_check(stack_limit, insts);
408         }
410         // Add the `stack_size` to `stack_limit`, placing the result in
411         // `scratch`.
412         //
413         // Note though that `stack_limit`'s register may be the same as
414         // `scratch`. If our stack size doesn't fit into an immediate this
415         // means we need a second scratch register for loading the stack size
416         // into a register. We use `x16` here since it's caller-saved and we're
417         // in the function prologue and nothing else is allocated to it yet.
418         let scratch = writable_spilltmp_reg();
419         let stack_size = u64::from(stack_size);
420         if let Some(imm12) = Imm12::maybe_from_u64(stack_size) {
421             insts.push(Inst::AluRRImm12 {
422                 alu_op: ALUOp::Add64,
423                 rd: scratch,
424                 rn: stack_limit,
425                 imm12,
426             });
427         } else {
428             let scratch2 = 16;
429             insts.extend(Inst::load_constant(
430                 Writable::from_reg(xreg(scratch2)),
431                 stack_size.into(),
432             ));
433             insts.push(Inst::AluRRRExtend {
434                 alu_op: ALUOp::Add64,
435                 rd: scratch,
436                 rn: stack_limit,
437                 rm: xreg(scratch2),
438                 extendop: ExtendOp::UXTX,
439             });
440         }
441         push_check(scratch.to_reg(), insts);
443         fn push_check(stack_limit: Reg, insts: &mut Vec<Inst>) {
444             insts.push(Inst::AluRRR {
445                 alu_op: ALUOp::SubS64XR,
446                 rd: writable_zero_reg(),
447                 rn: stack_reg(),
448                 rm: stack_limit,
449             });
450             insts.push(Inst::CondBrLowered {
451                 target: BranchTarget::ResolvedOffset(8),
452                 // Here `Hs` == "higher or same" when interpreting the two
453                 // operands as unsigned integers.
454                 kind: CondBrKind::Cond(Cond::Hs),
455             });
456             insts.push(Inst::Udf {
457                 trap_info: (ir::SourceLoc::default(), ir::TrapCode::StackOverflow),
458             });
459         }
460     }
461 }
load_stack_from_fp(fp_offset: i64, into_reg: Writable<Reg>, ty: Type) -> Inst463 fn load_stack_from_fp(fp_offset: i64, into_reg: Writable<Reg>, ty: Type) -> Inst {
464     let mem = MemArg::FPOffset(fp_offset);
465     match ty {
466         types::B1
467         | types::B8
468         | types::I8
469         | types::B16
470         | types::I16
471         | types::B32
472         | types::I32
473         | types::B64
474         | types::I64 => Inst::ULoad64 {
475             rd: into_reg,
476             mem,
477             srcloc: None,
478         },
479         types::F32 => Inst::FpuLoad32 {
480             rd: into_reg,
481             mem,
482             srcloc: None,
483         },
484         types::F64 => Inst::FpuLoad64 {
485             rd: into_reg,
486             mem,
487             srcloc: None,
488         },
489         _ => unimplemented!("load_stack_from_fp({})", ty),
490     }
491 }
store_stack(mem: MemArg, from_reg: Reg, ty: Type) -> Inst493 fn store_stack(mem: MemArg, from_reg: Reg, ty: Type) -> Inst {
494     debug_assert!(match &mem {
495         MemArg::SPOffset(off) => SImm9::maybe_from_i64(*off).is_some(),
496         _ => true,
497     });
498     match ty {
499         types::B1
500         | types::B8
501         | types::I8
502         | types::B16
503         | types::I16
504         | types::B32
505         | types::I32
506         | types::B64
507         | types::I64 => Inst::Store64 {
508             rd: from_reg,
509             mem,
510             srcloc: None,
511         },
512         types::F32 => Inst::FpuStore32 {
513             rd: from_reg,
514             mem,
515             srcloc: None,
516         },
517         types::F64 => Inst::FpuStore64 {
518             rd: from_reg,
519             mem,
520             srcloc: None,
521         },
522         _ => unimplemented!("store_stack({})", ty),
523     }
524 }
store_stack_fp(fp_offset: i64, from_reg: Reg, ty: Type) -> Inst526 fn store_stack_fp(fp_offset: i64, from_reg: Reg, ty: Type) -> Inst {
527     store_stack(MemArg::FPOffset(fp_offset), from_reg, ty)
528 }
store_stack_sp<C: LowerCtx<I = Inst>>( ctx: &mut C, sp_offset: i64, from_reg: Reg, ty: Type, ) -> Vec<Inst>530 fn store_stack_sp<C: LowerCtx<I = Inst>>(
531     ctx: &mut C,
532     sp_offset: i64,
533     from_reg: Reg,
534     ty: Type,
535 ) -> Vec<Inst> {
536     if SImm9::maybe_from_i64(sp_offset).is_some() {
537         vec![store_stack(MemArg::SPOffset(sp_offset), from_reg, ty)]
538     } else {
539         // mem_finalize will try to generate an add, but in an addition, x31 is the zero register,
540         // not sp! So we have to synthesize the full add here.
