1 /* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2  * vim: set ts=8 sw=2 et tw=0 ft=c:
3  *
4  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
5  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
6  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
8 #ifndef vm_Opcodes_h
9 #define vm_Opcodes_h
11 #include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
13 #include <stddef.h>
15 // clang-format off
16 /*
17  * [SMDOC] Bytecode Definitions
18  *
19  * SpiderMonkey bytecode instructions.
20  *
21  * To use this header, define a macro of the form:
22  *
23  *     #define MACRO(op, op_snake, token, length, nuses, ndefs, format) ...
24  *
25  * Then `FOR_EACH_OPCODE(MACRO)` invokes `MACRO` for every opcode.
26  *
27  * Field        Description
28  * -----        -----------
29  * op           UpperCamelCase form of opcode id
30  * op_snake     snake_case form of opcode id
31  * token        Pretty-printer string, or null if ugly
32  * length       Number of bytes including any immediate operands
33  * nuses        Number of stack slots consumed by bytecode, -1 if variadic
34  * ndefs        Number of stack slots produced by bytecode
35  * format       JOF_ flags describing instruction operand layout, etc.
36  *
37  * For more about `format`, see the comments on the `JOF_` constants defined in
38  * BytecodeUtil.h.
39  *
40  *
41  * [SMDOC] Bytecode Invariants
42  *
43  * Creating scripts that do not follow the rules can lead to undefined
44  * behavior. Bytecode has many consumers, not just the interpreter: JITs,
45  * analyses, the debugger. That's why the rules below apply even to code that
46  * can't be reached in ordinary execution (such as code after an infinite loop
47  * or inside an `if (false)` block).
48  *
49  * The `code()` of a script must be a packed (not aligned) sequence of valid
50  * instructions from start to end. Each instruction has a single byte opcode
51  * followed by a number of operand bytes based on the opcode.
52  *
53  * ## Jump instructions
54  *
55  * Operands named `offset`, `forwardOffset`, or `defaultOffset` are jump
56  * offsets, the distance in bytes from the start of the current instruction to
57  * the start of another instruction in the same script. Operands named
58  * `forwardOffset` or `defaultOffset` must be positive.
59  *
60  * Forward jumps must jump to a `JSOp::JumpTarget` instruction.  Backward jumps,
61  * indicated by negative offsets, must jump to a `JSOp::LoopHead` instruction.
62  * Jump offsets can't be zero.
63  *
64  * Needless to say, scripts must not contain overlapping instruction sequences
65  * (in the sense of <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overlapping_gene>).
66  *
67  * A script's `trynotes` and `scopeNotes` impose further constraints. Each try
68  * note and each scope note marks a region of the bytecode where some invariant
69  * holds, or some cleanup behavior is needed--that there's a for-in iterator in
70  * a particular stack slot, for instance, which must be closed on error. All
71  * paths into the span must establish that invariant. In practice, this means
72  * other code never jumps into the span: the only way in is to execute the
73  * bytecode instruction that sets up the invariant (in our example,
74  * `JSOp::Iter`).
75  *
76  * If a script's `trynotes` (see "Try Notes" in JSScript.h) contain a
77  * `JSTRY_CATCH` or `JSTRY_FINALLY` span, there must be a `JSOp::Try`
78  * instruction immediately before the span and a `JSOp::JumpTarget immediately
79  * after it. Instructions must not jump to this `JSOp::JumpTarget`. (The VM puts
80  * us there on exception.) Furthermore, the instruction sequence immediately
81  * following a `JSTRY_CATCH` span must read `JumpTarget; Exception` or, in
82  * non-function scripts, `JumpTarget; Undefined; SetRval; Exception`. (These
83  * instructions run with an exception pending; other instructions aren't
84  * designed to handle that.)
85  *
86  * Unreachable instructions are allowed, but they have to follow all the rules.
87  *
88  * Control must not reach the end of a script. (Currently, the last instruction
89  * is always JSOp::RetRval.)
90  *
91  * ## Other operands
92  *
93  * Operands named `nameIndex` or `atomIndex` (which appear on instructions that
94  * have `JOF_ATOM` in the `format` field) must be valid indexes into
95  * `script->atoms()`.
96  *
97  * Operands named `argc` (`JOF_ARGC`) are argument counts for call
98  * instructions. `argc` must be small enough that the instruction's nuses is <=
99  * the current stack depth (see "Stack depth" below).
100  *
101  * Operands named `argno` (`JOF_QARG`) refer to an argument of the current
102  * function. `argno` must be in the range `0..script->function()->nargs()`.
103  * Instructions with these operands must appear only in function scripts.
104  *
105  * Operands named `localno` (`JOF_LOCAL`) refer to a local variable stored in
106  * the stack frame. `localno` must be in the range `0..script->nfixed()`.
107  *
108  * Operands named `resumeIndex` (`JOF_RESUMEINDEX`) refer to a resume point in
109  * the current script. `resumeIndex` must be a valid index into
110  * `script->resumeOffsets()`.
111  *
112  * Operands named `hops` and `slot` (`JOF_ENVCOORD`) refer a slot in an
113  * `EnvironmentObject`. At run time, they must point to a fixed slot in an
114  * object on the current environment chain. See `EnvironmentCoordinates`.
115  *
116  * Operands with the following names must be valid indexes into
117  * `script->gcthings()`, and the pointer in the vector must point to the right
118  * type of thing:
119  *
120  * -   `objectIndex` (`JOF_OBJECT`): `PlainObject*` or `ArrayObject*`
121  * -   `baseobjIndex` (`JOF_OBJECT`): `PlainObject*`
122  * -   `funcIndex` (`JOF_OBJECT`): `JSFunction*`
123  * -   `regexpIndex` (`JOF_REGEXP`): `RegExpObject*`
124  * -   `scopeIndex` (`JOF_SCOPE`): `Scope*`
125  * -   `lexicalScopeIndex` (`JOF_SCOPE`): `LexicalScope*`
126  * -   `withScopeIndex` (`JOF_SCOPE`): `WithScope*`
127  * -   `bigIntIndex` (`JOF_BIGINT`): `BigInt*`
128  *
129  * Operands named `icIndex` (`JOF_ICINDEX`) must be exactly the number of
130  * preceding instructions in the script that have the JOF_IC flag.
131  * (Rationale: Each JOF_IC instruction has a unique entry in
132  * `script->jitScript()->icEntries()`.  At run time, in the bytecode
133  * interpreter, we have to find that entry. We could store the IC index as an
134  * operand to each JOF_IC instruction, but it's more memory-efficient to use a
135  * counter and reset the counter to `icIndex` after each jump.)
136  *
137  * ## Stack depth
138  *
139  * Each instruction has a compile-time stack depth, the number of values on the
140  * interpreter stack just before executing the instruction. It isn't explicitly
141  * present in the bytecode itself, but (for reachable instructions, anyway)
142  * it's a function of the bytecode.
143  *
144  * -   The first instruction has stack depth 0.
145  *
146  * -   Each successor of an instruction X has a stack depth equal to
147  *
148  *         X's stack depth - `js::StackUses(X)` + `js::StackDefs(X)`
149  *
150  *     except for `JSOp::Case` (below).
151  *
152  *     X's "successors" are: the next instruction in the script, if
153  *     `js::FlowsIntoNext(op)` is true for X's opcode; one or more
154  *     `JSOp::JumpTarget`s elsewhere, if X is a forward jump or
155  *     `JSOp::TableSwitch`; and/or a `JSOp::LoopHead` if it's a backward jump.
156  *
157  * -   `JSOp::Case` is a special case because its stack behavior is eccentric.
158  *     The formula above is correct for the next instruction. The jump target
159  *     has a stack depth that is 1 less.
160  *
161  * -   See `JSOp::Gosub` for another special case.
162  *
163  * -   The `JSOp::JumpTarget` instruction immediately following a `JSTRY_CATCH`
164  *     or `JSTRY_FINALLY` span has the same stack depth as the `JSOp::Try`
165  *     instruction that precedes the span.
166  *
167  *     Every instruction covered by the `JSTRY_CATCH` or `JSTRY_FINALLY` span
168  *     must have a stack depth >= that value, so that error recovery is
169  *     guaranteed to find enough values on the stack to resume there.
170  *
171  * -   `script->nslots() - script->nfixed()` must be >= the maximum stack
172  *     depth of any instruction in `script`.  (The stack frame must be big
173  *     enough to run the code.)
174  *
175  * `BytecodeParser::parse()` computes stack depths for every reachable
176  * instruction in a script.
177  *
178  * ## Scopes and environments
179  *
180  * As with stack depth, each instruction has a static scope, which is a
181  * compile-time characterization of the eventual run-time environment chain
182  * when that instruction executes. Just as every instruction has a stack budget
183  * (nuses/ndefs), every instruction either pushes a scope, pops a scope, or
184  * neither. The same successor relation applies as above.
185  *
186  * Every scope used in a script is stored in the `JSScript::gcthings()` vector.
187  * They can be accessed using `getScope(index)` if you know what `index` to
188  * pass.
189  *
190  * The scope of every instruction (that's reachable via the successor relation)
191  * is given in two independent ways: by the bytecode itself and by the scope
192  * notes. The two sources must agree.
193  *
194  * ## Further rules
195  *
196  * All reachable instructions must be reachable without taking any backward
197  * edges.
198  *
199  * Instructions with the `JOF_CHECKSLOPPY` flag must not be used in strict mode
200  * code. `JOF_CHECKSTRICT` instructions must not be used in nonstrict code.
201  *
202  * Many instructions have their own additional rules. These are documented on
203  * the various opcodes below (look for the word "must").
204  */
205 // clang-format on
207 // clang-format off
208 /*
209  * SpiderMonkey bytecode categorization (as used in generated documentation):
210  *
211  * [Index]
212  *   [Constants]
213  *   [Expressions]
214  *     Unary operators
215  *     Binary operators
216  *     Conversions
217  *     Other expressions
218  *   [Objects]
219  *     Creating objects
220  *     Defining properties
221  *     Accessing properties
222  *     Super
223  *     Enumeration
224  *     Iteration
225  *     SetPrototype
226  *     Array literals
227  *     RegExp literals
228  *   [Functions]
229  *     Creating functions
230  *     Creating constructors
231  *     Calls
232  *     Generators and async functions
233  *   [Control flow]
234  *     Jump targets
235  *     Jumps
236  *     Return
237  *     Exceptions
238  *   [Variables and scopes]
239  *     Initialization
240  *     Looking up bindings
241  *     Getting binding values
242  *     Setting binding values
243  *     Entering and leaving environments
244  *     Creating and deleting bindings
245  *     Function environment setup
246  *   [Stack operations]
247  *   [Other]
248  */
249 // clang-format on
251 // clang-format off
252 #define FOR_EACH_OPCODE(MACRO) \
253     /*
254      * Push `undefined`.
255      *
256      *   Category: Constants
257      *   Operands:
258      *   Stack: => undefined
259      */ \
260     MACRO(Undefined, undefined, "", 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
261     /*
262      * Push `null`.
263      *
264      *   Category: Constants
265      *   Operands:
266      *   Stack: => null
267      */ \
268     MACRO(Null, null, js_null_str, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
269     /*
270      * Push a boolean constant.
271      *
272      *   Category: Constants
273      *   Operands:
274      *   Stack: => true/false
275      */ \
276     MACRO(False, false_, js_false_str, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
277     MACRO(True, true_, js_true_str, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
278     /*
279      * Push the `int32_t` immediate operand as an `Int32Value`.
280      *
281      * `JSOp::Zero`, `JSOp::One`, `JSOp::Int8`, `JSOp::Uint16`, and `JSOp::Uint24`
282      * are all compact encodings for `JSOp::Int32`.
283      *
284      *   Category: Constants
285      *   Operands: int32_t val
286      *   Stack: => val
287      */ \
288     MACRO(Int32, int32, NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_INT32) \
289     /*
290      * Push the number `0`.
291      *
292      *   Category: Constants
293      *   Operands:
294      *   Stack: => 0
295      */ \
296     MACRO(Zero, zero, "0", 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
297     /*
298      * Push the number `1`.
299      *
300      *   Category: Constants
301      *   Operands:
302      *   Stack: => 1
303      */ \
304     MACRO(One, one, "1", 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
305     /*
306      * Push the `int8_t` immediate operand as an `Int32Value`.
307      *
308      *   Category: Constants
309      *   Operands: int8_t val
310      *   Stack: => val
311      */ \
312     MACRO(Int8, int8, NULL, 2, 0, 1, JOF_INT8) \
313     /*
314      * Push the `uint16_t` immediate operand as an `Int32Value`.
315      *
316      *   Category: Constants
317      *   Operands: uint16_t val
318      *   Stack: => val
319      */ \
320     MACRO(Uint16, uint16, NULL, 3, 0, 1, JOF_UINT16) \
321     /*
322      * Push the `uint24_t` immediate operand as an `Int32Value`.
323      *
324      *   Category: Constants
325      *   Operands: uint24_t val
326      *   Stack: => val
327      */ \
328     MACRO(Uint24, uint24, NULL, 4, 0, 1, JOF_UINT24) \
329     /*
330      * Push the 64-bit floating-point immediate operand as a `DoubleValue`.
331      *
332      * If the operand is a NaN, it must be the canonical NaN (see
333      * `JS::detail::CanonicalizeNaN`).
334      *
335      *   Category: Constants
336      *   Operands: double val
337      *   Stack: => val
338      */ \
339     MACRO(Double, double_, NULL, 9, 0, 1, JOF_DOUBLE) \
340     /*
341      * Push the BigInt constant `script->getBigInt(bigIntIndex)`.
342      *
343      *   Category: Constants
344      *   Operands: uint32_t bigIntIndex
345      *   Stack: => bigint
346      */ \
347     MACRO(BigInt, big_int, NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_BIGINT) \
348     /*
349      * Push the string constant `script->getAtom(atomIndex)`.
350      *
351      *   Category: Constants
352      *   Operands: uint32_t atomIndex
353      *   Stack: => string
354      */ \
355     MACRO(String, string, NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_ATOM) \
356     /*
357      * Push a well-known symbol.
358      *
359      * `symbol` must be in range for `JS::SymbolCode`.
360      *
361      *   Category: Constants
362      *   Operands: uint8_t symbol (the JS::SymbolCode of the symbol to use)
363      *   Stack: => symbol
364      */ \
365     MACRO(Symbol, symbol, NULL, 2, 0, 1, JOF_UINT8) \
366     /*
367      * Pop the top value on the stack, discard it, and push `undefined`.
368      *
369      * Implements: [The `void` operator][1], step 3.
370      *
371      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-void-operator
372      *
373      *   Category: Expressions
374      *   Type: Unary operators
375      *   Operands:
376      *   Stack: val => undefined
377      */ \
378     MACRO(Void, void_, NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
379     /*
380      * [The `typeof` operator][1].
381      *
382      * Infallible. The result is always a string that depends on the [type][2]
383      * of `val`.
384      *
385      * `JSOp::Typeof` and `JSOp::TypeofExpr` are the same except
386      * that--amazingly--`JSOp::Typeof` affects the behavior of an immediately
387      * *preceding* `JSOp::GetName` or `JSOp::GetGName` instruction! This is how
388      * we implement [`typeof`][1] step 2, making `typeof nonExistingVariable`
389      * return `"undefined"` instead of throwing a ReferenceError.
390      *
391      * In a global scope:
392      *
393      * -   `typeof x` compiles to `GetGName "x"; Typeof`.
394      * -   `typeof (0, x)` compiles to `GetGName "x"; TypeofExpr`.
395      *
396      * Emitting the same bytecode for these two expressions would be a bug.
397      * Per spec, the latter throws a ReferenceError if `x` doesn't exist.
398      *
399      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-typeof-operator
400      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-ecmascript-language-types
401      *
402      *   Category: Expressions
403      *   Type: Unary operators
404      *   Operands:
405      *   Stack: val => (typeof val)
406      */ \
407     MACRO(Typeof, typeof_, NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
408     MACRO(TypeofExpr, typeof_expr, NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
409     /*
410      * [The unary `+` operator][1].
411      *
412      * `+val` doesn't do any actual math. It just calls [ToNumber][2](val).
413      *
414      * The conversion can call `.toString()`/`.valueOf()` methods and can
415      * throw. The result on success is always a Number. (Per spec, unary `-`
416      * supports BigInts, but unary `+` does not.)
417      *
418      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-unary-plus-operator
419      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-tonumber
420      *
421      *   Category: Expressions
422      *   Type: Unary operators
423      *   Operands:
424      *   Stack: val => (+val)
425      */ \
426     MACRO(Pos, pos, "+ ", 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
427     /*
428      * [The unary `-` operator][1].
429      *
430      * Convert `val` to a numeric value, then push `-val`. The conversion can
431      * call `.toString()`/`.valueOf()` methods and can throw. The result on
432      * success is always numeric.
433      *
434      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-unary-minus-operator
435      *
436      *   Category: Expressions
437      *   Type: Unary operators
438      *   Operands:
439      *   Stack: val => (-val)
440      */ \
441     MACRO(Neg, neg, "- ", 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
442     /*
443      * [The bitwise NOT operator][1] (`~`).
444      *
445      * `val` is converted to an integer, then bitwise negated. The conversion
446      * can call `.toString()`/`.valueOf()` methods and can throw. The result on
447      * success is always an Int32 or BigInt value.
448      *
449      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-bitwise-not-operator
450      *
451      *   Category: Expressions
452      *   Type: Unary operators
453      *   Operands:
454      *   Stack: val => (~val)
455      */ \
456     MACRO(BitNot, bit_not, "~", 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
457     /*
458      * [The logical NOT operator][1] (`!`).
459      *
460      * `val` is first converted with [ToBoolean][2], then logically
461      * negated. The result is always a boolean value. This does not call
462      * user-defined methods and can't throw.
463      *
464      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-logical-not-operator
465      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-toboolean
466      *
467      *   Category: Expressions
468      *   Type: Unary operators
469      *   Operands:
470      *   Stack: val => (!val)
471      */ \
472     MACRO(Not, not_, "!", 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
473     /*
474      * [Binary bitwise operations][1] (`|`, `^`, `&`).
475      *
476      * The arguments are converted to integers first. The conversion can call
477      * `.toString()`/`.valueOf()` methods and can throw. The result on success
478      * is always an Int32 or BigInt Value.
479      *
480      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-binary-bitwise-operators
481      *
482      *   Category: Expressions
483      *   Type: Binary operators
484      *   Operands:
485      *   Stack: lval, rval => (lval OP rval)
486      */ \
487     MACRO(BitOr, bit_or, "|",  1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
488     MACRO(BitXor, bit_xor, "^", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
489     MACRO(BitAnd, bit_and, "&", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
490     /*
491      * Loose equality operators (`==` and `!=`).