541         let tmp1 = ctx.tmp(RegClass::I64, I64);
542         let tmp2 = ctx.tmp(RegClass::I64, I64);
543         let mut result = Vec::new();
544         // tmp1 := sp
545         result.push(Inst::Mov {
546             rd: tmp1,
547             rm: stack_reg(),
548         });
549         // tmp2 := offset
550         for inst in Inst::load_constant(tmp2, sp_offset as u64) {
551             result.push(inst);
552         }
553         // tmp1 := add tmp1, tmp2
554         result.push(Inst::AluRRR {
555             alu_op: ALUOp::Add64,
556             rd: tmp1,
557             rn: tmp1.to_reg(),
558             rm: tmp2.to_reg(),
559         });
560         // Actual store.
561         result.push(store_stack(
562             MemArg::Unscaled(tmp1.to_reg(), SImm9::maybe_from_i64(0).unwrap()),
563             from_reg,
564             ty,
565         ));
566         result
567     }
568 }
is_callee_save(call_conv: isa::CallConv, r: RealReg) -> bool570 fn is_callee_save(call_conv: isa::CallConv, r: RealReg) -> bool {
571     if call_conv.extends_baldrdash() {
572         match r.get_class() {
573             RegClass::I64 => {
574                 let enc = r.get_hw_encoding();
575                 return BALDRDASH_JIT_CALLEE_SAVED_GPR[enc];
576             }
577             RegClass::V128 => {
578                 let enc = r.get_hw_encoding();
579                 return BALDRDASH_JIT_CALLEE_SAVED_FPU[enc];
580             }
581             _ => unimplemented!("baldrdash callee saved on non-i64 reg classes"),
582         };
583     }
585     match r.get_class() {
586         RegClass::I64 => {
587             // x19 - x28 inclusive are callee-saves.
588             r.get_hw_encoding() >= 19 && r.get_hw_encoding() <= 28
589         }
590         RegClass::V128 => {
591             // v8 - v15 inclusive are callee-saves.
592             r.get_hw_encoding() >= 8 && r.get_hw_encoding() <= 15
593         }
594         _ => panic!("Unexpected RegClass"),
595     }
596 }
get_callee_saves( call_conv: isa::CallConv, regs: Vec<Writable<RealReg>>, ) -> (Vec<Writable<RealReg>>, Vec<Writable<RealReg>>)598 fn get_callee_saves(
599     call_conv: isa::CallConv,
600     regs: Vec<Writable<RealReg>>,
601 ) -> (Vec<Writable<RealReg>>, Vec<Writable<RealReg>>) {
602     let mut int_saves = vec![];
603     let mut vec_saves = vec![];
604     for reg in regs.into_iter() {
605         if is_callee_save(call_conv, reg.to_reg()) {
606             match reg.to_reg().get_class() {
607                 RegClass::I64 => int_saves.push(reg),
608                 RegClass::V128 => vec_saves.push(reg),
609                 _ => panic!("Unexpected RegClass"),
610             }
611         }
612     }
613     (int_saves, vec_saves)
614 }
is_caller_save(call_conv: isa::CallConv, r: RealReg) -> bool616 fn is_caller_save(call_conv: isa::CallConv, r: RealReg) -> bool {
617     if call_conv.extends_baldrdash() {
618         match r.get_class() {
619             RegClass::I64 => {
620                 let enc = r.get_hw_encoding();
621                 if !BALDRDASH_JIT_CALLEE_SAVED_GPR[enc] {
622                     return true;
623                 }
624                 // Otherwise, fall through to preserve native's ABI caller-saved.