492      *
493      * Pop two values, compare them, and push the boolean result. The
494      * comparison may perform conversions that call `.toString()`/`.valueOf()`
495      * methods and can throw.
496      *
497      * Implements: [Abstract Equality Comparison][1].
498      *
499      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-abstract-equality-comparison
500      *
501      *   Category: Expressions
502      *   Type: Binary operators
503      *   Operands:
504      *   Stack: lval, rval => (lval OP rval)
505      */ \
506     MACRO(Eq, eq, "==", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
507     MACRO(Ne, ne, "!=", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
508     /*
509      * Strict equality operators (`===` and `!==`).
510      *
511      * Pop two values, check whether they're equal, and push the boolean
512      * result. This does not call user-defined methods and can't throw
513      * (except possibly due to OOM while flattening a string).
514      *
515      * Implements: [Strict Equality Comparison][1].
516      *
517      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-strict-equality-comparison
518      *
519      *   Category: Expressions
520      *   Type: Binary operators
521      *   Operands:
522      *   Stack: lval, rval => (lval OP rval)
523      */ \
524     MACRO(StrictEq, strict_eq, "===", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
525     MACRO(StrictNe, strict_ne, "!==", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
526     /*
527      * Relative operators (`<`, `>`, `<=`, `>=`).
528      *
529      * Pop two values, compare them, and push the boolean result. The
530      * comparison may perform conversions that call `.toString()`/`.valueOf()`
531      * methods and can throw.
532      *
533      * Implements: [Relational Operators: Evaluation][1].
534      *
535      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-relational-operators-runtime-semantics-evaluation
536      *
537      *   Category: Expressions
538      *   Type: Binary operators
539      *   Operands:
540      *   Stack: lval, rval => (lval OP rval)
541      */ \
542     MACRO(Lt, lt, "<",  1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
543     MACRO(Gt, gt, ">",  1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
544     MACRO(Le, le, "<=", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
545     MACRO(Ge, ge, ">=", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
546     /*
547      * [The `instanceof` operator][1].
548      *
549      * This throws a `TypeError` if `target` is not an object. It calls
550      * `target[Symbol.hasInstance](value)` if the method exists. On success,
551      * the result is always a boolean value.
552      *
553      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-instanceofoperator
554      *
555      *   Category: Expressions
556      *   Type: Binary operators
557      *   Operands:
558      *   Stack: value, target => (value instanceof target)
559      */ \
560     MACRO(Instanceof, instanceof, js_instanceof_str, 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
561     /*
562      * [The `in` operator][1].
563      *
564      * Push `true` if `obj` has a property with the key `id`. Otherwise push `false`.
565      *
566      * This throws a `TypeError` if `obj` is not an object. This can fire
567      * proxy hooks and can throw. On success, the result is always a boolean
568      * value.
569      *
570      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-relational-operators-runtime-semantics-evaluation
571      *
572      *   Category: Expressions
573      *   Type: Binary operators
574      *   Operands:
575      *   Stack: id, obj => (id in obj)
576      */ \
577     MACRO(In, in_, js_in_str, 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
578     /*
579      * [Bitwise shift operators][1] (`<<`, `>>`, `>>>`).
580      *
581      * Pop two values, convert them to integers, perform a bitwise shift, and
582      * push the result.
583      *
584      * Conversion can call `.toString()`/`.valueOf()` methods and can throw.
585      * The result on success is always an Int32 or BigInt Value.
586      *
587      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-bitwise-shift-operators
588      *
589      *   Category: Expressions
590      *   Type: Binary operators
591      *   Operands:
592      *   Stack: lval, rval => (lval OP rval)
593      */ \
594     MACRO(Lsh, lsh, "<<", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
595     MACRO(Rsh, rsh, ">>", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
596     MACRO(Ursh, ursh, ">>>", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
597     /*
598      * [The binary `+` operator][1].
599      *
600      * Pop two values, convert them to primitive values, add them, and push the
601      * result. If both values are numeric, add them; if either is a
602      * string, do string concatenation instead.
603      *
604      * The conversion can call `.toString()`/`.valueOf()` methods and can throw.
605      *
606      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-addition-operator-plus-runtime-semantics-evaluation
607      *
608      *   Category: Expressions
609      *   Type: Binary operators
610      *   Operands:
611      *   Stack: lval, rval => (lval + rval)
612      */ \
613     MACRO(Add, add, "+", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
614     /*
615      * [The binary `-` operator][1].
616      *
617      * Pop two values, convert them to numeric values, subtract the top value
618      * from the other one, and push the result.
619      *
620      * The conversion can call `.toString()`/`.valueOf()` methods and can
621      * throw. On success, the result is always numeric.
622      *
623      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-subtraction-operator-minus-runtime-semantics-evaluation
624      *
625      *   Category: Expressions
626      *   Type: Binary operators
627      *   Operands:
628      *   Stack: lval, rval => (lval - rval)
629      */ \
630     MACRO(Sub, sub, "-", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
631     /*
632      * Add or subtract 1.
633      *
634      * `val` must already be a numeric value, such as the result of
635      * `JSOp::ToNumeric`.
636      *
637      * Implements: [The `++` and `--` operators][1], step 3 of each algorithm.
638      *
639      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-postfix-increment-operator
640      *
641      *   Category: Expressions
642      *   Type: Binary operators
643      *   Operands:
644      *   Stack: val => (val +/- 1)
645      */ \
646     MACRO(Inc, inc, NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
647     MACRO(Dec, dec, NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
648     /*
649      * [The multiplicative operators][1] (`*`, `/`, `%`).
650      *
651      * Pop two values, convert them to numeric values, do math, and push the
652      * result.
653      *
654      * The conversion can call `.toString()`/`.valueOf()` methods and can
655      * throw. On success, the result is always numeric.
656      *
657      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-multiplicative-operators-runtime-semantics-evaluation
658      *
659      *   Category: Expressions
660      *   Type: Binary operators
661      *   Operands:
662      *   Stack: lval, rval => (lval OP rval)
663      */ \
664     MACRO(Mul, mul, "*", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
665     MACRO(Div, div, "/", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
666     MACRO(Mod, mod, "%", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
667     /*
668      * [The exponentiation operator][1] (`**`).
669      *
670      * Pop two values, convert them to numeric values, do exponentiation, and
671      * push the result. The top value is the exponent.
672      *
673      * The conversion can call `.toString()`/`.valueOf()` methods and can
674      * throw. This throws a RangeError if both values are BigInts and the
675      * exponent is negative.
676      *
677      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-exp-operator
678      *
679      *   Category: Expressions
680      *   Type: Binary operators
681      *   Operands:
682      *   Stack: lval, rval => (lval ** rval)
683      */ \
684     MACRO(Pow, pow, "**", 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
685     /*
686      * Convert a value to a property key.
687      *
688      * Implements: [ToPropertyKey][1], except that if the result would be the
689      * string representation of some integer in the range 0..2^31, we push the
690      * corresponding Int32 value instead. This is because the spec insists that
691      * array indices are strings, whereas for us they are integers.
692      *
693      * This is used for code like `++obj[index]`, which must do both a
694      * `JSOp::GetElem` and a `JSOp::SetElem` with the same property key. Both
695      * instructions would convert `index` to a property key for us, but the
696      * spec says to convert it only once.
697      *
698      * The conversion can call `.toString()`/`.valueOf()` methods and can
699      * throw.
700      *
701      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-topropertykey
702      *
703      *   Category: Expressions
704      *   Type: Conversions
705      *   Operands:
706      *   Stack: propertyNameValue => propertyKey
707      */ \
708     MACRO(ToId, to_id, NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
709     /*
710      * Convert a value to a numeric value (a Number or BigInt).
711      *
712      * Implements: [ToNumeric][1](val).
713      *
714      * Note: This is used to implement [`++` and `--`][2]. Surprisingly, it's
715      * not possible to get the right behavior using `JSOp::Add` and `JSOp::Sub`
716      * alone. For one thing, `JSOp::Add` sometimes does string concatenation,
717      * while `++` always does numeric addition. More fundamentally, the result
718      * of evaluating `x--` is ToNumeric(old value of `x`), a value that the
719      * sequence `GetLocal "x"; One; Sub; SetLocal "x"` does not give us.
720      *
721      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-tonumeric
722      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-postfix-increment-operator
723      *
724      *   Category: Expressions
725      *   Type: Conversions
726      *   Operands:
727      *   Stack: val => ToNumeric(val)
728      */ \
729     MACRO(ToNumeric, to_numeric, NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
730     /*
731      * Convert a value to a string.
732      *
733      * Implements: [ToString][1](val).
734      *
735      * Note: This is used in code for template literals, like `${x}${y}`. Each
736      * substituted value must be converted using ToString. `JSOp::Add` by itself
737      * would do a slightly wrong kind of conversion (hint="number" rather than
738      * hint="string").
739      *
740      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-tostring
741      *
742      *   Category: Expressions
743      *   Type: Conversions
744      *   Stack: val => ToString(val)
745      */ \
746     MACRO(ToString, to_string, NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
747     /*
748      * Push the global `this` value. Not to be confused with the `globalThis`
749      * property on the global.
750      *
751      * This must be used only in scopes where `this` refers to the global
752      * `this`.
753      *
754      *   Category: Expressions
755      *   Type: Other expressions
756      *   Operands:
757      *   Stack: => this
758      */ \
759     MACRO(GlobalThis, global_this, NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
760     /*
761      * Push the value of `new.target`.
762      *
763      * The result is a constructor or `undefined`.
764      *
765      * This must be used only in scripts where `new.target` is allowed:
766      * non-arrow function scripts and other scripts that have a non-arrow
767      * function script on the scope chain.
768      *
769      * Implements: [GetNewTarget][1].
770      *
771      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-getnewtarget
772      *
773      *   Category: Expressions
774      *   Type: Other expressions
775      *   Operands:
776      *   Stack: => new.target
777      */ \
778     MACRO(NewTarget, new_target, NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
779     /*
780      * Dynamic import of the module specified by the string value on the top of
781      * the stack.
782      *
783      * Implements: [Import Calls][1].
784      *
785      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-import-calls
786      *
787      *   Category: Expressions
788      *   Type: Other expressions
789      *   Operands:
790      *   Stack: moduleId => promise
791      */ \
792     MACRO(DynamicImport, dynamic_import, NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
793     /*
794      * Push the `import.meta` object.
795      *
796      * This must be used only in module code.
797      *
798      *   Category: Expressions
799      *   Type: Other expressions
800      *   Operands:
801      *   Stack: => import.meta
802      */ \
803     MACRO(ImportMeta, import_meta, NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
804     /*
805      * Create and push a new object with no properties.
806      *
807      *   Category: Objects
808      *   Type: Creating objects
809      *   Operands:
810      *   Stack: => obj
811      */ \
812     MACRO(NewInit, new_init, NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
813     /*
814      * Create and push a new object of a predetermined shape.
815      *
816      * The new object has the shape of the template object
817      * `script->getObject(baseobjIndex)`. Subsequent `InitProp` instructions
818      * must fill in all slots of the new object before it is used in any other
819      * way.
820      *
821      * For `JSOp::NewObject`, the new object has a group based on the allocation
822      * site (or a new group if the template's group is a singleton). For
823      * `JSOp::NewObjectWithGroup`, the new object has the same group as the
824      * template object.
825      *
826      *   Category: Objects
827      *   Type: Creating objects
828      *   Operands: uint32_t baseobjIndex
829      *   Stack: => obj
830      */ \
831     MACRO(NewObject, new_object, NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_OBJECT|JOF_IC) \
832     MACRO(NewObjectWithGroup, new_object_with_group, NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_OBJECT|JOF_IC) \
833     /*
834      * Push a preconstructed object.
835      *
836      * Going one step further than `JSOp::NewObject`, this instruction doesn't
837      * just reuse the shape--it actually pushes the preconstructed object
838      * `script->getObject(objectIndex)` right onto the stack. The object must
839      * be a singleton `PlainObject` or `ArrayObject`.
840      *
841      * The spec requires that an *ObjectLiteral* or *ArrayLiteral* creates a
842      * new object every time it's evaluated, so this instruction must not be
843      * used anywhere it might be executed more than once.
844      *
845      * There's a shell-only option, `newGlobal({cloneSingletons: true})`, that
846      * makes this instruction do a deep copy of the object. A few tests use it.
847      *
848      *   Category: Objects
849      *   Type: Creating objects
850      *   Operands: uint32_t objectIndex
851      *   Stack: => obj
852      */ \
853     MACRO(Object, object, NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_OBJECT) \
854     /*
855      * Create and push a new ordinary object with the provided [[Prototype]].
856      *
857      * This is used to create the `.prototype` object for derived classes.
858      *
859      *   Category: Objects
860      *   Type: Creating objects
861      *   Operands:
862      *   Stack: proto => obj
863      */ \
864     MACRO(ObjWithProto, obj_with_proto, NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
865     /*
866      * Define a data property on an object.
867      *
868      * `obj` must be an object.
869      *
870      * Implements: [CreateDataPropertyOrThrow][1] as used in
871      * [PropertyDefinitionEvaluation][2] of regular and shorthand
872      * *PropertyDefinition*s.
873      *
874      *    [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-createdatapropertyorthrow
875      *    [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-object-initializer-runtime-semantics-propertydefinitionevaluation
876      *
877      *   Category: Objects
878      *   Type: Defining properties
879      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
880      *   Stack: obj, val => obj
881      */ \
882     MACRO(InitProp, init_prop, NULL, 5, 2, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_PROPINIT|JOF_IC) \
883     /*
884      * Like `JSOp::InitProp`, but define a non-enumerable property.
885      *
886      * This is used to define class methods.
887      *
888      * Implements: [PropertyDefinitionEvaluation][1] for methods, steps 3 and
889      * 4, when *enumerable* is false.
890      *
891      *    [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-method-definitions-runtime-semantics-propertydefinitionevaluation
892      *
893      *   Category: Objects
894      *   Type: Defining properties
895      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
896      *   Stack: obj, val => obj
897      */ \
898     MACRO(InitHiddenProp, init_hidden_prop, NULL, 5, 2, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_PROPINIT|JOF_IC) \
899     /*
900      * Like `JSOp::InitProp`, but define a non-enumerable, non-writable,
901      * non-configurable property.
902      *
903      * This is used to define the `.prototype` property on classes.
904      *
905      * Implements: [MakeConstructor][1], step 8, when *writablePrototype* is
906      * false.
907      *
908      *    [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-makeconstructor
909      *
910      *   Category: Objects
911      *   Type: Defining properties
912      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
913      *   Stack: obj, val => obj
914      */ \
915     MACRO(InitLockedProp, init_locked_prop, NULL, 5, 2, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_PROPINIT|JOF_IC) \
916     /*
917      * Define a data property on `obj` with property key `id` and value `val`.
918      *
919      * `obj` must be an object.
920      *
921      * Implements: [CreateDataPropertyOrThrow][1]. This instruction is used for
922      * object literals like `{0: val}` and `{[id]: val}`, and methods like
923      * `*[Symbol.iterator]() {}`.
924      *
925      * `JSOp::InitHiddenElem` is the same but defines a non-enumerable property,
926      * for class methods.
927      *
928      *    [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-createdatapropertyorthrow
929      *
930      *   Category: Objects
931      *   Type: Defining properties
932      *   Operands:
933      *   Stack: obj, id, val => obj
934      */ \
935     MACRO(InitElem, init_elem, NULL, 1, 3, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_PROPINIT|JOF_IC) \
936     MACRO(InitHiddenElem, init_hidden_elem, NULL, 1, 3, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_PROPINIT|JOF_IC) \
937     /*
938      * Define an accessor property on `obj` with the given `getter`.
939      * `nameIndex` gives the property name.
940      *
941      * `obj` must be an object and `getter` must be a function.
942      *
943      * `JSOp::InitHiddenPropGetter` is the same but defines a non-enumerable
944      * property, for getters in classes.
945      *
946      *   Category: Objects
947      *   Type: Defining properties
948      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
949      *   Stack: obj, getter => obj
950      */ \
951     MACRO(InitPropGetter, init_prop_getter, NULL, 5, 2, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_PROPINIT) \
952     MACRO(InitHiddenPropGetter, init_hidden_prop_getter, NULL, 5, 2, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_PROPINIT) \
953     /*
954      * Define an accessor property on `obj` with property key `id` and the given `getter`.
955      *
956      * This is used to implement getters like `get [id]() {}` or `get 0() {}`.
957      *
958      * `obj` must be an object and `getter` must be a function.
959      *
960      * `JSOp::InitHiddenElemGetter` is the same but defines a non-enumerable
961      * property, for getters in classes.
962      *
963      *   Category: Objects
964      *   Type: Defining properties
965      *   Operands:
966      *   Stack: obj, id, getter => obj
967      */ \
968     MACRO(InitElemGetter, init_elem_getter, NULL, 1, 3, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_PROPINIT) \
969     MACRO(InitHiddenElemGetter, init_hidden_elem_getter, NULL, 1, 3, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_PROPINIT) \
970     /*
971      * Define an accessor property on `obj` with the given `setter`.
972      *
973      * This is used to implement ordinary setters like `set foo(v) {}`.
974      *
975      * `obj` must be an object and `setter` must be a function.
976      *
977      * `JSOp::InitHiddenPropSetter` is the same but defines a non-enumerable
978      * property, for setters in classes.
979      *
980      *   Category: Objects
981      *   Type: Defining properties
982      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
983      *   Stack: obj, setter => obj
984      */ \
985     MACRO(InitPropSetter, init_prop_setter, NULL, 5, 2, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_PROPINIT) \
986     MACRO(InitHiddenPropSetter, init_hidden_prop_setter, NULL, 5, 2, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_PROPINIT) \
987     /*
988      * Define an accesssor property on `obj` with property key `id` and the
989      * given `setter`.
990      *
991      * This is used to implement setters with computed property keys or numeric
992      * keys.
993      *
994      * `JSOp::InitHiddenElemSetter` is the same but defines a non-enumerable
995      * property, for setters in classes.
996      *
997      *   Category: Objects
998      *   Type: Defining properties
999      *   Operands:
1000      *   Stack: obj, id, setter => obj
1001      */ \
1002     MACRO(InitElemSetter, init_elem_setter, NULL, 1, 3, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_PROPINIT) \
1003     MACRO(InitHiddenElemSetter, init_hidden_elem_setter, NULL, 1, 3, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_PROPINIT) \
1004     /*
1005      * Get the value of the property `obj.name`. This can call getters and
1006      * proxy traps.
1007      *
1008      * `JSOp::CallProp` is exactly like `JSOp::GetProp` but hints to the VM that we're
1009      * getting a method in order to call it.
1010      *
1011      * Implements: [GetV][1], [GetValue][2] step 5.
1012      *
1013      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-getv
1014      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-getvalue
1015      *
1016      *   Category: Objects
1017      *   Type: Accessing properties
1018      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
1019      *   Stack: obj => obj[name]
1020      */ \
1021     MACRO(GetProp, get_prop, NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
1022     MACRO(CallProp, call_prop, NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
1023     /*
1024      * Get the value of the property `obj[key]`.
1025      *
1026      * `JSOp::CallElem` is exactly like `JSOp::GetElem` but hints to the VM that
1027      * we're getting a method in order to call it.
1028      *
1029      * Implements: [GetV][1], [GetValue][2] step 5.
1030      *
1031      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-getv
1032      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-getvalue
1033      *
1034      *   Category: Objects
1035      *   Type: Accessing properties
1036      *   Operands:
1037      *   Stack: obj, key => obj[key]
1038      */ \
1039     MACRO(GetElem, get_elem, NULL, 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
1040     MACRO(CallElem, call_elem, NULL, 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
1041     /*
1042      * Push the value of `obj.length`.
1043      *
1044      * `nameIndex` must be the index of the atom `"length"`. This then behaves
1045      * exactly like `JSOp::GetProp`.
1046      *
1047      *   Category: Objects
1048      *   Type: Accessing properties
1049      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
1050      *   Stack: obj => obj.length
1051      */ \
1052     MACRO(Length, length, NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
1053     /*
1054      * Non-strict assignment to a property, `obj.name = val`.
1055      *
1056      * This throws a TypeError if `obj` is null or undefined. If it's a
1057      * primitive value, the property is set on ToObject(`obj`), typically with
1058      * no effect.
1059      *
1060      * Implements: [PutValue][1] step 6 for non-strict code.
1061      *
1062      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-putvalue
1063      *
1064      *   Category: Objects
1065      *   Type: Accessing properties
1066      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
1067      *   Stack: obj, val => val
1068      */ \
1070     /*
1071      * Like `JSOp::SetProp`, but for strict mode code. Throw a TypeError if
1072      * `obj[key]` exists but is non-writable, if it's an accessor property with
1073      * no setter, or if `obj` is a primitive value.
1074      *
1075      *   Category: Objects
1076      *   Type: Accessing properties
1077      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
1078      *   Stack: obj, val => val
1079      */ \
1080     MACRO(StrictSetProp, strict_set_prop, NULL, 5, 2, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_PROPSET|JOF_CHECKSTRICT|JOF_IC) \
1081     /*
1082      * Non-strict assignment to a property, `obj[key] = val`.
1083      *
1084      * Implements: [PutValue][1] step 6 for non-strict code.
1085      *
1086      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-putvalue
1087      *
1088      *   Category: Objects
1089      *   Type: Accessing properties
1090      *   Operands:
1091      *   Stack: obj, key, val => val
1092      */ \
1094     /*
1095      * Like `JSOp::SetElem`, but for strict mode code. Throw a TypeError if
1096      * `obj[key]` exists but is non-writable, if it's an accessor property with
1097      * no setter, or if `obj` is a primitive value.
1098      *
1099      *   Category: Objects
1100      *   Type: Accessing properties
1101      *   Operands:
1102      *   Stack: obj, key, val => val
1103      */ \
1104     MACRO(StrictSetElem, strict_set_elem, NULL, 1, 3, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_PROPSET|JOF_CHECKSTRICT|JOF_IC) \
1105     /*
1106      * Delete a property from `obj`. Push true on success, false if the
1107      * property existed but could not be deleted. This implements `delete
1108      * obj.name` in non-strict code.
1109      *
1110      * Throws if `obj` is null or undefined. Can call proxy traps.
1111      *
1112      * Implements: [`delete obj.propname`][1] step 5 in non-strict code.
1113      *
1114      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation
1115      *
1116      *   Category: Objects
1117      *   Type: Accessing properties
1118      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
1119      *   Stack: obj => succeeded
1120      */ \
1121     MACRO(DelProp, del_prop, NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_CHECKSLOPPY) \
1122     /*
1123      * Like `JSOp::DelProp`, but for strict mode code. Push `true` on success,
1124      * else throw a TypeError.
1125      *
1126      *   Category: Objects
1127      *   Type: Accessing properties
1128      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
1129      *   Stack: obj => succeeded
1130      */ \
1131     MACRO(StrictDelProp, strict_del_prop, NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_CHECKSTRICT) \
1132     /*
1133      * Delete the property `obj[key]` and push `true` on success, `false`
1134      * if the property existed but could not be deleted.
1135      *
1136      * This throws if `obj` is null or undefined. Can call proxy traps.
1137      *
1138      * Implements: [`delete obj[key]`][1] step 5 in non-strict code.
1139      *
1140      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation
1141      *
1142      *   Category: Objects
1143      *   Type: Accessing properties
1144      *   Operands:
1145      *   Stack: obj, key => succeeded
1146      */ \
1147     MACRO(DelElem, del_elem, NULL, 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_CHECKSLOPPY) \
1148     /*
1149      * Like `JSOp::DelElem, but for strict mode code. Push `true` on success,
1150      * else throw a TypeError.
1151      *
1152      *   Category: Objects
1153      *   Type: Accessing properties
1154      *   Operands:
1155      *   Stack: obj, key => succeeded
1156      */ \
1157     MACRO(StrictDelElem, strict_del_elem, NULL, 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_CHECKSTRICT) \
1158     /*
1159      * Push true if `obj` has an own property `id`.
1160      *
1161      * Note that `obj` is the top value, like `JSOp::In`.
1162      *
1163      * This opcode is not used for normal JS. Self-hosted code uses it by
1164      * calling the intrinsic `hasOwn(id, obj)`. For example,
1165      * `Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty` is implemented this way (see
1166      * js/src/builtin/Object.js).
1167      *
1168      *   Category: Objects
1169      *   Type: Accessing properties
1170      *   Operands:
1171      *   Stack: id, obj => (obj.hasOwnProperty(id))
1172      */ \
1173     MACRO(HasOwn, has_own, NULL, 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
1174     /*
1175      * Push the SuperBase of the method `callee`. The SuperBase is
1176      * `callee.[[HomeObject]].[[GetPrototypeOf]]()`, the object where `super`
1177      * property lookups should begin.
1178      *
1179      * `callee` must be a function that has a HomeObject that's an object,
1180      * typically produced by `JSOp::Callee` or `JSOp::EnvCallee`.
1181      *
1182      * Implements: [GetSuperBase][1], except that instead of the environment,
1183      * the argument supplies the callee.
1184      *
1185      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-getsuperbase
1186      *
1187      *   Category: Objects
1188      *   Type: Super
1189      *   Operands:
1190      *   Stack: callee => superBase
1191      */ \
1192     MACRO(SuperBase, super_base, NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
1193     /*
1194      * Get the value of `receiver.name`, starting the property search at `obj`.
1195      * In spec terms, `obj.[[Get]](name, receiver)`.
1196      *
1197      * Implements: [GetValue][1] for references created by [`super.name`][2].
1198      * The `receiver` is `this` and `obj` is the SuperBase of the enclosing
1199      * method.
1200      *
1201      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-getvalue
1202      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
1203      *
1204      *   Category: Objects
1205      *   Type: Super
1206      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
1207      *   Stack: receiver, obj => super.name
1208      */ \
1209     MACRO(GetPropSuper, get_prop_super, NULL, 5, 2, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
1210     /*
1211      * Get the value of `receiver[key]`, starting the property search at `obj`.
1212      * In spec terms, `obj.[[Get]](key, receiver)`.
1213      *
1214      * Implements: [GetValue][1] for references created by [`super[key]`][2]
1215      * (where the `receiver` is `this` and `obj` is the SuperBase of the enclosing
1216      * method); [`Reflect.get(obj, key, receiver)`][3].
1217      *
1218      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-getvalue
1219      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
1220      * [3]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-reflect.get
1221      *
1222      *   Category: Objects
1223      *   Type: Super
1224      *   Operands:
1225      *   Stack: receiver, key, obj => super[key]
1226      */ \
1227     MACRO(GetElemSuper, get_elem_super, NULL, 1, 3, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
1228     /*
1229      * Assign `val` to `receiver.name`, starting the search for an existing
1230      * property at `obj`. In spec terms, `obj.[[Set]](name, val, receiver)`.
1231      *
1232      * Implements: [PutValue][1] for references created by [`super.name`][2] in
1233      * non-strict code. The `receiver` is `this` and `obj` is the SuperBase of
1234      * the enclosing method.
1235      *
1236      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-putvalue
1237      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
1238      *
1239      *   Category: Objects
1240      *   Type: Super
1241      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
1242      *   Stack: receiver, obj, val => val
1243      */ \
1244     MACRO(SetPropSuper, set_prop_super, NULL, 5, 3, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_PROPSET|JOF_CHECKSLOPPY) \
1245     /*
1246      * Like `JSOp::SetPropSuper`, but for strict mode code.
1247      *
1248      *   Category: Objects
1249      *   Type: Super
1250      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
1251      *   Stack: receiver, obj, val => val
1252      */ \
1253     MACRO(StrictSetPropSuper, strict_set_prop_super, NULL, 5, 3, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_PROP|JOF_PROPSET|JOF_CHECKSTRICT) \
1254     /*
1255      * Assign `val` to `receiver[key]`, strating the search for an existing
1256      * property at `obj`. In spec terms, `obj.[[Set]](key, val, receiver)`.
1257      *
1258      * Implements: [PutValue][1] for references created by [`super[key]`][2] in
1259      * non-strict code. The `receiver` is `this` and `obj` is the SuperBase of
1260      * the enclosing method.
1261      *
1262      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-putvalue
1263      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation
1264      *
1265      *   Category: Objects
1266      *   Type: Super
1267      *   Operands:
1268      *   Stack: receiver, key, obj, val => val
1269      */ \
1270     MACRO(SetElemSuper, set_elem_super, NULL, 1, 4, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_PROPSET|JOF_CHECKSLOPPY) \
1271     /*
1272      * Like `JSOp::SetElemSuper`, but for strict mode code.
1273      *
1274      *   Category: Objects
1275      *   Type: Super
1276      *   Operands:
1277      *   Stack: receiver, key, obj, val => val
1278      */ \
1279     MACRO(StrictSetElemSuper, strict_set_elem_super, NULL, 1, 4, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_PROPSET|JOF_CHECKSTRICT) \
1280     /*
1281      * Set up a for-in loop by pushing a `PropertyIteratorObject` over the
1282      * enumerable properties of `val`.
1283      *
1284      * Implements: [ForIn/OfHeadEvaluation][1] step 6,
1285      * [EnumerateObjectProperties][1]. (The spec refers to an "Iterator object"
1286      * with a `next` method, but notes that it "is never directly accessible"
1287      * to scripts. The object we use for this has no public methods.)
1288      *
1289      * If `val` is null or undefined, this pushes an empty iterator.
1290      *
1291      * The `iter` object pushed by this instruction must not be used or removed
1292      * from the stack except by `JSOp::MoreIter` and `JSOp::EndIter`, or by error
1293      * handling.
1294      *
1295      * The script's `JSScript::trynotes()` must mark the body of the `for-in`
1296      * loop, i.e. exactly those instructions that begin executing with `iter`
1297      * on the stack, starting with the next instruction (always
1298      * `JSOp::LoopHead`). Code must not jump into or out of this region: control
1299      * can enter only by executing `JSOp::Iter` and can exit only by executing a
1300      * `JSOp::EndIter` or by exception unwinding. (A `JSOp::EndIter` is always
1301      * emitted at the end of the loop, and extra copies are emitted on "exit
1302      * slides", where a `break`, `continue`, or `return` statement exits the
1303      * loop.)
1304      *
1305      * Typically a single try note entry marks the contiguous chunk of bytecode
1306      * from the instruction after `JSOp::Iter` to `JSOp::EndIter` (inclusive);
1307      * but if that range contains any instructions on exit slides, after a
1308      * `JSOp::EndIter`, then those must be correctly noted as *outside* the
1309      * loop.
1310      *
1311      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-runtime-semantics-forin-div-ofheadevaluation-tdznames-expr-iterationkind
1312      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-enumerate-object-properties
1313      *
1314      *   Category: Objects
1315      *   Type: Enumeration
1316      *   Operands:
1317      *   Stack: val => iter
1318      */ \
1319     MACRO(Iter, iter, NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_IC) \
1320     /*
1321      * Get the next property name for a for-in loop.
1322      *
1323      * `iter` must be a `PropertyIteratorObject` produced by `JSOp::Iter`.  This
1324      * pushes the property name for the next loop iteration, or
1325      * `MagicValue(JS_NO_ITER_VALUE)` if there are no more enumerable
1326      * properties to iterate over. The magic value must be used only by
1327      * `JSOp::IsNoIter` and `JSOp::EndIter`.
1328      *
1329      *   Category: Objects
1330      *   Type: Enumeration
1331      *   Operands:
1332      *   Stack: iter => iter, name
1333      */ \
1334     MACRO(MoreIter, more_iter, NULL, 1, 1, 2, JOF_BYTE) \
1335     /*
1336      * Test whether the value on top of the stack is
1337      * `MagicValue(JS_NO_ITER_VALUE)` and push the boolean result.
1338      *
1339      *   Category: Objects
1340      *   Type: Enumeration
1341      *   Operands:
1342      *   Stack: val => val, done
1343      */ \
1344     MACRO(IsNoIter, is_no_iter, NULL, 1, 1, 2, JOF_BYTE) \
1345     /*
1346      * No-op instruction to hint to IonBuilder that the value on top of the
1347      * stack is the string key in a for-in loop.
1348      *
1349      *   Category: Objects
1350      *   Type: Enumeration
1351      *   Operands:
1352      *   Stack: val => val
1353      */ \
1354     MACRO(IterNext, iter_next, NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
1355     /*
1356      * Exit a for-in loop, closing the iterator.
1357      *
1358      * `iter` must be a `PropertyIteratorObject` pushed by `JSOp::Iter`.
1359      *
1360      *   Category: Objects
1361      *   Type: Enumeration
1362      *   Operands:
1363      *   Stack: iter, iterval =>
1364      */ \
1365     MACRO(EndIter, end_iter, NULL, 1, 2, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
1366     /*
1367      * Check that the top value on the stack is an object, and throw a
1368      * TypeError if not. `kind` is used only to generate an appropriate error
1369      * message.
1370      *
1371      * Implements: [GetIterator][1] step 5, [IteratorNext][2] step 3. Both
1372      * operations call a JS method which scripts can define however they want,
1373      * so they check afterwards that the method returned an object.
1374      *
1375      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-getiterator
1376      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-iteratornext
1377      *
1378      *   Category: Objects
1379      *   Type: Iteration
1380      *   Operands: CheckIsObjectKind kind
1381      *   Stack: result => result
1382      */ \
1383     MACRO(CheckIsObj, check_is_obj, NULL, 2, 1, 1, JOF_UINT8) \
1384     /*
1385      * Throw a TypeError if `val` is `null` or `undefined`.
1386      *
1387      * Implements: [RequireObjectCoercible][1]. But most instructions that
1388      * require an object will perform this check for us, so of the dozens of
1389      * calls to RequireObjectCoercible in the spec, we need this instruction
1390      * only for [destructuring assignment][2] and [initialization][3].
1391      *
1392      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-requireobjectcoercible
1393      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-runtime-semantics-destructuringassignmentevaluation
1394      * [3]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-destructuring-binding-patterns-runtime-semantics-bindinginitialization
1395      *
1396      *   Category: Objects
1397      *   Type: Iteration
1398      *   Operands:
1399      *   Stack: val => val
1400      */ \
1401     MACRO(CheckObjCoercible, check_obj_coercible, NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
1402     /*
1403      * Create and push an async iterator wrapping the sync iterator `iter`.
1404      * `next` should be `iter`'s `.next` method.
1405      *
1406      * Implements: [CreateAsyncToSyncIterator][1]. The spec says this operation
1407      * takes one argument, but that argument is a Record with two relevant
1408      * fields, `[[Iterator]]` and `[[NextMethod]]`.
1409      *
1410      * Used for `for await` loops.
1411      *
1412      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-createasyncfromsynciterator
1413      *
1414      *   Category: Objects
1415      *   Type: Iteration
1416      *   Operands:
1417      *   Stack: iter, next => asynciter
1418      */ \
1419     MACRO(ToAsyncIter, to_async_iter, NULL, 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
1420     /*
1421      * Set the prototype of `obj`.
1422      *
1423      * `obj` must be an object.
1424      *
1425      * Implements: [B.3.1 __proto__ Property Names in Object Initializers][1], step 7.a.
1426      *
1427      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-__proto__-property-names-in-object-initializers
1428      *
1429      *   Category: Objects
1430      *   Type: SetPrototype
1431      *   Operands:
1432      *   Stack: obj, protoVal => obj
1433      */ \
1434     MACRO(MutateProto, mutate_proto, NULL, 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
1435     /*
1436      * Create and push a new Array object with the given `length`,
1437      * preallocating enough memory to hold that many elements.
1438      *
1439      *   Category: Objects
1440      *   Type: Array literals
1441      *   Operands: uint32_t length
1442      *   Stack: => array
1443      */ \
1444     MACRO(NewArray, new_array, NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_UINT32|JOF_IC) \
1445     /*
1446      * Initialize an array element `array[index]` with value `val`.
1447      *
1448      * `val` may be `MagicValue(JS_ELEMENTS_HOLE)`. If it is, this does nothing.
1449      *
1450      * This never calls setters or proxy traps.
1451      *
1452      * `array` must be an Array object created by `JSOp::NewArray` with length >
1453      * `index`, and never used except by `JSOp::InitElemArray`.
1454      *
1455      * Implements: [ArrayAccumulation][1], the third algorithm, step 4, in the
1456      * common case where *nextIndex* is known.
1457      *
1458      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-runtime-semantics-arrayaccumulation
1459      *
1460      *   Category: Objects
1461      *   Type: Array literals
1462      *   Operands: uint32_t index
1463      *   Stack: array, val => array
1464      */ \
1465     MACRO(InitElemArray, init_elem_array, NULL, 5, 2, 1, JOF_UINT32|JOF_ELEM|JOF_PROPINIT|JOF_IC) \
1466     /*
1467      * Initialize an array element `array[index++]` with value `val`.
1468      *
1469      * `val` may be `MagicValue(JS_ELEMENTS_HOLE)`. If it is, no element is
1470      * defined, but the array length and the stack value `index` are still
1471      * incremented.
1472      *
1473      * This never calls setters or proxy traps.
1474      *
1475      * `array` must be an Array object created by `JSOp::NewArray` and never used
1476      * except by `JSOp::InitElemArray` and `JSOp::InitElemInc`.