625             }
626             RegClass::V128 => {
627                 let enc = r.get_hw_encoding();
628                 if !BALDRDASH_JIT_CALLEE_SAVED_FPU[enc] {
629                     return true;
630                 }
631                 // Otherwise, fall through to preserve native's ABI caller-saved.
632             }
633             _ => unimplemented!("baldrdash callee saved on non-i64 reg classes"),
634         };
635     }
637     match r.get_class() {
638         RegClass::I64 => {
639             // x0 - x17 inclusive are caller-saves.
640             r.get_hw_encoding() <= 17
641         }
642         RegClass::V128 => {
643             // v0 - v7 inclusive and v16 - v31 inclusive are caller-saves.
644             r.get_hw_encoding() <= 7 || (r.get_hw_encoding() >= 16 && r.get_hw_encoding() <= 31)
645         }
646         _ => panic!("Unexpected RegClass"),
647     }
648 }
get_caller_saves_set(call_conv: isa::CallConv) -> Set<Writable<Reg>>650 fn get_caller_saves_set(call_conv: isa::CallConv) -> Set<Writable<Reg>> {
651     let mut set = Set::empty();
652     for i in 0..29 {
653         let x = writable_xreg(i);
654         if is_caller_save(call_conv, x.to_reg().to_real_reg()) {
655             set.insert(x);
656         }
657     }
658     for i in 0..32 {
659         let v = writable_vreg(i);
660         if is_caller_save(call_conv, v.to_reg().to_real_reg()) {
661             set.insert(v);
662         }
663     }
664     set
665 }
667 impl ABIBody for AArch64ABIBody {
668     type I = Inst;
flags(&self) -> &settings::Flags670     fn flags(&self) -> &settings::Flags {
671         &self.flags
672     }
liveins(&self) -> Set<RealReg>674     fn liveins(&self) -> Set<RealReg> {
675         let mut set: Set<RealReg> = Set::empty();
676         for &arg in &self.sig.args {
677             if let ABIArg::Reg(r, _) = arg {
678                 set.insert(r);
679             }
680         }
681         set
682     }
liveouts(&self) -> Set<RealReg>684     fn liveouts(&self) -> Set<RealReg> {
685         let mut set: Set<RealReg> = Set::empty();
686         for &ret in &self.sig.rets {
687             if let ABIArg::Reg(r, _) = ret {
688                 set.insert(r);
689             }
690         }
691         set
692     }
num_args(&self) -> usize694     fn num_args(&self) -> usize {
695         self.sig.args.len()
696     }
num_retvals(&self) -> usize698     fn num_retvals(&self) -> usize {
699         self.sig.rets.len()
700     }
num_stackslots(&self) -> usize702     fn num_stackslots(&self) -> usize {
703         self.stackslots.len()
704     }
gen_copy_arg_to_reg(&self, idx: usize, into_reg: Writable<Reg>) -> Inst706     fn gen_copy_arg_to_reg(&self, idx: usize, into_reg: Writable<Reg>) -> Inst {
707         match &self.sig.args[idx] {
708             &ABIArg::Reg(r, ty) => Inst::gen_move(into_reg, r.to_reg(), ty),
709             &ABIArg::Stack(off, ty) => load_stack_from_fp(off + self.frame_size(), into_reg, ty),
710         }
711     }
gen_copy_reg_to_retval( &self, idx: usize, from_reg: Writable<Reg>, ext: ArgumentExtension, ) -> Vec<Inst>713     fn gen_copy_reg_to_retval(
714         &self,
715         idx: usize,
716         from_reg: Writable<Reg>,
717         ext: ArgumentExtension,
718     ) -> Vec<Inst> {
719         let mut ret = Vec::new();
720         match &self.sig.rets[idx] {
721             &ABIArg::Reg(r, ty) => {
722                 let from_bits = aarch64::lower::ty_bits(ty) as u8;
723                 let dest_reg = Writable::from_reg(r.to_reg());
724                 match (ext, from_bits) {
725                     (ArgumentExtension::Uext, n) if n < 64 => {
726                         ret.push(Inst::Extend {
727                             rd: dest_reg,
728                             rn: from_reg.to_reg(),
729                             signed: false,
730                             from_bits,
731                             to_bits: 64,
732                         });
733                     }
734                     (ArgumentExtension::Sext, n) if n < 64 => {
735                         ret.push(Inst::Extend {
736                             rd: dest_reg,
737                             rn: from_reg.to_reg(),
738                             signed: true,
739                             from_bits,
740                             to_bits: 64,
741                         });
742                     }
743                     _ => ret.push(Inst::gen_move(dest_reg, from_reg.to_reg(), ty)),
744                 };
745             }
746             &ABIArg::Stack(off, ty) => {
747                 let from_bits = aarch64::lower::ty_bits(ty) as u8;
748                 // Trash the from_reg; it should be its last use.