1477      *
1478      * `index` must be an integer, `0 <= index <= INT32_MAX`. If `index` is
1479      * `INT32_MAX`, this throws a RangeError.
1480      *
1481      * This instruction is used when an array literal contains a
1482      * *SpreadElement*. In `[a, ...b, c]`, `InitElemArray 0` is used to put
1483      * `a` into the array, but `InitElemInc` is used for the elements of `b`
1484      * and for `c`.
1485      *
1486      * Implements: Several steps in [ArrayAccumulation][1] that call
1487      * CreateDataProperty, set the array length, and/or increment *nextIndex*.
1488      *
1489      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-runtime-semantics-arrayaccumulation
1490      *
1491      *   Category: Objects
1492      *   Type: Array literals
1493      *   Operands:
1494      *   Stack: array, index, val => array, (index + 1)
1495      */ \
1496     MACRO(InitElemInc, init_elem_inc, NULL, 1, 3, 2, JOF_BYTE|JOF_ELEM|JOF_PROPINIT|JOF_IC) \
1497     /*
1498      * Push `MagicValue(JS_ELEMENTS_HOLE)`, representing an *Elision* in an
1499      * array literal (like the missing property 0 in the array `[, 1]`).
1500      *
1501      * This magic value must be used only by `JSOp::InitElemArray` or
1502      * `JSOp::InitElemInc`.
1503      *
1504      *   Category: Objects
1505      *   Type: Array literals
1506      *   Operands:
1507      *   Stack: => hole
1508      */ \
1509     MACRO(Hole, hole, NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
1510     /*
1511      * Create and push a new array that shares the elements of a template
1512      * object.
1513      *
1514      * `script->getObject(objectIndex)` must be a copy-on-write array whose
1515      * elements are all primitive values.
1516      *
1517      * This is an optimization. This single instruction implements an entire
1518      * array literal, saving run time, code, and memory compared to
1519      * `JSOp::NewArray` and a series of `JSOp::InitElem` instructions.
1520      *
1521      *   Category: Objects
1522      *   Type: Array literals
1523      *   Operands: uint32_t objectIndex
1524      *   Stack: => array
1525      */ \
1526     MACRO(NewArrayCopyOnWrite, new_array_copy_on_write, NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_OBJECT) \
1527     /*
1528      * Clone and push a new RegExp object.
1529      *
1530      * Implements: [Evaluation for *RegularExpressionLiteral*][1].
1531      *
1532      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-regular-expression-literals-runtime-semantics-evaluation
1533      *
1534      *   Category: Objects
1535      *   Type: RegExp literals
1536      *   Operands: uint32_t regexpIndex
1537      *   Stack: => regexp
1538      */ \
1539     MACRO(RegExp, reg_exp, NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_REGEXP) \
1540     /*
1541      * Push a function object.
1542      *
1543      * This clones the function unless it's a singleton; see
1544      * `CanReuseFunctionForClone`. The new function inherits the current
1545      * environment chain.
1546      *
1547      * Used to create most JS functions. Notable exceptions are arrow functions
1548      * and derived or default class constructors.
1549      *
1550      * The function indicated by `funcIndex` must be a non-arrow function.
1551      *
1552      * Implements: [InstantiateFunctionObject][1], [Evaluation for
1553      * *FunctionExpression*][2], and so on.
1554      *
1555      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-function-definitions-runtime-semantics-instantiatefunctionobject
1556      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-function-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation
1557      *
1558      *   Category: Functions
1559      *   Type: Creating functions
1560      *   Operands: uint32_t funcIndex
1561      *   Stack: => fn
1562      */ \
1563     MACRO(Lambda, lambda, NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_OBJECT) \
1564     /*
1565      * Push a new arrow function.
1566      *
1567      * `newTarget` matters only if the arrow function uses the expression
1568      * `new.target`. It should be the current value of `new.target`, so that
1569      * the arrow function inherits `new.target` from the enclosing scope. (If
1570      * `new.target` is illegal here, the value doesn't matter; use `null`.)
1571      *
1572      * The function indicated by `funcIndex` must be an arrow function.
1573      *
1574      *   Category: Functions
1575      *   Type: Creating functions
1576      *   Operands: uint32_t funcIndex
1577      *   Stack: newTarget => arrowFn
1578      */ \
1579     MACRO(LambdaArrow, lambda_arrow, NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_OBJECT) \
1580     /*
1581      * Set the name of a function.
1582      *
1583      * `fun` must be a function object. `name` must be a string, Int32 value,
1584      * or symbol (like the result of `JSOp::ToId`).
1585      *
1586      * Implements: [SetFunctionName][1], used e.g. to name methods with
1587      * computed property names.
1588      *
1589      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-setfunctionname
1590      *
1591      *   Category: Functions
1592      *   Type: Creating functions
1593      *   Operands: FunctionPrefixKind prefixKind
1594      *   Stack: fun, name => fun
1595      */ \
1596     MACRO(SetFunName, set_fun_name, NULL, 2, 2, 1, JOF_UINT8) \
1597     /*
1598      * Initialize the home object for functions with super bindings.
1599      *
1600      * `fun` must be a method, getter, or setter, so that it has a
1601      * [[HomeObject]] slot. `homeObject` must be a plain object or (for static
1602      * methods) a constructor.
1603      *
1604      *   Category: Functions
1605      *   Type: Creating functions
1606      *   Operands:
1607      *   Stack: fun, homeObject => fun
1608      */ \
1609     MACRO(InitHomeObject, init_home_object, NULL, 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
1610     /*
1611      * Throw a TypeError if `baseClass` isn't either `null` or a constructor.
1612      *
1613      * Implements: [ClassDefinitionEvaluation][1] step 6.f.
1614      *
1615      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation
1616      *
1617      *   Category: Functions
1618      *   Type: Creating constructors
1619      *   Operands:
1620      *   Stack: baseClass => baseClass
1621      */ \
1622     MACRO(CheckClassHeritage, check_class_heritage, NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
1623     /*
1624      * Like `JSOp::Lambda`, but using `proto` as the new function's
1625      * `[[Prototype]]` (or `%FunctionPrototype%` if `proto` is `null`).
1626      *
1627      * `proto` must be either a constructor or `null`. We use
1628      * `JSOp::CheckClassHeritage` to check.
1629      *
1630      * This is used to create the constructor for a derived class.
1631      *
1632      * Implements: [ClassDefinitionEvaluation][1] steps 6.e.ii, 6.g.iii, and
1633      * 12 for derived classes.
1634      *
1635      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation
1636      *
1637      *   Category: Functions
1638      *   Type: Creating constructors
1639      *   Operands: uint32_t funcIndex
1640      *   Stack: proto => obj
1641      */ \
1642     MACRO(FunWithProto, fun_with_proto, NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_OBJECT) \
1643     /*
1644      * Create and push a default constructor for a base class.
1645      *
1646      * A default constructor behaves like `constructor() {}`.
1647      *
1648      * Implements: [ClassDefinitionEvaluation for *ClassTail*][1], steps
1649      * 10.b. and 12-17.
1650      *
1651      * The `sourceStart`/`sourceEnd` offsets are the start/end offsets of the
1652      * class definition in the source buffer, used for `toString()`. They must
1653      * be valid offsets into the source buffer, measured in code units, such
1654      * that `scriptSource->substring(cx, start, end)` is valid.
1655      *
1656      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation
1657      *
1658      *   Category: Functions
1659      *   Type: Creating constructors
1660      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex, uint32_t sourceStart, uint32_t sourceEnd
1661      *   Stack: => constructor
1662      */ \
1663     MACRO(ClassConstructor, class_constructor, NULL, 13, 0, 1, JOF_CLASS_CTOR) \
1664     /*
1665      * Create and push a default constructor for a derived class.
1666      *
1667      * A default derived-class constructor behaves like
1668      * `constructor(...args) { super(...args); }`.
1669      *
1670      * Implements: [ClassDefinitionEvaluation for *ClassTail*][1], steps
1671      * 10.a. and 12-17.
1672      *
1673      * `sourceStart` and `sourceEnd` follow the same rules as for
1674      * `JSOp::ClassConstructor`.
1675      *
1676      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-runtime-semantics-classdefinitionevaluation
1677      *
1678      *   Category: Functions
1679      *   Type: Creating constructors
1680      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex, uint32_t sourceStart, uint32_t sourceEnd
1681      *   Stack: proto => constructor
1682      */ \
1683     MACRO(DerivedConstructor, derived_constructor, NULL, 13, 1, 1, JOF_CLASS_CTOR) \
1684     /*
1685      * Pushes the current global's FunctionPrototype.
1686      *
1687      * `kind` must be in range for `JSProtoKey` (and must not be
1688      * `JSProto_LIMIT`).
1689      *
1690      *   Category: Functions
1691      *   Type: Creating constructors
1692      *   Operands:
1693      *   Stack: => %FunctionPrototype%
1694      */ \
1695     MACRO(FunctionProto, function_proto, NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
1696     /*
1697      * Invoke `callee` with `this` and `args`, and push the return value. Throw
1698      * a TypeError if `callee` isn't a function.
1699      *
1700      * `JSOp::CallIter` is used for implicit calls to @@iterator methods, to
1701      * ensure error messages are formatted with `JSMSG_NOT_ITERABLE` ("x is not
1702      * iterable") rather than `JSMSG_NOT_FUNCTION` ("x[Symbol.iterator] is not
1703      * a function"). The `argc` operand must be 0 for this variation.
1704      *
1705      * `JSOp::FunApply` hints to the VM that this is likely a call to the
1706      * builtin method `Function.prototype.apply`, an easy optimization target.
1707      *
1708      * `JSOp::FunCall` similarly hints to the VM that the callee is likely
1709      * `Function.prototype.call`.
1710      *
1711      * `JSOp::CallIgnoresRv` hints to the VM that the return value is ignored.
1712      * This allows alternate faster implementations to be used that avoid
1713      * unnecesary allocations.
1714      *
1715      * Implements: [EvaluateCall][1] steps 4, 5, and 7.
1716      *
1717      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-evaluatecall
1718      *
1719      *   Category: Functions
1720      *   Type: Calls
1721      *   Operands: uint16_t argc
1722      *   Stack: callee, this, args[0], ..., args[argc-1] => rval
1723      */ \
1724     MACRO(Call, call, NULL, 3, -1, 1, JOF_ARGC|JOF_INVOKE|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
1725     MACRO(CallIter, call_iter, NULL, 3, -1, 1, JOF_ARGC|JOF_INVOKE|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
1726     MACRO(FunApply, fun_apply, NULL, 3, -1, 1, JOF_ARGC|JOF_INVOKE|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
1727     MACRO(FunCall, fun_call, NULL, 3, -1, 1, JOF_ARGC|JOF_INVOKE|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
1728     MACRO(CallIgnoresRv, call_ignores_rv, NULL, 3, -1, 1, JOF_ARGC|JOF_INVOKE|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
1729     /*
1730      * Like `JSOp::Call`, but the arguments are provided in an array rather than
1731      * a span of stack slots. Used to implement spread-call syntax:
1732      * `f(...args)`.
1733      *
1734      * `args` must be an Array object containing the actual arguments. The
1735      * array must be packed (dense and free of holes; see IsPackedArray).
1736      * This can be ensured by creating the array with `JSOp::NewArray` and
1737      * populating it using `JSOp::InitElemArray`.
1738      *
1739      *   Category: Functions
1740      *   Type: Calls
1741      *   Operands:
1742      *   Stack: callee, this, args => rval
1743      */ \
1744     MACRO(SpreadCall, spread_call, NULL, 1, 3, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_INVOKE|JOF_SPREAD|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
1745     /*
1746      * Push true if `arr` is an array object that can be passed directly as the
1747      * `args` argument to `JSOp::SpreadCall`.
1748      *
1749      * This instruction and the branch around the iterator loop are emitted
1750      * only when `arr` is itself a rest parameter, as in `(...arr) =>
1751      * f(...arr)`, a strong hint that it's a packed Array whose prototype is
1752      * `Array.prototype`.
1753      *
1754      * See `js::OptimizeSpreadCall`.
1755      *
1756      *   Category: Functions
1757      *   Type: Calls
1758      *   Operands:
1759      *   Stack: arr => arr, optimized
1760      */ \
1761     MACRO(OptimizeSpreadCall, optimize_spread_call, NULL, 1, 1, 2, JOF_BYTE) \
1762     /*
1763      * Perform a direct eval in the current environment if `callee` is the
1764      * builtin `eval` function, otherwise follow same behaviour as `JSOp::Call`.
1765      *
1766      * All direct evals use one of the JSOp::*Eval instructions here and these
1767      * opcodes are only used when the syntactic conditions for a direct eval
1768      * are met. If the builtin `eval` function is called though other means, it
1769      * becomes an indirect eval.
1770      *
1771      * Direct eval causes all bindings in *enclosing* non-global scopes to be
1772      * marked "aliased". The optimization that puts bindings in stack slots has
1773      * to prove that the bindings won't need to be captured by closures or
1774      * accessed using `JSOp::{Get,Bind,Set,Del}Name` instructions. Direct eval
1775      * makes that analysis impossible.
1776      *
1777      * The instruction immediately following any `JSOp::*Eval` instruction must
1778      * be `JSOp::Lineno`.
1779      *
1780      * Implements: [Function Call Evaluation][1], steps 5-7 and 9, when the
1781      * syntactic critera for direct eval in step 6 are all met.
1782      *
1783      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-function-calls-runtime-semantics-evaluation
1784      *
1785      *   Category: Functions
1786      *   Type: Calls
1787      *   Operands: uint16_t argc
1788      *   Stack: callee, this, args[0], ..., args[argc-1] => rval
1789      */ \
1791     /*
1792      * Spread-call variant of `JSOp::Eval`.
1793      *
1794      * See `JSOp::SpreadCall` for restrictions on `args`.
1795      *
1796      *   Category: Functions
1797      *   Type: Calls
1798      *   Operands:
1799      *   Stack: callee, this, args => rval
1800      */ \
1802     /*
1803      * Like `JSOp::Eval`, but for strict mode code.
1804      *
1805      *   Category: Functions
1806      *   Type: Calls
1807      *   Operands: uint16_t argc
1808      *   Stack: evalFn, this, args[0], ..., args[argc-1] => rval
1809      */ \
1810     MACRO(StrictEval, strict_eval, NULL, 3, -1, 1, JOF_ARGC|JOF_INVOKE|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_CHECKSTRICT|JOF_IC) \
1811     /*
1812      * Spread-call variant of `JSOp::StrictEval`.
1813      *
1814      * See `JSOp::SpreadCall` for restrictions on `args`.
1815      *
1816      *   Category: Functions
1817      *   Type: Calls
1818      *   Operands:
1819      *   Stack: callee, this, args => rval
1820      */ \
1821     MACRO(StrictSpreadEval, strict_spread_eval, NULL, 1, 3, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_INVOKE|JOF_SPREAD|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_CHECKSTRICT|JOF_IC) \
1822     /*
1823      * Push the implicit `this` value for an unqualified function call, like
1824      * `foo()`. `nameIndex` gives the name of the function we're calling.
1825      *
1826      * The result is always `undefined` except when the name refers to a `with`
1827      * binding.  For example, in `with (date) { getFullYear(); }`, the
1828      * implicit `this` passed to `getFullYear` is `date`, not `undefined`.
1829      *
1830      * This walks the run-time environment chain looking for the environment
1831      * record that contains the function. If the function call is not inside a
1832      * `with` statement, use `JSOp::GImplicitThis` instead. If the function call
1833      * definitely refers to a local binding, use `JSOp::Undefined`.
1834      *
1835      * Implements: [EvaluateCall][1] step 1.b. But not entirely correctly.
1836      * See [bug 1166408][2].
1837      *
1838      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-evaluatecall
1839      * [2]: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1166408
1840      *
1841      *   Category: Functions
1842      *   Type: Calls
1843      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
1844      *   Stack: => this
1845      */ \
1846     MACRO(ImplicitThis, implicit_this, "", 5, 0, 1, JOF_ATOM) \
1847     /*
1848      * Like `JSOp::ImplicitThis`, but the name must not be bound in any local
1849      * environments.
1850      *
1851      * The result is always `undefined` except when the name refers to a
1852      * binding in a non-syntactic `with` environment.
1853      *
1854      * Note: The frontend has to emit `JSOp::GImplicitThis` (and not
1855      * `JSOp::Undefined`) for global unqualified function calls, even when
1856      * `CompileOptions::nonSyntacticScope == false`, because later
1857      * `js::CloneGlobalScript` can be called with `ScopeKind::NonSyntactic` to
1858      * clone the script into a non-syntactic environment, with the bytecode
1859      * reused, unchanged.
1860      *
1861      *   Category: Functions
1862      *   Type: Calls
1863      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
1864      *   Stack: => this
1865      */ \
1866     MACRO(GImplicitThis, g_implicit_this, "", 5, 0, 1, JOF_ATOM) \
1867     /*
1868      * Push the call site object for a tagged template call.
1869      *
1870      * `script->getObject(objectIndex)` is the call site object;
1871      * `script->getObject(objectIndex + 1)` is the raw object.
1872      *
1873      * The first time this instruction runs for a given template, it assembles
1874      * the final value, defining the `.raw` property on the call site object
1875      * and freezing both objects.
1876      *
1877      * Implements: [GetTemplateObject][1], steps 4 and 12-16.
1878      *
1879      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-gettemplateobject
1880      *
1881      *   Category: Functions
1882      *   Type: Calls
1883      *   Operands: uint32_t objectIndex
1884      *   Stack: => callSiteObj
1885      */ \
1886     MACRO(CallSiteObj, call_site_obj, NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_OBJECT) \
1887     /*
1888      * Push `MagicValue(JS_IS_CONSTRUCTING)`.
1889      *
1890      * This magic value is a required argument to the `JSOp::New` and
1891      * `JSOp::SuperCall` instructions and must not be used any other way.
1892      *
1893      *   Category: Functions
1894      *   Type: Calls
1895      *   Operands:
1896      *   Stack: => JS_IS_CONSTRUCTING
1897      */ \
1898     MACRO(IsConstructing, is_constructing, NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
1899     /*
1900      * Invoke `callee` as a constructor with `args` and `newTarget`, and push
1901      * the return value. Throw a TypeError if `callee` isn't a constructor.
1902      *
1903      * `isConstructing` must be the value pushed by `JSOp::IsConstructing`.
1904      *
1905      * `JSOp::SuperCall` behaves exactly like `JSOp::New`, but is used for
1906      * *SuperCall* expressions, to allow JITs to distinguish them from `new`
1907      * expressions.
1908      *
1909      * Implements: [EvaluateConstruct][1] steps 7 and 8.
1910      *
1911      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-evaluatenew
1912      *
1913      *   Category: Functions
1914      *   Type: Calls
1915      *   Operands: uint16_t argc
1916      *   Stack: callee, isConstructing, args[0], ..., args[argc-1], newTarget => rval
1917      */ \
1919     MACRO(SuperCall, super_call, NULL, 3, -1, 1, JOF_ARGC|JOF_INVOKE|JOF_CONSTRUCT|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
1920     /*
1921      * Spread-call variant of `JSOp::New`.
1922      *
1923      * Invokes `callee` as a constructor with `args` and `newTarget`, and
1924      * pushes the return value onto the stack.
1925      *
1926      * `isConstructing` must be the value pushed by `JSOp::IsConstructing`.
1927      * See `JSOp::SpreadCall` for restrictions on `args`.
1928      *
1929      * `JSOp::SpreadSuperCall` behaves exactly like `JSOp::SpreadNew`, but is
1930      * used for *SuperCall* expressions.
1931      *
1932      *   Category: Functions
1933      *   Type: Calls
1934      *   Operands:
1935      *   Stack: callee, isConstructing, args, newTarget => rval
1936      */ \
1938     MACRO(SpreadSuperCall, spread_super_call, NULL, 1, 4, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_INVOKE|JOF_CONSTRUCT|JOF_SPREAD|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
1939     /*
1940      * Push the prototype of `callee` in preparation for calling `super()`.
1941      *
1942      * `callee` must be a derived class constructor.
1943      *
1944      * Implements: [GetSuperConstructor][1], steps 4-7.
1945      *
1946      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-getsuperconstructor
1947      *
1948      *   Category: Functions
1949      *   Type: Calls
1950      *   Operands:
1951      *   Stack: callee => superFun
1952      */ \
1953     MACRO(SuperFun, super_fun, NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
1954     /*
1955      * Throw a ReferenceError if `thisval` is not
1956      * `MagicValue(JS_UNINITIALIZED_LEXICAL)`. Used in derived class
1957      * constructors to prohibit calling `super` more than once.
1958      *
1959      * Implements: [BindThisValue][1], step 3.
1960      *
1961      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-bindthisvalue
1962      *
1963      *   Category: Functions
1964      *   Type: Calls
1965      *   Operands:
1966      *   Stack: thisval => thisval
1967      */ \
1968     MACRO(CheckThisReinit, check_this_reinit, NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
1969     /*
1970      * Create and push a generator object for the current frame.
1971      *
1972      * This instruction must appear only in scripts for generators, async
1973      * functions, and async generators. There must not already be a generator
1974      * object for the current frame (that is, this instruction must execute at
1975      * most once per generator or async call).
1976      *
1977      *   Category: Functions
1978      *   Type: Generators and async functions
1979      *   Operands:
1980      *   Stack: => gen
1981      */ \
1982     MACRO(Generator, generator, NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
1983     /*
1984      * Suspend the current generator and return to the caller.
1985      *
1986      * When a generator is called, its script starts running, like any other JS
1987      * function, because [FunctionDeclarationInstantation][1] and other
1988      * [generator object setup][2] are implemented mostly in bytecode. However,
1989      * the *FunctionBody* of the generator is not supposed to start running
1990      * until the first `.next()` call, so after setup the script suspends
1991      * itself: the "initial yield".
1992      *
1993      * Later, when resuming execution, `rval`, `gen` and `resumeKind` will
1994      * receive the values passed in by `JSOp::Resume`. `resumeKind` is the
1995      * `GeneratorResumeKind` stored as an Int32 value.
1996      *
1997      * This instruction must appear only in scripts for generators and async
1998      * generators. `gen` must be the generator object for the current frame. It
1999      * must not have been previously suspended. The resume point indicated by
2000      * `resumeIndex` must be the next instruction in the script, which must be
2001      * `AfterYield`.
2002      *
2003      * Implements: [GeneratorStart][3], steps 4-7.
2004      *
2005      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-functiondeclarationinstantiation
2006      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-generator-function-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluatebody
2007      * [3]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-generatorstart
2008      *
2009      *   Category: Functions
2010      *   Type: Generators and async functions
2011      *   Operands: uint24_t resumeIndex
2012      *   Stack: gen => rval, gen, resumeKind
2013      */ \
2014     MACRO(InitialYield, initial_yield, NULL, 4, 1, 3, JOF_RESUMEINDEX) \
2015     /*
2016      * Bytecode emitted after `yield` expressions. This is useful for the
2017      * Debugger and `AbstractGeneratorObject::isAfterYieldOrAwait`. It's
2018      * treated as jump target op so that the Baseline Interpreter can
2019      * efficiently restore the frame's interpreterICEntry when resuming a
2020      * generator.
2021      *
2022      * The preceding instruction in the script must be `Yield`, `InitialYield`,
2023      * or `Await`.
2024      *
2025      *   Category: Functions
2026      *   Type: Generators and async functions
2027      *   Operands: uint32_t icIndex
2028      *   Stack: =>
2029      */ \
2030     MACRO(AfterYield, after_yield, NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_ICINDEX) \
2031     /*
2032      * Suspend and close the current generator, async function, or async
2033      * generator.
2034      *
2035      * `gen` must be the generator object for the current frame.
2036      *
2037      * If the current function is a non-async generator, then the value in the
2038      * frame's return value slot is returned to the caller. It should be an
2039      * object of the form `{value: returnValue, done: true}`.
2040      *
2041      * If the current function is an async function or async generator, the
2042      * frame's return value slot must contain the current frame's result
2043      * promise, which must already be resolved or rejected.
2044      *
2045      *   Category: Functions
2046      *   Type: Generators and async functions
2047      *   Operands:
2048      *   Stack: gen =>
2049      */ \
2050     MACRO(FinalYieldRval, final_yield_rval, NULL, 1, 1, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
2051     /*
2052      * Suspend execution of the current generator or async generator, returning
2053      * `rval1`.
2054      *
2055      * For non-async generators, `rval1` should be an object of the form
2056      * `{value: valueToYield, done: true}`. For async generators, `rval1`
2057      * should be the value to yield, and the caller is responsible for creating
2058      * the iterator result object (under `js::AsyncGeneratorYield`).
2059      *
2060      * This instruction must appear only in scripts for generators and async
2061      * generators. `gen` must be the generator object for the current stack
2062      * frame. The resume point indicated by `resumeIndex` must be the next
2063      * instruction in the script, which must be `AfterYield`.
2064      *
2065      * When resuming execution, `rval2`, `gen` and `resumeKind` receive the
2066      * values passed in by `JSOp::Resume`.
2067      *
2068      * Implements: [GeneratorYield][1] and [AsyncGeneratorYield][2].
2069      *
2070      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-generatoryield
2071      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-asyncgeneratoryield
2072      *
2073      *   Category: Functions
2074      *   Type: Generators and async functions
2075      *   Operands: uint24_t resumeIndex
2076      *   Stack: rval1, gen => rval2, gen, resumeKind
2077      */ \
2078     MACRO(Yield, yield, NULL, 4, 2, 3, JOF_RESUMEINDEX) \
2079     /*
2080      * Pushes a boolean indicating whether the top of the stack is
2081      * `MagicValue(JS_GENERATOR_CLOSING)`.
2082      *
2083      *   Category: Functions
2084      *   Type: Generators and async functions
2085      *   Operands:
2086      *   Stack: val => val, res
2087      */ \
2088     MACRO(IsGenClosing, is_gen_closing, NULL, 1, 1, 2, JOF_BYTE) \
2089     /*
2090      * Arrange for this async function to resume asynchronously when `value`
2091      * becomes resolved.
2092      *
2093      * This is the last thing an async function does before suspending for an
2094      * `await` expression. It coerces the awaited `value` to a promise and
2095      * effectively calls `.then()` on it, passing handler functions that will
2096      * resume this async function call later. See `js::AsyncFunctionAwait`.
2097      *
2098      * This instruction must appear only in non-generator async function
2099      * scripts. `gen` must be the internal generator object for the current
2100      * frame. After this instruction, the script should suspend itself with
2101      * `Await` (rather than exiting any other way).
2102      *
2103      * The result `promise` is the async function's result promise,
2104      * `gen->as<AsyncFunctionGeneratorObject>().promise()`.
2105      *
2106      * Implements: [Await][1], steps 2-9.
2107      *
2108      * [1]: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#await
2109      *
2110      *   Category: Functions
2111      *   Type: Generators and async functions
2112      *   Operands:
2113      *   Stack: value, gen => promise
2114      */ \
2115     MACRO(AsyncAwait, async_await, NULL, 1, 2, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
2116     /*
2117      * Resolve or reject the current async function's result promise with
2118      * 'valueOrReason'.
2119      *
2120      * This instruction must appear only in non-generator async function
2121      * scripts. `gen` must be the internal generator object for the current
2122      * frame. This instruction must run at most once per async function call,
2123      * as resolving/rejecting an already resolved/rejected promise is not
2124      * permitted.
2125      *
2126      * The result `promise` is the async function's result promise,
2127      * `gen->as<AsyncFunctionGeneratorObject>().promise()`.
2128      *
2129      * Implements: [AsyncFunctionStart][1], step 4.d.i. and 4.e.i.
2130      *
2131      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-async-functions-abstract-operations-async-function-start
2132      *
2133      *   Category: Functions
2134      *   Type: Generators and async functions
2135      *   Operands: AsyncFunctionResolveKind fulfillOrReject
2136      *   Stack: valueOrReason, gen => promise
2137      */ \
2138     MACRO(AsyncResolve, async_resolve, NULL, 2, 2, 1, JOF_UINT8) \
2139     /*
2140      * Suspend the current frame for an `await` expression.
2141      *
2142      * This instruction must appear only in scripts for async functions and
2143      * async generators. `gen` must be the internal generator object for the
2144      * current frame.
2145      *
2146      * This returns `promise` to the caller. Later, when this async call is
2147      * resumed, `resolved`, `gen` and `resumeKind` receive the values passed in
2148      * by `JSOp::Resume`, and execution continues at the next instruction,
2149      * which must be `AfterYield`.
2150      *
2151      * This instruction is used in two subtly different ways.
2152      *
2153      * 1.  In async functions:
2154      *
2155      *         ...                          # valueToAwait
2156      *         GetAliasedVar ".generator"   # valueToAwait gen
2157      *         AsyncAwait                   # resultPromise
2158      *         GetAliasedVar ".generator"   # resultPromise gen
2159      *         Await                        # resolved gen resumeKind
2160      *         AfterYield
2161      *
2162      *     `AsyncAwait` arranges for this frame to be resumed later and pushes
2163      *     its result promise. `Await` then suspends the frame and removes it
2164      *     from the stack, returning the result promise to the caller. (If this
2165      *     async call hasn't awaited before, the caller may be user code.
2166      *     Otherwise, the caller is self-hosted code using `resumeGenerator`.)
2167      *
2168      * 2.  In async generators:
2169      *
2170      *         ...                          # valueToAwait
2171      *         GetAliasedVar ".generator"   # valueToAwait gen
2172      *         Await                        # resolved gen resumeKind
2173      *         AfterYield
2174      *
2175      *     `AsyncAwait` is not used, so (1) the value returned to the caller by
2176      *     `Await` is `valueToAwait`, not `resultPromise`; and (2) the caller
2177      *     is responsible for doing the async-generator equivalent of
2178      *     `AsyncAwait` (namely, `js::AsyncGeneratorAwait`, called from
2179      *     `js::AsyncGeneratorResume` after `js::CallSelfHostedFunction`
2180      *     returns).
2181      *
2182      * Implements: [Await][1], steps 10-12.
2183      *
2184      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#await
2185      *
2186      *   Category: Functions
2187      *   Type: Generators and async functions
2188      *   Operands: uint24_t resumeIndex
2189      *   Stack: promise, gen => resolved, gen, resumeKind
2190      */ \
2191     MACRO(Await, await, NULL, 4, 2, 3, JOF_RESUMEINDEX) \
2192     /*
2193      * Decide whether awaiting 'value' can be skipped.
2194      *
2195      * This is part of an optimization for `await` expressions. Programs very
2196      * often await values that aren't promises, or promises that are already
2197      * resolved. We can then sometimes skip suspending the current frame and
2198      * returning to the microtask loop. If the circumstances permit the
2199      * optimization, `TrySkipAwait` replaces `value` with the result of the
2200      * `await` expression (unwrapping the resolved promise, if any) and pushes
2201      * `true`. Otherwise, it leaves `value` unchanged and pushes 'false'.
2202      *
2203      *   Category: Functions
2204      *   Type: Generators and async functions
2205      *   Operands:
2206      *   Stack: value => value_or_resolved, can_skip
2207      */ \
2208     MACRO(TrySkipAwait, try_skip_await, NULL, 1, 1, 2, JOF_BYTE) \
2209     /*
2210      * Pushes one of the GeneratorResumeKind values as Int32Value.
2211      *
2212      *   Category: Functions
2213      *   Type: Generators and async functions
2214      *   Operands: GeneratorResumeKind resumeKind (encoded as uint8_t)
2215      *   Stack: => resumeKind
2216      */ \
2217     MACRO(ResumeKind, resume_kind, NULL, 2, 0, 1, JOF_UINT8) \
2218     /*
2219      * Handle Throw and Return resumption.
2220      *
2221      * `gen` must be the generator object for the current frame. `resumeKind`
2222      * must be a `GeneratorResumeKind` stored as an `Int32` value. If it is
2223      * `Next`, continue to the next instruction. If `resumeKind` is `Throw` or
2224      * `Return`, these completions are handled by throwing an exception. See
2225      * `GeneratorThrowOrReturn`.
2226      *
2227      *   Category: Functions
2228      *   Type: Generators and async functions
2229      *   Operands:
2230      *   Stack: rval, gen, resumeKind => rval
2231      */ \
2232     MACRO(CheckResumeKind, check_resume_kind, NULL, 1, 3, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
2233     /*
2234      * Resume execution of a generator, async function, or async generator.
2235      *
2236      * This behaves something like a call instruction. It pushes a stack frame
2237      * (the one saved when `gen` was suspended, rather than a fresh one) and
2238      * runs instructions in it. Once `gen` returns or yields, its return value
2239      * is pushed to this frame's stack and execution continues in this script.
2240      *
2241      * This instruction is emitted only for the `resumeGenerator` self-hosting
2242      * intrinsic. It is used in the implementation of
2243      * `%GeneratorPrototype%.next`, `.throw`, and `.return`.
2244      *
2245      * `gen` must be a suspended generator object. `resumeKind` must be in
2246      * range for `GeneratorResumeKind`.
2247      *
2248      *   Category: Functions
2249      *   Type: Generators and async functions
2250      *   Operands:
2251      *   Stack: gen, val, resumeKind => rval
2252      */ \
2253     MACRO(Resume, resume, NULL, 1, 3, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_INVOKE) \
2254     /*
2255      * No-op instruction marking the target of a jump instruction.
2256      *
2257      * This instruction and a few others (see `js::BytecodeIsJumpTarget`) are
2258      * jump target instructions. The Baseline Interpreter uses these
2259      * instructions to sync the frame's `interpreterICEntry` after a jump. Ion
2260      * uses them to find block boundaries when translating bytecode to MIR.
2261      *
2262      *   Category: Control flow
2263      *   Type: Jump targets
2264      *   Operands: uint32_t icIndex
2265      *   Stack: =>
2266      */ \
2267     MACRO(JumpTarget, jump_target, NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_ICINDEX) \
2268     /*
2269      * Marks the target of the backwards jump for some loop.
2270      *
2271      * This is a jump target instruction (see `JSOp::JumpTarget`). Additionally,
2272      * it checks for interrupts and handles JIT tiering.
2273      *
2274      * The `depthHint` operand is a loop depth hint for Ion. It starts at 1 and
2275      * deeply nested loops all have the same value.
2276      *
2277      * For the convenience of the JITs, scripts must not start with this
2278      * instruction. See bug 1602390.
2279      *
2280      *   Category: Control flow
2281      *   Type: Jump targets
2282      *   Operands: uint32_t icIndex, uint8_t depthHint
2283      *   Stack: =>
2284      */ \
2285     MACRO(LoopHead, loop_head, NULL, 6, 0, 0, JOF_LOOPHEAD) \
2286     /*
2287      * Jump to a 32-bit offset from the current bytecode.
2288      *
2289      * See "Jump instructions" above for details.
2290      *
2291      *   Category: Control flow
2292      *   Type: Jumps
2293      *   Operands: int32_t offset
2294      *   Stack: =>
2295      */ \
2296     MACRO(Goto, goto_, NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_JUMP) \
2297     /*
2298      * If ToBoolean(`cond`) is false, jumps to a 32-bit offset from the current
2299      * instruction.
2300      *
2301      *   Category: Control flow
2302      *   Type: Jumps
2303      *   Operands: int32_t forwardOffset
2304      *   Stack: cond =>
2305      */ \
2306     MACRO(IfEq, if_eq, NULL, 5, 1, 0, JOF_JUMP|JOF_IC) \
2307     /*
2308      * If ToBoolean(`cond`) is true, jump to a 32-bit offset from the current
2309      * instruction.
2310      *
2311      * `offset` may be positive or negative. This is the instruction used at the
2312      * end of a do-while loop to jump back to the top.
2313      *
2314      *   Category: Control flow
2315      *   Type: Jumps
2316      *   Operands: int32_t offset
2317      *   Stack: cond =>
2318      */ \
2319     MACRO(IfNe, if_ne, NULL, 5, 1, 0, JOF_JUMP|JOF_IC) \
2320     /*
2321      * Short-circuit for logical AND.
2322      *
2323      * If ToBoolean(`cond`) is false, jump to a 32-bit offset from the current
2324      * instruction. The value remains on the stack.
2325      *
2326      *   Category: Control flow
2327      *   Type: Jumps
2328      *   Operands: int32_t forwardOffset
2329      *   Stack: cond => cond
2330      */ \
2331     MACRO(And, and_, NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_JUMP|JOF_IC) \
2332     /*
2333      * Short-circuit for logical OR.
2334      *
2335      * If ToBoolean(`cond`) is true, jump to a 32-bit offset from the current
2336      * instruction. The value remains on the stack.
2337      *
2338      *   Category: Control flow
2339      *   Type: Jumps
2340      *   Operands: int32_t forwardOffset
2341      *   Stack: cond => cond
2342      */ \
2343     MACRO(Or, or_, NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_JUMP|JOF_IC) \
2344     /*
2345      * Short-circuiting for nullish coalescing.
2346      *
2347      * If `val` is not null or undefined, jump to a 32-bit offset from the
2348      * current instruction.