749                 match (ext, from_bits) {
750                     (ArgumentExtension::Uext, n) if n < 64 => {
751                         ret.push(Inst::Extend {
752                             rd: from_reg,
753                             rn: from_reg.to_reg(),
754                             signed: false,
755                             from_bits,
756                             to_bits: 64,
757                         });
758                     }
759                     (ArgumentExtension::Sext, n) if n < 64 => {
760                         ret.push(Inst::Extend {
761                             rd: from_reg,
762                             rn: from_reg.to_reg(),
763                             signed: true,
764                             from_bits,
765                             to_bits: 64,
766                         });
767                     }
768                     _ => {}
769                 };
770                 ret.push(store_stack_fp(
771                     off + self.frame_size(),
772                     from_reg.to_reg(),
773                     ty,
774                 ))
775             }
776         }
777         ret
778     }
gen_ret(&self) -> Inst780     fn gen_ret(&self) -> Inst {
781         Inst::Ret {}
782     }
gen_epilogue_placeholder(&self) -> Inst784     fn gen_epilogue_placeholder(&self) -> Inst {
785         Inst::EpiloguePlaceholder {}
786     }
set_num_spillslots(&mut self, slots: usize)788     fn set_num_spillslots(&mut self, slots: usize) {
789         self.spillslots = Some(slots);
790     }
set_clobbered(&mut self, clobbered: Set<Writable<RealReg>>)792     fn set_clobbered(&mut self, clobbered: Set<Writable<RealReg>>) {
793         self.clobbered = clobbered;
794     }
load_stackslot( &self, slot: StackSlot, offset: u32, ty: Type, into_reg: Writable<Reg>, ) -> Inst796     fn load_stackslot(
797         &self,
798         slot: StackSlot,
799         offset: u32,
800         ty: Type,
801         into_reg: Writable<Reg>,
802     ) -> Inst {
803         // Offset from beginning of stackslot area, which is at FP - stackslots_size.
804         let stack_off = self.stackslots[slot.as_u32() as usize] as i64;
805         let fp_off: i64 = -(self.stackslots_size as i64) + stack_off + (offset as i64);
806         load_stack_from_fp(fp_off, into_reg, ty)
807     }
store_stackslot(&self, slot: StackSlot, offset: u32, ty: Type, from_reg: Reg) -> Inst809     fn store_stackslot(&self, slot: StackSlot, offset: u32, ty: Type, from_reg: Reg) -> Inst {
810         // Offset from beginning of stackslot area, which is at FP - stackslots_size.
811         let stack_off = self.stackslots[slot.as_u32() as usize] as i64;
812         let fp_off: i64 = -(self.stackslots_size as i64) + stack_off + (offset as i64);
813         store_stack_fp(fp_off, from_reg, ty)
814     }
stackslot_addr(&self, slot: StackSlot, offset: u32, into_reg: Writable<Reg>) -> Inst816     fn stackslot_addr(&self, slot: StackSlot, offset: u32, into_reg: Writable<Reg>) -> Inst {
817         // Offset from beginning of stackslot area, which is at FP - stackslots_size.
818         let stack_off = self.stackslots[slot.as_u32() as usize] as i64;
819         let fp_off: i64 = -(self.stackslots_size as i64) + stack_off + (offset as i64);
820         Inst::LoadAddr {
821             rd: into_reg,
822             mem: MemArg::FPOffset(fp_off),
823         }
824     }
826     // Load from a spillslot.
load_spillslot(&self, slot: SpillSlot, ty: Type, into_reg: Writable<Reg>) -> Inst827     fn load_spillslot(&self, slot: SpillSlot, ty: Type, into_reg: Writable<Reg>) -> Inst {
828         // Note that when spills/fills are generated, we don't yet know how many
829         // spillslots there will be, so we allocate *downward* from the beginning
830         // of the stackslot area. Hence: FP - stackslot_size - 8*spillslot -
831         // sizeof(ty).