2349      *
2350      *   Category: Control flow
2351      *   Type: Jumps
2352      *   Operands: int32_t forwardOffset
2353      *   Stack: val => val
2354      */ \
2355     MACRO(Coalesce, coalesce, NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_JUMP) \
2356      /*
2357      * Like `JSOp::IfNe` ("jump if true"), but if the branch is taken,
2358      * pop and discard an additional stack value.
2359      *
2360      * This is used to implement `switch` statements when the
2361      * `JSOp::TableSwitch` optimization is not possible. The switch statement
2362      *
2363      *     switch (expr) {
2364      *         case A: stmt1;
2365      *         case B: stmt2;
2366      *     }
2367      *
2368      * compiles to this bytecode:
2369      *
2370      *         # dispatch code - evaluate expr, check it against each `case`,
2371      *         # jump to the right place in the body or to the end.
2372      *         <expr>
2373      *         Dup; <A>; StrictEq; Case L1; JumpTarget
2374      *         Dup; <B>; StrictEq; Case L2; JumpTarget
2375      *         Default LE
2376      *
2377      *         # body code
2378      *     L1: JumpTarget; <stmt1>
2379      *     L2: JumpTarget; <stmt2>
2380      *     LE: JumpTarget
2381      *
2382      * This opcode is weird: it's the only one whose ndefs varies depending on
2383      * which way a conditional branch goes. We could implement switch
2384      * statements using `JSOp::IfNe` and `JSOp::Pop`, but that would also be
2385      * awkward--putting the `JSOp::Pop` inside the `switch` body would
2386      * complicate fallthrough.
2387      *
2388      *   Category: Control flow
2389      *   Type: Jumps
2390      *   Operands: int32_t forwardOffset
2391      *   Stack: val, cond => val (if !cond)
2392      */ \
2393     MACRO(Case, case_, NULL, 5, 2, 1, JOF_JUMP) \
2394     /*
2395      * Like `JSOp::Goto`, but pop and discard an additional stack value.
2396      *
2397      * This appears after all cases for a non-optimized `switch` statement. If
2398      * there's a `default:` label, it jumps to that point in the body;
2399      * otherwise it jumps to the next statement.
2400      *
2401      *   Category: Control flow
2402      *   Type: Jumps
2403      *   Operands: int32_t forwardOffset
2404      *   Stack: lval =>
2405      */ \
2406     MACRO(Default, default_, NULL, 5, 1, 0, JOF_JUMP) \
2407     /*
2408      * Optimized switch-statement dispatch, used when all `case` labels are
2409      * small integer constants.
2410      *
2411      * If `low <= i <= high`, jump to the instruction at the offset given by
2412      * `script->resumeOffsets()[firstResumeIndex + i - low]`, in bytes from the
2413      * start of the current script's bytecode. Otherwise, jump to the
2414      * instruction at `defaultOffset` from the current instruction. All of
2415      * these offsets must be in range for the current script and must point to
2416      * `JSOp::JumpTarget` instructions.
2417      *
2418      * The following inequalities must hold: `low <= high` and
2419      * `firstResumeIndex + high - low < resumeOffsets().size()`.
2420      *
2421      *   Category: Control flow
2422      *   Type: Jumps
2423      *   Operands: int32_t defaultOffset, int32_t low, int32_t high,
2424      *             uint24_t firstResumeIndex
2425      *   Stack: i =>
2426      */ \
2427     MACRO(TableSwitch, table_switch, NULL, 16, 1, 0, JOF_TABLESWITCH) \
2428     /*
2429      * Return `rval`.
2430      *
2431      * This must not be used in derived class constructors. Instead use
2432      * `JSOp::SetRval`, `JSOp::CheckReturn`, and `JSOp::RetRval`.
2433      *
2434      *   Category: Control flow
2435      *   Type: Return
2436      *   Operands:
2437      *   Stack: rval =>
2438      */ \
2439     MACRO(Return, return_, NULL, 1, 1, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
2440     /*
2441      * Push the current stack frame's `returnValue`. If no `JSOp::SetRval`
2442      * instruction has been executed in this stack frame, this is `undefined`.
2443      *
2444      * Every stack frame has a `returnValue` slot, used by top-level scripts,
2445      * generators, async functions, and derived class constructors. Plain
2446      * functions usually use `JSOp::Return` instead.
2447      *
2448      *   Category: Control flow
2449      *   Type: Return
2450      *   Operands:
2451      *   Stack: => rval
2452      */ \
2453     MACRO(GetRval, get_rval, NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
2454     /*
2455      * Store `rval` in the current stack frame's `returnValue` slot.
2456      *
2457      * This instruction must not be used in a toplevel script compiled with the
2458      * `noScriptRval` option.
2459      *
2460      *   Category: Control flow
2461      *   Type: Return
2462      *   Operands:
2463      *   Stack: rval =>
2464      */ \
2465     MACRO(SetRval, set_rval, NULL, 1, 1, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
2466     /*
2467      * Stop execution and return the current stack frame's `returnValue`. If no
2468      * `JSOp::SetRval` instruction has been executed in this stack frame, this
2469      * is `undefined`.
2470      *
2471      * Also emitted at end of every script so consumers don't need to worry
2472      * about running off the end.
2473      *
2474      * If the current script is a derived class constructor, `returnValue` must
2475      * be an object. The script can use `JSOp::CheckReturn` to ensure this.
2476      *
2477      *   Category: Control flow
2478      *   Type: Return
2479      *   Operands:
2480      *   Stack: =>
2481      */ \
2482     MACRO(RetRval, ret_rval, NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
2483     /*
2484      * Check the return value in a derived class constructor.
2485      *
2486      * -   If the current stack frame's `returnValue` is an object, do nothing.
2487      *
2488      * -   Otherwise, if the `returnValue` is undefined and `thisval` is an
2489      *     object, store `thisval` in the `returnValue` slot.
2490      *
2491      * -   Otherwise, throw a TypeError.
2492      *
2493      * This is exactly what has to happen when a derived class constructor
2494      * returns. `thisval` should be the current value of `this`, or
2495      * `MagicValue(JS_UNINITIALIZED_LEXICAL)` if `this` is uninitialized.
2496      *
2497      * Implements: [The [[Construct]] internal method of JS functions][1],
2498      * steps 13 and 15.
2499      *
2500      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-ecmascript-function-objects-construct-argumentslist-newtarget
2501      *
2502      *   Category: Control flow
2503      *   Type: Return
2504      *   Operands:
2505      *   Stack: thisval =>
2506      */ \
2507     MACRO(CheckReturn, check_return, NULL, 1, 1, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
2508     /*
2509      * Throw `exc`. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┴──┴
2510      *
2511      * This sets the pending exception to `exc` and jumps to error-handling
2512      * code. If we're in a `try` block, error handling adjusts the stack and
2513      * environment chain and resumes execution at the top of the `catch` or
2514      * `finally` block. Otherwise it starts unwinding the stack.
2515      *
2516      * Implements: [*ThrowStatement* Evaluation][1], step 3.
2517      *
2518      * This is also used in for-of loops. If the body of the loop throws an
2519      * exception, we catch it, close the iterator, then use `JSOp::Throw` to
2520      * rethrow.
2521      *
2522      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-throw-statement-runtime-semantics-evaluation
2523      *
2524      *   Category: Control flow
2525      *   Type: Exceptions
2526      *   Operands:
2527      *   Stack: exc =>
2528      */ \
2529     MACRO(Throw, throw_, NULL, 1, 1, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
2530     /*
2531      * Create and throw an Error object.
2532      *
2533      * Sometimes we know at emit time that an operation always throws. For
2534      * example, `delete super.prop;` is allowed in methods, but always throws a
2535      * ReferenceError.
2536      *
2537      * `msgNumber` must be one of the error codes listed in js/src/js.msg; it
2538      * determines the `.message` and [[Prototype]] of the new Error object. The
2539      * number of arguments in the error message must be 0.
2540      *
2541      *   Category: Control flow
2542      *   Type: Exceptions
2543      *   Operands: ThrowMsgKind msgNumber
2544      *   Stack: =>
2545      */ \
2546     MACRO(ThrowMsg, throw_msg, NULL, 2, 0, 0, JOF_UINT8) \
2547     /*
2548      * Throws a runtime TypeError for invalid assignment to a `const` binding.
2549      *
2550      *   Category: Control flow
2551      *   Type: Exceptions
2552      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
2553      *   Stack:
2554      */ \
2555     MACRO(ThrowSetConst, throw_set_const, NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_ATOM|JOF_NAME) \
2556     /*
2557      * No-op instruction that marks the top of the bytecode for a
2558      * *TryStatement*.
2559      *
2560      * The `jumpAtEndOffset` operand must be the offset (relative to the
2561      * current op) of the `JSOp::Goto` at the end of the try-block body. This
2562      * is used by bytecode analysis and JIT compilation.
2563      *
2564      * Location information for catch/finally blocks is stored in a side table,
2565      * `script->trynotes()`.
2566      *
2567      *   Category: Control flow
2568      *   Type: Exceptions
2569      *   Operands: int32_t jumpAtEndOffset
2570      *   Stack: =>
2571      */ \
2572     MACRO(Try, try_, NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_CODE_OFFSET) \
2573     /*
2574      * No-op instruction used by the exception unwinder to determine the
2575      * correct environment to unwind to when performing IteratorClose due to
2576      * destructuring.
2577      *
2578      * This instruction must appear immediately before each
2579      * `JSTRY_DESTRUCTURING` span in a script's try notes.
2580      *
2581      *   Category: Control flow
2582      *   Type: Exceptions
2583      *   Operands:
2584      *   Stack: =>
2585      */ \
2586     MACRO(TryDestructuring, try_destructuring, NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
2587     /*
2588      * Push and clear the pending exception. ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)
2589      *
2590      * This must be used only in the fixed sequence of instructions following a
2591      * `JSTRY_CATCH` span (see "Bytecode Invariants" above), as that's the only
2592      * way instructions would run with an exception pending.
2593      *
2594      * Used to implement catch-blocks, including the implicit ones generated as
2595      * part of for-of iteration.
2596      *
2597      *   Category: Control flow
2598      *   Type: Exceptions
2599      *   Operands:
2600      *   Stack: => exception
2601      */ \
2602     MACRO(Exception, exception, NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
2603     /*
2604      * Push `resumeIndex`.
2605      *
2606      * This value must be used only by `JSOp::Gosub`, `JSOp::Finally`, and `JSOp::Retsub`.
2607      *
2608      *   Category: Control flow
2609      *   Type: Exceptions
2610      *   Operands: uint24_t resumeIndex
2611      *   Stack: => resumeIndex
2612      */ \
2613     MACRO(ResumeIndex, resume_index, NULL, 4, 0, 1, JOF_RESUMEINDEX) \
2614     /*
2615      * Jump to the start of a `finally` block.
2616      *
2617      * `JSOp::Gosub` is unusual: if the finally block finishes normally, it will
2618      * reach the `JSOp::Retsub` instruction at the end, and control then
2619      * "returns" to the `JSOp::Gosub` and picks up at the next instruction, like
2620      * a function call but within a single script and stack frame. (It's named
2621      * after the thing in BASIC.)
2622      *
2623      * We need this because a `try` block can terminate in several different
2624      * ways: control can flow off the end, return, throw an exception, `break`
2625      * with or without a label, or `continue`. Exceptions are handled
2626      * separately; but all those success paths are written as bytecode, and
2627      * each one needs to run the `finally` block before continuing with
2628      * whatever they were doing. They use `JSOp::Gosub` for this. It is thus
2629      * normal for multiple `Gosub` instructions in a script to target the same
2630      * `finally` block.
2631      *
2632      * Rules: `forwardOffset` must be positive and must target a
2633      * `JSOp::JumpTarget` instruction followed by `JSOp::Finally`. The
2634      * instruction immediately following `JSOp::Gosub` in the script must be a
2635      * `JSOp::JumpTarget` instruction, and `resumeIndex` must be the index into
2636      * `script->resumeOffsets()` that points to that instruction.
2637      *
2638      * Note: This op doesn't actually push or pop any values. Its use count of
2639      * 2 is a lie to make the stack depth math work for this very odd control
2640      * flow instruction.
2641      *
2642      * `JSOp::Gosub` is considered to have two "successors": the target of
2643      * `offset`, which is the actual next instruction to run; and the
2644      * instruction immediately following `JSOp::Gosub`, even though it won't run
2645      * until later. We define the successor graph this way in order to support
2646      * knowing the stack depth at that instruction without first reading the
2647      * whole `finally` block.
2648      *
2649      * The stack depth at that instruction is, as it happens, the current stack
2650      * depth minus 2. So this instruction gets nuses == 2.
2651      *
2652      * Unfortunately there is a price to be paid in horribleness. When
2653      * `JSOp::Gosub` runs, it leaves two values on the stack that the stack
2654      * depth math doesn't know about. It jumps to the finally block, where
2655      * `JSOp::Finally` again does nothing to the stack, but with a bogus def
2656      * count of 2, restoring balance to the accounting. If `JSOp::Retsub` is
2657      * reached, it pops the two values (for real this time) and control
2658      * resumes at the instruction that follows JSOp::Gosub in memory.
2659      *
2660      *   Category: Control flow
2661      *   Type: Exceptions
2662      *   Operands: int32_t forwardOffset
2663      *   Stack: false, resumeIndex =>
2664      */ \
2665     MACRO(Gosub, gosub, NULL, 5, 2, 0, JOF_JUMP) \
2666     /*
2667      * No-op instruction that marks the start of a `finally` block. This has a
2668      * def count of 2, but the values are already on the stack (they're
2669      * actually left on the stack by `JSOp::Gosub`).
2670      *
2671      * These two values must not be used except by `JSOp::Retsub`.
2672      *
2673      *   Category: Control flow
2674      *   Type: Exceptions
2675      *   Operands:
2676      *   Stack: => false, resumeIndex
2677      */ \
2678     MACRO(Finally, finally, NULL, 1, 0, 2, JOF_BYTE) \
2679     /*
2680      * Jump back to the next instruction, or rethrow an exception, at the end
2681      * of a `finally` block. See `JSOp::Gosub` for the explanation.
2682      *
2683      * If `throwing` is true, throw `v`. Otherwise, `v` must be a resume index;
2684      * jump to the corresponding offset within the script.
2685      *
2686      * The two values popped must be the ones notionally pushed by
2687      * `JSOp::Finally`.
2688      *
2689      *   Category: Control flow
2690      *   Type: Exceptions
2691      *   Operands:
2692      *   Stack: throwing, v =>
2693      */ \
2694     MACRO(Retsub, retsub, NULL, 1, 2, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
2695     /*
2696      * Push `MagicValue(JS_UNINITIALIZED_LEXICAL)`, a magic value used to mark
2697      * a binding as uninitialized.
2698      *
2699      * This magic value must be used only by `JSOp::InitLexical`.
2700      *
2701      *   Category: Variables and scopes
2702      *   Type: Initialization
2703      *   Operands:
2704      *   Stack: => uninitialized
2705      */ \
2706     MACRO(Uninitialized, uninitialized, NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
2707     /*
2708      * Initialize an optimized local lexical binding; or mark it as
2709      * uninitialized.
2710      *
2711      * This stores the value `v` in the fixed slot `localno` in the current
2712      * stack frame. If `v` is the magic value produced by `JSOp::Uninitialized`,
2713      * this marks the binding as uninitialized. Otherwise this initializes the
2714      * binding with value `v`.
2715      *
2716      * Implements: [CreateMutableBinding][1] step 3, substep "record that it is
2717      * uninitialized", and [InitializeBinding][2], for optimized locals. (Note:
2718      * this is how `const` bindings are initialized.)
2719      *
2720      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-declarative-environment-records-createmutablebinding-n-d
2721      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-declarative-environment-records-initializebinding-n-v
2722      *
2723      *   Category: Variables and scopes
2724      *   Type: Initialization
2725      *   Operands: uint24_t localno
2726      *   Stack: v => v
2727      */ \
2728     MACRO(InitLexical, init_lexical, NULL, 4, 1, 1, JOF_LOCAL|JOF_NAME) \
2729     /*
2730      * Initialize a global lexical binding.
2731      *
2732      * The binding must already have been created by `DefLet` or `DefConst` and
2733      * must be uninitialized.
2734      *
2735      * Like `JSOp::InitLexical` but for global lexicals. Unlike `InitLexical`
2736      * this can't be used to mark a binding as uninitialized.
2737      *
2738      *   Category: Variables and scopes
2739      *   Type: Initialization
2740      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
2741      *   Stack: val => val
2742      */ \
2743     MACRO(InitGLexical, init_g_lexical, NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_NAME|JOF_PROPINIT|JOF_GNAME|JOF_IC) \
2744     /*
2745      * Initialize an aliased lexical binding; or mark it as uninitialized.
2746      *
2747      * Like `JSOp::InitLexical` but for aliased bindings.
2748      *
2749      * Note: There is no even-less-optimized `InitName` instruction because JS
2750      * doesn't need it. We always know statically which binding we're
2751      * initializing.
2752      *
2753      * `hops` is usually 0, but in `function f(a=eval("var b;")) { }`, the
2754      * argument `a` is initialized from inside a nested scope, so `hops == 1`.
2755      *
2756      *   Category: Variables and scopes
2757      *   Type: Initialization
2758      *   Operands: uint8_t hops, uint24_t slot
2759      *   Stack: v => v
2760      */ \
2761     MACRO(InitAliasedLexical, init_aliased_lexical, NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_ENVCOORD|JOF_NAME|JOF_PROPINIT) \
2762     /*
2763      * Throw a ReferenceError if the value on top of the stack is uninitialized.
2764      *
2765      * Typically used after `JSOp::GetLocal` with the same `localno`.
2766      *
2767      * Implements: [GetBindingValue][1] step 3 and [SetMutableBinding][2] step
2768      * 4 for declarative Environment Records.
2769      *
2770      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-declarative-environment-records-getbindingvalue-n-s
2771      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-declarative-environment-records-setmutablebinding-n-v-s
2772      *
2773      *   Category: Variables and scopes
2774      *   Type: Initialization
2775      *   Operands: uint24_t localno
2776      *   Stack: v => v
2777      */ \
2778     MACRO(CheckLexical, check_lexical, NULL, 4, 1, 1, JOF_LOCAL|JOF_NAME) \
2779     /*
2780      * Like `JSOp::CheckLexical` but for aliased bindings.
2781      *
2782      * Typically used after `JSOp::GetAliasedVar` with the same hops/slot.
2783      *
2784      * Note: There are no `CheckName` or `CheckGName` instructions because
2785      * they're unnecessary. `JSOp::{Get,Set}{Name,GName}` all check for
2786      * uninitialized lexicals and throw if needed.