832         let islot = slot.get() as i64;
833         let ty_size = self.get_spillslot_size(into_reg.to_reg().get_class(), ty) * 8;
834         let fp_off: i64 = -(self.stackslots_size as i64) - (8 * islot) - ty_size as i64;
835         load_stack_from_fp(fp_off, into_reg, ty)
836     }
838     // Store to a spillslot.
store_spillslot(&self, slot: SpillSlot, ty: Type, from_reg: Reg) -> Inst839     fn store_spillslot(&self, slot: SpillSlot, ty: Type, from_reg: Reg) -> Inst {
840         let islot = slot.get() as i64;
841         let ty_size = self.get_spillslot_size(from_reg.get_class(), ty) * 8;
842         let fp_off: i64 = -(self.stackslots_size as i64) - (8 * islot) - ty_size as i64;
843         store_stack_fp(fp_off, from_reg, ty)
844     }
gen_prologue(&mut self) -> Vec<Inst>846     fn gen_prologue(&mut self) -> Vec<Inst> {
847         let mut insts = vec![];
848         if !self.call_conv.extends_baldrdash() {
849             // stp fp (x29), lr (x30), [sp, #-16]!
850             insts.push(Inst::StoreP64 {
851                 rt: fp_reg(),
852                 rt2: link_reg(),
853                 mem: PairMemArg::PreIndexed(
854                     writable_stack_reg(),
855                     SImm7Scaled::maybe_from_i64(-16, types::I64).unwrap(),
856                 ),
857             });
858             // mov fp (x29), sp. This uses the ADDI rd, rs, 0 form of `MOV` because
859             // the usual encoding (`ORR`) does not work with SP.
860             insts.push(Inst::AluRRImm12 {
861                 alu_op: ALUOp::Add64,
862                 rd: writable_fp_reg(),
863                 rn: stack_reg(),
864                 imm12: Imm12 {
865                     bits: 0,
866                     shift12: false,
867                 },
868             });
869         }
871         let mut total_stacksize = self.stackslots_size + 8 * self.spillslots.unwrap() as u32;
872         if self.call_conv.extends_baldrdash() {
873             debug_assert!(
874                 !self.flags.enable_probestack(),
875                 "baldrdash does not expect cranelift to emit stack probes"
876             );
877             total_stacksize += self.flags.baldrdash_prologue_words() as u32 * 8;
878         }
879         let total_stacksize = (total_stacksize + 15) & !15; // 16-align the stack.
881         if !self.call_conv.extends_baldrdash() {
882             // Leaf functions with zero stack don't need a stack check if one's
883             // specified, otherwise always insert the stack check.
884             if total_stacksize > 0 || !self.is_leaf {
885                 if let Some((reg, stack_limit_load)) = &self.stack_limit {
886                     insts.extend_from_slice(stack_limit_load);
887                     self.insert_stack_check(*reg, total_stacksize, &mut insts);
888                 }
889             }
890             if total_stacksize > 0 {
891                 // sub sp, sp, #total_stacksize
892                 if let Some(imm12) = Imm12::maybe_from_u64(total_stacksize as u64) {
893                     let sub_inst = Inst::AluRRImm12 {
894                         alu_op: ALUOp::Sub64,
895                         rd: writable_stack_reg(),
896                         rn: stack_reg(),
897                         imm12,
898                     };
899                     insts.push(sub_inst);
900                 } else {
901                     let tmp = writable_spilltmp_reg();
902                     let const_inst = Inst::LoadConst64 {
903                         rd: tmp,
904                         const_data: total_stacksize as u64,
905                     };
906                     let sub_inst = Inst::AluRRRExtend {
907                         alu_op: ALUOp::Sub64,
908                         rd: writable_stack_reg(),
909                         rn: stack_reg(),
910                         rm: tmp.to_reg(),
911                         extendop: ExtendOp::UXTX,
912                     };
913                     insts.push(const_inst);
914                     insts.push(sub_inst);
915                 }
916             }
917         }
919         // Save clobbered registers.