2787      *
2788      *   Category: Variables and scopes
2789      *   Type: Initialization
2790      *   Operands: uint8_t hops, uint24_t slot
2791      *   Stack: v => v
2792      */ \
2793     MACRO(CheckAliasedLexical, check_aliased_lexical, NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_ENVCOORD|JOF_NAME) \
2794     /*
2795      * Throw a ReferenceError if the value on top of the stack is
2796      * `MagicValue(JS_UNINITIALIZED_LEXICAL)`. Used in derived class
2797      * constructors to check `this` (which needs to be initialized before use,
2798      * by calling `super()`).
2799      *
2800      * Implements: [GetThisBinding][1] step 3.
2801      *
2802      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-function-environment-records-getthisbinding
2803      *
2804      *   Category: Variables and scopes
2805      *   Type: Initialization
2806      *   Operands:
2807      *   Stack: this => this
2808      */ \
2809     MACRO(CheckThis, check_this, NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
2810     /*
2811      * Push the global environment onto the stack, unless the script has a
2812      * non-syntactic global scope. In that case, this acts like JSOp::BindName.
2813      *
2814      * `nameIndex` is only used when acting like JSOp::BindName.
2815      *
2816      *   Category: Variables and scopes
2817      *   Type: Looking up bindings
2818      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
2819      *   Stack: => global
2820      */ \
2821     MACRO(BindGName, bind_g_name, NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_NAME|JOF_GNAME|JOF_IC) \
2822     /*
2823      * Look up a name on the environment chain and push the environment which
2824      * contains a binding for that name. If no such binding exists, push the
2825      * global lexical environment.
2826      *
2827      *   Category: Variables and scopes
2828      *   Type: Looking up bindings
2829      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
2830      *   Stack: => env
2831      */ \
2832     MACRO(BindName, bind_name, NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_NAME|JOF_IC) \
2833     /*
2834      * Find a binding on the environment chain and push its value.
2835      *
2836      * If the binding is an uninitialized lexical, throw a ReferenceError. If
2837      * no such binding exists, throw a ReferenceError unless the next
2838      * instruction is `JSOp::Typeof`, in which case push `undefined`.
2839      *
2840      * Implements: [ResolveBinding][1] followed by [GetValue][2]
2841      * (adjusted hackily for `typeof`).
2842      *
2843      * This is the fallback `Get` instruction that handles all unoptimized
2844      * cases. Optimized instructions follow.
2845      *
2846      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-resolvebinding
2847      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-getvalue
2848      *
2849      *   Category: Variables and scopes
2850      *   Type: Getting binding values
2851      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
2852      *   Stack: => val
2853      */ \
2854     MACRO(GetName, get_name, NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_NAME|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
2855     /*
2856      * Find a global binding and push its value.
2857      *
2858      * This searches the global lexical environment and, failing that, the
2859      * global object. (Unlike most declarative environments, the global lexical
2860      * environment can gain more bindings after compilation, possibly shadowing
2861      * global object properties.)
2862      *
2863      * This is an optimized version of `JSOp::GetName` that skips all local
2864      * scopes, for use when the name doesn't refer to any local binding.
2865      * `NonSyntacticVariablesObject`s break this optimization, so if the
2866      * current script has a non-syntactic global scope, this acts like
2867      * `JSOp::GetName`.
2868      *
2869      * Like `JSOp::GetName`, this throws a ReferenceError if no such binding is
2870      * found (unless the next instruction is `JSOp::Typeof`) or if the binding
2871      * is an uninitialized lexical.
2872      *
2873      *   Category: Variables and scopes
2874      *   Type: Getting binding values
2875      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
2876      *   Stack: => val
2877      */ \
2878     MACRO(GetGName, get_g_name, NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_NAME|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_GNAME|JOF_IC) \
2879     /*
2880      * Push the value of an argument that is stored in the stack frame
2881      * or in an `ArgumentsObject`.
2882      *
2883      *   Category: Variables and scopes
2884      *   Type: Getting binding values
2885      *   Operands: uint16_t argno
2886      *   Stack: => arguments[argno]
2887      */ \
2888     MACRO(GetArg, get_arg, NULL, 3, 0, 1, JOF_QARG|JOF_NAME) \
2889     /*
2890      * Push the value of an optimized local variable.
2891      *
2892      * If the variable is an uninitialized lexical, push
2893      * `MagicValue(JS_UNINIITALIZED_LEXICAL)`.
2894      *
2895      *   Category: Variables and scopes
2896      *   Type: Getting binding values
2897      *   Operands: uint24_t localno
2898      *   Stack: => val
2899      */ \
2900     MACRO(GetLocal, get_local, NULL, 4, 0, 1, JOF_LOCAL|JOF_NAME) \
2901     /*
2902      * Push the value of an aliased binding.
2903      *
2904      * Local bindings that aren't closed over or dynamically accessed are
2905      * stored in stack slots. Global and `with` bindings are object properties.
2906      * All other bindings are called "aliased" and stored in
2907      * `EnvironmentObject`s.
2908      *
2909      * Where possible, `Aliased` instructions are used to access aliased
2910      * bindings.  (There's no difference in meaning between `AliasedVar` and
2911      * `AliasedLexical`.) Each of these instructions has operands `hops` and
2912      * `slot` that encode an [`EnvironmentCoordinate`][1], directions to the
2913      * binding from the current environment object.
2914      *
2915      * `Aliased` instructions can't be used when there's a dynamic scope (due
2916      * to non-strict `eval` or `with`) that might shadow the aliased binding.
2917      *
2918      * [1]: https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/search?q=symbol:T_js%3A%3AEnvironmentCoordinate
2919      *
2920      *   Category: Variables and scopes
2921      *   Type: Getting binding values
2922      *   Operands: uint8_t hops, uint24_t slot
2923      *   Stack: => aliasedVar
2924      */ \
2925     MACRO(GetAliasedVar, get_aliased_var, NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_ENVCOORD|JOF_NAME|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
2926     /*
2927      * Get the value of a module import by name and pushes it onto the stack.
2928      *
2929      *   Category: Variables and scopes
2930      *   Type: Getting binding values
2931      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
2932      *   Stack: => val
2933      */ \
2934     MACRO(GetImport, get_import, NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_NAME|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
2935     /*
2936      * Get the value of a binding from the environment `env`. If the name is
2937      * not bound in `env`, throw a ReferenceError.
2938      *
2939      * `env` must be an environment currently on the environment chain, pushed
2940      * by `JSOp::BindName` or `JSOp::BindVar`.
2941      *
2942      * Note: `JSOp::BindName` and `JSOp::GetBoundName` are the two halves of the
2943      * `JSOp::GetName` operation: finding and reading a variable. This
2944      * decomposed version is needed to implement the compound assignment and
2945      * increment/decrement operators, which get and then set a variable. The
2946      * spec says the variable lookup is done only once. If we did the lookup
2947      * twice, there would be observable bugs, thanks to dynamic scoping. We
2948      * could set the wrong variable or call proxy traps incorrectly.
2949      *
2950      * Implements: [GetValue][1] steps 4 and 6.
2951      *
2952      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-getvalue
2953      *
2954      *   Category: Variables and scopes
2955      *   Type: Getting binding values
2956      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
2957      *   Stack: env => v
2958      */ \
2959     MACRO(GetBoundName, get_bound_name, NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_NAME|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
2960     /*
2961      * Push the value of an intrinsic onto the stack.
2962      *
2963      * Non-standard. Intrinsics are slots in the intrinsics holder object (see
2964      * `GlobalObject::getIntrinsicsHolder`), which is used in lieu of global
2965      * bindings in self-hosting code.
2966      *
2967      *   Category: Variables and scopes
2968      *   Type: Getting binding values
2969      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
2970      *   Stack: => intrinsic[name]
2971      */ \
2972     MACRO(GetIntrinsic, get_intrinsic, NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_NAME|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
2973     /*
2974      * Pushes the currently executing function onto the stack.
2975      *
2976      * The current script must be a function script.
2977      *
2978      * Used to implement `super`. This is also used sometimes as a minor
2979      * optimization when a named function expression refers to itself by name:
2980      *
2981      *     f = function fac(n) {  ... fac(n - 1) ... };
2982      *
2983      * This lets us optimize away a lexical environment that contains only the
2984      * binding for `fac`, unless it's otherwise observable (via `with`, `eval`,
2985      * or a nested closure).
2986      *
2987      *   Category: Variables and scopes
2988      *   Type: Getting binding values
2989      *   Operands:
2990      *   Stack: => callee
2991      */ \
2992     MACRO(Callee, callee, NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
2993     /*
2994      * Load the callee stored in a CallObject on the environment chain. The
2995      * `numHops` operand is the number of environment objects to skip on the
2996      * environment chain. The environment chain element indicated by `numHops`
2997      * must be a CallObject.
2998      *
2999      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3000      *   Type: Getting binding values
3001      *   Operands: uint8_t numHops
3002      *   Stack: => callee
3003      */ \
3004     MACRO(EnvCallee, env_callee, NULL, 2, 0, 1, JOF_UINT8) \
3005     /*
3006      * Assign `val` to the binding in `env` with the name given by `nameIndex`.
3007      * Throw a ReferenceError if the binding is an uninitialized lexical.
3008      * This can call setters and/or proxy traps.
3009      *
3010      * `env` must be an environment currently on the environment chain,
3011      * pushed by `JSOp::BindName` or `JSOp::BindVar`.
3012      *
3013      * This is the fallback `Set` instruction that handles all unoptimized
3014      * cases. Optimized instructions follow.
3015      *
3016      * Implements: [PutValue][1] steps 5 and 7 for unoptimized bindings.
3017      *
3018      * Note: `JSOp::BindName` and `JSOp::SetName` are the two halves of simple
3019      * assignment: finding and setting a variable. They are two separate
3020      * instructions because, per spec, the "finding" part happens before
3021      * evaluating the right-hand side of the assignment, and the "setting" part
3022      * after. Optimized cases don't need a `Bind` instruction because the
3023      * "finding" is done statically.
3024      *
3025      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-putvalue
3026      *
3027      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3028      *   Type: Setting binding values
3029      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
3030      *   Stack: env, val => val
3031      */ \
3033     /*
3034      * Like `JSOp::SetName`, but throw a TypeError if there is no binding for
3035      * the specified name in `env`, or if the binding is immutable (a `const`
3036      * or read-only property).
3037      *
3038      * Implements: [PutValue][1] steps 5 and 7 for strict mode code.
3039      *
3040      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-putvalue
3041      *
3042      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3043      *   Type: Setting binding values
3044      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
3045      *   Stack: env, val => val
3046      */ \
3047     MACRO(StrictSetName, strict_set_name, NULL, 5, 2, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_NAME|JOF_PROPSET|JOF_CHECKSTRICT|JOF_IC) \
3048     /*
3049      * Like `JSOp::SetName`, but for assigning to globals. `env` must be an
3050      * environment pushed by `JSOp::BindGName`.
3051      *
3052      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3053      *   Type: Setting binding values
3054      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
3055      *   Stack: env, val => val
3056      */ \
3058     /*
3059      * Like `JSOp::StrictSetGName`, but for assigning to globals. `env` must be
3060      * an environment pushed by `JSOp::BindGName`.
3061      *
3062      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3063      *   Type: Setting binding values
3064      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
3065      *   Stack: env, val => val
3066      */ \
3067     MACRO(StrictSetGName, strict_set_g_name, NULL, 5, 2, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_NAME|JOF_PROPSET|JOF_GNAME|JOF_CHECKSTRICT|JOF_IC) \
3068     /*
3069      * Assign `val` to an argument binding that's stored in the stack frame or
3070      * in an `ArgumentsObject`.
3071      *
3072      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3073      *   Type: Setting binding values
3074      *   Operands: uint16_t argno
3075      *   Stack: val => val
3076      */ \
3077     MACRO(SetArg, set_arg, NULL, 3, 1, 1, JOF_QARG|JOF_NAME) \
3078     /*
3079      * Assign to an optimized local binding.
3080      *
3081      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3082      *   Type: Setting binding values
3083      *   Operands: uint24_t localno
3084      *   Stack: v => v
3085      */ \
3086     MACRO(SetLocal, set_local, NULL, 4, 1, 1, JOF_LOCAL|JOF_NAME) \
3087     /*
3088      * Assign to an aliased binding.
3089      *
3090      * Implements: [SetMutableBinding for declarative Environment Records][1],
3091      * in certain cases where it's known that the binding exists, is mutable,
3092      * and has been initialized.
3093      *
3094      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-declarative-environment-records-setmutablebinding-n-v-s
3095      *
3096      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3097      *   Type: Setting binding values
3098      *   Operands: uint8_t hops, uint24_t slot
3099      *   Stack: val => val
3100      */ \
3101     MACRO(SetAliasedVar, set_aliased_var, NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_ENVCOORD|JOF_NAME|JOF_PROPSET) \
3102     /*
3103      * Assign to an intrinsic.
3104      *
3105      * Nonstandard. Intrinsics are used in lieu of global bindings in self-
3106      * hosted code. The value is actually stored in the intrinsics holder
3107      * object, `GlobalObject::getIntrinsicsHolder`. (Self-hosted code doesn't
3108      * have many global `var`s, but it has many `function`s.)
3109      *
3110      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3111      *   Type: Setting binding values
3112      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
3113      *   Stack: val => val
3114      */ \
3115     MACRO(SetIntrinsic, set_intrinsic, NULL, 5, 1, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_NAME) \
3116     /*
3117      * Push a lexical environment onto the environment chain.
3118      *
3119      * The `LexicalScope` indicated by `lexicalScopeIndex` determines the shape
3120      * of the new `LexicalEnvironmentObject`. All bindings in the new
3121      * environment are marked as uninitialized.
3122      *
3123      * Implements: [Evaluation of *Block*][1], steps 1-4.
3124      *
3125      * #### Fine print for environment chain instructions
3126      *
3127      * The following rules for `JSOp::{Push,Pop}LexicalEnv` also apply to
3128      * `JSOp::PushVarEnv` and `JSOp::{Enter,Leave}With`.
3129      *
3130      * Each `JSOp::PopLexicalEnv` instruction matches a particular
3131      * `JSOp::PushLexicalEnv` instruction in the same script and must have the
3132      * same scope and stack depth as the instruction immediately after that
3133      * `PushLexicalEnv`.
3134      *
3135      * `JSOp::PushLexicalEnv` enters a scope that extends to some set of
3136      * instructions in the script. Code must not jump into or out of this
3137      * region: control can enter only by executing `PushLexicalEnv` and can
3138      * exit only by executing a `PopLexicalEnv` or by exception unwinding. (A
3139      * `JSOp::PopLexicalEnv` is always emitted at the end of the block, and
3140      * extra copies are emitted on "exit slides", where a `break`, `continue`,
3141      * or `return` statement exits the scope.)
3142      *
3143      * The script's `JSScript::scopeNotes()` must identify exactly which
3144      * instructions begin executing in this scope. Typically this means a
3145      * single entry marking the contiguous chunk of bytecode from the
3146      * instruction after `JSOp::PushLexicalEnv` to `JSOp::PopLexicalEnv`
3147      * (inclusive); but if that range contains any instructions on exit slides,
3148      * after a `JSOp::PopLexicalEnv`, then those must be correctly noted as
3149      * *outside* the scope.
3150      *
3151      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-block-runtime-semantics-evaluation
3152      *
3153      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3154      *   Type: Entering and leaving environments
3155      *   Operands: uint32_t lexicalScopeIndex
3156      *   Stack: =>
3157      */ \
3158     MACRO(PushLexicalEnv, push_lexical_env, NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_SCOPE) \
3159     /*
3160      * Pop a lexical environment from the environment chain.
3161      *
3162      * See `JSOp::PushLexicalEnv` for the fine print.
3163      *
3164      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3165      *   Type: Entering and leaving environments
3166      *   Operands:
3167      *   Stack: =>
3168      */ \
3169     MACRO(PopLexicalEnv, pop_lexical_env, NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
3170     /*
3171      * No-op instruction that indicates leaving an optimized lexical scope.
3172      *
3173      * If all bindings in a lexical scope are optimized into stack slots, then
3174      * the runtime environment objects for that scope are optimized away. No
3175      * `JSOp::{Push,Pop}LexicalEnv` instructions are emitted. However, the
3176      * debugger still needs to be notified when control exits a scope; that's
3177      * what this instruction does.
3178      *
3179      * The last instruction in a lexical scope, as indicated by scope notes,
3180      * must be either this instruction (if the scope is optimized) or
3181      * `JSOp::PopLexicalEnv` (if not).
3182      *
3183      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3184      *   Type: Entering and leaving environments
3185      *   Operands:
3186      *   Stack: =>
3187      */ \
3188     MACRO(DebugLeaveLexicalEnv, debug_leave_lexical_env, NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
3189     /*
3190      * Recreate the current block on the environment chain with a fresh block
3191      * with uninitialized bindings. This implements the behavior of inducing a
3192      * fresh lexical environment for every iteration of a for-in/of loop whose
3193      * loop-head has a (captured) lexical declaration.
3194      *
3195      * The current environment must be a LexicalEnvironmentObject.
3196      *
3197      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3198      *   Type: Entering and leaving environments
3199      *   Operands:
3200      *   Stack: =>
3201      */ \
3202     MACRO(RecreateLexicalEnv, recreate_lexical_env, NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
3203     /*
3204      * Replace the current block on the environment chain with a fresh block
3205      * that copies all the bindings in the block. This implements the behavior
3206      * of inducing a fresh lexical environment for every iteration of a
3207      * `for(let ...; ...; ...)` loop, if any declarations induced by such a
3208      * loop are captured within the loop.
3209      *
3210      * The current environment must be a LexicalEnvironmentObject.
3211      *
3212      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3213      *   Type: Entering and leaving environments
3214      *   Operands:
3215      *   Stack: =>
3216      */ \
3217     MACRO(FreshenLexicalEnv, freshen_lexical_env, NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
3218     /*
3219      * Push a var environment onto the environment chain.
3220      *
3221      * Like `JSOp::PushLexicalEnv`, but pushes a `VarEnvironmentObject` rather
3222      * than a `LexicalEnvironmentObject`. The difference is that non-strict
3223      * direct `eval` can add bindings to a var environment; see `VarScope` in
3224      * Scope.h.
3225      *
3226      * See `JSOp::PushLexicalEnv` for the fine print.
3227      *
3228      * There is no corresponding `JSOp::PopVarEnv` operation, because a
3229      * `VarEnvironmentObject` is never popped from the environment chain.
3230      *
3231      * Implements: Places in the spec where the VariableEnvironment is set:
3232      *
3233      * -   The bit in [PerformEval][1] where, in strict direct eval, the new
3234      *     eval scope is taken as *varEnv* and becomes "*runningContext*'s
3235      *     VariableEnvironment".
3236      *
3237      * -   The weird scoping rules for functions with default parameter
3238      *     expressions, as specified in [FunctionDeclarationInstantiation][2]
3239      *     step 28 ("NOTE: A separate Environment Record is needed...").
3240      *
3241      * Note: The spec also pushes a new VariableEnvironment on entry to every
3242      * function, but the VM takes care of that as part of pushing the stack
3243      * frame, before the function script starts to run, so `JSOp::PushVarEnv` is
3244      * not needed.
3245      *
3246      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-performeval
3247      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-functiondeclarationinstantiation
3248      *
3249      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3250      *   Type: Entering and leaving environments
3251      *   Operands: uint32_t scopeIndex
3252      *   Stack: =>
3253      */ \
3254     MACRO(PushVarEnv, push_var_env, NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_SCOPE) \
3255     /*
3256      * Push a `WithEnvironmentObject` wrapping ToObject(`val`) to the
3257      * environment chain.
3258      *
3259      * Implements: [Evaluation of `with` statements][1], steps 2-6.
3260      *
3261      * Operations that may need to consult a WithEnvironment can't be correctly
3262      * implemented using optimized instructions like `JSOp::GetLocal`. A script
3263      * must use the deoptimized `JSOp::GetName`, `BindName`, `SetName`, and
3264      * `DelName` instead. Since those instructions don't work correctly with
3265      * optimized locals and arguments, all bindings in scopes enclosing a
3266      * `with` statement are marked as "aliased" and deoptimized too.
3267      *
3268      * See `JSOp::PushLexicalEnv` for the fine print.
3269      *
3270      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-with-statement-runtime-semantics-evaluation
3271      *
3272      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3273      *   Type: Entering and leaving environments
3274      *   Operands: uint32_t staticWithIndex
3275      *   Stack: val =>
3276      */ \
3277     MACRO(EnterWith, enter_with, NULL, 5, 1, 0, JOF_SCOPE) \
3278     /*
3279      * Pop a `WithEnvironmentObject` from the environment chain.
3280      *
3281      * See `JSOp::PushLexicalEnv` for the fine print.
3282      *
3283      * Implements: [Evaluation of `with` statements][1], step 8.
3284      *
3285      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-with-statement-runtime-semantics-evaluation
3286      *
3287      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3288      *   Type: Entering and leaving environments
3289      *   Operands:
3290      *   Stack: =>
3291      */ \
3292     MACRO(LeaveWith, leave_with, NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
3293     /*
3294      * Push the current VariableEnvironment (the environment on the environment
3295      * chain designated to receive new variables).
3296      *
3297      * Implements: [Annex B.3.3.1, changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation
3298      * for block-level functions][1], step 1.a.ii.3.a, and similar steps in
3299      * other Annex B.3.3 algorithms, when setting the function's second binding
3300      * can't be optimized.
3301      *
3302      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation
3303      *
3304      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3305      *   Type: Creating and deleting bindings
3306      *   Operands:
3307      *   Stack: => env
3308      */ \
3309     MACRO(BindVar, bind_var, NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
3310     /*
3311      * Create a new binding on the current VariableEnvironment (the environment
3312      * on the environment chain designated to receive new variables).
3313      *
3314      * `JSOp::Def{Var,Let,Const,Fun}` instructions must appear in the script
3315      * before anything else that might add bindings to the environment, and
3316      * only once per binding. There must be a correct entry for the new binding
3317      * in `script->bodyScope()`. (All this ensures that at run time, there is
3318      * no existing conflicting binding. This is checked by the
3319      * `JSOp::CheckGlobalOrEvalDecl` bytecode instruction that must appear
3320      * before `JSOp::Def{Var,Let,Const,Fun}`.)
3321      *
3322      * Throw a SyntaxError if the current VariableEnvironment is the global
3323      * environment and a binding with the same name exists on the global
3324      * lexical environment.
3325      *
3326      * This is used for global scripts and also in some cases for function
3327      * scripts where use of dynamic scoping inhibits optimization.
3328      *
3329      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3330      *   Type: Creating and deleting bindings
3331      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
3332      *   Stack: =>
3333      */ \
3334     MACRO(DefVar, def_var, NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_ATOM) \
3335     /*
3336      * Create a new binding for the given function on the current scope.
3337      *
3338      * `fun` must be a function object with an explicit name. The new
3339      * variable's name is `fun->explicitName()`, and its value is `fun`. In
3340      * global scope, this creates a new property on the global object.
3341      *
3342      * Implements: The body of the loop in [GlobalDeclarationInstantiation][1]
3343      * step 17 ("For each Parse Node *f* in *functionsToInitialize*...") and
3344      * the corresponding loop in [EvalDeclarationInstantiation][2].
3345      *
3346      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-globaldeclarationinstantiation
3347      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-evaldeclarationinstantiation
3348      *
3349      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3350      *   Type: Creating and deleting bindings
3351      *   Operands:
3352      *   Stack: fun =>
3353      */ \
3354     MACRO(DefFun, def_fun, NULL, 1, 1, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
3355     /*
3356      * Create a new uninitialized mutable binding in the global lexical
3357      * environment. Throw a SyntaxError if a binding with the same name already
3358      * exists on that environment, or if a var binding with the same name
3359      * exists on the global.
3360      *
3361      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3362      *   Type: Creating and deleting bindings
3363      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
3364      *   Stack: =>
3365      */ \
3366     MACRO(DefLet, def_let, NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_ATOM) \
3367     /*
3368      * Like `DefLet`, but create an uninitialized constant binding.
3369      *
3370      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3371      *   Type: Creating and deleting bindings
3372      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
3373      *   Stack: =>
3374      */ \
3375     MACRO(DefConst, def_const, NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_ATOM) \
3376     /*
3377      * Check for conflicting bindings before `JSOp::Def{Var,Let,Const,Fun}` in
3378      * global or sloppy eval scripts.
3379      *
3380      * Implements: [GlobalDeclarationInstantiation][1] steps 5, 6, 10 and 12,
3381      * and [EvalDeclarationInstantiation][2] steps 5 and 8.
3382      *
3383      * [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-globaldeclarationinstantiation
3384      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-evaldeclarationinstantiation
3385      *
3386      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3387      *   Type: Creating and deleting bindings
3388      *   Operands:
3389      *   Stack: =>
3390      */ \
3391     MACRO(CheckGlobalOrEvalDecl, check_global_or_eval_decl, NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
3392     /*
3393      * Look up a variable on the environment chain and delete it. Push `true`
3394      * on success (if a binding was deleted, or if no such binding existed in
3395      * the first place), `false` otherwise (most kinds of bindings can't be
3396      * deleted).
3397      *
3398      * Implements: [`delete` *Identifier*][1], which [is a SyntaxError][2] in
3399      * strict mode code.
3400      *
3401      *    [1]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-delete-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation
3402      *    [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-delete-operator-static-semantics-early-errors
3403      *
3404      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3405      *   Type: Creating and deleting bindings
3406      *   Operands: uint32_t nameIndex
3407      *   Stack: => succeeded
3408      */ \
3409     MACRO(DelName, del_name, NULL, 5, 0, 1, JOF_ATOM|JOF_NAME|JOF_CHECKSLOPPY) \
3410     /*
3411      * Create and push the `arguments` object for the current function activation.
3412      *
3413      * When it exists, `arguments` is stored in an ordinary local variable.
3414      * `JSOp::Arguments` is used in function preludes, to populate that variable
3415      * before the function body runs, *not* each time `arguments` appears in a
3416      * function.
3417      *
3418      * If a function clearly doesn't use `arguments`, we optimize it away when
3419      * emitting bytecode. The function's script won't use `JSOp::Arguments` at
3420      * all.
3421      *
3422      * The current script must be a function script. This instruction must
3423      * execute at most once per function activation.
3424      *
3425      * #### Optimized arguments
3426      *
3427      * If `script->needsArgsObj()` is false, no ArgumentsObject is created.
3428      * Instead, `MagicValue(JS_OPTIMIZED_ARGUMENTS)` is pushed.
3429      *
3430      * This optimization imposes no restrictions on bytecode. Rather,
3431      * `js::jit::AnalyzeArgumentsUsage` examines the bytecode and enables the
3432      * optimization only if all uses of `arguments` are optimizable.  Each
3433      * execution engine must know what the analysis considers optimizable and
3434      * cope with the magic value when it is used in those ways.
3435      *
3436      * Example 1: `arguments[0]` is supported; therefore the interpreter's
3437      * implementation of `JSOp::GetElem` checks for optimized arguments (see
3438      * `GetElemOptimizedArguments`).
3439      *
3440      * Example 2: `f.apply(this, arguments)` is supported; therefore our
3441      * implementation of `Function.prototype.apply` checks for optimized
3442      * arguments (`see js::fun_apply`), and all `JSOp::FunApply` implementations
3443      * must check for cases where `f.apply` turns out to be any other function
3444      * (see `GuardFunApplyArgumentsOptimization`).
3445      *
3446      * It's not documented anywhere exactly which opcodes support
3447      * `JS_OPTIMIZED_ARGUMENTS`; see the source of `AnalyzeArgumentsUsage`.
3448      *
3449      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3450      *   Type: Function environment setup
3451      *   Operands:
3452      *   Stack: => arguments
3453      */ \
3454     MACRO(Arguments, arguments, NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
3455     /*
3456      * Create and push the rest parameter array for current function call.
3457      *
3458      * This must appear only in a script for a function that has a rest
3459      * parameter.
3460      *
3461      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3462      *   Type: Function environment setup
3463      *   Operands:
3464      *   Stack: => rest
3465      */ \
3466     MACRO(Rest, rest, NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE|JOF_TYPESET|JOF_IC) \
3467     /*
3468      * Determines the `this` value for current function frame and pushes it
3469      * onto the stack.
3470      *
3471      * In functions, `this` is stored in a local variable. This instruction is
3472      * used in the function prologue to get the value to initialize that
3473      * variable.  (This doesn't apply to arrow functions, becauses they don't
3474      * have a `this` binding; also, `this` is optimized away if it's unused.)
3475      *
3476      * Functions that have a `this` binding have a local variable named
3477      * `".this"`, which is initialized using this instruction in the function
3478      * prologue.
3479      *
3480      * In non-strict functions, `this` is always an object. Undefined/null
3481      * `this` is converted into the global `this` value. Other primitive values
3482      * are boxed. See `js::BoxNonStrictThis`.
3483      *
3484      *   Category: Variables and scopes
3485      *   Type: Function environment setup
3486      *   Operands:
3487      *   Stack: => this
3488      */ \
3489     MACRO(FunctionThis, function_this, NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
3490     /*
3491      * Pop the top value from the stack and discard it.
3492      *
3493      *   Category: Stack operations
3494      *   Operands:
3495      *   Stack: v =>
3496      */ \
3497     MACRO(Pop, pop, NULL, 1, 1, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
3498     /*
3499      * Pop the top `n` values from the stack. `n` must be <= the current stack
3500      * depth.
3501      *
3502      *   Category: Stack operations
3503      *   Operands: uint16_t n
3504      *   Stack: v[n-1], ..., v[1], v[0] =>
3505      */ \
3506     MACRO(PopN, pop_n, NULL, 3, -1, 0, JOF_UINT16) \
3507     /*
3508      * Push a copy of the top value on the stack.
3509      *
3510      *   Category: Stack operations
3511      *   Operands:
3512      *   Stack: v => v, v
3513      */ \
3514     MACRO(Dup, dup, NULL, 1, 1, 2, JOF_BYTE) \
3515     /*
3516      * Duplicate the top two values on the stack.
3517      *
3518      *   Category: Stack operations
3519      *   Operands:
3520      *   Stack: v1, v2 => v1, v2, v1, v2
3521      */ \
3522     MACRO(Dup2, dup2, NULL, 1, 2, 4, JOF_BYTE) \
3523     /*
3524      * Push a copy of the nth value from the top of the stack.
3525      *
3526      * `n` must be less than the current stack depth.
3527      *
3528      *   Category: Stack operations
3529      *   Operands: uint24_t n
3530      *   Stack: v[n], v[n-1], ..., v[1], v[0] =>
3531      *          v[n], v[n-1], ..., v[1], v[0], v[n]
3532      */ \
3533     MACRO(DupAt, dup_at, NULL, 4, 0, 1, JOF_UINT24) \
3534     /*
3535      * Swap the top two values on the stack.
3536      *
3537      *   Category: Stack operations
3538      *   Operands:
3539      *   Stack: v1, v2 => v2, v1
3540      */ \
3541     MACRO(Swap, swap, NULL, 1, 2, 2, JOF_BYTE) \
3542     /*
3543      * Pick the nth element from the stack and move it to the top of the stack.
3544      *
3545      *   Category: Stack operations
3546      *   Operands: uint8_t n
3547      *   Stack: v[n], v[n-1], ..., v[1], v[0] => v[n-1], ..., v[1], v[0], v[n]
3548      */ \
3549     MACRO(Pick, pick, NULL, 2, 0, 0, JOF_UINT8) \
3550     /*
3551      * Move the top of the stack value under the `n`th element of the stack.
3552      * `n` must not be 0.
3553      *
3554      *   Category: Stack operations
3555      *   Operands: uint8_t n
3556      *   Stack: v[n], v[n-1], ..., v[1], v[0] => v[0], v[n], v[n-1], ..., v[1]
3557      */ \
3558     MACRO(Unpick, unpick, NULL, 2, 0, 0, JOF_UINT8) \
3559     /*
3560      * Do nothing. This is used when we need distinct bytecode locations for
3561      * various mechanisms.
3562      *
3563      *   Category: Other
3564      *   Operands:
3565      *   Stack: =>
3566      */ \
3567     MACRO(Nop, nop, NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
3568     /*
3569      * No-op instruction emitted immediately after `JSOp::*Eval` so that direct
3570      * eval does not have to do slow pc-to-line mapping.
3571      *
3572      * The `lineno` operand should agree with this script's source notes about
3573      * the line number of the preceding `*Eval` instruction.
3574      *
3575      *   Category: Other
3576      *   Operands: uint32_t lineno
3577      *   Stack: =>
3578      */ \
3579     MACRO(Lineno, lineno, NULL, 5, 0, 0, JOF_UINT32) \
3580     /*
3581      * No-op instruction to hint that the top stack value is uninteresting.
3582      *
3583      * This affects only debug output and some error messages.
3584      * In array destructuring, we emit bytecode that is roughly equivalent to
3585      * `result.done ? undefined : result.value`.
3586      * `NopDestructuring` is emitted after the `undefined`, so that the
3587      * expression decompiler and disassembler know to casually ignore the
3588      * possibility of `undefined`, and render the result of the conditional
3589      * expression simply as "`result.value`".
3590      *
3591      *   Category: Other
3592      *   Operands:
3593      *   Stack: =>
3594      */ \
3595     MACRO(NopDestructuring, nop_destructuring, NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
3596     /*
3597      * No-op instruction only emitted in some self-hosted functions. Not
3598      * handled by the JITs or Baseline Interpreter so the script always runs in
3599      * the C++ interpreter.
3600      *
3601      *   Category: Other
3602      *   Operands:
3603      *   Stack: =>
3604      */ \
3605     MACRO(ForceInterpreter, force_interpreter, NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE) \
3606     /*
3607      * Examine the top stack value, asserting that it's either a self-hosted
3608      * function or a self-hosted intrinsic. This does nothing in a non-debug
3609      * build.
3610      *
3611      *   Category: Other
3612      *   Operands:
3613      *   Stack: checkVal => checkVal
3614      */ \
3615     MACRO(DebugCheckSelfHosted, debug_check_self_hosted, NULL, 1, 1, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
3616     /*
3617      * Push a boolean indicating if instrumentation is active.
3618      *
3619      *   Category: Other
3620      *   Operands:
3621      *   Stack: => val
3622      */ \
3623     MACRO(InstrumentationActive, instrumentation_active, NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
3624     /*
3625      * Push the instrumentation callback for the current realm.
3626      *
3627      *   Category: Other
3628      *   Operands:
3629      *   Stack: => val
3630      */ \
3631     MACRO(InstrumentationCallback, instrumentation_callback, NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
3632     /*
3633      * Push the current script's instrumentation ID.
3634      *
3635      *   Category: Other
3636      *   Operands:
3637      *   Stack: => val
3638      */ \
3639     MACRO(InstrumentationScriptId, instrumentation_script_id, NULL, 1, 0, 1, JOF_BYTE) \
3640     /*
3641      * Break in the debugger, if one is attached. Otherwise this is a no-op.
3642      *
3643      * The [`Debugger` API][1] offers a way to hook into this instruction.
3644      *
3645      * Implements: [Evaluation for *DebuggerStatement*][2].
3646      *
3647      * [1]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Debugger-API/Debugger
3648      * [2]: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-debugger-statement-runtime-semantics-evaluation
3649      *
3650      *   Category: Other
3651      *   Operands:
3652      *   Stack: =>
3653      */ \
3654     MACRO(Debugger, debugger, NULL, 1, 0, 0, JOF_BYTE)
3656 // clang-format on
3658 /*
3659  * In certain circumstances it may be useful to "pad out" the opcode space to
3660  * a power of two.  Use this macro to do so.
3661  */
3663   MACRO(237)                                   \
3664   MACRO(238)                                   \
3665   MACRO(239)                                   \
3666   MACRO(240)                                   \
3667   MACRO(241)                                   \
3668   MACRO(242)                                   \
3669   MACRO(243)                                   \
3670   MACRO(244)                                   \
3671   MACRO(245)                                   \
3672   MACRO(246)                                   \
3673   MACRO(247)                                   \
3674   MACRO(248)                                   \
3675   MACRO(249)                                   \
3676   MACRO(250)                                   \
3677   MACRO(251)                                   \
3678   MACRO(252)                                   \
3679   MACRO(253)                                   \
3680   MACRO(254)                                   \
3681   MACRO(255)
3683 namespace js {
3685 // Sanity check that opcode values and trailing unused opcodes completely cover
3686 // the [0, 256) range.  Avert your eyes!  You don't want to know how the
3687 // sausage gets made.
3689 // clang-format off
3690 #define PLUS_ONE(...) \
3691     + 1
3692 constexpr int JSOP_LIMIT = 0 FOR_EACH_OPCODE(PLUS_ONE);
3693 #undef PLUS_ONE
3696     val) && (val + 1 ==
3697 static_assert((JSOP_LIMIT ==
3699                256),
3700               "trailing unused opcode values monotonically increase "
3701               "from JSOP_LIMIT to 255");
3703 // clang-format on
3705 // Define JSOpLength_* constants for all ops.
3706 #define DEFINE_LENGTH_CONSTANT(op, op_snake, image, len, ...) \
3707   constexpr size_t JSOpLength_##op = len;
3711 }  // namespace js
3713 #endif  // vm_Opcodes_h