920         let (clobbered_int, clobbered_vec) =
921             get_callee_saves(self.call_conv, self.clobbered.to_vec());
922         for reg_pair in clobbered_int.chunks(2) {
923             let (r1, r2) = if reg_pair.len() == 2 {
924                 // .to_reg().to_reg(): Writable<RealReg> --> RealReg --> Reg
925                 (reg_pair[0].to_reg().to_reg(), reg_pair[1].to_reg().to_reg())
926             } else {
927                 (reg_pair[0].to_reg().to_reg(), zero_reg())
928             };
930             debug_assert!(r1.get_class() == RegClass::I64);
931             debug_assert!(r2.get_class() == RegClass::I64);
933             // stp r1, r2, [sp, #-16]!
934             insts.push(Inst::StoreP64 {
935                 rt: r1,
936                 rt2: r2,
937                 mem: PairMemArg::PreIndexed(
938                     writable_stack_reg(),
939                     SImm7Scaled::maybe_from_i64(-16, types::I64).unwrap(),
940                 ),
941             });
942         }
943         let vec_save_bytes = clobbered_vec.len() * 16;
944         if vec_save_bytes != 0 {
945             insts.push(Inst::AluRRImm12 {
946                 alu_op: ALUOp::Sub64,
947                 rd: writable_stack_reg(),
948                 rn: stack_reg(),
949                 imm12: Imm12::maybe_from_u64(vec_save_bytes as u64).unwrap(),
950             });
951         }
952         for (i, reg) in clobbered_vec.iter().enumerate() {
953             insts.push(Inst::FpuStore128 {
954                 rd: reg.to_reg().to_reg(),
955                 mem: MemArg::Unscaled(stack_reg(), SImm9::maybe_from_i64((i * 16) as i64).unwrap()),
956                 srcloc: None,
957             });
958         }
960         self.frame_size = Some(total_stacksize);
961         insts
962     }
gen_epilogue(&self) -> Vec<Inst>964     fn gen_epilogue(&self) -> Vec<Inst> {
965         let mut insts = vec![];
967         // Restore clobbered registers.
968         let (clobbered_int, clobbered_vec) =
969             get_callee_saves(self.call_conv, self.clobbered.to_vec());
971         for (i, reg) in clobbered_vec.iter().enumerate() {
972             insts.push(Inst::FpuLoad128 {
973                 rd: Writable::from_reg(reg.to_reg().to_reg()),
974                 mem: MemArg::Unscaled(stack_reg(), SImm9::maybe_from_i64((i * 16) as i64).unwrap()),
975                 srcloc: None,
976             });
977         }
978         let vec_save_bytes = clobbered_vec.len() * 16;
979         if vec_save_bytes != 0 {
980             insts.push(Inst::AluRRImm12 {
981                 alu_op: ALUOp::Add64,
982                 rd: writable_stack_reg(),
983                 rn: stack_reg(),
984                 imm12: Imm12::maybe_from_u64(vec_save_bytes as u64).unwrap(),
985             });
986         }
988         for reg_pair in clobbered_int.chunks(2).rev() {
989             let (r1, r2) = if reg_pair.len() == 2 {
990                 (
991                     reg_pair[0].map(|r| r.to_reg()),
992                     reg_pair[1].map(|r| r.to_reg()),
993                 )
994             } else {
995                 (reg_pair[0].map(|r| r.to_reg()), writable_zero_reg())
996             };
998             debug_assert!(r1.to_reg().get_class() == RegClass::I64);
999             debug_assert!(r2.to_reg().get_class() == RegClass::I64);
1001             // ldp r1, r2, [sp], #16
1002             insts.push(Inst::LoadP64 {
1003                 rt: r1,
1004                 rt2: r2,
1005                 mem: PairMemArg::PostIndexed(
1006                     writable_stack_reg(),
1007                     SImm7Scaled::maybe_from_i64(16, types::I64).unwrap(),
1008                 ),
1009             });
1010         }
1012         if !self.call_conv.extends_baldrdash() {
1013             // The MOV (alias of ORR) interprets x31 as XZR, so use an ADD here.
1014             // MOV to SP is an alias of ADD.
1015             insts.push(Inst::AluRRImm12 {
1016                 alu_op: ALUOp::Add64,
1017                 rd: writable_stack_reg(),
1018                 rn: fp_reg(),
1019                 imm12: Imm12 {
1020                     bits: 0,
1021                     shift12: false,
1022                 },
1023             });
1024             insts.push(Inst::LoadP64 {
1025                 rt: writable_fp_reg(),
1026                 rt2: writable_link_reg(),
1027                 mem: PairMemArg::PostIndexed(
1028                     writable_stack_reg(),
1029                     SImm7Scaled::maybe_from_i64(16, types::I64).unwrap(),
1030                 ),
1031             });
1032             insts.push(Inst::Ret {});
1033         }
1035         debug!("Epilogue: {:?}", insts);
1036         insts
1037     }
frame_size(&self) -> u321039     fn frame_size(&self) -> u32 {
1040         self.frame_size
1041             .expect("frame size not computed before prologue generation")
1042     }
get_spillslot_size(&self, rc: RegClass, ty: Type) -> u321044     fn get_spillslot_size(&self, rc: RegClass, ty: Type) -> u32 {
1045         // We allocate in terms of 8-byte slots.
1046         match (rc, ty) {
1047             (RegClass::I64, _) => 1,
1048             (RegClass::V128, F32) | (RegClass::V128, F64) => 1,
1049             (RegClass::V128, _) => 2,
1050             _ => panic!("Unexpected register class!"),
1051         }
1052     }
gen_spill(&self, to_slot: SpillSlot, from_reg: RealReg, ty: Type) -> Inst1054     fn gen_spill(&self, to_slot: SpillSlot, from_reg: RealReg, ty: Type) -> Inst {
1055         self.store_spillslot(to_slot, ty, from_reg.to_reg())
1056     }
gen_reload(&self, to_reg: Writable<RealReg>, from_slot: SpillSlot, ty: Type) -> Inst1058     fn gen_reload(&self, to_reg: Writable<RealReg>, from_slot: SpillSlot, ty: Type) -> Inst {
1059         self.load_spillslot(from_slot, ty, to_reg.map(|r| r.to_reg()))
1060     }
1061 }
1063 enum CallDest {
1064     ExtName(ir::ExternalName),
1065     Reg(Reg),
1066 }
1068 /// AArch64 ABI object for a function call.
1069 pub struct AArch64ABICall {
1070     sig: ABISig,
1071     uses: Set<Reg>,
1072     defs: Set<Writable<Reg>>,
1073     dest: CallDest,
1074     loc: ir::SourceLoc,
1075     opcode: ir::Opcode,
1076 }
abisig_to_uses_and_defs(sig: &ABISig) -> (Set<Reg>, Set<Writable<Reg>>)1078 fn abisig_to_uses_and_defs(sig: &ABISig) -> (Set<Reg>, Set<Writable<Reg>>) {
1079     // Compute uses: all arg regs.
1080     let mut uses = Set::empty();
1081     for arg in &sig.args {
1082         match arg {
1083             &ABIArg::Reg(reg, _) => uses.insert(reg.to_reg()),
1084             _ => {}
1085         }
1086     }
1088     // Compute defs: all retval regs, and all caller-save (clobbered) regs.
1089     let mut defs = get_caller_saves_set(sig.call_conv);
1090     for ret in &sig.rets {
1091         match ret {
1092             &ABIArg::Reg(reg, _) => defs.insert(Writable::from_reg(reg.to_reg())),
1093             _ => {}
1094         }
1095     }
1097     (uses, defs)
1098 }
1100 impl AArch64ABICall {
1101     /// Create a callsite ABI object for a call directly to the specified function.
from_func( sig: &ir::Signature, extname: &ir::ExternalName, loc: ir::SourceLoc, ) -> AArch64ABICall1102     pub fn from_func(
1103         sig: &ir::Signature,
1104         extname: &ir::ExternalName,
1105         loc: ir::SourceLoc,
1106     ) -> AArch64ABICall {
1107         let sig = ABISig::from_func_sig(sig);
1108         let (uses, defs) = abisig_to_uses_and_defs(&sig);
1109         AArch64ABICall {
1110             sig,
1111             uses,
1112             defs,
1113             dest: CallDest::ExtName(extname.clone()),
1114             loc,
1115             opcode: ir::Opcode::Call,
1116         }
1117     }
1119     /// Create a callsite ABI object for a call to a function pointer with the
1120     /// given signature.
from_ptr( sig: &ir::Signature, ptr: Reg, loc: ir::SourceLoc, opcode: ir::Opcode, ) -> AArch64ABICall1121     pub fn from_ptr(
1122         sig: &ir::Signature,
1123         ptr: Reg,
1124         loc: ir::SourceLoc,
1125         opcode: ir::Opcode,
1126     ) -> AArch64ABICall {
1127         let sig = ABISig::from_func_sig(sig);
1128         let (uses, defs) = abisig_to_uses_and_defs(&sig);
1129         AArch64ABICall {
1130             sig,
1131             uses,
1132             defs,
1133             dest: CallDest::Reg(ptr),
1134             loc,
1135             opcode,
1136         }
1137     }
1138 }
adjust_stack(amt: u64, is_sub: bool) -> Vec<Inst>1140 fn adjust_stack(amt: u64, is_sub: bool) -> Vec<Inst> {
1141     if amt > 0 {
1142         let alu_op = if is_sub { ALUOp::Sub64 } else { ALUOp::Add64 };
1143         if let Some(imm12) = Imm12::maybe_from_u64(amt) {
1144             vec![Inst::AluRRImm12 {
1145                 alu_op,
1146                 rd: writable_stack_reg(),
1147                 rn: stack_reg(),
1148                 imm12,
1149             }]
1150         } else {
1151             let const_load = Inst::LoadConst64 {
1152                 rd: writable_spilltmp_reg(),
1153                 const_data: amt,
1154             };
1155             let adj = Inst::AluRRRExtend {
1156                 alu_op,
1157                 rd: writable_stack_reg(),
1158                 rn: stack_reg(),
1159                 rm: spilltmp_reg(),
1160                 extendop: ExtendOp::UXTX,
1161             };
1162             vec![const_load, adj]
1163         }
1164     } else {
1165         vec![]
1166     }
1167 }
1169 impl ABICall for AArch64ABICall {
1170     type I = Inst;
num_args(&self) -> usize1172     fn num_args(&self) -> usize {
1173         self.sig.args.len()
1174     }
gen_stack_pre_adjust(&self) -> Vec<Inst>1176     fn gen_stack_pre_adjust(&self) -> Vec<Inst> {
1177         adjust_stack(self.sig.stack_arg_space as u64, /* is_sub = */ true)
1178     }
gen_stack_post_adjust(&self) -> Vec<Inst>1180     fn gen_stack_post_adjust(&self) -> Vec<Inst> {
1181         adjust_stack(self.sig.stack_arg_space as u64, /* is_sub = */ false)
1182     }
gen_copy_reg_to_arg<C: LowerCtx<I = Self::I>>( &self, ctx: &mut C, idx: usize, from_reg: Reg, ) -> Vec<Inst>1184     fn gen_copy_reg_to_arg<C: LowerCtx<I = Self::I>>(
1185         &self,
1186         ctx: &mut C,
1187         idx: usize,
1188         from_reg: Reg,
1189     ) -> Vec<Inst> {
1190         match &self.sig.args[idx] {
1191             &ABIArg::Reg(reg, ty) => vec![Inst::gen_move(
1192                 Writable::from_reg(reg.to_reg()),
1193                 from_reg,
1194                 ty,
1195             )],
1196             &ABIArg::Stack(off, ty) => store_stack_sp(ctx, off, from_reg, ty),
1197         }
1198     }
gen_copy_retval_to_reg(&self, idx: usize, into_reg: Writable<Reg>) -> Inst1200     fn gen_copy_retval_to_reg(&self, idx: usize, into_reg: Writable<Reg>) -> Inst {
1201         match &self.sig.rets[idx] {
1202             &ABIArg::Reg(reg, ty) => Inst::gen_move(into_reg, reg.to_reg(), ty),
1203             _ => unimplemented!(),
1204         }
1205     }
gen_call(&self) -> Vec<Inst>1207     fn gen_call(&self) -> Vec<Inst> {
1208         let (uses, defs) = (self.uses.clone(), self.defs.clone());
1209         match &self.dest {
1210             &CallDest::ExtName(ref name) => vec![Inst::Call {
1211                 dest: name.clone(),
1212                 uses,
1213                 defs,
1214                 loc: self.loc,
1215                 opcode: self.opcode,
1216             }],
1217             &CallDest::Reg(reg) => vec![Inst::CallInd {
1218                 rn: reg,
1219                 uses,
1220                 defs,
1221                 loc: self.loc,
1222                 opcode: self.opcode,
1223             }],
1224         }
1225     }
1226 }